path: root/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-01-13 15:08:24 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-01-13 15:08:24 +0530
commit97327692361306d1e6259021bc425e32832fdb50 (patch)
treefe9088f3248ec61e24f404f21b9793cb644b7f01 /drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver
parent2d05a8f663478a44e088d122e0d62109bbc801d0 (diff)
parenta3a8b90b61e21be3dde9101c4e86c881e0f06210 (diff)
dirty fix to merging
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver')
47 files changed, 33854 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8c49ca89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+MAKE = make
+RM = rm
+MV = mv
+ECHO = echo
+CP = cp
+PWD = $(shell pwd)
+obj-m := lib.a
+lib-y := NMI_host_AP.o core_configurator/CoreConfigurator.o nmi_driver_interface/host_interface.o\
+ core_simulator/FIFO_Buffer.o nmi_sdio.o\
+ nmi_spi.o nmi_wlan_cfg.o nmi_wlan.o
+lib-y := core_configurator/CoreConfigurator.o nmi_driver_interface/host_interface.o\
+ core_simulator/FIFO_Buffer.o nmi_sdio.o\
+ nmi_spi.o nmi_wlan_cfg.o nmi_wlan.o
+ccflags-y = -I$(src)/include
+ccflags-y += -I$(src)/../NMI_OsWrapper/include
+ccflags-y += -I$(src)/..
+ccflags-y += -Wno-unused-function
+#Use external 1.4V VCO
+#Default to NMI=EVAL if NMI isn't defined
+ifeq ($(strip $(NMI)),)
+ifeq ($(NMI),EVAL)
+else ifeq ($(NMI),FPGA)
+ifeq ($(BUS),SDIO)
+ifeq ($(SDIO_IRQ),GPIO)
+ifeq ($(DMA_VER),VER_1)
+KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
+lib-y += core_simulator/CoreConfigSimulator.o transport/Packet_Tx_Rx.o
+ccflags-y += -DSIMULATION
+OUT_ARCH = x86
+else ifeq ($(TARGET),PANDA)
+#lib-y += core_simulator/CoreConfigSimulator.o transport/Packet_Tx_Rx.o
+#ccflags-y += -DSIMULATION
+KERNELDIR ?= $(DEV_TREE)/kernel/omap
+MAKE_FLAGS := CROSS_COMPILE=$(DEV_TREE)/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- ARCH=arm
+else ifeq ($(TARGET),BEAGLE)
+OUT_ARCH = ARM-2.6.39
+MAKE_FLAGS := CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm
+else ifeq ($(TARGET),NM73131)
+else ifeq ($(TARGET),ALLWINNER)
+KERNELDIR ?= $(DEV_TREE)/linux-3.0
+MAKE_FLAGS := CROSS_COMPILE=$(DEV_TREE)/buildroot/output/external-toolchain/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm
+KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
+lib-y += core_simulator/CoreConfigSimulator.o transport/Packet_Tx_Rx.o
+ccflags-y += -DSIMULATION
+OUT_ARCH = x86
+ifeq ($(FIRMLOG),HOST)
+ $(MAKE) TARGET=$(TARGET) -C ../NMI_OsWrapper/source/linuxkernel
+ @$(ECHO) "###########################################"
+ @$(ECHO) "####### Building NMI WiFi Driver lib ######"
+ @$(ECHO) "##### TARGET =" $(TARGET) "######"
+ mkdir -p binary/linux/$(OUT_ARCH)
+ $(MV) $(PWD)/lib.a binary/linux/$(OUT_ARCH)/NMI_WiFi_Driver.a
+ $(MAKE) TARGET=$(TARGET) -C ../NMI_OsWrapper/source/linuxkernel clean
+ @$(ECHO) "###########################################"
+ @$(ECHO) "####### Cleaning NMI WiFi Driver lib ######"
+ @$(ECHO) "##### TARGET =" $(TARGET) "######"
+ $(RM) -f $(OBJPROG)
+ $(RM) -f binary/linux/$(OUT_ARCH)/NMI_OsWrapper.a
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/Makefile_US b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/Makefile_US
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b8863b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/Makefile_US
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#ARCH = arm
+MAKE = make
+#CC = arm-linux-gcc
+#AR = arm-linux-ar
+CC = gcc
+AR = ar
+RM = rm
+MV = mv
+ECHO = echo
+CFLAGS = -g -Wall
+PROGS = libdriver.a
+OBJECTS = core_configurator/CoreConfigurator.o core_simulator/CoreConfigSimulator.o nmi_driver_interface/host_interface.o transport/Packet_tx_Rx_socket.o core_simulator/FIFO_Buffer.o transport/Packet_Tx_Rx.o
+PWD = $(shell pwd)
+OSPWD = $(PWD)/../NMI_OsWrapper
+INCHDR += -I$(PWD)/include -I .
+INCHDR += -I$(OSPWD)/include
+#INCHDR += -DNMI_LINUX -I$(PWD)/../NMI_OsWrapper/include
+OSMAKEFILE = $(PWD)/../NMI_OsWrapper/source/linux
+OSLIB = $(PWD)/../NMI_OsWrapper/binary/linux/x86
+VPATH += source
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
+ $(MAKE) -C $(OSPWD)/source/linux
+ @$(ECHO) "###########################################"
+ @$(ECHO) "#### Building" $<
+ $(CC) $(INCHDR) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ #-L$(OSLIB) -loswrapper
+OBJPROG = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(PROGS))
+$(OBJPROG): $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(OBJECTS))
+ @$(ECHO) "###########################################"
+ @$(ECHO) "#### Linking library" $@
+ $(AR) rcs $@ $^
+ $(RM) -f $(OBJPROG) $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(OBJECTS))
+build: $(OBJPROG)
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/NMI_host_AP.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/NMI_host_AP.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5bebfc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/NMI_host_AP.c
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+* @file NMI_host_AP.c
+* @brief code related to AP mode on driver
+* @author asobhy
+* @date 09 APRIL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+#include "linux_wlan_common.h"
+#include "NMI_OsWrapper/include/NMI_OSWrapper.h"
+#include "NMI_host_AP.h"
+beacon_info strBeaconInfo = {0};
+* @brief NMI_beacon_tx_complete
+* @details call back function for beacon transmission through vmm , does nothing at the moment
+* @return
+* @author asobhy
+* @date 09 APRIL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+static void NMI_beacon_tx_complete(void* priv, int status)
+ beacon_data* pv_data = (beacon_data*)priv;
+ NMI_Uint8 * buf= pv_data->buff;
+ //if(status == 1){
+ //if(INFO || buf[0] == 0x80 || buf[0] == 0xb0)
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Packet sent successfully - Size = %d - Address = %p.\n",pv_data->size,pv_data->buff);
+ //}else{
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Couldn't send packet - Size = %d - Address = %p.\n",pv_data->size,pv_data->buff);
+ //}
+* @brief NMI_beacon_xmit
+* @details send beacon frame to firmware
+* @param[in] u8 *buf : pointer to the beacon frame
+* size_t len : beacon frame length
+* @return Error code.
+* @author asobhy
+* @date 09 APRIL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_beacon_xmit(const u8 *buf, size_t len)
+ beacon_data *strBeacon_tx =NULL;
+ /* allocate the beacon_data struct */
+ strBeacon_tx = (beacon_data*)kmalloc(sizeof(beacon_data),GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if(strBeacon_tx == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for mgmt_tx structure\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ /* allocate buffer for beacon data within the beacon_data struct */
+ strBeacon_tx->buff= (char*)kmalloc(len,GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if(strBeacon_tx->buff == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for mgmt_tx buff\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ /* fill in the beacon data stuct */
+ memcpy(strBeacon_tx->buff,buf,len);
+ strBeacon_tx->size=len;
+ /* the actual transmission of beacon to firmware*/
+ //NMI_PRINTF("--IN beacon_tx: Sending beacon Pkt to tx queue--\n");
+ nmi_wlan_txq_add_mgmt_pkt(strBeacon_tx,strBeacon_tx->buff,strBeacon_tx->size,NMI_beacon_tx_complete);
+ return 0;
+* @brief host_add_beacon
+* @details Setting add beacon params in message queue
+* @param[in] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32Interval,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32DTIMPeriod,NMI_Uint32 u32HeadLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Head,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TailLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Tail
+* @return Error code.
+* @author asobhy
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_add_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32Interval,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32DTIMPeriod,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32HeadLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Head,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TailLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Tail)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Bool bIsBeaconSet = NMI_FALSE;
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8BeaconFrame;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16size=0;
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t* strWlan = Get_wlan_context(&u16size);
+ if(u16size != sizeof(nmi_wlan_dev_t))
+ PRINT_ER("size of nmi_wlan_dev_t in nmi_wlan != it's size in NMI_HOST_AP\n");
+ NMI_PRINTF("--IN host_add_beacon--\n");
+ /* calculate beacon length */
+ strBeaconInfo.u16beacon_len = u32HeadLen + u32TailLen + DEFAULT_TIM_LEN + 2 ;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"beacon_len=%d\n",strBeaconInfo.u16beacon_len);
+ /* set beacon interval in chip */
+ if(u32Interval>0)
+ {
+ strBeaconInfo.u16Beacon_Period = u32Interval;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Beacon_Period=%d\n",strBeaconInfo.u16Beacon_Period );
+ strWlan->hif_func.hif_write_reg(rMAC_BEACON_PERIOD, u32Interval);
+ }
+ /* allocate beacon frame */
+ if(strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"beacon_frame wasn't allocated. allocating new buffers\n");
+ /* Allocate 2 global beacon buffers as the beacon for AP may be modfied */
+ /* for which 2 buffers are needed. */
+ strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame = (NMI_Uint8 *)kmalloc(strBeaconInfo.u16beacon_len,GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if(strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Couldn't allocate beacon_frame\n");
+ /* Exception - no memory for beacons */
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ return s32Error;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bIsBeaconSet = NMI_TRUE;
+ }
+ /* set beacon DTIM period in chip */
+ if(u32DTIMPeriod>0)
+ {
+ strBeaconInfo.u8DTIMPeriod= u32DTIMPeriod;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"DTIMPeriod=%d\n",strBeaconInfo.u8DTIMPeriod);
+ strWlan->hif_func.hif_write_reg(rMAC_DTIM_PERIOD, u32DTIMPeriod);
+ }
+ /* save TIM element location within the beacon */
+ strBeaconInfo.u8tim_element_index = u32HeadLen;
+ strBeaconInfo.u16tim_element_trailer_len = u32TailLen;
+ /* Copy beacon head part*/
+ pu8BeaconFrame = strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame;
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8BeaconFrame, pu8Head, u32HeadLen);
+ pu8BeaconFrame += u32HeadLen;
+ /* Set the TIM element field with default parameters and update the */
+ /* index value with the default length. */
+ *(pu8BeaconFrame++) = ITIM;
+ *(pu8BeaconFrame++) = DEFAULT_TIM_LEN;
+ *(pu8BeaconFrame++) = 0;
+ *(pu8BeaconFrame++) = strBeaconInfo.u8DTIMPeriod;
+ *(pu8BeaconFrame++) = 0;
+ *(pu8BeaconFrame++) = 0;
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8BeaconFrame, pu8Tail, u32TailLen);
+ pu8BeaconFrame+=u32TailLen;
+ NMI_beacon_xmit(strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame,strBeaconInfo.u16beacon_len);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Starting TSF timer \n");
+ /* Initialize the virtual bitmap */
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[TYPE_OFFSET] = ITIM; /* Element ID */
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[LENGTH_OFFSET] = DEFAULT_TIM_LEN; /* Element Length */
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[DTIM_CNT_OFFSET] = 0; /* Dtim Count */
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[DTIM_PERIOD_OFFSET] = strBeaconInfo.u8DTIMPeriod; /* Dtim Period */
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[BMAP_CTRL_OFFSET] = 0; /* Bitmap Control */
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[TIM_OFFSET] = 0; /* Copy TIM element */
+ /* Start TSF timer in chip to start sending beacons*/
+ strWlan->hif_func.hif_write_reg(rMAC_TSF_CON, BIT1 | BIT0);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_del_beacon
+* @details delete the allocated beacon
+* @param[in] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv
+* @return Error code.
+* @author asobhy
+* @date 09 APRIL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_del_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"host_del_beacon \n");
+ if(strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame != NULL)
+ {
+ kfree(strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame);
+ strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame=NULL;
+ strBeaconInfo.u16beacon_len = 0;
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief handle tbtt ISR and send updated beacon to chip
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return
+* @author asobhy
+* @date 09 APRIL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+void process_tbtt_isr(void)
+ NMI_Uint16 i = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8OldTimLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 dtim_count = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16size=0;
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t* strWlan = Get_wlan_context(&u16size);
+ //Warning : This is a development only print to notify the developer, it should be removed later on
+ if(u16size != sizeof(nmi_wlan_dev_t))
+ PRINT_ER("size of nmi_wlan_dev_t in nmi_wlan != it's size in NMI_HOST_AP\n");
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"--IN process_tbtt_isr--\n");
+ /* Read the current DTIM count from H/W */
+ strWlan->hif_func.hif_read_reg(rMAC_DTIM_COUNT_ADDR, &dtim_count);
+ //NMI_PRINTF("dtim_count = %d",dtim_count);
+ /* If the beacon pointer has been updated to a new value, the free */
+ /* beacon buffer index is updated to the other buffer. */
+ if(dtim_count == 0)
+ {
+ dtim_count = strBeaconInfo.u8DTIMPeriod - 1;
+ // TODO:
+ /* The beacon transmitted at this TBTT is the DTIM. Requeue all */
+ /* MC/BC packets to the high priority queue. */
+ /* Check if the beacon that is being transmitted has the MC bit */
+ /* set */
+ /* if(BTRUE == get_mc_bit_bcn(old_bcn_idx))
+ while(requeue_ps_packet(NULL, &g_mc_q, BTRUE, BFALSE)
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ dtim_count--;
+ }
+ /* If the buffer that is not currently in use has not been freed*/
+ if(strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Shift the position of the trailer after the TIM element if needed*/
+ u8OldTimLen = strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame[strBeaconInfo.u8tim_element_index + LENGTH_OFFSET];
+ if(u8OldTimLen > strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[LENGTH_OFFSET])
+ {
+ NMI_Uint32 u32ShiftOffset = u8OldTimLen - strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[LENGTH_OFFSET];
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TrailerIndex = strBeaconInfo.u8tim_element_index+u8OldTimLen+2;
+ /*need to shrink the old TIM; i.e. shift the trailer backwards*/
+ for(i=u32TrailerIndex; i<(u32TrailerIndex+strBeaconInfo.u16tim_element_trailer_len); i++)
+ {
+ strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame[i-u32ShiftOffset] = strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame[i];
+ }
+ }
+ else if(u8OldTimLen < strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[LENGTH_OFFSET])
+ {
+ NMI_Uint32 u32ShiftOffset = strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[LENGTH_OFFSET] - u8OldTimLen;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TrailerIndex = strBeaconInfo.u8tim_element_index+u8OldTimLen+2;
+ /*need to enlarge the old TIM; i.e. shift the trailer forward*/
+ for(i=(u32TrailerIndex+strBeaconInfo.u16tim_element_trailer_len-1); i>=u32TrailerIndex; i--)
+ {
+ strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame[i+u32ShiftOffset] = strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Other wise TIM element has the same length, and no shifting is required*/
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[DTIM_CNT_OFFSET] = dtim_count;
+ for(i = 0; i < strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[LENGTH_OFFSET] + 2; i++)
+ {
+ strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame[strBeaconInfo.u8tim_element_index + i] =
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[i];
+ }
+ strBeaconInfo.u16beacon_len= strBeaconInfo.u8tim_element_index + strBeaconInfo.u16tim_element_trailer_len +
+ strBeaconInfo.u8vbmap[LENGTH_OFFSET] + 2 ;
+ // TODO:
+ /* The status of BC/MC packets queued for PS should be updated only */
+ /* in DTIM beacon dtim_count==0. For the rest of the becons reset */
+ /* the BC/MC bit in TIM */
+ /* if(dtim_count != 0)
+ reset_mc_bit_bcn(g_beacon_index);*/
+ /* send the updated beacon to firmware */
+ NMI_beacon_xmit(strBeaconInfo.u8beacon_frame,strBeaconInfo.u16beacon_len);
+ }
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_configurator/CoreConfigurator.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_configurator/CoreConfigurator.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..480b0657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_configurator/CoreConfigurator.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2285 @@
+* @file CoreConfigurator.c
+* @brief
+* @author
+* @sa CoreConfigurator.h
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+/* File Includes */
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "CoreConfigurator.h"
+/* Constants */
+#define INLINE static __inline
+#define PHY_802_11n
+#define MAX_CFG_PKTLEN 1450
+#define MSG_HEADER_LEN 4
+#define QUERY_MSG_TYPE 'Q'
+#define WRITE_MSG_TYPE 'W'
+#define RESP_MSG_TYPE 'R'
+#define INVALID 255
+#define MAC_ADDR_LEN 6
+/* Function Macros */
+/* Type Definitions */
+/* Basic Frame Type Codes (2-bit) */
+typedef enum {FRAME_TYPE_CONTROL = 0x04,
+} tenuBasicFrmType;
+/* Frame Type and Subtype Codes (6-bit) */
+typedef enum {ASSOC_REQ = 0x00,
+ ASSOC_RSP = 0x10,
+ REASSOC_REQ = 0x20,
+ REASSOC_RSP = 0x30,
+ PROBE_REQ = 0x40,
+ PROBE_RSP = 0x50,
+ BEACON = 0x80,
+ ATIM = 0x90,
+ DISASOC = 0xA0,
+ AUTH = 0xB0,
+ DEAUTH = 0xC0,
+ ACTION = 0xD0,
+ PS_POLL = 0xA4,
+ RTS = 0xB4,
+ CTS = 0xC4,
+ ACK = 0xD4,
+ CFEND = 0xE4,
+ CFEND_ACK = 0xF4,
+ DATA = 0x08,
+ DATA_ACK = 0x18,
+ DATA_POLL = 0x28,
+ DATA_POLL_ACK = 0x38,
+ NULL_FRAME = 0x48,
+ CFACK = 0x58,
+ CFPOLL = 0x68,
+ CFPOLL_ACK = 0x78,
+ QOS_DATA = 0x88,
+ QOS_DATA_ACK = 0x98,
+ QOS_CFPOLL = 0xE8,
+ BLOCKACK_REQ = 0x84,
+ BLOCKACK = 0x94,
+} tenuFrmSubtype;
+/* Basic Frame Classes */
+typedef enum{CLASS1_FRAME_TYPE = 0x00,
+/* Element ID of various Information Elements */
+typedef enum {ISSID = 0, /* Service Set Identifier */
+ ISUPRATES = 1, /* Supported Rates */
+ IFHPARMS = 2, /* FH parameter set */
+ IDSPARMS = 3, /* DS parameter set */
+ ICFPARMS = 4, /* CF parameter set */
+ ITIM = 5, /* Traffic Information Map */
+ IIBPARMS = 6, /* IBSS parameter set */
+ ICOUNTRY = 7, /* Country element */
+ IEDCAPARAMS = 12, /* EDCA parameter set */
+ ITSPEC = 13, /* Traffic Specification */
+ ITCLAS = 14, /* Traffic Classification */
+ ISCHED = 15, /* Schedule */
+ ICTEXT = 16, /* Challenge Text */
+ IPOWERCONSTRAINT = 32, /* Power Constraint */
+ IPOWERCAPABILITY = 33, /* Power Capability */
+ ITPCREQUEST = 34, /* TPC Request */
+ ITPCREPORT = 35, /* TPC Report */
+ ISUPCHANNEL = 36, /* Supported channel list */
+ ICHSWANNOUNC = 37, /* Channel Switch Announcement */
+ IMEASUREMENTREQUEST = 38, /* Measurement request */
+ IMEASUREMENTREPORT = 39, /* Measurement report */
+ IQUIET = 40, /* Quiet element Info */
+ IIBSSDFS = 41, /* IBSS DFS */
+ IERPINFO = 42, /* ERP Information */
+ ITSDELAY = 43, /* TS Delay */
+ ITCLASPROCESS = 44, /* TCLAS Processing */
+ IHTCAP = 45, /* HT Capabilities */
+ IQOSCAP = 46, /* QoS Capability */
+ IRSNELEMENT = 48, /* RSN Information Element */
+ IEXSUPRATES = 50, /* Extended Supported Rates */
+ IEXCHSWANNOUNC = 60, /* Extended Ch Switch Announcement*/
+ IHTOPERATION = 61, /* HT Information */
+ ISECCHOFF = 62, /* Secondary Channel Offeset */
+ I2040COEX = 72, /* 20/40 Coexistence IE */
+ I2040INTOLCHREPORT = 73, /* 20/40 Intolerant channel report*/
+ IOBSSSCAN = 74, /* OBSS Scan parameters */
+ IEXTCAP = 127, /* Extended capability */
+ IWMM = 221, /* WMM parameters */
+ IWPAELEMENT = 221, /* WPA Information Element */
+} tenuInfoElemID;
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Char* pcRespBuffer;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32MaxRespBuffLen;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32BytesRead;
+ NMI_Bool bRespRequired;
+} tstrConfigPktInfo;
+/* Extern Variable Declarations */
+/* Extern Function Declarations */
+extern NMI_Sint32 SendRawPacket(NMI_Sint8* ps8Packet, NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLen);
+extern void NetworkInfoReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer,NMI_Uint32 u32Length);
+extern void GnrlAsyncInfoReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32Length);
+extern void host_int_ScanCompleteReceived(NMI_Uint8 * pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32Length);
+/* Global Variables */
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle SemHandleSendPkt;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle SemHandlePktResp;
+static NMI_Sint8* gps8ConfigPacket = NULL;
+static tstrConfigPktInfo gstrConfigPktInfo;
+static NMI_Uint8 g_seqno = 0;
+static NMI_Sint16 g_wid_num = -1;
+static NMI_Uint16 Res_Len;
+static NMI_Uint8 g_oper_mode = SET_CFG;
+/* WID Switches */
+static tstrWID gastrWIDs[NUM_TOTAL_SWITCHES] =
+#if 0
+ {WID_MANUFACTURER, WID_STR}, /* 4 Wids added for the CAPI tool*/
+#ifdef MAC_802_11N
+#endif /* MAC_802_11N */
+/* Static Function Declarations */
+/* Functions */
+INLINE NMI_Uint8 ascii_hex_to_dec(NMI_Uint8 num)
+ if((num >= '0') && (num <= '9'))
+ return (num - '0');
+ else if((num >= 'A') && (num <= 'F'))
+ return (10 + (num - 'A'));
+ else if((num >= 'a') && (num <= 'f'))
+ return (10 + (num - 'a'));
+ return INVALID;
+INLINE NMI_Uint8 get_hex_char(NMI_Uint8 inp)
+ NMI_Uint8 *d2htab = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ return d2htab[inp & 0xF];
+/* This function extracts the MAC address held in a string in standard format */
+/* into another buffer as integers. */
+INLINE NMI_Uint16 extract_mac_addr(NMI_Char *str, NMI_Uint8 *buff)
+ *buff = 0;
+ while(*str != '\0')
+ {
+ if((*str == ':') || (*str == '-'))
+ *(++buff) = 0;
+ else
+ *buff = (*buff << 4) + ascii_hex_to_dec(*str);
+ str++;
+ }
+ return MAC_ADDR_LEN;
+/* This function creates MAC address in standard format from a buffer of */
+/* integers. */
+INLINE void create_mac_addr(NMI_Uint8 *str, NMI_Uint8 *buff)
+ NMI_Uint32 i = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 j = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++)
+ {
+ str[j++] = get_hex_char((NMI_Uint8)((buff[i] >> 4) & 0x0F));
+ str[j++] = get_hex_char((NMI_Uint8)(buff[i] & 0x0F));
+ str[j++] = ':';
+ }
+ str[--j] = '\0';
+/* This function converts the IP address string in dotted decimal format to */
+/* unsigned integer. This functionality is similar to the library function */
+/* inet_addr() but is reimplemented here since I could not confirm that */
+/* inet_addr is platform independent. */
+/* ips=>IP Address String in dotted decimal format */
+/* ipn=>Pointer to IP Address in integer format */
+INLINE NMI_Uint8 conv_ip_to_int(NMI_Uint8 *ips, NMI_Uint32 *ipn)
+ NMI_Uint8 i = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 ipb = 0;
+ *ipn = 0;
+ /* Integer to string for each component */
+ while(ips[i] != '\0')
+ {
+ if(ips[i] == '.')
+ {
+ *ipn = ((*ipn) << 8) | ipb;
+ ipb = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ipb = ipb * 10 + ascii_hex_to_dec(ips[i]);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* The last byte of the IP address is read in here */
+ *ipn = ((*ipn) << 8) | ipb;
+ return 0;
+/* This function converts the IP address from integer format to dotted */
+/* decimal string format. Alternative to std library fn inet_ntoa(). */
+/* ips=>Buffer to hold IP Address String dotted decimal format (Min 17B) */
+/* ipn=>IP Address in integer format */
+INLINE NMI_Uint8 conv_int_to_ip(NMI_Uint8 *ips, NMI_Uint32 ipn)
+ NMI_Uint8 i = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 ipb = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 cnt = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 ipbsize = 0;
+ for(cnt = 4; cnt > 0; cnt--)
+ {
+ ipb = (ipn >> (8*(cnt-1)))& 0xFF;
+ if(ipb >= 100)
+ ipbsize = 2;
+ else if(ipb >= 10)
+ ipbsize = 1;
+ else
+ ipbsize = 0;
+ switch(ipbsize)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ ips[i++] = get_hex_char(ipb/100);
+ ipb %= 100;
+ case 1:
+ ips[i++] = get_hex_char(ipb/10);
+ ipb %= 10;
+ default:
+ ips[i++] = get_hex_char(ipb);
+ }
+ if(cnt > 1)
+ ips[i++] = '.';
+ }
+ ips[i] = '\0';
+ return i;
+INLINE tenuWIDtype get_wid_type(NMI_Uint32 wid_num)
+ /* Check for iconfig specific WID types first */
+ if((wid_num == WID_BSSID) ||
+ (wid_num == WID_MAC_ADDR) ||
+ (wid_num == WID_HUT_DEST_ADDR))
+ {
+ return WID_ADR;
+ }
+ if((WID_1X_SERV_ADDR == wid_num) ||
+ (WID_STACK_IP_ADDR == wid_num) ||
+ (WID_STACK_NETMASK_ADDR == wid_num))
+ {
+ return WID_IP;
+ }
+ /* Next check for standard WID types */
+ if(wid_num < 0x1000)
+ return WID_CHAR;
+ else if(wid_num < 0x2000)
+ return WID_SHORT;
+ else if(wid_num < 0x3000)
+ return WID_INT;
+ else if(wid_num < 0x4000)
+ return WID_STR;
+ else if(wid_num < 0x5000)
+ return WID_BIN_DATA;
+ return WID_UNDEF;
+/* This function extracts the beacon period field from the beacon or probe */
+/* response frame. */
+INLINE NMI_Uint16 get_beacon_period(NMI_Uint8* data)
+ NMI_Uint16 bcn_per = 0;
+ bcn_per = data[0];
+ bcn_per |= (data[1] << 8) ;
+ return bcn_per;
+/* This function extracts the 'frame type' bits from the MAC header of the */
+/* input frame. */
+/* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value. */
+INLINE tenuBasicFrmType get_type(NMI_Uint8* header)
+ return ((tenuBasicFrmType)(header[0] & 0x0C));
+/* This function extracts the 'frame type and sub type' bits from the MAC */
+/* header of the input frame. */
+/* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value. */
+INLINE tenuFrmSubtype get_sub_type(NMI_Uint8* header)
+ return ((tenuFrmSubtype)(header[0] & 0xFC));
+/* This function extracts the 'to ds' bit from the MAC header of the input */
+/* frame. */
+/* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value. */
+INLINE NMI_Uint8 get_to_ds(NMI_Uint8* header)
+ return (header[1] & 0x01);
+/* This function extracts the 'from ds' bit from the MAC header of the input */
+/* frame. */
+/* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value. */
+INLINE NMI_Uint8 get_from_ds(NMI_Uint8* header)
+ return ((header[1] & 0x02) >> 1);
+/* This function extracts the MAC Address in 'address1' field of the MAC */
+/* header and updates the MAC Address in the allocated 'addr' variable. */
+INLINE void get_address1(NMI_Uint8* pu8msa, NMI_Uint8* addr)
+ NMI_memcpy(addr, pu8msa + 4, 6);
+/* This function extracts the MAC Address in 'address2' field of the MAC */
+/* header and updates the MAC Address in the allocated 'addr' variable. */
+INLINE void get_address2(NMI_Uint8* pu8msa, NMI_Uint8* addr)
+ NMI_memcpy(addr, pu8msa + 10, 6);
+/* This function extracts the MAC Address in 'address3' field of the MAC */
+/* header and updates the MAC Address in the allocated 'addr' variable. */
+INLINE void get_address3(NMI_Uint8* pu8msa, NMI_Uint8* addr)
+ NMI_memcpy(addr, pu8msa + 16, 6);
+/* This function extracts the BSSID from the incoming WLAN packet based on */
+/* the 'from ds' bit, and updates the MAC Address in the allocated 'addr' */
+/* variable. */
+INLINE void get_BSSID(NMI_Uint8* data, NMI_Uint8* bssid)
+ if(get_from_ds(data) == 1)
+ get_address2(data, bssid);
+ else if(get_to_ds(data) == 1)
+ get_address1(data, bssid);
+ else
+ get_address3(data, bssid);
+/* This function extracts the SSID from a beacon/probe response frame */
+INLINE void get_ssid(NMI_Uint8* data, NMI_Uint8* ssid, NMI_Uint8* p_ssid_len)
+ NMI_Uint8 len = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 i = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 j = 0;
+ CAP_INFO_LEN + 1];
+ /* If the SSID length field is set wrongly to a value greater than the */
+ /* allowed maximum SSID length limit, reset the length to 0 */
+ if(len >= MAX_SSID_LEN)
+ len = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
+ ssid[i] = data[j];
+ ssid[len] = '\0';
+ *p_ssid_len = len;
+/* This function extracts the capability info field from the beacon or probe */
+/* response frame. */
+INLINE NMI_Uint16 get_cap_info(NMI_Uint8* data)
+ NMI_Uint16 cap_info = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 index = MAC_HDR_LEN;
+ tenuFrmSubtype st = BEACON;
+ st = get_sub_type(data);
+ /* Location of the Capability field is different for Beacon and */
+ /* Association frames. */
+ if((st == BEACON) || (st == PROBE_RSP))
+ cap_info = data[index];
+ cap_info |= (data[index + 1] << 8);
+ return cap_info;
+/* This function extracts the capability info field from the Association */
+/* response frame. */
+INLINE NMI_Uint16 get_assoc_resp_cap_info(NMI_Uint8* data)
+ NMI_Uint16 cap_info = 0;
+ cap_info = data[0];
+ cap_info |= (data[1] << 8);
+ return cap_info;
+/* This funcion extracts the association status code from the incoming */
+/* association response frame and returns association status code */
+INLINE NMI_Uint16 get_asoc_status(NMI_Uint8* data)
+ NMI_Uint16 asoc_status = 0;
+ asoc_status = data[3];
+ asoc_status = (asoc_status << 8) | data[2];
+ return asoc_status;
+/* This function extracts association ID from the incoming association */
+/* response frame */
+INLINE NMI_Uint16 get_asoc_id(NMI_Uint8* data)
+ NMI_Uint16 asoc_id = 0;
+ asoc_id = data[4];
+ asoc_id |= (data[5] << 8) ;
+ return asoc_id;
+* @brief initializes the Core Configurator
+* @details
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 CoreConfiguratorInit(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_SemaphoreAttrs strSemSendPktAttrs;
+ tstrNMI_SemaphoreAttrs strSemPktRespAttrs;
+ PRINT_D(CORECONFIG_DBG,"CoreConfiguratorInit() \n");
+ NMI_SemaphoreFillDefault(&strSemSendPktAttrs);
+ strSemSendPktAttrs.u32InitCount = 1;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&SemHandleSendPkt, &strSemSendPktAttrs);
+ NMI_SemaphoreFillDefault(&strSemPktRespAttrs);
+ strSemPktRespAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&SemHandlePktResp, &strSemPktRespAttrs);
+ gps8ConfigPacket = (NMI_Sint8*)NMI_MALLOC(MAX_PACKET_BUFF_SIZE);
+ if(gps8ConfigPacket == NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("failed in gps8ConfigPacket allocation \n");
+ s32Error = NMI_NO_MEM;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ NMI_memset((void*)gps8ConfigPacket, 0, MAX_PACKET_BUFF_SIZE);
+ NMI_memset((void*)(&gstrConfigPktInfo), 0, sizeof(tstrConfigPktInfo));
+ _fail_:
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Uint8* get_tim_elm(NMI_Uint8* pu8msa, NMI_Uint16 u16RxLen, NMI_Uint16 u16TagParamOffset)
+ NMI_Uint16 u16index = 0;
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* Beacon Frame - Frame Body */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* |Timestamp |BeaconInt |CapInfo |SSID |SupRates |DSParSet |TIM elm | */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* |8 |2 |2 |2-34 |3-10 |3 |4-256 | */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ u16index = u16TagParamOffset;
+ /* Search for the TIM Element Field and return if the element is found */
+ while(u16index < (u16RxLen - FCS_LEN))
+ {
+ if(pu8msa[u16index] == ITIM)
+ {
+ return(&pu8msa[u16index]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u16index += (IE_HDR_LEN + pu8msa[u16index + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return(0);
+/* This function gets the current channel information from
+ the 802.11n beacon/probe response frame */
+NMI_Uint8 get_current_channel_802_11n(NMI_Uint8 *pu8msa,NMI_Uint16 u16RxLen)
+ NMI_Uint16 index;
+ while(index < (u16RxLen - FCS_LEN))
+ {
+ if(pu8msa[index] == IDSPARMS)
+ return (pu8msa[index + 2]);
+ else
+ /* Increment index by length information and header */
+ index += pu8msa[index + 1] + IE_HDR_LEN;
+ }
+ /* Return current channel information from the MIB, if beacon/probe */
+ /* response frame does not contain the DS parameter set IE */
+ //return (mget_CurrentChannel() + 1);
+ return 0; /* no MIB here */
+NMI_Uint8 get_current_channel(NMI_Uint8 *pu8msa, NMI_Uint16 u16RxLen)
+#ifdef PHY_802_11n
+ /* Get the current channel as its not set in */
+ /* 802.11a beacons/probe response */
+ return (get_rf_channel() + 1);
+#else /* FIVE_GHZ_BAND */
+ /* Extract current channel information from */
+ /* the beacon/probe response frame */
+ return (get_current_channel_802_11n(pu8msa, u16RxLen));
+#endif /* FIVE_GHZ_BAND */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* PHY_802_11n */
+* @brief parses the received 'N' message
+* @details
+* @param[in] pu8MsgBuffer The message to be parsed
+* @param[out] ppstrNetworkInfo pointer to pointer to the structure containing the parsed Network Info
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 ParseNetworkInfo(NMI_Uint8* pu8MsgBuffer, tstrNetworkInfo** ppstrNetworkInfo)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo = NMI_NULL;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8MsgType = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8MsgID = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16MsgLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WidID = (NMI_Uint16)WID_NIL;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WidLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8WidVal = 0;
+ u8MsgType = pu8MsgBuffer[0];
+ /* Check whether the received message type is 'N' */
+ if('N' != u8MsgType)
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("Received Message format incorrect.\n");
+ }
+ /* Extract message ID */
+ u8MsgID = pu8MsgBuffer[1];
+ /* Extract message Length */
+ u16MsgLen = MAKE_WORD16(pu8MsgBuffer[2], pu8MsgBuffer[3]);
+ /* Extract WID ID */
+ u16WidID = MAKE_WORD16(pu8MsgBuffer[4], pu8MsgBuffer[5]);
+ /* Extract WID Length */
+ u16WidLen = MAKE_WORD16(pu8MsgBuffer[6], pu8MsgBuffer[7]);
+ /* Assign a pointer to the WID value */
+ pu8WidVal = &pu8MsgBuffer[8];
+ /* parse the WID value of the WID "WID_NEWORK_INFO" */
+ {
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8msa = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16RxLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8TimElm = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8IEs = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16IEsLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8index = 0;
+ pstrNetworkInfo = (tstrNetworkInfo*)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(tstrNetworkInfo));
+ NMI_memset((void*)(pstrNetworkInfo), 0, sizeof(tstrNetworkInfo));
+ pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi = pu8WidVal[0];
+ /* Assign a pointer to msa "Mac Header Start Address" */
+ pu8msa = &pu8WidVal[1];
+ u16RxLen = u16WidLen - 1;
+ /* parse msa*/
+ /* Get the cap_info */
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo = get_cap_info(pu8msa);
+ /* Get SSID */
+ get_ssid(pu8msa, pstrNetworkInfo->au8ssid, &(pstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen));
+ /* Get BSSID */
+ get_BSSID(pu8msa, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid);
+ /* Get the current channel */
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel = get_current_channel(pu8msa, (u16RxLen + FCS_LEN));
+ /* Get beacon period */
+ u8index = (MAC_HDR_LEN + TIME_STAMP_LEN);
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod = get_beacon_period(pu8msa + u8index);
+ /* Get DTIM Period */
+ pu8TimElm = get_tim_elm(pu8msa, (u16RxLen + FCS_LEN), u8index);
+ if(pu8TimElm != 0)
+ {
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u8DtimPeriod = pu8TimElm[3];
+ }
+ pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u16IEsLen);
+ NMI_memset((void*)(pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs), 0, u16IEsLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs, pu8IEs, u16IEsLen);
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen = u16IEsLen;
+ }
+ *ppstrNetworkInfo = pstrNetworkInfo;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Deallocates the parsed Network Info
+* @details
+* @param[in] pstrNetworkInfo Network Info to be deallocated
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 DeallocateNetworkInfo(tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ if(pstrNetworkInfo != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ if(pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs);
+ pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ NMI_FREE(pstrNetworkInfo);
+ pstrNetworkInfo = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief parses the received Association Response frame
+* @details
+* @param[in] pu8Buffer The Association Response frame to be parsed
+* @param[out] ppstrConnectRespInfo pointer to pointer to the structure containing the parsed Association Response Info
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 2 Apr 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 ParseAssocRespInfo(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32BufferLen,
+ tstrConnectRespInfo** ppstrConnectRespInfo)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrConnectRespInfo* pstrConnectRespInfo = NMI_NULL;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16AssocRespLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8IEs = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16IEsLen = 0;
+ pstrConnectRespInfo = (tstrConnectRespInfo*)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(tstrConnectRespInfo));
+ NMI_memset((void*)(pstrConnectRespInfo), 0, sizeof(tstrConnectRespInfo));
+ //u16AssocRespLen = pu8Buffer[0];
+ u16AssocRespLen = (NMI_Uint16)u32BufferLen;
+ /* get the status code */
+ pstrConnectRespInfo->u16ConnectStatus = get_asoc_status(pu8Buffer);
+ if(pstrConnectRespInfo->u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE)
+ {
+ /* get the capability */
+ pstrConnectRespInfo->u16capability = get_assoc_resp_cap_info(pu8Buffer);
+ /* get the Association ID */
+ pstrConnectRespInfo->u16AssocID = get_asoc_id(pu8Buffer);
+ /* get the Information Elements */
+ pu8IEs = &pu8Buffer[CAP_INFO_LEN + STATUS_CODE_LEN + AID_LEN];
+ u16IEsLen = u16AssocRespLen - (CAP_INFO_LEN + STATUS_CODE_LEN + AID_LEN);
+ pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u16IEsLen);
+ NMI_memset((void*)(pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs), 0, u16IEsLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs, pu8IEs, u16IEsLen);
+ pstrConnectRespInfo->u16RespIEsLen = u16IEsLen;
+ }
+ *ppstrConnectRespInfo = pstrConnectRespInfo;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Deallocates the parsed Association Response Info
+* @details
+* @param[in] pstrNetworkInfo Network Info to be deallocated
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 2 Apr 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 DeallocateAssocRespInfo(tstrConnectRespInfo* pstrConnectRespInfo)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ if(pstrConnectRespInfo != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ if(pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs);
+ pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ NMI_FREE(pstrConnectRespInfo);
+ pstrConnectRespInfo = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Sint32 ParseSurveyResults(NMI_Uint8 ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE],
+ wid_site_survey_reslts_s** ppstrSurveyResults,
+ NMI_Uint32* pu32SurveyResultsCount)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ wid_site_survey_reslts_s* pstrSurveyResults = NULL;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32SurveyResultsCount = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32SurveyBytesLength = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8BufferPtr;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32RcvdSurveyResultsNum = 2;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ReadSurveyResFragNum;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ NMI_Uint32 j;
+ for(i = 0; i < u32RcvdSurveyResultsNum; i++)
+ {
+ u32SurveyBytesLength = ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[i][0];
+ for(j = 0; j < u32SurveyBytesLength; j+= SURVEY_RESULT_LENGTH)
+ {
+ u32SurveyResultsCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ //NMI_PRINTF("u32SurveyResultsCount = %d \n", u32SurveyResultsCount);
+ pstrSurveyResults = (wid_site_survey_reslts_s*)NMI_MALLOC(u32SurveyResultsCount * sizeof(wid_site_survey_reslts_s));
+ if(pstrSurveyResults == NULL)
+ {
+ u32SurveyResultsCount = 0;
+ }
+ NMI_memset((void*)(pstrSurveyResults), 0, u32SurveyResultsCount * sizeof(wid_site_survey_reslts_s));
+ u32SurveyResultsCount = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < u32RcvdSurveyResultsNum; i++)
+ {
+ pu8BufferPtr = ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[i];
+ u32SurveyBytesLength = pu8BufferPtr[0];
+ //TODO: mostafa: pu8BufferPtr[1] contains the fragment num
+ u8ReadSurveyResFragNum = pu8BufferPtr[1];
+ //NMI_PRINTF("Read fragment num value in Survey Result Fragmnet %d = %d \n", i, u8ReadSurveyResFragNum);
+ pu8BufferPtr += 2;
+ for(j = 0; j < u32SurveyBytesLength; j+= SURVEY_RESULT_LENGTH)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(&pstrSurveyResults[u32SurveyResultsCount], pu8BufferPtr, SURVEY_RESULT_LENGTH);
+ u32SurveyResultsCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ *ppstrSurveyResults = pstrSurveyResults;
+ *pu32SurveyResultsCount = u32SurveyResultsCount;
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Sint32 DeallocateSurveyResults(wid_site_survey_reslts_s* pstrSurveyResults)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ if(pstrSurveyResults != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrSurveyResults);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : ProcessCharWid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes a WID of type WID_CHAR and */
+/* updates the cfg packet with the supplied value. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure */
+/* 2) Value to set */
+/* */
+/* Globals : */
+/* */
+/* Processing : */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void ProcessCharWid(NMI_Char* pcPacket, NMI_Sint32* ps32PktLen,
+ tstrWID *pstrWID, NMI_Sint8* ps8WidVal)
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8val = (NMI_Uint8*)ps8WidVal;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8val = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
+ if(pstrWID == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Can't set CHAR val 0x%x ,NULL structure\n",u8val);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* WID */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ if(g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
+ {
+ u8val = *pu8val;
+ /* Length */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = sizeof(NMI_Uint8);
+ /* Value */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = u8val;
+ }
+ *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : ProcessShortWid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes a WID of type WID_SHORT and */
+/* updates the cfg packet with the supplied value. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure */
+/* 2) Value to set */
+/* */
+/* Globals : */
+/* */
+/* Processing : */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void ProcessShortWid(NMI_Char* pcPacket,NMI_Sint32* ps32PktLen,
+ tstrWID *pstrWID, NMI_Sint8* ps8WidVal)
+ NMI_Uint16* pu16val = (NMI_Uint16*)ps8WidVal;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16val = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
+ if(pstrWID == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Can't set SHORT val 0x%x ,NULL structure\n",u16val);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* WID */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ if(g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
+ {
+ u16val = *pu16val;
+ /* Length */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ /* Value */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(u16val & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u16val >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ }
+ *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : ProcessIntWid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes a WID of type WID_INT and */
+/* updates the cfg packet with the supplied value. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure */
+/* 2) Value to set */
+/* */
+/* Globals : */
+/* */
+/* Processing : */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void ProcessIntWid(NMI_Char* pcPacket,NMI_Sint32* ps32PktLen,
+ tstrWID *pstrWID, NMI_Sint8* ps8WidVal)
+ NMI_Uint32* pu32val = (NMI_Uint32*)ps8WidVal;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32val = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
+ if(pstrWID == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Can't set INT val 0x%x , NULL structure\n",u32val);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* WID */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ if(g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
+ {
+ u32val = *pu32val;
+ /* Length */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = sizeof(NMI_Uint32);
+ /* Value */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(u32val & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u32val >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u32val >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u32val >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ }
+ *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : ProcessIPwid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes a WID of type WID_IP and */
+/* updates the cfg packet with the supplied value. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure */
+/* 2) Value to set */
+/* */
+/* Globals : */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Processing : */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void ProcessIPwid(NMI_Char* pcPacket,NMI_Sint32* ps32PktLen,
+ tstrWID *pstrWID, NMI_Uint8 *pu8ip)
+ NMI_Uint32 u32val = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
+ if(pstrWID == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Can't set IP Addr , NULL structure\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* WID */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ if(g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
+ {
+ /* Length */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = sizeof(NMI_Uint32);
+ /* Convert the IP Address String to Integer */
+ conv_ip_to_int(pu8ip, &u32val);
+ /* Value */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(u32val & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u32val >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u32val >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u32val >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ }
+ *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : ProcessStrWid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes a WID of type WID_STR and */
+/* updates the cfg packet with the supplied value. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure */
+/* 2) Value to set */
+/* */
+/* Globals : */
+/* */
+/* Processing : */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void ProcessStrWid(NMI_Char* pcPacket,NMI_Sint32* ps32PktLen,
+ tstrWID *pstrWID, NMI_Uint8 *pu8val, NMI_Sint32 s32ValueSize)
+ NMI_Uint16 u16MsgLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 idx = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
+ if(pstrWID == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Can't set STR val, NULL structure\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* WID */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ if(g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
+ {
+ /* Message Length */
+ //u16MsgLen = NMI_strlen(pu8val);
+ u16MsgLen = (NMI_Uint16)s32ValueSize;
+ /* Length */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)u16MsgLen;
+ /* Value */
+ for(idx = 0; idx < u16MsgLen; idx++)
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = pu8val[idx];
+ }
+ *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : ProcessAdrWid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes a WID of type WID_ADR and */
+/* updates the cfg packet with the supplied value. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure */
+/* 2) Value to set */
+/* */
+/* Globals : */
+/* */
+/* Processing : */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void ProcessAdrWid(NMI_Char* pcPacket,NMI_Sint32* ps32PktLen,
+ tstrWID *pstrWID, NMI_Uint8 *pu8val)
+ NMI_Uint16 u16MsgLen = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
+ if(pstrWID == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Can't set Addr WID, NULL structure\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* WID */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ if(g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
+ {
+ /* Message Length */
+ u16MsgLen = MAC_ADDR_LEN;
+ /* Length */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)u16MsgLen;
+ /* Value */
+ extract_mac_addr(pu8val, pcPacket + s32PktLen);
+ s32PktLen += u16MsgLen;
+ }
+ *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : ProcessBinWid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes a WID of type WID_BIN_DATA and */
+/* updates the cfg packet with the supplied value. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure */
+/* 2) Name of file containing the binary data in text mode */
+/* */
+/* Globals : */
+/* */
+/* Processing : The binary data is expected to be supplied through a */
+/* file in text mode. This file is expected to be in the */
+/* finject format. It is parsed, converted to binary format */
+/* and copied into g_cfg_pkt for further processing. This */
+/* is obviously a round-about way of processing involving */
+/* multiple (re)conversions between bin & ascii formats. */
+/* But it is done nevertheless to retain uniformity and for */
+/* ease of debugging. */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void ProcessBinWid(NMI_Char* pcPacket,NMI_Sint32* ps32PktLen,
+ tstrWID *pstrWID, NMI_Uint8 *pu8val, NMI_Sint32 s32ValueSize)
+ //NMI_ERROR("processing Binary WIDs is not supported \n");
+ NMI_Uint16 u16MsgLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 idx = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8checksum = 0;
+ if(pstrWID == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Can't set BIN val, NULL structure\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* WID */
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ if(g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
+ {
+ /* Message Length */
+ u16MsgLen = (NMI_Uint16)s32ValueSize;
+ /* Length */
+ //pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)u16MsgLen;
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)(u16MsgLen & 0xFF);
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u16MsgLen >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ /* Value */
+ for(idx = 0; idx < u16MsgLen; idx++)
+ {
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = pu8val[idx];
+ }
+ /* checksum */
+ for (idx = 0; idx < u16MsgLen; idx++)
+ {
+ u8checksum += pcPacket[MSG_HEADER_LEN+idx+4];
+ }
+ pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = u8checksum;
+ }
+ *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : further_process_response */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function parses the response frame got from the */
+/* device. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) The received response frame */
+/* 2) WID */
+/* 3) WID Length */
+/* 4) Output file handle */
+/* 5) Process Wid Number(i.e wid from --widn switch) */
+/* 6) Index the array in the Global Wid Structure. */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_wid_num, gastrWIDs */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function parses the response of the device depending*/
+/* WID type and writes it to the output file in Hex or */
+/* decimal notation depending on the --getx or --get switch.*/
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : 0 on Success & -2 on Failure */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2009 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+NMI_Sint32 further_process_response(NMI_Uint8* resp,
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WIDid,
+ NMI_Uint16 cfg_len,
+ NMI_Bool process_wid_num,
+ NMI_Uint32 cnt,
+ tstrWID* pstrWIDresult)
+ NMI_Uint32 retval = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 idx = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 cfg_chr = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 cfg_sht = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 cfg_int = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 cfg_str[256] = {0};
+ tenuWIDtype enuWIDtype = WID_UNDEF;
+ if(process_wid_num)
+ {
+ enuWIDtype = get_wid_type(g_wid_num);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enuWIDtype = gastrWIDs[cnt].enuWIDtype;
+ }
+ switch(enuWIDtype)
+ {
+ case WID_CHAR:
+ {
+ cfg_chr = resp[idx];
+ /*Set local copy of WID*/
+ *(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal) = cfg_chr;
+ break;
+ }
+ case WID_SHORT:
+ {
+ NMI_Uint16* pu16val = (NMI_Uint16*)(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal);
+ cfg_sht = MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx], resp[idx + 1]);
+ /*Set local copy of WID*/
+ //pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(NMI_Sint32)cfg_sht;
+ *pu16val = cfg_sht;
+ break;
+ }
+ case WID_INT:
+ {
+ NMI_Uint32* pu32val = (NMI_Uint32*)(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal);
+ cfg_int = MAKE_WORD32(
+ MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx], resp[idx + 1]),
+ MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx + 2], resp[idx + 3])
+ );
+ /*Set local copy of WID*/
+ //pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)cfg_int;
+ *pu32val = cfg_int;
+ break;
+ }
+ case WID_STR:
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(cfg_str, resp + idx, cfg_len);
+ //cfg_str[cfg_len] = '\0'; //mostafa: no need currently for NULL termination
+ if(process_wid_num)
+ {
+ /*fprintf(out_file,"0x%4.4x = %s\n",g_wid_num,
+ cfg_str);*/
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*fprintf(out_file,"%s = %s\n",gastrWIDs[cnt].cfg_switch,
+ cfg_str);*/
+ }
+ if(pstrWIDresult->s32ValueSize >= cfg_len)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal, cfg_str, cfg_len); //mostafa: no need currently for the extra NULL byte
+ pstrWIDresult->s32ValueSize = cfg_len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("allocated WID buffer length is smaller than the received WID Length \n");
+ retval = -2;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case WID_ADR:
+ create_mac_addr(cfg_str, resp + idx);
+ NMI_strncpy(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal,cfg_str,NMI_strlen(cfg_str));
+ pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal[NMI_strlen(cfg_str)] = '\0';
+ if(process_wid_num)
+ {
+ /*fprintf(out_file,"0x%4.4x = %s\n",g_wid_num,
+ cfg_str);*/
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*fprintf(out_file,"%s = %s\n",gastrWIDs[cnt].cfg_switch,
+ cfg_str);*/
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_IP:
+ cfg_int = MAKE_WORD32(
+ MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx], resp[idx + 1]),
+ MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx + 2], resp[idx + 3])
+ );
+ conv_int_to_ip(cfg_str, cfg_int);
+ if(process_wid_num)
+ {
+ /*fprintf(out_file,"0x%4.4x = %s\n",g_wid_num,
+ cfg_str);*/
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*fprintf(out_file,"%s = %s\n",gastrWIDs[cnt].cfg_switch,
+ cfg_str);*/
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_BIN_DATA:
+ {
+ #if 0
+ //FILE *fp_bin = NULL;
+ NMI_Uint8 first_bin_wid = 1;
+ if(first_bin_wid)
+ {
+ //fp_bin = fopen("wid_response.bin","wb");
+ first_bin_wid = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //fp_bin = fopen("wid_response.bin","ab");
+ }
+ if(/*fp_bin == NULL*/0)
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("Error: Could not open wid_response.bin for write\n");
+ return -2;
+ }
+ //fwrite(resp + idx, cfg_len, 1, fp_bin);
+ //fclose(fp_bin);
+ #endif
+ if(pstrWIDresult->s32ValueSize >= cfg_len)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal, resp + idx, cfg_len);
+ pstrWIDresult->s32ValueSize = cfg_len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Allocated WID buffer length is smaller than the received WID Length Err(%d)\n",retval);
+ retval = -2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ PRINT_ER("ERROR: Check config database: Error(%d)\n",retval);
+ retval = -2;
+ }
+ return retval;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : ParseResponse */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function parses the command-line options and */
+/* creates the config packets which can be sent to the WLAN */
+/* station. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) The received response frame */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_opt_list, gastrWIDs */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function parses the options and creates different */
+/* types of packets depending upon the WID-type */
+/* corresponding to the option. */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : 0 on Success & -1 on Failure */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 01 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+NMI_Sint32 ParseResponse(NMI_Uint8 *resp,tstrWID* pstrWIDcfgResult)
+ NMI_Uint16 u16RespLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WIDid = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 cfg_len = 0;
+ tenuWIDtype enuWIDtype = WID_UNDEF;
+ NMI_Bool num_wid_processed = NMI_FALSE;
+ NMI_Uint32 cnt = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 idx = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 ResCnt = 0;
+ /* Check whether the received frame is a valid response */
+ if(RESP_MSG_TYPE != resp[0])
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Received Message format incorrect.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Extract Response Length */
+ u16RespLen = MAKE_WORD16(resp[2], resp[3]);
+ Res_Len = u16RespLen;
+ for(idx = MSG_HEADER_LEN; idx < u16RespLen; )
+ {
+ u16WIDid = MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx], resp[idx + 1]);
+ cfg_len = resp[idx + 2];
+ /* Incase of Bin Type Wid, the length is given by two byte field */
+ if(WID_BIN_DATA == (enuWIDtype = get_wid_type(u16WIDid)))
+ {
+ cfg_len |= ((NMI_Uint16)resp[idx + 3] << 8) & 0xFF00 ;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ idx += 3;
+ if((u16WIDid == g_wid_num) && (num_wid_processed == NMI_FALSE))
+ {
+ num_wid_processed = NMI_TRUE;
+ if(-2 == further_process_response(&resp[idx], u16WIDid, cfg_len, NMI_TRUE , 0 ,&pstrWIDcfgResult[ResCnt]))
+ {
+ return -2;
+ }
+ ResCnt++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(cnt = 0; cnt < NUM_TOTAL_SWITCHES; cnt++)
+ {
+ if(gastrWIDs[cnt].u16WIDid == u16WIDid)
+ {
+ if(-2 == further_process_response(&resp[idx], u16WIDid, cfg_len, NMI_FALSE , cnt,
+ &pstrWIDcfgResult[ResCnt]))
+ {
+ return -2;
+ }
+ ResCnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ idx += cfg_len;
+ /* In case if BIN type Wid, The last byte of the Cfg packet is the */
+ /* Checksum. The WID Length field does not accounts for the checksum. */
+ /* The Checksum is discarded. */
+ if(WID_BIN_DATA == enuWIDtype)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+* @brief parses the write response [just detects its status: success or failure]
+* @details
+* @param[in] pu8RespBuffer The Response to be parsed
+* @return Error code indicating Write Operation status:
+ WRITE_RESP_SUCCESS (1) => Write Success.
+ NMI_FAIL (-100) => Write Failure.
+* @note
+* @author Ittiam
+* @date 11 Aug 2009
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 ParseWriteResponse(NMI_Uint8* pu8RespBuffer)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16RespLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WIDtype = (NMI_Uint16)WID_NIL;
+ /* Check whether the received frame is a valid response */
+ if(RESP_MSG_TYPE != pu8RespBuffer[0])
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("Received Message format incorrect.\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ /* Extract Response Length */
+ u16RespLen = MAKE_WORD16(pu8RespBuffer[2], pu8RespBuffer[3]);
+ u16WIDtype = MAKE_WORD16(pu8RespBuffer[4], pu8RespBuffer[5]);
+ /* Check for WID_STATUS ID and then check the length and status value */
+ if((u16WIDtype == WID_STATUS) &&
+ (pu8RespBuffer[6] == 1) &&
+ (pu8RespBuffer[7] == WRITE_RESP_SUCCESS))
+ {
+ return s32Error;
+ }
+ /* If the length or status are not as expected return failure */
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief creates the header of the Configuration Packet
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] pcpacket The Configuration Packet
+* @param[in,out] ps32PacketLength Length of the Configuration Packet
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author aismail
+* @date 18 Feb 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 CreatePacketHeader(NMI_Char* pcpacket,NMI_Sint32* ps32PacketLength)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16MsgLen = (NMI_Uint16)(*ps32PacketLength);
+ NMI_Uint16 u16MsgInd=0;
+ /* The format of the message is: */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | Message Type | Message ID | Message Length |Message body | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 1 Byte | 1 Byte | 2 Bytes | Message Length - 4 | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* The format of a message body of a message type 'W' is: */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | WID0 | WID0 Length | WID0 Value | ......................... | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 2 Bytes | 1 Byte | WID0 Length | ......................... | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* Message Type */
+ if(g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
+ pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = WRITE_MSG_TYPE;
+ else
+ pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = QUERY_MSG_TYPE;
+ /* Sequence Number */
+ pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = g_seqno++;
+ /* Message Length */
+ pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = (NMI_Uint8)(u16MsgLen & 0xFF);
+ pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = (NMI_Uint8)((u16MsgLen >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ * ps32PacketLength = u16MsgLen;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief creates Configuration packet based on the Input WIDs
+* @details
+* @param[in] pstrWIDs WIDs to be sent in the configuration packet
+* @param[in] u32WIDsCount number of WIDs to be sent in the configuration packet
+* @param[out] ps8packet The created Configuration Packet
+* @param[out] ps32PacketLength Length of the created Configuration Packet
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 CreateConfigPacket(NMI_Sint8* ps8packet, NMI_Sint32*ps32PacketLength,
+ tstrWID * pstrWIDs, NMI_Uint32 u32WIDsCount)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32idx = 0;
+ *ps32PacketLength = MSG_HEADER_LEN;
+ for(u32idx = 0; u32idx < u32WIDsCount; u32idx++)
+ {
+ switch(pstrWIDs[u32idx].enuWIDtype)
+ {
+ case WID_CHAR:
+ ProcessCharWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, &pstrWIDs[u32idx],
+ pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
+ break;
+ case WID_SHORT:
+ ProcessShortWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, &pstrWIDs[u32idx],
+ pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
+ break;
+ case WID_INT:
+ ProcessIntWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, &pstrWIDs[u32idx],
+ pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
+ break;
+ case WID_STR:
+ ProcessStrWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, &pstrWIDs[u32idx],
+ pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal, pstrWIDs[u32idx].s32ValueSize);
+ break;
+ #if 0
+ case WID_ADR:
+ ProcessAdrWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, &pstrWIDs[u32idx],
+ pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
+ break;
+ #endif
+ case WID_IP:
+ ProcessIPwid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, &pstrWIDs[u32idx],
+ pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
+ break;
+ case WID_BIN_DATA:
+ ProcessBinWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, &pstrWIDs[u32idx],
+ pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal, pstrWIDs[u32idx].s32ValueSize);
+ break;
+ default:
+ NMI_ERROR("ERROR: Check Config database\n");
+ }
+ }
+ CreatePacketHeader(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength);
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Sint32 ConfigWaitResponse(NMI_Char* pcRespBuffer, NMI_Sint32 s32MaxRespBuffLen, NMI_Sint32 *ps32BytesRead,
+ NMI_Bool bRespRequired)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ /*bug 3878*/
+ /*removed to caller function*/
+ /*gstrConfigPktInfo.pcRespBuffer = pcRespBuffer;
+ gstrConfigPktInfo.s32MaxRespBuffLen = s32MaxRespBuffLen;
+ NMI_PRINTF("GLOBAL =bRespRequired =%d\n", bRespRequired);
+ gstrConfigPktInfo.bRespRequired = bRespRequired;*/
+ if(gstrConfigPktInfo.bRespRequired == NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&SemHandlePktResp, NMI_NULL);
+ *ps32BytesRead = gstrConfigPktInfo.s32BytesRead;
+ }
+ NMI_memset((void*)(&gstrConfigPktInfo), 0, sizeof(tstrConfigPktInfo));
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief sends certain Configuration Packet based on the input WIDs pstrWIDs
+ and retrieves the packet response pu8RxResp
+* @details
+* @param[in] pstrWIDs WIDs to be sent in the configuration packet
+* @param[in] u32WIDsCount number of WIDs to be sent in the configuration packet
+* @param[out] pu8RxResp The received Packet Response
+* @param[out] ps32RxRespLen Length of the received Packet Response
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 SendConfigPkt(NMI_Uint8 u8Mode, tstrWID* pstrWIDs,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32WIDsCount,NMI_Bool bRespRequired)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Sint32 err = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32ConfigPacketLen = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32RcvdRespLen = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&SemHandleSendPkt, NMI_NULL);
+ /*set the packet mode*/
+ g_oper_mode = u8Mode;
+ NMI_memset((void*)gps8ConfigPacket, 0, MAX_PACKET_BUFF_SIZE);
+ if(CreateConfigPacket(gps8ConfigPacket, &s32ConfigPacketLen, pstrWIDs, u32WIDsCount) != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ goto End_ConfigPkt;
+ }
+ /*bug 3878*/
+ gstrConfigPktInfo.pcRespBuffer = gps8ConfigPacket;
+ gstrConfigPktInfo.s32MaxRespBuffLen = MAX_PACKET_BUFF_SIZE;
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"GLOBAL =bRespRequired =%d\n", bRespRequired);
+ gstrConfigPktInfo.bRespRequired = bRespRequired;
+ s32Error = SendRawPacket(gps8ConfigPacket, s32ConfigPacketLen);
+ if(s32Error != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ goto End_ConfigPkt;
+ }
+ NMI_memset((void*)gps8ConfigPacket, 0, MAX_PACKET_BUFF_SIZE);
+ ConfigWaitResponse(gps8ConfigPacket, MAX_PACKET_BUFF_SIZE, &s32RcvdRespLen, bRespRequired);
+ if(bRespRequired == NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ /* If the operating Mode is GET, then we expect a response frame from */
+ /* the driver. Hence start listening to the port for response */
+ if(g_oper_mode == GET_CFG)
+ {
+ #if 1
+ err = ParseResponse(gps8ConfigPacket, pstrWIDs);
+ if(err != 0)
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ goto End_ConfigPkt;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = ParseWriteResponse(gps8ConfigPacket);
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ goto End_ConfigPkt;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&SemHandleSendPkt, NMI_NULL);
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Sint32 ConfigProvideResponse(NMI_Char* pcRespBuffer, NMI_Sint32 s32RespLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ if(gstrConfigPktInfo.bRespRequired == NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ if(s32RespLen <= gstrConfigPktInfo.s32MaxRespBuffLen)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(gstrConfigPktInfo.pcRespBuffer, pcRespBuffer, s32RespLen);
+ gstrConfigPktInfo.s32BytesRead = s32RespLen;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(gstrConfigPktInfo.pcRespBuffer, pcRespBuffer, gstrConfigPktInfo.s32MaxRespBuffLen);
+ gstrConfigPktInfo.s32BytesRead = gstrConfigPktInfo.s32MaxRespBuffLen;
+ NMI_ERROR("BusProvideResponse() Response greater than the prepared Buffer Size \n");
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&SemHandlePktResp, NMI_NULL);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief writes the received packet pu8RxPacket in the global Rx FIFO buffer
+* @details
+* @param[in] pu8RxPacket The received packet
+* @param[in] s32RxPacketLen Length of the received packet
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 ConfigPktReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8RxPacket, NMI_Sint32 s32RxPacketLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8MsgType = 0;
+ u8MsgType = pu8RxPacket[0];
+ switch(u8MsgType)
+ {
+ case 'R':
+ {
+ ConfigProvideResponse(pu8RxPacket, s32RxPacketLen);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'N':
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"NetworkInfo packet received\n");
+ NetworkInfoReceived(pu8RxPacket, s32RxPacketLen);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'I':
+ {
+ //NMI_ERROR("ConfigPktReceived(): 'I' msg type is received at the Core Configurator and it is not supported yet \n");
+ GnrlAsyncInfoReceived(pu8RxPacket, s32RxPacketLen);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'S':
+ {
+ host_int_ScanCompleteReceived(pu8RxPacket, s32RxPacketLen);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("ConfigPktReceived(): invalid received msg type at the Core Configurator \n");
+ }
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Deinitializes the Core Configurator
+* @details
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 CoreConfiguratorDeInit(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ PRINT_D(CORECONFIG_DBG,"CoreConfiguratorDeInit() \n");
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&SemHandleSendPkt, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&SemHandlePktResp, NMI_NULL);
+ if(gps8ConfigPacket != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gps8ConfigPacket);
+ gps8ConfigPacket = NULL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+/*Using the global handle of the driver*/
+extern nmi_wlan_oup_t* gpstrWlanOps;
+* @brief sends certain Configuration Packet based on the input WIDs pstrWIDs
+* using driver config layer
+* @details
+* @param[in] pstrWIDs WIDs to be sent in the configuration packet
+* @param[in] u32WIDsCount number of WIDs to be sent in the configuration packet
+* @param[out] pu8RxResp The received Packet Response
+* @param[out] ps32RxRespLen Length of the received Packet Response
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 SendConfigPkt(NMI_Uint8 u8Mode, tstrWID* pstrWIDs,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32WIDsCount,NMI_Bool bRespRequired)
+ NMI_Sint32 counter = 0,ret = 0;
+ if(gpstrWlanOps == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Net Dev is still not initialized\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //NMI_PRINTF("Net Dev is initialized\n");
+ }
+ if( gpstrWlanOps->wlan_cfg_set == NULL ||
+ gpstrWlanOps->wlan_cfg_get == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Set and Get is still not initialized\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //NMI_PRINTF("SET is initialized\n");
+ }
+ if(u8Mode == GET_CFG)
+ {
+ for(counter = 0;counter<u32WIDsCount;counter++)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Sending CFG packet [%d][%d]\n",!counter,
+ (counter == u32WIDsCount - 1));
+ if(!gpstrWlanOps->wlan_cfg_get(!counter,
+ pstrWIDs[counter].u16WIDid,
+ (counter == u32WIDsCount - 1)))
+ {
+ ret = -1;
+ printk("[Sendconfigpkt]Get Timed out\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ get the value
+ **/
+ //NMI_Sleep(1000);
+ counter = 0;
+ for(counter = 0;counter<u32WIDsCount;counter++)
+ {
+ pstrWIDs[counter].s32ValueSize = gpstrWlanOps->wlan_cfg_get_value(
+ pstrWIDs[counter].u16WIDid,
+ pstrWIDs[counter].ps8WidVal,pstrWIDs[counter].s32ValueSize);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(u8Mode == SET_CFG)
+ {
+ for(counter = 0;counter<u32WIDsCount;counter++)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Sending config SET PACKET WID:%x\n",pstrWIDs[counter].u16WIDid);
+ if(!gpstrWlanOps->wlan_cfg_set(!counter,
+ pstrWIDs[counter].u16WIDid,pstrWIDs[counter].ps8WidVal,
+ pstrWIDs[counter].s32ValueSize,
+ (counter == u32WIDsCount - 1)))
+ {
+ ret = -1;
+ printk("[Sendconfigpkt]Set Timed out\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_simulator/CoreConfigSimulator.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_simulator/CoreConfigSimulator.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8411e135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_simulator/CoreConfigSimulator.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4739 @@
+* @file CoreConfigSimulator.c
+* @briefCoreConfigSimulatorDeInit
+* @author
+* @sa CoreConfigSimulator.h
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+/* File Includes */
+#include "NMI_OsWrapper/include/NMI_OSWrapper.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "driver/include/FIFO_Buffer.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+/* Constants */
+#define INLINE static __inline
+#define SIMULATOR_MSG_EXIT ((NMI_Uint32)100)
+//#define CONFIG_PRINT
+#define MAX_BUFFER_LEN 1596
+#define MAX_FIFO_BUFF_LEN 2000
+#define MAX_CFG_LEN 256
+#define MAX_STRING_LEN 256
+#define FCS_LEN 4
+/* Number of basic WIDS */
+#define NUM0_CHAR_WID 45
+#define NUM0_SHORT_WID 18
+#define NUM0_INT_WID 26
+#define NUM0_STR_WID 30
+/* Number of WIDS for this platform */
+#define NUM1_CHAR_WID (NUM0_CHAR_WID + 1)
+/* Number of WIDS with the current configuration */
+/* Final number if WIDs */
+#define NUM_BIN_DATA_WID 9
+#define MSG_DATA_OFFSET 4
+#define WRITE_RSP_LEN 4
+#define MAX_QRSP_LEN 1000
+#define MAX_WRSP_LEN 20
+#define MSG_HDR_LEN 4
+#define MAX_ADDRESS_LEN 6
+#define WRSP_SUCCESS 1
+#define WRSP_ERR_MSG (-1)
+#define WRSP_ERR_SEQ (-2)
+#define WRSP_ERR_LEN (-3)
+#define WRSP_ERR_WID (-4)
+#define MAX_SUPRATE_LEN 34
+#define MAX_PROD_VER_LEN 10
+#define MAX_GRPADDR_LEN 38
+#define SITE_SURVEY_ELM_LEN (MAX_SSID_LEN + 1 + 1 + 1)
+#define STATUS_MSG_LEN 8
+#define MAC_CONNECTED 1
+/* Function Macros */
+#define MAKE_WORD16(lsb, msb) (((NMI_Uint16)(msb) << 8) & 0xFF00) | (lsb)
+#define MAKE_WORD32(lsw, msw) (((NMI_Uint32)(msw) << 16) & 0xFFFF0000) | (lsw)
+/* Type definitions */
+#if 0
+WID_INT = 2,
+WID_STR = 3,
+/* WLAN Identifiers */
+typedef enum {
+ WID_NIL = -1,
+ WID_BSS_TYPE = 0x0000,
+ WID_PREAMBLE = 0x0003,
+ WID_11G_OPERATING_MODE = 0x0004,
+ WID_STATUS = 0x0005,
+ WID_11G_PROT_MECH = 0x0006,
+ WID_GOTO_SLEEP = 0x0007,
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ WID_SCAN_TYPE = 0x0007,
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ WID_KEY_ID = 0x0009,
+ WID_QOS_ENABLE = 0x000A,
+ WID_802_11I_MODE = 0x000C,
+ WID_AUTH_TYPE = 0x000D,
+ WID_DTIM_PERIOD = 0x0010,
+ WID_ACK_POLICY = 0x0011,
+ WID_RESET = 0x0012,
+ WID_PCF_MODE = 0x0013,
+ WID_CFP_PERIOD = 0x0014,
+ WID_BCAST_SSID = 0x0015,
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ WID_DISCONNECT = 0x0016,
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11A = 0x0018,
+ WID_REKEY_POLICY = 0x0019,
+ WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11B = 0x001D,
+ WID_RSSI = 0x001F,
+ WID_JOIN_REQ = 0x0020,
+ WID_SCAN_FILTER = 0x0036,
+ WID_802_11H_DFS_MODE = 0x003B,
+ WID_802_11H_TPC_MODE = 0x003C,
+ WID_CFP_MAX_DUR = 0x1004,
+ WID_RX_SENSE = 0x100B,
+ WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 0x1010,
+ WID_ASOC_TIMEOUT = 0x1011,
+ WID_FAILED_COUNT = 0x2000,
+ WID_RETRY_COUNT = 0x2001,
+ WID_PHY_TEST_PKT_CNT = 0x2009,
+ WID_REKEY_PERIOD = 0x2010,
+ WID_Q_ENABLE_INFO = 0x2012,
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ WID_802_1X_SERV_ADDR = 0x2012,
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ WID_STACK_IP_ADDR = 0x2013,
+ WID_HW_RX_COUNT = 0x2015,
+ WID_RF_REG_VAL = 0x2021,
+ WID_SSID = 0x3000,
+ WID_BSSID = 0x3003,
+ WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE0 = 0x3004,
+ WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE1 = 0x3005,
+ WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE2 = 0x3006,
+ WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE3 = 0x3007,
+ WID_802_11I_PSK = 0x3008,
+ WID_802_1X_KEY = 0x300A,
+ WID_MAC_ADDR = 0x300C,
+ WID_RX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x3013,
+ WID_ADD_WEP_KEY = 0x3019,
+ WID_ADD_PTK = 0x301B,
+ WID_ADD_RX_GTK = 0x301C,
+ WID_ADD_TX_GTK = 0x301D,
+ WID_REMOVE_KEY = 0x301E,
+ WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO = 0x3020,
+ WID_COUNTRY_IE = 0x3022,
+ WID_MANUFACTURER = 0x3026, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_MODEL_NAME = 0x3027, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_MODEL_NUM = 0x3028, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_DEVICE_NAME = 0x3029, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_PMKID_INFO = 0x3082,
+ WID_UAPSD_CONFIG = 0x4001,
+ WID_UAPSD_STATUS = 0x4002,
+ WID_WMM_AP_AC_PARAMS = 0x4003,
+ WID_NEWORK_INFO = 0x4005,
+ WID_STA_JOIN_INFO = 0x4006,
+ WID_HUT_STATS = 0x4082,
+ /*BugID_3746 WID to add IE to be added in next probe request*/
+ /*BugID_3746 WID to add IE to be added in next associate request*/
+ WID_ALL = 0x7FFE,
+} WID_T;
+typedef enum {
+DO_RESET = 1,
+typedef struct _tstrSimulatorMsg
+ NMI_Uint32 u32SimThreadCmd;
+ NMI_Uint8 au8PktData[MAX_BUFFER_LEN];
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktDataLen;
+typedef struct
+ UWORD16 id; /* WID Identifier */
+ BOOL_T rsp; /* WID_ALL response */
+ BOOL_T reset; /* Reset MAC required */
+ void *get; /* Get Function Pointer */
+ void *set; /* Set Function Pointer */
+} host_wid_struct_t;
+typedef struct _tstrWidJoinReqExt
+ NMI_Uint8 u8channel;
+ NMI_Uint8 BSSID[6];
+static void SimulatorThread(void* pvUsrArg);
+static void SendMacStatus(void* pvUsrArg);
+extern void send_host_rsp(NMI_Uint8 *host_rsp, NMI_Uint16 host_rsp_len);
+/* Global Variables */
+static NMI_MsgQueueHandle gMsgQSimulator;
+static NMI_ThreadHandle ThrdHandleSimulator = NMI_NULL;
+static NMI_ThreadHandle ThrdHandleScan = NMI_NULL;
+static NMI_ThreadHandle ThrdHandleMacStatus = NMI_NULL;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle SemHandleScanReq ;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle SemHandleScanExit ;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle SemHandleMacStsExit;
+static NMI_Bool gbTermntMacStsThrd = NMI_FALSE;
+BOOL_T bscan_code = NMI_FALSE;
+BOOL_T g_reset_mac = BFALSE;
+UWORD16 g_current_len = 0;
+UWORD8 g_current_settings[MAX_QRSP_LEN] = {0};
+UWORD8 g_cfg_val[MAX_CFG_LEN] = {0};
+UWORD8 g_phy_ver[MAX_PROD_VER_LEN + 1] = {0};
+UWORD32 g_last_w_seq = 0x1FF;
+UWORD8 g_info_id = 0;
+UWORD8 g_network_info_id = 0;
+UWORD8 g_scan_complete_id = 0;
+RESET_REQ_T g_reset_req_from_user = NO_REQUEST;
+UWORD16 Rsp_Len;
+BOOL_T g_short_slot_allowed = BTRUE;
+BOOL_T g_reset_mac_in_progress = BFALSE;
+static UWORD8 g_current_mac_status = MAC_DISCONNECTED;
+static tHANDLE ghTxFifoBuffer;
+static int g_connected_bssIdx = 0xFFFF;
+/* Inline Functions */
+//#include "host_if.h"
+INLINE UWORD16 config_host_hdr_offset(BOOL_T more_frag, UWORD16 frag_offset)
+ if((frag_offset == 0) && (more_frag == BFALSE))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+#endif /* ETHERNET_HOST */
+ return 0;
+/* The purpose of dot11StationID is to allow a manager to identify a station */
+/* for its own purposes. This attribute provides for that eventuality while */
+/* keeping the true MAC address independent. The default value is the STA's */
+/* assigned, unique MAC address. */
+UWORD8 mac[6] = {0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66};
+INLINE UWORD8* mget_StationID(void)
+ return mac;
+INLINE void mset_StationID(UWORD8* inp)
+/* This attribute shall specify the number of TUs that requesting STA should */
+/* wait for a response to a transmitted association-request MMPDU. */
+INLINE UWORD32 mget_AssociationResponseTimeOut(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void mset_AssociationResponseTimeOut(UWORD32 inp)
+INLINE UWORD32 get_enable_ch(void);
+INLINE void set_reset_req(UWORD8 val)
+ g_reset_req_from_user =(RESET_REQ_T) val;
+NMI_Uint8* au8WepKey[30];
+INLINE void set_wep_key()
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"In set wep key \n");
+/* Function to update PMKID Information */
+INLINE void set_pmkid_info(UWORD8 *val)
+ set_pmkid_cache(val);
+/* Function to query PMKID Information */
+INLINE UWORD8 *get_pmkid_info(void)
+ UWORD8 *retval = NULL;
+ retval = get_pmkid_cache();
+ return retval;
+INLINE UWORD8* get_assoc_req_info(void)
+ return ( ( UWORD8* )g_assoc_req_info );
+INLINE UWORD8* get_assoc_res_info(void)
+ return ( ( UWORD8* )g_assoc_res_info );
+/* Set the Short Slot option */
+/* This function needs to be here because it is used in the */
+/* subsequent functions */
+INLINE void set_short_slot_allowed(UWORD8 val)
+/* This function returns the current slot option */
+//INLINE UWORD8 get_short_slot_allowed(void)
+// return g_short_slot_allowed;
+/* This function returns the SSID in the format required by the host. */
+//INLINE WORD8* get_DesiredSSID(void)
+// WORD8 *ssid_temp = mget_DesiredSSID();
+// g_cfg_val[0] = strlen((const char*)ssid_temp);
+// strcpy( (char *)( g_cfg_val + 1 ), (const char*)ssid_temp);
+// return ( ( WORD8* )g_cfg_val );
+/* This function returns the group address in the format required by host. */
+//INLINE UWORD8* get_GroupAddress(void)
+// UWORD8 *grpa_temp = mget_GroupAddress();
+// g_cfg_val[0] = grpa_temp[GROUP_ADDRESS_SIZE_OFFSET]*6;
+// strcpy((char *)(g_cfg_val + 1), (const char*)grpa_temp);
+// return g_cfg_val;
+/* This function returns the product version in the format required by host. */
+char firmver[] = "10.0";
+INLINE UWORD8* get_manufacturerProductVersion(void)
+ UWORD8 *prod_ver_temp = firmver; /* mget_manufacturerProductVersion(); */
+ g_cfg_val[0] = strlen((const char*)prod_ver_temp);
+ NMI_memcpy((char *)(g_cfg_val + 1), (const char*)prod_ver_temp,NMI_strlen(firmver));
+ return g_cfg_val;
+/* This function returns the product version in the format required by host. */
+//INLINE UWORD8* get_hardwareProductVersion(void)
+// UWORD32 hard_ver_temp = get_machw_pa_ver();
+// UWORD8 index = 1;
+// UWORD8 temp = 0;
+// /* Format version as 'x.x.x' */
+// temp = ((hard_ver_temp & 0xF0000000) >> 28) * 16 +
+// ((hard_ver_temp & 0x0F000000) >> 24);
+// if(temp > 9)
+// {
+// g_cfg_val[index++] = (UWORD8)(temp/10) + '0';
+// }
+// g_cfg_val[index++] = temp - (((UWORD8)(temp/10))*10) + '0';
+// g_cfg_val[index++] = '.';
+// temp = ((hard_ver_temp & 0x00F00000) >> 20) * 16 +
+// ((hard_ver_temp & 0x000F0000) >> 16);
+// if(temp > 9)
+// {
+// g_cfg_val[index++] = (UWORD8)(temp/10) + '0';
+// }
+// g_cfg_val[index++] = temp - (((UWORD8)(temp/10))*10) + '0';
+// g_cfg_val[index++] = '.';
+// temp = ((hard_ver_temp & 0x0000F000) >> 12) * 16 +
+// ((hard_ver_temp & 0x00000F00) >> 8);
+// if(temp > 9)
+// {
+// g_cfg_val[index++] = (UWORD8)(temp/10) + '0';
+// }
+// g_cfg_val[index++] = temp - (((UWORD8)(temp/10))*10) + '0';
+// g_cfg_val[0] = index - 1;
+// return g_cfg_val;
+/* This function returns the product version in the format required by host. */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_phyProductVersion(void)
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Product version\n");
+ return g_phy_ver;
+/* This function returns the BSSID in the format required by the host.*/
+NMI_Uint8 bssid_addr [6] = {0x66,0x55,0x44,0x33,0x22,0x11};
+INLINE UWORD8* get_bssid(void)
+ UWORD8 *bssid_temp = bssid_addr;//mget_bssid();
+ g_cfg_val[0] = MAX_ADDRESS_LEN;
+ NMI_memcpy(g_cfg_val + 1, bssid_temp, MAX_ADDRESS_LEN);
+ return g_cfg_val;
+/* This function returns the MAC Address in the format required by the host.*/
+UWORD8 mac_address[] = {0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66};
+INLINE UWORD8* get_mac_addr(void)
+ UWORD8 *mac_addr_temp = mac_address; /* mget_StationID(); */
+ g_cfg_val[0] = MAX_ADDRESS_LEN;
+ NMI_memcpy(g_cfg_val + 1, mac_addr_temp, MAX_ADDRESS_LEN);
+ return g_cfg_val;
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ g_cfg_val[0] = MAX_ADDRESS_LEN;
+ NMI_memcpy(&g_cfg_val[1], g_test_params.mac_address, MAX_ADDRESS_LEN);
+ return g_cfg_val;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+/* This function returns the Supported Rates in the format required by host. */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_supp_rates(void)
+#ifdef PHY_802_11b
+ UWORD8 *str = (UWORD8 *)"1,2,5.5,11";
+ g_cfg_val[0] = strlen((const char*)str);
+ NMI_memcpy(g_cfg_val + 1, str, g_cfg_val[0]);
+#endif /* PHY_802_11b */
+#ifdef PHY_802_11a
+ UWORD8 *str = (UWORD8 *)"6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54";
+ g_cfg_val[0] = strlen((const char*)str);
+ NMI_memcpy(g_cfg_val + 1, str, g_cfg_val[0]);
+#endif /* PHY_802_11a */
+#ifdef PHY_802_11g
+ UWORD8 *str = (UWORD8 *)"1,2,5.5,11,6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54";
+ g_cfg_val[0] = strlen((const char*)str);
+ NMI_memcpy(g_cfg_val + 1, str, g_cfg_val[0]);
+#endif /* PHY_802_11g */
+ return g_cfg_val;
+/* BSS Type formats for Host and MAC */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Infrastructure Independent Access Point */
+/* Host : 0 1 2 */
+/* MIB : 1 2 3 */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This function returns the BSS Type in the format required by the host. */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_DesiredBSSType(void)
+ return 0;
+/* This function returns the BSS Type in the format required by the MAC.*/
+INLINE void set_DesiredBSSType(UWORD8 bss_type)
+/* Channel formats for Host and MAC */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Host : 1 2 14 */
+/* MIB : 0 1 13 */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This function returns the Channel in the format required by the host.*/
+int g_chnum = 0;
+INLINE UWORD8 get_host_chnl_num(void)
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Get MAC channel [%d]\n",g_chnum);
+ return g_chnum;
+/* This function returns the Channel in the format required by the MAC.*/
+INLINE void set_mac_chnl_num(UWORD8 cnum)
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Set MAC channel to [%d]\n",cnum);
+ g_chnum = cnum;
+static NMI_Uint8 au8SrvyResFrstFrag[91] = {90, 88, 0, 'b', 'o', 'o', 'n', 'd', 'o', 'g', 'g', 'l',
+ 'e', '\0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x0b, 0x51,
+ 0x00, 0x1a, 0x70, 0xfc, 0xc0, 0x6f, 0x17, 1,
+ 'N', 'P', 'M', 'E', 'D', 'C', '-', 'B', 'G', '\0', 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x52, 0x04, 0x13,
+ 0x00, 0x1a, 0xc1, 0x26, 0x11, 0xc0, 0x42, 0x30};
+static NMI_Uint8 au8SrvyResScndFrag[47] = {46, 44, 1, 'n', 'w', 'i', 'f', 'i', '\0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x0b, 0x51, 0x1c, 0x7e, 0xe5, 0x49, 0x76,
+ 0x31, 0x17, 1};
+NMI_Uint32 gu32ReqSrvyResFrag = 0;
+/* This function returns the site survey results */
+INLINE UWORD8 *get_site_survey_results(void)
+ return get_site_survey_results_sta();
+ if((gu32ReqSrvyResFrag >= 0) && (gu32ReqSrvyResFrag < 1))
+ {
+ gu32ReqSrvyResFrag++;
+ return au8SrvyResFrstFrag;
+ }
+ else if(gu32ReqSrvyResFrag == 1)
+ {
+ gu32ReqSrvyResFrag = 0;
+ return au8SrvyResScndFrag;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("invalid fragment num of Site Survey Results \n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+static NMI_Uint8 g_assoc_res_info[] = {71, 0x21, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x08, 0x82, 0x84, 0x8b, 0x0c,
+ 0x12, 0x96, 0x18, 0x24, 0x32, 0x04, 0x30, 0x48, 0x60, 0x6c, 0xdd, 0x18,
+ 0x00, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x83, 0x00, 0x03, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x27, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x42, 0x43, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x62, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x00,
+ 0xdd, 0x09, 0x00, 0x03, 0x7f, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xdd,
+ 0x0a, 0x00, 0x03, 0x7f, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00};
+INLINE UWORD8* get_assoc_res_info(void)
+ return g_assoc_res_info;
+/* Rate formats for Host and MAC */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* 1 2 5.5 11 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 Auto */
+/* Host : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 */
+/* MAC : 1 2 5 11 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 Not supported */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This function returns the transmission rate to the user.*/
+int g_txrate = 0;
+INLINE UWORD8 get_tx_rate(void)
+ return g_txrate;
+/* This function sets the transmission rate as requested by the user.*/
+INLINE void set_tx_rate(UWORD8 rate)
+ /*NMI_PRINTF("\nRate is set: %d",rate);*/
+ g_txrate = rate;
+/* Preamble formats for Host and MAC */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Long Short */
+/* Host : 1 0 */
+/* MAC : 1 0 */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This function returns the preamble type as set by the user.*/
+INLINE UWORD8 get_preamble_type(void)
+ //Whether auto or long only
+ return 0;
+/* This function sets the preamble type as requested by the user.*/
+INLINE void set_preamble_type(UWORD8 idx)
+/* This function sets the RTS threshold as requested by the user. The MAC */
+/* H/w register is also set accordingly. */
+INLINE void set_RTSThreshold(UWORD16 limit)
+/* This function sets the Fragmentation threshold as requested by the user. */
+/* The MAC H/w register is also set accordingly. */
+INLINE void set_FragmentationThreshold(UWORD16 limit)
+ #if 0
+ set_machw_frag_thresh(limit);
+ #endif
+/* This function sets the Short Retry Limit as requested by the user. The */
+/* MAC H/w register is also set accordingly. */
+INLINE void set_ShortRetryLimit(UWORD8 limit)
+/* This function sets the Long Retry Limit as requested by the user. The */
+/* MAC H/w register is also set accordingly. */
+INLINE void set_LongRetryLimit(UWORD8 limit)
+/* This function returns the current protection mode */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_protection_mode(void)
+ return 0;
+/* This function sets the protection mode */
+INLINE void set_protection_mode(UWORD8 prot_mode)
+/* Station power save modes */
+typedef enum {MIB_ACTIVE = 1,
+/* Get the current value of power management mode */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_PowerManagementMode(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Set the power management mode according to value */
+INLINE void set_PowerManagementMode(UWORD8 val)
+/* Get the current value of ack policy type */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_ack_type(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Set the value of the Ack Policy to the value */
+INLINE void set_ack_type(UWORD8 val)
+/* Get the current value of PCF mode supported */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_pcf_mode(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Set the value of the of PCF mode to the value */
+INLINE void set_pcf_mode(UWORD8 val)
+/* Get the current value of PCF mode supported */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_bcst_ssid(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Set the value of the of PCF mode to the value */
+INLINE void set_bcst_ssid(UWORD8 val)
+/* This function sets the MAC Address required for the MH/PHY Test.*/
+INLINE UWORD16 get_phy_test_frame_len(void)
+#ifndef MAC_WMM
+ return g_test_config.tx.nor.frame_len;
+#else /* MAC_WMM */
+ return g_test_config.tx.ac_vo.frame_len;
+#endif /* MAC_WMM */
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+INLINE void set_phy_test_frame_len(UWORD16 val)
+ g_test_stats.txci = 0;
+ g_test_stats.rxd.type.ack = 0;
+#ifndef MAC_WMM
+ g_test_config.tx.nor.frame_len = val;
+#else /* MAC_WMM */
+ g_test_config.tx.ac_vo.frame_len = val;
+#endif /* MAC_WMM */
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+/* This function sets the MAC Address required for the MH/PHY Test.*/
+INLINE UWORD8* get_phy_test_dst_addr(void)
+ g_cfg_val[0] = MAX_ADDRESS_LEN;
+ NMI_memcpy(&g_cfg_val[1], g_test_config.tx.da, MAX_ADDRESS_LEN);
+ return g_cfg_val;
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+INLINE void set_phy_test_dst_addr(UWORD8* val)
+ NMI_memcpy(g_test_config.tx.da, val, MAX_ADDRESS_LEN);
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+INLINE UWORD32 get_q_enable_info(UWORD32 val)
+ return (UWORD32) g_test_config.tx.q_enable_info;
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+INLINE void set_q_enable_info(UWORD32 val)
+ g_test_config.tx.q_enable_info = val;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+/* This function sets the MAC Address required for the MH/PHY Test.*/
+INLINE UWORD32 get_phy_test_pkt_cnt(void)
+ return g_test_config.tx.num_pkts;
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+INLINE void set_phy_test_pkt_cnt(UWORD32 val)
+ g_test_config.tx.num_pkts = val;
+ g_test_stats.txci = 0;
+ g_test_stats.rxd.type.ack = 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+/* This function sets the MAC Address required for the MH/PHY Test.*/
+INLINE UWORD32 get_phy_test_txd_pkt_cnt(void)
+ return g_test_stats.txci;
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+INLINE void set_phy_test_txd_pkt_cnt(UWORD32 val)
+ g_test_stats.txci = 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+/* This function sets the MAC Address required for the MH/PHY Test.*/
+INLINE UWORD8 get_phy_test_pattern(void)
+ return g_test_config.tx.pattern_type;
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+INLINE void set_phy_test_pattern(UWORD8 val)
+ g_test_config.tx.pattern_type = val;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+/* This function gets the current test statistics. To interpret these stats at */
+/* the host, structure test_stats_struct_t should be the same at the host and */
+/* device side. */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_hut_stats(void)
+ UWORD8 trigger_stat_lsb = 0;
+ UWORD8 trigger_stat_msb = 0;
+ UWORD16 stats_size = 0;
+ read_phy_reg(rAGCTRIGSTATLSB, &trigger_stat_lsb);
+ read_phy_reg(rAGCTRIGSTATMSB, &trigger_stat_msb);
+ g_test_stats.rxd.agc_trig_stats = (trigger_stat_msb << 8) + trigger_stat_lsb;
+ stats_size = MIN(sizeof(test_stats_struct_t),(MAX_STATS_BUFFER_LEN - 1));
+ g_stats_buf[0] = stats_size & 0x00FF;
+ g_stats_buf[1] = (stats_size & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ NMI_memcpy(&g_stats_buf[2], &g_test_stats, stats_size);
+ return g_stats_buf;
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+/* This function clears the current test statistics. */
+INLINE void set_hut_stats(UWORD8* val)
+ memset(&g_test_stats, 0, sizeof(test_stats_struct_t));
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+/* This function sets the MAC Address required for the MH/PHY Test.*/
+INLINE UWORD8* get_phy_test_stats(void)
+ g_cfg_val[0] = MIN(sizeof(test_stats_struct_t),(MAX_CFG_LEN - 1));
+ NMI_memcpy(&g_cfg_val[1], &g_test_stats, g_cfg_val[0]);
+ return g_cfg_val;
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+INLINE void set_phy_test_stats(UWORD8* val)
+/* Get/Set the read MAC Address from the SDRAM */
+INLINE void set_read_addr_sdram(UWORD8 val)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_read_addr_sdram(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Get/Set the Tx Power Level */
+INLINE void set_tx_power_level_11a(UWORD8 val)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_tx_power_level_11a(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Set the new DTIM Period */
+INLINE void set_dtim_period(UWORD8 val)
+/* Set the local Stack IP Address */
+INLINE void set_stack_ip_addr(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE UWORD32 get_stack_ip_addr(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Set the local Stack netmask */
+INLINE void set_stack_netmask_addr(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE UWORD32 get_stack_netmask_addr(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Set Phy active Register */
+INLINE void set_phy_active_reg(UWORD8 val)
+/* Set Phy active Register */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_phy_active_reg(UWORD8 val)
+ return 0;
+/* Set Phy active Register value */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_phy_active_reg_val(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_phy_active_reg_val(UWORD8 val)
+INLINE void set_rf_reg_val(UWORD32 val)
+/* Get/Set the Tx Power Level */
+INLINE void set_tx_power_level_11b(UWORD8 val)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_tx_power_level_11b(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Get the RSSI */
+INLINE WORD8 get_rssi(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Get the Current MAC Status */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_current_mac_status(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE UWORD8 get_auto_rx_sensitivity(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_auto_rx_sensitivity(UWORD8 input)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_dataflow_control(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_dataflow_control(UWORD8 input)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_scan_filter(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_scan_filter(UWORD8 input)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_link_loss_threshold(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_link_loss_threshold(UWORD8 input)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_autorate_type(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_autorate_type(UWORD8 input)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_cca_threshold(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_cca_threshold(UWORD8 input)
+INLINE UWORD32 get_enable_ch(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_enable_ch(UWORD32 input)
+/* This function returns the antenna selected */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_antenna_selection(void)
+ return 0;
+/* This function sets the antenna to be used */
+INLINE void set_antenna_selection(UWORD8 mode)
+INLINE void set_FailedCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_RetryCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_MultipleRetryCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_FrameDuplicateCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_ACKFailureCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_ReceivedFragmentCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_MulticastReceivedFrameCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_FCSErrorCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_TransmittedFrameCount_to_zero(UWORD32 val)
+INLINE void set_config_HCCA_actionReq(UWORD8 *req)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_user_control_enabled(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_user_control_enabled(UWORD8 val)
+INLINE UWORD32 get_firmware_info(void)
+ return 0;
+UWORD32 g_memory_address = 0x0; //just for testing Integer WIDs
+INLINE void set_memory_address(UWORD32 input)
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Set mem addr to [%x] \n", input);
+ g_memory_address = input;
+INLINE UWORD32 get_memory_address(void)
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Get mem addr [%x] \n", g_memory_address);
+ return g_memory_address;
+INLINE UWORD8 get_memory_access_8bit(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_memory_access_8bit(UWORD8 input)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_memory_access_16bit(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_memory_access_16bit(UWORD16 input)
+INLINE UWORD32 get_memory_access_32bit(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_memory_access_32bit(UWORD32 input)
+/* This function sets the MAC Address required for the MH/PHY Test.*/
+INLINE void set_mac_addr(UWORD8 *val)
+ Rx sensitivity parameter format (WID view)
+ +----------------------+----------------------+
+ +----------------------+----------------------+
+ 7 0 15 8 (bit)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_rx_sense(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_rx_sense(UWORD16 val)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_active_scan_time(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_active_scan_time(UWORD16 val)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_passive_scan_time(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_passive_scan_time(UWORD16 val)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_site_survey_scan_time(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_site_survey_scan_time(UWORD16 val)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_join_timeout(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_join_timeout(UWORD16 val)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_auth_timeout(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_auth_timeout(UWORD16 val)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_asoc_timeout(void)
+ return (UWORD16)mget_AssociationResponseTimeOut();
+INLINE void set_asoc_timeout(UWORD16 val)
+ mset_AssociationResponseTimeOut((UWORD32)val);
+INLINE UWORD16 get_11i_protocol_timeout(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_11i_protocol_timeout(UWORD16 val)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_eapol_response_timeout(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_eapol_response_timeout(UWORD16 val)
+INLINE UWORD16 get_cca_busy_status(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_cca_busy_start(UWORD16 val)
+/* Get the current value of site servey */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_site_survey_status(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Set the site survey option according to the value */
+INLINE void set_site_survey(UWORD8 val)
+INLINE void set_preferred_bssid(UWORD8 *val)
+NMI_Uint8 au8Psk[65] = {0};
+INLINE void set_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(UWORD8* psk)
+ NMI_memcpy(au8Psk,psk,NMI_strlen(psk));
+ au8Psk[NMI_strlen(au8Psk)] = '\0';
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"\n[CoreSimulator] %s", au8Psk);
+INLINE UWORD8* get_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(void)
+ return au8Psk;
+/* Function to set g_sta_uapsd_config value */
+NMI_Uint8 as8UapsdConfig[5]={0};
+INLINE void set_uapsd_config(UWORD8 *val)
+ NMI_memcpy(as8UapsdConfig,val,sizeof(as8UapsdConfig));
+/* Function to set g_sta_uapsd_config value */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_uapsd_config(void)
+ return as8UapsdConfig;
+/* Function to set g_sta_uapsd_status value */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_uapsd_status(void)
+ return 0;
+/* WMM configuration functions for AP mode */
+/* Function to set AC parameter values to be used by the AP */
+INLINE void set_wmm_ap_ac_params(UWORD8 *val)
+/* Function to get AC parameter values in use by the AP */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_wmm_ap_ac_params(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Function to set AC parameter values for STA associated with the AP */
+INLINE void set_wmm_sta_ac_params(UWORD8 *val)
+/* Function to get AC parameter values for STA associated with the AP */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_wmm_sta_ac_params(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Function to set UAPSD SUPPORT in AP */
+INLINE void set_uapsd_support_ap(UWORD8 val)
+/* Function to get the UAPSD support of AP */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_uapsd_support_ap(void)
+ return BFALSE;
+/**************** 802.11H related functions************************/
+INLINE void set_802_11H_DFS_mode(BOOL_T val)
+INLINE BOOL_T get_802_11H_DFS_mode(void)
+ return(BFALSE);
+INLINE void set_802_11H_TPC_mode(BOOL_T val)
+INLINE BOOL_T get_802_11H_TPC_mode(void)
+ return(BFALSE);
+INLINE UWORD8* get_rf_supported_info(UWORD8 ch_num)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_rf_supported_info(UWORD8 *info)
+/* Get the connected station list */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_connected_sta_list(void)
+ return 0;
+/* Function to set the Country information element. Currently this is valid */
+/* only for 11h protocol and AP mode. Note that the incoming bytes are */
+/* directly stored in the global country information element. The assumption */
+/* is that the setting will be in the format specified in the standard. */
+/* Make sure RF Supported Info is set before, whenever this is updated */
+INLINE void set_country_ie(UWORD8 *val)
+/* Function to get the Country information element. Currently this is valid */
+/* only for 11h protocol and AP mode. The value returned will be in the */
+/* format specified in the standard. */
+INLINE UWORD8* get_country_ie(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_running_mode(UWORD8 mode)
+/* This function returns the running mode for 802.11g PHY */
+INLINE UWORD8 get_running_mode(void)
+ return 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+INLINE void set_test_case_name(const char* input)
+ if(g_reset_mac_in_progress == BFALSE)
+ debug_print("\n ---- %s ---- \n",input);
+#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT */
+#endif /* DEBUG_MODE */
+/* Scan Type that is to be used. 0 -> Passive Scan, 1 -> Active Scan */
+INLINE UWORD8 mget_scan_type(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void mset_scan_type(UWORD8 st)
+INLINE UWORD8 mget_listen_interval(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void mset_listen_interval(UWORD8 li)
+/* When this attribute is true, it shall indicate that the IEEE 802.11 WEP */
+/* mechanism is used for transmitting frames of type Data. The default value */
+/* of this attribute shall be false. */
+INLINE UWORD8 mget_PrivacyInvoked(void)
+ return 0;
+/* This attribute shall indicate use of the first, second, third, or fourth */
+/* element of the WEPDefaultKeys array when set to values of zero, one, two, */
+/* or three. The default value of this attribute shall be 0. */
+/* REFERENCE "ISO/IEC 8802-11:1999, 8.3.2" */
+NMI_Uint8 u8WepKey;
+INLINE UWORD8 mget_WEPDefaultKeyID(void)
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"[CoreConfigSim]In get WEP default key: %d\n",u8WepKey);
+ return u8WepKey;
+INLINE void mset_WEPDefaultKeyID(UWORD8 inp)
+ u8WepKey = inp;
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"In set WEP default key: %d \n",u8WepKey);
+INLINE UWORD8 get_qos_enable(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_qos_enable(UWORD8 val)
+NMI_Uint8 u8Mode11I;
+INLINE UWORD8 get_802_11I_mode(void)
+ return u8Mode11I;
+INLINE void set_802_11I_mode(UWORD8 val)
+ u8Mode11I = val;
+INLINE UWORD8 get_auth_type(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_auth_type(UWORD8 val)
+/* This attribute shall specify the number of beacon intervals that shall */
+/* elapse between transmission of Beacons frames containing a TIM element */
+/* whose DTIM Count field is 0. This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period */
+/* field of Beacon frames. */
+INLINE UWORD8 mget_DTIMPeriod(void)
+ return 0;
+/* The attribute shall describe the number of DTIM intervals between the */
+/* start of CFPs. It is modified by MLME-START.request primitive. */
