path: root/board/flagadm
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Diffstat (limited to 'board/flagadm')
6 files changed, 1182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/board/flagadm/Makefile b/board/flagadm/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a2014d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/flagadm/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2001
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+LIB = lib$(BOARD).a
+OBJS = $(BOARD).o flash.o
+$(LIB): .depend $(OBJS)
+ $(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS)
+.depend: Makefile $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c)
+ $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c) > $@
+sinclude .depend
diff --git a/board/flagadm/ b/board/flagadm/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c72c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/flagadm/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2001
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# TQM8xxL boards
+TEXT_BASE = 0x40000000
diff --git a/board/flagadm/flagadm.c b/board/flagadm/flagadm.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c55367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/flagadm/flagadm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <mpc8xx.h>
+#define _NOT_USED_ 0xFFFFFFFF
+/*Orginal table, GPL4 disabled*/
+const uint sdram_table[] =
+ /* single read (offset 0x00 in upm ram) */
+ 0x1f07cc04, 0xeeaeec04, 0x11adcc04, 0xefbbac00,
+ 0x1ff74c47,
+ /* Precharge */
+ 0x1FF74C05,
+ /* burst read (offset 0x08 in upm ram) */
+ 0x1f07cc04, 0xeeaeec04, 0x00adcc04, 0x00afcc00,
+ 0x00afcc00, 0x01afcc00, 0x0fbb8c00, 0x1ff74c47,
+ /* single write (offset 0x18 in upm ram) */
+ 0x1f27cc04, 0xeeaeac00, 0x01b90c04, 0x1ff74c47,
+ /* Load moderegister */
+ 0x1FF74C34, /*Precharge*/
+ 0xEFEA8C34, /*NOP*/
+ 0x1FB54C35, /*Load moderegister*/
+ /* burst write (offset 0x20 in upm ram) */
+ 0x1f07cc04, 0xeeaeac00, 0x00ad4c00, 0x00afcc00,
+ 0x00afcc00, 0x01bb8c04, 0x1ff74c47, _NOT_USED_,
+ /* refresh (offset 0x30 in upm ram) */
+ 0x1ff5cc84, 0xffffec04, 0xffffec04, 0xffffec04,
+ 0xffffec84, 0xffffec07, _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_,
+ /* exception (offset 0x3C in upm ram) */
+ 0x7fffec07, _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_,
+/* GPL5 driven every cycle */
+/* the display and the DSP */
+const uint dsp_disp_table[] =
+ /* single read (offset 0x00 in upm ram) */
+ 0xffffc80c, 0xffffc004, 0x0fffc004, 0x0fffd004,
+ 0x0fffc000, 0x0fffc004, 0x3fffc004, 0xffffcc05,
+ /* burst read (offset 0x08 in upm ram) */
+ /* single write (offset 0x18 in upm ram) */
+ 0xffffcc0c, 0xffffc004, 0x0fffc004, 0x0fffd004,
+ 0x0fffc000, 0x0fffc004, 0x7fffc004, 0xfffffc05,
+ /* burst write (offset 0x20 in upm ram) */
+ /* refresh (offset 0x30 in upm ram) */
+ /* exception (offset 0x3C in upm ram) */
+int checkboard (void)
+ puts ("Board: FlagaDM V3.0\n");
+ return 0;
+long int initdram (int board_type)
+ volatile immap_t *immap = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+ volatile memctl8xx_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl;
+ long int size_b0;
+ memctl->memc_or2 = CFG_OR2;
+ memctl->memc_br2 = CFG_BR2;
+ udelay(100);
+ upmconfig(UPMA, (uint *)sdram_table, sizeof(sdram_table)/sizeof(uint));
+ memctl->memc_mptpr = MPTPR_PTP_DIV16;
+ memctl->memc_mamr = CFG_MAMR_48_SDR | MAMR_TLFA_1X;
+ /*Do the initialization of the SDRAM*/
+ /*Start with the precharge cycle*/
+ memctl->memc_mcr = (MCR_OP_RUN | MCR_UPM_A | MCR_MB_CS2 | \
+ MCR_MLCF(1) | MCR_MAD(0x5));
+ /*Then we need two refresh cycles*/
+ memctl->memc_mamr = CFG_MAMR_48_SDR | MAMR_TLFA_2X;
+ memctl->memc_mcr = (MCR_OP_RUN | MCR_UPM_A | MCR_MB_CS2 | \
+ MCR_MLCF(2) | MCR_MAD(0x30));
