path: root/cpu/arm920t/wmt/gadapter.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpu/arm920t/wmt/gadapter.c')
1 files changed, 631 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpu/arm920t/wmt/gadapter.c b/cpu/arm920t/wmt/gadapter.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1615b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/arm920t/wmt/gadapter.c
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+Copyright (c) 2010 WonderMedia Technologies, Inc.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You
+should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
+program. If not, see>.
+WonderMedia Technologies, Inc.
+10F, 529, Chung-Cheng Road, Hsin-Tien, Taipei 231, R.O.C.
+#if !defined(__UPCI_H__)
+#include "upci.h"
+#if !defined(__CARD_H__)
+#include "card.h"
+#if !defined(__GISR_H__)
+#include "gisr.h"
+#if !defined(__VPCI_H__)
+#include "vpci.h"
+#if !defined(__TCONVERT_H__)
+#include "tconvert.h"
+#if !defined(__ALLOCT_H__)
+#include "alloct.h"
+#include "macif.h"
+/*--------------------- Static Definitions -------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Classes ----------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Variables --------------------------*/
+/*--------------------- Static Functions --------------------------*/
+static void s_vInit(
+ PSAdapterInfo pAdapter,
+ UINT uTotalNum,
+ UINT uIdx,
+ PISR pisrNetIsr,
+ WORD wBusDevFunID
+ );
+/*--------------------- Export Variables --------------------------*/
+PSAdapterInfo sg_aGAdapter;
+SAdapterOpts sOptions = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+PBYTE sg_abyRandomTable;
+/*--------------------- Export Functions --------------------------*/
+/* Init all adapter's AdapterInfo data structure */
+UINT GADPuInitAll(void)
+ PISR apisrNetProc[MAX_NET_DEVICE] = {
+ (PISR)ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card0,
+ (PISR)ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card1,
+ (PISR)ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card2,
+ (PISR)ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card3
+ };
+ SPciDevice pciDevice3119;
+ SPciDevice pciDevice3286;
+ int ii;
+ U16 u16IdxPciDev;
+ U16 u16TotalPciDev;
+ /* read pci info */
+ /*
+ NPCIbReadDeviceInfo(NULL, W_VENDOR_ID, W_DEVICE_ID_3119A, &pciDevice3119);
+ NPCIbReadDeviceInfo(NULL, W_VENDOR_ID, 0x3286, &pciDevice3286);
+ */
+ memset(&pciDevice3119, 0, sizeof(SPciDevice));
+ memset(&pciDevice3286, 0, sizeof(SPciDevice));
+ pciDevice3119.wDeviceNum = CB_MAX_NET_DEVICE;
+ pciDevice3286.wDeviceNum = 0;
+ u16TotalPciDev = (U16)(pciDevice3119.wDeviceNum + pciDevice3286.wDeviceNum);
+ if (u16TotalPciDev == 0)
+ return 0;
+ sg_aGAdapter = (PSAdapterInfo)malloc(sizeof(SAdapterInfo)*u16TotalPciDev);
+ if (sg_aGAdapter == NULL) {
+ printf("Memory allocation error %s, %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ freemem();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memset(sg_aGAdapter, 0, sizeof(SAdapterInfo)*u16TotalPciDev);
+ /* set adapter info */
+ u16IdxPciDev = 0;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < pciDevice3119.wDeviceNum; ii++, u16IdxPciDev++) {
+ s_vInit(
+ &sg_aGAdapter[u16IdxPciDev],
+ u16TotalPciDev,
+ u16IdxPciDev,
+ apisrNetProc[u16IdxPciDev],
+ pciDevice3119.awBusDevFunID[ii]
+ );
+ }
+ for (ii = 0; ii < pciDevice3286.wDeviceNum; ii++, u16IdxPciDev++) {
+ s_vInit(
+ &sg_aGAdapter[u16IdxPciDev],
+ u16TotalPciDev,
+ u16IdxPciDev,
+ apisrNetProc[u16IdxPciDev],
+ pciDevice3286.awBusDevFunID[ii]
+ );
+ }
+ return u16TotalPciDev;
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * In:
+ * bySlotNum - specify which slot number to init,
+ * 0xFF means the first one adapter to init.
