path: root/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 19:41:45 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 19:41:45 +0530
commitabc18728f7736823a28540346129bbeafb3b5866 (patch)
tree036140abf92bd5ebc4bfa605cb686e1f1638ca1d /drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common
parentb9ae4882794bcdc8d26671dfdbc406173d76c739 (diff)
This commit is dedicacted to MALI, UMP and MALI_DRM. This includes MALI-r3p2 from other source
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common')
12 files changed, 1796 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_api.c b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_api.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..398781db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_api.c
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "mali_osk.h"
+#include "mali_osk_list.h"
+#include "ump_osk.h"
+#include "ump_uk_types.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_interface.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_common.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_random_mapping.h"
+/* ---------------- UMP kernel space API functions follows ---------------- */
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT ump_secure_id ump_dd_secure_id_get(ump_dd_handle memh)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = (ump_dd_mem *)memh;
+ DBG_MSG(5, ("Returning secure ID. ID: %u\n", mem->secure_id));
+ return mem->secure_id;
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT ump_dd_handle ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id(ump_secure_id secure_id)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem;
+ DBG_MSG(5, ("Getting handle from secure ID. ID: %u\n", secure_id));
+ mem = ump_random_mapping_get(device.secure_id_map, (int)secure_id);
+ if (NULL == mem) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Secure ID not found. ID: %u\n", secure_id));
+ }
+ /* Keep the reference taken in ump_random_mapping_get() */
+ return (ump_dd_handle)mem;
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT unsigned long ump_dd_phys_block_count_get(ump_dd_handle memh)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = (ump_dd_mem *) memh;
+ return mem->nr_blocks;
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT ump_dd_status_code ump_dd_phys_blocks_get(ump_dd_handle memh, ump_dd_physical_block *blocks, unsigned long num_blocks)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = (ump_dd_mem *)memh;
+ if (blocks == NULL) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("NULL parameter in ump_dd_phys_blocks_get()\n"));
+ return UMP_DD_INVALID;
+ }
+ if (mem->nr_blocks != num_blocks) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Specified number of blocks do not match actual number of blocks\n"));
+ return UMP_DD_INVALID;
+ }
+ DBG_MSG(5, ("Returning physical block information. ID: %u\n", mem->secure_id));
+ _mali_osk_memcpy(blocks, mem->block_array, sizeof(ump_dd_physical_block) * mem->nr_blocks);
+ return UMP_DD_SUCCESS;
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT ump_dd_status_code ump_dd_phys_block_get(ump_dd_handle memh, unsigned long index, ump_dd_physical_block *block)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = (ump_dd_mem *)memh;
+ if (block == NULL) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("NULL parameter in ump_dd_phys_block_get()\n"));
+ return UMP_DD_INVALID;
+ }
+ if (index >= mem->nr_blocks) {
+ DBG_MSG(5, ("Invalid index specified in ump_dd_phys_block_get()\n"));
+ return UMP_DD_INVALID;
+ }
+ DBG_MSG(5, ("Returning physical block information. ID: %u, index: %lu\n", mem->secure_id, index));
+ *block = mem->block_array[index];
+ return UMP_DD_SUCCESS;
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT unsigned long ump_dd_size_get(ump_dd_handle memh)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = (ump_dd_mem *)memh;
+ DBG_MSG(5, ("Returning size. ID: %u, size: %lu\n", mem->secure_id, mem->size_bytes));
+ return mem->size_bytes;
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT void ump_dd_reference_add(ump_dd_handle memh)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = (ump_dd_mem *)memh;
+ int new_ref;
+ new_ref = _ump_osk_atomic_inc_and_read(&mem->ref_count);
+ DBG_MSG(5, ("Memory reference incremented. ID: %u, new value: %d\n", mem->secure_id, new_ref));
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT void ump_dd_reference_release(ump_dd_handle memh)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = (ump_dd_mem *)memh;
+ ump_random_mapping_put(mem);
+/* --------------- Handling of user space requests follows --------------- */
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_uku_get_api_version(_ump_uk_api_version_s *args)
+ ump_session_data *session_data;
+ session_data = (ump_session_data *)args->ctx;
+ /* check compatability */
+ if (args->version == UMP_IOCTL_API_VERSION) {
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("API version set to newest %d (compatible)\n",
+ GET_VERSION(args->version)));
+ args->compatible = 1;
+ session_data->api_version = args->version;
+ } else {
+ DBG_MSG(2, ("API version set to %d (incompatible with client version %d)\n",
+ args->compatible = 0;
+ args->version = UMP_IOCTL_API_VERSION; /* report our version */
+ }
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_release(_ump_uk_release_s *release_info)
+ ump_session_memory_list_element *session_memory_element;
+ ump_session_memory_list_element *tmp;
+ ump_session_data *session_data;
+ _mali_osk_errcode_t ret = _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_FUNC;
+ int secure_id;
+ DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(release_info);
+ DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(release_info->ctx);
+ /* Retreive the session data */
+ session_data = (ump_session_data *)release_info->ctx;
+ /* If there are many items in the memory session list we
+ * could be de-referencing this pointer a lot so keep a local copy
+ */
+ secure_id = release_info->secure_id;
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("Releasing memory with IOCTL, ID: %u\n", secure_id));
+ /* Iterate through the memory list looking for the requested secure ID */
+ _mali_osk_mutex_wait(session_data->lock);
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(session_memory_element, tmp, &session_data->list_head_session_memory_list, ump_session_memory_list_element, list) {
+ if (session_memory_element->mem->secure_id == secure_id) {
+ ump_dd_mem *release_mem;
+ release_mem = session_memory_element->mem;
+ _mali_osk_list_del(&session_memory_element->list);
+ ump_dd_reference_release(release_mem);
+ _mali_osk_free(session_memory_element);
+ ret = _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ _mali_osk_mutex_signal(session_data->lock);
+ DBG_MSG_IF(1, _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != ret, ("UMP memory with ID %u does not belong to this session.\n", secure_id));
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("_ump_ukk_release() returning 0x%x\n", ret));
+ return ret;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_size_get(_ump_uk_size_get_s *user_interaction)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem;
+ _mali_osk_errcode_t ret = _MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT;
+ DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(user_interaction);
+ /* We lock the mappings so things don't get removed while we are looking for the memory */
+ mem = ump_random_mapping_get(device.secure_id_map, user_interaction->secure_id);
+ if (NULL != mem) {
+ user_interaction->size = mem->size_bytes;
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("Returning size. ID: %u, size: %lu ",
+ (ump_secure_id)user_interaction->secure_id,
+ (unsigned long)user_interaction->size));
+ ump_random_mapping_put(mem);
+ ret = _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+ } else {
+ user_interaction->size = 0;
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to look up mapping in ump_ioctl_size_get(). ID: %u\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)user_interaction->secure_id));
