path: root/ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2194 deletions
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c b/ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ee789f9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2194 +0,0 @@
- *
- Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2000.
- *
- This source file is supplied for the use with
- Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters.
- *
- Eicon File Revision : 1.9
- *
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- *
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "platform.h"
-#include "kst_ifc.h"
-#include "di_defs.h"
-#include "maintidi.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "man_defs.h"
-extern void diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(dword drv_id, dword type, char *p, ...);
-#define MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES 16 /* amount of variables of interest */
-#define FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES 12 /* amount of variables of interest */
-#define LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES 15 /* amount of variables of interest */
-#define STAT_PARSE_ENTRIES 70 /* amount of variables of interest */
-static int DivaSTraceLibraryStart(void *hLib);
-static int DivaSTraceLibraryStop(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceLibraryFinit(void *hLib);
-static void *SuperTraceGetHandle(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceMessageInput(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceSetAudioTap(void *hLib, int Channel, int on);
-static int SuperTraceSetBChannel(void *hLib, int Channel, int on);
-static int SuperTraceSetDChannel(void *hLib, int on);
-static int SuperTraceSetInfo(void *hLib, int on);
-static int SuperTraceClearCall(void *hLib, int Channel);
-static int SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceGetModemStatistics(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics(void *hLib);
-static int SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics(void *hLib);
-static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest(diva_strace_context_t *pLib);
-static int process_idi_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar);
-static int process_idi_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar);
-static int diva_modem_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel);
-static int diva_fax_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel);
-static int diva_line_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel);
-static int diva_modem_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar);
-static int diva_fax_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar);
-static int diva_line_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar);
-static int diva_ifc_statistics(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar);
-static diva_man_var_header_t *get_next_var(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar);
-static diva_man_var_header_t *find_var(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar,
- const char *name);
-static int diva_strace_read_int(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, int *var);
-static int diva_strace_read_uint(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, dword *var);
-static int diva_strace_read_asz(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, char *var);
-static int diva_strace_read_asc(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, char *var);
-static int diva_strace_read_ie(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar,
- diva_trace_ie_t *var);
-static void diva_create_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib);
-static void diva_trace_error(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int error, const char *file, int line);
-static void diva_trace_notify_user(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel,
- int notify_subject);
-static int diva_trace_read_variable(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar,
- void *variable);
- Initialize the library and return context
- of the created trace object that will represent
- the IDI adapter.
- Return 0 on error.
-diva_strace_library_interface_t *DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance(int Adapter,
- const diva_trace_library_user_interface_t *user_proc,
- byte *pmem) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)pmem;
- int i;
- if (!pLib) {
- return NULL;
- }
- pmem += sizeof(*pLib);
- memset(pLib, 0x00, sizeof(*pLib));
- pLib->Adapter = Adapter;
- /*
- Set up Library Interface
- */
- pLib->instance.hLib = pLib;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceLibraryStart = DivaSTraceLibraryStart;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceLibraryStop = DivaSTraceLibraryStop;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceLibraryFinit = SuperTraceLibraryFinit;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceMessageInput = SuperTraceMessageInput;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetHandle = SuperTraceGetHandle;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceSetAudioTap = SuperTraceSetAudioTap;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceSetBChannel = SuperTraceSetBChannel;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceSetDChannel = SuperTraceSetDChannel;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceSetInfo = SuperTraceSetInfo;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics = \
- SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics = \
- SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics = \
- SuperTraceGetModemStatistics;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics = \
- SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetBLayer1Statistics = \
- SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetBLayer2Statistics = \
- SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetDLayer1Statistics = \
- SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetDLayer2Statistics = \
- SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics;
- pLib->instance.DivaSTraceClearCall = SuperTraceClearCall;
- if (user_proc) {
- pLib->user_proc_table.user_context = user_proc->user_context;
- pLib->user_proc_table.notify_proc = user_proc->notify_proc;
- pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc = user_proc->trace_proc;
- pLib->user_proc_table.error_notify_proc = user_proc->error_notify_proc;
- }
- if (!(pLib->hAdapter = SuperTraceOpenAdapter(Adapter))) {
- diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Can not open XDI adapter");
- return NULL;
- }
- pLib->Channels = SuperTraceGetNumberOfChannels(pLib->hAdapter);
- /*
- Calculate amount of parte table entites necessary to translate
- information from all events of onterest
- */
- pLib->parse_entries = (MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES + FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES + \
- LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES + 1) * pLib->Channels;
- pLib->parse_table = (diva_strace_path2action_t *)pmem;
- for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
- pLib->lines[i].pInterface = &pLib->Interface;
- pLib->lines[i].pInterfaceStat = &pLib->InterfaceStat;
- }
- pLib->e.R = &pLib->RData;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- pLib->rc_ok = ASSIGN_OK;
- diva_create_parse_table(pLib);
- return ((diva_strace_library_interface_t *)pLib);
-static int DivaSTraceLibraryStart(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- return (SuperTraceASSIGN(pLib->hAdapter, pLib->buffer));
- Return (-1) on error
- Return (0) if was initiated or pending
- Return (1) if removal is complete
-static int DivaSTraceLibraryStop(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- if (!pLib->e.Id) { /* Was never started/assigned */
- return (1);
- }
- switch (pLib->removal_state) {
- case 0:
- pLib->removal_state = 1;
- ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib);
- break;
- case 3:
- return (1);
- }
- return (0);
-static int SuperTraceLibraryFinit(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- if (pLib) {
- if (pLib->hAdapter) {
- SuperTraceCloseAdapter(pLib->hAdapter);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- return (-1);
-static void *SuperTraceGetHandle(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- return (&pLib->e);
- After library handle object is gone in signaled state
- this function should be called and will pick up incoming
- IDI messages (return codes and indications).