+ /*Mode register programming*/
+ memctl->memc_mar = 0x00000088; /*CAS Latency = 2 and burst length = 4*/
+ memctl->memc_mcr = (MCR_OP_RUN | MCR_UPM_A | MCR_MB_CS2 | \
+ MCR_MLCF(1) | MCR_MAD(0x1C));
+ /* That should do it, just enable the periodic refresh in burst of 4*/
+ memctl->memc_mamr = CFG_MAMR_48_SDR | MAMR_TLFA_4X;
+ memctl->memc_mamr |= (MAMR_PTAE | MAMR_GPL_A4DIS);
+ size_b0 = 16*1024*1024;
+ /*
+ * No bank 1 or 3
+ * invalidate bank
+ */
+ memctl->memc_br1 = 0;
+ memctl->memc_br3 = 0;
+ upmconfig(UPMB, (uint *)dsp_disp_table, sizeof(dsp_disp_table)/sizeof(uint));
+ memctl->memc_mbmr = MBMR_GPL_B4DIS;
+ memctl->memc_or4 = CFG_OR4;
+ memctl->memc_br4 = CFG_BR4;
+ return (size_b0);
diff --git a/board/flagadm/flash.c b/board/flagadm/flash.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd0082c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/flagadm/flash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <mpc8xx.h>
+#include <flash.h>
+flash_info_t flash_info[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS]; /* info for FLASH chips */
+ * Functions
+ */
+ulong flash_recognize (vu_long *base);
+int write_word (flash_info_t *info, ulong dest, ulong data);
+void flash_get_geometry (vu_long *base, flash_info_t *info);
+void flash_unprotect(flash_info_t *info);
+int _flash_real_protect(flash_info_t *info, long idx, int on);
+unsigned long flash_init (void)
+ volatile immap_t *immap = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+ volatile memctl8xx_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl;
+ int i;
+ int rec;
+ for (i=0; i<CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS; ++i) {
+ flash_info[i].flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ *((vu_short*)CFG_FLASH_BASE) = 0xffff;
+ flash_get_geometry ((vu_long*)CFG_FLASH_BASE, &flash_info[0]);
+ /* Remap FLASH according to real size */
+ memctl->memc_or0 = CFG_OR_TIMING_FLASH | (-flash_info[0].size & 0xFFFF8000);
+ memctl->memc_br0 = (CFG_FLASH_BASE & BR_BA_MSK) |
+ (memctl->memc_br0 & ~(BR_BA_MSK));
+ rec = flash_recognize((vu_long*)CFG_FLASH_BASE);
+ if (rec == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+ printf ("## Unknown FLASH on Bank 0 - Size = 0x%08lx = %ld MB\n",
+ flash_info[0].size, flash_info[0].size<<20);
+ }
+ /*Unprotect all the flash memory*/
+ flash_unprotect(&flash_info[0]);
+ *((vu_short*)CFG_FLASH_BASE) = 0xffff;
+ return (flash_info[0].size);
+ /* monitor protection ON by default */
+ flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
+ CFG_MONITOR_BASE+monitor_flash_len-1,
+ &flash_info[0]);
+ /* ENV protection ON by default */
+ flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
+ &flash_info[0]);
+ return (flash_info[0].size);
+int flash_get_protect_status(flash_info_t * info, long idx)
+ vu_short * base;
+ ushort res;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("\n Attempting to set protection info with %d sectors\n", info->sector_count);
+ base = (vu_short*)info->start[idx];
+ *(base) = 0xffff;
+ *(base + 0x55) = 0x0098;
+ res = base[0x2];
+ *(base) = 0xffff;
+ if(res != 0)
+ res = 1;
+ else
+ res = 0;
+ return res;
+void flash_get_geometry (vu_long *base, flash_info_t *info)
+ int i,j;
+ ulong ner = 0;
+ vu_short * sb = (vu_short*)base;
+ ulong offset = (ulong)base;
+ /* Read Device geometry */
+ *sb = 0xffff;
+ *sb = 0x0090;
+ info->flash_id = ((ulong)base[0x0]);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("Id is %x\n", (uint)(ulong)info->flash_id);
+ *sb = 0xffff;
+ *(sb+0x55) = 0x0098;
+ info->size = 1 << (sb[0x27]); /* Read flash size */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("Size is %x\n", (uint)(ulong)info->size);
+ *sb = 0xffff;
+ *(sb + 0x55) = 0x0098;
+ ner = sb[0x2c] ; /*Number of erase regions*/
