path: root/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 12:28:04 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 12:28:04 +0530
commit871480933a1c28f8a9fed4c4d34d06c439a7a422 (patch)
tree8718f573808810c2a1e8cb8fb6ac469093ca2784 /ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm
parent9d40ac5867b9aefe0722bc1f110b965ff294d30d (diff)
Moved, renamed, and deleted files
The original directory structure was scattered and unorganized. Changes are basically to make it look like kernel structure.
Diffstat (limited to 'ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm')
228 files changed, 0 insertions, 29935 deletions
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/Kbuild b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/Kbuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a922fad..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/Kbuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-include include/asm-generic/Kbuild.asm
-header-y += cachectl.h
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68328.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68328.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a337e56d..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68328.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1266 +0,0 @@
-/* include/asm-m68knommu/MC68328.h: '328 control registers
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999 Vladimir Gurevich <>
- * Bear & Hare Software, Inc.
- *
- * Based on include/asm-m68knommu/MC68332.h
- * Copyright (C) 1998 Kenneth Albanowski <>,
- *
- */
-#ifndef _MC68328_H_
-#define _MC68328_H_
-#define BYTE_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned char*)addr))
-#define WORD_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned short*)addr))
-#define LONG_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned long*)addr))
-#define PUT_FIELD(field, val) (((val) << field##_SHIFT) & field##_MASK)
-#define GET_FIELD(reg, field) (((reg) & field##_MASK) >> field##_SHIFT)
- *
- * 0xFFFFF0xx -- System Control
- *
- **********/
- * System Control Register (SCR)
- */
-#define SCR_ADDR 0xfffff000
-#define SCR_WDTH8 0x01 /* 8-Bit Width Select */
-#define SCR_DMAP 0x04 /* Double Map */
-#define SCR_SO 0x08 /* Supervisor Only */
-#define SCR_BETEN 0x10 /* Bus-Error Time-Out Enable */
-#define SCR_PRV 0x20 /* Privilege Violation */
-#define SCR_WPV 0x40 /* Write Protect Violation */
-#define SCR_BETO 0x80 /* Bus-Error TimeOut */
- * Mask Revision Register
- */
-#define MRR_ADDR 0xfffff004
- *
- * 0xFFFFF1xx -- Chip-Select logic
- *
- **********/
- *
- * 0xFFFFF2xx -- Phase Locked Loop (PLL) & Power Control
- *
- **********/
- * Group Base Address Registers
- */
-#define GRPBASEA_ADDR 0xfffff100
-#define GRPBASEB_ADDR 0xfffff102
-#define GRPBASEC_ADDR 0xfffff104
-#define GRPBASED_ADDR 0xfffff106
-#define GRPBASE_V 0x0001 /* Valid */
-#define GRPBASE_GBA_MASK 0xfff0 /* Group Base Address (bits 31-20) */
- * Group Base Address Mask Registers
- */
-#define GRPMASKA_ADDR 0xfffff108
-#define GRPMASKB_ADDR 0xfffff10a
-#define GRPMASKC_ADDR 0xfffff10c
-#define GRPMASKD_ADDR 0xfffff10e
-#define GRMMASK_GMA_MASK 0xfffff0 /* Group Base Mask (bits 31-20) */
- * Chip-Select Option Registers (group A)
- */
-#define CSA0_ADDR 0xfffff110
-#define CSA1_ADDR 0xfffff114
-#define CSA2_ADDR 0xfffff118
-#define CSA3_ADDR 0xfffff11c
-#define CSA_WAIT_MASK 0x00000007 /* Wait State Selection */
-#define CSA_WAIT_SHIFT 0
-#define CSA_RO 0x00000008 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSA_AM_MASK 0x0000ff00 /* Address Mask (bits 23-16) */
-#define CSA_AM_SHIFT 8
-#define CSA_BUSW 0x00010000 /* Bus Width Select */
-#define CSA_AC_MASK 0xff000000 /* Address Compare (bits 23-16) */
-#define CSA_AC_SHIFT 24
- * Chip-Select Option Registers (group B)
- */
-#define CSB0_ADDR 0xfffff120
-#define CSB1_ADDR 0xfffff124
-#define CSB2_ADDR 0xfffff128
-#define CSB3_ADDR 0xfffff12c
-#define CSB_WAIT_MASK 0x00000007 /* Wait State Selection */
-#define CSB_WAIT_SHIFT 0
-#define CSB_RO 0x00000008 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSB_AM_MASK 0x0000ff00 /* Address Mask (bits 23-16) */
-#define CSB_AM_SHIFT 8
-#define CSB_BUSW 0x00010000 /* Bus Width Select */
-#define CSB_AC_MASK 0xff000000 /* Address Compare (bits 23-16) */
-#define CSB_AC_SHIFT 24
- * Chip-Select Option Registers (group C)
- */
-#define CSC0_ADDR 0xfffff130
-#define CSC1_ADDR 0xfffff134
-#define CSC2_ADDR 0xfffff138
-#define CSC3_ADDR 0xfffff13c
-#define CSC_WAIT_MASK 0x00000007 /* Wait State Selection */
-#define CSC_WAIT_SHIFT 0
-#define CSC_RO 0x00000008 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSC_AM_MASK 0x0000fff0 /* Address Mask (bits 23-12) */
-#define CSC_AM_SHIFT 4
-#define CSC_BUSW 0x00010000 /* Bus Width Select */
-#define CSC_AC_MASK 0xfff00000 /* Address Compare (bits 23-12) */
-#define CSC_AC_SHIFT 20
- * Chip-Select Option Registers (group D)
- */
-#define CSD0_ADDR 0xfffff140
-#define CSD1_ADDR 0xfffff144
-#define CSD2_ADDR 0xfffff148
-#define CSD3_ADDR 0xfffff14c
-#define CSD_WAIT_MASK 0x00000007 /* Wait State Selection */
-#define CSD_WAIT_SHIFT 0
-#define CSD_RO 0x00000008 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSD_AM_MASK 0x0000fff0 /* Address Mask (bits 23-12) */
-#define CSD_AM_SHIFT 4
-#define CSD_BUSW 0x00010000 /* Bus Width Select */
-#define CSD_AC_MASK 0xfff00000 /* Address Compare (bits 23-12) */
-#define CSD_AC_SHIFT 20
- *
- * 0xFFFFF2xx -- Phase Locked Loop (PLL) & Power Control
- *
- **********/
- * PLL Control Register
- */
-#define PLLCR_ADDR 0xfffff200
-#define PLLCR_DISPLL 0x0008 /* Disable PLL */
-#define PLLCR_CLKEN 0x0010 /* Clock (CLKO pin) enable */
-#define PLLCR_SYSCLK_SEL_MASK 0x0700 /* System Clock Selection */
-#define PLLCR_PIXCLK_SEL_MASK 0x3800 /* LCD Clock Selection */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
- * PLL Frequency Select Register
- */
-#define PLLFSR_ADDR 0xfffff202
-#define PLLFSR_PC_MASK 0x00ff /* P Count */
-#define PLLFSR_PC_SHIFT 0
-#define PLLFSR_QC_MASK 0x0f00 /* Q Count */
-#define PLLFSR_QC_SHIFT 8
-#define PLLFSR_PROT 0x4000 /* Protect P & Q */
-#define PLLFSR_CLK32 0x8000 /* Clock 32 (kHz) */
- * Power Control Register
- */
-#define PCTRL_ADDR 0xfffff207
-#define PCTRL_WIDTH_MASK 0x1f /* CPU Clock bursts width */
-#define PCTRL_STOP 0x40 /* Enter power-save mode immediately */
-#define PCTRL_PCEN 0x80 /* Power Control Enable */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF3xx -- Interrupt Controller
- *
- **********/
- * Interrupt Vector Register
- */
-#define IVR_ADDR 0xfffff300
-#define IVR_VECTOR_MASK 0xF8
- * Interrupt control Register
- */
-#define ICR_ADRR 0xfffff302
-#define ICR_ET6 0x0100 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ6 */
-#define ICR_ET3 0x0200 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ3 */
-#define ICR_ET2 0x0400 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ2 */
-#define ICR_ET1 0x0800 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ1 */
-#define ICR_POL6 0x1000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ6 */
-#define ICR_POL3 0x2000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ3 */
-#define ICR_POL2 0x4000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ2 */
-#define ICR_POL1 0x8000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ1 */
- * Interrupt Mask Register
- */
-#define IMR_ADDR 0xfffff304
- * Define the names for bit positions first. This is useful for
- * request_irq
- */
-#define SPIM_IRQ_NUM 0 /* SPI Master interrupt */
-#define TMR2_IRQ_NUM 1 /* Timer 2 interrupt */
-#define UART_IRQ_NUM 2 /* UART interrupt */
-#define WDT_IRQ_NUM 3 /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define RTC_IRQ_NUM 4 /* RTC interrupt */
-#define KB_IRQ_NUM 6 /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define PWM_IRQ_NUM 7 /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */
-#define INT0_IRQ_NUM 8 /* External INT0 */
-#define INT1_IRQ_NUM 9 /* External INT1 */
-#define INT2_IRQ_NUM 10 /* External INT2 */
-#define INT3_IRQ_NUM 11 /* External INT3 */
-#define INT4_IRQ_NUM 12 /* External INT4 */
-#define INT5_IRQ_NUM 13 /* External INT5 */
-#define INT6_IRQ_NUM 14 /* External INT6 */
-#define INT7_IRQ_NUM 15 /* External INT7 */
-#define IRQ1_IRQ_NUM 16 /* IRQ1 */
-#define IRQ2_IRQ_NUM 17 /* IRQ2 */
-#define IRQ3_IRQ_NUM 18 /* IRQ3 */
-#define IRQ6_IRQ_NUM 19 /* IRQ6 */
-#define PEN_IRQ_NUM 20 /* Pen Interrupt */
-#define SPIS_IRQ_NUM 21 /* SPI Slave Interrupt */
-#define TMR1_IRQ_NUM 22 /* Timer 1 interrupt */
-#define IRQ7_IRQ_NUM 23 /* IRQ7 */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * Here go the bitmasks themselves
- */
-#define IMR_MSPIM (1 << SPIM _IRQ_NUM) /* Mask SPI Master interrupt */
-#define IMR_MTMR2 (1 << TMR2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Timer 2 interrupt */
-#define IMR_MUART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask UART interrupt */
-#define IMR_MWDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define IMR_MRTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask RTC interrupt */
-#define IMR_MKB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define IMR_MPWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Pulse-Width Modulator int. */
-#define IMR_MINT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT0 */
-#define IMR_MINT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT1 */
-#define IMR_MINT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT2 */
-#define IMR_MINT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT3 */
-#define IMR_MINT4 (1 << INT4_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT4 */
-#define IMR_MINT5 (1 << INT5_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT5 */
-#define IMR_MINT6 (1 << INT6_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT6 */
-#define IMR_MINT7 (1 << INT7_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT7 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ1 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ2 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ3 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ6 */
-#define IMR_MPEN (1 << PEN_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Pen Interrupt */
-#define IMR_MSPIS (1 << SPIS_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask SPI Slave Interrupt */
-#define IMR_MTMR1 (1 << TMR1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Timer 1 interrupt */
-#define IMR_MIRQ7 (1 << IRQ7_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ7 */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
- * Interrupt Wake-Up Enable Register
- */
-#define IWR_ADDR 0xfffff308
-#define IWR_SPIM (1 << SPIM _IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Master interrupt */
-#define IWR_TMR2 (1 << TMR2_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 2 interrupt */
-#define IWR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */
-#define IWR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define IWR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */
-#define IWR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define IWR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */
-#define IWR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */
-#define IWR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */
-#define IWR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */
-#define IWR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */
-#define IWR_INT4 (1 << INT4_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT4 */
-#define IWR_INT5 (1 << INT5_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT5 */
-#define IWR_INT6 (1 << INT6_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT6 */
-#define IWR_INT7 (1 << INT7_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT7 */
-#define IWR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */
-#define IWR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */
-#define IWR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */
-#define IWR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */
-#define IWR_PEN (1 << PEN_IRQ_NUM) /* Pen Interrupt */
-#define IWR_SPIS (1 << SPIS_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Slave Interrupt */
-#define IWR_TMR1 (1 << TMR1_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 1 interrupt */
-#define IWR_IRQ7 (1 << IRQ7_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ7 */
- * Interrupt Status Register
- */
-#define ISR_ADDR 0xfffff30c
-#define ISR_SPIM (1 << SPIM _IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Master interrupt */
-#define ISR_TMR2 (1 << TMR2_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 2 interrupt */
-#define ISR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */
-#define ISR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define ISR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */
-#define ISR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define ISR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */
-#define ISR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */
-#define ISR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */
-#define ISR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */
-#define ISR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */
-#define ISR_INT4 (1 << INT4_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT4 */
-#define ISR_INT5 (1 << INT5_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT5 */
-#define ISR_INT6 (1 << INT6_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT6 */
-#define ISR_INT7 (1 << INT7_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT7 */
-#define ISR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */
-#define ISR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */
-#define ISR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */
-#define ISR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */
-#define ISR_PEN (1 << PEN_IRQ_NUM) /* Pen Interrupt */
-#define ISR_SPIS (1 << SPIS_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Slave Interrupt */
-#define ISR_TMR1 (1 << TMR1_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 1 interrupt */
-#define ISR_IRQ7 (1 << IRQ7_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ7 */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define ISR_TMR ISR_TMR1
- * Interrupt Pending Register
- */
-#define IPR_ADDR 0xfffff310
-#define IPR_SPIM (1 << SPIM _IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Master interrupt */
-#define IPR_TMR2 (1 << TMR2_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 2 interrupt */
-#define IPR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */
-#define IPR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define IPR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */
-#define IPR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define IPR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */
-#define IPR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */
-#define IPR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */
-#define IPR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */
-#define IPR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */
-#define IPR_INT4 (1 << INT4_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT4 */
-#define IPR_INT5 (1 << INT5_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT5 */
-#define IPR_INT6 (1 << INT6_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT6 */
-#define IPR_INT7 (1 << INT7_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT7 */
-#define IPR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */
-#define IPR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */
-#define IPR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */
-#define IPR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */
-#define IPR_PEN (1 << PEN_IRQ_NUM) /* Pen Interrupt */
-#define IPR_SPIS (1 << SPIS_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Slave Interrupt */
-#define IPR_TMR1 (1 << TMR1_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 1 interrupt */
-#define IPR_IRQ7 (1 << IRQ7_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ7 */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define IPR_TMR IPR_TMR1
- *
- * 0xFFFFF4xx -- Parallel Ports
- *
- **********/
- * Port A
- */
-#define PADIR_ADDR 0xfffff400 /* Port A direction reg */
-#define PADATA_ADDR 0xfffff401 /* Port A data register */
-#define PASEL_ADDR 0xfffff403 /* Port A Select register */
-#define PA(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PA_A(x) PA((x) - 16) /* This is specific to PA only! */
-#define PA_A16 PA(0) /* Use A16 as PA(0) */
-#define PA_A17 PA(1) /* Use A17 as PA(1) */
-#define PA_A18 PA(2) /* Use A18 as PA(2) */
-#define PA_A19 PA(3) /* Use A19 as PA(3) */
-#define PA_A20 PA(4) /* Use A20 as PA(4) */
-#define PA_A21 PA(5) /* Use A21 as PA(5) */
-#define PA_A22 PA(6) /* Use A22 as PA(6) */
-#define PA_A23 PA(7) /* Use A23 as PA(7) */
- * Port B
- */
-#define PBDIR_ADDR 0xfffff408 /* Port B direction reg */
-#define PBDATA_ADDR 0xfffff409 /* Port B data register */
-#define PBSEL_ADDR 0xfffff40b /* Port B Select Register */
-#define PB(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PB_D(x) PB(x) /* This is specific to port B only */
-#define PB_D0 PB(0) /* Use D0 as PB(0) */
-#define PB_D1 PB(1) /* Use D1 as PB(1) */
-#define PB_D2 PB(2) /* Use D2 as PB(2) */
-#define PB_D3 PB(3) /* Use D3 as PB(3) */
-#define PB_D4 PB(4) /* Use D4 as PB(4) */
-#define PB_D5 PB(5) /* Use D5 as PB(5) */
-#define PB_D6 PB(6) /* Use D6 as PB(6) */
-#define PB_D7 PB(7) /* Use D7 as PB(7) */
- * Port C
- */
-#define PCDIR_ADDR 0xfffff410 /* Port C direction reg */
-#define PCDATA_ADDR 0xfffff411 /* Port C data register */
-#define PCSEL_ADDR 0xfffff413 /* Port C Select Register */
-#define PC(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PC_WE PC(6) /* Use WE as PC(6) */
-#define PC_DTACK PC(5) /* Use DTACK as PC(5) */
-#define PC_IRQ7 PC(4) /* Use IRQ7 as PC(4) */
-#define PC_LDS PC(2) /* Use LDS as PC(2) */
-#define PC_UDS PC(1) /* Use UDS as PC(1) */
-#define PC_MOCLK PC(0) /* Use MOCLK as PC(0) */
- * Port D
- */
-#define PDDIR_ADDR 0xfffff418 /* Port D direction reg */
-#define PDDATA_ADDR 0xfffff419 /* Port D data register */
-#define PDPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff41a /* Port D Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PDPOL_ADDR 0xfffff41c /* Port D Polarity Register */
-#define PDIRQEN_ADDR 0xfffff41d /* Port D IRQ enable register */
-#define PDIQEG_ADDR 0xfffff41f /* Port D IRQ Edge Register */
-#define PD(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PD_KB(x) PD(x) /* This is specific for Port D only */
-#define PD_KB0 PD(0) /* Use KB0 as PD(0) */
-#define PD_KB1 PD(1) /* Use KB1 as PD(1) */
-#define PD_KB2 PD(2) /* Use KB2 as PD(2) */
-#define PD_KB3 PD(3) /* Use KB3 as PD(3) */
-#define PD_KB4 PD(4) /* Use KB4 as PD(4) */
-#define PD_KB5 PD(5) /* Use KB5 as PD(5) */
-#define PD_KB6 PD(6) /* Use KB6 as PD(6) */
-#define PD_KB7 PD(7) /* Use KB7 as PD(7) */
- * Port E
- */
-#define PEDIR_ADDR 0xfffff420 /* Port E direction reg */
-#define PEDATA_ADDR 0xfffff421 /* Port E data register */
-#define PEPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff422 /* Port E Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PESEL_ADDR 0xfffff423 /* Port E Select Register */
-#define PE(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PE_CSA1 PE(1) /* Use CSA1 as PE(1) */
-#define PE_CSA2 PE(2) /* Use CSA2 as PE(2) */
-#define PE_CSA3 PE(3) /* Use CSA3 as PE(3) */
-#define PE_CSB0 PE(4) /* Use CSB0 as PE(4) */
-#define PE_CSB1 PE(5) /* Use CSB1 as PE(5) */
-#define PE_CSB2 PE(6) /* Use CSB2 as PE(6) */
-#define PE_CSB3 PE(7) /* Use CSB3 as PE(7) */
- * Port F
- */
-#define PFDIR_ADDR 0xfffff428 /* Port F direction reg */
-#define PFDATA_ADDR 0xfffff429 /* Port F data register */
-#define PFPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff42a /* Port F Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PFSEL_ADDR 0xfffff42b /* Port F Select Register */
-#define PF(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PF_A(x) PF((x) - 24) /* This is Port F specific only */
-#define PF_A24 PF(0) /* Use A24 as PF(0) */
-#define PF_A25 PF(1) /* Use A25 as PF(1) */
-#define PF_A26 PF(2) /* Use A26 as PF(2) */
-#define PF_A27 PF(3) /* Use A27 as PF(3) */
-#define PF_A28 PF(4) /* Use A28 as PF(4) */
-#define PF_A29 PF(5) /* Use A29 as PF(5) */
-#define PF_A30 PF(6) /* Use A30 as PF(6) */
-#define PF_A31 PF(7) /* Use A31 as PF(7) */
- * Port G
- */
-#define PGDIR_ADDR 0xfffff430 /* Port G direction reg */