+ }
+ return ret;
+void _ump_ukk_msync(_ump_uk_msync_s *args)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = NULL;
+ void *virtual = NULL;
+ u32 size = 0;
+ u32 offset = 0;
+ mem = ump_random_mapping_get(device.secure_id_map, (int)args->secure_id);
+ if (NULL == mem) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to look up mapping in _ump_ukk_msync(). ID: %u\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Returns the cache settings back to Userspace */
+ args->is_cached = mem->is_cached;
+ /* If this flag is the only one set, we should not do the actual flush, only the readout */
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("_ump_ukk_msync READOUT ID: %u Enabled: %d\n", (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id, mem->is_cached));
+ goto msync_release_and_return;
+ }
+ /* Nothing to do if the memory is not caches */
+ if (0 == mem->is_cached) {
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("_ump_ukk_msync IGNORING ID: %u Enabled: %d OP: %d\n", (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id, mem->is_cached, args->op));
+ goto msync_release_and_return;
+ }
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("UMP[%02u] _ump_ukk_msync Flush OP: %d Address: 0x%08x Mapping: 0x%08x\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id, args->op, args->address, args->mapping));
+ if (args->address) {
+ virtual = (void *)((u32)args->address);
+ offset = (u32)((args->address) - (args->mapping));
+ } else {
+ /* Flush entire mapping when no address is specified. */
+ virtual = args->mapping;
+ }
+ if (args->size) {
+ size = args->size;
+ } else {
+ /* Flush entire mapping when no size is specified. */
+ size = mem->size_bytes - offset;
+ }
+ if ((offset + size) > mem->size_bytes) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Trying to flush more than the entire UMP allocation: offset: %u + size: %u > %u\n", offset, size, mem->size_bytes));
+ goto msync_release_and_return;
+ }
+ /* The actual cache flush - Implemented for each OS*/
+ _ump_osk_msync(mem, virtual, offset, size, args->op, NULL);
+ ump_random_mapping_put(mem);
+ return;
+void _ump_ukk_cache_operations_control(_ump_uk_cache_operations_control_s *args)
+ ump_session_data *session_data;
+ ump_uk_cache_op_control op;
+ op = args->op;
+ session_data = (ump_session_data *)args->ctx;
+ _mali_osk_mutex_wait(session_data->lock);
+ if (op == _UMP_UK_CACHE_OP_START) {
+ session_data->cache_operations_ongoing++;
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("Cache ops start\n"));
+ if (session_data->cache_operations_ongoing != 1) {
+ DBG_MSG(2, ("UMP: Number of simultanious cache control ops: %d\n", session_data->cache_operations_ongoing));
+ }
+ } else if (op == _UMP_UK_CACHE_OP_FINISH) {
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("Cache ops finish\n"));
+ session_data->cache_operations_ongoing--;
+#if 0
+ if (session_data->has_pending_level1_cache_flush) {
+ /* This function will set has_pending_level1_cache_flush=0 */
+ _ump_osk_msync(NULL, NULL, 0, 0, _UMP_UK_MSYNC_FLUSH_L1, session_data);
+ }
+ /* to be on the safe side: always flush l1 cache when cache operations are done */
+ _ump_osk_msync(NULL, NULL, 0, 0, _UMP_UK_MSYNC_FLUSH_L1, session_data);
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("Cache ops finish end\n"));
+ } else {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Illegal call to %s at line %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__));
+ }
+ _mali_osk_mutex_signal(session_data->lock);
+void _ump_ukk_switch_hw_usage(_ump_uk_switch_hw_usage_s *args)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = NULL;
+ ump_uk_user old_user;
+ ump_uk_msync_op cache_op = _UMP_UK_MSYNC_CLEAN_AND_INVALIDATE;
+ ump_session_data *session_data;
+ session_data = (ump_session_data *)args->ctx;
+ mem = ump_random_mapping_get(device.secure_id_map, (int)args->secure_id);
+ if (NULL == mem) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to look up mapping in _ump_ukk_switch_hw_usage(). ID: %u\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ return;
+ }
+ old_user = mem->hw_device;
+ mem->hw_device = args->new_user;
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("UMP[%02u] Switch usage Start New: %s Prev: %s.\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id,
+ args->new_user ? "MALI" : "CPU",
+ old_user ? "MALI" : "CPU"));
+ if (!mem->is_cached) {
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("UMP[%02u] Changing owner of uncached memory. Cache flushing not needed.\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (old_user == args->new_user) {
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("UMP[%02u] Setting the new_user equal to previous for. Cache flushing not needed.\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (
+ /* Previous AND new is both different from CPU */
+ (old_user != _UMP_UK_USED_BY_CPU) && (args->new_user != _UMP_UK_USED_BY_CPU)
+ ) {
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("UMP[%02u] Previous and new user is not CPU. Cache flushing not needed.\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if ((old_user != _UMP_UK_USED_BY_CPU) && (args->new_user == _UMP_UK_USED_BY_CPU)) {
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("UMP[%02u] Cache invalidation needed\n", (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("UMP[%02u] Performing Cache invalidation SKIPPED\n", (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* Take lock to protect: session->cache_operations_ongoing and session->has_pending_level1_cache_flush */
+ _mali_osk_mutex_wait(session_data->lock);
+ /* Actual cache flush */
+ _ump_osk_msync(mem, NULL, 0, mem->size_bytes, cache_op, session_data);
+ _mali_osk_mutex_signal(session_data->lock);
+ ump_random_mapping_put(mem);
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("UMP[%02u] Switch usage Finish\n", (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ return;
+void _ump_ukk_lock(_ump_uk_lock_s *args)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = NULL;
+ mem = ump_random_mapping_get(device.secure_id_map, (int)args->secure_id);
+ if (NULL == mem) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("UMP[%02u] Failed to look up mapping in _ump_ukk_lock(). ID: %u\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ return;
+ }
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("UMP[%02u] Lock. New lock flag: %d. Old Lock flag:\n", (u32)args->secure_id, (u32)args->lock_usage, (u32) mem->lock_usage));
+ mem->lock_usage = (ump_lock_usage) args->lock_usage;
+ ump_random_mapping_put(mem);
+void _ump_ukk_unlock(_ump_uk_unlock_s *args)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem = NULL;
+ mem = ump_random_mapping_get(device.secure_id_map, (int)args->secure_id);
+ if (NULL == mem) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to look up mapping in _ump_ukk_unlock(). ID: %u\n",
+ (ump_secure_id)args->secure_id));
+ return;
+ }
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("UMP[%02u] Unlocking. Old Lock flag:\n",
+ (u32)args->secure_id, (u32) mem->lock_usage));
+ mem->lock_usage = (ump_lock_usage) UMP_NOT_LOCKED;
+ ump_random_mapping_put(mem);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_common.c b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_common.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a9dfe86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "mali_kernel_common.h"
+#include "mali_osk.h"
+#include "mali_osk_bitops.h"
+#include "mali_osk_list.h"
+#include "ump_osk.h"
+#include "ump_uk_types.h"
+#include "ump_ukk.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_common.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_memory_backend.h"
+ * Define the initial and maximum size of number of secure_ids on the system
+ */
+ * Define the initial and maximum size of the ump_session_data::cookies_map,
+ * which is a \ref ump_descriptor_mapping. This limits how many secure_ids
+ * may be mapped into a particular process using _ump_ukk_map_mem().