-static int SuperTraceMessageInput(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- int ret = 0;
- byte Rc, Ind;
- if (pLib->e.complete == 255) {
- /*
- Process return code
- */
- pLib->req_busy = 0;
- Rc = pLib->e.Rc;
- pLib->e.Rc = 0;
- if (pLib->removal_state == 2) {
- pLib->removal_state = 3;
- return (0);
- }
- if (Rc != pLib->rc_ok) {
- int ignore = 0;
- /*
- Auto-detect amount of events/channels and features
- */
- if (pLib->general_b_ch_event == 1) {
- pLib->general_b_ch_event = 2;
- ignore = 1;
- } else if (pLib->general_fax_event == 1) {
- pLib->general_fax_event = 2;
- ignore = 1;
- } else if (pLib->general_mdm_event == 1) {
- pLib->general_mdm_event = 2;
- ignore = 1;
- } else if ((pLib->ChannelsTraceActive < pLib->Channels) && pLib->ChannelsTraceActive) {
- pLib->ChannelsTraceActive = pLib->Channels;
- ignore = 1;
- } else if (pLib->ModemTraceActive < pLib->Channels) {
- pLib->ModemTraceActive = pLib->Channels;
- ignore = 1;
- } else if (pLib->FaxTraceActive < pLib->Channels) {
- pLib->FaxTraceActive = pLib->Channels;
- ignore = 1;
- } else if (pLib->audio_trace_init == 2) {
- ignore = 1;
- pLib->audio_trace_init = 1;
- } else if (pLib->eye_pattern_pending) {
- pLib->eye_pattern_pending = 0;
- ignore = 1;
- } else if (pLib->audio_tap_pending) {
- pLib->audio_tap_pending = 0;
- ignore = 1;
- }
- if (!ignore) {
- return (-1); /* request failed */
- }
- } else {
- if (pLib->general_b_ch_event == 1) {
- pLib->ChannelsTraceActive = pLib->Channels;
- pLib->general_b_ch_event = 2;
- } else if (pLib->general_fax_event == 1) {
- pLib->general_fax_event = 2;
- pLib->FaxTraceActive = pLib->Channels;
- } else if (pLib->general_mdm_event == 1) {
- pLib->general_mdm_event = 2;
- pLib->ModemTraceActive = pLib->Channels;
- }
- }
- if (pLib->audio_trace_init == 2) {
- pLib->audio_trace_init = 1;
- }
- pLib->rc_ok = 0xff; /* default OK after assign was done */
- if ((ret = ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- } else {
- /*
- Process indication
- Always 'RNR' indication if return code is pending
- */
- Ind = pLib->e.Ind;
- pLib->e.Ind = 0;
- if (pLib->removal_state) {
- pLib->e.RNum = 0;
- pLib->e.RNR = 2;
- } else if (pLib->req_busy) {
- pLib->e.RNum = 0;
- pLib->e.RNR = 1;
- } else {
- if (pLib->e.complete != 0x02) {
- /*
- Look-ahead call, set up buffers
- */
- pLib->e.RNum = 1;
- pLib->e.R->P = (byte *)&pLib->buffer[0];
- pLib->e.R->PLength = (word)(sizeof(pLib->buffer) - 1);
- } else {
- /*
- Indication reception complete, process it now
- */
- byte *p = (byte *)&pLib->buffer[0];
- pLib->buffer[pLib->e.R->PLength] = 0; /* terminate I.E. with zero */
- switch (Ind) {
- case MAN_COMBI_IND: {
- int total_length = pLib->e.R->PLength;
- word this_ind_length;
- while (total_length > 3 && *p) {
- Ind = *p++;
- this_ind_length = (word)p[0] | ((word)p[1] << 8);
- p += 2;
- switch (Ind) {
- case MAN_INFO_IND:
- if (process_idi_info(pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t *)p)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- break;
- if (process_idi_event(pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t *)p)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- break;
- if (pLib->trace_on == 1) {
- /*
- Ignore first trace event that is result of
- EVENT_ON operation
- */
- pLib->trace_on++;
- } else {
- /*
- Delivery XLOG buffer to application
- */
- if (pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc) {
- (*(pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc))(pLib->user_proc_table.user_context,
- &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter,
- p, this_ind_length);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Unknown IDI Ind (DMA mode): %02x", Ind);
- }
- p += (this_ind_length + 1);
- total_length -= (4 + this_ind_length);
- }
- } break;
- case MAN_INFO_IND:
- if (process_idi_info(pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t *)p)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- break;
- if (process_idi_event(pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t *)p)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- break;
- if (pLib->trace_on == 1) {
- /*
- Ignore first trace event that is result of
- EVENT_ON operation
- */
- pLib->trace_on++;
- } else {
- /*
- Delivery XLOG buffer to application
- */
- if (pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc) {
- (*(pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc))(pLib->user_proc_table.user_context,
- &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter,
- p, pLib->e.R->PLength);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Unknown IDI Ind: %02x", Ind);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((ret = ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- return (ret);
- Internal state machine responsible for scheduling of requests
-static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest(diva_strace_context_t *pLib) {
- char name[64];
- int ret = 0;
- int i;
- if (pLib->req_busy) {
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->removal_state == 1) {
- if (SuperTraceREMOVE(pLib->hAdapter)) {
- pLib->removal_state = 3;
- } else {
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- pLib->removal_state = 2;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->removal_state) {
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->general_b_ch_event) {
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, "State\\B Event", pLib->buffer))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->general_b_ch_event = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->general_fax_event) {
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, "State\\FAX Event", pLib->buffer))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->general_fax_event = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->general_mdm_event) {
