path: root/ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd.1.28.23.x.cn_ap6330/include/sbsdpcmdev.h
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 12:28:04 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 12:28:04 +0530
commit871480933a1c28f8a9fed4c4d34d06c439a7a422 (patch)
tree8718f573808810c2a1e8cb8fb6ac469093ca2784 /ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd.1.28.23.x.cn_ap6330/include/sbsdpcmdev.h
parent9d40ac5867b9aefe0722bc1f110b965ff294d30d (diff)
Moved, renamed, and deleted files
The original directory structure was scattered and unorganized. Changes are basically to make it look like kernel structure.
Diffstat (limited to 'ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd.1.28.23.x.cn_ap6330/include/sbsdpcmdev.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd.1.28.23.x.cn_ap6330/include/sbsdpcmdev.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd.1.28.23.x.cn_ap6330/include/sbsdpcmdev.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 10c7401a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd.1.28.23.x.cn_ap6330/include/sbsdpcmdev.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
- * Broadcom SiliconBackplane SDIO/PCMCIA hardware-specific
- * device core support
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2012, Broadcom Corporation
- *
- * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
- * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
- * available at, with the
- * following added to such license:
- *
- * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
- * permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
- * distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
- * you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
- * the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
- * derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
- * modifications of the software.
- *
- * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
- * software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
- * other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
- *
- * $Id: sbsdpcmdev.h 347614 2012-07-27 10:24:51Z $
- */
-#ifndef _sbsdpcmdev_h_
-#define _sbsdpcmdev_h_
-/* cpp contortions to concatenate w/arg prescan */
-#ifndef PAD
-#define _PADLINE(line) pad ## line
-#define _XSTR(line) _PADLINE(line)
-#define PAD _XSTR(__LINE__)
-#endif /* PAD */
-typedef volatile struct {
- dma64regs_t xmt; /* dma tx */
- uint32 PAD[2];
- dma64regs_t rcv; /* dma rx */
- uint32 PAD[2];
-} dma64p_t;
-/* dma64 sdiod corerev >= 1 */
-typedef volatile struct {
- dma64p_t dma64regs[2];
- dma64diag_t dmafifo; /* DMA Diagnostic Regs, 0x280-0x28c */
- uint32 PAD[92];
-} sdiodma64_t;
-/* dma32 sdiod corerev == 0 */
-typedef volatile struct {
- dma32regp_t dma32regs[2]; /* dma tx & rx, 0x200-0x23c */
- dma32diag_t dmafifo; /* DMA Diagnostic Regs, 0x240-0x24c */
- uint32 PAD[108];
-} sdiodma32_t;
-/* dma32 regs for pcmcia core */
-typedef volatile struct {
- dma32regp_t dmaregs; /* DMA Regs, 0x200-0x21c, rev8 */
- dma32diag_t dmafifo; /* DMA Diagnostic Regs, 0x220-0x22c */
- uint32 PAD[116];
-} pcmdma32_t;
-/* core registers */
-typedef volatile struct {