-#define PGDATA_ADDR 0xfffff431 /* Port G data register */
-#define PGPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff432 /* Port G Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PGSEL_ADDR 0xfffff433 /* Port G Select Register */
-#define PG(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PG_UART_TXD PG(0) /* Use UART_TXD as PG(0) */
-#define PG_UART_RXD PG(1) /* Use UART_RXD as PG(1) */
-#define PG_PWMOUT PG(2) /* Use PWMOUT as PG(2) */
-#define PG_TOUT2 PG(3) /* Use TOUT2 as PG(3) */
-#define PG_TIN2 PG(4) /* Use TIN2 as PG(4) */
-#define PG_TOUT1 PG(5) /* Use TOUT1 as PG(5) */
-#define PG_TIN1 PG(6) /* Use TIN1 as PG(6) */
-#define PG_RTCOUT PG(7) /* Use RTCOUT as PG(7) */
- * Port J
- */
-#define PJDIR_ADDR 0xfffff438 /* Port J direction reg */
-#define PJDATA_ADDR 0xfffff439 /* Port J data register */
-#define PJSEL_ADDR 0xfffff43b /* Port J Select Register */
-#define PJ(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PJ_CSD3 PJ(7) /* Use CSD3 as PJ(7) */
- * Port K
- */
-#define PKDIR_ADDR 0xfffff440 /* Port K direction reg */
-#define PKDATA_ADDR 0xfffff441 /* Port K data register */
-#define PKPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff442 /* Port K Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PKSEL_ADDR 0xfffff443 /* Port K Select Register */
-#define PK(x) (1 << (x))
- * Port M
- */
-#define PMDIR_ADDR 0xfffff438 /* Port M direction reg */
-#define PMDATA_ADDR 0xfffff439 /* Port M data register */
-#define PMPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff43a /* Port M Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PMSEL_ADDR 0xfffff43b /* Port M Select Register */
-#define PM(x) (1 << (x))
- *
- * 0xFFFFF5xx -- Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM)
- *
- **********/
- * PWM Control Register
- */
-#define PWMC_ADDR 0xfffff500
-#define PWMC_CLKSEL_MASK 0x0007 /* Clock Selection */
-#define PWMC_PWMEN 0x0010 /* Enable PWM */
-#define PMNC_POL 0x0020 /* PWM Output Bit Polarity */
-#define PWMC_PIN 0x0080 /* Current PWM output pin status */
-#define PWMC_LOAD 0x0100 /* Force a new period */
-#define PWMC_IRQEN 0x4000 /* Interrupt Request Enable */
-#define PWMC_CLKSRC 0x8000 /* Clock Source Select */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
- * PWM Period Register
- */
-#define PWMP_ADDR 0xfffff502
- * PWM Width Register
- */
-#define PWMW_ADDR 0xfffff504
- * PWM Counter Register
- */
-#define PWMCNT_ADDR 0xfffff506
- *
- * 0xFFFFF6xx -- General-Purpose Timers
- *
- **********/
- * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Control Registers
- */
-#define TCTL1_ADDR 0xfffff600
-#define TCTL2_ADDR 0xfffff60c
-#define TCTL_TEN 0x0001 /* Timer Enable */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_MASK 0x000e /* Clock Source: */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_STOP 0x0000 /* Stop count (disabled) */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK 0x0002 /* SYSCLK to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK_16 0x0004 /* SYSCLK/16 to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_TIN 0x0006 /* TIN to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_32KHZ 0x0008 /* 32kHz clock to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_IRQEN 0x0010 /* IRQ Enable */
-#define TCTL_OM 0x0020 /* Output Mode */
-#define TCTL_CAP_MASK 0x00c0 /* Capture Edge: */
-#define TCTL_CAP_RE 0x0040 /* Capture on rizing edge */
-#define TCTL_CAP_FE 0x0080 /* Capture on falling edge */
-#define TCTL_FRR 0x0010 /* Free-Run Mode */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCTL TCTL1
- * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Prescaler Registers
- */
-#define TPRER1_ADDR 0xfffff602
-#define TPRER2_ADDR 0xfffff60e
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define TPRER TPRER1
- * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Compare Registers
- */
-#define TCMP1_ADDR 0xfffff604
-#define TCMP2_ADDR 0xfffff610
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCMP TCMP1
- * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Capture Registers
- */
-#define TCR1_ADDR 0xfffff606
-#define TCR2_ADDR 0xfffff612
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCR TCR1
- * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Counter Registers
- */
-#define TCN1_ADDR 0xfffff608
-#define TCN2_ADDR 0xfffff614
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCN TCN
- * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Status Registers
- */
-#define TSTAT1_ADDR 0xfffff60a
-#define TSTAT2_ADDR 0xfffff616
-#define TSTAT_COMP 0x0001 /* Compare Event occurred */
-#define TSTAT_CAPT 0x0001 /* Capture Event occurred */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define TSTAT TSTAT1
- * Watchdog Compare Register
- */
-#define WRR_ADDR 0xfffff61a
- * Watchdog Counter Register
- */
-#define WCN_ADDR 0xfffff61c
- * Watchdog Control and Status Register
- */
-#define WCSR_ADDR 0xfffff618
-#define WCSR_WDEN 0x0001 /* Watchdog Enable */
-#define WCSR_FI 0x0002 /* Forced Interrupt (instead of SW reset)*/
-#define WCSR_WRST 0x0004 /* Watchdog Reset */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF7xx -- Serial Periferial Interface Slave (SPIS)
- *
- **********/
- * SPI Slave Register
- */
-#define SPISR_ADDR 0xfffff700
-#define SPISR_DATA_ADDR 0xfffff701
-#define SPISR_DATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Shifted data from the external device */
-#define SPISR_SPISEN 0x0100 /* SPIS module enable */
-#define SPISR_POL 0x0200 /* SPSCLK polarity control */
-#define SPISR_PHA 0x0400 /* Phase relationship between SPSCLK & SPSRxD */
-#define SPISR_OVWR 0x0800 /* Data buffer has been overwritten */
-#define SPISR_DATARDY 0x1000 /* Data ready */
-#define SPISR_ENPOL 0x2000 /* Enable Polarity */
-#define SPISR_IRQEN 0x4000 /* SPIS IRQ Enable */
-#define SPISR_SPISIRQ 0x8000 /* SPIS IRQ posted */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF8xx -- Serial Periferial Interface Master (SPIM)
- *
- **********/
- * SPIM Data Register
- */
-#define SPIMDATA_ADDR 0xfffff800
- * SPIM Control/Status Register
- */
-#define SPIMCONT_ADDR 0xfffff802
-#define SPIMCONT_BIT_COUNT_MASK 0x000f /* Transfer Length in Bytes */
-#define SPIMCONT_POL 0x0010 /* SPMCLK Signel Polarity */
-#define SPIMCONT_PHA 0x0020 /* Clock/Data phase relationship */
-#define SPIMCONT_IRQEN 0x0040 /* IRQ Enable */
-#define SPIMCONT_SPIMIRQ 0x0080 /* Interrupt Request */
-#define SPIMCONT_XCH 0x0100 /* Exchange */
-#define SPIMCONT_RSPIMEN 0x0200 /* Enable SPIM */
-#define SPIMCONT_DATA_RATE_MASK 0xe000 /* SPIM Data Rate */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF9xx -- UART
- *
- **********/
- * UART Status/Control Register
- */
-#define USTCNT_ADDR 0xfffff900
-#define USTCNT_TXAVAILEN 0x0001 /* Transmitter Available Int Enable */
-#define USTCNT_TXHALFEN 0x0002 /* Transmitter Half Empty Int Enable */
-#define USTCNT_TXEMPTYEN 0x0004 /* Transmitter Empty Int Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXREADYEN 0x0008 /* Receiver Ready Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXHALFEN 0x0010 /* Receiver Half-Full Int Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXFULLEN 0x0020 /* Receiver Full Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_CTSDELTAEN 0x0040 /* CTS Delta Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_GPIODELTAEN 0x0080 /* Old Data Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_8_7 0x0100 /* Eight or seven-bit transmission */
-#define USTCNT_STOP 0x0200 /* Stop bit transmission */
-#define USTCNT_ODD_EVEN 0x0400 /* Odd Parity */
-#define USTCNT_PARITYEN 0x0800 /* Parity Enable */
-#define USTCNT_CLKMODE 0x1000 /* Clock Mode Select */
-#define USTCNT_TXEN 0x2000 /* Transmitter Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXEN 0x4000 /* Receiver Enable */
-#define USTCNT_UARTEN 0x8000 /* UART Enable */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
- * UART Baud Control Register
- */
-#define UBAUD_ADDR 0xfffff902
-#define UBAUD_PRESCALER_MASK 0x003f /* Actual divisor is 65 - PRESCALER */
-#define UBAUD_DIVIDE_MASK 0x0700 /* Baud Rate freq. divizor */
-#define UBAUD_BAUD_SRC 0x0800 /* Baud Rate Source */
-#define UBAUD_GPIOSRC 0x1000 /* GPIO source */
-#define UBAUD_GPIODIR 0x2000 /* GPIO Direction */
-#define UBAUD_GPIO 0x4000 /* Current GPIO pin status */
-#define UBAUD_GPIODELTA 0x8000 /* GPIO pin value changed */
- * UART Receiver Register
- */
-#define URX_ADDR 0xfffff904
-#define URX_RXDATA_ADDR 0xfffff905
-#define URX_RXDATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Received data */
-#define URX_PARITY_ERROR 0x0100 /* Parity Error */
-#define URX_BREAK 0x0200 /* Break Detected */
-#define URX_FRAME_ERROR 0x0400 /* Framing Error */
-#define URX_OVRUN 0x0800 /* Serial Overrun */
-#define URX_DATA_READY 0x2000 /* Data Ready (FIFO not empty) */
-#define URX_FIFO_HALF 0x4000 /* FIFO is Half-Full */
-#define URX_FIFO_FULL 0x8000 /* FIFO is Full */
- * UART Transmitter Register
- */
-#define UTX_ADDR 0xfffff906
-#define UTX_TXDATA_ADDR 0xfffff907
-#define UTX_TXDATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Data to be transmitted */
-#define UTX_CTS_DELTA 0x0100 /* CTS changed */
-#define UTX_CTS_STATUS 0x0200 /* CTS State */
-#define UTX_IGNORE_CTS 0x0800 /* Ignore CTS */
-#define UTX_SEND_BREAK 0x1000 /* Send a BREAK */
-#define UTX_TX_AVAIL 0x2000 /* Transmit FIFO has a slot available */
-#define UTX_FIFO_HALF 0x4000 /* Transmit FIFO is half empty */
-#define UTX_FIFO_EMPTY 0x8000 /* Transmit FIFO is empty */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
- * UART Miscellaneous Register
- */
-#define UMISC_ADDR 0xfffff908
-#define UMISC_TX_POL 0x0004 /* Transmit Polarity */
-#define UMISC_RX_POL 0x0008 /* Receive Polarity */
-#define UMISC_IRDA_LOOP 0x0010 /* IrDA Loopback Enable */
-#define UMISC_IRDA_EN 0x0020 /* Infra-Red Enable */
-#define UMISC_RTS 0x0040 /* Set RTS status */
-#define UMISC_RTSCONT 0x0080 /* Choose RTS control */
-#define UMISC_LOOP 0x1000 /* Serial Loopback Enable */
-#define UMISC_FORCE_PERR 0x2000 /* Force Parity Error */
-#define UMISC_CLKSRC 0x4000 /* Clock Source */
-/* generalization of uart control registers to support multiple ports: */
-typedef volatile struct {
- volatile unsigned short int ustcnt;
- volatile unsigned short int ubaud;
- union {
- volatile unsigned short int w;
- struct {
- volatile unsigned char status;
- volatile unsigned char rxdata;
- } b;
- } urx;
- union {
- volatile unsigned short int w;
- struct {
- volatile unsigned char status;
- volatile unsigned char txdata;
- } b;
- } utx;
- volatile unsigned short int umisc;
- volatile unsigned short int pad1;
- volatile unsigned short int pad2;
- volatile unsigned short int pad3;
-} __attribute__((packed)) m68328_uart;
- *
- * 0xFFFFFAxx -- LCD Controller
- *
- **********/
- * LCD Screen Starting Address Register
- */
-#define LSSA_ADDR 0xfffffa00
-#define LSSA_SSA_MASK 0xfffffffe /* Bit 0 is reserved */
- * LCD Virtual Page Width Register
- */
-#define LVPW_ADDR 0xfffffa05
- * LCD Screen Width Register (not compatible with 'EZ328 !!!)
- */
-#define LXMAX_ADDR 0xfffffa08
-#define LXMAX_XM_MASK 0x02ff /* Bits 0-3 are reserved */
- * LCD Screen Height Register
- */
-#define LYMAX_ADDR 0xfffffa0a
-#define LYMAX_YM_MASK 0x02ff /* Bits 10-15 are reserved */
- * LCD Cursor X Position Register
- */
-#define LCXP_ADDR 0xfffffa18
-#define LCXP_CC_MASK 0xc000 /* Cursor Control */
-#define LCXP_CC_TRAMSPARENT 0x0000
-#define LCXP_CC_BLACK 0x4000
-#define LCXP_CC_REVERSED 0x8000
-#define LCXP_CC_WHITE 0xc000
-#define LCXP_CXP_MASK 0x02ff /* Cursor X position */
- * LCD Cursor Y Position Register
- */
-#define LCYP_ADDR 0xfffffa1a
-#define LCYP_CYP_MASK 0x01ff /* Cursor Y Position */
- * LCD Cursor Width and Heigth Register
- */
-#define LCWCH_ADDR 0xfffffa1c
-#define LCWCH_CH_MASK 0x001f /* Cursor Height */
-#define LCWCH_CH_SHIFT 0
-#define LCWCH_CW_MASK 0x1f00 /* Cursor Width */
-#define LCWCH_CW_SHIFT 8
- * LCD Blink Control Register
- */
-#define LBLKC_ADDR 0xfffffa1f
-#define LBLKC_BD_MASK 0x7f /* Blink Divisor */
-#define LBLKC_BD_SHIFT 0
-#define LBLKC_BKEN 0x80 /* Blink Enabled */
- * LCD Panel Interface Configuration Register
- */
-#define LPICF_ADDR 0xfffffa20
-#define LPICF_GS_MASK 0x01 /* Gray-Scale Mode */
-#define LPICF_GS_BW 0x00
-#define LPICF_GS_GRAY_4 0x01
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_MASK 0x06 /* Panel Bus Width */
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_1 0x00
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_2 0x02
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_4 0x04
- * LCD Polarity Configuration Register
- */
-#define LPOLCF_ADDR 0xfffffa21
-#define LPOLCF_PIXPOL 0x01 /* Pixel Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_LPPOL 0x02 /* Line Pulse Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_FLMPOL 0x04 /* Frame Marker Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_LCKPOL 0x08 /* LCD Shift Lock Polarity */
- * LACD (LCD Alternate Crystal Direction) Rate Control Register
- */
-#define LACDRC_ADDR 0xfffffa23
-#define LACDRC_ACD_MASK 0x0f /* Alternate Crystal Direction Control */
- * LCD Pixel Clock Divider Register
- */
-#define LPXCD_ADDR 0xfffffa25
-#define LPXCD_PCD_MASK 0x3f /* Pixel Clock Divider */
-#define LPXCD_PCD_SHIFT 0
- * LCD Clocking Control Register
- */
-#define LCKCON_ADDR 0xfffffa27
-#define LCKCON_PCDS 0x01 /* Pixel Clock Divider Source Select */
-#define LCKCON_DWIDTH 0x02 /* Display Memory Width */
-#define LCKCON_DWS_MASK 0x3c /* Display Wait-State */
-#define LCKCON_DMA16 0x40 /* DMA burst length */
-#define LCKCON_LCDON 0x80 /* Enable LCD Controller */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
- * LCD Last Buffer Address Register
- */
-#define LLBAR_ADDR 0xfffffa29
-#define LLBAR_LBAR_MASK 0x7f /* Number of memory words to fill 1 line */
- * LCD Octet Terminal Count Register
- */
-#define LOTCR_ADDR 0xfffffa2b
- * LCD Panning Offset Register
- */
-#define LPOSR_ADDR 0xfffffa2d
-#define LPOSR_BOS 0x08 /* Byte offset (for B/W mode only */
-#define LPOSR_POS_MASK 0x07 /* Pixel Offset Code */
-#define LPOSR_POS_SHIFT 0
- * LCD Frame Rate Control Modulation Register
- */
-#define LFRCM_ADDR 0xfffffa31
-#define LFRCM_YMOD_MASK 0x0f /* Vertical Modulation */
-#define LFRCM_XMOD_MASK 0xf0 /* Horizontal Modulation */
- * LCD Gray Palette Mapping Register
- */
-#define LGPMR_ADDR 0xfffffa32
-#define LGPMR_GLEVEL3_MASK 0x000f
-#define LGPMR_GLEVEL2_MASK 0x00f0
-#define LGPMR_GLEVEL0_MASK 0x0f00
-#define LGPMR_GLEVEL1_MASK 0xf000
- *
- * 0xFFFFFBxx -- Real-Time Clock (RTC)
- *
- **********/
- * RTC Hours Minutes and Seconds Register
- */
-#define RTCTIME_ADDR 0xfffffb00
-#define RTCTIME_SECONDS_MASK 0x0000003f /* Seconds */
-#define RTCTIME_MINUTES_MASK 0x003f0000 /* Minutes */
-#define RTCTIME_HOURS_MASK 0x1f000000 /* Hours */
- * RTC Alarm Register
- */
-#define RTCALRM_ADDR 0xfffffb04
-#define RTCALRM_SECONDS_MASK 0x0000003f /* Seconds */
-#define RTCALRM_MINUTES_MASK 0x003f0000 /* Minutes */
-#define RTCALRM_HOURS_MASK 0x1f000000 /* Hours */
- * RTC Control Register
- */
-#define RTCCTL_ADDR 0xfffffb0c
-#define RTCCTL_384 0x0020 /* Crystal Selection */
-#define RTCCTL_ENABLE 0x0080 /* RTC Enable */
-/* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */
-#define RTCCTL_XTL RTCCTL_384
- * RTC Interrupt Status Register
- */
-#define RTCISR_ADDR 0xfffffb0e
-#define RTCISR_SW 0x0001 /* Stopwatch timed out */
-#define RTCISR_MIN 0x0002 /* 1-minute interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_ALM 0x0004 /* Alarm interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_DAY 0x0008 /* 24-hour rollover interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_1HZ 0x0010 /* 1Hz interrupt has occurred */
- * RTC Interrupt Enable Register
- */
-#define RTCIENR_ADDR 0xfffffb10
-#define RTCIENR_SW 0x0001 /* Stopwatch interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_MIN 0x0002 /* 1-minute interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_ALM 0x0004 /* Alarm interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_DAY 0x0008 /* 24-hour rollover interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_1HZ 0x0010 /* 1Hz interrupt enable */
- * Stopwatch Minutes Register
- */
-#define STPWCH_ADDR 0xfffffb12
-#define STPWCH_CNT_MASK 0x00ff /* Stopwatch countdown value */
-#endif /* _MC68328_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68332.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68332.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bb8f026..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68332.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-/* include/asm-m68knommu/MC68332.h: '332 control registers
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998 Kenneth Albanowski <>,
- *
- */
-#ifndef _MC68332_H_
-#define _MC68332_H_
-#define BYTE_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned char*)addr))
-#define WORD_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned short*)addr))
-#define PORTE_ADDR 0xfffa11
-#define DDRE_ADDR 0xfffa15
-#define PEPAR_ADDR 0xfffa17
-#define PORTF_ADDR 0xfffa19
-#define DDRF_ADDR 0xfffa1d
-#define PFPAR_ADDR 0xfffa1f
-#define PORTQS_ADDR 0xfffc15
-#define DDRQS_ADDR 0xfffc17
-#define PQSPAR_ADDR 0xfffc16
-#define CSPAR0_ADDR 0xFFFA44
-#define CSPAR1_ADDR 0xFFFA46
-#define CSARBT_ADDR 0xFFFA48
-#define CSBAR0_ADDR 0xFFFA4C
-#define CSOR0_ADDR 0xFFFA4E
-#define CSBAR1_ADDR 0xFFFA50
-#define CSOR1_ADDR 0xFFFA52
-#define CSBAR2_ADDR 0xFFFA54
-#define CSOR2_ADDR 0xFFFA56
-#define CSBAR3_ADDR 0xFFFA58
-#define CSOR3_ADDR 0xFFFA5A
-#define CSBAR4_ADDR 0xFFFA5C
-#define CSOR4_ADDR 0xFFFA5E
-#define CSBAR5_ADDR 0xFFFA60
-#define CSOR5_ADDR 0xFFFA62
-#define CSBAR6_ADDR 0xFFFA64
-#define CSOR6_ADDR 0xFFFA66
-#define CSBAR7_ADDR 0xFFFA68
-#define CSOR7_ADDR 0xFFFA6A
-#define CSBAR8_ADDR 0xFFFA6C
-#define CSOR8_ADDR 0xFFFA6E
-#define CSBAR9_ADDR 0xFFFA70
-#define CSOR9_ADDR 0xFFFA72
-#define CSBAR10_ADDR 0xFFFA74
-#define CSOR10_ADDR 0xFFFA76
-#define CSOR_MODE_ASYNC 0x0000
-#define CSOR_MODE_SYNC 0x8000
-#define CSOR_MODE_MASK 0x8000
-#define CSOR_BYTE_DISABLE 0x0000
-#define CSOR_BYTE_UPPER 0x4000
-#define CSOR_BYTE_LOWER 0x2000
-#define CSOR_BYTE_BOTH 0x6000
-#define CSOR_BYTE_MASK 0x6000
-#define CSOR_RW_RSVD 0x0000
-#define CSOR_RW_READ 0x0800
-#define CSOR_RW_WRITE 0x1000
-#define CSOR_RW_BOTH 0x1800
-#define CSOR_RW_MASK 0x1800
-#define CSOR_STROBE_DS 0x0400
-#define CSOR_STROBE_AS 0x0000
-#define CSOR_STROBE_MASK 0x0400
-#define CSOR_DSACK_WAIT(x) (wait << 6)
-#define CSOR_DSACK_FTERM (14 << 6)
-#define CSOR_DSACK_EXTERNAL (15 << 6)
-#define CSOR_DSACK_MASK 0x03c0
-#define CSOR_SPACE_CPU 0x0000
-#define CSOR_SPACE_USER 0x0010
-#define CSOR_SPACE_SU 0x0020
-#define CSOR_SPACE_BOTH 0x0030
-#define CSOR_SPACE_MASK 0x0030
-#define CSOR_IPL_ALL 0x0000
-#define CSOR_IPL_PRIORITY(x) (x << 1)
-#define CSOR_IPL_MASK 0x000e
-#define CSOR_AVEC_ON 0x0001
-#define CSOR_AVEC_OFF 0x0000
-#define CSOR_AVEC_MASK 0x0001
-#define CSBAR_ADDR(x) ((addr >> 11) << 3)
-#define CSBAR_ADDR_MASK 0xfff8
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_2K 0x0000
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_8K 0x0001
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_16K 0x0002
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_64K 0x0003
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_128K 0x0004
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_256K 0x0005
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_512K 0x0006
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_1M 0x0007
-#define CSBAR_BLKSIZE_MASK 0x0007
-#define CSPAR_DISC 0
-#define CSPAR_ALT 1
-#define CSPAR_CS8 2
-#define CSPAR_CS16 3
-#define CSPAR_MASK 3
-#define CSPAR0_CSBOOT(x) (x << 0)
-#define CSPAR0_CS0(x) (x << 2)
-#define CSPAR0_CS1(x) (x << 4)
-#define CSPAR0_CS2(x) (x << 6)
-#define CSPAR0_CS3(x) (x << 8)
-#define CSPAR0_CS4(x) (x << 10)
-#define CSPAR0_CS5(x) (x << 12)
-#define CSPAR1_CS6(x) (x << 0)
-#define CSPAR1_CS7(x) (x << 2)
-#define CSPAR1_CS8(x) (x << 4)
-#define CSPAR1_CS9(x) (x << 6)
-#define CSPAR1_CS10(x) (x << 8)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68EZ328.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68EZ328.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d1bde58a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68EZ328.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1253 +0,0 @@
-/* include/asm-m68knommu/MC68EZ328.h: 'EZ328 control registers
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999 Vladimir Gurevich <>
- * Bear & Hare Software, Inc.