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, "State\\Modem Event", pLib->buffer))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->general_mdm_event = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->ChannelsTraceActive < pLib->Channels) {
- pLib->ChannelsTraceActive++;
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Line", pLib->ChannelsTraceActive);
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) {
- pLib->ChannelsTraceActive--;
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->ModemTraceActive < pLib->Channels) {
- pLib->ModemTraceActive++;
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", pLib->ModemTraceActive);
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) {
- pLib->ModemTraceActive--;
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->FaxTraceActive < pLib->Channels) {
- pLib->FaxTraceActive++;
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", pLib->FaxTraceActive);
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) {
- pLib->FaxTraceActive--;
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->trace_mask_init) {
- word tmp = 0x0000;
- if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter,
- pLib->buffer,
- "Trace\\Event Enable",
- &tmp,
- 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */
- sizeof(tmp))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->trace_mask_init = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->audio_trace_init) {
- dword tmp = 0x00000000;
- if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter,
- pLib->buffer,
- "Trace\\AudioCh# Enable",
- &tmp,
- 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */
- sizeof(tmp))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->audio_trace_init = 2;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->bchannel_init) {
- dword tmp = 0x00000000;
- if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter,
- pLib->buffer,
- "Trace\\B-Ch# Enable",
- &tmp,
- 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */
- sizeof(tmp))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->bchannel_init = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->trace_length_init) {
- word tmp = 30;
- if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter,
- pLib->buffer,
- "Trace\\Max Log Length",
- &tmp,
- 0x82, /* MI_UINT */
- sizeof(tmp))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->trace_length_init = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->trace_on) {
- if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Trace\\Log Buffer",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->trace_on = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->trace_event_mask != pLib->current_trace_event_mask) {
- if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter,
- pLib->buffer,
- "Trace\\Event Enable",
- &pLib->trace_event_mask,
- 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */
- sizeof(pLib->trace_event_mask))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->current_trace_event_mask = pLib->trace_event_mask;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if ((pLib->audio_tap_pending >= 0) && (pLib->audio_tap_mask != pLib->current_audio_tap_mask)) {
- if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter,
- pLib->buffer,
- "Trace\\AudioCh# Enable",
- &pLib->audio_tap_mask,
- 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */
- sizeof(pLib->audio_tap_mask))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->current_audio_tap_mask = pLib->audio_tap_mask;
- pLib->audio_tap_pending = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if ((pLib->eye_pattern_pending >= 0) && (pLib->audio_tap_mask != pLib->current_eye_pattern_mask)) {
- if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter,
- pLib->buffer,
- "Trace\\EyeCh# Enable",
- &pLib->audio_tap_mask,
- 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */
- sizeof(pLib->audio_tap_mask))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->current_eye_pattern_mask = pLib->audio_tap_mask;
- pLib->eye_pattern_pending = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->bchannel_trace_mask != pLib->current_bchannel_trace_mask) {
- if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter,
- pLib->buffer,
- "Trace\\B-Ch# Enable",
- &pLib->bchannel_trace_mask,
- 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */
- sizeof(pLib->bchannel_trace_mask))) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->current_bchannel_trace_mask = pLib->bchannel_trace_mask;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->trace_events_down) {
- if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Events Down",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->trace_events_down = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->l1_trace) {
- if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "State\\Layer1",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->l1_trace = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->l2_trace) {
- if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "State\\Layer2 No1",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->l2_trace = 1;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
- if (pLib->pending_line_status & (1L << i)) {
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d", i + 1);
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->pending_line_status &= ~(1L << i);
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->pending_modem_status & (1L << i)) {
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Modem", i + 1);
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->pending_modem_status &= ~(1L << i);
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->pending_fax_status & (1L << i)) {
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\FAX", i + 1);
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->pending_fax_status &= ~(1L << i);