+ * Out:
+ * pAdapter - pointer of adapter which initialized,
+ * return NULL if init failed.
+ *
+ * Return Value: TRUE if succeeded; FALSE if failed.
+ *
+ */
+BOOL GADPbInitOne(U8 bySlotNum, PSAdapterInfo *ppAdapter)
+ PISR apisrNetProc[MAX_NET_DEVICE] = {
+ (PISR)ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card0,
+ (PISR)ISRvIsrForNetwork_Card1
+ };
+ SPciDevice pciDevice3119;
+ /* SPciDevice pciDevice3286; */
+ int ii;
+ U16 u16IdxPciDev;
+ U16 u16TotalPciDev;
+ *ppAdapter = NULL;
+ /* read pci info */
+ NPCIbReadDeviceInfo(NULL, W_VENDOR_ID, W_DEVICE_ID_3119A, &pciDevice3119);
+ /* NPCIbReadDeviceInfo(NULL, W_VENDOR_ID, 0x3286, &pciDevice3286); */
+ u16TotalPciDev = (U16)(pciDevice3119.wDeviceNum);
+ /* if no adapter */
+ if (u16TotalPciDev == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ sg_aGAdapter = (PSAdapterInfo) malloc(sizeof(SAdapterInfo));
+ if (sg_aGAdapter == NULL) {
+ printf("Memory allocation error %s, %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return FALSE;
+ /* exit(0); */
+ }
+ memset(sg_aGAdapter, 0, sizeof(SAdapterInfo));
+ /* init first one adapter */
+ if (bySlotNum == 0xFF) {
+ s_vInit(&sg_aGAdapter[0], u16TotalPciDev, 0,
+ apisrNetProc[0], pciDevice3119.awBusDevFunID[0]);
+ *ppAdapter = &sg_aGAdapter[0];
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* init adapter by slot number specified */
+ u16IdxPciDev = 0;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < pciDevice3119.wDeviceNum; ii++, u16IdxPciDev++) {
+ if (bySlotNum == GET_DEVID(pciDevice3119.awBusDevFunID[ii])) {
+ s_vInit(
+ &sg_aGAdapter[u16IdxPciDev],
+ u16TotalPciDev,
+ u16IdxPciDev,
+ apisrNetProc[u16IdxPciDev],
+ pciDevice3119.awBusDevFunID[ii]
+ );
+ *ppAdapter = &sg_aGAdapter[u16IdxPciDev];
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static BOOL s_bDynaAllocBuf(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter)
+ int i;
+ /* Allocate RD pointer array */
+ pAdapter->apRD = (PSRxDesc *)malloc(sizeof(PSRxDesc)*pAdapter->cbRD);
+ if (pAdapter->apRD == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Allocate TD pointer array & DescBuf SAllocMap array for every TD ring. */
+ /* we allocate 7 SAllocMap for 7 data buffer pool. */
+ for (i = 0; i < CB_TD_RING_NUM; i++) {
+ pAdapter->aapTD[i] = (PSTxDesc *)malloc(sizeof(PSTxDesc)*pAdapter->cbTD);
+ pAdapter->aaamTxDescBufPool[i] = (PSAllocMap)malloc(sizeof(SAllocMap)*CB_MAX_SEG_PER_PKT);
+ if ((pAdapter->aapTD[i] == NULL) || (pAdapter->aaamTxDescBufPool[i] == NULL))
+ return FALSE;
+ memset(pAdapter->aaamTxDescBufPool[i], 0, sizeof(SAllocMap)*CB_MAX_SEG_PER_PKT);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* Init pAdapter data structure */
+static void s_vInit(
+ PSAdapterInfo pAdapter,
+ UINT uTotalNum,
+ UINT uIdx,
+ PISR pisrNetIsr,
+ WORD wBusDevFunID
+ /* allocate new buffer dynamically. */
+ pAdapter->cbTotalAdapterNum = uTotalNum;
+ pAdapter->uAdapterIndex = uIdx;
+ pAdapter->pisrAdapterIsr = pisrNetIsr;
+ /* Save Memory Mapped IO base address */
+ switch (uIdx) {
+ case 0:
