path: root/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188C_8192C/hal/rtl8192c/rtl8192c_dm.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188C_8192C/hal/rtl8192c/rtl8192c_dm.c')
1 files changed, 4977 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188C_8192C/hal/rtl8192c/rtl8192c_dm.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188C_8192C/hal/rtl8192c/rtl8192c_dm.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ca7f4087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188C_8192C/hal/rtl8192c/rtl8192c_dm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4977 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+// Description:
+// This file is for 92CE/92CU dynamic mechanism only
+// include files
+#include <drv_conf.h>
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include <rtw_byteorder.h>
+#include <rtl8192c_hal.h>
+#include "../proxim/intel_proxim.h"
+// Global var
+static u32 EDCAParam[maxAP][3] =
+{ // UL DL
+ {0x5ea322, 0x00a630, 0x00a44f}, //atheros AP
+ {0x5ea32b, 0x5ea42b, 0x5e4322}, //broadcom AP
+ {0x3ea430, 0x00a630, 0x3ea44f}, //cisco AP
+ {0x5ea44f, 0x00a44f, 0x5ea42b}, //marvell AP
+ {0x5ea422, 0x00a44f, 0x00a44f}, //ralink AP
+ //{0x5ea44f, 0x5ea44f, 0x5ea44f}, //realtek AP
+ {0xa44f, 0x5ea44f, 0x5e431c}, //realtek AP
+ {0x5ea42b, 0xa630, 0x5e431c}, //airgocap AP
+ {0x5ea42b, 0x5ea42b, 0x5ea42b}, //unknown AP
+// {0x5e4322, 0x00a44f, 0x5ea44f}, //unknown AP
+ * Function: dm_DIGInit()
+ *
+ * Overview: Set DIG scheme init value.
+ *
+ * Input: NONE
+ *
+ * Output: NONE
+ *
+ * Return: NONE
+ *
+ * Revised History:
+ * When Who Remark
+ *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static void dm_DIGInit(
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ pDigTable->Dig_Enable_Flag = _TRUE;
+ pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage = DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_MAX;
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = 0x20;
+ pDigTable->PreIGValue = 0x0;
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState = pDigTable->PreSTAConnectState = DIG_STA_DISCONNECT;
+ pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState = DIG_MultiSTA_DISCONNECT;
+ pDigTable->RssiLowThresh = DM_DIG_THRESH_LOW;
+ pDigTable->RssiHighThresh = DM_DIG_THRESH_HIGH;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max = DM_DIG_MAX;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = DM_DIG_MIN;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min_nolink = 0;
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_DEFAULT;
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_max = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_MAX;
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_min = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_MIN;
+ pDigTable->PreCCKPDState = CCK_PD_STAGE_MAX;
+ pDigTable->CurCCKPDState = CCK_PD_STAGE_LowRssi;
+ pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI = DM_DIG_MIN;
+ pDigTable->LargeFAHit = 0;
+ pDigTable->Recover_cnt = 0;
+ pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN = 0x25; //for FUNAI_TV
+static u8 dm_initial_gain_MinPWDB(
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ int Rssi_val_min = 0;
+ if((pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState == DIG_MultiSTA_CONNECT) &&
+ (pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState == DIG_STA_CONNECT) )
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB != 0)
+ Rssi_val_min = (pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB+pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB)/2;
+ Rssi_val_min = (pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB)?
+ pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB:pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ else
+ Rssi_val_min = pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ }
+ else if(pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState == DIG_STA_CONNECT ||
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState == DIG_STA_BEFORE_CONNECT)
+ Rssi_val_min = pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ else if(pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState == DIG_MultiSTA_CONNECT)
+ Rssi_val_min = pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ //printk("%s CurMultiSTAConnectState(0x%02x) UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB(%d),EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB(%d)\n"
+ //,__FUNCTION__,pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState,
+ //pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB,pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB);
+ return (u8)Rssi_val_min;
+static VOID
+ )
+ u32 ret_value;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ PFALSE_ALARM_STATISTICS FalseAlmCnt = &(pdmpriv->FalseAlmCnt);
+ PADAPTER pbuddy_adapter = Adapter->pbuddy_adapter;
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM_PHYCounter1, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM_PHYCounter2, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal = (ret_value&0xffff);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM_PHYCounter3, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail = (ret_value&0xffff);
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_FrameSync, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync = (ret_value&0xffff);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Ofdm_fail = FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail+
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail;
+ //hold cck counter
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rCCK0_FalseAlarmReport, BIT(14), 1);
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rCCK0_FACounterLower, bMaskByte0);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail = ret_value;
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rCCK0_FACounterUpper, bMaskByte3);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail += (ret_value& 0xff)<<8;
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all = ( FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail);
+ Adapter->recvpriv.FalseAlmCnt_all = FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all;
+ if(pbuddy_adapter)
+ pbuddy_adapter->recvpriv.FalseAlmCnt_all = FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all;
+ //reset false alarm counter registers
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, 0x08000000, 1);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, 0x08000000, 0);
+ //reset cck counter
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rCCK0_FalseAlarmReport, 0x0000c000, 0);
+ //enable cck counter
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rCCK0_FalseAlarmReport, 0x0000c000, 2);
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("Cnt_Parity_Fail = %ld, Cnt_Rate_Illegal = %ld, Cnt_Crc8_fail = %ld, Cnt_Mcs_fail = %ld\n",
+ // FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail) );
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("Cnt_Ofdm_fail = %ld, Cnt_Cck_fail = %ld, Cnt_all = %ld\n",
+ // FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Ofdm_fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all) );
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("Cnt_Ofdm_fail = %ld, Cnt_Cck_fail = %ld, Cnt_all = %ld\n",
+ // FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Ofdm_fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all) );
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ if(rtw_buddy_adapter_up(pAdapter))
+ {
+ PADAPTER pbuddy_adapter = pAdapter->pbuddy_adapter;
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pbuddy_HalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pbuddy_adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pbuddy_dmpriv = &pbuddy_HalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pbuddy_DigTable = &pbuddy_dmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ //sync IGValue
+ pbuddy_DigTable->PreIGValue = pDigTable->PreIGValue;
+ pbuddy_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->CurIGValue;
+ }
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("CurIGValue = 0x%lx, PreIGValue = 0x%lx, BackoffVal = %d\n",
+ // DM_DigTable.CurIGValue, DM_DigTable.PreIGValue, DM_DigTable.BackoffVal));
+ if (pDigTable->Dig_Enable_Flag == _FALSE)
+ {
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("DIG is disabled\n"));
+ pDigTable->PreIGValue = 0x17;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( (pDigTable->PreIGValue != pDigTable->CurIGValue) || ( pAdapter->bForceWriteInitGain ) )
+ {
+ // Set initial gain.
+ //PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1, bMaskByte0, pDigTable->CurIGValue);
+ //PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XBAGCCore1, bMaskByte0, pDigTable->CurIGValue);
+ //printk("%s DIG(0x%02x)\n",__FUNCTION__,pDigTable->CurIGValue);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1, 0x7f, pDigTable->CurIGValue);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XBAGCCore1, 0x7f, pDigTable->CurIGValue);
+ pDigTable->PreIGValue = pDigTable->CurIGValue;
+ }
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ PFALSE_ALARM_STATISTICS FalseAlmCnt = &(pdmpriv->FalseAlmCnt);
+ u8 value_IGI = pDigTable->CurIGValue;
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < DM_DIG_FA_TH0)
+ value_IGI --;
+ else if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < DM_DIG_FA_TH1)
+ value_IGI += 0;
+ else if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < DM_DIG_FA_TH2)
+ value_IGI ++;
+ else if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all >= DM_DIG_FA_TH2)
+ value_IGI +=2;
+ if(value_IGI > DM_DIG_FA_UPPER)
+ value_IGI = DM_DIG_FA_UPPER;
+ if(value_IGI < DM_DIG_FA_LOWER)
+ value_IGI = DM_DIG_FA_LOWER;
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 10000)
+ value_IGI = DM_DIG_FA_UPPER;
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = value_IGI;
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+VOID dm_CtrlInitGainByRssi( IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ u32 isBT;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ PFALSE_ALARM_STATISTICS FalseAlmCnt = &(pdmpriv->FalseAlmCnt);
+ //modify DIG upper bound
+ if((pDigTable->Rssi_val_min + 20) > DM_DIG_MAX )
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max = DM_DIG_MAX;
+ else
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max = pDigTable->Rssi_val_min + 20;
+ //modify DIG lower bound
+ if((FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 500)&&(pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN < 0x25))
+ pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN++;
+ if((FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < 500)&&(pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN > DM_DIG_MIN))
+ pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN--;
+ if((pDigTable->Rssi_val_min < 8) && (pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN > DM_DIG_MIN))
+ pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN--;
+ //modify DIG lower bound, deal with abnorally large false alarm
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 10000)
+ {
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("dm_DIG(): Abnornally false alarm case. \n"));
+ pDigTable->LargeFAHit++;
+ if(pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI < pDigTable->CurIGValue)
+ {
+ pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI = pDigTable->CurIGValue;
+ pDigTable->LargeFAHit = 1;
+ }
+ if(pDigTable->LargeFAHit >= 3)
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI+1) >pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max)
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max;
+ else
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = (pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI + 1);
+ pDigTable->Recover_cnt = 3600; //3600=2hr
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Recovery mechanism for IGI lower bound
+ if(pDigTable->Recover_cnt != 0){
+ pDigTable->Recover_cnt --;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pDigTable->LargeFAHit == 0 )
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI -1) < pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN) //DM_DIG_MIN)
+ {
+ pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI = pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN; //DM_DIG_MIN;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = pdmpriv->DIG_Dynamic_MIN; //DM_DIG_MIN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI --;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = (pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pDigTable->LargeFAHit == 3 )
+ {
+ pDigTable->LargeFAHit = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < 250)
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("===> dm_CtrlInitGainByRssi, Enter DIG by SS mode\n");
+ isBT = rtw_read8(pAdapter, 0x4fd) & 0x01;
+ if(!isBT){
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > pDigTable->FAHighThresh)
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->BackoffVal -2) < pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_min)
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_min;
+ else
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal -= 2;
+ }
+ else if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < pDigTable->FALowThresh)
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->BackoffVal+2) > pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_max)
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_max;
+ else
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal +=2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_DEFAULT;
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->Rssi_val_min+10-pDigTable->BackoffVal;
+ //DBG_8192C("Rssi_val_min = %x BackoffVal %x\n",pDigTable->Rssi_val_min, pDigTable->BackoffVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("===> dm_CtrlInitGainByRssi, Enter DIG by FA mode\n");
+ //DBG_8192C("RSSI = 0x%x", pDigTable->Rssi_val_min);
+ //Adjust initial gain by false alarm
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 1000)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable ->PreIGValue+2;
+ else if (FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 750)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->PreIGValue+1;
+ else if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < 500)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->PreIGValue-1;
+ }
+ //Check initial gain by upper/lower bound
+ if(pDigTable->CurIGValue >pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max;
+ if(pDigTable->CurIGValue < pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min;
+ //printk("%s => rx_gain_range_max(0x%02x) rx_gain_range_min(0x%02x)\n",__FUNCTION__,
+ // pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max,pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min);
+ //printk("%s CurIGValue(0x%02x) <====\n",__FUNCTION__,pDigTable->CurIGValue );
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+static VOID dm_CtrlInitGainByRssi(IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ u32 isBT;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ PFALSE_ALARM_STATISTICS FalseAlmCnt = &(pdmpriv->FalseAlmCnt);
+ //modify DIG upper bound
+ if((pDigTable->Rssi_val_min + 20) > DM_DIG_MAX )
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max = DM_DIG_MAX;
+ else
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max = pDigTable->Rssi_val_min + 20;
+ //printk("%s Rssi_val_min(0x%02x),rx_gain_range_max(0x%02x)\n",__FUNCTION__,pDigTable->Rssi_val_min,pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max);
+ //modify DIG lower bound, deal with abnorally large false alarm
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 10000)
+ {
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("dm_DIG(): Abnornally false alarm case. \n"));
+ pDigTable->LargeFAHit++;
+ if(pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI < pDigTable->CurIGValue)
+ {
+ pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI = pDigTable->CurIGValue;
+ pDigTable->LargeFAHit = 1;
+ }
+ if(pDigTable->LargeFAHit >= 3)
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI+1) > pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max)
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max;
+ else
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = (pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI + 1);
+ pDigTable->Recover_cnt = 3600; //3600=2hr
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Recovery mechanism for IGI lower bound
+ if(pDigTable->Recover_cnt != 0)
+ pDigTable->Recover_cnt --;
+ else
+ {
+ if(pDigTable->LargeFAHit == 0 )
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI -1) < DM_DIG_MIN)
+ {
+ pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI = DM_DIG_MIN;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = DM_DIG_MIN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI --;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = (pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pDigTable->LargeFAHit == 3 )
+ {
+ pDigTable->LargeFAHit = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("DM_DigTable.ForbiddenIGI = 0x%x, DM_DigTable.LargeFAHit = 0x%x\n",pDigTable->ForbiddenIGI, pDigTable->LargeFAHit));
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("DM_DigTable.rx_gain_range_max = 0x%x, DM_DigTable.rx_gain_range_min = 0x%x\n",pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max, pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min));
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < 250)
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("===> dm_CtrlInitGainByRssi, Enter DIG by SS mode\n");
+ isBT = rtw_read8(pAdapter, 0x4fd) & 0x01;
+ if(!isBT){
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > pDigTable->FAHighThresh)
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->BackoffVal -2) < pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_min)
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_min;
+ else
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal -= 2;
+ }
+ else if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < pDigTable->FALowThresh)
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->BackoffVal+2) > pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_max)
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = pDigTable->BackoffVal_range_max;
+ else
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal +=2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_DEFAULT;
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->Rssi_val_min+10-pDigTable->BackoffVal;
+ //DBG_8192C("Rssi_val_min = %x BackoffVal %x\n",pDigTable->Rssi_val_min, pDigTable->BackoffVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("===> dm_CtrlInitGainByRssi, Enter DIG by FA mode\n");
+ //DBG_8192C("RSSI = 0x%x", pDigTable->Rssi_val_min);
+ //Adjust initial gain by false alarm
+ if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 1000)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable ->PreIGValue+2;
+ else if (FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 750)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->PreIGValue+1;
+ else if(FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < 500)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->PreIGValue-1;
+ }
+ //Check initial gain by upper/lower bound
+ if(pDigTable->CurIGValue >pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max;
+ if(pDigTable->CurIGValue < pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min;
+ //printk("%s => rx_gain_range_max(0x%02x) rx_gain_range_min(0x%02x)\n",__FUNCTION__,
+ // pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max,pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min);
+ //printk("%s CurIGValue(0x%02x) <====\n",__FUNCTION__,pDigTable->CurIGValue );
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(pAdapter->mlmepriv);
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ int rssi_strength = pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ //AP Mode
+ if(check_buddy_fwstate(pAdapter, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE && (rssi_strength !=0))
+ {
+ bMulti_STA = _TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState == DIG_MultiSTA_CONNECT && rssi_strength==0) //STA+STA MODE
+ {
+ bMulti_STA = _TRUE;
+ rssi_strength = pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ }
+ //ADHOC and AP Mode
+ {
+ bMulti_STA = _TRUE;
+ }
+ if((bMulti_STA == _FALSE)
+ || (pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState == DIG_STA_DISCONNECT))
+ {
+ pdmpriv->binitialized = _FALSE;
+ pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage = DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_MAX;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(pdmpriv->binitialized == _FALSE)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->binitialized = _TRUE;
+ pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage = DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_0;
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = 0x20;
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+ }
+ // Initial gain control by ap mode
+ if(pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState == DIG_MultiSTA_CONNECT)
+ {
+ if ( (rssi_strength < pDigTable->RssiLowThresh) &&
+ (pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage != DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_1))
+ {
+ // Set to dig value to 0x20 for Luke's opinion after disable dig
+ if(pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage == DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_2)
+ {
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = 0x20;
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+ }
+ pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage = DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_1;
+ }
+ else if (rssi_strength > pDigTable->RssiHighThresh)
+ {
+ pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage = DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_2;
+ dm_CtrlInitGainByFA(pAdapter);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage != DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_0)
+ {
+ pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage = DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_0;
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = 0x20;
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+ }
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("CurMultiSTAConnectState = %x Dig_Ext_Port_Stage %x\n",
+ // DM_DigTable.CurMultiSTAConnectState, DM_DigTable.Dig_Ext_Port_Stage));
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ PFALSE_ALARM_STATISTICS pFalseAlmCnt = &(pdmpriv->FalseAlmCnt);
+ //CurrentIGI = pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_min;//pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_min
+ //ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_DIG, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("odm_DIG(): DIG BeforeLink\n"));
+ //2012.03.30 LukeLee: enable DIG before link but with very high thresholds
+ if(pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 10000)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->CurIGValue + 2;//pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue+2;
+ else if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > 8000)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->CurIGValue + 1;//pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue+1;
+ else if(pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < 500)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->CurIGValue - 1;//pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue =pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue-1;
+ //Check initial gain by upper/lower bound
+ if(pDigTable->CurIGValue >pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max;
+ if(pDigTable->CurIGValue < pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min)
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min;
+ printk("%s ==> FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all:%d CurIGValue:0x%02x \n",__FUNCTION__,pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all ,pDigTable->CurIGValue);
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("PreSTAConnectState = %x, CurSTAConnectState = %x\n",
+ // DM_DigTable.PreSTAConnectState, DM_DigTable.CurSTAConnectState));
+ if(pDigTable->PreSTAConnectState == pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState||
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState == DIG_STA_BEFORE_CONNECT ||
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState == DIG_STA_CONNECT)
+ {
+ // beforeconnect -> beforeconnect or connect -> connect
+ // (dis)connect -> beforeconnect
+ // disconnect -> connecct or beforeconnect -> connect
+ if(pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState != DIG_STA_DISCONNECT)
+ {
+ pDigTable->Rssi_val_min = dm_initial_gain_MinPWDB(pAdapter);
+ dm_CtrlInitGainByRssi(pAdapter);
+ }
+#ifdef CONFIG_IOCTL_CFG80211
+ else if((wdev_to_priv(pAdapter->rtw_wdev))->p2p_enabled == _TRUE)
+ {
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = 0x30;
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+ }
+ else{ // pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState == DIG_STA_DISCONNECT
+ //printk("%s==> ##1 CurIGI(0x%02x),PreIGValue(0x%02x) \n",__FUNCTION__,pDigTable->CurIGValue,pDigTable->PreIGValue );
+ dm_initial_gain_STA_beforelinked(pAdapter);
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // connect -> disconnect or beforeconnect -> disconnect
+ pDigTable->Rssi_val_min = 0;
+ pDigTable->Dig_Ext_Port_Stage = DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_MAX;
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_DEFAULT;
+ pDigTable->CurIGValue = 0x20;
+ pDigTable->PreIGValue = 0;
+ //printk("%s==> ##2 CurIGI(0x%02x),PreIGValue(0x%02x) \n",__FUNCTION__,pDigTable->CurIGValue,pDigTable->PreIGValue );
+ dm_initial_gain_STA_beforelinked(pAdapter);
+ DM_Write_DIG(pAdapter);
+ }
+static void dm_CCK_PacketDetectionThresh(
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ PFALSE_ALARM_STATISTICS FalseAlmCnt = &(pdmpriv->FalseAlmCnt);
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ if(pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState == DIG_STA_CONNECT)
+ {
+ pDigTable->Rssi_val_min = dm_initial_gain_MinPWDB(pAdapter);
+ if(pDigTable->PreCCKPDState == CCK_PD_STAGE_LowRssi)
+ {
+ if(pDigTable->Rssi_val_min <= 25)
+ pDigTable->CurCCKPDState = CCK_PD_STAGE_LowRssi;
+ else
+ pDigTable->CurCCKPDState = CCK_PD_STAGE_HighRssi;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(pDigTable->Rssi_val_min <= 20)
+ pDigTable->CurCCKPDState = CCK_PD_STAGE_LowRssi;
+ else
+ pDigTable->CurCCKPDState = CCK_PD_STAGE_HighRssi;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pDigTable->CurCCKPDState=CCK_PD_STAGE_MAX;
+ if(pDigTable->PreCCKPDState != pDigTable->CurCCKPDState)
+ {
+ if((pDigTable->CurCCKPDState == CCK_PD_STAGE_LowRssi)||
+ (pDigTable->CurCCKPDState == CCK_PD_STAGE_MAX))
+ {
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rCCK0_CCA, bMaskByte2, 0x83);
+ //PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bMaskByte1, 0x40);
+ //if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID))
+ //PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rCCK0_FalseAlarmReport , bMaskByte2, 0xd7);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rCCK0_CCA, bMaskByte2, 0xcd);
+ //PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter,rCCK0_System, bMaskByte1, 0x47);
+ //if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID))
+ //PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rCCK0_FalseAlarmReport , bMaskByte2, 0xd3);
+ }
+ pDigTable->PreCCKPDState = pDigTable->CurCCKPDState;
+ }
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("CCKPDStage=%x\n",pDigTable->CurCCKPDState));
+ //RT_TRACE( COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("is92C=%x\n",IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID)));
+static void
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(pAdapter->mlmepriv);
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_UNDER_SURVEY) == _TRUE)
+ return;
+ // Decide the current status and if modify initial gain or not
+ if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_UNDER_LINKING) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState = DIG_STA_BEFORE_CONNECT;
+ }
+ else if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState = DIG_STA_CONNECT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState = DIG_STA_DISCONNECT;
+ }
+ pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState = DIG_MultiSTA_DISCONNECT;
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_STATE|WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ if((is_IBSS_empty(pAdapter)==_FAIL) && (pAdapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2))
+ pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState = DIG_MultiSTA_CONNECT;
+ }
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ if(pAdapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2)
+ pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState = DIG_MultiSTA_CONNECT;
+ }
+ if(check_buddy_fwstate(pAdapter, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ PADAPTER pbuddy_adapter = pAdapter->pbuddy_adapter;
+ if(pbuddy_adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2)
+ {
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState = DIG_STA_CONNECT;
+ pDigTable->CurMultiSTAConnectState = DIG_MultiSTA_CONNECT;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(check_buddy_fwstate(pAdapter, WIFI_STATION_STATE) == _TRUE &&
+ check_buddy_fwstate(pAdapter, _FW_LINKED) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState = DIG_STA_CONNECT;
+ }
+ dm_initial_gain_STA(pAdapter);
+ dm_initial_gain_Multi_STA(pAdapter);
+ //Baron temp DIG solution for DMP
+ //dm_CtrlInitGainByFA(pAdapter);
+ dm_CCK_PacketDetectionThresh(pAdapter);
+ pDigTable->PreSTAConnectState = pDigTable->CurSTAConnectState;
+static void dm_DIG(
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ //RTPRINT(FDM, DM_Monitor, ("dm_DIG() ==>\n"));
+ if(pdmpriv->bDMInitialGainEnable == _FALSE)
+ return;
+ //if(pDigTable->Dig_Enable_Flag == _FALSE)
+ // return;
+ if(!(pdmpriv->DMFlag & DYNAMIC_FUNC_DIG))
+ return;
+ //RTPRINT(FDM, DM_Monitor, ("dm_DIG() progress \n"));
+ dm_CtrlInitGainByTwoPort(pAdapter);
+ //RTPRINT(FDM, DM_Monitor, ("dm_DIG() <==\n"));
+static void dm_SavePowerIndex(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ u8 index;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ u32 Power_Index_REG[6] = {0xc90, 0xc91, 0xc92, 0xc98, 0xc99, 0xc9a};
+ for(index = 0; index< 6; index++)
+ pdmpriv->PowerIndex_backup[index] = rtw_read8(Adapter, Power_Index_REG[index]);
+static void dm_RestorePowerIndex(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ u8 index;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ u32 Power_Index_REG[6] = {0xc90, 0xc91, 0xc92, 0xc98, 0xc99, 0xc9a};
+ for(index = 0; index< 6; index++)
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, Power_Index_REG[index], pdmpriv->PowerIndex_backup[index]);
+static void dm_WritePowerIndex(
+ IN PADAPTER Adapter,
+ IN u8 Value)
+ u8 index;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ u32 Power_Index_REG[6] = {0xc90, 0xc91, 0xc92, 0xc98, 0xc99, 0xc9a};
+ for(index = 0; index< 6; index++)
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, Power_Index_REG[index], Value);
+static void dm_InitDynamicTxPower(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ if((pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_USB_High_PA)||(Adapter->proximity.proxim_support==_TRUE))
+ if(pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_USB_High_PA)
+ {
+ dm_SavePowerIndex(Adapter);
+ pdmpriv->bDynamicTxPowerEnable = _TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ pdmpriv->bDynamicTxPowerEnable = _FALSE;
+ pdmpriv->LastDTPLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_Normal;
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_Normal;
+static void dm_DynamicTxPower(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(Adapter->mlmepriv);
+ struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &Adapter->mlmeextpriv;
+ int UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ if(!pdmpriv->bDynamicTxPowerEnable)
+ return;
+ // If dynamic high power is disabled.
+ if(!(pdmpriv->DMFlag & DYNAMIC_FUNC_HP) )
+ {
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_Normal;
+ return;
+ }
+ // STA not connected and AP not connected
+ if((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) != _TRUE) &&
+ (pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB == 0))
+ {
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, ("Not connected to any \n"));
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_Normal;
+ //the LastDTPlvl should reset when disconnect,
+ //otherwise the tx power level wouldn't change when disconnect and connect again.
+ // Maddest 20091220.
+ pdmpriv->LastDTPLvl=TxHighPwrLevel_Normal;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(Adapter->proximity.proxim_on== _TRUE){
+ struct proximity_priv *prox_priv=Adapter->proximity.proximity_priv;
+ // Intel set fixed tx power
+ printk("\n %s Adapter->proximity.proxim_on=%d prox_priv->proxim_modeinfo->power_output=%d \n",__FUNCTION__,Adapter->proximity.proxim_on,prox_priv->proxim_modeinfo->power_output);
+ if(prox_priv!=NULL){
+ if(prox_priv->proxim_modeinfo->power_output> 0)
+ {
+ switch(prox_priv->proxim_modeinfo->power_output){
+ case 1:
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_100;
+ printk("TxHighPwrLevel_100\n");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_70;
+ printk("TxHighPwrLevel_70\n");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_50;
+ printk("TxHighPwrLevel_50\n");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_35;
+ printk("TxHighPwrLevel_35\n");
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_15;
+ printk("TxHighPwrLevel_15\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_100;
+ printk("TxHighPwrLevel_100\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _TRUE) // Default port
+ {
+ //todo: AP Mode
+ if ((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE) == _TRUE) ||
+ (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_STATE) == _TRUE))
+ {
+ UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, ("AP Client PWDB = 0x%x \n", UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%x \n", UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB));
+ }
+ }
+ else // associated entry pwdb
+ {
+ UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, ("AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%x \n", UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB));
+ }
+ if(UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_Level2;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, ("TxHighPwrLevel_Level1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n"));
+ }
+ else if((UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2-3)) &&
+ (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL1) )
+ {
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_Level1;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, ("TxHighPwrLevel_Level1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n"));
+ }
+ else if(UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL1-5))
+ {
+ pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl = TxHighPwrLevel_Normal;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, ("TxHighPwrLevel_Normal\n"));
+ }
+ if( (pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl != pdmpriv->LastDTPLvl) )
+ {
+ PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192C(Adapter, pHalData->CurrentChannel);
+ if(pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl == TxHighPwrLevel_Normal) // HP1 -> Normal or HP2 -> Normal
+ dm_RestorePowerIndex(Adapter);
+ else if(pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl == TxHighPwrLevel_Level1)
+ dm_WritePowerIndex(Adapter, 0x14);
+ else if(pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl == TxHighPwrLevel_Level2)
+ dm_WritePowerIndex(Adapter, 0x10);
+ }
+ pdmpriv->LastDTPLvl = pdmpriv->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl;
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter,
+ IN u32 DM_Type,
+ IN u32 DM_Value)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ DIG_T *pDigTable = &pdmpriv->DM_DigTable;
+ {
+ pDigTable->RssiHighThresh = DM_Value;
+ }
+ else if (DM_Type == DIG_TYPE_THRESH_LOW)
+ {
+ pDigTable->RssiLowThresh = DM_Value;
+ }
+ else if (DM_Type == DIG_TYPE_ENABLE)
+ {
+ pDigTable->Dig_Enable_Flag = _TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (DM_Type == DIG_TYPE_DISABLE)
+ {
+ pDigTable->Dig_Enable_Flag = _FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (DM_Type == DIG_TYPE_BACKOFF)
+ {
+ if(DM_Value > 30)
+ DM_Value = 30;
+ pDigTable->BackoffVal = (u8)DM_Value;
+ }
+ else if(DM_Type == DIG_TYPE_RX_GAIN_MIN)
+ {
+ if(DM_Value == 0)
+ DM_Value = 0x1;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_min = (u8)DM_Value;
+ }
+ else if(DM_Type == DIG_TYPE_RX_GAIN_MAX)
+ {
+ if(DM_Value > 0x50)
+ DM_Value = 0x50;
+ pDigTable->rx_gain_range_max = (u8)DM_Value;
+ }
+} /* DM_ChangeDynamicInitGainThresh */
+static VOID PWDB_Monitor(
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ int i;
+ int tmpEntryMaxPWDB=0, tmpEntryMinPWDB=0xff;
+ u8 sta_cnt=0;
+ u32 PWDB_rssi[NUM_STA]={0};//[0~15]:MACID, [16~31]:PWDB_rssi
+ if(check_fwstate(&Adapter->mlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) != _TRUE)
+ return;
+ if(check_fwstate(&Adapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE|WIFI_ADHOC_STATE|WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ _irqL irqL;
+ _list *plist, *phead;
+ struct sta_info *psta;
+ struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &Adapter->stapriv;
+ u8 bcast_addr[ETH_ALEN]= {0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff};
+ _enter_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);
+ for(i=0; i< NUM_STA; i++)
+ {
+ phead = &(pstapriv->sta_hash[i]);
+ plist = get_next(phead);
+ while ((rtw_end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) == _FALSE)
+ {
+ psta = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct sta_info, hash_list);
+ plist = get_next(plist);
+ if(_rtw_memcmp(psta ->hwaddr, bcast_addr, ETH_ALEN) ||
+ _rtw_memcmp(psta->hwaddr, myid(&Adapter->eeprompriv), ETH_ALEN))
+ continue;
+ if(psta->state & WIFI_ASOC_STATE)
+ {
+ if(psta->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < tmpEntryMinPWDB)
+ tmpEntryMinPWDB = psta->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ if(psta->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > tmpEntryMaxPWDB)
+ tmpEntryMaxPWDB = psta->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ PWDB_rssi[sta_cnt++] = (psta->mac_id | (psta->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB<<16));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _exit_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);
+ if(pHalData->fw_ractrl == _TRUE)
+ {
+ // Report every sta's RSSI to FW
+ for(i=0; i< sta_cnt; i++)
+ {
+ rtl8192c_set_rssi_cmd(Adapter, (u8*)&PWDB_rssi[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(tmpEntryMaxPWDB != 0) // If associated entry is found
+ {
+ pdmpriv->EntryMaxUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = tmpEntryMaxPWDB;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pdmpriv->EntryMaxUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
+ }
+ if(tmpEntryMinPWDB != 0xff) // If associated entry is found
+ {
+ pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = tmpEntryMinPWDB;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
+ }
+ if(check_fwstate(&Adapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ if(pHalData->fw_ractrl == _TRUE)
+ {
+ u32 param = (u32)(pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB<<16);
+ param |= 0;//macid=0 for sta mode;
+ rtl8192c_set_rssi_cmd(Adapter, (u8*)&param);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ pHalData->bCurrentTurboEDCA = _FALSE;
+ Adapter->recvpriv.bIsAnyNonBEPkts = _FALSE;
+static void
+ )
+ u32 trafficIndex;
+ u32 edca_param;
+ u64 cur_tx_bytes = 0;
+ u64 cur_rx_bytes = 0;
+ u8 bbtchange = _FALSE;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv = &(Adapter->xmitpriv);
+ struct recv_priv *precvpriv = &(Adapter->recvpriv);
+ struct registry_priv *pregpriv = &Adapter->registrypriv;
+ struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &(Adapter->mlmeextpriv);
+ struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
+ struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &(pHalData->bt_coexist);
+ if ((pregpriv->wifi_spec == 1) || (pmlmeinfo->HT_enable == 0))
+ {
+ goto dm_CheckEdcaTurbo_EXIT;
+ }
+ if (pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor >= maxAP)
+ {
+ goto dm_CheckEdcaTurbo_EXIT;
+ }
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Coexist)
+ {
+ if( (pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK]!=0) || (pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK]!=0))
+ {
+ bbtchange = _TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the status needs to be changed.
+ if((bbtchange) || (!precvpriv->bIsAnyNonBEPkts) )
+ {
+ cur_tx_bytes = pxmitpriv->tx_bytes - pxmitpriv->last_tx_bytes;
+ cur_rx_bytes = precvpriv->rx_bytes - precvpriv->last_rx_bytes;
+ //traffic, TX or RX
+ if((pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == ralinkAP)||(pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == atherosAP))
+ {
+ if (cur_tx_bytes > (cur_rx_bytes << 2))
+ { // Uplink TP is present.
+ trafficIndex = UP_LINK;
+ }
+ else
+ { // Balance TP is present.
+ trafficIndex = DOWN_LINK;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (cur_rx_bytes > (cur_tx_bytes << 2))
+ { // Downlink TP is present.
+ trafficIndex = DOWN_LINK;
+ }
+ else
+ { // Balance TP is present.
+ trafficIndex = UP_LINK;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((pdmpriv->prv_traffic_idx != trafficIndex) || (!pHalData->bCurrentTurboEDCA))
+ {
+ if(_TRUE == bbtchange)
+ {
+ edca_param = pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[trafficIndex];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if 0
+ //adjust EDCA parameter for BE queue
+ edca_param = EDCAParam[pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor][trafficIndex];
+ if((pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == ciscoAP) && (pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode & WIRELESS_11_24N))
+ {
+ edca_param = EDCAParam[pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor][trafficIndex];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ edca_param = EDCAParam[unknownAP][trafficIndex];
+ }
+ }
+ if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID))
+ {
+ edca_param = 0x60a42b;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ edca_param = 0x6ea42b;
+ }
+ rtw_write32(Adapter, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, edca_param);
+ pdmpriv->prv_traffic_idx = trafficIndex;
+ }
+ pHalData->bCurrentTurboEDCA = _TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ // Turn Off EDCA turbo here.
+ // Restore original EDCA according to the declaration of AP.
+ //
+ if(pHalData->bCurrentTurboEDCA)
+ {
+ rtw_write32(Adapter, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, pHalData->AcParam_BE);
+ pHalData->bCurrentTurboEDCA = _FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set variables for next time.