+INLINE UWORD8 mget_CFPPeriod(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void mset_CFPPeriod(UWORD8 inp)
+void disconnect_station(UWORD8 assoc_id)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_RSNAConfigGroupRekeyMethod(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_RSNAConfigGroupRekeyMethod(UWORD8 val)
+INLINE UWORD8 get_short_slot_allowed(void)
+ return 0;
+/* our AP Beacon */
+char aBeacon[] = {0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x1a,0xc1,0x26,0x11,0xc0,
+ 0x00,0x1a,0xc1,0x26,0x11,0xc0,0x30,0x41,0x81,0xc1,0x57,0xe3,0x1d,0x00,0x00,0x00,
+ 0x64,0x00,0x11,0x04,0x00,0x09,0x4e,0x50,0x4d,0x45,0x44,0x43,0x2d,0x42,0x47,0x01,
+ 0x08,0x82,0x84,0x8b,0x96,0x0c,0x18,0x30,0x48,0x03,0x01,0x04,0x05,0x04,0x00,0x01,
+ 0x00,0x00,0x07,0x06,0x45,0x47,0x20,0x01,0x0b,0x14,0x2a,0x01,0x04,0x32,0x04,0x12,
+ 0x24,0x60,0x6c,0x30,0x18,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x0f,0xac,0x02,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x0f,0xac,
+ 0x02,0x00,0x0f,0xac,0x04,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x0f,0xac,0x02,0x00,0x00,0xdd,0x1c,0x00,
+ 0x50,0xf2,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x50,0xf2,0x02,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x50,0xf2,0x04,0x00,
+ 0x50,0xf2,0x02,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x50,0xf2,0x02,0x00,0x00,0xf0,0xa1,0x1e,0x32};
+/* wepbeacon */
+char wepbeacon[] = {0x80,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0xff ,0xff ,0xff ,0xff,
+ 0xff ,0xff ,0x1c ,0x7e ,0xe5 ,0x49 ,0x76 ,0x31 ,0x1c ,0x7e ,0xe5 ,0x49 ,0x76 ,0x31 ,0x60 ,0x85 ,
+ 0x80 ,0x7d ,0xd4 ,0x0c ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x64 ,0x00 ,0x31 ,0x04 ,0x00 ,0x05 ,0x6e ,0x77 ,
+ 0x69 ,0x66 ,0x69 ,0x01 ,0x08 ,0x82 ,0x84 ,0x8b ,0x96 ,0x0c ,0x12 ,0x18 ,0x24 ,0x03 ,0x01 ,0x0b ,
+ 0x05 ,0x04 ,0x62 ,0x64 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x2a ,0x01 ,0x00 ,0x32 ,0x04 ,0x30 ,0x48 ,0x60 ,0x6c ,0xdd ,
+ 0x18 ,0x00 ,0x50 ,0xf2 ,0x02 ,0x01 ,0x01 ,0x84 ,0x00 ,0x03 ,0xa4 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x27 ,0xa4 ,0x00 ,
+ 0x00 ,0x42 ,0x43 ,0x5e ,0x00 ,0x62 ,0x32 ,0x2f ,0x00 ,0xdd ,0x09 ,0x00 ,0x03 ,0x7f ,0x01 ,0x01 ,
+ 0x00 ,0x00 ,0xff ,0x7f ,0xdd ,0x0a ,0x00 ,0x03 ,0x7f ,0x04 ,0x01 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x40 ,0x00 ,
+ 0xdd ,0x27 ,0x00 ,0x50 ,0xf2 ,0x04 ,0x10 ,0x4a ,0x00 ,0x01 ,0x10 ,0x10 ,0x44 ,0x00 ,0x01 ,0x02 ,
+ 0x10 ,0x47 ,0x00 ,0x10 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x10 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x1c ,0x7e ,
+ 0xe5 ,0x49 ,0x76 ,0x31 ,0x10 ,0x3c ,0x00 ,0x01 ,0x03 ,0xdd ,0x05 ,0x00 ,0x50 ,0xf2 ,0x05, 0x00,
+ 0xb2, 0x98, 0xd4, 0x6a};
+/* msa1 */
+char msa1[] = {0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x16, 0xb6, 0x19, 0x89, 0xde,
+ 0x00, 0x16, 0xb6, 0x19, 0x89, 0xde, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xd5, 0xe7, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x64, 0x00, 0x11, 0x04, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x82, 0x84, 0x8b,
+ 0x96, 0x24, 0x30, 0x48, 0x6c, 0x03, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x2a, 0x01,
+ 0x04, 0x2f, 0x01, 0x04, 0x30, 0x14, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xac, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f,
+ 0xac, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xac, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x32, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x12, 0x18, 0x60,
+ 0xdd, 0x06, 0x00, 0x10, 0x18, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00};
+/* msa2 */
+char msa2[] = {0x50, 0x00, 0x3a, 0x01, 0x00, 0x19, 0x7d, 0x1b, 0x03, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x1a, 0x70, 0xfc, 0xc0, 0x6f,
+ 0x00, 0x1a, 0x70, 0xfc, 0xc0, 0x6f, 0x10, 0x00, 0x7e, 0x4b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x64, 0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65,
+ 0x01, 0x08, 0x82, 0x84, 0x8b, 0x96, 0x24, 0x30, 0x48, 0x6c, 0x03, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x2a, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x2f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x32, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x12, 0x18, 0x60, 0xdd, 0x06, 0x00, 0x10, 0x18, 0x02, 0x00,
+ 0x04};
+#define BEACON_TEST_RSSI 19
+void send_network_info_to_host(UWORD8 *msa, UWORD16 rx_len, signed char rssi);
+void send_scan_complete_to_host(UWORD8 scan_done);
+int gScanInProgress = 0;
+static void SendScanResult(void* pvUsrArg)
+ while(1)
+ {
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&SemHandleScanReq,NMI_NULL);
+ if(bscan_code==NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ NMI_Sleep(100);//100, 700, 2000
+ //send_network_info_to_host(aBeacon,BEACON_TEST_LENGTH,BEACON_TEST_RSSI);
+ /* TODO: Mostafa: uncomment the line: rx_len -= FCS_LEN; in the API send_network_info_to_host()
+ if its input argument rx_len includes FCS */
+ send_network_info_to_host(wepbeacon, sizeof(wepbeacon), BEACON_TEST_RSSI);
+ NMI_Sleep(100);
+ //send_network_info_to_host(aBeacon,BEACON_TEST_LENGTH,BEACON_TEST_RSSI);
+ /* TODO: Mostafa: uncomment the line: rx_len -= FCS_LEN; in the API send_network_info_to_host()
+ if its input argument rx_len includes FCS */
+ send_network_info_to_host(msa2, sizeof(msa2), BEACON_TEST_RSSI);
+ NMI_Sleep(100);
+ //send_network_info_to_host(aBeacon,BEACON_TEST_LENGTH,BEACON_TEST_RSSI);
+ /* TODO: Mostafa: uncomment the line: rx_len -= FCS_LEN; in the API send_network_info_to_host()
+ if its input argument rx_len includes FCS */
+ send_network_info_to_host(aBeacon, sizeof(aBeacon), BEACON_TEST_RSSI);
+ gScanInProgress = 0;
+ send_scan_complete_to_host(NMI_TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&SemHandleScanExit,NMI_NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+INLINE void set_start_scan_req(UWORD8 val)
+ if(gScanInProgress)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ gScanInProgress = 1;
+ bscan_code = NMI_TRUE;
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&SemHandleScanReq,NMI_NULL);
+INLINE UWORD8 get_start_scan_req(void)
+ return 0;
+INLINE void set_join_req(UWORD8 val)
+ g_connected_bssIdx = val;
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Connected to Network with Bss Idx %d \n", g_connected_bssIdx);
+ g_current_mac_status = MAC_CONNECTED;
+/*Setter function for the new WID WID_JOIN_REQ_EXTENDED*/
+/*function should copy the given desired AP parameters{SSID, Ch num and BSSID} to */
+/*the MIB database and to the desired AP global variables */
+/* No getter function implemented*/
+INLINE void set_join_req_ext(UWORD8* pu8JoinReq)
+ tstrWidJoinReqExt* pstrWidJoinReqExt = (tstrWidJoinReqExt*)pu8JoinReq;
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"[Core Simulator]Connected to Network with SSID: %s,BSSID: %2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x,channel: %d \n",
+ pstrWidJoinReqExt->SSID,
+ pstrWidJoinReqExt->BSSID[0],
+ pstrWidJoinReqExt->BSSID[1],
+ pstrWidJoinReqExt->BSSID[2],
+ pstrWidJoinReqExt->BSSID[3],
+ pstrWidJoinReqExt->BSSID[4],
+ pstrWidJoinReqExt->BSSID[5],
+ pstrWidJoinReqExt->u8channel);
+ g_current_mac_status = MAC_CONNECTED;
+/*Setter function for the New WID_SCAN_CHANNEL_LIST*/
+/*function should copy given list to the g_host_scan_channel_list */
+/* setter function should also 'or' CHANNEL_LIST_SCAN with the */
+/* global variable g_scan_source*/
+/*first byte of the message should contain num of channels*/
+/* then the channels list*/
+INLINE void set_scan_channel_list(UWORD8* chList)
+ UWORD16 u16ChnlListLen = chList[0];
+ /*host channel List to be scanned after checking CHANNEL_LIST_SCAN*/
+ /*in the g_scan_source*/
+ memcpy(g_host_scan_channel_list,chList, u16ChnlListLen+2);
+ //g_scan_source |= CHANNEL_LIST_SCAN;
+ #else
+ return ;
+ #endif /* IBSS_BSS_STATION_MODE */
+/* Getter Function for New WID_SCAN_CHANNEL_LIST*/
+/* this function should return the scan_channel list set*/
+/* previusly from the host interface*/
+/* first byte of the returned message contains the num of channels*/
+INLINE UWORD8* get_scan_channel_list(void)
+ return g_host_scan_channel_list;
+ #else
+ return 0;
+ #endif /* IBSS_BSS_STATION_MODE */
+/*Setter function for the New WID_INFO_ELEMENT_PROBE*/
+INLINE void set_info_element_probe(UWORD8* IEprobeReq)
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WidLen;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ //NMI_PRINTF("[Core_Simulator] IEprobeReq[0] = %02x \n", IEprobeReq[0]);
+ //NMI_PRINTF("[Core_Simulator] IEprobeReq[1] = %02x \n", IEprobeReq[1]);
+ u16WidLen = MAKE_WORD16(IEprobeReq[0], IEprobeReq[1]);
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"WidLen of Probe Req IE is %d \n", u16WidLen);
+ /*
+ for(i = 0; i < u16WidLen; i++)
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("IEprobeReq[%d] = %02x \n", 2+i, IEprobeReq[2+i]);
+ }
+ */
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WidLen;
+ u16WidLen = MAKE_WORD16(IEprobeReq[0], IEprobeReq[1]);
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"WidLen of Probe Req IE is %d \n", u16WidLen);
+ #else
+ return;
+ #endif /* IBSS_BSS_STATION_MODE */
+/* Getter Function for New WID_INFO_ELEMENT_PROBE*/
+INLINE UWORD8* get_info_element_probe(void)
+ //return g_host_scan_channel_list;
+ #else
+ return 0;
+ #endif /* IBSS_BSS_STATION_MODE */
+/*Setter function for the New WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE*/
+INLINE void set_info_element_associate(UWORD8* IEAssocReq)
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WidLen;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ //NMI_PRINTF("[Core_Simulator] IEAssocReq[0] = %02x \n", IEAssocReq[0]);
+ //PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"[Core_Simulator] IEAssocReq[1] = %02x \n", IEAssocReq[1]);
+ u16WidLen = MAKE_WORD16(IEAssocReq[0], IEAssocReq[1]);
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"WidLen of Assoc Req IE is %d \n", u16WidLen);
+ /*
+ for(i = 0; i < u16WidLen; i++)
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("IEAssocReq[%d] = %02x \n", 2+i, IEAssocReq[2+i]);
+ }
+ */
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WidLen;
+ u16WidLen = MAKE_WORD16(IEAssocReq[0], IEAssocReq[1]);
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"WidLen of Assoc Req IE is %d \n", u16WidLen);
+ #else
+ return;
+ #endif /* IBSS_BSS_STATION_MODE */
+/* Getter Function for New WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE*/
+INLINE UWORD8* get_info_element_associate(void)
+ //return g_host_scan_channel_list;
+ #else
+ return 0;
+ #endif /* IBSS_BSS_STATION_MODE */
+UWORD8 au8CurrentSsid[30]={0};
+INLINE void mset_DesiredSSID(UWORD8* ps8DesiredSsid)
+ NMI_memcpy(au8CurrentSsid,ps8DesiredSsid,NMI_strlen(ps8DesiredSsid)+1);
+INLINE UWORD8* get_DesiredSSID(void)
+ return au8CurrentSsid;
+INLINE void set_manufacturer() {}
+INLINE void set_model_name() {}
+INLINE void set_model_num() {}
+INLINE void set_device_name() {}
+UWORD8 au8Manufacturer[20];
+INLINE UWORD8* get_manufacturer()
+ UWORD8 temp[]= "NMIEDC";
+ au8Manufacturer[0] = (NMI_Uint8)NMI_strlen(temp);
+ //au8Manufacturer[1] = '\0';
+ //strcat(au8Manufacturer,temp);
+ NMI_memcpy(&au8Manufacturer[1],temp,NMI_strlen(temp));
+ return au8Manufacturer;
+UWORD8 au8ModelName[5] = {0x03,'P','2','P'};
+INLINE UWORD8* get_model_name()
+ return au8ModelName;
+UWORD8 au8ModelNum[] = {0x02,'1','1'};
+INLINE UWORD8* get_model_num()
+ return au8ModelNum;
+UWORD8 au8DeviceName[] = {0x09,'\0'};
+INLINE UWORD8* get_device_name()
+ NMI_Sint8 temp[] = "NMIDirect";
+ NMI_memcpy(au8DeviceName+1,temp,NMI_strlen(temp));
+ return au8DeviceName;
+/* Host WLAN Identifier Structure */
+/* ID, Type, Response, Reset, Get Function Pointer, Set Function Pointer */
+#if 1
+host_wid_struct_t g_char_wid_struct[NUM_CHAR_WID]=
+ (void *)get_DesiredBSSType, (void *)set_DesiredBSSType},
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ (void *)get_tx_rate, (void *)set_tx_rate},
+ (void *)get_host_chnl_num, (void *)set_mac_chnl_num},
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ (void *)get_preamble_type, (void *)set_preamble_type},
+ (void *)get_running_mode, (void *)set_running_mode},
+ 0, 0},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_protection_mode, (void *)set_protection_mode},
+ (void *)0, (void *)set_machw_sleep},
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ (void *)mget_scan_type, (void *)mset_scan_type},
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+#if 0
+ (void *)mget_PrivacyInvoked, (void *)0},
+ (void *)mget_WEPDefaultKeyID, (void *)mset_WEPDefaultKeyID},
+ (void *)get_qos_enable, (void *)set_qos_enable},
+ (void *)get_PowerManagementMode, (void *)set_PowerManagementMode},
+#if 0
+ {WID_802_11I_MODE, /*WID_CHAR,*/
+ (void *)get_802_11I_mode, (void *)set_802_11I_mode},
+ (void *)get_auth_type, (void *)set_auth_type},
+ (void *)get_site_survey_status, (void *)set_site_survey},
+ (void *)mget_listen_interval, (void *)mset_listen_interval},
+ (void *)mget_DTIMPeriod, (void *)set_dtim_period},
+ (void *)get_ack_type, (void *)set_ack_type},
+ (void *)0, (void *)set_reset_req},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_pcf_mode, (void *)set_pcf_mode},
+ (void *)mget_CFPPeriod, (void *)mset_CFPPeriod},
+ (void *)get_bcst_ssid, (void *)set_bcst_ssid},
+ (void *)get_phy_test_pattern, (void *)set_phy_test_pattern},
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ (void *)0, (void *)disconnect_station},
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_read_addr_sdram, (void *)set_read_addr_sdram},
+ (void *)get_tx_power_level_11a, (void *)set_tx_power_level_11a},
+ (void *)get_RSNAConfigGroupRekeyMethod, (void *)set_RSNAConfigGroupRekeyMethod},
+ (void *)get_short_slot_allowed, (void *)set_short_slot_allowed},
+ (void *)get_phy_active_reg, (void *)set_phy_active_reg},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_phy_active_reg_val, (void *)set_phy_active_reg_val},
+ (void *)get_tx_power_level_11b, (void *)set_tx_power_level_11b},
+ (void *)get_start_scan_req, (void *)set_start_scan_req},
+ (void *)get_rssi, (void *)0},
+ (void *)0, (void *)set_join_req},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_antenna_selection, (void *)set_antenna_selection},
+ (void *)get_user_control_enabled, (void *)set_user_control_enabled},
+ (void *)get_memory_access_8bit, (void *)set_memory_access_8bit},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_current_mac_status, (void *)0},
+ (void *)get_auto_rx_sensitivity, (void *)set_auto_rx_sensitivity},
+ (void *)get_dataflow_control, (void *)set_dataflow_control},
+ (void *)get_scan_filter, (void *)set_scan_filter},
+ (void *)get_link_loss_threshold, (void *)set_link_loss_threshold},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_autorate_type, (void *)set_autorate_type},
+ (void *)get_cca_threshold, (void *)set_cca_threshold},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_uapsd_support_ap, (void *)set_uapsd_support_ap},
+ /* dot11H parameters */
+ {WID_802_11H_DFS_MODE, /*WID_CHAR,*/
+ (void *)get_802_11H_DFS_mode, (void *)set_802_11H_DFS_mode},
+ {WID_802_11H_TPC_MODE, /*WID_CHAR,*/
+ (void *)get_802_11H_TPC_mode, (void *)set_802_11H_TPC_mode},
+const host_wid_struct_t g_short_wid_struct[NUM_SHORT_WID];
+#if 0
+ (void *)mget_RTSThreshold, (void *)set_RTSThreshold},
+ (void *)mget_FragmentationThreshold, (void *)set_FragmentationThreshold},
+ (void *)mget_ShortRetryLimit, (void *)set_ShortRetryLimit},
+ (void *)mget_LongRetryLimit, (void *)set_LongRetryLimit},
+ (void *)mget_CFPMaxDuration, (void *)mset_CFPMaxDuration},
+ (void *)get_phy_test_frame_len, (void *)set_phy_test_frame_len},
+ (void *)mget_BeaconPeriod, (void *)mset_BeaconPeriod},
+ (void *)get_memory_access_16bit, (void *)set_memory_access_16bit},
+ (void *)get_rx_sense, (void *)set_rx_sense},
+ (void *)get_active_scan_time, (void *)set_active_scan_time},
+ (void *)get_passive_scan_time, (void *)set_passive_scan_time},
+ (void *)get_site_survey_scan_time, (void *)set_site_survey_scan_time},
+ (void *)get_join_timeout, (void *)set_join_timeout},
+ (void *)get_auth_timeout, (void *)set_auth_timeout},
+ (void *)get_asoc_timeout, (void *)set_asoc_timeout},
+ (void *)get_11i_protocol_timeout, (void *)set_11i_protocol_timeout},
+ (void *)get_eapol_response_timeout, (void *)set_eapol_response_timeout},
+const host_wid_struct_t g_int_wid_struct[NUM_INT_WID];
+#if 0
+ (void *)mget_FailedCount, (void *)set_FailedCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)mget_RetryCount, (void *)set_RetryCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)mget_MultipleRetryCount, (void *)set_MultipleRetryCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)mget_FrameDuplicateCount, (void *)set_FrameDuplicateCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)mget_ACKFailureCount, (void *)set_ACKFailureCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)mget_ReceivedFragmentCount, (void *)set_ReceivedFragmentCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)mget_MulticastReceivedFrameCount, (void *)set_MulticastReceivedFrameCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)mget_FCSErrorCount, (void *)set_FCSErrorCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)mget_TransmittedFrameCount, (void *)set_TransmittedFrameCount_to_zero},
+ (void *)get_phy_test_pkt_cnt, (void *)set_phy_test_pkt_cnt},
+ (void *)get_phy_test_txd_pkt_cnt, (void *)set_phy_test_txd_pkt_cnt},
+ (void *)mget_TransmittedFragmentCount, (void *)0},
+ (void *)mget_MulticastTransmittedFrameCount, (void *)0},
+ (void *)mget_RTSSuccessCount, (void *)0},
+ (void *)mget_RTSFailureCount, (void *)0},
+ (void *)mget_WEPICVErrorCount, (void *)0},
+ (void *)get_RSNAConfigGroupRekeyTime , (void *)set_RSNAConfigGroupRekeyTime},
+ (void *)get_RSNAConfigGroupRekeyPackets, (void *)set_RSNAConfigGroupRekeyPackets},
+ (void *)get_q_enable_info, (void *)set_q_enable_info},
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ {WID_802_1X_SERV_ADDR, /*WID_INT,*/
+ (void *)get_1x_serv_addr, (void *)set_1x_serv_addr},
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ (void *)get_stack_ip_addr, (void *)set_stack_ip_addr},
+ (void *)get_stack_netmask_addr, (void *)set_stack_netmask_addr},
+ (void *)get_machw_rx_end_count, (void *)0},
+ (void *)0, (void *)set_rf_reg_val},
+ (void *)get_memory_address, (void *)set_memory_address},
+ (void *)get_memory_access_32bit, (void *)set_memory_access_32bit},
+ (void *)get_firmware_info, (void *)0},
+const host_wid_struct_t g_str_wid_struct[NUM_STR_WID]=
+ /*BugID_3736*/
+ /*New WID Added to set a channel list*/
+ /*the input message should have the length of channel list in the fist */
+ /* byte and then the channels list*/
+ /*setter function should copy given list to the g_host_scan_channel_list */
+ /* setter function should also 'or' CHANNEL_LIST_SCAN with the */
+ /* global variable g_scan_source in order to handle both cases exiting way*/
+ /* of channel scanning and this new way*/
+ (void *)get_scan_channel_list, (void *)set_scan_channel_list},
+ (void *)get_mac_addr, (void *)set_mac_addr},
+ (void *)get_DesiredSSID, (void *)mset_DesiredSSID},
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+ (void *)get_manufacturerProductVersion, (void *)set_test_case_name},
+#else /* DEBUG_MODE */
+ (void *)get_manufacturerProductVersion, 0},
+#endif /* DEBUG_MODE */
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_supp_rates, 0},
+ (void *)get_bssid, (void *)set_preferred_bssid},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_WEP_key, (void *)set_WEP_key},
+ (void *)get_WEP_key, (void *)set_WEP_key},
+ (void *)get_WEP_key, (void *)set_WEP_key},
+ (void *)get_WEP_key, (void *)set_WEP_key},
+ {WID_11I_PSK, /*WID_STR,*/
+ (void *)get_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase, (void *)set_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase},
+#if 0
+ (void *)0, (void *)set_action_request},
+ {WID_802_1X_KEY, /*WID_STR,*/
+ (void *)get_1x_key, (void *)set_1x_key},
+ (void *)get_hardwareProductVersion, 0},
+ (void *)get_mac_addr, (void *)set_mac_addr},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_phy_test_dst_addr, (void *)set_phy_test_dst_addr},
+ (void *)get_phy_test_stats, (void *)set_phy_test_stats},
+ (void *)get_phyProductVersion, 0},
+ (void *)get_supp_username, (void *)set_supp_username},
+ (void *)get_supp_password, (void *)set_supp_password},
+ {WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS, /*WID_STR,*/ // TODO: mostafa: I'm not sure if WID_all flag is correct to be BTRUE,
+ // and also not sure of reset_mac flag to be BFALSE
+ (void *)get_site_survey_results, (void *)0},
+ (void *)0, (void *)set_wep_key},
+ (void *)get_pmkid_info, (void *)set_pmkid_info},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_rx_power_level, (void *)0},
+ #if 0
+ (void *)0, (void *)add_wep_key_sta},
+ (void *)0, (void *)remove_wep_key_sta},
+ (void *)0, (void *)add_ptk_sta},
+ (void *)0, (void *)add_rx_gtk_sta},
+ (void *)0, (void *)add_tx_gtk},
+ (void *)0, (void *)remove_key_sta},
+ (void *)get_assoc_req_info, (void *)0},
+ (void *)get_assoc_res_info, (void *)0},
+ #endif
+ #if 0
+ (void *)0, (void *)0},
+ (void *)0, (void *)0},
+ (void *)0, (void *)0},
+ (void *)0, (void *)0},
+ (void *)0, (void *)0},
+ (void *)0, (void *)0},
+ #endif
+ (void *)get_assoc_res_info, (void *)0},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_rf_supported_info, (void *)set_rf_supported_info},
+ (void *)get_country_ie, (void *)set_country_ie},
+ (void*) get_manufacturer, (void*)set_manufacturer},
+ (void*)get_model_name, (void*) set_model_name},
+ (void*)get_model_num, (void*)set_model_num},
+ (void*) get_device_name, (void*) set_device_name},
+ /*BugID_4124*/
+ /*New WID Added to trigger modified Join Request using SSID, BSSID and channel num */
+ /*of the required AP instead of using bssListIdx (used by WID_JOIN_REQ)*/
+ /*The input message should have in the first 32 bytes the SSID, then the following byte */
+ /* should have the channel number and finally the following 6 bytes should have the BSSID*/
+ /*setter function should copy the given desired AP parameters{SSID, Ch num and BSSID} to */
+ /*the MIB database and to the desired AP global variables */
+ /* No getter function implemented*/
+ (void *)0, (void *)set_join_req_ext}
+const host_wid_struct_t g_binary_data_wid_struct[NUM_BIN_DATA_WID]
+#if 0
+ (void *)0, (void *)set_config_HCCA_actionReq},
+ (void *)get_uapsd_config, (void *)set_uapsd_config},
+#if 0
+ (void *)get_uapsd_status, (void *)0},
+ (void *)get_wmm_ap_ac_params, (void *)set_wmm_ap_ac_params},
+ (void *)get_wmm_sta_ac_params, (void *)get_wmm_sta_ac_params},
+ (void *)get_connected_sta_list, (void *)0},
+ (void *)get_hut_stats, (void *)set_hut_stats},
+ /* BugID_3746*/
+ (void *)get_info_element_probe, (void *)set_info_element_probe},
+ /* BugID_3746*/
+ (void *)get_info_element_associate, (void *)set_info_element_associate},
+NMI_Sint32 CoreConfigSimulatorInit(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_ThreadAttrs strThrdSimulatorAttrs;
+ tstrNMI_SemaphoreAttrs strSemaphoreAttrs;
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"CoreConfigSimulatorInit() \n");
+ g_current_mac_status = MAC_DISCONNECTED;
+ gbTermntMacStsThrd = NMI_FALSE;
+ g_connected_bssIdx = 0xFFFF;
+ gScanInProgress = 0;
+ gu32ReqSrvyResFrag = 0;
+ FIFO_InitBuffer(&ghTxFifoBuffer, MAX_FIFO_BUFF_LEN);
+ NMI_MsgQueueCreate(&gMsgQSimulator, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreFillDefault(&strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&SemHandleScanReq,&strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&SemHandleScanExit, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&SemHandleMacStsExit, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ NMI_ThreadFillDefault(&strThrdSimulatorAttrs);
+ NMI_ThreadCreate(&ThrdHandleSimulator, SimulatorThread, NMI_NULL, &strThrdSimulatorAttrs);
+ NMI_ThreadCreate(&ThrdHandleScan, SendScanResult, NMI_NULL, &strThrdSimulatorAttrs);
+ NMI_ThreadCreate(&ThrdHandleMacStatus, SendMacStatus, NMI_NULL, &strThrdSimulatorAttrs);
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Sint32 SimConfigPktReceived(NMI_Sint8* pspacket, NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Err = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrSimulatorMsg* pstrSimulatorMsg = NMI_NULL;
+ pstrSimulatorMsg = (tstrSimulatorMsg*)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg));
+ NMI_memset((void*)(pstrSimulatorMsg), 0, sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg));
+ s32Err = FIFO_WriteBytes(ghTxFifoBuffer, pspacket, s32PacketLen, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Err != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("SimConfigPktReceived(): FIFO_WriteBytes() returned error \n");
+ s32Error = NMI_FAIL;
+ pstrSimulatorMsg->s32PktDataLen = -1;
+ goto Send_Message;
+ }
+ pstrSimulatorMsg->s32PktDataLen = s32PacketLen;
+ NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQSimulator, pstrSimulatorMsg, sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(pstrSimulatorMsg != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrSimulatorMsg);
+ pstrSimulatorMsg = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : get_wid_index */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function gets the WID index from WID ID & Type */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) WID Identifier */
+/* 2) WID Type */
+/* */
+/* Globals : 1) g_char_wid_struct */
+/* 2) g_short_wid_struct */
+/* 2) g_int_wid_struct */
+/* 2) g_str_wid_struct */
+/* 2) g_binary_data_wid_struct */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function searches for the WID ID in the relevent */
+/* global structure to find the index of the perticular WID */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : Length of the query response */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+UWORD8 get_wid_index(UWORD16 wid_id,UWORD8 wid_type)
+ UWORD8 count;
+ switch(wid_type)
+ {
+ case WID_CHAR:
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_CHAR_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_char_wid_struct[count].id == wid_id)
+ return count;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_SHORT:
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_SHORT_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_short_wid_struct[count].id == wid_id)
+ return count;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_INT:
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_INT_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_int_wid_struct[count].id == wid_id)
+ return count;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_STR:
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_STR_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_str_wid_struct[count].id == wid_id)
+ return count;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_BIN_DATA:
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_BIN_DATA_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].id == wid_id)
+ return count;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0xFF;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : get_wid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function gets the WID value from the global WID */
+/* array and updates the response message contents. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to the WID field */
+/* 2) Index of the global WID array */
+/* 3) The WID type */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_wid_struct */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function sets the WID ID, Length and Value in the */
+/* the incoming packet. */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : Length of WID response */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+UWORD16 get_wid(UWORD8 *wid, UWORD8 count, UWORD8 wid_type)
+ UWORD8 wid_len = 0;
+ UWORD16 wid_id = 0;
+ UWORD8 *wid_val = 0;
+ /* NULL response is corresponded */
+ BOOL_T null_rsp = BFALSE;
+ /* The WID is set in the following format: */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | WID Type | WID Length | WID Value | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 2 Bytes | 1 Byte | WID length | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* Set the WID value with the value returned by the get function */
+ /* associated with the particular WID type. */
+ wid_val = (wid + WID_VALUE_OFFSET);
+ /* If the member function is not NULL, get the value, else discard read */
+ switch(wid_type)
+ {
+ case WID_CHAR:
+ {
+ wid_id = g_char_wid_struct[count].id;
+ if(g_char_wid_struct[count].get)
+ {
+ UWORD8 val =
+ ((UWORD8 (*)(void))g_char_wid_struct[count].get)();
+ wid_len = 1;
+ wid_val[0] = val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wid_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_SHORT:
+ {
+ wid_id = g_short_wid_struct[count].id;
+ if(g_short_wid_struct[count].get)
+ {
+ UWORD16 val =
+ ((UWORD16 (*)(void))g_short_wid_struct[count].get)();
+ wid_len = 2;
+ wid_val[0] = (UWORD8)(val & 0x00FF);
+ wid_val[1] = (UWORD8)((val >> 8) & 0x00FF);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wid_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_INT:
+ {
+ wid_id = g_int_wid_struct[count].id;
+ if(g_int_wid_struct[count].get)
+ {
+ UWORD32 val =
+ ((UWORD32 (*)(void))g_int_wid_struct[count].get)();
+ wid_len = 4;
+ wid_val[0] = (UWORD8)(val & 0x000000FF);
+ wid_val[1] = (UWORD8)((val >> 8) & 0x000000FF);
+ wid_val[2] = (UWORD8)((val >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
+ wid_val[3] = (UWORD8)((val >> 24) & 0x000000FF);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wid_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_STR:
+ {
+ wid_id = g_str_wid_struct[count].id;
+ if(g_str_wid_struct[count].get)
+ {
+ UWORD8 *val =
+ ((UWORD8 *(*)(void))g_str_wid_struct[count].get)();
+ if(val != NULL)
+ {
+ wid_len = val[0];
+ NMI_memcpy(wid_val, (val + 1), wid_len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* NULL response is corresponded */
+ null_rsp = BTRUE;
+ wid_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wid_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_BIN_DATA:
+ {
+ /* WID_BIN_DATA is Set in the following format */
+ /* +---------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | WID | WID Length | WID Value | Checksum | */
+ /* +---------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 2Bytes | 2Bytes | WID Length Bytes | 1Byte | */
+ /* +---------------------------------------------------+ */
+ wid_id = g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].id;
+ if(g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].get)
+ {
+ UWORD16 length = 0;
+ UWORD8 checksum = 0;
+ UWORD16 i = 0;
+ UWORD8 *val =
+ ((UWORD8 *(*)(void))g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].get)();
+ if(val == NULL)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* First 2 Bytes are length field and rest of the bytes are */
+ /* actual data */
+ /* Length field encoding */
+ /* +----------------------------------+ */
+ /* | BIT15 | BIT14 | BIT13 - BIT0 | */
+ /* +----------------------------------+ */
+ /* | First | Last | Message Length | */
+ /* +----------------------------------+ */
+ length = (val[0] & 0x00FF);
+ length |= ((UWORD16) val[1] << 8) & 0xFF00;
+ length &= WID_BIN_DATA_LEN_MASK;
+ if(length != 0 )
+ {
+ /* Set the WID type. */
+ wid[0] = wid_id & 0xFF;
+ wid[1] = (wid_id & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ /* Copy the data including the length field */
+ NMI_memcpy((wid + WID_LENGTH_OFFSET), val, (length + 2));
+ /* Compute Checksum for the data field & append it at */
+ /* the end of the packet */
+ for(i = 0;i < length;i++)
+ {
+ checksum += val[2 + i];
+ }
+ *(wid + WID_LENGTH_OFFSET + 2 + length) = checksum;
+ /* Return the WID response length */
+ /*WID_TYPE WID_Length WID_Value Checksum*/
+ return (WID_LENGTH_OFFSET + 2 + length + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ } /* end of switch(wid_len) */
+ /* NULL response is corresponded */
+ if((wid_len != 0) || (BTRUE == null_rsp))
+ {
+ /* Set the WID type. The WID length field is set at the end after */
+ /* getting the value of the WID. In case of variable length WIDs the */
+ /* length s known only after the value is obtained. */
+ wid[0] = wid_id & 0xFF;
+ wid[1] = (wid_id & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ /* Set the length of the WID */
+ wid[2] = wid_len;
+ /* Return the WID response length */
+ return (wid_len + WID_VALUE_OFFSET);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (0);
+ }
+/* */
+/* Function Name : set_wid */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function sets the WID value with the incoming WID */
+/* value. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to the WID value */
+/* 2) Length of the WID value */
+/* 3) Index of the global WID array */
+/* 4) The WID type */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_wid_struct */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function sets the WID Value with the incoming value.*/
+/* */
+/* Outputs : The corresponding MAC parameter is set */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void set_wid(UWORD8 *wid, UWORD16 len, UWORD8 count, UWORD8 wid_type)
+ switch(wid_type)
+ {
+ case WID_CHAR:
+ {
+ if(g_char_wid_struct[count].set)
+ {
+ ((void (*)(UWORD8))g_char_wid_struct[count].set)(wid[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* WID cannot be set. Do nothing. */
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_SHORT:
+ {
+ UWORD16 val = 0;
+ val = wid[1];
+ val = (val << 8) | wid[0];
+ if(g_short_wid_struct[count].set)
+ {
+ ((void (*)(UWORD16))g_short_wid_struct[count].set)(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* WID cannot be set. Do nothing. */
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_INT:
+ {
+ UWORD32 val = 0;
+ val = wid[3];
+ val = (val << 8) | wid[2];
+ val = (val << 8) | wid[1];
+ val = (val << 8) | wid[0];
+ if(g_int_wid_struct[count].set)
+ {
+ ((void (*)(UWORD32))g_int_wid_struct[count].set)(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* WID cannot be set. Do nothing. */
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_STR:
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(val, wid, len);
+ val[len] = '\0';
+ if(g_str_wid_struct[count].set)
+ {
+ ((void (*)(UWORD8*))g_str_wid_struct[count].set)(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* WID cannot be set. Do nothing. */
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WID_BIN_DATA:
+ {
+ if(g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].set)
+ {
+ ((void (*)(UWORD8*))g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].set)(wid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* WID cannot be set. Do nothing. */
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ } /* end of switch(wid_type) */
+/* This function copies the MAC address from a source to destination */
+INLINE void mac_addr_cpy(UWORD8 *dst, UWORD8 *src)
+ UWORD8 i = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ dst[i] = src[i];
+/* This function copies the IP address from a source to destination */
+INLINE void ip_addr_cpy(UWORD8 *dst, UWORD8 *src)
+ UWORD8 i = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ dst[i] = src[i];
+/* */
+/* Function Name : checksum */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function computes the 16-bit CRC. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to the buffer */
+/* 2) Length of the buffer */
+/* */
+/* Globals : None */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function computes 16-bit CRC for the given packet. */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : 16-bit CRC checksum */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+UWORD16 checksum(UWORD8 *buffer, UWORD32 size)
+ UWORD32 cksum = 0;
+ while (size > 1)
+ {
+ cksum += *buffer + (*(buffer+1) << 8);
+ buffer += 2 ;
+ size -= 2;
+ }
+ if (size)
+ {
+ cksum += *buffer;
+ }
+ cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xFFFF);
+ cksum += (cksum >> 16);
+ return (UWORD16)(~cksum);
+/* */
+/* Function Name : process_query */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes the host query message. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to the query request message */
+/* 2) Pointer to the query response message */
+/* 3) Length of the query request */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_wid_struct */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function reads the WID value in the Query message */
+/* and gets the corresponding WID length and value. It sets */
+/* the WID, WID Length and value in the response message. */
+/* The process is repeated for all the WID types requested */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : Length of the query response */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+UWORD16 process_query(UWORD8* wid_req, UWORD8* wid_rsp, UWORD16 req_len)
+ UWORD8 count = 0;
+ UWORD16 wid_id = 0;
+ UWORD16 req_idx = 0;
+ UWORD16 rsp_idx = 0;
+ /* The format of a message body of a message type 'Q' is: */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | WID0 | WID1 | WID2 | ................... | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 2 Bytes | 2 Bytes | 2 Bytes | ................... | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* The format of a message body of a message type 'R' is: */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | WID0 | WID0 Length | WID0 Value | ......................... | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 2 Bytes | 1 Byte | WID Length | ......................... | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* The processing of a Query message consists of the following steps: */
+ /* 1) Read the WID value in the Query message */
+ /* 2) Get the corresponding WID length and value */
+ /* 3) Set the WID, WID Length and value in the response message */
+ /* 4) Repeat for all the WID types requested by the host */
+ /* 5) Return the length of the response message */
+ if(g_reset_mac_in_progress == BFALSE)
+ debug_print("\nWID Q: ");
+#endif /* CONFIG_PRINT */
+ while(req_idx < req_len)
+ {
+ /* Read the WID type (2 Bytes) from the Query message and increment */
+ /* the Request Index by 2 to point to the next WID. */
+ wid_id = wid_req[req_idx + 1];
+ wid_id = (wid_id << 8) | wid_req[req_idx];
+ req_idx += 2;
+ if(g_reset_mac_in_progress == BFALSE)
+ debug_print("%x ",wid_id);
+#endif /* CONFIG_PRINT */
+ if(wid_id == WID_ALL)
+ {
+ /* If the WID type is WID_ALL all WID values need to be returned */
+ /* to the host. Thus all the array elements of the global WID */
+ /* array are accessed one by one. */
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_CHAR_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_char_wid_struct[count].rsp == BTRUE)
+ rsp_idx += get_wid(&wid_rsp[rsp_idx], count, WID_CHAR);
+ }
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_SHORT_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_short_wid_struct[count].rsp == BTRUE)
+ rsp_idx += get_wid(&wid_rsp[rsp_idx], count, WID_SHORT);
+ }
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_INT_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_int_wid_struct[count].rsp == BTRUE)
+ rsp_idx += get_wid(&wid_rsp[rsp_idx], count, WID_INT);
+ }
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_STR_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_str_wid_struct[count].rsp == BTRUE)
+ rsp_idx += get_wid(&wid_rsp[rsp_idx], count, WID_STR);
+ }
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_BIN_DATA_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if(g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].rsp == BTRUE)
+ rsp_idx += get_wid(&wid_rsp[rsp_idx], count, WID_BIN_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* In case of any other WID, the static global WID array is */
+ /* searched to find a matching WID type for its corresponding */
+ /* length and value. */
+ UWORD8 wid_type = (wid_id & 0xF000) >> 12;
+ count = get_wid_index(wid_id,wid_type);
+ if(count == 0xFF)
+ {
+ /* If the Queried WID type is not found it is an exception. */
+ /* Skip this and continue. */
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* In case of a valid WID, fill up the WID type, WID length */
+ /* and WID values in the Response message. */
+ rsp_idx += get_wid(&wid_rsp[rsp_idx], count, wid_type);
+ }
+ }
+ } /* end of while(index < req_len) */
+ if(g_reset_mac_in_progress == BFALSE)
+ debug_print("||\n");
+#endif /* CONFIG_PRINT */
+ /* Return Response length (given by the updated response index value) */
+ return rsp_idx;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : process_write */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function processes the host write message. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to the write request message */
+/* 2) Length of the write request */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_wid_struct */
+/* g_reset_mac */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function reads the WID value in the Write message */
+/* and sets the corresponding WID length and value. The */
+/* process is repeated for all the WID types requested by */
+/* the host. In case the setting of any WID requires the */
+/* reset of MAC, the global g_reset_mac is updated. */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : g_reset_mac is updated to indicate if a reset is needed */
+/* */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void process_write(UWORD8* wid_req, UWORD16 req_len)
+ UWORD8 count = 0;
+ UWORD16 req_idx = 0;
+ UWORD16 wid_len = 0;
+ UWORD16 wid_id = 0;
+ UWORD8 *wid_val = 0;
+ UWORD32 wid_type = 0;
+ /* Set the global flag for reset MAC to BFALSE. This will be updated to */
+ /* BTRUE if any parameter setting calls for a reset. */
+ g_reset_mac = BFALSE;
+ /* The format of a message body of a message type 'W' is: */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | WID0 | WID0 Length | WID0 Value | ......................... | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 2 Bytes | 1 Byte | WID Length | ......................... | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* The processing of a Write message consists of the following steps: */
+ /* 1) Read the WID value in the Write message */
+ /* 2) Set the corresponding WID length and value */
+ /* 3) Repeat for all the WID types requested by the host */
+ if(g_reset_mac_in_progress == BFALSE)
+ debug_print("\nWID S: ");
+#endif /* CONFIG_PRINT */
+ while(req_idx+3 < req_len)
+ {
+ /* Read the WID ID (2 Bytes) and the WID length from the Write */
+ /* message. */
+ wid_id = wid_req[req_idx + 1];
+ wid_id = (wid_id << 8) | wid_req[req_idx];
+ wid_type = (wid_id & 0xF000) >> 12;
+ count = get_wid_index(wid_id,wid_type);
+ //NMI_PRINTF(" wid_id = %02x , wid_type = %d \n", wid_id, wid_type);
+ if(g_reset_mac_in_progress == BFALSE)
+ debug_print("%x %x",wid_id,count);
+#endif /* CONFIG_PRINT */
+ if(wid_type != WID_BIN_DATA)
+ {
+ wid_len = wid_req[req_idx + 2];
+ /* Set the 'wid' pointer to point to the WID value (skipping */
+ /* the ID and Length fields). This is used in the set_wid */
+ /* function. It is assumed that all 'set' functions use the */
+ /* value directly as input. */
+ wid_val = &wid_req[req_idx + WID_VALUE_OFFSET];
+ /* The Request Index is incremented by (WID Length + 3) to */
+ /* point to the next WID. */
+ req_idx += (wid_len + WID_VALUE_OFFSET);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UWORD16 i = 0;
+ UWORD8 checksum = 0;
+ /* WID_BIN_DATA format */
+ /* +---------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | WID | WID Length | WID Value | Checksum | */
+ /* +---------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 2Bytes | 2Bytes | WID Length Bytes | 1Byte | */
+ /* +---------------------------------------------------+ */
+ wid_len = wid_req[req_idx + 2];
+ wid_len |= ((UWORD16)wid_req[req_idx + 3] << 8) & 0xFF00 ;
+ wid_len &= WID_BIN_DATA_LEN_MASK;
+ /* Set the 'wid' pointer to point to the WID length (skipping */
+ /* the ID field). This is used in the set_wid function. It */
+ /* is assumed that 'set' function for Binary data uses the */
+ /* length field for getting the WID Value */
+ wid_val = &wid_req[req_idx + WID_LENGTH_OFFSET];
+ /* The Request Index is incremented by (WID Length + 5) to */
+ /* point to the next WID. */
+ req_idx += (wid_len + WID_LENGTH_OFFSET + 2 + 1);
+ /* Compute checksum on the Data field */
+ for(i = 0;i < wid_len;i++)
+ {
+ checksum += wid_val[i + 2];
+ }
+ /* Drop the packet, if checksum failed */
+ if(checksum != wid_val[wid_len + 2])
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(count == 0xFF)
+ {
+ /* If the Queried WID type is not found it is an exception. */
+ /* Skip this and continue. */
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* In case of a valid WID, set the corresponding parameter with */
+ /* the incoming value. */
+ set_wid(wid_val, wid_len, count, wid_type);
+ /* Check if writing this WID requires resetting of MAC. The */
+ /* global g_reset_mac is 'OR'ed with the reset value obtained */
+ /* for this WID. */
+ switch(wid_type)
+ {
+ case WID_CHAR:
+ g_reset_mac |= g_char_wid_struct[count].reset;
+ break;
+ case WID_SHORT:
+ g_reset_mac |= g_short_wid_struct[count].reset;
+ break;
+ case WID_INT:
+ g_reset_mac |= g_int_wid_struct[count].reset;
+ break;
+ case WID_STR:
+ g_reset_mac |= g_str_wid_struct[count].reset;
+ break;
+ case WID_BIN_DATA:
+ g_reset_mac |= g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].reset;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } /* end of while(index < req_len) */
+ if(g_reset_mac_in_progress == BFALSE)
+ debug_print("||\n");
+#endif /* CONFIG_PRINT */
+ /* Overwrite the Reset Flag with User request */
+ if(g_reset_req_from_user == DONT_RESET)
+ {
+ g_reset_mac = BFALSE;
+ }
+ else if (g_reset_req_from_user == DO_RESET)
+ {
+ g_reset_mac = BTRUE;
+ }
+ /* Re-initialize user request variable */
+ g_reset_req_from_user = NO_REQUEST;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : prepare_config_hdr */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function prepares a configuration header as per the */
+/* host protocol in use. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to the configuration message buffer */
+/* 2) More fragment BOOL value */
+/* 3) Fragment offset */
+/* */
+/* Globals : None */
+/* */
+/* Processing : For the ethernet host, a UDP packet with the given source*/
+/* and destination port is by protocol a configuration */
+/* message. Hence the host response is packed into a UDP */
+/* packet. For ther hosts, sepaerate host header is defined */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Returns : Length of the configuration message */
+/* */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 20 01 2009 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+UWORD8 g_first_config_pkt = 1;
+UWORD8 g_config_eth_addr[6] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
+UWORD8 g_config_ip_addr[6] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
+UWORD8 g_src_eth_addr[6] = { 0x00, 0x50, 0xC2, 0x5E, 0x10, 0x92 };
+UWORD8 g_src_ip_addr[6] = {192,168,20,221};
+UWORD8 g_src_netmask_addr[6] = {0};
+UWORD16 prepare_config_hdr(UWORD8* data, UWORD16 len,
+ BOOL_T more_frag, UWORD16 frag_offset)
+ UWORD16 ret_len = 0;
+ UWORD8 index = 0;
+ UWORD16 csum = 0;
+ UWORD16 udp_len = 0;
+ UWORD16 ip_len = 0;
+#endif /* ETHERNET_HOST */
+ /* Prepare the Ethernet Header - 14 bytes (format is shown below) */
+ /* */
+ /* +---------------------+-------------------+-------------+ */
+ /* | Destination address | Source address | Packet Type | */
+ /* +---------------------+-------------------+-------------+ */
+ /* | 0 | 6 |12 | */
+ /* +---------------------+-------------------+-------------+ */
+ /* Set the Ethernet destination address and Source address */
+ mac_addr_cpy(data, g_config_eth_addr);
+ mac_addr_cpy(data + 6, g_src_eth_addr);
+ /* Set the type to IP */
+ data[12] = (IP_TYPE & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ data[13] = (IP_TYPE & 0xFF);
+ /* Prepare the IP Header - 20 bytes (format is shown below) */
+ /* */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* | Version | IHL | TOS | Total length | Identification | Flags */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* 0 1 2 4 6 */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* | Fragment offset | TTL | Protocol | Header checksum | */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* 7 8 9 10 */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* | Source IP address | Destination IP address | */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* 12 16 */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ index = IP_HDR_OFFSET;
+ if(frag_offset == 0)
+ {
+ ip_len = len + UDP_HDR_LEN + IP_HDR_LEN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ip_len = len + IP_HDR_LEN;
+ }
+ data[index] = 0x45;
+ data[index + 1] = 0x00;
+ data[index + 2] = (ip_len & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ data[index + 3] = (ip_len & 0xFF);
+ data[index + 4] = 0x00;
+ data[index + 5] = 0x00;
+ /* Flags & Fragment Offset */
+ if(more_frag == BTRUE)
+ {
+ data[index + 6] = 0x20;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data[index + 6] = 0x00;
+ }
+ data[index + 7] = frag_offset;
+ /* TTL */
+ data[index + 8] = 0x80;
+ /* Set the IP protocol to UDP */
+ data[index + 9] = UDP_TYPE;
+ /* Set the checksum to zero */
+ data[index + 10] = 0;
+ data[index + 11] = 0;
+ index += 12;
+ /* Set the IP source address to some value with different subnet */
+ ip_addr_cpy(data + index, g_src_ip_addr);
+ index += 4;
+ /* Set the IP destination address */
+ ip_addr_cpy(data + index, g_config_ip_addr);
+ index += 4;
+ /* Compute the checksum and set the field */
+ csum = checksum(&data[IP_HDR_OFFSET], IP_HDR_LEN);
+ data[IP_HDR_OFFSET + 11] = (csum & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ data[IP_HDR_OFFSET + 10] = (csum & 0xFF);
+ if((frag_offset == 0) && (more_frag == BFALSE))
+ {
+ /* Prepare the UDP Header - 8 bytes (format is shown below) */
+ /* */
+ /* +--------------+--------------+--------+----------+ */
+ /* | UDP SRC Port | UDP DST Port | Length | Checksum | */
+ /* +--------------+--------------+--------+----------+ */
+ /* | 0 | 2 |4 | 6 | */
+ /* +--------------+--------------+--------+----------+ */
+ index = UDP_HDR_OFFSET;
+ /* Set the UDP source and destination ports */
+ data[index] = (WLAN_UDP_PORT & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ data[index + 1] = (WLAN_UDP_PORT & 0xFF);
+ data[index + 2] = (HOST_UDP_PORT & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ data[index + 3] = (HOST_UDP_PORT & 0xFF);
+ index += 4;
+ /* Set the length to the UDP data + UDP header */
+ udp_len = len + UDP_HDR_LEN;
+ data[index] = (udp_len & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ data[index + 1] = (udp_len & 0xFF);
+ index += 2;
+ /* Set the checksum to zero - currently not set as it is not mandatory */
+ data[index] = 0;
+ data[index + 1] = 0;
+ ret_len = (len + CONFIG_PKT_HDR_LEN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret_len = (len + CONFIG_PKT_HDR_LEN - UDP_HDR_OFFSET);
+ }
+#endif /* ETHERNET_HOST */
+ return ret_len;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : send_mac_status */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function sends the status of MAC to host */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : MAC Status */
+/* */
+/* Globals : None */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function prepares an Information frame having the */
+/* MAC Status and calls send_host_rsp function to send the */
+/* prepared frame to host */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 11 04 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void send_mac_status(UWORD8 mac_status)
+ UWORD8 *info_msg = NULL;
+ UWORD16 offset = config_host_hdr_offset(BFALSE,0);
+ if(g_eth2sram_trfr == BTRUE)
+ mem_handle = (void *) g_shared_mem_handle;
+ else
+ mem_handle = (void *) g_local_mem_handle;
+#endif /* HOST_RX_LOCAL_MEM */
+ if(info_msg == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ info_msg[offset + 0] = 'I';
+ info_msg[offset + 1] = g_info_id;
+ /* Increment the id sequence counter by 1*/
+ g_info_id++;
+ info_msg[offset + 2] = (STATUS_MSG_LEN) & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[offset + 3] = ((STATUS_MSG_LEN) & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ /* Set the WID_STATUS, Length to 1, Value to mac_status */
+ info_msg[offset + 4] = WID_STATUS & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[offset + 5] = (WID_STATUS & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ info_msg[offset + 6] = 1;
+ info_msg[offset + 7] = mac_status;
+ /* The response is sent back to the host */
+ send_host_rsp(info_msg, STATUS_MSG_LEN);
+ if(info_msg != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(info_msg);
+ }
+//#endif /* SEND_MAC_STATUS */
+/* */
+/* Function Name : send_wake_status */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function sends the status of PS condition to host */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : PS Status */
+/* */
+/* Globals : None */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function prepares an Information frame having the */
+/* PS Status and calls send_host_rsp function to send the */
+/* prepared frame to host */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 30 09 2008 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void send_wake_status(UWORD8 wake_status)
+/* */
+/* Function Name : send_network_info_to_host */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function sends the beacon/probe response from scan */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : BSSID, RSSI & InfoElements */
+/* */
+/* Globals : None */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function prepares an Information frame having the */
+/* BSSID. RSSI value and Information elements and sends the */
+/* prepared frame to host */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 17 08 2009 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void send_network_info_to_host(UWORD8 *msa, UWORD16 rx_len, signed char rssi)
+ //mem_handle_t *mem_handle = g_shared_mem_handle;
+ UWORD8 *info_msg = NULL;
+ UWORD16 ninfo_data_len= 0;
+ UWORD16 offset = config_host_hdr_offset(BFALSE,0);
+ if(info_msg == NULL)
+ {
+ debug_print("No buffer to send Beacon/ProbeRsp\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* TODO: Mostafa: uncomment the following line if the input argument rx_len includes FCS */
+ //rx_len -= FCS_LEN; ///////////////
+ ninfo_data_len = (rx_len + 9);
+ info_msg[offset + 0] = 'N';
+ info_msg[offset + 1] = g_network_info_id;
+ /* Increment the id sequence counter by 1*/
+ g_network_info_id++;
+ info_msg[offset + 2] = ninfo_data_len & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[offset + 3] = (ninfo_data_len & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ info_msg[offset + 4] = WID_NETWORK_INFO & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[offset + 5] = (WID_NETWORK_INFO & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ info_msg[offset + 6] = (rx_len + 1) & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[offset + 7] = ((rx_len + 1) & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ info_msg[offset + 8] = rssi;
+ NMI_memcpy(&info_msg[offset + 9],msa,rx_len);
+ send_host_rsp(info_msg, ninfo_data_len);
+ if(info_msg != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(info_msg);
+ info_msg = NULL;
+ }
+#endif /* ETHERNET_HOST */
+/*bug3819: Add Scan acomplete notification to host*/
+void send_scan_complete_to_host(UWORD8 scan_done)
+ UWORD8 *info_msg = NULL;
+ UWORD8 *info_buf = NULL;
+ if(info_buf == NULL) {
+ PRINT_ER("Can't alloc memory...\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ info_msg = info_buf + config_host_hdr_offset(BFALSE,0);
+ info_msg[0] = 'S';
+ info_msg[1] = g_scan_complete_id;
+ /* Increment the id sequence counter by 1*/
+ g_scan_complete_id++;
+ info_msg[2] = (SCAN_COMPLETE_MSG_LEN) & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[3] = ((SCAN_COMPLETE_MSG_LEN) & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ /* Set the WID_SCAN_COMPLETE, Length to 1, Value to mac_status */
+ info_msg[4] = WID_SCAN_COMPLETE & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[5] = (WID_SCAN_COMPLETE & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ info_msg[6] = 1;
+ info_msg[7] = scan_done;
+ /* The response is sent back to the host */
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Sending scan complete notification\n");
+ send_host_rsp(info_buf, SCAN_COMPLETE_MSG_LEN);
+ if(info_buf != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(info_buf);
+ info_buf = NULL;
+ }
+/* */
+/* Function Name : send_sta_join_info_to_host */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function sends info of a joining/leaving sta to host*/
+/* */
+/* Inputs : station address */
+/* */
+/* Globals : None */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function prepares an Information frame having the */
+/* information about a joining/leaving station. */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 08 06 2010 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void send_join_leave_info_to_host(UWORD16 aid, UWORD8* sta_addr, BOOL_T joining)
+#if 0
+ //mem_handle_t *mem_handle = g_shared_mem_handle;
+ UWORD8 *info_msg = NULL;
+ UWORD16 info_len = 16;
+ UWORD16 offset = config_host_hdr_offset(BFALSE,0);
+ if(info_msg == NULL)
+ {
+ debug_print("No buffer to send STA join/leave info to host\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Get the infromation of joining station */
+ if(joining == BTRUE)
+ {
+ info_len = get_sta_join_info(sta_addr, &info_msg[offset + 8]);
+ }
+ /* prepare the information of leaving station */
+ else
+ {
+ /* Reset all the fields */
+ memset(&info_msg[offset + 8], 0, info_len);
+ /* Copy the association id of the leaving station */
+ info_msg[offset + 8] = aid & 0xFF;
+ /* Copy the MAC address of the leaving station */
+ NMI_memcpy(&info_msg[offset + 9], sta_addr, 6);
+ }
+ if(info_len)
+ {
+ info_msg[offset + 0] = 'N';
+ info_msg[offset + 1] = g_info_id;
+ /* Increment the id sequence counter by 1*/
+ g_info_id++;
+ /* Prepare the frame */
+ info_msg[offset + 2] = (info_len + 8) & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[offset + 3] = ((info_len + 8) & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ info_msg[offset + 4] = WID_STA_JOIN_INFO & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[offset + 5] = (WID_STA_JOIN_INFO & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ info_msg[offset + 6] = info_len & 0xFF;
+ info_msg[offset + 7] = (info_len & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ send_host_rsp(info_msg, (info_len + 8));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //NMI_FREE(g_shared_mem_handle, info_msg);
+ }
+#endif /* ETHERNET_HOST */
+/* */
+/* Function Name : save_wids */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function saves all the wid values to a global arry */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_char_wid_struct */
+/* g_short_wid_struct */
+/* g_int_wid_struct */
+/* g_str_wid_struct */
+/* g_binary_data_wid_struct */
+/* g_current_settings */
+/* g_current_len */
+/* */
+/* Processing : Checks if the WID has a get and set function and stores */
+/* the values of all such WIDs in to global array for */
+/* restoring from it later */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void save_wids(void)
+ UWORD8 count = 0;
+ UWORD16 idx = 0;
+ /* Save all the settings in the global array. This is saved as a */
+ /* dummy Write message with all WID values. It is used to set */
+ /* the parameters once reset is done. */
+ /* The global WID array is accessed and all the current WID */
+ /* values are saved in the format of WID ID, Length, Value. */
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_CHAR_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if((g_char_wid_struct[count].set) &&
+ (g_char_wid_struct[count].get))
+ idx += get_wid(&g_current_settings[idx], count,
+ }
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_SHORT_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if((g_short_wid_struct[count].set)&&
+ (g_short_wid_struct[count].get))
+ idx += get_wid(&g_current_settings[idx], count,
+ }
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_INT_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if((g_int_wid_struct[count].set)&&
+ (g_int_wid_struct[count].get))
+ idx += get_wid(&g_current_settings[idx], count,
+ }
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_STR_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if((g_str_wid_struct[count].set)&&
+ (g_str_wid_struct[count].get))
+ idx += get_wid(&g_current_settings[idx], count,
+ /*To make sure that it doesnt cross g_current_settings array boundry*/
+ if(idx >= (MAX_QRSP_LEN - 50))
+ break;
+ }
+ /* There may not be enought memory for this operation, so */
+ /* disabling it for now */
+#if 0
+ for(count = 0; count < NUM_BIN_DATA_WID; count++)
+ {
+ if((g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].set)&&
+ (g_binary_data_wid_struct[count].get))
+ idx += get_wid(&g_current_settings[idx], count,
+ }
+ /* Set the length of global current configuration settings */
+ g_current_len = idx;
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+ /* Check whether query response length exceeded max length */
+ if(g_current_len > MAX_QRSP_LEN)
+ {
+ g_mac_stats.max_query_rsp_len_exceeded = BTRUE;
+ }
+#endif /* DEBUG_MODE */
+/* */
+/* Function Name : restore_wids */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function restores all the wids from the global arry */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : None */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_current_settings */
+/* g_current_len */
+/* */
+/* Processing : Calls the process write function for restoring all the */
+/* WID values */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void restore_wids(void)
+ /* Set all the required parameters from the saved configuration */
+ /* settings. */
+ process_write(g_current_settings, g_current_len);
+/* */
+/* Function Name : make_wid_rsp */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function make response massage to host */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) buffer to response for wid */
+/* 2) massage id of wid */
+/* 3) massage data of wid */
+/* */
+/* Globals : None */
+/* */
+/* Processing : set massage data of response */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 15 04 2007 Draft */
+/* */
+void make_wid_rsp(UWORD8 *wid_rsp_data, UWORD8 msg_id, UWORD8 wid_massage)
+ wid_rsp_data[0] = 'R';
+ wid_rsp_data[1] = msg_id;
+ wid_rsp_data[2] = (WRITE_RSP_LEN + MSG_HDR_LEN) & 0xFF;
+ wid_rsp_data[3] = ((WRITE_RSP_LEN + MSG_HDR_LEN) & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ /* Set the WID_STATUS, Length to 1, Value to SUCCESS */
+ wid_rsp_data[4] = WID_STATUS & 0xFF;
+ wid_rsp_data[5] = (WID_STATUS & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ wid_rsp_data[6] = 1;
+ wid_rsp_data[7] = wid_massage;
+ return;
+/* */
+/* Function Name : parse_config_message */
+/* */
+/* Description : This function parses the host configuration messages. */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : 1) Pointer to the MAC structure */
+/* 2) Pointer to configuration message */
+/* 3) Pointer to Buffer address */
+/* */
+/* Globals : g_reset_mac */
+/* g_current_settings */
+/* g_current_len */
+/* */
+/* Processing : This function processes all the configuration messages. */
+/* from the host based on the SME type. Currently only */
+/* SME types 'Test' and 'Auto' are supported. In case of a */
+/* Query request the query response is prepared using the */
+/* values of the queried parameters. No MAC state change */
+/* occurs in this case. In case of a Write request the */
+/* parameters are set and the Write response prepared. If */
+/* any parameter writing requires the MAC to be reset, the */
+/* appropriate function is called to reset MAC. The */
+/* paramters are saved in a global list. After MAC is reset */
+/* these parameters are set once again. Thereafter, a Scan */
+/* Request is prepared and sent to the MAC. Response to the */
+/* host is sent in the required format based on the SME */
+/* mode. */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : None */
+/* Returns : None */
+/* Issues : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */
+/* 21 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+void parse_config_message(UWORD8* host_req,
+ UWORD8 *buffer_addr, BOOL_T send_write_rsp)
+ UWORD8 *rtn_buff = NULL;
+ UWORD16 rtn_len = 0;
+ UWORD8 msg_type = 0;
+ UWORD8 msg_id = 0;
+ UWORD16 msg_len = 0;
+ BOOL_T free_flag = BTRUE;
+ //mem_handle_t *mem_handle = g_shared_mem_handle;
+ UWORD16 offset = config_host_hdr_offset(BFALSE,0);
+ UWORD8 *query_rsp = NULL;
+ UWORD8 *write_rsp = NULL;
+ UWORD8 *error_rsp = NULL;
+ if(g_eth2sram_trfr == BTRUE)
+ mem_handle = (void *) g_shared_mem_handle;
+ else
+ mem_handle = (void *) g_local_mem_handle;
+#endif /* HOST_RX_LOCAL_MEM */
+ /* Extract the Type, Length and ID of the incoming host message. The */
+ /* format of the message is: */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | Message Type | Message ID | Message Length |Message body | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ /* | 1 Byte | 1 Byte | 2 Bytes | Message Length | */
+ /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
+ msg_type = host_req[0];
+ msg_id = host_req[1];
+ msg_len = host_req[3];
+ msg_len = (msg_len << 8) | host_req[2];
+ msg_len -= MSG_HDR_LEN;
+ /* The valid types of incoming messages are 'Q' (Query) and 'W' (Write) */
+ switch(msg_type)
+ {
+ case 'Q':
+ {
+ UWORD16 rsp_len = 0;
+ /* To a Query message a Response message needs to be sent. This */
+ /* message has a type 'R' and should have an ID equal to the */
+ /* incoming Query message. */
+ if(query_rsp == NULL)
+ {
+ debug_print("WID Q MemAlloc Fail\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Set the Message Type and ID. The Message Length is set after the */
+ /* message contents are written. The length is known only after that.*/
+ /* Process the Query message and set the contents as required. */
+ rsp_len = process_query(&host_req[MSG_DATA_OFFSET],
+ &query_rsp[offset + MSG_DATA_OFFSET], msg_len);
+ /* The length of the message returned is set in the Message length */
+ /* field. */
+ if (0 == rsp_len)
+ {
+ make_wid_rsp((query_rsp + offset),msg_id,(UWORD8)WRSP_SUCCESS);
+ rsp_len = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The length of the message returned is set in the Message length */
+ /* field. */
+ query_rsp[offset + 0] = 'R';
+ query_rsp[offset + 1] = msg_id;
+ query_rsp[offset + 2] = (rsp_len + MSG_HDR_LEN) & 0xFF;
+ query_rsp[offset + 3] = ((rsp_len + MSG_HDR_LEN) & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ /* The response is sent back to the host. No MAC state changes occur */
+ /* on reception of a Query message. */
+ rtn_buff = query_rsp;
+ rtn_len = (UWORD16)(rsp_len + MSG_HDR_LEN);
+ Rsp_Len = rtn_len;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'W':
+ {
+ if(get_DesiredBSSType() != 4)
+ {
+ g_burst_tx_mode_enabled_earlier = BFALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_burst_tx_mode_enabled_earlier = BTRUE;
+ }
+#endif /* BURST_TX_MODE */
+ /* Process the request only if it's sequence number is correct */
+ if((g_last_w_seq != msg_id)
+ /* Exception for Debug mode as automation program sends seq no:0 always */
+ || (msg_id == 0)
+ )
+ {
+ /* Process the Write message and set the parameters with the given */
+ /* values. */
+ process_write(host_req + MSG_DATA_OFFSET, msg_len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_reset_mac = BFALSE;
+ }
+ g_last_w_seq = msg_id;
+ /* Change MAC states as required. If it is already in Enabled state */
+ /* reset MAC and start again. The previous configuration values are */
+ /* retained. */
+ if(g_reset_mac == BTRUE)
+ //if(mac->state != DISABLED)
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+ g_reset_stats.configchange++;
+#endif /* DEBUG_MODE */
+ g_reset_mac_in_progress = BTRUE;
+ free_flag = BFALSE;
+ /* Save the current configuration before going for Reset */
+ save_wids();
+ /* Reset MAC - Bring down PHY and MAC H/W, disable MAC */
+ /* interrupts and release all OS structures. Further, this */
+ /* function restarts the MAC again from start. */
+ // reset_mac(mac);
+ /* Restore the saved configuration before resetting */
+ restore_wids();
+ g_reset_mac_in_progress = BFALSE;
+ /* Start scaning only when burst tx mode is disabled */
+ if(g_burst_tx_mode_enabled == BTRUE)
+ {
+ init_mac_fsm_bt(&g_mac);
+ }
+#endif /* BURST_TX_MODE */
+ }
+ //if(mac->state == DISABLED)
+#else /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ if(g_test_start == BTRUE)
+#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */
+ {
+ //start_mac_and_phy(&g_mac);
+ }
+ if(BTRUE == send_write_rsp)
+ {
+ /* To a Write message a Response message needs to be sent. This */
+ /* message has a type 'R' and should have an ID equal to the */
+ /* incoming Write message. The Message contents contain 'Y' to */
+ /* indicate Success. */
+ if(write_rsp == NULL)
+ {
+ debug_print("WID S MemAlloc Fail\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT */
+ return;
+ }
+ make_wid_rsp((write_rsp + offset),msg_id,WRSP_SUCCESS);
+ rtn_buff = write_rsp;
+ rtn_len = WRITE_RSP_LEN + MSG_HDR_LEN;
+ Rsp_Len = rtn_len;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ /* Unknown message type. Do nothing. */
+ debug_print("WID: Neither Set Not Query\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG_PRINT */
+ /* To a Write message a Response message needs to be sent. This */
+ /* message has a type 'R' and should have an ID equal to the */
+ /* incoming Write message. The Message contents contain 'Y' to */
+ /* indicate Success. */
+ if(error_rsp == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* make returned data to host */
+ make_wid_rsp((error_rsp + offset),msg_id,WRSP_SUCCESS);
+ rtn_buff = error_rsp;
+ rtn_len = WRITE_RSP_LEN + MSG_HDR_LEN;
+ Rsp_Len = rtn_len;
+ }
+ } /* end of switch(msg_type) */
+ /* send returned data to host */
+ if(rtn_buff != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(buffer_addr,rtn_buff+ offset,rtn_len);
+ }
+ if(query_rsp != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(query_rsp);
+ query_rsp = NULL;
+ }
+ if(write_rsp != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(write_rsp);
+ write_rsp = NULL;
+ }
+ if(error_rsp != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(write_rsp);
+ write_rsp = NULL;
+ }
+static void SendMacStatus(void* pvUsrArg)
+ while(NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ NMI_Sleep(100);
+ if(gbTermntMacStsThrd == NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&SemHandleMacStsExit, NMI_NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ send_mac_status(g_current_mac_status);
+ }
+static void SimulatorThread(void* pvUsrArg)
+ tstrSimulatorMsg* pstrSimulatorMsg = NMI_NULL;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Ret;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Err = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8ConfigPkt = NULL;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktDataLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8PktResponse = NULL;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PktResponseLen = -1;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32RcvdPktLen = 0;
+ pstrSimulatorMsg = (tstrSimulatorMsg*)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg));
+ pu8ConfigPkt = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(MAX_BUFFER_LEN);
+ if(pu8ConfigPkt == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Failed in pu8ConfigPkt allocation \n");
+ }
+ pu8PktResponse = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(MAX_BUFFER_LEN);
+ if(pu8PktResponse == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CORECONFIG_DBG,"Failed in pu8PktResponse allocation \n");
+ }
+ while(NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ NMI_memset((void*)(pstrSimulatorMsg), 0, sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg));
+ NMI_MsgQueueRecv(&gMsgQSimulator, pstrSimulatorMsg,
+ sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg), &u32Ret, NMI_NULL);
+ if(pstrSimulatorMsg->u32SimThreadCmd == SIMULATOR_MSG_EXIT)
+ {
+ /* exit the Thread function immediately without going to Send_Response
+ because the Semaphores to be used there are expected to be destroyed
+ because a Deinitialization mechanism is in progress */
+ goto Exit_Thread;
+ }
+ NMI_memset((void*)pu8ConfigPkt, 0, MAX_BUFFER_LEN);
+ NMI_memset((void*)pu8PktResponse, 0, MAX_BUFFER_LEN);
+ if(pstrSimulatorMsg->s32PktDataLen < 0)
+ {
+ s32PktResponseLen = -1;
+ goto Send_Response;
+ }
+ s32PktDataLen = pstrSimulatorMsg->s32PktDataLen;
+ s32Err = FIFO_ReadBytes(ghTxFifoBuffer, pu8ConfigPkt, s32PktDataLen, &s32RcvdPktLen);
+ if(s32Err != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("SimulatorThread(): FIFO_ReadBytes() returned error \n");
+ s32PktResponseLen = -1;
+ goto Send_Response;
+ }
+ #if 0
+ /* The following lines are just for testing the architecture functionality of the FIFO Buffers,
+ the threads and the Message Queue */
+ ProcessMessage(pu8ConfigPkt, s32PktDataLen);
+ PrepareResponse(pu8ConfigPkt, s32PktDataLen, pu8PktResponse, &s32PktResponseLen);
+ #else
+ /* Passing data to parser to process it */
+ parse_config_message(pu8ConfigPkt, pu8PktResponse, 1);
+ s32PktResponseLen = Rsp_Len;
+ #endif
+ /* The following lines are just for testing sending asynchronous msg containing network scan results
+ via the API send_network_info_to_host(), such that expextin thread at the other side receiving this
+ msg and parses it */
+ #if 0
+ {
+ WORD8 rssi = 0;
+ UWORD16 rx_len = 0;
+ rx_len = sizeof(msa2);
+ NMI_PRINTF("rx_len = sizeof(msa2) = %d \n", rx_len);
+ rssi = (WORD8)-123;
+ /* TODO: Mostafa: uncomment the line: rx_len -= FCS_LEN; if the input argument rx_len includes FCS */
+ send_network_info_to_host(msa2, rx_len, rssi);
+ }
+ #else
+ send_host_rsp(pu8PktResponse, (UWORD16)s32PktResponseLen);
+ #endif
+ }
+ if(pstrSimulatorMsg != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrSimulatorMsg);
+ pstrSimulatorMsg = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ if(pu8ConfigPkt != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pu8ConfigPkt);
+ pu8ConfigPkt = NULL;
+ }
+ if(pu8PktResponse != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pu8PktResponse);
+ pu8PktResponse = NULL;
+ }
+NMI_Sint32 CoreConfigSimulatorDeInit(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrSimulatorMsg* pstrSimulatorMsg = NMI_NULL;
+ PRINT_D(CORECONFIG_DBG,"CoreConfigSimulatorDeInit() \n");
+ pstrSimulatorMsg = (tstrSimulatorMsg*)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg));
+ NMI_memset((void*)(pstrSimulatorMsg), 0, sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg));
+ pstrSimulatorMsg->u32SimThreadCmd = SIMULATOR_MSG_EXIT;
+ NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQSimulator, pstrSimulatorMsg, sizeof(tstrSimulatorMsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(pstrSimulatorMsg != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrSimulatorMsg);
+ pstrSimulatorMsg = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ NMI_ThreadDestroy(&ThrdHandleSimulator, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_MsgQueueDestroy(&gMsgQSimulator, NMI_NULL);
+ FIFO_DeInit(ghTxFifoBuffer);
+ bscan_code = NMI_FALSE;
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&SemHandleScanReq,NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&SemHandleScanExit,NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_ThreadDestroy(&ThrdHandleScan, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&SemHandleScanReq, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&SemHandleScanExit, NMI_NULL);
+ gbTermntMacStsThrd = NMI_TRUE;
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&SemHandleMacStsExit, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_ThreadDestroy(&ThrdHandleMacStatus, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&SemHandleMacStsExit, NMI_NULL);
+ return s32Error;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_simulator/FIFO_Buffer.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_simulator/FIFO_Buffer.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d70f6762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/core_simulator/FIFO_Buffer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include "NMI_OsWrapper/include/NMI_OSWrapper.h"
+#include "driver/include/FIFO_Buffer.h"
+NMI_Uint32 FIFO_InitBuffer(tHANDLE * hBuffer,NMI_Uint32 u32BufferLength)
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Error = 0;
+ tstrFifoHandler * pstrFifoHandler = NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(tstrFifoHandler));
+ if(pstrFifoHandler)
+ {
+ NMI_memset(pstrFifoHandler,0,sizeof(tstrFifoHandler));
+ pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer = NMI_MALLOC(u32BufferLength);
+ if(pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer)
+ {
+ tstrNMI_SemaphoreAttrs strSemBufferAttrs;
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength = u32BufferLength;
+ NMI_memset(pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer,0,u32BufferLength);
+ //create semaphore
+ NMI_SemaphoreFillDefault(&strSemBufferAttrs);
+ strSemBufferAttrs.u32InitCount = 1;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&pstrFifoHandler->SemBuffer, &strSemBufferAttrs);
+ *hBuffer = pstrFifoHandler;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *hBuffer = NULL;
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ return u32Error;
+NMI_Uint32 FIFO_DeInit(tHANDLE hFifo)
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Error = 0;
+ tstrFifoHandler * pstrFifoHandler = (tstrFifoHandler*)hFifo;
+ if(pstrFifoHandler)
+ {
+ if(pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&pstrFifoHandler->SemBuffer, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_FREE(pstrFifoHandler);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ return u32Error;
+NMI_Uint32 FIFO_ReadBytes(tHANDLE hFifo,NMI_Uint8 *pu8Buffer,NMI_Uint32 u32BytesToRead,NMI_Uint32 *pu32BytesRead)
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Error = 0;
+ tstrFifoHandler * pstrFifoHandler = (tstrFifoHandler*)hFifo;
+ if(pstrFifoHandler && pu32BytesRead)
+ {
+ if(pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes)
+ {
+ if(NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&pstrFifoHandler->SemBuffer, NMI_NULL) == NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if(u32BytesToRead > pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes)
+ {
+ *pu32BytesRead = pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pu32BytesRead = u32BytesToRead;
+ }
+ if((pstrFifoHandler->u32ReadOffset + u32BytesToRead) <= pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8Buffer,pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer + pstrFifoHandler->u32ReadOffset,
+ *pu32BytesRead);
+ //update read offset and total bytes
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32ReadOffset += u32BytesToRead;
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes -= u32BytesToRead;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NMI_Uint32 u32FirstPart =
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength - pstrFifoHandler->u32ReadOffset;
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8Buffer,pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer + pstrFifoHandler->u32ReadOffset,
+ u32FirstPart);
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8Buffer + u32FirstPart,pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer,
+ u32BytesToRead - u32FirstPart);
+ //update read offset and total bytes
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32ReadOffset = u32BytesToRead - u32FirstPart;
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes -= u32BytesToRead;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&pstrFifoHandler->SemBuffer, NMI_NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ return u32Error;
+NMI_Uint32 FIFO_WriteBytes(tHANDLE hFifo,NMI_Uint8 *pu8Buffer,NMI_Uint32 u32BytesToWrite,NMI_Bool bForceOverWrite)
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Error = 0;
+ tstrFifoHandler * pstrFifoHandler = (tstrFifoHandler*)hFifo;
+ if(pstrFifoHandler)
+ {
+ if(u32BytesToWrite < pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength)
+ {
+ if((pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes + u32BytesToWrite) <= pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength ||
+ bForceOverWrite)
+ {
+ if(NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&pstrFifoHandler->SemBuffer, NMI_NULL) == NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if((pstrFifoHandler->u32WriteOffset + u32BytesToWrite) <= pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer + pstrFifoHandler->u32WriteOffset,pu8Buffer,
+ u32BytesToWrite);
+ //update read offset and total bytes
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32WriteOffset += u32BytesToWrite;
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes += u32BytesToWrite;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NMI_Uint32 u32FirstPart =
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength - pstrFifoHandler->u32WriteOffset;
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer + pstrFifoHandler->u32WriteOffset,pu8Buffer,
+ u32FirstPart);
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrFifoHandler->pu8Buffer,pu8Buffer + u32FirstPart,
+ u32BytesToWrite - u32FirstPart);
+ //update read offset and total bytes
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32WriteOffset = u32BytesToWrite - u32FirstPart;
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes += u32BytesToWrite;
+ }
+ //if data overwriten
+ if(pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes > pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength)
+ {
+ //adjust read offset to the oldest data available
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32ReadOffset = pstrFifoHandler->u32WriteOffset;
+ //data availabe is the buffer length
+ pstrFifoHandler->u32TotalBytes = pstrFifoHandler->u32BufferLength;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&pstrFifoHandler->SemBuffer, NMI_NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Error = 1;
+ }
+ return u32Error;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/CoreConfigSimulator.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/CoreConfigSimulator.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8df2ab35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/CoreConfigSimulator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+* @file CoreConfigSimulator.h
+* @brief
+* @author
+* @sa CoreConfigSimulator.c
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+extern NMI_Sint32 CoreConfigSimulatorInit(void);
+extern NMI_Sint32 CoreConfigSimulatorDeInit(void);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/CoreConfigurator.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/CoreConfigurator.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3cb2a980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/CoreConfigurator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+* @file CoreConfigurator.h
+* @brief
+* @author
+* @sa CoreConfigurator.c
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+#include "NMI_OsWrapper/include/NMI_OSWrapper.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+/* Constants */
+/* Number of WID Options Supported */
+#ifdef MAC_802_11N
+#define NUM_11N_BASIC_SWITCHES 25
+#define NUM_11N_HUT_SWITCHES 47
+#else /* MAC_802_11N */
+#define NUM_11N_HUT_SWITCHES 0
+#endif /* MAC_802_11N */
+#define MAC_HDR_LEN 24 /* No Address4 - non-ESS */
+#define MAX_SSID_LEN 33
+#define FCS_LEN 4
+#define TIME_STAMP_LEN 8
+#define CAP_INFO_LEN 2
+#define STATUS_CODE_LEN 2
+#define AID_LEN 2
+#define IE_HDR_LEN 2
+/* Operating Mode: SET */
+#define SET_CFG 0
+/* Operating Mode: GET */
+#define GET_CFG 1
+#define MAX_PACKET_BUFF_SIZE 1596
+#define MAX_STRING_LEN 256
+#define STATUS_MSG_LEN 8
+#define MAC_CONNECTED 1
+/* Function Macros */
+#define MAKE_WORD16(lsb, msb) (((NMI_Uint16)(msb) << 8) & 0xFF00) | (lsb)
+#define MAKE_WORD32(lsw, msw) (((NMI_Uint32)(msw) << 16) & 0xFFFF0000) | (lsw)
+/* Type Definitions */
+/* WID Data Types */
+#if 0
+typedef enum {WID_CHAR = 0,
+ WID_SHORT = 1,
+ WID_INT = 2,
+ WID_STR = 3,
+ WID_ADR = 4,
+ WID_BIN = 5,
+ WID_IP = 6,
+ WID_UNDEF = 7,
+} tenuWIDtype;
+/* WLAN Identifiers */
+typedef enum {WID_NIL = -1,
+ /* EMAC Character WID list */
+ WID_BSS_TYPE = 0x0000,
+ WID_PREAMBLE = 0x0003,
+ WID_11G_OPERATING_MODE = 0x0004,
+ WID_STATUS = 0x0005,
+ WID_11G_PROT_MECH = 0x0006,
+ WID_SCAN_TYPE = 0x0007,
+ WID_KEY_ID = 0x0009,
+ WID_QOS_ENABLE = 0x000A,
+ WID_11I_MODE = 0x000C,
+ WID_AUTH_TYPE = 0x000D,
+ WID_DTIM_PERIOD = 0x0010,
+ WID_ACK_POLICY = 0x0011,
+ WID_RESET = 0x0012,
+ WID_PCF_MODE = 0x0013,
+ WID_CFP_PERIOD = 0x0014,
+ WID_BCAST_SSID = 0x0015,
+ WID_DISCONNECT = 0x0016,
+ WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11A = 0x0018,
+ WID_REKEY_POLICY = 0x0019,
+ WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11B = 0x001D,
+ WID_RSSI = 0x001F,
+ WID_JOIN_REQ = 0x0020,
+ WID_SCAN_FILTER = 0x0036,
+ WID_802_11H_DFS_MODE = 0x003B,
+ WID_802_11H_TPC_MODE = 0x003C,
+ WID_SCAN_WAIT_TIME = 0x0041,
+ WID_WSC_IE_EN = 0x0042,
+ WID_WPS_START = 0x0043,
+ WID_WPS_DEV_MODE = 0x0044,
+ /* NMAC Character WID list */
+ WID_11N_PROT_MECH = 0x0080,
+ WID_11N_ERP_PROT_TYPE = 0x0081,
+ WID_11N_ENABLE = 0x0082,
+ WID_11N_OPERATING_MODE = 0x0083,
+ WID_11N_HT_PROT_TYPE = 0x0085,
+ WID_11N_RIFS_PROT_ENABLE = 0x0086,
+ WID_11N_SMPS_MODE = 0x0087,
+ WID_11N_CURRENT_TX_MCS = 0x0088,
+ WID_11N_PRINT_STATS = 0x0089,
+ WID_HUT_OP_BAND = 0x008F,
+ WID_HUT_STBC = 0x0090,
+ WID_HUT_ESS = 0x0091,
+ WID_HUT_ANTSET = 0x0092,
+ WID_HUT_HT_OP_MODE = 0x0093,
+ WID_HUT_RIFS_MODE = 0x0094,
+ WID_HUT_HT_CODING = 0x0097,
+ WID_HUT_TEST_DIR = 0x0098,
+ WID_REG_TSSI_11B_VALUE = 0x00A6,
+ WID_REG_TSSI_11G_VALUE = 0x00A7,
+ WID_REG_TSSI_11N_VALUE = 0x00A8,
+ WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11N = 0x00B1,
+ WID_HUT_11W_TX_IGTK_ID = 0x00BA,
+ WID_11W_ENABLE = 0x00BB,
+ WID_2040_COEXISTENCE = 0x00C1,
+ WID_2040_ENABLE = 0x00C5,
+ WID_2040_40MHZ_INTOLERANT = 0x00C7,
+ /* Custom Character WID list */
+ WID_POWER_SAVE = 0x0100,
+ WID_WAKE_STATUS = 0x0101,
+ WID_WAKE_CONTROL = 0x0102,
+ WID_CCA_BUSY_START = 0x0103,
+ /* EMAC Short WID list */
+ WID_CFP_MAX_DUR = 0x1004,
+ WID_RX_SENSE = 0x100B,
+ WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 0x1010,
+ WID_ASOC_TIMEOUT = 0x1011,
+ WID_WPS_PASS_ID = 0x1017,
+ /* NMAC Short WID list */
+ WID_11N_RF_REG_VAL = 0x1080,
+ WID_HUT_FRAME_LEN = 0x1081,
+ WID_HUT_TXOP_LIMIT = 0x1082,
+ WID_HUT_SIG_QUAL_AVG = 0x1083,
+ WID_11N_SIG_QUAL_VAL = 0x1085,
+ /* Custom Short WID list */
+ /* EMAC Integer WID list */
+ WID_FAILED_COUNT = 0x2000,
+ WID_RETRY_COUNT = 0x2001,
+ WID_PHY_TEST_PKT_CNT = 0x2009,
+ WID_HUT_TX_COUNT = 0x200A,
+ WID_REKEY_PERIOD = 0x2010,
+ WID_1X_SERV_ADDR = 0x2012,
+ WID_STACK_IP_ADDR = 0x2013,
+ WID_HW_RX_COUNT = 0x2015,
+ WID_RF_REG_VAL = 0x2021,
+ WID_DEV_OS_VERSION = 0x2025,
+ /* NMAC Integer WID list */
+ WID_11N_PHY_ACTIVE_REG_VAL = 0x2080,
+ WID_HUT_NUM_TX_PKTS = 0x2081,
+ WID_HUT_TX_TEST_TIME = 0x2083,
+ /* EMAC String WID list */
+ WID_SSID = 0x3000,
+ WID_BSSID = 0x3003,
+#if 0
+ WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE0 = 0x3004,
+ WID_11I_PSK = 0x3008,
+ WID_11E_P_ACTION_REQ = 0x3009,
+ WID_1X_KEY = 0x300A,
+ WID_MAC_ADDR = 0x300C,
+ /*WID_HUT_STATS = 0x300E,*/
+ WID_RX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x3013,
+ WID_MANUFACTURER = 0x3026, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_MODEL_NAME = 0x3027, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_MODEL_NUM = 0x3028, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_DEVICE_NAME = 0x3029, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO = 0x3020,
+ /* NMAC String WID list */
+ WID_11N_P_ACTION_REQ = 0x3080,
+ WID_HUT_TEST_ID = 0x3081,
+ WID_PMKID_INFO = 0x3082,
+ /* Custom String WID list */
+ WID_FLASH_DATA = 0x3100,
+ WID_EEPROM_DATA = 0x3101,
+ /* EMAC Binary WID list */
+ WID_UAPSD_CONFIG = 0x4001,
+ WID_UAPSD_STATUS = 0x4002,
+ WID_AC_PARAMS_AP = 0x4003,
+ WID_AC_PARAMS_STA = 0x4004,
+ WID_NEWORK_INFO = 0x4005,
+ WID_WPS_CRED_LIST = 0x4006,
+ WID_PRIM_DEV_TYPE = 0x4007,
+ WID_STA_JOIN_INFO = 0x4008,
+ /* NMAC Binary WID list */
+ WID_11N_AUTORATE_TABLE = 0x4080,
+ WID_HUT_TX_PATTERN = 0x4081,
+ WID_HUT_STATS = 0x4082,
+ WID_HUT_LOG_STATS = 0x4083,
+ /*BugID_3746 WID to add IE to be added in next probe request*/
+ /*BugID_3746 WID to add IE to be added in next associate request*/
+ /* Miscellaneous WIDs */
+ WID_ALL = 0x7FFE,
+} tenuWIDid;
+/* Status Codes for Authentication and Association Frames */
+typedef enum
+ UNSUP_CAP = 10,
+ FAIL_OTHER = 12,
+ UNSUPT_ALG = 13,
+ CHLNG_FAIL = 15,
+ AP_FULL = 17,
+ UNSUP_RATE = 18,
+ PBCC_UNSUP = 20,
+} tenuConnectSts;
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WIDid;
+ tenuWIDtype enuWIDtype;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32ValueSize;
+ NMI_Sint8 *ps8WidVal;
+/* This structure is used to support parsing of the received 'N' message */
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Sint8 s8rssi;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16CapInfo;
+ NMI_Uint8 au8ssid[MAX_SSID_LEN];
+ NMI_Uint8 u8SsidLen;
+ NMI_Uint8 au8bssid[6];
+ NMI_Uint16 u16BeaconPeriod;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8DtimPeriod;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8channel;
+ unsigned long u32TimeRcvdInScan; /* of type unsigned long to be accepted by the linux kernel macro time_after() */
+#ifdef AGING_ALG
+ NMI_Uint8 u8Found;
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8IEs;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16IEsLen;
+/* This structure is used to support parsing of the received Association Response frame */
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint16 u16capability;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16ConnectStatus;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16AssocID;
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8RespIEs;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16RespIEsLen;
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint8 au8bssid[6];
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8ReqIEs;
+ size_t ReqIEsLen;
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8RespIEs;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16RespIEsLen;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16ConnectStatus;
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+/*Structure to hold Received mgmt frame*/
+typedef struct _tstrRcvdMgmtFrame
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Length;
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint16 u16reason;
+ NMI_Uint8 * ie;
+ size_t ie_len;
+typedef struct wid_site_survey_reslts
+ NMI_Uint8 BssType;
+ NMI_Uint8 Channel;
+ NMI_Uint8 SecurityStatus;
+ NMI_Uint8 BSSID[6];
+ NMI_Char RxPower;
+ NMI_Uint8 Reserved;
+extern NMI_Sint32 CoreConfiguratorInit(void);
+extern NMI_Sint32 CoreConfiguratorDeInit(void);
+extern NMI_Sint32 SendConfigPkt(NMI_Uint8 u8Mode, tstrWID* pstrWIDs,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32WIDsCount,NMI_Bool bRespRequired);
+extern NMI_Sint32 ParseNetworkInfo(NMI_Uint8* pu8MsgBuffer, tstrNetworkInfo** ppstrNetworkInfo);
+extern NMI_Sint32 DeallocateNetworkInfo(tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo);
+extern NMI_Sint32 ParseAssocRespInfo(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32BufferLen,
+ tstrConnectRespInfo** ppstrConnectRespInfo);
+extern NMI_Sint32 DeallocateAssocRespInfo(tstrConnectRespInfo* pstrConnectRespInfo);
+extern NMI_Sint32 ParseSurveyResults(NMI_Uint8 ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE],
+ wid_site_survey_reslts_s** ppstrSurveyResults,
+ NMI_Uint32* pu32SurveyResultsCount);
+extern NMI_Sint32 DeallocateSurveyResults(wid_site_survey_reslts_s* pstrSurveyResults);
+extern NMI_Sint32 SendRawPacket(NMI_Sint8* pspacket, NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLen);
+extern void NetworkInfoReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer,NMI_Uint32 u32Length);
+void GnrlAsyncInfoReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32Length);
+void host_int_ScanCompleteReceived(NMI_Uint8 * pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32Length);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/FIFO_Buffer.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/FIFO_Buffer.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..086ca1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/FIFO_Buffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "NMI_OsWrapper/include/NMI_OSWrapper.h"
+#define tHANDLE void *
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8Buffer;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32BufferLength;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32WriteOffset;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32ReadOffset;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TotalBytes;
+ NMI_SemaphoreHandle SemBuffer;
+extern NMI_Uint32 FIFO_InitBuffer(tHANDLE * hBuffer,NMI_Uint32 u32BufferLength);
+extern NMI_Uint32 FIFO_DeInit(tHANDLE hFifo);
+extern NMI_Uint32 FIFO_ReadBytes(tHANDLE hFifo,NMI_Uint8 *pu8Buffer,NMI_Uint32 u32BytesToRead,
+ NMI_Uint32 *pu32BytesRead);
+extern NMI_Uint32 FIFO_WriteBytes(tHANDLE hFifo,NMI_Uint8 *pu8Buffer,NMI_Uint32 u32BytesToWrite,
+ NMI_Bool bForceOverWrite); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/NMI_host_AP.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/NMI_host_AP.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9dac67f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/NMI_host_AP.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#ifndef __NMI_HOST_AP__
+#define __NMI_HOST_AP__
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan.h"
+#include "host_interface.h"
+* @file NMI_host_AP.h
+* @brief code related to AP fully hosting mode on NMI driver
+* @author asobhy
+* @date 09 APRIL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+#define ITIM 5 /* Traffic Information Map */
+#define DEFAULT_TIM_LEN 4
+#define FCS_LEN 4
+#define VBMAP_SIZE 256
+#define WIFI_PERIPH_BASE 0x00000000
+#define rMAC_DTIM_COUNT_ADDR (( NMI_Uint32 )(PA_BASE + 0x021C))
+#define rMAC_BEACON_PERIOD (( NMI_Uint32 )(PA_BASE + 0x020C))
+#define rMAC_DTIM_PERIOD (( NMI_Uint32 )(PA_BASE + 0x0210))
+#define rMAC_TSF_CON (( NMI_Uint32 )(PA_BASE + 0x0200))
+typedef enum {TYPE_OFFSET = 0,
+typedef struct {
+ int size;
+ void* buff;
+typedef struct {
+ NMI_Uint16 u16beacon_len;
+ NMI_Uint8 *u8beacon_frame;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8tim_element_index;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16tim_element_trailer_len;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8vbmap[VBMAP_SIZE];
+ NMI_Uint8 u8DTIMPeriod;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16Beacon_Period;
+typedef struct {
+ int quit;
+ /**
+ input interface functions
+ **/
+ nmi_wlan_os_func_t os_func;
+ nmi_wlan_io_func_t io_func;
+ nmi_wlan_net_func_t net_func;
+ nmi_wlan_indicate_func_t indicate_func;
+ /**
+ host interface functions
+ **/
+ nmi_hif_func_t hif_func;
+ void *hif_lock;
+ /**
+ configuration interface functions
+ **/
+ nmi_cfg_func_t cif_func;
+ int cfg_frame_in_use;
+ nmi_cfg_frame_t cfg_frame;
+ uint32_t cfg_frame_offset;
+ int cfg_seq_no;
+ void *cfg_wait;
+ /**
+ RX buffer
+ **/
+ uint32_t rx_buffer_size;
+ //uint8_t *rx_buffer;
+ //uint32_t rx_buffer_offset;
+ /**
+ TX buffer
+ **/
+ uint32_t tx_buffer_size;
+ uint8_t *tx_buffer;
+ uint32_t tx_buffer_offset;
+ /**
+ TX queue
+ **/
+ void *txq_lock;
+ struct txq_entry_t *txq_head;
+ struct txq_entry_t *txq_tail;
+ int txq_entries;
+ void *txq_wait;
+ int txq_exit;
+ /**
+ RX queue
+ **/
+ void *rxq_lock;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rxq_head;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rxq_tail;
+ int rxq_entries;
+ void *rxq_wait;
+ int rxq_exit;
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ int use_dma_v2;
+} nmi_wlan_dev_t;
+ NMI_Sint32 host_add_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32Interval,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32DTIMPeriod,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32HeadLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Head,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TailLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Tail);
+ NMI_Sint32 host_del_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv);
+ void process_tbtt_isr(void);
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t* Get_wlan_context(NMI_Uint16* pu16size);
+int nmi_wlan_txq_add_mgmt_pkt(void *priv, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, nmi_tx_complete_func_t func);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/host_interface.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/host_interface.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1006f797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/host_interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+* @file host_interface.h
+* @brief File containg host interface APIs
+* @author zsalah
+* @sa host_interface.c
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+#ifndef HOST_INT_H
+#define HOST_INT_H
+#include "CoreConfigurator.h"
+#include "CoreConfigSimulator.h"
+/* Macros */
+#if 0
+#define WID_BSS_TYPE 0x0000
+#define WID_CURRENT_TX_RATE 0x0001
+#define WID_CURRENT_CHANNEL 0x0002
+#define WID_PREAMBLE 0x0003
+#define WID_STATUS 0x0005
+#define WID_SCAN_TYPE 0x0007
+#define WID_KEY_ID 0x0009
+#define WID_DTIM_PERIOD 0x0010
+#define WID_AUTH_TYPE 0x000D
+#define WID_SITE_SURVEY 0x000E
+#define WID_DTIM_PERIOD 0x0010
+#define WID_DISCONNECT 0x0016
+#define WID_START_SCAN_REQ 0x001E
+#define WID_RSSI 0x001F
+#define WID_JOIN_REQ 0x0020
+#define WID_11N_TXOP_PROT_DISABLE 0x00B0
+#define WID_RTS_THRESHOLD 0x1000
+#define WID_FRAG_THRESHOLD 0x1001
+#define WID_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT 0x1002
+#define WID_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT 0x1003
+#define WID_BEACON_INTERVAL 0x1006
+#define WID_ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME 0x100C
+#define WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT 0x1010
+#define WID_11I_PSK 0x3008
+#define WID_ADD_PTK 0x301B
+#define WID_ADD_RX_GTK 0x301C
+#define WID_ADD_TX_GTK 0x301D
+#define WID_ADD_WEP_KEY 0x3019
+#define WID_REMOVE_WEP_KEY 0x301A
+#define WID_REMOVE_KEY 0x301E
+#define WID_ASSOC_REQ_INFO 0x301F
+#define WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO 0x3020
+#define WID_PMKID_INFO 0x3082
+#define WID_SCAN_CHANNEL_LIST 0x4084
+#define WID_11I_MODE 0x000C
+#define FAIL 0x0000
+#define SUCCESS 0x0001
+#define BIT2 ((NMI_Uint32)(1 << 2))
+#define BIT1 ((NMI_Uint32)(1 << 1))
+#define BIT0 ((NMI_Uint32)(1 << 0))
+#define AP_MODE 0x01
+#define STATION_MODE 0x02
+#define MAX_NUM_STA 8
+#define ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME 10
+#define PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME 1200
+#define MIN_SCAN_TIME 10
+#define MAX_SCAN_TIME 1200
+#define DEFAULT_SCAN 0
+#define USER_SCAN BIT0
+#define GTK_RX_KEY_BUFF_LEN 24
+#define ADDKEY 0x1
+#define REMOVEKEY 0x2
+#define DEFAULTKEY 0x4
+#define ADDKEY_AP 0x8
+#define MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS 100 //30 // rachel
+#define MAX_NUM_PROBED_SSID 10 /*One more than the number of scanned ssids*/
+#define CHANNEL_SCAN_TIME 250//250
+#define TX_MIC_KEY_LEN 8
+#define RX_MIC_KEY_LEN 8
+#define PTK_KEY_LEN 16
+#define TX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN 26
+#define RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN 48
+#define PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN 39
+#define PMKSA_KEY_LEN 22
+#define ETH_ALEN 6
+#define PMKID_LEN 16
+#define NMI_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS 16
+#define NMI_ADD_STA_LENGTH 40 /* Not including the rates field cause it has variable length*/
+/* Data Types */
+//typedef unsigned char uint8;
+//typedef signed char int8;
+//typedef unsigned short uint16;
+//typedef unsigned long uint32;
+//typedef uint32 Bool;
+#if 0
+typedef enum {WID_CHAR = 0,
+ WID_SHORT = 1,
+ WID_INT = 2,
+ WID_STR = 3,
+ WID_ADR = 4,
+ WID_BIN = 5,
+ WID_IP = 6,
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint16 cfg_wid;
+ WID_TYPE_T cfg_type;
+ NMI_Sint8 *pu8Para;
+} cfg_param_t;
+typedef enum
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFpmkid
+ NMI_Uint8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
+ NMI_Uint8 pmkid[PMKID_LEN];
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFpmkidAttr
+ NMI_Uint8 numpmkid;
+ tstrHostIFpmkid pmkidlist[NMI_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS];
+#if 0
+/* Scan type parameter for scan request */
+typedef enum
+} tenuScanType;
+typedef enum {SITE_SURVEY_1CH = 0,
+typedef enum{AUTORATE = 0,
+ MBPS_1 = 1,
+ MBPS_2 = 2,
+ MBPS_5_5 = 5,
+ MBPS_11 = 11,
+ MBPS_6 = 6,
+ MBPS_9 = 9,
+ MBPS_12 = 12,
+ MBPS_18 = 18,
+ MBPS_24 = 24,
+ MBPS_36 = 36,
+ MBPS_48 = 48,
+ MBPS_54 = 54
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint32 u32SetCfgFlag;
+ NMI_Uint8 ht_enable;
+ NMI_Uint8 bss_type;
+ NMI_Uint8 auth_type;
+ NMI_Uint16 auth_timeout;
+ NMI_Uint8 power_mgmt_mode;
+ NMI_Uint16 short_retry_limit;
+ NMI_Uint16 long_retry_limit;
+ NMI_Uint16 frag_threshold;
+ NMI_Uint16 rts_threshold;
+ NMI_Uint16 preamble_type;
+ NMI_Uint8 short_slot_allowed;
+ NMI_Uint8 txop_prot_disabled;
+ NMI_Uint16 beacon_interval;
+ NMI_Uint16 dtim_period;
+ SITE_SURVEY_T site_survey_enabled;
+ NMI_Uint16 site_survey_scan_time;
+ NMI_Uint8 scan_source;
+ NMI_Uint16 active_scan_time;
+ NMI_Uint16 passive_scan_time;
+ CURRENT_TX_RATE_T curr_tx_rate;
+typedef enum {
+ RETRY_SHORT = 1 << 0,
+ RETRY_LONG = 1 << 1,
+ FRAG_THRESHOLD = 1 << 2,
+ RTS_THRESHOLD = 1 << 3,
+ BSS_TYPE = 1 << 4,
+ AUTH_TYPE = 1 << 5,
+ AUTHEN_TIMEOUT = 1 << 6,
+ PREAMBLE = 1 << 8,
+ TXOP_PROT_DISABLE = 1 << 10,
+ BEACON_INTERVAL = 1 << 11,
+ DTIM_PERIOD = 1 << 12,
+ SITE_SURVEY = 1 << 13,
+ ACTIVE_SCANTIME = 1 << 15,
+ CURRENT_TX_RATE = 1 << 17,
+ HT_ENABLE = 1 <<18,
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint8 au8bssid[6];
+typedef enum {SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND = 0,
+typedef enum
+typedef enum
+ WEP,
+ WPARxGtk,
+ //WPATxGtk,
+ WPAPtk,
+/*Scan callBack function definition*/
+typedef void(*tNMIpfScanResult)(tenuScanEvent, tstrNetworkInfo*, void*);
+/*Connect callBack function definition*/
+typedef void(*tNMIpfConnectResult)(tenuConnDisconnEvent,
+ tstrConnectInfo*,
+ NMI_Uint8,
+ tstrDisconnectNotifInfo*,
+ void*);
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+/*Receving mgmt frame callback function*/
+typedef void(*tNMIpfRemainOnChan)(tstrRcvdMgmtFrame *,void*);
+/*Remain on channel callback function*/
+typedef void(*tNMIpfRemainOnChanExpired)(void*);
+//typedef NMI_Uint32 NMI_WFIDrvHandle;
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Dummy;
+* @struct tstrRcvdNetworkInfo
+* @brief Structure to hold Received Asynchronous Network info
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mostafa Abu Bakr
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrRcvdNetworkInfo
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Length;
+} tstrRcvdNetworkInfo;
+typedef struct _tstrHiddenNetworkInfo
+ NMI_Uint8 *pu8ssid;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ssidlen;
+typedef struct _tstrHiddenNetwork
+ tstrHiddenNetworkInfo *pstrHiddenNetworkInfo;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ssidnum;
+} tstrHiddenNetwork;
+typedef struct
+ /* Scan user call back function */
+ tNMIpfScanResult pfUserScanResult;
+ /* User specific parameter to be delivered through the Scan User Callback function */
+ void* u32UserScanPvoid;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32RcvdChCount;
+ tstrFoundNetworkInfo astrFoundNetworkInfo[MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS];
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8bssid;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8ssid;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8security;
+ AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type;
+ size_t ssidLen;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8ConnReqIEs;
+ size_t ConnReqIEsLen;
+ /* Connect user call back function */
+ tNMIpfConnectResult pfUserConnectResult;
+ NMI_Bool IsHTCapable;
+ /* User specific parameter to be delivered through the Connect User Callback function */
+ void* u32UserConnectPvoid;
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint16 channel;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32duration;
+ tNMIpfRemainOnChan RxProbeReq;
+ tNMIpfRemainOnChanExpired pRemainOnChanExpired;
+ void * pVoid;
+typedef struct
+ /* Scan user structure */
+ tstrNMI_UsrScanReq strNMI_UsrScanReq;
+ /* Connect User structure */
+ tstrNMI_UsrConnReq strNMI_UsrConnReq;
+ #ifdef NMI_P2P
+ /*Remain on channel struvture*/
+ tstrHostIfRemainOnChan strHostIfRemainOnChan;
+ #endif
+ tenuHostIFstate enuHostIFstate;
+ //NMI_Bool bPendingConnRequest;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32SurveyResultsCount;
+ wid_site_survey_reslts_s astrSurveyResults[MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS];
+ #endif
+ NMI_Uint8 au8AssociatedBSSID[ETH_ALEN];
+ tstrCfgParamVal strCfgValues;
+* @enum tenuNMI_StaFlag
+* @brief Used to decode the station flag set and mask in tstrNMI_AddStaParam
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa tstrNMI_AddStaParam, enum nl80211_sta_flags
+* @author Enumeraion's creator
+* @date 12 July 2012
+* @version 1.0 Description
+typedef enum
+ NMI_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED, /*!< station is authorized (802.1X)*/
+ NMI_STA_FLAG_SHORT_PREAMBLE, /*!< station is capable of receiving frames with short barker preamble*/
+ NMI_STA_FLAG_WME, /*!< station is WME/QoS capable*/
+ NMI_STA_FLAG_MFP, /*!< station uses management frame protection*/
+ NMI_STA_FLAG_AUTHENTICATED /*!< station is authenticated*/
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint16 u16AssocID;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8NumRates;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8Rates;
+ NMI_Bool bIsHTSupported;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16HTCapInfo;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8AmpduParams;
+ NMI_Uint8 au8SuppMCsSet[16];
+ NMI_Uint16 u16HTExtParams;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TxBeamformingCap;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ASELCap;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16FlagsMask; /*<! Determines which of u16FlagsSet were changed>*/
+ NMI_Uint16 u16FlagsSet; /*<! Decoded according to tenuNMI_StaFlag */
+//extern void CfgDisconnected(void* pUserVoid, NMI_Uint16 u16reason, NMI_Uint8 * ie, size_t ie_len);
+/* */
+/* Host Interface API */
+/* */
+* @brief removes wpa/wpa2 keys
+* @details only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
+ removes all WPA/WPA2 station key entries from MAC hardware.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] 6 bytes of Station Adress in the station entry table
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_remove_key(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,const NMI_Uint8* pu8StaAddress);
+* @brief removes WEP key
+* @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
+ remove a WEP key entry from MAC HW.