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->clear_call_command & (1L << i)) {
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Clear Call", i + 1);
- if (SuperTraceExecuteRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->clear_call_command &= ~(1L << i);
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- }
- if (pLib->outgoing_ifc_stats) {
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->outgoing_ifc_stats = 0;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->incoming_ifc_stats) {
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->incoming_ifc_stats = 0;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->modem_ifc_stats) {
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Statistics\\Modem",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->modem_ifc_stats = 0;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->fax_ifc_stats) {
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Statistics\\FAX",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->fax_ifc_stats = 0;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->b1_ifc_stats) {
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer1",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->b1_ifc_stats = 0;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->b2_ifc_stats) {
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer2",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->b2_ifc_stats = 0;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->d1_ifc_stats) {
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer1",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->d1_ifc_stats = 0;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (pLib->d2_ifc_stats) {
- if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer2",
- pLib->buffer)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->d2_ifc_stats = 0;
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->IncomingCallsCallsActive) {
- pLib->IncomingCallsCallsActive = 1;
- sprintf(name, "%s", "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Calls");
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) {
- pLib->IncomingCallsCallsActive = 0;
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->IncomingCallsConnectedActive) {
- pLib->IncomingCallsConnectedActive = 1;
- sprintf(name, "%s", "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected");
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) {
- pLib->IncomingCallsConnectedActive = 0;
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->OutgoingCallsCallsActive) {
- pLib->OutgoingCallsCallsActive = 1;
- sprintf(name, "%s", "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Calls");
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) {
- pLib->OutgoingCallsCallsActive = 0;
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (!pLib->OutgoingCallsConnectedActive) {
- pLib->OutgoingCallsConnectedActive = 1;
- sprintf(name, "%s", "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected");
- if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) {
- pLib->OutgoingCallsConnectedActive = 0;
- return (-1);
- }
- pLib->req_busy = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- return (0);
-static int process_idi_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) {
- const char *path = (char *)&pVar->path_length + 1;
- char name[64];
- int i;
- if (!strncmp("State\\B Event", path, pVar->path_length)) {
- dword ch_id;
- if (!diva_trace_read_variable(pVar, &ch_id)) {
- if (!pLib->line_init_event && !pLib->pending_line_status) {
- for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) {
- diva_line_event(pLib, i);
- }
- return (0);
- } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) {
- return (diva_line_event(pLib, (int)ch_id));
- }
- return (0);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- if (!strncmp("State\\FAX Event", path, pVar->path_length)) {
- dword ch_id;
- if (!diva_trace_read_variable(pVar, &ch_id)) {
- if (!pLib->pending_fax_status && !pLib->fax_init_event) {
- for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) {
- diva_fax_event(pLib, i);
- }
- return (0);
- } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) {
- return (diva_fax_event(pLib, (int)ch_id));
- }
- return (0);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- if (!strncmp("State\\Modem Event", path, pVar->path_length)) {
- dword ch_id;
- if (!diva_trace_read_variable(pVar, &ch_id)) {
- if (!pLib->pending_modem_status && !pLib->modem_init_event) {
- for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) {
- diva_modem_event(pLib, i);
- }
- return (0);
- } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) {
- return (diva_modem_event(pLib, (int)ch_id));
- }
- return (0);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- /*
- First look for Line Event
- */
- for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) {
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Line", i);
- if (find_var(pVar, name)) {
- return (diva_line_event(pLib, i));
- }
- }
- /*
- Look for Moden Progress Event
- */
- for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) {
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", i);
- if (find_var(pVar, name)) {
- return (diva_modem_event(pLib, i));
- }
- }
- /*
- Look for Fax Event
- */
- for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) {
- sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", i);
- if (find_var(pVar, name)) {
- return (diva_fax_event(pLib, i));
- }
- }
- /*
- Notification about loss of events
- */
- if (!strncmp("Events Down", path, pVar->path_length)) {
- if (pLib->trace_events_down == 1) {
- pLib->trace_events_down = 2;
- } else {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, 1, "Events Down", 0);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- if (!strncmp("State\\Layer1", path, pVar->path_length)) {