+ precvpriv->bIsAnyNonBEPkts = _FALSE;
+ pxmitpriv->last_tx_bytes = pxmitpriv->tx_bytes;
+ precvpriv->last_rx_bytes = precvpriv->rx_bytes;
+#define index_mapping_HP_NUM 15
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ u8 ThermalValue = 0, delta, delta_LCK, delta_IQK, delta_HP, TimeOut = 100;
+ int ele_A, ele_D, TempCCk, X, value32;
+ int Y, ele_C;
+ s8 OFDM_index[2], CCK_index = 0, OFDM_index_old[2], CCK_index_old = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ BOOLEAN is2T = IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID);
+#if MP_DRIVER == 1
+ PMPT_CONTEXT pMptCtx = &(Adapter->mppriv.MptCtx);
+ u8 *TxPwrLevel = pMptCtx->TxPwrLevel;
+ u8 OFDM_min_index = 6, rf; //OFDM BB Swing should be less than +3.0dB, which is required by Arthur
+#if 0
+ u32 DPK_delta_mapping[2][DPK_DELTA_MAPPING_NUM] = {
+ {0x1c, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1d, 0x1e,
+ 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01,
+ 0x02, 0x02, 0x03},
+ {0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1e, 0x1e,
+ 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,
+ 0x02, 0x03, 0x03}};
+ u8 ThermalValue_HP_count = 0;
+ u32 ThermalValue_HP = 0;
+ s32 index_mapping_HP[index_mapping_HP_NUM] = {
+ 0, 1, 3, 4, 6,
+ 7, 9, 10, 12, 13,
+ 15, 16, 18, 19, 21
+ };
+ s8 index_HP;
+ pdmpriv->TXPowerTrackingCallbackCnt++; //cosa add for debug
+ pdmpriv->bTXPowerTrackingInit = _TRUE;
+ if(pHalData->CurrentChannel == 14 && !pdmpriv->bCCKinCH14)
+ pdmpriv->bCCKinCH14 = _TRUE;
+ else if(pHalData->CurrentChannel != 14 && pdmpriv->bCCKinCH14)
+ pdmpriv->bCCKinCH14 = _FALSE;
+ //DBG_8192C("===>dm_TXPowerTrackingCallback_ThermalMeter_92C\n");
+ ThermalValue = (u8)PHY_QueryRFReg(Adapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_T_METER, 0x1f); // 0x24: RF Reg[4:0]
+ //DBG_8192C("\n\nReadback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x EEPROMthermalmeter 0x%x\n",ThermalValue,pdmpriv->ThermalValue, pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter);
+ rtl8192c_PHY_APCalibrate(Adapter, (ThermalValue - pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter));
+ if(is2T)
+ rf = 2;
+ else
+ rf = 1;
+ if(ThermalValue)
+ {
+// if(!pHalData->ThermalValue)
+ {
+ //Query OFDM path A default setting
+ ele_D = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XATxIQImbalance, bMaskDWord)&bMaskOFDM_D;
+ for(i=0; i<OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_92C; i++) //find the index
+ {
+ if(ele_D == (OFDMSwingTable[i]&bMaskOFDM_D))
+ {
+ OFDM_index_old[0] = (u8)i;
+ //DBG_8192C("Initial pathA ele_D reg0x%x = 0x%x, OFDM_index=0x%x\n", rOFDM0_XATxIQImbalance, ele_D, OFDM_index_old[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Query OFDM path B default setting
+ if(is2T)
+ {
+ ele_D = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XBTxIQImbalance, bMaskDWord)&bMaskOFDM_D;
+ for(i=0; i<OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_92C; i++) //find the index
+ {
+ if(ele_D == (OFDMSwingTable[i]&bMaskOFDM_D))
+ {
+ OFDM_index_old[1] = (u8)i;
+ //DBG_8192C("Initial pathB ele_D reg0x%x = 0x%x, OFDM_index=0x%x\n",rOFDM0_XBTxIQImbalance, ele_D, OFDM_index_old[1]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Query CCK default setting From 0xa24
+ TempCCk = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, rCCK0_TxFilter2, bMaskDWord)&bMaskCCK;
+ for(i=0 ; i<CCK_TABLE_SIZE ; i++)
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->bCCKinCH14)
+ {
+ if(_rtw_memcmp((void*)&TempCCk, (void*)&CCKSwingTable_Ch14[i][2], 4)==_TRUE)
+ {
+ CCK_index_old =(u8)i;
+ //DBG_8192C("Initial reg0x%x = 0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x, ch 14 %d\n", rCCK0_TxFilter2, TempCCk, CCK_index_old, pdmpriv->bCCKinCH14);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(_rtw_memcmp((void*)&TempCCk, (void*)&CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][2], 4)==_TRUE)
+ {
+ CCK_index_old =(u8)i;
+ //DBG_8192C("Initial reg0x%x = 0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x, ch14 %d\n", rCCK0_TxFilter2, TempCCk, CCK_index_old, pdmpriv->bCCKinCH14);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!pdmpriv->ThermalValue)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue = pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter;
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue_LCK = ThermalValue;
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue_IQK = ThermalValue;
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue_DPK = pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter;
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ pdmpriv->OFDM_index_HP[i] = pdmpriv->OFDM_index[i] = OFDM_index_old[i];
+ pdmpriv->CCK_index_HP = pdmpriv->CCK_index = CCK_index_old;
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ pdmpriv->OFDM_index[i] = OFDM_index_old[i];
+ pdmpriv->CCK_index = CCK_index_old;
+ }
+ if(pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_USB_High_PA)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue_HP[pdmpriv->ThermalValue_HP_index] = ThermalValue;
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue_HP_index++;
+ if(pdmpriv->ThermalValue_HP_index == HP_THERMAL_NUM)
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue_HP_index = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < HP_THERMAL_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->ThermalValue_HP[i])
+ {
+ ThermalValue_HP += pdmpriv->ThermalValue_HP[i];
+ ThermalValue_HP_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ThermalValue_HP_count)
+ ThermalValue = (u8)(ThermalValue_HP / ThermalValue_HP_count);
+ }
+ }
+ delta = (ThermalValue > pdmpriv->ThermalValue)?(ThermalValue - pdmpriv->ThermalValue):(pdmpriv->ThermalValue - ThermalValue);
+ if(pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_USB_High_PA)
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->bDoneTxpower)
+ delta_HP = (ThermalValue > pdmpriv->ThermalValue)?(ThermalValue - pdmpriv->ThermalValue):(pdmpriv->ThermalValue - ThermalValue);
+ else
+ delta_HP = ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter?(ThermalValue - pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter):(pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter - ThermalValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delta_HP = 0;
+ }
+ delta_LCK = (ThermalValue > pdmpriv->ThermalValue_LCK)?(ThermalValue - pdmpriv->ThermalValue_LCK):(pdmpriv->ThermalValue_LCK - ThermalValue);
+ delta_IQK = (ThermalValue > pdmpriv->ThermalValue_IQK)?(ThermalValue - pdmpriv->ThermalValue_IQK):(pdmpriv->ThermalValue_IQK - ThermalValue);
+ //DBG_8192C("Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%lx pre thermal meter 0x%lx EEPROMthermalmeter 0x%lx delta 0x%lx delta_LCK 0x%lx delta_IQK 0x%lx\n", ThermalValue, pHalData->ThermalValue, pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter, delta, delta_LCK, delta_IQK);
+ if(delta_LCK > 1)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue_LCK = ThermalValue;
+ rtl8192c_PHY_LCCalibrate(Adapter);
+ }
+ if((delta > 0 || delta_HP > 0) && pdmpriv->TxPowerTrackControl)
+ {
+ if(pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_USB_High_PA)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->bDoneTxpower = _TRUE;
+ delta_HP = ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter?(ThermalValue - pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter):(pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter - ThermalValue);
+ if(delta_HP > index_mapping_HP_NUM-1)
+ index_HP = index_mapping_HP[index_mapping_HP_NUM-1];
+ else
+ index_HP = index_mapping_HP[delta_HP];
+ if(ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter) //set larger Tx power
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ OFDM_index[i] = pdmpriv->OFDM_index_HP[i] - index_HP;
+ CCK_index = pdmpriv->CCK_index_HP -index_HP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ OFDM_index[i] = pdmpriv->OFDM_index_HP[i] + index_HP;
+ CCK_index = pdmpriv->CCK_index_HP + index_HP;
+ }
+ delta_HP = (ThermalValue > pdmpriv->ThermalValue)?(ThermalValue - pdmpriv->ThermalValue):(pdmpriv->ThermalValue - ThermalValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(ThermalValue > pdmpriv->ThermalValue)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ pdmpriv->OFDM_index[i] -= delta;
+ pdmpriv->CCK_index -= delta;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ pdmpriv->OFDM_index[i] += delta;
+ pdmpriv->CCK_index += delta;
+ }
+ }
+ /*if(is2T)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x, OFDM_B_index=0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x\n",
+ pdmpriv->OFDM_index[0], pdmpriv->OFDM_index[1], pdmpriv->CCK_index);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x\n",
+ pdmpriv->OFDM_index[0], pdmpriv->CCK_index);
+ }*/
+ //no adjust
+ if(pHalData->BoardType != BOARD_USB_High_PA)
+ {
+ if(ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ OFDM_index[i] = pdmpriv->OFDM_index[i]+1;
+ CCK_index = pdmpriv->CCK_index+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ OFDM_index[i] = pdmpriv->OFDM_index[i];
+ CCK_index = pdmpriv->CCK_index;
+ }
+#if MP_DRIVER == 1
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ {
+ if(TxPwrLevel[i] >=0 && TxPwrLevel[i] <=26)
+ {
+ if(ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter)
+ {
+ if (delta < 5)
+ OFDM_index[i] -= 1;
+ else
+ OFDM_index[i] -= 2;
+ }
+ else if(delta > 5 && ThermalValue < pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter)
+ {
+ OFDM_index[i] += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (TxPwrLevel[i] >= 27 && TxPwrLevel[i] <= 32 && ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter)
+ {
+ if (delta < 5)
+ OFDM_index[i] -= 1;
+ else
+ OFDM_index[i] -= 2;
+ }
+ else if (TxPwrLevel[i] >= 32 && TxPwrLevel[i] <= 38 && ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter && delta > 5)
+ {
+ OFDM_index[i] -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if(TxPwrLevel[i] >=0 && TxPwrLevel[i] <=26)
+ {
+ if(ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter)
+ {
+ if (delta < 5)
+ CCK_index -= 1;
+ else
+ CCK_index -= 2;
+ }
+ else if(delta > 5 && ThermalValue < pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter)
+ {
+ CCK_index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (TxPwrLevel[i] >= 27 && TxPwrLevel[i] <= 32 && ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter)
+ {
+ if (delta < 5)
+ CCK_index -= 1;
+ else
+ CCK_index -= 2;
+ }
+ else if (TxPwrLevel[i] >= 32 && TxPwrLevel[i] <= 38 && ThermalValue > pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter && delta > 5)
+ {
+ CCK_index -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < rf; i++)
+ {
+ if(OFDM_index[i] > (OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_92C-1))
+ OFDM_index[i] = (OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_92C-1);
+ else if (OFDM_index[i] < OFDM_min_index)
+ OFDM_index[i] = OFDM_min_index;
+ }
+ if(CCK_index > (CCK_TABLE_SIZE-1))
+ CCK_index = (CCK_TABLE_SIZE-1);
+ else if (CCK_index < 0)
+ CCK_index = 0;
+ /*if(is2T)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("new OFDM_A_index=0x%x, OFDM_B_index=0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x\n",
+ OFDM_index[0], OFDM_index[1], CCK_index);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("new OFDM_A_index=0x%x, CCK_index=0x%x\n",
+ OFDM_index[0], CCK_index);
+ }*/
+ }
+ if(pdmpriv->TxPowerTrackControl && (delta != 0 || delta_HP != 0))
+ {
+ //Adujst OFDM Ant_A according to IQK result
+ ele_D = (OFDMSwingTable[OFDM_index[0]] & 0xFFC00000)>>22;
+ X = pdmpriv->RegE94;
+ Y = pdmpriv->RegE9C;
+ if(X != 0)
+ {
+ if ((X & 0x00000200) != 0)
+ X = X | 0xFFFFFC00;
+ ele_A = ((X * ele_D)>>8)&0x000003FF;
+ //new element C = element D x Y
+ if ((Y & 0x00000200) != 0)
+ Y = Y | 0xFFFFFC00;
+ ele_C = ((Y * ele_D)>>8)&0x000003FF;
+ //wirte new elements A, C, D to regC80 and regC94, element B is always 0
+ value32 = (ele_D<<22)|((ele_C&0x3F)<<16)|ele_A;
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XATxIQImbalance, bMaskDWord, value32);
+ value32 = (ele_C&0x000003C0)>>6;
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XCTxAFE, bMaskH4Bits, value32);
+ value32 = ((X * ele_D)>>7)&0x01;
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_ECCAThreshold, BIT31, value32);
+ value32 = ((Y * ele_D)>>7)&0x01;
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_ECCAThreshold, BIT29, value32);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XATxIQImbalance, bMaskDWord, OFDMSwingTable[OFDM_index[0]]);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XCTxAFE, bMaskH4Bits, 0x00);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_ECCAThreshold, BIT31|BIT29, 0x00);
+ }
+ //RTPRINT(FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("TxPwrTracking path A: X = 0x%x, Y = 0x%x ele_A = 0x%x ele_C = 0x%x ele_D = 0x%x\n", X, Y, ele_A, ele_C, ele_D));
+ //Adjust CCK according to IQK result
+ if(!pdmpriv->bCCKinCH14){
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa22, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][0]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa23, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][1]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa24, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][2]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa25, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][3]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa26, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][4]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa27, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][5]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa28, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][6]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa29, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][7]);
+ }
+ else{
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa22, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][0]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa23, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][1]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa24, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][2]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa25, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][3]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa26, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][4]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa27, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][5]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa28, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][6]);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0xa29, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][7]);
+ }
+ if(is2T)
+ {
+ ele_D = (OFDMSwingTable[(u8)OFDM_index[1]] & 0xFFC00000)>>22;
+ //new element A = element D x X
+ X = pdmpriv->RegEB4;
+ Y = pdmpriv->RegEBC;
+ if(X != 0){
+ if ((X & 0x00000200) != 0) //consider minus
+ X = X | 0xFFFFFC00;
+ ele_A = ((X * ele_D)>>8)&0x000003FF;
+ //new element C = element D x Y
+ if ((Y & 0x00000200) != 0)
+ Y = Y | 0xFFFFFC00;
+ ele_C = ((Y * ele_D)>>8)&0x00003FF;
+ //wirte new elements A, C, D to regC88 and regC9C, element B is always 0
+ value32=(ele_D<<22)|((ele_C&0x3F)<<16) |ele_A;
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XBTxIQImbalance, bMaskDWord, value32);
+ value32 = (ele_C&0x000003C0)>>6;
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XDTxAFE, bMaskH4Bits, value32);
+ value32 = ((X * ele_D)>>7)&0x01;
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_ECCAThreshold, BIT27, value32);
+ value32 = ((Y * ele_D)>>7)&0x01;
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_ECCAThreshold, BIT25, value32);
+ }
+ else{
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XBTxIQImbalance, bMaskDWord, OFDMSwingTable[OFDM_index[1]]);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_XDTxAFE, bMaskH4Bits, 0x00);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM0_ECCAThreshold, BIT27|BIT25, 0x00);
+ }
+ //DBG_8192C("TxPwrTracking path B: X = 0x%x, Y = 0x%x ele_A = 0x%x ele_C = 0x%x ele_D = 0x%x\n", X, Y, ele_A, ele_C, ele_D);
+ }
+ /*
+ DBG_8192C("TxPwrTracking 0xc80 = 0x%x, 0xc94 = 0x%x RF 0x24 = 0x%x\n", \
+ PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, 0xc80, bMaskDWord),\
+ PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, 0xc94, bMaskDWord), \
+ PHY_QueryRFReg(Adapter, RF_PATH_A, 0x24, bMaskDWord));
+ */
+ }
+#if MP_DRIVER == 1
+ if(delta_IQK > 1)
+ if(delta_IQK > 3)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue_IQK = ThermalValue;
+ rtl8192c_PHY_IQCalibrate(Adapter,_FALSE);
+ }
+ //update thermal meter value
+ if(pdmpriv->TxPowerTrackControl)
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue = ThermalValue;
+ }
+ //DBG_8192C("<===dm_TXPowerTrackingCallback_ThermalMeter_92C\n");
+ pdmpriv->TXPowercount = 0;
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ //pMgntInfo->bTXPowerTracking = _TRUE;
+ pdmpriv->TXPowercount = 0;
+ pdmpriv->bTXPowerTrackingInit = _FALSE;
+ pdmpriv->ThermalValue = 0;
+#if (MP_DRIVER != 1) //for mp driver, turn off txpwrtracking as default
+ pdmpriv->TxPowerTrackControl = _TRUE;
+ MSG_8192C("pdmpriv->TxPowerTrackControl = %d\n", pdmpriv->TxPowerTrackControl);
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ dm_InitializeTXPowerTracking_ThermalMeter(Adapter);
+// Description:
+// - Dispatch TxPower Tracking direct call ONLY for 92s.
+// - We shall NOT schedule Workitem within PASSIVE LEVEL, which will cause system resource
+// leakage under some platform.
+// Assumption:
+// PASSIVE_LEVEL when this routine is called.
+// Added by Roger, 2009.06.18.
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ dm_TXPowerTrackingCallback_ThermalMeter_92C(Adapter);
+static VOID
+ IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ //u1Byte TxPowerCheckCnt = 5; //10 sec
+ //if(!pMgntInfo->bTXPowerTracking /*|| (!pdmpriv->TxPowerTrackControl && pdmpriv->bAPKdone)*/)
+ if(!(pdmpriv->DMFlag & DYNAMIC_FUNC_SS))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!pdmpriv->TM_Trigger) //at least delay 1 sec
+ {
+ //pHalData->TxPowerCheckCnt++; //cosa add for debug
+ PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_T_METER, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x60);
+ //DBG_8192C("Trigger 92C Thermal Meter!!\n");
+ pdmpriv->TM_Trigger = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("Schedule TxPowerTracking direct call!!\n");
+ DM_TXPowerTracking92CDirectCall(Adapter); //Using direct call is instead, added by Roger, 2009.06.18.