+ The BSS Station automatically finds the index of the entry using its
+ BSS ID and removes that entry from the MAC hardware.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] 6 bytes of Station Adress in the station entry table
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note NO need for the STA add since it is not used for processing
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_remove_wep_key(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8Index);
+* @brief sets WEP deafault key
+* @details Sets the index of the WEP encryption key in use,
+ in the key table
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] key index ( 0, 1, 2, 3)
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_WEPDefaultKeyID(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8Index);
+* @brief sets WEP deafault key
+* @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
+ sets WEP key entry into MAC hardware when it receives the
+ corresponding request from NDIS.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing WEP Key in the following format
+ |---------------------------------------|
+ |Key ID Value | Key Length | Key |
+ |-------------|------------|------------|
+ | 1byte | 1byte | Key Length |
+ |---------------------------------------|
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_wep_key_bss_sta(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, const NMI_Uint8* pu8WepKey, NMI_Uint8 u8WepKeylen, NMI_Uint8 u8Keyidx);
+* @brief host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap
+* @details valid only in AP mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
+ sets WEP key entry into MAC hardware when it receives the
+ corresponding request from NDIS.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 28 Feb 2013
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, const NMI_Uint8* pu8WepKey, NMI_Uint8 u8WepKeylen, NMI_Uint8 u8Keyidx,NMI_Uint8 u8mode, AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type);
+* @brief adds ptk Key
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing PTK Key in the following format
+|Sta Adress | Key Length | Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |Tx Michael Key |
+| 6 bytes | 1byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes | 8 bytes |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_ptk(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8Ptk,NMI_Uint8 u8PtkKeylen,
+ const NMI_Uint8* mac_addr,NMI_Uint8* pu8RxMic,NMI_Uint8* pu8TxMic,NMI_Uint8 mode,NMI_Uint8 u8Ciphermode,NMI_Uint8 u8Idx);
+* @brief host_int_get_inactive_time
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing inactive time
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 15 April 2013
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_inactive_time(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 * mac,NMI_Uint32* pu32InactiveTime);
+* @brief adds Rx GTk Key
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing Rx GTK Key in the following format
+|Sta Address | Key RSC | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |
+| 6 bytes | 8 byte |1 byte | 1 byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+ NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_rx_gtk(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8RxGtk,NMI_Uint8 u8GtkKeylen,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8KeyIdx,NMI_Uint32 u32KeyRSClen, NMI_Uint8* KeyRSC,
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8RxMic,NMI_Uint8* pu8TxMic,NMI_Uint8 mode,NMI_Uint8 u8Ciphermode);
+* @brief adds Tx GTk Key
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing Tx GTK Key in the following format
+ |----------------------------------------------------|
+ | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key | Tx Michael Key |
+ |-------|------------|--------------|----------------|
+ |1 byte | 1 byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes |
+ |----------------------------------------------------|
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_tx_gtk(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8KeyLen,NMI_Uint8* pu8TxGtk,NMI_Uint8 u8KeyIdx);
+* @brief caches the pmkid
+* @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant
+ support is enabled. This Function sets the PMKID in firmware
+ when host drivr receives the corresponding request from NDIS.
+ The firmware then includes theset PMKID in the appropriate
+ management frames
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing PMKID Info in the following format
+|NumEntries | BSSID[1] | PMKID[1] | ... | BSSID[K] | PMKID[K] |
+| 1 | 6 | 16 | ... | 6 | 16 |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_pmkid_info(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrHostIFpmkidAttr* pu8PmkidInfoArray);
+* @brief gets the cached the pmkid info
+* @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant
+ support is enabled. This Function sets the PMKID in firmware
+ when host drivr receives the corresponding request from NDIS.
+ The firmware then includes theset PMKID in the appropriate
+ management frames
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ message containing PMKID Info in the following format
+ |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ |NumEntries | BSSID[1] | PMKID[1] | ... | BSSID[K] | PMKID[K] |
+ |-----------|------------|----------|-------|----------|----------|
+ | 1 | 6 | 16 | ... | 6 | 16 |
+ |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+* @param[in]
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_pmkid_info(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8PmkidInfoArray,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32PmkidInfoLen);
+* @brief sets the pass phrase
+* @details AP/STA mode. This function gives the pass phrase used to
+ generate the Pre-Shared Key when WPA/WPA2 is enabled
+ The length of the field can vary from 8 to 64 bytes,
+ the lower layer should get the
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] String containing PSK
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8PassPhrase,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8Psklength);
+* @brief gets the pass phrase
+* @details AP/STA mode. This function gets the pass phrase used to
+ generate the Pre-Shared Key when WPA/WPA2 is enabled
+ The length of the field can vary from 8 to 64 bytes,
+ the lower layer should get the
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ String containing PSK
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8PassPhrase, NMI_Uint8 u8Psklength);
+* @brief gets mac address
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 19 April 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_MacAddress(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8MacAddress);
+* @brief sets mac address
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 16 July 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_MacAddress(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8MacAddress);
+* @brief gets the site survey results
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ Message containing site survey results in the
+ following formate
+| MsgLength | fragNo. | MsgBodyLength | MsgBody |
+| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+----------------------------------------- | ----------------
+ |
+ |---------------------------------------|
+ | Network1 | Netweork2 | ... | Network5 |
+ |---------------------------------------|
+ | 44 | 44 | ... | 44 |
+-------------------------- | ---------------------------------------
+ |
+| SSID | BSS Type | Channel | Security Status| BSSID | RSSI |Reserved |
+| 33 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 1 |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_site_survey_results(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,
+ NMI_Uint8 ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE],
+ NMI_Uint32 u32MaxSiteSrvyFragLen);
+* @brief sets a start scan request
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Scan Source one of the following values
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_start_scan_req(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 scanSource);
+* @brief gets scan source of the last scan
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ Scan Source one of the following values
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+ NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_start_scan_req(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8ScanSource);
+* @brief sets a join request
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Index of the bss descriptor
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_join_req(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8bssid,
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8ssid, size_t ssidLen,
+ const NMI_Uint8* pu8IEs, size_t IEsLen,
+ tNMIpfConnectResult pfConnectResult, void* pvUserArg,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8security, AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8channel);
+* @brief disconnects from the currently associated network
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Reason Code of the Disconnection
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_disconnect(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint16 u16ReasonCode);
+* @brief disconnects a sta
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Association Id of the station to be disconnected
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_disconnect_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 assoc_id);
+* @brief gets a Association request info
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ Message containg assoc. req info in the following format
+| Management Frame Format |
+|Frame Control|Duration|DA|SA|BSSID|Sequence Control|Frame Body|FCS |
+| 2 |2 |6 |6 |6 | 2 |0 - 2312 | 4 |
+| |
+| Association Request Frame - Frame Body |
+| Capability Information | Listen Interval | SSID | Supported Rates |
+| 2 | 2 | 2-34 | 3-10 |
+| ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_assoc_req_info(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8AssocReqInfo,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32AssocReqInfoLen);
+* @brief gets a Association Response info
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ Message containg assoc. resp info
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_assoc_res_info(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8AssocRespInfo,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32MaxAssocRespInfoLen, NMI_Uint32* pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen);
+* @brief gets a Association Response info
+* @details Valid only in STA mode. This function gives the RSSI
+ values observed in all the channels at the time of scanning.
+ The length of the field is 1 greater that the total number of
+ channels supported. Byte 0 contains the number of channels while
+ each of Byte N contains the observed RSSI value for the channel index N.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ array of scanned channels' RSSI
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_rx_power_level(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8RxPowerLevel,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32RxPowerLevelLen);
+* @brief sets a channel
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Index of the channel to be set
+| Input: 1 2 14 |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_mac_chnl_num(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8ChNum);
+* @brief gets the current channel index
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ current channel index
+| Input: 1 2 14 |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_host_chnl_num(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8ChNo);
+* @brief gets the sta rssi
+* @details gets the currently maintained RSSI value for the station.
+ The received signal strength value in dB.
+ The range of valid values is -128 to 0.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ rssi value in dB
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_rssi(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Sint8* ps8Rssi);
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_link_speed(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Sint8* ps8lnkspd);
+* @brief scans a set of channels
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Scan source
+ Scan Type PASSIVE_SCAN = 0,
+ Channels Array
+ Channels Array length
+ Scan Callback function
+ User Argument to be delivered back through the Scan Cllback function
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_scan(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8 u8ScanSource,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ScanType, NMI_Uint8* pu8ChnlFreqList,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ChnlListLen, const NMI_Uint8* pu8IEs,
+ size_t IEsLen, tNMIpfScanResult ScanResult,
+ void* pvUserArg,tstrHiddenNetwork *pstrHiddenNetwork);
+* @brief sets configuration wids values
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] WID, WID value
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 hif_set_cfg(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrCfgParamVal * pstrCfgParamVal);
+* @brief gets configuration wids values
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ WID value
+* @param[in] WID,
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 hif_get_cfg(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint16 u16WID,NMI_Uint16* pu16WID_Value);
+/* Notification Functions */
+* @brief notifies host with join and leave requests
+* @details This function prepares an Information frame having the
+ information about a joining/leaving station.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] 6 byte Sta Adress
+ Join or leave flag:
+ Join = 1,
+ Leave =0
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void host_int_send_join_leave_info_to_host
+ (NMI_Uint16 assocId, NMI_Uint8* stationAddr, NMI_Bool joining);
+* @brief notifies host with stations found in scan
+* @details sends the beacon/probe response from scan
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Sta Address,
+ Frame length,
+ Rssi of the Station found
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void host_int_send_network_info_to_host
+ (NMI_Uint8 *macStartAddress,NMI_Uint16 u16RxFrameLen, NMI_Sint8 s8Rssi);
+* @brief host interface initialization function
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_init(NMI_WFIDrvHandle* phWFIDrv);
+* @brief host interface initialization function
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_deinit(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv);
+ * @fn NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8Index)
+ * @brief Sends a beacon to the firmware to be transmitted over the air
+ * @details
+ * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
+ * @param[in] u32Interval Beacon Interval. Period between two successive beacons on air
+ * @param[in] u32DTIMPeriod DTIM Period. Indicates how many Beacon frames
+ * (including the current frame) appear before the next DTIM
+ * @param[in] u32Headlen Length of the head buffer in bytes
+ * @param[in] pu8Head Pointer to the beacon's head buffer. Beacon's head
+ * is the part from the beacon's start till the TIM element, NOT including the TIM
+ * @param[in] u32Taillen Length of the tail buffer in bytes
+ * @param[in] pu8Tail Pointer to the beacon's tail buffer. Beacon's tail
+ * starts just after the TIM inormation element
+ * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
+ * @todo
+ * @sa
+ * @author Adham Abozaeid
+ * @date 10 Julys 2012
+ * @version 1.0 Description
+ */
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32Interval,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32DTIMPeriod,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32HeadLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Head,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TailLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8tail);
+ * @fn NMI_Sint32 host_int_del_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv)
+ * @brief Removes the beacon and stops tranmitting it over the air
+ * @details
+ * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
+ * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
+ * @todo
+ * @sa
+ * @author Adham Abozaeid
+ * @date 10 Julys 2012
+ * @version 1.0 Description
+ */
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_del_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv);
+ * @fn NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrNMI_AddStaParam strStaParams)
+ * @brief Notifies the firmware with a new associated stations
+ * @details
+ * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
+ * @param[in] pstrStaParams Station's parameters
+ * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
+ * @todo
+ * @sa
+ * @author Adham Abozaeid
+ * @date 12 July 2012
+ * @version 1.0 Description
+ */
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStaParams);
+ * @fn NMI_Sint32 host_int_del_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8MacAddr)
+ * @brief Notifies the firmware with a new deleted station
+ * @details
+ * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
+ * @param[in] pu8MacAddr Station's mac address
+ * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
+ * @todo
+ * @sa
+ * @author Adham Abozaeid
+ * @date 15 July 2012
+ * @version 1.0 Description
+ */
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_del_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8MacAddr);
+ * @fn NMI_Sint32 host_int_edit_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrNMI_AddStaParam strStaParams)
+ * @brief Notifies the firmware with new parameters of an already associated station
+ * @details
+ * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
+ * @param[in] pstrStaParams Station's parameters
+ * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
+ * @todo
+ * @sa
+ * @author Adham Abozaeid
+ * @date 15 July 2012
+ * @version 1.0 Description
+ */
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_edit_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStaParams);
+ * @fn NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_power_mgmt(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Bool bIsEnabled, NMI_Uint32 u32Timeout)
+ * @brief Set the power management mode to enabled or disabled
+ * @details
+ * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
+ * @param[in] bIsEnabled TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise
+ * @param[in] u32Timeout A timeout value of -1 allows the driver to adjust
+ * the dynamic ps timeout value
+ * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
+ * @todo
+ * @sa
+ * @author Adham Abozaeid
+ * @date 24 November 2012
+ * @version 1.0 Description
+ */
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_power_mgmt(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Bool bIsEnabled, NMI_Uint32 u32Timeout);
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+* @brief host_int_remain_on_channel
+* @details Remaining on specific channel required by wpas
+* @param[in]
+* @return Error code.
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_remain_on_channel(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32duration,NMI_Uint16 chan, tNMIpfRemainOnChan RxMgmt,tNMIpfRemainOnChanExpired RemainOnChanExpired,void* pvUserArg);
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_ScanDone(tenuScanEvent enuEvent);
+static int host_int_addBASession(char* pBSSID,char TID,short int BufferSize,
+ short int SessionTimeout);
+/* */
+/* EOF */
+/* */
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/itypes.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/itypes.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c3600183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/itypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* */
+/* Ittiam 802.11 MAC SOFTWARE */
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT(C) 2005 */
+/* */
+/* This program is proprietary to Ittiam Systems Private Limited and */
+/* is protected under Indian Copyright Law as an unpublished work. Its use */
+/* and disclosure is limited by the terms and conditions of a license */
+/* agreement. It may not be copied or otherwise reproduced or disclosed to */
+/* persons outside the licensee's organization except in accordance with the*/
+/* terms and conditions of such an agreement. All copies and */
+/* reproductions shall be the property of Ittiam Systems Private Limited and*/
+/* must bear this notice in its entirety. */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* File Name : itypes.h */
+/* */
+/* Description : This file contains all the data type definitions for */
+/* MAC implementation. */
+/* */
+/* List of Functions : None */
+/* Issues / Problems : None */
+/* */
+/* Revision History : */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes */
+/* 01 05 2005 Ittiam Draft */
+/* */
+#ifndef ITYPES_H
+#define ITYPES_H
+/* Data Types */
+typedef int WORD32;
+typedef short WORD16;
+typedef char WORD8;
+typedef unsigned int UWORD32;
+typedef unsigned short UWORD16;
+typedef unsigned char UWORD8;
+/* Enums */
+typedef enum {BFALSE = 0,
+ BTRUE = 1
+} BOOL_T;
+#endif /* ITYPES_H */
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/linux_wlan_common.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/linux_wlan_common.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a80aaa43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/linux_wlan_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+enum debug_region{
+ Generic_debug = 0,
+ Hostapd_debug,
+ Hostinf_debug,
+ CFG80211_debug,
+ Coreconfig_debug,
+ Interrupt_debug,
+ TX_debug,
+ RX_debug,
+ Lock_debug,
+ /*Added by amr - BugID_4720*/
+ Spin_debug,
+ Init_debug,
+ Bus_debug,
+ Mem_debug,
+ Firmware_debug,
+#define GENERIC_DBG (1<<Generic_debug)
+#define HOSTAPD_DBG (1<<Hostapd_debug)
+#define HOSTINF_DBG (1<<Hostinf_debug)
+#define CORECONFIG_DBG (1<<Coreconfig_debug)
+#define CFG80211_DBG (1<<CFG80211_debug)
+#define INT_DBG (1<<Interrupt_debug)
+#define TX_DBG (1<<TX_debug)
+#define RX_DBG (1<<RX_debug)
+#define LOCK_DBG (1<<Lock_debug)
+/*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+#define SPIN_DEBUG (1<<Spin_debug)
+#define INIT_DBG (1<<Init_debug)
+#define BUS_DBG (1<<Bus_debug)
+#define MEM_DBG (1<<Mem_debug)
+#define FIRM_DBG (1<<Firmware_debug)
+#if defined (NMC_DEBUGFS)
+extern void kmsgdump_write(char *fmt, ...);
+extern int nmc_debugfs_init(void);
+extern void nmc_debugfs_remove(void);
+extern atomic_t REGION;
+extern atomic_t DEBUG_LEVEL;
+#define DEBUG (1 << 0)
+#define INFO (1 << 1)
+#define WRN (1 << 2)
+#define ERR (1 << 3)
+#define PRINT_D(region,...) do{ if((atomic_read(&DEBUG_LEVEL) & DEBUG) && ((atomic_read(&REGION))&(region))){printk("DBG [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ kmsgdump_write("DBG [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ kmsgdump_write(__VA_ARGS__);\
+ printk(__VA_ARGS__);}}while(0)
+#define PRINT_INFO(region,...) do{ if((atomic_read(&DEBUG_LEVEL) & INFO) && ((atomic_read(&REGION))&(region))){printk("INFO [%s]",__FUNCTION__);\
+ kmsgdump_write("INFO [%s]",__FUNCTION__);\
+ kmsgdump_write(__VA_ARGS__);\
+ printk(__VA_ARGS__);}}while(0)
+#define PRINT_WRN(region,...) do{ if((atomic_read(&DEBUG_LEVEL) & WRN) && ((atomic_read(&REGION))&(region))){printk("WRN [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ kmsgdump_write("WRN [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ kmsgdump_write(__VA_ARGS__);\
+ printk(__VA_ARGS__);}}while(0)
+#define PRINT_ER(...) do{ if((atomic_read(&DEBUG_LEVEL) & ERR)) { \
+ printk("ERR [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ kmsgdump_write("ERR [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ kmsgdump_write(__VA_ARGS__);\
+ printk(__VA_ARGS__);}}while(0)
+#define DEBUG 1
+#define INFO 0
+#define WRN 0
+#define PRINT_D(region,...) do{ if(DEBUG == 1 && ((REGION)&(region))){printk("DBG [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ printk(__VA_ARGS__);}}while(0)
+#define PRINT_INFO(region,...) do{ if(INFO == 1 && ((REGION)&(region))){printk("INFO [%s]",__FUNCTION__);\
+ printk(__VA_ARGS__);}}while(0)
+#define PRINT_WRN(region,...) do{ if(WRN == 1 && ((REGION)&(region))){printk("WRN [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ printk(__VA_ARGS__);}}while(0)
+#define PRINT_ER(...) do{ printk("ERR [%s: %d]",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);\
+ printk(__VA_ARGS__);}while(0)
+#define FN_IN //PRINT_D(">>> \n")
+#define FN_OUT //PRINT_D("<<<\n")
+//#define LINUX_RX_SIZE (8*1024)
+#define LINUX_TX_SIZE (8*1024)
+#if defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+#define MODALIAS "nmc_spi"
+#define GPIO_NUM IRQ_NMC1000_GPIO
+#elif defined (BEAGLE_BOARD)
+ #define SPI_CHANNEL 4
+ #if SPI_CHANNEL == 4
+ #define MODALIAS "nmc_spi4"
+ #define GPIO_NUM 162
+ #else
+ #define MODALIAS "nmc_spi3"
+ #define GPIO_NUM 133
+ #endif
+#elif defined(PANDA_BOARD)
+ #define MODALIAS "NMI_SPI"
+ #define GPIO_NUM 139
+#elif defined(PLAT_WMS8304) // rachel
+ #define MODALIAS "nmi_spi"
+ #define GPIO_NUM 139
+ #define MODALIAS "NMI_SPI"
+ #define GPIO_NUM 139
+void linux_wlan_enable_irq(void);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_type.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_type.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b04901b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Module Name: nmi_type.h
+#ifndef NMI_TYPE_H
+#define NMI_TYPE_H
+ Type Defines
+#ifdef WIN32
+typedef char int8_t;
+typedef short int16_t;
+typedef long int32_t;
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
+#ifdef _linux_
+/*typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned long uint32_t;*/
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "NMI_OSWrapper.h"
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ee54275f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan.h
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+#ifndef NMI_WLAN_H
+#define NMI_WLAN_H
+#include "nmi_type.h"
+#define ISNMC1000(id) (((id & 0xfffff000) == 0x100000) ? 1 : 0)
+ DMA_VER_1: Old DMA interface introduced since A0. It exists in all
+ later versions and all versions are backward compatible with this interface.
+#define DMA_VER_1 (1)
+ DMA_VER_21: DMA interface introduced in D0/E0 versions and later. It uses
+ fewer number of registers to setup the TX/RX DMA and makes used of SDIO
+ CMD52 mapped registers and SPI internal registers for faster SDIO and SPI
+ DMAs respectively.
+#define DMA_VER_2 (2)
+#ifdef USE_DMA_VER_1
+#define DMA_VER DMA_VER_1
+#define DMA_VER DMA_VER_2
+ Mac eth header length
+#define SNAP_HDR_LEN 8
+#define ETHERNET_HDR_LEN 14
+/*Bug3959: transmitting mgmt frames received from host*/
+#define HOST_HDR_OFFSET 4
+#define ETHERNET_HDR_LEN 14
+#define IP_HDR_LEN 20
+#define UDP_HDR_LEN 8
+ Endian Conversion
+#define BYTE_SWAP(val) ((((val) & 0x000000FF) << 24) + \
+ (((val) & 0x0000FF00) << 8) + \
+ (((val) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) + \
+ (((val) & 0xFF000000) >> 24))
+ Register Defines
+#define NMI_PERIPH_REG_BASE 0x1000
+#define NMI_GLB_RESET_0 (NMI_PERIPH_REG_BASE + 0x400)
+#define NMI_PIN_MUX_0 (NMI_PERIPH_REG_BASE + 0x408)
+#define NMI_VMM_TBL_SIZE 64
+#define NMI_VMM_TX_TBL_BASE (0x150400)
+#define NMI_VMM_RX_TBL_BASE (0x150500)
+#define NMI_VMM_BASE 0x150000
+#define NMI_SPI_REG_BASE 0xe800
+#define NMI_AHB_DATA_MEM_BASE 0x30000
+#define NMI_AHB_SHARE_MEM_BASE 0xd0000
+#define NMI_VMM_TBL_RX_SHADOW_SIZE (256) /* Bug 4477 fix */
+#define _NMI_INT_STATS_PRE_D0 0x1488
+#define _NMI_INT_STATS_D0_AND_LATER 0x149c
+ * General purpose register 1
+ * Bit 0: SDIO interrupt type: (This bit is ignored in case of SPI bus.)
+ * 1: SDIO uses a GPIO as interrupt.
+ * 0, SDIO native interrupt SDIO_DAT1 used.
+ * Bit 1: CLK type used
+ * 1: RTC clock is supplied externally from host
+ * 0: Use internal 80Mhz clock
+ */
+#define _NMI_GP_REG_1_PRE_D0 0x148c
+#define _NMI_GP_REG_1_D0_AND_LATER 0x14a0
+#define NMI_HAVE_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO (1 << 0)
+#define NMI_HAVE_RTC (1 << 1)
+#define NMI_HAVE_DMA_VER_2 (1 << 2)
+#define NMI_HAVE_VCO_14_SUPPLY (1 << 3)
+ Wlan Defines
+#define NMI_CFG_PKT 1
+#define NMI_NET_PKT 0
+/*Bug3959: transmitting mgmt frames received from host*/
+#define NMI_MGMT_PKT 2
+#define NMI_CFG_SET 1
+#define NMI_CFG_QUERY 0
+#define NMI_CFG_RSP 1
+#define NMI_CFG_RSP_SCAN 3
+#ifdef NMI_SDIO
+#define NMI_PLL_TO 4
+#define NMI_PLL_TO 2
+/* CA Interrupt flags. */
+#define PLL_INT (1<<0)
+#define DATA_INT (1<<1)
+#define SLEEP_INT (1<<2)
+#define ABORT_INT (1<<31)
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+/* E0 and later Interrupt flags. */
+/* E0 and later Interrupt flags. */
+/* IRQ Status word */
+/* 15:0 = DMA count in words. */
+/* 16: INT0 flag */
+/* 17: INT1 flag */
+/* 18: INT2 flag */
+/* 19: INT3 flag */
+/* 20: INT4 flag */
+/* 21: INT5 flag */
+#define IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET 16
+#define IRQ_DMA_WD_CNT_MASK ((1ul << IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET) - 1)
+#define INT_0 (1<<(IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET))
+#define INT_1 (1<<(IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET+1))
+#define INT_2 (1<<(IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET+2))
+#define INT_3 (1<<(IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET+3))
+#define INT_4 (1<<(IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET+4))
+#define INT_5 (1<<(IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET+5))
+#define MAX_NUM_INT (6)
+/* E0 and later Interrupt flags. */
+/* IRQ Clear word */
+/* 0: Clear INT0 */
+/* 1: Clear INT1 */
+/* 2: Clear INT2 */
+/* 3: Clear INT3 */
+/* 4: Clear INT4 */
+/* 5: Clear INT5 */
+/* 6: Select VMM table 1 */
+/* 7: Select VMM table 2 */
+/* 8: Enable VMM */
+#define CLR_INT0 (1 << 0)
+#define CLR_INT1 (1 << 1)
+#define CLR_INT2 (1 << 2)
+#define CLR_INT3 (1 << 3)
+#define CLR_INT4 (1 << 4)
+#define CLR_INT5 (1 << 5)
+#define SEL_VMM_TBL0 (1 << 6)
+#define SEL_VMM_TBL1 (1 << 7)
+#define EN_VMM (1 << 8)
+#define DATA_INT_EXT INT_0
+#define PLL_INT_EXT INT_1
+#define SLEEP_INT_EXT INT_2
+#define NUM_INT_EXT (3)
+#endif /* ENABLE_FAST_DMA */
+/*time for expiring the semaphores of cfg packets*/
+#define CFG_PKTS_TIMEOUT 2000
+ Debug Type
+typedef void (*nmi_debug_func)(uint32_t, char *, ...);
+ Tx/Rx Queue Structure
+struct txq_entry_t {
+ struct txq_entry_t *next;
+ int type;
+ uint8_t *buffer;
+ int buffer_size;
+ void *priv;
+ int status;
+ void (*tx_complete_func)(void *, int);
+struct rxq_entry_t {
+ struct rxq_entry_t *next;
+ uint8_t *buffer;
+ int buffer_size;
+ Host IF Structure
+typedef struct {
+ int (*hif_init)(nmi_wlan_inp_t *, nmi_debug_func);
+ int (*hif_deinit)(void *);
+ int (*hif_read_reg)(uint32_t, uint32_t *);
+ int (*hif_write_reg)(uint32_t, uint32_t);
+ int (*hif_block_rx)(uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*hif_block_tx)(uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*hif_sync)(void);
+ int (*hif_clear_int)(void);
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ int (*hif_read_int)(uint32_t *);
+ int (*hif_clear_int_ext)(uint32_t);
+ int (*hif_read_size)(uint32_t *);
+ int (*hif_block_tx_ext)(uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*hif_block_rx_ext)(uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*hif_sync_ext)(int);
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ void (*hif_set_max_bus_speed)(void);
+ void (*hif_set_default_bus_speed)(void);
+} nmi_hif_func_t;
+ Configuration Structure
+#define MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE 1468
+typedef struct {
+ uint8_t ether_header[14];
+ uint8_t ip_header[20];
+ uint8_t udp_header[8];
+ uint8_t wid_header[4];
+ uint8_t frame[MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE];
+} nmi_cfg_frame_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int (*wlan_tx)(uint8_t *, uint32_t, nmi_tx_complete_func_t);
+} nmi_wlan_cfg_func_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int type;
+ uint32_t seq_no;
+} nmi_cfg_rsp_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int (*cfg_wid_set)(uint8_t *, uint32_t, uint16_t, uint8_t *, int);
+ int (*cfg_wid_get)(uint8_t *, uint32_t, uint16_t);
+ int (*cfg_wid_get_val)(uint16_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*rx_indicate)(uint8_t *, int, nmi_cfg_rsp_t *);
+ int (*cfg_init)(nmi_debug_func);
+} nmi_cfg_func_t;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan_cfg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan_cfg.h
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index 00000000..5f604cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan_cfg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Module Name: nmi_wlan_cfg.h
+#ifndef NMI_WLAN_CFG_H
+#define NMI_WLAN_CFG_H
+typedef struct {
+ uint16_t id;
+ uint16_t val;
+} nmi_cfg_byte_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint16_t id;
+ uint16_t val;
+} nmi_cfg_hword_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t id;
+ uint32_t val;
+} nmi_cfg_word_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t id;
+ uint8_t *str;
+} nmi_cfg_str_t;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan_if.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan_if.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..36db058e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/include/nmi_wlan_if.h
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+// Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Module Name: nmi_wlan_if.h
+#ifndef NMI_WLAN_IF_H
+#define NMI_WLAN_IF_H
+/*bug 3887: [AP] Allow Management frames to be passed to the host*/
+//#define NMI_P2P
+//#define USE_OLD_SPI_SW
+//#define NMC1000_SINGLE_TRANSFER
+#include "nmi_type.h"
+#include "linux_wlan_common.h"
+ Debug Flags
+#define N_INIT 0x00000001
+#define N_ERR 0x00000002
+#define N_TXQ 0x00000004
+#define N_INTR 0x00000008
+#define N_RXQ 0x00000010
+ Host Interface Defines
+#define HIF_SDIO (0)
+#define HIF_SPI (1 << 0)
+#define HIF_SDIO_GPIO_IRQ (1 << 2)
+ Tx/Rx Buffer Size Defines
+#define CE_TX_BUFFER_SIZE (64 * 1024)
+#define CE_RX_BUFFER_SIZE (384 * 1024)
+ Wlan Interface Defines
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t read_write:1;
+ uint32_t function:3;
+ uint32_t raw:1;
+ uint32_t address:17;
+ uint32_t data:8;
+} sdio_cmd52_t;
+typedef struct {
+ //struct {
+ uint32_t read_write:1;
+ uint32_t function:3;
+ uint32_t block_mode:1;
+ uint32_t increment:1;
+ uint32_t address:17;
+ uint32_t count:9;
+ //} bit;
+ uint8_t *buffer;
+ uint32_t block_size;
+} sdio_cmd53_t;
+typedef struct {
+ void (*os_sleep)(uint32_t);
+ void (*os_atomic_sleep)(uint32_t);
+ void (*os_debug)(uint8_t *);
+ void *(*os_malloc)(uint32_t);
+ void *(*os_malloc_atomic)(uint32_t);
+ void (*os_free)(void *);
+ void (*os_lock)(void *);
+ void (*os_unlock)(void *);
+ int (*os_wait)(void *,NMI_Uint32);
+ void (*os_signal)(void *);
+ void (*os_enter_cs)(void *);
+ void (*os_leave_cs)(void *);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ void (*os_spin_lock)(void *, unsigned long *);
+ void (*os_spin_unlock)(void *, unsigned long *);
+} nmi_wlan_os_func_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int io_type;
+ int (*io_init)(void *);
+ void (*io_deinit)(void *);
+ union {
+ struct {
+ int (*sdio_cmd52)(sdio_cmd52_t *);
+ int (*sdio_cmd53)(sdio_cmd53_t *);
+ int (*sdio_set_max_speed)(void);
+ int (*sdio_set_default_speed)(void);
+ } sdio;
+ struct {
+ int (*spi_max_speed)(void);
+ int (*spi_tx)(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*spi_rx)(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*spi_trx)(uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ } spi;
+ } u;
+} nmi_wlan_io_func_t;
+typedef struct {
+ void (*rx_indicate)(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ void (*rx_complete)(void);
+} nmi_wlan_net_func_t;
+typedef struct {
+ void (*mac_indicate)(int);
+} nmi_wlan_indicate_func_t;
+typedef struct {
+ void *os_private;
+ void *hif_critical_section;
+ uint32_t tx_buffer_size;
+ void *txq_critical_section;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ void *txq_add_to_head_critical_section;
+ void *txq_spin_lock;
+ void *txq_wait_event;
+ //uint32_t rx_buffer_size;
+ void *rxq_critical_section;
+ void *rxq_wait_event;
+ void *cfg_wait_event;
+} nmi_wlan_os_context_t;
+typedef struct {
+ nmi_wlan_os_context_t os_context;
+ nmi_wlan_os_func_t os_func;
+ nmi_wlan_io_func_t io_func;
+ nmi_wlan_net_func_t net_func;
+ nmi_wlan_indicate_func_t indicate_func;
+} nmi_wlan_inp_t;
+#if 0
+typedef struct {
+ int start;
+ uint32_t id;
+ void *buffer;
+ uint32_t buffer_size;
+ int commit;
+} nmi_wlan_cfg_set_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int start;
+ uint32_t id;
+ int commit;
+} nmi_wlan_cfg_get_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t id;
+ void *buffer;
+ uint32_t buffer_size;
+} nmi_wlan_cfg_val_t;
+typedef void (*nmi_tx_complete_func_t)(void *, int);
+#define NMI_TX_ERR_NO_BUF (-2)
+typedef struct {
+ int (*wlan_firmware_download)(const uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*wlan_start)(void);
+ int (*wlan_stop)(void);
+ int (*wlan_add_to_tx_que)(void *, uint8_t *, uint32_t, nmi_tx_complete_func_t);
+ int (*wlan_handle_tx_que)(uint32_t *);
+ void (*wlan_handle_rx_que)(void);
+ void (*wlan_handle_rx_isr)(void);
+ void (*wlan_cleanup)(void);
+ int (*wlan_cfg_set)(int, uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t, int);
+ int (*wlan_cfg_get)(int, uint32_t, int);
+ int (*wlan_cfg_get_value)(uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ /*Bug3959: transmitting mgmt frames received from host*/
+ #if defined(NMI_AP_EXTERNAL_MLME) || defined(NMI_P2P)
+ int(*wlan_add_mgmt_to_tx_que)(void *, uint8_t *, uint32_t, nmi_tx_complete_func_t);
+ #endif
+} nmi_wlan_oup_t;
+ Wlan Configuration ID
+#define MAX_SSID_LEN 33
+typedef enum{
+ RSN_IE = 48,
+ WPA_IE = 221,
+ WMM_IE=221,
+typedef enum{
+ AP,
+typedef enum{
+ RATE_AUTO = 0,
+ RATE_1MB = 1,
+ RATE_2MB = 2,
+ RATE_5MB = 5,
+ RATE_6MB = 6,
+ RATE_9MB = 9,
+ RATE_11MB = 11,
+ RATE_12MB = 12,
+ RATE_18MB = 18,
+ RATE_24MB = 24,
+ RATE_26MB = 36,
+ RATE_48MB = 48,
+ RATE_54MB = 54
+typedef enum {
+ B_ONLY_MODE = 0, /* basic rate: 1, 2 Mbps, otherwise: 5, 11 Mbps */
+ G_ONLY_MODE, /* basic rate: 6, 12, 24 Mbps, otherwise: 9, 18, 36, 48, 54 Mbps */
+ G_MIXED_11B_1_MODE, /* basic rate: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps, otherwise: all on */
+ G_MIXED_11B_2_MODE, /* basic rate: 1, 2, 5, 11, 6, 12, 24 Mbps, otherwise: all on */
+typedef enum {
+ G_SHORT_PREAMBLE = 0, /* Short Preamble */
+ G_LONG_PREAMBLE = 1, /* Long Preamble */
+ G_AUTO_PREAMBLE = 2, /* Auto Preamble Selection */
+#define MAC_CONNECTED 1
+/*bug3819: */
+typedef enum{
+typedef enum {
+ MIN_FAST_PS = 1,
+ MAX_FAST_PS = 2,
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum {
+ WEP_40 = 0x3,
+ WEP_104 = 0x7,
+ WPA_AES = 0x29,
+ WPA_TKIP = 0x49,
+ WPA_AES_TKIP = 0x69, /* Aes or Tkip */
+ WPA2_AES = 0x31,
+ WPA2_TKIP = 0x51,
+ WPA2_AES_TKIP = 0x71, /* Aes or Tkip */
+typedef enum{
+ ANY = 3,
+ IEEE8021 =5
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum{
+ DO_RESET = 1,
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum {
+ FILTER_NO = 0x00,
+ FILTER_AP_ONLY = 0x01,
+typedef enum {
+ PRI_HIGH_RSSI = 0x00,
+ PRI_LOW_RSSI = 0x04,
+ PRI_DETECT = 0x08
+typedef enum {
+ CH_FILTER_OFF = 0x00,
+ CH_FILTER_ON = 0x10
+typedef enum {
+ AUTO_PROT = 0, /* Auto */
+ NO_PROT, /* Do not use any protection */
+ ERP_PROT, /* Protect all ERP frame exchanges */
+ HT_PROT, /* Protect all HT frame exchanges */
+ GF_PROT, /* Protect all GF frame exchanges */
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum {
+ NO_DETECT = 0,
+typedef enum {
+ RTS_CTS_NONHT_PROT = 0, /* RTS-CTS at non-HT rate */
+ FIRST_FRAME_NONHT_PROT, /* First frame at non-HT rate */
+ LSIG_TXOP_PROT, /* LSIG TXOP Protection */
+ FIRST_FRAME_MIXED_PROT, /* First frame at Mixed format */
+typedef enum {
+ MIMO_MODE = 3, /* power save disable */
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum {
+ WID_CHAR = 0,
+ WID_SHORT = 1,
+ WID_INT = 2,
+ WID_STR = 3,
+ WID_BIN = 5,
+ WID_IP = 6,
+ WID_ADR = 7,
+ WID_UNDEF = 8,
+} WID_TYPE_T,tenuWIDtype;
+typedef enum {
+ WID_NIL = 0xffff,
+ /* BSS Type */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Infrastructure Independent Access Point */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 2 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_BSS_TYPE = 0x0000,
+ /* Transmit Rate */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : 1 2 5.5 11 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 */
+ /* Values to set : 1 2 5 11 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Channel */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration(g) : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 */
+ /* Values to set : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Preamble */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : short long Auto */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 2 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_PREAMBLE = 0x0003,
+ /* 11g operating mode (ignored if 11g not present) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : HighPerf Compat(RSet #1) Compat(RSet #2) */
+ /* Values to set : 1 2 3 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11G_OPERATING_MODE = 0x0004,
+ /* Mac status (response only) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : disconnect connect */
+ /* Values to get : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_STATUS = 0x0005,
+ /* Scan type */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Passive Scanning Active Scanning */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_SCAN_TYPE = 0x0007,
+ /* Key Id (WEP default key Id) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Any value between 0 to 3 */
+ /* Values to set : Same value. Default is 0 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_KEY_ID = 0x0009,
+ /* QoS Enable */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : QoS Disable WMM Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_QOS_ENABLE = 0x000A,
+ /* Power Management */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 2 */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* WEP/802 11I Configuration */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Configuration : Disable WP40 WP104 WPA-AES WPA-TKIP RSN-AES RSN-TKIP */
+ /* Values (0x) : 00 03 07 29 49 31 51 */
+ /* */
+ /* Configuration : WPA-AES+TKIP RSN-AES+TKIP */
+ /* Values (0x) : 69 71 */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ WID_11I_MODE = 0x000C,
+ /* WEP Configuration: Used in BSS STA mode only when WEP is enabled */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Configuration : Open System Shared Key Any Type | 802.1x Auth */
+ /* Values (0x) : 01 02 03 | BIT2 */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ WID_AUTH_TYPE = 0x000D,
+ /* Site Survey Type */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Values to set */
+ /* Survey 1 Channel : 0 */
+ /* survey all Channels : 1 */
+ /* Disable Site Survey : 2 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Listen Interval */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Any value between 1 to 255 */
+ /* Values to set : Same value. Default is 3 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* DTIM Period */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Any value between 1 to 255 */
+ /* Values to set : Same value. Default is 3 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_DTIM_PERIOD = 0x0010,
+ /* ACK Policy */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Normal Ack No Ack */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_ACK_POLICY = 0x0011,
+ /* Reset MAC (Set only) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Don't Reset Reset No Request */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 2 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_RESET = 0x0012,
+ /* Broadcast SSID Option: Setting this will adhere to "" SSID element */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Configuration : Enable Disable */
+ /* Values to set : 1 0 */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ WID_BCAST_SSID = 0x0015,
+ /* Disconnect (Station) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Configuration : Association ID */
+ /* Values to set : Association ID */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ WID_DISCONNECT = 0x0016,
+ /* 11a Tx Power Level */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Sets TX Power (Higher the value greater the power) */
+ /* Values to set : Any value between 0 and 63 (inclusive; Default is 48)*/
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11A = 0x0018,
+ /* Group Key Update Policy Selection */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disabled timeBased packetBased timePacketBased */
+ /* Values to set : 1 2 3 4 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_REKEY_POLICY = 0x0019,
+ /* Allow Short Slot */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disallow Short Slot Allow Short Slot */
+ /* (Enable Only Long Slot) (Enable Short Slot if applicable)*/
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* 11b Tx Power Level */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Sets TX Power (Higher the value greater the power) */
+ /* Values to set : Any value between 0 and 63 (inclusive; Default is 48)*/
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11B = 0x001D,
+ /* Scan Request */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Request default scan */
+ /* Values to set : 0 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Rssi (get only) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : */
+ /* Values to get : Rssi value */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_RSSI = 0x001F,
+ /* Join Request */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Request to join */
+ /* Values to set : index of scan result */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_JOIN_REQ = 0x0020,
+ WID_LINKSPEED = 0x0026,
+ /* Enable User Control of TX Power */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Enable Auto RX Sensitivity feature */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Receive Buffer Based Ack */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Scan Filter */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Class No filter AP only Station Only */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 2 */
+ /* Configuration : Priority High Rssi Low Rssi Detect */
+ /* Values to set : 0 0x4 0x08 */
+ /* Configuration : Channel filter off filter on */
+ /* Values to set : 0 0x10 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_SCAN_FILTER = 0x0036,
+ /* Link Loss Threshold (measure in the beacon period) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Any value between 10 and 254 (Set to 255 to disable it) */
+ /* Values to set : Same value. Default is 10 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* NMAC Character WID list */
+ WID_WPS_START = 0x0043,
+ /* Protection mode for MAC */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Auto No protection ERP HT GF */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 2 3 4 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11N_PROT_MECH = 0x0080,
+ /* ERP Protection type for MAC */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Self-CTS RTS-CTS */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11N_ERP_PROT_TYPE = 0x0081,
+ /* HT Option Enable */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : HT Enable HT Disable */
+ /* Values to set : 1 0 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11N_ENABLE = 0x0082,
+ /* 11n Operating mode (Note that 11g operating mode will also be */
+ /* used in addition to this, if this is set to HT Mixed mode) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : HT Mixed HT Only-20MHz HT Only-20/40MHz */
+ /* Values to set : 1 2 3 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11N_OPERATING_MODE = 0x0083,
+ /* 11n OBSS non-HT STA Detection flag */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Do not detect */
+ /* Values to set : 0 */
+ /* Configuration : Detect, do not protect or report */
+ /* Values to set : 1 */
+ /* Configuration : Detect, protect and do not report */
+ /* Values to set : 2 */
+ /* Configuration : Detect, protect and report to other BSS */
+ /* Values to set : 3 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* 11n HT Protection Type */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : RTS-CTS First Frame Exchange at non-HT-rate */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* Configuration : LSIG TXOP First Frame Exchange in Mixed Fmt */
+ /* Values to set : 2 3 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11N_HT_PROT_TYPE = 0x0085,
+ /* 11n RIFS Protection Enable Flag */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11N_RIFS_PROT_ENABLE = 0x0086,
+ /* SMPS Mode */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Static Dynamic MIMO (Power Save Disabled) */
+ /* Values to set : 1 2 3 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11N_SMPS_MODE = 0x0087,
+ /* Current transmit MCS */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : MCS Index for data rate */
+ /* Values to set : 0 to 7 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_11N_CURRENT_TX_MCS = 0x0088,
+ WID_11N_PRINT_STATS = 0x0089,
+ /* 11n Short GI Enable Flag */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* 11n RIFS Enable Flag */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_RIFS_MODE = 0x0094,
+ /* TX Abort Feature */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Self CTS Enable Self CTS */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* Configuration : Disable TX Abort Enable TX Abort */
+ /* Values to set : 2 3 */
+ /* Configuration : Enable HW TX Abort Enable SW TX Abort */
+ /* Values to set : 4 5 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_REG_TSSI_11B_VALUE = 0x00A6,
+ WID_REG_TSSI_11G_VALUE = 0x00A7,
+ WID_REG_TSSI_11N_VALUE = 0x00A8,
+ /* Immediate Block-Ack Support */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 0 1 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* TXOP Disable Flag */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Disable Enable */
+ /* Values to set : 1 0 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11N = 0x00B1,
+ /* Custom Character WID list */
+ WID_PC_TEST_MODE = 0x00C8,
+ /*bug3819: */
+ /* SCAN Complete notification WID*/
+ WID_LOGTerminal_Switch = 0x00CD,
+ /* EMAC Short WID list */
+ /* RTS Threshold */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Any value between 256 to 2347 */
+ /* Values to set : Same value. Default is 2347 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Fragmentation Threshold */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Any value between 256 to 2346 */
+ /* Values to set : Same value. Default is 2346 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ WID_RX_SENSE = 0x100B,
+ WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 0x1010,
+ WID_ASOC_TIMEOUT = 0x1011,
+ /* NMAC Short WID list */
+ WID_11N_SIG_QUAL_VAL = 0x1085,
+ /* Custom Short WID list */
+ /* EMAC Integer WID list */
+ WID_FAILED_COUNT = 0x2000,
+ WID_RETRY_COUNT = 0x2001,
+ WID_HUT_TX_COUNT = 0x200A,
+ WID_REKEY_PERIOD = 0x2010,
+ WID_1X_SERV_ADDR = 0x2012,
+ WID_STACK_IP_ADDR = 0x2013,
+ WID_HW_RX_COUNT = 0x2015,
+ WID_RF_REG_VAL = 0x2021,
+ /* NMAC Integer WID list */
+ WID_11N_PHY_ACTIVE_REG_VAL = 0x2080,
+ /* Custom Integer WID list */
+ /* EMAC String WID list */
+ WID_SSID = 0x3000,
+ WID_BSSID = 0x3003,
+ WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE = 0x3004,
+ WID_11I_PSK = 0x3008,
+ WID_11E_P_ACTION_REQ = 0x3009,
+ WID_1X_KEY = 0x300A,
+ WID_MAC_ADDR = 0x300C,
+ WID_RX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x3013,
+ WID_ADD_WEP_KEY = 0x3019,
+ WID_ADD_PTK = 0x301B,
+ WID_ADD_RX_GTK = 0x301C,
+ WID_ADD_TX_GTK = 0x301D,
+ WID_REMOVE_KEY = 0x301E,
+ WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO = 0x3020,
+ WID_MANUFACTURER = 0x3026, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_MODEL_NAME = 0x3027, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_MODEL_NUM = 0x3028, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ WID_DEVICE_NAME = 0x3029, /*Added for CAPI tool */
+ /* NMAC String WID list */
+ WID_11N_P_ACTION_REQ = 0x3080,
+ WID_HUT_TEST_ID = 0x3081,
+ WID_PMKID_INFO = 0x3082,
+ /*BugID_4156*/
+ WID_SSID_PROBE_REQ = 0x3997,
+ /*BugID_4124 WID to trigger modified Join Request using SSID and BSSID instead of bssListIdx (used by WID_JOIN_REQ)*/
+ /* Custom String WID list */
+ /* EMAC Binary WID list */
+ WID_UAPSD_CONFIG = 0x4001,
+ WID_UAPSD_STATUS = 0x4002,
+ WID_WMM_AP_AC_PARAMS = 0x4003,
+ WID_NETWORK_INFO = 0x4005,
+ WID_STA_JOIN_INFO = 0x4006,
+ /* NMAC Binary WID list */
+ WID_11N_AUTORATE_TABLE = 0x4080,
+ /*Added here by Amr - BugID 4134*/
+ /*BugID_3746 WID to add IE to be added in next probe request*/
+ /*BugID_3746 WID to add IE to be added in next associate request*/
+ WID_ADD_STA = 0X4087,
+ WID_REMOVE_STA = 0X4088,
+ WID_EDIT_STA = 0X4089,
+ WID_ADD_BEACON = 0x408a,
+ /* Miscellaneous WIDs */
+ WID_ALL = 0x7FFE,
+} WID_T;
+int nmi_wlan_init(nmi_wlan_inp_t *inp, nmi_wlan_oup_t *oup);
+void nmi_bus_set_max_speed(void);
+void nmi_bus_set_default_speed(void);
+uint32_t nmi_get_chipid(uint8_t update);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..29173a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# Comment/uncomment the following line to disable/enable debugging
+MAKE = make
+RM = rm
+MV = mv
+ECHO = echo
+CP = cp
+#DEBUG = y
+# Add your debugging flag (or not) to CFLAGS
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),y)
+#Use external 1.4V VCO
+#Default to NMI=EVAL if NMI isn't defined
+ifeq ($(strip $(NMI)),)
+ifeq ($(NMI),EVAL)
+else ifeq ($(NMI),FPGA)
+ifeq ($(BUS),SDIO)
+ifeq ($(SDIO_IRQ),GPIO)
+ifeq ($(DMA_VER),VER_1)
+KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
+OUT_ARCH = x86
+else ifeq ($(TARGET),PANDA)
+KERNELDIR ?= $(DEV_TREE)/kernel/omap
+MAKE_FLAGS := CROSS_COMPILE=$(DEV_TREE)/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- ARCH=arm
+else ifeq ($(TARGET),BEAGLE)
+OUT_ARCH = ARM-2.6.39
+MAKE_FLAGS := CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm
+else ifeq ($(TARGET),NM73131)
+else ifeq ($(TARGET),ALLWINNER)
+KERNELDIR ?= $(DEV_TREE)/linux-3.0
+MAKE_FLAGS := CROSS_COMPILE=$(DEV_TREE)/buildroot/output/external-toolchain/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm
+KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
+OUT_ARCH = x86
+ifeq ($(FIRMLOG),HOST)
+EXTRA_CFLAGS += $(DEBFLAGS) -I $(PWD)/../../NMI_OsWrapper/include/
+EXTRA_CFLAGS += -I $(PWD)/../../ -I $(PWD)/../include -I $(PWD)/../ -I $(PWD)/include
+EXTRA_CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-function
+obj-m := nmi_wifi.o
+ifeq ($(TARGET),NM73131)
+ifeq ($(BUS),SDIO)
+nmi_wifi-objs := source/linux_wlan.o source/linux_wlan_sdio.o\
+source/nmi_debugfs.o source/nmi_queue.o\
+nmi_wifi-objs := source/linux_wlan.o source/linux_wlan_spi.o\
+source/nmi_debugfs.o source/nmi_queue.o\
+ifeq ($(BUS),SDIO)
+nmi_wifi-objs := source/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.o source/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.o\
+source/linux_wlan.o source/linux_wlan_sdio.o source/linux_mon.o\
+source/nmi_debugfs.o source/nmi_queue.o\
+nmi_wifi-objs := source/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.o source/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.o\
+source/linux_wlan.o source/linux_wlan_spi.o source/linux_mon.o\
+source/nmi_debugfs.o source/nmi_queue.o\
+ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
+# call from kernel build system
+#KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
+PWD := $(shell pwd)
+ @$(ECHO) "###########################################"
+ @$(ECHO) "##### Building NMI WiFi for Linux ######"
+ @$(ECHO) "##### TARGET =" $(TARGET) "######"
+ $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modules $(MAKE_FLAGS)
+ mkdir -p binary/linux/$(OUT_ARCH)
+ $(MV) -f $(PWD)/nmi_wifi.ko binary/linux/$(OUT_ARCH)/nmi_wifi.ko
+ $(MAKE) TARGET=$(TARGET) NMI=$(NMI) BUS=$(BUS) -C ../ clean
+ @$(ECHO) "###########################################"
+ @$(ECHO) "##### Cleaning NMI WiFi for Linux ######"
+ @$(ECHO) "##### TARGET =" $(TARGET) "######"
+ rm -rf *.o *~ core .depend .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c .tmp_versions
+ rm -rf binary/linux/$(OUT_ARCH)/nmi_wifi.ko
+depend .depend dep:
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -M *.c > .depend
+ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend))
+include .depend
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..879a98fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+adb push ../../core/wifi_v111/ASIC_A0/wifi_firmware.bin /system/vendor/firmware/wifi_firmware.bin
+adb push binary/linux/ARM-3.0/nmi_wifi.ko /system/vendor/modules/nmi_wifi.ko
+adb shell "echo 0 > /proc/driver/sunxi-mmc.3/insert"
+adb shell "echo 1 > /proc/driver/sunxi-mmc.3/insert" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/ap_soft.conf b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/ap_soft.conf
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b00fb121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/ap_soft.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#wpa_pairwise= CCMP
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/include/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/include/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..05ee65e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/include/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+* @file NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h
+* @brief Definitions for the network module
+* @author syounan
+* @sa NMI_OSWrapper.h top level OS wrapper file
+* @date 31 Aug 2010
+* @version 1.0
+#include "linux/include/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.h"
+#include "NMI_host_AP.h"
+/* The following macros describe the bitfield map used by the firmware to determine its 11i mode */
+#define NO_ENCRYPT 0
+#define ENCRYPT_ENABLED (1 << 0)
+#define WEP (1 << 1)
+#define WEP_EXTENDED (1 << 2)
+#define WPA (1 << 3)
+#define WPA2 (1 << 4)
+#define AES (1 << 5)
+#define TKIP (1 << 6)
+#define nl80211_SCAN_RESULT_EXPIRE (3 * HZ)
+#ifdef AGING_ALG
+#define SCAN_RESULT_EXPIRE (40 * HZ)
+static const u32 cipher_suites[] = {
+static const struct ieee80211_txrx_stypes
+nmi_wfi_cfg80211_mgmt_types[NL80211_IFTYPE_MAX] =
+ [NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION] = {
+ .tx = 0xffff,
+ .rx = BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION >> 4) |
+ },
+ [NL80211_IFTYPE_AP] = {
+ .tx = 0xffff,
+ .rx = BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ >> 4) |
+ BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH >> 4) |
+ BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH >> 4) |
+ },
+ [NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT] = {
+ .tx = 0xffff,
+ .rx = BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION >> 4) |
+ }
+/* Time to stay on the channel */
+struct wireless_dev* NMI_WFI_CfgAlloc(void);
+struct wireless_dev * NMI_WFI_WiphyRegister(struct net_device *net);
+void NMI_WFI_WiphyFree(struct net_device *net);
+int NMI_WFI_update_stats(struct wiphy *wiphy, u32 pktlen , u8 changed);
+int NMI_WFI_DeInitHostInt(struct net_device *net);
+int NMI_WFI_InitHostInt(struct net_device *net);
+void NMI_WFI_monitor_rx(uint8_t *buff, uint32_t size);
+int NMI_WFI_deinit_mon_interface(void);
+int NMI_WFI_init_mon_interface(char *name, struct net_device *real_dev );
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/include/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/include/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d73644a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/include/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.h
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+* @file NMI_WFI_NetDevice.h
+* @brief Definitions for the network module
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+* Macros to help debugging
+#undef PDEBUG /* undef it, just in case */
+# ifdef __KERNEL__
+/* This one if debugging is on, and kernel space */
+# define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) printk( KERN_DEBUG "snull: " fmt, ## args)
+# else
+/* This one for user space */
+# define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## args)
+# endif
+# define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) /* not debugging: nothing */
+#undef PDEBUGG
+#define PDEBUGG(fmt, args...) /* nothing: it's a placeholder */
+/* These are the flags in the statusword */
+#define NMI_WFI_RX_INTR 0x0001
+#define NMI_WFI_TX_INTR 0x0002
+/* Default timeout period */
+#define NMI_WFI_TIMEOUT 5 /* In jiffies */
+#define NMI_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS 16
+#define PMKID_LEN 16
+#define PMKID_FOUND 1
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h> /* printk() */
+#include <linux/slab.h> /* kmalloc() */
+#include <linux/errno.h> /* error codes */
+#include <linux/types.h> /* size_t */
+#include <linux/interrupt.h> /* mark_bh */
+#include <linux/time.h>
+#include <linux/in.h>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h> /* struct device, and other headers */
+#include <linux/etherdevice.h> /* eth_type_trans */
+#include <linux/ip.h> /* struct iphdr */
+#include <linux/tcp.h> /* struct tcphdr */
+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
+#include <linux/ieee80211.h>
+#include <net/cfg80211.h>
+#include <linux/ieee80211.h>
+#include <net/cfg80211.h>
+#include <net/ieee80211_radiotap.h>
+#include <linux/if_arp.h>
+#include <linux/in6.h>
+#include <asm/checksum.h>
+#include "host_interface.h"
+#include <net/wireless.h>
+#include <linux/wireless.h> // tony, 2013-06-12
+enum stats_flags
+ NMI_WFI_RX_PKT = 1 << 0,
+ NMI_WFI_TX_PKT = 1 << 1,
+struct NMI_WFI_stats
+ unsigned long rx_packets;
+ unsigned long tx_packets;
+ unsigned long rx_bytes;
+ unsigned long tx_bytes;
+ u64 rx_time;
+ u64 tx_time;
+* This structure is private to each device. It is used to pass
+* packets in and out, so there is place for a packet
+#define RX_BH_KTHREAD 0
+#define RX_BH_WORK_QUEUE 1
+ * If you use RX_BH_WORK_QUEUE on LPC3131: You may lose the first interrupt on
+ * LPC3131 which is important to get the MAC start status when you are blocked inside
+ * linux_wlan_firmware_download() which blocks mac_open().
+ */
+#if defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+struct nmi_wfi_key {
+ u8 * key;
+ u8 * seq;
+ int key_len;
+ int seq_len;
+ u32 cipher;
+struct sta_info
+ NMI_Uint8 au8Sta_AssociatedBss[MAX_NUM_STA][ETH_ALEN];
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+/*Parameters needed for host interface for remaining on channel*/
+struct nmi_wfi_p2pListenParams
+ struct ieee80211_channel * pstrListenChan;
+ enum nl80211_channel_type tenuChannelType;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32ListenDuration;
+ NMI_Uint64 u64ListenCookie;
+/*p2p state*/
+enum p2p_state
+#endif /*NMI_P2P*/
+struct NMI_WFI_priv {
+ struct wireless_dev *wdev;
+ struct cfg80211_scan_request* pstrScanReq;
+ #ifdef NMI_P2P
+ NMI_Uint32 u32listen_freq;
+ enum p2p_state tenuState;
+ struct nmi_wfi_p2pListenParams strRemainOnChanParams;
+ #endif
+ NMI_Bool bCfgScanning;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32RcvdChCount;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32LastScannedNtwrksCount;
+ tstrNetworkInfo astrLastScannedNtwrks[MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS];
+#ifdef AGING_ALG
+ NMI_Uint32 u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow;
+ tstrNetworkInfo astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS_SHADOW];
+ NMI_Uint8 au8AssociatedBss[ETH_ALEN];
+ struct sta_info assoc_stainfo;
+ struct net_device_stats stats;
+ NMI_Uint8 monitor_flag;
+ int status;
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *ppool;
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *rx_queue; /* List of incoming packets */
+ int rx_int_enabled;
+ int tx_packetlen;
+ u8 *tx_packetdata;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ struct napi_struct napi;
+ NMI_WFIDrvHandle hNMIWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFpmkidAttr pmkid_list;
+ struct NMI_WFI_stats netstats;
+ NMI_Uint8 NMI_WFI_wep_default;
+#define WLAN_KEY_LEN_WEP104 13
+ NMI_Uint8 NMI_WFI_wep_key[4][WLAN_KEY_LEN_WEP104];
+ NMI_Uint8 NMI_WFI_wep_key_len[4];
+ struct net_device* real_ndev; /* The real interface that the monitor is on */
+ struct nmi_wfi_key* nmi_gtk[MAX_NUM_STA];
+ struct nmi_wfi_key* nmi_ptk[MAX_NUM_STA];
+ NMI_Uint8 nmi_groupkey;
+typedef struct{
+ int mac_status;
+ int nmc1000_initialized;
+ #if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ unsigned short dev_irq_num;
+ #endif
+ nmi_wlan_oup_t oup;
+ int monitor_flag;
+ int close;
+ struct net_device_stats netstats;
+ struct mutex txq_cs;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ struct mutex txq_add_to_head_cs;
+ spinlock_t txq_spinlock;
+ struct mutex rxq_cs;
+ struct mutex hif_cs;
+ //struct mutex txq_event;
+ struct semaphore rxq_event;
+ struct semaphore cfg_event;
+ struct semaphore sync_event;
+ struct semaphore txq_event;
+ //struct completion txq_event;
+ struct work_struct rx_work_queue;
+ struct task_struct* rx_bh_thread;
+ struct semaphore rx_sem;
+ struct semaphore rxq_thread_started;
+ struct semaphore txq_thread_started;
+ struct task_struct* rxq_thread;
+ struct task_struct* txq_thread;
+ unsigned char eth_src_address[6];
+ unsigned char eth_dst_address[6];
+ const struct firmware* nmc_firmware; /* Bug 4703 */
+ struct net_device* nmc_netdev;
+ struct net_device* real_ndev;
+#ifdef NMI_SDIO
+ int already_claim;
+ struct sdio_func* nmc_sdio_func;
+ struct spi_device* nmc_spidev;
+ NMI_Uint8 iftype;
+} linux_wlan_t;
+struct NMI_WFI_mon_priv
+ struct net_device* real_ndev;
+extern struct net_device *NMI_WFI_devs[];
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..31bcc7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+echo "* Starting Init/Deinit Test *"
+while [ "$num_init_iterations" -lt "20" ]
+echo "*****************************************"
+echo "* initialization trial no. $((num_init_iterations+1)) *"
+echo "*****************************************"
+echo "Bringing wlan0 down"
+ret_cfg_iface=$(adb shell ifconfig wlan0 down)
+ret_cfg_iface_err=$(echo "$ret_cfg_iface" | grep 'error')
+echo "$ret_cfg_iface_err"
+if [ -n "${ret_cfg_iface_err}" ]; then
+ echo "failed in ifconfig wlan1 down"
+ echo "..Initialization failed.."
+ exit
+sleep 1
+echo "Bringing wlan0 up"
+ret_cfg_iface=$(adb shell ifconfig wlan0 up)
+ret_cfg_iface_err=$(echo "$ret_cfg_iface" | grep 'error')
+echo "$ret_cfg_iface_err"
+if [ -n "${ret_cfg_iface_err}" ]; then
+ echo "failed in ifconfig wlan1 up"
+ echo "..Initialization failed.."
+ exit
+sleep 1
+echo "Disabling Wifi"
+adb shell svc wifi disable
+sleep 5
+echo "Enabling Wifi"
+adb shell svc wifi enable
+sleep 10
+cli_status=$(adb shell wpa_cli status)
+echo cli_status
+cli_status_check=$(echo "$cli_status" | grep ^wpa_state)
+if [ -z "${cli_status_check}" ]; then
+ echo "failed in wpa_cli status"
+ echo "..Initialization failed.."
+ exit
+echo "succeeded"
+adb shell ping -i.4 -c10
+#adb shell ping -i.4 -c10
+echo "num of succeded init/deinit trials $num_init_iterations"
+echo "* End of Init/Deinit Test *"
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/nmi_wfi_load b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/nmi_wfi_load
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a4e42aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/nmi_wfi_load
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+export PATH=/sbin:/bin
+# Use a pathname, as new modutils don't look in the current dir by default
+#modprobe cfg80211
+insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko
+insmod ./binary/linux/x86/nmi_wifi.ko $*
+ifconfig wlan0 local0
+ifconfig wlan1 local1
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/nmi_wfi_unload b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/nmi_wfi_unload
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..134c9352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/nmi_wfi_unload
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 down
+/sbin/ifconfig wlan1 down
+/sbin/rmmod nmi_wifi
+rmmod cfg80211
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..043b7a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+adb shell rm /system/etc/firmware/wifi_firmware.bin
+adb push ../../core/wifi_v111/ASIC_A0/wifi_firmware.bin /system/etc/firmware/wifi_firmware.bin
+adb push ../../core/wifi_v111/ASIC_A0_AP/wifi_firmware_ap.bin /system/etc/firmware/wifi_firmware_ap.bin
+adb shell rm /data/nmi_wifi.ko
+adb push binary/linux/ARM-3.0/nmi_wifi.ko /data/nmi_wifi.ko
+adb push ./ap_soft.conf /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d8a1a897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+adb push ../../core/wifi_v111/FPGA_485t/wifi_firmware.bin /system/etc/firmware/wifi_firmware.bin
+adb push binary/linux/ARM-3.0/nmi_wifi.ko /sdcard/nmi_wifi.ko
+#adb push ../../../../../AdelShare/android4.0/softap.conf /data/misc/wifi/softap.conf
+adb shell insmod /sdcard/nmi_wifi.ko
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..86466187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3281 @@
+* @file NMI_WFI_CfgOpertaions.c
+* @brief CFG80211 Function Implementation functionality
+* @author aabouzaeid
+* mabubakr
+* mdaftedar
+* zsalah
+* @sa NMI_WFI_CfgOpertaions.h top level OS wrapper file
+* @date 31 Aug 2010
+* @version 1.0
+#include "linux/include/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h"
+NMI_SemaphoreHandle SemHandleUpdateStats;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemScanReq;
+static NMI_Bool gbAutoRateAdjusted = NMI_FALSE;
+extern void linux_wlan_free(void* vp);
+extern int linux_wlan_get_firmware(linux_wlan_t* p_nic);
+int RefreshScanResult(struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv);
+#define CHAN2G(_channel, _freq, _flags) { \
+ .band = IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ, \
+ .center_freq = (_freq), \
+ .hw_value = (_channel), \
+ .flags = (_flags), \
+ .max_antenna_gain = 0, \
+ .max_power = 30, \
+/*Frequency range for channels*/
+static struct ieee80211_channel NMI_WFI_2ghz_channels[] = {
+ CHAN2G(1, 2412, 0),
+ CHAN2G(2, 2417, 0),
+ CHAN2G(3, 2422, 0),
+ CHAN2G(4, 2427, 0),
+ CHAN2G(5, 2432, 0),
+ CHAN2G(6, 2437, 0),
+ CHAN2G(7, 2442, 0),
+ CHAN2G(8, 2447, 0),
+ CHAN2G(9, 2452, 0),
+ CHAN2G(10, 2457, 0),
+ CHAN2G(11, 2462, 0),
+ CHAN2G(12, 2467, 0),
+ CHAN2G(13, 2472, 0),
+ CHAN2G(14, 2484, 0),
+#define RATETAB_ENT(_rate, _hw_value, _flags) { \
+ .bitrate = (_rate), \
+ .hw_value = (_hw_value), \
+ .flags = (_flags), \
+/* Table 6 in section */
+static struct ieee80211_rate NMI_WFI_rates[] = {
+ RATETAB_ENT(10, 0, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(20, 1, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(55, 2, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(110, 3, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(60, 9, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(90, 6, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(120, 7, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(180, 8, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(240, 9, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(360, 10, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(480, 11, 0),
+ RATETAB_ENT(540, 12, 0),
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+struct p2p_mgmt_data{
+ int size;
+ void* buff;
+static struct ieee80211_supported_band NMI_WFI_band_2ghz = {
+ .channels = NMI_WFI_2ghz_channels,
+ .n_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(NMI_WFI_2ghz_channels),
+ .bitrates = NMI_WFI_rates,
+ .n_bitrates = ARRAY_SIZE(NMI_WFI_rates),
+static void clear_cached_scan_results(struct NMI_WFI_priv* nmi_wifi_priv){
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ for(i = 0; i <nmi_wifi_priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount; i++)
+ {
+ if(nmi_wifi_priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].pu8IEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(nmi_wifi_priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].pu8IEs);
+ }
+ }
+ NMI_memset((void*)nmi_wifi_priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks, 0, sizeof(nmi_wifi_priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks));
+ nmi_wifi_priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount = 0;
+#ifdef AGING_ALG
+static NMI_TimerHandle hAgingTimer;
+#define AGING_TIME 9*1000
+void clear_shadow_scan(void* pUserVoid){
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ int i;
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ for(i = 0; i < priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow; i++){
+ if(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].pu8IEs != NULL)
+ NMI_FREE(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[i].pu8IEs);
+ }
+ priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow = 0;
+ NMI_TimerDestroy(&hAgingTimer,NMI_NULL);
+void refresh_scan(void* pUserVoid,uint8_t all){
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ struct wiphy* wiphy;
+ int i;
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ wiphy = priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy;
+ for(i = 0; i < priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow; i++)
+ {
+ tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo;
+ pstrNetworkInfo = &(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[i]);
+ if(!pstrNetworkInfo->u8Found || all){
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Freq;
+ struct ieee80211_channel *channel;
+ if(pstrNetworkInfo != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ s32Freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel, IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ);
+ #else
+ s32Freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel);
+ #endif
+ channel = ieee80211_get_channel(wiphy, s32Freq);
+ cfg80211_inform_bss(wiphy, channel, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 0, pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod, (const u8*)pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs,
+ (size_t)pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen, (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100), GFP_KERNEL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void reset_shadow_found(void* pUserVoid){
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ int i;
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ for(i=0;i<priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow;i++){
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[i].u8Found = 0;
+ }
+void remove_network_from_shadow(void* pUserVoid){
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ unsigned long now = jiffies;
+ int i,j;
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ for(i=0;i<priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow;i++){
+ if(time_after(now, priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[i].u32TimeRcvdInScan + (unsigned long)(SCAN_RESULT_EXPIRE))){
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Network expired in ScanShadow: %s \n",priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[i].au8ssid);
+ if(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[i].pu8IEs != NULL)
+ NMI_FREE(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[i].pu8IEs);
+ for(j=i;(j<priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow-1);j++){
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[j] = priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[j+1];
+ }
+ priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow--;
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Number of cached networks: %d\n",priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow);
+ if(priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow != 0)
+ NMI_TimerStart(&hAgingTimer, AGING_TIME, pUserVoid, NMI_NULL);
+ else
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"No need to restart Aging timer\n");
+int8_t is_network_in_shadow(tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo,void* pUserVoid){
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ int8_t state = -1;
+ int i;
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ if(priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow== 0){
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Starting Aging timer\n");
+ NMI_TimerStart(&hAgingTimer, AGING_TIME, pUserVoid, NMI_NULL);
+ state = -1;
+ }else{
+ /* Linear search for now */
+ for(i=0;i<priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow;i++){
+ if(NMI_memcmp(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[i].au8bssid,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 6) == 0){
+ state = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+void add_network_to_shadow(tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo,void* pUserVoid){
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ int8_t ap_found = is_network_in_shadow(pstrNetworkInfo,pUserVoid);
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ if(priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow >= MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS_SHADOW){
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Shadow network reached its maximum limit\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(ap_found == -1){
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].s8rssi = pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].u16CapInfo = pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].u8SsidLen = pstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen;
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].au8ssid,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8ssid, pstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].au8bssid,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, ETH_ALEN);
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].u16BeaconPeriod = pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].u8DtimPeriod = pstrNetworkInfo->u8DtimPeriod;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].u8channel = pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].u16IEsLen = pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].pu8IEs =
+ (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen); /* will be deallocated
+ by the NMI_WFI_CfgScan() function */
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].pu8IEs,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs, pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen);
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].u32TimeRcvdInScan = jiffies;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow].u8Found = 1;
+ priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCountShadow++;
+ }else{
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[ap_found].u8Found = 1;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrksShadow[ap_found].u32TimeRcvdInScan = jiffies;
+ }
+ int FirstNetworkReceived = NMI_TRUE;
+* @brief CfgScanResult
+* @details Callback function which returns the scan results found
+* @param[in] tenuScanEvent enuScanEvent: enum, indicating the scan event triggered, whether that is
+* tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo: structure holding the scan results information
+* void* pUserVoid: Private structure associated with the wireless interface
+* @return NONE
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void CfgScanResult(tenuScanEvent enuScanEvent, tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo, void* pUserVoid)
+ {
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ struct wiphy* wiphy;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Freq;
+ struct ieee80211_channel *channel;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ if(priv->bCfgScanning == NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Scanning in progress..\n");
+ if(enuScanEvent == SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND)
+ {
+#ifndef AGING_ALG
+ if(FirstNetworkReceived == NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ clear_cached_scan_results(priv);
+ FirstNetworkReceived = NMI_FALSE;
+ }
+ wiphy = priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy;
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, wiphy);
+ if(wiphy->signal_type == CFG80211_SIGNAL_TYPE_UNSPEC
+ &&
+ ( (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100) < 0
+ ||
+ (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100) > 100)
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ if(priv->u32RcvdChCount < MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS) //TODO: mostafa: to be replaced by
+ // max_scan_ssids
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Network %s found\n",pstrNetworkInfo->au8ssid);
+ if(pstrNetworkInfo != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Network information received\n");
+ priv->u32RcvdChCount++;
+ s32Freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel, IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ);
+ #else
+ s32Freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel);
+ #endif
+ channel = ieee80211_get_channel(wiphy, s32Freq);
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, channel);
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"Network Info:: CHANNEL Frequency: %d, RSSI: %d, CapabilityInfo: %d,"
+ "BeaconPeriod: %d \n",channel->center_freq, (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100),
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo, pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod);
+ cfg80211_inform_bss(wiphy, channel, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 0, pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod, (const u8*)pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs,
+ (size_t)pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen, (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100), GFP_KERNEL);
+ /* BugID_4209: cache the last Scan results such that in Connect Response Callback function, a check is
+ done if the intended network has been in the scan results more than a specified time (currently 2.8sec),
+ the cached last scan results are raised again to the upper nl80211 kernel layer to refresh its scan results
+ to prevent it from generating kernel warning. */
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].s8rssi = pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].u16CapInfo = pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].u8SsidLen = pstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen;
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].au8ssid,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8ssid, pstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].au8bssid,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, ETH_ALEN);
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].u16BeaconPeriod = pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].u8DtimPeriod = pstrNetworkInfo->u8DtimPeriod;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].u8channel = pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].u16IEsLen = pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen;
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].pu8IEs =
+ (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen); /* will be deallocated
+ by the NMI_WFI_CfgScan() function */
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].pu8IEs,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs, pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen);
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount].u32TimeRcvdInScan = jiffies;
+ priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount++;
+ #ifdef AGING_ALG
+ add_network_to_shadow(pstrNetworkInfo,priv);
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Discovered networks exceeded the max limit\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(enuScanEvent == SCAN_EVENT_DONE)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Scan Done \n");
+ #ifdef AGING_ALG
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Refreshing Scan ... \n");
+ refresh_scan(priv,0);
+ #endif
+ if(priv->u32RcvdChCount > 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"%d Network(s) found \n", priv->u32RcvdChCount);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"No networks found \n");
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemScanReq, NULL);
+ if(priv->pstrScanReq != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ cfg80211_scan_done(priv->pstrScanReq, NMI_FALSE);
+ priv->u32RcvdChCount = 0;
+ priv->bCfgScanning = NMI_FALSE;
+ priv->pstrScanReq = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemScanReq, NULL);
+ }
+ /*Aborting any scan operation during mac close*/
+ else if(enuScanEvent == SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED)
+ {
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemScanReq, NULL);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Aborting scan \n");
+ if(priv->pstrScanReq != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+#ifndef AGING_ALG
+ RefreshScanResult(priv);
+ refresh_scan(priv,1);
+ cfg80211_scan_done(priv->pstrScanReq,NMI_FALSE);
+ priv->pstrScanReq = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemScanReq, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Set_PMKSA
+* @details Check if pmksa is cached and set it.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_Set_PMKSA(NMI_Uint8 * bssid,struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv)
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ for (i = 0; i < priv->pmkid_list.numpmkid; i++)
+ {
+ if (!NMI_memcmp(bssid,priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i].bssid,
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"PMKID successful comparison");
+ /*If bssid is found, set the values*/
+ s32Error = host_int_set_pmkid_info(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,&priv->pmkid_list);
+ if(s32Error != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in pmkid\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+int RefreshScanResult(struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv)
+ struct wiphy* wiphy;
+ int i = 0;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG," network %s expired. Refreshing scan results\n",
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].au8ssid);
+ wiphy = priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy;
+ for(i = 0; i < priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount; i++)
+ {
+ tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Freq;
+ struct ieee80211_channel *channel;
+ pstrNetworkInfo = &(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i]);
+ if(pstrNetworkInfo != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"cached Network information retrieved\n");
+ s32Freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel, IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ);
+ #else
+ s32Freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel);
+ #endif
+ channel = ieee80211_get_channel(wiphy, s32Freq);
+ printk("Network Info:: CHANNEL Frequency: %d, RSSI: %d, CapabilityInfo: %d,"
+ "BeaconPeriod: %d \n",channel->center_freq, (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100),
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo, pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod);
+ cfg80211_inform_bss(wiphy, channel, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 0, pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod, (const u8*)pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs,
+ (size_t)pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen, (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100), GFP_KERNEL);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+* @brief CfgConnectResult
+* @details
+* @param[in] tenuConnDisconnEvent enuConnDisconnEvent: Type of connection response either
+* connection response or disconnection notification.