+ */
+struct ump_dev device;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t ump_kernel_constructor(void)
+ _mali_osk_errcode_t err;
+ /* Perform OS Specific initialization */
+ err = _ump_osk_init();
+ if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != err) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Failed to initiaze the UMP Device Driver"));
+ return err;
+ }
+ /* Init the global device */
+ _mali_osk_memset(&device, 0, sizeof(device));
+ /* Create the descriptor map, which will be used for mapping secure ID to ump_dd_mem structs */
+ device.secure_id_map = ump_random_mapping_create();
+ if (NULL == device.secure_id_map) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Failed to create secure id lookup table\n"));
+ }
+ /* Init memory backend */
+ device.backend = ump_memory_backend_create();
+ if (NULL == device.backend) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Failed to create memory backend\n"));
+ ump_random_mapping_destroy(device.secure_id_map);
+ }
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+void ump_kernel_destructor(void)
+ DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(device.secure_id_map);
+ ump_random_mapping_destroy(device.secure_id_map);
+ device.secure_id_map = NULL;
+ device.backend->shutdown(device.backend);
+ device.backend = NULL;
+ ump_memory_backend_destroy();
+ _ump_osk_term();
+/** Creates a new UMP session
+ */
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_open(void **context)
+ struct ump_session_data *session_data;
+ /* allocated struct to track this session */
+ session_data = (struct ump_session_data *)_mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(struct ump_session_data));
+ if (NULL == session_data) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Failed to allocate ump_session_data in ump_file_open()\n"));
+ }
+ session_data->lock = _mali_osk_mutex_init(_MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_UNORDERED, 0);
+ if (NULL == session_data->lock) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Failed to initialize lock for ump_session_data in ump_file_open()\n"));
+ _mali_osk_free(session_data);
+ }
+ session_data->cookies_map = ump_descriptor_mapping_create(
+ if (NULL == session_data->cookies_map) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Failed to create descriptor mapping for _ump_ukk_map_mem cookies\n"));
+ _mali_osk_mutex_term(session_data->lock);
+ _mali_osk_free(session_data);
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&session_data->list_head_session_memory_list);
+ _MALI_OSK_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&session_data->list_head_session_memory_mappings_list);
+ /* Since initial version of the UMP interface did not use the API_VERSION ioctl we have to assume
+ that it is this version, and not the "latest" one: UMP_IOCTL_API_VERSION
+ Current and later API versions would do an additional call to this IOCTL and update this variable
+ to the correct one.*/
+ session_data->api_version = MAKE_VERSION_ID(1);
+ *context = (void *)session_data;
+ session_data->cache_operations_ongoing = 0 ;
+ session_data->has_pending_level1_cache_flush = 0;
+ DBG_MSG(2, ("New session opened\n"));
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_close(void **context)
+ struct ump_session_data *session_data;
+ ump_session_memory_list_element *item;
+ ump_session_memory_list_element *tmp;
+ session_data = (struct ump_session_data *)*context;
+ if (NULL == session_data) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Session data is NULL in _ump_ukk_close()\n"));
+ }
+ /* Unmap any descriptors mapped in. */
+ if (0 == _mali_osk_list_empty(&session_data->list_head_session_memory_mappings_list)) {
+ ump_memory_allocation *descriptor;
+ ump_memory_allocation *temp;
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Memory mappings found on session usage list during session termination\n"));
+ /* use the 'safe' list iterator, since freeing removes the active block from the list we're iterating */
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(descriptor, temp, &session_data->list_head_session_memory_mappings_list, ump_memory_allocation, list) {
+ _ump_uk_unmap_mem_s unmap_args;
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("Freeing block with phys address 0x%x size 0x%x mapped in user space at 0x%x\n",
+ descriptor->phys_addr, descriptor->size, descriptor->mapping));
+ unmap_args.ctx = (void *)session_data;
+ unmap_args.mapping = descriptor->mapping;
+ unmap_args.size = descriptor->size;
+ unmap_args._ukk_private = NULL; /* NOTE: unused */
+ unmap_args.cookie = descriptor->cookie;
+ /* NOTE: This modifies the list_head_session_memory_mappings_list */
+ _ump_ukk_unmap_mem(&unmap_args);
+ }
+ }
+ /* ASSERT that we really did free everything, because _ump_ukk_unmap_mem()
+ * can fail silently. */
+ DEBUG_ASSERT(_mali_osk_list_empty(&session_data->list_head_session_memory_mappings_list));
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(item, tmp, &session_data->list_head_session_memory_list, ump_session_memory_list_element, list) {
+ _mali_osk_list_del(&item->list);
+ DBG_MSG(2, ("Releasing UMP memory %u as part of file close\n", item->mem->secure_id));
+ ump_dd_reference_release(item->mem);
+ _mali_osk_free(item);
+ }
+ ump_descriptor_mapping_destroy(session_data->cookies_map);
+ _mali_osk_mutex_term(session_data->lock);
+ _mali_osk_free(session_data);
+ DBG_MSG(2, ("Session closed\n"));
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_map_mem(_ump_uk_map_mem_s *args)
+ struct ump_session_data *session_data;
+ ump_memory_allocation *descriptor; /* Describes current mapping of memory */
+ _mali_osk_errcode_t err;
+ unsigned long offset = 0;
+ unsigned long left;
+ ump_dd_handle handle; /* The real UMP handle for this memory. Its real datatype is ump_dd_mem* */
+ ump_dd_mem *mem; /* The real UMP memory. It is equal to the handle, but with exposed struct */
+ u32 block;
+ int map_id;
+ session_data = (ump_session_data *)args->ctx;
+ if (NULL == session_data) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Session data is NULL in _ump_ukk_map_mem()\n"));
+ }
+ descriptor = (ump_memory_allocation *) _mali_osk_calloc(1, sizeof(ump_memory_allocation));
+ if (NULL == descriptor) {
+ MSG_ERR(("ump_ukk_map_mem: descriptor allocation failed\n"));
+ }
+ handle = ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id(args->secure_id);
+ if (UMP_DD_HANDLE_INVALID == handle) {
+ _mali_osk_free(descriptor);
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Trying to map unknown secure ID %u\n", args->secure_id));
+ }
+ mem = (ump_dd_mem *)handle;
+ if (mem->size_bytes != args->size) {
+ _mali_osk_free(descriptor);
+ ump_dd_reference_release(handle);
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Trying to map too much or little. ID: %u, virtual size=%lu, UMP size: %lu\n", args->secure_id, args->size, mem->size_bytes));
