path: root/drivers/net/wireless/
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 12:28:04 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 12:28:04 +0530
commit871480933a1c28f8a9fed4c4d34d06c439a7a422 (patch)
tree8718f573808810c2a1e8cb8fb6ac469093ca2784 /drivers/net/wireless/
parent9d40ac5867b9aefe0722bc1f110b965ff294d30d (diff)
Moved, renamed, and deleted files
The original directory structure was scattered and unorganized. Changes are basically to make it look like kernel structure.
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/net/wireless/')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ b/drivers/net/wireless/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4fb12cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# Create the epivers.h file from
+# Epivers.h version support svn/sparse/gclient workspaces
+# $Id: 363310 2012-10-17 03:37:57Z $
+# Version generation works off of svn property HeadURL, if
+# not set it keys its versions from current svn workspace or
+# via .gclient_info deps contents
+# return value and action needed
+# i. trunk => use current date as version string
+# ii. local => use SVNURL expanded by HeadURL keyword
+# iii. <tag> => use it as as is
+# (some components can override and say give me native ver)
+# iv. empty =>
+# a) If TAG is specified use it
+# a) If no TAG is specified use date
+# Contact: Prakash Dhavali
+# Contact: hnd-software-scm-list
+# If the version header file already exists, increment its build number.
+# Otherwise, create a new file.
+if [ -f epivers.h ]; then
+ # If REUSE_VERSION is set, epivers iteration is not incremented
+ # This can be used precommit and continuous integration projects
+ if [ -n "$REUSE_VERSION" ]; then
+ echo "Previous epivers.h exists. Skipping version increment"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ build=$(grep EPI_BUILD_NUMBER epivers.h | sed -e "s,.*BUILD_NUMBER[ ]*,,")
+ build=$(expr ${build} + 1)
+ echo build=${build}
+ sed -e "s,.*_BUILD_NUMBER.*,#define EPI_BUILD_NUMBER ${build}," \
+ < epivers.h >
+ cp -p epivers.h epivers.h.prev
+ mv epivers.h
+ exit 0
+else # epivers.h doesn't exist
+ NULL="/dev/null"
+ svncmd="svn --non-interactive"
+ # Check for the in file, if not there we're in the wrong directory
+ if [ ! -f ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: No found"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Following SVNURL should be expanded on checkout
+ SVNURL='$HeadURL: $'
+ # .gclient_info is created by gclient checkout/sync steps
+ # and contains "DEPS='<deps-url1> <deps-url2> ..." entry
+ GCLIENT_INFO=${GCLIENT_INFO:-${SRCBASE}/../.gclient_info}
+ # In gclient, derive SVNURL from gclient_info file
+ if [ -s "${GCLIENT_INFO}" ]; then
+ source ${GCLIENT_INFO}
+ if [ -z "$DEPS" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: DEPS entry missing in $GCLIENT_INFO"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ for dep in $DEPS; do
+ SVNURL=${SVNURL:-$dep}
+ # Set SVNURL to first DEPS with /tags/ (if any)
+ if [[ $dep == */tags/* ]]; then
+ SVNURL=$dep
+ echo "INFO: Found gclient DEPS: $SVNURL"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ elif [ -f "${GCLIENT_INFO}" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: $GCLIENT_INFO exists, but it is empty"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # If SVNURL isn't expanded, extract it from svn info
+ if echo "$SVNURL" | egrep -vq 'HeadURL.**|http://.*/DEPS'; then
+ [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && \
+ echo "DBG: SVN URL ($SVNURL) wasn't expanded. Getting it from svn info"
+ SVNURL=$($svncmd info 2> $NULL | egrep "^URL:")
+ fi
+ if echo "${TAG}" | grep -q "_BRANCH_\|_TWIG_"; then
+ branchtag=$TAG
+ else
+ branchtag=""
+ fi
+ # If this is a tagged build, use the tag to supply the numbers
+ # Tag should be in the form
+ # or
+ # or
+ MERGERLOG=${SRCBASE}/../merger_sources.log
+ GETCOMPVER_NET=/projects/hnd_software/gallery/src/tools/build/$GETCOMPVER
+ #
+ # If there is a local copy GETCOMPVER use it ahead of network copy
+ #
+ if [ -s "$GETCOMPVER" ]; then
+ elif [ -s "${SRCBASE}/../src/tools/build/$GETCOMPVER" ]; then
+ elif [ -s "$GETCOMPVER_NET" ]; then
+ elif [ -s "$GETCOMPVER_NET_WIN" ]; then
+ fi
+ #
+ # If $GETCOMPVER isn't found, fetch it from SVN
+ # (this should be very rare)
+ #
+ if [ ! -s "$GETCOMPVER_PATH" ]; then
+ [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && \
+ echo "DBG: Fetching $GETCOMPVER from trunk"
+ $svncmd export -q \
+ ^/proj/trunk/src/tools/build/${GETCOMPVER} \
+ fi
+ # Now get tag for src/include from automerger log
+ [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && \
+ echo "DBG: python $GETCOMPVER_PATH $MERGERLOG src/include"
+ COMPTAG=$(python $GETCOMPVER_PATH $MERGERLOG src/include 2> $NULL | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*//g')
+ echo "DBG: Component Tag String Derived = $COMPTAG"
+ # Process COMPTAG values
+ # Rule:
+ # If trunk is returned, use date as component tag
+ # If LOCAL_COMPONENT is returned, use SVN URL to get native tag
+ # If component is returned or empty, assign it to SVNTAG
+ # return value and action needed
+ # i. trunk => use current date as version string
+ # ii. local => use SVNURL expanded by HeadURL keyword
+ # iii. <tag> => use it as as is
+ # iv. empty =>
+ # a) If TAG is specified use it
+ # a) If no TAG is specified use SVNURL from HeadURL
+ SVNURL_VER=false
+ if [ "$COMPTAG" == "" ]; then
+ elif [ "$COMPTAG" == "LOCAL_COMPONENT" ]; then
+ elif [ "$COMPTAG" == "trunk" ]; then
+ SVNTAG=$(date '+TRUNKCOMP_REL_%Y_%m_%d')
+ else
+ fi
+ # Given SVNURL path conventions or naming conventions, derive SVNTAG
+ # TO-DO: SVNTAG derivation logic can move to a central common API
+ # TO-DO: ${SRCBASE}/tools/build/
+ if [ "$SVNURL_VER" == "true" ]; then
+ case "${SVNURL}" in
+ *_BRANCH_*)
+ SVNTAG=$(echo $SVNURL | tr '/' '\n' | awk '/_BRANCH_/{printf "%s",$1}')
+ ;;
+ *_TWIG_*)
+ SVNTAG=$(echo $SVNURL | tr '/' '\n' | awk '/_TWIG_/{printf "%s",$1}')
+ ;;
+ *_REL_*)
+ SVNTAG=$(echo $SVNURL | tr '/' '\n' | awk '/_REL_/{printf "%s",$1}')
+ ;;
+ */branches/*)
+ SVNTAG=${SVNURL#*/branches/}
+ ;;
+ */proj/tags/*|*/deps/tags/*)
+ SVNTAG=${SVNURL#*/tags/*/}
+ ;;
+ */trunk/*)
+ SVNTAG=$(date '+TRUNKURL_REL_%Y_%m_%d')
+ ;;
+ *)
+ SVNTAG=$(date '+OTHER_REL_%Y_%m_%d')
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "DBG: Native Tag String Derived from URL: $SVNTAG"
+ else
+ echo "DBG: Native Tag String Derived: $SVNTAG"
+ fi
+ # Normalize the branch name portion to "D11" in case it has underscores in it
+ branch_name=$(expr match "$TAG" '\(.*\)_\(BRANCH\|TWIG\|REL\)_.*')
+ TAG=$(echo $TAG | sed -e "s%^$branch_name%D11%")
+ # Split the tag into an array on underbar or whitespace boundaries.
+ IFS="_ " tag=(${TAG})
+ unset IFS
+ tagged=1
+ if [ ${#tag[*]} -eq 0 ]; then
+ tag=($(date '+TOT REL %Y %m %d 0 %y'));
+ # reconstruct a TAG from the date
+ TAG=${tag[0]}_${tag[1]}_${tag[2]}_${tag[3]}_${tag[4]}_${tag[5]}
+ tagged=0
+ fi
+ # Allow environment variable to override values.