+ pAdapter->dwIoBase = BA_MAC0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ pAdapter->dwIoBase = BA_MAC1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Get Device ID */
+ VPCIvReadW(pAdapter->dwIoBase, PCI_REG_DEVICE_ID, &pAdapter->wDeviceId);
+ /* MacDump( MACDBG_INFO, ("Device ID:%04X\n", pAdapter->wDevId)); */
+ /* Get Revision ID */
+ VPCIvReadB(pAdapter->dwIoBase, PCI_REG_REV_ID, &pAdapter->byRevId);
+ /* MacDump( MACDBG_INFO, ("Revision ID:%02X\n", pAdapter->byRevId)); */
+ /* Save IRQ number */
+ switch (uIdx) {
+ case 0:
+ pAdapter->byIrqLevel = IRQ_ETH0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ pAdapter->byIrqLevel = IRQ_ETH0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sOptions.byRevId != 0)
+ pAdapter->byRevId = sOptions.byRevId;
+ pAdapter->cbRD = (sOptions.iRDescNum) ? sOptions.iRDescNum : CB_INIT_RD_NUM;
+ pAdapter->cbTD = (sOptions.iTDescNum) ? sOptions.iTDescNum : CB_INIT_TD_NUM;
+ VPCIvReadD(pAdapter->dwIoBase, PCI_REG_EXP_ROM_BAR, &pAdapter->dwBootRomBase);
+ /* PCIvReadConfigB(NULL, pAdapter->wBusDevFunID, PCI_REG_INT_LINE, &pAdapter->byIrqLevel); */
+ /* PCIvReadConfigD(NULL, pAdapter->wBusDevFunID, PCI_REG_EXP_ROM_BAR, &pAdapter->dwBootRomBase); */
+ pAdapter->byIntNum = (BYTE)((pAdapter->byIrqLevel <= 7) ?
+ (pAdapter->byIrqLevel + 0x08) : (pAdapter->byIrqLevel + 0x68));
+ /* Get the offset of PM Capability and save it */
+ VPCIvReadB(pAdapter->dwIoBase, PCI_REG_CAP, &pAdapter->byPMRegOffset);
+ /* Get Boot ROM Size */
+ pAdapter->byBootRomSize = GMACbyGetBootRomSize(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ /* Get PHY ID */
+ pAdapter->byPhyId = GMACbyGetPhyId(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ /* get Ethernet address and the string */
+ MACvReadEtherAddress(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->abyEtherAddr);
+ CVTvBy6ToStr12(pAdapter->abyEtherAddr, pAdapter->aszEtherAddrStr);
+ /*
+ */
+ /* allocate RD/TD poiter array & DescBuf array data structure */
+ if (!s_bDynaAllocBuf(pAdapter)) {
+ printf("s_bDynaAllocBuf() can'nt allocate buffer");
+ freemem();
+ return ;
+ }
+ /* for TD/RD alignment */
+ pAdapter->dwCacheLineSize = sizeof(DWORD) * 16; /* 64 bytes */
+ /* init pAdapter->bSharedIrqSupport */
+ pAdapter->bSharedIrqSupport = TRUE;
+ /* set connection type to MEDIA_AUTO by default */
+ pAdapter->uConnectionType = MEDIA_AUTO;
+ /* init default data segment number per packet in monitor mode */
+ pAdapter->uTxDataSegsPerPacket = CB_MIN_SEG_PER_PKT;
+ /* init default Tx packet size */
+ pAdapter->uTxPktSize = MAX_PACKET_LEN;/* MIN_PACKET_LEN + 4; */
+ pAdapter->cbPktSize = MAX_PACKET_LEN;
+ /* init MIB2 counter */
+ strcpy(pAdapter->mibCounter.ifDescr, " Gigabit Ether");
+ pAdapter->mibCounter.ifType = ETHERNETCSMACD;
+ pAdapter->mibCounter.ifMtu = MAX_DATA_LEN;
+ MEMvCopy((PVOID)pAdapter->mibCounter.ifPhysAddress, (PVOID)pAdapter->abyEtherAddr, U_ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ pAdapter->mibCounter.ifAdminStatus = UP;
+ /* init RMON counter */
+ pAdapter->rmonCounter.etherStatsStatus = VALID;
+ /* background timer send as default */
+ pAdapter->bTxContFunTest = TRUE;
+ /* init packet driver */