+ }
+ map_id = ump_descriptor_mapping_allocate_mapping(session_data->cookies_map, (void *) descriptor);
+ if (map_id < 0) {
+ _mali_osk_free(descriptor);
+ ump_dd_reference_release(handle);
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("ump_ukk_map_mem: unable to allocate a descriptor_mapping for return cookie\n"));
+ }
+ descriptor->size = args->size;
+ descriptor->handle = handle;
+ descriptor->phys_addr = args->phys_addr;
+ descriptor->process_mapping_info = args->_ukk_private;
+ descriptor->ump_session = session_data;
+ descriptor->cookie = (u32)map_id;
+ if (mem->is_cached) {
+ descriptor->is_cached = 1;
+ args->is_cached = 1;
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("Mapping UMP secure_id: %d as cached.\n", args->secure_id));
+ } else {
+ descriptor->is_cached = 0;
+ args->is_cached = 0;
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("Mapping UMP secure_id: %d as Uncached.\n", args->secure_id));
+ }
+ _mali_osk_list_init(&descriptor->list);
+ err = _ump_osk_mem_mapregion_init(descriptor);
+ if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != err) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to initialize memory mapping in _ump_ukk_map_mem(). ID: %u\n", args->secure_id));
+ ump_descriptor_mapping_free(session_data->cookies_map, map_id);
+ _mali_osk_free(descriptor);
+ ump_dd_reference_release(mem);
+ return err;
+ }
+ DBG_MSG(4, ("Mapping virtual to physical memory: ID: %u, size:%lu, first physical addr: 0x%08lx, number of regions: %lu\n",
+ mem->secure_id,
+ mem->size_bytes,
+ ((NULL != mem->block_array) ? mem->block_array->addr : 0),
+ mem->nr_blocks));
+ left = descriptor->size;
+ /* loop over all blocks and map them in */
+ for (block = 0; block < mem->nr_blocks; block++) {
+ unsigned long size_to_map;
+ if (left > mem->block_array[block].size) {
+ size_to_map = mem->block_array[block].size;
+ } else {
+ size_to_map = left;
+ }
+ if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != _ump_osk_mem_mapregion_map(descriptor, offset, (u32 *) & (mem->block_array[block].addr), size_to_map)) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("WARNING: _ump_ukk_map_mem failed to map memory into userspace\n"));
+ ump_descriptor_mapping_free(session_data->cookies_map, map_id);
+ ump_dd_reference_release(mem);
+ _ump_osk_mem_mapregion_term(descriptor);
+ _mali_osk_free(descriptor);
+ }
+ left -= size_to_map;
+ offset += size_to_map;
+ }
+ /* Add to the ump_memory_allocation tracking list */
+ _mali_osk_mutex_wait(session_data->lock);
+ _mali_osk_list_add(&descriptor->list, &session_data->list_head_session_memory_mappings_list);
+ _mali_osk_mutex_signal(session_data->lock);
+ args->mapping = descriptor->mapping;
+ args->cookie = descriptor->cookie;
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+void _ump_ukk_unmap_mem(_ump_uk_unmap_mem_s *args)
+ struct ump_session_data *session_data;
+ ump_memory_allocation *descriptor;
+ ump_dd_handle handle;
+ session_data = (ump_session_data *)args->ctx;
+ if (NULL == session_data) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Session data is NULL in _ump_ukk_map_mem()\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (0 != ump_descriptor_mapping_get(session_data->cookies_map, (int)args->cookie, (void **)&descriptor)) {
+ MSG_ERR(("_ump_ukk_map_mem: cookie 0x%X not found for this session\n", args->cookie));
+ return;
+ }
+ handle = descriptor->handle;
+ if (UMP_DD_HANDLE_INVALID == handle) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("WARNING: Trying to unmap unknown handle: UNKNOWN\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Remove the ump_memory_allocation from the list of tracked mappings */
+ _mali_osk_mutex_wait(session_data->lock);
+ _mali_osk_list_del(&descriptor->list);
+ _mali_osk_mutex_signal(session_data->lock);
+ ump_descriptor_mapping_free(session_data->cookies_map, (int)args->cookie);
+ ump_dd_reference_release(handle);
+ _ump_osk_mem_mapregion_term(descriptor);
+ _mali_osk_free(descriptor);
+u32 _ump_ukk_report_memory_usage(void)
+ if (device.backend->stat)
+ return device.backend->stat(device.backend);
+ else
+ return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_common.h b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efc6c3f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_KERNEL_COMMON_H__
+#define __UMP_KERNEL_COMMON_H__
+#include "ump_kernel_types.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_interface.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_random_mapping.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_memory_backend.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+extern int ump_debug_level;
+#define UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(args) _mali_osk_dbgmsg args
+#define UMP_DEBUG_CODE(args) args
+#define DBG_MSG(level,args) do { /* args should be in brackets */ \
+ ((level) <= ump_debug_level)?\
+ UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(("UMP<" #level ">: ")), \
+ UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(args):0; \
+ } while (0)
+#define DBG_MSG_IF(level,condition,args) /* args should be in brackets */ \
+ if((condition)&&((level) <= ump_debug_level)) {\
+ UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(("UMP<" #level ">: ")); \
+ UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(args); \
+ }
+#define DBG_MSG_ELSE(level,args) /* args should be in brackets */ \
+ else if((level) <= ump_debug_level) { \
+ UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(("UMP<" #level ">: ")); \
+ UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(args); \
+ }
+#define DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(pointer) do {if( (pointer)== NULL) MSG_ERR(("NULL pointer " #pointer)); } while(0)
+#define DEBUG_ASSERT(condition) do {if(!(condition)) MSG_ERR(("ASSERT failed: " #condition)); } while(0)
+#else /* DEBUG */
+#define UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(args) do {} while(0)
+#define UMP_DEBUG_CODE(args)
+#define DBG_MSG(level,args) do {} while(0)
+#define DBG_MSG_IF(level,condition,args) do {} while(0)
+#define DBG_MSG_ELSE(level,args) do {} while(0)
+#define DEBUG_ASSERT(condition) do {} while(0)
+#define DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(pointer) do {} while(0)
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+#define MSG_ERR(args) do{ /* args should be in brackets */ \
+ _mali_osk_dbgmsg("UMP: ERR: %s\n" ,__FILE__); \
+ _mali_osk_dbgmsg( " %s()%4d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) ; \
+ _mali_osk_dbgmsg args ; \
+ _mali_osk_dbgmsg("\n"); \
+ } while(0)
+#define MSG(args) do{ /* args should be in brackets */ \
+ _mali_osk_dbgmsg("UMP: "); \
+ _mali_osk_dbgmsg args; \
+ } while (0)
+ * This struct is used to store per session data.