+* tstrConnectInfo* pstrConnectInfo: COnnection information.
+* NMI_Uint8 u8MacStatus: Mac Status from firmware
+* tstrDisconnectNotifInfo* pstrDisconnectNotifInfo: Disconnection Notification
+* void* pUserVoid: Private data associated with wireless interface
+* @return NONE
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static void CfgConnectResult(tenuConnDisconnEvent enuConnDisconnEvent,
+ tstrConnectInfo* pstrConnectInfo,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8MacStatus,
+ tstrDisconnectNotifInfo* pstrDisconnectNotifInfo,
+ void* pUserVoid)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ struct net_device* dev;
+ if(enuConnDisconnEvent == CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP)
+ {
+ /*Initialization*/
+ NMI_Uint16 u16ConnectStatus = WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ dev = priv->dev;
+ u16ConnectStatus = pstrConnectInfo->u16ConnectStatus;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG," Connection response received = %d\n",u8MacStatus);
+ if((u8MacStatus == MAC_DISCONNECTED) &&
+ (pstrConnectInfo->u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE))
+ {
+ /* The case here is that our station was waiting for association response frame and has just received it containing status code
+ = SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE, while mac status is MAC_DISCONNECTED (which means something wrong happened) */
+ PRINT_ER("Unspecified failure: Connection status %d : MAC status = %d \n",u16ConnectStatus,u8MacStatus);
+ }
+ if(u16ConnectStatus == WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ NMI_Bool bNeedScanRefresh = NMI_FALSE;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"Connection Successful:: BSSID: %x%x%x%x%x%x\n",pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid[0],
+ pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid[1],pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid[2],pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid[3],pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid[4],pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid[5]);
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->au8AssociatedBss, pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid, ETH_ALEN);
+ /* BugID_4209: if this network has expired in the scan results in the above nl80211 layer, refresh them here by calling
+ cfg80211_inform_bss() with the last Scan results before calling cfg80211_connect_result() to avoid
+ Linux kernel warning generated at the nl80211 layer */
+ for(i = 0; i < priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount; i++)
+ {
+ if(NMI_memcmp(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].au8bssid,
+ pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0)
+ {
+ unsigned long now = jiffies;
+ if(time_after(now,
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].u32TimeRcvdInScan + (unsigned long)(nl80211_SCAN_RESULT_EXPIRE - (1 * HZ))))
+ {
+ bNeedScanRefresh = NMI_TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bNeedScanRefresh == NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ //RefreshScanResult(priv);
+ #ifdef AGING_ALG
+ refresh_scan(priv, 1);
+ #else
+ RefreshScanResult(priv);
+ #endif
+ #if 0
+ struct wiphy* wiphy;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG," network %s expired. Refreshing scan results\n",
+ priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].au8ssid);
+ wiphy = priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy;
+ for(i = 0; i < priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount; i++)
+ {
+ tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Freq;
+ struct ieee80211_channel *channel;
+ pstrNetworkInfo = &(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i]);
+ if(pstrNetworkInfo != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"cached Network information retrieved\n");
+ s32Freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel, IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ);
+ #else
+ s32Freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel);
+ #endif
+ channel = ieee80211_get_channel(wiphy, s32Freq);
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"Network Info:: CHANNEL Frequency: %d, RSSI: %d, CapabilityInfo: %d,"
+ "BeaconPeriod: %d \n",channel->center_freq, (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100),
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo, pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod);
+ cfg80211_inform_bss(wiphy, channel, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 0, pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod, (const u8*)pstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs,
+ (size_t)pstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen, (((NMI_Sint32)pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi) * 100), GFP_KERNEL);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Association request info elements length = %d\n", pstrConnectInfo->ReqIEsLen);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Association response info elements length = %d\n", pstrConnectInfo->u16RespIEsLen);
+ cfg80211_connect_result(dev, pstrConnectInfo->au8bssid,
+ pstrConnectInfo->pu8ReqIEs, pstrConnectInfo->ReqIEsLen,
+ pstrConnectInfo->pu8RespIEs, pstrConnectInfo->u16RespIEsLen,
+ u16ConnectStatus, GFP_KERNEL); //TODO: mostafa: u16ConnectStatus to
+ // be replaced by pstrConnectInfo->u16ConnectStatus
+ }
+ else if(enuConnDisconnEvent == CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF)
+ {
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ dev = priv->dev;
+ PRINT_ER("Received MAC_DISCONNECTED from firmware with reason %d\n",
+ pstrDisconnectNotifInfo->u16reason);
+ NMI_memset(priv->au8AssociatedBss, 0, ETH_ALEN);
+ cfg80211_disconnected(dev, pstrDisconnectNotifInfo->u16reason, pstrDisconnectNotifInfo->ie,
+ pstrDisconnectNotifInfo->ie_len, GFP_KERNEL);
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_CfgSetChannel
+* @details Set channel for a given wireless interface. Some devices
+* may support multi-channel operation (by channel hopping) so cfg80211
+* doesn't verify much. Note, however, that the passed netdev may be
+* %NULL as well if the user requested changing the channel for the
+* device itself, or for a monitor interface.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_CfgSetChannel(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ struct net_device *netdev,
+ #endif
+ struct ieee80211_channel *channel,
+ enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type)
+ NMI_Uint32 channelnum = 0;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ channelnum = ieee80211_frequency_to_channel(channel->center_freq);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Setting channel %d with frequency %d\n", channelnum, channel->center_freq );
+ s32Error = host_int_set_mac_chnl_num(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,channelnum);
+ if(s32Error != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in setting channel %d\n", channelnum);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_CfgScan
+* @details Request to do a scan. If returning zero, the scan request is given
+* the driver, and will be valid until passed to cfg80211_scan_done().
+* For scan results, call cfg80211_inform_bss(); you can call this outside
+* the scan/scan_done bracket too.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_CfgScan(struct wiphy *wiphy,struct net_device *dev,
+ struct cfg80211_scan_request *request)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrHiddenNetwork strHiddenNetwork;
+ static int ScanNo = 0;
+ ScanNo++;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ priv->pstrScanReq = request;
+ #ifdef NMI_P2P
+ /*If in listen state, abort scanning*/
+ if (priv->tenuState == LISTEN) {
+ cfg80211_scan_done(priv->pstrScanReq,NMI_TRUE);
+ priv->pstrScanReq = NMI_NULL;
+ priv->bCfgScanning = NMI_FALSE;
+ return s32Error;
+ }
+ #endif
+ priv->u32RcvdChCount = 0;
+ //if(ScanNo < 3)
+ //clear_cached_scan_results(priv);
+ #if 0
+ else
+ {
+ printk("Cheatiniiiiiiiiiiiig \n");
+ RefreshScanResult(priv);
+ cfg80211_scan_done(priv->pstrScanReq,NMI_TRUE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef AGING_ALG
+ clear_cached_scan_results(priv);
+ reset_shadow_found(priv);
+ FirstNetworkReceived = NMI_TRUE;
+ priv->bCfgScanning = NMI_TRUE;
+ if(request->n_channels <= MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS) //TODO: mostafa: to be replaced by
+ // max_scan_ssids
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < request->n_channels; i++)
+ {
+ au8ScanChanList[i] = (NMI_Uint8)ieee80211_frequency_to_channel(request->channels[i]->center_freq);
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "ScanChannel List[%d] = %d,",i,au8ScanChanList[i]);
+ }
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Requested num of scan channel %d\n",request->n_channels);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Scan Request IE len = %d\n",request->ie_len);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Number of SSIDs %d\n",request->n_ssids);
+ if(request->n_ssids >= 1)
+ {
+ strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo = NMI_MALLOC(request->n_ssids * sizeof(tstrHiddenNetwork));
+ strHiddenNetwork.u8ssidnum = request->n_ssids;
+ /*BugID_4156*/
+ for(i=0;i<request->n_ssids;i++)
+ {
+ if(request->ssids[i].ssid != NULL && request->ssids[i].ssid_len!=0)
+ {
+ strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].pu8ssid= NMI_MALLOC( request->ssids[i].ssid_len);
+ NMI_memcpy(strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].pu8ssid,request->ssids[i].ssid,request->ssids[i].ssid_len);
+ strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen = request->ssids[i].ssid_len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Received one NULL SSID \n");
+ strHiddenNetwork.u8ssidnum-=1;
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Trigger Scan Request \n");
+ s32Error = host_int_scan(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, USER_SCAN, ACTIVE_SCAN,
+ au8ScanChanList, request->n_channels,
+ (const NMI_Uint8*)request->ie, request->ie_len,
+ CfgScanResult, (void*)priv,&strHiddenNetwork);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Trigger Scan Request \n");
+ s32Error = host_int_scan(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, USER_SCAN, ACTIVE_SCAN,
+ au8ScanChanList, request->n_channels,
+ (const NMI_Uint8*)request->ie, request->ie_len,
+ CfgScanResult, (void*)priv,NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Requested num of scanned channels is greater than the max, supported"
+ " channels \n");
+ }
+ if(s32Error != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ s32Error = -EBUSY;
+ PRINT_WRN(CFG80211_DBG,"Device is busy: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_CfgConnect
+* @details Connect to the ESS with the specified parameters. When connected,
+* call cfg80211_connect_result() with status code %WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS.
+* If the connection fails for some reason, call cfg80211_connect_result()
+* with the status from the AP.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_CfgConnect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct cfg80211_connect_params *sme)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ //SECURITY_T tenuSecurity_t = NO_SECURITY;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8security = NO_ENCRYPT;
+ AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type = ANY;
+ NMI_Char * pcgroup_encrypt_val;
+ NMI_Char * pccipher_group;
+ NMI_Char * pcwpa_version;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ tstrNetworkInfo* pstrNetworkInfo = NULL;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Connecting to SSID [%s]\n",sme->ssid);
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"Required SSID = %s\n , AuthType = %d \n", sme->ssid,sme->auth_type);
+ for(i = 0; i < priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount; i++)
+ {
+ if((sme->ssid_len == priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].u8SsidLen) &&
+ NMI_memcmp(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].au8ssid,
+ sme->ssid,
+ sme->ssid_len) == 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"Network with required SSID is found %s\n", sme->ssid);
+ if(sme->bssid == NULL)
+ {
+ /* BSSID is not passed from the user, so decision of matching
+ * is done by SSID only */
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"BSSID is not passed from the user\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* BSSID is also passed from the user, so decision of matching
+ * should consider also this passed BSSID */
+ if(NMI_memcmp(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i].au8bssid,
+ sme->bssid,
+ ETH_ALEN) == 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"BSSID is passed from the user and matched\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(i < priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Required bss is in scan results\n");
+ pstrNetworkInfo = &(priv->astrLastScannedNtwrks[i]);
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"network BSSID to be associated: %x%x%x%x%x%x\n",
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid[0], pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid[1],
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid[2], pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid[3],
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid[4], pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid[5]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = -ENOENT;
+ if(priv->u32LastScannedNtwrksCount == 0)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"No Scan results yet\n");
+ else
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Required bss not in scan results: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ priv->NMI_WFI_wep_default = 0;
+ NMI_memset(priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key, 0, sizeof(priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key));
+ NMI_memset(priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key_len, 0, sizeof(priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key_len));
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"sme->crypto.wpa_versions=%x\n", sme->crypto.wpa_versions);
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"sme->crypto.cipher_group=%x\n", sme->crypto.cipher_group);
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"sme->crypto.n_ciphers_pairwise=%d\n", sme->crypto.n_ciphers_pairwise);
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0 ; i < sme->crypto.n_ciphers_pairwise ; i++)
+ NMI_PRINTF("sme->crypto.ciphers_pairwise[%d]=%x\n", i, sme->crypto.ciphers_pairwise[i]);
+ }
+ if(sme->crypto.cipher_group != NO_ENCRYPT)
+ {
+ /* To determine the u8security value, first we check the group cipher suite then {in case of WPA or WPA2}
+ we will add to it the pairwise cipher suite(s) */
+ //switch(sme->crypto.wpa_versions)
+ //{
+ //printk(">> sme->crypto.wpa_versions: %x\n",sme->crypto.wpa_versions);
+ //case NL80211_WPA_VERSION_1:
+ if( sme->crypto.wpa_versions & NL80211_WPA_VERSION_2)
+ {
+ //printk("> wpa_version: NL80211_WPA_VERSION_2\n");
+ //case NL80211_WPA_VERSION_2:
+ if (sme->crypto.cipher_group == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ {
+ //printk("> WPA2-TKIP\n");
+ //tenuSecurity_t = WPA2_TKIP;
+ u8security = ENCRYPT_ENABLED | WPA2 | TKIP;
+ pcgroup_encrypt_val = "WPA2_TKIP";
+ pccipher_group = "TKIP";
+ }
+ else //TODO: mostafa: here we assume that any other encryption type is AES
+ {
+ //printk("> WPA2-AES\n");
+ //tenuSecurity_t = WPA2_AES;
+ u8security = ENCRYPT_ENABLED | WPA2 | AES;
+ pcgroup_encrypt_val = "WPA2_AES";
+ pccipher_group = "AES";
+ }
+ pcwpa_version = "WPA_VERSION_2";
+ }
+ else if( sme->crypto.wpa_versions & NL80211_WPA_VERSION_1)
+ {
+ //printk("> wpa_version: NL80211_WPA_VERSION_1\n");
+ if (sme->crypto.cipher_group == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ {
+ //printk("> WPA-TKIP\n");
+ //tenuSecurity_t = WPA_TKIP;
+ u8security = ENCRYPT_ENABLED | WPA | TKIP;
+ pcgroup_encrypt_val = "WPA_TKIP";
+ pccipher_group = "TKIP";
+ }
+ else //TODO: mostafa: here we assume that any other encryption type is AES
+ {
+ //printk("> WPA-AES\n");
+ //tenuSecurity_t = WPA_AES;
+ u8security = ENCRYPT_ENABLED | WPA | AES;
+ pcgroup_encrypt_val = "WPA_AES";
+ pccipher_group = "AES";
+ }
+ pcwpa_version = "WPA_VERSION_1";
+ //break;
+ }
+ else{
+ //break;
+ //default:
+ pcwpa_version = "Default";
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Adding key with cipher group = %x\n",sme->crypto.cipher_group);
+ if (sme->crypto.cipher_group == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40)
+ {
+ //printk("> WEP\n");
+ //tenuSecurity_t = WEP_40;
+ u8security = ENCRYPT_ENABLED | WEP;
+ pcgroup_encrypt_val = "WEP40";
+ pccipher_group = "WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40";
+ }
+ else if (sme->crypto.cipher_group == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104)
+ {
+ //printk("> WEP-WEP_EXTENDED\n");
+ //tenuSecurity_t = WEP_104;
+ pcgroup_encrypt_val = "WEP104";
+ pccipher_group = "WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = -ENOTSUPP;
+ PRINT_ER("Not supported cipher: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ //PRINT_ER("Cipher-Group: %x\n",sme->crypto.cipher_group);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "WEP Default Key Idx = %d\n",sme->key_idx);
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<sme->key_len;i++)
+ NMI_PRINTF("WEP Key Value[%d] = %d\n", i, sme->key[i]);
+ }
+ priv->NMI_WFI_wep_default = sme->key_idx;
+ priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key_len[sme->key_idx] = sme->key_len;
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key[sme->key_idx], sme->key, sme->key_len);
+ host_int_set_WEPDefaultKeyID(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,sme->key_idx);
+ host_int_add_wep_key_bss_sta(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, sme->key,sme->key_len,sme->key_idx);
+ //break;
+ }
+ /* After we set the u8security value from checking the group cipher suite, {in case of WPA or WPA2} we will
+ add to it the pairwise cipher suite(s) */
+ if((sme->crypto.wpa_versions & NL80211_WPA_VERSION_1)
+ || (sme->crypto.wpa_versions & NL80211_WPA_VERSION_2))
+ {
+ for(i=0 ; i < sme->crypto.n_ciphers_pairwise ; i++)
+ {
+ if (sme->crypto.ciphers_pairwise[i] == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ {
+ u8security = u8security | TKIP;
+ }
+ else //TODO: mostafa: here we assume that any other encryption type is AES
+ {
+ u8security = u8security | AES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Authentication Type = %d\n",sme->auth_type);
+ switch(sme->auth_type)
+ {
+ tenuAuth_type = OPEN_SYSTEM;
+ break;
+ tenuAuth_type = SHARED_KEY;
+ break;
+ default:
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Automatic Authentation type = %d\n",sme->auth_type);
+ }
+ /* ai: key_mgmt: enterprise case */
+ if (sme->crypto.n_akm_suites)
+ {
+ switch (sme->crypto.akm_suites[0])
+ {
+ case WLAN_AKM_SUITE_8021X:
+ tenuAuth_type = IEEE8021;
+ break;
+ default:
+ //PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "security unhandled [%x] \n",sme->crypto.akm_suites[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "Required Channel = %d\n", pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel);
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "Group encryption value = %s\n Cipher Group = %s\n WPA version = %s\n",
+ pcgroup_encrypt_val, pccipher_group,pcwpa_version);
+ s32Error = host_int_set_join_req(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, sme->ssid,
+ sme->ssid_len, sme->ie, sme->ie_len,
+ CfgConnectResult, (void*)priv, u8security,
+ tenuAuth_type, pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel);
+ if(s32Error != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("host_int_set_join_req(): Error(%d) \n", s32Error);
+ s32Error = -ENOENT;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_disconnect
+* @details Disconnect from the BSS/ESS.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_disconnect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,u16 reason_code)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Disconnecting with reason code(%d)\n", reason_code);
+ s32Error = host_int_disconnect(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, reason_code);
+ if(s32Error != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error in disconnecting: Error(%d)\n", s32Error);
+ s32Error = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_add_key
+* @details Add a key with the given parameters. @mac_addr will be %NULL
+* when adding a group key.
+* @param[in] key : key buffer; TKIP: 16-byte temporal key, 8-byte Tx Mic key, 8-byte Rx Mic Key
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_add_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev,u8 key_index,
+ bool pairwise,
+ #endif
+ const u8 *mac_addr,struct key_params *params)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS,KeyLen = params->key_len;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8RxMic = NULL;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8TxMic = NULL;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8mode = NO_ENCRYPT;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8gmode = NO_ENCRYPT;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8pmode = NO_ENCRYPT;
+ AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type = ANY;
+ #endif
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Adding key with cipher suite = %x\n",params->cipher);
+ switch(params->cipher)
+ {
+ if(priv->wdev->iftype == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP)
+ {
+ priv->NMI_WFI_wep_default = key_index;
+ priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key_len[key_index] = params->key_len;
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key[key_index], params->key, params->key_len);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding AP WEP Default key Idx = %d\n",key_index);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding AP WEP Key len= %d\n",params->key_len);
+ for(i=0;i<params->key_len;i++)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "WEP AP key val[%d] = %x\n", i, params->key[i]);
+ tenuAuth_type = OPEN_SYSTEM;
+ if(params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40)
+ else
+ host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,params->key,params->key_len,key_index,u8mode,tenuAuth_type);
+ break;
+ }
+ #endif
+ if(NMI_memcmp(params->key,priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key[key_index],params->key_len))
+ {
+ priv->NMI_WFI_wep_default = key_index;
+ priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key_len[key_index] = params->key_len;
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key[key_index], params->key, params->key_len);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding WEP Default key Idx = %d\n",key_index);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding WEP Key length = %d\n",params->key_len);
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<params->key_len;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "WEP key value[%d] = %d\n", i, params->key[i]);
+ }
+ host_int_add_wep_key_bss_sta(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,params->key,params->key_len,key_index);
+ }
+ break;
+ if(priv->wdev->iftype == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP)
+ {
+ if(priv->nmi_gtk[key_index] == NULL)
+ priv->nmi_gtk[key_index] = (struct nmi_wfi_key *)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_key));
+ if(priv->nmi_ptk[key_index] == NULL)
+ priv->nmi_ptk[key_index] = (struct nmi_wfi_key *)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_key));
+ if (!pairwise)
+ #else
+ if (!mac_addr || is_broadcast_ether_addr(mac_addr))
+ #endif
+ {
+ if(params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ else
+ u8gmode = ENCRYPT_ENABLED |WPA2 | AES;
+ priv->nmi_groupkey = u8gmode;
+ if(params->key_len > 16 && params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ {
+ pu8TxMic = params->key+24;
+ pu8RxMic = params->key+16;
+ KeyLen = params->key_len - 16;
+ }
+ priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->key = (NMI_Uint8 *)NMI_MALLOC(params->key_len);
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->key,params->key,params->key_len);
+ if(priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->seq == NULL)
+ priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->seq = (NMI_Uint8 *)NMI_MALLOC(params->seq_len);
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->seq,params->seq,params->seq_len);
+ priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->cipher= params->cipher;
+ priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->key_len=params->key_len;
+ priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->seq_len=params->seq_len;
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<params->key_len;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding group key value[%d] = %x\n", i, params->key[i]);
+ for(i=0;i<params->seq_len;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding group seq value[%d] = %x\n", i, params->seq[i]);
+ }
+ host_int_add_rx_gtk(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,params->key,KeyLen,
+ key_index,params->seq_len,params->seq,pu8RxMic,pu8TxMic,AP_MODE,u8gmode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"STA Address: %x%x%x%x%x\n",mac_addr[0],mac_addr[1],mac_addr[2],mac_addr[3],mac_addr[4]);
+ if(params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ else
+ u8pmode = priv->nmi_groupkey | AES;
+ if(params->key_len > 16 && params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ {
+ pu8TxMic = params->key+24;
+ pu8RxMic = params->key+16;
+ KeyLen = params->key_len - 16;
+ }
+ priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->key = (NMI_Uint8 *)NMI_MALLOC(params->key_len);
+ priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->seq = (NMI_Uint8 *)NMI_MALLOC(params->seq_len);
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<params->key_len;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding pairwise key value[%d] = %x\n", i, params->key[i]);
+ for(i=0;i<params->seq_len;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding group seq value[%d] = %x\n", i, params->seq[i]);
+ }
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->key,params->key,params->key_len);
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->seq,params->seq,params->seq_len);
+ priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->cipher= params->cipher;
+ priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->key_len=params->key_len;
+ priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->seq_len=params->seq_len;
+ host_int_add_ptk(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,params->key,KeyLen,mac_addr,
+ pu8RxMic,pu8TxMic,AP_MODE,u8pmode,key_index);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ #endif
+ {
+ u8mode=0;
+ if (!pairwise)
+ #else
+ if (!mac_addr || is_broadcast_ether_addr(mac_addr))
+ #endif
+ {
+ if(params->key_len > 16 && params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ {
+ //swap the tx mic by rx mic
+ pu8RxMic = params->key+24;
+ pu8TxMic = params->key+16;
+ KeyLen = params->key_len - 16;
+ }
+ host_int_add_rx_gtk(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,params->key,KeyLen,
+ key_index,params->seq_len,params->seq,pu8RxMic,pu8TxMic,STATION_MODE,u8mode);
+ //host_int_add_tx_gtk(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,params->key_len,params->key,key_index);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(params->key_len > 16 && params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)
+ {
+ //swap the tx mic by rx mic
+ pu8RxMic = params->key+24;
+ pu8TxMic = params->key+16;
+ KeyLen = params->key_len - 16;
+ }
+ host_int_add_ptk(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,params->key,KeyLen,mac_addr,
+ pu8RxMic,pu8TxMic,STATION_MODE,u8mode,key_index);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Adding pairwise key\n");
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<params->key_len;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "Adding pairwise key value[%d] = %d\n", i, params->key[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ PRINT_ER("Not supported cipher: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ s32Error = -ENOTSUPP;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_del_key
+* @details Remove a key given the @mac_addr (%NULL for a group key)
+* and @key_index, return -ENOENT if the key doesn't exist.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_del_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev,
+ u8 key_index,
+ bool pairwise,
+ #endif
+ const u8 *mac_addr)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ if(key_index >= 0 && key_index <=3)
+ {
+ NMI_memset(priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key[key_index], 0, priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key_len[key_index]);
+ priv->NMI_WFI_wep_key_len[key_index] = 0;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Removing WEP key with index = %d\n",key_index);
+ host_int_remove_wep_key(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,key_index);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Removing all installed keys\n");
+ host_int_remove_key(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,mac_addr);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_get_key
+* @details Get information about the key with the given parameters.
+* @mac_addr will be %NULL when requesting information for a group
+* key. All pointers given to the @callback function need not be valid
+* after it returns. This function should return an error if it is
+* not possible to retrieve the key, -ENOENT if it doesn't exist.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_get_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev,u8 key_index,
+ bool pairwise,
+ #endif
+ const u8 *mac_addr,void *cookie,void (*callback)(void* cookie, struct key_params*))
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ struct key_params key_params;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ priv= wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ if (!pairwise)
+ #else
+ if (!mac_addr || is_broadcast_ether_addr(mac_addr))
+ #endif
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Getting group key idx: %x\n",key_index);
+ key_params.key=priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->key;
+ key_params.cipher=priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->cipher;
+ key_params.key_len=priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->key_len;
+ key_params.seq=priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->seq;
+ key_params.seq_len=priv->nmi_gtk[key_index]->seq_len;
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<key_params.key_len;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"Retrieved key value %x\n",key_params.key[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Getting pairwise key\n");
+ key_params.key=priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->key;
+ key_params.cipher=priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->cipher;
+ key_params.key_len=priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->key_len;
+ key_params.seq=priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->seq;
+ key_params.seq_len=priv->nmi_ptk[key_index]->seq_len;
+ }
+ callback(cookie,&key_params);
+ return s32Error;//priv->nmi_gtk->key_len ?0 : -ENOENT;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_set_default_key
+* @details Set the default management frame key on an interface
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_set_default_key(struct wiphy *wiphy,struct net_device *netdev,u8 key_index
+ ,bool unicast, bool multicast
+ #endif
+ )
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Setting default key with idx = %d \n", key_index);
+ if(key_index!= priv->NMI_WFI_wep_default)
+ {
+ host_int_set_WEPDefaultKeyID(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,key_index);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_dump_survey
+* @details Get site survey information
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_dump_survey(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev,
+ int idx, struct survey_info *info)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ if (idx != 0)
+ {
+ s32Error = -ENOENT;
+ PRINT_ER("Error Idx value doesn't equal zero: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_get_station
+* @details Get station information for the station identified by @mac
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_get_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ u8 *mac, struct station_info *sinfo)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ NMI_Uint32 i =0;
+ NMI_Uint32 associatedsta = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 inactive_time=0;
+ #endif
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ nic = netdev_priv(dev);
+ if(nic->iftype == AP_MODE)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Getting station parameters\n");
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG, ": %x%x%x%x%x\n",mac[0],mac[1],mac[2],mac[3],mac[4]);
+ for(i=0; i<NUM_STA_ASSOCIATED; i++)
+ {
+ if (!(memcmp(mac, priv->assoc_stainfo.au8Sta_AssociatedBss[i], ETH_ALEN)))
+ {
+ associatedsta = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(associatedsta == -1)
+ {
+ s32Error = -ENOENT;
+ PRINT_ER("Station required is not associated : Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ return s32Error;
+ }
+ sinfo->filled |= STATION_INFO_INACTIVE_TIME;
+ host_int_get_inactive_time(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, mac,&(inactive_time));
+ sinfo->inactive_time = 1000 * inactive_time;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Inactive time %d\n",sinfo->inactive_time);
+ }
+ #endif
+ if(nic->iftype == STATION_MODE)
+ {
+ NMI_Sint8 s8lnkspd = 0;
+ static NMI_Uint32 u32FirstLnkSpdCnt = 0;
+ sinfo->filled |= STATION_INFO_SIGNAL;
+ s32Error = host_int_get_rssi(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, &(sinfo->signal));
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue ");
+ sinfo->filled |= STATION_INFO_TX_BITRATE;
+ /* To get realistic Link Speed, let it fixed for first 10 times to give chance for Autorate to ramp up as traffic starts */
+ u32FirstLnkSpdCnt++;
+ if(u32FirstLnkSpdCnt > 10)
+ {
+ gbAutoRateAdjusted = NMI_TRUE;
+ }
+ if(gbAutoRateAdjusted == NMI_FALSE)
+ {
+ sinfo->txrate.legacy = 54 * 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32Error = host_int_get_link_speed(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, &s8lnkspd);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"link_speed=%d\n", s8lnkspd);
+ sinfo->txrate.legacy = s8lnkspd * 10;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_change_bss
+* @details Modify parameters for a given BSS.
+* @param[in]
+* -use_cts_prot: Whether to use CTS protection
+* (0 = no, 1 = yes, -1 = do not change)
+ * -use_short_preamble: Whether the use of short preambles is allowed
+ * (0 = no, 1 = yes, -1 = do not change)
+ * -use_short_slot_time: Whether the use of short slot time is allowed
+ * (0 = no, 1 = yes, -1 = do not change)
+ * -basic_rates: basic rates in IEEE 802.11 format
+ * (or NULL for no change)
+ * -basic_rates_len: number of basic rates
+ * -ap_isolate: do not forward packets between connected stations
+ * -ht_opmode: HT Operation mode
+ * (u16 = opmode, -1 = do not change)
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_change_bss(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct bss_parameters *params)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Changing Bss parametrs\n");
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_auth
+* @details Request to authenticate with the specified peer
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_auth(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct cfg80211_auth_request *req)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"In Authentication Function\n");
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_assoc
+* @details Request to (re)associate with the specified peer
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_assoc(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct cfg80211_assoc_request *req)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"In Association Function\n");
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_deauth
+* @details Request to deauthenticate from the specified peer
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_deauth(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req,void *cookie)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"In De-authentication Function\n");
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_disassoc
+* @details Request to disassociate from the specified peer
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_disassoc(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req,void *cookie)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "In Disassociation Function\n");
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_set_wiphy_params
+* @details Notify that wiphy parameters have changed;
+* @param[in] Changed bitfield (see &enum wiphy_params_flags) describes which values
+* have changed.
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_set_wiphy_params(struct wiphy *wiphy, u32 changed)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrCfgParamVal pstrCfgParamVal;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+// priv = netdev_priv(priv->wdev->netdev);
+ pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag = 0;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Setting Wiphy params \n");
+ {
+ priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->retry_short);
+ pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag |= RETRY_SHORT;
+ pstrCfgParamVal.short_retry_limit = priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->retry_short;
+ }
+ if(changed & WIPHY_PARAM_RETRY_LONG)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Setting WIPHY_PARAM_RETRY_LONG %d\n",priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->retry_long);
+ pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag |= RETRY_LONG;
+ pstrCfgParamVal.long_retry_limit = priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->retry_long;
+ }
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Setting WIPHY_PARAM_FRAG_THRESHOLD %d\n",priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->frag_threshold);
+ pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag |= FRAG_THRESHOLD;
+ pstrCfgParamVal.frag_threshold = priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->frag_threshold;
+ }
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Setting WIPHY_PARAM_RTS_THRESHOLD %d\n",priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->rts_threshold);
+ pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag |= RTS_THRESHOLD;
+ pstrCfgParamVal.rts_threshold = priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->rts_threshold;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Setting CFG params in the host interface\n");
+ s32Error = hif_set_cfg(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,&pstrCfgParamVal);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in setting WIPHY PARAMS\n");
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_set_bitrate_mask
+* @details set the bitrate mask configuration
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_set_bitrate_mask(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ struct net_device *dev,const u8 *peer,
+ const struct cfg80211_bitrate_mask *mask)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrCfgParamVal pstrCfgParamVal;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Setting Bitrate mask function\n");
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ //priv = netdev_priv(priv->wdev->netdev);
+ pstrCfgParamVal.curr_tx_rate = mask->control[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ].legacy;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Tx rate = %d\n",pstrCfgParamVal.curr_tx_rate);
+ s32Error = hif_set_cfg(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,&pstrCfgParamVal);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in setting bitrate\n");
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_set_pmksa
+* @details Cache a PMKID for a BSSID. This is mostly useful for fullmac
+* devices running firmwares capable of generating the (re) association
+* RSN IE. It allows for faster roaming between WPA2 BSSIDs.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_set_pmksa(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev,
+ struct cfg80211_pmksa *pmksa)
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint8 flag = 0;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Setting PMKSA\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < priv->pmkid_list.numpmkid; i++)
+ {
+ if (!NMI_memcmp(pmksa->bssid,priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i].bssid,
+ {
+ /*If bssid already exists and pmkid value needs to reset*/
+ flag = PMKID_FOUND;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "PMKID already exists\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i < NMI_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS) {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Setting PMKID in private structure\n");
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i].bssid, pmksa->bssid,
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i].pmkid, pmksa->pmkid,
+ if(!(flag == PMKID_FOUND))
+ priv->pmkid_list.numpmkid++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Invalid PMKID index\n");
+ s32Error = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(!s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Setting pmkid in the host interface\n");
+ s32Error = host_int_set_pmkid_info(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, &priv->pmkid_list);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_del_pmksa
+* @details Delete a cached PMKID.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_del_pmksa(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev,
+ struct cfg80211_pmksa *pmksa)
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ NMI_Uint8 flag = 0;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ //priv = netdev_priv(priv->wdev->netdev);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Deleting PMKSA keys\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < priv->pmkid_list.numpmkid; i++)
+ {
+ if (!NMI_memcmp(pmksa->bssid,priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i].bssid,
+ {
+ /*If bssid is found, reset the values*/
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Reseting PMKID values\n");
+ NMI_memset(&priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i], 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFpmkid));
+ flag = PMKID_FOUND;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(i < priv->pmkid_list.numpmkid && priv->pmkid_list.numpmkid > 0)
+ {
+ for (; i < (priv->pmkid_list.numpmkid- 1); i++) {
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i].bssid,
+ priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i+1].bssid,
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i].pmkid,
+ priv->pmkid_list.pmkidlist[i].pmkid,
+ }
+ priv->pmkid_list.numpmkid--;
+ }
+ else {
+ s32Error = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_flush_pmksa
+* @details Flush all cached PMKIDs.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_flush_pmksa(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ //priv = netdev_priv(priv->wdev->netdev);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Flushing PMKID key values\n");
+ /*Get cashed Pmkids and set all with zeros*/
+ NMI_memset(&priv->pmkid_list, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFpmkidAttr) );
+ return 0;
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+* @brief NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx_complete
+* @details Returns result of transmitting mgmt frame on air, success or fail
+* @param[in] priv
+ transmitting status
+* @return None
+* @author Amr Abdelmoghny
+* @date 20 MAY 2013
+* @version 1.0
+static void NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx_complete(void* priv, int status)
+* @brief NMI_WFI_receive_mgmt
+* @details
+* @param[in] Received frame
+ priv
+* @return None
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 20 MAY 2013
+* @version 1.0
+static void NMI_WFI_receive_mgmt(tstrRcvdMgmtFrame* pstrRcvdMgmtFrame,void* pUserVoid)
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Received mgmt frame\n");
+* @brief NMI_WFI_RemainOnChannelExpired
+* @details Callback function, called on expiration of remain-on-channel duration
+* @param
+* @return none
+* @author Amr abdelmoghny
+* @date 15 MAY 2013
+* @version
+static void NMI_WFI_RemainOnChannelExpired(void* pUserVoid)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ priv = (struct NMI_WFI_priv*)pUserVoid;
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Remain on channel expired \n");
+ /*Sending cancel remain on channel to FW*/
+ priv->tenuState = IDLE;
+ /*Inform wpas of remain-on-channel expiration*/
+ cfg80211_remain_on_channel_expired(priv->dev,
+ priv->strRemainOnChanParams.u64ListenCookie,
+ priv->strRemainOnChanParams.pstrListenChan ,
+ priv->strRemainOnChanParams.tenuChannelType,
+* @brief NMI_WFI_remain_on_channel
+* @details Request the driver to remain awake on the specified
+* channel for the specified duration to complete an off-channel
+* operation (e.g., public action frame exchange). When the driver is
+* ready on the requested channel, it must indicate this with an event
+* notification by calling cfg80211_ready_on_channel().
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_remain_on_channel(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ struct net_device *dev,struct ieee80211_channel *chan,
+ enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type,
+ unsigned int duration,u64 *cookie)
+ NMI_Sint32 freq;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ priv->tenuState = LISTEN;
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Remaining on channel\n");
+ /*Setting params needed by NMI_WFI_RemainOnChannelExpired()*/
+ priv->strRemainOnChanParams.pstrListenChan = chan;
+ priv->strRemainOnChanParams.u64ListenCookie = *cookie;
+ priv->strRemainOnChanParams.tenuChannelType = channel_type;
+ /*Abort on-going scan*/
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemScanReq, NULL);
+ if ( priv->pstrScanReq != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ cfg80211_scan_done(priv->pstrScanReq,NMI_TRUE);
+ priv->pstrScanReq = NMI_NULL;
+ priv->bCfgScanning = NMI_FALSE;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemScanReq, NULL);
+ /*Getting listen frequency*/
+ freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)chan->hw_value);
+ #else
+ freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency((NMI_Sint32)chan->hw_value, IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ);
+ #endif
+ priv->u32listen_freq= freq;
+ s32Error = host_int_remain_on_channel(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, duration,chan->hw_value, NMI_WFI_receive_mgmt,NMI_WFI_RemainOnChannelExpired,(void *)priv);
+ /*Inform wpas of being ready on the desired channel*/
+ cfg80211_ready_on_channel(dev, *cookie, chan,channel_type, duration, GFP_KERNEL);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_cancel_remain_on_channel
+* @details Cancel an on-going remain-on-channel operation.
+* This allows the operation to be terminated prior to timeout based on
+* the duration value.
+* @param[in] struct wiphy *wiphy,
+* @param[in] struct net_device *dev
+* @param[in] u64 cookie,
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_cancel_remain_on_channel(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ u64 cookie)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Cancel remain on channel\n");
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_config
+* @details Configure connection quality monitor RSSI threshold.
+* @param[in] struct wiphy *wiphy:
+* @param[in] struct net_device *dev:
+* @param[in] s32 rssi_thold:
+* @param[in] u32 rssi_hyst:
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_config(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ struct net_device *dev, s32 rssi_thold, u32 rssi_hyst)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Setting CQM RSSi Function\n");
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_dump_station
+* @details Configure connection quality monitor RSSI threshold.
+* @param[in] struct wiphy *wiphy:
+* @param[in] struct net_device *dev
+* @param[in] int idx
+* @param[in] u8 *mac
+* @param[in] struct station_info *sinfo
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_dump_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ int idx, u8 *mac, struct station_info *sinfo)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Dumping station information\n");
+ if (idx != 0)
+ return -ENOENT;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ //priv = netdev_priv(priv->wdev->netdev);
+ sinfo->filled |= STATION_INFO_SIGNAL ;
+ host_int_get_rssi(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, &(sinfo->signal));
+#if 0
+ sinfo->filled |= STATION_INFO_TX_BYTES |
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&SemHandleUpdateStats,NULL);
+ sinfo->inactive_time = priv->netstats.rx_time > priv->netstats.tx_time ? jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - priv->netstats.tx_time) : jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - priv->netstats.rx_time);
+ sinfo->rx_bytes = priv->netstats.rx_bytes;
+ sinfo->tx_bytes = priv->netstats.tx_bytes;
+ sinfo->rx_packets = priv->netstats.rx_packets;
+ sinfo->tx_packets = priv->netstats.tx_packets;
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&SemHandleUpdateStats,NULL);
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_set_power_mgmt
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0NMI_WFI_set_cqmNMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_configNMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_configNMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_configNMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_config_rssi_config
+int NMI_WFI_set_power_mgmt(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ bool enabled, int timeout)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG," Power save Enabled= %d , TimeOut = %d\n",enabled,timeout);
+ if (wiphy == NMI_NULL)
+ return -ENOENT;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ if(priv->hNMIWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("Driver is NULL\n");
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ host_int_set_power_mgmt(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, enabled, timeout);
+ return NMI_SUCCESS;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_change_virt_intf
+* @details Change type/configuration of virtual interface,
+* keep the struct wireless_dev's iftype updated.
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_change_virt_intf(struct wiphy *wiphy,struct net_device *dev,
+ enum nl80211_iftype type, u32 *flags,struct vif_params *params)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ //struct NMI_WFI_mon_priv* mon_priv;
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ nic = netdev_priv(dev);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"In Change virtual interface function\n");
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Wireless interface name =%s\n", dev->name);
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION:
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Interface type = NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION\n");
+ dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype = NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION;
+ nic->iftype = STATION_MODE;
+ #ifndef SIMULATION
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Downloading STATION firmware\n");
+ linux_wlan_get_firmware(nic);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP:
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Interface type = NL80211_IFTYPE_AP\n");
+ //mon_priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ //mon_priv->real_ndev = dev;
+ dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype = NL80211_IFTYPE_AP;
+ priv->wdev->iftype = type;
+ nic->iftype = AP_MODE;
+ #ifndef SIMULATION
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Downloading AP firmware\n");
+ linux_wlan_get_firmware(nic);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ default:
+ PRINT_ER("Unknown interface type= %d\n", type);
+ s32Error = -EINVAL;
+ return s32Error;
+ break;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+/* (austin.2013-07-23)
+ To support revised cfg80211_ops
+ add_beacon --> start_ap
+ set_beacon --> change_beacon
+ del_beacon --> stop_ap
+ beacon_parameters --> cfg80211_ap_settings
+ cfg80211_beacon_data
+ applicable for linux kernel 3.4+
+/* cache of cfg80211_ap_settings later use in change_beacon api. */
+static struct cfg80211_ap_settings *_g_pApSettings = NULL;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_start_ap
+* @details Add a beacon with given parameters, @head, @interval
+* and @dtim_period will be valid, @tail is optional.
+* @param[in] wiphy
+* @param[in] dev The net device structure
+* @param[in] settings cfg80211_ap_settings parameters for the beacon to be added
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author austin
+* @date 23 JUL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_start_ap(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct cfg80211_ap_settings *settings)
+ struct cfg80211_beacon_data* beacon = &(settings->beacon);
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Starting ap\n");
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Interval = %d \n DTIM period = %d\n Head length = %d Tail length = %d\n",
+ settings->beacon_interval , settings->dtim_period, beacon->head_len, beacon->tail_len );
+ s32Error = host_int_add_beacon( priv->hNMIWFIDrv,
+ settings->beacon_interval,
+ settings->dtim_period,
+ beacon->head_len, beacon->head,
+ beacon->tail_len, beacon->tail);
+ #else
+ s32Error = host_add_beacon( priv->hNMIWFIDrv,
+ settings->beacon_interval,
+ settings->dtim_period,
+ beacon->head_len, beacon->head,
+ beacon->tail_len, beacon->tail);
+ #endif
+ _g_pApSettings = settings;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_change_beacon
+* @details Add a beacon with given parameters, @head, @interval
+* and @dtim_period will be valid, @tail is optional.
+* @param[in] wiphy
+* @param[in] dev The net device structure
+* @param[in] beacon cfg80211_beacon_data for the beacon to be changed
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author austin
+* @date 23 JUL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_change_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct cfg80211_beacon_data *beacon)
+ struct cfg80211_ap_settings *settings = _g_pApSettings;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Setting beacon\n");
+ // should be call after start_ap.
+ if (!settings)
+ s32Error = host_int_add_beacon( priv->hNMIWFIDrv,
+ settings->beacon_interval,
+ settings->dtim_period,
+ beacon->head_len, beacon->head,
+ beacon->tail_len, beacon->tail);
+ s32Error = host_add_beacon( priv->hNMIWFIDrv,
+ settings->beacon_interval,
+ settings->dtim_period,
+ beacon->head_len, beacon->head,
+ beacon->tail_len, beacon->tail);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_stop_ap
+* @details Remove beacon configuration and stop sending the beacon.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author austin
+* @date 23 JUL 2013
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_stop_ap(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, wiphy);
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Deleting beacon\n");
+ s32Error = host_int_del_beacon(priv->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ #else
+ s32Error = host_del_beacon(priv->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ #endif
+ _g_pApSettings = NULL; // better to reset primitive regardless of error.
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+#else /* here belows are original for < kernel 3.3 (austin.2013-07-23) */
+* @brief NMI_WFI_add_beacon
+* @details Add a beacon with given parameters, @head, @interval
+* and @dtim_period will be valid, @tail is optional.
+* @param[in] wiphy
+* @param[in] dev The net device structure
+* @param[in] info Parameters for the beacon to be added
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_add_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct beacon_parameters *info)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Adding Beacon\n");
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Interval = %d \n DTIM period = %d\n Head length = %d Tail length = %d\n",info->interval , info->dtim_period,info->head_len,info->tail_len );
+ s32Error = host_int_add_beacon(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, info->interval,
+ info->dtim_period,
+ info->head_len, info->head,
+ info->tail_len, info->tail);
+ #else
+ s32Error = host_add_beacon(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, info->interval,
+ info->dtim_period,
+ info->head_len, info->head,
+ info->tail_len, info->tail);
+ #endif
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_set_beacon
+* @details Change the beacon parameters for an access point mode
+* interface. This should reject the call when no beacon has been
+* configured.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_set_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct beacon_parameters *info)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Setting beacon\n");
+ s32Error = NMI_WFI_add_beacon(wiphy, dev, info);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_del_beacon
+* @details Remove beacon configuration and stop sending the beacon.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_del_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, wiphy);
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Deleting beacon\n");
+ s32Error = host_int_del_beacon(priv->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ #else
+ s32Error = host_del_beacon(priv->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ #endif
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+#endif /* linux kernel 3.4+ (austin.2013-07-23) */
+* @brief NMI_WFI_add_station
+* @details Add a new station.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_add_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ u8 *mac, struct station_parameters *params)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ tstrNMI_AddStaParam strStaParams={{0}};
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, wiphy);
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ nic = netdev_priv(dev);
+ if(nic->iftype == AP_MODE)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strStaParams.au8BSSID, mac, ETH_ALEN);
+ NMI_memcpy(priv->assoc_stainfo.au8Sta_AssociatedBss[params->aid],mac,ETH_ALEN);
+ strStaParams.u16AssocID = params->aid;
+ strStaParams.u8NumRates = params->supported_rates_len;
+ strStaParams.pu8Rates = params->supported_rates;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Adding station parameters %d\n",params->aid);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"BSSID = %x%x%x%x%x%x\n",priv->assoc_stainfo.au8Sta_AssociatedBss[params->aid][0],priv->assoc_stainfo.au8Sta_AssociatedBss[params->aid][1],priv->assoc_stainfo.au8Sta_AssociatedBss[params->aid][2],priv->assoc_stainfo.au8Sta_AssociatedBss[params->aid][3],priv->assoc_stainfo.au8Sta_AssociatedBss[params->aid][4],
+ priv->assoc_stainfo.au8Sta_AssociatedBss[params->aid][5]);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"ASSOC ID = %d\n",strStaParams.u16AssocID);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Number of supported rates = %d\n",strStaParams.u8NumRates);
+ if(params->ht_capa == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ strStaParams.bIsHTSupported = NMI_FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strStaParams.bIsHTSupported = NMI_TRUE;
+ strStaParams.u16HTCapInfo = params->ht_capa->cap_info;
+ strStaParams.u8AmpduParams = params->ht_capa->ampdu_params_info;
+ NMI_memcpy(strStaParams.au8SuppMCsSet, &params->ht_capa->mcs, NMI_SUPP_MCS_SET_SIZE);
+ strStaParams.u16HTExtParams = params->ht_capa->extended_ht_cap_info;
+ strStaParams.u32TxBeamformingCap = params->ht_capa->tx_BF_cap_info;
+ strStaParams.u8ASELCap = params->ht_capa->antenna_selection_info;
+ }
+ strStaParams.u16FlagsMask = params->sta_flags_mask;
+ strStaParams.u16FlagsSet = params->sta_flags_set;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"IS HT supported = %d\n", strStaParams.bIsHTSupported);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Capability Info = %d\n", strStaParams.u16HTCapInfo);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"AMPDU Params = %d\n",strStaParams.u8AmpduParams);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"HT Extended params = %d\n",strStaParams.u16HTExtParams);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Tx Beamforming Cap = %d\n",strStaParams.u32TxBeamformingCap);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Antenna selection info = %d\n",strStaParams.u8ASELCap);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Flag Mask = %d\n",strStaParams.u16FlagsMask);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Flag Set = %d\n",strStaParams.u16FlagsSet);
+ s32Error = host_int_add_station(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, &strStaParams);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_del_station
+* @details Remove a station; @mac may be NULL to remove all stations.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_del_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ u8 *mac)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, wiphy);
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, mac);
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ nic = netdev_priv(dev);
+ if(nic->iftype == AP_MODE)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Deleting station\n");
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"With mac address: %x%x%x%x%x%x\n",mac[0],mac[1],mac[2],mac[3],mac[4],mac[5]);
+ s32Error = host_int_del_station(priv->hNMIWFIDrv , mac);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_change_station
+* @details Modify a given station.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_change_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ u8 *mac, struct station_parameters *params)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ tstrNMI_AddStaParam strStaParams={{0}};
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Change station paramters\n");
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, wiphy);
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ nic = netdev_priv(dev);
+ if(nic->iftype == AP_MODE)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strStaParams.au8BSSID, mac, ETH_ALEN);
+ strStaParams.u16AssocID = params->aid;
+ strStaParams.u8NumRates = params->supported_rates_len;
+ strStaParams.pu8Rates = params->supported_rates;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"BSSID = %x%x%x%x%x%x\n",strStaParams.au8BSSID[0],strStaParams.au8BSSID[1],strStaParams.au8BSSID[2],strStaParams.au8BSSID[3],strStaParams.au8BSSID[4],
+ strStaParams.au8BSSID[5]);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"ASSOC ID = %d\n",strStaParams.u16AssocID);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Number of supported rates = %d\n",strStaParams.u8NumRates);
+ if(params->ht_capa == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ strStaParams.bIsHTSupported = NMI_FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strStaParams.bIsHTSupported = NMI_TRUE;
+ strStaParams.u16HTCapInfo = params->ht_capa->cap_info;
+ strStaParams.u8AmpduParams = params->ht_capa->ampdu_params_info;
+ NMI_memcpy(strStaParams.au8SuppMCsSet, &params->ht_capa->mcs, NMI_SUPP_MCS_SET_SIZE);
+ strStaParams.u16HTExtParams = params->ht_capa->extended_ht_cap_info;
+ strStaParams.u32TxBeamformingCap = params->ht_capa->tx_BF_cap_info;
+ strStaParams.u8ASELCap = params->ht_capa->antenna_selection_info;
+ }
+ strStaParams.u16FlagsMask = params->sta_flags_mask;
+ strStaParams.u16FlagsSet = params->sta_flags_set;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"IS HT supported = %d\n", strStaParams.bIsHTSupported);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Capability Info = %d\n", strStaParams.u16HTCapInfo);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"AMPDU Params = %d\n",strStaParams.u8AmpduParams);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"HT Extended params = %d\n",strStaParams.u16HTExtParams);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Tx Beamforming Cap = %d\n",strStaParams.u32TxBeamformingCap);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Antenna selection info = %d\n",strStaParams.u8ASELCap);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Flag Mask = %d\n",strStaParams.u16FlagsMask);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Flag Set = %d\n",strStaParams.u16FlagsSet);
+ s32Error = host_int_edit_station(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, &strStaParams);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_add_virt_intf
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0
+struct net_device *
+NMI_WFI_add_virt_intf(struct wiphy *wiphy, char *name,
+ enum nl80211_iftype type, u32 *flags,
+ struct vif_params *params)
+ linux_wlan_t *nic;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ //struct NMI_WFI_mon_priv* mon_priv;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Adding monitor interface\n");
+ nic = netdev_priv(priv->wdev->netdev);
+ if(type == NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Monitor interface mode: Initializing mon interface virtual device driver\n");
+ s32Error = NMI_WFI_init_mon_interface(name,nic->nmc_netdev);
+ if(!s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Setting monitor flag in private structure\n");
+ priv = netdev_priv(priv->wdev->netdev);
+ priv->monitor_flag = 1;
+ #else
+ nic = netdev_priv(priv->wdev->netdev);
+ nic->monitor_flag = 1;
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ PRINT_ER("Error in initializing monitor interface\n ");
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+ #else
+ return priv->wdev->netdev;
+ #endif
+* @brief NMI_WFI_del_virt_intf
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_del_virt_intf(struct wiphy *wiphy,struct net_device *dev)
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Deleting virtual interface\n");
+ return NMI_SUCCESS;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_action
+* @details Transmit an action frame
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0
+* */
+int NMI_WFI_action(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct ieee80211_channel *chan,enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type,
+ const u8 *buf, size_t len, u64 *cookie)
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"In action function\n");
+ return NMI_SUCCESS;
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+* @brief NMI_WFI_frame_register
+* @details Notify driver that a management frame type was
+* registered. Note that this callback may not sleep, and cannot run
+* concurrently with itself.
+* @param[in]
+* @return NONE.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 JUL 2012
+* @version
+void NMI_WFI_frame_register(struct wiphy *wiphy,struct net_device *dev,
+ u16 frame_type, bool reg)
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Frame registering Frame Type: %x\n",frame_type);
+* @brief NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx_frame
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return NONE.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 JUL 2012
+* @version
+int NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct ieee80211_channel *chan, bool offchan,
+ enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type,
+ bool channel_type_valid, unsigned int wait,
+ const u8 *buf, size_t len, u64 *cookie)
+int NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ struct ieee80211_channel *chan,
+ enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type,
+ bool channel_type_valid,
+ const u8 *buf, size_t len, u64 *cookie)
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ struct p2p_mgmt_data *mgmt_tx;
+ nic =netdev_priv(dev);
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"In NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx function \n");
+ /*mgmt frame allocation*/
+ mgmt_tx = (struct p2p_mgmt_data*)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(struct p2p_mgmt_data));
+ if(mgmt_tx == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for mgmt_tx structure\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ mgmt_tx->buff= (char*)NMI_MALLOC(len);
+ if(mgmt_tx->buff == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for mgmt_tx buff\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ memcpy(mgmt_tx->buff,buf,len);
+ mgmt_tx->size=len;
+ /*send mgmt frame to firmware*/
+ nic->oup.wlan_add_mgmt_to_tx_que(mgmt_tx,mgmt_tx->buff,mgmt_tx->size,NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx_complete);
+ cfg80211_mgmt_tx_status(dev,*cookie,buf,len,true,GFP_KERNEL);
+ return 0;
+#endif /*NMI_P2P*/
+static struct cfg80211_ops NMI_WFI_cfg80211_ops = {
+ .set_channel = NMI_WFI_CfgSetChannel,
+ .scan = NMI_WFI_CfgScan,
+ .connect = NMI_WFI_CfgConnect,
+ .disconnect = NMI_WFI_disconnect,
+ .add_key = NMI_WFI_add_key,
+ .del_key = NMI_WFI_del_key,
+ .get_key = NMI_WFI_get_key,
+ .set_default_key = NMI_WFI_set_default_key,
+ //.dump_survey = NMI_WFI_dump_survey,
+ .add_virtual_intf = NMI_WFI_add_virt_intf,
+ .del_virtual_intf = NMI_WFI_del_virt_intf,
+ .change_virtual_intf = NMI_WFI_change_virt_intf,
+ .add_beacon = NMI_WFI_add_beacon,
+ .set_beacon = NMI_WFI_set_beacon,
+ .del_beacon = NMI_WFI_del_beacon,
+ /* supports kernel 3.4+ change. austin.2013-07-23 */
+ .start_ap = NMI_WFI_start_ap,
+ .change_beacon = NMI_WFI_change_beacon,
+ .stop_ap = NMI_WFI_stop_ap,
+ .add_station = NMI_WFI_add_station,
+ .del_station = NMI_WFI_del_station,
+ .change_station = NMI_WFI_change_station,
+ .action = NMI_WFI_action,
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #ifdef NMI_P2P
+ .mgmt_tx = NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx,
+ .mgmt_frame_register = NMI_WFI_frame_register,
+ #endif/*NMI_P2P*/
+ #endif
+ #endif /* NMI_AP_EXTERNAL_MLME*/
+ .get_station = NMI_WFI_get_station,
+ .dump_station = NMI_WFI_dump_station,
+ .change_bss = NMI_WFI_change_bss,
+ //.auth = NMI_WFI_auth,
+ //.assoc = NMI_WFI_assoc,
+ //.deauth = NMI_WFI_deauth,
+ //.disassoc = NMI_WFI_disassoc,
+ .set_wiphy_params = NMI_WFI_set_wiphy_params,
+ .set_bitrate_mask = NMI_WFI_set_bitrate_mask,
+ .set_pmksa = NMI_WFI_set_pmksa,
+ .del_pmksa = NMI_WFI_del_pmksa,
+ .flush_pmksa = NMI_WFI_flush_pmksa,
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+ .remain_on_channel = NMI_WFI_remain_on_channel,
+ .cancel_remain_on_channel = NMI_WFI_cancel_remain_on_channel,
+ //.mgmt_tx_cancel_wait = NMI_WFI_mgmt_tx_cancel_wait,
+ .set_power_mgmt = NMI_WFI_set_power_mgmt,
+ .set_cqm_rssi_config = NMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_config,
+* @brief NMI_WFI_update_stats
+* @details Modify parameters for a given BSS.
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0NMI_WFI_set_cqmNMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_configNMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_configNMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_configNMI_WFI_set_cqm_rssi_config_rssi_config
+int NMI_WFI_update_stats(struct wiphy *wiphy, u32 pktlen , u8 changed)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+ //NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&SemHandleUpdateStats,NULL);
+#if 1
+ switch(changed)
+ {
+ case NMI_WFI_RX_PKT:
+ {
+ //MI_PRINTF("In Rx Receive Packet\n");
+ priv->netstats.rx_packets++;
+ priv->netstats.rx_bytes += pktlen;
+ priv->netstats.rx_time = get_jiffies_64();
+ }
+ break;
+ case NMI_WFI_TX_PKT:
+ {
+ //NMI_PRINTF("In Tx Receive Packet\n");
+ priv->netstats.tx_packets++;
+ priv->netstats.tx_bytes += pktlen;
+ priv->netstats.tx_time = get_jiffies_64();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ //NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&SemHandleUpdateStats,NULL);
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_InitPriv
+* @details Initialization of the net device, private data
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_InitPriv(struct net_device *dev)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ priv->netstats.rx_packets = 0;
+ priv->netstats.tx_packets = 0;
+ priv->netstats.rx_bytes = 0;
+ priv->netstats.rx_bytes = 0;
+ priv->netstats.rx_time = 0;
+ priv->netstats.tx_time = 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_CfgAlloc
+* @details Allocation of the wireless device structure and assigning it
+* to the cfg80211 operations structure.
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return wireless_dev : Returns pointer to wireless_dev structure.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+struct wireless_dev* NMI_WFI_CfgAlloc(void)
+ struct wireless_dev *wdev;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Allocating wireless device\n");
+ /*Allocating the wireless device structure*/
+ wdev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct wireless_dev), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!wdev)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Cannot allocate wireless device\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /*Creating a new wiphy, linking wireless structure with the wiphy structure*/
+ wdev->wiphy = wiphy_new(&NMI_WFI_cfg80211_ops, sizeof(struct NMI_WFI_priv));
+ if (!wdev->wiphy)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Cannot allocate wiphy\n");
+ goto _fail_mem_;
+ }
+ //enable 802.11n HT
+ NMI_WFI_band_2ghz.ht_cap.ht_supported = 1;
+ NMI_WFI_band_2ghz.ht_cap.cap |= (1 << IEEE80211_HT_CAP_RX_STBC_SHIFT);
+ NMI_WFI_band_2ghz.ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask[0] = 0xff;
+ NMI_WFI_band_2ghz.ht_cap.ampdu_factor = IEEE80211_HT_MAX_AMPDU_8K;
+ NMI_WFI_band_2ghz.ht_cap.ampdu_density = IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_NONE;
+ #endif
+ /*wiphy bands*/
+ wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ]= &NMI_WFI_band_2ghz;
+ return wdev;
+ kfree(wdev);
+ return NULL;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_WiphyRegister
+* @details Registering of the wiphy structure and interface modes
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+struct wireless_dev* NMI_WFI_WiphyRegister(struct net_device *net)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ struct wireless_dev *wdev;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Registering wifi device\n");
+ wdev = NMI_WFI_CfgAlloc();
+ if(wdev == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("CfgAlloc Failed\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&SemHandleUpdateStats,NULL);
+ /*Return hardware description structure (wiphy)'s priv*/
+ priv = wdev_priv(wdev);
+ /*Link the wiphy with wireless structure*/
+ priv->wdev = wdev;
+ /*Maximum number of probed ssid to be added by user for the scan request*/
+ wdev->wiphy->max_scan_ssids = MAX_NUM_PROBED_SSID;
+ /*Maximum number of pmkids to be cashed*/
+ wdev->wiphy->max_num_pmkids = NMI_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS;
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"Max number of PMKIDs = %d\n",wdev->wiphy->max_num_pmkids);
+ #endif
+ wdev->wiphy->max_scan_ie_len = 1000;
+ /*signal strength in mBm (100*dBm) */
+ wdev->wiphy->signal_type = CFG80211_SIGNAL_TYPE_MBM;
+ /*Set the availaible cipher suites*/
+ wdev->wiphy->cipher_suites = cipher_suites;
+ wdev->wiphy->n_cipher_suites = ARRAY_SIZE(cipher_suites);
+ /*Setting default managment types: for register action frame: */
+ wdev->wiphy->mgmt_stypes = nmi_wfi_cfg80211_mgmt_types;
+ wdev->wiphy->max_remain_on_channel_duration = 5000;
+ /*Setting the wiphy interfcae mode and type before registering the wiphy*/
+ wdev->wiphy->interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) |
+ wdev->iftype = NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION;
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG,"Max scan ids = %d,Max scan IE len = %d,Signal Type = %d,Interface Modes = %d,Interface Type = %d\n",
+ wdev->wiphy->max_scan_ssids,wdev->wiphy->max_scan_ie_len,wdev->wiphy->signal_type,
+ wdev->wiphy->interface_modes, wdev->iftype);
+ /*Register wiphy structure*/
+ s32Error = wiphy_register(wdev->wiphy);
+ if (s32Error){
+ PRINT_ER("Cannot register wiphy device\n");
+ /*should define what action to be taken in such failure*/
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Successful Registering\n");
+ }
+#if 0
+ /*wdev[i]->wiphy->interface_modes =
+ wdev[i]->iftype = NL80211_IFTYPE_AP;
+ */
+ /*Pointing the priv structure the netdev*/
+ priv= netdev_priv(net);
+ /*linking the wireless_dev structure with the netdevice*/
+ priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr = wdev;
+ priv->dev->ml_priv = priv;
+ wdev->netdev = priv->dev;
+ priv->dev = net;
+#if 0
+ ret = host_int_init(&priv->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("Error Init Driver\n");
+ }
+ return wdev;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_WiphyFree
+* @details Freeing allocation of the wireless device structure
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_InitHostInt(struct net_device *net)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ tstrNMI_SemaphoreAttrs strSemaphoreAttrs;
+ s32Error = NMI_TimerCreate(&hAgingTimer, remove_network_from_shadow, NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to creat refresh Timer\n");
+ return s32Error;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreFillDefault(&strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ //strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&hSemScanReq, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ priv = wdev_priv(net->ieee80211_ptr);
+ s32Error = host_int_init(&priv->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error while initializing hostinterface\n");
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_WiphyFree
+* @details Freeing allocation of the wireless device structure
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_DeInitHostInt(struct net_device *net)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ priv = wdev_priv(net->ieee80211_ptr);
+ clear_cached_scan_results(priv);
+#ifdef AGING_ALG
+ /* Clear the Shadow scan */
+ clear_shadow_scan(priv);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&hSemScanReq,NULL);
+ s32Error = host_int_deinit(priv->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error while deintializing host interface\n");
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_WiphyFree
+* @details Freeing allocation of the wireless device structure
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_WiphyFree(struct net_device *net)
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Unregistering wiphy\n");
+ if(net == NULL){
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"net_device is NULL\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(net->ieee80211_ptr == NULL){
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"ieee80211_ptr is NULL\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(net->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy == NULL){
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"wiphy is NULL\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ wiphy_unregister(net->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy);
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Freeing wiphy\n");
+ wiphy_free(net->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy);
+ kfree(net->ieee80211_ptr);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..41847cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/NMI_WFI_NetDevice.c
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+* @file NMI_WFI_NetDevice.c
+* @brief File Operations OS wrapper functionality
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @sa NMI_WFI_NetDevice.h
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+#include "linux/include/NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h"
+#include "host_interface.h"
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Mai Daftedar");
+struct net_device *NMI_WFI_devs[2];
+* Transmitter lockup simulation, normally disabled.
+static int lockup = 0;
+module_param(lockup, int, 0);
+static int timeout = NMI_WFI_TIMEOUT;
+module_param(timeout, int, 0);
+* Do we run in NAPI mode?
+static int use_napi = 0;
+module_param(use_napi, int, 0);
+* A structure representing an in-flight packet.
+struct NMI_WFI_packet {
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *next;
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ int datalen;
+ u8 data[ETH_DATA_LEN];
+int pool_size = 8;
+module_param(pool_size, int, 0);
+static void NMI_WFI_TxTimeout(struct net_device *dev);
+static void (*NMI_WFI_Interrupt)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
+* @brief NMI_WFI_SetupPool
+* @details Set up a device's packet pool.
+* @param[in] struct net_device *dev : Network Device Pointer
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+ void NMI_WFI_SetupPool(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ int i;
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt;
+ priv->ppool = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < pool_size; i++) {
+ pkt = kmalloc (sizeof (struct NMI_WFI_packet), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (pkt == NULL) {
+ printk (KERN_NOTICE "Ran out of memory allocating packet pool\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ pkt->dev = dev;
+ pkt->next = priv->ppool;
+ priv->ppool = pkt;
+ }
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_TearDownPool
+* @details Internal cleanup function that's called after the network device
+ driver is unregistered
+* @param[in] struct net_device *dev : Network Device Driver
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_TearDownPool(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt;
+ while ((pkt = priv->ppool)) {
+ priv->ppool = pkt->next;
+ kfree (pkt);
+ /* FIXME - in-flight packets ? */
+ }
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_GetTxBuffer
+* @details Buffer/pool management
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @return struct NMI_WFI_packet
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *NMI_WFI_GetTxBuffer(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
+ pkt = priv->ppool;
+ priv->ppool = pkt->next;
+ if (priv->ppool == NULL) {
+ printk (KERN_INFO "Pool empty\n");
+ netif_stop_queue(dev);
+ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);
+ return pkt;
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_ReleaseBuffer
+* @details Buffer/pool management
+* @param[in] NMI_WFI_packet *pkt : Structure holding in-flight packet
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_ReleaseBuffer(struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(pkt->dev);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
+ pkt->next = priv->ppool;
+ priv->ppool = pkt;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);
+ if (netif_queue_stopped(pkt->dev) && pkt->next == NULL)
+ netif_wake_queue(pkt->dev);
+* @brief NMI_WFI_EnqueueBuf
+* @details Enqueuing packets in an RX buffer queue
+* @param[in] NMI_WFI_packet *pkt : Structure holding in-flight packet
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_EnqueueBuf(struct net_device *dev, struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
+ pkt->next = priv->rx_queue; /* FIXME - misorders packets */
+ priv->rx_queue = pkt;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_DequeueBuf
+* @details Dequeuing packets from the RX buffer queue
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @return NMI_WFI_packet *pkt : Structure holding in-flight pac
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+struct NMI_WFI_packet *NMI_WFI_DequeueBuf(struct net_device *dev)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
+ pkt = priv->rx_queue;
+ if (pkt != NULL)
+ priv->rx_queue = pkt->next;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);
+ return pkt;
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_RxInts
+* @details Enable and disable receive interrupts.
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @param[in] enable : Enable/Disable flag
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static void NMI_WFI_RxInts(struct net_device *dev, int enable)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ priv->rx_int_enabled = enable;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Open
+* @details Open Network Device Driver, called when the network
+ interface is opened. It starts the interface's transmit queue.
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @param[in] enable : Enable/Disable flag
+* @return int : Returns 0 upon success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_Open(struct net_device *dev)
+ /* request_region(), request_irq(), .... (like fops->open) */
+ /*
+ * Assign the hardware address of the board: use "\0SNULx", where
+ * x is 0 or 1. The first byte is '\0' to avoid being a multicast
+ * address (the first byte of multicast addrs is odd).
+ */
+ memcpy(dev->dev_addr, "\0WLAN0", ETH_ALEN);
+ if (dev == NMI_WFI_devs[1])
+ dev->dev_addr[ETH_ALEN-1]++; /* \0SNUL1 */
+ NMI_WFI_InitHostInt(dev);
+ netif_start_queue(dev);
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Release
+* @details Release Network Device Driver, called when the network
+ interface is stopped or brought down. This function marks
+ the network driver as not being able to transmit
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_Release(struct net_device *dev)
+ /* release ports, irq and such -- like fops->close */
+ netif_stop_queue(dev); /* can't transmit any more */
+ return 0;
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Config
+* @details Configuration changes (passed on by ifconfig)
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @param[in] struct ifmap *map : Contains the ioctl implementation for the
+ network driver.
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_Config(struct net_device *dev, struct ifmap *map)
+ if (dev->flags & IFF_UP) /* can't act on a running interface */
+ return -EBUSY;
+ /* Don't allow changing the I/O address */
+ if (map->base_addr != dev->base_addr) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "NMI_WFI: Can't change I/O address\n");
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ /* Allow changing the IRQ */
+ if (map->irq != dev->irq) {
+ dev->irq = map->irq;
+ /* request_irq() is delayed to open-time */
+ }
+ /* ignore other fields */
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Rx
+* @details Receive a packet: retrieve, encapsulate and pass over to upper
+ levels
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @param[in] NMI_WFI_packet :
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_Rx(struct net_device *dev, struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt)
+ int i;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ s8 rssi;
+ /*
+ * The packet has been retrieved from the transmission
+ * medium. Build an skb around it, so upper layers can handle it
+ */
+ skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt->datalen + 2);
+ if (!skb) {
+ if (printk_ratelimit())
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "NMI_WFI rx: low on mem - packet dropped\n");
+ priv->stats.rx_dropped++;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* align IP on 16B boundary */
+ memcpy(skb_put(skb, pkt->datalen), pkt->data, pkt->datalen);
+ if(priv->monitor_flag)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(RX_DBG,"In monitor device name %s\n", dev->name);
+ priv = wiphy_priv(priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy);
+ printk("VALUE PASSED IN OF HRWD %p\n", priv->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ // host_int_get_rssi(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, &(rssi));
+ // NMI_PRINTF("RSSI value is %d\n", rssi);
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for (i=14 ; i<skb->len; i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(RX_DBG,"RXdata[%d] %02x\n",i,skb->data[i]);
+ }
+ NMI_WFI_monitor_rx(dev, skb);
+ return;
+ }
+#if 0
+ NMI_PRINTF("In RX NORMAl Device name %s\n", dev->name);
+ /* Write metadata, and then pass to the receive level */
+ skb->dev = dev;
+ skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev);
+ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; /* don't check it */
+ NMI_WFI_update_stats(priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy ,pkt->datalen,NMI_WFI_RX_PKT);
+ netif_rx(skb);
+ return;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Poll
+* @details The poll implementation
+* @param[in] struct napi_struct *napi :
+* @param[in] int budget :
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static int NMI_WFI_Poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget)
+ int npackets = 0;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = container_of(napi, struct NMI_WFI_priv, napi);
+ struct net_device *dev = priv->dev;
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt;
+ while (npackets < budget && priv->rx_queue) {
+ pkt = NMI_WFI_DequeueBuf(dev);
+ skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt->datalen + 2);
+ if (! skb) {
+ if (printk_ratelimit())
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "NMI_WFI: packet dropped\n");
+ priv->stats.rx_dropped++;
+ NMI_WFI_ReleaseBuffer(pkt);
+ continue;
+ }
+ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* align IP on 16B boundary */
+ memcpy(skb_put(skb, pkt->datalen), pkt->data, pkt->datalen);
+ skb->dev = dev;
+ skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev);
+ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; /* don't check it */
+ netif_receive_skb(skb);
+ /* Maintain stats */
+ npackets++;
+ NMI_WFI_update_stats(priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy,pkt->datalen,NMI_WFI_RX_PKT);
+ NMI_WFI_ReleaseBuffer(pkt);
+ }
+ /* If we processed all packets, we're done; tell the kernel and re-enable ints */
+ if (npackets < budget) {
+ napi_complete(napi);
+ NMI_WFI_RxInts(dev, 1);
+ }
+ return npackets;
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Poll
+* @details The typical interrupt entry point
+* @param[in] struct napi_struct *napi :
+* @param[in] int budget :
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static void NMI_WFI_RegularInterrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ int statusword;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *pkt = NULL;
+ /*
+ * As usual, check the "device" pointer to be sure it is
+ * really interrupting.
+ * Then assign "struct device *dev"
+ */
+ struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)dev_id;
+ /* ... and check with hw if it's really ours */
+ /* paranoid */
+ if (!dev)
+ return;
+ /* Lock the device */
+ priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ spin_lock(&priv->lock);
+ /* retrieve statusword: real netdevices use I/O instructions */
+ statusword = priv->status;
+ priv->status = 0;
+ if (statusword & NMI_WFI_RX_INTR) {
+ /* send it to NMI_WFI_rx for handling */
+ pkt = priv->rx_queue;
+ if (pkt) {
+ priv->rx_queue = pkt->next;
+ NMI_WFI_Rx(dev, pkt);
+ }
+ }
+ if (statusword & NMI_WFI_TX_INTR) {
+ /* a transmission is over: free the skb */
+ NMI_WFI_update_stats(priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy,priv->tx_packetlen,NMI_WFI_TX_PKT);
+ dev_kfree_skb(priv->skb);
+ }
+ /* Unlock the device and we are done */
+ spin_unlock(&priv->lock);
+ if (pkt) NMI_WFI_ReleaseBuffer(pkt); /* Do this outside the lock! */
+ return;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_NapiInterrupt
+* @details A NAPI interrupt handler
+* @param[in] irq:
+* @param[in] dev_id:
+* @param[in] pt_regs:
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static void NMI_WFI_NapiInterrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ int statusword;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ /*
+ * As usual, check the "device" pointer for shared handlers.
+ * Then assign "struct device *dev"
+ */
+ struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)dev_id;
+ /* ... and check with hw if it's really ours */
+ /* paranoid */
+ if (!dev)
+ return;
+ /* Lock the device */
+ priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ spin_lock(&priv->lock);
+ /* retrieve statusword: real netdevices use I/O instructions */
+ statusword = priv->status;
+ priv->status = 0;
+ if (statusword & NMI_WFI_RX_INTR) {
+ NMI_WFI_RxInts(dev, 0); /* Disable further interrupts */
+ napi_schedule(&priv->napi);
+ }
+ if (statusword & NMI_WFI_TX_INTR) {
+ /* a transmission is over: free the skb */
+ NMI_WFI_update_stats(priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy,priv->tx_packetlen,NMI_WFI_TX_PKT);
+ dev_kfree_skb(priv->skb);
+ }
+ /* Unlock the device and we are done */
+ spin_unlock(&priv->lock);
+ return;
+* @brief MI_WFI_HwTx
+* @details Transmit a packet (low level interface)
+* @param[in] buf:
+* @param[in] len:
+* @param[in] net_device *dev:
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+ void NMI_WFI_HwTx(char *buf, int len, struct net_device *dev)
+ /*
+ * This function deals with hw details. This interface loops
+ * back the packet to the other NMI_WFI interface (if any).
+ * In other words, this function implements the NMI_WFI behaviour,
+ * while all other procedures are rather device-independent
+ */
+ struct iphdr *ih;
+ struct net_device *dest;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ u32 *saddr, *daddr;
+ struct NMI_WFI_packet *tx_buffer;
+ /* I am paranoid. Ain't I? */
+ if (len < sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct iphdr)) {
+ printk("NMI_WFI: Hmm... packet too short (%i octets)\n",
+ len);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (0) { /* enable this conditional to look at the data */
+ int i;
+ printk("len is %i",len);
+ for (i=14 ; i<len; i++)
+ printk("TXdata[%d] %02x\n",i,buf[i]&0xff);
+ // printk("\n");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Ethhdr is 14 bytes, but the kernel arranges for iphdr
+ * to be aligned (i.e., ethhdr is unaligned)
+ */
+ ih = (struct iphdr *)(buf+sizeof(struct ethhdr));
+ saddr = &ih->saddr;
+ daddr = &ih->daddr;
+ ((u8 *)saddr)[2] ^= 1; /* change the third octet (class C) */
+ ((u8 *)daddr)[2] ^= 1;
+ ih->check = 0; /* and rebuild the checksum (ip needs it) */
+ ih->check = ip_fast_csum((unsigned char *)ih,ih->ihl);
+ if (dev == NMI_WFI_devs[0])
+ PDEBUGG("%08x:%05i --> %08x:%05i\n",
+ ntohl(ih->saddr),ntohs(((struct tcphdr *)(ih+1))->source),
+ ntohl(ih->daddr),ntohs(((struct tcphdr *)(ih+1))->dest));
+ else
+ PDEBUGG("%08x:%05i <-- %08x:%05i\n",
+ ntohl(ih->daddr),ntohs(((struct tcphdr *)(ih+1))->dest),
+ ntohl(ih->saddr),ntohs(((struct tcphdr *)(ih+1))->source));
+ /*
+ * Ok, now the packet is ready for transmission: first simulate a
+ * receive interrupt on the twin device, then a
+ * transmission-done on the transmitting device
+ */
+ dest = NMI_WFI_devs[dev == NMI_WFI_devs[0] ? 1 : 0];
+ priv = netdev_priv(dest);
+ tx_buffer = NMI_WFI_GetTxBuffer(dev);
+ tx_buffer->datalen = len;
+ memcpy(tx_buffer->data, buf, len);
+ NMI_WFI_EnqueueBuf(dest, tx_buffer);
+ if (priv->rx_int_enabled) {
+ priv->status |= NMI_WFI_RX_INTR;
+ NMI_WFI_Interrupt(0, dest, NULL);
+ }
+ priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ priv->tx_packetlen = len;
+ priv->tx_packetdata = buf;
+ priv->status |= NMI_WFI_TX_INTR;
+ if (lockup && ((priv->stats.tx_packets + 1) % lockup) == 0) {
+ /* Simulate a dropped transmit interrupt */
+ netif_stop_queue(dev);
+ PDEBUG("Simulate lockup at %ld, txp %ld\n", jiffies,
+ (unsigned long) priv->stats.tx_packets);
+ }
+ else
+ NMI_WFI_Interrupt(0, dev, NULL);
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Tx
+* @details Transmit a packet (called by the kernel)
+* @param[in] sk_buff *skb:
+* @param[in] net_device *dev:
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_Tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
+ int len;
+ char *data, shortpkt[ETH_ZLEN];
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ // priv = wiphy_priv(priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy);
+ // if(priv->monitor_flag)
+ // mac80211_hwsim_monitor_rx(skb);
+ data = skb->data;
+ len = skb->len;
+ if (len < ETH_ZLEN) {
+ memset(shortpkt, 0, ETH_ZLEN);
+ memcpy(shortpkt, skb->data, skb->len);
+ len = ETH_ZLEN;
+ data = shortpkt;
+ }
+ dev->trans_start = jiffies; /* save the timestamp */
+ /* Remember the skb, so we can free it at interrupt time */
+ priv->skb = skb;
+ /* actual deliver of data is device-specific, and not shown here */
+ NMI_WFI_HwTx(data, len, dev);
+ return 0; /* Our simple device can not fail */
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_TxTimeout
+* @details Deal with a transmit timeout.
+* @param[in] net_device *dev:
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_TxTimeout(struct net_device *dev)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ PDEBUG("Transmit timeout at %ld, latency %ld\n", jiffies,
+ jiffies - dev->trans_start);
+ /* Simulate a transmission interrupt to get things moving */
+ priv->status = NMI_WFI_TX_INTR;
+ NMI_WFI_Interrupt(0, dev, NULL);
+ priv->stats.tx_errors++;
+ netif_wake_queue(dev);
+ return;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Ioctl
+* @details Ioctl commands
+* @param[in] net_device *dev:
+* @param[in] ifreq *rq
+* @param[in] cmd:
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_Ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd)
+ PDEBUG("ioctl\n");
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Stat
+* @details Return statistics to the caller
+* @param[in] net_device *dev:
+* @return NMI_WFI_Stats : Return net_device_stats stucture with the
+ network device driver private data contents.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+struct net_device_stats *NMI_WFI_Stats(struct net_device *dev)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ return &priv->stats;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_RebuildHeader
+* @details This function is called to fill up an eth header, since arp is not
+* available on the interface
+* @param[in] sk_buff *skb:
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_RebuildHeader(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *) skb->data;
+ struct net_device *dev = skb->dev;
+ memcpy(eth->h_source, dev->dev_addr, dev->addr_len);
+ memcpy(eth->h_dest, dev->dev_addr, dev->addr_len);
+ eth->h_dest[ETH_ALEN-1] ^= 0x01; /* dest is us xor 1 */
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_RebuildHeader
+* @details This function is called to fill up an eth header, since arp is not
+* available on the interface
+* @param[in] sk_buff *skb:
+* @param[in] struct net_device *dev:
+* @param[in] unsigned short type:
+* @param[in] const void *saddr,
+* @param[in] const void *daddr:
+* @param[in] unsigned int len
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_Header(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
+ unsigned short type, const void *daddr, const void *saddr,
+ unsigned int len)
+ struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *)skb_push(skb,ETH_HLEN);
+ eth->h_proto = htons(type);
+ memcpy(eth->h_source, saddr ? saddr : dev->dev_addr, dev->addr_len);
+ memcpy(eth->h_dest, daddr ? daddr : dev->dev_addr, dev->addr_len);
+ eth->h_dest[ETH_ALEN-1] ^= 0x01; /* dest is us xor 1 */
+ return (dev->hard_header_len);
+* @brief NMI_WFI_ChangeMtu
+* @details The "change_mtu" method is usually not needed.
+* If you need it, it must be like this.
+* @param[in] net_device *dev : Network Device Driver Structure
+* @param[in] new_mtu :
+* @return int : Returns 0 on Success.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_ChangeMtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ spinlock_t *lock = &priv->lock;
+ /* check ranges */
+ if ((new_mtu < 68) || (new_mtu > 1500))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ /*
+ * Do anything you need, and the accept the value
+ */
+ spin_lock_irqsave(lock, flags);
+ dev->mtu = new_mtu;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(lock, flags);
+ return 0; /* success */
+static const struct header_ops NMI_WFI_header_ops = {
+ .create = NMI_WFI_Header,
+ .rebuild = NMI_WFI_RebuildHeader,
+ .cache = NULL, /* disable caching */
+static const struct net_device_ops NMI_WFI_netdev_ops = {
+ .ndo_open = NMI_WFI_Open,
+ .ndo_stop = NMI_WFI_Release,
+ .ndo_set_config = NMI_WFI_Config,
+ .ndo_start_xmit = NMI_WFI_Tx,
+ .ndo_do_ioctl = NMI_WFI_Ioctl,
+ .ndo_get_stats = NMI_WFI_Stats,
+ .ndo_change_mtu = NMI_WFI_ChangeMtu,
+ .ndo_tx_timeout = NMI_WFI_TxTimeout,
+ };
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Init
+* @details The init function (sometimes called probe).
+* It is invoked by register_netdev()
+* @param[in] net_device *dev:
+* @return NONE
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_Init(struct net_device *dev)
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv;
+ /*
+ * Then, assign other fields in dev, using ether_setup() and some
+ * hand assignments
+ */
+ ether_setup(dev); /* assign some of the fields */
+ //1- Allocate space
+ dev->netdev_ops = &NMI_WFI_netdev_ops;
+ dev->header_ops = &NMI_WFI_header_ops;
+ dev->watchdog_timeo = timeout;
+ /* keep the default flags, just add NOARP */
+ dev->flags |= IFF_NOARP;
+ dev->features |= NETIF_F_NO_CSUM;
+ /*
+ * Then, initialize the priv field. This encloses the statistics
+ * and a few private fields.
+ */
+ priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ memset(priv, 0, sizeof(struct NMI_WFI_priv));
+ priv->dev = dev;
+ netif_napi_add(dev, &priv->napi, NMI_WFI_Poll, 2);
+ /* The last parameter above is the NAPI "weight". */
+ spin_lock_init(&priv->lock);
+ NMI_WFI_RxInts(dev, 1); /* enable receive interrupts */
+ NMI_WFI_SetupPool(dev);
+ }
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Stat
+* @details Return statistics to the caller
+* @param[in] net_device *dev:
+* @return NMI_WFI_Stats : Return net_device_stats stucture with the
+ network device driver private data contents.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NMI_WFI_Cleanup(void)
+ int i;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv[2];
+ /*if(hwsim_mon!=NULL)
+ {
+ printk("Freeing monitor interface\n");
+ unregister_netdev(hwsim_mon);
+ free_netdev(hwsim_mon);
+ }*/
+ for (i = 0; i < 2;i++)
+ {
+ priv[i] = netdev_priv(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ if (NMI_WFI_devs[i])
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("Unregistering\n");
+ unregister_netdev(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ NMI_WFI_TearDownPool(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ free_netdev(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ NMI_PRINTF("[NETDEV]Stopping interface\n");
+ NMI_WFI_DeInitHostInt(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ NMI_WFI_WiphyFree(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ //unregister_netdev(hwsim_mon);
+ NMI_WFI_deinit_mon_interface();
+ return;
+void StartConfigSim(void);
+* @brief NMI_WFI_Stat
+* @details Return statistics to the caller
+* @param[in] net_device *dev:
+* @return NMI_WFI_Stats : Return net_device_stats stucture with the
+ network device driver private data contents.