- *
- * Based on include/asm-m68knommu/MC68332.h
- * Copyright (C) 1998 Kenneth Albanowski <>,
- * The Silver Hammer Group, Ltd.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _MC68EZ328_H_
-#define _MC68EZ328_H_
-#define BYTE_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned char*)addr))
-#define WORD_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned short*)addr))
-#define LONG_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned long*)addr))
-#define PUT_FIELD(field, val) (((val) << field##_SHIFT) & field##_MASK)
-#define GET_FIELD(reg, field) (((reg) & field##_MASK) >> field##_SHIFT)
- *
- * 0xFFFFF0xx -- System Control
- *
- **********/
- * System Control Register (SCR)
- */
-#define SCR_ADDR 0xfffff000
-#define SCR_WDTH8 0x01 /* 8-Bit Width Select */
-#define SCR_DMAP 0x04 /* Double Map */
-#define SCR_SO 0x08 /* Supervisor Only */
-#define SCR_BETEN 0x10 /* Bus-Error Time-Out Enable */
-#define SCR_PRV 0x20 /* Privilege Violation */
-#define SCR_WPV 0x40 /* Write Protect Violation */
-#define SCR_BETO 0x80 /* Bus-Error TimeOut */
- * Silicon ID Register (Mask Revision Register (MRR) for '328 Compatibility)
- */
-#define MRR_ADDR 0xfffff004
- *
- * 0xFFFFF1xx -- Chip-Select logic
- *
- **********/
- * Chip Select Group Base Registers
- */
-#define CSGBA_ADDR 0xfffff100
-#define CSGBB_ADDR 0xfffff102
-#define CSGBC_ADDR 0xfffff104
-#define CSGBD_ADDR 0xfffff106
- * Chip Select Registers
- */
-#define CSA_ADDR 0xfffff110
-#define CSB_ADDR 0xfffff112
-#define CSC_ADDR 0xfffff114
-#define CSD_ADDR 0xfffff116
-#define CSA_EN 0x0001 /* Chip-Select Enable */
-#define CSA_SIZ_MASK 0x000e /* Chip-Select Size */
-#define CSA_SIZ_SHIFT 1
-#define CSA_WS_MASK 0x0070 /* Wait State */
-#define CSA_WS_SHIFT 4
-#define CSA_BSW 0x0080 /* Data Bus Width */
-#define CSA_FLASH 0x0100 /* FLASH Memory Support */
-#define CSA_RO 0x8000 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSB_EN 0x0001 /* Chip-Select Enable */
-#define CSB_SIZ_MASK 0x000e /* Chip-Select Size */
-#define CSB_SIZ_SHIFT 1
-#define CSB_WS_MASK 0x0070 /* Wait State */
-#define CSB_WS_SHIFT 4
-#define CSB_BSW 0x0080 /* Data Bus Width */
-#define CSB_FLASH 0x0100 /* FLASH Memory Support */
-#define CSB_UPSIZ_MASK 0x1800 /* Unprotected memory block size */
-#define CSB_UPSIZ_SHIFT 11
-#define CSB_ROP 0x2000 /* Readonly if protected */
-#define CSB_SOP 0x4000 /* Supervisor only if protected */
-#define CSB_RO 0x8000 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSC_EN 0x0001 /* Chip-Select Enable */
-#define CSC_SIZ_MASK 0x000e /* Chip-Select Size */
-#define CSC_SIZ_SHIFT 1
-#define CSC_WS_MASK 0x0070 /* Wait State */
-#define CSC_WS_SHIFT 4
-#define CSC_BSW 0x0080 /* Data Bus Width */
-#define CSC_FLASH 0x0100 /* FLASH Memory Support */
-#define CSC_UPSIZ_MASK 0x1800 /* Unprotected memory block size */
-#define CSC_UPSIZ_SHIFT 11
-#define CSC_ROP 0x2000 /* Readonly if protected */
-#define CSC_SOP 0x4000 /* Supervisor only if protected */
-#define CSC_RO 0x8000 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSD_EN 0x0001 /* Chip-Select Enable */
-#define CSD_SIZ_MASK 0x000e /* Chip-Select Size */
-#define CSD_SIZ_SHIFT 1
-#define CSD_WS_MASK 0x0070 /* Wait State */
-#define CSD_WS_SHIFT 4
-#define CSD_BSW 0x0080 /* Data Bus Width */
-#define CSD_FLASH 0x0100 /* FLASH Memory Support */
-#define CSD_DRAM 0x0200 /* Dram Selection */
-#define CSD_COMB 0x0400 /* Combining */
-#define CSD_UPSIZ_MASK 0x1800 /* Unprotected memory block size */
-#define CSD_UPSIZ_SHIFT 11
-#define CSD_ROP 0x2000 /* Readonly if protected */
-#define CSD_SOP 0x4000 /* Supervisor only if protected */
-#define CSD_RO 0x8000 /* Read-Only */
- * Emulation Chip-Select Register
- */
-#define EMUCS_ADDR 0xfffff118
-#define EMUCS_WS_MASK 0x0070
-#define EMUCS_WS_SHIFT 4
- *
- * 0xFFFFF2xx -- Phase Locked Loop (PLL) & Power Control
- *
- **********/
- * PLL Control Register
- */
-#define PLLCR_ADDR 0xfffff200
-#define PLLCR_DISPLL 0x0008 /* Disable PLL */
-#define PLLCR_CLKEN 0x0010 /* Clock (CLKO pin) enable */
-#define PLLCR_PRESC 0x0020 /* VCO prescaler */
-#define PLLCR_SYSCLK_SEL_MASK 0x0700 /* System Clock Selection */
-#define PLLCR_LCDCLK_SEL_MASK 0x3800 /* LCD Clock Selection */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * PLL Frequency Select Register
- */
-#define PLLFSR_ADDR 0xfffff202
-#define PLLFSR_PC_MASK 0x00ff /* P Count */
-#define PLLFSR_PC_SHIFT 0
-#define PLLFSR_QC_MASK 0x0f00 /* Q Count */
-#define PLLFSR_QC_SHIFT 8
-#define PLLFSR_PROT 0x4000 /* Protect P & Q */
-#define PLLFSR_CLK32 0x8000 /* Clock 32 (kHz) */
- * Power Control Register
- */
-#define PCTRL_ADDR 0xfffff207
-#define PCTRL_WIDTH_MASK 0x1f /* CPU Clock bursts width */
-#define PCTRL_PCEN 0x80 /* Power Control Enable */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF3xx -- Interrupt Controller
- *
- **********/
- * Interrupt Vector Register
- */
-#define IVR_ADDR 0xfffff300
-#define IVR_VECTOR_MASK 0xF8
- * Interrupt control Register
- */
-#define ICR_ADDR 0xfffff302
-#define ICR_POL5 0x0080 /* Polarity Control for IRQ5 */
-#define ICR_ET6 0x0100 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ6 */
-#define ICR_ET3 0x0200 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ3 */
-#define ICR_ET2 0x0400 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ2 */
-#define ICR_ET1 0x0800 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ1 */
-#define ICR_POL6 0x1000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ6 */
-#define ICR_POL3 0x2000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ3 */
-#define ICR_POL2 0x4000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ2 */
-#define ICR_POL1 0x8000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ1 */
- * Interrupt Mask Register
- */
-#define IMR_ADDR 0xfffff304
- * Define the names for bit positions first. This is useful for
- * request_irq
- */
-#define SPI_IRQ_NUM 0 /* SPI interrupt */
-#define TMR_IRQ_NUM 1 /* Timer interrupt */
-#define UART_IRQ_NUM 2 /* UART interrupt */
-#define WDT_IRQ_NUM 3 /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define RTC_IRQ_NUM 4 /* RTC interrupt */
-#define KB_IRQ_NUM 6 /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define PWM_IRQ_NUM 7 /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */
-#define INT0_IRQ_NUM 8 /* External INT0 */
-#define INT1_IRQ_NUM 9 /* External INT1 */
-#define INT2_IRQ_NUM 10 /* External INT2 */
-#define INT3_IRQ_NUM 11 /* External INT3 */
-#define IRQ1_IRQ_NUM 16 /* IRQ1 */
-#define IRQ2_IRQ_NUM 17 /* IRQ2 */
-#define IRQ3_IRQ_NUM 18 /* IRQ3 */
-#define IRQ6_IRQ_NUM 19 /* IRQ6 */
-#define IRQ5_IRQ_NUM 20 /* IRQ5 */
-#define SAM_IRQ_NUM 22 /* Sampling Timer for RTC */
-#define EMIQ_IRQ_NUM 23 /* Emulator Interrupt */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * Here go the bitmasks themselves
- */
-#define IMR_MSPI (1 << SPI_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask SPI interrupt */
-#define IMR_MTMR (1 << TMR_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Timer interrupt */
-#define IMR_MUART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask UART interrupt */
-#define IMR_MWDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define IMR_MRTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask RTC interrupt */
-#define IMR_MKB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define IMR_MPWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Pulse-Width Modulator int. */
-#define IMR_MINT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT0 */
-#define IMR_MINT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT1 */
-#define IMR_MINT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT2 */
-#define IMR_MINT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT3 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ1 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ2 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ3 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ6 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ5 (1 << IRQ5_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ5 */
-#define IMR_MSAM (1 << SAM_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Sampling Timer for RTC */
-#define IMR_MEMIQ (1 << EMIQ_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Emulator Interrupt */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * Interrupt Status Register
- */
-#define ISR_ADDR 0xfffff30c
-#define ISR_SPI (1 << SPI_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI interrupt */
-#define ISR_TMR (1 << TMR_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer interrupt */
-#define ISR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */
-#define ISR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define ISR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */
-#define ISR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define ISR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator interrupt */
-#define ISR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */
-#define ISR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */
-#define ISR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */
-#define ISR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */
-#define ISR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */
-#define ISR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */
-#define ISR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */
-#define ISR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */
-#define ISR_IRQ5 (1 << IRQ5_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ5 */
-#define ISR_SAM (1 << SAM_IRQ_NUM) /* Sampling Timer for RTC */
-#define ISR_EMIQ (1 << EMIQ_IRQ_NUM) /* Emulator Interrupt */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define ISR_TMR1 ISR_TMR
- * Interrupt Pending Register
- */
-#define IPR_ADDR 0xfffff30c
-#define IPR_SPI (1 << SPI_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI interrupt */
-#define IPR_TMR (1 << TMR_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer interrupt */
-#define IPR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */
-#define IPR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define IPR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */
-#define IPR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define IPR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator interrupt */
-#define IPR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */
-#define IPR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */
-#define IPR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */
-#define IPR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */
-#define IPR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */
-#define IPR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */
-#define IPR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */
-#define IPR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */
-#define IPR_IRQ5 (1 << IRQ5_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ5 */
-#define IPR_SAM (1 << SAM_IRQ_NUM) /* Sampling Timer for RTC */
-#define IPR_EMIQ (1 << EMIQ_IRQ_NUM) /* Emulator Interrupt */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define IPR_TMR1 IPR_TMR
- *
- * 0xFFFFF4xx -- Parallel Ports
- *
- **********/
- * Port A
- */
-#define PADIR_ADDR 0xfffff400 /* Port A direction reg */
-#define PADATA_ADDR 0xfffff401 /* Port A data register */
-#define PAPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff402 /* Port A Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PA(x) (1 << (x))
- * Port B
- */
-#define PBDIR_ADDR 0xfffff408 /* Port B direction reg */
-#define PBDATA_ADDR 0xfffff409 /* Port B data register */
-#define PBPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff40a /* Port B Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PBSEL_ADDR 0xfffff40b /* Port B Select Register */
-#define PB(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PB_CSB0 0x01 /* Use CSB0 as PB[0] */
-#define PB_CSB1 0x02 /* Use CSB1 as PB[1] */
-#define PB_CSC0_RAS0 0x04 /* Use CSC0/RAS0 as PB[2] */
-#define PB_CSC1_RAS1 0x08 /* Use CSC1/RAS1 as PB[3] */
-#define PB_CSD0_CAS0 0x10 /* Use CSD0/CAS0 as PB[4] */
-#define PB_CSD1_CAS1 0x20 /* Use CSD1/CAS1 as PB[5] */
-#define PB_TIN_TOUT 0x40 /* Use TIN/TOUT as PB[6] */
-#define PB_PWMO 0x80 /* Use PWMO as PB[7] */
- * Port C
- */
-#define PCDIR_ADDR 0xfffff410 /* Port C direction reg */
-#define PCDATA_ADDR 0xfffff411 /* Port C data register */
-#define PCPDEN_ADDR 0xfffff412 /* Port C Pull-Down enb. reg */
-#define PCSEL_ADDR 0xfffff413 /* Port C Select Register */
-#define PC(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PC_LD0 0x01 /* Use LD0 as PC[0] */
-#define PC_LD1 0x02 /* Use LD1 as PC[1] */
-#define PC_LD2 0x04 /* Use LD2 as PC[2] */
-#define PC_LD3 0x08 /* Use LD3 as PC[3] */
-#define PC_LFLM 0x10 /* Use LFLM as PC[4] */
-#define PC_LLP 0x20 /* Use LLP as PC[5] */
-#define PC_LCLK 0x40 /* Use LCLK as PC[6] */
-#define PC_LACD 0x80 /* Use LACD as PC[7] */
- * Port D
- */
-#define PDDIR_ADDR 0xfffff418 /* Port D direction reg */
-#define PDDATA_ADDR 0xfffff419 /* Port D data register */
-#define PDPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff41a /* Port D Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PDSEL_ADDR 0xfffff41b /* Port D Select Register */
-#define PDPOL_ADDR 0xfffff41c /* Port D Polarity Register */
-#define PDIRQEN_ADDR 0xfffff41d /* Port D IRQ enable register */
-#define PDKBEN_ADDR 0xfffff41e /* Port D Keyboard Enable reg */
-#define PDIQEG_ADDR 0xfffff41f /* Port D IRQ Edge Register */
-#define PD(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PD_INT0 0x01 /* Use INT0 as PD[0] */
-#define PD_INT1 0x02 /* Use INT1 as PD[1] */
-#define PD_INT2 0x04 /* Use INT2 as PD[2] */
-#define PD_INT3 0x08 /* Use INT3 as PD[3] */
-#define PD_IRQ1 0x10 /* Use IRQ1 as PD[4] */
-#define PD_IRQ2 0x20 /* Use IRQ2 as PD[5] */
-#define PD_IRQ3 0x40 /* Use IRQ3 as PD[6] */
-#define PD_IRQ6 0x80 /* Use IRQ6 as PD[7] */
- * Port E
- */
-#define PEDIR_ADDR 0xfffff420 /* Port E direction reg */
-#define PEDATA_ADDR 0xfffff421 /* Port E data register */
-#define PEPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff422 /* Port E Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PESEL_ADDR 0xfffff423 /* Port E Select Register */
-#define PE(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PE_SPMTXD 0x01 /* Use SPMTXD as PE[0] */
-#define PE_SPMRXD 0x02 /* Use SPMRXD as PE[1] */
-#define PE_SPMCLK 0x04 /* Use SPMCLK as PE[2] */
-#define PE_DWE 0x08 /* Use DWE as PE[3] */
-#define PE_RXD 0x10 /* Use RXD as PE[4] */
-#define PE_TXD 0x20 /* Use TXD as PE[5] */
-#define PE_RTS 0x40 /* Use RTS as PE[6] */
-#define PE_CTS 0x80 /* Use CTS as PE[7] */
- * Port F
- */
-#define PFDIR_ADDR 0xfffff428 /* Port F direction reg */
-#define PFDATA_ADDR 0xfffff429 /* Port F data register */
-#define PFPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff42a /* Port F Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PFSEL_ADDR 0xfffff42b /* Port F Select Register */
-#define PF(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PF_LCONTRAST 0x01 /* Use LCONTRAST as PF[0] */
-#define PF_IRQ5 0x02 /* Use IRQ5 as PF[1] */
-#define PF_CLKO 0x04 /* Use CLKO as PF[2] */
-#define PF_A20 0x08 /* Use A20 as PF[3] */
-#define PF_A21 0x10 /* Use A21 as PF[4] */
-#define PF_A22 0x20 /* Use A22 as PF[5] */
-#define PF_A23 0x40 /* Use A23 as PF[6] */
-#define PF_CSA1 0x80 /* Use CSA1 as PF[7] */
- * Port G
- */
-#define PGDIR_ADDR 0xfffff430 /* Port G direction reg */
-#define PGDATA_ADDR 0xfffff431 /* Port G data register */
-#define PGPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff432 /* Port G Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PGSEL_ADDR 0xfffff433 /* Port G Select Register */
-#define PG(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PG_BUSW_DTACK 0x01 /* Use BUSW/DTACK as PG[0] */
-#define PG_A0 0x02 /* Use A0 as PG[1] */
-#define PG_EMUIRQ 0x04 /* Use EMUIRQ as PG[2] */
-#define PG_HIZ_P_D 0x08 /* Use HIZ/P/D as PG[3] */
-#define PG_EMUCS 0x10 /* Use EMUCS as PG[4] */
-#define PG_EMUBRK 0x20 /* Use EMUBRK as PG[5] */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF5xx -- Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM)
- *
- **********/
- * PWM Control Register
- */
-#define PWMC_ADDR 0xfffff500
-#define PWMC_CLKSEL_MASK 0x0003 /* Clock Selection */
-#define PWMC_REPEAT_MASK 0x000c /* Sample Repeats */
-#define PWMC_EN 0x0010 /* Enable PWM */
-#define PMNC_FIFOAV 0x0020 /* FIFO Available */
-#define PWMC_IRQEN 0x0040 /* Interrupt Request Enable */
-#define PWMC_IRQ 0x0080 /* Interrupt Request (FIFO empty) */
-#define PWMC_PRESCALER_MASK 0x7f00 /* Incoming Clock prescaler */
-#define PWMC_CLKSRC 0x8000 /* Clock Source Select */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * PWM Sample Register
- */
-#define PWMS_ADDR 0xfffff502
- * PWM Period Register
- */
-#define PWMP_ADDR 0xfffff504
- * PWM Counter Register
- */
-#define PWMCNT_ADDR 0xfffff505
- *
- * 0xFFFFF6xx -- General-Purpose Timer
- *
- **********/
- * Timer Control register
- */
-#define TCTL_ADDR 0xfffff600
-#define TCTL_TEN 0x0001 /* Timer Enable */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_MASK 0x000e /* Clock Source: */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_STOP 0x0000 /* Stop count (disabled) */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK 0x0002 /* SYSCLK to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK_16 0x0004 /* SYSCLK/16 to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_TIN 0x0006 /* TIN to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_32KHZ 0x0008 /* 32kHz clock to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_IRQEN 0x0010 /* IRQ Enable */
-#define TCTL_OM 0x0020 /* Output Mode */
-#define TCTL_CAP_MASK 0x00c0 /* Capture Edge: */
-#define TCTL_CAP_RE 0x0040 /* Capture on rizing edge */
-#define TCTL_CAP_FE 0x0080 /* Capture on falling edge */