+ pAdapter->wRcvTypeLen = 0;
+ pAdapter->pisrReceiver = NULL;
+BOOL GADPbInitialize(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter)
+ int i;
+ /* write-clear PME status bit */
+ BYTE byOrgData, byPMRegOffset;
+ /* fill default value */
+ GALCvSetDefaultRD(pAdapter);
+ GALCvSetDefaultTD(pAdapter, 0); /* initial first data segment */
+ /* init PCI */
+ /* NPCIvInitialize(NULL, pAdapter->wBusDevFunID, pAdapter->byRevId); */
+ VPCIvInitialize(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ VPCIvReadB(pAdapter->dwIoBase, PCI_REG_CAP, &byPMRegOffset);
+ VPCIvReadB(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (BYTE)(byPMRegOffset + PM_PMCSR1), &byOrgData);
+ VPCIvWriteB(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (BYTE)(byPMRegOffset + PM_PMCSR1),
+ (BYTE)(PMCSR1_PME_STATUS | byOrgData));
+ /*
+ PCIvReadConfigB(NULL, pAdapter->wBusDevFunID, PCI_REG_CAP, &byPMRegOffset);
+ PCIvReadConfigB(NULL, pAdapter->wBusDevFunID, (BYTE)(byPMRegOffset + PM_PMCSR1), &byOrgData);
+ PCIvWriteConfigB(NULL, pAdapter->wBusDevFunID, (BYTE)(byPMRegOffset + PM_PMCSR1),
+ (BYTE)(PMCSR1_PME_STATUS | byOrgData));
+ */
+ if (!sOptions.bNoInit) {
+ /* init MAC */
+ GMACvInitialize(pAdapter, pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ /* set address filter to accept any packet */
+ /* 2009/4/20 remove it for tftp with checksum bad message */
+ /* GMACvSetPacketFilter(pAdapter->dwIoBase, PKT_TYPE_PROMISCUOUS); */
+ /* Eric */
+ /* Turn On RCR_SEP to receive CRC error packet */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_RCR, RCR_SEP);
+ /* detect PHY is from which company */
+ /* MIIvReadPhyCmrId(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, &pAdapter->dwPhyCmrId); */
+ if (sOptions.ulInitCmds & INIT_CMD_FORCE_PHYRST) {
+ /* if it's cicada PHY, force PHY reset to avoid 2-card test link fail */
+ if ((pAdapter->dwPhyCmrId & CID_REV_ID_MASK_OFF) == CID_CICADA_CIS8201 ||
+ (pAdapter->dwPhyCmrId & CID_REV_ID_MASK_OFF) == CID_CICADA_CIS3216I ||
+ (pAdapter->dwPhyCmrId & CID_REV_ID_MASK_OFF) == CID_CICADA_CIS3216I64) {
+ /* force PHY reset on */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_CR3_SET, CR3_FPHYRST);
+ /* delay 300ms */
+ GMACvTimer0MiniSDelay(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, 300);
+ /* force PHY reset off */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_CR3_CLR, CR3_FPHYRST);
+ /* delay 50ms */
+ GMACvTimer0MiniSDelay(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, 50);
+ } else if ((pAdapter->dwPhyCmrId & CID_REV_ID_MASK_OFF) == CID_ICPLAUS_IP1001) {
+ /* force PHY reset on */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_CR3_SET, CR3_FPHYRST);
+ /* delay 300ms */
+ GMACvTimer0MiniSDelay(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, 300);
+ /* force PHY reset off */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_CR3_CLR, CR3_FPHYRST);
+ /* delay 50ms */
+ GMACvTimer0MiniSDelay(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, 50);
+ } else {
+ /* force PHY reset on */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_CR3_SET, CR3_FPHYRST);
+ /* delay 300ms */