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("Number of erase regions %x\n", (uint)ner);
+ info->sector_count = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < ner; i++)
+ {
+ uint s;
+ uint count;
+ uint t1,t2,t3,t4;
+ *sb = 0xffff;
+ *(sb + 0x55) = 0x0098;
+ t1 = sb[0x2d + i*4];
+ t2 = sb[0x2e + i*4];
+ t3 = sb[0x2f + i*4];
+ t4 = sb[0x30 + i*4];
+ count = ((t1 & 0x00ff) | (((t2 & 0x00ff) << 8) & 0xff00) )+ 1; /*sector count*/
+ s = ((t3 & 0x00ff) | (((t4 & 0x00ff) << 8) & 0xff00)) * 256;; /*Sector size*/
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("count and size %x, %x\n", count, s);
+ printf("sector count for erase region %d is %d\n", i, count);
+ for(j = 0; j < count; j++)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("%x, ", (uint)offset);
+ info->start[ info->sector_count + j] = offset;
+ offset += s;
+ }
+ info->sector_count += count;
+ }
+ if ((offset - (ulong)base) != info->size)
+ printf("WARNING reported size %x does not match to calculted size %x.\n"
+ , (uint)info->size, (uint)(offset - (ulong)base) );
+ /* Next check if there are any sectors protected.*/
+ for(i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+ info->protect[i] = flash_get_protect_status(info, i);
+ *sb = 0xffff;
+ */
+void flash_print_info (flash_info_t *info)
+ int i;
+ if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+ printf ("missing or unknown FLASH type\n");
+ return ;
+ }
+ switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) {
+ printf ("Intel ");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf ("Unknown Vendor ");
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) {
+ printf ("28F320RC3(4 MB)\n");
+ break;
+ case INTEL_ID_28F320J3A:
+ printf("28F320J3A (4 MB)\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf ("Unknown Chip Type\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ printf (" Size: %ld MB in %d Sectors\n",
+ info->size >> 20, info->sector_count);
+ printf (" Sector Start Addresses:");
+ for (i=0; i<info->sector_count; ++i) {
+ if ((i % 4) == 0)
+ printf ("\n ");
+ printf (" %02d %08lX%s",
+ i, info->start[i],
+ info->protect[i]!=0 ? " (RO)" : " "
+ );
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+ return ;
+ulong flash_recognize (vu_long *base)
+ ulong id;
+ ulong res = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+ vu_short * sb = (vu_short*)base;
+ *sb = 0xffff;
+ *sb = 0x0090;
+ id = base[0];
+ switch (id & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ case (MT_MANUFACT & 0x00FF0000): /* MT or => Intel */
+ case (INTEL_ALT_MANU & 0x00FF0000):
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ *sb = 0xffff;
+ return res;
+int flash_decode_status_bits(char status)
+ int err = 0;
+ if(!(status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_WSMS)) {
+ printf("Busy\n");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ if(status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_ESS) {
+ printf("Erase suspended\n");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ if(status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_ES) {
+ printf("Error in block erase\n");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ if(status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_PS) {
+ printf("Error in programming\n");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ if(status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_VPPS) {
+ printf("Vpp low, operation aborted\n");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ if(status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_PSS) {
+ printf("Program is suspended\n");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ if(status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_BLS) {
+ printf("Attempting to program/erase a locked sector\n");