- diva_strace_read_asz(pVar, &pLib->lines[0].pInterface->Layer1[0]);
- if (pLib->l1_trace == 1) {
- pLib->l1_trace = 2;
- } else {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_INTERFACE_CHANGE);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- if (!strncmp("State\\Layer2 No1", path, pVar->path_length)) {
- char *tmp = &pLib->lines[0].pInterface->Layer2[0];
- dword l2_state;
- if (diva_strace_read_uint(pVar, &l2_state))
- return -1;
- switch (l2_state) {
- case 0:
- strcpy(tmp, "Idle");
- break;
- case 1:
- strcpy(tmp, "Layer2 UP");
- break;
- case 2:
- strcpy(tmp, "Layer2 Disconnecting");
- break;
- case 3:
- strcpy(tmp, "Layer2 Connecting");
- break;
- case 4:
- strcpy(tmp, "SPID Initializing");
- break;
- case 5:
- strcpy(tmp, "SPID Initialised");
- break;
- case 6:
- strcpy(tmp, "Layer2 Connecting");
- break;
- case 7:
- strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Stopped");
- break;
- case 8:
- strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Idle");
- break;
- case 9:
- strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Requested");
- break;
- case 10:
- strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Delivery");
- break;
- case 11:
- strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Complete");
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(tmp, "U:%d", (int)l2_state);
- }
- if (pLib->l2_trace == 1) {
- pLib->l2_trace = 2;
- } else {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_INTERFACE_CHANGE);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- if (!strncmp("Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Calls", path, pVar->path_length) ||
- !strncmp("Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected", path, pVar->path_length)) {
- return (SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics(pLib));
- }
- if (!strncmp("Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Calls", path, pVar->path_length) ||
- !strncmp("Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected", path, pVar->path_length)) {
- return (SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics(pLib));
- }
- return (-1);
-static int diva_line_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel) {
- pLib->pending_line_status |= (1L << (Channel - 1));
- return (0);
-static int diva_modem_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel) {
- pLib->pending_modem_status |= (1L << (Channel - 1));
- return (0);
-static int diva_fax_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel) {
- pLib->pending_fax_status |= (1L << (Channel - 1));
- return (0);
- Process INFO indications that arrive from the card
- Uses path of first I.E. to detect the source of the
- infication
-static int process_idi_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) {
- const char *path = (char *)&pVar->path_length + 1;
- char name[64];
- int i, len;
- /*
- First look for Modem Status Info
- */
- for (i = pLib->Channels; i > 0; i--) {
- len = sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Modem", i);
- if (!strncmp(name, path, len)) {
- return (diva_modem_info(pLib, i, pVar));
- }
- }
- /*
- Look for Fax Status Info
- */
- for (i = pLib->Channels; i > 0; i--) {
- len = sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\FAX", i);
- if (!strncmp(name, path, len)) {
- return (diva_fax_info(pLib, i, pVar));
- }
- }
- /*
- Look for Line Status Info
- */
- for (i = pLib->Channels; i > 0; i--) {
- len = sprintf(name, "State\\B%d", i);
- if (!strncmp(name, path, len)) {
- return (diva_line_info(pLib, i, pVar));
- }
- }
- if (!diva_ifc_statistics(pLib, pVar)) {
- return (0);
- }
- return (-1);
- Update Modem Status Information and issue notification to user,
- that will inform about change in the state of modem instance, that is
- associuated with this channel
-static int diva_modem_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) {
- diva_man_var_header_t *cur;
- int i, nr = Channel - 1;
- for (i = pLib->modem_parse_entry_first[nr];
- i <= pLib->modem_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) {
- if ((cur = find_var(pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) {
- if (diva_trace_read_variable(cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -3, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return (-1);
- }
- } else {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -2, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- /*
- We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is
- generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize
- internal variables of application
- */
- if (pLib->modem_init_event & (1L << nr)) {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MODEM_CHANGE);
- } else {
- pLib->modem_init_event |= (1L << nr);
- }
- return (0);
-static int diva_fax_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) {
- diva_man_var_header_t *cur;
- int i, nr = Channel - 1;
- for (i = pLib->fax_parse_entry_first[nr];
- i <= pLib->fax_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) {
- if ((cur = find_var(pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) {
- if (diva_trace_read_variable(cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -3, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return (-1);
- }
- } else {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -2, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- /*
- We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is
- generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize
- internal variables of application
- */
- if (pLib->fax_init_event & (1L << nr)) {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_CHANGE);
- } else {
- pLib->fax_init_event |= (1L << nr);
- }
- return (0);
- Update Line Status Information and issue notification to user,
- that will inform about change in the line state.