+ * A session is created when someone open() the device, and
+ * closed when someone close() it or the user space application terminates.
+ */
+typedef struct ump_session_data {
+ _mali_osk_list_t list_head_session_memory_list; /**< List of ump allocations made by the process (elements are ump_session_memory_list_element) */
+ _mali_osk_list_t list_head_session_memory_mappings_list; /**< List of ump_memory_allocations mapped in */
+ int api_version;
+ _mali_osk_mutex_t *lock;
+ ump_descriptor_mapping *cookies_map; /**< Secure mapping of cookies from _ump_ukk_map_mem() */
+ int cache_operations_ongoing;
+ int has_pending_level1_cache_flush;
+} ump_session_data;
+ * This struct is used to track the UMP memory references a session has.
+ * We need to track this in order to be able to clean up after user space processes
+ * which don't do it themself (e.g. due to a crash or premature termination).
+ */
+typedef struct ump_session_memory_list_element {
+ struct ump_dd_mem *mem;
+ _mali_osk_list_t list;
+} ump_session_memory_list_element;
+ * Device specific data, created when device driver is loaded, and then kept as the global variable device.
+ */
+typedef struct ump_dev {
+ ump_random_mapping *secure_id_map;
+ ump_memory_backend *backend;
+} ump_dev;
+extern int ump_debug_level;
+extern struct ump_dev device;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t ump_kernel_constructor(void);
+void ump_kernel_destructor(void);
+int map_errcode(_mali_osk_errcode_t err);
+ * variables from user space cannot be dereferenced from kernel space; tagging them
+ * with __user allows the GCC compiler to generate a warning. Other compilers may
+ * not support this so we define it here as an empty macro if the compiler doesn't
+ * define it.
+ */
+#ifndef __user
+#define __user
+#endif /* __UMP_KERNEL_COMMON_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.c b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c89324e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.c
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011, 2013-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "mali_kernel_common.h"
+#include "mali_osk.h"
+#include "mali_osk_bitops.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_common.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h"
+#define MALI_PAD_INT(x) (((x) + (BITS_PER_LONG - 1)) & ~(BITS_PER_LONG - 1))
+ * Allocate a descriptor table capable of holding 'count' mappings
+ * @param count Number of mappings in the table
+ * @return Pointer to a new table, NULL on error
+ */
+static ump_descriptor_table *descriptor_table_alloc(int count);
+ * Free a descriptor table
+ * @param table The table to free
+ */
+static void descriptor_table_free(ump_descriptor_table *table);
+ump_descriptor_mapping *ump_descriptor_mapping_create(int init_entries, int max_entries)
+ ump_descriptor_mapping *map = _mali_osk_calloc(1, sizeof(ump_descriptor_mapping));
+ init_entries = MALI_PAD_INT(init_entries);
+ max_entries = MALI_PAD_INT(max_entries);
+ if (NULL != map) {
+ map->table = descriptor_table_alloc(init_entries);
+ if (NULL != map->table) {
+ map->lock = _mali_osk_mutex_rw_init(_MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_UNORDERED, 0);
+ if (NULL != map->lock) {
+ _mali_osk_set_nonatomic_bit(0, map->table->usage); /* reserve bit 0 to prevent NULL/zero logic to kick in */
+ map->max_nr_mappings_allowed = max_entries;
+ map->current_nr_mappings = init_entries;
+ return map;
+ }
+ descriptor_table_free(map->table);
+ }
+ _mali_osk_free(map);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void ump_descriptor_mapping_destroy(ump_descriptor_mapping *map)
+ descriptor_table_free(map->table);
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_term(map->lock);
+ _mali_osk_free(map);
+int ump_descriptor_mapping_allocate_mapping(ump_descriptor_mapping *map, void *target)
+ int descriptor = -1;/*-EFAULT;*/
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_wait(map->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW);
+ descriptor = _mali_osk_find_first_zero_bit(map->table->usage, map->current_nr_mappings);
+ if (descriptor == map->current_nr_mappings) {
+ int nr_mappings_new;
+ /* no free descriptor, try to expand the table */
+ ump_descriptor_table *new_table;
+ ump_descriptor_table *old_table = map->table;
+ nr_mappings_new = map->current_nr_mappings * 2;
+ if (map->current_nr_mappings >= map->max_nr_mappings_allowed) {
+ descriptor = -1;
+ goto unlock_and_exit;
+ }
+ new_table = descriptor_table_alloc(nr_mappings_new);
+ if (NULL == new_table) {
+ descriptor = -1;
+ goto unlock_and_exit;
+ }
+ _mali_osk_memcpy(new_table->usage, old_table->usage, (sizeof(unsigned long)*map->current_nr_mappings) / BITS_PER_LONG);
+ _mali_osk_memcpy(new_table->mappings, old_table->mappings, map->current_nr_mappings * sizeof(void *));
+ map->table = new_table;
+ map->current_nr_mappings = nr_mappings_new;
+ descriptor_table_free(old_table);
+ }
+ /* we have found a valid descriptor, set the value and usage bit */
+ _mali_osk_set_nonatomic_bit(descriptor, map->table->usage);
+ map->table->mappings[descriptor] = target;
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_signal(map->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW);
+ return descriptor;
+int ump_descriptor_mapping_get(ump_descriptor_mapping *map, int descriptor, void **target)
+ int result = -1;/*-EFAULT;*/
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_wait(map->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RO);
+ if ((descriptor > 0) && (descriptor < map->current_nr_mappings) && _mali_osk_test_bit(descriptor, map->table->usage)) {
+ *target = map->table->mappings[descriptor];
+ result = 0;
+ } else *target = NULL;
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_signal(map->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RO);
+ return result;
+int ump_descriptor_mapping_set(ump_descriptor_mapping *map, int descriptor, void *target)
+ int result = -1;/*-EFAULT;*/
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_wait(map->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RO);
+ if ((descriptor > 0) && (descriptor < map->current_nr_mappings) && _mali_osk_test_bit(descriptor, map->table->usage)) {
+ map->table->mappings[descriptor] = target;
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_signal(map->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RO);
+ return result;
+void ump_descriptor_mapping_free(ump_descriptor_mapping *map, int descriptor)
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_wait(map->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW);
+ if ((descriptor > 0) && (descriptor < map->current_nr_mappings) && _mali_osk_test_bit(descriptor, map->table->usage)) {
+ map->table->mappings[descriptor] = NULL;
+ _mali_osk_clear_nonatomic_bit(descriptor, map->table->usage);
+ }
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_signal(map->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW);
+static ump_descriptor_table *descriptor_table_alloc(int count)
+ ump_descriptor_table *table;
+ table = _mali_osk_calloc(1, sizeof(ump_descriptor_table) + ((sizeof(unsigned long) * count) / BITS_PER_LONG) + (sizeof(void *) * count));
+ if (NULL != table) {
+ table->usage = (u32 *)((u8 *)table + sizeof(ump_descriptor_table));
+ table->mappings = (void **)((u8 *)table + sizeof(ump_descriptor_table) + ((sizeof(unsigned long) * count) / BITS_PER_LONG));
+ }
+ return table;
+static void descriptor_table_free(ump_descriptor_table *table)