- uint32 corecontrol; /* CoreControl, 0x000, rev8 */
- uint32 corestatus; /* CoreStatus, 0x004, rev8 */
- uint32 PAD[1];
- uint32 biststatus; /* BistStatus, 0x00c, rev8 */
- /* PCMCIA access */
- uint16 pcmciamesportaladdr; /* PcmciaMesPortalAddr, 0x010, rev8 */
- uint16 PAD[1];
- uint16 pcmciamesportalmask; /* PcmciaMesPortalMask, 0x014, rev8 */
- uint16 PAD[1];
- uint16 pcmciawrframebc; /* PcmciaWrFrameBC, 0x018, rev8 */
- uint16 PAD[1];
- uint16 pcmciaunderflowtimer; /* PcmciaUnderflowTimer, 0x01c, rev8 */
- uint16 PAD[1];
- /* interrupt */
- uint32 intstatus; /* IntStatus, 0x020, rev8 */
- uint32 hostintmask; /* IntHostMask, 0x024, rev8 */
- uint32 intmask; /* IntSbMask, 0x028, rev8 */
- uint32 sbintstatus; /* SBIntStatus, 0x02c, rev8 */
- uint32 sbintmask; /* SBIntMask, 0x030, rev8 */
- uint32 funcintmask; /* SDIO Function Interrupt Mask, SDIO rev4 */
- uint32 PAD[2];
- uint32 tosbmailbox; /* ToSBMailbox, 0x040, rev8 */
- uint32 tohostmailbox; /* ToHostMailbox, 0x044, rev8 */
- uint32 tosbmailboxdata; /* ToSbMailboxData, 0x048, rev8 */
- uint32 tohostmailboxdata; /* ToHostMailboxData, 0x04c, rev8 */
- /* synchronized access to registers in SDIO clock domain */
- uint32 sdioaccess; /* SdioAccess, 0x050, rev8 */
- uint32 PAD[3];
- /* PCMCIA frame control */
- uint8 pcmciaframectrl; /* pcmciaFrameCtrl, 0x060, rev8 */
- uint8 PAD[3];
- uint8 pcmciawatermark; /* pcmciaWaterMark, 0x064, rev8 */
- uint8 PAD[155];
- /* interrupt batching control */
- uint32 intrcvlazy; /* IntRcvLazy, 0x100, rev8 */
- uint32 PAD[3];
- /* counters */
- uint32 cmd52rd; /* Cmd52RdCount, 0x110, rev8, SDIO: cmd52 reads */
- uint32 cmd52wr; /* Cmd52WrCount, 0x114, rev8, SDIO: cmd52 writes */
- uint32 cmd53rd; /* Cmd53RdCount, 0x118, rev8, SDIO: cmd53 reads */
- uint32 cmd53wr; /* Cmd53WrCount, 0x11c, rev8, SDIO: cmd53 writes */
- uint32 abort; /* AbortCount, 0x120, rev8, SDIO: aborts */
- uint32 datacrcerror; /* DataCrcErrorCount, 0x124, rev8, SDIO: frames w/bad CRC */
- uint32 rdoutofsync; /* RdOutOfSyncCount, 0x128, rev8, SDIO/PCMCIA: Rd Frm OOS */
- uint32 wroutofsync; /* RdOutOfSyncCount, 0x12c, rev8, SDIO/PCMCIA: Wr Frm OOS */
- uint32 writebusy; /* WriteBusyCount, 0x130, rev8, SDIO: dev asserted "busy" */
- uint32 readwait; /* ReadWaitCount, 0x134, rev8, SDIO: read: no data avail */
- uint32 readterm; /* ReadTermCount, 0x138, rev8, SDIO: rd frm terminates */
- uint32 writeterm; /* WriteTermCount, 0x13c, rev8, SDIO: wr frm terminates */
- uint32 PAD[40];
- uint32 clockctlstatus; /* ClockCtlStatus, 0x1e0, rev8 */
- uint32 PAD[7];
- /* DMA engines */
- volatile union {
- pcmdma32_t pcm32;
- sdiodma32_t sdiod32;
- sdiodma64_t sdiod64;
- } dma;
- /* SDIO/PCMCIA CIS region */
- char cis[512]; /* 512 byte CIS, 0x400-0x5ff, rev6 */
- /* PCMCIA function control registers */
- char pcmciafcr[256]; /* PCMCIA FCR, 0x600-6ff, rev6 */
- uint16 PAD[55];
- /* PCMCIA backplane access */
- uint16 backplanecsr; /* BackplaneCSR, 0x76E, rev6 */
- uint16 backplaneaddr0; /* BackplaneAddr0, 0x770, rev6 */
- uint16 backplaneaddr1; /* BackplaneAddr1, 0x772, rev6 */
- uint16 backplaneaddr2; /* BackplaneAddr2, 0x774, rev6 */
- uint16 backplaneaddr3; /* BackplaneAddr3, 0x776, rev6 */
- uint16 backplanedata0; /* BackplaneData0, 0x778, rev6 */