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ if((status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_PS) &&
+ (status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_ES) &&
+ (status & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_ESS)) {
+ printf("A command sequence error\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return err;
+ */
+int flash_erase (flash_info_t *info, int s_first, int s_last)
+ vu_short *addr;
+ int flag, prot, sect;
+ ulong start, now;
+ int rcode = 0;
+ if ((s_first < 0) || (s_first > s_last)) {
+ if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+ printf ("- missing\n");
+ } else {
+ printf ("- no sectors to erase\n");
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) != (INTEL_MANUFACT & FLASH_VENDMASK)) {
+ printf ("Can't erase unknown flash type %08lx - aborted\n",
+ info->flash_id);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ prot = 0;
+ for (sect=s_first; sect<=s_last; ++sect) {
+ if (info->protect[sect]) {
+ prot++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prot) {
+ printf ("- Warning: %d protected sectors will not be erased!\n",
+ prot);
+ } else {
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+ start = get_timer (0);
+ /* Start erase on unprotected sectors */
+ for (sect = s_first; sect<=s_last; sect++) {
+ char tmp;
+ if (info->protect[sect] == 0) { /* not protected */
+ addr = (vu_short *)(info->start[sect]);
+ /* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+ flag = disable_interrupts();
+ /* Single Block Erase Command */
+ *addr = 0x0020;
+ /* Confirm */
+ *addr = 0x00D0;
+ /* Resume Command, as per errata update */
+ *addr = 0x00D0;
+ /* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+ if (flag)
+ enable_interrupts();
+ *addr = 0x70; /*Read status register command*/
+ tmp = (short)*addr & 0x00FF; /* Read the status */
+ while (!(tmp & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_WSMS)) {
+ if ((now=get_timer(start)) > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
+ *addr = 0x0050; /* Reset the status register */
+ *addr = 0xffff;
+ printf ("Timeout\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* show that we're waiting */
+ if ((now - start) > 1000) { /* every second */
+ putc ('.');
+ }
+ udelay(100000); /* 100 ms */
+ *addr = 0x0070; /*Read status register command*/
+ tmp = (short)*addr & 0x00FF; /* Read status */
+ start = get_timer(0);
+ }
+ flash_decode_status_bits(tmp);
+ *addr = 0x0050; /* Reset the status register */
+ *addr = 0xffff; /* Reset to read mode */
+ }
+ }
+ printf (" done\n");
+ return rcode;
+void flash_unprotect (flash_info_t *info)
+ /*We can only unprotect the whole flash at once*/
+ /*Therefore we must prevent the _flash_real_protect()*/
+ /*from re-protecting sectors, that ware protected before */
+ /*we called flash_real_protect();*/
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+ info->protect[i] = 0;
+ _flash_real_protect(info, 0, 0);
+ * Copy memory to flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ */
+int write_buff (flash_info_t *info, uchar *src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+ ulong cp, wp, data;
+ int i, l, rc;
+ wp = (addr & ~3); /* get lower word aligned address */
+ /*
+ * handle unaligned start bytes
+ */
+ if ((l = addr - wp) != 0) {
+ data = 0;
+ for (i=0, cp=wp; i<l; ++i, ++cp) {
+ data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *)cp);
+ }
+ for (; i<4 && cnt>0; ++i) {
+ data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+ --cnt;
+ ++cp;
+ }
+ for (; cnt==0 && i<4; ++i, ++cp) {
+ data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *)cp);
+ }
+ if ((rc = write_word(info, wp, data)) != 0) {
+ return (rc);
+ }
+ wp += 4;
+ }
+ /*
+ * handle word aligned part
+ */
+ while (cnt >= 4) {
