path: root/
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-02-16 23:26:30 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-02-16 23:26:30 +0530
commitb43504782947b16ef2ec2a6eec22676a4abd4f8e (patch)
tree9ab21e15fcaf01e1efca986f25fe7303b5342439 /
parentb067febdf2e35ee58b2668f80dee4dafc0a90bfb (diff)
[IMP] This is the last commit without kernel feature, revert to here if you need clean git based patching tool :-)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 3c4f6ee..8d8e2cd 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ function check_internet() {
# ======================================================================================
# Fetch updates if internet is available and formulate a CSV
-function format_list_updates() {
+function list_updates() {
# If internet available just merge the changes (won't update patches automatically)
[ $INET_AVAILABLE -eq 1 ] && git pull
# Create CSV of commits with only tags( git tags are used to group similar patches)
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ function format_list_updates() {
# ======================================================================================
-function select_updates() {
+function check_past_updates() {
# If no new/old update available, just quit (Ignoring HEAD based tags to avoid confusion)
no_updates=$(cat $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths | sed '/HEAD/d' | wc -c)
[ $no_updates -eq 0 ] && alert_message "No available updates !!!" && exit 0
@@ -117,14 +117,27 @@ function select_updates() {
line=$(grep -on $hash $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths | cut -d ':' -f 1);\
sed -i $line's/\[Not\ Updated\]/\[Updated\]/g' $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths;
+# ======================================================================================
+function select_updates() {
+ # Show updates using 'menu' of 'easybashgui'
selected_update=$(menu -w 1000 -h 550 "$(cat $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths | sed '/HEAD/d' | \
cut -d ';' -f 1,2,3,4,5| tr ';' ' ' )" 2>&1)
[ $? -eq 1 ] && exit 0
#get hash for selected_update
selected_hash=$(echo $selected_update | grep -o \([0-9a-z]*\) | tr -d '(|)')
selected_tag=$(echo $selected_update | grep -o \(tag:\ [A-Za-z0-9._-]*\) | sed 's/(tag:\ //' |sed 's/)//')
+# ======================================================================================
+function generate_commit_files() {
# At a time only one version from similar group of tags will be applied, for eg: AudioMic-1 and
- # AudioMic-2 (tags/commits/patches) can't be applied simultaneously as they affect same file
+ # AudioMic-2 (tags) can't be applied simultaneously as they might point to same file
find $unique_tags -iname $(echo $selected_tag | cut -d '-' -f 1)\* | grep '' && [ $? -eq 0 ] && \
rm $(find $unique_tags -iname $(echo $selected_tag | cut -d '-' -f 1)\*)
# This will help identifying the unique tags among group of tags(commits/patches)
@@ -138,7 +151,6 @@ function select_updates() {
git show $selected_hash:$each_file>$local_updates/$each_file
echo "$selected_hash,$selected_tag">>$logfile
# ======================================================================================
@@ -148,7 +160,6 @@ function sudo_access() {
sudo -K
# The only place 'easybashgui' fails. So adding separate functions for both tty(consoles)
# and pts(terminals). If tty not found, it returns 1, and 'zenity' is used
tty | grep tty
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
@@ -156,7 +167,6 @@ while true
password=$(zenity --title "Enter your password to continue" --password)
# zenity dialog button 'Cancel' returns 1, and 'Yes' returns 0.
- # Check for zenity 'Cancel' option
[ $? -eq 1 ] && exit 0
echo $password | sudo -S echo "test">/dev/null
# If wrong password then brek
@@ -178,10 +188,8 @@ while true
# ======================================================================================
function apply_updates() {
question "Do you want to apply the selected update? This will affect the following file(s):\
'/$files_in_selected_hash'" 2>&1
@@ -197,16 +205,39 @@ function apply_updates() {
+# ======================================================================================
+#function spl_kernel_manage() {
+ # environment variables
+# kernel_image=uzImage.bin
+# ramdisk_image=initrd.img
+# boot_part=/dev/mtd4
+# mkbootimg --kernel $kernel_image --ramdisk $ramdisk_image -o /tmp/boot.img
+# sync
+# echo 0 > /sys/module/yaffs/parameters/yaffs_bg_enable
+# flash_erase $boot_part 0 0
+# nandwrite -p $boot_part /tmp/boot.img
+# sync
+# echo 1 > /sys/module/yaffs/parameters/yaffs_bg_enable
# ======================================================================================
function call_functions() {
#Function calls
- format_list_updates
+ list_updates
+ check_past_updates
+ generate_commit_files
+ # Comment next function if you are not using FOSSEE netbook
+ #spl_kernel_manage