- uint16 backplanedata1; /* BackplaneData1, 0x77a, rev6 */
- uint16 backplanedata2; /* BackplaneData2, 0x77c, rev6 */
- uint16 backplanedata3; /* BackplaneData3, 0x77e, rev6 */
- uint16 PAD[31];
- /* sprom "size" & "blank" info */
- uint16 spromstatus; /* SPROMStatus, 0x7BE, rev2 */
- uint32 PAD[464];
- /* Sonics SiliconBackplane registers */
- sbconfig_t sbconfig; /* SbConfig Regs, 0xf00-0xfff, rev8 */
-} sdpcmd_regs_t;
-/* corecontrol */
-#define CC_CISRDY (1 << 0) /* CIS Ready */
-#define CC_BPRESEN (1 << 1) /* CCCR RES signal causes backplane reset */
-#define CC_F2RDY (1 << 2) /* set CCCR IOR2 bit */
-#define CC_CLRPADSISO (1 << 3) /* clear SDIO pads isolation bit (rev 11) */
-#define CC_XMTDATAAVAIL_MODE (1 << 4) /* data avail generates an interrupt */
-#define CC_XMTDATAAVAIL_CTRL (1 << 5) /* data avail interrupt ctrl */
-/* corestatus */
-#define CS_PCMCIAMODE (1 << 0) /* Device Mode; 0=SDIO, 1=PCMCIA */
-#define CS_SMARTDEV (1 << 1) /* 1=smartDev enabled */
-#define CS_F2ENABLED (1 << 2) /* 1=host has enabled the device */
-#define PCMCIA_MES_PA_MASK 0x7fff /* PCMCIA Message Portal Address Mask */
-#define PCMCIA_MES_PM_MASK 0x7fff /* PCMCIA Message Portal Mask Mask */
-#define PCMCIA_WFBC_MASK 0xffff /* PCMCIA Write Frame Byte Count Mask */
-#define PCMCIA_UT_MASK 0x07ff /* PCMCIA Underflow Timer Mask */
-/* intstatus */
-#define I_SMB_SW0 (1 << 0) /* To SB Mail S/W interrupt 0 */
-#define I_SMB_SW1 (1 << 1) /* To SB Mail S/W interrupt 1 */
-#define I_SMB_SW2 (1 << 2) /* To SB Mail S/W interrupt 2 */
-#define I_SMB_SW3 (1 << 3) /* To SB Mail S/W interrupt 3 */
-#define I_SMB_SW_MASK 0x0000000f /* To SB Mail S/W interrupts mask */
-#define I_SMB_SW_SHIFT 0 /* To SB Mail S/W interrupts shift */
-#define I_HMB_SW0 (1 << 4) /* To Host Mail S/W interrupt 0 */
-#define I_HMB_SW1 (1 << 5) /* To Host Mail S/W interrupt 1 */
-#define I_HMB_SW2 (1 << 6) /* To Host Mail S/W interrupt 2 */
-#define I_HMB_SW3 (1 << 7) /* To Host Mail S/W interrupt 3 */
-#define I_HMB_SW_MASK 0x000000f0 /* To Host Mail S/W interrupts mask */
-#define I_HMB_SW_SHIFT 4 /* To Host Mail S/W interrupts shift */
-#define I_WR_OOSYNC (1 << 8) /* Write Frame Out Of Sync */
-#define I_RD_OOSYNC (1 << 9) /* Read Frame Out Of Sync */
-#define I_PC (1 << 10) /* descriptor error */
-#define I_PD (1 << 11) /* data error */
-#define I_DE (1 << 12) /* Descriptor protocol Error */
-#define I_RU (1 << 13) /* Receive descriptor Underflow */
-#define I_RO (1 << 14) /* Receive fifo Overflow */
-#define I_XU (1 << 15) /* Transmit fifo Underflow */
-#define I_RI (1 << 16) /* Receive Interrupt */
-#define I_BUSPWR (1 << 17) /* SDIO Bus Power Change (rev 9) */
-#define I_XMTDATA_AVAIL (1 << 23) /* bits in fifo */
-#define I_XI (1 << 24) /* Transmit Interrupt */
-#define I_RF_TERM (1 << 25) /* Read Frame Terminate */
-#define I_WF_TERM (1 << 26) /* Write Frame Terminate */
-#define I_PCMCIA_XU (1 << 27) /* PCMCIA Transmit FIFO Underflow */
-#define I_SBINT (1 << 28) /* sbintstatus Interrupt */
-#define I_CHIPACTIVE (1 << 29) /* chip transitioned from doze to active state */
-#define I_SRESET (1 << 30) /* CCCR RES interrupt */
-#define I_IOE2 (1U << 31) /* CCCR IOE2 Bit Changed */