-#define TCTL_FRR 0x0010 /* Free-Run Mode */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCTL1 TCTL
- * Timer Prescaler Register
- */
-#define TPRER_ADDR 0xfffff602
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TPRER1 TPRER
- * Timer Compare Register
- */
-#define TCMP_ADDR 0xfffff604
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCMP1 TCMP
- * Timer Capture register
- */
-#define TCR_ADDR 0xfffff606
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCR1 TCR
- * Timer Counter Register
- */
-#define TCN_ADDR 0xfffff608
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCN1 TCN
- * Timer Status Register
- */
-#define TSTAT_ADDR 0xfffff60a
-#define TSTAT_COMP 0x0001 /* Compare Event occurred */
-#define TSTAT_CAPT 0x0001 /* Capture Event occurred */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TSTAT1 TSTAT
- *
- * 0xFFFFF8xx -- Serial Periferial Interface Master (SPIM)
- *
- **********/
- * SPIM Data Register
- */
-#define SPIMDATA_ADDR 0xfffff800
- * SPIM Control/Status Register
- */
-#define SPIMCONT_ADDR 0xfffff802
-#define SPIMCONT_BIT_COUNT_MASK 0x000f /* Transfer Length in Bytes */
-#define SPIMCONT_POL 0x0010 /* SPMCLK Signel Polarity */
-#define SPIMCONT_PHA 0x0020 /* Clock/Data phase relationship */
-#define SPIMCONT_IRQEN 0x0040 /* IRQ Enable */
-#define SPIMCONT_IRQ 0x0080 /* Interrupt Request */
-#define SPIMCONT_XCH 0x0100 /* Exchange */
-#define SPIMCONT_ENABLE 0x0200 /* Enable SPIM */
-#define SPIMCONT_DATA_RATE_MASK 0xe000 /* SPIM Data Rate */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF9xx -- UART
- *
- **********/
- * UART Status/Control Register
- */
-#define USTCNT_ADDR 0xfffff900
-#define USTCNT_TXAE 0x0001 /* Transmitter Available Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_TXHE 0x0002 /* Transmitter Half Empty Enable */
-#define USTCNT_TXEE 0x0004 /* Transmitter Empty Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXRE 0x0008 /* Receiver Ready Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXHE 0x0010 /* Receiver Half-Full Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXFE 0x0020 /* Receiver Full Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_CTSD 0x0040 /* CTS Delta Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_ODEN 0x0080 /* Old Data Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_8_7 0x0100 /* Eight or seven-bit transmission */
-#define USTCNT_STOP 0x0200 /* Stop bit transmission */
-#define USTCNT_ODD 0x0400 /* Odd Parity */
-#define USTCNT_PEN 0x0800 /* Parity Enable */
-#define USTCNT_CLKM 0x1000 /* Clock Mode Select */
-#define USTCNT_TXEN 0x2000 /* Transmitter Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXEN 0x4000 /* Receiver Enable */
-#define USTCNT_UEN 0x8000 /* UART Enable */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * UART Baud Control Register
- */
-#define UBAUD_ADDR 0xfffff902
-#define UBAUD_PRESCALER_MASK 0x003f /* Actual divisor is 65 - PRESCALER */
-#define UBAUD_DIVIDE_MASK 0x0700 /* Baud Rate freq. divizor */
-#define UBAUD_BAUD_SRC 0x0800 /* Baud Rate Source */
-#define UBAUD_UCLKDIR 0x2000 /* UCLK Direction */
- * UART Receiver Register
- */
-#define URX_ADDR 0xfffff904
-#define URX_RXDATA_ADDR 0xfffff905
-#define URX_RXDATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Received data */
-#define URX_PARITY_ERROR 0x0100 /* Parity Error */
-#define URX_BREAK 0x0200 /* Break Detected */
-#define URX_FRAME_ERROR 0x0400 /* Framing Error */
-#define URX_OVRUN 0x0800 /* Serial Overrun */
-#define URX_OLD_DATA 0x1000 /* Old data in FIFO */
-#define URX_DATA_READY 0x2000 /* Data Ready (FIFO not empty) */
-#define URX_FIFO_HALF 0x4000 /* FIFO is Half-Full */
-#define URX_FIFO_FULL 0x8000 /* FIFO is Full */
- * UART Transmitter Register
- */
-#define UTX_ADDR 0xfffff906
-#define UTX_TXDATA_ADDR 0xfffff907
-#define UTX_TXDATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Data to be transmitted */
-#define UTX_CTS_DELTA 0x0100 /* CTS changed */
-#define UTX_CTS_STAT 0x0200 /* CTS State */
-#define UTX_BUSY 0x0400 /* FIFO is busy, sending a character */
-#define UTX_NOCTS 0x0800 /* Ignore CTS */
-#define UTX_SEND_BREAK 0x1000 /* Send a BREAK */
-#define UTX_TX_AVAIL 0x2000 /* Transmit FIFO has a slot available */
-#define UTX_FIFO_HALF 0x4000 /* Transmit FIFO is half empty */
-#define UTX_FIFO_EMPTY 0x8000 /* Transmit FIFO is empty */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * UART Miscellaneous Register
- */
-#define UMISC_ADDR 0xfffff908
-#define UMISC_TX_POL 0x0004 /* Transmit Polarity */
-#define UMISC_RX_POL 0x0008 /* Receive Polarity */
-#define UMISC_IRDA_LOOP 0x0010 /* IrDA Loopback Enable */
-#define UMISC_IRDA_EN 0x0020 /* Infra-Red Enable */
-#define UMISC_RTS 0x0040 /* Set RTS status */
-#define UMISC_RTSCONT 0x0080 /* Choose RTS control */
-#define UMISC_IR_TEST 0x0400 /* IRDA Test Enable */
-#define UMISC_BAUD_RESET 0x0800 /* Reset Baud Rate Generation Counters */
-#define UMISC_LOOP 0x1000 /* Serial Loopback Enable */
-#define UMISC_FORCE_PERR 0x2000 /* Force Parity Error */
-#define UMISC_CLKSRC 0x4000 /* Clock Source */
-#define UMISC_BAUD_TEST 0x8000 /* Enable Baud Test Mode */
- * UART Non-integer Prescaler Register
- */
-#define NIPR_ADDR 0xfffff90a
-#define NIPR_STEP_VALUE_MASK 0x00ff /* NI prescaler step value */
-#define NIPR_SELECT_MASK 0x0700 /* Tap Selection */
-#define NIPR_PRE_SEL 0x8000 /* Non-integer prescaler select */
-/* generalization of uart control registers to support multiple ports: */
-typedef volatile struct {
- volatile unsigned short int ustcnt;
- volatile unsigned short int ubaud;
- union {
- volatile unsigned short int w;
- struct {
- volatile unsigned char status;
- volatile unsigned char rxdata;
- } b;
- } urx;
- union {
- volatile unsigned short int w;
- struct {
- volatile unsigned char status;
- volatile unsigned char txdata;
- } b;
- } utx;
- volatile unsigned short int umisc;
- volatile unsigned short int nipr;
- volatile unsigned short int pad1;
- volatile unsigned short int pad2;
-} __attribute__((packed)) m68328_uart;
- *
- * 0xFFFFFAxx -- LCD Controller
- *
- **********/
- * LCD Screen Starting Address Register
- */
-#define LSSA_ADDR 0xfffffa00
-#define LSSA_SSA_MASK 0x1ffffffe /* Bits 0 and 29-31 are reserved */
- * LCD Virtual Page Width Register
- */
-#define LVPW_ADDR 0xfffffa05
- * LCD Screen Width Register (not compatible with '328 !!!)
- */
-#define LXMAX_ADDR 0xfffffa08
-#define LXMAX_XM_MASK 0x02f0 /* Bits 0-3 and 10-15 are reserved */
- * LCD Screen Height Register
- */
-#define LYMAX_ADDR 0xfffffa0a
-#define LYMAX_YM_MASK 0x01ff /* Bits 9-15 are reserved */
- * LCD Cursor X Position Register
- */
-#define LCXP_ADDR 0xfffffa18
-#define LCXP_CC_MASK 0xc000 /* Cursor Control */
-#define LCXP_CC_TRAMSPARENT 0x0000
-#define LCXP_CC_BLACK 0x4000
-#define LCXP_CC_REVERSED 0x8000
-#define LCXP_CC_WHITE 0xc000
-#define LCXP_CXP_MASK 0x02ff /* Cursor X position */
- * LCD Cursor Y Position Register
- */
-#define LCYP_ADDR 0xfffffa1a
-#define LCYP_CYP_MASK 0x01ff /* Cursor Y Position */
- * LCD Cursor Width and Heigth Register
- */
-#define LCWCH_ADDR 0xfffffa1c
-#define LCWCH_CH_MASK 0x001f /* Cursor Height */
-#define LCWCH_CH_SHIFT 0
-#define LCWCH_CW_MASK 0x1f00 /* Cursor Width */
-#define LCWCH_CW_SHIFT 8
- * LCD Blink Control Register
- */
-#define LBLKC_ADDR 0xfffffa1f
-#define LBLKC_BD_MASK 0x7f /* Blink Divisor */
-#define LBLKC_BD_SHIFT 0
-#define LBLKC_BKEN 0x80 /* Blink Enabled */
- * LCD Panel Interface Configuration Register
- */
-#define LPICF_ADDR 0xfffffa20
-#define LPICF_GS_MASK 0x03 /* Gray-Scale Mode */
-#define LPICF_GS_BW 0x00
-#define LPICF_GS_GRAY_4 0x01
-#define LPICF_GS_GRAY_16 0x02
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_MASK 0x0c /* Panel Bus Width */
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_1 0x00
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_2 0x04
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_4 0x08
- * LCD Polarity Configuration Register
- */
-#define LPOLCF_ADDR 0xfffffa21
-#define LPOLCF_PIXPOL 0x01 /* Pixel Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_LPPOL 0x02 /* Line Pulse Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_FLMPOL 0x04 /* Frame Marker Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_LCKPOL 0x08 /* LCD Shift Lock Polarity */
- * LACD (LCD Alternate Crystal Direction) Rate Control Register
- */
-#define LACDRC_ADDR 0xfffffa23
-#define LACDRC_ACDSLT 0x80 /* Signal Source Select */
-#define LACDRC_ACD_MASK 0x0f /* Alternate Crystal Direction Control */
- * LCD Pixel Clock Divider Register
- */
-#define LPXCD_ADDR 0xfffffa25
-#define LPXCD_PCD_MASK 0x3f /* Pixel Clock Divider */
-#define LPXCD_PCD_SHIFT 0
- * LCD Clocking Control Register
- */
-#define LCKCON_ADDR 0xfffffa27
-#define LCKCON_DWS_MASK 0x0f /* Display Wait-State */
-#define LCKCON_DWIDTH 0x40 /* Display Memory Width */
-#define LCKCON_LCDON 0x80 /* Enable LCD Controller */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * LCD Refresh Rate Adjustment Register
- */
-#define LRRA_ADDR 0xfffffa29
- * LCD Panning Offset Register
- */
-#define LPOSR_ADDR 0xfffffa2d
-#define LPOSR_POS_MASK 0x0f /* Pixel Offset Code */
-#define LPOSR_POS_SHIFT 0
- * LCD Frame Rate Control Modulation Register
- */
-#define LFRCM_ADDR 0xfffffa31
-#define LFRCM_YMOD_MASK 0x0f /* Vertical Modulation */
-#define LFRCM_XMOD_MASK 0xf0 /* Horizontal Modulation */
- * LCD Gray Palette Mapping Register
- */
-#define LGPMR_ADDR 0xfffffa33
-#define LGPMR_G1_MASK 0x0f
-#define LGPMR_G1_SHIFT 0
-#define LGPMR_G2_MASK 0xf0
-#define LGPMR_G2_SHIFT 4
- * PWM Contrast Control Register
- */
-#define PWMR_ADDR 0xfffffa36
-#define PWMR_PW_MASK 0x00ff /* Pulse Width */
-#define PWMR_PW_SHIFT 0
-#define PWMR_CCPEN 0x0100 /* Contrast Control Enable */
-#define PWMR_SRC_MASK 0x0600 /* Input Clock Source */
-#define PWMR_SRC_LINE 0x0000 /* Line Pulse */
-#define PWMR_SRC_PIXEL 0x0200 /* Pixel Clock */
-#define PWMR_SRC_LCD 0x4000 /* LCD clock */
- *
- * 0xFFFFFBxx -- Real-Time Clock (RTC)
- *
- **********/
- * RTC Hours Minutes and Seconds Register
- */
-#define RTCTIME_ADDR 0xfffffb00
-#define RTCTIME_SECONDS_MASK 0x0000003f /* Seconds */
-#define RTCTIME_MINUTES_MASK 0x003f0000 /* Minutes */
-#define RTCTIME_HOURS_MASK 0x1f000000 /* Hours */
- * RTC Alarm Register
- */
-#define RTCALRM_ADDR 0xfffffb04
-#define RTCALRM_SECONDS_MASK 0x0000003f /* Seconds */
-#define RTCALRM_MINUTES_MASK 0x003f0000 /* Minutes */
-#define RTCALRM_HOURS_MASK 0x1f000000 /* Hours */
- * Watchdog Timer Register
- */
-#define WATCHDOG_ADDR 0xfffffb0a
-#define WATCHDOG_EN 0x0001 /* Watchdog Enabled */
-#define WATCHDOG_ISEL 0x0002 /* Select the watchdog interrupt */
-#define WATCHDOG_INTF 0x0080 /* Watchdog interrupt occurred */
-#define WATCHDOG_CNT_MASK 0x0300 /* Watchdog Counter */
- * RTC Control Register
- */
-#define RTCCTL_ADDR 0xfffffb0c
-#define RTCCTL_XTL 0x0020 /* Crystal Selection */
-#define RTCCTL_EN 0x0080 /* RTC Enable */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define RTCCTL_384 RTCCTL_XTL
- * RTC Interrupt Status Register
- */
-#define RTCISR_ADDR 0xfffffb0e
-#define RTCISR_SW 0x0001 /* Stopwatch timed out */
-#define RTCISR_MIN 0x0002 /* 1-minute interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_ALM 0x0004 /* Alarm interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_DAY 0x0008 /* 24-hour rollover interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_1HZ 0x0010 /* 1Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_HR 0x0020 /* 1-hour interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM0 0x0100 /* 4Hz / 4.6875Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM1 0x0200 /* 8Hz / 9.3750Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM2 0x0400 /* 16Hz / 18.7500Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM3 0x0800 /* 32Hz / 37.5000Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM4 0x1000 /* 64Hz / 75.0000Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM5 0x2000 /* 128Hz / 150.0000Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM6 0x4000 /* 256Hz / 300.0000Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM7 0x8000 /* 512Hz / 600.0000Hz interrupt has occurred */
- * RTC Interrupt Enable Register
- */
-#define RTCIENR_ADDR 0xfffffb10
-#define RTCIENR_SW 0x0001 /* Stopwatch interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_MIN 0x0002 /* 1-minute interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_ALM 0x0004 /* Alarm interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_DAY 0x0008 /* 24-hour rollover interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_1HZ 0x0010 /* 1Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_HR 0x0020 /* 1-hour interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM0 0x0100 /* 4Hz / 4.6875Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM1 0x0200 /* 8Hz / 9.3750Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM2 0x0400 /* 16Hz / 18.7500Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM3 0x0800 /* 32Hz / 37.5000Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM4 0x1000 /* 64Hz / 75.0000Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM5 0x2000 /* 128Hz / 150.0000Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM6 0x4000 /* 256Hz / 300.0000Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM7 0x8000 /* 512Hz / 600.0000Hz interrupt enable */
- * Stopwatch Minutes Register
- */
-#define STPWCH_ADDR 0xfffffb12
-#define STPWCH_CNT_MASK 0x003f /* Stopwatch countdown value */
- * RTC Day Count Register
- */
-#define DAYR_ADDR 0xfffffb1a
-#define DAYR_DAYS_MASK 0x1ff /* Day Setting */
-#define DAYR_DAYS_SHIFT 0
- * RTC Day Alarm Register
- */
-#define DAYALARM_ADDR 0xfffffb1c
-#define DAYALARM_DAYSAL_MASK 0x01ff /* Day Setting of the Alarm */
- *
- * 0xFFFFFCxx -- DRAM Controller
- *
- **********/
- * DRAM Memory Configuration Register
- */
-#define DRAMMC_ADDR 0xfffffc00
-#define DRAMMC_ROW12_MASK 0xc000 /* Row address bit for MD12 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW12_PA10 0x0000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW12_PA21 0x4000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW12_PA23 0x8000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW0_MASK 0x3000 /* Row address bit for MD0 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW0_PA11 0x0000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW0_PA22 0x1000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW0_PA23 0x2000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW11 0x0800 /* Row address bit for MD11 PA20/PA22 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW10 0x0400 /* Row address bit for MD10 PA19/PA21 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW9 0x0200 /* Row address bit for MD9 PA9/PA19 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW8 0x0100 /* Row address bit for MD8 PA10/PA20 */
-#define DRAMMC_COL10 0x0080 /* Col address bit for MD10 PA11/PA0 */
-#define DRAMMC_COL9 0x0040 /* Col address bit for MD9 PA10/PA0 */
-#define DRAMMC_COL8 0x0020 /* Col address bit for MD8 PA9/PA0 */
-#define DRAMMC_REF_MASK 0x001f /* Reresh Cycle */
- * DRAM Control Register
- */
-#define DRAMC_ADDR 0xfffffc02
-#define DRAMC_DWE 0x0001 /* DRAM Write Enable */
-#define DRAMC_RST 0x0002 /* Reset Burst Refresh Enable */
-#define DRAMC_LPR 0x0004 /* Low-Power Refresh Enable */
-#define DRAMC_SLW 0x0008 /* Slow RAM */
-#define DRAMC_LSP 0x0010 /* Light Sleep */
-#define DRAMC_MSW 0x0020 /* Slow Multiplexing */
-#define DRAMC_WS_MASK 0x00c0 /* Wait-states */
-#define DRAMC_WS_SHIFT 6
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_MASK 0x0300 /* Page Size for fast page mode */
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_256K 0x0000
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_512K 0x0100
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_1024K 0x0200
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_2048K 0x0300
-#define DRAMC_EDO 0x0400 /* EDO DRAM */
-#define DRAMC_CLK 0x0800 /* Refresh Timer Clock source select */
-#define DRAMC_BC_MASK 0x3000 /* Page Access Clock Cycle (FP mode) */
-#define DRAMC_BC_SHIFT 12
-#define DRAMC_RM 0x4000 /* Refresh Mode */
-#define DRAMC_EN 0x8000 /* DRAM Controller enable */
- *
- * 0xFFFFFDxx -- In-Circuit Emulation (ICE)
- *
- **********/
- * ICE Module Address Compare Register
- */
-#define ICEMACR_ADDR 0xfffffd00
- * ICE Module Address Mask Register
- */
-#define ICEMAMR_ADDR 0xfffffd04
- * ICE Module Control Compare Register
- */
-#define ICEMCCR_ADDR 0xfffffd08
-#define ICEMCCR_PD 0x0001 /* Program/Data Cycle Selection */
-#define ICEMCCR_RW 0x0002 /* Read/Write Cycle Selection */
- * ICE Module Control Mask Register
- */
-#define ICEMCMR_ADDR 0xfffffd0a
-#define ICEMCMR_PDM 0x0001 /* Program/Data Cycle Mask */
-#define ICEMCMR_RWM 0x0002 /* Read/Write Cycle Mask */
- * ICE Module Control Register
- */
-#define ICEMCR_ADDR 0xfffffd0c
-#define ICEMCR_CEN 0x0001 /* Compare Enable */
-#define ICEMCR_PBEN 0x0002 /* Program Break Enable */
-#define ICEMCR_SB 0x0004 /* Single Breakpoint */
-#define ICEMCR_HMDIS 0x0008 /* HardMap disable */
-#define ICEMCR_BBIEN 0x0010 /* Bus Break Interrupt Enable */
- * ICE Module Status Register
- */
-#define ICEMSR_ADDR 0xfffffd0e
-#define ICEMSR_EMUEN 0x0001 /* Emulation Enable */
-#define ICEMSR_BRKIRQ 0x0002 /* A-Line Vector Fetch Detected */
-#define ICEMSR_BBIRQ 0x0004 /* Bus Break Interrupt Detected */
-#define ICEMSR_EMIRQ 0x0008 /* EMUIRQ Falling Edge Detected */
-#endif /* _MC68EZ328_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68VZ328.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68VZ328.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd1bf1f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/MC68VZ328.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1349 +0,0 @@
-/* include/asm-m68knommu/MC68VZ328.h: 'VZ328 control registers
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Lineo Inc. <>
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Lineo Canada Corp. <>
- * Copyright (C) 1999 Vladimir Gurevich <>
- * Bare & Hare Software, Inc.