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_InitModule(void)
+ int result, i, ret = -ENOMEM;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv[2],*netpriv;
+ struct wireless_dev *wdev;
+ NMI_WFI_Interrupt = use_napi ? NMI_WFI_NapiInterrupt : NMI_WFI_RegularInterrupt;
+ char buf[IFNAMSIZ];
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ /* Allocate the net devices */
+ NMI_WFI_devs[i] = alloc_netdev(sizeof(struct NMI_WFI_priv), "wlan%d",
+ NMI_WFI_Init);
+ if(NMI_WFI_devs[i] == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ //priv[i] = netdev_priv(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ wdev = NMI_WFI_WiphyRegister(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ NMI_WFI_devs[i]->ieee80211_ptr = wdev;
+ netpriv = netdev_priv(NMI_WFI_devs[i]);
+ netpriv->dev->ieee80211_ptr = wdev;
+ netpriv->dev->ml_priv = netpriv;
+ wdev->netdev = netpriv->dev;
+ /*Registering the net device*/
+ if ((result = register_netdev(NMI_WFI_devs[i])))
+ printk("NMI_WFI: error %i registering device \"%s\"\n",
+ result, NMI_WFI_devs[i]->name);
+ else
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ /*init NMi driver */
+ priv[0] = netdev_priv(NMI_WFI_devs[0]);
+ priv[1] = netdev_priv(NMI_WFI_devs[1]);
+ //printk("Net dev handler in int %lu\n",&priv[0]->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ if(priv[1]->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy->interface_modes && BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR) )
+ {
+ //snprintf(buf, IFNAMSIZ, "mon.%s", priv[1]->dev->name);
+ // printk("Initializing mon interface %s\n", buf);
+ // NMI_WFI_init_mon_interface();
+ // priv[1]->monitor_flag = 1;
+ }
+ priv[0]->bCfgScanning = NMI_FALSE;
+ priv[0]->u32RcvdChCount = 0;
+ NMI_memset(priv[0]->au8AssociatedBss, 0xFF, ETH_ALEN);
+ //ret = host_int_init(&priv[0]->hNMIWFIDrv);
+ /*copy handle to the other driver*/
+ //priv[1]->hNMIWFIDrv = priv[0]->hNMIWFIDrv;
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("Error Init Driver\n");
+ }
+ out:
+ if (ret)
+ NMI_WFI_Cleanup();
+ return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_mon.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_mon.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0f3b8471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_mon.c
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+* @file linux_mon.c
+* @brief File Operations OS wrapper functionality
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @sa NMI_WFI_NetDevice.h
+* @date 01 MAR 2012
+* @version 1.0
+#include "NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h"
+#include "linux_wlan_common.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan.h"
+#include "NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h"
+struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_hdr {
+ struct ieee80211_radiotap_header hdr;
+ u8 rate;
+ // u32 channel;
+struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr {
+ struct ieee80211_radiotap_header hdr;
+ u8 rate;
+ u8 dump;
+ u16 tx_flags;
+ // u32 channel;
+static struct net_device *nmi_wfi_mon = NULL; /* global monitor netdev */
+extern int NMI_WFI_Tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
+extern int mac_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
+NMI_Uint8 srcAdd[6];
+NMI_Uint8 bssid[6];
+* @brief NMI_WFI_monitor_rx
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 12 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0
+#define IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_TX_RTS 0x0004 /* used rts/cts handshake */
+#define IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_TX_FAIL 0x0001 /* failed due to excessive*/
+#define IS_MANAGMEMENT 0x100
+#define IS_MGMT_STATUS_SUCCES 0x040
+#define GET_PKT_OFFSET(a) (((a) >> 22) & 0x1ff)
+void NMI_WFI_monitor_rx(uint8_t *buff, uint32_t size)
+ //NMI_Uint32 i;
+ uint32_t header,pkt_offset;
+ struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
+ struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_hdr *hdr;
+ struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr *cb_hdr;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"In monitor interface receive function\n");
+ // struct NMI_WFI_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
+ // priv = wiphy_priv(priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy);
+ /* Bug 4601 */
+ if(nmi_wfi_mon == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (!netif_running(nmi_wfi_mon))
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Monitor interface already RUNNING\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Get NMI header
+ memcpy(&header, (buff-HOST_HDR_OFFSET), HOST_HDR_OFFSET);
+ //The packet offset field conain info about what type of managment frame
+ // we are dealing with and ack status
+ pkt_offset = GET_PKT_OFFSET(header);
+ if(pkt_offset & IS_MANAGMEMENT_CALLBACK)
+ {
+ // hostapd callback mgmt frame
+ //if(INFO || buff[0] == 0x10 || buff[0] == 0xb0)
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"In monitor interface callback receive function\n");
+ skb = dev_alloc_skb(size+sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr));
+ if(skb == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Monitor if : No memory to allocate skb");
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(skb_put(skb,size),buff, size);
+ cb_hdr = (struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr *) skb_push(skb, sizeof(*cb_hdr));
+ memset(cb_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr));
+ cb_hdr->hdr.it_version = 0;//PKTHDR_RADIOTAP_VERSION;
+ cb_hdr->hdr.it_len = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr));
+ cb_hdr->hdr.it_present = cpu_to_le32(
+ (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_RATE) |
+ (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_TX_FLAGS));
+ cb_hdr->rate = 5;//txrate->bitrate / 5;
+ if(pkt_offset & IS_MGMT_STATUS_SUCCES)
+ {
+ //success
+ cb_hdr->tx_flags = IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_TX_RTS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cb_hdr->tx_flags = IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_TX_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // normal mgmt frame
+ //if(INFO || buff[0] == 0x00 || buff[0] == 0xb0)
+ // {
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"In monitor interface receive function , length = %d\n",size);
+ //for(i=0;i<size;i++)
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Mon RxData[%d] = %02x\n",i,buff[i]);
+ // }
+ skb = dev_alloc_skb(size+sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_hdr));
+ if(skb == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Monitor if : No memory to allocate skb");
+ return;
+ }
+ //skb = skb_copy_expand(tx_skb, sizeof(*hdr), 0, GFP_ATOMIC);
+ //if (skb == NULL)
+ // return;
+ memcpy(skb_put(skb,size),buff, size);
+ //printk("--radiotap header--\n",sizeof(*hdr));
+ hdr = (struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_hdr *) skb_push(skb, sizeof(*hdr));
+ memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_hdr));
+ hdr->hdr.it_version = 0;//PKTHDR_RADIOTAP_VERSION;
+ //hdr->hdr.it_pad = 0;
+ hdr->hdr.it_len = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_hdr));
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Radiotap len %d\n", hdr->hdr.it_len);
+ hdr->hdr.it_present = cpu_to_le32
+ (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_RATE); //|
+ //(1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_CHANNEL));
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Presentflags %d\n", hdr->hdr.it_present);
+ hdr->rate = 5;//txrate->bitrate / 5;
+ }
+/* if(INFO || if(skb->data[9] == 0x00 || skb->data[9] == 0xb0))
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<skb->len;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Mon RxData[%d] = %02x\n",i,skb->data[i]);
+ }*/
+ skb->dev = nmi_wfi_mon;
+ skb_set_mac_header(skb, 0);
+ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
+ skb->pkt_type = PACKET_OTHERHOST;
+ skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_802_2);
+ memset(skb->cb, 0, sizeof(skb->cb));
+ netif_rx(skb);
+struct tx_complete_mon_data{
+ int size;
+ void* buff;
+static void mgmt_tx_complete(void* priv, int status){
+ //struct sk_buff *skb2;
+ //struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr *cb_hdr;
+ struct tx_complete_mon_data* pv_data = (struct tx_complete_mon_data*)priv;
+ NMI_Uint8 * buf= pv_data->buff;
+ if(status == 1){
+ if(INFO || buf[0] == 0x10 || buf[0] == 0xb0)
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Packet sent successfully - Size = %d - Address = %p.\n",pv_data->size,pv_data->buff);
+ }else{
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Couldn't send packet - Size = %d - Address = %p.\n",pv_data->size,pv_data->buff);
+ }
+/* //(skb->data[9] == 0x00 || skb->data[9] == 0xb0 || skb->data[9] == 0x40 || skb->data[9] == 0xd0 )
+ {
+ skb2 = dev_alloc_skb(pv_data->size+sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr));
+ memcpy(skb_put(skb2,pv_data->size),pv_data->buff, pv_data->size);
+ cb_hdr = (struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr *) skb_push(skb2, sizeof(*cb_hdr));
+ memset(cb_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr));
+ cb_hdr->hdr.it_version = 0;//PKTHDR_RADIOTAP_VERSION;
+ cb_hdr->hdr.it_len = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct nmi_wfi_radiotap_cb_hdr));
+ cb_hdr->hdr.it_present = cpu_to_le32(
+ (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_RATE) |
+ (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_TX_FLAGS));
+ cb_hdr->rate = 5;//txrate->bitrate / 5;
+ cb_hdr->tx_flags = 0x0004;
+ skb2->dev = nmi_wfi_mon;
+ skb_set_mac_header(skb2, 0);
+ skb2->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
+ skb2->pkt_type = PACKET_OTHERHOST;
+ skb2->protocol = htons(ETH_P_802_2);
+ memset(skb2->cb, 0, sizeof(skb2->cb));
+ netif_rx(skb2);
+ }*/
+ kfree(pv_data->buff);
+ kfree(pv_data);
+static int mon_mgmt_tx(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len)
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ struct tx_complete_mon_data *mgmt_tx =NULL;
+ if(dev == NULL)
+ {
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ nic =netdev_priv(dev);
+ //NMI_PRINTF("--IN mon_mgmt_tx--\n");
+ netif_stop_queue(dev);
+ mgmt_tx = (struct tx_complete_mon_data*)kmalloc(sizeof(struct tx_complete_mon_data),GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if(mgmt_tx == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for mgmt_tx structure\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ mgmt_tx->buff= (char*)kmalloc(len,GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if(mgmt_tx->buff == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for mgmt_tx buff\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ memcpy(mgmt_tx->buff,buf,len);
+ mgmt_tx->size=len;
+ //NMI_PRINTF("--IN mon_mgmt_tx: Sending MGMT Pkt to tx queue--\n");
+ nic->oup.wlan_add_mgmt_to_tx_que(mgmt_tx,mgmt_tx->buff,mgmt_tx->size,mgmt_tx_complete);
+ netif_wake_queue(dev);
+ return 0;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_mon_xmit
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 12 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static netdev_tx_t NMI_WFI_mon_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ struct net_device *dev)
+ struct ieee80211_radiotap_header *rtap_hdr;
+ NMI_Uint32 rtap_len,i,ret=0;
+ struct NMI_WFI_mon_priv *mon_priv ;
+ /* Bug 4601 */
+ if(nmi_wfi_mon == NULL)
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ //if(skb->data[3] == 0x10 || skb->data[3] == 0xb0)
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Monitor xmit function\n");
+ mon_priv = netdev_priv(nmi_wfi_mon);
+ if(mon_priv== NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Monitor interface private structure is NULL\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0; i<skb->len ; i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Data[%d] %02x\n",i,skb->data[i]);
+ }
+ rtap_hdr = (struct ieee80211_radiotap_header *)skb->data;
+ rtap_len = ieee80211_get_radiotap_len(skb->data);
+ if (skb->len < rtap_len)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error in radiotap header\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* skip the radiotap header */
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Radiotap len: %d\n", rtap_len);
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0; i<20 ; i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Radiotap_hdr[%d] %02x\n",i,skb->data[i]);
+ }
+ /* Skip the ratio tap header */
+ skb_pull(skb, rtap_len);
+ skb->dev = mon_priv->real_ndev;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Skipping the radiotap header\n");
+ /* actual deliver of data is device-specific, and not shown here */
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"SKB netdevice name = %s\n", skb->dev->name);
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"MONITOR real dev name = %s\n", mon_priv->real_ndev->name);
+ ret = NMI_WFI_Tx(skb,mon_priv->real_ndev);
+ //Identify if Ethernet or MAC header (data or mgmt)
+ memcpy(srcAdd,& skb->data[11],6);
+ memcpy(bssid, &skb->data[17],6);
+ //if source address and bssid fields are equal>>Mac header
+ /*send it to mgmt frames handler */
+ if(!(memcmp(srcAdd,bssid,6)))
+ {
+ //NMI_PRINTF("--MGMT PKT in mon_xmit--\n");
+ mon_mgmt_tx(mon_priv->real_ndev, skb->data, skb->len);
+ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+ }
+ else
+ ret = mac_xmit(skb,mon_priv->real_ndev);
+ #endif
+ //return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+ return ret;
+static const struct net_device_ops nmi_wfi_netdev_ops = {
+ .ndo_start_xmit = NMI_WFI_mon_xmit,
+* @brief NMI_WFI_mon_setup
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 12 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static void NMI_WFI_mon_setup(struct net_device *dev)
+ dev->netdev_ops = &nmi_wfi_netdev_ops;
+ // dev->destructor = free_netdev;
+ PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG,"In Ethernet setup function\n");
+ ether_setup(dev);
+ dev->tx_queue_len = 0;
+ dev->type = ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP;
+ memset(dev->dev_addr, 0, ETH_ALEN);
+ {
+ // u8 * mac_add;
+ unsigned char mac_add[] = {0x00,0x50,0xc2,0x5e,0x10,0x8f};
+ // priv = wiphy_priv(priv->dev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy);
+ // mac_add = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(ETH_ALEN);
+ //status = host_int_get_MacAddress(priv->hNMIWFIDrv,mac_add);
+ //mac_add[ETH_ALEN-1]+=1;
+ memcpy(dev->dev_addr, mac_add, ETH_ALEN);
+ }
+ #else
+ dev->dev_addr[0] = 0x12;
+ #endif
+* @brief NMI_WFI_init_mon_interface
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 12 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_init_mon_interface(char *name , struct net_device *real_dev )
+ NMI_Uint32 ret = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ struct NMI_WFI_mon_priv *priv ;
+ nmi_wfi_mon = alloc_netdev(sizeof(struct NMI_WFI_mon_priv), name, NMI_WFI_mon_setup);
+ if (nmi_wfi_mon == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate netdevice\n");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ //rtnl_lock();
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Monitor interface name %s\n", nmi_wfi_mon->name);
+ ret = dev_alloc_name(nmi_wfi_mon, nmi_wfi_mon->name);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto failed_mon;
+ priv = netdev_priv(nmi_wfi_mon);
+ if(priv== NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("private structure is NULL\n");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ priv->real_ndev = real_dev;
+ ret = register_netdevice(nmi_wfi_mon);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to register netdevice\n");
+ goto failed_mon;
+ }
+ return NMI_SUCCESS;
+ // rtnl_unlock();
+ return ret;
+ //rtnl_unlock();
+ free_netdev(nmi_wfi_mon);
+ return ret;
+* @brief NMI_WFI_deinit_mon_interface
+* @details
+* @param[in]
+* @return int : Return 0 on Success
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 12 JUL 2012
+* @version 1.0
+int NMI_WFI_deinit_mon_interface()
+ bool rollback_lock = false;
+ if(nmi_wfi_mon != NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"In Deinit monitor interface\n");
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"RTNL is being locked\n");
+ if (rtnl_is_locked())
+ {
+ rtnl_unlock();
+ rollback_lock = true;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTAPD_DBG,"Unregister netdev\n");
+ unregister_netdev(nmi_wfi_mon);
+ //NMI_PRINTF("Free Netdev\n");
+ //free_netdev(nmi_wfi_mon);
+ if (rollback_lock)
+ {
+ rtnl_lock();
+ rollback_lock = false;
+ }
+ nmi_wfi_mon = NULL;
+ }
+ return NMI_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c0fc8780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2561 @@
+#include "NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h"
+#include "linux_wlan_common.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan.h"
+#include "NMI_WFI_CfgOperations.h"
+#include "linux_wlan_common.h"
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/workqueue.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/irq.h>
+#ifndef PLAT_ALLWINNER_A10 // tony
+#include <asm/gpio.h>
+#include <linux/kthread.h>
+#include <linux/firmware.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
+#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
+#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/semaphore.h>
+#include "svnrevision.h"
+#ifdef NMI_SDIO
+#include "linux_wlan_sdio.h"
+#include "linux_wlan_spi.h"
+//brandy_0724 [[
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+struct task_struct* nmi_mac_thread;
+unsigned char mac_add[] = {0x00, 0x80, 0xC2, 0x5E, 0xa2, 0xb2};
+ //brandy_0724 ]]
+extern tstrNMI_WFIDrv* gWFiDrvHandle;
+static int dev_state_ev_handler(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long event, void *ptr);
+static struct notifier_block g_dev_notifier = {
+ .notifier_call = dev_state_ev_handler
+#if defined(PLAT_WMS8304) // added by rachel
+#include "nmi_custom_gpio.c"
+#elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+#include "nmi_wm8880_gpio.c"
+#include <linux/wireless.h> // simon, rachel
+#include <mach/irqs.h>
+#include <linux/mmc/sdio.h>
+#include <mach/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+int wmt_nmc1000_intr_num=15; //gpio 15
+#define nmi_wlan_deinit(nic) if(&nic->oup != NULL) \
+ if(nic->oup.wlan_cleanup != NULL) \
+ nic->oup.wlan_cleanup()
+//[[ johnny : enable to selecte bin file on Makefile
+#define STA_FIRMWARE "wifi_firmware.bin"
+#ifndef AP_FIRMWARE
+#define AP_FIRMWARE "wifi_firmware_ap.bin"
+// [[ added by tony
+typedef struct android_wifi_priv_cmd {
+ char *buf;
+ int used_len;
+ int total_len;
+} android_wifi_priv_cmd;
+// ]] for wpa supplicant iw
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3) //[[ johnny : because of dummy irq
+static int _available_irq_ready = 0;
+#define IRQ_WAIT 1
+#define IRQ_NO_WAIT 0
+ /*
+ to sync between mac_close and module exit.
+ don't initialize or de-initialize from init/deinitlocks
+ to be initialized from module nmc_netdev_init and
+ deinitialized from mdoule_exit
+ */
+static struct semaphore close_exit_sync;
+unsigned int int_rcvdU;
+unsigned int int_rcvdB;
+unsigned int int_clrd;
+static int wlan_deinit_locks(linux_wlan_t* nic);
+static void wlan_deinitialize_threads(linux_wlan_t* nic);
+static void linux_wlan_lock(void* vp);
+static void linux_wlan_unlock(void* vp);
+static void* internal_alloc(uint32_t size, uint32_t flag);
+static void linux_wlan_tx_complete(void* priv, int status);
+void frmw_to_linux(uint8_t *buff, uint32_t size);
+static int mac_init_fn(struct net_device *ndev);
+int mac_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
+static int mac_open(struct net_device *ndev);
+static int mac_close(struct net_device *ndev);
+static struct net_device_stats *mac_stats(struct net_device *dev);
+static int mac_ioctl(struct net_device *ndev, struct ifreq *req, int cmd);
+struct tx_complete_data{
+ int size;
+ void* buff;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ /*
+ for now - in frmw_to_linux there should be private data to be passed to it
+ and this data should be pointer to net device
+ */
+linux_wlan_t* g_linux_wlan = NULL;
+nmi_wlan_oup_t* gpstrWlanOps;
+static const struct net_device_ops nmc_netdev_ops = {
+ .ndo_init = mac_init_fn,
+ .ndo_open = mac_open,
+ .ndo_stop = mac_close,
+ .ndo_start_xmit = mac_xmit,
+ .ndo_do_ioctl = mac_ioctl,
+ .ndo_get_stats = mac_stats,
+#define nmc_set_netdev_ops(ndev) do { (ndev)->netdev_ops = &nmc_netdev_ops; } while(0)
+static void nmc_set_netdev_ops(struct net_device *ndev)
+ ndev->init = mac_init_fn;
+ ndev->open = mac_open;
+ ndev->stop = mac_close;
+ ndev->hard_start_xmit = mac_xmit;
+ ndev->do_ioctl = mac_ioctl;
+ ndev->get_stats = mac_stats;
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+extern volatile int timeNo;
+volatile int WatchDogdebuggerCounter=0;
+char DebugBuffer[DEGUG_BUFFER_LENGTH+20]={0};
+static char * ps8current=DebugBuffer;
+void printk_later(const char * format, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, format);
+ ps8current += vsprintf (ps8current,format, args);
+ va_end (args);
+ if((ps8current-DebugBuffer)>DEGUG_BUFFER_LENGTH)
+ {
+ ps8current=DebugBuffer;
+ }
+void dump_logs()
+ if(DebugBuffer[0])
+ {
+ printk("early printed\n");
+ printk(ps8current+1);
+ ps8current[1]=0;
+ printk("latest printed\n");
+ printk(DebugBuffer);
+ DebugBuffer[0]=0;
+ ps8current=DebugBuffer;
+ }
+void Reset_WatchDogdebugger()
+ WatchDogdebuggerCounter=0;
+static int DebuggingThreadTask(void* vp)
+ while(1){
+ while(!WatchDogdebuggerCounter)
+ {
+ printk("Debug Thread Running %d\n",timeNo);
+ WatchDogdebuggerCounter=1;
+ msleep(10000);
+ }
+ dump_logs();
+ WatchDogdebuggerCounter=0;
+ }
+NMI_Bool gbIPaddrObtained = NMI_FALSE;
+static int dev_state_ev_handler(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long event, void *ptr)
+ struct in_ifaddr *dev_iface = (struct in_ifaddr *)ptr;
+ if(dev_iface == NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("dev_iface = NULL\n");
+ return NOTIFY_DONE;
+ }
+ switch (event) {
+ case NETDEV_UP:
+ gbIPaddrObtained = NMI_TRUE;
+ host_int_set_power_mgmt((NMI_WFIDrvHandle)gWFiDrvHandle, 1, 0);
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "[%s] Up IP\n", dev_iface->ifa_label);
+ break;
+ gbIPaddrObtained = NMI_FALSE;
+ host_int_set_power_mgmt((NMI_WFIDrvHandle)gWFiDrvHandle, 0, 0);
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "[%s] Down IP\n", dev_iface->ifa_label);
+ break;
+ default:
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "[%s] unknown dev event: %lu\n", dev_iface->ifa_label, event);
+ break;
+ }
+ return NOTIFY_DONE;
+ * Interrupt initialization and handling functions
+ */
+void linux_wlan_enable_irq(void){
+#if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ PRINT_D(INT_DBG,"Enabling IRQ ...\n");
+#if defined(PLAT_WMS8304) // added by rachel
+ //enable_irq(nic->dev_irq_num);
+ /*clean corresponding int status bit, or it will generate int continuously for ever*/
+ gpio_clean_irq_status_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl);
+ enable_irq(g_linux_wlan->dev_irq_num);
+ /*we should reopen this gpio pin int in order to capture the future/comming interruption*/
+ enable_gpio_int_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl, INT_EN);
+ #elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ wmt_gpio_ack_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ wmt_gpio_unmask_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ #else
+ enable_irq(g_linux_wlan->dev_irq_num);
+ #endif
+void linux_wlan_disable_irq(int wait){
+#if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ if(wait) {
+ PRINT_D(INT_DBG,"Disabling IRQ ...\n");
+#if defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ wmt_gpio_mask_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ disable_irq(g_linux_wlan->dev_irq_num);
+ } else {
+ PRINT_D(INT_DBG,"Disabling IRQ ...\n");
+#if defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ wmt_gpio_mask_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ disable_irq_nosync(g_linux_wlan->dev_irq_num);
+ }
+#if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+static irqreturn_t isr_uh_routine(int irq, void* user_data){
+ linux_wlan_t *nic = (linux_wlan_t*)user_data;
+#if defined(PLAT_WMS8304)
+ int pin_state;
+ //printk("isr_uh_routine\n");
+ /*if this gpio pin int is not enable or int status bit is not toggled, it is not our interruption*/
+ if(!gpio_irq_isEnable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl) || !gpio_irq_state_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl))
+ return IRQ_NONE;
+ /*be here, be sure that this int is myself, but we should disable int before handler this interruption*/
+ enable_gpio_int_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl, INT_DIS);
+ /*get value on gpin int pin*/
+ pin_state = gpio_get_value_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl);
+ if(pin_state == 0) {
+ //printk("wlan int\n");
+ //dont_deinit_irq = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //printk("this is fake interruption!!\n");
+ enable_gpio_int_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl, INT_EN);
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+#elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ if(!is_gpio_irqenable(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num) || !gpio_irqstatus(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num))
+ return IRQ_NONE;
+ wmt_gpio_mask_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ int_rcvdU++;
+ PRINT_D(INT_DBG,"Interrupt received UH\n");
+ linux_wlan_disable_irq(IRQ_NO_WAIT);
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3)//[[ johnny : because of dummy irq
+ if ( _available_irq_ready == 0 )
+ {
+ linux_wlan_enable_irq();
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"johnny test : recevied dummy irq\n");
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+ /*While mac is closing cacncel the handling of any interrupts received*/
+ if(nic->close)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver is CLOSING: Can't handle UH interrupt\n");
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ #else
+ return IRQ_NONE;
+ #endif
+ }
+ schedule_work(&nic->rx_work_queue);
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->rx_sem);
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+irqreturn_t isr_bh_routine(int irq, void *userdata){
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ nic = (linux_wlan_t*)userdata;
+static void isr_bh_routine(struct work_struct *work){
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ nic = container_of(work,linux_wlan_t,rx_work_queue);
+ /*While mac is closing cacncel the handling of any interrupts received*/
+ if(nic->close)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver is CLOSING: Can't handle BH interrupt\n");
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ #else
+ return;
+ #endif
+ }
+ int_rcvdB++;
+ PRINT_D(INT_DBG,"Interrupt received BH\n");
+ if(nic->oup.wlan_handle_rx_isr != 0){
+ nic->oup.wlan_handle_rx_isr();
+ }else{
+ PRINT_ER("wlan_handle_rx_isr() hasn't been initialized\n");
+ }
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static int isr_bh_routine(void *vp)
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ nic = (linux_wlan_t*)vp;
+ while(1) {
+ linux_wlan_lock(&nic->rx_sem);
+ if (nic->close){
+ while(!kthread_should_stop())
+ schedule();
+ break;
+ }
+ int_rcvdB++;
+ PRINT_D(INT_DBG,"Interrupt received BH\n");
+ if(nic->oup.wlan_handle_rx_isr != 0){
+ nic->oup.wlan_handle_rx_isr();
+ } else{
+ PRINT_ER("wlan_handle_rx_isr() hasn't been initialized\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+static int init_irq(linux_wlan_t* p_nic){
+ int ret = 0;
+ linux_wlan_t *nic = p_nic;
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3) //johnny add
+ nic->dev_irq_num = INT_GPIO_4; // <== skyworth //'100' value for onda vi30 platform
+ ret = request_irq(nic->dev_irq_num, isr_uh_routine, IORESOURCE_IRQ | IORESOURCE_IRQ_SHAREABLE,
+ "NMC_IRQ", nic);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to request IRQ for GPIO: %d\n",nic->dev_irq_num);
+ }
+#elif defined (PLAT_WMS8304) //simon
+ //system("rmmod /system/modules/3.0.8-default/kpad.ko");
+ irq_gpio_init();
+ nic->dev_irq_num = IRQ_GPIO; //(5) gpio_irq_ctrl;
+ printk("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ ret = request_irq(nic->dev_irq_num, isr_uh_routine, IRQF_SHARED,
+ "NMC_IRQ", nic);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to request IRQ for GPIO: %d\n",nic->dev_irq_num);
+ }
+ enable_gpio_int_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl,INT_EN);
+#elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ printk("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ wmt_gpio_setpull(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num,WMT_GPIO_PULL_UP);
+ wmt_gpio_mask_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ wmt_gpio_ack_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ nic->dev_irq_num = IRQ_GPIO;
+ ret = request_irq(nic->dev_irq_num, isr_uh_routine, IRQF_SHARED,
+ "NMC_IRQ", nic);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to request IRQ for GPIO: %d\n",nic->dev_irq_num);
+ }
+ /*clear int status register before enable this int pin*/
+ wmt_gpio_ack_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ /*enable this int pin*/
+ wmt_gpio_unmask_irq(wmt_nmc1000_intr_num);
+ /*initialize GPIO and register IRQ num*/
+ /*GPIO request*/
+ if ((gpio_request(GPIO_NUM, "NMC_INTR") == 0) &&
+ (gpio_direction_input(GPIO_NUM) == 0)) {
+#if defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+ nic->dev_irq_num = IRQ_NMC1000;
+ gpio_export(GPIO_NUM, 1);
+ nic->dev_irq_num = OMAP_GPIO_IRQ(GPIO_NUM);
+ irq_set_irq_type(nic->dev_irq_num, IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW);
+ } else {
+ ret = -1;
+ PRINT_ER("could not obtain gpio for NMC_INTR\n");
+ }
+ if( (ret != -1) && ( request_threaded_irq(nic->dev_irq_num, isr_uh_routine, isr_bh_routine,
+ IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW | IRQF_ONESHOT, /*Without IRQF_ONESHOT the uh will remain kicked in and dont gave a chance to bh*/
+ "NMC_IRQ", nic))<0){
+ /*Request IRQ*/
+ if( (ret != -1) && (request_irq(nic->dev_irq_num, isr_uh_routine,
+ IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW, "NMC_IRQ", nic) < 0)){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to request IRQ for GPIO: %d\n",GPIO_NUM);
+ ret = -1;
+ }else{
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"IRQ request succeeded IRQ-NUM= %d on GPIO: %d\n",
+ nic->dev_irq_num,GPIO_NUM);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void deinit_irq(linux_wlan_t* nic){
+ #if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ /* Deintialize IRQ */
+ if(&nic->dev_irq_num != 0){
+ free_irq(nic->dev_irq_num, nic);
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3) //johnny
+#elif defined (PLAT_WMS8304)
+ irq_gpio_deinit();
+#elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ /* austin-0720: johnny, let me know why this is empty */
+ gpio_free(GPIO_NUM);
+ }
+ #endif
+ OS functions
+static void linux_wlan_msleep(uint32_t msc){
+ if(msc <= 4000000)
+ {
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Temp = msc * 1000;
+ usleep_range(u32Temp, u32Temp);
+ /* This is delay not sleep !!!, has to be changed*/
+ msleep(msc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msleep(msc);
+ }
+static void linux_wlan_atomic_msleep(uint32_t msc){
+ mdelay(msc);
+static void linux_wlan_dbg(uint8_t *buff){
+ printk(buff);
+#if defined (NMC_DEBUGFS)
+ kmsgdump_write(buff);
+static void* linux_wlan_malloc_atomic(uint32_t sz){
+ char* pntr = NULL;
+ pntr = (char*)kmalloc(sz,GFP_ATOMIC );
+ PRINT_D(MEM_DBG,"Allocating %d bytes at address %p\n",sz,pntr);
+ return ((void*)pntr);
+static void* linux_wlan_malloc(uint32_t sz){
+ char* pntr = NULL;
+ pntr = (char*)kmalloc(sz,GFP_KERNEL );
+ PRINT_D(MEM_DBG,"Allocating %d bytes at address %p\n",sz,pntr);
+ return ((void*)pntr);
+void linux_wlan_free(void* vp){
+ if(vp != NULL){
+ PRINT_D(MEM_DBG,"Freeing %p\n",vp);
+ kfree(vp);
+ }
+static void* internal_alloc(uint32_t size, uint32_t flag){
+ char* pntr = NULL;
+ pntr = (char*)kmalloc(size,flag);
+ PRINT_D(MEM_DBG,"Allocating %d bytes at address %p\n",size,pntr);
+ return ((void*)pntr);
+static void linux_wlan_init_lock(char* lockName, void* plock,int count)
+ sema_init((struct semaphore*)plock,count);
+ PRINT_D(LOCK_DBG,"Initializing [%s][%p]\n",lockName,plock);
+static void linux_wlan_deinit_lock(void* plock)
+ //mutex_destroy((struct mutex*)plock);
+static void linux_wlan_lock(void* vp)
+ PRINT_D(LOCK_DBG,"Locking %p\n",vp);
+ if(vp != NULL)
+ {
+ down((struct semaphore*)vp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed, mutex is NULL\n");
+ }
+static int linux_wlan_lock_timeout(void* vp,NMI_Uint32 timeout)
+ int error = -1;
+ PRINT_D(LOCK_DBG,"Locking %p\n",vp);
+ if(vp != NULL)
+ {
+ error = down_timeout((struct semaphore*)vp, msecs_to_jiffies(timeout));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed, mutex is NULL\n");
+ }
+ return error;
+static void linux_wlan_unlock(void* vp)
+ PRINT_D(LOCK_DBG,"Unlocking %p\n",vp);
+ if(vp != NULL)
+ {
+ up((struct semaphore*)vp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed, mutex is NULL\n");
+ }
+static void linux_wlan_init_mutex(char* lockName, void* plock,int count)
+ mutex_init((struct mutex*)plock);
+ PRINT_D(LOCK_DBG,"Initializing mutex [%s][%p]\n",lockName,plock);
+static void linux_wlan_deinit_mutex(void* plock)
+ mutex_destroy((struct mutex*)plock);
+static void linux_wlan_lock_mutex(void* vp)
+ PRINT_D(LOCK_DBG,"Locking mutex %p\n",vp);
+ if(vp != NULL)
+ {
+ /*
+ if(mutex_is_locked((struct mutex*)vp))
+ {
+ //PRINT_ER("Mutex already locked - %p \n",vp);
+ }
+ mutex_lock((struct mutex*)vp);
+ }else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed, mutex is NULL\n");
+ }
+static void linux_wlan_unlock_mutex(void* vp){
+ PRINT_D(LOCK_DBG,"Unlocking mutex %p\n",vp);
+ if(vp != NULL){
+ if(mutex_is_locked((struct mutex*)vp)){
+ mutex_unlock((struct mutex*)vp);
+ }else{
+ //PRINT_ER("Mutex already unlocked - %p\n",vp);
+ }
+ }else{
+ PRINT_ER("Failed, mutex is NULL\n");
+ }
+/*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+static void linux_wlan_init_spin_lock(char* lockName, void* plock,int count)
+ spin_lock_init((spinlock_t*)plock);
+ PRINT_D(SPIN_DEBUG,"Initializing mutex [%s][%p]\n",lockName,plock);
+static void linux_wlan_deinit_spin_lock(void* plock)
+static void linux_wlan_spin_lock(void* vp, unsigned long *flags){
+ unsigned long lflags;
+ PRINT_D(SPIN_DEBUG,"Lock spin %p\n",vp);
+ if(vp != NULL){
+ spin_lock_irqsave((spinlock_t*)vp, lflags);
+ *flags = lflags;
+ }
+ else{
+ PRINT_ER("Failed, spin lock is NULL\n");
+ }
+static void linux_wlan_spin_unlock(void* vp, unsigned long *flags){
+ unsigned long lflags= *flags;
+ PRINT_D(SPIN_DEBUG,"Unlock spin %p\n",vp);
+ if(vp != NULL){
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore((spinlock_t*)vp, lflags);
+ *flags = lflags;
+ }
+ else{
+ PRINT_ER("Failed, spin lock is NULL\n");
+ }
+static void linux_wlan_mac_indicate(int flag){
+ /*I have to do it that way becuase there is no mean to encapsulate device pointer
+ as a parameter
+ */
+ linux_wlan_t *pd = g_linux_wlan;
+ int status;
+ if (flag == NMI_MAC_INDICATE_STATUS) {
+ pd->oup.wlan_cfg_get_value(WID_STATUS, (unsigned char*)&status, 4);
+ if (pd->mac_status == NMI_MAC_STATUS_INIT) {
+ pd->mac_status = status;
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&pd->sync_event);
+ } else {
+ pd->mac_status = status;
+ }
+ if (pd->mac_status == NMI_MAC_STATUS_CONNECT) { /* Connect */
+#if 0
+ /**
+ get the mac and bssid address
+ **/
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Calling cfg_get to get MAC_ADDR\n");
+ pd->oup.wlan_cfg_get(1, WID_MAC_ADDR, 0);
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Calling cfg_get to get BSSID\n");
+ pd->oup.wlan_cfg_get(0, WID_BSSID, 1);
+ /**
+ get the value
+ **/
+ pd->oup.wlan_cfg_get_value(WID_MAC_ADDR, pd->eth_src_address, 6);
+ pd->oup.wlan_cfg_get_value(WID_BSSID, pd->eth_dst_address, 6);
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Source Address = %s",pd->eth_src_address);
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Destiation Address = %s",pd->eth_dst_address);
+ /**
+ launch ndis
+ **/
+ }
+ } else if (flag == NMI_MAC_INDICATE_SCAN) {
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Scanning ...\n");
+ }
+static int linux_wlan_rxq_task(void* vp){
+ linux_wlan_t *pd = (linux_wlan_t*)vp;
+ /* inform nmc1000_wlan_init that RXQ task is started. */
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&pd->rxq_thread_started);
+ while(1) {
+ linux_wlan_lock(&pd->rxq_event);
+ //wait_for_completion(&pd->rxq_event);
+ if (pd->close){
+ /*Unlock the mutex in the mac_close function to indicate the exiting of the RX thread */
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&pd->rxq_thread_started);
+ while(!kthread_should_stop())
+ schedule();
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG," RX thread stopped\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Calling wlan_handle_rx_que()\n");
+ pd->oup.wlan_handle_rx_que();
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int linux_wlan_txq_task(void* vp)
+ int ret,txq_count;
+ linux_wlan_t *pd = (linux_wlan_t*)vp;
+ int backoff_weight = TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_MIN;
+ signed long timeout;
+ /* inform nmc1000_wlan_init that TXQ task is started. */
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&pd->txq_thread_started);
+ while(1) {
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"txq_task Taking a nap :)\n");
+ linux_wlan_lock(&pd->txq_event);
+ //wait_for_completion(&pd->txq_event);
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"txq_task Who waked me up :$\n");
+ if (pd->close){
+ /*Unlock the mutex in the mac_close function to indicate the exiting of the TX thread */
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&pd->txq_thread_started);
+ while(!kthread_should_stop())
+ schedule();
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"TX thread stopped\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"txq_task handle the sending packet and let me go to sleep.\n");
+ pd->oup.wlan_handle_tx_que();
+ do {
+ ret = pd->oup.wlan_handle_tx_que(&txq_count);
+ if(txq_count < FLOW_CONTROL_LOWER_THRESHOLD && netif_queue_stopped(pd->nmc_netdev))
+ {
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Waking up queue\n");
+ netif_wake_queue(pd->nmc_netdev);
+ }
+ if(ret == NMI_TX_ERR_NO_BUF) { /* failed to allocate buffers in chip. */
+ timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_UNIT_MS << backoff_weight);
+ do {
+ /* Back off from sending packets for some time. */
+ /* schedule_timeout will allow RX task to run and free buffers.*/
+ //set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+ //timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout);
+ msleep(TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_UNIT_MS << backoff_weight);
+ } while(/*timeout*/0);
+ backoff_weight += TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_INCR_STEP;
+ if(backoff_weight > TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_MAX) {
+ backoff_weight = TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_MAX;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(backoff_weight > TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_MIN) {
+ backoff_weight -= TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_DECR_STEP;
+ if(backoff_weight < TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_MIN) {
+ backoff_weight = TX_BACKOFF_WEIGHT_MIN;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*TODO: drop packets after a certain time/number of retry count. */
+ } while(ret == NMI_TX_ERR_NO_BUF&&!pd->close); /* retry sending packets if no more buffers in chip. */
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void linux_wlan_rx_complete(void){
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"RX completed\n");
+int linux_wlan_get_firmware(linux_wlan_t* p_nic){
+ linux_wlan_t* nic = p_nic;
+ int ret = 0;
+ const struct firmware* nmc_firmware;
+ char *firmware;
+ if(nic->iftype == AP_MODE)
+ firmware = AP_FIRMWARE;
+ else
+ firmware = STA_FIRMWARE;
+ if(nic == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("NIC is NULL\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if(&nic->nmc_netdev->dev == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("&nic->nmc_netdev->dev is NULL\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /* the firmare should be located in /lib/firmware in
+ root file system with the name specified above */
+#ifdef NMI_SDIO
+ if( request_firmware(&nmc_firmware,firmware, &nic->nmc_sdio_func->dev) != 0){
+ PRINT_ER("%s - firmare not available\n",firmware);
+ ret = -1;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if( request_firmware(&nmc_firmware,firmware, &nic->nmc_spidev->dev) != 0){
+ PRINT_ER("%s - firmare not available\n",firmware);
+ ret = -1;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ nic->nmc_firmware = nmc_firmware; /* Bug 4703 */
+ return ret;
+static int linux_wlan_start_firmware(linux_wlan_t* nic){
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* start firmware */
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Starting Firmware ...\n");
+ ret = nic->oup.wlan_start();
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to start Firmware\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3)//[[ johnny : because of dummy irq
+ _available_irq_ready = 1;
+ /* wait for mac ready */
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Waiting for Firmware to get ready ...\n");
+ linux_wlan_lock(&nic->sync_event);
+ /*
+ TODO: Driver shouoldn't wait forever for firmware to get started -
+ in case of timeout this should be handled properly
+ */
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Firmware successfully started\n");
+ return ret;
+static int linux_wlan_firmware_download(linux_wlan_t* p_nic){
+ int ret = 0;
+ linux_wlan_t* nic = p_nic;
+ if(nic->nmc_firmware == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("Firmware buffer is NULL\n");
+ ret = -ENOBUFS;
+ goto _FAIL_;
+ }
+ /**
+ do the firmware download
+ **/
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Downloading Firmware ...\n");
+ ret = nic->oup.wlan_firmware_download(nic->nmc_firmware->data, nic->nmc_firmware->size);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ goto _FAIL_;
+ }
+ /* Freeing FW buffer */
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Freeing FW buffer ...\n");
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Releasing firmware\n");
+ release_firmware(nic->nmc_firmware);
+ nic->nmc_firmware = NULL;
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Download Succeeded \n");
+ return ret;
+/* startup configuration - could be changed later using iconfig*/
+static int linux_wlan_init_test_config(linux_wlan_t* p_nic){
+ linux_wlan_t* nic = p_nic;
+ unsigned char c_val[64];
+ //brandy_0724 unsigned char mac_add[] = {0x00, 0x80, 0xC2, 0x5E, 0xa2, 0xb2};
+ unsigned int chipid = 0;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Start configuring Firmware\n");
+ //brandy_0724 get_random_bytes(&mac_add[5], 1);
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"MAC address is : %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\n", mac_add[0],mac_add[1],mac_add[2],mac_add[3],mac_add[4],mac_add[5]);
+ chipid = nmi_get_chipid(0);
+ /*to tell fw that we are going to use PC test - NMI specific*/
+ c_val[0] = 0;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(1, WID_PC_TEST_MODE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = INFRASTRUCTURE;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_BSS_TYPE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = RATE_AUTO; /* bug 4275: Enable autorate and limit it to 24Mbps */
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_CURRENT_TX_RATE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = G_MIXED_11B_2_MODE;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11G_OPERATING_MODE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 1;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_CURRENT_CHANNEL, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = G_SHORT_PREAMBLE;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_PREAMBLE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = AUTO_PROT;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_PROT_MECH, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = AUTO_PROT;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_LOGTerminal_Switch, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = ACTIVE_SCAN;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_SCAN_TYPE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = SITE_SURVEY_OFF;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_SITE_SURVEY, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ *((int *)c_val) = 0xffff; /* Never use RTS-CTS */
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_RTS_THRESHOLD, c_val, 2, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ *((int *)c_val) = 2346;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_FRAG_THRESHOLD, c_val, 2, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /* SSID */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : String with length less than 32 bytes */
+ /* Values to set : Any string with length less than 32 bytes */
+ /* ( In BSS Station Set SSID to "" (null string) */
+ /* to enable Broadcast SSID suppport ) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ strcpy(c_val, "nwifi");
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_SSID, c_val, (strlen(c_val)+1), 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 0;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_BCAST_SSID, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 1;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_QOS_ENABLE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = NO_POWERSAVE;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_POWER_MANAGEMENT, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = NO_ENCRYPT; //NO_ENCRYPT, 0x79
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11I_MODE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = OPEN_SYSTEM;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_AUTH_TYPE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /* WEP/802 11I Configuration */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Configuration : WEP Key */
+ /* Values (0x) : 5 byte for WEP40 and 13 bytes for WEP104 */
+ /* In case more than 5 bytes are passed on for WEP 40 */
+ /* only first 5 bytes will be used as the key */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ strcpy(c_val, "123456790abcdef1234567890");
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE, c_val, (strlen(c_val)+1), 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /* WEP/802 11I Configuration */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Configuration : AES/TKIP WPA/RSNA Pre-Shared Key */
+ /* Values to set : Any string with length greater than equal to 8 bytes */
+ /* and less than 64 bytes */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ strcpy(c_val, "12345678");
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11I_PSK, c_val, (strlen(c_val)), 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /* IEEE802.1X Key Configuration */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Configuration : Radius Server Access Secret Key */
+ /* Values to set : Any string with length greater than equal to 8 bytes */
+ /* and less than 65 bytes */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ strcpy(c_val, "password");
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_1X_KEY, c_val, (strlen(c_val)+1), 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /* IEEE802.1X Server Address Configuration */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Configuration : Radius Server IP Address */
+ /* Values to set : Any valid IP Address */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ c_val[0] = 192;
+ c_val[1] = 168;
+ c_val[2] = 1;
+ c_val[3] = 112;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_1X_SERV_ADDR, c_val, 4, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 3;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_LISTEN_INTERVAL, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 3;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_DTIM_PERIOD, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = NORMAL_ACK;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_ACK_POLICY, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 0;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_USER_CONTROL_ON_TX_POWER, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 48;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11A, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 28;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11B, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /* Beacon Interval */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Sets the beacon interval value */
+ /* Values to set : Any 16-bit value */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ *((int *)c_val) = 100;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_BEACON_INTERVAL, c_val, 2, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = REKEY_DISABLE;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_REKEY_POLICY, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /* Rekey Time (s) (Used only when the Rekey policy is 2 or 4) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Sets the Rekey Time (s) */
+ /* Values to set : 32-bit value */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ *((int *)c_val) = 84600;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_REKEY_PERIOD, c_val, 4, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /* Rekey Packet Count (in 1000s; used when Rekey Policy is 3) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Configuration : Sets Rekey Group Packet count */
+ /* Values to set : 32-bit Value */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ *((int *)c_val) = 500;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_REKEY_PACKET_COUNT, c_val, 4, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 1;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = G_SELF_CTS_PROT;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_ERP_PROT_TYPE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ if((chipid & 0xfff) > 0xd0)
+ c_val[0] = 1; /* Enable N */
+ else
+ c_val[0] = 0; /* Disable N */
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_ENABLE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = HT_MIXED_MODE;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_OPERATING_MODE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 1; /* TXOP Prot disable in N mode: No RTS-CTS on TX A-MPDUs to save air-time. */
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_TXOP_PROT_DISABLE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ memcpy(c_val, mac_add, 6);
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_MAC_ADDR, c_val, 6, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /**
+ AP only
+ **/
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_OBSS_NONHT_DETECTION, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = RTS_CTS_NONHT_PROT;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_HT_PROT_TYPE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 0;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_RIFS_PROT_ENABLE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = MIMO_MODE;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_SMPS_MODE, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 6; /* Limit TX rate below MCS-7 for NMC1000F0. Should be changed in to 7 in NMC1002. */
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_CURRENT_TX_MCS, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ c_val[0] = 1; /* Enable N with immediate block ack. */
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_11N_IMMEDIATE_BA_ENABLED, c_val, 1, 0))
+ goto _fail_;
+ /*Adde by Amr - BugID 4707*/
+ /*A mandatory restart mac has to be done initially.*/
+ /*So wid reset is sent with startup configrations*/
+ c_val[0] = 1;
+ if (!nic->oup.wlan_cfg_set(0, WID_RESET, c_val, 1, 1))
+ goto _fail_;
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+void nmc1000_wlan_deinit(linux_wlan_t *nic) {
+ if(nic->nmc1000_initialized)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Deinitializing nmc1000 ...\n");
+ if(nic == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("nic is NULL\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ nmi_bus_set_default_speed();
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Disabling IRQ\n");
+ #if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ linux_wlan_disable_irq(IRQ_WAIT);
+ #else
+ disable_sdio_interrupt();
+ #endif
+ /* not sure if the following unlocks are needed or not*/
+ if(&nic->rxq_event != NULL){
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->rxq_event);
+ }
+ if(&nic->txq_event != NULL){
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->txq_event);
+ }
+ /*Removing the work struct from the linux kernel workqueue*/
+ if(&nic->rx_work_queue != NULL)
+ flush_work(&nic->rx_work_queue);
+ //if(&nic->rx_sem != NULL)
+ //linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->rx_sem);
+ #endif
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Deinitializing Threads\n");
+ wlan_deinitialize_threads(nic);
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Deinitializing IRQ\n");
+ deinit_irq(nic);
+ if(&nic->oup != NULL){
+ if(nic->oup.wlan_stop != NULL)
+ nic->oup.wlan_stop();
+ }
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Deinitializing NMI Wlan\n");
+ nmi_wlan_deinit(nic);
+ /*De-Initialize locks*/
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Deinitializing Locks\n");
+ wlan_deinit_locks(nic);
+ /* announce that nmc1000 is not initialized */
+ nic->nmc1000_initialized = 0;
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"nmc1000 deinitialization Done\n");
+ }else{
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"nmc1000 is not initialized\n");
+ }
+ return;
+int wlan_init_locks(linux_wlan_t* p_nic){
+ linux_wlan_t* nic = p_nic;
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Initializing Locks ...\n");
+ /*initialize mutexes*/
+ linux_wlan_init_mutex("hif_lock/hif_cs",&nic->hif_cs,1);
+ linux_wlan_init_mutex("rxq_lock/rxq_cs",&nic->rxq_cs,1);
+ linux_wlan_init_mutex("txq_lock/txq_cs",&nic->txq_cs,1);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ linux_wlan_init_spin_lock("txq_spin_lock/txq_cs",&nic->txq_spinlock,1);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("txq_add_to_head_lock/txq_cs",&nic->txq_add_to_head_cs,1);
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("txq_wait/txq_event",&nic->txq_event,0);
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("rxq_wait/rxq_event",&nic->rxq_event,0);
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("cfg_wait/cfg_event",&nic->cfg_event,0);
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("sync_event",&nic->sync_event,0);
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("rxq_lock/rxq_started",&nic->rxq_thread_started,0);
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("rxq_lock/txq_started",&nic->txq_thread_started,0);
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("BH_SEM", &nic->rx_sem, 0);
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+static int wlan_deinit_locks(linux_wlan_t* nic){
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"De-Initializing Locks\n");
+ if(&nic->hif_cs != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_mutex(&nic->hif_cs);
+ if(&nic->rxq_cs != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_mutex(&nic->rxq_cs);
+ if(&nic->txq_cs != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_mutex(&nic->txq_cs);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ if(&nic->txq_spinlock!= NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_spin_lock(&nic->txq_spinlock);
+ if(&nic->rxq_event != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_lock(&nic->rxq_event);
+ if(&nic->txq_event != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_lock(&nic->txq_event);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ if(&nic->txq_add_to_head_cs!= NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_lock(&nic->txq_add_to_head_cs);
+ if(&nic->rxq_thread_started != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_lock(&nic->rxq_thread_started);
+ if(&nic->txq_thread_started != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_lock(&nic->txq_thread_started);
+ if(&nic->cfg_event != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_lock(&nic->cfg_event);
+ if(&nic->sync_event != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_deinit_lock(&nic->sync_event);
+ return 0;
+void linux_to_wlan(nmi_wlan_inp_t* nwi,linux_wlan_t* nic){
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Linux to Wlan services ...\n");
+ nwi->os_context.hif_critical_section = (void *)&nic->hif_cs;
+ nwi->os_context.os_private = (void *)nic;
+ nwi->os_context.tx_buffer_size = LINUX_TX_SIZE;
+ nwi->os_context.txq_critical_section = (void *)&nic->txq_cs;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ nwi->os_context.txq_add_to_head_critical_section=(void *)&nic->txq_add_to_head_cs;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ nwi->os_context.txq_spin_lock = (void *)&nic->txq_spinlock;
+ nwi->os_context.txq_wait_event = (void *)&nic->txq_event;
+ //nwi.os_context.rx_buffer_size = LINUX_RX_SIZE;
+ nwi->os_context.rxq_critical_section = (void *)&nic->rxq_cs;
+ nwi->os_context.rxq_wait_event = (void *)&nic->rxq_event;
+ nwi->os_context.cfg_wait_event = (void *)&nic->cfg_event;
+ nwi->os_func.os_sleep = linux_wlan_msleep;
+ nwi->os_func.os_atomic_sleep = linux_wlan_atomic_msleep;
+ nwi->os_func.os_debug = linux_wlan_dbg;
+ nwi->os_func.os_malloc = linux_wlan_malloc;
+ nwi->os_func.os_malloc_atomic = linux_wlan_malloc_atomic;
+ nwi->os_func.os_free = linux_wlan_free;
+ nwi->os_func.os_lock = linux_wlan_lock;
+ nwi->os_func.os_unlock = linux_wlan_unlock;
+ nwi->os_func.os_wait = linux_wlan_lock_timeout;
+ nwi->os_func.os_signal = linux_wlan_unlock;
+ nwi->os_func.os_enter_cs = linux_wlan_lock_mutex;
+ nwi->os_func.os_leave_cs = linux_wlan_unlock_mutex;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ nwi->os_func.os_spin_lock = linux_wlan_spin_lock;
+ nwi->os_func.os_spin_unlock = linux_wlan_spin_unlock;
+#ifdef NMI_SDIO
+ nwi->io_func.io_type = HIF_SDIO;
+ nwi->io_func.io_init = linux_sdio_init;
+ nwi->io_func.io_deinit = linux_sdio_deinit;
+ nwi->io_func.u.sdio.sdio_cmd52 = linux_sdio_cmd52;
+ nwi->io_func.u.sdio.sdio_cmd53 = linux_sdio_cmd53;
+ nwi->io_func.u.sdio.sdio_set_max_speed = linux_sdio_set_max_speed;
+ nwi->io_func.u.sdio.sdio_set_default_speed = linux_sdio_set_default_speed;
+ nwi->io_func.io_type = HIF_SPI;
+ nwi->io_func.io_init = linux_spi_init;
+ nwi->io_func.io_deinit = linux_spi_deinit;
+ nwi->io_func.u.spi.spi_tx = linux_spi_write;
+ nwi->io_func.u.spi.spi_rx = linux_spi_read;
+ nwi->io_func.u.spi.spi_trx = linux_spi_write_read;
+ nwi->io_func.u.spi.spi_max_speed = linux_spi_set_max_speed;
+ /*for now - to be revised*/
+ nwi->net_func.rx_indicate = frmw_to_linux;
+ nwi->net_func.rx_complete = linux_wlan_rx_complete;
+ nwi->indicate_func.mac_indicate = linux_wlan_mac_indicate;
+int wlan_initialize_threads(linux_wlan_t* nic){
+ int ret = 0;
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Initializing Threads ...\n");
+ /*Initialize rx work queue task*/
+ INIT_WORK(&nic->rx_work_queue, isr_bh_routine);
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Creating kthread for Rxq BH\n");
+ nic->rx_bh_thread = kthread_run(isr_bh_routine,(void*)nic,"K_RXQ_BH");
+ if(nic->rx_bh_thread == 0){
+ PRINT_ER("couldn't create RX BH thread\n");
+ ret = -ENOBUFS;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /* create rx task */
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Creating kthread for reception\n");
+ nic->rxq_thread = kthread_run(linux_wlan_rxq_task,(void*)nic,"K_RXQ_TASK");
+ if(nic->rxq_thread == 0){
+ PRINT_ER("couldn't create RXQ thread\n");
+ ret = -ENOBUFS;
+ goto _fail_1;
+ }
+ /* wait for RXQ task to start. */
+ linux_wlan_lock(&nic->rxq_thread_started);
+ /* create tx task */
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Creating kthread for transmission\n");
+ nic->txq_thread = kthread_run(linux_wlan_txq_task,(void*)nic,"K_TXQ_TASK");
+ if(nic->txq_thread == 0){
+ PRINT_ER("couldn't create TXQ thread\n");
+ ret = -ENOBUFS;
+ goto _fail_2;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Creating kthread for Debugging\n");
+ nic->txq_thread = kthread_run(DebuggingThreadTask,(void*)nic,"DebugThread");
+ if(nic->txq_thread == 0){
+ PRINT_ER("couldn't create TXQ thread\n");
+ ret = -ENOBUFS;
+ goto _fail_2;
+ }
+ /* wait for TXQ task to start. */
+ linux_wlan_lock(&nic->txq_thread_started);
+ return 0;
+ _fail_2:
+ /*De-Initialize 2nd thread*/
+ nic->close = 1;
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->rxq_event);
+ kthread_stop(nic->rxq_thread);
+ _fail_1:
+ /*De-Initialize 1st thread*/
+ nic->close = 1;
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->rx_sem);
+ kthread_stop(nic->rx_bh_thread);
+ _fail_:
+ #endif
+ nic->close = 0;
+ return ret;
+static void wlan_deinitialize_threads(linux_wlan_t* nic){
+ nic->close = 1;
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Deinitializing Threads\n");
+ if(&nic->rxq_event != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->rxq_event);
+ if(nic->rxq_thread != NULL){
+ kthread_stop(nic->rxq_thread);
+ nic->rxq_thread = NULL;
+ }
+ if(&nic->txq_event != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->txq_event);
+ if(nic->txq_thread != NULL){
+ kthread_stop(nic->txq_thread);
+ nic->txq_thread = NULL;
+ }
+ if(&nic->rx_sem != NULL)
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&nic->rx_sem);
+ if(nic->rx_bh_thread != NULL){
+ kthread_stop(nic->rx_bh_thread);
+ nic->rx_bh_thread= NULL;
+ }
+ #endif
+//brandy_0724 [[
+#if 0
+ if (&nmi_mac_thread != NULL){
+ kthread_stop(nmi_mac_thread);
+ nmi_mac_thread= NULL;
+ }
+//brandy_0724 ]]
+//brandy_0724 [[
+static int linux_wlan_read_mac_addr(void* vp)
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct file *fp = (struct file *)-ENOENT;
+ mm_segment_t old_fs;
+ loff_t pos = 0;
+ /* change to KERNEL_DS address limit */
+ old_fs = get_fs();
+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
+ do {
+ fp = filp_open("/data/wlan", O_WRONLY, 0640);
+ if (!fp) {
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /*No such file or directory */
+ if (IS_ERR(fp) || !fp->f_op) {
+ get_random_bytes(&mac_add[3], 3);
+ /* open file to write */
+ fp = filp_open("/data/wlan", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0640);
+ if (!fp) {
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Write buf to file */
+ fp->f_op->write(fp, mac_add, 6, &pos);
+ }else{
+ /* read file to buf */
+ fp->f_op->read(fp, mac_add, 6, &pos);
+ }
+ }while(0);
+ if (fp) {
+ filp_close(fp,NULL);
+ }
+ set_fs(old_fs);
+ return ret;
+//brandy_0724 ]]
+int nmc1000_wlan_init(linux_wlan_t* p_nic)
+ nmi_wlan_inp_t nwi;
+ nmi_wlan_oup_t nwo;
+ linux_wlan_t* nic = p_nic;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if(!nic->nmc1000_initialized){
+ nic->mac_status = NMI_MAC_STATUS_INIT;
+ nic->close = 0;
+ nic->nmc1000_initialized = 0;
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3)//[[ johnny : because of dummy irq
+ _available_irq_ready = 0;
+ wlan_init_locks(nic);
+ //brandy_0724 [[ for fixed Mac addr
+ nmi_mac_thread = kthread_run(linux_wlan_read_mac_addr,NULL,"nmi_mac_thread");
+ if(nmi_mac_thread < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("couldn't create Mac addr thread\n");
+ }
+ //brandy_0724 ]]
+ linux_to_wlan(&nwi,nic);
+ ret = nmi_wlan_init(&nwi, &nwo);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER("Initializing NMI_Wlan FAILED\n");
+ goto _fail_locks_;
+ }
+ memcpy(&nic->oup, &nwo, sizeof(nmi_wlan_oup_t));
+ /*Save the oup structre into global pointer*/
+ gpstrWlanOps = &nic->oup;
+ ret = wlan_initialize_threads(nic);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER("Initializing Threads FAILED\n");
+ goto _fail_irq_;
+ }
+#if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ if(init_irq(nic)){
+ PRINT_ER("couldn't initialize IRQ\n");
+ ret = -EIO;
+ goto _fail_locks_;
+ }
+#if (defined NMI_SDIO) && (!defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ enable_sdio_interrupt();
+ if(linux_wlan_get_firmware(nic)){
+ PRINT_ER("Can't get firmware \n");
+ goto _fail_threads_;
+ }
+ /*Download firmware*/
+ ret = linux_wlan_firmware_download(nic);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to download firmware\n");
+ goto _fail_threads_;
+ }
+ /* Start firmware*/
+ ret = linux_wlan_start_firmware(nic);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to start firmware\n");
+ goto _fail_threads_;
+ }
+ nmi_bus_set_max_speed();
+ /* Initialize firmware with default configuration */
+ ret = linux_wlan_init_test_config(nic);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to configure firmware\n");
+ goto _fail_threads_;
+ }
+ nic->nmc1000_initialized = 1;
+ return 0; /*success*/
+ wlan_deinitialize_threads(nic);
+#if (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ deinit_irq(nic);
+ wlan_deinit_locks(nic);
+ PRINT_ER("WLAN Iinitialization FAILED\n");
+ }else{
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"nmc1000 already initialized\n");
+ }
+ return ret;
+ - this function will be called automatically by OS when module inserted.
+#if !defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+int mac_init_fn(struct net_device *ndev){
+ /*Why we do this !!!*/
+ netif_start_queue(ndev); //ma
+ netif_stop_queue(ndev); //ma
+ return 0;
+int mac_init_fn(struct net_device *ndev){
+ unsigned char mac_add[] = {0x00,0x50,0xc2,0x5e,0x10,0x00};
+ /* TODO: get MAC address whenever the source is EPROM - hardcoded and copy it to ndev*/
+ memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, mac_add, 6);
+ if(!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)){
+ PRINT_ER("Error: Wrong MAC address\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* This fn is called, when this device is setup using ifconfig */
+#if !defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+int mac_open(struct net_device *ndev){
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ unsigned char mac_add[] = {0x00, 0x80, 0xC2, 0x5E, 0xa2, 0xb2};
+ int status;
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ gbIPaddrObtained = NMI_FALSE;
+ nic = netdev_priv(ndev);
+ linux_wlan_lock(&close_exit_sync);
+ /*initialize platform*/
+ ret = nmc1000_wlan_init(nic);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to initialize nmc1000\n");
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&close_exit_sync);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = NMI_WFI_InitHostInt(ndev);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to initialize host interface\n");
+ nmc1000_wlan_deinit(nic);
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&close_exit_sync);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ get_random_bytes(&mac_add[5], 1);
+ priv = wiphy_priv(nic->nmc_netdev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy);
+ status = host_int_get_MacAddress(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, mac_add);
+ host_int_set_MacAddress(NULL, mac_add);
+ status = host_int_get_MacAddress(NULL, mac_add);
+ /* TODO: get MAC address whenever the source is EPROM - hardcoded and copy it to ndev*/
+ memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, mac_add, ETH_ALEN);
+ if(!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)){
+ PRINT_ER("Error: Wrong MAC address\n");
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&close_exit_sync);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Start the network interface queue for this device */
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Starting netifQ\n");
+ //netif_start_queue(ndev); ma
+ //enable interrupts
+ //enable_irq(g_linux_wlan->dev_irq_num);
+ netif_wake_queue(ndev);
+ //linux_wlan_lock(&close_exit_sync);
+ return 0;
+int mac_open(struct net_device *ndev)
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ nic = netdev_priv(ndev);
+ /*initialize platform*/
+ if(nmc1000_wlan_init(nic)){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to initialize platform\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Start the network interface queue for this device */
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Starting netifQ\n");
+ netif_start_queue(ndev);
+ linux_wlan_lock(&close_exit_sync);
+ return 0;
+struct net_device_stats *mac_stats(struct net_device *dev)
+ linux_wlan_t* nic= netdev_priv(dev);
+ return &nic->netstats;
+static void linux_wlan_tx_complete(void* priv, int status){
+ struct tx_complete_data* pv_data = (struct tx_complete_data*)priv;
+ if(status == 1){
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Packet sent successfully - Size = %d - Address = %p - SKB = %p\n",pv_data->size,pv_data->buff, pv_data->skb);
+ } else {
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Couldn't send packet - Size = %d - Address = %p - SKB = %p\n",pv_data->size,pv_data->buff, pv_data->skb);
+ }
+ /* Free the SK Buffer, its work is done */
+ dev_kfree_skb(pv_data->skb);
+ linux_wlan_free(pv_data);
+int mac_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev)
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ struct tx_complete_data* tx_data = NULL;
+ int QueueCount;
+ //char* saddr,*daddr,*pu8UdpBuffer;
+ char *pu8UdpBuffer;
+ struct iphdr *ih;
+// struct ethhdr *eth;
+// char* ethsaddr,*ethdaddr;
+// int i;
+ //char* TestBuff;
+ PRINT_D(INT_DBG,"\n========\n IntUH: %d - IntBH: %d - IntCld: %d \n========\n",int_rcvdU,int_rcvdB,int_clrd);
+ nic = netdev_priv(ndev);
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Sending packet just received from TCP/IP\n");
+ /* Stop the network interface queue */
+ // netif_stop_queue(ndev);
+ if(skb->dev != ndev){
+ PRINT_ER("Packet not destined to this device\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* allocate memory for the frame - there is no need to allocate the fixed packet size 1496.
+ * just allocat memory with the length of the packet received - also don't put any constraint
+ * on the size of the packet to be received because this restriction is already handled inside firmware.
+ */
+ if(skb->len > 1496){
+ PRINT_ER("Unable to handle this large packet - Size = %d\n",skb->len);
+ }
+ tx_data = (struct tx_complete_data*)internal_alloc(sizeof(struct tx_complete_data),GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if(tx_data == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for tx_data structure\n");
+ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+ netif_wake_queue(ndev);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tx_data->buff = skb->data;
+ tx_data->size = skb->len;
+ tx_data->skb = skb;
+ /*get source and dest ip addresses*/
+ ih = (struct iphdr *)(skb->data+sizeof(struct ethhdr));
+ //saddr = &ih->saddr;
+ //daddr = &ih->daddr;
+ //NMI_PRINTF("Source IP = %d:%d:%d:%d \n",saddr[0],saddr[1],
+ // saddr[2],saddr[3]);
+// NMI_PRINTF("Dest IP = %d:%d:%d:%d \n",daddr[0],daddr[1],
+ // daddr[2],daddr[3]);
+ pu8UdpBuffer = (char*)ih + sizeof(struct iphdr);
+ if(pu8UdpBuffer[1] == 68 && pu8UdpBuffer[3] == 67)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"DHCP Message transmitted\n");
+ //printk("[MMM] DHCP Message transmitted\n");
+ }
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Sending packet - Size = %d - Address = %p - SKB = %p\n",tx_data->size,tx_data->buff,tx_data->skb);
+ /*eth = (struct ethhdr *)(skb->data);
+ ethsaddr = &eth->h_source;
+ ethdaddr = &eth->h_dest;
+ NMI_PRINTF("Source MAC = %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x \n",ethsaddr[0],ethsaddr[1],
+ ethsaddr[2],ethsaddr[3],ethsaddr[4],ethsaddr[5]);
+ NMI_PRINTF("Dest MAC = %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x \n",ethdaddr[0],ethdaddr[1],
+ ethdaddr[2],ethdaddr[3],ethdaddr[4],ethdaddr[5]);*/
+ //NMI_PRINTF("sending pkt \n");
+ // NMI_PRINTF("skb->data[12] = %2x, skb->data[13] = %2x \n");
+ /*TestBuff = (char*)(skb->data + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
+ for(i = 0; i < 30; i++)
+ {
+ if(i < skb->len)
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("TestBuff[%d] = %2x \n", i, TestBuff[i]);
+ }
+ }*/
+ /* Send packet to MAC HW - for now the tx_complete function will be just status
+ * indicator. still not sure if I need to suspend host transmission till the tx_complete
+ * function called or not?
+ * allocated buffer will be freed in tx_complete function.
+ */
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Adding tx packet to TX Queue\n");
+ nic->netstats.tx_packets++;
+ nic->netstats.tx_bytes+=tx_data->size;
+ QueueCount = nic->oup.wlan_add_to_tx_que((void*)tx_data,
+ tx_data->buff,
+ tx_data->size,
+ linux_wlan_tx_complete);
+ {
+ // printk("Stopping queue\n");
+ netif_stop_queue(ndev);
+ }
+ /* Wake up the network interface queue */
+ //netif_wake_queue(ndev);
+ return 0;
+int mac_close(struct net_device *ndev)
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ gbIPaddrObtained = NMI_FALSE;
+ nic = netdev_priv(ndev);
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Mac close\n");
+ /* Stop the network interface queue */
+ netif_stop_queue(ndev);
+ NMI_WFI_DeInitHostInt(ndev);
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Deinitializing nmc1000\n");
+ nmc1000_wlan_deinit(nic);
+ NMI_WFI_deinit_mon_interface();
+ linux_wlan_unlock(&close_exit_sync);
+ return 0;
+int mac_ioctl(struct net_device *ndev, struct ifreq *req, int cmd){
+ NMI_Uint8 *buff= NULL;
+ NMI_Sint8 rssi;
+ NMI_Uint32 size=0,length=0;
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ struct NMI_WFI_priv* priv;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ //struct iwreq *wrq = (struct iwreq *) req; // tony moved to case SIOCSIWPRIV
+ nic = netdev_priv(ndev);
+ if(!nic->nmc1000_initialized)
+ return 0;
+ #endif
+ switch(cmd){
+ // [[ added by tony for SIOCDEVPRIVATE
+ {
+ android_wifi_priv_cmd priv_cmd;
+ if (copy_from_user(&priv_cmd, req->ifr_data, sizeof(android_wifi_priv_cmd))) {
+ s32Error = -EFAULT;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ buff = kmalloc(priv_cmd.total_len, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!buff)
+ {
+ s32Error = -ENOMEM;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (copy_from_user(buff, priv_cmd.buf, priv_cmd.total_len)) {
+ s32Error = -EFAULT;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "%s: Android private cmd \"%s\" on %s\n", __FUNCTION__, buff, req->ifr_name);
+ if (strnicmp(buff, "SCAN-ACTIVE", strlen("SCAN-ACTIVE")) == 0) {
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "SCAN-PASSIVE", strlen("SCAN-PASSIVE")) == 0) {
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "RXFILTER-START", strlen("RXFILTER-START")) == 0) {
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "RXFILTER-STOP", strlen("RXFILTER-STOP")) == 0) {
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "RXFILTER-ADD", strlen("RXFILTER-ADD")) == 0) {
+ int filter_num = *(buff + strlen("RXFILTER-ADD") + 1) - '0';
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "%s, RXFILTER-ADD command, filter_num=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, filter_num);
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "RXFILTER-REMOVE", strlen("RXFILTER-REMOVE")) == 0) {
+ int filter_num = *(buff + strlen("RXFILTER-REMOVE") + 1) - '0';
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "%s, RXFILTER-REMOVE command, filter_num=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, filter_num);
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "BTCOEXSCAN-START", strlen("BTCOEXSCAN-START")) == 0) {
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "BTCOEXSCAN-STOP", strlen("BTCOEXSCAN-STOP")) == 0) {
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "BTCOEXMODE", strlen("BTCOEXMODE")) == 0) {
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "SETBAND", strlen("SETBAND")) == 0) {
+ uint band = *(buff + strlen("SETBAND") + 1) - '0';
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "%s, SETBAND command, band=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, band);
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "GETBAND", strlen("GETBAND")) == 0) {
+ }else if (strnicmp(buff, "COUNTRY", strlen("COUNTRY")) == 0) {
+ char *country_code = buff + strlen("COUNTRY") + 1;
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "%s, COUNTRY command, country_code=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, country_code);
+ }else {
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "%s, Unknown command\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ }break;
+ // ]] 2013-06-24
+ {
+ struct iwreq *wrq = (struct iwreq *) req; // added by tony
+ size = wrq->;
+ if (size&& wrq->
+ {
+ buff = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!buff)
+ {
+ s32Error = -ENOMEM;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (copy_from_user
+ (buff, wrq->,
+ wrq->
+ {
+ s32Error = -EFAULT;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if(strnicmp(buff,"RSSI",length) == 0)
+ {
+ priv = wiphy_priv(nic->nmc_netdev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy);
+ s32Error = host_int_get_rssi(priv->hNMIWFIDrv, &(rssi));
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send get rssi param's message queue ");
+ #endif
+ /*Rounding up the rssi negative value*/
+ rssi+=5;
+ snprintf(buff, size, "rssi %d", rssi);
+ if (copy_to_user(wrq->, buff, size)) {
+ PRINT_ER("%s: failed to copy data to user buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ s32Error = -EFAULT;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG,"Command - %d - has been received\n",cmd);
+ s32Error = -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ if(buff != NULL)
+ {
+ kfree(buff);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+void frmw_to_linux(uint8_t *buff, uint32_t size){
+ unsigned int frame_len = 0;
+ int stats;
+ unsigned char* buff_to_send = NULL;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ //char *saddr,*daddr;
+ char*pu8UdpBuffer;
+ struct iphdr *ih;
+// static int once = 1;
+// int i;
+ linux_wlan_t *nic;
+ if(size > 0){
+ frame_len = size;
+ buff_to_send = buff;
+ /* Need to send the packet up to the host, allocate a skb buffer */
+ skb = dev_alloc_skb(frame_len);
+ if(skb == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("Low memory - packet droped\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ skb_reserve(skb, (unsigned int)skb->data & 0x3);
+ if(g_linux_wlan == NULL || g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("nmc_netdev in g_linux_wlan is NULL");
+ }
+ skb->dev = g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev;
+ if(skb->dev == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("skb->dev is NULL\n");
+ }
+ /*
+ for(i=0;i<40;i++)
+ {
+ if(i<frame_len)
+ NMI_PRINTF("buff_to_send[%d]=%2x\n",i,buff_to_send[i]);
+ }*/
+ //skb_put(skb, frame_len);
+ memcpy(skb_put(skb, frame_len),buff_to_send, frame_len);
+ //NMI_PRINTF("After MEM_CPY\n");
+ nic = netdev_priv(g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev);
+ /* if(nic->monitor_flag)
+ {
+ NMI_WFI_monitor_rx(g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev,skb);
+ return;
+ }*/
+ skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev);
+ /*get source and dest ip addresses*/
+ ih = (struct iphdr *)(skb->data+sizeof(struct ethhdr));
+ //saddr = &ih->saddr;
+ //daddr = &ih->daddr;
+ //NMI_PRINTF("[REC]Source IP = %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x",saddr[0],saddr[1],
+ //saddr[2],saddr[3]);
+ //NMI_PRINTF("[REC]Dest IP = %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x",daddr[0],daddr[1],
+ // daddr[2],daddr[3]);
+ //NMI_PRINTF("Protocol = %4x\n",skb->protocol);
+ pu8UdpBuffer = (char*)ih + sizeof(struct iphdr);
+ //printk("Port No = %d,%d\n",pu8UdpBuffer[1],pu8UdpBuffer[3]);
+ if(buff_to_send[35] == 67 && buff_to_send[37] == 68)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"DHCP Message received\n");
+ //printk("[MMM] DHCP Message received\n");
+ }
+ /* Send the packet to the stack by giving it to the bridge */
+ nic->netstats.rx_packets++;
+ nic->netstats.rx_bytes+=frame_len;
+ stats = netif_rx(skb);
+ //printk("netif_rx ret value is: %d\n",stats);
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"netif_rx ret value is: %d\n",stats);
+ }else{
+ PRINT_ER("Discard sending packet with len = %d\n",size);
+ }
+int nmc_netdev_init(void){
+ linux_wlan_t* nic;
+ struct net_device* ndev;
+ linux_wlan_init_lock("close_exit_sync",&close_exit_sync,1);
+ /*allocate ethernet device with linux_wlan_t as its private data*/
+ if(! (ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(linux_wlan_t)))){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate ethernet dev\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ nic = netdev_priv(ndev);
+ memset(nic,sizeof(linux_wlan_t),0);
+ nic->nmc_netdev = ndev;
+ /*Reset interrupt count debug*/
+ int_rcvdU= 0;
+ int_rcvdB= 0;
+ int_clrd = 0;
+ g_linux_wlan = nic;
+ ether_setup(ndev);
+#if defined(NM73131) // tony, 2012-09-20
+ strcpy(ndev->name,"nmc_eth%d");
+ strcpy(ndev->name,"wlan%d");
+ nmc_set_netdev_ops(ndev);
+ struct wireless_dev *wdev;
+ /*Register WiFi*/
+ wdev = NMI_WFI_WiphyRegister(ndev);
+ if(wdev == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("Can't register NMI Wiphy\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*Pointing the priv structure the netdev*/
+ /*linking the wireless_dev structure with the netdevice*/
+ nic->nmc_netdev->ieee80211_ptr = wdev;
+ nic->nmc_netdev->ml_priv = nic;
+ wdev->netdev = nic->nmc_netdev;
+ nic->netstats.rx_packets=0;
+ nic->netstats.tx_packets=0;
+ nic->netstats.rx_bytes=0;
+ nic->netstats.tx_bytes=0;
+ if(register_netdev(ndev)){
+ PRINT_ER("Device couldn't be registered - %s\n", ndev->name);
+ return -1; /* ERROR */
+ }
+#ifndef NMI_SDIO
+ if(!linux_spi_init(&nic->nmc_spidev)){
+ PRINT_ER("Can't initialize SPI \n");
+ return -1; /* ERROR */
+ }
+ nic->nmc_spidev = nmc_spi_dev;
+ nic->nmc_sdio_func= local_sdio_func;
+ nic->iftype = STATION_MODE;
+ register_inetaddr_notifier(&g_dev_notifier);
+ return 0;
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3)
+ #include <mach/gpio.h>
+ #include <mach/gpio_data.h>
+ #include <mach/pinmux.h>
+ extern void sdio_reinit(void);
+ extern void extern_wifi_set_enable(int is_on);
+#elif defined(PLAT_ALLWINNER_A10)
+ extern void sunximmc_rescan_card(unsigned id, unsigned insert);
+ extern void mmc_pm_power(int mode, int* updown);
+ extern int mmc_pm_get_io_val(char* name);
+ extern int mmc_pm_gpio_ctrl(char* name, int level);
+ #define NMC1000_SDIO_CARD_ID 3
+ int nmc1000_power_val = 0;
+#elif defined(PLAT_ALLWINNER_A20)
+ extern void sw_mci_rescan_card(unsigned id, unsigned insert);
+ extern void wifi_pm_power(int on); // tony to keep allwinner's rule
+ #define NMC1000_SDIO_CARD_ID 3
+#elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ /*simulate virtual sdio card insert and removal*/
+ extern void force_remove_sdio2(void);
+ extern void wmt_detect_sdio2(void);
+/*The 1st function called after module inserted*/
+static int __init init_nmc_driver(void){
+#if defined (NMC_DEBUGFS)
+ if(nmc_debugfs_init() < 0) {
+ NMI_PRINTF("fail to create debugfs for nmc driver\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ printk("IN INIT FUNCTION\n");
+ printk("*** NMC1000 driver VERSION=[%s] REVISON=[%s] FW_VER=[%s] ***\n", NMC1000_DRIVER_VERSION, SVNREV, STA_FIRMWARE);
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3)
+ extern_wifi_set_enable(1);
+ sdio_reinit();
+#elif defined(PLAT_ALLWINNER_A10)
+ nmc1000_power_val = 1;
+ mmc_pm_power(0, &nmc1000_power_val); // POWER UP
+ sunximmc_rescan_card(NMC1000_SDIO_CARD_ID, 1);
+#elif defined(PLAT_ALLWINNER_A20)
+ wifi_pm_power(1);
+ sw_mci_rescan_card(NMC1000_SDIO_CARD_ID, 1);
+#elif defined(PLAT_WMS8304) // added by rachel
+ NmiWifiCardPower(0);
+ msleep(100);
+ NmiWifiCardPower(1);
+#elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ NmiWifiCardPower(1);
+ wmt_detect_sdio2();
+#ifdef NMI_SDIO
+ {
+ int ret;
+ ret = sdio_register_driver(&nmc_bus);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("init_nmc_driver: Failed register sdio driver\n");
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Initializing netdev\n");
+ if(nmc_netdev_init()){
+ PRINT_ER("Couldn't initialize netdev\n");
+ }
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Device has been initialized successfully\n");
+ return 0;
+static void __exit exit_nmc_driver(void){
+ #define CLOSE_TIMEOUT 12*1000
+ unregister_inetaddr_notifier(&g_dev_notifier);
+ if((g_linux_wlan != NULL) &&g_linux_wlan->nmc_firmware != NULL) {
+ release_firmware(g_linux_wlan->nmc_firmware);
+ g_linux_wlan->nmc_firmware = NULL;
+ }
+ if( (g_linux_wlan != NULL) && ((g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev) != NULL) )
+ {
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Waiting for mac_close ....\n");
+ if(linux_wlan_lock_timeout(&close_exit_sync, CLOSE_TIMEOUT) < 0)
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Closed TimedOUT\n");
+ else
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"mac_closed\n");
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Unregistering netdev...\n");
+ unregister_netdev(g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev);
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Freeing Wiphy...\n");
+ NMI_WFI_WiphyFree(g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev);
+ #endif
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Freeing netdev...\n");
+ free_netdev(g_linux_wlan->nmc_netdev);
+ }
+ // Bug 4600 : NMI_WFI_deinit_mon_interface was already called at mac_close
+ //NMI_WFI_deinit_mon_interface();
+ if((&nmc_bus) != NULL)
+ {
+ #ifndef NMI_SDIO
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"SPI unregsiter...\n");
+ spi_unregister_driver(&nmc_bus);
+ #else
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"SDIO unregsiter...\n");
+ sdio_unregister_driver(&nmc_bus);
+ #endif
+ }
+ linux_wlan_deinit_lock(&close_exit_sync);
+ g_linux_wlan = NULL;
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Module_exit Done.\n");
+#if defined (NMC_DEBUGFS)
+ nmc_debugfs_remove();
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3)
+ extern_wifi_set_enable(0);
+#elif defined(PLAT_ALLWINNER_A10)
+ nmc1000_power_val = 0;
+ mmc_pm_power(0, &nmc1000_power_val); // POWER DOWN
+ sunximmc_rescan_card(NMC1000_SDIO_CARD_ID, 0);
+#elif defined(PLAT_ALLWINNER_A20)
+ wifi_pm_power(0);
+ sw_mci_rescan_card(NMC1000_SDIO_CARD_ID, 0);
+#elif defined(PLAT_WMS8304) // added by rachel
+ NmiWifiCardPower(0);
+#elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+ force_remove_sdio2();
+ NmiWifiCardPower(0); // simon
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_sdio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_sdio.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b2abd388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_sdio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#include "NMI_WFI_NetDevice.h"
+#include <linux/mmc/sdio_func.h>
+#include <linux/mmc/card.h>
+#include <linux/mmc/sdio_ids.h>
+#include <linux/mmc/sdio.h>
+#include <linux/mmc/host.h>
+#if defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+#define SDIO_MODALIAS "nmi_sdio"
+#define SDIO_MODALIAS "nmc1000_sdio"
+#ifdef NMC_ASIC_A0
+#if defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+#define MAX_SPEED 50000000
+#elif defined (PLAT_ALLWINNER_A10)
+#define MAX_SPEED 50000000/*15000000*/
+#elif defined (PLAT_ALLWINNER_A20)
+#define MAX_SPEED 45000000 //40000000 //50000000
+#elif defined (PLAT_PANDA_ES_OMAP4460)
+#define MAX_SPEED 25000000 //johnny change
+#elif defined(PLAT_WM8880)
+#define MAX_SPEED /*20000000*/50000000 /* tony increased to 50000000 */
+#define MAX_SPEED 50000000
+#else /* NMC_ASIC_A0 */
+/* Limit clk to 6MHz on FPGA. */
+#define MAX_SPEED 6000000
+#endif /* NMC_ASIC_A0 */
+struct sdio_func* local_sdio_func;
+extern linux_wlan_t* g_linux_wlan;
+extern int nmc_netdev_init(void);
+extern int sdio_clear_int(void);
+extern void nmi_handle_isr(void);
+static unsigned int sdio_default_speed=0;
+#define SDIO_VENDOR_ID_NMI 0x0296
+#define SDIO_DEVICE_ID_NMI 0x5347
+static const struct sdio_device_id nmi_sdio_ids[] = {
+// [[ added by rachel 13-07-18
+typedef enum {
+} sdio_host_lock;
+static sdio_host_lock sdio_intr_lock = NMI_SDIO_HOST_NO_TAKEN;
+static wait_queue_head_t sdio_intr_waitqueue;
+// ]]
+static void nmi_sdio_interrupt(struct sdio_func *func)
+ if(sdio_intr_lock == NMI_SDIO_HOST_DIS_TAKEN)
+ return;
+ sdio_intr_lock = NMI_SDIO_HOST_IRQ_TAKEN;
+ sdio_release_host(func);
+ nmi_handle_isr();
+ sdio_claim_host(func);
+ sdio_intr_lock = NMI_SDIO_HOST_NO_TAKEN;
+ wake_up_interruptible(&sdio_intr_waitqueue);
+int linux_sdio_cmd52(sdio_cmd52_t *cmd){
+ struct sdio_func *func = g_linux_wlan->nmc_sdio_func;
+ int ret;
+ u8 data;
+ sdio_claim_host(func);
+ func->num = cmd->function;
+ if (cmd->read_write) { /* write */
+ if (cmd->raw) {
+ sdio_writeb(func, cmd->data, cmd->address, &ret);
+ data = sdio_readb(func, cmd->address, &ret);
+ cmd->data = data;
+ } else {
+ sdio_writeb(func, cmd->data, cmd->address, &ret);
+ }
+ } else { /* read */
+ data = sdio_readb(func, cmd->address, &ret);
+ cmd->data = data;
+ }
+ sdio_release_host(func);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("nmi_sdio_cmd52..failed, err(%d)\n", ret);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ int linux_sdio_cmd53(sdio_cmd53_t *cmd){
+ struct sdio_func *func = g_linux_wlan->nmc_sdio_func;
+ int size, ret;
+ sdio_claim_host(func);
+ func->num = cmd->function;
+ func->cur_blksize = cmd->block_size;
+ if (cmd->block_mode)
+ size = cmd->count * cmd->block_size;
+ else
+ size = cmd->count;
+ if (cmd->read_write) { /* write */
+ ret = sdio_memcpy_toio(func, cmd->address, (void *)cmd->buffer, size);
+ } else { /* read */
+ ret = sdio_memcpy_fromio(func, (void *)cmd->buffer, cmd->address, size);
+ }
+ sdio_release_host(func);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("nmi_sdio_cmd53..failed, err(%d)\n", ret);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+extern void set_wifi_name(char * name);
+static int linux_sdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, const struct sdio_device_id *id){
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"SDIO probe \n");
+ local_sdio_func = func;
+ PRINT_D(INIT_DBG,"Initializing netdev\n");
+ if(nmc_netdev_init()){
+ PRINT_ER("Couldn't initialize netdev\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ //added by rubbitxiao
+ set_wifi_name("nmc1000.ko");
+ return 0;
+static void linux_sdio_remove(struct sdio_func *func)
+ /**
+ **/
+struct sdio_driver nmc_bus = {
+ .name = SDIO_MODALIAS,
+ .id_table = nmi_sdio_ids,
+ .probe = linux_sdio_probe,
+ .remove = linux_sdio_remove,
+void enable_sdio_interrupt(void){
+ int ret;
+ sdio_intr_lock = NMI_SDIO_HOST_NO_TAKEN;
+ sdio_claim_host(local_sdio_func);
+ ret = sdio_claim_irq(local_sdio_func, nmi_sdio_interrupt);
+ sdio_release_host(local_sdio_func);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER("can't claim sdio_irq, err(%d)\n", ret);
+ }
+void disable_sdio_interrupt(void){
+ int ret;
+ if(sdio_intr_lock == NMI_SDIO_HOST_IRQ_TAKEN )
+ wait_event_interruptible(sdio_intr_waitqueue, sdio_intr_lock == NMI_SDIO_HOST_NO_TAKEN );
+ sdio_intr_lock = NMI_SDIO_HOST_DIS_TAKEN;
+ sdio_claim_host(local_sdio_func);
+ ret = sdio_release_irq(local_sdio_func);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER("can't release sdio_irq, err(%d)\n", ret);
+ }
+ sdio_release_host(local_sdio_func);
+ sdio_intr_lock = NMI_SDIO_HOST_NO_TAKEN;
+static int linux_sdio_set_speed(int speed)
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3)
+ struct mmc_ios ios;
+ sdio_claim_host(local_sdio_func);
+ memcpy((void *)&ios,(void *)&local_sdio_func->card->host->ios,sizeof(struct mmc_ios));
+ local_sdio_func->card->host->ios.clock = speed;
+ ios.clock = speed;
+ local_sdio_func->card->host->ops->set_ios(local_sdio_func->card->host,&ios);
+ sdio_release_host(local_sdio_func);
+ PRINT_ER("@@@@@@@@@@@@ change SDIO speed to %d @@@@@@@@@\n", speed);
+ return 1;
+static int linux_sdio_get_speed(void)
+ return local_sdio_func->card->host->ios.clock;
+int linux_sdio_init(void* pv){
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3)
+//[[ rachel - copy from v.3.0 (by johnny)
+ #define NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE 256
+ #else
+ #define NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE 512
+ #endif
+ int err;
+ sdio_claim_host(local_sdio_func);
+ printk("johnny linux_sdio_init %d\n", local_sdio_func->num );
+ local_sdio_func->num = 0;
+ sdio_set_block_size(local_sdio_func, NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ local_sdio_func->num = 1;
+ sdio_enable_func(local_sdio_func);
+ sdio_set_block_size(local_sdio_func, NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ sdio_release_host(local_sdio_func);
+ printk("johnny linux_sdio_init\n");
+ init_waitqueue_head(&sdio_intr_waitqueue);
+ sdio_default_speed = linux_sdio_get_speed();
+ return 1;
+void linux_sdio_deinit(void *pv){
+ sdio_unregister_driver(&nmc_bus);
+int linux_sdio_set_max_speed(void)
+ return linux_sdio_set_speed(MAX_SPEED);
+int linux_sdio_set_default_speed(void)
+ return linux_sdio_set_speed(sdio_default_speed);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_sdio.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_sdio.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..68b3da25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_sdio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+extern struct sdio_func *local_sdio_func;
+extern struct sdio_driver nmc_bus;
+#include <linux/mmc/sdio_func.h>
+int linux_sdio_init(void*);
+void linux_sdio_deinit(void*);
+int linux_sdio_cmd52(sdio_cmd52_t *cmd);
+int linux_sdio_cmd53(sdio_cmd53_t *cmd);
+void enable_sdio_interrupt(void);
+void disable_sdio_interrupt(void);
+int linux_sdio_set_max_speed(void);
+int linux_sdio_set_default_speed(void);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_spi.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_spi.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a6682b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_spi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/cdev.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/spi/spi.h>
+#include "linux_wlan_common.h"
+#define USE_SPI_DMA 0 //johnny add
+#ifdef NMC_ASIC_A0
+#if defined(PLAT_PANDA_ES_OMAP4460)
+#define MIN_SPEED 12000000
+#define MAX_SPEED 24000000
+#elif defined(PLAT_WMS8304)
+#define MIN_SPEED 12000000
+#define MAX_SPEED 24000000 //4000000
+#define MIN_SPEED 24000000
+#define MAX_SPEED 48000000
+#else /* NMC_ASIC_A0 */
+/* Limit clk to 6MHz on FPGA. */
+#define MIN_SPEED 6000000
+#define MAX_SPEED 6000000
+#endif /* NMC_ASIC_A0 */
+static uint32_t SPEED = MIN_SPEED;
+struct spi_device* nmc_spi_dev;
+void linux_spi_deinit(void* vp);
+static int __init nmc_bus_probe(struct spi_device* spi){
+ PRINT_D(BUS_DBG,"spiModalias: %s\n",spi->modalias);
+ PRINT_D(BUS_DBG,"spiMax-Speed: %d\n",spi->max_speed_hz);
+ nmc_spi_dev = spi;
+ return 0;
+static int __devexit nmc_bus_remove(struct spi_device* spi){
+ //linux_spi_deinit(NULL);
+ return 0;
+struct spi_driver nmc_bus __refdata = {
+ .driver = {
+ .name = MODALIAS,
+ },
+ .probe = nmc_bus_probe,
+ .remove = __devexit_p(nmc_bus_remove),
+void linux_spi_deinit(void* vp){
+ spi_unregister_driver(&nmc_bus);
+ PRINT_ER("@@@@@@@@@@@@ restore SPI speed to %d @@@@@@@@@\n", SPEED);
+int linux_spi_init(void* vp){
+ int ret = 1;
+ static int called = 0;
+ if(called == 0){
+ called++;
+ if(&nmc_bus == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("nmc_bus address is NULL\n");
+ }
+ ret = spi_register_driver(&nmc_bus);
+ }
+ /* change return value to match NMI interface */
+ (ret<0)? (ret = 0):(ret = 1);
+ return ret;
+#if defined(PLAT_WMS8304) // rachel
+#define TXRX_PHASE_SIZE (4096)
+#if defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+int linux_spi_write(uint8_t* b, uint32_t len){
+ int ret;
+ if(len > 0 && b != NULL) {
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ PRINT_D(BUS_DBG,"Request writing %d bytes\n",len);
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ .tx_buf = b,
+ .len = len,
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr,&msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev,&msg);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER( "SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ } else{
+ PRINT_ER("can't write data with the following length: %d\n",len);
+ PRINT_ER("FAILED due to NULL buffer or ZERO length check the following length: %d\n",len);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ /* change return value to match NMI interface */
+ (ret<0)? (ret = 0):(ret = 1);
+ return ret;
+#elif defined(TXRX_PHASE_SIZE)
+int linux_spi_write(uint8_t* b, uint32_t len){
+ int ret;
+ if(len > 0 && b != NULL) {
+ int i = 0;
+ int blk = len/TXRX_PHASE_SIZE;
+ int remainder = len%TXRX_PHASE_SIZE;
+ char *r_buffer = (char*) kzalloc(TXRX_PHASE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(! r_buffer){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for r_buffer\n");
+ }
+ if(blk)
+ {
+ while(i<blk)
+ {
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ .tx_buf = b + (i*TXRX_PHASE_SIZE),
+ //.rx_buf = NULL,
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .bits_per_word = 8,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ /*
+ char *r_buffer = (char*) kzalloc(TXRX_PHASE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(! r_buffer){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for r_buffer\n");
+ }
+ */
+ tr.rx_buf = r_buffer;
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+ msg.spi = nmc_spi_dev;
+ msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; // rachel
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr, &msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev, &msg);
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER( "SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ //i += MJ_WRITE_SIZE;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(remainder)
+ {
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ .tx_buf = b + (blk*TXRX_PHASE_SIZE),
+ //.rx_buf = NULL,
+ .len = remainder,
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .bits_per_word = 8,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ /*
+ char *r_buffer = (char*) kzalloc(remainder, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(! r_buffer){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for r_buffer\n");
+ }
+ */
+ tr.rx_buf = r_buffer;
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+ msg.spi = nmc_spi_dev;
+ msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; // rachel
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr, &msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev, &msg);
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER( "SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(r_buffer)
+ kfree(r_buffer);
+ } else {
+ PRINT_ER("can't write data with the following length: %d\n",len);
+ PRINT_ER("FAILED due to NULL buffer or ZERO length check the following length: %d\n",len);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ /* change return value to match NMI interface */
+ (ret<0)? (ret = 0):(ret = 1);
+ return ret;
+int linux_spi_write(uint8_t* b, uint32_t len){
+ int ret;
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ if(len > 0 && b != NULL){
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ .tx_buf = b,
+ //.rx_buf = r_buffer,
+ .len = len,
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ char *r_buffer = (char*) kzalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(! r_buffer){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for r_buffer\n");
+ }
+ tr.rx_buf = r_buffer;
+ PRINT_D(BUS_DBG,"Request writing %d bytes\n",len);
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+//[[johnny add
+ msg.spi = nmc_spi_dev;
+ msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; // rachel
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr,&msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev,&msg);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER( "SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ kfree(r_buffer);
+ }else{
+ PRINT_ER("can't write data with the following length: %d\n",len);
+ PRINT_ER("FAILED due to NULL buffer or ZERO length check the following length: %d\n",len);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ /* change return value to match NMI interface */
+ (ret<0)? (ret = 0):(ret = 1);
+ return ret;
+#if defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+int linux_spi_read(unsigned char*rb, unsigned long rlen){
+ int ret;
+ if(rlen > 0) {
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ .rx_buf = rb,
+ .len = rlen,
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr,&msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev,&msg);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ }else{
+ PRINT_ER("can't read data with the following length: %ld\n",rlen);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ /* change return value to match NMI interface */
+ (ret<0)? (ret = 0):(ret = 1);
+ return ret;
+#elif defined(TXRX_PHASE_SIZE)
+int linux_spi_read(unsigned char*rb, unsigned long rlen){
+ int ret;
+ if(rlen > 0) {
+ int i =0;
+ int blk = rlen/TXRX_PHASE_SIZE;
+ int remainder = rlen%TXRX_PHASE_SIZE;
+ char *t_buffer = (char*) kzalloc(TXRX_PHASE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(! t_buffer){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for t_buffer\n");
+ }
+ if(blk)
+ {
+ //printk(" read blk %d cnt\n", blk);
+ while(i<blk)
+ {
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ //.tx_buf = NULL,
+ .rx_buf = rb + (i*TXRX_PHASE_SIZE),
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .bits_per_word = 8,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ tr.tx_buf = t_buffer;
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+ msg.spi = nmc_spi_dev;
+ msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; // rachel
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr, &msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev, &msg);
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER( "SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ i ++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(remainder)
+ {
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ //.tx_buf = NULL,
+ .rx_buf = rb + (blk*TXRX_PHASE_SIZE),
+ .len = remainder,
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .bits_per_word = 8,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ /*
+ char *t_buffer = (char*) kzalloc(remainder, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(! t_buffer){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for t_buffer\n");
+ }
+ */
+ tr.tx_buf = t_buffer;
+ //printk(" read remain, %d bytes\n", remainder);
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+ msg.spi = nmc_spi_dev;
+ msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; // rachel
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr, &msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev, &msg);
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ PRINT_ER( "SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(t_buffer)
+ kfree(t_buffer);
+ }else {
+ PRINT_ER("can't read data with the following length: %ld\n",rlen);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ /* change return value to match NMI interface */
+ (ret<0)? (ret = 0):(ret = 1);
+ return ret;
+int linux_spi_read(unsigned char*rb, unsigned long rlen){
+ int ret;
+ if(rlen > 0){
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ // .tx_buf = t_buffer,
+ .rx_buf = rb,
+ .len = rlen,
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ char *t_buffer = (char*) kzalloc(rlen, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(! t_buffer){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory for t_buffer\n");
+ }
+ tr.tx_buf = t_buffer;
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+//[[ johnny add
+ msg.spi = nmc_spi_dev;
+ msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; // rachel
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr,&msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev,&msg);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ kfree(t_buffer);
+ }else{
+ PRINT_ER("can't read data with the following length: %ld\n",rlen);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ /* change return value to match NMI interface */
+ (ret<0)? (ret = 0):(ret = 1);
+ return ret;
+int linux_spi_write_read(unsigned char*wb, unsigned char*rb, unsigned int rlen)
+ int ret;
+ if(rlen > 0) {
+ struct spi_message msg;
+ struct spi_transfer tr = {
+ .rx_buf = rb,
+ .tx_buf = wb,
+ .len = rlen,
+ .speed_hz = SPEED,
+ .bits_per_word = 8,
+ .delay_usecs = 0,
+ };
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); // rachel
+ spi_message_init(&msg);
+ msg.spi = nmc_spi_dev; // rachel
+ msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; // rachel for DMA
+ spi_message_add_tail(&tr,&msg);
+ ret = spi_sync(nmc_spi_dev,&msg);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("SPI transaction failed\n");
+ }
+ }else{
+ PRINT_ER("can't read data with the following length: %d\n",rlen);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ /* change return value to match NMI interface */
+ (ret<0)? (ret = 0):(ret = 1);
+ return ret;
+int linux_spi_set_max_speed(void)
+ PRINT_ER("@@@@@@@@@@@@ change SPI speed to %d @@@@@@@@@\n", SPEED);
+ return 1;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_spi.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_spi.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6f5eb1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/linux_wlan_spi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include <linux/spi/spi.h>
+extern struct spi_device* nmc_spi_dev;
+extern struct spi_driver nmc_bus;
+int linux_spi_init(void* vp);
+void linux_spi_deinit(void* vp);
+int linux_spi_write(uint8_t* b, uint32_t len);
+int linux_spi_read(uint8_t *rb, uint32_t rlen);
+int linux_spi_write_read(unsigned char*wb, unsigned char*rb, unsigned int rlen);
+int linux_spi_set_max_speed(void);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_custom_gpio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_custom_gpio.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bd592f3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_custom_gpio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+* $Id: nmi_custom_gpio.c, Exp $
+//#include <linux/mmc/core.h>
+//#include <linux/mmc/card.h>
+#include <linux/mmc/host.h>
+//#include <linux/mmc/sdio_func.h>
+//#include <linux/mmc/sdio_ids.h>
+//#include <linux/mmc/sdio.h>
+#include <linux/gpio.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <mach/gpio_customize_ease.h>
+//johnny add
+#include <mach/hardware.h>
+#include <mach/wmt_gpio.h>
+//static struct mmc_host *mmc_host = NULL;
+static GPIO_CTRL gpio_pmu_ctrl;
+static GPIO_CTRL gpio_reset_ctrl;
+static GPIO_CTRL gpio_wake_ctrl;
+GPIO_CTRL gpio_irq_ctrl;
+//extern void sdhci_bus_scan(void);
+//extern int sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset;
+//extern int sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_pwd;
+//extern int sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_wake;
+//extern int sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_irq;
+int sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset = 255;
+int sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_pwd = 255;
+int sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_wake = 255;
+int sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_irq =255;
+void Rubbit_Chk_gpio_irq(int value)
+ printk("[%d] gpio_irq_ctrl.gpio_int_ctl:%x\n",value, REG8_VAL(gpio_irq_ctrl.gpio_int_ctl.address));
+ printk("[%d] gpio_irq_ctrl.gpio_int_status:%x\n",value, REG8_VAL(gpio_irq_ctrl.gpio_int_status.address));
+ printk("[%d] gpio_get_value_any: 0x%x\n", value, gpio_get_value_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl));
+void irq_gpio_init(void)
+ //if(!gpio_irq_isEnable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl) || !gpio_irq_state_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl))
+#if 1
+ printk("[MMM] irq is Enable (%d), irq state (%d)\n"
+ , gpio_irq_isEnable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl)
+ , gpio_irq_state_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl));
+ {
+ /*init gpio interruption pin: input, low trigger, pull up, disable int*/
+ gpio_enable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl, INPUT);
+ set_gpio_irq_triger_mode_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl, IRQ_LOW);
+ gpio_pull_enable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl,PULL_UP);
+ gpio_clean_irq_status_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl);
+ enable_gpio_int_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl,INT_DIS);
+ }
+void irq_gpio_deinit(void)
+ //disable_irq_wake();
+ printk("[MMM] IRQ GPIO DEINIT, called [2] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n");
+ Rubbit_Chk_gpio_irq(3);
+ /* below: no interrupt @ 2nd time
+ gpio_enable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl, INPUT);
+ gpio_pull_enable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl, PULL_DOWN);
+ */
+ // below not working (no interrupt @ 2nd time)
+ //gpio_disable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl);
+void wifi_gpio_reset(int high_or_low)
+ printk("%s======hi= %d\n",__FUNCTION__,high_or_low);
+ if(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset > 0)
+ {printk("wifi reset gpio = %d\n", sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset);
+ gpio_direction_output(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset, high_or_low);
+ gpio_set_value(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset,high_or_low);
+ }
+ */
+ gpio_enable_any(&gpio_reset_ctrl, OUTPUT);
+ gpio_set_value_any(&gpio_reset_ctrl,high_or_low);
+static void wifi_card_set_gpios(int high_or_low)
+ printk("%s**********hi=%d\n",__FUNCTION__,high_or_low);
+ if(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset > 0)
+ {printk("wifi reset gpio = %d\n", sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset);
+ gpio_direction_output(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset, high_or_low);
+ gpio_set_value(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_reset,high_or_low);
+ }
+ if(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_pwd > 0)
+ {printk("wifi pwd gpio = %d\n",sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_pwd);
+ gpio_direction_output(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_pwd,high_or_low);
+ gpio_set_value(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_pwd,high_or_low);
+ }
+ if(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_wake > 0)
+ { printk("wifi wake gpio = %d\n",sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_wake);
+ gpio_direction_output(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_wake,high_or_low);
+ gpio_set_value(sprd_3rdparty_gpio_wifi_wake,high_or_low);
+ }*/
+ parse_gpio_ctrl_string("e3:4:5a:9a:da:49a:4da", &gpio_pmu_ctrl, "wmt.nmc.pmu");//kpadcolu0 pmu enable
+ parse_gpio_ctrl_string("e3:5:5a:9a:da:49a:4da", &gpio_reset_ctrl, "wmt.nmc.reset");//kpadcolu1 reset
+ parse_gpio_ctrl_string("e3:6:5a:9a:da:49a:4da", &gpio_wake_ctrl, "wmt.nmc.wake");//kpadcolu2 wakeup
+ parse_gpio_ctrl_string("df:6:40:80:00:306:360:480:4c0", &gpio_irq_ctrl, "wmt.nmc.irq");//irq gpio6
+ gpio_irq_ctrl.gpio_input_data.address = 0xfe110000;
+ printk("=====================\n");
+ printf_gpio_ctrl(&gpio_pmu_ctrl);
+ printf_gpio_ctrl(&gpio_reset_ctrl);
+ printf_gpio_ctrl(&gpio_wake_ctrl);
+ printf_gpio_ctrl(&gpio_irq_ctrl);
+ printk("=====================high_or_low:%x \n",high_or_low);
+ gpio_enable_any(&gpio_pmu_ctrl, OUTPUT);
+ gpio_set_value_any(&gpio_pmu_ctrl,high_or_low);
+ gpio_enable_any(&gpio_wake_ctrl, OUTPUT);
+ gpio_set_value_any(&gpio_wake_ctrl,high_or_low);
+ gpio_enable_any(&gpio_reset_ctrl, OUTPUT);//enable output
+ gpio_set_value_any(&gpio_reset_ctrl,high_or_low);//output hign
+ //gpio_enable_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl, OUTPUT);
+ //gpio_set_value_any(&gpio_irq_ctrl,high_or_low);
+/* Customer function to control hw specific wlan gpios */
+void NmiWifiCardPower(int power)
+ printk("%s, power=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, power);
+ wifi_card_set_gpios (power);
+ if(power){
+ wifi_gpio_reset(0);
+ msleep(100);
+ wifi_gpio_reset(1);
+ msleep(100);
+ }else{
+ wifi_gpio_reset(0);
+ }
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_debugfs.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_debugfs.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b11572f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_debugfs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+* NewportMedia WiFi chipset driver test tools - nmi-debug
+* Copyright (c) 2012 NewportMedia Inc.