+ _mali_osk_free(table);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..160e20ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011, 2013-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * @file ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h
+ */
+#include "mali_osk.h"
+ * The actual descriptor mapping table, never directly accessed by clients
+ */
+typedef struct ump_descriptor_table {
+ u32 *usage; /**< Pointer to bitpattern indicating if a descriptor is valid/used or not */
+ void **mappings; /**< Array of the pointers the descriptors map to */
+} ump_descriptor_table;
+ * The descriptor mapping object
+ * Provides a separate namespace where we can map an integer to a pointer
+ */
+typedef struct ump_descriptor_mapping {
+ _mali_osk_mutex_rw_t *lock; /**< Lock protecting access to the mapping object */
+ int max_nr_mappings_allowed; /**< Max number of mappings to support in this namespace */
+ int current_nr_mappings; /**< Current number of possible mappings */
+ ump_descriptor_table *table; /**< Pointer to the current mapping table */
+} ump_descriptor_mapping;
+ * Create a descriptor mapping object
+ * Create a descriptor mapping capable of holding init_entries growable to max_entries
+ * @param init_entries Number of entries to preallocate memory for
+ * @param max_entries Number of entries to max support
+ * @return Pointer to a descriptor mapping object, NULL on failure
+ */
+ump_descriptor_mapping *ump_descriptor_mapping_create(int init_entries, int max_entries);
+ * Destroy a descriptor mapping object
+ * @param map The map to free
+ */
+void ump_descriptor_mapping_destroy(ump_descriptor_mapping *map);
+ * Allocate a new mapping entry (descriptor ID)
+ * Allocates a new entry in the map.
+ * @param map The map to allocate a new entry in
+ * @param target The value to map to
+ * @return The descriptor allocated, a negative value on error
+ */
+int ump_descriptor_mapping_allocate_mapping(ump_descriptor_mapping *map, void *target);
+ * Get the value mapped to by a descriptor ID
+ * @param map The map to lookup the descriptor id in
+ * @param descriptor The descriptor ID to lookup
+ * @param target Pointer to a pointer which will receive the stored value
+ * @return 0 on successful lookup, negative on error
+ */
+int ump_descriptor_mapping_get(ump_descriptor_mapping *map, int descriptor, void **target);
+ * Set the value mapped to by a descriptor ID
+ * @param map The map to lookup the descriptor id in
+ * @param descriptor The descriptor ID to lookup
+ * @param target Pointer to replace the current value with
+ * @return 0 on successful lookup, negative on error
+ */
+int ump_descriptor_mapping_set(ump_descriptor_mapping *map, int descriptor, void *target);
+ * Free the descriptor ID
+ * For the descriptor to be reused it has to be freed
+ * @param map The map to free the descriptor from
+ * @param descriptor The descriptor ID to free
+ */
+void ump_descriptor_mapping_free(ump_descriptor_mapping *map, int descriptor);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_interface_ref_drv.h b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_interface_ref_drv.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3d539c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_interface_ref_drv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * @file ump_kernel_interface.h
+ */
+#include "ump_kernel_interface.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** Turn specified physical memory into UMP memory. */
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT ump_dd_handle ump_dd_handle_create_from_phys_blocks(ump_dd_physical_block * blocks, unsigned long num_blocks);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_memory_backend.h b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_memory_backend.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fa4bda7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_memory_backend.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011, 2013-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * @file ump_kernel_memory_mapping.h
+ */
+#include "ump_kernel_interface.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_types.h"
+typedef struct ump_memory_allocation {
+ void *phys_addr;
+ void *mapping;
+ unsigned long size;
+ ump_dd_handle handle;
+ void *process_mapping_info;
+ u32 cookie; /**< necessary on some U/K interface implementations */
+ struct ump_session_data *ump_session; /**< Session that this allocation belongs to */
+ _mali_osk_list_t list; /**< List for linking together memory allocations into the session's memory head */
+ u32 is_cached;
+} ump_memory_allocation;
+typedef struct ump_memory_backend {
+ int (*allocate)(void *ctx, ump_dd_mem *descriptor);
+ void (*release)(void *ctx, ump_dd_mem *descriptor);
+ void (*shutdown)(struct ump_memory_backend *backend);
+ u32(*stat)(struct ump_memory_backend *backend);
+ int (*pre_allocate_physical_check)(void *ctx, u32 size);
+ u32(*adjust_to_mali_phys)(void *ctx, u32 cpu_phys);
+ void *ctx;
+} ump_memory_backend;
+ump_memory_backend *ump_memory_backend_create(void);
+void ump_memory_backend_destroy(void);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_ref_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_ref_drv.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa08c17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_ref_drv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "mali_osk.h"
+#include "mali_osk_list.h"
+#include "ump_osk.h"
+#include "ump_uk_types.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_interface_ref_drv.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_common.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h"
+#define UMP_MINIMUM_SIZE 4096
+static void phys_blocks_release(void *ctx, struct ump_dd_mem *descriptor);
+UMP_KERNEL_API_EXPORT ump_dd_handle ump_dd_handle_create_from_phys_blocks(ump_dd_physical_block *blocks, unsigned long num_blocks)
+ ump_dd_mem *mem;
+ unsigned long size_total = 0;
+ int ret;
+ u32 i;
+ /* Go through the input blocks and verify that they are sane */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
+ unsigned long addr = blocks[i].addr;
+ unsigned long size = blocks[i].size;
+ DBG_MSG(5, ("Adding physical memory to new handle. Address: 0x%08lx, size: %lu\n", addr, size));
+ size_total += blocks[i].size;
+ if (0 != UMP_ADDR_ALIGN_OFFSET(addr)) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Trying to create UMP memory from unaligned physical address. Address: 0x%08lx\n", addr));
+ }
+ if (0 != UMP_ADDR_ALIGN_OFFSET(size)) {
+ MSG_ERR(("Trying to create UMP memory with unaligned size. Size: %lu\n", size));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allocate the ump_dd_mem struct for this allocation */
+ mem = _mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(*mem));
+ if (NULL == mem) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Could not allocate ump_dd_mem in ump_dd_handle_create_from_phys_blocks()\n"));
+ }
+ /* Now, make a copy of the block information supplied by the user */
+ mem->block_array = _mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(ump_dd_physical_block) * num_blocks);
+ if (NULL == mem->block_array) {
+ _mali_osk_free(mem);
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Could not allocate a mem handle for function ump_dd_handle_create_from_phys_blocks().\n"));
+ }
+ _mali_osk_memcpy(mem->block_array, blocks, sizeof(ump_dd_physical_block) * num_blocks);