- * Based on include/asm-m68knommu/MC68332.h
- * Copyright (C) 1998 Kenneth Albanowski <>,
- * The Silver Hammer Group, Ltd.
- *
- * M68VZ328 fixes by Evan Stawnyczy <>
- * vz multiport fixes by Michael Leslie <>
- */
-#ifndef _MC68VZ328_H_
-#define _MC68VZ328_H_
-#define BYTE_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned char*)addr))
-#define WORD_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned short*)addr))
-#define LONG_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned long*)addr))
-#define PUT_FIELD(field, val) (((val) << field##_SHIFT) & field##_MASK)
-#define GET_FIELD(reg, field) (((reg) & field##_MASK) >> field##_SHIFT)
- *
- * 0xFFFFF0xx -- System Control
- *
- **********/
- * System Control Register (SCR)
- */
-#define SCR_ADDR 0xfffff000
-#define SCR_WDTH8 0x01 /* 8-Bit Width Select */
-#define SCR_DMAP 0x04 /* Double Map */
-#define SCR_SO 0x08 /* Supervisor Only */
-#define SCR_BETEN 0x10 /* Bus-Error Time-Out Enable */
-#define SCR_PRV 0x20 /* Privilege Violation */
-#define SCR_WPV 0x40 /* Write Protect Violation */
-#define SCR_BETO 0x80 /* Bus-Error TimeOut */
- * Silicon ID Register (Mask Revision Register (MRR) for '328 Compatibility)
- */
-#define MRR_ADDR 0xfffff004
- *
- * 0xFFFFF1xx -- Chip-Select logic
- *
- **********/
- * Chip Select Group Base Registers
- */
-#define CSGBA_ADDR 0xfffff100
-#define CSGBB_ADDR 0xfffff102
-#define CSGBC_ADDR 0xfffff104
-#define CSGBD_ADDR 0xfffff106
- * Chip Select Registers
- */
-#define CSA_ADDR 0xfffff110
-#define CSB_ADDR 0xfffff112
-#define CSC_ADDR 0xfffff114
-#define CSD_ADDR 0xfffff116
-#define CSA_EN 0x0001 /* Chip-Select Enable */
-#define CSA_SIZ_MASK 0x000e /* Chip-Select Size */
-#define CSA_SIZ_SHIFT 1
-#define CSA_WS_MASK 0x0070 /* Wait State */
-#define CSA_WS_SHIFT 4
-#define CSA_BSW 0x0080 /* Data Bus Width */
-#define CSA_FLASH 0x0100 /* FLASH Memory Support */
-#define CSA_RO 0x8000 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSB_EN 0x0001 /* Chip-Select Enable */
-#define CSB_SIZ_MASK 0x000e /* Chip-Select Size */
-#define CSB_SIZ_SHIFT 1
-#define CSB_WS_MASK 0x0070 /* Wait State */
-#define CSB_WS_SHIFT 4
-#define CSB_BSW 0x0080 /* Data Bus Width */
-#define CSB_FLASH 0x0100 /* FLASH Memory Support */
-#define CSB_UPSIZ_MASK 0x1800 /* Unprotected memory block size */
-#define CSB_UPSIZ_SHIFT 11
-#define CSB_ROP 0x2000 /* Readonly if protected */
-#define CSB_SOP 0x4000 /* Supervisor only if protected */
-#define CSB_RO 0x8000 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSC_EN 0x0001 /* Chip-Select Enable */
-#define CSC_SIZ_MASK 0x000e /* Chip-Select Size */
-#define CSC_SIZ_SHIFT 1
-#define CSC_WS_MASK 0x0070 /* Wait State */
-#define CSC_WS_SHIFT 4
-#define CSC_BSW 0x0080 /* Data Bus Width */
-#define CSC_FLASH 0x0100 /* FLASH Memory Support */
-#define CSC_UPSIZ_MASK 0x1800 /* Unprotected memory block size */
-#define CSC_UPSIZ_SHIFT 11
-#define CSC_ROP 0x2000 /* Readonly if protected */
-#define CSC_SOP 0x4000 /* Supervisor only if protected */
-#define CSC_RO 0x8000 /* Read-Only */
-#define CSD_EN 0x0001 /* Chip-Select Enable */
-#define CSD_SIZ_MASK 0x000e /* Chip-Select Size */
-#define CSD_SIZ_SHIFT 1
-#define CSD_WS_MASK 0x0070 /* Wait State */
-#define CSD_WS_SHIFT 4
-#define CSD_BSW 0x0080 /* Data Bus Width */
-#define CSD_FLASH 0x0100 /* FLASH Memory Support */
-#define CSD_DRAM 0x0200 /* Dram Selection */
-#define CSD_COMB 0x0400 /* Combining */
-#define CSD_UPSIZ_MASK 0x1800 /* Unprotected memory block size */
-#define CSD_UPSIZ_SHIFT 11
-#define CSD_ROP 0x2000 /* Readonly if protected */
-#define CSD_SOP 0x4000 /* Supervisor only if protected */
-#define CSD_RO 0x8000 /* Read-Only */
- * Emulation Chip-Select Register
- */
-#define EMUCS_ADDR 0xfffff118
-#define EMUCS_WS_MASK 0x0070
-#define EMUCS_WS_SHIFT 4
- *
- * 0xFFFFF2xx -- Phase Locked Loop (PLL) & Power Control
- *
- **********/
- * PLL Control Register
- */
-#define PLLCR_ADDR 0xfffff200
-#define PLLCR_DISPLL 0x0008 /* Disable PLL */
-#define PLLCR_CLKEN 0x0010 /* Clock (CLKO pin) enable */
-#define PLLCR_PRESC 0x0020 /* VCO prescaler */
-#define PLLCR_SYSCLK_SEL_MASK 0x0700 /* System Clock Selection */
-#define PLLCR_LCDCLK_SEL_MASK 0x3800 /* LCD Clock Selection */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * PLL Frequency Select Register
- */
-#define PLLFSR_ADDR 0xfffff202
-#define PLLFSR_PC_MASK 0x00ff /* P Count */
-#define PLLFSR_PC_SHIFT 0
-#define PLLFSR_QC_MASK 0x0f00 /* Q Count */
-#define PLLFSR_QC_SHIFT 8
-#define PLLFSR_PROT 0x4000 /* Protect P & Q */
-#define PLLFSR_CLK32 0x8000 /* Clock 32 (kHz) */
- * Power Control Register
- */
-#define PCTRL_ADDR 0xfffff207
-#define PCTRL_WIDTH_MASK 0x1f /* CPU Clock bursts width */
-#define PCTRL_PCEN 0x80 /* Power Control Enable */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF3xx -- Interrupt Controller
- *
- **********/
- * Interrupt Vector Register
- */
-#define IVR_ADDR 0xfffff300
-#define IVR_VECTOR_MASK 0xF8
- * Interrupt control Register
- */
-#define ICR_ADDR 0xfffff302
-#define ICR_POL5 0x0080 /* Polarity Control for IRQ5 */
-#define ICR_ET6 0x0100 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ6 */
-#define ICR_ET3 0x0200 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ3 */
-#define ICR_ET2 0x0400 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ2 */
-#define ICR_ET1 0x0800 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ1 */
-#define ICR_POL6 0x1000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ6 */
-#define ICR_POL3 0x2000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ3 */
-#define ICR_POL2 0x4000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ2 */
-#define ICR_POL1 0x8000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ1 */
- * Interrupt Mask Register
- */
-#define IMR_ADDR 0xfffff304
- * Define the names for bit positions first. This is useful for
- * request_irq
- */
-#define SPI2_IRQ_NUM 0 /* SPI 2 interrupt */
-#define TMR_IRQ_NUM 1 /* Timer 1 interrupt */
-#define UART1_IRQ_NUM 2 /* UART 1 interrupt */
-#define WDT_IRQ_NUM 3 /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define RTC_IRQ_NUM 4 /* RTC interrupt */
-#define TMR2_IRQ_NUM 5 /* Timer 2 interrupt */
-#define KB_IRQ_NUM 6 /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define PWM1_IRQ_NUM 7 /* Pulse-Width Modulator 1 int. */
-#define INT0_IRQ_NUM 8 /* External INT0 */
-#define INT1_IRQ_NUM 9 /* External INT1 */
-#define INT2_IRQ_NUM 10 /* External INT2 */
-#define INT3_IRQ_NUM 11 /* External INT3 */
-#define UART2_IRQ_NUM 12 /* UART 2 interrupt */
-#define PWM2_IRQ_NUM 13 /* Pulse-Width Modulator 1 int. */
-#define IRQ1_IRQ_NUM 16 /* IRQ1 */
-#define IRQ2_IRQ_NUM 17 /* IRQ2 */
-#define IRQ3_IRQ_NUM 18 /* IRQ3 */
-#define IRQ6_IRQ_NUM 19 /* IRQ6 */
-#define IRQ5_IRQ_NUM 20 /* IRQ5 */
-#define SPI1_IRQ_NUM 21 /* SPI 1 interrupt */
-#define SAM_IRQ_NUM 22 /* Sampling Timer for RTC */
-#define EMIQ_IRQ_NUM 23 /* Emulator Interrupt */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * Here go the bitmasks themselves
- */
-#define IMR_MSPI (1 << SPI_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask SPI interrupt */
-#define IMR_MTMR (1 << TMR_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Timer interrupt */
-#define IMR_MUART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask UART interrupt */
-#define IMR_MWDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define IMR_MRTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask RTC interrupt */
-#define IMR_MKB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define IMR_MPWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Pulse-Width Modulator int. */
-#define IMR_MINT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT0 */
-#define IMR_MINT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT1 */
-#define IMR_MINT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT2 */
-#define IMR_MINT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT3 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ1 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ2 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ3 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ6 */
-#define IMR_MIRQ5 (1 << IRQ5_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ5 */
-#define IMR_MSAM (1 << SAM_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Sampling Timer for RTC */
-#define IMR_MEMIQ (1 << EMIQ_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Emulator Interrupt */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * Interrupt Status Register
- */
-#define ISR_ADDR 0xfffff30c
-#define ISR_SPI (1 << SPI_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI interrupt */
-#define ISR_TMR (1 << TMR_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer interrupt */
-#define ISR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */
-#define ISR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define ISR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */
-#define ISR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define ISR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator interrupt */
-#define ISR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */
-#define ISR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */
-#define ISR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */
-#define ISR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */
-#define ISR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */
-#define ISR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */
-#define ISR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */
-#define ISR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */
-#define ISR_IRQ5 (1 << IRQ5_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ5 */
-#define ISR_SAM (1 << SAM_IRQ_NUM) /* Sampling Timer for RTC */
-#define ISR_EMIQ (1 << EMIQ_IRQ_NUM) /* Emulator Interrupt */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define ISR_TMR1 ISR_TMR
- * Interrupt Pending Register
- */
-#define IPR_ADDR 0xfffff30c
-#define IPR_SPI (1 << SPI_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI interrupt */
-#define IPR_TMR (1 << TMR_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer interrupt */
-#define IPR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */
-#define IPR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */
-#define IPR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */
-#define IPR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */
-#define IPR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator interrupt */
-#define IPR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */
-#define IPR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */
-#define IPR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */
-#define IPR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */
-#define IPR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */
-#define IPR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */
-#define IPR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */
-#define IPR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */
-#define IPR_IRQ5 (1 << IRQ5_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ5 */
-#define IPR_SAM (1 << SAM_IRQ_NUM) /* Sampling Timer for RTC */
-#define IPR_EMIQ (1 << EMIQ_IRQ_NUM) /* Emulator Interrupt */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define IPR_TMR1 IPR_TMR
- *
- * 0xFFFFF4xx -- Parallel Ports
- *
- **********/
- * Port A
- */
-#define PADIR_ADDR 0xfffff400 /* Port A direction reg */
-#define PADATA_ADDR 0xfffff401 /* Port A data register */
-#define PAPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff402 /* Port A Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PA(x) (1 << (x))
- * Port B
- */
-#define PBDIR_ADDR 0xfffff408 /* Port B direction reg */
-#define PBDATA_ADDR 0xfffff409 /* Port B data register */
-#define PBPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff40a /* Port B Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PBSEL_ADDR 0xfffff40b /* Port B Select Register */
-#define PB(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PB_CSB0 0x01 /* Use CSB0 as PB[0] */
-#define PB_CSB1 0x02 /* Use CSB1 as PB[1] */
-#define PB_CSC0_RAS0 0x04 /* Use CSC0/RAS0 as PB[2] */
-#define PB_CSC1_RAS1 0x08 /* Use CSC1/RAS1 as PB[3] */
-#define PB_CSD0_CAS0 0x10 /* Use CSD0/CAS0 as PB[4] */
-#define PB_CSD1_CAS1 0x20 /* Use CSD1/CAS1 as PB[5] */
-#define PB_TIN_TOUT 0x40 /* Use TIN/TOUT as PB[6] */
-#define PB_PWMO 0x80 /* Use PWMO as PB[7] */
- * Port C
- */
-#define PCDIR_ADDR 0xfffff410 /* Port C direction reg */
-#define PCDATA_ADDR 0xfffff411 /* Port C data register */
-#define PCPDEN_ADDR 0xfffff412 /* Port C Pull-Down enb. reg */
-#define PCSEL_ADDR 0xfffff413 /* Port C Select Register */
-#define PC(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PC_LD0 0x01 /* Use LD0 as PC[0] */
-#define PC_LD1 0x02 /* Use LD1 as PC[1] */
-#define PC_LD2 0x04 /* Use LD2 as PC[2] */
-#define PC_LD3 0x08 /* Use LD3 as PC[3] */
-#define PC_LFLM 0x10 /* Use LFLM as PC[4] */
-#define PC_LLP 0x20 /* Use LLP as PC[5] */
-#define PC_LCLK 0x40 /* Use LCLK as PC[6] */
-#define PC_LACD 0x80 /* Use LACD as PC[7] */
- * Port D
- */
-#define PDDIR_ADDR 0xfffff418 /* Port D direction reg */
-#define PDDATA_ADDR 0xfffff419 /* Port D data register */
-#define PDPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff41a /* Port D Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PDSEL_ADDR 0xfffff41b /* Port D Select Register */
-#define PDPOL_ADDR 0xfffff41c /* Port D Polarity Register */
-#define PDIRQEN_ADDR 0xfffff41d /* Port D IRQ enable register */
-#define PDKBEN_ADDR 0xfffff41e /* Port D Keyboard Enable reg */
-#define PDIQEG_ADDR 0xfffff41f /* Port D IRQ Edge Register */
-#define PD(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PD_INT0 0x01 /* Use INT0 as PD[0] */
-#define PD_INT1 0x02 /* Use INT1 as PD[1] */
-#define PD_INT2 0x04 /* Use INT2 as PD[2] */
-#define PD_INT3 0x08 /* Use INT3 as PD[3] */
-#define PD_IRQ1 0x10 /* Use IRQ1 as PD[4] */
-#define PD_IRQ2 0x20 /* Use IRQ2 as PD[5] */
-#define PD_IRQ3 0x40 /* Use IRQ3 as PD[6] */
-#define PD_IRQ6 0x80 /* Use IRQ6 as PD[7] */
- * Port E
- */
-#define PEDIR_ADDR 0xfffff420 /* Port E direction reg */
-#define PEDATA_ADDR 0xfffff421 /* Port E data register */
-#define PEPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff422 /* Port E Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PESEL_ADDR 0xfffff423 /* Port E Select Register */
-#define PE(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PE_SPMTXD 0x01 /* Use SPMTXD as PE[0] */
-#define PE_SPMRXD 0x02 /* Use SPMRXD as PE[1] */
-#define PE_SPMCLK 0x04 /* Use SPMCLK as PE[2] */
-#define PE_DWE 0x08 /* Use DWE as PE[3] */
-#define PE_RXD 0x10 /* Use RXD as PE[4] */
-#define PE_TXD 0x20 /* Use TXD as PE[5] */
-#define PE_RTS 0x40 /* Use RTS as PE[6] */
-#define PE_CTS 0x80 /* Use CTS as PE[7] */
- * Port F
- */
-#define PFDIR_ADDR 0xfffff428 /* Port F direction reg */
-#define PFDATA_ADDR 0xfffff429 /* Port F data register */
-#define PFPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff42a /* Port F Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PFSEL_ADDR 0xfffff42b /* Port F Select Register */
-#define PF(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PF_LCONTRAST 0x01 /* Use LCONTRAST as PF[0] */
-#define PF_IRQ5 0x02 /* Use IRQ5 as PF[1] */
-#define PF_CLKO 0x04 /* Use CLKO as PF[2] */
-#define PF_A20 0x08 /* Use A20 as PF[3] */
-#define PF_A21 0x10 /* Use A21 as PF[4] */
-#define PF_A22 0x20 /* Use A22 as PF[5] */
-#define PF_A23 0x40 /* Use A23 as PF[6] */
-#define PF_CSA1 0x80 /* Use CSA1 as PF[7] */
- * Port G
- */
-#define PGDIR_ADDR 0xfffff430 /* Port G direction reg */
-#define PGDATA_ADDR 0xfffff431 /* Port G data register */
-#define PGPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff432 /* Port G Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PGSEL_ADDR 0xfffff433 /* Port G Select Register */
-#define PG(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PG_BUSW_DTACK 0x01 /* Use BUSW/DTACK as PG[0] */
-#define PG_A0 0x02 /* Use A0 as PG[1] */
-#define PG_EMUIRQ 0x04 /* Use EMUIRQ as PG[2] */
-#define PG_HIZ_P_D 0x08 /* Use HIZ/P/D as PG[3] */
-#define PG_EMUCS 0x10 /* Use EMUCS as PG[4] */
-#define PG_EMUBRK 0x20 /* Use EMUBRK as PG[5] */
- * Port J
- */
-#define PJDIR_ADDR 0xfffff438 /* Port J direction reg */
-#define PJDATA_ADDR 0xfffff439 /* Port J data register */
-#define PJPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff43A /* Port J Pull-Up enb. reg */
-#define PJSEL_ADDR 0xfffff43B /* Port J Select Register */
-#define PJ(x) (1 << (x))
- * Port K
- */
-#define PKDIR_ADDR 0xfffff440 /* Port K direction reg */
-#define PKDATA_ADDR 0xfffff441 /* Port K data register */
-#define PKPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff442 /* Port K Pull-Up enb. reg */
-#define PKSEL_ADDR 0xfffff443 /* Port K Select Register */
-#define PK(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PK_DATAREADY 0x01 /* Use ~DATA_READY as PK[0] */
-#define PK_PWM2 0x01 /* Use PWM2 as PK[0] */
-#define PK_R_W 0x02 /* Use R/W as PK[1] */
-#define PK_LDS 0x04 /* Use /LDS as PK[2] */
-#define PK_UDS 0x08 /* Use /UDS as PK[3] */
-#define PK_LD4 0x10 /* Use LD4 as PK[4] */
-#define PK_LD5 0x20 /* Use LD5 as PK[5] */
-#define PK_LD6 0x40 /* Use LD6 as PK[6] */
-#define PK_LD7 0x80 /* Use LD7 as PK[7] */
-#define PJDIR_ADDR 0xfffff438 /* Port J direction reg */
-#define PJDATA_ADDR 0xfffff439 /* Port J data register */
-#define PJPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff43A /* Port J Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PJSEL_ADDR 0xfffff43B /* Port J Select Register */
-#define PJ(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PJ_MOSI 0x01 /* Use MOSI as PJ[0] */
-#define PJ_MISO 0x02 /* Use MISO as PJ[1] */
-#define PJ_SPICLK1 0x04 /* Use SPICLK1 as PJ[2] */
-#define PJ_SS 0x08 /* Use SS as PJ[3] */