+ pdmpriv->TM_Trigger = 0;
+ }
+ IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ dm_CheckTXPowerTracking_ThermalMeter(Adapter);
+static BOOLEAN BT_BTStateChange(PADAPTER Adapter)
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &(pHalData->bt_coexist);
+ struct registry_priv *registry_par = &Adapter->registrypriv;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(Adapter->mlmepriv);
+ u32 Polling, Ratio_Tx, Ratio_PRI;
+ u32 BT_Tx, BT_PRI;
+ u8 BT_State;
+ static u8 ServiceTypeCnt = 0;
+ u8 CurServiceType;
+ static u8 LastServiceType = BT_Idle;
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _FALSE)
+ return _FALSE;
+ BT_State = rtw_read8(Adapter, 0x4fd);
+ temp = PlatformEFIORead4Byte(Adapter, 0x488);
+ BT_Tx = (u2Byte)(((temp<<8)&0xff00)+((temp>>8)&0xff));
+ BT_PRI = (u2Byte)(((temp>>8)&0xff00)+((temp>>24)&0xff));
+ temp = PlatformEFIORead4Byte(Adapter, 0x48c);
+ Polling = ((temp<<8)&0xff000000) + ((temp>>8)&0x00ff0000) +
+ ((temp<<8)&0x0000ff00) + ((temp>>8)&0x000000ff);
+ BT_Tx = rtw_read32(Adapter, 0x488);
+ DBG_8192C("Ratio 0x488 =%x\n", BT_Tx);
+ BT_Tx =BT_Tx & 0x00ffffff;
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio BT_Tx =%x\n", BT_Tx));
+ BT_PRI = rtw_read32(Adapter, 0x48c);
+ DBG_8192C("Ratio 0x48c =%x\n", BT_PRI);
+ BT_PRI =BT_PRI & 0x00ffffff;
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio BT_PRI =%x\n", BT_PRI));
+ Polling = rtw_read32(Adapter, 0x490);
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio 0x490 =%x\n", Polling));
+ if(BT_Tx==0xffffffff && BT_PRI==0xffffffff && Polling==0xffffffff && BT_State==0xff)
+ return _FALSE;
+ BT_State &= BIT0;
+ if(BT_State != pbtpriv->BT_CUR_State)
+ {
+ pbtpriv->BT_CUR_State = BT_State;
+ if(registry_par->bt_sco == 3)
+ {
+ ServiceTypeCnt = 0;
+ pbtpriv->BT_Service = BT_Idle;
+ DBG_8192C("BT_%s\n", BT_State?"ON":"OFF");
+ BT_State = BT_State |
+ ((pbtpriv->BT_Ant_isolation==1)?0:BIT1) |BIT2;
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0x4fd, BT_State);
+ DBG_8192C("BT set 0x4fd to %x\n", BT_State);
+ }
+ return _TRUE;
+ }
+ DBG_8192C("bRegBT_Sco = %d\n",registry_par->bt_sco);
+ Ratio_Tx = BT_Tx*1000/Polling;
+ Ratio_PRI = BT_PRI*1000/Polling;
+ pbtpriv->Ratio_Tx=Ratio_Tx;
+ pbtpriv->Ratio_PRI=Ratio_PRI;
+ DBG_8192C("Ratio_Tx=%d\n", Ratio_Tx);
+ DBG_8192C("Ratio_PRI=%d\n", Ratio_PRI);
+ if(BT_State && registry_par->bt_sco==3)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("bt_sco ==3 Follow Counter\n");
+// if(BT_Tx==0xffff && BT_PRI==0xffff && Polling==0xffffffff)
+// {
+// ServiceTypeCnt = 0;
+// return FALSE;
+// }
+// else
+ {
+ /*
+ Ratio_Tx = BT_Tx*1000/Polling;
+ Ratio_PRI = BT_PRI*1000/Polling;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.Ratio_Tx=Ratio_Tx;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.Ratio_PRI=Ratio_PRI;
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio_Tx=%d\n", Ratio_Tx));
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio_PRI=%d\n", Ratio_PRI));
+ */
+ if((Ratio_Tx < 30) && (Ratio_PRI < 30))
+ CurServiceType = BT_Idle;
+ else if((Ratio_PRI > 110) && (Ratio_PRI < 250))
+ CurServiceType = BT_SCO;
+ else if((Ratio_Tx >= 200)&&(Ratio_PRI >= 200))
+ CurServiceType = BT_Busy;
+ else if((Ratio_Tx >=350) && (Ratio_Tx < 500))
+ CurServiceType = BT_OtherBusy;
+ else if(Ratio_Tx >=500)
+ CurServiceType = BT_PAN;
+ else
+ CurServiceType=BT_OtherAction;
+ }
+/* if(pHalData->bt_coexist.bStopCount)
+ {
+ ServiceTypeCnt=0;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.bStopCount=FALSE;
+ }
+// if(CurServiceType == BT_OtherBusy)
+ {
+ ServiceTypeCnt=2;
+ LastServiceType=CurServiceType;
+ }
+#if 0
+ else if(CurServiceType == LastServiceType)
+ {
+ if(ServiceTypeCnt<3)
+ ServiceTypeCnt++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ServiceTypeCnt = 0;
+ LastServiceType = CurServiceType;
+ }
+ if(ServiceTypeCnt==2)
+ {
+ pbtpriv->BT_Service = LastServiceType;
+ BT_State = BT_State |
+ ((pbtpriv->BT_Ant_isolation==1)?0:BIT1) |
+ //((pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_SCO)?0:BIT2);
+ ((pbtpriv->BT_Service!=BT_Idle)?0:BIT2);
+ //if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_Busy)
+ // BT_State&= ~(BIT2);
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_SCO)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_SCO\n");
+ }
+ else if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_Idle)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_Idle\n");
+ }
+ else if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_OtherAction)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_OtherAction\n");
+ }
+ else if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_Busy)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_Busy\n");
+ }
+ else if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_PAN)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_PAN\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_OtherBusy\n");
+ }
+ //Add interrupt migration when bt is not in idel state (no traffic).
+ //suggestion by Victor.
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Service!=BT_Idle)//EDCA_VI_PARAM modify
+ {
+ rtw_write16(Adapter, 0x504, 0x0ccc);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0x506, 0x54);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0x507, 0x54);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0x506, 0x00);
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0x507, 0x00);
+ }
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, 0x4fd, BT_State);
+ DBG_8192C("BT_SCO set 0x4fd to %x\n", BT_State);
+ return _TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return _FALSE;
+static BOOLEAN
+ )
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(Adapter->mlmepriv);
+// PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ static BOOLEAN bMediaConnect = _FALSE;
+ //if(!pMgntInfo->bMediaConnect || MgntRoamingInProgress(pMgntInfo))
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _FALSE)
+ {
+ bMediaConnect = _FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!bMediaConnect)
+ {
+ bMediaConnect = _TRUE;
+ return _TRUE;
+ }
+ bMediaConnect = _TRUE;
+ }
+ return _FALSE;
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(Adapter->mlmepriv);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ s32 average_rssi;
+ {
+ average_rssi = pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ average_rssi = pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ }
+ return average_rssi;
+static u8 BT_RssiStateChange(
+ )
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(Adapter->mlmepriv);
+ struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &(pHalData->bt_coexist);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ //PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ s32 UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ u8 CurrBtRssiState = 0x00;
+ //if(pMgntInfo->bMediaConnect) // Default port
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = GET_UNDECORATED_AVERAGE_RSSI(Adapter);
+ }
+ else // associated entry pwdb
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB == 0)
+ UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 100; // No any RSSI information. Assume to be MAX.
+ else
+ UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ }
+ // Check RSSI to determine HighPower/NormalPower state for BT coexistence.
+ if(UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= 67)
+ else if(UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < 62)
+ // Check RSSI to determine AMPDU setting for BT coexistence.
+ if(UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= 40)
+ CurrBtRssiState &= (~BT_RSSI_STATE_AMDPU_OFF);
+ else if(UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB <= 32)
+ // Marked RSSI state. It will be used to determine BT coexistence setting later.
+ if(UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < 35)
+ else
+ CurrBtRssiState &= (~BT_RSSI_STATE_SPECIAL_LOW);
+ // Check BT state related to BT_Idle in B/G mode.
+ if(UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < 15)
+ else
+ CurrBtRssiState &= (~BT_RSSI_STATE_BG_EDCA_LOW);
+ if(CurrBtRssiState != pbtpriv->BtRssiState)
+ {
+ pbtpriv->BtRssiState = CurrBtRssiState;
+ return _TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return _FALSE;
+ }
+static void dm_BTCoexist(PADAPTER Adapter )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(Adapter->mlmepriv);
+ struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &Adapter->mlmeextpriv.mlmext_info;
+ struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &Adapter->mlmeextpriv;
+ struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &(pHalData->bt_coexist);
+ //PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ u8 BT_gpio_mux;
+ BOOLEAN bWifiConnectChange, bBtStateChange,bRssiStateChange;
+ if(pbtpriv->bCOBT == _FALSE) return;
+ if(!( pdmpriv->DMFlag & DYNAMIC_FUNC_BT)) return;
+ if( (pbtpriv->BT_Coexist) &&(pbtpriv->BT_CoexistType == BT_CSR_BC4) && (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _FALSE) )
+ {
+ bWifiConnectChange = BT_WifiConnectChange(Adapter);
+ bBtStateChange = BT_BTStateChange(Adapter);
+ bRssiStateChange = BT_RssiStateChange(Adapter);
+ DBG_8192C("bWifiConnectChange %d, bBtStateChange %d,bRssiStateChange %d\n",
+ bWifiConnectChange,bBtStateChange,bRssiStateChange);
+ // add by hpfan for debug message
+ BT_gpio_mux = rtw_read8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG);
+ DBG_8192C("BTCoexit Reg_0x40 (%2x)\n", BT_gpio_mux);
+ if( bWifiConnectChange ||bBtStateChange ||bRssiStateChange )
+ {
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_CUR_State)
+ {
+ // Do not allow receiving A-MPDU aggregation.
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Ampdu)// 0:Disable BT control A-MPDU, 1:Enable BT control A-MPDU.
+ {
+ if(pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == ciscoAP)
+ {
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Service!=BT_Idle)
+ {
+ if(pmlmeinfo->bAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Disallow AMPDU \n");
+ pmlmeinfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = _FALSE;
+ send_delba(Adapter,0, get_my_bssid(&(pmlmeinfo->network)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!pmlmeinfo->bAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Allow AMPDU RSSI >=40\n");
+ pmlmeinfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = _TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!pmlmeinfo->bAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Allow AMPDU BT Idle\n");
+ pmlmeinfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = _TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ else if((pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_SCO) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_Busy))
+ {
+ if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRssiState & BT_RSSI_STATE_AMDPU_OFF)
+ {
+ if(pMgntInfo->bBT_Ampdu && pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Disallow AMPDU RSSI <=32\n"));
+ pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = FALSE;
+ if(GetTs(Adapter, (PTS_COMMON_INFO*)(&pRxTs), pMgntInfo->Bssid, 0, RX_DIR, FALSE))
+ TsInitDelBA(Adapter, (PTS_COMMON_INFO)pRxTs, RX_DIR);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pMgntInfo->bBT_Ampdu && !pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pMgntInfo->bBT_Ampdu && !pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Allow AMPDU BT not in SCO or BUSY\n"));
+ pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Ant_isolation)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_IsolationLow\n");
+// 20100427 Joseph: Do not adjust Rate adaptive for BT coexist suggested by SD3.
+#if 0
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Update Rate table\n"));
+ if(pMgntInfo->bUseRAMask)
+ {
+ // 20100407 Joseph: Fix rate adaptive modification for BT coexist.
+ // This fix is not complete yet. It shall also consider VWifi and Adhoc case,
+ // which connect with multiple STAs.
+ Adapter->HalFunc.UpdateHalRAMaskHandler(
+ Adapter,
+ 0,
+ pMgntInfo->RateAdaptive.RATRState,
+ RAMask_Normal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Adapter->HalFunc.UpdateHalRATRTableHandler(
+ Adapter,
+ &pMgntInfo->dot11OperationalRateSet,
+ pMgntInfo->dot11HTOperationalRateSet,NULL);
+ }
+ // 20100415 Joseph: Modify BT coexist mechanism suggested by Yaying.
+ // Now we only enable HW BT coexist when BT in "Busy" state.
+ if(1)//pMgntInfo->LinkDetectInfo.NumRecvDataInPeriod >= 20)
+ {
+ if((pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == ciscoAP) &&
+ pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_OtherAction)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Turn ON Coexist\n");
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0xa0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_Busy) &&
+ (pbtpriv->BtRssiState & BT_RSSI_STATE_NORMAL_POWER))
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Turn ON Coexist\n");
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0xa0);
+ }
+ else if((pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_OtherAction) &&
+ (pbtpriv->BtRssiState & BT_RSSI_STATE_SPECIAL_LOW))
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Turn ON Coexist\n");
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0xa0);
+ }
+ else if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_PAN)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Turn ON Coexist\n");
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0x00);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Turn OFF Coexist\n");
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0x00);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT: There is no Wifi traffic!! Turn off Coexist\n");
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0x00);
+ }
+ if(1)//pMgntInfo->LinkDetectInfo.NumRecvDataInPeriod >= 20)
+ {
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_PAN)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Turn ON Coexist(Reg0x44 = 0x10100)\n");
+ rtw_write32(Adapter, REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL, 0x10100);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Turn OFF Coexist(Reg0x44 = 0x0)\n");
+ rtw_write32(Adapter, REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL, 0x0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT: There is no Wifi traffic!! Turn off Coexist(Reg0x44 = 0x0)\n");
+ rtw_write32(Adapter, REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL, 0x0);
+ }
+ // 20100430 Joseph: Integrate the BT coexistence EDCA tuning here.
+ if(pbtpriv->BtRssiState & BT_RSSI_STATE_NORMAL_POWER)
+ {
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_OtherBusy)
+ {
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0x5ea72b;
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0x5ea72b;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK] = 0x5ea72b;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK] = 0x5ea72b;
+ DBG_8192C("BT in BT_OtherBusy state Tx (%d) >350 parameter(0x%x) = 0x%x\n", pbtpriv->Ratio_Tx ,REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, 0x5ea72b);
+ }
+ else if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_Busy)
+ {
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0x5eb82f;
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0x5eb82f;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK] = 0x5eb82f;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK] = 0x5eb82f;
+ DBG_8192C("BT in BT_Busy state parameter(0x%x) = 0x%x\n", REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, 0x5eb82f);
+ }
+ else if(pbtpriv->BT_Service==BT_SCO)
+ {
+ if(pbtpriv->Ratio_Tx>160)
+ {
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0x5ea72f;
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0x5ea72f;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK] = 0x5ea72f;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK] = 0x5ea72f;
+ DBG_8192C("BT in BT_SCO state Tx (%d) >160 parameter(0x%x) = 0x%x\n",pbtpriv->Ratio_Tx, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, 0x5ea72f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0x5ea32b;
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0x5ea42b;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK] = 0x5ea32b;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK] = 0x5ea42b;
+ DBG_8192C("BT in BT_SCO state Tx (%d) <160 parameter(0x%x) = 0x%x\n", pbtpriv->Ratio_Tx,REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, 0x5ea32f);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // BT coexistence mechanism does not control EDCA parameter.
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0;
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK] = 0;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK] = 0;
+ DBG_8192C("BT in State %d and parameter(0x%x) use original setting.\n",pbtpriv->BT_Service, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM);
+ }
+ if((pbtpriv->BT_Service!=BT_Idle) &&
+ (pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode == WIRELESS_MODE_G) &&
+ (pbtpriv->BtRssiState & BT_RSSI_STATE_BG_EDCA_LOW))
+ {
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0x5eb82b;
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0x5eb82b;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK] = 0x5eb82b;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK] = 0x5eb82b;
+ DBG_8192C("BT set parameter(0x%x) = 0x%x\n", REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, 0x5eb82b);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // BT coexistence mechanism does not control EDCA parameter.
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0;
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK] = 0;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK] = 0;
+ }
+ // 20100415 Joseph: Set RF register 0x1E and 0x1F for BT coexist suggested by Yaying.
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Service!=BT_Idle)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT Set RfReg0x1E[7:4] = 0x%x \n", 0xf);
+ PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, PathA, 0x1e, 0xf0, 0xf);
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT Set RfReg0x1E[7:4] = 0x%x \n", 0xf));
+ //PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, PathA, 0x1f, 0xf0, 0xf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT Set RfReg0x1E[7:4] = 0x%x \n",pbtpriv->BtRfRegOrigin1E);
+ PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, PathA, 0x1e, 0xf0, pbtpriv->BtRfRegOrigin1E);
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT Set RfReg0x1F[7:4] = 0x%x \n", pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRfRegOrigin1F));
+ //PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, PathA, 0x1f, 0xf0, pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRfRegOrigin1F);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_IsolationHigh\n");
+ // Do nothing.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Ampdu && !pmlmeinfo->bAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Allow AMPDU bt is off\n");
+ pmlmeinfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = _TRUE;
+ }
+ DBG_8192C("BT_Turn OFF Coexist bt is off \n");
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0x00);
+ DBG_8192C("BT Set RfReg0x1E[7:4] = 0x%x \n", pbtpriv->BtRfRegOrigin1E);
+ PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, PathA, 0x1e, 0xf0, pbtpriv->BtRfRegOrigin1E);
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT Set RfReg0x1F[7:4] = 0x%x \n", pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRfRegOrigin1F));
+ //PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, PathA, 0x1f, 0xf0, pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRfRegOrigin1F);
+ // BT coexistence mechanism does not control EDCA parameter since BT is disabled.