+ GMACvTimer0MiniSDelay(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, 300);
+ /* force PHY reset off */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_CR3_CLR, CR3_FPHYRST);
+ /* delay 50ms */
+ GMACvTimer0MiniSDelay(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, 50);
+ }
+ }
+ /* init MII */
+ GMIIvInitialize(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, pAdapter->dwPhyCmrId);
+ /* set media mode */
+ GCARDvSetLoopbackMode(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, CARD_LB_NONE);
+ GCARDvSetMediaLinkMode(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, pAdapter->uConnectionType);
+ /* set up flow-control, MIB counter, and tagging initials */
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_RBRDU, (BYTE)pAdapter->cbRD);
+ /* set MIB counter near full condition to 0x00C00000 */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_MIBCR, MIBCR_MIBHI);
+ GSTAvClearHWMIBCounter(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ GSTAvEnableHWMIBCounter(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ MACvRegBitsOff(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_MCFG0, MCFG0_PQEN);
+ }
+ /* set init rx/tx descriptor address into chip */
+ MACvSetDescBaseHi32(pAdapter->dwIoBase, 0UL);
+ MACvSetDbfBaseHi16(pAdapter->dwIoBase, 0U);
+ MACvSetRxDescBaseLo32(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->amRxDescRing.dwPAddr);
+ MACvSetRqIndex(pAdapter->dwIoBase, 0);
+ MACvSetRqSize(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (WORD)(pAdapter->cbRD - 1));
+ for (i = 0; i < CB_TD_RING_NUM; i++) {
+ MACvSetTxDescBaseLo32(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->aamTxDescRing[i].dwPAddr, i);
+ GMACvSetTqIndex(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (BYTE)i, 0);
+ }
+ MACvSetTqSize(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (WORD)(pAdapter->cbTD - 1));
+ /* set current rx/tx descriptor index to 0 */
+ pAdapter->uRxDequeDescIdx = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < CB_TD_RING_NUM; i++) {
+ pAdapter->uTxEnqueDescIdx[i] = 0;
+ pAdapter->uTxDequeDescIdx[i] = 0;
+ }
+ pAdapter->idxRxPktStartDesc = 0;
+ /*
+ // Set Random VCAM
+ WORD wInitVID;
+ int ii;
+ for (i = 0; i < VCAMSIZE; i++) {
+ while (TRUE) {
+ wInitVID = (WORD)(rand() & 0x0FFF);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ for (ii = 0; ii < i; ii++) {
+ GMACvGetVCAM(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (BYTE)ii, &wGetVID);
+ if (wInitVID == wGetVID)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == ii)
+ break;
+ } else
+ break;
+ } // end while
+ GMACvSetVCAM(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (BYTE)i, wInitVID);
+ }
+ */
+ /* Set Random MCAM */
+ /*
+ BYTE abyInitMCAM[6];
+ BYTE abyGetMCAM[6];
+ UINT uMCamIdx;
+ for (i = 0; i < MCAMSIZE; i++) {
+ while (TRUE) {
+ // Gen One MCAM
+ for (uMCamIdx = 0; uMCamIdx < 6; uMCamIdx++)
+ abyInitMCAM[uMCamIdx] = (BYTE)rand();
+ if (i > 0) {
+ for (ii = 0; ii < i; ii++) {
+ GMACvGetMCAM(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (BYTE)ii, abyGetMCAM);
+ // If they are the same??