-#define PJ_RXD2 0x10 /* Use RXD2 as PJ[4] */
-#define PJ_TXD2 0x20 /* Use TXD2 as PJ[5] */
-#define PJ_RTS2 0x40 /* Use RTS2 as PJ[5] */
-#define PJ_CTS2 0x80 /* Use CTS2 as PJ[5] */
- * Port M
- */
-#define PMDIR_ADDR 0xfffff448 /* Port M direction reg */
-#define PMDATA_ADDR 0xfffff449 /* Port M data register */
-#define PMPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff44a /* Port M Pull-Up enable reg */
-#define PMSEL_ADDR 0xfffff44b /* Port M Select Register */
-#define PM(x) (1 << (x))
-#define PM_SDCLK 0x01 /* Use SDCLK as PM[0] */
-#define PM_SDCE 0x02 /* Use SDCE as PM[1] */
-#define PM_DQMH 0x04 /* Use DQMH as PM[2] */
-#define PM_DQML 0x08 /* Use DQML as PM[3] */
-#define PM_SDA10 0x10 /* Use SDA10 as PM[4] */
-#define PM_DMOE 0x20 /* Use DMOE as PM[5] */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF5xx -- Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM)
- *
- **********/
- * PWM Control Register
- */
-#define PWMC_ADDR 0xfffff500
-#define PWMC_CLKSEL_MASK 0x0003 /* Clock Selection */
-#define PWMC_REPEAT_MASK 0x000c /* Sample Repeats */
-#define PWMC_EN 0x0010 /* Enable PWM */
-#define PMNC_FIFOAV 0x0020 /* FIFO Available */
-#define PWMC_IRQEN 0x0040 /* Interrupt Request Enable */
-#define PWMC_IRQ 0x0080 /* Interrupt Request (FIFO empty) */
-#define PWMC_PRESCALER_MASK 0x7f00 /* Incoming Clock prescaler */
-#define PWMC_CLKSRC 0x8000 /* Clock Source Select */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * PWM Sample Register
- */
-#define PWMS_ADDR 0xfffff502
- * PWM Period Register
- */
-#define PWMP_ADDR 0xfffff504
- * PWM Counter Register
- */
-#define PWMCNT_ADDR 0xfffff505
- *
- * 0xFFFFF6xx -- General-Purpose Timer
- *
- **********/
- * Timer Control register
- */
-#define TCTL_ADDR 0xfffff600
-#define TCTL_TEN 0x0001 /* Timer Enable */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_MASK 0x000e /* Clock Source: */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_STOP 0x0000 /* Stop count (disabled) */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK 0x0002 /* SYSCLK to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK_16 0x0004 /* SYSCLK/16 to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_TIN 0x0006 /* TIN to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_32KHZ 0x0008 /* 32kHz clock to prescaler */
-#define TCTL_IRQEN 0x0010 /* IRQ Enable */
-#define TCTL_OM 0x0020 /* Output Mode */
-#define TCTL_CAP_MASK 0x00c0 /* Capture Edge: */
-#define TCTL_CAP_RE 0x0040 /* Capture on rizing edge */
-#define TCTL_CAP_FE 0x0080 /* Capture on falling edge */
-#define TCTL_FRR 0x0010 /* Free-Run Mode */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCTL1 TCTL
- * Timer Prescaler Register
- */
-#define TPRER_ADDR 0xfffff602
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TPRER1 TPRER
- * Timer Compare Register
- */
-#define TCMP_ADDR 0xfffff604
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCMP1 TCMP
- * Timer Capture register
- */
-#define TCR_ADDR 0xfffff606
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCR1 TCR
- * Timer Counter Register
- */
-#define TCN_ADDR 0xfffff608
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TCN1 TCN
- * Timer Status Register
- */
-#define TSTAT_ADDR 0xfffff60a
-#define TSTAT_COMP 0x0001 /* Compare Event occurred */
-#define TSTAT_CAPT 0x0001 /* Capture Event occurred */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define TSTAT1 TSTAT
- *
- * 0xFFFFF8xx -- Serial Periferial Interface Master (SPIM)
- *
- **********/
- * SPIM Data Register
- */
-#define SPIMDATA_ADDR 0xfffff800
- * SPIM Control/Status Register
- */
-#define SPIMCONT_ADDR 0xfffff802
-#define SPIMCONT_BIT_COUNT_MASK 0x000f /* Transfer Length in Bytes */
-#define SPIMCONT_POL 0x0010 /* SPMCLK Signel Polarity */
-#define SPIMCONT_PHA 0x0020 /* Clock/Data phase relationship */
-#define SPIMCONT_IRQEN 0x0040 /* IRQ Enable */
-#define SPIMCONT_IRQ 0x0080 /* Interrupt Request */
-#define SPIMCONT_XCH 0x0100 /* Exchange */
-#define SPIMCONT_ENABLE 0x0200 /* Enable SPIM */
-#define SPIMCONT_DATA_RATE_MASK 0xe000 /* SPIM Data Rate */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- *
- * 0xFFFFF9xx -- UART
- *
- **********/
- * UART Status/Control Register
- */
-#define USTCNT_ADDR 0xfffff900
-#define USTCNT_TXAE 0x0001 /* Transmitter Available Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_TXHE 0x0002 /* Transmitter Half Empty Enable */
-#define USTCNT_TXEE 0x0004 /* Transmitter Empty Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXRE 0x0008 /* Receiver Ready Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXHE 0x0010 /* Receiver Half-Full Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXFE 0x0020 /* Receiver Full Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_CTSD 0x0040 /* CTS Delta Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_ODEN 0x0080 /* Old Data Interrupt Enable */
-#define USTCNT_8_7 0x0100 /* Eight or seven-bit transmission */
-#define USTCNT_STOP 0x0200 /* Stop bit transmission */
-#define USTCNT_ODD 0x0400 /* Odd Parity */
-#define USTCNT_PEN 0x0800 /* Parity Enable */
-#define USTCNT_CLKM 0x1000 /* Clock Mode Select */
-#define USTCNT_TXEN 0x2000 /* Transmitter Enable */
-#define USTCNT_RXEN 0x4000 /* Receiver Enable */
-#define USTCNT_UEN 0x8000 /* UART Enable */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * UART Baud Control Register
- */
-#define UBAUD_ADDR 0xfffff902
-#define UBAUD_PRESCALER_MASK 0x003f /* Actual divisor is 65 - PRESCALER */
-#define UBAUD_DIVIDE_MASK 0x0700 /* Baud Rate freq. divizor */
-#define UBAUD_BAUD_SRC 0x0800 /* Baud Rate Source */
-#define UBAUD_UCLKDIR 0x2000 /* UCLK Direction */
- * UART Receiver Register
- */
-#define URX_ADDR 0xfffff904
-#define URX_RXDATA_ADDR 0xfffff905
-#define URX_RXDATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Received data */
-#define URX_PARITY_ERROR 0x0100 /* Parity Error */
-#define URX_BREAK 0x0200 /* Break Detected */
-#define URX_FRAME_ERROR 0x0400 /* Framing Error */
-#define URX_OVRUN 0x0800 /* Serial Overrun */
-#define URX_OLD_DATA 0x1000 /* Old data in FIFO */
-#define URX_DATA_READY 0x2000 /* Data Ready (FIFO not empty) */
-#define URX_FIFO_HALF 0x4000 /* FIFO is Half-Full */
-#define URX_FIFO_FULL 0x8000 /* FIFO is Full */
- * UART Transmitter Register
- */
-#define UTX_ADDR 0xfffff906
-#define UTX_TXDATA_ADDR 0xfffff907
-#define UTX_TXDATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Data to be transmitted */
-#define UTX_CTS_DELTA 0x0100 /* CTS changed */
-#define UTX_CTS_STAT 0x0200 /* CTS State */
-#define UTX_BUSY 0x0400 /* FIFO is busy, sending a character */
-#define UTX_NOCTS 0x0800 /* Ignore CTS */
-#define UTX_SEND_BREAK 0x1000 /* Send a BREAK */
-#define UTX_TX_AVAIL 0x2000 /* Transmit FIFO has a slot available */
-#define UTX_FIFO_HALF 0x4000 /* Transmit FIFO is half empty */
-#define UTX_FIFO_EMPTY 0x8000 /* Transmit FIFO is empty */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * UART Miscellaneous Register
- */
-#define UMISC_ADDR 0xfffff908
-#define UMISC_TX_POL 0x0004 /* Transmit Polarity */
-#define UMISC_RX_POL 0x0008 /* Receive Polarity */
-#define UMISC_IRDA_LOOP 0x0010 /* IrDA Loopback Enable */
-#define UMISC_IRDA_EN 0x0020 /* Infra-Red Enable */
-#define UMISC_RTS 0x0040 /* Set RTS status */
-#define UMISC_RTSCONT 0x0080 /* Choose RTS control */
-#define UMISC_IR_TEST 0x0400 /* IRDA Test Enable */
-#define UMISC_BAUD_RESET 0x0800 /* Reset Baud Rate Generation Counters */
-#define UMISC_LOOP 0x1000 /* Serial Loopback Enable */
-#define UMISC_FORCE_PERR 0x2000 /* Force Parity Error */
-#define UMISC_CLKSRC 0x4000 /* Clock Source */
-#define UMISC_BAUD_TEST 0x8000 /* Enable Baud Test Mode */
- * UART Non-integer Prescaler Register
- */
-#define NIPR_ADDR 0xfffff90a
-#define NIPR_STEP_VALUE_MASK 0x00ff /* NI prescaler step value */
-#define NIPR_SELECT_MASK 0x0700 /* Tap Selection */
-#define NIPR_PRE_SEL 0x8000 /* Non-integer prescaler select */
-/* generalization of uart control registers to support multiple ports: */
-typedef struct {
- volatile unsigned short int ustcnt;
- volatile unsigned short int ubaud;
- union {
- volatile unsigned short int w;
- struct {
- volatile unsigned char status;
- volatile unsigned char rxdata;
- } b;
- } urx;
- union {
- volatile unsigned short int w;
- struct {
- volatile unsigned char status;
- volatile unsigned char txdata;
- } b;
- } utx;
- volatile unsigned short int umisc;
- volatile unsigned short int nipr;
- volatile unsigned short int hmark;
- volatile unsigned short int unused;
-} __attribute__((packed)) m68328_uart;
- *
- * 0xFFFFFAxx -- LCD Controller
- *
- **********/
- * LCD Screen Starting Address Register
- */
-#define LSSA_ADDR 0xfffffa00
-#define LSSA_SSA_MASK 0x1ffffffe /* Bits 0 and 29-31 are reserved */
- * LCD Virtual Page Width Register
- */
-#define LVPW_ADDR 0xfffffa05
- * LCD Screen Width Register (not compatible with '328 !!!)
- */
-#define LXMAX_ADDR 0xfffffa08
-#define LXMAX_XM_MASK 0x02f0 /* Bits 0-3 and 10-15 are reserved */
- * LCD Screen Height Register
- */
-#define LYMAX_ADDR 0xfffffa0a
-#define LYMAX_YM_MASK 0x01ff /* Bits 9-15 are reserved */
- * LCD Cursor X Position Register
- */
-#define LCXP_ADDR 0xfffffa18
-#define LCXP_CC_MASK 0xc000 /* Cursor Control */
-#define LCXP_CC_TRAMSPARENT 0x0000
-#define LCXP_CC_BLACK 0x4000
-#define LCXP_CC_REVERSED 0x8000
-#define LCXP_CC_WHITE 0xc000
-#define LCXP_CXP_MASK 0x02ff /* Cursor X position */
- * LCD Cursor Y Position Register
- */
-#define LCYP_ADDR 0xfffffa1a
-#define LCYP_CYP_MASK 0x01ff /* Cursor Y Position */
- * LCD Cursor Width and Heigth Register
- */
-#define LCWCH_ADDR 0xfffffa1c
-#define LCWCH_CH_MASK 0x001f /* Cursor Height */
-#define LCWCH_CH_SHIFT 0
-#define LCWCH_CW_MASK 0x1f00 /* Cursor Width */
-#define LCWCH_CW_SHIFT 8
- * LCD Blink Control Register
- */
-#define LBLKC_ADDR 0xfffffa1f
-#define LBLKC_BD_MASK 0x7f /* Blink Divisor */
-#define LBLKC_BD_SHIFT 0
-#define LBLKC_BKEN 0x80 /* Blink Enabled */
- * LCD Panel Interface Configuration Register
- */
-#define LPICF_ADDR 0xfffffa20
-#define LPICF_GS_MASK 0x03 /* Gray-Scale Mode */
-#define LPICF_GS_BW 0x00
-#define LPICF_GS_GRAY_4 0x01
-#define LPICF_GS_GRAY_16 0x02
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_MASK 0x0c /* Panel Bus Width */
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_1 0x00
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_2 0x04
-#define LPICF_PBSIZ_4 0x08
- * LCD Polarity Configuration Register
- */
-#define LPOLCF_ADDR 0xfffffa21
-#define LPOLCF_PIXPOL 0x01 /* Pixel Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_LPPOL 0x02 /* Line Pulse Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_FLMPOL 0x04 /* Frame Marker Polarity */
-#define LPOLCF_LCKPOL 0x08 /* LCD Shift Lock Polarity */
- * LACD (LCD Alternate Crystal Direction) Rate Control Register
- */
-#define LACDRC_ADDR 0xfffffa23
-#define LACDRC_ACDSLT 0x80 /* Signal Source Select */
-#define LACDRC_ACD_MASK 0x0f /* Alternate Crystal Direction Control */
- * LCD Pixel Clock Divider Register
- */
-#define LPXCD_ADDR 0xfffffa25
-#define LPXCD_PCD_MASK 0x3f /* Pixel Clock Divider */
-#define LPXCD_PCD_SHIFT 0
- * LCD Clocking Control Register
- */
-#define LCKCON_ADDR 0xfffffa27
-#define LCKCON_DWS_MASK 0x0f /* Display Wait-State */
-#define LCKCON_DWIDTH 0x40 /* Display Memory Width */
-#define LCKCON_LCDON 0x80 /* Enable LCD Controller */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
- * LCD Refresh Rate Adjustment Register
- */
-#define LRRA_ADDR 0xfffffa29
- * LCD Panning Offset Register
- */
-#define LPOSR_ADDR 0xfffffa2d
-#define LPOSR_POS_MASK 0x0f /* Pixel Offset Code */
-#define LPOSR_POS_SHIFT 0
- * LCD Frame Rate Control Modulation Register
- */
-#define LFRCM_ADDR 0xfffffa31
-#define LFRCM_YMOD_MASK 0x0f /* Vertical Modulation */
-#define LFRCM_XMOD_MASK 0xf0 /* Horizontal Modulation */
- * LCD Gray Palette Mapping Register
- */
-#define LGPMR_ADDR 0xfffffa33
-#define LGPMR_G1_MASK 0x0f
-#define LGPMR_G1_SHIFT 0
-#define LGPMR_G2_MASK 0xf0
-#define LGPMR_G2_SHIFT 4
- * PWM Contrast Control Register
- */
-#define PWMR_ADDR 0xfffffa36
-#define PWMR_PW_MASK 0x00ff /* Pulse Width */
-#define PWMR_PW_SHIFT 0
-#define PWMR_CCPEN 0x0100 /* Contrast Control Enable */
-#define PWMR_SRC_MASK 0x0600 /* Input Clock Source */
-#define PWMR_SRC_LINE 0x0000 /* Line Pulse */
-#define PWMR_SRC_PIXEL 0x0200 /* Pixel Clock */
-#define PWMR_SRC_LCD 0x4000 /* LCD clock */
- *
- * 0xFFFFFBxx -- Real-Time Clock (RTC)
- *
- **********/
- * RTC Hours Minutes and Seconds Register
- */
-#define RTCTIME_ADDR 0xfffffb00
-#define RTCTIME_SECONDS_MASK 0x0000003f /* Seconds */
-#define RTCTIME_MINUTES_MASK 0x003f0000 /* Minutes */
-#define RTCTIME_HOURS_MASK 0x1f000000 /* Hours */
- * RTC Alarm Register
- */
-#define RTCALRM_ADDR 0xfffffb04
-#define RTCALRM_SECONDS_MASK 0x0000003f /* Seconds */
-#define RTCALRM_MINUTES_MASK 0x003f0000 /* Minutes */
-#define RTCALRM_HOURS_MASK 0x1f000000 /* Hours */
- * Watchdog Timer Register
- */
-#define WATCHDOG_ADDR 0xfffffb0a
-#define WATCHDOG_EN 0x0001 /* Watchdog Enabled */
-#define WATCHDOG_ISEL 0x0002 /* Select the watchdog interrupt */
-#define WATCHDOG_INTF 0x0080 /* Watchdog interrupt occurred */
-#define WATCHDOG_CNT_MASK 0x0300 /* Watchdog Counter */
- * RTC Control Register
- */
-#define RTCCTL_ADDR 0xfffffb0c
-#define RTCCTL_XTL 0x0020 /* Crystal Selection */
-#define RTCCTL_EN 0x0080 /* RTC Enable */
-/* '328-compatible definitions */
-#define RTCCTL_384 RTCCTL_XTL
- * RTC Interrupt Status Register
- */
-#define RTCISR_ADDR 0xfffffb0e
-#define RTCISR_SW 0x0001 /* Stopwatch timed out */
-#define RTCISR_MIN 0x0002 /* 1-minute interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_ALM 0x0004 /* Alarm interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_DAY 0x0008 /* 24-hour rollover interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_1HZ 0x0010 /* 1Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_HR 0x0020 /* 1-hour interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM0 0x0100 /* 4Hz / 4.6875Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM1 0x0200 /* 8Hz / 9.3750Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM2 0x0400 /* 16Hz / 18.7500Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM3 0x0800 /* 32Hz / 37.5000Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM4 0x1000 /* 64Hz / 75.0000Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM5 0x2000 /* 128Hz / 150.0000Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM6 0x4000 /* 256Hz / 300.0000Hz interrupt has occurred */
-#define RTCISR_SAM7 0x8000 /* 512Hz / 600.0000Hz interrupt has occurred */
- * RTC Interrupt Enable Register
- */
-#define RTCIENR_ADDR 0xfffffb10
-#define RTCIENR_SW 0x0001 /* Stopwatch interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_MIN 0x0002 /* 1-minute interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_ALM 0x0004 /* Alarm interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_DAY 0x0008 /* 24-hour rollover interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_1HZ 0x0010 /* 1Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_HR 0x0020 /* 1-hour interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM0 0x0100 /* 4Hz / 4.6875Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM1 0x0200 /* 8Hz / 9.3750Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM2 0x0400 /* 16Hz / 18.7500Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM3 0x0800 /* 32Hz / 37.5000Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM4 0x1000 /* 64Hz / 75.0000Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM5 0x2000 /* 128Hz / 150.0000Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM6 0x4000 /* 256Hz / 300.0000Hz interrupt enable */
-#define RTCIENR_SAM7 0x8000 /* 512Hz / 600.0000Hz interrupt enable */
- * Stopwatch Minutes Register
- */
-#define STPWCH_ADDR 0xfffffb12
-#define STPWCH_CNT_MASK 0x003f /* Stopwatch countdown value */
- * RTC Day Count Register
- */
-#define DAYR_ADDR 0xfffffb1a
-#define DAYR_DAYS_MASK 0x1ff /* Day Setting */
-#define DAYR_DAYS_SHIFT 0
- * RTC Day Alarm Register
- */
-#define DAYALARM_ADDR 0xfffffb1c
-#define DAYALARM_DAYSAL_MASK 0x01ff /* Day Setting of the Alarm */
- *
- * 0xFFFFFCxx -- DRAM Controller
- *
- **********/
- * DRAM Memory Configuration Register
- */
-#define DRAMMC_ADDR 0xfffffc00
-#define DRAMMC_ROW12_MASK 0xc000 /* Row address bit for MD12 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW12_PA10 0x0000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW12_PA21 0x4000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW12_PA23 0x8000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW0_MASK 0x3000 /* Row address bit for MD0 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW0_PA11 0x0000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW0_PA22 0x1000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW0_PA23 0x2000
-#define DRAMMC_ROW11 0x0800 /* Row address bit for MD11 PA20/PA22 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW10 0x0400 /* Row address bit for MD10 PA19/PA21 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW9 0x0200 /* Row address bit for MD9 PA9/PA19 */
-#define DRAMMC_ROW8 0x0100 /* Row address bit for MD8 PA10/PA20 */
-#define DRAMMC_COL10 0x0080 /* Col address bit for MD10 PA11/PA0 */
-#define DRAMMC_COL9 0x0040 /* Col address bit for MD9 PA10/PA0 */
-#define DRAMMC_COL8 0x0020 /* Col address bit for MD8 PA9/PA0 */
-#define DRAMMC_REF_MASK 0x001f /* Reresh Cycle */
- * DRAM Control Register
- */
-#define DRAMC_ADDR 0xfffffc02
-#define DRAMC_DWE 0x0001 /* DRAM Write Enable */
-#define DRAMC_RST 0x0002 /* Reset Burst Refresh Enable */
-#define DRAMC_LPR 0x0004 /* Low-Power Refresh Enable */
-#define DRAMC_SLW 0x0008 /* Slow RAM */
-#define DRAMC_LSP 0x0010 /* Light Sleep */
-#define DRAMC_MSW 0x0020 /* Slow Multiplexing */
-#define DRAMC_WS_MASK 0x00c0 /* Wait-states */
-#define DRAMC_WS_SHIFT 6
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_MASK 0x0300 /* Page Size for fast page mode */