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0;
+ //pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK] = 0;
+ pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK] = 0;
+// 20100427 Joseph: Do not adjust Rate adaptive for BT coexist suggested by SD3.
+#if 0
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Update Rate table\n"));
+ if(pMgntInfo->bUseRAMask)
+ {
+ // 20100407 Joseph: Fix rate adaptive modification for BT coexist.
+ // This fix is not complete yet. It shall also consider VWifi and Adhoc case,
+ // which connect with multiple STAs.
+ Adapter->HalFunc.UpdateHalRAMaskHandler(
+ Adapter,
+ 0,
+ pMgntInfo->RateAdaptive.RATRState,
+ RAMask_Normal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Adapter->HalFunc.UpdateHalRATRTableHandler(
+ Adapter,
+ &pMgntInfo->dot11OperationalRateSet,
+ pMgntInfo->dot11HTOperationalRateSet,NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void dm_InitBtCoexistDM( PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &(pHalData->bt_coexist);
+ if( !pbtpriv->BT_Coexist ) return;
+ pbtpriv->BtRfRegOrigin1E = (u8)PHY_QueryRFReg(Adapter, PathA, 0x1e, 0xf0);
+ pbtpriv->BtRfRegOrigin1F = (u8)PHY_QueryRFReg(Adapter, PathA, 0x1f, 0xf0);
+void rtl8192c_set_dm_bt_coexist(_adapter *padapter, u8 bStart)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
+ struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
+ struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
+ struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &(pHalData->bt_coexist);
+ pbtpriv->bCOBT = bStart;
+ send_delba(padapter,0, get_my_bssid(&(pmlmeinfo->network)));
+ send_delba(padapter,1, get_my_bssid(&(pmlmeinfo->network)));
+void rtl8192c_issue_delete_ba(_adapter *padapter, u8 dir)
+ struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &padapter->mlmeextpriv.mlmext_info;
+ DBG_8192C("issue_delete_ba : %s...\n",(dir==0)?"RX_DIR":"TX_DIR");
+ send_delba(padapter,dir, get_my_bssid(&(pmlmeinfo->network)));
+#if 0//def CONFIG_PCI_HCI
+ )
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ u4Byte temp, Polling, Ratio_Tx, Ratio_PRI;
+ u4Byte BT_Tx, BT_PRI;
+ u1Byte BT_State;
+ static u1Byte ServiceTypeCnt = 0;
+ u1Byte CurServiceType;
+ static u1Byte LastServiceType = BT_Idle;
+ if(!pMgntInfo->bMediaConnect)
+ return FALSE;
+ BT_State = PlatformEFIORead1Byte(Adapter, 0x4fd);
+ temp = PlatformEFIORead4Byte(Adapter, 0x488);
+ BT_Tx = (u2Byte)(((temp<<8)&0xff00)+((temp>>8)&0xff));
+ BT_PRI = (u2Byte)(((temp>>8)&0xff00)+((temp>>24)&0xff));
+ temp = PlatformEFIORead4Byte(Adapter, 0x48c);
+ Polling = ((temp<<8)&0xff000000) + ((temp>>8)&0x00ff0000) +
+ ((temp<<8)&0x0000ff00) + ((temp>>8)&0x000000ff);
+ BT_Tx = PlatformEFIORead4Byte(Adapter, 0x488);
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio 0x488 =%x\n", BT_Tx));
+ BT_Tx =BT_Tx & 0x00ffffff;
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio BT_Tx =%x\n", BT_Tx));
+ BT_PRI = PlatformEFIORead4Byte(Adapter, 0x48c);
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio Ratio 0x48c =%x\n", BT_PRI));
+ BT_PRI =BT_PRI & 0x00ffffff;
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio BT_PRI =%x\n", BT_PRI));
+ Polling = PlatformEFIORead4Byte(Adapter, 0x490);
+ //RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio 0x490 =%x\n", Polling));
+ if(BT_Tx==0xffffffff && BT_PRI==0xffffffff && Polling==0xffffffffff && BT_State==0xff)
+ return FALSE;
+ BT_State &= BIT0;
+ if(BT_State != pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_CUR_State)
+ {
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_CUR_State = BT_State;
+ if(pMgntInfo->bRegBT_Sco == 3)
+ {
+ ServiceTypeCnt = 0;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service = BT_Idle;
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_%s\n", BT_State?"ON":"OFF"));
+ BT_State = BT_State |
+ ((pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_isolation==1)?0:BIT1) |BIT2;
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, 0x4fd, BT_State);
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT set 0x4fd to %x\n", BT_State));
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("bRegBT_Sco %d\n", pMgntInfo->bRegBT_Sco));
+ Ratio_Tx = BT_Tx*1000/Polling;
+ Ratio_PRI = BT_PRI*1000/Polling;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.Ratio_Tx=Ratio_Tx;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.Ratio_PRI=Ratio_PRI;
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio_Tx=%d\n", Ratio_Tx));
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio_PRI=%d\n", Ratio_PRI));
+ if(BT_State && pMgntInfo->bRegBT_Sco==3)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("bRegBT_Sco ==3 Follow Counter\n"));
+// if(BT_Tx==0xffff && BT_PRI==0xffff && Polling==0xffffffff)
+// {
+// ServiceTypeCnt = 0;
+// return FALSE;
+// }
+// else
+ {
+ /*
+ Ratio_Tx = BT_Tx*1000/Polling;
+ Ratio_PRI = BT_PRI*1000/Polling;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.Ratio_Tx=Ratio_Tx;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.Ratio_PRI=Ratio_PRI;
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio_Tx=%d\n", Ratio_Tx));
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Ratio_PRI=%d\n", Ratio_PRI));
+ */
+ if((Ratio_Tx <= 50) && (Ratio_PRI <= 50))
+ CurServiceType = BT_Idle;
+ else if((Ratio_PRI > 150) && (Ratio_PRI < 200))
+ CurServiceType = BT_SCO;
+ else if((Ratio_Tx >= 200)&&(Ratio_PRI >= 200))
+ CurServiceType = BT_Busy;
+ else if(Ratio_Tx >= 350)
+ CurServiceType = BT_OtherBusy;
+ else
+ CurServiceType=BT_OtherAction;
+ }
+/* if(pHalData->bt_coexist.bStopCount)
+ {
+ ServiceTypeCnt=0;
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.bStopCount=FALSE;
+ }
+ if(CurServiceType == BT_OtherBusy)
+ {
+ ServiceTypeCnt=2;
+ LastServiceType=CurServiceType;
+ }
+ else if(CurServiceType == LastServiceType)
+ {
+ if(ServiceTypeCnt<3)
+ ServiceTypeCnt++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ServiceTypeCnt = 0;
+ LastServiceType = CurServiceType;
+ }
+ if(ServiceTypeCnt==2)
+ {
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service = LastServiceType;
+ BT_State = BT_State |
+ ((pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_isolation==1)?0:BIT1) |
+ ((pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_SCO)?0:BIT2);
+ if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_Busy)
+ BT_State&= ~(BIT2);
+ if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_SCO)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_SCO\n"));
+ }
+ else if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_Idle)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_Idle\n"));
+ }
+ else if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_OtherAction)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_OtherAction\n"));
+ }
+ else if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_Busy)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_Busy\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT TYPE Set to ==> BT_OtherBusy\n"));
+ }
+ //Add interrupt migration when bt is not in idel state (no traffic).
+ //suggestion by Victor.
+ if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service!=BT_Idle)
+ {
+ PlatformEFIOWrite2Byte(Adapter, 0x504, 0x0ccc);
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, 0x506, 0x54);
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, 0x507, 0x54);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, 0x506, 0x00);
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, 0x507, 0x00);
+ }
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, 0x4fd, BT_State);
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_SCO set 0x4fd to %x\n", BT_State));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ )
+ PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ static BOOLEAN bMediaConnect = FALSE;
+ if(!pMgntInfo->bMediaConnect || MgntRoamingInProgress(pMgntInfo))
+ {
+ bMediaConnect = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!bMediaConnect)
+ {
+ bMediaConnect = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ bMediaConnect = TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ )
+ PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ if(!Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegBT_Ampdu || !Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegAcceptAddbaReq)
+ return FALSE;
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("RSSI is %d\n",pHalData->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB));
+ if((pHalData->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB<=32) && pMgntInfo->pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Disallow AMPDU RSSI <=32 Need change\n"));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if((pHalData->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB>=40) && !pMgntInfo->pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq )
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Allow AMPDU RSSI >=40, Need change\n"));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &Adapter->MgntInfo;
+ static u1Byte LastTxPowerLvl = 0xff;
+ BOOLEAN bWifiConnectChange, bBtStateChange,bRSSIChangeWithAMPDU;
+ if( (pHalData->bt_coexist.BluetoothCoexist) &&
+ (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_CoexistType == BT_CSR_BC4) &&
+ (!ACTING_AS_AP(Adapter)) )
+ {
+ bWifiConnectChange = BT_WifiConnectChange(Adapter);
+ bBtStateChange = BT_BTStateChange(Adapter);
+ bRSSIChangeWithAMPDU = BT_RSSIChangeWithAMPDU(Adapter);
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("bWifiConnectChange %d, bBtStateChange %d,LastTxPowerLvl %x, DynamicTxHighPowerLvl %x\n",
+ bWifiConnectChange,bBtStateChange,LastTxPowerLvl,pHalData->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl));
+ if( bWifiConnectChange ||bBtStateChange ||
+ (LastTxPowerLvl != pHalData->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl) ||bRSSIChangeWithAMPDU)
+ {
+ LastTxPowerLvl = pHalData->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl;
+ if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_CUR_State)
+ {
+ // Do not allow receiving A-MPDU aggregation.
+ if((pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_SCO) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_Busy))
+ {
+ if(pHalData->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB<=32)
+ {
+ if(Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegBT_Ampdu && Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Disallow AMPDU RSSI <=32\n"));
+ pMgntInfo->pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = FALSE;
+ if(GetTs(Adapter, (PTS_COMMON_INFO*)(&pRxTs), pMgntInfo->Bssid, 0, RX_DIR, FALSE))
+ TsInitDelBA(Adapter, (PTS_COMMON_INFO)pRxTs, RX_DIR);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pHalData->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB>=40)
+ {
+ if(Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegBT_Ampdu && Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ pMgntInfo->pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegBT_Ampdu && Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Allow AMPDU BT not in SCO or BUSY\n"));
+ pMgntInfo->pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_isolation)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_IsolationLow\n"));
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Update Rate table\n"));
+ Adapter->HalFunc.UpdateHalRATRTableHandler(
+ Adapter,
+ &pMgntInfo->dot11OperationalRateSet,
+ pMgntInfo->dot11HTOperationalRateSet,NULL);
+ if(pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Service==BT_SCO)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Turn OFF Coexist with SCO \n"));
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0x14);
+ }
+ else if(pHalData->DynamicTxHighPowerLvl == TxHighPwrLevel_Normal)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Turn ON Coexist\n"));
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0xb4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Turn OFF Coexist\n"));
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0x14);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_IsolationHigh\n"));
+ // Do nothing.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegBT_Ampdu && Adapter->pNdisCommon->bRegAcceptAddbaReq)
+ {
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Allow AMPDU bt is off\n"));
+ pMgntInfo->pHTInfo->bAcceptAddbaReq = TRUE;
+ }
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Turn OFF Coexist bt is off \n"));
+ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, 0x14);
+ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_Update Rate table\n"));
+ Adapter->HalFunc.UpdateHalRATRTableHandler(
+ Adapter,
+ &pMgntInfo->dot11OperationalRateSet,
+ pMgntInfo->dot11HTOperationalRateSet,NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Function: dm_CheckRfCtrlGPIO()
+ *
+ * Overview: Copy 8187B template for 9xseries.
+ *
+ * Input: NONE
+ *
+ * Output: NONE
+ *
+ * Return: NONE
+ *
+ * Revised History:
+ * When Who Remark
+ * 01/10/2008 MHC Create Version 0.
+ *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static VOID
+ )
+#if 0
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_HCI) || defined (CONFIG_SDIO_HCI)
+ // 2010/08/12 MH Add for CU selective suspend.
+ #else
+ #endif
+ if(!Adapter->MgntInfo.PowerSaveControl.bGpioRfSw)
+ return;
+ RTPRINT(FPWR, PWRHW, ("dm_CheckRfCtrlGPIO \n"));
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_HCI) || defined (CONFIG_SDIO_HCI)
+ // Walk around for DTM test, we will not enable HW - radio on/off because r/w
+ // page 1 register before Lextra bus is enabled cause system fails when resuming
+ // from S4. 20080218, Emily
+ if(Adapter->bInHctTest)
+ return;
+//#if ((HAL_CODE_BASE == RTL8192_S) )
+ //Adapter->HalFunc.GPIOChangeRFHandler(Adapter, GPIORF_POLLING);
+ // 2010/07/27 MH Only Minicard and support selective suspend, we can not turn off all MAC power to
+ // stop 8051. For dongle and minicard, we both support selective suspend mode.
+ //if(pDevice->RegUsbSS && Adapter->HalFunc.GetInterfaceSelectionHandler(Adapter) == INTF_SEL2_MINICARD)
+ //
+ // 2010/08/12 MH We support severl power consumption combination as below.
+ //
+ // Power consumption combination
+ // SS Enable: (LPS disable + IPS + SW/HW radio off)
+ // 1. Dongle + PDN (support HW radio off)
+ // 2. Dongle + Normal (No HW radio off)
+ // 3. MiniCard + PDN (support HW radio off)
+ // 4. MiniCard + Normal (support HW radio off)
+ //
+ // SS Disable: (LPS + IPS + SW/HW radio off)
+ // 1. Dongle + PDN (support HW radio off)
+ // 2. Dongle + Normal (No HW radio off)
+ // 3. MiniCard + PDN (support HW radio off)
+ // 4. MiniCard + Normal (support HW radio off)
+ //
+ // For Power down module detection. We need to read power register no matter
+ // dongle or minicard, we will add the item is the detection method.
+ //
+ //
+ //vivi add du case
+ if ((IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8192CU(Adapter)||IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8192DU(Adapter))
+ && pDevice->RegUsbSS)
+ {
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("USB SS Enabled\n"));
+ { // Support HW radio detection
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("USB Card Type 2/3/4 support GPIO Detect\n"));
+ GpioDetectTimerStart(Adapter);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Dongle does not support HW radio detection.?? In the fufure??
+ }
+ }
+ else if (IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8192CU(Adapter) ||
+ IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8723AU(Adapter)||
+ IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8192DU(Adapter) ||
+ IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8723AS(Adapter))
+ { // Not support Selective suspend
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("USB SS Disable\n"));
+ {
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("USB Card Type 2/3/4 support GPIO Detect\n"));
+ PlatformScheduleWorkItem( &(pHalData->GPIOChangeRFWorkItem) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { // CE only support noemal HW radio detection now. Support timers GPIO detection in SE/CU.
+ PlatformScheduleWorkItem( &(pHalData->GPIOChangeRFWorkItem) );
+ }
+#else if defined CONFIG_PCI_HCI
+ if(Adapter->bInHctTest)
+ return;
+ // CE only support noemal HW radio detection now. We support timers GPIO detection in SE.
+ PlatformScheduleWorkItem( &(pHalData->GPIOChangeRFWorkItem) );
+} /* dm_CheckRfCtrlGPIO */
+static VOID
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ PRATE_ADAPTIVE pRA = (PRATE_ADAPTIVE)&pdmpriv->RateAdaptive;
+ if (pdmpriv->DM_Type == DM_Type_ByDriver)
+ pdmpriv->bUseRAMask = _TRUE;
+ else
+ pdmpriv->bUseRAMask = _FALSE;
+ * Function: dm_RefreshRateAdaptiveMask()
+ *
+ * Overview: Update rate table mask according to rssi
+ *
+ * Input: NONE
+ *
+ * Output: NONE
+ *
+ * Return: NONE
+ *
+ * Revised History:
+ * When Who Remark
+ * 05/27/2009 hpfan Create Version 0.
+ *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static VOID
+dm_RefreshRateAdaptiveMask( IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+#if 0
+ PADAPTER pTargetAdapter;
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ PRATE_ADAPTIVE pRA = (PRATE_ADAPTIVE)&pMgntInfo->RateAdaptive;
+ u4Byte LowRSSIThreshForRA = 0, HighRSSIThreshForRA = 0;
+ if(pAdapter->bDriverStopped)
+ {
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RATR, DBG_TRACE, ("<---- dm_RefreshRateAdaptiveMask(): driver is going to unload\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!pMgntInfo->bUseRAMask)
+ {
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RATR, DBG_LOUD, ("<---- dm_RefreshRateAdaptiveMask(): driver does not control rate adaptive mask\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ // if default port is connected, update RA table for default port (infrastructure mode only)
+ if(pAdapter->MgntInfo.mAssoc && (!ACTING_AS_AP(pAdapter)))
+ {
+ // decide rastate according to rssi
+ switch (pRA->PreRATRState)
+ {
+ HighRSSIThreshForRA = 50;
+ LowRSSIThreshForRA = 20;
+ break;
+ HighRSSIThreshForRA = 55;
+ LowRSSIThreshForRA = 20;
+ break;
+ HighRSSIThreshForRA = 50;
+ LowRSSIThreshForRA = 25;
+ break;
+ default:
+ HighRSSIThreshForRA = 50;
+ LowRSSIThreshForRA = 20;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(pHalData->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > (s4Byte)HighRSSIThreshForRA)
+ else if(pHalData->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > (s4Byte)LowRSSIThreshForRA)
+ else
+ if(pRA->PreRATRState != pRA->RATRState)
+ {
+ RT_PRINT_ADDR(COMP_RATR, DBG_LOUD, ("Target AP addr : "), pMgntInfo->Bssid);
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RATR, DBG_LOUD, ("RSSI = %d\n", pHalData->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB));
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RATR, DBG_LOUD, ("PreState = %d, CurState = %d\n", pRA->PreRATRState, pRA->RATRState));
+ pAdapter->HalFunc.UpdateHalRAMaskHandler(
+ pAdapter,
+ 0,
+ pRA->RATRState);
+ pRA->PreRATRState = pRA->RATRState;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // The following part configure AP/VWifi/IBSS rate adaptive mask.