+ data = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
+ data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+ }
+ if ((rc = write_word(info, wp, data)) != 0) {
+ return (rc);
+ }
+ wp += 4;
+ cnt -= 4;
+ }
+ if (cnt == 0) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * handle unaligned tail bytes
+ */
+ data = 0;
+ for (i=0, cp=wp; i<4 && cnt>0; ++i, ++cp) {
+ data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+ --cnt;
+ }
+ for (; i<4; ++i, ++cp) {
+ data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *)cp);
+ }
+ return (write_word(info, wp, data));
+ * Write a word to Flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ */
+int write_word (flash_info_t *info, ulong dest, ulong da)
+ vu_short *addr = (vu_short *)dest;
+ ulong start;
+ char csr;
+ int flag;
+ ushort * d = (ushort*)&da;
+ int i;
+ /* Check if Flash is (sufficiently) erased */
+ if (((*addr & d[0]) != d[0]) || ((*(addr+1) & d[1]) != d[1])) {
+ return (2);
+ }
+ /* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+ flag = disable_interrupts();
+ for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ /* Write Command */
+ *addr = 0x0010;
+ /* Write Data */
+ *addr = d[i];
+ /* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+ if (flag)
+ enable_interrupts();
+ /* data polling for D7 */
+ start = get_timer (0);
+ flag = 0;
+ *addr = 0x0070; /*Read statusregister command */
+ if (get_timer(start) > CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT) {
+ flag = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ *addr = 0x0070; /*Read statusregister command */
+ }
+ printf ("CSR indicates write error (%0x) at %08lx\n",
+ csr, (ulong)addr);
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ /* Clear Status Registers Command */
+ *addr = 0x0050;
+ /* Reset to read array mode */
+ *addr = 0xffff;
+ addr++;
+ }
+ return (flag);
+int flash_real_protect(flash_info_t *info, long offset, int prot)
+ int i, idx;
+ for(idx = 0; idx < info->sector_count; idx++)
+ if(info->start[idx] == offset)
+ break;
+ if(idx==info->sector_count)
+ return -1;
+ if(prot == 0) {
+ /* Unprotect one sector, which means unprotect all flash
+ * and reprotect the other protected sectors.
+ */
+ _flash_real_protect(info, 0, 0); /* Unprotects the whole flash*/
+ info->protect[idx] = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+ if(info->protect[i])
+ _flash_real_protect(info, i, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* We can protect individual sectors */
+ _flash_real_protect(info, idx, 1);
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+ info->protect[i] = flash_get_protect_status(info, i);
+ return 0;
+int _flash_real_protect(flash_info_t *info, long idx, int prot)
+ vu_short *addr;
+ int flag;
+ ushort cmd;
+ ushort tmp;
+ ulong now, start;
+ if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) != (INTEL_MANUFACT & FLASH_VENDMASK)) {
+ printf ("Can't change protection for unknown flash type %08lx - aborted\n",
+ info->flash_id);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(prot == 0) {
+ /*Unlock the sector*/
+ cmd = 0x00D0;
+ }
+ else {
+ /*Lock the sector*/
+ cmd = 0x0001;
+ }
+ addr = (vu_short *)(info->start[idx]);
+ /* If chip is busy, wait for it */
+ start = get_timer(0);
+ *addr = 0x0070; /*Read status register command*/
+ tmp = ((ushort)(*addr))&0x00ff; /*Read the status*/
+ while(!(tmp & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_WSMS)) {
+ /*Write State Machine Busy*/
+ /*Wait untill done or timeout.*/
+ if ((now=get_timer(start)) > CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT) {
+ *addr = 0x0050; /* Reset the status register */
+ *addr = 0xffff; /* Reset the chip */
+ printf ("TTimeout\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ *addr = 0x0070;
+ tmp = ((ushort)(*addr))&0x00ff; /*Read the status*/