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_256K 0x0000
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_512K 0x0100
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_1024K 0x0200
-#define DRAMC_PGSZ_2048K 0x0300
-#define DRAMC_EDO 0x0400 /* EDO DRAM */
-#define DRAMC_CLK 0x0800 /* Refresh Timer Clock source select */
-#define DRAMC_BC_MASK 0x3000 /* Page Access Clock Cycle (FP mode) */
-#define DRAMC_BC_SHIFT 12
-#define DRAMC_RM 0x4000 /* Refresh Mode */
-#define DRAMC_EN 0x8000 /* DRAM Controller enable */
- *
- * 0xFFFFFDxx -- In-Circuit Emulation (ICE)
- *
- **********/
- * ICE Module Address Compare Register
- */
-#define ICEMACR_ADDR 0xfffffd00
- * ICE Module Address Mask Register
- */
-#define ICEMAMR_ADDR 0xfffffd04
- * ICE Module Control Compare Register
- */
-#define ICEMCCR_ADDR 0xfffffd08
-#define ICEMCCR_PD 0x0001 /* Program/Data Cycle Selection */
-#define ICEMCCR_RW 0x0002 /* Read/Write Cycle Selection */
- * ICE Module Control Mask Register
- */
-#define ICEMCMR_ADDR 0xfffffd0a
-#define ICEMCMR_PDM 0x0001 /* Program/Data Cycle Mask */
-#define ICEMCMR_RWM 0x0002 /* Read/Write Cycle Mask */
- * ICE Module Control Register
- */
-#define ICEMCR_ADDR 0xfffffd0c
-#define ICEMCR_CEN 0x0001 /* Compare Enable */
-#define ICEMCR_PBEN 0x0002 /* Program Break Enable */
-#define ICEMCR_SB 0x0004 /* Single Breakpoint */
-#define ICEMCR_HMDIS 0x0008 /* HardMap disable */
-#define ICEMCR_BBIEN 0x0010 /* Bus Break Interrupt Enable */
- * ICE Module Status Register
- */
-#define ICEMSR_ADDR 0xfffffd0e
-#define ICEMSR_EMUEN 0x0001 /* Emulation Enable */
-#define ICEMSR_BRKIRQ 0x0002 /* A-Line Vector Fetch Detected */
-#define ICEMSR_BBIRQ 0x0004 /* Bus Break Interrupt Detected */
-#define ICEMSR_EMIRQ 0x0008 /* EMUIRQ Falling Edge Detected */
-#endif /* _MC68VZ328_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/a.out-core.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/a.out-core.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f6bfc1d6..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/a.out-core.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* a.out coredump register dumper
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * Written by David Howells (
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
-#ifndef _ASM_A_OUT_CORE_H
-#define _ASM_A_OUT_CORE_H
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <linux/user.h>
-#include <linux/elfcore.h>
- * fill in the user structure for an a.out core dump
- */
-static inline void aout_dump_thread(struct pt_regs *regs, struct user *dump)
- struct switch_stack *sw;
-/* changed the size calculations - should hopefully work better. lbt */
- dump->magic = CMAGIC;
- dump->start_code = 0;
- dump->start_stack = rdusp() & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- dump->u_tsize = ((unsigned long) current->mm->end_code) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- dump->u_dsize = ((unsigned long) (current->mm->brk +
- dump->u_dsize -= dump->u_tsize;
- dump->u_ssize = 0;
- if (dump->start_stack < TASK_SIZE)
- dump->u_ssize = ((unsigned long) (TASK_SIZE - dump->start_stack)) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- dump->u_ar0 = offsetof(struct user, regs);
- sw = ((struct switch_stack *)regs) - 1;
- dump->regs.d1 = regs->d1;
- dump->regs.d2 = regs->d2;
- dump->regs.d3 = regs->d3;
- dump->regs.d4 = regs->d4;
- dump->regs.d5 = regs->d5;
- dump->regs.d6 = sw->d6;
- dump->regs.d7 = sw->d7;
- dump->regs.a0 = regs->a0;
- dump->regs.a1 = regs->a1;
- dump->regs.a2 = regs->a2;
- dump->regs.a3 = sw->a3;
- dump->regs.a4 = sw->a4;
- dump->regs.a5 = sw->a5;
- dump->regs.a6 = sw->a6;
- dump->regs.d0 = regs->d0;
- dump->regs.orig_d0 = regs->orig_d0;
- dump->regs.stkadj = regs->stkadj;
- dump-> = regs->sr;
- dump->regs.pc = regs->pc;
- dump->regs.fmtvec = (regs->format << 12) | regs->vector;
- /* dump floating point stuff */
- dump->u_fpvalid = dump_fpu (regs, &dump->m68kfp);
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _ASM_A_OUT_CORE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/a.out.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/a.out.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3885fe43..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/a.out.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68K_A_OUT_H__
-#define __M68K_A_OUT_H__
-struct exec
- unsigned long a_info; /* Use macros N_MAGIC, etc for access */
- unsigned a_text; /* length of text, in bytes */
- unsigned a_data; /* length of data, in bytes */
- unsigned a_bss; /* length of uninitialized data area for file, in bytes */
- unsigned a_syms; /* length of symbol table data in file, in bytes */
- unsigned a_entry; /* start address */
- unsigned a_trsize; /* length of relocation info for text, in bytes */
- unsigned a_drsize; /* length of relocation info for data, in bytes */
-#define N_TRSIZE(a) ((a).a_trsize)
-#define N_DRSIZE(a) ((a).a_drsize)
-#define N_SYMSIZE(a) ((a).a_syms)
-#endif /* __M68K_A_OUT_H__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/adb_iop.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/adb_iop.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a48e56f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/adb_iop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * ADB through the IOP
- * Written by Joshua M. Thompson
- */
-/* IOP number and channel number for ADB */
-#define ADB_CHAN 2
-/* From the A/UX headers...maybe important, maybe not */
-#define ADB_IOP_LISTEN 0x01
-#define ADB_IOP_TALK 0x02
-#define ADB_IOP_EXISTS 0x04
-#define ADB_IOP_FLUSH 0x08
-#define ADB_IOP_RESET 0x10
-#define ADB_IOP_INT 0x20
-#define ADB_IOP_POLL 0x40
-#define ADB_IOP_UNINT 0x80
-#define AIF_RESET 0x00
-#define AIF_FLUSH 0x01
-#define AIF_LISTEN 0x08
-#define AIF_TALK 0x0C
-/* Flag bits in struct adb_iopmsg */
-#define ADB_IOP_EXPLICIT 0x80 /* nonzero if explicit command */
-#define ADB_IOP_AUTOPOLL 0x40 /* auto/SRQ polling enabled */
-#define ADB_IOP_SRQ 0x04 /* SRQ detected */
-#define ADB_IOP_TIMEOUT 0x02 /* nonzero if timeout */
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct adb_iopmsg {
- __u8 flags; /* ADB flags */
- __u8 count; /* no. of data bytes */
- __u8 cmd; /* ADB command */
- __u8 data[8]; /* ADB data */
- __u8 spare[21]; /* spare */
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigahw.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigahw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a19b568..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigahw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-** asm-m68k/amigahw.h -- This header defines some macros and pointers for
-** the various Amiga custom hardware registers.
-** The naming conventions used here conform to those
-** used in the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual, 3rd Edition
-** Copyright 1992 by Greg Harp
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-** Created: 9/24/92 by Greg Harp
-#ifndef _M68K_AMIGAHW_H
-#define _M68K_AMIGAHW_H
-#include <linux/ioport.h>
- /*
- * Different Amiga models
- */
-#define AMI_UNKNOWN (0)
-#define AMI_500 (1)
-#define AMI_500PLUS (2)
-#define AMI_600 (3)
-#define AMI_1000 (4)
-#define AMI_1200 (5)
-#define AMI_2000 (6)
-#define AMI_2500 (7)
-#define AMI_3000 (8)
-#define AMI_3000T (9)
-#define AMI_3000PLUS (10)
-#define AMI_4000 (11)
-#define AMI_4000T (12)
-#define AMI_CDTV (13)
-#define AMI_CD32 (14)
-#define AMI_DRACO (15)
- /*
- * Chipsets
- */
-extern unsigned long amiga_chipset;
-#define CS_STONEAGE (0)
-#define CS_OCS (1)
-#define CS_ECS (2)
-#define CS_AGA (3)
- /*
- * Miscellaneous
- */
-extern unsigned long amiga_eclock; /* 700 kHz E Peripheral Clock */
-extern unsigned long amiga_colorclock; /* 3.5 MHz Color Clock */
-extern unsigned long amiga_chip_size; /* Chip RAM Size (bytes) */
-extern unsigned char amiga_vblank; /* VBLANK Frequency */
-#define AMIGAHW_DECLARE(name) unsigned name : 1
-#define AMIGAHW_SET(name) ( = 1)
-#define AMIGAHW_PRESENT(name) (
-struct amiga_hw_present {
- /* video hardware */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(AMBER_FF); /* Amber Flicker Fixer */
- /* sound hardware */
- /* disk storage interfaces */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(A3000_SCSI); /* SCSI (wd33c93, A3000 alike) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(A4000_SCSI); /* SCSI (ncr53c710, A4000T alike) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(A1200_IDE); /* IDE (A1200 alike) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(A4000_IDE); /* IDE (A4000 alike) */
- /* other I/O hardware */
- /* real time clocks */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(A2000_CLK); /* Hardware Clock (A2000 alike) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(A3000_CLK); /* Hardware Clock (A3000 alike) */
- /* supporting hardware */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(PAULA); /* Paula (8364) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(DENISE); /* Denise (8362) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(DENISE_HR); /* Denise (8373) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(LISA); /* Lisa (8375) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(AGNUS_PAL); /* Normal/Fat PAL Agnus (8367/8371) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(AGNUS_NTSC); /* Normal/Fat NTSC Agnus (8361/8370) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(AGNUS_HR_PAL); /* Fat Hires PAL Agnus (8372) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(AGNUS_HR_NTSC); /* Fat Hires NTSC Agnus (8372) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(ALICE_PAL); /* PAL Alice (8374) */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(MAGIC_REKICK); /* A3000 Magic Hard Rekick */
- AMIGAHW_DECLARE(ZORRO); /* Zorro AutoConfig */
-extern struct amiga_hw_present amiga_hw_present;
-struct CUSTOM {
- unsigned short bltddat;
- unsigned short dmaconr;
- unsigned short vposr;
- unsigned short vhposr;
- unsigned short dskdatr;
- unsigned short joy0dat;
- unsigned short joy1dat;
- unsigned short clxdat;
- unsigned short adkconr;
- unsigned short pot0dat;
- unsigned short pot1dat;
- unsigned short potgor;
- unsigned short serdatr;
- unsigned short dskbytr;
- unsigned short intenar;
- unsigned short intreqr;
- unsigned char *dskptr;
- unsigned short dsklen;
- unsigned short dskdat;
- unsigned short refptr;
- unsigned short vposw;
- unsigned short vhposw;
- unsigned short copcon;
- unsigned short serdat;
- unsigned short serper;
- unsigned short potgo;
- unsigned short joytest;
- unsigned short strequ;
- unsigned short strvbl;
- unsigned short strhor;
- unsigned short strlong;
- unsigned short bltcon0;
- unsigned short bltcon1;
- unsigned short bltafwm;
- unsigned short bltalwm;
- unsigned char *bltcpt;
- unsigned char *bltbpt;
- unsigned char *bltapt;
- unsigned char *bltdpt;
- unsigned short bltsize;
- unsigned char pad2d;
- unsigned char bltcon0l;
- unsigned short bltsizv;
- unsigned short bltsizh;
- unsigned short bltcmod;
- unsigned short bltbmod;
- unsigned short bltamod;
- unsigned short bltdmod;
- unsigned short spare2[4];
- unsigned short bltcdat;
- unsigned short bltbdat;
- unsigned short bltadat;
- unsigned short spare3[3];
- unsigned short deniseid;
- unsigned short dsksync;
- unsigned short *cop1lc;
- unsigned short *cop2lc;
- unsigned short copjmp1;
- unsigned short copjmp2;
- unsigned short copins;
- unsigned short diwstrt;
- unsigned short diwstop;
- unsigned short ddfstrt;
- unsigned short ddfstop;
- unsigned short dmacon;
- unsigned short clxcon;
- unsigned short intena;
- unsigned short intreq;
- unsigned short adkcon;
- struct {
- unsigned short *audlc;
- unsigned short audlen;
- unsigned short audper;
- unsigned short audvol;
- unsigned short auddat;
- unsigned short audspare[2];
- } aud[4];
- unsigned char *bplpt[8];
- unsigned short bplcon0;
- unsigned short bplcon1;
- unsigned short bplcon2;
- unsigned short bplcon3;
- unsigned short bpl1mod;
- unsigned short bpl2mod;
- unsigned short bplcon4;
- unsigned short clxcon2;
- unsigned short bpldat[8];
- unsigned char *sprpt[8];
- struct {
- unsigned short pos;
- unsigned short ctl;
- unsigned short dataa;
- unsigned short datab;
- } spr[8];
- unsigned short color[32];
- unsigned short htotal;
- unsigned short hsstop;
- unsigned short hbstrt;
- unsigned short hbstop;
- unsigned short vtotal;
- unsigned short vsstop;
- unsigned short vbstrt;
- unsigned short vbstop;
- unsigned short sprhstrt;
- unsigned short sprhstop;
- unsigned short bplhstrt;
- unsigned short bplhstop;
- unsigned short hhposw;
- unsigned short hhposr;
- unsigned short beamcon0;
- unsigned short hsstrt;
- unsigned short vsstrt;
- unsigned short hcenter;
- unsigned short diwhigh;
- unsigned short spare4[11];
- unsigned short fmode;
- * DMA register bits
- */
-#define DMAF_SETCLR (0x8000)
-#define DMAF_AUD0 (0x0001)
-#define DMAF_AUD1 (0x0002)
-#define DMAF_AUD2 (0x0004)
-#define DMAF_AUD3 (0x0008)
-#define DMAF_DISK (0x0010)
-#define DMAF_SPRITE (0x0020)
-#define DMAF_BLITTER (0x0040)
-#define DMAF_COPPER (0x0080)
-#define DMAF_RASTER (0x0100)
-#define DMAF_MASTER (0x0200)
-#define DMAF_BLITHOG (0x0400)
-#define DMAF_BLTNZERO (0x2000)
-#define DMAF_BLTDONE (0x4000)
-#define DMAF_ALL (0x01FF)
-struct CIA {
- unsigned char pra; char pad0[0xff];
- unsigned char prb; char pad1[0xff];
- unsigned char ddra; char pad2[0xff];
- unsigned char ddrb; char pad3[0xff];
- unsigned char talo; char pad4[0xff];
- unsigned char tahi; char pad5[0xff];
- unsigned char tblo; char pad6[0xff];
- unsigned char tbhi; char pad7[0xff];
- unsigned char todlo; char pad8[0xff];
- unsigned char todmid; char pad9[0xff];
- unsigned char todhi; char pada[0x1ff];
- unsigned char sdr; char padb[0xff];
- unsigned char icr; char padc[0xff];
- unsigned char cra; char padd[0xff];
- unsigned char crb; char pade[0xff];
-#define zTwoBase (0x80000000)
-#define ZTWO_PADDR(x) (((unsigned long)(x))-zTwoBase)
-#define ZTWO_VADDR(x) (((unsigned long)(x))+zTwoBase)
-#define CUSTOM_PHYSADDR (0xdff000)
-#define amiga_custom ((*(volatile struct CUSTOM *)(zTwoBase+CUSTOM_PHYSADDR)))
-#define CIAA_PHYSADDR (0xbfe001)
-#define CIAB_PHYSADDR (0xbfd000)
-#define ciaa ((*(volatile struct CIA *)(zTwoBase + CIAA_PHYSADDR)))
-#define ciab ((*(volatile struct CIA *)(zTwoBase + CIAB_PHYSADDR)))
-#define CHIP_PHYSADDR (0x000000)
-void amiga_chip_init (void);
-void *amiga_chip_alloc(unsigned long size, const char *name);
-void *amiga_chip_alloc_res(unsigned long size, struct resource *res);
-void amiga_chip_free(void *ptr);
-unsigned long amiga_chip_avail( void ); /*MILAN*/
-extern volatile unsigned short amiga_audio_min_period;
-static inline void amifb_video_off(void)
- if (amiga_chipset == CS_ECS || amiga_chipset == CS_AGA) {
- /* program Denise/Lisa for a higher maximum play rate */
- amiga_custom.htotal = 113; /* 31 kHz */
- amiga_custom.vtotal = 223; /* 70 Hz */
- amiga_custom.beamcon0 = 0x4390; /* HARDDIS, VAR{BEAM,VSY,HSY,CSY}EN */
- /* suspend the monitor */
- amiga_custom.hsstrt = amiga_custom.hsstop = 116;
- amiga_custom.vsstrt = amiga_custom.vsstop = 226;
- amiga_audio_min_period = 57;
- }
-struct tod3000 {
- unsigned int :28, second2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, second1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, minute2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, minute1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, hour2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, hour1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, weekday:4;
- unsigned int :28, day2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, day1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, month2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, month1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, year2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, year1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, cntrl1:4; /* control-byte 1 */
- unsigned int :28, cntrl2:4; /* control-byte 2 */
- unsigned int :28, cntrl3:4; /* control-byte 3 */
-#define TOD3000_CNTRL1_HOLD 0
-#define TOD3000_CNTRL1_FREE 9
-#define tod_3000 ((*(volatile struct tod3000 *)(zTwoBase+0xDC0000)))
-struct tod2000 {
- unsigned int :28, second2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, second1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, minute2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, minute1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, hour2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, hour1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, day2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, day1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, month2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, month1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, year2:4; /* lower digit */
- unsigned int :28, year1:4; /* upper digit */
- unsigned int :28, weekday:4;
- unsigned int :28, cntrl1:4; /* control-byte 1 */
- unsigned int :28, cntrl2:4; /* control-byte 2 */
- unsigned int :28, cntrl3:4; /* control-byte 3 */
-#define TOD2000_CNTRL1_HOLD (1<<0)
-#define TOD2000_CNTRL1_BUSY (1<<1)
-#define TOD2000_CNTRL3_24HMODE (1<<2)
-#define TOD2000_HOUR1_PM (1<<2)
-#define tod_2000 ((*(volatile struct tod2000 *)(zTwoBase+0xDC0000)))
-#endif /* _M68K_AMIGAHW_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigaints.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigaints.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b1bcdb83..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigaints.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-** amigaints.h -- Amiga Linux interrupt handling structs and prototypes
-** Copyright 1992 by Greg Harp
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-** Created 10/2/92 by Greg Harp
-#ifndef _ASMm68k_AMIGAINTS_H_
-#define _ASMm68k_AMIGAINTS_H_
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-** Amiga Interrupt sources.