+ //
+ if(ACTING_AS_AP(pAdapter) || ACTING_AS_IBSS(pAdapter))
+ {
+ pTargetAdapter = pAdapter;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pTargetAdapter = ADJUST_TO_ADAPTIVE_ADAPTER(pAdapter, FALSE);
+ if(!ACTING_AS_AP(pTargetAdapter))
+ pTargetAdapter = NULL;
+ }
+ // if extension port (softap) is started, updaet RA table for more than one clients associate
+ if(pTargetAdapter != NULL)
+ {
+ int i;
+ PRT_WLAN_STA pEntry;
+ for(i = 0; i < ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ if( pTargetAdapter->MgntInfo.AsocEntry[i].bUsed && pTargetAdapter->MgntInfo.AsocEntry[i].bAssociated)
+ {
+ pEntry = pTargetAdapter->MgntInfo.AsocEntry+i;
+ pEntryRA = &pEntry->RateAdaptive;
+ switch (pEntryRA->PreRATRState)
+ {
+ {
+ HighRSSIThreshForRA = 50;
+ LowRSSIThreshForRA = 20;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ HighRSSIThreshForRA = 55;
+ LowRSSIThreshForRA = 20;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ HighRSSIThreshForRA = 50;
+ LowRSSIThreshForRA = 25;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ HighRSSIThreshForRA = 50;
+ LowRSSIThreshForRA = 20;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > (s4Byte)HighRSSIThreshForRA)
+ else if(pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > (s4Byte)LowRSSIThreshForRA)
+ else
+ pEntryRA->RATRState = DM_RATR_STA_LOW;
+ if(pEntryRA->PreRATRState != pEntryRA->RATRState)
+ {
+ RT_PRINT_ADDR(COMP_RATR, DBG_LOUD, ("AsocEntry addr : "), pEntry->MacAddr);
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RATR, DBG_LOUD, ("RSSI = %d\n", pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB));
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_RATR, DBG_LOUD, ("PreState = %d, CurState = %d\n", pEntryRA->PreRATRState, pEntryRA->RATRState));
+ pAdapter->HalFunc.UpdateHalRAMaskHandler(
+ pTargetAdapter,
+ pEntry->AID+1,
+ pEntry->MacAddr,
+ pEntry,
+ pEntryRA->RATRState);
+ pEntryRA->PreRATRState = pEntryRA->RATRState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static VOID
+ )
+#if 0
+ PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &(Adapter->MgntInfo);
+ u1Byte CurRate, RateThreshold;
+ if(pMgntInfo->pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz)
+ RateThreshold = MGN_MCS1;
+ else
+ RateThreshold = MGN_MCS3;
+ if(Adapter->TxStats.CurrentInitTxRate <= RateThreshold)
+ {
+ pMgntInfo->bDmDisableProtect = TRUE;
+ DbgPrint("Forced disable protect: %x\n", Adapter->TxStats.CurrentInitTxRate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pMgntInfo->bDmDisableProtect = FALSE;
+ DbgPrint("Enable protect: %x\n", Adapter->TxStats.CurrentInitTxRate);
+ }
+static VOID
+ )
+#if 0
+ if(!Adapter->MgntInfo.bMediaConnect)
+ return;
+ //2008.12.10 tynli Add for getting Current_Tx_Rate_Reg flexibly.
+ rtw_hal_get_hwreg( Adapter, HW_VAR_INIT_TX_RATE, (pu1Byte)(&Adapter->TxStats.CurrentInitTxRate) );
+ // Calculate current Tx Rate(Successful transmited!!)
+ // Calculate current Rx Rate(Successful received!!)
+ //for tx tx retry count
+ rtw_hal_get_hwreg( Adapter, HW_VAR_RETRY_COUNT, (pu1Byte)(&Adapter->TxStats.NumTxRetryCount) );
+static void dm_CheckPbcGPIO(_adapter *padapter)
+ u8 tmp1byte;
+ u8 bPbcPressed = _FALSE;
+ int i=0;
+ if(!padapter->registrypriv.hw_wps_pbc)
+ return;
+ do
+ {
+ i++;
+ tmp1byte = rtw_read8(padapter, GPIO_IO_SEL);
+ tmp1byte |= (HAL_8192C_HW_GPIO_WPS_BIT);
+ rtw_write8(padapter, GPIO_IO_SEL, tmp1byte); //enable GPIO[2] as output mode
+ tmp1byte &= ~(HAL_8192C_HW_GPIO_WPS_BIT);
+ rtw_write8(padapter, GPIO_IN, tmp1byte); //reset the floating voltage level
+ tmp1byte = rtw_read8(padapter, GPIO_IO_SEL);
+ tmp1byte &= ~(HAL_8192C_HW_GPIO_WPS_BIT);
+ rtw_write8(padapter, GPIO_IO_SEL, tmp1byte); //enable GPIO[2] as input mode
+ tmp1byte =rtw_read8(padapter, GPIO_IN);
+ if (tmp1byte == 0xff)
+ {
+ bPbcPressed = _FALSE;
+ break ;
+ }
+ if (tmp1byte&HAL_8192C_HW_GPIO_WPS_BIT)
+ {
+ bPbcPressed = _TRUE;
+ if(i<=3)
+ rtw_msleep_os(50);
+ }
+ tmp1byte = rtw_read8(padapter, GPIO_IN);
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_IO, DBG_TRACE, ("dm_CheckPbcGPIO - %x\n", tmp1byte));
+ if (tmp1byte == 0xff || padapter->init_adpt_in_progress)
+ {
+ bPbcPressed = _FALSE;
+ break ;
+ }
+ if((tmp1byte&HAL_8192C_HW_GPIO_WPS_BIT)==0)
+ {
+ bPbcPressed = _TRUE;
+ if(i<=3)
+ rtw_msleep_os(50);
+ }
+ }while(i<=3 && bPbcPressed == _TRUE);
+ if( _TRUE == bPbcPressed)
+ {
+ // Here we only set bPbcPressed to true
+ // After trigger PBC, the variable will be set to false
+ DBG_8192C("CheckPbcGPIO - PBC is pressed, try_cnt=%d\n", i-1);
+ kobject_uevent(&padapter->pnetdev->dev.kobj, KOBJ_NET_PBC);
+ kobject_hotplug(&padapter->pnetdev->class_dev.kobj, KOBJ_NET_PBC);
+ if ( padapter->pid[0] == 0 )
+ { // 0 is the default value and it means the application monitors the HW PBC doesn't privde its pid to driver.
+ return;
+ }
+ rtw_signal_process(padapter->pid[0], SIGUSR1);
+ }
+// Description:
+// Perform interrupt migration dynamically to reduce CPU utilization.
+// Assumption:
+// 1. Do not enable migration under WIFI test.
+// Created by Roger, 2010.03.05.
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(Adapter->mlmepriv);
+ BOOLEAN bCurrentIntMt, bCurrentACIntDisable;
+ // Retrieve current interrupt migration and Tx four ACs IMR settings first.
+ bCurrentIntMt = pHalData->bInterruptMigration;
+ bCurrentACIntDisable = pHalData->bDisableTxInt;
+ //
+ // <Roger_Notes> Currently we use busy traffic for reference instead of RxIntOK counts to prevent non-linear Rx statistics
+ // when interrupt migration is set before. 2010.03.05.
+ //
+ if(!Adapter->registrypriv.wifi_spec &&
+ (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)== _TRUE) &&
+ pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bHigherBusyTraffic)
+ {
+ IntMtToSet = _TRUE;
+ // To check whether we should disable Tx interrupt or not.
+ if(pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bHigherBusyRxTraffic )
+ ACIntToSet = _TRUE;
+ }
+ //Update current settings.
+ if( bCurrentIntMt != IntMtToSet ){
+ DBG_8192C("%s(): Update interrrupt migration(%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,IntMtToSet);
+ if(IntMtToSet)
+ {
+ //
+ // <Roger_Notes> Set interrrupt migration timer and corresponging Tx/Rx counter.
+ // timer 25ns*0xfa0=100us for 0xf packets.
+ // 2010.03.05.
+ //
+ rtw_write32(Adapter, REG_INT_MIG, 0xff000fa0);// 0x306:Rx, 0x307:Tx
+ pHalData->bInterruptMigration = IntMtToSet;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Reset all interrupt migration settings.
+ rtw_write32(Adapter, REG_INT_MIG, 0);
+ pHalData->bInterruptMigration = IntMtToSet;
+ }
+ }
+ /*if( bCurrentACIntDisable != ACIntToSet ){
+ DBG_8192C("%s(): Update AC interrrupt(%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,ACIntToSet);
+ if(ACIntToSet) // Disable four ACs interrupts.
+ {
+ //
+ // <Roger_Notes> Disable VO, VI, BE and BK four AC interrupts to gain more efficient CPU utilization.
+ // When extremely highly Rx OK occurs, we will disable Tx interrupts.
+ // 2010.03.05.
+ //
+ UpdateInterruptMask8192CE( Adapter, 0, RT_AC_INT_MASKS );
+ pHalData->bDisableTxInt = ACIntToSet;
+ }
+ else// Enable four ACs interrupts.
+ {
+ UpdateInterruptMask8192CE( Adapter, RT_AC_INT_MASKS, 0 );
+ pHalData->bDisableTxInt = ACIntToSet;
+ }
+ }*/
+// Initialize GPIO setting registers
+static void
+ )
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ u8 tmp1byte;
+ tmp1byte = rtw_read8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG);
+ tmp1byte &= (GPIOSEL_GPIO | ~GPIOSEL_ENBT);
+ // UMB-B cut bug. We need to support the modification.
+ if (IS_81xxC_VENDOR_UMC_B_CUT(pHalData->VersionID) &&
+ pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Coexist)
+ {
+ tmp1byte |= (BIT5);
+ }
+ rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_GPIO_MUXCFG, tmp1byte);
+static void update_EDCA_param(_adapter *padapter)
+ u32 trafficIndex;
+ u32 edca_param;
+ u64 cur_tx_bytes = 0;
+ u64 cur_rx_bytes = 0;
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv = &(padapter->xmitpriv);
+ struct recv_priv *precvpriv = &(padapter->recvpriv);
+ struct registry_priv *pregpriv = &padapter->registrypriv;
+ struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &(padapter->mlmeextpriv);
+ struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
+ struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &(pHalData->bt_coexist);
+ u8 bbtchange = _FALSE;
+ //DBG_871X("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ //associated AP
+ if ((pregpriv->wifi_spec == 1) || (pmlmeinfo->HT_enable == 0))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor >= maxAP)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ cur_tx_bytes = pxmitpriv->tx_bytes - pxmitpriv->last_tx_bytes;
+ cur_rx_bytes = precvpriv->rx_bytes - precvpriv->last_rx_bytes;
+ //traffic, TX or RX
+ if((pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == ralinkAP)||(pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == atherosAP))
+ {
+ if (cur_tx_bytes > (cur_rx_bytes << 2))
+ { // Uplink TP is present.
+ trafficIndex = UP_LINK;
+ }
+ else
+ { // Balance TP is present.
+ trafficIndex = DOWN_LINK;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (cur_rx_bytes > (cur_tx_bytes << 2))
+ { // Downlink TP is present.
+ trafficIndex = DOWN_LINK;
+ }
+ else
+ { // Balance TP is present.
+ trafficIndex = UP_LINK;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pbtpriv->BT_Coexist)
+ {
+ if( (pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[UP_LINK]!=0) || (pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[DOWN_LINK]!=0))
+ {
+ bbtchange = _TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pdmpriv->prv_traffic_idx != trafficIndex)
+ {
+#if 0
+ if(_TRUE == bbtchange)
+ rtw_write32(padapter, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[trafficIndex]);
+ else
+ //adjust EDCA parameter for BE queue
+ //fire_write_MAC_cmd(padapter, EDCA_BE_PARAM, EDCAParam[pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor][trafficIndex]);
+ rtw_write32(padapter, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, EDCAParam[pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor][trafficIndex]);
+ if((pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == ciscoAP) && (pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode & WIRELESS_11_24N))
+ {
+ edca_param = EDCAParam[pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor][trafficIndex];
+ }
+ else if((pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor == airgocapAP) &&
+ ((pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode == WIRELESS_11G) ||(pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode == WIRELESS_11BG)))
+ {
+ edca_param = EDCAParam[pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor][trafficIndex];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ edca_param = EDCAParam[unknownAP][trafficIndex];
+ }
+ if(_TRUE == bbtchange)
+ edca_param = pbtpriv->BT_EDCA[trafficIndex];
+ rtw_write32(padapter, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, edca_param);
+ pdmpriv->prv_traffic_idx = trafficIndex;
+ }
+ pxmitpriv->last_tx_bytes = pxmitpriv->tx_bytes;
+ precvpriv->last_rx_bytes = precvpriv->rx_bytes;
+ return;
+static void dm_InitDynamicBBPowerSaving(
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ PS_T *pPSTable = &pdmpriv->DM_PSTable;
+ pPSTable->PreCCAState = CCA_MAX;
+ pPSTable->CurCCAState = CCA_MAX;
+ pPSTable->PreRFState = RF_MAX;
+ pPSTable->CurRFState = RF_MAX;
+ pPSTable->Rssi_val_min = 0;
+static void dm_1R_CCA(
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ PS_T *pPSTable = &pdmpriv->DM_PSTable;
+ if(pPSTable->Rssi_val_min != 0)
+ {
+ if(pPSTable->PreCCAState == CCA_2R)
+ {
+ if(pPSTable->Rssi_val_min >= 35)
+ pPSTable->CurCCAState = CCA_1R;
+ else
+ pPSTable->CurCCAState = CCA_2R;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(pPSTable->Rssi_val_min <= 30)
+ pPSTable->CurCCAState = CCA_2R;
+ else
+ pPSTable->CurCCAState = CCA_1R;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pPSTable->CurCCAState=CCA_MAX;
+ if(pPSTable->PreCCAState != pPSTable->CurCCAState)
+ {
+ if(pPSTable->CurCCAState == CCA_1R)
+ {
+ if(pHalData->rf_type == RF_2T2R)
+ {
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_TRxPathEnable , bMaskByte0, 0x13);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, 0xe70, bMaskByte3, 0x20);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_TRxPathEnable , bMaskByte0, 0x23);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, 0xe70, 0x7fc00000, 0x10c); // Set RegE70[30:22] = 9b'100001100
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_TRxPathEnable, bMaskByte0, 0x33);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter,0xe70, bMaskByte3, 0x63);
+ }
+ pPSTable->PreCCAState = pPSTable->CurCCAState;
+ }
+ //DBG_8192C("dm_1R_CCA(): CCAStage=%x\n", pPSTable->CurCCAState);
+ IN PADAPTER pAdapter,
+ IN u8 bForceInNormal
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ PS_T *pPSTable = &pdmpriv->DM_PSTable;
+ if(pdmpriv->initialize == 0){
+ pdmpriv->rf_saving_Reg874 = (PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW, bMaskDWord)&0x1CC000)>>14;
+ pdmpriv->rf_saving_RegC70 = (PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_AGCParameter1, bMaskDWord)&BIT3)>>3;
+ pdmpriv->rf_saving_Reg85C = (PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XCD_SwitchControl, bMaskDWord)&0xFF000000)>>24;
+ pdmpriv->rf_saving_RegA74 = (PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, 0xa74, bMaskDWord)&0xF000)>>12;
+ //Reg818 = PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, 0x818, bMaskDWord);
+ pdmpriv->initialize = 1;
+ }
+ if(!bForceInNormal)
+ {
+ if(pPSTable->Rssi_val_min != 0)
+ {
+ if(pPSTable->PreRFState == RF_Normal)
+ {
+ if(pPSTable->Rssi_val_min >= 50)
+ #else
+ if(pPSTable->Rssi_val_min >= 30)
+ #endif
+ pPSTable->CurRFState = RF_Save;
+ else
+ pPSTable->CurRFState = RF_Normal;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(pPSTable->Rssi_val_min <= 45)
+ #else
+ if(pPSTable->Rssi_val_min <= 25)
+ #endif
+ pPSTable->CurRFState = RF_Normal;
+ else
+ pPSTable->CurRFState = RF_Save;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pPSTable->CurRFState=RF_MAX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pPSTable->CurRFState = RF_Normal;
+ }
+ if(pPSTable->PreRFState != pPSTable->CurRFState)
+ {
+ if(pPSTable->CurRFState == RF_Save)
+ {
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW , 0x1C0000, 0x2); //Reg874[20:18]=3'b010
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_AGCParameter1, BIT3, 0); //RegC70[3]=1'b0
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XCD_SwitchControl, 0xFF000000, 0x63); //Reg85C[31:24]=0x63
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW, 0xC000, 0x2); //Reg874[15:14]=2'b10
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, 0xa74, 0xF000, 0x3); //RegA75[7:4]=0x3
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, 0x818, BIT28, 0x0); //Reg818[28]=1'b0
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, 0x818, BIT28, 0x1); //Reg818[28]=1'b1
+ DBG_8192C("%s(): RF_Save\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW , 0x1CC000, pdmpriv->rf_saving_Reg874);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_AGCParameter1, BIT3, pdmpriv->rf_saving_RegC70);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XCD_SwitchControl, 0xFF000000, pdmpriv->rf_saving_Reg85C);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, 0xa74, 0xF000, pdmpriv->rf_saving_RegA74);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, 0x818, BIT28, 0x0);
+ DBG_8192C("%s(): RF_Normal\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ pPSTable->PreRFState = pPSTable->CurRFState;
+ }
+static void
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &pAdapter->mlmepriv;
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ PS_T *pPSTable = &pdmpriv->DM_PSTable;
+ //1 1.Determine the minimum RSSI
+ if((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) != _TRUE) &&
+ (pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB == 0))
+ {
+ pPSTable->Rssi_val_min = 0;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_BB_POWERSAVING, DBG_LOUD, ("Not connected to any \n"));
+ }
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _TRUE) // Default port
+ {
+ //if(ACTING_AS_AP(pAdapter) || pMgntInfo->mIbss)
+ if ((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE) == _TRUE) ||
+ (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_STATE) == _TRUE)) //todo: AP Mode
+ {
+ pPSTable->Rssi_val_min = pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_BB_POWERSAVING, DBG_LOUD, ("AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx \n", pPSTable->Rssi_val_min));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pPSTable->Rssi_val_min = pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_BB_POWERSAVING, DBG_LOUD, ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx \n", pPSTable->Rssi_val_min));
+ }
+ }
+ else // associated entry pwdb
+ {
+ pPSTable->Rssi_val_min = pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_BB_POWERSAVING, DBG_LOUD, ("AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx \n", pPSTable->Rssi_val_min));
+ }
+ //1 2.Power Saving for 92C
+ if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID))
+ {
+ //dm_1R_CCA(pAdapter);
+ }
+ // 20100628 Joseph: Turn off BB power save for 88CE because it makesthroughput unstable.