+ # Missing values default to 0
+ #
+ maj=${EPI_MAJOR_VERSION:-${tag[2]:-0}}
+ min=${EPI_MINOR_VERSION:-${tag[3]:-0}}
+ rcnum=${EPI_RC_NUMBER:-${tag[4]:-0}}
+ # If increment field is 0, set it to date suffix if on TOB
+ if [ -n "$branchtag" ]; then
+ [ "${tag[5]:-0}" -eq 0 ] && echo "Using date suffix for incr"
+ today=${EPI_DATE_STR:-$(date '+%Y%m%d')}
+ incremental=${EPI_INCREMENTAL_NUMBER:-${tag[5]:-${today:-0}}}
+ else
+ incremental=${EPI_INCREMENTAL_NUMBER:-${tag[5]:-0}}
+ fi
+ origincr=${EPI_INCREMENTAL_NUMBER:-${tag[5]:-0}}
+ build=${EPI_BUILD_NUMBER:-0}
+ # Strip 'RC' from front of rcnum if present
+ rcnum=${rcnum/#RC/}
+ # strip leading zero off the number (otherwise they look like octal)
+ maj=${maj/#0/}
+ min=${min/#0/}
+ rcnum=${rcnum/#0/}
+ incremental=${incremental/#0/}
+ origincr=${origincr/#0/}
+ build=${build/#0/}
+ # some numbers may now be null. replace with with zero.
+ maj=${maj:-0}
+ min=${min:-0}
+ rcnum=${rcnum:-0}
+ incremental=${incremental:-0}
+ origincr=${origincr:-0}
+ build=${build:-0}
+ if [ -n "$EPI_VERSION_NUM" ]; then
+ elif [ ${tagged} -eq 1 ]; then
+ # vernum is 32chars max
+ vernum=$(printf "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x" ${maj} ${min} ${rcnum} ${origincr})
+ else
+ vernum=$(printf "0x00%02x%02x%02x" ${tag[7]} ${min} ${rcnum})
+ fi
+ # make sure the size of vernum is under 32 bits.
+ # Otherwise, truncate. The string will keep full information.
+ vernum=${vernum:0:10}
+ # build the string directly from the tag, irrespective of its length
+ # remove the name , the tag type, then replace all _ by .
+ tag_ver_str=${TAG/${tag[0]}_}
+ tag_ver_str=${tag_ver_str/${tag[1]}_}
+ tag_ver_str=${tag_ver_str//_/.}
+ # record tag type
+ tagtype=
+ if [ "${tag[1]}" = "BRANCH" -o "${tag[1]}" = "TWIG" ]; then
+ tagtype=" (TOB)"
+ echo "tag type: $tagtype"
+ fi
+ echo "Effective version string: $tag_ver_str"
+ if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]; then
+ # Mac does not like 2-digit numbers so convert the number to single
+ # digit. 5.100 becomes 5.1
+ if [ $min -gt 99 ]; then
+ minmac=$(expr $min / 100)
+ else
+ minmac=$min
+ fi
+ epi_ver_dev="${maj}.${minmac}.0"
+ else
+ epi_ver_dev="${maj}.${min}.${rcnum}"
+ fi
+ # Finally get version control revision number of <SRCBASE> (if any)
+ vc_version_num=$($svncmd info ${SRCBASE} 2> $NULL | awk -F': ' '/^Last Changed Rev: /{printf "%s", $2}')
+ # OK, go do it
+ echo "maj=${maj}, min=${min}, rc=${rcnum}, inc=${incremental}, build=${build}"
+ sed \
+ -e "s;@EPI_MAJOR_VERSION@;${maj};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_MINOR_VERSION@;${min};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_RC_NUMBER@;${rcnum};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_INCREMENTAL_NUMBER@;${incremental};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_BUILD_NUMBER@;${build};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_VERSION@;${maj}, ${min}, ${rcnum}, ${incremental};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_VERSION_STR@;${tag_ver_str};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_VERSION_TYPE@;${tagtype};" \
+ -e "s;@VERSION_TYPE@;${tagtype};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_VERSION_NUM@;${vernum};" \
+ -e "s;@EPI_VERSION_DEV@;${epi_ver_dev};" \
+ -e "s;@VC_VERSION_NUM@;r${vc_version_num};" \
+ < > epivers.h
+ # In shared workspaces across different platforms, ensure that
+ # windows generated file is made platform neutral without CRLF
+ if uname -s | egrep -i -q "cygwin"; then
+ dos2unix epivers.h > $NULL 2>&1
+ fi
+fi # epivers.h