-static int diva_line_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) {
- diva_man_var_header_t *cur;
- int i, nr = Channel - 1;
- for (i = pLib->line_parse_entry_first[nr];
- i <= pLib->line_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) {
- if ((cur = find_var(pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) {
- if (diva_trace_read_variable(cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -3, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return (-1);
- }
- } else {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -2 , __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- /*
- We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is
- generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize
- internal variables of application
- Exception is is if the line is "online". In this case we have to notify
- user about this confition.
- */
- if (pLib->line_init_event & (1L << nr)) {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_LINE_CHANGE);
- } else {
- pLib->line_init_event |= (1L << nr);
- if (strcmp(&pLib->lines[nr].Line[0], "Idle")) {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_LINE_CHANGE);
- }
- }
- return (0);
- Move position to next vatianle in the chain
-static diva_man_var_header_t *get_next_var(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) {
- byte *msg = (byte *)pVar;
- byte *start;
- int msg_length;
- if (*msg != ESC) return NULL;
- start = msg + 2;
- msg_length = *(msg + 1);
- msg = (start + msg_length);
- if (*msg != ESC) return NULL;
- return ((diva_man_var_header_t *)msg);
- Move position to variable with given name
-static diva_man_var_header_t *find_var(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar,
- const char *name) {
- const char *path;
- do {
- path = (char *)&pVar->path_length + 1;
- if (!strncmp(name, path, pVar->path_length)) {
- break;
- }
- } while ((pVar = get_next_var(pVar)));
- return (pVar);
-static void diva_create_line_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel) {
- diva_trace_line_state_t *pLine = &pLib->lines[Channel];
- int nr = Channel + 1;
- if ((pLib->cur_parse_entry + LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES) >= pLib->parse_entries) {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return;
- }
- pLine->ChannelNumber = nr;
- pLib->line_parse_entry_first[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Framing", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Framing[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Line", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Line[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Layer2", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Layer2[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Layer3", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Layer3[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Remote Address", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLine->RemoteAddress[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Remote SubAddr", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLine->RemoteSubAddress[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Local Address", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLine->LocalAddress[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Local SubAddr", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLine->LocalSubAddress[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\BC", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->call_BC;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\HLC", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->call_HLC;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\LLC", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->call_LLC;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Charges", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Charges;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Call Reference", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->CallReference;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Last Disc Cause", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLine->LastDisconnecCause;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\User ID", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->UserID[0];
- pLib->line_parse_entry_last[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1;
-static void diva_create_fax_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel) {
- diva_trace_fax_state_t *pFax = &pLib->lines[Channel].fax;
- int nr = Channel + 1;
- if ((pLib->cur_parse_entry + FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES) >= pLib->parse_entries) {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return;
- }
- pFax->ChannelNumber = nr;
- pLib->fax_parse_entry_first[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Event;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Page Counter", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Page_Counter;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Features", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Features;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Station ID", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Station_ID[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Subaddress", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Subaddress[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Password", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Password[0];
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Speed", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Speed;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Resolution", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Resolution;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Paper Width", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Paper_Width;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Paper Length", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Paper_Length;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Scanline Time", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Scanline_Time;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Disc Reason", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Disc_Reason;
- pLib->fax_parse_entry_last[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1;
-static void diva_create_modem_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel) {
- diva_trace_modem_state_t *pModem = &pLib->lines[Channel].modem;
- int nr = Channel + 1;
- if ((pLib->cur_parse_entry + MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES) >= pLib->parse_entries) {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return;
- }
- pModem->ChannelNumber = nr;
- pLib->modem_parse_entry_first[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->Event;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Norm", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->Norm;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Options", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->Options;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\TX Speed", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->TxSpeed;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\RX Speed", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RxSpeed;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Roundtrip ms", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RoundtripMsec;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Symbol Rate", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->SymbolRate;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\RX Level dBm", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RxLeveldBm;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Echo Level dBm", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->EchoLeveldBm;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\SNR dB", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->SNRdb;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\MAE", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->MAE;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Local Retrains", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->LocalRetrains;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Remote Retrains", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RemoteRetrains;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Local Resyncs", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->LocalResyncs;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Remote Resyncs", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RemoteResyncs;
- sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Disc Reason", nr);
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->DiscReason;
- pLib->modem_parse_entry_last[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1;
-static void diva_create_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < pLib->Channels; i++) {
- diva_create_line_parse_table(pLib, i);
- diva_create_modem_parse_table(pLib, i);
- diva_create_fax_parse_table(pLib, i);
- }
- pLib->statistic_parse_first = pLib->cur_parse_entry;
- /*
- Outgoing Calls
- */
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Calls");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Calls;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Connected;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\User Busy");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.User_Busy;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\No Answer");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.No_Answer;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Wrong Number");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Wrong_Number;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Call Rejected");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Call_Rejected;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Other Failures");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Other_Failures;