+ // 20100831 Joseph: Turn ON BB power save again after modifying AGC delay from 900ns to 600ns.
+ //1 3.Power Saving for 88C
+ else
+ {
+ rtl8192c_dm_RF_Saving(pAdapter, _FALSE);
+ }
+// Add new function to reset the state of antenna diversity before link.
+void SwAntDivResetBeforeLink8192C(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ SWAT_T *pDM_SWAT_Table = &pdmpriv->DM_SWAT_Table;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SWAS_NoLink_State = 0;
+// Compare RSSI for deciding antenna
+void SwAntDivCompare8192C(PADAPTER Adapter, WLAN_BSSID_EX *dst, WLAN_BSSID_EX *src)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ if((0 != pHalData->AntDivCfg) && (!IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID)) )
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("update_network=> orgRSSI(%d)(%d),newRSSI(%d)(%d)\n",dst->Rssi,query_rx_pwr_percentage(dst->Rssi),
+ // src->Rssi,query_rx_pwr_percentage(src->Rssi));
+ //select optimum_antenna for before linked =>For antenna diversity
+ if(dst->Rssi >= src->Rssi )//keep org parameter
+ {
+ src->Rssi = dst->Rssi;
+ src->PhyInfo.Optimum_antenna = dst->PhyInfo.Optimum_antenna;
+ }
+ }
+// Add new function to reset the state of antenna diversity before link.
+u8 SwAntDivBeforeLink8192C(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ SWAT_T *pDM_SWAT_Table = &pdmpriv->DM_SWAT_Table;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(Adapter->mlmepriv);
+ // Condition that does not need to use antenna diversity.
+ if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID) ||(pHalData->AntDivCfg==0))
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("SwAntDivBeforeLink8192C(): No AntDiv Mechanism.\n");
+ return _FALSE;
+ }
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SWAS_NoLink_State = 0;
+ return _FALSE;
+ }
+ // Since driver is going to set BB register, it shall check if there is another thread controlling BB/RF.
+ if(pHalData->eRFPowerState!=eRfOn || pMgntInfo->RFChangeInProgress || pMgntInfo->bMediaConnect)
+ {
+ ("SwAntDivCheckBeforeLink8192C(): RFChangeInProgress(%x), eRFPowerState(%x)\n",
+ pMgntInfo->RFChangeInProgress,
+ pHalData->eRFPowerState));
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SWAS_NoLink_State = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->SWAS_NoLink_State == 0){
+ //switch channel
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SWAS_NoLink_State = 1;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna==Antenna_A)?Antenna_B:Antenna_A;
+ //PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE, 0x300, pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna);
+ rtw_antenna_select_cmd(Adapter, pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna, _FALSE);
+ //DBG_8192C("%s change antenna to ANT_( %s ).....\n",__FUNCTION__, (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna==Antenna_A)?"A":"B");
+ return _TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SWAS_NoLink_State = 0;
+ return _FALSE;
+ }
+// 20100514 Luke/Joseph:
+// Add new function to reset antenna diversity state after link.
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ SWAT_T *pDM_SWAT_Table = &pdmpriv->DM_SWAT_Table;
+ if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID) ||(pHalData->AntDivCfg==0))
+ return;
+ //DBG_8192C("======> SwAntDivRestAfterLink <========== \n");
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A= 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B= 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_test = _FALSE;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag = 0xff;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying = 0;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap=0xAA;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna = pHalData->CurAntenna;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->PreAntenna = pHalData->CurAntenna;
+ pdmpriv->lastTxOkCnt=0;
+ pdmpriv->lastRxOkCnt=0;
+ pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_A=0;
+ pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_B=0;
+ pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_A=0;
+ pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_B=0;
+ pdmpriv->DoubleComfirm=0;
+ pdmpriv->TrafficLoad = TRAFFIC_LOW;
+// 20100514 Luke/Joseph:
+// Add new function for antenna diversity after link.
+// This is the main function of antenna diversity after link.
+// This function is called in HalDmWatchDog() and dm_SW_AntennaSwitchCallback().
+// HalDmWatchDog() calls this function with SWAW_STEP_PEAK to initialize the antenna test.
+// In SWAW_STEP_PEAK, another antenna and a 500ms timer will be set for testing.
+// After 500ms, dm_SW_AntennaSwitchCallback() calls this function to compare the signal just
+// listened on the air with the RSSI of original antenna.
+// It chooses the antenna with better RSSI.
+// There is also a aged policy for error trying. Each error trying will cost more 5 seconds waiting
+// penalty to get next try.
+static VOID
+ PADAPTER Adapter,
+ u8 Step
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ SWAT_T *pDM_SWAT_Table = &pdmpriv->DM_SWAT_Table;
+ s32 curRSSI=100, RSSI_A, RSSI_B;
+ u64 curTxOkCnt, curRxOkCnt;
+ u64 CurByteCnt = 0, PreByteCnt = 0;
+ u8 nextAntenna = 0;
+ u8 Score_A=0, Score_B=0;
+ u8 i;
+ // Condition that does not need to use antenna diversity.
+ if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID) ||(pHalData->AntDivCfg==0))
+ {
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): No AntDiv Mechanism.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ // If dynamic ant_div is disabled.
+ if(!(pdmpriv->DMFlag & DYNAMIC_FUNC_ANT_DIV) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (check_fwstate(&Adapter->mlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) ==_FALSE)
+ return;
+#if 0 //to do
+ // Radio off: Status reset to default and return.
+ if(pHalData->eRFPowerState==eRfOff)
+ {
+ SwAntDivRestAfterLink(Adapter);
+ return;
+ }
+ //DBG_8192C("\n............................ %s.........................\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ // Handling step mismatch condition.
+ // Peak step is not finished at last time. Recover the variable and check again.
+ if( Step != pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag )
+ {
+ SwAntDivRestAfterLink8192C(Adapter);
+ }
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag == 0xff)
+ {
+#if 0
+ // Select RSSI checking target
+ if(pMgntInfo->mAssoc && !ACTING_AS_AP(Adapter))
+ {
+ // Target: Infrastructure mode AP.
+ pHalData->RSSI_target = NULL;
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): RSSI_target is DEF AP!\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u8 index = 0;
+ PADAPTER pTargetAdapter = NULL;
+ if( pMgntInfo->mIbss || ACTING_AS_AP(Adapter) )
+ {
+ // Target: AP/IBSS peer.
+ pTargetAdapter = Adapter;
+ }
+ {
+ // Target: VWIFI peer.
+ pTargetAdapter = ADJUST_TO_ADAPTIVE_ADAPTER(Adapter, FALSE);
+ }
+ if(pTargetAdapter != NULL)
+ {
+ for(index=0; index<ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM; index++)
+ {
+ pEntry = AsocEntry_EnumStation(pTargetAdapter, index);
+ if(pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if(pEntry->bAssociated)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ SwAntDivRestAfterLink(Adapter);
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): No Link.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pHalData->RSSI_target = pEntry;
+ RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): RSSI_target is PEER STA\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A= 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B= 0;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag = 0;
+ // DBG_8192C("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): Set try_flag to 0 prepare for peak!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curTxOkCnt = Adapter->xmitpriv.tx_bytes - pdmpriv->lastTxOkCnt;
+ curRxOkCnt = Adapter->recvpriv.rx_bytes - pdmpriv->lastRxOkCnt;
+ pdmpriv->lastTxOkCnt = Adapter->xmitpriv.tx_bytes ;
+ pdmpriv->lastRxOkCnt = Adapter->recvpriv.rx_bytes ;
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag == 1)
+ {
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_A += curTxOkCnt;
+ pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_A += curRxOkCnt;
+ //DBG_8192C("##### TXByteCnt_A(%lld) , RXByteCnt_A(%lld) ####\n",pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_A,pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_A);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_B += curTxOkCnt;
+ pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_B += curRxOkCnt;
+ //DBG_8192C("##### TXByteCnt_B(%lld) , RXByteCnt_B(%lld) ####\n",pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_B,pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_B);
+ }
+ nextAntenna = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)? Antenna_B : Antenna_A;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying--;
+ //DBG_8192C("RSSI_Trying = %d\n",pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying);
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying == 0)
+ {
+ CurByteCnt = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)? (pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_A+pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_A) : (pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_B+pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_B);
+ PreByteCnt = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)? (pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_B+pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_B) : (pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_A+pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_A);
+ //DBG_8192C("CurByteCnt = %lld\n", CurByteCnt);
+ //DBG_8192C("PreByteCnt = %lld\n",PreByteCnt);
+ if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_HIGH)
+ {
+ PreByteCnt = PreByteCnt*9; //normalize:Cur=90ms:Pre=10ms
+ }
+ else if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_LOW)
+ {
+ //CurByteCnt = CurByteCnt/2;
+ CurByteCnt = CurByteCnt>>1;//normalize:100ms:50ms
+ }
+ //DBG_8192C("After DIV=>CurByteCnt = %lld\n", CurByteCnt);
+ //DBG_8192C("PreByteCnt = %lld\n",PreByteCnt);
+ if(pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A > 0)
+ RSSI_A = pHalData->RSSI_sum_A/pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A;
+ else
+ RSSI_A = 0;
+ if(pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B > 0)
+ RSSI_B = pHalData->RSSI_sum_B/pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B;
+ else
+ RSSI_B = 0;
+ curRSSI = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)? RSSI_A : RSSI_B;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->PreRSSI = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)? RSSI_B : RSSI_A;
+ //DBG_8192C("Luke:PreRSSI = %d, CurRSSI = %d\n",pDM_SWAT_Table->PreRSSI, curRSSI);
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: preAntenna= %s, curAntenna= %s \n",
+ //(pDM_SWAT_Table->PreAntenna == Antenna_A?"A":"B"), (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A?"A":"B"));
+ //DBG_8192C("Luke:RSSI_A= %d, RSSI_cnt_A = %d, RSSI_B= %d, RSSI_cnt_B = %d\n",
+ //RSSI_A, pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A, RSSI_B, pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A > 0)
+ RSSI_A = pHalData->RSSI_sum_A/pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A;
+ else
+ RSSI_A = 0;
+ if(pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B > 0)
+ RSSI_B = pHalData->RSSI_sum_B/pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B;
+ else
+ RSSI_B = 0;
+ curRSSI = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)? RSSI_A : RSSI_B;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->PreRSSI = (pDM_SWAT_Table->PreAntenna == Antenna_A)? RSSI_A : RSSI_B;
+ //DBG_8192C("Ekul:PreRSSI = %d, CurRSSI = %d\n", pDM_SWAT_Table->PreRSSI, curRSSI);
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: preAntenna= %s, curAntenna= %s \n",
+ //(pDM_SWAT_Table->PreAntenna == Antenna_A?"A":"B"), (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A?"A":"B"));
+ //DBG_8192C("Ekul:RSSI_A= %d, RSSI_cnt_A = %d, RSSI_B= %d, RSSI_cnt_B = %d\n",
+ // RSSI_A, pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A, RSSI_B, pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B);
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("Ekul:curTxOkCnt = %d\n", curTxOkCnt));
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("Ekul:curRxOkCnt = %d\n", curRxOkCnt));
+ }
+ //1 Trying State
+ if((pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag == 1)&&(pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying == 0))
+ {
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->TestMode == TP_MODE)
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: TestMode = TP_MODE\n");
+ //DBG_8192C("TRY:CurByteCnt = %lld\n", CurByteCnt);
+ //DBG_8192C("TRY:PreByteCnt = %lld\n",PreByteCnt);
+ if(CurByteCnt < PreByteCnt)
+ {
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap=pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap<<1;
+ else
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap=(pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap<<1)+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap=(pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap<<1)+1;
+ else
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap=pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap<<1;
+ }
+ for (i= 0; i<8; i++)
+ {
+ if(((pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap>>i)&BIT0) == 1)
+ Score_A++;
+ else
+ Score_B++;
+ }
+ //DBG_8192C("SelectAntennaMap=%x\n ",pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap);
+ //DBG_8192C("Score_A=%d, Score_B=%d\n", Score_A, Score_B);
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)
+ {
+ nextAntenna = (Score_A > Score_B)?Antenna_A:Antenna_B;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nextAntenna = (Score_B > Score_A)?Antenna_B:Antenna_A;
+ }
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("nextAntenna=%s\n",(nextAntenna==Antenna_A)?"A":"B"));
+ //RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("preAntenna= %s, curAntenna= %s \n",
+ //(DM_SWAT_Table.PreAntenna == Antenna_A?"A":"B"), (DM_SWAT_Table.CurAntenna == Antenna_A?"A":"B")));
+ if(nextAntenna != pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna)
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: Switch back to another antenna\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: current anntena is good\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->TestMode == RSSI_MODE)
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: TestMode = RSSI_MODE\n");
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap=0xAA;
+ if(curRSSI < pDM_SWAT_Table->PreRSSI) //Current antenna is worse than previous antenna
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: Switch back to another antenna\n");
+ nextAntenna = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)? Antenna_B : Antenna_A;
+ }
+ else // current anntena is good
+ {
+ nextAntenna = pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna;
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: current anntena is good\n");
+ }
+ }
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_test = _FALSE;
+ pHalData->RSSI_sum_A = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_sum_B = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B = 0;
+ pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_A = 0;
+ pdmpriv->TXByteCnt_B = 0;
+ pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_A = 0;
+ pdmpriv->RXByteCnt_B = 0;
+ }
+ //1 Normal State
+ else if(pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag == 0)
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_HIGH)
+ {
+ if(((curTxOkCnt+curRxOkCnt)>>1) > 1875000)
+ pdmpriv->TrafficLoad = TRAFFIC_HIGH;
+ else
+ pdmpriv->TrafficLoad = TRAFFIC_LOW;
+ }
+ else if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_LOW)
+ {
+ if(((curTxOkCnt+curRxOkCnt)>>1) > 1875000)
+ pdmpriv->TrafficLoad = TRAFFIC_HIGH;
+ else
+ pdmpriv->TrafficLoad = TRAFFIC_LOW;
+ }
+ if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_HIGH)
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->bTriggerAntennaSwitch = 0;
+ //DBG_8192C("Normal:TrafficLoad = %lld\n", curTxOkCnt+curRxOkCnt);
+ //Prepare To Try Antenna
+ nextAntenna = (pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)? Antenna_B : Antenna_A;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag = 1;
+ pHalData->RSSI_test = _TRUE;
+ if((curRxOkCnt+curTxOkCnt) > 1000)
+ {
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying = 4;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->TestMode = TP_MODE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying = 2;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->TestMode = RSSI_MODE;
+ }
+ //DBG_8192C("SWAS: Normal State -> Begin Trying! TestMode=%s\n",(pDM_SWAT_Table->TestMode == TP_MODE)?"TP":"RSSI");
+ pHalData->RSSI_sum_A = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_sum_B = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //1 4.Change TRX antenna
+ if(nextAntenna != pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna)
+ {
+ //DBG_8192C("@@@@@@@@ SWAS: Change TX Antenna!\n ");
+ rtw_antenna_select_cmd(Adapter, nextAntenna, 1);
+ }
+ //1 5.Reset Statistics
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->PreAntenna = pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna = nextAntenna;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->PreRSSI = curRSSI;
+ //1 6.Set next timer
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying == 0)
+ return;
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->RSSI_Trying%2 == 0)
+ {
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->TestMode == TP_MODE)
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_HIGH)
+ {
+ _set_timer(&pdmpriv->SwAntennaSwitchTimer,10 ); //ms
+ //DBG_8192C("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): Test another antenna for 10 ms\n");
+ }
+ else if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_LOW)
+ {
+ _set_timer(&pdmpriv->SwAntennaSwitchTimer, 50 ); //ms
+ //DBG_8192C("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): Test another antenna for 50 ms\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _set_timer(&pdmpriv->SwAntennaSwitchTimer, 500 ); //ms
+ //DBG_8192C("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): Test another antenna for 500 ms\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->TestMode == TP_MODE)
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_HIGH)
+ _set_timer(&pdmpriv->SwAntennaSwitchTimer,90 ); //ms
+ else if(pdmpriv->TrafficLoad == TRAFFIC_LOW)
+ _set_timer(&pdmpriv->SwAntennaSwitchTimer,100 ); //ms
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _set_timer(&pdmpriv->SwAntennaSwitchTimer,500 ); //ms
+ //DBG_8192C("dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(): Test another antenna for 500 ms\n");
+ }
+ }
+// RT_TRACE(COMP_SWAS, DBG_LOUD, ("SWAS: -----The End-----\n "));
+// 20100514 Luke/Joseph:
+// Callback function for 500ms antenna test trying.