+ /* And setup the rest of the ump_dd_mem struct */
+ _mali_osk_atomic_init(&mem->ref_count, 1);
+ mem->size_bytes = size_total;
+ mem->nr_blocks = num_blocks;
+ mem->backend_info = NULL;
+ mem->ctx = NULL;
+ mem->release_func = phys_blocks_release;
+ /* For now UMP handles created by ump_dd_handle_create_from_phys_blocks() is forced to be Uncached */
+ mem->is_cached = 0;
+ mem->hw_device = _UMP_UK_USED_BY_CPU;
+ mem->lock_usage = UMP_NOT_LOCKED;
+ /* Find a secure ID for this allocation */
+ ret = ump_random_mapping_insert(device.secure_id_map, mem);
+ if (unlikely(ret)) {
+ _mali_osk_free(mem->block_array);
+ _mali_osk_free(mem);
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to allocate secure ID in ump_dd_handle_create_from_phys_blocks()\n"));
+ }
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("UMP memory created. ID: %u, size: %lu\n", mem->secure_id, mem->size_bytes));
+ return (ump_dd_handle)mem;
+static void phys_blocks_release(void *ctx, struct ump_dd_mem *descriptor)
+ _mali_osk_free(descriptor->block_array);
+ descriptor->block_array = NULL;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_allocate(_ump_uk_allocate_s *user_interaction)
+ ump_session_data *session_data = NULL;
+ ump_dd_mem *new_allocation = NULL;
+ ump_session_memory_list_element *session_memory_element = NULL;
+ int ret;
+ DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(user_interaction);
+ DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(user_interaction->ctx);
+ session_data = (ump_session_data *) user_interaction->ctx;
+ session_memory_element = _mali_osk_calloc(1, sizeof(ump_session_memory_list_element));
+ if (NULL == session_memory_element) {
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to allocate ump_session_memory_list_element in ump_ioctl_allocate()\n"));
+ }
+ new_allocation = _mali_osk_calloc(1, sizeof(ump_dd_mem));
+ if (NULL == new_allocation) {
+ _mali_osk_free(session_memory_element);
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to allocate ump_dd_mem in _ump_ukk_allocate()\n"));
+ }
+ /* Initialize the part of the new_allocation that we know so for */
+ _mali_osk_atomic_init(&new_allocation->ref_count, 1);
+ if (0 == (UMP_REF_DRV_UK_CONSTRAINT_USE_CACHE & user_interaction->constraints))
+ new_allocation->is_cached = 0;
+ else new_allocation->is_cached = 1;
+ /* Special case a size of 0, we should try to emulate what malloc does
+ * in this case, which is to return a valid pointer that must be freed,
+ * but can't be dereferenced */
+ if (0 == user_interaction->size) {
+ /* Emulate by actually allocating the minimum block size */
+ user_interaction->size = 1;
+ }
+ /* Page align the size */
+ new_allocation->size_bytes = UMP_SIZE_ALIGN(user_interaction->size);
+ new_allocation->lock_usage = UMP_NOT_LOCKED;
+ /* Now, ask the active memory backend to do the actual memory allocation */
+ if (!device.backend->allocate(device.backend->ctx, new_allocation)) {
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("OOM: No more UMP memory left. Failed to allocate memory in ump_ioctl_allocate(). Size: %lu, requested size: %lu\n",
+ new_allocation->size_bytes,
+ (unsigned long)user_interaction->size));
+ _mali_osk_free(new_allocation);
+ _mali_osk_free(session_memory_element);
+ }
+ new_allocation->hw_device = _UMP_UK_USED_BY_CPU;
+ new_allocation->ctx = device.backend->ctx;
+ new_allocation->release_func = device.backend->release;
+ /* Initialize the session_memory_element, and add it to the session object */
+ session_memory_element->mem = new_allocation;
+ _mali_osk_mutex_wait(session_data->lock);
+ _mali_osk_list_add(&(session_memory_element->list), &(session_data->list_head_session_memory_list));
+ _mali_osk_mutex_signal(session_data->lock);
+ /* Create a secure ID for this allocation */
+ ret = ump_random_mapping_insert(device.secure_id_map, new_allocation);
+ if (unlikely(ret)) {
+ new_allocation->release_func(new_allocation->ctx, new_allocation);
+ _mali_osk_free(session_memory_element);
+ _mali_osk_free(new_allocation);
+ DBG_MSG(1, ("Failed to allocate secure ID in ump_ioctl_allocate()\n"));
+ }
+ user_interaction->secure_id = new_allocation->secure_id;
+ user_interaction->size = new_allocation->size_bytes;
+ DBG_MSG(3, ("UMP memory allocated. ID: %u, size: %lu\n",
+ new_allocation->secure_id,
+ new_allocation->size_bytes));
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_types.h b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77189561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_kernel_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_KERNEL_TYPES_H__
+#define __UMP_KERNEL_TYPES_H__
+#include "ump_kernel_interface.h"
+#include "mali_osk.h"
+#include <linux/rbtree.h>
+typedef enum {
+} ump_hw_usage;
+typedef enum {
+ UMP_READ = 1,
+} ump_lock_usage;
+ * This struct is what is "behind" a ump_dd_handle
+ */
+typedef struct ump_dd_mem {
+ struct rb_node node;
+ ump_secure_id secure_id;
+ _mali_osk_atomic_t ref_count;
+ unsigned long size_bytes;
+ unsigned long nr_blocks;
+ ump_dd_physical_block *block_array;
+ void (*release_func)(void *ctx, struct ump_dd_mem *descriptor);
+ void *ctx;
+ void *backend_info;
+ int is_cached;
+ ump_hw_usage hw_device;
+ ump_lock_usage lock_usage;
+} ump_dd_mem;
+#endif /* __UMP_KERNEL_TYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_osk.h b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_osk.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5759ddb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_osk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * @file ump_osk.h
+ * Defines the OS abstraction layer for the UMP kernel device driver (OSK)
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_OSK_H__
+#define __UMP_OSK_H__
+#include <mali_osk.h>
+#include <ump_kernel_memory_backend.h>
+#include "ump_uk_types.h"
+#include "ump_kernel_common.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_osk_init(void);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_osk_term(void);
+int _ump_osk_atomic_inc_and_read(_mali_osk_atomic_t *atom);
+int _ump_osk_atomic_dec_and_read(_mali_osk_atomic_t *atom);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_osk_mem_mapregion_init(ump_memory_allocation *descriptor);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_osk_mem_mapregion_map(ump_memory_allocation *descriptor, u32 offset, u32 *phys_addr, unsigned long size);
+void _ump_osk_mem_mapregion_term(ump_memory_allocation *descriptor);
+void _ump_osk_msync(ump_dd_mem *mem, void *virt, u32 offset, u32 size, ump_uk_msync_op op, ump_session_data *session_data);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_uk_types.h b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_uk_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48b588f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_uk_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, 2012-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * @file ump_uk_types.h
+ * Defines the types and constants used in the user-kernel interface
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_UK_TYPES_H__
+#define __UMP_UK_TYPES_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Helpers for API version handling */
+#define MAKE_VERSION_ID(x) (((x) << 16UL) | (x))
+#define IS_VERSION_ID(x) (((x) & 0xFFFF) == (((x) >> 16UL) & 0xFFFF))
+#define GET_VERSION(x) (((x) >> 16UL) & 0xFFFF)
+#define IS_API_MATCH(x, y) (IS_VERSION_ID((x)) && IS_VERSION_ID((y)) && (GET_VERSION((x)) == GET_VERSION((y))))
+ * API version define.