- /*
- Incoming Calls
- */
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Calls");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\User Busy");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Call Rejected");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Wrong Number");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Incompatible Dst");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Out of Order");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Ignored");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->;
- /*
- Modem Statistics
- */
- pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_first = pLib->cur_parse_entry;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Normal");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Normal;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Unspecified");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Unspecified;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Busy Tone");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Busy_Tone;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Congestion");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Congestion;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Carr. Wait");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Carr_Wait;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Trn Timeout");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Trn_Timeout;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Incompat.");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Incompat;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Frame Rej.");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Frame_Rej;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc V42bis");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_V42bis;
- pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_last = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1;
- /*
- Fax Statistics
- */
- pLib->fax_statistic_parse_first = pLib->cur_parse_entry;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Normal");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Normal;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Not Ident.");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Not_Ident;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Response");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Response;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Retries");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Retries;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unexp. Msg.");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unexp_Msg;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Polling.");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Polling;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Training");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Training;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unexpected");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unexpected;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Application");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Application;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Incompat.");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Incompat;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Command");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Command;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Long Msg");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Long_Msg;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Supervisor");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Supervisor;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc SUB SEP PWD");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_SUB_SEP_PWD;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Invalid Msg");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Invalid_Msg;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Page Coding");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Page_Coding;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc App Timeout");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_App_Timeout;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unspecified");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unspecified;
- pLib->fax_statistic_parse_last = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1;
- /*
- B-Layer1"
- */
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Frames");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Frames;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Bytes");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Bytes;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Errors");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Errors;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Frames");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Frames;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Bytes");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Bytes;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Errors");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Errors;
- /*
- B-Layer2
- */
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Frames");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Frames;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Bytes");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Bytes;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Errors");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Errors;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Frames");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Frames;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Bytes");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Bytes;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Errors");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Errors;
- /*
- D-Layer1
- */
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Frames");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Frames;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Bytes");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Bytes;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Errors");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Errors;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Frames");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Frames;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Bytes");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Bytes;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Errors");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Errors;
- /*
- D-Layer2
- */
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Frames");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Frames;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Bytes");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Bytes;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Errors");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Errors;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Frames");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Frames;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Bytes");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Bytes;
- strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path,
- "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Errors");
- pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \
- &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Errors;
- pLib->statistic_parse_last = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1;
-static void diva_trace_error(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int error, const char *file, int line) {
- if (pLib->user_proc_table.error_notify_proc) {
- (*(pLib->user_proc_table.error_notify_proc))(\
- pLib->user_proc_table.user_context,
- &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter,
- error, file, line);
- }
- Delivery notification to user
-static void diva_trace_notify_user(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- int Channel,
- int notify_subject) {
- if (pLib->user_proc_table.notify_proc) {
- (*(pLib->user_proc_table.notify_proc))(pLib->user_proc_table.user_context,
- &pLib->instance,
- pLib->Adapter,
- &pLib->lines[Channel],
- notify_subject);
- }
- Read variable value to they destination based on the variable type
-static int diva_trace_read_variable(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar,
- void *variable) {
- switch (pVar->type) {
- case 0x03: /* MI_ASCIIZ - syting */
- return (diva_strace_read_asz(pVar, (char *)variable));
- case 0x04: /* MI_ASCII - string */
- return (diva_strace_read_asc(pVar, (char *)variable));
- case 0x05: /* MI_NUMBER - counted sequence of bytes */
- return (diva_strace_read_ie(pVar, (diva_trace_ie_t *)variable));
- case 0x81: /* MI_INT - signed integer */
- return (diva_strace_read_int(pVar, (int *)variable));
- case 0x82: /* MI_UINT - unsigned integer */
- return (diva_strace_read_uint(pVar, (dword *)variable));
- case 0x83: /* MI_HINT - unsigned integer, hex representetion */
- return (diva_strace_read_uint(pVar, (dword *)variable));
- case 0x87: /* MI_BITFLD - unsigned integer, bit representation */
- return (diva_strace_read_uint(pVar, (dword *)variable));
- }
- /*
- This type of variable is not handled, indicate error
- Or one problem in management interface, or in application recodeing
- table, or this application should handle it.