+ start = get_timer(0);
+ }
+ /* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+ flag = disable_interrupts();
+ /* Unlock block*/
+ *addr = 0x0060;
+ *addr = cmd;
+ /* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+ if (flag)
+ enable_interrupts();
+ start = get_timer(0);
+ *addr = 0x0070; /*Read status register command*/
+ tmp = ((ushort)(*addr)) & 0x00FF; /* Read the status */
+ while (!(tmp & INTEL_FLASH_STATUS_WSMS)) {
+ /* Write State Machine Busy */
+ if ((now=get_timer(start)) > CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT) {
+ *addr = 0x0050; /* Reset the status register */
+ *addr = 0xffff;
+ printf ("Timeout\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* show that we're waiting */
+ if ((now - start) > 1000) { /* every second */
+ putc ('.');
+ }
+ udelay(100000); /* 100 ms */
+ *addr = 0x70; /*Read status register command*/
+ tmp = (short)*addr & 0x00FF; /* Read status */
+ start = get_timer(0);
+ }
+ flash_decode_status_bits(tmp);
+ *addr =0x0050; /*Clear status register*/
+ /* reset to read mode */
+ *addr = 0xffff;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/board/flagadm/ b/board/flagadm/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..04995ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/flagadm/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+SEARCH_DIR(/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/powerpc-any-elf/lib);
+/* Do we need any of these for elf?
+ __DYNAMIC = 0; */
+ /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
+ .interp : { *(.interp) }
+ .hash : { *(.hash) }
+ .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
+ .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
+ .rel.text : { *(.rel.text) }
+ .rela.text : { *(.rela.text) }
+ : { *( }
+ : { *( }
+ .rel.rodata : { *(.rel.rodata) }
+ .rela.rodata : { *(.rela.rodata) }
+ : { *( }
+ : { *( }
+ .rel.ctors : { *(.rel.ctors) }
+ .rela.ctors : { *(.rela.ctors) }
+ .rel.dtors : { *(.rel.dtors) }
+ .rela.dtors : { *(.rela.dtors) }
+ .rel.bss : { *(.rel.bss) }
+ .rela.bss : { *(.rela.bss) }
+ .rel.plt : { *(.rel.plt) }
+ .rela.plt : { *(.rela.plt) }
+ .init : { *(.init) }
+ .plt : { *(.plt) }
+ .text :
+ {
+ cpu/mpc8xx/start.o (.text)
+ *(.text)
+ *(.fixup)
+ *(.got1)
+ }
+ _etext = .;
+ PROVIDE (etext = .);
+ .rodata :
+ {
+ *(.rodata)
+ *(.rodata1)
+ *(.rodata.str1.4)
+ *(.eh_frame)
+ }
+ .fini : { *(.fini) } =0
+ .ctors : { *(.ctors) }
+ .dtors : { *(.dtors) }
+ /* Read-write section, merged into data segment: */
+ . = (. + 0x00FF) & 0xFFFFFF00;
+ _erotext = .;
+ PROVIDE (erotext = .);
+ .reloc :
+ {
+ *(.got)
+ _GOT2_TABLE_ = .;
+ *(.got2)
+ _FIXUP_TABLE_ = .;
+ *(.fixup)
+ }
+ __got2_entries = (_FIXUP_TABLE_ - _GOT2_TABLE_) >>2;
+ __fixup_entries = (. - _FIXUP_TABLE_)>>2;
+ .data :
+ {
+ *(.data)
+ *(.data1)
+ *(.sdata)
+ *(.sdata2)
+ *(.dynamic)
+ }
+ _edata = .;
+ PROVIDE (edata = .);
+ . = .;
+ __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
+ .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
+ __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
+ . = .;
+ __start___ex_table = .;
+ __ex_table : { *(__ex_table) }
+ __stop___ex_table = .;
+ . = ALIGN(256);
+ __init_begin = .;
+ .text.init : { *(.text.init) }
+ .data.init : { *(.data.init) }
+ . = ALIGN(256);
+ __init_end = .;
+ __bss_start = .;
+ .bss :
+ {
+ *(.sbss) *(.scommon)
+ *(.dynbss)
+ *(.bss)
+ }
+ _end = . ;
+ PROVIDE (end = .);
diff --git a/board/flagadm/ b/board/flagadm/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3165d56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/flagadm/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+SEARCH_DIR(/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/powerpc-any-elf/lib);
+/* Do we need any of these for elf?