+ * Indicates the version of the kernel API
+ * The version is a 16bit integer incremented on each API change.
+ * The 16bit integer is stored twice in a 32bit integer
+ * So for version 1 the value would be 0x00010001
+ */
+typedef enum
+ _UMP_IOC_MAP_MEM, /* not used in Linux */
+ _UMP_IOC_UNMAP_MEM, /* not used in Linux */
+} _ump_uk_functions;
+typedef enum
+} ump_uk_alloc_constraints;
+typedef enum
+} ump_uk_msync_op;
+typedef enum
+} ump_uk_cache_op_control;
+typedef enum
+ _UMP_UK_READ = 1,
+} ump_uk_lock_usage;
+typedef enum
+} ump_uk_user;
+ * Get API version ([in,out] u32 api_version, [out] u32 compatible)
+ */
+typedef struct _ump_uk_api_version_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ u32 version; /**< Set to the user space version on entry, stores the device driver version on exit */
+ u32 compatible; /**< Non-null if the device is compatible with the client */
+} _ump_uk_api_version_s;
+ * ALLOCATE ([out] u32 secure_id, [in,out] u32 size, [in] contraints)
+ */
+typedef struct _ump_uk_allocate_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ u32 secure_id; /**< Return value from DD to Userdriver */
+ u32 size; /**< Input and output. Requested size; input. Returned size; output */
+ ump_uk_alloc_constraints constraints; /**< Only input to Devicedriver */
+} _ump_uk_allocate_s;
+ * SIZE_GET ([in] u32 secure_id, [out]size )
+ */
+typedef struct _ump_uk_size_get_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ u32 secure_id; /**< Input to DD */
+ u32 size; /**< Returned size; output */
+} _ump_uk_size_get_s;
+ * Release ([in] u32 secure_id)
+ */
+typedef struct _ump_uk_release_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ u32 secure_id; /**< Input to DD */
+} _ump_uk_release_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_map_mem_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ void *mapping; /**< [out] Returns user-space virtual address for the mapping */
+ void *phys_addr; /**< [in] physical address */
+ unsigned long size; /**< [in] size */
+ u32 secure_id; /**< [in] secure_id to assign to mapping */
+ void *_ukk_private; /**< Only used inside linux port between kernel frontend and common part to store vma */
+ u32 cookie;
+ u32 is_cached; /**< [in,out] caching of CPU mappings */
+} _ump_uk_map_mem_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_unmap_mem_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ void *mapping;
+ u32 size;
+ void *_ukk_private;
+ u32 cookie;
+} _ump_uk_unmap_mem_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_msync_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ void *mapping; /**< [in] mapping addr */
+ void *address; /**< [in] flush start addr */
+ u32 size; /**< [in] size to flush */
+ ump_uk_msync_op op; /**< [in] flush operation */
+ u32 cookie; /**< [in] cookie stored with reference to the kernel mapping internals */
+ u32 secure_id; /**< [in] secure_id that identifies the ump buffer */
+ u32 is_cached; /**< [out] caching of CPU mappings */
+} _ump_uk_msync_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_cache_operations_control_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ ump_uk_cache_op_control op; /**< [in] cache operations start/stop */
+} _ump_uk_cache_operations_control_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_switch_hw_usage_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ u32 secure_id; /**< [in] secure_id that identifies the ump buffer */
+ ump_uk_user new_user; /**< [in] cookie stored with reference to the kernel mapping internals */
+} _ump_uk_switch_hw_usage_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_lock_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ u32 secure_id; /**< [in] secure_id that identifies the ump buffer */
+ ump_uk_lock_usage lock_usage;
+} _ump_uk_lock_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_unlock_s
+ void *ctx; /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+ u32 secure_id; /**< [in] secure_id that identifies the ump buffer */
+} _ump_uk_unlock_s;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __UMP_UK_TYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_ukk.h b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_ukk.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da7917a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/mali/ump/common/ump_ukk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * @file ump_ukk.h
+ * Defines the kernel-side interface of the user-kernel interface
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_UKK_H__
+#define __UMP_UKK_H__
+#include "mali_osk.h"
+#include "ump_uk_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_open(void **context);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_close(void **context);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_allocate(_ump_uk_allocate_s *user_interaction);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_release(_ump_uk_release_s *release_info);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_size_get(_ump_uk_size_get_s *user_interaction);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_ukk_map_mem(_ump_uk_map_mem_s *args);
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _ump_uku_get_api_version(_ump_uk_api_version_s *args);
+void _ump_ukk_unmap_mem(_ump_uk_unmap_mem_s *args);
+void _ump_ukk_msync(_ump_uk_msync_s *args);
+void _ump_ukk_cache_operations_control(_ump_uk_cache_operations_control_s *args);
+void _ump_ukk_switch_hw_usage(_ump_uk_switch_hw_usage_s *args);
+void _ump_ukk_lock(_ump_uk_lock_s *args);
+void _ump_ukk_unlock(_ump_uk_unlock_s *args);
+u32 _ump_ukk_report_memory_usage(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __UMP_UKK_H__ */