- */
- return (-1);
- Read signed integer to destination
-static int diva_strace_read_int(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, int *var) {
- byte *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length;
- int value;
- ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1);
- switch (pVar->value_length) {
- case 1:
- value = *(char *)ptr;
- break;
- case 2:
- value = (short)GET_WORD(ptr);
- break;
- case 4:
- value = (int)GET_DWORD(ptr);
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- *var = value;
- return (0);
-static int diva_strace_read_uint(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, dword *var) {
- byte *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length;
- dword value;
- ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1);
- switch (pVar->value_length) {
- case 1:
- value = (byte)(*ptr);
- break;
- case 2:
- value = (word)GET_WORD(ptr);
- break;
- case 3:
- value = (dword)GET_DWORD(ptr);
- value &= 0x00ffffff;
- break;
- case 4:
- value = (dword)GET_DWORD(ptr);
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- *var = value;
- return (0);
- Read zero terminated ASCII string
-static int diva_strace_read_asz(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, char *var) {
- char *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length;
- int length;
- ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1);
- if (!(length = pVar->value_length)) {
- length = strlen(ptr);
- }
- memcpy(var, ptr, length);
- var[length] = 0;
- return (0);
- Read counted (with leading length byte) ASCII string
-static int diva_strace_read_asc(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, char *var) {
- char *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length;
- ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1);
- memcpy(var, ptr + 1, *ptr);
- var[(int)*ptr] = 0;
- return (0);
- Read one information element - i.e. one string of byte values with
- one length byte in front
-static int diva_strace_read_ie(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar,
- diva_trace_ie_t *var) {
- char *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length;
- ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1);
- var->length = *ptr;
- memcpy(&var->data[0], ptr + 1, *ptr);
- return (0);
-static int SuperTraceSetAudioTap(void *hLib, int Channel, int on) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- if ((Channel < 1) || (Channel > pLib->Channels)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- Channel--;
- if (on) {
- pLib->audio_tap_mask |= (1L << Channel);
- } else {
- pLib->audio_tap_mask &= ~(1L << Channel);
- }
- /*
- EYE patterns have TM_M_DATA set as additional
- condition
- */
- if (pLib->audio_tap_mask) {
- pLib->trace_event_mask |= TM_M_DATA;
- } else {
- pLib->trace_event_mask &= ~TM_M_DATA;
- }
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceSetBChannel(void *hLib, int Channel, int on) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- if ((Channel < 1) || (Channel > pLib->Channels)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- Channel--;
- if (on) {
- pLib->bchannel_trace_mask |= (1L << Channel);
- } else {
- pLib->bchannel_trace_mask &= ~(1L << Channel);
- }
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceSetDChannel(void *hLib, int on) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- if (on) {
- pLib->trace_event_mask |= (TM_D_CHAN | TM_C_COMM | TM_DL_ERR | TM_LAYER1);
- } else {
- pLib->trace_event_mask &= ~(TM_D_CHAN | TM_C_COMM | TM_DL_ERR | TM_LAYER1);
- }
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceSetInfo(void *hLib, int on) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- if (on) {
- pLib->trace_event_mask |= TM_STRING;
- } else {
- pLib->trace_event_mask &= ~TM_STRING;
- }
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceClearCall(void *hLib, int Channel) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- if ((Channel < 1) || (Channel > pLib->Channels)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- Channel--;
- pLib->clear_call_command |= (1L << Channel);
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
- Parse and update cumulative statistice
-static int diva_ifc_statistics(diva_strace_context_t *pLib,
- diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) {
- diva_man_var_header_t *cur;
- int i, one_updated = 0, mdm_updated = 0, fax_updated = 0;
- for (i = pLib->statistic_parse_first; i <= pLib->statistic_parse_last; i++) {
- if ((cur = find_var(pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) {
- if (diva_trace_read_variable(cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) {
- diva_trace_error(pLib, -3 , __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return (-1);
- }
- one_updated = 1;
- if ((i >= pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_first) && (i <= pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_last)) {
- mdm_updated = 1;
- }
- if ((i >= pLib->fax_statistic_parse_first) && (i <= pLib->fax_statistic_parse_last)) {
- fax_updated = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is
- generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize
- internal variables of application
- */
- if (mdm_updated) {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MDM_STAT_CHANGE);
- } else if (fax_updated) {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_STAT_CHANGE);
- } else if (one_updated) {
- diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_STAT_CHANGE);
- }
- return (one_updated ? 0 : -1);
-static int SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- pLib->outgoing_ifc_stats = 1;
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- pLib->incoming_ifc_stats = 1;
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceGetModemStatistics(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- pLib->modem_ifc_stats = 1;
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- pLib->fax_ifc_stats = 1;
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- pLib->b1_ifc_stats = 1;
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- pLib->b2_ifc_stats = 1;
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- pLib->d1_ifc_stats = 1;
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-static int SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics(void *hLib) {
- diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib;
- pLib->d2_ifc_stats = 1;
- return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib));
-dword DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement(int channels) {
- dword parse_entries = (MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES + FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES + \
- LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES + 1) * channels;
- return (sizeof(diva_strace_context_t) + \
- (parse_entries * sizeof(diva_strace_path2action_t)));