-#define I_ERRORS (I_PC | I_PD | I_DE | I_RU | I_RO | I_XU) /* DMA Errors */
-#define I_DMA (I_RI | I_XI | I_ERRORS)
-/* sbintstatus */
-#define I_SB_SERR (1 << 8) /* Backplane SError (write) */
-#define I_SB_RESPERR (1 << 9) /* Backplane Response Error (read) */
-#define I_SB_SPROMERR (1 << 10) /* Error accessing the sprom */
-/* sdioaccess */
-#define SDA_DATA_MASK 0x000000ff /* Read/Write Data Mask */
-#define SDA_ADDR_MASK 0x000fff00 /* Read/Write Address Mask */
-#define SDA_ADDR_SHIFT 8 /* Read/Write Address Shift */
-#define SDA_WRITE 0x01000000 /* Write bit */
-#define SDA_READ 0x00000000 /* Write bit cleared for Read */
-#define SDA_BUSY 0x80000000 /* Busy bit */
-/* sdioaccess-accessible register address spaces */
-#define SDA_CCCR_SPACE 0x000 /* sdioAccess CCCR register space */
-#define SDA_F1_FBR_SPACE 0x100 /* sdioAccess F1 FBR register space */
-#define SDA_F2_FBR_SPACE 0x200 /* sdioAccess F2 FBR register space */
-#define SDA_F1_REG_SPACE 0x300 /* sdioAccess F1 core-specific register space */
-/* SDA_F1_REG_SPACE sdioaccess-accessible F1 reg space register offsets */
-#define SDA_CHIPCONTROLDATA 0x006 /* ChipControlData */
-#define SDA_CHIPCONTROLENAB 0x007 /* ChipControlEnable */
-#define SDA_F2WATERMARK 0x008 /* Function 2 Watermark */
-#define SDA_DEVICECONTROL 0x009 /* DeviceControl */
-#define SDA_SBADDRLOW 0x00a /* SbAddrLow */
-#define SDA_SBADDRMID 0x00b /* SbAddrMid */
-#define SDA_SBADDRHIGH 0x00c /* SbAddrHigh */
-#define SDA_FRAMECTRL 0x00d /* FrameCtrl */
-#define SDA_CHIPCLOCKCSR 0x00e /* ChipClockCSR */
-#define SDA_SDIOPULLUP 0x00f /* SdioPullUp */
-#define SDA_SDIOWRFRAMEBCLOW 0x019 /* SdioWrFrameBCLow */
-#define SDA_SDIOWRFRAMEBCHIGH 0x01a /* SdioWrFrameBCHigh */
-#define SDA_SDIORDFRAMEBCLOW 0x01b /* SdioRdFrameBCLow */
-#define SDA_SDIORDFRAMEBCHIGH 0x01c /* SdioRdFrameBCHigh */
-#define SDA_F2WATERMARK_MASK 0x7f /* F2Watermark Mask */
-#define SDA_SBADDRLOW_MASK 0x80 /* SbAddrLow Mask */
-#define SDA_SBADDRMID_MASK 0xff /* SbAddrMid Mask */
-#define SDA_SBADDRHIGH_MASK 0xff /* SbAddrHigh Mask */
-#define SFC_RF_TERM (1 << 0) /* Read Frame Terminate */
-#define SFC_WF_TERM (1 << 1) /* Write Frame Terminate */
-#define SFC_CRC4WOOS (1 << 2) /* HW reports CRC error for write out of sync */
-#define SFC_ABORTALL (1 << 3) /* Abort cancels all in-progress frames */
-/* pcmciaframectrl */
-#define PFC_RF_TERM (1 << 0) /* Read Frame Terminate */
-#define PFC_WF_TERM (1 << 1) /* Write Frame Terminate */
-/* intrcvlazy */
-#define IRL_TO_MASK 0x00ffffff /* timeout */
-#define IRL_FC_MASK 0xff000000 /* frame count */
-#define IRL_FC_SHIFT 24 /* frame count */
-/* rx header */
-typedef volatile struct {
- uint16 len;
- uint16 flags;
-} sdpcmd_rxh_t;
-/* rx header flags */
-#define RXF_CRC 0x0001 /* CRC error detected */
-#define RXF_WOOS 0x0002 /* write frame out of sync */
-#define RXF_WF_TERM 0x0004 /* write frame terminated */
-#define RXF_ABORT 0x0008 /* write frame aborted */
-#define RXF_DISCARD (RXF_CRC | RXF_WOOS | RXF_WF_TERM | RXF_ABORT) /* bad frame */
-/* HW frame tag */
-#define SDPCM_FRAMETAG_LEN 4 /* HW frametag: 2 bytes len, 2 bytes check val */
-#define SDPCM_HWEXT_LEN 8
-#endif /* _sbsdpcmdev_h_ */