+ if ( (*(PDWORD)(abyInitMCAM) == *(PDWORD)(abyGetMCAM)) &&
+ (*(PWORD)(abyInitMCAM + 4) == *(PWORD)(abyGetMCAM + 4)) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == ii)
+ break;
+ } else
+ break;
+ } // end while
+ GMACvSetMCAM(pAdapter->dwIoBase, (BYTE)i, abyInitMCAM);
+ }
+ */
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL GADPbBind(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter)
+ /* build RDR/TDR */
+ if (!GALCbAllocateRdrMemory(pAdapter))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!GALCbAllocateTdrMemory(pAdapter))
+ return FALSE;
+ GALCvChainRdrMemory(pAdapter);
+ GALCvChainTdrMemory(pAdapter, 0); /* chain first data segment */
+ if (!GADPbInitialize(pAdapter))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Hook Interrupt Service Routine on IRQ */
+ /* set_irq_handlers(pAdapter->byIrqLevel, pAdapter->pisrAdapterIsr); */
+ /* enable Interrupt Mask in PIC */
+ /* unmask_interrupt(pAdapter->byIrqLevel); */
+ /* must clear it */
+ MACvClearISR(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ /* start ISR */
+ MACvIntEnable(pAdapter->dwIoBase, IMR_MASK_VALUE);
+ /* wait MAUTO to poll twice, then MIISR_LNKFL will */
+ /* be correct status */
+ /* update link status */
+ GMACvTimer0MiniSDelay(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId, 2000);
+ pAdapter->bLinkPass = GMACbIsCableLinkOk(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ if (pAdapter->bLinkPass) {
+ /* update duplex status */
+ /* NOTE.... here we don't call MIIbIsInFullDuplexMode(), because */
+ /* we won't turn on/off MAUTO */
+ pAdapter->bFullDuplex = GMACbIsInFullDuplexMode(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ /* update speed status */
+ pAdapter->bSpeed1G = GMACbIsIn1GMode(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ pAdapter->bSpeed100M = GMACbIsIn100MMode(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId);
+ /* set flow control capability according to PHYSR0 register */
+ if (GMIIbIsAutoNegotiationOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId)) {
+ /* enable/disable RX flow control */
+ if (GMACbIsRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_PHYSR0, PHYSR0_RXFLC))
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_CR2_SET, CR2_FDXRFCEN);
+ else
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_CR2_CLR, CR2_FDXRFCEN);
+ /* enable/disable TX flow control */
+ if (GMACbIsRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_PHYSR0, PHYSR0_TXFLC))
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_CR2_SET, CR2_FDXTFCEN);
+ else
+ VNSvOutPortB(pAdapter->dwIoBase + MAC_REG_CR2_CLR, CR2_FDXTFCEN);
+ }
+ /* This is patch for VT3119A1 */
+ /* Use TCR_TB2BDIS to prevent 1c_Reset failure in helf-duplex mode */
+ /* Only use this in 10HD and 100HD */
+ if (pAdapter->byRevId < REV_ID_VT3216_A0) {
+ if (!pAdapter->bSpeed1G) {
+ if (pAdapter->bFullDuplex)
+ MACvRegBitsOff(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_TCR, TCR_TB2BDIS);
+ else
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_TCR, TCR_TB2BDIS);
+ }
+ }
+ /* This is patch for VT3119/VT3216 */
+ /* Patch HW MIB TXSQEErr Bug, this should only function in 10HD */
+ if (pAdapter->byRevId < REV_ID_VT3284_A0) {
+ if ((!pAdapter->bSpeed1G) && (!pAdapter->bSpeed100M) && (!pAdapter->bFullDuplex)) {
+ /* Enable count TXSQEErr in 10HD */
+ MACvRegBitsOff(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_TESTCFG, 0x80);
+ } else {
+ /* Disable count TXSQEErr in 10FD, 100HD, 100FD, 1G */
+ MACvRegBitsOn(pAdapter->dwIoBase, MAC_REG_TESTCFG, 0x80);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*pAdapter->pbyTmpBuff = (PBYTE)malloc(CB_MAX_BUF_SIZE);*/
+#if defined(_RUN_SCRIPT)
+ pAdapter->mempool = malloc(U_STACKSIZE);
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL GADPbShutdown(PSAdapterInfo pAdapter)
+ /* stop chip */
+ if (!GMACbSafeStop(pAdapter->dwIoBase, pAdapter->byRevId))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* stop MAC INT */
+ MACvIntDisable(pAdapter->dwIoBase);
+ /* stop ISR */
+ /* mask_interrupt(pAdapter->byIrqLevel); */
+ /* disconnect irq and restore org ISR */
+ /* unset_irq_handlers(pAdapter->byIrqLevel); */
+ /* destroy RDR/TDR */
+ GALCvFreeRdrMemory(pAdapter);
+ GALCvFreeTdrMemory(pAdapter);
+ if (pAdapter->pbyTmpBuff != NULL) {
+ MEMvFree(pAdapter->pbyTmpBuff, CB_MAX_BUF_SIZE);
+ pAdapter->pbyTmpBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ return TRUE;