+ __DYNAMIC = 0; */
+ /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
+ .interp : { *(.interp) }
+ .hash : { *(.hash) }
+ .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
+ .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
+ .rel.text : { *(.rel.text) }
+ .rela.text : { *(.rela.text) }
+ : { *( }
+ : { *( }
+ .rel.rodata : { *(.rel.rodata) }
+ .rela.rodata : { *(.rela.rodata) }
+ : { *( }
+ : { *( }
+ .rel.ctors : { *(.rel.ctors) }
+ .rela.ctors : { *(.rela.ctors) }
+ .rel.dtors : { *(.rel.dtors) }
+ .rela.dtors : { *(.rela.dtors) }
+ .rel.bss : { *(.rel.bss) }
+ .rela.bss : { *(.rela.bss) }
+ .rel.plt : { *(.rel.plt) }
+ .rela.plt : { *(.rela.plt) }
+ .init : { *(.init) }
+ .plt : { *(.plt) }
+ .text :
+ {
+ /* WARNING - the following is hand-optimized to fit within */
+ /* the sector layout of our flash chips! XXX FIXME XXX */
+ cpu/mpc8xx/start.o (.text)
+ common/dlmalloc.o (.text)
+ lib_generic/vsprintf.o (.text)
+ lib_generic/crc32.o (.text)
+ . = env_offset;
+ common/environment.o(.text)
+ *(.text)
+ *(.fixup)
+ *(.got1)
+ }
+ _etext = .;
+ PROVIDE (etext = .);
+ .rodata :
+ {
+ *(.rodata)
+ *(.rodata1)
+ *(.rodata.str1.4)
+ *(.eh_frame)
+ }
+ .fini : { *(.fini) } =0
+ .ctors : { *(.ctors) }
+ .dtors : { *(.dtors) }
+ /* Read-write section, merged into data segment: */
+ . = (. + 0x0FFF) & 0xFFFFF000;
+ _erotext = .;
+ PROVIDE (erotext = .);
+ .reloc :
+ {
+ *(.got)
+ _GOT2_TABLE_ = .;
+ *(.got2)
+ _FIXUP_TABLE_ = .;
+ *(.fixup)
+ }
+ __got2_entries = (_FIXUP_TABLE_ - _GOT2_TABLE_) >>2;
+ __fixup_entries = (. - _FIXUP_TABLE_)>>2;
+ .data :
+ {
+ *(.data)
+ *(.data1)
+ *(.sdata)
+ *(.sdata2)
+ *(.dynamic)
+ }
+ _edata = .;
+ PROVIDE (edata = .);
+ __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
+ .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
+ __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
+ __start___ex_table = .;
+ __ex_table : { *(__ex_table) }
+ __stop___ex_table = .;
+ . = ALIGN(4096);
+ __init_begin = .;
+ .text.init : { *(.text.init) }
+ .data.init : { *(.data.init) }
+ . = ALIGN(4096);
+ __init_end = .;
+ __bss_start = .;
+ .bss :
+ {
+ *(.sbss) *(.scommon)
+ *(.dynbss)
+ *(.bss)
+ }
+ _end = . ;
+ PROVIDE (end = .);