+* Author: SSW <>
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation.
+#if defined(NMC_DEBUGFS)
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/debugfs.h>
+#include <linux/poll.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include "nmi_queue.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+static struct dentry *nmc_dir;
+// [[ linux_wlan_common.h
+// [[ debug level: DEBUG, INFO, WRN, added by tony 2012-01-09
+atomic_t DEBUG_LEVEL = ATOMIC_INIT(DEBUG | ERR); // if DEBUG_LEVEL is zero, silent, if DEBUG_LEVEL is 0xFFFFFFFF, verbose
+// ]]
+// debug_kmsg
+queue g_dumpqueue = {NULL, };
+#define DUMP_QUEUE_MAX (8*1024)
+static int nmc_debug_level_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ /*DEBUG_LEVEL = *((unsigned int *)inode->i_private);*/
+ printk("nmc_debug_level_open: current debug-level=%x\n", atomic_read(&DEBUG_LEVEL));
+ return 0;
+static int nmc_debug_region_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ /*REGION = *((unsigned int *)inode->i_private);*/
+ printk("nmc_debug_region_open: current debug-region=%x\n", atomic_read(&REGION));
+ return 0;
+static int nmc_debug_dump_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ printk("nmc_debug_dump_open\n");
+ return 0;
+static ssize_t nmc_debug_level_read(struct file *filp, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ if(copy_to_user(buf, (const void*)(&atomic_read(&DEBUG_LEVEL)), sizeof(unsigned int))) {
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ return sizeof(unsigned int);
+static ssize_t nmc_debug_level_write(struct file *filp, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ unsigned int flag = 0;
+ if(copy_from_user(&flag, buf, sizeof(unsigned int))) {
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ if(flag > DBG_LEVEL_ALL) {
+ printk("%s, value (0x%08x) is out of range, stay previous flag (0x%08x)\n", __func__, flag, atomic_read(&DEBUG_LEVEL));
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ atomic_set(&DEBUG_LEVEL, (int)flag);
+ printk("new debug-level is %x\n", atomic_read(&DEBUG_LEVEL));
+ return sizeof(unsigned int);
+static ssize_t nmc_debug_region_read(struct file *filp, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ if(copy_to_user(buf, (const void*)(&atomic_read(&REGION)), sizeof(unsigned int))) {
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ return sizeof(unsigned int);
+static ssize_t nmc_debug_region_write(struct file *filp, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ uint32_t flag = 0;
+ if(copy_from_user(&flag, buf, sizeof(unsigned int))) {
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ if(flag > DBG_REGION_ALL) {
+ printk("%s, value (0x%08x) is out of range, stay previous flag (0x%08x)\n", __func__, flag, atomic_read(&REGION));
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ atomic_set(&REGION, (int)flag);
+ printk("new debug-region is %x\n", atomic_read(&REGION));
+ return sizeof(unsigned int);
+void kmsgdump_write(char *fmt, ...)
+ char buf[256] = {0,};
+ va_list args;
+ int len;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ len = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ if((len>=256) || (len<0))
+ buf[256-1] = '\n';
+#if !defined (NM73131_0_BOARD)
+//#define LOG_TIME_STAMP //NM73131 is not support : rachel check required
+ {
+ char buf_t[30] = {0,};
+ unsigned long rem_nsec;
+ u64 ts = local_clock();
+ rem_nsec = do_div(ts, 1000000000);
+ sprintf(buf_t, "[%5lu.%06lu] ", (unsigned long)ts, rem_nsec / 1000);
+ queue_write(&g_dumpqueue, (void*)buf_t, strlen(buf_t));
+ }
+ queue_write(&g_dumpqueue, (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
+ wake_up(&nmc_msgdump_waitqueue);
+static ssize_t kmsgdump_read(struct file *filp, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ int read_size = 0;
+ int buf_size = queue_data_size(&g_dumpqueue);
+ if(buf_size > 0)
+ {
+ unsigned char *text = kmalloc(buf_size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ read_size = queue_read(&g_dumpqueue, (void*)text, (int)buf_size);
+ if(copy_to_user(buf, text, read_size)) {
+ kfree(text);
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ kfree(text);
+ return read_size;
+ }
+ // return -EAGAIN;
+ return 0;
+static unsigned int kmsgdump_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
+ if(queue_data_size(&g_dumpqueue))
+ poll_wait(file, &nmc_msgdump_waitqueue, wait);
+ if(queue_data_size(&g_dumpqueue))
+ return 0;
+#define FOPS(_open, _read, _write, _poll) { \
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, \
+ .open = (_open), \
+ .read = (_read), \
+ .write = (_write), \
+ .poll = (_poll), \
+struct nmc_debugfs_info_t {
+ const char *name;
+ int perm;
+ unsigned int data;
+ struct file_operations fops;
+static struct nmc_debugfs_info_t debugfs_info[] = {
+ { "nmc_debug_level", 0666, (DEBUG | ERR), FOPS(nmc_debug_level_open, nmc_debug_level_read, nmc_debug_level_write,NULL), },
+ { "nmc_debug_region", 0666, (INIT_DBG | GENERIC_DBG | CFG80211_DBG), FOPS(nmc_debug_region_open, nmc_debug_region_read, nmc_debug_region_write, NULL), },
+ { "nmc_debug_dump", 0666, 0, FOPS(nmc_debug_dump_open, kmsgdump_read, NULL, kmsgdump_poll), },
+int nmc_debugfs_init(void)
+ int i;
+ struct dentry *debugfs_files;
+ struct nmc_debugfs_info_t *info;
+ nmc_dir = debugfs_create_dir("nmi_wifi", NULL);
+ if(nmc_dir == ERR_PTR(-ENODEV)) {
+ /* it's not error. the debugfs is just not being enabled. */
+ printk("ERR, kernel has built without debugfs support\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(!nmc_dir) {
+ printk("ERR, debugfs create dir\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(debugfs_info) ; i++)
+ {
+ info = &debugfs_info[i];
+ printk("create the debugfs file, %s\n", info->name);
+ debugfs_files = debugfs_create_file(info->name,
+ info->perm,
+ nmc_dir,
+ &info->data,
+ &info->fops);
+ if(!debugfs_files) {
+ printk("fail to create the debugfs file, %s\n", info->name);
+ debugfs_remove_recursive(nmc_dir);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ queue_init(&g_dumpqueue, DUMP_QUEUE_MAX);
+ return 0;
+void nmc_debugfs_remove(void)
+ queue_deinit(&g_dumpqueue);
+ debugfs_remove_recursive(nmc_dir);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_queue.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_queue.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3b46fb43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_queue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (c) WRG Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Use of this sample source code is subject to the terms of the Newport Media Inc.
+ license agreement under which you licensed this sample source code. If you did not
+ accept the terms of the license agreement, you are not authorized to use this
+ sample source code. For the terms of the license, please see the license agreement
+ between you and Newport Media Inc.
+ @file queue.c
+ @description generic QUEUE object with auto drop.
+ @author Austin Shin (
+ @date 2009-02-17
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <stdlib.h>
+//#include <string.h>
+//#include <android/log.h> //added
+#include "nmi_queue.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define inline __inline
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+static spinlock_t g_lock;
+/* read write option */
+#define OPTION_PARTIAL_READ // enable partial read
+//#define OPTION_PARTIAL_WRITE // enable partial write
+#define OPTION_AUTO_DROP // force write with auto dropping.
+/* debugging */
+#define ASSERT(x)
+//#define ASSERT(x) (!(x)) ? assert(x);
+static inline int __align(int v, unsigned int n)
+ return (v + (n-1)) & ~(n-1);
+int queue_init(queue* p, int len)
+ ASSERT(p);
+ ASSERT(p->buffer);
+ ASSERT(len > 0);
+ spin_lock_init(&g_lock);
+ //p->buffer = malloc(len);
+ p->buffer = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if ( p->buffer == NULL )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p->size = len;
+ queue_reset(p);
+ return len;
+int queue_deinit(queue* p)
+ if( p->buffer == NULL )
+ return -1;
+ queue_reset(p);
+ kfree(p->buffer); p->buffer = NULL;
+ return 0;
+int queue_reset(queue* p)
+ ASSERT(p);
+ ASSERT(p->buffer);
+ ASSERT(p->size > 0);
+ if(p->buffer == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ spin_lock(&g_lock);
+ memset(p->buffer, 0, p->size);
+ p->wr = 0;
+ p->rd = 0;
+ spin_unlock(&g_lock);
+ return 0;
+int queue_data_size(queue* p)
+ ASSERT(p);
+ if(p->wr >= p->rd)
+ return (p->wr - p->rd);
+ else
+ return (p->wr + (p->size - p->rd));
+int queue_free_size(queue* p)
+ ASSERT(p);
+ return p->size - queue_data_size(p);
+int queue_drop(queue* p, int len)
+ ASSERT(p);
+ ASSERT(len < p->size);
+ if(p->rd + len < p->size)
+ {
+ p->rd += len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p->rd = p->rd + len - p->size;
+ }
+ return len;
+int queue_write(queue* p, void* data, int len)
+ int freesize;
+ ASSERT(p);
+ ASSERT(data);
+ ASSERT(len < p->size);
+ if(p->buffer == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ spin_lock(&g_lock);
+ freesize = queue_free_size(p);
+ if(len > freesize)
+ {
+ len = freesize;
+#elif defined(OPTION_AUTO_DROP)
+ queue_drop(p, __align(len - freesize, 1)+1);
+ spin_unlock(&g_lock);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(p->wr + len < p->size)
+ {
+ memcpy(p->buffer + p->wr, data, len);
+ p->wr += len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int part1 = p->size - p->wr;
+ int part2 = len - part1;
+ memcpy(p->buffer + p->wr, data, part1);
+ memcpy(p->buffer, (char*)(data) + part1, part2);
+ p->wr = part2;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&g_lock);
+ return len;
+int queue_read(queue* p, void* data, int len)
+ int datasize;
+ ASSERT(p);
+ ASSERT(data);
+ ASSERT(len < p->size);
+ if(p->buffer == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ spin_lock(&g_lock);
+ datasize = queue_data_size(p);
+ if (len > datasize)
+ {
+ //printk("queue underrun\n");
+ len = datasize;
+ spin_unlock(&g_lock);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(p->rd + len < p->size)
+ {
+ memcpy(data, p->buffer + p->rd, len);
+ p->rd += len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int part1 = p->size - p->rd;
+ int part2 = len - part1;
+ memcpy(data, p->buffer + p->rd, part1);
+ memcpy((char*)(data) + part1, p->buffer, part2);
+ p->rd = part2;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&g_lock);
+ return len;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_queue.h b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_queue.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..cdfc8fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_queue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (c) WRG Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Use of this sample source code is subject to the terms of the Newport Media Inc.
+ license agreement under which you licensed this sample source code. If you did not
+ accept the terms of the license agreement, you are not authorized to use this
+ sample source code. For the terms of the license, please see the license agreement
+ between you and Newport Media Inc.
+ @file queue.h
+ @description generic QUEUE object with auto drop.
+ @author Austin Shin (
+ @date 2009-02-17
+#ifndef _QUEUE_H_
+#define _QUEUE_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if 1
+#define QUE_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE ((188*16*5)+1) //(188*16*8)//(188*30*4)//8192
+#define QUE_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE (188*30*8)//(188*30*4)
+typedef struct _queue
+ char* buffer; // data buffer
+ int size; // buffer size
+ int rd, wr; // r/w offset.
+} queue;
+int queue_init(queue* p, int len);
+int queue_deinit(queue* p);
+int queue_reset(queue* p);
+int queue_data_size(queue* p);
+int queue_free_size(queue* p);
+int queue_write(queue* p, void* data, int len);
+int queue_read(queue* p, void* data, int len);
+int queue_drop(queue* p, int len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // _QUEUE_H_
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_wm8880_gpio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_wm8880_gpio.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a0155f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/linux/source/nmi_wm8880_gpio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+* $Id: nmi_custom_gpio.c, Exp $
+#include <linux/mmc/host.h>
+#include <linux/gpio.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <mach/gpio_customize_ease.h>
+#include <mach/hardware.h>
+#include <mach/wmt_gpio.h>
+#include <linux/gpio.h>
+#include <mach/wmt_iomux.h>
+static int gpio_chipen_ctrl = -1;
+static int gpio_reset_ctrl = -1;
+static void wifi_gpio_reset(int high_or_low)
+ printk("%s======hi= %d\n",__FUNCTION__,high_or_low);
+ gpio_direction_output(gpio_reset_ctrl, high_or_low);
+static void wifi_card_init_gpios(void)
+ int ret;
+ gpio_chipen_ctrl = WMT_PIN_GP62_SUSGPIO1; // ??? simon
+ gpio_reset_ctrl = WMT_PIN_GP1_GPIO14;
+ ret = gpio_request(gpio_chipen_ctrl, "nmc1000 chipen pin");
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("reques gpio:%x failed!!! for nmc1000\n", gpio_chipen_ctrl);
+ return ;
+ } else {
+ printk("request gpio:%d for nmc1000 success!!!\n", gpio_chipen_ctrl);
+ }
+ gpio_direction_output(gpio_chipen_ctrl, 0);
+ ret = gpio_request(gpio_reset_ctrl, "nmc1000 reset pin");
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("reques gpio:%x failed!!! for nmc1000\n", gpio_reset_ctrl);
+ return ;
+ } else {
+ printk("request gpio:%d for nmc1000 success!!!\n", gpio_reset_ctrl);
+ }
+ gpio_direction_output(gpio_reset_ctrl, 0);
+static void wifi_card_release_gpios(void)
+ gpio_free(gpio_chipen_ctrl);
+ gpio_free(gpio_reset_ctrl);
+static void wifi_card_chipen_gpios(int high_or_low)
+ gpio_direction_output(gpio_chipen_ctrl, high_or_low);
+/* Customer function to control hw specific wlan gpios */
+void NmiWifiCardPower(int power)
+ printk("%s, power=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, power);
+ if(power){
+ wifi_card_init_gpios();
+ wifi_gpio_reset(0);
+ wifi_card_chipen_gpios (power);
+ msleep(35);
+ wifi_gpio_reset(1);
+ msleep(20);
+ }else{
+ wifi_gpio_reset(0);
+ msleep(10);
+ wifi_card_chipen_gpios (power);
+ msleep(10);
+ wifi_card_release_gpios();
+ }
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_driver_interface/host_interface.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_driver_interface/host_interface.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8d73ecfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_driver_interface/host_interface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6609 @@
+#include "host_interface.h"
+#include "NMI_OsWrapper/include/NMI_OSWrapper.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "CoreConfigurator.h"
+extern NMI_Sint32 TransportInit(void);
+extern NMI_Sint32 TransportDeInit(void);
+extern NMI_Bool gbIPaddrObtained;
+/* Macros */
+/* Message types of the Host IF Message Queue*/
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN ((NMI_Uint16)0)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT ((NMI_Uint16)1)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_KEY ((NMI_Uint16)3)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_NTWRK_INFO ((NMI_Uint16)4)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_CFG_PARAMS ((NMI_Uint16)6)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_SET_CHANNEL ((NMI_Uint16)7)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_DISCONNECT ((NMI_Uint16)8)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_RSSI ((NMI_Uint16)9)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_CHNL ((NMI_Uint16)10)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_BEACON ((NMI_Uint16)11)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_BEACON ((NMI_Uint16)12)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_STATION ((NMI_Uint16)13)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_STATION ((NMI_Uint16)14)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_EDIT_STATION ((NMI_Uint16)15)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN_TIMER_FIRED ((NMI_Uint16)16)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_POWER_MGMT ((NMI_Uint16)18)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_REMAIN_ON_CHAN ((NMI_Uint16)20)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_LINKSPEED ((NMI_Uint16)23)
+#define HOST_IF_MSG_EXIT ((NMI_Uint16)100)
+#define HOST_IF_SCAN_TIMEOUT 4000
+/* Type Definitions */
+* @struct tstrHostIFCfgParamAttr
+* @brief Structure to hold Host IF CFG Params Attributes
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date 02 April 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFCfgParamAttr
+ tstrCfgParamVal pstrCfgParamVal;
+* @struct tstrHostIFwpaAttr
+* @brief Structure to hold Host IF Scan Attributes
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFwpaAttr
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8key;
+ const NMI_Uint8* pu8macaddr;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8seq;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8seqlen;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8keyidx;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8Keylen;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8Ciphermode;
+} tstrHostIFwpaAttr;
+* @struct tstrHostIFwepAttr
+* @brief Structure to hold Host IF Scan Attributes
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFwepAttr
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8WepKey;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8WepKeylen;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8Wepidx;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8mode;
+ AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type;
+} tstrHostIFwepAttr;
+* @struct tuniHostIFkeyAttr
+* @brief Structure to hold Host IF Scan Attributes
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef union _tuniHostIFkeyAttr
+ tstrHostIFwepAttr strHostIFwepAttr;
+ tstrHostIFwpaAttr strHostIFwpaAttr;
+ tstrHostIFpmkidAttr strHostIFpmkidAttr;
+} tuniHostIFkeyAttr;
+* @struct tstrHostIFkeyAttr
+* @brief Structure to hold Host IF Scan Attributes
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFkeyAttr
+ tenuKeyType enuKeyType;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8KeyAction;
+ tuniHostIFkeyAttr uniHostIFkeyAttr;
+} tstrHostIFkeyAttr;
+* @struct tstrHostIFscanAttr
+* @brief Structure to hold Host IF Scan Attributes
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mostafa Abu Bakr
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFscanAttr
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ScanSource;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ScanType;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8ChnlFreqList;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ChnlListLen;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8IEs;
+ size_t IEsLen;
+ tNMIpfScanResult pfScanResult;
+ void* pvUserArg;
+ /*BugID_4189*/
+ tstrHiddenNetwork strHiddenNetwork;
+} tstrHostIFscanAttr;
+* @struct tstrHostIFconnectAttr
+* @brief Structure to hold Host IF Connect Attributes
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mostafa Abu Bakr
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFconnectAttr
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8bssid;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8ssid;
+ size_t ssidLen;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8IEs;
+ size_t IEsLen;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8security;
+ tNMIpfConnectResult pfConnectResult;
+ void* pvUserArg;
+ AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8channel;
+} tstrHostIFconnectAttr;
+* @struct tstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo
+* @brief Structure to hold Received General Asynchronous info
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mostafa Abu Bakr
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Length;
+} tstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo;
+* @struct tstrHostIFSetChan
+* @brief Set Channel message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFSetChan
+ NMI_Uint8 u8SetChan;
+} tstrHostIFSetChan;
+* @struct tstrHostIFSetChan
+* @brief Get Channel message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date 01 Jule 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFGetChan
+ NMI_Uint8 u8GetChan;
+} tstrHostIFGetChan;
+/*bug3819: Add Scan acomplete notification to host*/
+* @struct tstrScanComplete
+* @brief hold received Async. Scan Complete message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+/*typedef struct _tstrScanComplete
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Length;
+} tstrScanComplete;*/
+* @struct tstrHostIFSetBeacon
+* @brief Set Beacon message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Adham Abozaeid
+* @date 10 July 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFSetBeacon
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Interval; /*!< Beacon Interval. Period between two successive beacons on air */
+ NMI_Uint32 u32DTIMPeriod; /*!< DTIM Period. Indicates how many Beacon frames
+ (including the current frame) appear before the next DTIM */
+ NMI_Uint32 u32HeadLen; /*!< Length of the head buffer in bytes */
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8Head; /*!< Pointer to the beacon's head buffer. Beacon's head is the part
+ from the beacon's start till the TIM element, NOT including the TIM */
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TailLen; /*!< Length of the tail buffer in bytes */
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8Tail; /*!< Pointer to the beacon's tail buffer. Beacon's tail starts just
+ after the TIM inormation element */
+ }tstrHostIFSetBeacon;
+* @struct tstrHostIFDelBeacon
+* @brief Del Beacon message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Adham Abozaeid
+* @date 15 July 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFDelBeacon
+ NMI_Uint8 u8dummy;
+ }tstrHostIFDelBeacon;
+* @struct tstrHostIFDelSta
+* @brief Delete station message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Adham Abozaeid
+* @date 15 July 2012
+* @version 1.0 Description
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint8 au8MacAddr[ETH_ALEN];
+* @struct tstrTimerCb
+* @brief Timer callback message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mostafa Abu Bakr
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrTimerCb
+ void* pvUsrArg; /*!< Private data passed at timer start */
+} tstrTimerCb;
+* @struct tstrHostIfPowerMgmtParam
+* @brief Power management message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Adham Abozaeid
+* @date 24 November 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Bool bIsEnabled;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Timeout;
+* @struct tstrHostIfStaInactiveT
+* @brief Get station message body
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mai Daftedar
+* @date 16 April 2013
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct
+ NMI_Uint8 mac[6];
+* @union tuniHostIFmsgBody
+* @brief Message body for the Host Interface message_q
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mostafa Abu Bakr
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef union _tuniHostIFmsgBody
+ tstrHostIFscanAttr strHostIFscanAttr; /*!< Host IF Scan Request Attributes message body */
+ tstrHostIFconnectAttr strHostIFconnectAttr; /*!< Host IF Connect Request Attributes message body */
+ tstrRcvdNetworkInfo strRcvdNetworkInfo; /*!< Received Asynchronous Network Info message body */
+ tstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo strRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo; /*!< Received General Asynchronous Info message body */
+ tstrHostIFkeyAttr strHostIFkeyAttr; /*!<>*/
+ tstrHostIFCfgParamAttr strHostIFCfgParamAttr; /*! <CFG Parameter message Body> */
+ tstrHostIFSetChan strHostIFSetChan;
+ tstrHostIFGetChan strHostIFGetChan;
+ tstrHostIFSetBeacon strHostIFSetBeacon; /*!< Set beacon message body */
+ tstrHostIFDelBeacon strHostIFDelBeacon; /*!< Del beacon message body */
+ tstrNMI_AddStaParam strAddStaParam; /*!< Add station message body */
+ tstrHostIFDelSta strDelStaParam; /*!< Del Station message body */
+ tstrNMI_AddStaParam strEditStaParam; /*!< Edit station message body */
+ //tstrScanComplete strScanComplete; /*Received Async. Scan Complete message body*/
+ tstrTimerCb strTimerCb; /*!< Timer callback message body */
+ tstrHostIfPowerMgmtParam strPowerMgmtparam; /*!< Power Management message body */
+ tstrHostIfStaInactiveT strHostIfStaInactiveT;
+ #ifdef NMI_P2P
+ tstrHostIfRemainOnChan strHostIfRemainOnChan;/*p2p remain on channel message body*/
+ tstrRcvdMgmtFrame strRcvdMgmtFrame; /*p2p received mgmt frame message body*/
+ #endif
+} tuniHostIFmsgBody;
+* @struct tstrHostIFmsg
+* @brief Host Interface message
+* @details
+* @todo
+* @sa
+* @author Mostafa Abu Bakr
+* @date 25 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+typedef struct _tstrHostIFmsg
+ NMI_Uint16 u16MsgId; /*!< Message ID */
+ tuniHostIFmsgBody uniHostIFmsgBody; /*!< Message body */
+typedef struct _tstrWidJoinReqExt
+ NMI_Uint8 u8channel;
+ NMI_Uint8 BSSID[6];
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+/*Struct containg joinParam of each AP*/
+typedef struct _tstrJoinBssParam
+ BSSTYPE_T bss_type;
+ NMI_Uint8 dtim_period;
+ NMI_Uint16 beacon_period;
+ NMI_Uint16 cap_info;
+ NMI_Uint8 au8bssid[6];
+ NMI_Char ssid[MAX_SSID_LEN];
+ NMI_Uint8 ssidLen;
+ NMI_Uint8 supp_rates[MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED + 1];
+ NMI_Uint8 ht_capable;
+ NMI_Uint8 wmm_cap;
+ NMI_Uint8 uapsd_cap;
+ NMI_Bool rsn_found;
+ NMI_Uint8 rsn_grp_policy;
+ NMI_Uint8 mode_802_11i;
+ NMI_Uint8 rsn_pcip_policy[3];
+ NMI_Uint8 rsn_auth_policy[3];
+ NMI_Uint8 rsn_cap[2];
+ struct _tstrJoinParam* nextJoinBss;
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+/*a linked list table containing needed join parameters entries for each AP found in most recent scan*/
+typedef struct _tstrBssTable
+ NMI_Uint8 u8noBssEntries;
+ tstrJoinBssParam* head;
+ tstrJoinBssParam* tail;
+typedef enum
+/* */
+/* Global Variabls */
+/* */
+NMI_SemaphoreHandle gtOsCfgValuesSem;
+tstrNMI_WFIDrv* gWFiDrvHandle = NMI_NULL;
+static NMI_TimerHandle hScanTimer;
+static NMI_TimerHandle hConnectTimer;
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+static NMI_TimerHandle hRemainOnChannel;
+//static NMI_SemaphoreHandle timer_synch_sem;
+//static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemTimerThrdEnd;
+//static NMI_ThreadHandle TimerThreadHandler;
+//static NMI_Bool bTerminate_TimerThread = NMI_FALSE;
+static NMI_ThreadHandle HostIFthreadHandler;
+static NMI_MsgQueueHandle gMsgQHostIF;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemHostIFthrdEnd;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemTestKeyBlock;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemTestDisconnectBlock;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemGetRSSI;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemGetLINKSPEED;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemGetCHNL;
+static NMI_SemaphoreHandle hSemInactiveTime;
+static NMI_Uint8 gapu8RcvdSurveyResults[2][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE];
+static NMI_Uint8 gapu8RcvdAssocResp[MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE];
+NMI_Bool gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_FALSE;
+static NMI_Sint8 gs8Rssi = 0;
+static NMI_Sint8 gs8lnkspd = 0;
+static NMI_Uint8 gu8Chnl = 0;
+static NMI_Uint32 gu32InactiveTime = 0;
+static NMI_Uint32 gu32WidConnRstHack = 0;
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+/*Table containing needed join parameters for each AP found in most recent scan*/
+static tstrBssTable gtstrBssTable;
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+static void host_int_addJoinBssParam(tstrNetworkInfo* ptstrNetworkInfo);
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+static tstrJoinBssParam* host_int_getJoinBssParam(NMI_Uint8* ssid,NMI_Uint8 ssidLen);
+extern void chip_sleep_manually(NMI_Uint32 u32SleepTime);
+* @brief Handle_SetChannel
+* @details Sending config packet to firmware to set channel
+* @param[in] tstrHostIFSetChan* pstrHostIFSetChan
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_SetChannel(tstrHostIFSetChan* pstrHostIFSetChan)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ /*prepare configuration packet*/
+ strWID.enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Char*)&(pstrHostIFSetChan->u8SetChan);
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting channel\n");
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error == NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to set channel\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_CfgParam
+* @details Sending config packet to firmware to set CFG params
+* @param[in] tstrHostIFCfgParamAttr* strHostIFCfgParamAttr
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_CfgParam(tstrHostIFCfgParamAttr* strHostIFCfgParamAttr)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWIDList[32];
+ NMI_Uint8 u8WidCnt= 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&gtOsCfgValuesSem,NULL);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting CFG params\n");
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & BSS_TYPE)
+ {
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*Input Value: INFRASTRUCTURE = 1, */
+ /* INDEPENDENT= 2, */
+ /* ANY_BSS= 3 */
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ //validate input then copy>> need to check value 4 and 5
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.bss_type<6)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_BSS_TYPE;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal =(NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.bss_type;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.bss_type = (NMI_Uint8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.bss_type;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & AUTH_TYPE)
+ {
+ /*------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*Input Values: OPEN_SYSTEM = 0, */
+ /* SHARED_KEY = 1, */
+ /* ANY = 2 */
+ /*------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*validate Possible values*/
+ if((strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_type)==1 || (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_type)==2 || (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_type)==5)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_AUTH_TYPE;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_type;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.auth_type= (NMI_Uint8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_type;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & AUTHEN_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ //range is 1 to 65535.
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_timeout>0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_timeout<65536)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_timeout;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.auth_timeout = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.auth_timeout;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & POWER_MANAGEMENT)
+ {
+ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*Input Values: NO_POWERSAVE = 0, */
+ /* MIN_FAST_PS = 1, */
+ /* MAX_FAST_PS = 2, */
+ /* MIN_PSPOLL_PS = 3, */
+ /* MAX_PSPOLL_PS = 4 */
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.power_mgmt_mode<5)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_POWER_MANAGEMENT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.power_mgmt_mode;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.power_mgmt_mode = (NMI_Uint8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.power_mgmt_mode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & RETRY_SHORT)
+ {
+ //range from 1 to 256
+ if((strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.short_retry_limit>0) && (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.short_retry_limit<256))
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.short_retry_limit;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.short_retry_limit = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.short_retry_limit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & RETRY_LONG)
+ {
+ //range from 1 to 256
+ if((strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.long_retry_limit>0) && (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.long_retry_limit<256))
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.long_retry_limit;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.long_retry_limit = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.long_retry_limit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & FRAG_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.frag_threshold>255 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.frag_threshold<7937)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_FRAG_THRESHOLD;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.frag_threshold;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.frag_threshold = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.frag_threshold;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & RTS_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ //range 256 to 65535
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.rts_threshold >255 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.rts_threshold<65536)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_RTS_THRESHOLD;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.rts_threshold;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.rts_threshold = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.rts_threshold;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & PREAMBLE)
+ {
+ /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*Input Values: Short= 0, */
+ /* Long= 1, */
+ /* Auto= 2 */
+ /*------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.preamble_type< 3)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_PREAMBLE;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.preamble_type;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.preamble_type = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.preamble_type;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED )
+ {
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.short_slot_allowed<2)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.short_slot_allowed;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.short_slot_allowed = (NMI_Uint8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.short_slot_allowed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & TXOP_PROT_DISABLE)
+ {
+ /*Description: used to Disable RTS-CTS protection for TXOP burst*/
+ /*transmission when the acknowledgement policy is No-Ack or Block-Ack */
+ /* this information is useful for external supplicant */
+ /*Input Values: 1 for enable and 0 for disable. */
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.txop_prot_disabled<2)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_11N_TXOP_PROT_DISABLE;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.txop_prot_disabled;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.txop_prot_disabled = (NMI_Uint8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.txop_prot_disabled;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & BEACON_INTERVAL)
+ {
+ //range is 1 to 65535.
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.beacon_interval>0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.beacon_interval<65536)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_BEACON_INTERVAL;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.beacon_interval;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.beacon_interval = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.beacon_interval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & DTIM_PERIOD)
+ {
+ //range is 1 to 255.
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.dtim_period>0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.dtim_period<256)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_DTIM_PERIOD;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.dtim_period;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.dtim_period = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.dtim_period;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & SITE_SURVEY)
+ {
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*Input Values: SITE_SURVEY_1CH = 0, i.e.: currently set channel */
+ /* SITE_SURVEY_ALL_CH = 1, */
+ /* SITE_SURVEY_OFF = 2 */
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.site_survey_enabled<3)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_SITE_SURVEY;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.site_survey_enabled;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.site_survey_enabled = (NMI_Uint8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.site_survey_enabled;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME)
+ {
+ //range is 1 to 65535.
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.site_survey_scan_time>0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.site_survey_scan_time<65536)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.site_survey_scan_time;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.site_survey_scan_time = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.site_survey_scan_time;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & ACTIVE_SCANTIME)
+ {
+ //range is 1 to 65535.
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.active_scan_time>0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.active_scan_time<65536)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.active_scan_time;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.active_scan_time = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.active_scan_time;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & PASSIVE_SCANTIME)
+ {
+ //range is 1 to 65535.
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.passive_scan_time>0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.passive_scan_time<65536)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.passive_scan_time;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.passive_scan_time = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.passive_scan_time;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ if(strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.u32SetCfgFlag & CURRENT_TX_RATE)
+ {
+ CURRENT_TX_RATE_T curr_tx_rate = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->pstrCfgParamVal.curr_tx_rate;
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*Rates: 1 2 5.5 11 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 Auto */
+ /*InputValues: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 */
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ //validate rate
+ if(curr_tx_rate==AUTORATE ||curr_tx_rate==MBPS_1
+ ||curr_tx_rate==MBPS_2 || curr_tx_rate==MBPS_5_5
+ ||curr_tx_rate== MBPS_11 ||curr_tx_rate==MBPS_6
+ ||curr_tx_rate==MBPS_9 || curr_tx_rate==MBPS_12
+ ||curr_tx_rate== MBPS_18|| curr_tx_rate==MBPS_24
+ ||curr_tx_rate==MBPS_36 ||curr_tx_rate==MBPS_48 || curr_tx_rate==MBPS_54)
+ {
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].u16WIDid = WID_CURRENT_TX_RATE;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&curr_tx_rate;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].enuWIDtype= WID_SHORT;
+ strWIDList[u8WidCnt].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint16);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.curr_tx_rate = (NMI_Uint8)curr_tx_rate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ u8WidCnt++;
+ }
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u8WidCnt, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error in setting CFG params\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&gtOsCfgValuesSem, NULL);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_Scan
+* @details Sending config packet to firmware to set the scan params
+* @param[in] tstrHostIFscanAttr* pstrHostIFscanAttr
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_Scan(tstrHostIFscanAttr* pstrHostIFscanAttr)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWIDList[5];
+ NMI_Uint32 u32WidsCount = 0;
+ tstrJoinBssParam * ptstrJoinBssParam;
+ #endif
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer;
+ NMI_Uint8 valuesize=0;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal = NULL;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting SCAN params\n");
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Scanning: In [%d] state \n", gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult = pstrHostIFscanAttr->pfScanResult;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32UserScanPvoid = pstrHostIFscanAttr->pvUserArg;
+ if((gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate >= HOST_IF_SCANNING) && (gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate < HOST_IF_CONNECTED))
+ {
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Don't scan we are already in [%d] state\n",gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate);
+ }
+ if((gbIPaddrObtained == NMI_FALSE) && (gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED))
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "[handle_scan]: Don't do obss scan until IP adresss is obtained\n");
+ }
+ #endif
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting SCAN params\n");
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32RcvdChCount = 0;
+ /*BugID_4189*/
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_SSID_PROBE_REQ;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ for(i=0;i<pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.u8ssidnum;i++)
+ {
+ valuesize+=((pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen)+1);
+ }
+ pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal = NMI_MALLOC(valuesize+1);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal;
+ if(strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ pu8Buffer = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal;
+ *pu8Buffer++ = pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.u8ssidnum;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"In Handle_ProbeRequest number of ssid %d\n",pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.u8ssidnum);
+ for(i=0;i<pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.u8ssidnum;i++)
+ {
+ *pu8Buffer++=pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen;
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8Buffer, pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].pu8ssid, pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen);
+ pu8Buffer+=pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen;
+ }
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = (NMI_Sint32)(valuesize+1);
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ }
+ /*filling cfg param array*/
+ //if((pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8IEs != NULL) && (pstrHostIFscanAttr->IEsLen != 0))
+ {
+ /* IEs to be inserted in Probe Request */
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_PROBE;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_BIN_DATA;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8IEs;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = pstrHostIFscanAttr->IEsLen;
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ }
+ /*Scan Type*/
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = WID_SCAN_TYPE;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&(pstrHostIFscanAttr->u8ScanType));
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ /*list of channels to be scanned*/
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = WID_SCAN_CHANNEL_LIST;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_BIN_DATA;
+ /* Bug 4648: Convert channel numbers to start from 0 not 1. */
+ if(pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList != NULL && pstrHostIFscanAttr->u8ChnlListLen > 0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<pstrHostIFscanAttr->u8ChnlListLen; i++)
+ {
+ if(pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList[i] > 0) {
+ pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList[i] = pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList[i] - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = pstrHostIFscanAttr->u8ChnlListLen;
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ /*Scan Request*/
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = WID_START_SCAN_REQ;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal=(NMI_Sint8*)(&(pstrHostIFscanAttr->u8ScanSource));
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ /*keep the state as is , no need to change it*/
+ //gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_SCANNING;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_IDLE)
+ {
+ gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_FALSE;
+ }
+ /*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+ //cleaning JoinTable
+ while(gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries!=0)
+ {
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Freeing Join Parameters Table\n");
+ ptstrJoinBssParam = gtstrBssTable.head;
+ gtstrBssTable.head = (tstrJoinBssParam*)gtstrBssTable.head->nextJoinBss;
+ NMI_FREE(ptstrJoinBssParam);
+ gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries-=1;
+ }
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u32WidsCount, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send scan paramters config packet\n");
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error, s32Error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Successfully sent SCAN params config packet\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ NMI_TimerStop(&hScanTimer, NMI_NULL);
+ /*if there is an ongoing scan request*/
+ Handle_ScanDone(SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED);
+ }
+ /* Deallocate pstrHostIFscanAttr->u8ChnlListLen which was prevoisuly allocated by the sending thread */
+ if(pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList);
+ pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Deallocate pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8IEs which was previously allocated by the sending thread */
+ if(pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8IEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8IEs);
+ pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8IEs = NULL;
+ }
+ if(pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo);
+ pstrHostIFscanAttr->strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Deallocate pstrHostIFscanAttr->u8ChnlListLen which was prevoisuly allocated by the sending thread */
+ if(pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList);
+ pstrHostIFscanAttr->pu8ChnlFreqList = NULL;
+ }
+ if(pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_ScanDone
+* @details Call scan notification callback function
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_ScanDone(tenuScanEvent enuEvent)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"in Handle_ScanDone()\n");
+ /*if there is an ongoing scan request*/
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult(enuEvent, NMI_NULL,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32UserScanPvoid);
+ /*delete current scan request*/
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult= NULL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_Connect
+* @details Sending config packet to firmware to starting connection
+* @param[in] tstrHostIFconnectAttr* pstrHostIFconnectAttr
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_Connect(tstrHostIFconnectAttr* pstrHostIFconnectAttr)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWIDList[5];
+ NMI_Uint32 u32WidsCount = 0;
+ //char passphrase[] = "12345678";
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Err = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8bssDscListIndex;
+ wid_site_survey_reslts_s* pstrSurveyResults = NMI_NULL;
+ #else
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8CurrByte = NMI_NULL;
+ /*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+ tstrJoinBssParam* ptstrJoinBssParam;
+ #endif
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling connect request\n");
+ NMI_memset(gapu8RcvdSurveyResults[0], 0, MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE);
+ NMI_memset(gapu8RcvdSurveyResults[1], 0, MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Getting site survey results\n");
+ s32Err = host_int_get_site_survey_results((NMI_WFIDrvHandle)gWFiDrvHandle,
+ gapu8RcvdSurveyResults,
+ if(s32Err)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to get site survey results\n");
+ }
+ s32Err = ParseSurveyResults(gapu8RcvdSurveyResults, &pstrSurveyResults,
+ &gWFiDrvHandle->u32SurveyResultsCount);
+ if(s32Err == NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ /* use the parsed info in pstrSurveyResults, then deallocate it */
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Copying site survey results in global structure, then deallocate\n");
+ for(i = 0; i < gWFiDrvHandle->u32SurveyResultsCount; i++)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(&gWFiDrvHandle->astrSurveyResults[i], &pstrSurveyResults[i],
+ sizeof(wid_site_survey_reslts_s));
+ }
+ DeallocateSurveyResults(pstrSurveyResults);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("ParseSurveyResults() Error(%d) \n", s32Err);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < gWFiDrvHandle->u32SurveyResultsCount; i++)
+ {
+ if(NMI_memcmp(gWFiDrvHandle->astrSurveyResults[i].SSID,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen) == 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Network with required SSID is found %s\n",pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid);
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid == NULL)
+ {
+ /* BSSID is not passed from the user, so decision of matching
+ * is done by SSID only */
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"BSSID is not passed from the user\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* BSSID is also passed from the user, so decision of matching
+ * should consider also this passed BSSID */
+ if(NMI_memcmp(gWFiDrvHandle->astrSurveyResults[i].BSSID,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid,
+ 6) == 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"BSSID is passed from the user and matched\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(i < gWFiDrvHandle->u32SurveyResultsCount)
+ {
+ u8bssDscListIndex = i;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Connecting to network of Bss Idx %d and SSID %s and channel %d \n",
+ u8bssDscListIndex, gWFiDrvHandle->astrSurveyResults[u8bssDscListIndex].SSID,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->astrSurveyResults[u8bssDscListIndex].Channel);
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Saving connection parameters in global structure\n");
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(6);
+ NMI_memcpy(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid, 6);
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ssidLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen;
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen+1);
+ NMI_memcpy(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid[pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen] = '\0';
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen;
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs != NULL)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen);
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u8security= pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8security;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type= pstrHostIFconnectAttr->tenuAuth_type;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pfConnectResult;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u32UserConnectPvoid = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pvUserArg;
+ //if((gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL) &&
+ // (gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen != 0))
+ {
+ /* IEs to be inserted in Association Request */
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_BIN_DATA;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen;
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ }
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_MODE;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u8security));
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Encrypt Mode = %x\n",gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u8security);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_AUTH_TYPE;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type);
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Authentication Type = %x\n",gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type);
+ /*
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_PSK;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(passphrase);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(passphrase);
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ */
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_JOIN_REQ;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&u8bssDscListIndex;
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ #ifndef SIMULATION
+ /* A temporary workaround to avoid handling the misleading MAC_DISCONNECTED raised from the
+ firmware at chip reset when processing the WIDs of the Connect Request.
+ (This workaround should be removed in the future when the Chip reset of the Connect WIDs is disabled) */
+ ////////////////////////
+ gu32WidConnRstHack = 0;
+ ////////////////////////
+ #endif
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u32WidsCount, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Handle_Connect()] failed to send config packet\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Required BSSID not found\n");
+ }
+ #else
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Saving connection parameters in global structure\n");
+ /*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+ ptstrJoinBssParam = host_int_getJoinBssParam(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid,pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen);
+ if(ptstrJoinBssParam==NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Required BSSID not found\n");
+ }
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(6);
+ NMI_memcpy(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid, 6);
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ssidLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen;
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen+1);
+ NMI_memcpy(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid[pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen] = '\0';
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen;
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs != NULL)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen);
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u8security= pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8security;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type= pstrHostIFconnectAttr->tenuAuth_type;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pfConnectResult;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u32UserConnectPvoid = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pvUserArg;
+ //if((gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL) &&
+ // (gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen != 0))
+ {
+ /* IEs to be inserted in Association Request */
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_BIN_DATA;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen;
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ }
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_MODE;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u8security));
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Encrypt Mode = %x\n",gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u8security);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_AUTH_TYPE;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type);
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Authentication Type = %x\n",gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.tenuAuth_type);
+ /*
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_PSK;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = sizeof(passphrase);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(passphrase);
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ */
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Connecting to network of SSID %s on channel %d\n",
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8channel);
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_JOIN_REQ_EXTENDED;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = MAX_SSID_LEN+7;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = NMI_MALLOC(strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize);
+ if(strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal;
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen);
+ pu8CurrByte[pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen] = '\0';
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte += MAX_SSID_LEN;
+ if((pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8channel >= 1) && (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8channel <= 14))
+ {
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8channel;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Channel out of range\n");
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = 0xFF;
+ }
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid, 6);
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte += 6;
+ /* keep the buffer at the start of the allocated pointer to use it with the free*/
+ pu8CurrByte = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal ;
+ #else
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_JOIN_REQ_EXTENDED;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize = 79;
+ strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal = NMI_MALLOC(strWIDList[u32WidsCount].s32ValueSize);
+ if(strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal;
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen);
+ pu8CurrByte[pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssidLen] = '\0';
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte += MAX_SSID_LEN;
+ /* BSS type*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = INFRASTRUCTURE;
+ /* Channel*/
+ if((pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8channel >= 1) && (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8channel <= 14))
+ {
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->u8channel;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Channel out of range\n");
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = 0xFF;
+ }
+ /* Cap Info*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ( ptstrJoinBssParam->cap_info) & 0xFF;
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = (( ptstrJoinBssParam->cap_info) >>8) & 0xFF;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"* Cap Info %0x*\n",(*(pu8CurrByte-2) | ((*(pu8CurrByte-1))<<8)) );
+ /* sa*/
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid, 6);
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte += 6;
+ /* bssid*/
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid, 6);
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte += 6;
+ /* Beacon Period*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = (ptstrJoinBssParam->beacon_period) & 0xFF;
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ((ptstrJoinBssParam->beacon_period) >>8) & 0xFF;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"* Beacon Period %d*\n",(*(pu8CurrByte-2) | ((*(pu8CurrByte-1))<<8) ));
+ /* DTIM Period*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->dtim_period;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"* DTIM Period %d*\n",(*(pu8CurrByte-1)));
+ /* Supported rates*/
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->supp_rates, MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED+1);
+ pu8CurrByte += (MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED+1);
+ /* wmm cap*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->wmm_cap;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"* wmm cap%d*\n",(*(pu8CurrByte-1)));
+ /* uapsd cap*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->uapsd_cap;
+ /* ht cap*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->ht_capable;
+ //copy this information to the user request
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.IsHTCapable = ptstrJoinBssParam->ht_capable;
+ /* rsn found*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_found;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"* rsn found %d*\n",*(pu8CurrByte-1));
+ /* rsn group policy*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_grp_policy;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"* rsn group policy %0x*\n",(*(pu8CurrByte-1)));
+ /* mode_802_11i*/
+ *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->mode_802_11i;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"* mode_802_11i %d*\n",(*(pu8CurrByte-1)));
+ /* rsn pcip policy*/
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy, sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy));
+ pu8CurrByte += sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy);
+ /* rsn auth policy*/
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy, sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy));
+ pu8CurrByte += sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy);
+ /* rsn auth policy*/
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_cap, sizeof( ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_cap));
+ pu8CurrByte += sizeof( ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_cap);
+ /* keep the buffer at the start of the allocated pointer to use it with the free*/
+ pu8CurrByte = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].ps8WidVal ;
+ #endif /* #ifdef NMI_PARSE_SCAN_IN_HOST*/
+ u32WidsCount++;
+ #ifndef SIMULATION
+ /* A temporary workaround to avoid handling the misleading MAC_DISCONNECTED raised from the
+ firmware at chip reset when processing the WIDs of the Connect Request.
+ (This workaround should be removed in the future when the Chip reset of the Connect WIDs is disabled) */
+ ////////////////////////
+ gu32WidConnRstHack = 0;
+ ////////////////////////
+ #endif
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u32WidsCount, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Handle_Connect()] failed to send config packet\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP;
+ }
+ #endif
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ tstrConnectInfo strConnectInfo;
+ NMI_TimerStop(&hConnectTimer, NMI_NULL);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"could not start connecting to the required network\n");
+ NMI_memset(&strConnectInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrConnectInfo));
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pfConnectResult != NULL)
+ {
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strConnectInfo.au8bssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid, 6);
+ }
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs != NULL)
+ {
+ strConnectInfo.ReqIEsLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen;
+ strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->IEsLen);
+ }
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pfConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP,
+ &strConnectInfo,
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pvUserArg);
+ /*Change state to idle*/
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE;
+ /* Deallocation */
+ if(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs);
+ strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Connect callback function pointer is NULL \n");
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Deallocating connection parameters\n");
+ /* Deallocate pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid which was prevoisuly allocated by the sending thread */
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid);
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8bssid = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Deallocate pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid which was prevoisuly allocated by the sending thread */
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid);
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8ssid = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Deallocate pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs which was prevoisuly allocated by the sending thread */
+ if(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs);
+ pstrHostIFconnectAttr->pu8IEs = NULL;
+ }
+ if(pu8CurrByte != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pu8CurrByte);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_ConnectTimeout
+* @details Call connect notification callback function indicating connection failure
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_ConnectTimeout(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrConnectInfo strConnectInfo;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16DummyReasonCode = 0;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE;
+ gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_FALSE;
+ NMI_memset(&strConnectInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrConnectInfo));
+ /* First, we will notify the upper layer with the Connection failure {through the Connect Callback function},
+ then we will notify our firmware also with the Connection failure {through sending to it Cfg packet carrying
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult != NULL)
+ {
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strConnectInfo.au8bssid,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid, 6);
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ strConnectInfo.ReqIEsLen = gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen;
+ strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen);
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP,
+ &strConnectInfo,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u32UserConnectPvoid);
+ /* Deallocation of strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs */
+ if(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs);
+ strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Connect callback function pointer is NULL \n");
+ }
+ /* Here we will notify our firmware also with the Connection failure {through sending to it Cfg packet carrying
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_DISCONNECT;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&u16DummyReasonCode;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Sending disconnect request\n");
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send dissconect config packet\n");
+ }
+ /* Deallocation of the Saved Connect Request in the global Handle */
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ssidLen = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid = NULL;
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid = NULL;
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs = NULL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo
+* @details Handling received network information
+* @param[in] tstrRcvdNetworkInfo* pstrRcvdNetworkInfo
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo(tstrRcvdNetworkInfo* pstrRcvdNetworkInfo)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNetworkInfo * pstrNetworkInfo = NULL;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling received network info\n");
+ /*if there is a an ongoing scan request*/
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"State: Scanning, parsing network information received\n");
+ ParseNetworkInfo(pstrRcvdNetworkInfo->pu8Buffer, &pstrNetworkInfo);
+ if((pstrNetworkInfo == NULL)
+ ||(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult == NMI_NULL))
+ {
+ }
+ /* check whether this network is discovered before */
+ for(i = 0; i < gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32RcvdChCount; i++)
+ {
+ if((gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.astrFoundNetworkInfo[i].au8bssid != NULL) &&
+ (pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid != NULL))
+ {
+ if(NMI_memcmp(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.astrFoundNetworkInfo[i].au8bssid,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 6) == 0)
+ {
+ /* network is already discovered before */
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Network previously discovered\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(i == gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32RcvdChCount)
+ {
+ /* here it is confirmed that it is a new discovered network,
+ * so add its record then call the User CallBack function */
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"New network found\n");
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32RcvdChCount < MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS)
+ {
+ if((gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.astrFoundNetworkInfo[gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32RcvdChCount].au8bssid != NULL)
+ && (pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid != NULL))
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.astrFoundNetworkInfo[gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32RcvdChCount].au8bssid,
+ pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 6);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32RcvdChCount++;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult(SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND, pstrNetworkInfo,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32UserScanPvoid);
+ /*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+ //add new BSS to JoinBssTable
+ host_int_addJoinBssParam(pstrNetworkInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_WRN(HOSTINF_DBG,"Discovered networks exceeded max. limit \n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Deallocate pstrRcvdNetworkInfo->pu8Buffer which was prevoisuly allocated by the sending thread */
+ if(pstrRcvdNetworkInfo->pu8Buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrRcvdNetworkInfo->pu8Buffer);
+ pstrRcvdNetworkInfo->pu8Buffer = NULL;
+ }
+ /*free structure allocated*/
+ if(pstrNetworkInfo != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ DeallocateNetworkInfo(pstrNetworkInfo);
+ pstrNetworkInfo = NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_RcvdGnrlAsyncInfo
+* @details Handling received asynchrous general network information
+* @param[in] tstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo* pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_RcvdGnrlAsyncInfo(tstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo* pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo)
+ //TODO: mostafa: till now, this function just handles only the received mac status msg,
+ // which carries only 1 WID which have WID ID = WID_STATUS
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8MsgType = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8MsgID = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16MsgLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16WidID = (NMI_Uint16)WID_NIL;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8WidLen = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8MacStatus;
+ tstrConnectInfo strConnectInfo;
+ tstrDisconnectNotifInfo strDisconnectNotifInfo;
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Err = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Current State = %d,Received state = %d\n",gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate,
+ pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[7]);
+ if((gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) ||
+ (gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED))
+ {
+ if((pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer == NULL) ||
+ (gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult == NMI_NULL))
+ {
+ }
+ u8MsgType = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[0];
+ /* Check whether the received message type is 'I' */
+ if('I' != u8MsgType)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Received Message format incorrect.\n");
+ }
+ /* Extract message ID */
+ u8MsgID = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[1];
+ /* Extract message Length */
+ u16MsgLen = MAKE_WORD16(pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[2], pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[3]);
+ /* Extract WID ID [expected to be = WID_STATUS] */
+ u16WidID = MAKE_WORD16(pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[4], pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[5]);
+ /* Extract WID Length [expected to be = 1] */
+ u8WidLen = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[6];
+ /* get the WID value [expected to be one of two values: either MAC_CONNECTED = (1) or MAC_DISCONNECTED = (0)] */
+ u8MacStatus = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer[7];
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP)
+ {
+ /* our station had sent Association Request frame, so here it will get the Association Response frame then parse it */
+ NMI_Uint32 u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen;
+ tstrConnectRespInfo* pstrConnectRespInfo = NULL;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"MAC status = %d\n",u8MacStatus);
+ NMI_memset(&strConnectInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrConnectInfo));
+ if(u8MacStatus == MAC_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ NMI_memset(gapu8RcvdAssocResp, 0, MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE);
+ host_int_get_assoc_res_info((NMI_WFIDrvHandle)gWFiDrvHandle,
+ gapu8RcvdAssocResp,
+ &u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen);
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Received association response with length = %d\n",u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen);
+ if(u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen != 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Parsing association response\n");
+ s32Err = ParseAssocRespInfo(gapu8RcvdAssocResp, u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen,
+ &pstrConnectRespInfo);
+ if(s32Err)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("ParseAssocRespInfo() returned error %d \n", s32Err);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* use the necessary parsed Info from the Received Association Response */
+ strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus = pstrConnectRespInfo->u16ConnectStatus;
+ if(strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE)
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Association response received : Successful connection status\n");
+ if(pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ strConnectInfo.u16RespIEsLen = pstrConnectRespInfo->u16RespIEsLen;
+ strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrConnectRespInfo->u16RespIEsLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs, pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs,
+ pstrConnectRespInfo->u16RespIEsLen);
+ }
+ }
+ /* deallocate the Assoc. Resp. parsed structure as it is not needed anymore */
+ if(pstrConnectRespInfo != NULL)
+ {
+ DeallocateAssocRespInfo(pstrConnectRespInfo);
+ pstrConnectRespInfo = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* The station has just received mac status and it also received assoc. response which
+ it was waiting for.
+ So check first the matching between the received mac status and the received status code in Asoc Resp */
+ if((u8MacStatus == MAC_CONNECTED) &&
+ (strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus != SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE))
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("Received MAC status is MAC_CONNECTED while the received status code in Asoc Resp is not SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE \n");
+ }
+ else if(u8MacStatus == MAC_DISCONNECTED)
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("Received MAC status is MAC_DISCONNECTED\n");
+ }
+ //TODO: mostafa: correct BSSID should be retrieved from actual BSSID received from AP
+ // through a structure of type tstrConnectRespInfo
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Retrieving actual BSSID from AP\n");
+ NMI_memcpy(strConnectInfo.au8bssid, gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid, 6);
+ if((u8MacStatus == MAC_CONNECTED) &&
+ (strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE))
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(gWFiDrvHandle->au8AssociatedBSSID,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid, ETH_ALEN);
+ }
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ strConnectInfo.ReqIEsLen = gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen;
+ strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen);
+ }
+ NMI_TimerStop(&hConnectTimer, NMI_NULL);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP,
+ &strConnectInfo,
+ u8MacStatus,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u32UserConnectPvoid);
+ /* if received mac status is MAC_CONNECTED and
+ received status code in Asoc Resp is SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE, change state to CONNECTED
+ else change state to IDLE */
+ if((u8MacStatus == MAC_CONNECTED) &&
+ (strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE))
+ {
+ gbIPaddrObtained = NMI_FALSE;
+ host_int_set_power_mgmt((NMI_WFIDrvHandle)gWFiDrvHandle, 0, 0);
+ #endif
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"MAC status : CONNECTED and Connect Status : Successful\n");
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_CONNECTED;
+ //open a BA session if possible
+ //if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.IsHTCapable)
+ #endif
+ //host_int_addBASession(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid,0,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"MAC status : %d and Connect Status : %d\n",u8MacStatus,strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE;
+ gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Deallocation */
+ if(strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs);
+ strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs = NULL;
+ }
+ if(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs);
+ strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = NULL;
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ssidLen = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid = NULL;
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid = NULL;
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if((u8MacStatus == MAC_DISCONNECTED) &&
+ (gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED))
+ {
+ /* Disassociation or Deauthentication frame has been received */
+ NMI_memset(&strDisconnectNotifInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrDisconnectNotifInfo));
+ strDisconnectNotifInfo.u16reason = 0;
+ = NULL;
+ strDisconnectNotifInfo.ie_len = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult != NULL)
+ {
+ gbIPaddrObtained = NMI_FALSE;
+ host_int_set_power_mgmt((NMI_WFIDrvHandle)gWFiDrvHandle, 0, 0);
+ #endif
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF,
+ 0,
+ &strDisconnectNotifInfo,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u32UserConnectPvoid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Connect result callback function is NULL \n");
+ }
+ NMI_memset(gWFiDrvHandle->au8AssociatedBSSID, 0, ETH_ALEN);
+ /* Deallocation */
+ /* if Information Elements were retrieved from the Received deauth/disassoc frame, then they
+ should be deallocated here */
+ /*
+ if( != NULL)
+ {
+ = NULL;
+ }
+ */
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ssidLen = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid = NULL;
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid = NULL;
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs = NULL;
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE;
+ gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Deallocate pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer which was prevoisuly allocated by the sending thread */
+ if(pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer);
+ pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->pu8Buffer = NULL;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_Key
+* @details Sending config packet to firmware to set key
+* @param[in] tstrHostIFkeyAttr* pstrHostIFkeyAttr
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static int Handle_Key(tstrHostIFkeyAttr* pstrHostIFkeyAttr)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ tstrWID strWIDList[5];
+ #endif
+ NMI_Uint8 i;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8keybuf;
+ NMI_Sint8 s8idxarray[1];
+ NMI_Sint8 ret = 0;
+ switch(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->enuKeyType)
+ {
+ case WEP:
+ if(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->u8KeyAction & ADDKEY_AP)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling WEP key\n");
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"ID Hostint is %d\n",(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx));
+ strWIDList[0].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_MODE;
+ strWIDList[0].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[0].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[0].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8mode));
+ strWIDList[1].u16WIDid = WID_AUTH_TYPE;
+ strWIDList[1].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[1].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[1].ps8WidVal= (NMI_Sint8*)(&(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.tenuAuth_type));
+ strWIDList[2].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_KEY_ID;
+ strWIDList[2].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[2].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx));
+ strWIDList[2].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+pu8keybuf = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen);
+ if(pu8keybuf == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("No buffer to send Key\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf,pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.pu8WepKey,
+ pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen);
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.pu8WepKey);
+ strWIDList[3].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE;
+ strWIDList[3].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWIDList[3].s32ValueSize = pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen;
+ strWIDList[3].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu8keybuf;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, 4, NMI_TRUE);
+ NMI_FREE(pu8keybuf);
+ }
+ #endif
+ if(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->u8KeyAction & ADDKEY)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling WEP key\n");
+ pu8keybuf = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen + 2);
+ if(pu8keybuf == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("No buffer to send Key\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pu8keybuf[0] = pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx;
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+1, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen, 1 );
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+2,pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.pu8WepKey,
+ pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen);
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.pu8WepKey);
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ADD_WEP_KEY;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu8keybuf;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen + 2;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ NMI_FREE(pu8keybuf);
+ }
+ else if(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->u8KeyAction & REMOVEKEY)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Removing key\n");
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_REMOVE_WEP_KEY;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ s8idxarray[0] = (NMI_Sint8)pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = s8idxarray;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = 1;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_KEY_ID;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx));
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting default key index\n");
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case WPARxGtk:
+ if(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->u8KeyAction & ADDKEY_AP)
+ {
+ pu8keybuf = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN);
+ if(pu8keybuf == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("No buffer to send RxGTK Key\n");
+ ret = -1;
+ goto _WPARxGtk_end_case_;
+ }
+ NMI_memset(pu8keybuf, 0, RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN);
+ /*|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ |Sta Address | Key RSC | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |
+ |------------|---------|-------|------------|---------------|----------------|
+ | 6 bytes | 8 byte |1 byte | 1 byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes |*/
+ if(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8seq != NULL)
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+6, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8seq, 8 );
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+14,&pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8keyidx, 1);
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+15, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen, 1);
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+16, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key,
+ pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen);
+ //pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Ciphermode = 0X51;
+ strWIDList[0].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_MODE;
+ strWIDList[0].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[0].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[0].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Ciphermode));
+ strWIDList[1].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ADD_RX_GTK;
+ strWIDList[1].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWIDList[1].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu8keybuf;
+ strWIDList[1].s32ValueSize = RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, 2, NMI_TRUE);
+ NMI_FREE(pu8keybuf);
+ ////////////////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemTestKeyBlock, NMI_NULL);
+ ///////////////////////////
+ }
+ #endif
+ if(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->u8KeyAction & ADDKEY)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling group key(Rx) function\n");
+ pu8keybuf = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN);
+ if(pu8keybuf == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("No buffer to send RxGTK Key\n");
+ ret = -1;
+ goto _WPARxGtk_end_case_;
+ }
+ NMI_memset(pu8keybuf, 0, RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN);
+ /*|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ |Sta Address | Key RSC | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |
+ |------------|---------|-------|------------|---------------|----------------|
+ | 6 bytes | 8 byte |1 byte | 1 byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes |*/
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf, gWFiDrvHandle->au8AssociatedBSSID, ETH_ALEN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Couldn't handle WPARxGtk while enuHostIFstate is not HOST_IF_CONNECTED \n");
+ }
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+6, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8seq, 8 );
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+14,&pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8keyidx, 1);
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+15, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen, 1);
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+16, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key,
+ pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen);
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ADD_RX_GTK;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu8keybuf;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ NMI_FREE(pu8keybuf);
+ ////////////////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemTestKeyBlock, NMI_NULL);
+ ///////////////////////////
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key);
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8seq);
+ if(ret == -1)
+ return ret;
+ break;
+ case WPAPtk:
+ if(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->u8KeyAction & ADDKEY_AP)
+ {
+ pu8keybuf = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN+1);
+ if(pu8keybuf == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("No buffer to send PTK Key\n");
+ ret = -1;
+ goto _WPAPtk_end_case_;
+ }
+ /*|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ |Station address | keyidx |Key Length |Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |Tx Michael Key |
+ |----------------|------------ |--------------|----------------|---------------|
+ | 6 bytes | 1 byte | 1byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes | 8 bytes |
+ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|*/
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8macaddr, 6 ); /*1 bytes Key Length */
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+6, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8keyidx, 1 );
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+7, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen, 1 );
+ /*16 byte TK*/
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+8, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key,
+ pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen);
+ strWIDList[0].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_MODE;
+ strWIDList[0].enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWIDList[0].s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ strWIDList[0].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)(&(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Ciphermode));
+ strWIDList[1].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ADD_PTK;
+ strWIDList[1].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWIDList[1].ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8 *)pu8keybuf;
+ strWIDList[1].s32ValueSize = PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN+1;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, 2, NMI_TRUE);
+ NMI_FREE(pu8keybuf);
+ ////////////////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemTestKeyBlock, NMI_NULL);
+ ///////////////////////////
+ }
+ #endif
+ if(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->u8KeyAction & ADDKEY)
+ {
+ pu8keybuf = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN);
+ if(pu8keybuf == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("No buffer to send PTK Key\n");
+ ret = -1;
+ goto _WPAPtk_end_case_;
+ }
+ /*|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ |Station address | Key Length | Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |Tx Michael Key |
+ |----------------|------------|--------------|----------------|---------------|
+ | 6 bytes | 1byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes | 8 bytes |
+ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|*/
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8macaddr, 6 ); /*1 bytes Key Length */
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+6, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen, 1 );
+ /*16 byte TK*/
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+7, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key,
+ pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen);
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ADD_PTK;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8 *)pu8keybuf;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ NMI_FREE(pu8keybuf);
+ ////////////////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemTestKeyBlock, NMI_NULL);
+ ///////////////////////////
+ }
+ NMI_FREE(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key);
+ if(ret == -1)
+ return ret;
+ break;
+ case PMKSA:
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling PMKSA key\n");
+ pu8keybuf = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC( (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFpmkidAttr.numpmkid*PMKSA_KEY_LEN) + 1);
+ if(pu8keybuf == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("No buffer to send PMKSA Key\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pu8keybuf[0] = pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFpmkidAttr.numpmkid;
+ for(i = 0 ; i< pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFpmkidAttr.numpmkid;i++)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+((PMKSA_KEY_LEN * i)+1), pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFpmkidAttr.pmkidlist[i].bssid, ETH_ALEN);
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8keybuf+((PMKSA_KEY_LEN * i)+ETH_ALEN+1), pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFpmkidAttr.pmkidlist[i].pmkid, PMKID_LEN);
+ }
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_PMKID_INFO;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu8keybuf;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFpmkidAttr.numpmkid*PMKSA_KEY_LEN) + 1;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ NMI_FREE(pu8keybuf);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send key config packet\n");
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_Disconnect
+* @details Sending config packet to firmware to disconnect
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void Handle_Disconnect(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16DummyReasonCode = 0;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_DISCONNECT;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&u16DummyReasonCode;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Sending disconnect request\n");
+ gbIPaddrObtained = NMI_FALSE;
+ host_int_set_power_mgmt((NMI_WFIDrvHandle)gWFiDrvHandle, 0, 0);
+ #endif
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send dissconect config packet\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tstrDisconnectNotifInfo strDisconnectNotifInfo;
+ NMI_memset(&strDisconnectNotifInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrDisconnectNotifInfo));
+ strDisconnectNotifInfo.u16reason = 0;
+ = NULL;
+ strDisconnectNotifInfo.ie_len = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult != NULL)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF, NULL,
+ 0, &strDisconnectNotifInfo,gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.u32UserConnectPvoid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult = NULL \n");
+ }
+ gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_FALSE;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE;
+ NMI_memset(gWFiDrvHandle->au8AssociatedBSSID, 0, ETH_ALEN);
+ /* Deallocation */
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ssidLen = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ssid = NULL;
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8bssid = NULL;
+ }
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.ConnReqIEsLen = 0;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pu8ConnReqIEs = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemTestDisconnectBlock, NMI_NULL);
+ ///////////////////////////
+static NMI_Sint32 Switch_Log_Terminal(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ static char dummy=9;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_LOGTerminal_Switch;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = &dummy;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Failed to switch log terminal\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"MAC address set :: \n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_GetChnl
+* @details Sending config packet to get channel
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_GetChnl(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8 *)&gu8Chnl;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Getting channel value\n");
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(GET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ /*get the value by searching the local copy*/
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to get channel number\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemGetCHNL, NMI_NULL);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_GetRssi
+* @details Sending config packet to get RSSI
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void Handle_GetRssi(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_RSSI;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = &gs8Rssi;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Getting RSSI value\n");
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(GET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to get RSSI value\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemGetRSSI, NMI_NULL);
+static void Handle_GetLinkspeed(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ gs8lnkspd = 0;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_LINKSPEED;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = &gs8lnkspd;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(GET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to get LINKSPEED value\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemGetLINKSPEED, NMI_NULL);
+* @brief Handle_Get_InActiveTime
+* @details Sending config packet to set mac adddress for station and
+ get inactive time
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Sint32 Handle_Get_InActiveTime(tstrHostIfStaInactiveT* strHostIfStaInactiveT)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ NMI_Uint8 *stamac;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = ETH_ALEN;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Uint8 *)NMI_MALLOC(strWID.s32ValueSize);
+ stamac = strWID.ps8WidVal;
+ NMI_memcpy(stamac,strHostIfStaInactiveT->mac, ETH_ALEN);
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"SETING STA inactive time\n");
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ /*get the value by searching the local copy*/
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to SET incative time\n");
+ }
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_INT;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&gu32InactiveTime;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint32);
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(GET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ /*get the value by searching the local copy*/
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to get incative time\n");
+ }
+ PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG,"Getting inactive time : %d\n",gu32InactiveTime);
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemInactiveTime, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_AddBeacon
+* @details Sending config packet to add beacon
+* @param[in] tstrHostIFSetBeacon* pstrSetBeaconParam
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void Handle_AddBeacon(tstrHostIFSetBeacon* pstrSetBeaconParam)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8CurrByte;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ADD_BEACON;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_BIN;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = pstrSetBeaconParam->u32HeadLen+pstrSetBeaconParam->u32TailLen+16;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = NMI_MALLOC(strWID.s32ValueSize);
+ if(strWID.ps8WidVal == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte = strWID.ps8WidVal;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrSetBeaconParam->u32Interval & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32Interval >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32Interval >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32Interval >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrSetBeaconParam->u32DTIMPeriod & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32DTIMPeriod >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32DTIMPeriod >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32DTIMPeriod >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrSetBeaconParam->u32HeadLen & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32HeadLen >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32HeadLen >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32HeadLen >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Head, pstrSetBeaconParam->u32HeadLen);
+ pu8CurrByte += pstrSetBeaconParam->u32HeadLen;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrSetBeaconParam->u32TailLen& 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32TailLen >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32TailLen >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->u32TailLen >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ /* Bug 4599 : if tail length = 0 skip copying */
+ if(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail > 0)
+ memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail, pstrSetBeaconParam->u32TailLen);
+ pu8CurrByte += pstrSetBeaconParam->u32TailLen;
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send add beacon config packet\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_FREE_IF_TRUE(strWID.ps8WidVal);
+ NMI_FREE_IF_TRUE(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Head);
+ NMI_FREE_IF_TRUE(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail);
+* @brief Handle_AddBeacon
+* @details Sending config packet to delete beacon
+* @param[in] tstrHostIFDelBeacon* pstrDelBeacon
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void Handle_DelBeacon(tstrHostIFDelBeacon* pstrDelBeacon)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8CurrByte;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_DEL_BEACON;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = 0;
+ if(strWID.ps8WidVal == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte = strWID.ps8WidVal;
+ /* TODO: build del beacon message*/
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send delete beacon config packet\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+* @brief NMI_HostIf_PackStaParam
+* @details Handling packing of the station params in a buffer
+* @param[in] NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStationParam
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Uint32 NMI_HostIf_PackStaParam(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStationParam)
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8CurrByte;
+ pu8CurrByte = pu8Buffer;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Packing STA params\n");
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam->au8BSSID, ETH_ALEN);
+ pu8CurrByte += ETH_ALEN;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16AssocID & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16AssocID >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u8NumRates;
+ if(pstrStationParam->u8NumRates > 0)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam->pu8Rates, pstrStationParam->u8NumRates);
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte += pstrStationParam->u8NumRates;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->bIsHTSupported;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16HTCapInfo & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16HTCapInfo >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u8AmpduParams;
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam->au8SuppMCsSet, NMI_SUPP_MCS_SET_SIZE);
+ pu8CurrByte += NMI_SUPP_MCS_SET_SIZE;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16HTExtParams & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16HTExtParams >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u32TxBeamformingCap & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u32TxBeamformingCap >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u32TxBeamformingCap >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u32TxBeamformingCap >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u8ASELCap;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16FlagsMask & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16FlagsMask >>8) & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16FlagsSet & 0xFF;
+ *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16FlagsSet >>8) & 0xFF;
+ return pu8CurrByte - pu8Buffer;
+* @brief Handle_AddStation
+* @details Sending config packet to add station
+* @param[in] tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStationParam
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void Handle_AddStation(tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStationParam)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8CurrByte;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling add station\n");
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ADD_STA;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_BIN;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize =NMI_ADD_STA_LENGTH + pstrStationParam->u8NumRates;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = NMI_MALLOC(strWID.s32ValueSize);
+ if(strWID.ps8WidVal == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte = strWID.ps8WidVal;
+ pu8CurrByte += NMI_HostIf_PackStaParam(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam);
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send add station config packet\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_FREE_IF_TRUE(pstrStationParam->pu8Rates);
+ NMI_FREE_IF_TRUE(strWID.ps8WidVal);
+* @brief Handle_DelStation
+* @details Sending config packet to delete station
+* @param[in] tstrHostIFDelSta* pstrDelStaParam
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void Handle_DelStation(tstrHostIFDelSta* pstrDelStaParam)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8CurrByte;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_REMOVE_STA;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_BIN;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize =ETH_ALEN;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling delete station \n");
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = NMI_MALLOC(strWID.s32ValueSize);
+ if(strWID.ps8WidVal == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte = strWID.ps8WidVal;
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrDelStaParam->au8MacAddr, ETH_ALEN);
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send add station config packe\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_FREE_IF_TRUE(strWID.ps8WidVal);
+* @brief Handle_EditStation
+* @details Sending config packet to edit station
+* @param[in] tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStationParam
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void Handle_EditStation(tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStationParam)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8CurrByte;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_EDIT_STA;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_BIN;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize =NMI_ADD_STA_LENGTH + pstrStationParam->u8NumRates;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling edit station\n");
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = NMI_MALLOC(strWID.s32ValueSize);
+ if(strWID.ps8WidVal == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ pu8CurrByte = strWID.ps8WidVal;
+ pu8CurrByte += NMI_HostIf_PackStaParam(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam);
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_FALSE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send edit station config packet\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_FREE_IF_TRUE(pstrStationParam->pu8Rates);
+ NMI_FREE_IF_TRUE(strWID.ps8WidVal);
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+* @brief Handle_RemainOnChan
+* @details P2P Remain on channel handler
+* @param[in]
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static int Handle_RemainOnChan(tstrHostIfRemainOnChan* pstrHostIfRemainOnChan)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strHostIfRemainOnChan.RxProbeReq= pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->RxProbeReq;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strHostIfRemainOnChan.pVoid=pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->pVoid;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strHostIfRemainOnChan.pRemainOnChanExpired = pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->pRemainOnChanExpired;
+ /*Start remain-on-channel timer, if listen state*/
+ NMI_TimerStart(&hRemainOnChannel, pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->u32duration, NMI_NULL, NMI_NULL);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief Handle_ListenStateExpired
+* @details Handle of listen state expiration
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Uint32 Handle_ListenStateExpired(tstrHostIfRemainOnChan* pstrHostIfRemainOnChan)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ /*Stopping remain-on-channel timer*/
+ NMI_TimerStop(&hRemainOnChannel, NMI_NULL);
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strHostIfRemainOnChan.pRemainOnChanExpired)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strHostIfRemainOnChan.pRemainOnChanExpired(gWFiDrvHandle->strHostIfRemainOnChan.pVoid);
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief ListenTimerCB
+* @details Callback function of remain-on-channel timer
+* @param[in] NONE
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void ListenTimerCB(void* pvArg)
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ /* prepare the Timer Callback message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ /* send the message */
+ NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+* @brief Handle_EditStation
+* @details Sending config packet to edit station
+* @param[in] tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStationParam
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void Handle_PowerManagement(tstrHostIfPowerMgmtParam* strPowerMgmtParam)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ NMI_Sint8 s8PowerMode;
+ if(strPowerMgmtParam->bIsEnabled == NMI_TRUE)
+ {
+ s8PowerMode = MIN_FAST_PS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s8PowerMode = NO_POWERSAVE;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling power mgmt to %d\n", s8PowerMode);
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = &s8PowerMode;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Handling Power Management\n");
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send power management config packet\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+* @brief hostIFthread
+* @details Main thread to handle message queue requests
+* @param[in] void* pvArg
+* @return NONE
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+static void hostIFthread(void* pvArg)
+ NMI_Uint32 u32Ret;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ while(1)
+ {
+ NMI_MsgQueueRecv(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), &u32Ret, NMI_NULL);
+ if(strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId == HOST_IF_MSG_EXIT)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"THREAD: Exiting HostIfThread\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId)
+ {
+ {
+ Handle_Scan(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_Connect(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strRcvdNetworkInfo);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_RcvdGnrlAsyncInfo(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_Key(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_CfgParam(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFCfgParamAttr);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_SetChannel(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFSetChan);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_Disconnect();
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ NMI_TimerStop(&hScanTimer, NMI_NULL);
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "scan completed successfully\n");
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate != HOST_IF_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ /* force the chip manually to sleep */
+ chip_sleep_manually(INFINITE_SLEEP_TIME);
+ }
+ Handle_ScanDone(SCAN_EVENT_DONE);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_GetRssi();
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_GetLinkspeed();
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_GetChnl();
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_AddBeacon(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFSetBeacon);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ Handle_DelBeacon(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFDelBeacon);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ Handle_AddStation(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strAddStaParam);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_DelStation(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strDelStaParam);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_EditStation(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strEditStaParam);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_Get_InActiveTime(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIfStaInactiveT);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("Scan Timeout\n");
+ Handle_ScanDone(SCAN_EVENT_DONE);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ NMI_PRINTF("Connect Timeout \n");
+ Handle_ConnectTimeout();
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_PowerManagement(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strPowerMgmtparam);
+ break;
+ }
+ #ifdef NMI_P2P
+ {
+ Handle_RemainOnChan(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIfRemainOnChan);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ Handle_ListenStateExpired(&strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIfRemainOnChan);
+ break;
+ }
+ #endif
+ default:
+ {
+ NMI_ERROR("[Host Interface] undefined Received Msg ID \n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Releasing thread exit semaphore\n");
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&hSemHostIFthrdEnd, NMI_NULL);
+ return;
+ //do_exit(error);
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"do_exit error code %d\n",error);
+static void TimerCB(void* pvArg)
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tenuScanConnTimer enuScanConnTimer;
+ enuScanConnTimer = (tenuScanConnTimer)pvArg;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "TimerCB(): rcvd enuScanConnTimer=%d\n", enuScanConnTimer);
+ /* prepare the Timer Callback message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ if(enuScanConnTimer == SCAN_TIMER)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strTimerCb.pvUsrArg = (void*)enuScanConnTimer;
+ }
+ else if(enuScanConnTimer == CONNECT_TIMER)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strTimerCb.pvUsrArg = (void*)enuScanConnTimer;
+ }
+ /* send the message */
+ NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+* @brief removes wpa/wpa2 keys
+* @details only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
+ removes all WPA/WPA2 station key entries from MAC hardware.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] 6 bytes of Station Adress in the station entry table
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+//Check implementation in core adding 9 bytes to the input!
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_remove_key(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,const NMI_Uint8* pu8StaAddress)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_REMOVE_KEY;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu8StaAddress;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = 6;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief removes WEP key
+* @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
+ remove a WEP key entry from MAC HW.
+ The BSS Station automatically finds the index of the entry using its
+ BSS ID and removes that entry from the MAC hardware.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] 6 bytes of Station Adress in the station entry table
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note NO need for the STA add since it is not used for processing
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_remove_wep_key(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8keyIdx)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the Remove Wep Key Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.enuKeyType = WEP;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = REMOVEKEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx = u8keyIdx;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue : Request to remove WEP key \n");
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief sets WEP default key
+* @details Sets the index of the WEP encryption key in use,
+ in the key table
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] key index ( 0, 1, 2, 3)
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_WEPDefaultKeyID(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8Index)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the Key Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.enuKeyType = WEP;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = DEFAULTKEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx = u8Index;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue : Default key index\n");
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief sets WEP deafault key
+* @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
+ sets WEP key entry into MAC hardware when it receives the
+ corresponding request from NDIS.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing WEP Key in the following format
+ |---------------------------------------|
+ |Key ID Value | Key Length | Key |
+ |-------------|------------|------------|
+ | 1byte | 1byte | Key Length |
+ |---------------------------------------|
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_wep_key_bss_sta(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, const NMI_Uint8* pu8WepKey, NMI_Uint8 u8WepKeylen, NMI_Uint8 u8Keyidx)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the Key Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.enuKeyType = WEP;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = ADDKEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.pu8WepKey = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u8WepKeylen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.pu8WepKey,
+ pu8WepKey, u8WepKeylen);
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen = (u8WepKeylen);
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx = u8Keyidx;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue :WEP Key\n");
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap
+* @details valid only in BSS AP mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
+ sets WEP key entry into MAC hardware when it receives the
+ corresponding request from NDIS.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 28 FEB 2013
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, const NMI_Uint8* pu8WepKey, NMI_Uint8 u8WepKeylen, NMI_Uint8 u8Keyidx,NMI_Uint8 u8mode, AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ NMI_Uint8 i;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the Key Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<u8WepKeylen;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG,"KEY is %x\n",pu8WepKey[i]);
+ }
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.enuKeyType = WEP;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = ADDKEY_AP;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.pu8WepKey = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC((u8WepKeylen));
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.pu8WepKey,
+ pu8WepKey, (u8WepKeylen));
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8WepKeylen = (u8WepKeylen);
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8Wepidx = u8Keyidx;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.u8mode = u8mode;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwepAttr.tenuAuth_type = tenuAuth_type;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue :WEP Key\n");
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief adds ptk Key
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing PTK Key in the following format
+|Station address | Key Length | Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |Tx Michael Key |
+| 6 bytes | 1byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes | 8 bytes |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_ptk(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8Ptk,NMI_Uint8 u8PtkKeylen,
+ const NMI_Uint8* mac_addr,NMI_Uint8* pu8RxMic,NMI_Uint8* pu8TxMic,NMI_Uint8 mode,NMI_Uint8 u8Ciphermode,NMI_Uint8 u8Idx)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8KeyLen = u8PtkKeylen;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ if(pu8RxMic != NULL)
+ {
+ u8KeyLen += RX_MIC_KEY_LEN;
+ }
+ if(pu8TxMic != NULL)
+ {
+ u8KeyLen += TX_MIC_KEY_LEN;
+ }
+ /* prepare the Key Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.enuKeyType = WPAPtk;
+ if(mode == AP_MODE)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = ADDKEY_AP;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8keyidx = u8Idx;
+ }
+ #endif
+ if(mode == STATION_MODE)
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = ADDKEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u8PtkKeylen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key,
+ pu8Ptk, u8PtkKeylen);
+ if(pu8RxMic != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key+16,
+ pu8RxMic,RX_MIC_KEY_LEN);
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<RX_MIC_KEY_LEN;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "PairwiseRx[%d] = %x\n", i, pu8RxMic[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(pu8TxMic != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key+24,
+ pu8TxMic, TX_MIC_KEY_LEN);
+ if(INFO)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<TX_MIC_KEY_LEN;i++)
+ PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "PairwiseTx[%d] = %x\n", i, pu8TxMic[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen = u8KeyLen;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Ciphermode = u8Ciphermode;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8macaddr = mac_addr;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue: PTK Key\n");
+ ////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemTestKeyBlock,NULL);
+ //NMI_Sleep(100);
+ /////////
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief adds Rx GTk Key
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] pu8RxGtk : contains temporal key | Rx Mic | Tx Mic
+ u8GtkKeylen :The total key length
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_rx_gtk(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8RxGtk,NMI_Uint8 u8GtkKeylen,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8KeyIdx,NMI_Uint32 u32KeyRSClen, NMI_Uint8* KeyRSC,
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8RxMic,NMI_Uint8* pu8TxMic,NMI_Uint8 mode,NMI_Uint8 u8Ciphermode)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8KeyLen = u8GtkKeylen;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the Key Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ if(pu8RxMic != NULL)
+ {
+ u8KeyLen += RX_MIC_KEY_LEN;
+ }
+ if(pu8TxMic != NULL)
+ {
+ u8KeyLen += TX_MIC_KEY_LEN;
+ }
+ if(KeyRSC!= NULL)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8seq = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u32KeyRSClen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8seq,
+ KeyRSC, u32KeyRSClen);
+ }
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.enuKeyType = WPARxGtk;
+ if(mode == AP_MODE)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = ADDKEY_AP;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Ciphermode = u8Ciphermode;
+ }
+ #endif
+ if(mode == STATION_MODE)
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = ADDKEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u8KeyLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key,
+ pu8RxGtk, u8GtkKeylen);
+ if(pu8RxMic != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key+16,
+ pu8RxMic,RX_MIC_KEY_LEN);
+ }
+ if(pu8TxMic != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key+24,
+ pu8TxMic, TX_MIC_KEY_LEN);
+ }
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8keyidx = u8KeyIdx;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen = u8KeyLen;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8seqlen = u32KeyRSClen;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ NMI_ERROR("Error in sending message queue: RX GTK\n");
+ ////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemTestKeyBlock,NULL);
+ //NMI_Sleep(100);
+ /////////
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+#if 0
+* @brief host_int_add_tx_gtk
+* @details adds Tx GTk Key
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing Tx GTK Key in the following format
+ |----------------------------------------------------|
+ | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key | Tx Michael Key |
+ |-------|------------|--------------|----------------|
+ |1 byte | 1 byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes |
+ |----------------------------------------------------|
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_tx_gtk(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8KeyLen,NMI_Uint8* pu8TxGtk,NMI_Uint8 u8KeyIdx)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the Key Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.enuKeyType = WPATxGtk;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = ADDKEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.
+ uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u8KeyLen);
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.pu8key,
+ pu8TxGtk, u8KeyLen);
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFwpaAttr.u8Keylen = u8KeyLen;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ NMI_ERROR("Error in sending message queue: TX GTK\n");
+ ////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemTestKeyBlock,NULL);
+ NMI_Sleep(100);
+ /////////
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_set_pmkid_info
+* @details caches the pmkid valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant
+ support is enabled. This Function sets the PMKID in firmware
+ when host drivr receives the corresponding request from NDIS.
+ The firmware then includes theset PMKID in the appropriate
+ management frames
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
+* @param[in] message containing PMKID Info in the following format
+|NumEntries | BSSID[1] | PMKID[1] | ... | BSSID[K] | PMKID[K] |
+| 1 | 6 | 16 | ... | 6 | 16 |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_pmkid_info(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrHostIFpmkidAttr* pu8PmkidInfoArray)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ NMI_Uint32 i;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the Key Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.enuKeyType = PMKSA;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.u8KeyAction = ADDKEY;
+ for(i = 0 ; i< pu8PmkidInfoArray->numpmkid;i++)
+ {
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFpmkidAttr.pmkidlist[i].bssid, &pu8PmkidInfoArray->pmkidlist[i].bssid,
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFkeyAttr.uniHostIFkeyAttr.strHostIFpmkidAttr.pmkidlist[i].pmkid, &pu8PmkidInfoArray->pmkidlist[i].pmkid,
+ }
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER(" Error in sending messagequeue: PMKID Info\n");
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief gets the cached the pmkid info
+* @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant
+ support is enabled. This Function sets the PMKID in firmware
+ when host drivr receives the corresponding request from NDIS.
+ The firmware then includes theset PMKID in the appropriate
+ management frames
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ message containing PMKID Info in the following format
+ |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ |NumEntries | BSSID[1] | PMKID[1] | ... | BSSID[K] | PMKID[K] |
+ |-----------|------------|----------|-------|----------|----------|
+ | 1 | 6 | 16 | ... | 6 | 16 |
+ |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+* @param[in]
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_pmkid_info(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8PmkidInfoArray,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32PmkidInfoLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_PMKID_INFO;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = u32PmkidInfoLen;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = pu8PmkidInfoArray;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief sets the pass phrase
+* @details AP/STA mode. This function gives the pass phrase used to
+ generate the Pre-Shared Key when WPA/WPA2 is enabled
+ The length of the field can vary from 8 to 64 bytes,
+ the lower layer should get the
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] String containing PSK
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8PassPhrase,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8Psklength)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ //NMI_Uint8 u8Psklength = NMI_strlen(pu8PassPhrase);
+ /*validating psk length*/
+ if((u8Psklength >7) && (u8Psklength<65))
+ {
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_PSK;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = pu8PassPhrase;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = u8Psklength;
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_get_MacAddress
+* @details gets mac address
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mdaftedar
+* @date 19 April 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_MacAddress(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8MacAddress)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_MAC_ADDR;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(ETH_ALEN);
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = ETH_ALEN;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(GET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ NMI_memcpy(pu8MacAddress,strWID.ps8WidVal,ETH_ALEN);
+ /*get the value by searching the local copy*/
+ NMI_FREE(strWID.ps8WidVal);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to get mac address\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"MAC address retrieved:: \n");
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"%2x.%2x.%2x.%2x.%2x.%2x.\n",(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[0]),(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[1]),
+ (NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[2]),(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[3]),(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[4]),(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[5]));
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_set_MacAddress
+* @details sets mac address
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author mabubakr
+* @date 16 July 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_MacAddress(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8MacAddress)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_MAC_ADDR;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu8MacAddress;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = ETH_ALEN;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Failed to set mac address\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"MAC address set :: \n");
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"%2x.%2x.%2x.%2x.%2x.%2x.\n",(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[0]),(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[1]),
+ (NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[2]),(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[3]),(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[4]),(NMI_Uint8)(strWID.ps8WidVal[5]));
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_get_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase
+* @details gets the pass phrase:AP/STA mode. This function gets the pass phrase used to
+ generate the Pre-Shared Key when WPA/WPA2 is enabled
+ The length of the field can vary from 8 to 64 bytes,
+ the lower layer should get the
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ String containing PSK
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8PassPhrase, NMI_Uint8 u8Psklength)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11I_PSK;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = u8Psklength;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = pu8PassPhrase;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_get_site_survey_results
+* @details gets the site survey results
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ Message containing site survey results in the
+ following format
+| MsgLength | fragNo. | MsgBodyLength | MsgBody |
+| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+----------------------------------------- | ----------------
+ |
+ |---------------------------------------|
+ | Network1 | Netweork2 | ... | Network5 |
+ |---------------------------------------|
+ | 44 | 44 | ... | 44 |
+-------------------------- | ---------------------------------------
+ |
+| SSID | BSS Type | Channel | Security Status| BSSID | RSSI |Reserved |
+| 33 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 1 |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_site_survey_results(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,
+ NMI_Uint8 ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE],
+ NMI_Uint32 u32MaxSiteSrvyFragLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID astrWIDList[2];
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ astrWIDList[0].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS;
+ astrWIDList[0].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ astrWIDList[0].ps8WidVal = ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[0];
+ astrWIDList[0].s32ValueSize = u32MaxSiteSrvyFragLen;
+ astrWIDList[1].u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS;
+ astrWIDList[1].enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ astrWIDList[1].ps8WidVal = ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[1];
+ astrWIDList[1].s32ValueSize = u32MaxSiteSrvyFragLen;
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(GET_CFG, astrWIDList, 2, NMI_TRUE);
+ /*get the value by searching the local copy*/
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send config packet to get survey results\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief sets a start scan request
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Scan Source one of the following values
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_start_scan_req(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 scanSource)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_START_SCAN_REQ;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&scanSource;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_get_start_scan_req
+* @details gets a start scan request
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Scan Source one of the following values
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_start_scan_req(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8* pu8ScanSource)
+ {
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_START_SCAN_REQ;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu8ScanSource;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ return s32Error;
+ }
+* @brief host_int_set_join_req
+* @details sets a join request
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Index of the bss descriptor
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_join_req(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8bssid,
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8ssid, size_t ssidLen,
+ const NMI_Uint8* pu8IEs, size_t IEsLen,
+ tNMIpfConnectResult pfConnectResult, void* pvUserArg,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8security, AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8channel)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tenuScanConnTimer enuScanConnTimer;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL || pfConnectResult == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: gWFiDrvHandle = NULL\n");
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32RcvdChCount == 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("No scan results exist: Scanning should be done\n");
+ }
+ /* prepare the Connect Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.u8security = u8security;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.tenuAuth_type = tenuAuth_type;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.u8channel = u8channel;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.pfConnectResult = pfConnectResult;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.pvUserArg = pvUserArg;
+ if(pu8bssid != NULL)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.pu8bssid = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(6); /* will be deallocated
+ by the receiving
+ thread */
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.pu8bssid,
+ pu8bssid, 6);
+ }
+ if(pu8ssid != NULL)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.ssidLen = ssidLen;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.pu8ssid = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(ssidLen); /* will be deallocated
+ by the receiving
+ thread */
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.pu8ssid,
+ pu8ssid, ssidLen);
+ }
+ if(pu8IEs != NULL)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.IEsLen = IEsLen;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.pu8IEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(IEsLen); /* will be deallocated
+ by the receiving
+ thread */
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFconnectAttr.pu8IEs,
+ pu8IEs, IEsLen);
+ }
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send message queue: Set join request\n");
+ }
+ enuScanConnTimer = CONNECT_TIMER;
+ NMI_TimerStart(&hConnectTimer, HOST_IF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (void*)enuScanConnTimer, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_disconnect
+* @details disconnects from the currently associated network
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Reason Code of the Disconnection
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_disconnect(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint16 u16ReasonCode)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("gWFiDrvHandle = NULL\n");
+ }
+ /* prepare the Disconnect Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_DISCONNECT;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send message queue: disconnect\n");
+ ////////////////
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemTestDisconnectBlock,NULL);
+ /////////
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_disconnect_station
+* @details disconnects a sta
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Association Id of the station to be disconnected
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_disconnect_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 assoc_id)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_DISCONNECT;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)&assoc_id;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_get_assoc_req_info
+* @details gets a Association request info
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ Message containg assoc. req info in the following format
+| Management Frame Format |
+|Frame Control|Duration|DA|SA|BSSID|Sequence Control|Frame Body|FCS |
+| 2 |2 |6 |6 |6 | 2 |0 - 2312 | 4 |
+| |
+| Association Request Frame - Frame Body |
+| Capability Information | Listen Interval | SSID | Supported Rates |
+| 2 | 2 | 2-34 | 3-10 |
+| ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_assoc_req_info(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8AssocReqInfo,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32AssocReqInfoLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ASSOC_REQ_INFO;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = pu8AssocReqInfo;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = u32AssocReqInfoLen;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief gets a Association Response info
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ Message containg assoc. resp info
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_assoc_res_info(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8AssocRespInfo,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32MaxAssocRespInfoLen, NMI_Uint32* pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = pu8AssocRespInfo;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = u32MaxAssocRespInfoLen;
+ /* Sending Configuration packet */
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(GET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send association response config packet\n");
+ *pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen = strWID.s32ValueSize;
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief gets a Association Response info
+* @details Valid only in STA mode. This function gives the RSSI
+ values observed in all the channels at the time of scanning.
+ The length of the field is 1 greater that the total number of
+ channels supported. Byte 0 contains the number of channels while
+ each of Byte N contains the observed RSSI value for the channel index N.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ array of scanned channels' RSSI
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_rx_power_level(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8RxPowerLevel,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32RxPowerLevelLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ //tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_RX_POWER_LEVEL;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = pu8RxPowerLevel;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = u32RxPowerLevelLen;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief sets a channel
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Index of the channel to be set
+| Input: 1 2 14 |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_mac_chnl_num(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint8 u8ChNum)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ /*prepare configuration packet*/
+ strWID.enuWIDtype= WID_CHAR;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Char*)&u8ChNum;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Char);
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send set channel config packet\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief gets the current channel index
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ current channel index
+| Input: 1 2 14 |
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_host_chnl_num(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8ChNo)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ /* prepare the Get Channel Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_CHNL;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue ");
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemGetCHNL, NULL);
+ //gu8Chnl = 11;
+ *pu8ChNo = gu8Chnl;
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {}
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_test_set_int_wid
+* @details Test function for setting wids
+* @param[in,out] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32TestMemAddr
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_test_set_int_wid(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32TestMemAddr)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ /*prepare configuration packet*/
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_INT;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Char*)&u32TestMemAddr;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint32);
+ /*Sending Cfg*/
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Test Function: Failed to set wid value\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Successfully set wid value\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_get_inactive_time
+* @details
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ current sta macaddress, inactive_time
+* @return
+* @note
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_inactive_time(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8 * mac,NMI_Uint32* pu32InactiveTime)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIfStaInactiveT.mac,
+ mac, ETH_ALEN);
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue ");
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemInactiveTime, NULL);
+ *pu32InactiveTime = gu32InactiveTime;
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {}
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_test_get_int_wid
+* @details Test function for getting wids
+* @param[in,out] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32* pu32TestMemAddr
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_test_get_int_wid(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32* pu32TestMemAddr)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_INT;
+ strWID.ps8WidVal = (NMI_Sint8*)pu32TestMemAddr;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = sizeof(NMI_Uint32);
+ s32Error = SendConfigPkt(GET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ /*get the value by searching the local copy*/
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Test Function: Failed to get wid value\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Successfully got wid value\n");
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_get_rssi
+* @details gets the currently maintained RSSI value for the station.
+ The received signal strength value in dB.
+ The range of valid values is -128 to 0.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ rssi value in dB
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_rssi(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Sint8* ps8Rssi)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ /* prepare the Get RSSI Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_RSSI;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue ");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemGetRSSI, NULL);
+ if(ps8Rssi == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("RSS pointer value is null");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ *ps8Rssi = gs8Rssi;
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_get_link_speed(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Sint8* ps8lnkspd)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ /* prepare the Get LINKSPEED Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_LINKSPEED;
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to send GET_LINKSPEED to message queue ");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemGetLINKSPEED, NULL);
+ if(ps8lnkspd == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("LINKSPEED pointer value is null");
+ return NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ *ps8lnkspd = gs8lnkspd;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_scan
+* @details scans a set of channels
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Scan source
+ Scan Type PASSIVE_SCAN = 0,
+ Channels Array
+ Channels Array length
+ Scan Callback function
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_scan(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8 u8ScanSource,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ScanType, NMI_Uint8* pu8ChnlFreqList,
+ NMI_Uint8 u8ChnlListLen, const NMI_Uint8* pu8IEs,
+ size_t IEsLen, tNMIpfScanResult ScanResult,
+ void* pvUserArg,tstrHiddenNetwork *pstrHiddenNetwork)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tenuScanConnTimer enuScanConnTimer;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL || ScanResult == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the Scan Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN;
+ if(pstrHiddenNetwork != NULL)
+ {
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.strHiddenNetwork.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo = pstrHiddenNetwork->pstrHiddenNetworkInfo;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.strHiddenNetwork.u8ssidnum = pstrHiddenNetwork->u8ssidnum;
+ }
+ else
+ NMI_PRINTF("pstrHiddenNetwork IS EQUAL TO NULL\n");
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.u8ScanSource = u8ScanSource;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.u8ScanType = u8ScanType;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.pfScanResult = ScanResult;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.pvUserArg = pvUserArg;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.u8ChnlListLen = u8ChnlListLen;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.pu8ChnlFreqList = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u8ChnlListLen); /* will be deallocated
+ by the receiving
+ thread */
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.pu8ChnlFreqList,
+ pu8ChnlFreqList, u8ChnlListLen);
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.IEsLen = IEsLen;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.pu8IEs = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(IEsLen); /* will be deallocated
+ by the receiving
+ thread */
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFscanAttr.pu8IEs,
+ pu8IEs, IEsLen);
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue scanning parameters: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ }
+ enuScanConnTimer = SCAN_TIMER;
+ NMI_TimerStart(&hScanTimer, HOST_IF_SCAN_TIMEOUT, (void*)enuScanConnTimer, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief hif_set_cfg
+* @details sets configuration wids values
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] WID, WID value
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 hif_set_cfg(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrCfgParamVal * pstrCfgParamVal)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the WiphyParams Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_CFG_PARAMS;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFCfgParamAttr.pstrCfgParamVal = *pstrCfgParamVal;
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief hif_get_cfg
+* @details gets configuration wids values
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+ WID value
+* @param[in] WID,
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 hif_get_cfg(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,NMI_Uint16 u16WID,NMI_Uint16* pu16WID_Value)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&gtOsCfgValuesSem,NULL);
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Driver not initialized: pstrWFIDrv = NULL \n");
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Getting configuration parameters\n");
+ switch(u16WID)
+ {
+ case WID_BSS_TYPE:
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = (NMI_Uint16)gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.bss_type;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value =(NMI_Uint16)gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.auth_type;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.auth_timeout;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = (NMI_Uint16)gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.power_mgmt_mode;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.short_retry_limit;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.long_retry_limit;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.frag_threshold;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.rts_threshold;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = (NMI_Uint16)gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.preamble_type;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value =(NMI_Uint16) gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.short_slot_allowed;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = (NMI_Uint16)gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.txop_prot_disabled;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.beacon_interval;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = (NMI_Uint16)gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.dtim_period;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = (NMI_Uint16)gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.site_survey_enabled;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.site_survey_scan_time;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value= gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.active_scan_time;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.passive_scan_time;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ *pu16WID_Value = gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.curr_tx_rate;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&gtOsCfgValuesSem, NULL);
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+/* Notification Functions */
+* @brief notifies host with join and leave requests
+* @details This function prepares an Information frame having the
+ information about a joining/leaving station.
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] 6 byte Sta Adress
+ Join or leave flag:
+ Join = 1,
+ Leave =0
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void host_int_send_join_leave_info_to_host
+ (NMI_Uint16 assocId, NMI_Uint8* stationAddr, NMI_Bool joining)
+* @brief notifies host with stations found in scan
+* @details sends the beacon/probe response from scan
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @param[in] Sta Address,
+ Frame length,
+ Rssi of the Station found
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void host_int_send_network_info_to_host
+ (NMI_Uint8 *macStartAddress,NMI_Uint16 u16RxFrameLen, NMI_Sint8 s8Rssi)
+* @brief host_int_init
+* @details host interface initialization function
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+static NMI_Uint32 u32Intialized = 0;
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_init(NMI_WFIDrvHandle* phWFIDrv)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv;
+ tstrNMI_SemaphoreAttrs strSemaphoreAttrs;
+ if(u32Intialized == 1)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Host interface is previously initialized\n");
+ *phWFIDrv = (NMI_WFIDrvHandle)gWFiDrvHandle;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Initializing host interface\n");
+ gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_FALSE;
+ NMI_SemaphoreFillDefault(&strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&hSemHostIFthrdEnd, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&hSemTestKeyBlock, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&hSemTestDisconnectBlock, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&hSemGetRSSI, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&hSemGetLINKSPEED, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&hSemGetCHNL, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ strSemaphoreAttrs.u32InitCount = 0;
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&hSemInactiveTime, &strSemaphoreAttrs);
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueCreate(&gMsgQHostIF, NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to creat MQ\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ s32Error = NMI_ThreadCreate(&HostIFthreadHandler,hostIFthread, NMI_NULL, NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to creat Thread\n");
+ goto _fail_mq_;
+ }
+ s32Error = NMI_TimerCreate(&hScanTimer, TimerCB, NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to creat Timer\n");
+ goto _fail_thread_;
+ }
+ s32Error = NMI_TimerCreate(&hConnectTimer, TimerCB, NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to creat Timer\n");
+ goto _fail_timer_1;
+ }
+ #ifdef NMI_P2P
+ /*Remain on channel timer*/
+ s32Error = NMI_TimerCreate(&hRemainOnChannel, ListenTimerCB, NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to creat Remain-on-channel Timer\n");
+ goto _fail_timer_3;
+ }
+ #endif
+ NMI_SemaphoreCreate(&gtOsCfgValuesSem,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&gtOsCfgValuesSem,NULL);
+ /*Allocate host interface private structure*/
+ pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv*)NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(tstrNMI_WFIDrv));
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ s32Error = NMI_NO_MEM;
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory\n");
+ goto _fail_timer_2;
+ }
+ NMI_memset(pstrWFIDrv,0,sizeof(tstrNMI_WFIDrv));
+ /*return driver handle to user*/
+ *phWFIDrv = (NMI_WFIDrvHandle)pstrWFIDrv;
+ /*save into globl handle*/
+ gWFiDrvHandle = pstrWFIDrv;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Global handle pointer value=%x\n",(NMI_Uint32)gWFiDrvHandle);
+ TransportInit();
+ gWFiDrvHandle->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE;
+ //gWFiDrvHandle->bPendingConnRequest = NMI_FALSE;
+ /*Initialize CFG WIDS Defualt Values*/
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.site_survey_enabled = SITE_SURVEY_OFF;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.scan_source = DEFAULT_SCAN;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.active_scan_time = ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.passive_scan_time= PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME;
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.curr_tx_rate = AUTORATE;
+ PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG,"Initialization values, Site survey value: %d\n Scan source: %d\n Active scan time: %d\n Passive scan time: %d\nCurrent tx Rate = %d\n",
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.site_survey_enabled,gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.scan_source,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.active_scan_time,gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.passive_scan_time,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strCfgValues.curr_tx_rate);
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&gtOsCfgValuesSem,NULL);
+ /*TODO Code to setup simulation to be removed later*/
+ /*Intialize configurator module*/
+ s32Error = CoreConfiguratorInit();
+ if(s32Error < 0){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to initialize core configurator\n");
+ goto _fail_mem_;
+ }
+ /*Initialize Simulaor*/
+ CoreConfigSimulatorInit();
+ u32Intialized = 1;
+ return s32Error;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv != NMI_NULL)
+ NMI_FREE(pstrWFIDrv);
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+ NMI_TimerDestroy(&hRemainOnChannel, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreRelease(&gtOsCfgValuesSem,NULL);
+ NMI_TimerDestroy(&hConnectTimer,NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_TimerDestroy(&hScanTimer,NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_ThreadDestroy(&HostIFthreadHandler, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_MsgQueueDestroy(&gMsgQHostIF, NMI_NULL);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_deinit
+* @details host interface initialization function
+* @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
+* @note
+* @author zsalah
+* @date 8 March 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_deinit(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tstrJoinBssParam * ptstrJoinBssParam;
+ /*obtain driver handle*/
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ if(u32Intialized == 0)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Host Interface is not initialized\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"De-initializing host interface\n");
+ /*Calling the CFG80211 scan done function with the abort flag set to true*/
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult)
+ {
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult(SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED, NMI_NULL,
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.u32UserScanPvoid);
+ gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult= NMI_NULL;
+ }
+ /*deinit configurator and simulator*/
+ CoreConfigSimulatorDeInit();
+ CoreConfiguratorDeInit();
+ TransportDeInit();
+#if 0 // tony
+ if(NMI_TimerDestroy(&hScanTimer, NMI_NULL)){
+ printk(">> Scan timer is active \n");
+ msleep(HOST_IF_SCAN_TIMEOUT+1000);
+ }
+ if(NMI_TimerDestroy(&hConnectTimer, NMI_NULL)){
+ printk(">> Connect timer is active \n");
+ }
+ NMI_TimerDestroy(&hScanTimer, NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_TimerDestroy(&hConnectTimer, NMI_NULL);
+ #ifdef NMI_P2P
+ /*Destroy Remain-onchannel Timer*/
+ NMI_TimerDestroy(&hRemainOnChannel, NMI_NULL);
+ #endif
+ pstrWFIDrv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE;
+ gbScanWhileConnected = NMI_FALSE;
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_EXIT;
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error != NMI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending deinit's message queue message function: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ }
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&hSemHostIFthrdEnd, NULL);
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Thread Destroy %p\n",&HostIFthreadHandler);
+ //s32Error = NMI_ThreadDestroy(&HostIFthreadHandler, NMI_NULL);
+ //NMI_ERRORCHECK(s32Error);
+ if(pstrWFIDrv != NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrWFIDrv);
+ }
+ /*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+ //cleaning JoinTable
+ while(gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries!=0)
+ {
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Freeing Join Parameters Table\n");
+ ptstrJoinBssParam = gtstrBssTable.head;
+ gtstrBssTable.head = (tstrJoinBssParam*)gtstrBssTable.head->nextJoinBss;
+ NMI_FREE(ptstrJoinBssParam);
+ gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries-=1;
+ }
+ /* Destroy the MSG Queue */
+ NMI_MsgQueueDestroy(&gMsgQHostIF, NMI_NULL);
+ /*Destroy Semaphores*/
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&hSemHostIFthrdEnd,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&hSemTestKeyBlock,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&hSemTestDisconnectBlock,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&hSemGetRSSI,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&hSemGetLINKSPEED,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&hSemGetCHNL,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&hSemInactiveTime,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreAcquire(&gtOsCfgValuesSem,NULL);
+ NMI_SemaphoreDestroy(&gtOsCfgValuesSem,NULL);
+ /*Setting the gloabl driver handler with NULL*/
+ u32Intialized = 0;
+ gWFiDrvHandle = NULL;
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief NetworkInfoReceived
+* @details function to to be called when network info packet is received
+* @param[in] pu8Buffer the received packet
+* @param[in] u32Length length of the received packet
+* @return none
+* @note
+* @author
+* @date 1 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void NetworkInfoReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32Length)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("NetworkInfo received but driver not init[%x]\n",(NMI_Uint32)gWFiDrvHandle);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* prepare the Asynchronous Network Info message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_NTWRK_INFO;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strRcvdNetworkInfo.u32Length = u32Length;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strRcvdNetworkInfo.pu8Buffer = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u32Length); /* will be deallocated
+ by the receiving
+ thread */
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strRcvdNetworkInfo.pu8Buffer,
+ pu8Buffer, u32Length);
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending network info message queue message parameters: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ }
+ return;
+* @brief GnrlAsyncInfoReceived
+* @details function to be called when general Asynchronous info packet is received
+* @param[in] pu8Buffer the received packet
+* @param[in] u32Length length of the received packet
+* @return none
+* @note
+* @author
+* @date 15 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void GnrlAsyncInfoReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32Length)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"General asynchronous info packet received \n");
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Wifi driver handler is equal to NULL\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrConnReq.pfUserConnectResult == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ /* received mac status is not needed when there is no current Connect Request */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* prepare the General Asynchronous Info message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo.u32Length = u32Length;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo.pu8Buffer = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u32Length); /* will be deallocated
+ by the receiving
+ thread */
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo.pu8Buffer,
+ pu8Buffer, u32Length);
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue asynchronous message info: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ }
+ return;
+* @brief host_int_ScanCompleteReceived
+* @details Setting scan complete received notifcation in message queue
+* @param[in] NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32Length
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+void host_int_ScanCompleteReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer, NMI_Uint32 u32Length)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Scan notification received \n");
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ /*if there is an ongoing scan request*/
+ if(gWFiDrvHandle->strNMI_UsrScanReq.pfUserScanResult)
+ {
+ /* prepare theScan Done message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ /* will be deallocated by the receiving thread */
+ /*no need to send message body*/
+ /*strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strScanComplete.u32Length = u32Length;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strScanComplete.pu8Buffer = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u32Length);
+ NMI_memcpy(strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strScanComplete.pu8Buffer,
+ pu8Buffer, u32Length); */
+ /* send the message */
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue scan complete parameters: Error(%d)\n",s32Error);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+#ifdef NMI_P2P
+* @brief host_int_remain_on_channel
+* @details
+* @param[in] Handle to wifi driver
+ Duration to remain on channel
+ Channel to remain on
+ Pointer to fn to be called on receive frames in listen state
+ Pointer to remain-on-channel expired fn
+ Priv
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_remain_on_channel(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32duration,NMI_Uint16 chan, tNMIpfRemainOnChan RxMgmt,tNMIpfRemainOnChanExpired RemainOnChanExpired,void* pvUserArg)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the WiphyParams Message */
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_REMAIN_ON_CHAN;
+ chan;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIfRemainOnChan.RxProbeReq = RxMgmt;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIfRemainOnChan.pRemainOnChanExpired = RemainOnChanExpired;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIfRemainOnChan.pVoid=pvUserArg;
+ strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIfRemainOnChan.u32duration=u32duration;
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error, s32Error);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_add_beacon
+* @details Setting add beacon params in message queue
+* @param[in] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32Interval,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32DTIMPeriod,NMI_Uint32 u32HeadLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Head,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TailLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Tail
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint32 u32Interval,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32DTIMPeriod,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32HeadLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Head,
+ NMI_Uint32 u32TailLen, NMI_Uint8* pu8Tail)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tstrHostIFSetBeacon* pstrSetBeaconParam = &strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strHostIFSetBeacon;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting adding beacon message queue params\n");
+ /* prepare the WiphyParams Message */
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_BEACON;
+ pstrSetBeaconParam->u32Interval = u32Interval;
+ pstrSetBeaconParam->u32DTIMPeriod= u32DTIMPeriod;
+ pstrSetBeaconParam->u32HeadLen = u32HeadLen;
+ pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Head = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u32HeadLen);
+ if(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Head == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Head, pu8Head, u32HeadLen);
+ pstrSetBeaconParam->u32TailLen = u32TailLen;
+ /* Bug 4599 : if tail length = 0 skip allocating & copying */
+ if(u32TailLen > 0)
+ {
+ pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail = (NMI_Uint8*)NMI_MALLOC(u32TailLen);
+ if(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail== NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail, pu8Tail, u32TailLen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail=NULL;
+ }
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error, s32Error);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ if(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Head != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Head);
+ }
+ if(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail != NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_FREE(pstrSetBeaconParam->pu8Tail);
+ }
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_del_beacon
+* @details Setting add beacon params in message queue
+* @param[in] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_del_beacon(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ /* prepare the WiphyParams Message */
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_BEACON;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting deleting beacon message queue params\n");
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_add_station
+* @details Setting add station params in message queue
+* @param[in] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStaParams
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_add_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStaParams)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrAddStationMsg = &strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strAddStaParam;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting adding station message queue params\n");
+ /* prepare the WiphyParams Message */
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_STATION;
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrAddStationMsg , pstrStaParams, sizeof(tstrNMI_AddStaParam));
+ if(pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates>0)
+ {
+ pstrAddStationMsg->pu8Rates = NMI_MALLOC(pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates);
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, pstrAddStationMsg->pu8Rates);
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrAddStationMsg->pu8Rates, pstrStaParams->pu8Rates, pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates);
+ }
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error, s32Error);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_del_station
+* @details Setting delete station params in message queue
+* @param[in] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8MacAddr
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_del_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Uint8* pu8MacAddr)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tstrHostIFDelSta* pstrDelStationMsg = &strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strDelStaParam;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting deleting station message queue params\n");
+ /* prepare the WiphyParams Message */
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_STATION;
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrDelStationMsg->au8MacAddr, pu8MacAddr, ETH_ALEN);
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error, s32Error);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief host_int_edit_station
+* @details Setting edit station params in message queue
+* @param[in] NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStaParams
+* @return Error code.
+* @author
+* @date
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_edit_station(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrStaParams)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tstrNMI_AddStaParam* pstrAddStationMsg = &strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strAddStaParam;
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting editing station message queue params\n");
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ /* prepare the WiphyParams Message */
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_EDIT_STATION;
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrAddStationMsg , pstrStaParams, sizeof(tstrNMI_AddStaParam));
+ if(pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates>0)
+ {
+ pstrAddStationMsg->pu8Rates = NMI_MALLOC(pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates);
+ NMI_memcpy(pstrAddStationMsg->pu8Rates, pstrStaParams->pu8Rates, pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates);
+ NMI_NULLCHECK(s32Error, pstrAddStationMsg->pu8Rates);
+ }
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error, s32Error);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+uint32_t nmi_get_chipid(uint8_t);
+NMI_Sint32 host_int_set_power_mgmt(NMI_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, NMI_Bool bIsEnabled, NMI_Uint32 u32Timeout)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+/* Set power management only for platforms with RTC
+The internal clock has a bug in NMc1000CA*/
+ tstrNMI_WFIDrv * pstrWFIDrv = (tstrNMI_WFIDrv *)hWFIDrv;
+ tstrHostIFmsg strHostIFmsg;
+ tstrHostIfPowerMgmtParam* pstrPowerMgmtParam = &strHostIFmsg.uniHostIFmsgBody.strPowerMgmtparam;
+ // Disable PS with muxed sdio for D0 for DMA version 2, cause it had a bug with DMA ver 2 with the interrupt registers that was fixed in F0
+#if (defined NMI_SDIO) && (!defined USE_DMA_VER_1) && (!defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ if(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_FALSE) == 0x1000d0)
+ {
+ return s32Error;
+ }
+ // F0 boards requires the 1.4 VCO supply. Otherwise, disable PS
+#ifndef VCO_14_SUPPLY
+ if(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_FALSE) < 0x1002a0)
+ {
+ return s32Error;
+ }
+#endif //VCO_14_SUPPLY
+ if(pstrWFIDrv == NMI_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Setting Power management message queue params\n");
+ NMI_memset(&strHostIFmsg, 0, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg));
+ /* prepare the WiphyParams Message */
+ strHostIFmsg.u16MsgId = HOST_IF_MSG_POWER_MGMT;
+ pstrPowerMgmtParam->bIsEnabled = bIsEnabled;
+ pstrPowerMgmtParam->u32Timeout = u32Timeout;
+ s32Error = NMI_MsgQueueSend(&gMsgQHostIF, &strHostIFmsg, sizeof(tstrHostIFmsg), NMI_NULL);
+ if(s32Error)
+ {
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error, s32Error);
+ }
+ NMI_CATCH(s32Error)
+ {
+ }
+ return s32Error;
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+* @brief host_int_addToJoinBssTable
+* @details Add Join Parameters to the end of BssTable (linked list)
+* @param[in] tstrJoinBssParam* pNewJoinBssParam
+* @return Error code.
+* @author zsalah
+* @date
+* @version 1.0**/
+static NMI_Sint32 host_int_addToJoinBssTable(tstrJoinBssParam* pNewJoinBssParam)
+ if(pNewJoinBssParam!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries==0)
+ {
+ pNewJoinBssParam->nextJoinBss = NULL;
+ gtstrBssTable.head = pNewJoinBssParam;
+ gtstrBssTable.tail = pNewJoinBssParam;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pNewJoinBssParam->nextJoinBss = NULL;
+ gtstrBssTable.tail->nextJoinBss = (struct _tstrJoinParam*)pNewJoinBssParam;
+ gtstrBssTable.tail = pNewJoinBssParam;
+ }
+ gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries+=1;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Added Entry to table, count= %d \n",gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+* @brief host_int_getJoinBssParam
+* @details get the JoinParam entry of a given ssid from JoinParamTable
+* @param[in] NMI_Uint8* ssid,NMI_Uint8 ssidLen
+* @return tstrJoinBssParam*
+* @author zsalah
+* @date
+* @version 1.0**/
+tstrJoinBssParam* host_int_getJoinBssParam(NMI_Uint8* ssid,NMI_Uint8 ssidLen)
+ tstrJoinBssParam* ptstrCurrBssParam;
+ NMI_Uint8 u8noBssEntries;
+ int i;
+ ptstrCurrBssParam = gtstrBssTable.head;
+ u8noBssEntries = gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries;
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"NO of Enteries = %d\n",gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries);
+ if(gtstrBssTable.u8noBssEntries==0)
+ return NULL;
+ for(i=0; i<ssidLen;i++)
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"%c",ssid[i]);
+ while(!(u8noBssEntries==0))
+ {
+ if(NMI_memcmp(ptstrCurrBssParam->ssid,ssid,ssidLen)==0)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"\nFound Join Entry\n");
+ return ptstrCurrBssParam;
+ }
+ else
+ ptstrCurrBssParam = (tstrJoinBssParam*)ptstrCurrBssParam->nextJoinBss;
+ u8noBssEntries--;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Entry Not Foundin Table\n");
+ return NULL;;
+/*Bug4218: Parsing Join Param*/
+* @brief host_int_addJoinBssParam
+* @details Parse Needed Join Parameters and save it in a new JoinBssParam entry
+* @param[in] tstrNetworkInfo* ptstrNetworkInfo
+* @return
+* @author zsalah
+* @date
+* @version 1.0**/
+static void host_int_addJoinBssParam(tstrNetworkInfo* ptstrNetworkInfo)
+ tstrJoinBssParam* pNewJoinBssParam=NULL;
+ NMI_Uint8* pu8IEs;
+ NMI_Uint16 u16IEsLen;
+ NMI_Uint16 index = 0;
+ NMI_Uint8 suppRatesNo;
+ NMI_Uint8 extSuppRatesNo;
+ NMI_Uint16 jumpOffset;
+ NMI_Uint8 pcipherCount;
+ NMI_Uint8 authCount;
+ NMI_Uint8 i;
+ pu8IEs = ptstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs;
+ u16IEsLen =ptstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen;
+ pNewJoinBssParam = NMI_MALLOC(sizeof(tstrJoinBssParam));
+ if(pNewJoinBssParam!=NULL)
+ {
+ NMI_memset(pNewJoinBssParam, 0, sizeof(tstrJoinBssParam));
+ pNewJoinBssParam->dtim_period = ptstrNetworkInfo->u8DtimPeriod;
+ pNewJoinBssParam->beacon_period = ptstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod;
+ pNewJoinBssParam->cap_info =ptstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo;
+ NMI_memcpy(pNewJoinBssParam->au8bssid,ptstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid,6);
+ /*for(i=0; i<6;i++)
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"%c",pNewJoinBssParam->au8bssid[i]);*/
+ NMI_memcpy((NMI_Uint8*)pNewJoinBssParam->ssid,ptstrNetworkInfo->au8ssid,ptstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen+1);
+ pNewJoinBssParam->ssidLen = ptstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen;
+ /*for(i=0; i<pNewJoinBssParam->ssidLen;i++)
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"%c",pNewJoinBssParam->ssid[i]);*/
+ //parse supported rates:
+ while(index<u16IEsLen)
+ {
+ //supportedRates IE
+ if (pu8IEs[index]== SUPP_RATES_IE)
+ {
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Supported Rates\n");
+ suppRatesNo = pu8IEs[index+1];
+ pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[0] = suppRatesNo;
+ index+=2;//skipping ID and length bytes;
+ for(i=0; i<suppRatesNo; i++)
+ {
+ pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[i+1] = pu8IEs[index+i];
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"%0x ",pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[i+1]);
+ }
+ printk("\n");
+ index+=suppRatesNo;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Ext SupportedRates IE
+ else if(pu8IEs[index]== EXT_SUPP_RATES_IE)
+ {
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Extended Supported Rates\n");
+ //checking if no of ext. supp and supp rates < max limit
+ extSuppRatesNo = pu8IEs[index+1];
+ if(extSuppRatesNo > (MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED-suppRatesNo))
+ pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[0] = MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED;
+ else
+ pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[0]+=extSuppRatesNo;
+ index+=2;
+ //pNewJoinBssParam.supp_rates[0] contains now old number not the ext. no
+ for(i=0; i< (pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[0]-suppRatesNo); i++)
+ {
+ pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[suppRatesNo+i+1] = pu8IEs[index+i];
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"%0x ",pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[suppRatesNo+i+1]);
+ }
+ //printk("\n");
+ index+=extSuppRatesNo;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //HT Cap. IE
+ else if(pu8IEs[index]==HT_CAPABILITY_IE)
+ {
+ //if IE found set the flag
+ pNewJoinBssParam->ht_capable = BTRUE;
+ index+=pu8IEs[index+1]+2; //ID,Length bytes and IE body
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if((pu8IEs[index] == WMM_IE) && /* WMM Element ID */
+ (pu8IEs[index+2] == 0x00) && (pu8IEs[index+3] == 0x50) &&
+ (pu8IEs[index+4] == 0xF2) && /* OUI */
+ (pu8IEs[index+5] == 0x02) && /* OUI Type */
+ ((pu8IEs[index+6] == 0x00) || (pu8IEs[index+6] == 0x01)) && /* OUI Sub Type */
+ (pu8IEs[index+7] == 0x01))
+ {
+ /* Presence of WMM Info/Param element indicates WMM capability */
+ pNewJoinBssParam->wmm_cap = BTRUE;
+ /* Check if Bit 7 is set indicating U-APSD capability */
+ if(pu8IEs[index + 8] & (1 << 7))
+ {
+ pNewJoinBssParam->uapsd_cap = BTRUE;
+ }
+ index += pu8IEs[index + 1]+2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if ((pu8IEs[index]==RSN_IE)||
+ ((pu8IEs[index]==WPA_IE)&& (pu8IEs[index+2] == 0x00) &&
+ (pu8IEs[index+3] == 0x50) && (pu8IEs[index+4] == 0xF2) &&
+ (pu8IEs[index+5] == 0x01)))
+ {
+ NMI_Uint16 rsnIndex = index;
+ /*PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"RSN IE Length:%d\n",pu8IEs[rsnIndex+1]);
+ for(i=0; i<pu8IEs[rsnIndex+1]; i++)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"%0x ",pu8IEs[rsnIndex+2+i]);
+ }*/
+ if(pu8IEs[rsnIndex]==RSN_IE)
+ {
+ pNewJoinBssParam->mode_802_11i = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ { //check if rsn was previously parsed
+ if(pNewJoinBssParam->mode_802_11i==0)
+ pNewJoinBssParam->mode_802_11i = 1;
+ rsnIndex+=4;
+ }
+ rsnIndex+=7;//skipping id, length, version(2B) and first 3 bytes of gcipher
+ pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_grp_policy = pu8IEs[rsnIndex];
+ rsnIndex++;
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"Group Policy: %0x \n",pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_grp_policy);
+ //initialize policies with invalid values
+ NMI_memset(pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy,0xFF, 3);
+ NMI_memset(pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy,0xFF, 3);
+ jumpOffset = pu8IEs[rsnIndex]*4; //total no.of bytes of pcipher field (count*4)
+ /*parsing pairwise cipher*/
+ //saving 3 pcipher max.
+ pcipherCount = (pu8IEs[rsnIndex] > 3) ? 3 :pu8IEs[rsnIndex];
+ rsnIndex+=2; //jump 2 bytes of pcipher count
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"\npcipher: ");
+ for(i=1; i<=pcipherCount; i++)
+ {
+ //each count corresponds to 4 bytes, only last byte is saved
+ pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy[i-1] = pu8IEs[rsnIndex+(i*4)-1];
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"%0x ",pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy[i-1]);
+ }
+ rsnIndex+=jumpOffset;
+ jumpOffset = pu8IEs[rsnIndex]*4;
+ /*parsing AKM suite (auth_policy)*/
+ //saving 3 auth policies max.
+ authCount = (pu8IEs[rsnIndex] > 3) ? 3 :pu8IEs[rsnIndex];
+ rsnIndex+=2; //jump 2 bytes of pcipher count
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"\nauth policy: ");
+ for(i=1; i<=authCount; i++)
+ {
+ //each count corresponds to 4 bytes, only last byte is saved
+ pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy[i-1] = pu8IEs[rsnIndex+(i*4)-1];
+ printk("%0x ",pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy[i-1]);
+ }
+ //printk("\n");
+ rsnIndex+=jumpOffset;
+ /*pasring rsn cap. only if rsn IE*/
+ if(pu8IEs[index]==RSN_IE)
+ { pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_cap[0]=pu8IEs[rsnIndex];
+ pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_cap[1]=pu8IEs[rsnIndex+1];
+ //PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG,"%0x %0x\n",pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_cap[0], pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_cap[1]);
+ rsnIndex+=2 ;
+ }
+ pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_found=1;
+ index+=pu8IEs[index+1]+2; //ID,Length bytes and IE body
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ index+=pu8IEs[index+1]+2; //ID,Length bytes and IE body
+ }
+ }
+ host_int_addToJoinBssTable(pNewJoinBssParam);
+* @brief host_int_addBASession
+* @details Open a block Ack session with the given parameters
+* @param[in] tstrNetworkInfo* ptstrNetworkInfo
+* @return
+* @author anoureldin
+* @date
+* @version 1.0**/
+#define BLOCK_ACK_REQ_SIZE 0x14
+static int host_int_addBASession(char* pBSSID,char TID,short int BufferSize,
+ short int SessionTimeout)
+ tstrWID strWID;
+ int AddbaTimeout = 100;
+ char* ptr = NULL;
+ int s32Err;
+ printk("Opening Block Ack session with\nBSSID = %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x\nTID=%d\nBufferSize == %d\nSessionTimeOut = %d\n",
+ pBSSID[0],pBSSID[1],pBSSID[2],pBSSID[3],pBSSID[4],pBSSID[5],TID,BufferSize,SessionTimeout);
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11E_P_ACTION_REQ;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = BLOCK_ACK_REQ_SIZE;
+ ptr = strWID.ps8WidVal;
+ //*ptr++ = 0x14;
+ *ptr++ = 0x14;
+ *ptr++ = 0x3;
+ *ptr++ = 0x0;
+ NMI_memcpy(ptr,pBSSID, 6);
+ ptr += 6;
+ *ptr++ = TID;
+ /* BA Policy*/
+ *ptr++ = 1;
+ /* Buffer size*/
+ *ptr++ = (BufferSize & 0xFF);
+ *ptr++ = ((BufferSize>>16) & 0xFF);
+ /* BA timeout*/
+ *ptr++ = (SessionTimeout& 0xFF);
+ *ptr++ = ((SessionTimeout>>16) & 0xFF);
+ /* ADDBA timeout*/
+ *ptr++ = (AddbaTimeout& 0xFF);
+ *ptr++ = ((AddbaTimeout>>16) & 0xFF);
+ /* Group Buffer Max Frames*/
+ *ptr++ = 8;
+ /* Group Buffer Timeout */
+ *ptr++ = 0;
+ s32Err = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ if(s32Err)
+ PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Couldn't open BA Session\n");
+ strWID.u16WIDid = (NMI_Uint16)WID_11E_P_ACTION_REQ;
+ strWID.enuWIDtype = WID_STR;
+ strWID.s32ValueSize = 15;
+ ptr = strWID.ps8WidVal;
+ //*ptr++ = 0x14;
+ *ptr++ = 15;
+ *ptr++ = 7;
+ *ptr++ = 0x2;
+ NMI_memcpy(ptr,pBSSID, 6);
+ ptr += 6;
+ /* TID*/
+ *ptr++ = TID;
+ /* Max Num MSDU */
+ *ptr++ = 8;
+ /* BA timeout*/
+ *ptr++ = (SessionTimeout& 0xFF);
+ *ptr++ = ((SessionTimeout>>16) & 0xFF);
+ /*Ack-Policy */
+ *ptr++ = 3;
+ s32Err = SendConfigPkt(SET_CFG, &strWID, 1, NMI_TRUE);
+ return s32Err;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_sdio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_sdio.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bb0f5012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_sdio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1490 @@
+// Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Module Name: nmi_sdio.c
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan.h"
+#define NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE 256
+ #if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3) //johnny
+ #define NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE 512
+ #define MAX_SEG_SIZE (1<<12) //4096
+ #else
+ #define NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE 512
+ #endif
+typedef struct {
+ void *os_context;
+ nmi_wlan_os_func_t os_func;
+ uint32_t block_size;
+ int (*sdio_cmd52)(sdio_cmd52_t *);
+ int (*sdio_cmd53)(sdio_cmd53_t *);
+ int (*sdio_set_max_speed)(void);
+ int (*sdio_set_default_speed)(void);
+ nmi_debug_func dPrint;
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ int nint;
+ int has_thrpt_enh;
+ int has_thrpt_enh2;
+ int reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix;
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+} nmi_sdio_t;
+static nmi_sdio_t g_sdio;
+static int sdio_write_reg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data);
+static int sdio_read_reg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t *data);
+extern unsigned int int_clrd;
+ Function 0
+static int sdio_set_func0_csa_address(uint32_t adr)
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ /**
+ Review: BIG ENDIAN
+ **/
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x10c;
+ = (uint8_t)adr;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0x10c data...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ cmd.address = 0x10d;
+ = (uint8_t)(adr>>8);
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0x10d data...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ cmd.address = 0x10e;
+ = (uint8_t)(adr>>16);
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0x10e data...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_set_func0_csa_address_byte0(uint32_t adr)
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ /**
+ Review: BIG ENDIAN
+ **/
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x10c;
+ = (uint8_t)adr;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0x10c data...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_set_func0_block_size(uint32_t block_size)
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x10;
+ = (uint8_t)block_size;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0x10 data...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ cmd.address = 0x11;
+ = (uint8_t)(block_size>>8);
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0x11 data...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Function 1
+static int sdio_set_func1_block_size(uint32_t block_size)
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x110;
+ = (uint8_t)block_size;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0x110 data...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ cmd.address = 0x111;
+ = (uint8_t)(block_size>>8);
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0x111 data...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_clear_int(void)
+ //uint32_t sts;
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 1;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x4;
+ = 0;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ int_clrd++;
+ //printk("intSts=%d\n",;
+ return;
+ uint32_t reg;
+ if (!sdio_read_reg(NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_0, &reg)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg &= ~0x1;
+ sdio_write_reg(NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_0, reg);
+ int_clrd++;
+ return 1;
+uint32_t sdio_xfer_cnt(void)
+ uint32_t cnt = 0;
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 1;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x1C;
+ = 0;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ cnt =;
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 1;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x1D;
+ = 0;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ cnt |= (<<8);
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 1;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x1E;
+ = 0;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ cnt |= (<<16);
+ return cnt;
+ Sdio interfaces
+int sdio_check_bs(void)
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ /**
+ poll until BS is 0
+ **/
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0xc;
+ = 0;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail cmd 52, get BS register...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_write_reg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data)
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ data = BYTE_SWAP(data);
+ if((addr >= 0xf0) && (addr <= 0xff))
+ {
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = addr;
+ = data;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd 52, read reg (%08x) ...\n", addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sdio_cmd53_t cmd;
+ /**
+ set the AHB address
+ **/
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x10f;
+ cmd.block_mode = 0;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = 4;
+ cmd.buffer = (uint8_t *)&data;
+ cmd.block_size = g_sdio.block_size; //johnny : prevent it from setting unexpected value
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53, write reg (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (!sdio_check_bs())
+ goto _fail_;
+ //g_sdio.os_func.os_sleep(1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_write(uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size)
+ uint32_t block_size = g_sdio.block_size;
+ sdio_cmd53_t cmd;
+ int nblk, nleft;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ /**
+ has to be word aligned...
+ **/
+ if (size & 0x3) {
+ size += 4;
+ size &= ~0x3;
+ }
+ /**
+ func 0 access
+ **/
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x10f;
+ } else {
+ /**
+ has to be block aligned...
+ **/
+ nleft = size%block_size;
+ if (nleft > 0) {
+ size += block_size;
+ size &= ~(block_size-1);
+ }
+ /**
+ has to be word aligned...
+ **/
+ if (size & 0x3) {
+ size += 4;
+ size &= ~0x3;
+ }
+ /**
+ func 1 access
+ **/
+ cmd.function = 1;
+ cmd.address = 0;
+ }
+ nblk = size/block_size;
+ nleft = size%block_size;
+ if (nblk > 0) {
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3_BACKUP) //johnny // rachel
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<nblk; i++)
+ {
+ //printk("[MMM] buf = 0x%0x, addr = 0x%x\n", buf, addr);
+ cmd.block_mode = 0; //1;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = block_size; //nblk;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size;
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], block send...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (addr > 0)
+ addr += block_size; //addr += nblk*block_size;
+ buf += block_size; //buf += nblk*block_size;
+ }
+#elif defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3) //johnny
+ int i;
+ int rest;
+ int seg_cnt;
+ seg_cnt = (nblk*block_size)/MAX_SEG_SIZE;
+ rest = (nblk*block_size) & (MAX_SEG_SIZE-1);
+ //printk("[Johnny W] seg_cnt = %d, rest = %d\n", seg_cnt, rest);
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < seg_cnt ; i ++ )
+ {
+ cmd.block_mode = 1;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = MAX_SEG_SIZE/block_size;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size;
+ //printk("[Johnny W] cmd.count = %d, cmd.block_size = %d\n", cmd.count, cmd.block_size);
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], block send...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (addr > 0)
+ addr += MAX_SEG_SIZE;
+ buf += MAX_SEG_SIZE;
+ }
+ if ( rest > 0 ) {
+ cmd.block_mode = 1;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = rest/block_size;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size; //johnny : prevent it from setting unexpected value
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], bytes send...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (addr > 0)
+ addr += rest;
+ buf += rest;
+ }
+ cmd.block_mode = 1;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = nblk;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size;
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], block send...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (addr > 0)
+ addr += nblk*block_size;
+ buf += nblk*block_size;
+#endif //platform
+#if 0
+ if (!sdio_check_bs())
+ goto _fail_;
+ //g_sdio.os_func.os_sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (nleft > 0) {
+ cmd.block_mode = 0;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = nleft;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size; //johnny : prevent it from setting unexpected value
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], bytes send...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (!sdio_check_bs())
+ goto _fail_;
+ //g_sdio.os_func.os_sleep(1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_read_reg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t *data)
+ if((addr >= 0xf0) && (addr <= 0xff))
+ {
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address= addr;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd 52, read reg (%08x) ...\n", addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ *data =;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sdio_cmd53_t cmd;
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x10f;
+ cmd.block_mode = 0;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = 4;
+ cmd.buffer = (uint8_t *)data;
+ cmd.block_size = g_sdio.block_size; //johnny : prevent it from setting unexpected value
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53, read reg (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (!sdio_check_bs())
+ goto _fail_;
+ //g_sdio.os_func.os_sleep(1);
+ }
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ *data = BYTE_SWAP(*data);
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_read(uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size)
+ uint32_t block_size = g_sdio.block_size;
+ sdio_cmd53_t cmd;
+ int nblk, nleft;
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ /**
+ has to be word aligned...
+ **/
+ if (size & 0x3) {
+ size += 4;
+ size &= ~0x3;
+ }
+ /**
+ func 0 access
+ **/
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x10f;
+ } else {
+ /**
+ has to be block aligned...
+ **/
+ nleft = size%block_size;
+ if (nleft > 0) {
+ size += block_size;
+ size &= ~(block_size-1);
+ }
+ /**
+ has to be word aligned...
+ **/
+ if (size & 0x3) {
+ size += 4;
+ size &= ~0x3;
+ }
+ /**
+ func 1 access
+ **/
+ cmd.function = 1;
+ cmd.address = 0;
+ }
+ nblk = size/block_size;
+ nleft = size%block_size;
+ if (nblk > 0) {
+#if defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3_BACKUP) //johnny // rachel
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<nblk; i++)
+ {
+ cmd.block_mode = 0; //1;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = block_size; //nblk;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size;
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], block read...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (addr > 0)
+ addr += block_size; //addr += nblk*block_size;
+ buf += block_size; //buf += nblk*block_size;
+ }
+#elif defined(PLAT_AML8726_M3) //johnny
+ int i;
+ int rest;
+ int seg_cnt;
+ seg_cnt = (nblk*block_size)/MAX_SEG_SIZE;
+ rest = (nblk*block_size) & (MAX_SEG_SIZE-1);
+ //printk("[Johnny R] seg_cnt = %d, rest = %d\n", seg_cnt, rest);
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < seg_cnt ; i ++ )
+ {
+ cmd.block_mode = 1;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = MAX_SEG_SIZE/block_size;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size;
+ //printk("[Johnny R] cmd.count = %d, cmd.block_size = %d\n", cmd.count, cmd.block_size);
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], block read...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (addr > 0)
+ addr += MAX_SEG_SIZE;
+ buf += MAX_SEG_SIZE;
+ }
+ if ( rest > 0 ) {
+ cmd.block_mode = 1;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = rest/block_size;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size; //johnny : prevent it from setting unexpected value
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], block read...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (addr > 0)
+ addr += rest;
+ buf += rest;
+ }
+ cmd.block_mode = 1;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = nblk;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size;
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], block read...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (addr > 0)
+ addr += nblk*block_size;
+ buf += nblk*block_size;
+#endif //platform
+#if 0
+ if (!sdio_check_bs())
+ goto _fail_;
+ //g_sdio.os_func.os_sleep(1);
+ } //if (nblk > 0)
+ if (nleft > 0) {
+ cmd.block_mode = 0;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = nleft;
+ cmd.buffer = buf;
+ cmd.block_size = block_size; //johnny : prevent it from setting unexpected value
+ if (addr > 0) {
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address(addr))
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53 [%x], bytes read...\n",addr);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (!sdio_check_bs())
+ goto _fail_;
+ //g_sdio.os_func.os_sleep(1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Bus interfaces
+static int sdio_deinit(void *pv)
+ return 1;
+static int sdio_sync(void)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ /**
+ Disable power sequencer
+ **/
+ if (!sdio_read_reg(NMI_MISC, &reg)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed read misc reg...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg &= ~(1 << 8);
+ if (!sdio_write_reg(NMI_MISC, reg)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed write misc reg...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ uint32_t reg;
+ int ret;
+ /**
+ interrupt pin mux select
+ **/
+ ret = sdio_read_reg(NMI_PIN_MUX_0, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_PIN_MUX_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg |= (1<<8);
+ ret = sdio_write_reg(NMI_PIN_MUX_0, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_PIN_MUX_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ interrupt enable
+ **/
+ ret = sdio_read_reg(NMI_INTR_ENABLE, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg |= (1<<16);
+ ret = sdio_write_reg(NMI_INTR_ENABLE, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int sdio_init(nmi_wlan_inp_t *inp, nmi_debug_func func)
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ int loop;
+ uint32_t chipid;
+ memset(&g_sdio, 0, sizeof(nmi_sdio_t));
+ g_sdio.dPrint = func;
+ g_sdio.os_context = inp->os_context.os_private;
+ memcpy((void *)&g_sdio.os_func, (void *)&inp->os_func, sizeof(nmi_wlan_os_func_t));
+ if (inp->io_func.io_init) {
+ if (!inp->io_func.io_init(g_sdio.os_context)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed io init bus...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52 = inp->io_func.u.sdio.sdio_cmd52;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd53 = inp->io_func.u.sdio.sdio_cmd53;
+ g_sdio.sdio_set_max_speed = inp->io_func.u.sdio.sdio_set_max_speed;
+ g_sdio.sdio_set_default_speed = inp->io_func.u.sdio.sdio_set_default_speed;
+ /**
+ function 0 csa enable
+ **/
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 1;
+ cmd.address = 0x100;
+ = 0x80;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail cmd 52, enable csa...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /**
+ function 0 block size
+ **/
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_block_size(NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail cmd 52, set func 0 block size...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ g_sdio.block_size = NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ /**
+ enable func1 IO
+ **/
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 1;
+ cmd.address = 0x2;
+ = 0x2;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio] Fail cmd 52, set IOE register...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /**
+ make sure func 1 is up
+ **/
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x3;
+ loop = 3;
+ do {
+ = 0;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail cmd 52, get IOR register...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if ( == 0x2)
+ break;
+ } while (loop--);
+ if (loop <= 0) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail func 1 is not ready...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /**
+ func 1 is ready, set func 1 block size
+ **/
+ if (!sdio_set_func1_block_size(NMI_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail set func 1 block size...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /**
+ func 1 interrupt enable
+ **/
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 1;
+ cmd.address = 0x4;
+ = 0x3;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail cmd 52, set IEN register...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /**
+ make sure can read back chip id correctly
+ **/
+ if (!sdio_read_reg(0x1000, &chipid)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail cmd read chip id...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: chipid (%08x)\n", chipid);
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ if( (chipid & 0xfff) > 0x0d0) {
+ g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh = 1;
+ if( (chipid & 0xfff) > 0x0f0) {
+ g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh2 = 1;
+#ifdef REG_0XF6_NOT_CLEAR_BUG_FIX /* bug 4456 and 4557 */
+ g_sdio.reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix = 1;
+#else /* REG_0XF6_NOT_CLEAR_BUG_FIX */
+ g_sdio.reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix = 0;
+#endif /* REG_0XF6_NOT_CLEAR_BUG_FIX */
+ } else {
+ g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh2 = 0;
+ g_sdio.reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh = 0;
+ g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh2 = 0;
+ g_sdio.reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix = 0;
+ }
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: has_thrpt_enh = %d...\n", g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh);
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: has_thrpt_enh2 = %d...\n", g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh2);
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix = %d...\n", g_sdio.reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix);
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static void sdio_set_max_speed(void)
+ g_sdio.sdio_set_max_speed();
+static void sdio_set_default_speed(void)
+ g_sdio.sdio_set_default_speed();
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+static int sdio_write_ext(uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size)
+ int ret;
+ ret = sdio_write(addr, buf, size);
+ if(g_sdio.reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix) {/* bug 4456 and 4557 */
+ if(g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh) {
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0xf6;
+ = 0;
+ if(!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail cmd 52, set 0xf6 register (%d) ...\n", __LINE__);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_read_ext(uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size)
+ int ret;
+ ret = sdio_read(addr, buf, size);
+ if(g_sdio.reg_0xf6_not_clear_bug_fix) { /* bug 4456 and 4557 */
+ if(g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh) {
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0xf6;
+ = 0;
+ if(!g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Fail cmd 52, set 0xf6 register (%d) ...\n", __LINE__);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_read_size(uint32_t * size)
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ /**
+ Read DMA count in words
+ **/
+ if (g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh) {
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0xf2;
+ = 0;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ tmp =;
+ //printk("%s @ %d: sdio read %x = %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, cmd.address,;
+ //cmd.read_write = 0;
+ //cmd.function = 0;
+ //cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0xf3;
+ = 0;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ tmp |= ( << 8);
+ //printk("%s @ %d: sdio read %x = %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, cmd.address,;
+ } else {
+ uint32_t byte_cnt;
+ byte_cnt = sdio_xfer_cnt(); /* In DAT1 muxed interrupt case, read DMA count using fn0 regs. */
+ /*sdio_read_reg(0xf01c, &byte_cnt);*/ /*Bug 4534 */
+ /*byte_cnt = sdio_xfer_cnt();*/ /*Bug 4535 */
+ sdio_read_reg(NMI_VMM_TO_HOST_SIZE, &byte_cnt); /* in IRQN interrupt case, read DMA count over AHB. */
+ tmp = (byte_cnt >> 2) & IRQ_DMA_WD_CNT_MASK;
+ }
+ *size=tmp;
+ return 1;
+static int sdio_read_int(uint32_t * int_status)
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ sdio_read_size(&tmp);
+ /**
+ Read IRQ flags
+ **/
+ //cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 1;
+ //cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x04;
+ = 0;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ //printk("%s @ %d: sdio read %x = %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, cmd.address,;
+ if( & (1 << 0)) {
+ tmp |= INT_0;
+ }
+ if( & (1 << 2)) {
+ tmp |= INT_1;
+ }
+ if( & (1 << 3)) {
+ tmp |= INT_2;
+ }
+ if( & (1 << 4)) {
+ tmp |= INT_3;
+ }
+ if( & (1 << 5)) {
+ tmp |= INT_4;
+ }
+ if( & (1 << 6)) {
+ tmp |= INT_5;
+ }
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i=g_sdio.nint; i<MAX_NUM_INT; i++) {
+ if((tmp >> (IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET+i)) & 0x1) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Unexpected interrupt (1) : tmp=%x, data=%x\n", tmp,;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh2) {
+ uint32_t irq_flags;
+ cmd.read_write = 0;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0xf7;
+ = 0;
+ g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ irq_flags = & 0x1f;
+ tmp |= ((irq_flags >> 0) << IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET);
+ } else {
+ int happended, j;
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ uint32_t irq_flags;
+ happended = 0;
+ sdio_read_reg(0x1a90, &irq_flags);
+ tmp |= ((irq_flags >> 27) << IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET);
+ if(g_sdio.nint > 5) {
+ sdio_read_reg(0x1a94, &irq_flags);
+ tmp |= (((irq_flags >> 0) & 0x7) << (IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET+5));
+ }
+ {
+ uint32_t unkmown_mask;
+ unkmown_mask = ~((1ul << g_sdio.nint) - 1);
+ if( (tmp >> IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET) & unkmown_mask) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Unexpected interrupt (2): j=%d, tmp=%x, mask=%x\n", j, tmp, unkmown_mask);
+ happended = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ j++;
+ } while(happended);
+ }
+ *int_status = tmp;
+ //printk("int_status = %x\n", *int_status);
+ return 1;
+static int sdio_clear_int_ext(uint32_t val)
+ int ret;
+ //printk("sdio_clear_int_ext = %x\n", val);
+ if (g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh2) {
+ /* see below. has_thrpt_enh2 uses register 0xf8 to clear interrupts. */
+ /* Cannot clear multiple interrupts. Must clear each interrupt individually */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ flags = val & ((1 << MAX_NUM_INT) - 1);
+ if(flags) {
+ int i;
+ ret = 1;
+ for(i=0; i<g_sdio.nint; i++) {
+ if(flags & 1) {
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0xf8;
+ = (1 << i);
+ ret = g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0xf8 data (%d) ...\n", __LINE__);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!ret) break;
+ flags >>= 1;
+ }
+ if (!ret) {
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ for(i=g_sdio.nint; i<MAX_NUM_INT; i++) {
+ if(flags & 1) g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Unexpected interrupt cleared %d...\n", i);
+ flags >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ uint32_t flags;
+ flags = val & ((1 << MAX_NUM_INT) - 1);
+ if(flags) {
+ int i;
+ ret = 1;
+ for(i=0; i<g_sdio.nint; i++) {
+ /* No matter what you write 1 or 0, it will clear interrupt. */
+ if(flags & 1) ret = sdio_write_reg(0x10c8+i*4, 1);
+ if(!ret) break;
+ flags >>= 1;
+ }
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed sdio_write_reg, set reg %x ...\n", 0x10c8+i*4);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ for(i=g_sdio.nint; i<MAX_NUM_INT; i++) {
+ if(flags & 1) g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Unexpected interrupt cleared %d...\n", i);
+ flags >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO */
+ if(g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh) {
+ uint32_t vmm_ctl;
+ vmm_ctl = 0;
+ /* select VMM table 0 */
+ if((val & SEL_VMM_TBL0) == SEL_VMM_TBL0) vmm_ctl |= (1 << 0);
+ /* select VMM table 1 */
+ if((val & SEL_VMM_TBL1) == SEL_VMM_TBL1) vmm_ctl |= (1 << 1);
+ /* enable VMM */
+ if((val & EN_VMM) == EN_VMM) vmm_ctl |= (1 << 2);
+ if(vmm_ctl) {
+ sdio_cmd52_t cmd;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.raw = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0xf6;
+ = vmm_ctl;
+ //printk("%s @ %d: sdio read %x = %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, cmd.address,;
+ ret = g_sdio.sdio_cmd52(&cmd);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd52, set 0xf6 data (%d) ...\n", __LINE__);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh */
+ uint32_t tbl_ctl;
+ tbl_ctl = 0;
+ /* select VMM table 0 */
+ if((val & SEL_VMM_TBL0) == SEL_VMM_TBL0) tbl_ctl |= (1 << 0);
+ /* select VMM table 1 */
+ if((val & SEL_VMM_TBL1) == SEL_VMM_TBL1) tbl_ctl |= (1 << 1);
+ if(tbl_ctl) { /* fix bug 4588 */
+ ret = sdio_write_reg(NMI_VMM_TBL_CTL, tbl_ctl);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: fail write reg vmm_tbl_ctl...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ if((val & EN_VMM) == EN_VMM) {
+ /**
+ enable vmm transfer.
+ **/
+ if(!tbl_ctl) { /* fix bug 4588 */
+ ret = sdio_write_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, 1);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: fail write reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ } else {
+ uint32_t data;
+ sdio_cmd53_t cmd;
+ /**
+ Write NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL the way below to save 2 CMD 52.
+ The code should look like #if 0'ed code below. After writing
+ NMI_VMM_TBL_CTL, then CSA address is now NMI_VMM_TBL_CTL+4,
+ then the least significant byte of the CSA address should
+ be changed to 0.
+ **/
+ data = 1;
+ /**
+ set the AHB address
+ **/
+ if (!sdio_set_func0_csa_address_byte0(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL))
+ goto _fail_;
+ cmd.read_write = 1;
+ cmd.function = 0;
+ cmd.address = 0x10f;
+ cmd.block_mode = 0;
+ cmd.increment = 1;
+ cmd.count = 4;
+ cmd.block_size = g_sdio.block_size; //johnny : prevent it from setting unexpected value
+ cmd.buffer = (uint8_t *)&data;
+ if (!g_sdio.sdio_cmd53(&cmd)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed cmd53, write NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int sdio_sync_ext(int nint /* how mant interrupts to enable. */)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ if(nint > MAX_NUM_INT) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Too many interupts (%d)...\n", nint);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(g_sdio.has_thrpt_enh2) {
+ if(nint > 5) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Error: Cannot support more than 5 interrupts when has_thrpt_enh2=1.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ g_sdio.nint = nint;
+ /**
+ Disable power sequencer
+ **/
+ if (!sdio_read_reg(NMI_MISC, &reg)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed read misc reg...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg &= ~(1 << 8);
+ if (!sdio_write_reg(NMI_MISC, reg)) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed write misc reg...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ uint32_t reg;
+ int ret, i;
+ /**
+ interrupt pin mux select
+ **/
+ ret = sdio_read_reg(NMI_PIN_MUX_0, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_PIN_MUX_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg |= (1<<8);
+ ret = sdio_write_reg(NMI_PIN_MUX_0, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_PIN_MUX_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ interrupt enable
+ **/
+ ret = sdio_read_reg(NMI_INTR_ENABLE, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for(i=0; (i < 5) && (nint > 0); i++, nint--) {
+ reg |= (1 << (27+i));
+ }
+ ret = sdio_write_reg(NMI_INTR_ENABLE, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(nint) {
+ ret = sdio_read_reg(NMI_INTR2_ENABLE, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR2_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for(i=0; (i < 3) && (nint > 0); i++, nint--) {
+ reg |= (1 << i);
+ }
+ ret = sdio_read_reg(NMI_INTR2_ENABLE, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_sdio.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi sdio]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR2_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO */
+ return 1;
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ Global sdio HIF function table
+nmi_hif_func_t hif_sdio = {
+ sdio_init,
+ sdio_deinit,
+ sdio_read_reg,
+ sdio_write_reg,
+ sdio_read,
+ sdio_write,
+ sdio_sync,
+ sdio_clear_int,
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ sdio_read_int,
+ sdio_clear_int_ext,
+ sdio_read_size,
+ sdio_write_ext,
+ sdio_read_ext,
+ sdio_sync_ext,
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ sdio_set_max_speed,
+ sdio_set_default_speed,
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_spi.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_spi.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e8345de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_spi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1466 @@
+// Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Module Name: nmi_spi.c
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan.h"
+extern unsigned int int_clrd;
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+typedef struct {
+ void *os_context;
+ int (*spi_tx)(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*spi_rx)(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*spi_trx)(uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ int (*spi_max_speed)(void);
+ nmi_debug_func dPrint;
+ int crc_off;
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ int nint;
+ int has_thrpt_enh;
+} nmi_spi_t;
+static nmi_spi_t g_spi;
+static int spi_read(uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+static int spi_write(uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+ Crc7
+static const uint8_t crc7_syndrome_table[256] = {
+ 0x00, 0x09, 0x12, 0x1b, 0x24, 0x2d, 0x36, 0x3f,
+ 0x48, 0x41, 0x5a, 0x53, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x7e, 0x77,
+ 0x19, 0x10, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x3d, 0x34, 0x2f, 0x26,
+ 0x51, 0x58, 0x43, 0x4a, 0x75, 0x7c, 0x67, 0x6e,
+ 0x32, 0x3b, 0x20, 0x29, 0x16, 0x1f, 0x04, 0x0d,
+ 0x7a, 0x73, 0x68, 0x61, 0x5e, 0x57, 0x4c, 0x45,
+ 0x2b, 0x22, 0x39, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x06, 0x1d, 0x14,
+ 0x63, 0x6a, 0x71, 0x78, 0x47, 0x4e, 0x55, 0x5c,
+ 0x64, 0x6d, 0x76, 0x7f, 0x40, 0x49, 0x52, 0x5b,
+ 0x2c, 0x25, 0x3e, 0x37, 0x08, 0x01, 0x1a, 0x13,
+ 0x7d, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x59, 0x50, 0x4b, 0x42,
+ 0x35, 0x3c, 0x27, 0x2e, 0x11, 0x18, 0x03, 0x0a,
+ 0x56, 0x5f, 0x44, 0x4d, 0x72, 0x7b, 0x60, 0x69,
+ 0x1e, 0x17, 0x0c, 0x05, 0x3a, 0x33, 0x28, 0x21,
+ 0x4f, 0x46, 0x5d, 0x54, 0x6b, 0x62, 0x79, 0x70,
+ 0x07, 0x0e, 0x15, 0x1c, 0x23, 0x2a, 0x31, 0x38,
+ 0x41, 0x48, 0x53, 0x5a, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x77, 0x7e,
+ 0x09, 0x00, 0x1b, 0x12, 0x2d, 0x24, 0x3f, 0x36,
+ 0x58, 0x51, 0x4a, 0x43, 0x7c, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x67,
+ 0x10, 0x19, 0x02, 0x0b, 0x34, 0x3d, 0x26, 0x2f,
+ 0x73, 0x7a, 0x61, 0x68, 0x57, 0x5e, 0x45, 0x4c,
+ 0x3b, 0x32, 0x29, 0x20, 0x1f, 0x16, 0x0d, 0x04,
+ 0x6a, 0x63, 0x78, 0x71, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x5c, 0x55,
+ 0x22, 0x2b, 0x30, 0x39, 0x06, 0x0f, 0x14, 0x1d,
+ 0x25, 0x2c, 0x37, 0x3e, 0x01, 0x08, 0x13, 0x1a,
+ 0x6d, 0x64, 0x7f, 0x76, 0x49, 0x40, 0x5b, 0x52,
+ 0x3c, 0x35, 0x2e, 0x27, 0x18, 0x11, 0x0a, 0x03,
+ 0x74, 0x7d, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x50, 0x59, 0x42, 0x4b,
+ 0x17, 0x1e, 0x05, 0x0c, 0x33, 0x3a, 0x21, 0x28,
+ 0x5f, 0x56, 0x4d, 0x44, 0x7b, 0x72, 0x69, 0x60,
+ 0x0e, 0x07, 0x1c, 0x15, 0x2a, 0x23, 0x38, 0x31,
+ 0x46, 0x4f, 0x54, 0x5d, 0x62, 0x6b, 0x70, 0x79
+static uint8_t crc7_byte(uint8_t crc, uint8_t data)
+ return crc7_syndrome_table[(crc << 1) ^ data];
+static uint8_t crc7(uint8_t crc, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len)
+ while (len--)
+ crc = crc7_byte(crc, *buffer++);
+ return crc;
+ Spi protocol Function
+#define CMD_DMA_WRITE 0xc1
+#define CMD_DMA_READ 0xc2
+#define CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE 0xc3
+#define CMD_INTERNAL_READ 0xc4
+#define CMD_TERMINATE 0xc5
+#define CMD_REPEAT 0xc6
+#define CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE 0xc7
+#define CMD_DMA_EXT_READ 0xc8
+#define CMD_SINGLE_WRITE 0xc9
+#define CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xca
+#define CMD_RESET 0xcf
+#define N_OK 1
+#define N_FAIL 0
+#define N_RESET -1
+#define N_RETRY -2
+#define DATA_PKT_SZ_256 256
+#define DATA_PKT_SZ_512 512
+#define DATA_PKT_SZ_1K 1024
+#define DATA_PKT_SZ_4K (4 * 1024)
+#define DATA_PKT_SZ_8K (8 * 1024)
+static int spi_cmd(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t adr, uint32_t data, uint32_t sz, uint8_t clockless)
+ uint8_t bc[9];
+ int len = 5;
+ int result = N_OK;
+ bc[0] = cmd;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case CMD_SINGLE_READ: /* single word (4 bytes) read */
+ bc[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 16);
+ bc[2] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ bc[3] = (uint8_t)adr;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_INTERNAL_READ: /* internal register read */
+ bc[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ if(clockless) bc[1] |= (1 << 7);
+ bc[2] = (uint8_t)adr;
+ bc[3] = 0x00;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_TERMINATE: /* termination */
+ bc[1] = 0x00;
+ bc[2] = 0x00;
+ bc[3] = 0x00;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_REPEAT: /* repeat */
+ bc[1] = 0x00;
+ bc[2] = 0x00;
+ bc[3] = 0x00;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_RESET: /* reset */
+ bc[1] = 0xff;
+ bc[2] = 0xff;
+ bc[3] = 0xff;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_DMA_WRITE: /* dma write */
+ case CMD_DMA_READ: /* dma read */
+ bc[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 16);
+ bc[2] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ bc[3] = (uint8_t)adr;
+ bc[4] = (uint8_t)(sz >> 8);
+ bc[5] = (uint8_t)(sz);
+ len = 7;
+ break;
+ case CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE: /* dma extended write */
+ case CMD_DMA_EXT_READ: /* dma extended read */
+ bc[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 16);
+ bc[2] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ bc[3] = (uint8_t)adr;
+ bc[4] = (uint8_t)(sz >> 16);
+ bc[5] = (uint8_t)(sz >> 8);
+ bc[6] = (uint8_t)(sz);
+ len = 8;
+ break;
+ case CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE: /* internal register write */
+ bc[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ if(clockless) bc[1] |= (1 << 7);
+ bc[2] = (uint8_t)(adr);
+ bc[3] = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
+ bc[4] = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
+ bc[5] = (uint8_t)(data >> 8);
+ bc[6] = (uint8_t)(data);
+ len = 8;
+ break;
+ case CMD_SINGLE_WRITE: /* single word write */
+ bc[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 16);
+ bc[2] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ bc[3] = (uint8_t)(adr);
+ bc[4] = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
+ bc[5] = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
+ bc[6] = (uint8_t)(data >> 8);
+ bc[7] = (uint8_t)(data);
+ len = 9;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (result) {
+ if (!g_spi.crc_off)
+ bc[len-1] = (crc7(0x7f, (const uint8_t *)&bc[0], len-1)) << 1;
+ else
+ len-=1;
+ if (!g_spi.spi_tx(bc, len)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd write, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static int spi_cmd_rsp(uint8_t cmd)
+ uint8_t rsp;
+ int result = N_OK;
+ /**
+ Command/Control response
+ **/
+ if ((cmd == CMD_RESET) ||
+ (cmd == CMD_TERMINATE) ||
+ (cmd == CMD_REPEAT)) {
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&rsp, 1)) {
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&rsp, 1)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd response read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (rsp != cmd) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd response, cmd (%02x), resp (%02x)\n", cmd, rsp);
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ /**
+ State response
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&rsp, 1)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd state read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (rsp != 0x00) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd state response state (%02x)\n", rsp);
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int spi_cmd_complete(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t adr, uint8_t *b, uint32_t sz, uint8_t clockless)
+ uint8_t wb[32], rb[32];
+ uint8_t wix, rix;
+ uint32_t len2;
+ uint8_t rsp;
+ int len = 0;
+ int result = N_OK;
+ wb[0] = cmd;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case CMD_SINGLE_READ: /* single word (4 bytes) read */
+ wb[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 16);
+ wb[2] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ wb[3] = (uint8_t)adr;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_INTERNAL_READ: /* internal register read */
+ wb[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ if(clockless == 1) wb[1] |= (1 << 7);
+ wb[2] = (uint8_t)adr;
+ wb[3] = 0x00;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_TERMINATE: /* termination */
+ wb[1] = 0x00;
+ wb[2] = 0x00;
+ wb[3] = 0x00;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_REPEAT: /* repeat */
+ wb[1] = 0x00;
+ wb[2] = 0x00;
+ wb[3] = 0x00;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_RESET: /* reset */
+ wb[1] = 0xff;
+ wb[2] = 0xff;
+ wb[3] = 0xff;
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case CMD_DMA_WRITE: /* dma write */
+ case CMD_DMA_READ: /* dma read */
+ wb[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 16);
+ wb[2] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ wb[3] = (uint8_t)adr;
+ wb[4] = (uint8_t)(sz >> 8);
+ wb[5] = (uint8_t)(sz);
+ len = 7;
+ break;
+ case CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE: /* dma extended write */
+ case CMD_DMA_EXT_READ: /* dma extended read */
+ wb[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 16);
+ wb[2] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ wb[3] = (uint8_t)adr;
+ wb[4] = (uint8_t)(sz >> 16);
+ wb[5] = (uint8_t)(sz >> 8);
+ wb[6] = (uint8_t)(sz);
+ len = 8;
+ break;
+ case CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE: /* internal register write */
+ wb[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ if(clockless == 1) wb[1] |= (1 << 7);
+ wb[2] = (uint8_t)(adr);
+ wb[3] = b[3];
+ wb[4] = b[2];
+ wb[5] = b[1];
+ wb[6] = b[0];
+ len = 8;
+ break;
+ case CMD_SINGLE_WRITE: /* single word write */
+ wb[1] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 16);
+ wb[2] = (uint8_t)(adr >> 8);
+ wb[3] = (uint8_t)(adr);
+ wb[4] = b[3];
+ wb[5] = b[2];
+ wb[6] = b[1];
+ wb[7] = b[0];
+ len = 9;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (!g_spi.crc_off) {
+ wb[len-1] = (crc7(0x7f, (const uint8_t *)&wb[0], len-1)) << 1;
+ } else {
+ len -=1;
+ }
+#define NUM_SKIP_BYTES (1)
+#define NUM_RSP_BYTES (2)
+#define NUM_DATA_HDR_BYTES (1)
+#define NUM_DATA_BYTES (4)
+#define NUM_CRC_BYTES (2)
+#define NUM_DUMMY_BYTES (3)
+ if ((cmd == CMD_RESET) ||
+ (cmd == CMD_TERMINATE) ||
+ (cmd == CMD_REPEAT)) {
+ } else if ((cmd == CMD_INTERNAL_READ) || (cmd == CMD_SINGLE_READ)) {
+ if (!g_spi.crc_off) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ len2 = len + (NUM_RSP_BYTES + NUM_DUMMY_BYTES);
+ }
+ if(len2 > (sizeof(wb)/sizeof(wb[0]))) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: spi buffer size too small (%d) (%d)\n",
+ len2, (sizeof(wb)/sizeof(wb[0])));
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* zero spi write buffers. */
+ for(wix = len; wix< len2; wix++) {
+ wb[wix] = 0;
+ }
+ rix = len;
+ if (!g_spi.spi_trx(wb, rb, len2)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd write, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ return result;
+ }
+#if 0
+ {
+ int jj;
+ printk("--- cnd = %x, len=%d, len2=%d\n", cmd, len, len2);
+ for(jj=0; jj<sizeof(wb)/sizeof(wb[0]); jj++) {
+ if(jj >= len2) break;
+ if(((jj+1)%16) != 0) {
+ if((jj%16) == 0) {
+ printk("wb[%02x]: %02x ", jj, wb[jj]);
+ } else {
+ printk("%02x ", wb[jj]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printk("%02x\n", wb[jj]);
+ }
+ }
+ printk("\n");
+ for(jj=0; jj<sizeof(rb)/sizeof(rb[0]); jj++) {
+ if(jj >= len2) break;
+ if(((jj+1)%16) != 0) {
+ if((jj%16) == 0) {
+ printk("rb[%02x]: %02x ", jj, rb[jj]);
+ } else {
+ printk("%02x ", rb[jj]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printk("%02x\n", rb[jj]);
+ }
+ }
+ printk("\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ Command/Control response
+ **/
+ if ((cmd == CMD_RESET) ||
+ (cmd == CMD_TERMINATE) ||
+ (cmd == CMD_REPEAT)) {
+ rix++; /* skip 1 byte */
+ }
+ //do {
+ rsp = rb[rix++];
+ // if(rsp == cmd) break;
+ //} while(&rptr[1] <= &rb[len2]);
+ if (rsp != cmd) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd response, cmd (%02x)"
+ ", resp (%02x)\n", cmd, rsp);
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ State response
+ **/
+ rsp = rb[rix++];
+ if (rsp != 0x00) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd state response "
+ "state (%02x)\n", rsp);
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ return result;
+ }
+ if ((cmd == CMD_INTERNAL_READ) || (cmd == CMD_SINGLE_READ)
+ || (cmd == CMD_DMA_READ) || (cmd == CMD_DMA_EXT_READ)) {
+ int retry;
+ //uint16_t crc1, crc2;
+ uint8_t crc[2];
+ /**
+ Data Respnose header
+ **/
+ retry = 100;
+ do {
+ /* ensure there is room in buffer later to read data and crc */
+ if(rix < len2) {
+ rsp = rb[rix++];
+ } else {
+ retry = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (((rsp >> 4) & 0xf) == 0xf)
+ break;
+ } while (retry--);
+ if (retry <= 0) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Error, data read "
+ "response (%02x)\n", rsp);
+ result = N_RESET;
+ return result;
+ }
+ if ((cmd == CMD_INTERNAL_READ) || (cmd == CMD_SINGLE_READ)) {
+ /**
+ Read bytes
+ **/
+ if((rix+3) < len2) {
+ b[0] = rb[rix++];
+ b[1] = rb[rix++];
+ b[2] = rb[rix++];
+ b[3] = rb[rix++];
+ } else {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: buffer overrun when reading data.\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (!g_spi.crc_off) {
+ /**
+ Read Crc
+ **/
+ if((rix+1) < len2) {
+ crc[0] = rb[rix++];
+ crc[1] = rb[rix++];
+ } else {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: buffer overrun when reading crc.\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if((cmd == CMD_DMA_READ) || (cmd == CMD_DMA_EXT_READ)) {
+ int ix;
+ /* some data may be read in response to dummy bytes. */
+ for(ix=0; (rix < len2) && (ix < sz);) {
+ b[ix++] = rb[rix++];
+ }
+#if 0
+ if(ix) printk("ttt %d %d\n", sz, ix);
+ sz -= ix;
+ if(sz > 0) {
+ int nbytes;
+ if (sz <= (DATA_PKT_SZ-ix)) {
+ nbytes = sz;
+ } else {
+ nbytes = DATA_PKT_SZ-ix;
+ }
+ /**
+ Read bytes
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&b[ix], nbytes)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ goto _error_;
+ }
+ /**
+ Read Crc
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.crc_off) {
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(crc, 2)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block crc read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ goto _error_;
+ }
+ }
+ ix += nbytes;
+ sz -= nbytes;
+ }
+ /* if any data in left unread, then read the rest using normal DMA code.*/
+ while(sz > 0) {
+ int nbytes;
+#if 0
+ printk("rrr %d %d\n", sz, ix);
+ if (sz <= DATA_PKT_SZ) {
+ nbytes = sz;
+ } else {
+ nbytes = DATA_PKT_SZ;
+ }
+ /**
+ read data response only on the next DMA cycles not
+ the first DMA since data response header is already
+ handled above for the first DMA.
+ **/
+ /**
+ Data Respnose header
+ **/
+ retry = 10;
+ do {
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&rsp, 1)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data response read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (((rsp >> 4) & 0xf) == 0xf)
+ break;
+ } while (retry--);
+ if (result == N_FAIL)
+ break;
+ /**
+ Read bytes
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&b[ix], nbytes)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ Read Crc
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.crc_off) {
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(crc, 2)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block crc read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ix += nbytes;
+ sz -= nbytes;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static int spi_data_read(uint8_t *b, uint32_t sz)
+ int retry, ix, nbytes;
+ int result = N_OK;
+ uint8_t crc[2];
+ uint8_t rsp;
+ /**
+ Data
+ **/
+ ix = 0;
+ do {
+ if (sz <= DATA_PKT_SZ)
+ nbytes = sz;
+ else
+ nbytes = DATA_PKT_SZ;
+ /**
+ Data Respnose header
+ **/
+ retry = 10;
+ do {
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&rsp, 1)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data response read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (((rsp >> 4) & 0xf) == 0xf)
+ break;
+ } while (retry--);
+ if (result == N_FAIL)
+ break;
+ if (retry <= 0) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data response read...(%02x)\n", rsp);
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ Read bytes
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&b[ix], nbytes)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ Read Crc
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.crc_off) {
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(crc, 2)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block crc read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ix += nbytes;
+ sz -= nbytes;
+ } while (sz);
+ return result;
+static int spi_data_write(uint8_t *b, uint32_t sz)
+ int ix, nbytes;
+ int result = 1;
+ uint8_t cmd, order, crc[2] = {0};
+ //uint8_t rsp;
+ /**
+ Data
+ **/
+ ix = 0;
+ do {
+ if (sz <= DATA_PKT_SZ)
+ nbytes = sz;
+ else
+ nbytes = DATA_PKT_SZ;
+ /**
+ Write command
+ **/
+ cmd = 0xf0;
+ if (ix == 0) {
+ if (sz <= DATA_PKT_SZ)
+ order = 0x3;
+ else
+ order = 0x1;
+ } else {
+ if (sz <= DATA_PKT_SZ)
+ order = 0x3;
+ else
+ order = 0x2;
+ }
+ cmd |= order;
+ if (!g_spi.spi_tx(&cmd, 1)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block cmd write, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ Write data
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.spi_tx(&b[ix], nbytes)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block write, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ Write Crc
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.crc_off) {
+ if (!g_spi.spi_tx(crc, 2)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block crc write, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ No need to wait for response
+ **/
+#if 0
+ /**
+ Respnose
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&rsp, 1)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block write, response read, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (((rsp >> 4) & 0xf) != 0xc) {
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block write response...(%02x)\n", rsp);
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ State
+ **/
+ if (!g_spi.spi_rx(&rsp, 1)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data block write, read state, bus error...\n");
+ result = N_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ ix += nbytes;
+ sz -= nbytes;
+ } while (sz);
+ return result;
+ Spi Internal Read/Write Function
+static int spi_internal_write(uint32_t adr, uint32_t dat)
+ int result;
+#if defined USE_OLD_SPI_SW
+ /**
+ Command
+ **/
+ result = spi_cmd(CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE, adr, dat, 4,0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal write cmd...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_rsp(CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE,0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal write cmd response...\n");
+ }
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ dat = BYTE_SWAP(dat);
+ result = spi_cmd_complete(CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE, adr, (uint8_t*)&dat, 4,0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal write cmd...\n");
+ }
+ return result;
+static int spi_internal_read(uint32_t adr, uint32_t *data)
+ int result;
+#if defined USE_OLD_SPI_SW
+ result = spi_cmd(CMD_INTERNAL_READ, adr, 0, 4, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal read cmd...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_rsp(CMD_INTERNAL_READ, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal read cmd response...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ Data
+ **/
+ result = spi_data_read((uint8_t *)data, 4);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal read data...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_complete(CMD_INTERNAL_READ, adr, (uint8_t*)data, 4, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal read cmd...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ *data = BYTE_SWAP(*data);
+ return 1;
+ Spi interfaces
+static int spi_write_reg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data)
+ int result = N_OK;
+ uint8_t cmd = CMD_SINGLE_WRITE;
+ uint8_t clockless = 0;
+#if defined USE_OLD_SPI_SW
+ {
+ result = spi_cmd(cmd, addr, data, 4, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd, write reg (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_rsp(cmd, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd response, write reg (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ data= BYTE_SWAP(data);
+ if(addr < 0x30)
+ {
+ /* Clockless register*/
+ clockless = 1;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_complete(cmd, addr, (uint8_t*)&data, 4, clockless);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd, write reg (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ }
+ return result;
+static int spi_write(uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size)
+ int result;
+ uint8_t cmd = CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE;
+ /**
+ has to be greated than 4
+ **/
+ if (size <= 4)
+ return 0;
+#if defined USE_OLD_SPI_SW
+ /**
+ Command
+ **/
+ result = spi_cmd(cmd, addr, 0, size, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd, write block (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_rsp(cmd, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi ]: Failed cmd response, write block (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_complete(cmd, addr, NULL, size, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd, write block (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ Data
+ **/
+ result = spi_data_write(buf, size);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed block data write...\n");
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int spi_read_reg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t *data)
+ int result = N_OK;
+ uint8_t cmd = CMD_SINGLE_READ;
+ uint8_t clockless = 0;
+#if defined USE_OLD_SPI_SW
+ result = spi_cmd(cmd, addr, 0, 4, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd, read reg (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_rsp(cmd, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd response, read reg (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_data_read((uint8_t *)data, 4);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed data read...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(addr < 0x30)
+ {
+ //g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR,"***** read addr %d\n\n", addr);
+ /* Clockless register*/
+ clockless = 1;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_complete(cmd, addr, (uint8_t*)data, 4, clockless);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd, read reg (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ *data = BYTE_SWAP(*data);
+ return 1;
+static int spi_read(uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size)
+ uint8_t cmd = CMD_DMA_EXT_READ;
+ int result;
+ if (size <= 4)
+ return 0;
+#if defined USE_OLD_SPI_SW
+ /**
+ Command
+ **/
+ result = spi_cmd(cmd, addr, 0, size, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd, read block (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_rsp(cmd, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd response, read block (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ Data
+ **/
+ result = spi_data_read(buf, size);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed block data read...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = spi_cmd_complete(cmd, addr, buf, size, 0);
+ if (result != N_OK) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed cmd, read block (%08x)...\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ Bus interfaces
+static int spi_clear_int(void)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ if (!spi_read_reg(NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_0, &reg)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg &= ~0x1;
+ spi_write_reg(NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_0, reg);
+ int_clrd++;
+ return 1;
+static int spi_deinit(void *pv)
+ /**
+ **/
+ return 1;
+static int spi_sync(void)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ int ret;
+ /**
+ interrupt pin mux select
+ **/
+ ret = spi_read_reg(NMI_PIN_MUX_0, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_PIN_MUX_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg |= (1<<8);
+ ret = spi_write_reg(NMI_PIN_MUX_0, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_PIN_MUX_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ interrupt enable
+ **/
+ ret = spi_read_reg(NMI_INTR_ENABLE, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg |= (1<<16);
+ ret = spi_write_reg(NMI_INTR_ENABLE, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int spi_init(nmi_wlan_inp_t *inp, nmi_debug_func func)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ uint32_t chipid;
+ static int isinit = 0;
+ if(isinit) {
+ if (!spi_read_reg(0x1000, &chipid)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Fail cmd read chip id...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ memset(&g_spi, 0, sizeof(nmi_spi_t));
+ g_spi.dPrint = func;
+ g_spi.os_context = inp->os_context.os_private;
+ if (inp->io_func.io_init) {
+ if (!inp->io_func.io_init(g_spi.os_context)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed io init bus...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ g_spi.spi_tx = inp->io_func.u.spi.spi_tx;
+ g_spi.spi_rx = inp->io_func.u.spi.spi_rx;
+ g_spi.spi_trx = inp->io_func.u.spi.spi_trx;
+ g_spi.spi_max_speed = inp->io_func.u.spi.spi_max_speed;
+ /**
+ configure protocol
+ **/
+ g_spi.crc_off = 0;
+ // TODO: We can remove the CRC trials if there is a definite way to reset
+ // the SPI to it's initial value.