+static void dm_SW_AntennaSwitchCallback(void *FunctionContext)
+ _adapter *padapter = (_adapter *)FunctionContext;
+ if(padapter->net_closed == _TRUE)
+ return;
+ // Only
+ dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(padapter, SWAW_STEP_DETERMINE);
+// 20100722
+// This function is used to gather the RSSI information for antenna testing.
+// It selects the RSSI of the peer STA that we want to know.
+void SwAntDivRSSICheck8192C(_adapter *padapter ,u32 RxPWDBAll)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ SWAT_T *pDM_SWAT_Table = &pdmpriv->DM_SWAT_Table;
+ if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID) ||pHalData->AntDivCfg==0)
+ return;
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ if(pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna == Antenna_A)
+ {
+ pHalData->RSSI_sum_A += RxPWDBAll;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pHalData->RSSI_sum_B+= RxPWDBAll;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B++;
+ }
+ //DBG_8192C("%s Ant_(%s),RSSI_sum(%d),RSSI_cnt(%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,(2==pHalData->CurAntenna)?"A":"B",pHalData->RSSI_sum,pHalData->RSSI_cnt);
+ }
+static VOID
+ )
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ SWAT_T *pDM_SWAT_Table = &pdmpriv->DM_SWAT_Table;
+ pHalData->RSSI_sum_A = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_sum_B = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_A = 0;
+ pHalData->RSSI_cnt_B = 0;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->CurAntenna = pHalData->CurAntenna;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->PreAntenna = pHalData->CurAntenna;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->try_flag = 0xff;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->PreRSSI = 0;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->bTriggerAntennaSwitch = 0;
+ pDM_SWAT_Table->SelectAntennaMap=0xAA;
+ // Move the timer initialization to InitializeVariables function.
+ //PlatformInitializeTimer(Adapter, &pMgntInfo->SwAntennaSwitchTimer, (RT_TIMER_CALL_BACK)dm_SW_AntennaSwitchCallback, NULL, "SwAntennaSwitchTimer");
+//#define RSSI_CCK 0
+//#define RSSI_OFDM 1
+static void dm_RSSIMonitorInit(
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ pdmpriv->OFDM_Pkt_Cnt = 0;
+ pdmpriv->RSSI_Select = RSSI_DEFAULT;
+static void dm_RSSIMonitorCheck(
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &Adapter->mlmepriv;
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _FALSE)
+ return;
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE |WIFI_ADHOC_STATE) == _TRUE )
+ {
+ if(Adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count < 2)
+ return;
+ }
+ if(pdmpriv->OFDM_Pkt_Cnt == 0)
+ pdmpriv->RSSI_Select = RSSI_CCK;
+ else
+ pdmpriv->RSSI_Select = RSSI_OFDM;
+ pdmpriv->OFDM_Pkt_Cnt = 0;
+ //DBG_8192C("RSSI_Select=%s OFDM_Pkt_Cnt(%d)\n",
+ //(pdmpriv->RSSI_Select == RSSI_OFDM)?"RSSI_OFDM":"RSSI_CCK",
+ //pdmpriv->OFDM_Pkt_Cnt);
+// functions
+void rtl8192c_init_dm_priv(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ //_rtw_memset(pdmpriv, 0, sizeof(struct dm_priv));
+ _init_timer(&(pdmpriv->SwAntennaSwitchTimer), Adapter->pnetdev , dm_SW_AntennaSwitchCallback, Adapter);
+void rtl8192c_deinit_dm_priv(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ _cancel_timer_ex(&pdmpriv->SwAntennaSwitchTimer);
+void dm_InitHybridAntDiv(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID) ||pHalData->AntDivCfg==0)
+ return;
+ //Set OFDM HW RX Antenna Diversity
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xc50, BIT7, 1); //Enable Hardware antenna switch
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0x870, BIT9|BIT8, 0); //Enable hardware control of "ANT_SEL" & "ANT_SELB"
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xCA4, BIT11, 0); //Switch to another antenna by checking pwdb threshold
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xCA4, 0x7FF, 0x080); //Pwdb threshold=8dB
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xC54, BIT23, 1); //Decide final antenna by comparing 2 antennas' pwdb
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0x874, BIT23, 0); //No update ANTSEL during GNT_BT=1
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0x80C, BIT21, 1); //TX atenna selection from tx_info
+ //Set CCK HW RX Antenna Diversity
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xA00, BIT15, 1);//Enable antenna diversity
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xA0C, BIT4, 0); //Antenna diversity decision period = 32 sample
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xA0C, 0xf, 0xf); //Threshold for antenna diversity. Check another antenna power if input power < ANT_lim*4
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xA10, BIT13, 1); //polarity ana_A=1 and ana_B=0
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter,0xA14, 0x1f, 0x8); //default antenna power = inpwr*(0.5 + r_ant_step/16)
+ pHalData->CCK_Ant1_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->CCK_Ant2_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->OFDM_Ant1_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->OFDM_Ant2_Cnt = 0;
+#define RxDefaultAnt1 0x65a9
+#define RxDefaultAnt2 0x569a
+void dm_SelectRXDefault(IN PADAPTER Adapter)
+ HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ if(IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID) ||pHalData->AntDivCfg==0)
+ return;
+ //DbgPrint(" Ant1_Cnt=%d, Ant2_Cnt=%d\n", pHalData->Ant1_Cnt, pHalData->Ant2_Cnt);
+ //DBG_8192C(" CCK_Ant1_Cnt = %d, CCK_Ant2_Cnt = %d\n", pHalData->CCK_Ant1_Cnt, pHalData->CCK_Ant2_Cnt);
+ //DBG_8192C(" OFDM_Ant1_Cnt = %d, OFDM_Ant2_Cnt = %d\n", pHalData->OFDM_Ant1_Cnt, pHalData->OFDM_Ant2_Cnt);
+ if((pHalData->OFDM_Ant1_Cnt == 0) && (pHalData->OFDM_Ant2_Cnt == 0))
+ {
+ if((pHalData->CCK_Ant1_Cnt + pHalData->CCK_Ant2_Cnt) >=10 )
+ {
+ if(pHalData->CCK_Ant1_Cnt > (5*pHalData->CCK_Ant2_Cnt))
+ {
+ DBG_8192C(" RX Default = Ant1\n");
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, 0x858, 0xFFFF, RxDefaultAnt1);
+ }
+ else if(pHalData->CCK_Ant2_Cnt > (5*pHalData->CCK_Ant1_Cnt))
+ {
+ DBG_8192C(" RX Default = Ant2\n");
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, 0x858, 0xFFFF, RxDefaultAnt2);
+ }
+ else if(pHalData->CCK_Ant1_Cnt > pHalData->CCK_Ant2_Cnt)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C(" RX Default = Ant2\n");
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, 0x858, 0xFFFF, RxDefaultAnt2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C(" RX Default = Ant1\n");
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, 0x858, 0xFFFF, RxDefaultAnt1);
+ }
+ pHalData->CCK_Ant1_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->CCK_Ant2_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->OFDM_Ant1_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->OFDM_Ant2_Cnt = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pHalData->OFDM_Ant1_Cnt > pHalData->OFDM_Ant2_Cnt)
+ {
+ DBG_8192C(" RX Default = Ant1\n");
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, 0x858, 0xFFFF, RxDefaultAnt1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_8192C(" RX Default = Ant2\n");
+ PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, 0x858, 0xFFFF, RxDefaultAnt2);
+ }
+ pHalData->CCK_Ant1_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->CCK_Ant2_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->OFDM_Ant1_Cnt = 0;
+ pHalData->OFDM_Ant2_Cnt = 0;
+ }
+ )
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ u8 i;
+ dm_InitGPIOSetting(Adapter);
+ pdmpriv->DM_Type = DM_Type_ByDriver;
+ pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = (-1);
+ pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedCCK = (-1);
+ //.1 DIG INIT
+ pdmpriv->bDMInitialGainEnable = _TRUE;
+ pdmpriv->DMFlag |= DYNAMIC_FUNC_DIG;
+ dm_DIGInit(Adapter);
+ //.2 DynamicTxPower INIT
+ pdmpriv->DMFlag |= DYNAMIC_FUNC_HP;
+ dm_InitDynamicTxPower(Adapter);
+ //.3
+ DM_InitEdcaTurbo(Adapter);
+ //.4 RateAdaptive INIT
+ dm_InitRateAdaptiveMask(Adapter);
+ //.5 Tx Power Tracking Init.
+ pdmpriv->DMFlag |= DYNAMIC_FUNC_SS;
+ DM_InitializeTXPowerTracking(Adapter);
+ pdmpriv->DMFlag |= DYNAMIC_FUNC_BT;
+ dm_InitBtCoexistDM(Adapter);
+ dm_InitDynamicBBPowerSaving(Adapter);
+ pdmpriv->DMFlag |= DYNAMIC_FUNC_ANT_DIV;
+ dm_SW_AntennaSwitchInit(Adapter);
+ pdmpriv->DMFlag |= DYNAMIC_FUNC_ANT_DIV;
+ dm_InitHybridAntDiv(Adapter);
+ dm_RSSIMonitorInit(Adapter);
+ pdmpriv->DMFlag_tmp = pdmpriv->DMFlag;
+ // Save REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL value for TXDESC.
+ for(i = 0 ; i<32 ; i++)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->INIDATA_RATE[i] = rtw_read8(Adapter, REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL+i) & 0x3f;
+ }
+static void FindMinimumRSSI(PADAPTER Adapter)
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pbuddy_HalData;
+ struct dm_priv *pbuddy_dmpriv;
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ PADAPTER pbuddy_adapter = Adapter->pbuddy_adapter;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &Adapter->mlmepriv;
+ if(!rtw_buddy_adapter_up(Adapter))
+ return;
+ pbuddy_HalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pbuddy_adapter);
+ pbuddy_dmpriv = &pbuddy_HalData->dmpriv;
+ //get min. [PWDB] when both interfaces are connected
+ if((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE
+ && Adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2
+ && check_buddy_fwstate(Adapter, _FW_LINKED)) ||
+ (check_buddy_fwstate(Adapter, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE
+ && pbuddy_adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2
+ && check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == _TRUE) ||
+ (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE)
+ && check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)
+ && check_buddy_fwstate(Adapter,WIFI_STATION_STATE)
+ && check_buddy_fwstate(Adapter,_FW_LINKED)))
+ {
+ if(pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > pbuddy_dmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB)
+ pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pbuddy_dmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ }//primary interface is not connected
+ else if((check_buddy_fwstate(Adapter, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE
+ && pbuddy_adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2) ||
+ (check_buddy_fwstate(Adapter,WIFI_STATION_STATE)
+ && check_buddy_fwstate(Adapter,_FW_LINKED)))
+ {
+ pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pbuddy_dmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ }
+ //secondary is not connected
+ else if((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE
+ && Adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2) ||
+ (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE)
+ && check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)))
+ {
+ pbuddy_dmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
+ }
+ //both interfaces are not connected
+ else
+ {
+ pdmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
+ pbuddy_dmpriv->UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
+ }
+ //primary interface is ap mode
+ if(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE && Adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2)
+ {
+ pbuddy_dmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
+ }//secondary interface is ap mode
+ else if(check_buddy_fwstate(Adapter, WIFI_AP_STATE) == _TRUE && pbuddy_adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count > 2)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pbuddy_dmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+ }
+ else //both interfaces are not ap mode
+ {
+ pdmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pbuddy_dmpriv->EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
+ }
+ )
+ BOOLEAN bFwCurrentInPSMode = _FALSE;
+ u8 hw_init_completed = _FALSE;
+ PHAL_DATA_TYPE pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
+ struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
+ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &Adapter->mlmepriv;
+ PADAPTER pbuddy_adapter = Adapter->pbuddy_adapter;
+ if (Adapter->isprimary == _FALSE && pbuddy_adapter) {
+ hw_init_completed = pbuddy_adapter->hw_init_completed;
+ } else
+ #endif
+ {
+ hw_init_completed = Adapter->hw_init_completed;
+ }
+ if (hw_init_completed == _FALSE)
+ goto skip_dm;
+#ifdef CONFIG_LPS
+ if (Adapter->iface_type != IFACE_PORT0 && pbuddy_adapter) {
+ bFwCurrentInPSMode = pbuddy_adapter->pwrctrlpriv.bFwCurrentInPSMode;
+ rtw_hal_get_hwreg(pbuddy_adapter, HW_VAR_FWLPS_RF_ON, (u8 *)(&bFwPSAwake));
+ } else
+ #endif
+ {
+ bFwCurrentInPSMode = Adapter->pwrctrlpriv.bFwCurrentInPSMode;
+ rtw_hal_get_hwreg(Adapter, HW_VAR_FWLPS_RF_ON, (u8 *)(&bFwPSAwake));
+ }
+#ifdef CONFIG_P2P_PS
+ // Fw is under p2p powersaving mode, driver should stop dynamic mechanism.
+ // modifed by thomas. 2011.06.11.
+ if(Adapter->wdinfo.p2p_ps_mode)
+ bFwPSAwake = _FALSE;
+#endif // CONFIG_P2P_PS
+ // Stop dynamic mechanism when:
+ // 1. RF is OFF. (No need to do DM.)
+ // 2. Fw is under power saving mode for FwLPS. (Prevent from SW/FW I/O racing.)
+ // 3. IPS workitem is scheduled. (Prevent from IPS sequence to be swapped with DM.
+ // Sometimes DM execution time is longer than 100ms such that the assertion
+ // in MgntActSet_RF_State() called by InactivePsWorkItem will be triggered by
+ // wating to long for RFChangeInProgress.)
+ // 4. RFChangeInProgress is TRUE. (Prevent from broken by IPS/HW/SW Rf off.)
+ // Noted by tynli. 2010.06.01.
+ //if(rfState == eRfOn)
+ if( (hw_init_completed == _TRUE)
+ && ((!bFwCurrentInPSMode) && bFwPSAwake))
+ {
+ //
+ // Calculate Tx/Rx statistics.
+ //
+ dm_CheckStatistics(Adapter);
+ //
+ // For PWDB monitor and record some value for later use.
+ //
+ PWDB_Monitor(Adapter);
+ dm_RSSIMonitorCheck(Adapter);
+ if(Adapter->adapter_type > PRIMARY_ADAPTER)
+ goto _record_initrate;
+ FindMinimumRSSI(Adapter);
+ //
+ // Dynamic Initial Gain mechanism.
+ //
+ dm_FalseAlarmCounterStatistics(Adapter);
+ dm_DIG(Adapter);
+ //
+ //Dynamic BB Power Saving Mechanism
+ //
+ dm_DynamicBBPowerSaving(Adapter);
+ //
+ // Dynamic Tx Power mechanism.
+ //
+ dm_DynamicTxPower(Adapter);
+ //
+ // Tx Power Tracking.
+ //
+#if MP_DRIVER == 0
+ if(pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bBusyTraffic == _FALSE)
+ rtl8192c_dm_CheckTXPowerTracking(Adapter);
+ //
+ // Rate Adaptive by Rx Signal Strength mechanism.
+ //
+ dm_RefreshRateAdaptiveMask(Adapter);
+ //BT-Coexist
+ dm_BTCoexist(Adapter);
+ // EDCA turbo
+ //update the EDCA paramter according to the Tx/RX mode
+ //update_EDCA_param(Adapter);
+ dm_CheckEdcaTurbo(Adapter);
+ //
+ // Dynamically switch RTS/CTS protection.
+ //
+ //dm_CheckProtection(Adapter);
+ //
+ // Software Antenna diversity
+ //
+ dm_SW_AntennaSwitch(Adapter, SWAW_STEP_PEAK);
+ //Hybrid Antenna Diversity
+ dm_SelectRXDefault(Adapter);
+ // 20100630 Joseph: Disable Interrupt Migration mechanism temporarily because it degrades Rx throughput.
+ // Tx Migration settings.
+ //dm_InterruptMigration(Adapter);
+ //if(Adapter->HalFunc.TxCheckStuckHandler(Adapter))
+ // PlatformScheduleWorkItem(&(GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter)->HalResetWorkItem));
+ // Read REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL value for TXDESC.
+ if(check_fwstate(&Adapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE) == _TRUE)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->INIDATA_RATE[0] = rtw_read8(Adapter, REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL) & 0x3f;
+ if(Adapter->tdlsinfo.setup_state == TDLS_LINKED_STATE)
+ {
+ u8 i=1;
+ for(; i < (Adapter->tdlsinfo.macid_index) ; i++)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->INIDATA_RATE[i] = rtw_read8(Adapter, (REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL+i)) & 0x3f;
+ }
+ }
+#endif //CONFIG_TDLS
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u8 i;
+ for(i=1 ; i < (Adapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count + 1); i++)
+ {
+ pdmpriv->INIDATA_RATE[i] = rtw_read8(Adapter, (REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL+i)) & 0x3f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check GPIO to determine current RF on/off and Pbc status.
+ // Check Hardware Radio ON/OFF or not
+ //if(Adapter->MgntInfo.PowerSaveControl.bGpioRfSw)
+ //{
+ //RTPRINT(FPWR, PWRHW, ("dm_CheckRfCtrlGPIO \n"));
+ // dm_CheckRfCtrlGPIO(Adapter);
+ //}
+ if(pHalData->bGpioHwWpsPbc)
+ {
+ dm_CheckPbcGPIO(Adapter); // Add by hpfan 2008-03-11
+ }