+ if (!spi_internal_read(NMI_SPI_PROTOCOL_OFFSET, &reg)) {
+ /* Read failed. Try with CRC off. This might happen when module
+ is removed but chip isn't reset*/
+ g_spi.crc_off = 1;
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal read protocol with CRC on, retyring with CRC off...\n", __LINE__);
+ if (!spi_internal_read(NMI_SPI_PROTOCOL_OFFSET, &reg)){
+ // Reaad failed with both CRC on and off, something went bad
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed internal read protocol...\n", __LINE__);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(g_spi.crc_off == 0)
+ {
+ reg &= ~0xc; /* disable crc checking */
+ reg &= ~0x70;
+ reg |= (0x5 << 4);
+ if (!spi_internal_write(NMI_SPI_PROTOCOL_OFFSET, reg)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi %d]: Failed internal write protocol reg...\n", __LINE__);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ g_spi.crc_off = 1;
+ }
+ /**
+ make sure can read back chip id correctly
+ **/
+ if (!spi_read_reg(0x1000, &chipid)) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Fail cmd read chip id...\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //g_spi.dPrint(N_INIT, "[nmi spi]: chipid (%08x)\n", chipid);
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ if( (chipid & 0xfff) > 0x0d0) {
+ g_spi.has_thrpt_enh = 1;
+ } else {
+ g_spi.has_thrpt_enh = 0;
+ }
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: has_thrpt_enh = %d...\n", g_spi.has_thrpt_enh);
+ isinit = 1;
+ return 1;
+static void spi_max_bus_speed(void)
+ g_spi.spi_max_speed();
+static void spi_default_bus_speed(void)
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+static int spi_read_size(uint32_t * size)
+ int ret;
+ if(g_spi.has_thrpt_enh) {
+ ret = spi_internal_read(0xe840-NMI_SPI_REG_BASE, size);
+ *size = *size & IRQ_DMA_WD_CNT_MASK;
+ } else {
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ uint32_t byte_cnt;
+ if(!(ret = spi_read_reg(NMI_VMM_TO_HOST_SIZE, &byte_cnt))) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read NMI_VMM_TO_HOST_SIZE ...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ tmp = (byte_cnt >> 2) & IRQ_DMA_WD_CNT_MASK;
+ * size=tmp;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int spi_read_int(uint32_t * int_status)
+ int ret;
+ if(g_spi.has_thrpt_enh) {
+ ret = spi_internal_read(0xe840-NMI_SPI_REG_BASE, int_status);
+ } else {
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ uint32_t byte_cnt;
+ if(!(ret = spi_read_reg(NMI_VMM_TO_HOST_SIZE, &byte_cnt))) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read NMI_VMM_TO_HOST_SIZE ...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ tmp = (byte_cnt >> 2) & IRQ_DMA_WD_CNT_MASK;
+ {
+ int happended, j;
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ uint32_t irq_flags;
+ happended = 0;
+ spi_read_reg(0x1a90, &irq_flags);
+ tmp |= ((irq_flags >> 27) << IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET);
+ if(g_spi.nint > 5) {
+ spi_read_reg(0x1a94, &irq_flags);
+ tmp |= (((irq_flags >> 0) & 0x7) << (IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET+5));
+ }
+ {
+ uint32_t unkmown_mask;
+ unkmown_mask = ~((1ul << g_spi.nint) - 1);
+ if( (tmp >> IRG_FLAGS_OFFSET) & unkmown_mask) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Unexpected interrupt (2): j=%d, tmp=%x, mask=%x\n", j, tmp, unkmown_mask);
+ happended = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ j++;
+ } while(happended);
+ }
+ *int_status = tmp;
+ }
+ //printk("int_status = %x\n", *int_status);
+ return ret;
+static int spi_clear_int_ext(uint32_t val)
+ int ret;
+ //printk("spi_clear_int_ext = %x\n", val);
+ if(g_spi.has_thrpt_enh) {
+ ret = spi_internal_write(0xe844-NMI_SPI_REG_BASE, val);
+ } else {
+ uint32_t flags;
+ flags = val & ((1 << MAX_NUM_INT) - 1);
+ if(flags) {
+ int i;
+ ret = 1;
+ for(i=0; i<g_spi.nint; i++) {
+ /* No matter what you write 1 or 0, it will clear interrupt. */
+ if(flags & 1) ret = spi_write_reg(0x10c8+i*4, 1);
+ if(!ret) break;
+ flags >>= 1;
+ }
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed spi_write_reg, set reg %x ...\n", 0x10c8+i*4);
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ for(i=g_spi.nint; i<MAX_NUM_INT; i++) {
+ if(flags & 1) g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Unexpected interrupt cleared %d...\n", i);
+ flags >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ uint32_t tbl_ctl;
+ tbl_ctl = 0;
+ /* select VMM table 0 */
+ if((val & SEL_VMM_TBL0) == SEL_VMM_TBL0) tbl_ctl |= (1 << 0);
+ /* select VMM table 1 */
+ if((val & SEL_VMM_TBL1) == SEL_VMM_TBL1) tbl_ctl |= (1 << 1);
+ ret = spi_write_reg(NMI_VMM_TBL_CTL, tbl_ctl);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: fail write reg vmm_tbl_ctl...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if((val & EN_VMM) == EN_VMM) {
+ /**
+ enable vmm transfer.
+ **/
+ ret = spi_write_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, 1);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: fail write reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int spi_sync_ext(int nint /* how mant interrupts to enable. */)
+ uint32_t reg;
+ int ret, i;
+ if(nint > MAX_NUM_INT) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Too many interupts (%d)...\n", nint);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ g_spi.nint = nint;
+ /**
+ interrupt pin mux select
+ **/
+ ret = spi_read_reg(NMI_PIN_MUX_0, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_PIN_MUX_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reg |= (1<<8);
+ ret = spi_write_reg(NMI_PIN_MUX_0, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_PIN_MUX_0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ interrupt enable
+ **/
+ ret = spi_read_reg(NMI_INTR_ENABLE, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for(i=0; (i < 5) && (nint > 0); i++, nint--) {
+ reg |= (1 << (27+i));
+ }
+ ret = spi_write_reg(NMI_INTR_ENABLE, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(nint) {
+ ret = spi_read_reg(NMI_INTR2_ENABLE, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR2_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for(i=0; (i < 3) && (nint > 0); i++, nint--) {
+ reg |= (1 << i);
+ }
+ ret = spi_read_reg(NMI_INTR2_ENABLE, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ g_spi.dPrint(N_ERR, "[nmi spi]: Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", NMI_INTR2_ENABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ Global spi HIF function table
+nmi_hif_func_t hif_spi = {
+ spi_init,
+ spi_deinit,
+ spi_read_reg,
+ spi_write_reg,
+ spi_read,
+ spi_write,
+ spi_sync,
+ spi_clear_int,
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ spi_read_int,
+ spi_clear_int_ext,
+ spi_read_size,
+ spi_write,
+ spi_read,
+ spi_sync_ext,
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ spi_max_bus_speed,
+ spi_default_bus_speed,
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_wlan.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_wlan.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7ce9cfe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_wlan.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2501 @@
+// Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Module Name: nmi_wlan.c
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan.h"
+#define INLINE static __inline
+ Global
+extern unsigned int int_clrd;
+extern nmi_hif_func_t hif_sdio;
+extern nmi_hif_func_t hif_spi;
+extern nmi_cfg_func_t mac_cfg;
+extern void NMI_WFI_monitor_rx(uint8_t *buff, uint32_t size);
+extern void frmw_to_linux(uint8_t *buff, uint32_t size);
+int sdio_xfer_cnt(void);
+uint32_t nmi_get_chipid(uint8_t update);
+//static uint32_t vmm_table[NMI_VMM_TBL_SIZE];
+//static uint32_t vmm_table_rbk[NMI_VMM_TBL_SIZE];
+//static uint32_t vmm_table_rbk[NMI_VMM_TBL_SIZE];
+typedef struct {
+ int quit;
+ /**
+ input interface functions
+ **/
+ nmi_wlan_os_func_t os_func;
+ nmi_wlan_io_func_t io_func;
+ nmi_wlan_net_func_t net_func;
+ nmi_wlan_indicate_func_t indicate_func;
+ /**
+ host interface functions
+ **/
+ nmi_hif_func_t hif_func;
+ void *hif_lock;
+ /**
+ configuration interface functions
+ **/
+ nmi_cfg_func_t cif_func;
+ int cfg_frame_in_use;
+ nmi_cfg_frame_t cfg_frame;
+ uint32_t cfg_frame_offset;
+ int cfg_seq_no;
+ void *cfg_wait;
+ /**
+ RX buffer
+ **/
+ uint32_t rx_buffer_size;
+ //uint8_t *rx_buffer;
+ //uint32_t rx_buffer_offset;
+ /**
+ TX buffer
+ **/
+ uint32_t tx_buffer_size;
+ uint8_t *tx_buffer;
+ uint32_t tx_buffer_offset;
+ /**
+ TX queue
+ **/
+ void *txq_lock;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ void *txq_add_to_head_lock;
+ void *txq_spinlock;
+ unsigned long txq_spinlock_flags;
+ struct txq_entry_t *txq_head;
+ struct txq_entry_t *txq_tail;
+ int txq_entries;
+ void *txq_wait;
+ int txq_exit;
+ /**
+ RX queue
+ **/
+ void *rxq_lock;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rxq_head;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rxq_tail;
+ int rxq_entries;
+ void *rxq_wait;
+ int rxq_exit;
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ int use_dma_v2;
+} nmi_wlan_dev_t;
+static uint32_t NMI_INT_STATS = 0;
+static uint32_t NMI_GP_REG_1 = 0;
+static nmi_wlan_dev_t g_wlan;
+ Debug
+static uint32_t dbgflag = N_INIT|N_ERR|N_INTR|N_TXQ|N_RXQ;
+static void nmi_debug(uint32_t flag, char *fmt, ...)
+ char buf[256];
+ va_list args;
+ int len;
+ if (flag & dbgflag) {
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ len = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ if (g_wlan.os_func.os_debug)
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_debug(buf);
+ }
+ return;
+ Queue
+static struct txq_entry_t *nmi_wlan_txq_remove(void)
+ struct txq_entry_t * tqe;
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ p->os_func.os_spin_lock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+ if (p->txq_head)
+ {
+ //p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ tqe = p->txq_head;
+ p->txq_head = tqe->next;
+ p->txq_entries-=1;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ //p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tqe = NULL;
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_spin_unlock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+ return tqe;
+static void nmi_wlan_txq_add_to_tail(struct txq_entry_t *tqe)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_spin_lock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+// p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ if (p->txq_head == NULL)
+ {
+ tqe->next = NULL;
+ p->txq_head = tqe;
+ p->txq_tail = tqe;
+ //p->os_func.os_signal(p->txq_wait);
+ } else {
+ tqe->next = NULL;
+ p->txq_tail->next = tqe;
+ p->txq_tail = tqe;
+ }
+ p->txq_entries+=1;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Number of entries in TxQ = %d\n",p->txq_entries);
+// p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_spin_unlock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+ /**
+ wake up TX queue
+ **/
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Wake the txq_handling\n");
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->txq_wait);
+static int nmi_wlan_txq_add_to_head(struct txq_entry_t *tqe)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+//printk("### nmi_wlan_txq_add_to_head() locking txq_lock\n");
+ unsigned long flags;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ if(p->os_func.os_wait(p->txq_add_to_head_lock, CFG_PKTS_TIMEOUT))
+ return -1;
+ p->os_func.os_spin_lock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+ //p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ if (p->txq_head == NULL) {
+ tqe->next = NULL;
+ p->txq_head = tqe;
+ p->txq_tail = tqe;
+ } else {
+ tqe->next = p->txq_head;
+ p->txq_head = tqe;
+ }
+ p->txq_entries+=1;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Number of entries in TxQ = %d\n",p->txq_entries);
+ //p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_spin_unlock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->txq_add_to_head_lock);
+ /**
+ wake up TX queue
+ **/
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->txq_wait);
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Wake up the txq_handler\n");
+// complete(p->txq_wait);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ return 0;
+static int nmi_wlan_txq_add_cfg_pkt(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ struct txq_entry_t *tqe;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Adding config packet ...\n");
+ if (p->quit){
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Return due to clear function\n");
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->cfg_wait);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tqe = (struct txq_entry_t *)p->os_func.os_malloc_atomic(sizeof(struct txq_entry_t));
+ if (tqe == NULL){
+ PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tqe->type = NMI_CFG_PKT;
+ tqe->buffer = buffer;
+ tqe->buffer_size = buffer_size;
+ tqe->tx_complete_func = NULL;
+ tqe->priv = NULL;
+ /**
+ Configuration packet always at the front
+ **/
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Adding the config packet at the Queue tail\n");
+ /*Edited by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ if(nmi_wlan_txq_add_to_head(tqe))
+ return 0;
+ //nmi_wlan_txq_add_to_tail(tqe);
+ return 1;
+static int nmi_wlan_txq_add_net_pkt(void *priv, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, nmi_tx_complete_func_t func)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ struct txq_entry_t *tqe;
+ if (p->quit)
+ return 0;
+ tqe = (struct txq_entry_t *)p->os_func.os_malloc_atomic(sizeof(struct txq_entry_t));
+ if (tqe == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ tqe->type = NMI_NET_PKT;
+ tqe->buffer = buffer;
+ tqe->buffer_size = buffer_size;
+ tqe->tx_complete_func = func;
+ tqe->priv = priv;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Adding mgmt packet at the Queue tail\n");
+ nmi_wlan_txq_add_to_tail(tqe);
+ /*return number of itemes in the queue*/
+ return p->txq_entries;
+/*Bug3959: transmitting mgmt frames received from host*/
+#if defined(NMI_AP_EXTERNAL_MLME) || defined(NMI_P2P)
+int nmi_wlan_txq_add_mgmt_pkt(void *priv, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, nmi_tx_complete_func_t func)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ struct txq_entry_t *tqe;
+ if (p->quit)
+ return 0;
+ tqe = (struct txq_entry_t *)p->os_func.os_malloc_atomic(sizeof(struct txq_entry_t));
+ if (tqe == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ tqe->type = NMI_MGMT_PKT;
+ tqe->buffer = buffer;
+ tqe->buffer_size = buffer_size;
+ tqe->tx_complete_func = func;
+ tqe->priv = priv;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Adding Network packet at the Queue tail\n");
+ nmi_wlan_txq_add_to_tail(tqe);
+ return 1;
+static struct txq_entry_t *nmi_wlan_txq_get_first(void)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ struct txq_entry_t *tqe;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_spin_lock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+ //p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ tqe = p->txq_head;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_spin_unlock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+ //p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ return tqe;
+static struct txq_entry_t *nmi_wlan_txq_get_next(struct txq_entry_t *tqe)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_spin_lock(p->txq_spinlock,&flags);
+ //p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ tqe = tqe->next;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_spin_unlock(p->txq_spinlock, &flags);
+ //p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->txq_lock);
+ return tqe;
+static int nmi_wlan_rxq_add(struct rxq_entry_t *rqe)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ if (p->quit)
+ return 0;
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->rxq_lock);
+ if (p->rxq_head == NULL) {
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Add to Queue head\n");
+ rqe->next = NULL;
+ p->rxq_head = rqe;
+ p->rxq_tail = rqe;
+ } else {
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Add to Queue tail\n");
+ p->rxq_tail->next = rqe;
+ rqe->next = NULL;
+ p->rxq_tail = rqe;
+ }
+ p->rxq_entries+=1;
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Number of queue entries: %d\n",p->rxq_entries);
+ //printk("Number of queue entries: %d\n",p->rxq_entries);
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->rxq_lock);
+ return p->rxq_entries;
+static struct rxq_entry_t *nmi_wlan_rxq_remove(void)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Getting rxQ element\n");
+ if (p->rxq_head) {
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rqe;
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->rxq_lock);
+ rqe = p->rxq_head;
+ p->rxq_head = p->rxq_head->next;
+ p->rxq_entries-=1;
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"RXQ entries decreased\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->rxq_lock);
+ return rqe;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Nothing to get from Q\n");
+ return NULL;
+ Power Save handle functions
+static CHIP_PS_STATE_T genuChipPSstate = CHIP_WAKEDUP;
+INLINE void chip_wakeup(void)
+ uint32_t reg, trials=0;
+ do
+ {
+ if ((g_wlan.io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SPI)
+ {
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(1, &reg) ;
+ /* Make sure bit 1 is 0 before we start. */
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(1, reg & ~(1 << 1));
+ /* Set bit 1 */
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(1, reg | (1 << 1)) ;
+ /* Clear bit 1*/
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(1, reg & ~(1 << 1));
+ }
+ else if ((g_wlan.io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SDIO)
+ {
+ /* Make sure bit 0 is 0 before we start. */
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0xf0, &reg);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0xf0, reg & ~(1 << 0));
+ /* Set bit 1 */
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0xf0, reg | (1 << 0));
+ /* Clear bit 1 */
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0xf0, reg & ~(1 << 0));
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ /* Wait for the chip to stabilize*/
+ NMI_Sleep(2);
+ // Make sure chip is awake. This is an extra step that can be removed
+ // later to avoid the bus access overhead
+ if((nmi_get_chipid(NMI_TRUE) == 0))
+ {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "Couldn't read chip id. Wake up failed\n");
+ }
+ }while((nmi_get_chipid(NMI_TRUE) == 0) && ((++trials %3) == 0));
+ }while(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_TRUE) == 0);
+ if(genuChipPSstate == CHIP_SLEEPING_MANUAL)
+ {
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1C0C, &reg);
+ reg &= ~(1<<0);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1C0C, reg);
+ if(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_FALSE) >= 0x1002a0)
+ {
+ /* Switch PMU clock back to external */
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1e48, &reg);
+ reg &= ~(1<<31);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1e48, reg);
+ }
+ }
+ genuChipPSstate = CHIP_WAKEDUP;
+void chip_sleep_manually(NMI_Uint32 u32SleepTime)
+ uint32_t val32;
+ if(genuChipPSstate != CHIP_WAKEDUP)
+ {
+ /* chip is already sleeping. Do nothing */
+ return;
+ }
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_enter_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ if(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_FALSE) >= 0x1002a0)
+ {
+ // Switch PMU clock source to internal.
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1e48, &val32);
+ val32 |= (1<<31);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1e48, val32);
+ }
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1C08, u32SleepTime);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1C0C, &val32);
+ val32 |= (1<<0);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1C0C, val32);
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_leave_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ Tx, Rx queue handle functions
+static int nmi_wlan_handle_txq(void)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t reg, dma_addr, buf_offset;
+ uint8_t *txb = p->tx_buffer;
+ int tp_size, skip = 0, ret = 0;
+ struct txq_entry_t *tqe;
+ p->txq_exit = 0;
+ do {
+ if (p->quit)
+ break;
+ if (!skip) {
+ tqe = nmi_wlan_txq_remove();
+ if (tqe == NULL)
+ break;
+ }
+ reg = 0;
+ if (tqe->type == NMI_CFG_PKT) {
+ buf_offset = tp_size = ETH_CONFIG_PKT_HDR_OFFSET;
+ reg = (1<<2);
+ } else {
+ buf_offset = tp_size = ETH_ETHERNET_HDR_OFFSET;
+ }
+ tp_size += tqe->buffer_size;
+ if (tp_size & 0x3) {
+ tp_size += 4;
+ tp_size &= ~0x3;
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ reg |= (1<<1);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_HOST_VMM_CTL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't write reg host_vmm_ctl..\n");
+ break;
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ }
+ do {
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_HOST_VMM_CTL, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't read reg host_vmm_ctl..\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(reg & 0x2)) {
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_VMM_TX_TBL_BASE, &dma_addr);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while(1);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't read reg vmm_tx_tbl_base...\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ break;
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if (dma_addr != 0) {
+ uint32_t header;
+ header = (tqe->type << 31)|(tqe->buffer_size << 15)|(tp_size);
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ header = BYTE_SWAP(header);
+ memcpy(txb, &header, 4);
+ memcpy(&txb[buf_offset], tqe->buffer, tqe->buffer_size);
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if ((p->io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SPI) {
+ if (tqe->type) {
+ dma_addr += NMI_AHB_DATA_MEM_BASE;
+ } else {
+ dma_addr += NMI_AHB_SHARE_MEM_BASE;
+ }
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_tx(dma_addr, txb, tp_size);
+ if (ret) {
+ /**
+ done, interrupt firmware
+ **/
+ reg = dma_addr << 2;
+ reg |= (1 << 1);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_HOST_TX_CTRL, reg);
+ }
+ } else if ((p->io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SDIO) {
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_tx(0, txb, tp_size);
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if (ret) {
+ tqe->status = 1;
+ if (tqe->tx_complete_func)
+ tqe->tx_complete_func(tqe->priv, tqe->status);
+ p->os_func.os_free(tqe);
+ skip = 0;
+ } else {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail block tx...\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ p->os_func.os_sleep(30); /* wait 30 ms and start over */
+ skip = 1;
+ }
+ } while (1);
+ p->txq_exit = 1;
+ return ret;
+static int nmi_wlan_handle_txq(uint32_t* pu32TxqCount)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ int i, entries = 0;
+ uint32_t sum;
+ uint32_t reg;
+ uint8_t *txb = p->tx_buffer;
+ uint32_t offset = 0;
+ int vmm_sz = 0;
+ struct txq_entry_t *tqe;
+ int ret = 0;
+ uint32_t vmm_table[NMI_VMM_TBL_SIZE];
+ p->txq_exit = 0;
+ do {
+ if (p->quit)
+ break;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_wait(p->txq_add_to_head_lock, CFG_PKTS_TIMEOUT);
+ /**
+ build the vmm list
+ **/
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Getting the head of the TxQ\n");
+ tqe = nmi_wlan_txq_get_first();
+ i = 0;
+ sum = 0;
+ do {
+ //if ((tqe != NULL) && (i < (8)) &&
+ //if ((tqe != NULL) && (i < (NMI_VMM_TBL_SIZE-1)) &&
+ if ((tqe != NULL) && (i < (NMI_VMM_TBL_SIZE-1)) /* reserve last entry to 0 */)
+ {
+ if (tqe->type == NMI_CFG_PKT) {
+ }
+ /*Bug3959: transmitting mgmt frames received from host*/
+ /*vmm_sz will only be equal to tqe->buffer_size + 4 bytes (HOST_HDR_OFFSET)*/
+ /* in other cases NMI_MGMT_PKT and NMI_DATA_PKT_MAC_HDR*/
+ else if (tqe->type == NMI_NET_PKT){
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vmm_sz = HOST_HDR_OFFSET;
+ }
+ vmm_sz += tqe->buffer_size;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"VMM Size before alignment = %d\n",vmm_sz);
+ if (vmm_sz & 0x3) { /* has to be word aligned */
+ vmm_sz = (vmm_sz + 4) & ~0x3;
+ }
+ if((sum+vmm_sz) > p->tx_buffer_size) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"VMM Size AFTER alignment = %d\n",vmm_sz);
+ vmm_table[i] = vmm_sz/4; /* table take the word size */
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"VMMTable entry size = %d\n",vmm_table[i]);
+ if (tqe->type == NMI_CFG_PKT){
+ vmm_table[i] |= (1 << 10);
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"VMMTable entry changed for CFG packet = %d\n",vmm_table[i]);
+ }
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ vmm_table[i] = BYTE_SWAP(vmm_table[i]);
+ //p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1160,vmm_table[0]);
+ //nmi_debug(N_TXQ, "[nmi txq]: vmm table[%d] = %08x\n", i, vmm_table[i]);
+ i++;
+ sum += vmm_sz;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"sum = %d\n",sum);
+ tqe = nmi_wlan_txq_get_next(tqe);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (1);
+ if (i == 0){ /* nothing in the queue */
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Nothing in TX-Q\n");
+ break;
+ } else{
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Mark the last entry in VMM table - number of previous entries = %d\n",i);
+ vmm_table[i] = 0x0; /* mark the last element to 0 */
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if(genuChipPSstate != CHIP_WAKEDUP)
+ {
+ chip_wakeup();
+ }
+ do {
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_HOST_TX_CTRL, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't read reg vmm_tbl_entry..\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((reg&0x1) == 0) {
+ /**
+ write to vmm table
+ **/
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"Writing VMM table ... with Size = %d\n",((i+1)*4));
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /**
+ wait for vmm table is ready
+ **/
+ PRINT_WRN(GENERIC_DBG, "[nmi txq]: warn, vmm table not clear yet, wait... \n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ p->os_func.os_sleep(3); /* wait 3 ms */
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if(genuChipPSstate != CHIP_WAKEDUP)
+ {
+ chip_wakeup();
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!p->quit);
+ if(!ret) {
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ int timeout = 200;
+ do {
+ /**
+ write to vmm table
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_tx(NMI_VMM_TBL_RX_SHADOW_BASE, (uint8_t *)vmm_table, ((i+1)*4)); /* Bug 4477 fix */
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "ERR block TX of VMM table.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ interrupt firmware
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_HOST_VMM_CTL, 0x2);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't write reg host_vmm_ctl..\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ wait for confirm...
+ **/
+ do {
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_HOST_VMM_CTL, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't read reg host_vmm_ctl..\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((reg>>2)&0x1) {
+ /**
+ Get the entries
+ **/
+ entries = ((reg>>3)&0x3f);
+ //entries = ((reg>>3)&0x2f);
+ break;
+ } else{
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ p->os_func.os_sleep(3); /* wait 3 ms */
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if(genuChipPSstate != CHIP_WAKEDUP)
+ {
+ chip_wakeup();
+ }
+ PRINT_WRN(GENERIC_DBG, "Can't get VMM entery - reg = %2x\n",reg);
+ }
+ } while (--timeout);
+ if(timeout <= 0)
+ {
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_HOST_VMM_CTL, 0x0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!ret) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (entries == 0) {
+ PRINT_WRN(GENERIC_DBG, "[nmi txq]: no more buffer in the chip (reg: %08x), retry later [[ %d, %x ]] \n",reg, i, vmm_table[i-1]);
+ /* undo the transaction. */
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_HOST_TX_CTRL, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't read reg NMI_HOST_TX_CTRL..\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ reg &= ~(1ul << 0);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_HOST_TX_CTRL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't write reg NMI_HOST_TX_CTRL..\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (1);
+ if (!ret) {
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ if(entries == 0) {
+ ret = NMI_TX_ERR_NO_BUF;
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ /* since copying data into txb takes some time, then
+ allow the bus lock to be released let the RX task go. */
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ /**
+ Copy data to the TX buffer
+ **/
+ offset = 0;
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ tqe = nmi_wlan_txq_remove();
+ if (tqe != NULL && (vmm_table[i] != 0)) {
+ uint32_t header, buffer_offset;
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ vmm_table[i] = BYTE_SWAP(vmm_table[i]);
+ vmm_sz = (vmm_table[i] & 0x3ff); /* in word unit */
+ vmm_sz *= 4;
+ header = (tqe->type << 31)|(tqe->buffer_size<<15)|vmm_sz;
+ /*Bug3959: transmitting mgmt frames received from host*/
+ /*setting bit 30 in the host header to indicate mgmt frame*/
+ if(tqe->type == NMI_MGMT_PKT)
+ {
+ header |= (1<< 30);
+ }
+ /*else if(tqe->type == NMI_DATA_PKT_MAC_HDR)
+ {
+ header |= (1<< 29);
+ }*/
+ //nmi_debug(N_TXQ, "[nmi txq]: header (%08x), real size (%d), vmm size (%d)\n", header, tqe->buffer_size, vmm_sz);
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ header = BYTE_SWAP(header);
+ memcpy(&txb[offset], &header, 4);
+ if (tqe->type == NMI_CFG_PKT) {
+ buffer_offset = ETH_CONFIG_PKT_HDR_OFFSET;
+ }
+ /*Bug3959: transmitting mgmt frames received from host*/
+ /*buffer offset = HOST_HDR_OFFSET in other cases: NMI_MGMT_PKT*/
+ else if (tqe->type == NMI_NET_PKT){
+ buffer_offset = ETH_ETHERNET_HDR_OFFSET;
+ }
+ else{
+ buffer_offset = HOST_HDR_OFFSET;
+ }
+ memcpy(&txb[offset+buffer_offset], tqe->buffer, tqe->buffer_size);
+ offset += vmm_sz;
+ i++;
+ tqe->status = 1; /* mark the packet send */
+ if (tqe->tx_complete_func)
+ tqe->tx_complete_func(tqe->priv, tqe->status);
+ p->os_func.os_free(tqe);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (--entries);
+ /**
+ lock the bus
+ **/
+ //PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Locking hif_lock\n");
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if(genuChipPSstate != CHIP_WAKEDUP)
+ {
+ chip_wakeup();
+ }
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ if(g_wlan.use_dma_v2) {
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_clear_int_ext(ENABLE_TX_VMM);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't start tx VMM ...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ /**
+ transfer
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_tx_ext(0, txb, offset);
+ if(!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't block tx ext...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ } else
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ {
+ /**
+ enable table 0
+ **/
+ reg = 0x1;
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_VMM_TBL_CTL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't write reg vmm_tbl_ctl...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ /**
+ enable core
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't read reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ reg |= 0x1;
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't write reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ #else
+ reg = 0x1;
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't write reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /**
+ transfer
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_tx(0, txb, offset);
+ if (!ret)
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi txq]: fail can't block tx...\n");
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if (ret != 1)
+ break;
+ } while(0);
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->txq_add_to_head_lock);
+ p->txq_exit = 1;
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"THREAD: Exiting txq\n");
+ //return tx[]q count
+ *pu32TxqCount = p->txq_entries;
+ return ret;
+static void nmi_wlan_handle_rxq(void)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ int offset = 0, size, has_packet = 0;
+ uint8_t *buffer;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rqe;
+ p->rxq_exit = 0;
+ do {
+// printk("[%s:%d]in 1st do-while\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
+ if (p->quit){
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"exit 1st do-while due to Clean_UP function \n");
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->cfg_wait);
+ break;
+ }
+ rqe = nmi_wlan_rxq_remove();
+ if (rqe == NULL){
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"nothing in the queue - exit 1st do-while\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ buffer = rqe->buffer;
+ size = rqe->buffer_size;
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"rxQ entery Size = %d - Address = %p\n",size,buffer);
+ offset = 0;
+ do {
+ uint32_t header;
+ uint32_t pkt_len, pkt_offset, tp_len;
+ int is_cfg_packet;
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"In the 2nd do-while\n");
+ memcpy(&header, &buffer[offset], 4);
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ header = BYTE_SWAP(header);
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Header = %04x - Offset = %d\n",header,offset);
+ is_cfg_packet = (header >> 31) & 0x1;
+ pkt_offset = (header >> 22) & 0x1ff;
+ tp_len = (header >> 11)&0x7ff;
+ pkt_len = header & 0x7ff;
+/*bug 3887: [AP] Allow Management frames to be passed to the host*/
+ #define IS_MANAGMEMENT 0x100
+ #define IS_MGMT_STATUS_SUCCES 0x040
+ if(pkt_offset & IS_MANAGMEMENT)
+ {
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Mgmt FRAME Received at host--\n\n");
+ //reset mgmt indicator bit, to use pkt_offeset in furthur calculations
+ //NMI_PRINTF("OFFSET = %0x\n",pkt_offset);
+ NMI_WFI_monitor_rx(&buffer[offset+HOST_HDR_OFFSET],pkt_len);
+ }
+ //BUG4530 fix
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+ //nmi_debug(N_RXQ, "[nmi rxq]: packet, tp len(%d), len (%d), offset (%d), cfg (%d)\n", tp_len, pkt_len, pkt_offset, is_cfg_packet);
+ if (pkt_len == 0 || tp_len == 0) {
+ nmi_debug(N_RXQ, "[nmi rxq]: data corrupt, packet len or tp_len is 0 [%d][%d]\n", pkt_len, tp_len);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!is_cfg_packet) {
+ if (p->net_func.rx_indicate) {
+ if (pkt_len > 0) {
+ p->net_func.rx_indicate(&buffer[pkt_offset+offset], pkt_len);
+ has_packet = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ nmi_cfg_rsp_t rsp;
+ p->cif_func.rx_indicate(&buffer[pkt_offset+offset], pkt_len, &rsp);
+ if (rsp.type == NMI_CFG_RSP) {
+ /**
+ wake up the waiting task...
+ **/
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"p->cfg_seq_no = %d - rsp.seq_no = %d\n",p->cfg_seq_no,rsp.seq_no);
+ if (p->cfg_seq_no == rsp.seq_no) {
+ //PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Unlocking cfg_wait\n");
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->cfg_wait);
+ }
+ //p->os_func.os_signal(p->cfg_wait);
+ } else if (rsp.type == NMI_CFG_RSP_STATUS) {
+ /**
+ Call back to indicate status...
+ **/
+ if (p->indicate_func.mac_indicate) {
+ p->indicate_func.mac_indicate(NMI_MAC_INDICATE_STATUS);
+ }
+ } else if (rsp.type == NMI_CFG_RSP_SCAN) {
+ if (p->indicate_func.mac_indicate)
+ p->indicate_func.mac_indicate(NMI_MAC_INDICATE_SCAN);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ offset += tp_len;
+ if (offset >= size)
+ break;
+ } while (1);
+ if (buffer != NULL)
+ p->os_func.os_free((void *)buffer);
+ if (rqe != NULL)
+ p->os_func.os_free((void *)rqe);
+ if (has_packet) {
+ if (p->net_func.rx_complete)
+ p->net_func.rx_complete();
+ }
+ } while(1);
+ p->rxq_exit = 1;
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"THREAD: Exiting RX thread \n");
+ return;
+ Isr
+static void nmi_unknown_isr(void){
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_clear_int();
+ linux_wlan_enable_irq();
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_leave_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+static void nmi_pllupdate_isr(uint32_t int_stats1){
+#if (defined NMI_SDIO) && (!defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ //g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,(int_stats1 & ~PLL_INT));
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,0);
+ /* Waiting for PLL */
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_atomic_sleep(NMI_PLL_TO);
+ if(!(int_stats1 & DATA_INT)){
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_leave_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ }
+ else {
+ printk("[PLL]Pending Data wait\n");
+ }
+ uint32_t int_stats;
+ #ifndef NMI_SDIO
+ int trials= 10;
+ #endif
+ if((!(int_stats1 & DATA_INT)) && (!(int_stats1 & SLEEP_INT))){
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_clear_int();
+ linux_wlan_enable_irq();
+ }
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,&int_stats);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,(int_stats & ~PLL_INT));
+ /* Waiting for PLL */
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_atomic_sleep(NMI_PLL_TO);
+#ifndef NMI_SDIO
+ //poll till read a valid data
+ while(!(ISNMC1000(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_TRUE))&&--trials)) {
+ printk("SPI retrying\n");
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_atomic_sleep(1);
+ }
+ if((!(int_stats1 & DATA_INT)) && (!(int_stats1 & SLEEP_INT))){
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_leave_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ }
+ else
+ {printk("[PLL]Pending Data wait\n");}
+static void nmi_sleeptimer_isr(uint32_t int_stats1){
+ uint32_t int_stats;
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_clear_int();
+ linux_wlan_enable_irq();
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,&int_stats);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,(int_stats & ~SLEEP_INT));
+ /* Wait 1ms tomake sure chip went into sleep
+ Accessing the clockless registers in the transit state fails */
+ if(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_FALSE) < 0x1000D0)
+ {
+ NMI_SleepMicrosec(1200); // failed at 1 ms
+ }
+ genuChipPSstate = CHIP_SLEEPING_AUTO;
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_leave_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+static void nmi_wlan_handle_isr(uint32_t int_status1)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t offset = p->rx_buffer_offset;
+ uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
+ uint32_t size, ctl0;
+ int ret;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rqe;
+ /**
+ clear the chip's interrupt
+ **/
+ int_stats1 &= ~(DATA_INT);
+ if(p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,int_stats1)!= 1)
+ if(!(int_stats1 & SLEEP_INT)){
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Clearing RX interrupt\n");
+ p->hif_func.hif_clear_int();
+ linux_wlan_enable_irq();
+ }
+ /**
+ read the rx size
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_0, &ctl0);
+ size = (ctl0 >> 2) & 0xfff;
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail can't read reg host_rx_ctrl_0...\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (size > 0) {
+ uint32_t address = 0;
+ if (p->rx_buffer_size - offset < (2*1024)/*size*/)
+ offset = 0;
+ buffer = &p->rx_buffer[offset];
+ buffer = p->os_func.os_malloc(2*1024/*size*/);
+ if (buffer == NULL) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail alloc host memory...drop the packets (%d)\n", size);
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ start bus transfer
+ **/
+ if ((p->io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SPI) {
+ /**
+ read the spi dam address
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_1, &address);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail can't read reg host_rx_ctrl_1...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ if (address & 0x1) {
+ address = NMI_AHB_DATA_MEM_BASE+(address&~0x1);
+ } else {
+ address = NMI_AHB_SHARE_MEM_BASE+address;
+ }
+ } else if ((p->io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SDIO) {
+ address = 0;
+ }
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_rx(address, buffer, size);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail block rx...\n");
+ } else {
+ if ((p->io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SPI) {
+ /**
+ indicate rx done to firmware
+ **/
+ ctl0 |= (1<<1);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_HOST_RX_CTRL_0, ctl0);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!(int_stats1 & SLEEP_INT)){
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ offset += size;
+ p->rx_buffer_offset = offset;
+ /**
+ add to rx queue
+ **/
+#if 0
+ {
+ BYTE *bt = (BYTE *)buffer;
+ int i;
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "*** Receive Packet ***\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if ((i!=0) &&((i%8)==0))
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "\n", bt[i]);
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "%02x ", bt[i]);
+ }
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "\n");
+ }
+ rqe = (struct rxq_entry_t *)p->os_func.os_malloc(sizeof(struct rxq_entry_t));
+ if (rqe) {
+ rqe->buffer = buffer;
+ rqe->buffer_size = size;
+ nmi_wlan_rxq_add(rqe);
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->rxq_wait);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (buffer != NULL)
+ p->os_func.os_free(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+#if defined NMI_SDIO && !defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO
+static void nmi_wlan_handle_isr(uint32_t xfer_cnt, uint32_t int_stats1)
+static void nmi_wlan_handle_isr(uint32_t int_stats1)
+#else /* PLL_WORKAROUND */
+static void nmi_wlan_handle_isr(void)
+#endif /* PLL_WORKAROUND */
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t offset = p->rx_buffer_offset;
+ uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
+ uint32_t size, reg;
+ int ret;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rqe;
+ /**
+ clear the chip's interrupt
+ **/
+#if defined PLL_WORKAROUND && ( (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO))
+ int_stats1 &= ~(DATA_INT);
+ p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,int_stats1);
+ if(!(int_stats1 & SLEEP_INT)){
+ p->hif_func.hif_clear_int();
+ linux_wlan_enable_irq();
+ }
+#elif (!defined PLL_WORKAROUND) && ( (!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO))
+ p->hif_func.hif_clear_int();
+ linux_wlan_enable_irq();
+ /**
+ read the rx size
+ **/
+ #if defined NMI_SDIO && !defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO
+ size = xfer_cnt;
+ #else
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_VMM_TO_HOST_SIZE, &size);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail can't read reg vmm_to_host_size...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (size > 0) {
+ if (p->rx_buffer_size - offset < size)
+ offset = 0;
+ buffer = &p->rx_buffer[offset];
+ buffer = p->os_func.os_malloc(size);
+ if (buffer == NULL) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail alloc host memory...drop the packets (%d)\n", size);
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ /**
+ lock bus, no interruption
+ **/
+ //p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ /**
+ enable vmm table 1
+ **/
+ reg = 0x2;
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_VMM_TBL_CTL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail write reg vmm_tbl_ctl...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ /**
+ enable vmm transfer
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail read reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ reg |= 0x1;
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail write reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ reg = 0x1;
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail write reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_rx(0, buffer, size);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail block rx...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ /**
+ unlock bus
+ **/
+ if(!(int_stats1 & SLEEP_INT)){
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ }
+#else /* PLL_WORKAROUND */
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+#endif /* PLL_WORKAROUND */
+ if (ret) {
+ offset += size;
+ p->rx_buffer_offset = offset;
+ /**
+ add to rx queue
+ **/
+ rqe = (struct rxq_entry_t *)p->os_func.os_malloc(sizeof(struct rxq_entry_t));
+ if (rqe != NULL) {
+ rqe->buffer = buffer;
+ rqe->buffer_size = size;
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"rxq entery Size= %d - Address = %p\n",rqe->buffer_size,rqe->buffer);
+ nmi_wlan_rxq_add(rqe);
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->rxq_wait);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (buffer != NULL)
+ p->os_func.os_free(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+void nmi_handle_isr_v1(void)
+#if (defined NMI_SDIO) && (!defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO)
+ uint32_t int_status;
+ uint32_t xfer_cnt = 0;
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_enter_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ if(!g_wlan.hif_func.hif_clear_int()){
+ printk("UNKNOWN INT\n");
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_leave_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ return;
+ }
+ xfer_cnt = sdio_xfer_cnt();
+ if(xfer_cnt == 0){
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,&int_status);
+ if(int_status & PLL_INT){
+ nmi_pllupdate_isr(int_status);
+ }
+ if(int_status & SLEEP_INT){
+ nmi_sleeptimer_isr(int_status);
+ }
+ }
+ if(xfer_cnt>0){
+ /* Chip is up and talking*/
+ genuChipPSstate = CHIP_WAKEDUP;
+ nmi_wlan_handle_isr(xfer_cnt, 0);
+ }
+#else /* ! NMI_SDIO */
+ uint32_t int_status;
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_enter_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,&int_status);
+ if(int_status & PLL_INT){
+ nmi_pllupdate_isr(int_status);
+ }
+ if(int_status & DATA_INT){
+ /* Chip is up and talking*/
+ genuChipPSstate = CHIP_WAKEDUP;
+ nmi_wlan_handle_isr(int_status);
+ }
+ /* Sleep Int should be handled first because sometimes firmware sends both
+ interrupts, which caused chip to go to sleep while driver is getting data*/
+ if(int_status & SLEEP_INT){
+ nmi_sleeptimer_isr(int_status);
+ }
+ if(!(int_status & (PLL_INT | DATA_INT | SLEEP_INT | ABORT_INT)) ){
+ printk(">> UNKNOWN_INTERRUPT - 0x%08x\n",int_status);
+ {
+ #define TRIALS 2000
+ uint32_t reread_trials = TRIALS;
+ uint32_t vmm_size = 0;
+ while(reread_trials-- && (int_status == 0) && (vmm_size == 0)){
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,&int_status);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x150010, &vmm_size);
+ }
+ if(int_status != 0 || vmm_size != 0){
+ printk("Int Status Re-read successfully [Sts: %x - VMM_Size: %d - trials:%d]\n",int_status,vmm_size,(TRIALS - reread_trials));
+ nmi_wlan_handle_isr(DATA_INT);
+ }else{
+ printk("> Int Status Re-Read FAILED: %x\n", int_status);
+ nmi_unknown_isr();
+ }
+ }
+ nmi_unknown_isr();
+ }
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_enter_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ nmi_wlan_handle_isr();
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ Fast DMA Isr
+static void nmi_unknown_isr_ext(void){
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_clear_int_ext(0);
+static void nmi_pllupdate_isr_ext(uint32_t int_stats){
+ int trials= 10;
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_clear_int_ext(PLL_INT_CLR);
+ /* Waiting for PLL */
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_atomic_sleep(NMI_PLL_TO);
+ //poll till read a valid data
+ while(!(ISNMC1000(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_TRUE))&&--trials)) {
+ printk("PLL update retrying\n");
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_atomic_sleep(1);
+ }
+static void nmi_sleeptimer_isr_ext(uint32_t int_stats1)
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_clear_int_ext(SLEEP_INT_CLR);
+ genuChipPSstate = CHIP_SLEEPING_AUTO;
+static void nmi_wlan_handle_isr_ext(uint32_t int_status)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t offset = p->rx_buffer_offset;
+ uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t retries=0;
+ int ret;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rqe;
+ /**
+ Get the rx size
+ **/
+ size = ((int_status & 0x7fff) << 2);
+ while(!size && retries < 10)
+ {
+ uint32_t time=0;
+ /*looping more secure*/
+ /*zero size make a crashe because the dma will not happen and that will block the firmware*/
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "RX Size equal zero ... Trying to read it again for %d time\n",time++);
+ p->hif_func.hif_read_size(&size);
+ size = ((size & 0x7fff) << 2);
+ retries++;
+ }
+ /**
+ clear the chip's interrupt after getting size some register getting corrupted after clear the interrupt
+ **/
+ p->hif_func.hif_clear_int_ext(DATA_INT_CLR|ENABLE_RX_VMM);
+ if (size > 0) {
+ if (p->rx_buffer_size - offset < size)
+ offset = 0;
+ buffer = &p->rx_buffer[offset];
+ buffer = p->os_func.os_malloc(size);
+ if (buffer == NULL) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail alloc host memory...drop the packets (%d)\n", size);
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ /**
+ start transfer
+ **/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_rx_ext(0, buffer, size);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi isr]: fail block rx...\n");
+ goto _end_;
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ offset += size;
+ p->rx_buffer_offset = offset;
+ /**
+ add to rx queue
+ **/
+ rqe = (struct rxq_entry_t *)p->os_func.os_malloc(sizeof(struct rxq_entry_t));
+ if (rqe != NULL) {
+ rqe->buffer = buffer;
+ rqe->buffer_size = size;
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"rxq entery Size= %d - Address = %p\n",rqe->buffer_size,rqe->buffer);
+ nmi_wlan_rxq_add(rqe);
+ p->os_func.os_signal(p->rxq_wait);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (buffer != NULL)
+ p->os_func.os_free(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+void nmi_handle_isr_v2(void)
+ uint32_t int_status;
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_enter_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_int(&int_status);
+ if(int_status & PLL_INT_EXT){
+ nmi_pllupdate_isr_ext(int_status);
+ }
+ if(int_status & DATA_INT_EXT){
+ nmi_wlan_handle_isr_ext(int_status);
+ /* Chip is up and talking*/
+ genuChipPSstate = CHIP_WAKEDUP;
+ }
+ if(int_status & SLEEP_INT_EXT){
+ nmi_sleeptimer_isr_ext(int_status);
+ }
+ if(!(int_status & (ALL_INT_EXT))) {
+ printk(">> UNKNOWN_INTERRUPT - 0x%08x\n",int_status);
+ nmi_unknown_isr_ext();
+ }
+#if ((!defined NMI_SDIO) || (defined NMI_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO))
+ linux_wlan_enable_irq();
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_leave_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+void nmi_handle_isr(void)
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ if(g_wlan.use_dma_v2) {
+ nmi_handle_isr_v2();
+ } else {
+ nmi_handle_isr_v1();
+ }
+#else /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ nmi_handle_isr_v1();
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ Firmware download
+static int nmi_wlan_firmware_download(const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ uint32_t addr, size, size2, blksz;
+ uint8_t *dma_buffer;
+ int ret;
+ blksz = (1ul << 12); /* Bug 4703: 4KB Good enough size for most platforms = PAGE_SIZE. */
+ /* Allocate a DMA coherent buffer. */
+ dma_buffer = (uint8_t *)g_wlan.os_func.os_malloc(blksz);
+ if (dma_buffer == NULL) {
+ /*EIO 5*/
+ ret = -5;
+ PRINT_ER("Can't allocate buffer for firmware download IO error\n ");
+ goto _fail_1;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Downloading firmware size = %d ...\n",buffer_size);
+ /**
+ load the firmware
+ **/
+ offset = 0;
+ do {
+ memcpy(&addr, &buffer[offset], 4);
+ memcpy(&size, &buffer[offset+4], 4);
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ addr = BYTE_SWAP(addr);
+ size = BYTE_SWAP(size);
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ offset += 8;
+ while(((int)size) && (offset < buffer_size)) {
+ if(size <= blksz) {
+ size2 = size;
+ } else {
+ size2 = blksz;
+ }
+ /* Copy firmware into a DMA coherent buffer */
+ memcpy(dma_buffer, &buffer[offset], size2);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_block_tx(addr, dma_buffer, size2);
+ if (!ret) break;
+ addr += size2;
+ offset += size2;
+ size -= size2;
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if (!ret){
+ /*EIO 5*/
+ ret = -5;
+ PRINT_ER("Can't download firmware IO error\n ");
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Offset = %d\n",offset);
+ } while (offset < buffer_size);
+ if(dma_buffer) g_wlan.os_func.os_free(dma_buffer);
+ return (ret < 0)? ret:0;
+ Common
+static int nmi_wlan_start(void)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t reg = 0;
+ int ret;
+ uint32_t chipid;
+ /**
+ Set the host interface
+ **/
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi start]: fail read reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ reg |= (p->io_func.io_type<<2);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CTL, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi start]: fail write reg vmm_core_ctl...\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (p->io_func.io_type == HIF_SDIO) {
+ reg = 0;
+#ifndef REG_0XF6_NOT_CLEAR_BUG_FIX /* bug 4456 and 4557 */
+ reg |= (1 << 3);
+#endif /* REG_0XF6_NOT_CLEAR_BUG_FIX */ /* bug 4456 and 4557 */
+ } else if (p->io_func.io_type == HIF_SPI) {
+ reg = 1;
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_VMM_CORE_CFG, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi start]: fail write reg vmm_core_cfg...\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ /* EIO 5*/
+ ret = -5;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ reg = 0;
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ if(p->use_dma_v2) {
+ reg |= NMI_HAVE_DMA_VER_2;
+ }
+#ifdef VCO_14_SUPPLY
+ if(nmi_get_chipid(NMI_FALSE) < 0x1002a0){
+ reg |= NMI_HAVE_VCO_14_SUPPLY;
+ }
+ reg |= NMI_HAVE_RTC;
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_GP_REG_1, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi start]: fail write NMI_GP_REG_1 ...\n");
+ p->os_func.os_unlock(p->hif_lock);
+ /* EIO 5*/
+ ret = -5;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ Bus related
+ **/
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ if(p->use_dma_v2) {
+ p->hif_func.hif_sync_ext(NUM_INT_EXT);
+ } else {
+ p->hif_func.hif_sync();
+ }
+ p->hif_func.hif_sync();
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1000, &chipid);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi start]: fail read reg 0x1000 ...\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ /* EIO 5*/
+ ret = -5;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ Go...
+ **/
+ //p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x150014, reg);
+ p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0,&reg);
+ if((reg & (1ul << 10)) == (1ul << 10)){
+ reg &= ~(1ul << 10);
+ p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, reg);
+ p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0,&reg);
+ }
+ reg |= (1ul << 10);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, reg);
+ p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0,&reg);
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return (ret<0)?ret:0;
+static int nmi_wlan_stop(void)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t reg = 0;
+ int ret;
+ uint8_t timeout=10;
+ /**
+ TODO: stop the firmware, need a re-download
+ **/
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if(genuChipPSstate != CHIP_WAKEDUP)
+ {
+ chip_wakeup();
+ }
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ PRINT_ER("Error while reading reg\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ reg &= ~(1 << 10);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ PRINT_ER("Error while writing reg\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ PRINT_ER("Error while reading reg\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Read RESET Reg %x : Retry%d\n",reg,timeout);
+ /*Workaround to ensure that the chip is actually reset*/
+ if( (reg & (1 << 10) ) )
+ {
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Bit 10 not reset : Retry %d\n",timeout);
+ reg &= ~(1 << 10);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, reg);
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Bit 10 reset after : Retry %d\n",timeout);
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ PRINT_ER("Error while reading reg\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG,"Read RESET Reg %x : Retry%d\n",reg,timeout);
+ break;
+ }
+ }while(timeout) ;
+/* This was add at Bug 4595 to reset the chip while maintaining the bus state */
+ reg = ((1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<8)|(1<<9)); /**/
+ /**/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, reg); /**/
+ reg = 0x7FFFFBFF&(~(1<<10)); /**/
+ /**/
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_GLB_RESET_0, reg); /**/
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ return ret;
+static void nmi_wlan_cleanup(void)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ struct txq_entry_t *tqe;
+ struct rxq_entry_t *rqe;
+ uint32_t reg = 0;
+ int ret;
+ p->quit = 1;
+ /**
+ wait for queue end
+ **/
+ //p->os_func.os_signal(p->txq_wait);
+ //p->os_func.os_signal(p->rxq_wait);
+ //complete(p->txq_wait);
+ //complete(p->rxq_wait);
+ /*do {
+ if (p->txq_exit && p->rxq_exit)
+ break;
+ } while (1);*/
+ /**
+ clean up the queue
+ **/
+ do {
+ tqe = nmi_wlan_txq_remove();
+ if (tqe == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (tqe->tx_complete_func)
+ tqe->tx_complete_func(tqe->priv, 0);
+ p->os_func.os_free((void *)tqe);
+ } while (1);
+ do {
+ rqe = nmi_wlan_rxq_remove();
+ if (rqe == NULL)
+ break;
+ p->os_func.os_free((void *)tqe->buffer);
+ p->os_func.os_free((void *)rqe);
+ } while (1);
+ /**
+ clean up buffer
+ **/
+ if (p->tx_buffer) {
+ p->os_func.os_free(p->tx_buffer);
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (p->rx_buffer) {
+ p->os_func.os_free(p->rx_buffer);
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_enter_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ if(genuChipPSstate != CHIP_WAKEDUP)
+ {
+ chip_wakeup();
+ }
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_read_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,&reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ PRINT_ER("Error while reading reg\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ }
+ PRINT_ER("Writing ABORT reg\n");
+ ret = p->hif_func.hif_write_reg(NMI_INT_STATS,(reg | ABORT_INT ));
+ if (!ret) {
+ PRINT_ER("Error while writing reg\n");
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ }
+ p->os_func.os_leave_cs(p->hif_lock);
+ /**
+ io clean up
+ **/
+ p->hif_func.hif_deinit(NULL);
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_commit(int type)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ nmi_cfg_frame_t *cfg = &p->cfg_frame;
+ int total_len = p->cfg_frame_offset+4;
+ int seq_no = p->cfg_seq_no%256;
+ /**
+ Set up header
+ **/
+ if (type == NMI_CFG_SET) { /* Set */
+ cfg->wid_header[0] = 'W';
+ } else { /* Query */
+ cfg->wid_header[0] = 'Q';
+ }
+ cfg->wid_header[1] = seq_no; /* sequence number */
+ cfg->wid_header[2] = (uint8_t)total_len;
+ cfg->wid_header[3] = (uint8_t)(total_len>>8);
+ p->cfg_seq_no = seq_no;
+ /**
+ Add to TX queue
+ **/
+ /*Edited by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ if(!nmi_wlan_txq_add_cfg_pkt(&cfg->wid_header[0], total_len))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_set(int start, uint32_t wid, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, int commit)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ int ret_size;
+ if (p->cfg_frame_in_use)
+ return 0;
+ if (start)
+ p->cfg_frame_offset = 0;
+ offset = p->cfg_frame_offset;
+ ret_size = p->cif_func.cfg_wid_set(p->cfg_frame.frame, offset, (uint16_t)wid, buffer, buffer_size);
+ offset += ret_size;
+ p->cfg_frame_offset = offset;
+ if (commit) {
+ PRINT_D(TX_DBG,"[NMI]PACKET Commit with sequence number %d\n",p->cfg_seq_no);
+ PRINT_D(RX_DBG,"Processing cfg_set()\n");
+ p->cfg_frame_in_use = 1;
+ /*Edited by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ if(nmi_wlan_cfg_commit(NMI_CFG_SET))
+ return 0;
+ if(p->os_func.os_wait(p->cfg_wait,CFG_PKTS_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ printk("Set Timed Out\n");
+ ret_size = 0;
+ }
+ p->cfg_frame_in_use = 0;
+ p->cfg_frame_offset = 0;
+ p->cfg_seq_no += 1;
+ }
+ return ret_size;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_get(int start, uint32_t wid, int commit)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ int ret_size;
+ if (p->cfg_frame_in_use)
+ return 0;
+ if (start)
+ p->cfg_frame_offset = 0;
+ offset = p->cfg_frame_offset;
+ ret_size = p->cif_func.cfg_wid_get(p->cfg_frame.frame, offset, (uint16_t)wid);
+ offset += ret_size;
+ p->cfg_frame_offset = offset;
+ if (commit) {
+ p->cfg_frame_in_use = 1;
+ /*Edited by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ if(nmi_wlan_cfg_commit(NMI_CFG_QUERY))
+ return 0;
+ if(p->os_func.os_wait(p->cfg_wait,CFG_PKTS_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ printk("Get Timed Out\n");
+ ret_size = 0;
+ }
+ PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "[NMI]Get Rsponse received\n");
+ p->cfg_frame_in_use = 0;
+ p->cfg_frame_offset = 0;
+ p->cfg_seq_no += 1;
+ }
+ return ret_size;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_get_val(uint32_t wid, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size)
+ nmi_wlan_dev_t *p = (nmi_wlan_dev_t *)&g_wlan;
+ int ret;
+ ret = p->cif_func.cfg_wid_get_val((uint16_t)wid, buffer, buffer_size);
+ return ret;
+void nmi_bus_set_max_speed(void){
+ /* Increase bus speed to max possible. */
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_set_max_bus_speed();
+void nmi_bus_set_default_speed(void){
+ /* Restore bus speed to default. */
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_set_default_bus_speed();
+uint32_t init_chip(void)
+ uint32_t chipid;
+ uint32_t reg,ret=0;
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_enter_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ chipid = nmi_get_chipid(NMI_TRUE);
+ printk("ChipID = %x\n",chipid);
+ if((chipid & 0xfff) >= 0xd0) {
+ } else {
+ }
+#if DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2
+ if((chipid & 0xfff) >= 0xe0) {
+ g_wlan.use_dma_v2 = 1;
+ } else {
+ g_wlan.use_dma_v2 = 0;
+ }
+#endif /* DMA_VER == DMA_VER_2 */
+ if((chipid & 0xfff) != 0xa0) {
+ /**
+ Avoid booting from boot ROM. Make sure that Drive IRQN [SDIO platform]
+ or SD_DAT3 [SPI platform] to ?1?
+ **/
+ /* Set cortus reset register to register control. */
+ ret = g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1118, &reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi start]: fail read reg 0x1118 ...\n");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ reg |= (1 << 0);
+ ret = g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1118, reg);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi start]: fail write reg 0x1118 ...\n");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ Write branch intruction to IRAM (0x71 trap) at location 0xFFFF0000
+ (Cortus map) or C0000 (AHB map).
+ **/
+ ret = g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0xc0000, 0x71);
+ if (!ret) {
+ nmi_debug(N_ERR, "[nmi start]: fail write reg 0xc0000 ...\n");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ #if 0
+ if((chipid& 0xfff) < 0xf0) {
+ /* Setting MUX to probe sleep signal on pin 6 of J216*/
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1060, 0x1);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1180, 0x33333333);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1184, 0x33333333);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1408, &reg);
+ /* set MUX for GPIO_4 (pin 4) to cortus GPIO*/
+ reg &= ~((0x7 << 16));
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1408, (reg|(0x7 << 12)));
+ }else {
+ /* Enable test bus*/
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1060, 0x1);
+ /* Rotate bus signals to get sleep signal on pin 6 like it was on previous chips*/
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1188, 0x70);
+ /* Set output of pin 6 to test bus 0x1*/
+ /* Set output of pin 9 to test bus 0x2*/
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1180, 0x200100);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1408, &reg);
+ /* set MUX for GPIO_4 (pin 4) to cortus GPIO*/
+ reg &= ~((0x7 << 16));
+ /* set MUX for GPIO_3 (pin 6) to test bus*/
+ reg |= (0x7 << 12) | (0x7 << 24);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_write_reg(0x1408, reg);
+ }
+ #endif
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_leave_cs(g_wlan.hif_lock);
+ return ret;
+uint32_t nmi_get_chipid(uint8_t update)
+ static uint32_t chipid = 0;
+ // SDIO can't read into global variables
+ // Use this variable as a temp, then copy to the global
+ uint32_t tempchipid = 0;
+ uint32_t rfrevid;
+ if(chipid == 0 || update != 0) {
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x1000,&tempchipid);
+ g_wlan.hif_func.hif_read_reg(0x13f4,&rfrevid);
+ if(!ISNMC1000(tempchipid)) {
+ chipid = 0;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ if (chipid == 0x1002a0) {
+ if (rfrevid == 0x1) {
+ tempchipid = 0x1002a0;
+ } else if (rfrevid == 0x2) {
+ tempchipid = 0x1002a1;
+ }
+ }
+ chipid = tempchipid;
+ }
+ return chipid;
+int nmi_wlan_init(nmi_wlan_inp_t *inp, nmi_wlan_oup_t *oup)
+ int ret = 0;
+ printk("Initializing NMI_Wlan ...\n");
+ memset((void *)&g_wlan, 0, sizeof(nmi_wlan_dev_t));
+ /**
+ store the input
+ **/
+ memcpy((void *)&g_wlan.os_func, (void *)&inp->os_func, sizeof(nmi_wlan_os_func_t));
+ memcpy((void *)&g_wlan.io_func, (void *)&inp->io_func, sizeof(nmi_wlan_io_func_t));
+ memcpy((void *)&g_wlan.net_func, (void *)&inp->net_func, sizeof(nmi_wlan_net_func_t));
+ memcpy((void *)&g_wlan.indicate_func, (void *)&inp->indicate_func, sizeof(nmi_wlan_net_func_t));
+ g_wlan.hif_lock = inp->os_context.hif_critical_section;
+ g_wlan.txq_lock = inp->os_context.txq_critical_section;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ g_wlan.txq_add_to_head_lock = inp->os_context.txq_add_to_head_critical_section;
+ /*Added by Amr - BugID_4720*/
+ g_wlan.txq_spinlock = inp->os_context.txq_spin_lock;
+ g_wlan.rxq_lock = inp->os_context.rxq_critical_section;
+ g_wlan.txq_wait = inp->os_context.txq_wait_event;
+ g_wlan.rxq_wait = inp->os_context.rxq_wait_event;
+ g_wlan.cfg_wait = inp->os_context.cfg_wait_event;
+ g_wlan.tx_buffer_size = inp->os_context.tx_buffer_size;
+ //g_wlan.rx_buffer_size = inp->os_context.rx_buffer_size;
+ //g_wlan.os_func.os_lock(g_wlan.cfg_wait);
+ /***
+ host interface init
+ **/
+ if ((inp->io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SDIO) {
+ if (!hif_sdio.hif_init(inp, nmi_debug)) {
+ /* EIO 5 */
+ ret = -5;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ memcpy((void *)&g_wlan.hif_func, &hif_sdio, sizeof(nmi_hif_func_t));
+ } else{
+ if ((inp->io_func.io_type & 0x1) == HIF_SPI) {
+ /**
+ **/
+ if (!hif_spi.hif_init(inp, nmi_debug)) {
+ /* EIO 5 */
+ ret = -5;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ memcpy((void *)&g_wlan.hif_func, &hif_spi, sizeof(nmi_hif_func_t));
+ } else {
+ /* EIO 5 */
+ ret = -5;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ }
+ /***
+ mac interface init
+ **/
+ if (!mac_cfg.cfg_init(nmi_debug)) {
+ /* ENOBUFS 105 */
+ ret = -105;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ memcpy((void *)&g_wlan.cif_func, &mac_cfg, sizeof(nmi_cfg_func_t));
+ /**
+ alloc tx, rx buffer
+ **/
+ g_wlan.tx_buffer = (uint8_t *)g_wlan.os_func.os_malloc(g_wlan.tx_buffer_size);
+ if (g_wlan.tx_buffer == NULL) {
+ /* ENOBUFS 105 */
+ ret = -105;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+/* rx_buffer is not used unless we activate USE_MEM STATIC which is not applicable, allocating such memory is useless*/
+#if 0
+ g_wlan.rx_buffer = (uint8_t *)g_wlan.os_func.os_malloc(g_wlan.rx_buffer_size);
+ if (g_wlan.rx_buffer == NULL)
+ goto _fail_;
+ /**
+ export functions
+ **/
+ oup->wlan_firmware_download = nmi_wlan_firmware_download;
+ oup->wlan_start = nmi_wlan_start;
+ oup->wlan_stop = nmi_wlan_stop;
+ oup->wlan_add_to_tx_que = nmi_wlan_txq_add_net_pkt;
+ oup->wlan_handle_tx_que = nmi_wlan_handle_txq;
+ oup->wlan_handle_rx_que = nmi_wlan_handle_rxq;
+ //oup->wlan_handle_rx_isr = nmi_wlan_handle_isr;
+ oup->wlan_handle_rx_isr = nmi_handle_isr;
+ oup->wlan_cleanup = nmi_wlan_cleanup;
+ oup->wlan_cfg_set = nmi_wlan_cfg_set;
+ oup->wlan_cfg_get = nmi_wlan_cfg_get;
+ oup->wlan_cfg_get_value = nmi_wlan_cfg_get_val;
+ /*Bug3959: transmitting mgmt frames received from host*/
+ #if defined(NMI_AP_EXTERNAL_MLME) || defined(NMI_P2P)
+ oup->wlan_add_mgmt_to_tx_que = nmi_wlan_txq_add_mgmt_pkt;
+ #endif
+ if(!init_chip()){
+ /* EIO 5 */
+ ret = -5;
+ goto _fail_;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ if (g_wlan.tx_buffer)
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_free(g_wlan.tx_buffer);
+#if 0
+ if (g_wlan.rx_buffer)
+ g_wlan.os_func.os_free(g_wlan.rx_buffer);
+ return ret;
+nmi_wlan_dev_t* Get_wlan_context(NMI_Uint16* pu16size)
+ *pu16size = sizeof(nmi_wlan_dev_t);
+ return &g_wlan;
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_wlan_cfg.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_wlan_cfg.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..08809f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/nmi_wlan_cfg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+// Copyright (c) Newport Media Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Module Name: nmi_wlan_cfg.c
+#include "nmi_wlan_if.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan.h"
+#include "nmi_wlan_cfg.h"
+#include "CoreConfigurator.h"
+#include "include/NMI_host_AP.h"
+ Global Data
+typedef struct {
+ nmi_debug_func dPrint;
+ int mac_status;
+ uint8_t mac_address[7];
+ uint8_t bssid[7];
+ uint8_t ssid[34];
+ uint8_t firmware_version[129];
+ uint8_t supp_rate[24];
+ uint8_t wep_key[28];
+ uint8_t i_psk[66];
+ uint8_t hardwareProductVersion[33];
+ uint8_t phyversion[17];
+ uint8_t supp_username[21];
+ uint8_t supp_password[64];
+ uint8_t assoc_req[256];
+ uint8_t assoc_rsp[256];
+ uint8_t firmware_info[8];
+ uint8_t scan_result[256];
+ uint8_t scan_result1[256];
+} nmi_mac_cfg_t;
+static nmi_mac_cfg_t g_mac;
+static nmi_cfg_byte_t g_cfg_byte[] = {
+ {WID_BSS_TYPE, 0},
+ {WID_STATUS, 0},
+ {WID_KEY_ID, 0},
+ {WID_11I_MODE, 0},
+ {WID_RSSI, 0},
+ {WID_11N_PROT_MECH, 0},
+ {WID_11N_ENABLE, 0},
+ {WID_11N_HT_PROT_TYPE, 0},
+ {WID_11N_SMPS_MODE, 0},
+ {WID_NIL, 0}
+static nmi_cfg_hword_t g_cfg_hword[] = {
+ {WID_RX_SENSE, 0},
+ {WID_11N_SIG_QUAL_VAL, 0},
+ {WID_NIL, 0}
+static nmi_cfg_word_t g_cfg_word[] = {
+ {WID_NIL, 0}
+static nmi_cfg_str_t g_cfg_str[] = {
+ {WID_SSID, g_mac.ssid}, /* 33 + 1 bytes */
+ {WID_FIRMWARE_VERSION, g_mac.firmware_version},
+ {WID_OPERATIONAL_RATE_SET, g_mac.supp_rate},
+ {WID_BSSID, g_mac.bssid}, /* 6 bytes */
+ {WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE, g_mac.wep_key}, /* 27 bytes */
+ {WID_11I_PSK, g_mac.i_psk}, /* 65 bytes */
+ //{WID_11E_P_ACTION_REQ, g_mac.action_req},
+ {WID_HARDWARE_VERSION, g_mac.hardwareProductVersion},
+ {WID_MAC_ADDR, g_mac.mac_address},
+ {WID_PHY_VERSION, g_mac.phyversion},
+ {WID_SUPP_USERNAME, g_mac.supp_username},
+ {WID_SUPP_PASSWORD, g_mac.supp_password},
+ {WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS, g_mac.scan_result},
+ {WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS, g_mac.scan_result1},
+ //{WID_RX_POWER_LEVEL, g_mac.channel_rssi},
+ {WID_ASSOC_REQ_INFO, g_mac.assoc_req},
+ {WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO, g_mac.assoc_rsp},
+ //{WID_11N_P_ACTION_REQ, g_mac.action_req},
+ {WID_FIRMWARE_INFO, g_mac.firmware_version},
+ Configuration Functions
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_set_byte(uint8_t *frame, uint32_t offset, uint16_t id, uint8_t val8)
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ if ((offset+4) >= MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ buf = &frame[offset];
+ buf[0] = (uint8_t)id;
+ buf[1] = (uint8_t)(id>>8);
+ buf[2] = 1;
+ buf[3] = val8;
+ return 4;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_set_hword(uint8_t *frame, uint32_t offset, uint16_t id, uint16_t val16)
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ if ((offset+5) >= MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ buf = &frame[offset];
+ buf[0] = (uint8_t)id;
+ buf[1] = (uint8_t)(id>>8);
+ buf[2] = 2;
+ buf[3] = (uint8_t)val16;
+ buf[4] = (uint8_t)(val16>>8);
+ return 5;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_set_word(uint8_t *frame, uint32_t offset, uint16_t id, uint32_t val32)
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ if ((offset+7) >= MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ buf = &frame[offset];
+ buf[0] = (uint8_t)id;
+ buf[1] = (uint8_t)(id>>8);
+ buf[2] = 4;
+ buf[3] = (uint8_t)val32;
+ buf[4] = (uint8_t)(val32>>8);
+ buf[5] = (uint8_t)(val32>>16);
+ buf[6] = (uint8_t)(val32>>24);
+ return 7;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_set_str(uint8_t *frame, uint32_t offset, uint16_t id, uint8_t *str, uint32_t size)
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ if ((offset+size+3) >= MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ buf = &frame[offset];
+ buf[0] = (uint8_t)id;
+ buf[1] = (uint8_t)(id>>8);
+ buf[2] = (uint8_t)size;
+ if((str != NULL) && (size != 0))
+ {
+ memcpy(&buf[3], str, size);
+ }
+ return (size+3);
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_set_bin(uint8_t *frame, uint32_t offset, uint16_t id, uint8_t *b, uint32_t size)
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint8_t checksum = 0;
+ if ((offset+size+5) >= MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ buf = &frame[offset];
+ buf[0] = (uint8_t)id;
+ buf[1] = (uint8_t)(id>>8);
+ buf[2] = (uint8_t)size;
+ buf[3] = (uint8_t)(size>>8);
+ if((b != NULL) && (size != 0))
+ {
+ memcpy(&buf[4], b, size);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ checksum += buf[i+4];
+ }
+ }
+ buf[size+4] = checksum;
+ return (size+5);
+ Configuration Response Functions
+static void nmi_wlan_parse_response_frame(uint8_t *info, int size)
+ uint32_t wid, len, i;
+ static int seq = 0;
+ while (size>0) {
+ i = 0;
+ wid = info[0] | (info[1] << 8);
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ wid = BYTE_SWAP(wid);
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG,"Processing response for %d seq %d\n",wid,seq++);
+ switch ((wid >> 12) & 0x7) {
+ case WID_CHAR:
+ do {
+ if (g_cfg_byte[i].id == WID_NIL)
+ break;
+ if (g_cfg_byte[i].id == wid) {
+ g_cfg_byte[i].val = info[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (1);
+ len = 2;
+ break;
+ case WID_SHORT:
+ do {
+ if (g_cfg_hword[i].id == WID_NIL)
+ break;
+ if (g_cfg_hword[i].id == wid) {
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ g_cfg_hword[i].val = (info[3]<<8)|(info[4]);
+ g_cfg_hword[i].val = info[3]|(info[4]<<8);
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (1);
+ len = 3;
+ break;
+ case WID_INT:
+ do {
+ if (g_cfg_word[i].id == WID_NIL)
+ break;
+ if (g_cfg_word[i].id == wid) {
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ g_cfg_word[i].val = (info[3]<<24)|(info[4]<<16)|(info[5]<<8)|(info[6]);
+ g_cfg_word[i].val = info[3]|(info[4]<<8)|(info[5]<<16)|(info[6]<<24);
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (1);
+ len = 5;
+ break;
+ case WID_STR:
+ do {
+ if (g_cfg_str[i].id == WID_NIL)
+ break;
+ if (g_cfg_str[i].id == wid) {
+ {
+ static int toggle = 0;
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG,"Site survey results received[%d]\n",
+ size);
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG,"Site survey results value[%d]toggle[%d]\n",size,toggle);
+ i += toggle;
+ toggle ^= 1;
+ }
+ memcpy(g_cfg_str[i].str, &info[2], (info[2]+1));
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (1);
+ len = 1+info[2];
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ size -= (2 + len);
+ info += (2 + len);
+ }
+ return;
+static int nmi_wlan_parse_info_frame(uint8_t *info, int size)
+ nmi_mac_cfg_t *pd = (nmi_mac_cfg_t *)&g_mac;
+ uint32_t wid, len;
+ int type = NMI_CFG_RSP_STATUS;
+ wid = info[0] | (info[1] << 8);
+#if 0
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ wid = BYTE_SWAP(wid);
+ len = info[2];
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG,"Status Len = %d Id= %d\n",len,wid);
+ if ((len == 1) && (wid == WID_STATUS)) {
+ pd->mac_status = info[3];
+ }
+ return type;
+#if 0
+static int nmi_wlan_parse_network_frame(uint8_t *info, int size)
+ nmi_mac_cfg_t *priv = (nmi_mac_cfg_t *)&g_mac;
+ uint32_t wid, len;
+ wid = info[0] | (info[1] << 8);
+ len = info[2] | (info[3] << 8);
+ /**
+ Review: this message is only for AP mode.
+ **/
+ if (wid == WID_NETWORK_INFO) { /* not send by the firmware */
+ }
+ return;
+ Configuration Exported Functions
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_set_wid(uint8_t *frame, uint32_t offset, uint16_t id, uint8_t *buf, int size)
+ uint8_t type = (id >> 12) & 0xf;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (type == 0) { /* byte command */
+ if (size >= 1)
+ ret = nmi_wlan_cfg_set_byte(frame, offset, id, *buf);
+ } else if (type == 1) { /* half word command */
+ if (size >= 2)
+ ret = nmi_wlan_cfg_set_hword(frame, offset, id, *((uint16_t *)buf));
+ } else if (type == 2) { /* word command */
+ if (size >= 4)
+ ret = nmi_wlan_cfg_set_word(frame, offset, id, *((uint32_t *)buf));
+ } else if (type == 3) { /* string command */
+ ret = nmi_wlan_cfg_set_str(frame, offset, id, buf, size);
+ } else if (type == 4) { /* binary command */
+ ret = nmi_wlan_cfg_set_bin(frame, offset, id, buf, size);
+ } else {
+ g_mac.dPrint(N_ERR, "illegal id\n");
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_get_wid(uint8_t *frame, uint32_t offset, uint16_t id)
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ if ((offset + 2) >= MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ buf = &frame[offset];
+ buf[0] = (uint8_t)id;
+ buf[1] = (uint8_t)(id>>8);
+ return 2;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_get_wid_value(uint16_t wid, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size)
+ uint32_t type = (wid >> 12) & 0xf;
+ int i, ret = 0;
+ if (wid == WID_STATUS) {
+ *((uint32_t *)buffer) = g_mac.mac_status;
+ return 4;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ if (type == 0) { /* byte command */
+ do {
+ if (g_cfg_byte[i].id == WID_NIL)
+ break;
+ if (g_cfg_byte[i].id == wid) {
+ memcpy(buffer, &g_cfg_byte[i].val, 1);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (1);
+ } else if (type == 1) { /* half word command */
+ do {
+ if (g_cfg_hword[i].id == WID_NIL)
+ break;
+ if (g_cfg_hword[i].id == wid) {
+ memcpy(buffer, &g_cfg_hword[i].val, 2);
+ ret = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (1);
+ } else if (type == 2) { /* word command */
+ do {
+ if (g_cfg_word[i].id == WID_NIL)
+ break;
+ if (g_cfg_word[i].id == wid) {
+ memcpy(buffer, &g_cfg_word[i].val, 4);
+ ret = 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (1);
+ } else if (type == 3) { /* string command */
+ do {
+ if (g_cfg_str[i].id == WID_NIL)
+ break;
+ if (g_cfg_str[i].id == wid) {
+ uint32_t size = g_cfg_str[i].str[0];
+ if (buffer_size >= size) {
+ if(g_cfg_str[i].id == WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS)
+ {
+ static int toggle = 0;
+ PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG,"Site survey results value[%d]\n",
+ size);
+ i += toggle;
+ toggle ^= 1;
+ }
+ memcpy(buffer, &g_cfg_str[i].str[1], size);
+ ret = size;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (1);
+ } else {
+ g_mac.dPrint(N_ERR, "[CFG]: illegal type (%08x)\n", wid);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_indicate_rx(uint8_t *frame, int size, nmi_cfg_rsp_t *rsp)
+ int ret = 1;
+ uint8_t msg_type;
+ uint8_t msg_id;
+ uint16_t msg_len;
+ msg_type = frame[0];
+ msg_id = frame[1]; /* seq no */
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+ msg_len = (frame[2] << 8) | frame[3];
+ msg_len = (frame[3] << 8) | frame[2];
+ frame += 4;
+ size -= 4;
+ /**
+ The valid types of response messages are 'R' (Response), 'I' (Information), and 'N' (Network Information)
+ **/
+ switch(msg_type) {
+ case 'R':
+ nmi_wlan_parse_response_frame(frame, size);
+ rsp->type = NMI_CFG_RSP;
+ rsp->seq_no = msg_id;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ rsp->type = nmi_wlan_parse_info_frame(frame, size);
+ rsp->seq_no = msg_id;
+ /*call host interface info parse as well*/
+ PRINT_INFO(RX_DBG,"Info message received\n");
+ GnrlAsyncInfoReceived(frame-4, size+4);
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ PRINT_ER("Unexpected firmware log message received \n");
+ PRINT_D(FIRM_DBG,"\nFIRMWARE LOGS :\n<<\n%s\n>>\n",frame);
+ break;
+#if 1
+ case 'N':
+ //NMI_PRINTF("[cfg]Network Message Received\n");
+ NetworkInfoReceived(frame-4, size+4);
+ rsp->type = 0;
+ break;
+ case'S':
+ PRINT_INFO(RX_DBG,"Scan Notification Received \n");
+ host_int_ScanCompleteReceived(frame-4, size+4);
+ break;
+ case'T':
+ PRINT_INFO(RX_DBG,"TBTT Notification Received \n");
+ process_tbtt_isr();
+ break;
+ default:
+ PRINT_INFO(RX_DBG,"Receive unknown message type[%d-%d-%d-%d-%d-%d-%d-%d]\n",
+ frame[0],frame[1],frame[2],frame[3],frame[4],
+ frame[5],frame[6],frame[7]);
+ rsp->type = 0;
+ rsp->seq_no = msg_id;
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int nmi_wlan_cfg_init(nmi_debug_func func)
+ memset((void *)&g_mac, 0, sizeof(nmi_mac_cfg_t));
+ g_mac.dPrint = func;
+ return 1;
+nmi_cfg_func_t mac_cfg = {
+ nmi_wlan_cfg_set_wid,
+ nmi_wlan_cfg_get_wid,
+ nmi_wlan_cfg_get_wid_value,
+ nmi_wlan_cfg_indicate_rx,
+ nmi_wlan_cfg_init,
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/transport/Packet_Tx_Rx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/transport/Packet_Tx_Rx.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e689f55a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/transport/Packet_Tx_Rx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+* @file Packet_Tx_Rx.c
+* @brief
+* @author
+* @sa
+* @date 5 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+#include "NMI_OsWrapper/include/NMI_OSWrapper.h"
+extern NMI_Sint32 SimConfigPktReceived(NMI_Sint8* pspacket, NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLen);
+extern NMI_Sint32 ConfigPktReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8RxData, NMI_Sint32 s32RxDataLen);
+NMI_Sint32 TransportInit(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Sint32 TransportDeInit(void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ return s32Error;
+NMI_Sint32 SendRawPacket(NMI_Sint8* pspacket, NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ s32Error = SimConfigPktReceived(pspacket, s32PacketLen);
+ return s32Error;
+* @brief sends the response to the host
+* @details
+* @param[in] host_rsp Pointer to the packet to be sent
+* @param[in] host_rsp_len length of the packet to be sent
+* @return None
+* @note
+* @author Ittiam
+* @date 18 Feb 2010
+* @version
+void send_host_rsp(NMI_Uint8 *host_rsp, NMI_Uint16 host_rsp_len)
+ ConfigPktReceived(host_rsp, host_rsp_len);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/transport/Packet_tx_Rx_socket.c b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/transport/Packet_tx_Rx_socket.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..307201fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/nmi/Nmc1000_Release7.0/src/driver/transport/Packet_tx_Rx_socket.c
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+#define MAX_BUFFER_LEN 1596
+* @file UDP SOCKET.c.h
+* @brief A Simulation for the communication betweeen simulator and
+* @author aismail
+* @sa NMI_OSWrapper.h top level OS wrapper file
+* @date 6 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <ws2tcpip.h>
+#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib")
+WSADATA wsaData;
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#define handle_error(msg) \
+ do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0)
+typedef int SOCKET;
+#include "NMI_OsWrapper/include/NMI_OSWrapper.h"
+SOCKET SimulatorSocket,ConfiguratorSocket;
+struct sockaddr_in SimulatorAddress,ConfiguratorAddress;
+int sockaddr_len = sizeof(ConfiguratorAddress);
+NMI_ThreadHandle hSimulator,hConfigurator;
+NMI_Uint8 u8ThreadLoopExitCondition = 0x00;
+NMI_Uint8* pu8Buffer_conf;
+NMI_Sint8* ps8Buffer_sim;
+NMI_Sint32 s32Err = 0;
+NMI_Sint8 s8ExitFrame[] = "Exit Frame";
+NMI_Sint8 s8TimeOutFrame[] = "TimeOut Frame";
+NMI_Uint16 u16SimPort=50001;
+NMI_Sint8 s8IPSim[] = "";
+NMI_Uint16 u16SimPort=50001;
+NMI_Sint8 s8IPSim[] = "";
+NMI_Uint16 u16ConPort=50000;
+NMI_Sint8 s8IPCon[] = "";
+/* Stubbed Functions */
+extern NMI_Sint32 SimConfigPktReceived(NMI_Sint8* s8A, NMI_Sint32 s32B);
+//extern NMI_Sint32 ConfigPktReceived(NMI_Sint8* pspacket, NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLen);
+extern NMI_Sint32 ConfigPktReceived(NMI_Uint8* pu8RxPacket, NMI_Sint32 s32RxPacketLen);
+void sendto_sim(void)
+NMI_Sint32 SocketInit(struct sockaddr_in* pSourceAddress,struct sockaddr_in* pDestinationAddress,SOCKET *pSock,NMI_Uint16 u16PortSource,NMI_Uint16 u16PortDestination,NMI_Uint8* pu8IPSource,NMI_Uint8* pu8IPDestination)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32bind_status=1;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
+ /*Assign IP and port # of my address */
+ pSourceAddress->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ pSourceAddress->sin_port = htons(u16PortSource);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ pSourceAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(pu8IPSource);
+ pSourceAddress->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(pu8IPSource);
+ /*Assign IP and port # of destination address */
+ pDestinationAddress->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ pDestinationAddress->sin_port = htons(u16PortDestination);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ pDestinationAddress->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(pu8IPDestination);
+ pDestinationAddress->sin_addr.s_addr= inet_addr(pu8IPDestination);
+ /* Assign a socket number to my socket */
+ *pSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP); // UDP configuration
+ if(*pSock <0)
+ perror("socket error");
+ /* Enable broadcast */
+ //setsockopt(*Pscok,SO_BROADCAST,
+ /* Bind socket to source socket */
+ s32bind_status = bind(*pSock,(struct sockaddr*) pSourceAddress ,sockaddr_len);
+ if(s32bind_status == -1)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ printf("Bind Error: %d",WSAGetLastError());
+ perror("\nBind:");
+ return s32bind_status;
+* @brief Close socket.
+* @details close socket and release any allocated resources by the sockets.
+* @param[in,out] N/A
+* @param[in] mySocket the socket required to release its resources.
+* @return return 0 of successfully close.
+* @note could be implemented as inline function of macro
+* @author aismail
+* @date 6 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 deInitSocket(SOCKET mySocket)
+ u8ThreadLoopExitCondition = 0;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ return closesocket(mySocket);
+ return close(mySocket);
+* @brief Represent the simulator side
+* @details Reseives data by socket and pass received data to SimConfigPktReceived to be parsed
+ and configure the chip based on the received socket.
+* @param[in,out] N/A
+* @param[in] N/A
+* @return N/A
+* @note N/A
+* @author aismail
+* @date 6 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void SimulatorThread(void *p)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = 0;
+ if((ps8Buffer_sim = malloc(MAX_BUFFER_LEN))==NULL)
+ {
+ s32Err = NMI_FAIL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(!u8ThreadLoopExitCondition)
+ {
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLength;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32MaxBufferLength = MAX_BUFFER_LEN;
+ NMI_Sint32 receive_status = -1;
+ s32PacketLength = recvfrom(SimulatorSocket,ps8Buffer_sim,u32MaxBufferLength,0,
+ (struct sockaddr*)&ConfiguratorAddress,&sockaddr_len);// recv from config
+ printf("\nRecv from %d",s32PacketLength);
+ NMI_Sleep(10);
+ if(s32PacketLength < 0) /* Conection failure */
+ {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ receive_status= WSAGetLastError();
+ printf("\nConnection Failure: %d",receive_status);
+ }
+ else if(NMI_strcmp(pu8Buffer_conf,s8ExitFrame) == 0) /* check for exit frame packet to Exit while loop and terminate thread */
+ {
+ u8ThreadLoopExitCondition = 0xff;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ receive_status = 0;
+ printf("\nMessage Received: Message Type: %c Seq Num:%d Messege Length: %x",ps8Buffer_sim[0],(NMI_Uint8)ps8Buffer_sim[1],(NMI_Uint16)*((NMI_Uint16*)&ps8Buffer_sim[4]));
+ SimConfigPktReceived(ps8Buffer_sim,s32PacketLength);
+ }
+ } /* end while*/
+ } /* end else if */
+* @brief Represent the configurator side
+* @details Reseives data by socket and pass received data to SimConfigPktReceived to be parsed
+ and configure the chip based on the received socket.
+* @param[in,out] N/A
+* @param[in] N/A
+* @return N/A
+* @note N/A
+* @author aismail
+* @date 6 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void ConfiguratorThread( void *p)
+ //NMI_Uint8 u8Buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LEN];
+ struct sockaddr_in strRecAddr;
+ if((pu8Buffer_conf = malloc(MAX_BUFFER_LEN))== NULL)
+ {
+ s32Err = 6; /* To deInit previous function in TransInit */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(!u8ThreadLoopExitCondition)
+ {
+ NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLength = 0;
+ NMI_Uint32 u32MaxBufferLength = MAX_BUFFER_LEN;
+ NMI_Sint32 receive_status = 0;
+ s32PacketLength = recvfrom(ConfiguratorSocket,pu8Buffer_conf,u32MaxBufferLength,0,
+ (struct sockaddr*)&strRecAddr,&sockaddr_len);// recv from config
+ if(s32PacketLength < 0)
+ {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ receive_status = WSAGetLastError();
+ printf("\nReceive Configurator Error: %d",receive_status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(NMI_strcmp(pu8Buffer_conf,s8ExitFrame) == 0) /* check for exit frame packet to Exit while loop and terminate thread */
+ {
+ u8ThreadLoopExitCondition = 0xff;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(NMI_strcmp(pu8Buffer_conf,s8TimeOutFrame) == 0) /* check for exit frame packet to Exit while loop and terminate thread */
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ receive_status = 0;
+ }
+ ConfigPktReceived(pu8Buffer_conf, s32PacketLength);
+ }
+ } /* End while */
+ } /* End if*/
+* @brief SendRawPacket to
+* @details Opens a file, possibly creating a new file if write enabled and
+ pstrAttrs->bCreate is set to true
+* @param[in,out] s32PacketLen to get number of received bytes on the socket
+* @param[in] pspacket holds that data (packet) wanted to send on ConfiguratorSocket to Simulator.
+* @return Error code indicating success/failure: 0 success, error code for failure
+* @note N/A
+ FILE *fopen( const char *filename, const char *mode );
+* @author aismail
+* @date 6 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 SendRawPacket(NMI_Sint8* ps8Packet, NMI_Sint32 s32PacketLen)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32SendStatus = NMI_FAIL;
+ s32SendStatus = sendto(ConfiguratorSocket,ps8Packet,s32PacketLen,0,(struct sock_addr*)&SimulatorAddress,sockaddr_len);
+ printf("\nSend Raw Data Status: %d",s32SendStatus);
+ if(s32SendStatus < 0)
+ {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ printf("Send Raw Packet Error:",WSAGetLastError());
+ perror("Send Raw Packet Error");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32SendStatus = NMI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ sendto_sim();
+ printf("\nSend Done");
+ return s32SendStatus;
+* @brief Send response from chip(simulator) to configurator
+* @details Send a packet respond on a packet sent to chip.
+* @param[in,out] N/A
+* @param[in] pu8host_rsp holds that data (packet) wanted to send on ConfiguratorSocket to Simulator.
+* @param[in] u16host_rsp_len holds the size of datapacket
+* @return N/A
+* @note N/A
+* @author aismail
+* @date 6 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void send_host_rsp(NMI_Uint8 *pu8host_rsp, NMI_Uint16 u16host_rsp_len)
+ NMI_Sint32 send_status;
+ send_status = sendto(SimulatorSocket,pu8host_rsp,u16host_rsp_len,0,(struct sock_addr*)&ConfiguratorAddress,sockaddr_len);
+ if(send_status < 0)
+ printf("SendHost Error: %d",GetLastError());
+// perror("Sending Host Error");
+ /*send to config socket*/
+ sendto_sim();
+* @brief Initialize sockets and thread creation
+* @details Call functions used in initilizing sockets and thread creation.
+* @param[in,out] N/A
+* @param[in] N/A
+* @return s32Err 0: for success, otherwise for fail.
+* @note In case ofhaving a failure, the returned value is ORing or all failure done. i.e: the value expresses nothing
+* @author aismail
+* @date 6 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 TransportInit( void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Error = 0;
+ /*Initialize Socket */
+ s32Error = SocketInit(&ConfiguratorAddress,&SimulatorAddress,&ConfiguratorSocket,u16ConPort,u16SimPort,s8IPCon,s8IPSim);
+ if(s32Error != 0)
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error,1);
+ s32Error = SocketInit(&SimulatorAddress,&ConfiguratorAddress,&SimulatorSocket,u16SimPort,u16ConPort,s8IPSim,s8IPCon);
+ if(s32Error != 0)
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error,2);
+ /* Create Thread */
+ s32Error = NMI_ThreadCreate(&hSimulator,SimulatorThread,NULL, NULL);
+ if(s32Error != 0)
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error,3);
+ s32Error = NMI_ThreadCreate(&hConfigurator,ConfiguratorThread,NULL, NULL);
+ if(s32Err != 0)
+ NMI_ERRORREPORT(s32Error,4);
+ switch(s32Err)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ case 6:
+ NMI_ThreadDestroy(&hSimulator, NULL);
+ free(ps8Buffer_sim);
+ case 3:
+ case 5:
+ deInitSocket(SimulatorSocket);
+ case 2:
+ deInitSocket(ConfiguratorSocket);
+ break;
+ }
+ return s32Err;
+* @brief deInitialize sockets and thread creation
+* @details Wait till threads do their work and kill them and after that call deInitsocket
+* @param[in,out] N/A
+* @param[in] N/A
+* @return s32Err 0: for success, otherwise for fail.
+* @note In case ofhaving a failure, the returned value is ORing or all failure done. i.e: the value expresses nothing
+* @author aismail
+* @date 6 Mar 2012
+* @version 1.0
+NMI_Sint32 TransportDeInit( void)
+ NMI_Sint32 s32Err = 0;
+ u8ThreadLoopExitCondition = 0xff;
+ /* Send exit condition to running threads */
+ sendto(SimulatorSocket,s8ExitFrame,NMI_strlen(s8ExitFrame)+1,0,(struct sock_addr*)&ConfiguratorAddress,sockaddr_len);
+ sendto(ConfiguratorSocket,s8ExitFrame,NMI_strlen(s8ExitFrame)+1,0,(struct sock_addr*)&SimulatorAddress,sockaddr_len);
+ /* Wait till finish to distory thread */
+ s32Err |= NMI_ThreadDestroy(&hSimulator, NULL);
+ s32Err |= NMI_ThreadDestroy(&hConfigurator, NULL);
+ /* deInit socket and release used resources */
+ s32Err |= deInitSocket(SimulatorSocket);
+ s32Err |= deInitSocket(ConfiguratorSocket);
+ free(pu8Buffer_conf);
+ free(ps8Buffer_sim);
+ return s32Err;
+* @brief Send Time Out Frame to avoid receive blocking
+* @details Send time out frame to avoid blocking on receiving state and back to normal state.
+* @param[in,out] N/A
+* @param[in] N/A
+* @return s32Err 0: for success, otherwise for fail.
+* @note In case ofhaving a failure, the returned value is ORing or all failure done. i.e: the value expresses nothing
+* @author aismail
+* @date 3 Apr 2012
+* @version 1.0
+void SendTimeOutFrame(void *p)
+ sendto(ConfiguratorSocket,s8TimeOutFrame,NMI_strlen(s8TimeOutFrame)+1,0,(struct sock_addr*)&SimulatorAddress,sockaddr_len);