-#define AUTO_IRQS (8)
-#define AMI_STD_IRQS (14)
-#define CIA_IRQS (5)
-/* builtin serial port interrupts */
-#define IRQ_AMIGA_RBF (IRQ_USER+11)
-/* floppy disk interrupts */
-/* software interrupts */
-/* interrupts from external hardware */
-/* copper interrupt */
-/* vertical blanking interrupt */
-/* Blitter done interrupt */
-/* Audio interrupts */
-#define IRQ_AMIGA_AUD0 (IRQ_USER+7)
-#define IRQ_AMIGA_AUD1 (IRQ_USER+8)
-#define IRQ_AMIGA_AUD2 (IRQ_USER+9)
-#define IRQ_AMIGA_AUD3 (IRQ_USER+10)
-/* CIA interrupt sources */
-/* INTREQR masks */
-#define IF_SETCLR 0x8000 /* set/clr bit */
-#define IF_INTEN 0x4000 /* master interrupt bit in INT* registers */
-#define IF_EXTER 0x2000 /* external level 6 and CIA B interrupt */
-#define IF_DSKSYN 0x1000 /* disk sync interrupt */
-#define IF_RBF 0x0800 /* serial receive buffer full interrupt */
-#define IF_AUD3 0x0400 /* audio channel 3 done interrupt */
-#define IF_AUD2 0x0200 /* audio channel 2 done interrupt */
-#define IF_AUD1 0x0100 /* audio channel 1 done interrupt */
-#define IF_AUD0 0x0080 /* audio channel 0 done interrupt */
-#define IF_BLIT 0x0040 /* blitter done interrupt */
-#define IF_VERTB 0x0020 /* vertical blanking interrupt */
-#define IF_COPER 0x0010 /* copper interrupt */
-#define IF_PORTS 0x0008 /* external level 2 and CIA A interrupt */
-#define IF_SOFT 0x0004 /* software initiated interrupt */
-#define IF_DSKBLK 0x0002 /* diskblock DMA finished */
-#define IF_TBE 0x0001 /* serial transmit buffer empty interrupt */
-/* CIA interrupt control register bits */
-#define CIA_ICR_TA 0x01
-#define CIA_ICR_TB 0x02
-#define CIA_ICR_ALRM 0x04
-#define CIA_ICR_SP 0x08
-#define CIA_ICR_FLG 0x10
-#define CIA_ICR_ALL 0x1f
-#define CIA_ICR_SETCLR 0x80
-extern void amiga_init_IRQ(void);
-/* to access the interrupt control registers of CIA's use only
-** these functions, they behave exactly like the amiga os routines
-extern struct ciabase ciaa_base, ciab_base;
-extern void cia_init_IRQ(struct ciabase *base);
-extern unsigned char cia_set_irq(struct ciabase *base, unsigned char mask);
-extern unsigned char cia_able_irq(struct ciabase *base, unsigned char mask);
-#endif /* asm-m68k/amigaints.h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigayle.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigayle.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a01453d9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amigayle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-** asm-m68k/amigayle.h -- This header defines the registers of the gayle chip
-** found on the Amiga 1200
-** This information was found by disassembling card.resource,
-** so the definitions may not be 100% correct
-** anyone has an official doc ?
-** Copyright 1997 by Alain Malek
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-** Created: 11/28/97 by Alain Malek
-#ifndef _M68K_AMIGAYLE_H_
-#define _M68K_AMIGAYLE_H_
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <asm/amigahw.h>
-/* memory layout */
-#define GAYLE_RAM (0x600000+zTwoBase)
-#define GAYLE_RAMSIZE (0x400000)
-#define GAYLE_ATTRIBUTE (0xa00000+zTwoBase)
-#define GAYLE_ATTRIBUTESIZE (0x020000)
-#define GAYLE_IO (0xa20000+zTwoBase) /* 16bit and even 8bit registers */
-#define GAYLE_IOSIZE (0x010000)
-#define GAYLE_IO_8BITODD (0xa30000+zTwoBase) /* odd 8bit registers */
-/* offset for accessing odd IO registers */
-/* GAYLE registers */
-struct GAYLE {
- u_char cardstatus;
- u_char pad0[0x1000-1];
- u_char intreq;
- u_char pad1[0x1000-1];
- u_char inten;
- u_char pad2[0x1000-1];
- u_char config;
- u_char pad3[0x1000-1];
-#define GAYLE_ADDRESS (0xda8000) /* gayle main registers base address */
-#define GAYLE_RESET (0xa40000) /* write 0x00 to start reset,
- read 1 byte to stop reset */
-#define gayle (*(volatile struct GAYLE *)(zTwoBase+GAYLE_ADDRESS))
-#define gayle_reset (*(volatile u_char *)(zTwoBase+GAYLE_RESET))
-#define gayle_attribute ((volatile u_char *)(GAYLE_ATTRIBUTE))
-#if 0
-#define gayle_inb(a) readb( GAYLE_IO+(a)+(((a)&1)*GAYLE_ODD) )
-#define gayle_outb(v,a) writeb( v, GAYLE_IO+(a)+(((a)&1)*GAYLE_ODD) )
-#define gayle_inw(a) readw( GAYLE_IO+(a) )
-#define gayle_outw(v,a) writew( v, GAYLE_IO+(a) )
-/* GAYLE_CARDSTATUS bit def */
-#define GAYLE_CS_CCDET 0x40 /* credit card detect */
-#define GAYLE_CS_BVD1 0x20 /* battery voltage detect 1 */
-#define GAYLE_CS_SC 0x20 /* credit card status change */
-#define GAYLE_CS_BVD2 0x10 /* battery voltage detect 2 */
-#define GAYLE_CS_DA 0x10 /* digital audio */
-#define GAYLE_CS_WR 0x08 /* write enable (1 == enabled) */
-#define GAYLE_CS_BSY 0x04 /* credit card busy */
-#define GAYLE_CS_IRQ 0x04 /* interrupt request */
-/* GAYLE_IRQ bit def */
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_IDE 0x80
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_CCDET 0x40
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_BVD1 0x20
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_SC 0x20
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_BVD2 0x10
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_DA 0x10
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_WR 0x08
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_BSY 0x04
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_IRQ 0x04
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_IDEACK1 0x02
-#define GAYLE_IRQ_IDEACK0 0x01
-/* GAYLE_CONFIG bit def
- (bit 0-1 for program voltage, bit 2-3 for access speed */
-#define GAYLE_CFG_0V 0x00
-#define GAYLE_CFG_5V 0x01
-#define GAYLE_CFG_12V 0x02
-#define GAYLE_CFG_100NS 0x08
-#define GAYLE_CFG_150NS 0x04
-#define GAYLE_CFG_250NS 0x00
-#define GAYLE_CFG_720NS 0x0c
-struct gayle_ide_platform_data {
- unsigned long base;
- unsigned long irqport;
- int explicit_ack; /* A1200 IDE needs explicit ack */
-#endif /* asm-m68k/amigayle.h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amipcmcia.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amipcmcia.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f1ec188..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/amipcmcia.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-** asm-m68k/pcmcia.h -- Amiga Linux PCMCIA Definitions
-** Copyright 1997 by Alain Malek
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-** Created: 12/10/97 by Alain Malek
-#ifndef __AMIGA_PCMCIA_H__
-#define __AMIGA_PCMCIA_H__
-#include <asm/amigayle.h>
-/* prototypes */
-void pcmcia_reset(void);
-int pcmcia_copy_tuple(unsigned char tuple_id, void *tuple, int max_len);
-void pcmcia_program_voltage(int voltage);
-void pcmcia_access_speed(int speed);
-void pcmcia_write_enable(void);
-void pcmcia_write_disable(void);
-static inline u_char pcmcia_read_status(void)
- return (gayle.cardstatus & 0x7c);
-static inline u_char pcmcia_get_intreq(void)
- return (gayle.intreq);
-static inline void pcmcia_ack_int(u_char intreq)
- gayle.intreq = 0xf8;
-static inline void pcmcia_enable_irq(void)
- gayle.inten |= GAYLE_IRQ_IRQ;
-static inline void pcmcia_disable_irq(void)
- gayle.inten &= ~GAYLE_IRQ_IRQ;
-#define PCMCIA_INSERTED (gayle.cardstatus & GAYLE_CS_CCDET)
-/* valid voltages for pcmcia_ProgramVoltage */
-#define PCMCIA_0V 0
-#define PCMCIA_5V 5
-#define PCMCIA_12V 12
-/* valid speeds for pcmcia_AccessSpeed */
-#define PCMCIA_SPEED_100NS 100
-#define PCMCIA_SPEED_150NS 150
-#define PCMCIA_SPEED_250NS 250
-#define PCMCIA_SPEED_720NS 720
-/* PCMCIA Tuple codes */
-#define CISTPL_NULL 0x00
-#define CISTPL_DEVICE 0x01
-#define CISTPL_LONGLINK_CB 0x02
-#define CISTPL_CONFIG_CB 0x04
-#define CISTPL_BAR 0x07
-#define CISTPL_CHECKSUM 0x10
-#define CISTPL_LONGLINK_A 0x11
-#define CISTPL_LONGLINK_C 0x12
-#define CISTPL_NO_LINK 0x14
-#define CISTPL_VERS_1 0x15
-#define CISTPL_ALTSTR 0x16
-#define CISTPL_DEVICE_A 0x17
-#define CISTPL_JEDEC_C 0x18
-#define CISTPL_JEDEC_A 0x19
-#define CISTPL_CONFIG 0x1a
-#define CISTPL_DEVICE_OC 0x1c
-#define CISTPL_DEVICE_OA 0x1d
-#define CISTPL_DEVICE_GEO 0x1e
-#define CISTPL_DEVICE_GEO_A 0x1f
-#define CISTPL_MANFID 0x20
-#define CISTPL_FUNCID 0x21
-#define CISTPL_FUNCE 0x22
-#define CISTPL_SWIL 0x23
-#define CISTPL_END 0xff
-/* FUNCID */
-#define CISTPL_FUNCID_AIMS 0x07
-#define CISTPL_FUNCID_SCSI 0x08
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/apollodma.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/apollodma.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 954adc85..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/apollodma.h
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@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- * linux/include/asm/dma.h: Defines for using and allocating dma channels.
- * Written by Hennus Bergman, 1992.
- * High DMA channel support & info by Hannu Savolainen
- * and John Boyd, Nov. 1992.
- */
-#ifndef _ASM_APOLLO_DMA_H
-#define _ASM_APOLLO_DMA_H
-#include <asm/apollohw.h> /* need byte IO */
-#include <linux/spinlock.h> /* And spinlocks */
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#define dma_outb(val,addr) (*((volatile unsigned char *)(addr+IO_BASE)) = (val))
-#define dma_inb(addr) (*((volatile unsigned char *)(addr+IO_BASE)))
- * NOTES about DMA transfers:
- *
- * controller 1: channels 0-3, byte operations, ports 00-1F
- * controller 2: channels 4-7, word operations, ports C0-DF
- *
- * - ALL registers are 8 bits only, regardless of transfer size
- * - channel 4 is not used - cascades 1 into 2.
- * - channels 0-3 are byte - addresses/counts are for physical bytes
- * - channels 5-7 are word - addresses/counts are for physical words
- * - transfers must not cross physical 64K (0-3) or 128K (5-7) boundaries
- * - transfer count loaded to registers is 1 less than actual count
- * - controller 2 offsets are all even (2x offsets for controller 1)
- * - page registers for 5-7 don't use data bit 0, represent 128K pages
- * - page registers for 0-3 use bit 0, represent 64K pages
- *
- * DMA transfers are limited to the lower 16MB of _physical_ memory.
- * Note that addresses loaded into registers must be _physical_ addresses,
- * not logical addresses (which may differ if paging is active).
- *
- * Address mapping for channels 0-3:
- *
- * A23 ... A16 A15 ... A8 A7 ... A0 (Physical addresses)
- * | ... | | ... | | ... |
- * | ... | | ... | | ... |
- * | ... | | ... | | ... |
- * P7 ... P0 A7 ... A0 A7 ... A0
- * | Page | Addr MSB | Addr LSB | (DMA registers)
- *
- * Address mapping for channels 5-7:
- *
- * A23 ... A17 A16 A15 ... A9 A8 A7 ... A1 A0 (Physical addresses)
- * | ... | \ \ ... \ \ \ ... \ \
- * | ... | \ \ ... \ \ \ ... \ (not used)
- * | ... | \ \ ... \ \ \ ... \
- * P7 ... P1 (0) A7 A6 ... A0 A7 A6 ... A0
- * | Page | Addr MSB | Addr LSB | (DMA registers)
- *
- * Again, channels 5-7 transfer _physical_ words (16 bits), so addresses
- * and counts _must_ be word-aligned (the lowest address bit is _ignored_ at
- * the hardware level, so odd-byte transfers aren't possible).
- *
- * Transfer count (_not # bytes_) is limited to 64K, represented as actual
- * count - 1 : 64K => 0xFFFF, 1 => 0x0000. Thus, count is always 1 or more,
- * and up to 128K bytes may be transferred on channels 5-7 in one operation.
- *
- */
-/* The maximum address that we can perform a DMA transfer to on this platform */#define MAX_DMA_ADDRESS (PAGE_OFFSET+0x1000000)
-/* 8237 DMA controllers */
-#define IO_DMA1_BASE 0x10C00 /* 8 bit slave DMA, channels 0..3 */
-#define IO_DMA2_BASE 0x10D00 /* 16 bit master DMA, ch 4(=slave input)..7 */
-/* DMA controller registers */
-#define DMA1_CMD_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x08) /* command register (w) */
-#define DMA1_STAT_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x08) /* status register (r) */
-#define DMA1_REQ_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x09) /* request register (w) */
-#define DMA1_MASK_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x0A) /* single-channel mask (w) */
-#define DMA1_MODE_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x0B) /* mode register (w) */
-#define DMA1_CLEAR_FF_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x0C) /* clear pointer flip-flop (w) */
-#define DMA1_TEMP_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x0D) /* Temporary Register (r) */
-#define DMA1_RESET_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x0D) /* Master Clear (w) */
-#define DMA1_CLR_MASK_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x0E) /* Clear Mask */
-#define DMA1_MASK_ALL_REG (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x0F) /* all-channels mask (w) */
-#define DMA2_CMD_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x10) /* command register (w) */
-#define DMA2_STAT_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x10) /* status register (r) */
-#define DMA2_REQ_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x12) /* request register (w) */
-#define DMA2_MASK_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x14) /* single-channel mask (w) */
-#define DMA2_MODE_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x16) /* mode register (w) */
-#define DMA2_CLEAR_FF_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x18) /* clear pointer flip-flop (w) */
-#define DMA2_TEMP_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x1A) /* Temporary Register (r) */
-#define DMA2_RESET_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x1A) /* Master Clear (w) */
-#define DMA2_CLR_MASK_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x1C) /* Clear Mask */
-#define DMA2_MASK_ALL_REG (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x1E) /* all-channels mask (w) */
-#define DMA_ADDR_0 (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x00) /* DMA address registers */
-#define DMA_ADDR_1 (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x02)
-#define DMA_ADDR_2 (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x04)
-#define DMA_ADDR_3 (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x06)
-#define DMA_ADDR_4 (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x00)
-#define DMA_ADDR_5 (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x04)
-#define DMA_ADDR_6 (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x08)
-#define DMA_ADDR_7 (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x0C)
-#define DMA_CNT_0 (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x01) /* DMA count registers */
-#define DMA_CNT_1 (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x03)
-#define DMA_CNT_2 (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x05)
-#define DMA_CNT_3 (IO_DMA1_BASE+0x07)
-#define DMA_CNT_4 (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x02)
-#define DMA_CNT_5 (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x06)
-#define DMA_CNT_6 (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x0A)
-#define DMA_CNT_7 (IO_DMA2_BASE+0x0E)
-#define DMA_MODE_READ 0x44 /* I/O to memory, no autoinit, increment, single mode */
-#define DMA_MODE_WRITE 0x48 /* memory to I/O, no autoinit, increment, single mode */
-#define DMA_MODE_CASCADE 0xC0 /* pass thru DREQ->HRQ, DACK<-HLDA only */
-#define DMA_AUTOINIT 0x10
-#define DMA_8BIT 0
-#define DMA_16BIT 1
-#define DMA_BUSMASTER 2
-extern spinlock_t dma_spin_lock;
-static __inline__ unsigned long claim_dma_lock(void)
- unsigned long flags;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&dma_spin_lock, flags);
- return flags;
-static __inline__ void release_dma_lock(unsigned long flags)
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dma_spin_lock, flags);
-/* enable/disable a specific DMA channel */
-static __inline__ void enable_dma(unsigned int dmanr)
- if (dmanr<=3)
- dma_outb(dmanr, DMA1_MASK_REG);
- else
- dma_outb(dmanr & 3, DMA2_MASK_REG);
-static __inline__ void disable_dma(unsigned int dmanr)
- if (dmanr<=3)
- dma_outb(dmanr | 4, DMA1_MASK_REG);
- else
- dma_outb((dmanr & 3) | 4, DMA2_MASK_REG);
-/* Clear the 'DMA Pointer Flip Flop'.
- * Write 0 for LSB/MSB, 1 for MSB/LSB access.
- * Use this once to initialize the FF to a known state.
- * After that, keep track of it. :-)
- * --- In order to do that, the DMA routines below should ---
- * --- only be used while holding the DMA lock ! ---
- */
-static __inline__ void clear_dma_ff(unsigned int dmanr)
- if (dmanr<=3)
- dma_outb(0, DMA1_CLEAR_FF_REG);
- else
- dma_outb(0, DMA2_CLEAR_FF_REG);
-/* set mode (above) for a specific DMA channel */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_mode(unsigned int dmanr, char mode)
- if (dmanr<=3)
- dma_outb(mode | dmanr, DMA1_MODE_REG);
- else
- dma_outb(mode | (dmanr&3), DMA2_MODE_REG);
-/* Set transfer address & page bits for specific DMA channel.
- * Assumes dma flipflop is clear.
- */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_addr(unsigned int dmanr, unsigned int a)
- if (dmanr <= 3) {
- dma_outb( a & 0xff, ((dmanr&3)<<1) + IO_DMA1_BASE );
- dma_outb( (a>>8) & 0xff, ((dmanr&3)<<1) + IO_DMA1_BASE );
- } else {
- dma_outb( (a>>1) & 0xff, ((dmanr&3)<<2) + IO_DMA2_BASE );
- dma_outb( (a>>9) & 0xff, ((dmanr&3)<<2) + IO_DMA2_BASE );
- }
-/* Set transfer size (max 64k for DMA1..3, 128k for DMA5..7) for
- * a specific DMA channel.
- * You must ensure the parameters are valid.
- * NOTE: from a manual: "the number of transfers is one more
- * than the initial word count"! This is taken into account.
- * Assumes dma flip-flop is clear.
- * NOTE 2: "count" represents _bytes_ and must be even for channels 5-7.
- */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_count(unsigned int dmanr, unsigned int count)
- count--;
- if (dmanr <= 3) {
- dma_outb( count & 0xff, ((dmanr&3)<<1) + 1 + IO_DMA1_BASE );
- dma_outb( (count>>8) & 0xff, ((dmanr&3)<<1) + 1 + IO_DMA1_BASE );
- } else {
- dma_outb( (count>>1) & 0xff, ((dmanr&3)<<2) + 2 + IO_DMA2_BASE );
- dma_outb( (count>>9) & 0xff, ((dmanr&3)<<2) + 2 + IO_DMA2_BASE );
- }
-/* Get DMA residue count. After a DMA transfer, this
- * should return zero. Reading this while a DMA transfer is
- * still in progress will return unpredictable results.
- * If called before the channel has been used, it may return 1.
- * Otherwise, it returns the number of _bytes_ left to transfer.
- *
- * Assumes DMA flip-flop is clear.
- */
-static __inline__ int get_dma_residue(unsigned int dmanr)
- unsigned int io_port = (dmanr<=3)? ((dmanr&3)<<1) + 1 + IO_DMA1_BASE
- : ((dmanr&3)<<2) + 2 + IO_DMA2_BASE;
- /* using short to get 16-bit wrap around */
- unsigned short count;
- count = 1 + dma_inb(io_port);
- count += dma_inb(io_port) << 8;
- return (dmanr<=3)? count : (count<<1);
-/* These are in kernel/dma.c: */
-extern int request_dma(unsigned int dmanr, const char * device_id); /* reserve a DMA channel */
-extern void free_dma(unsigned int dmanr); /* release it again */
-/* These are in arch/m68k/apollo/dma.c: */
-extern unsigned short dma_map_page(unsigned long phys_addr,int count,int type);
-extern void dma_unmap_page(unsigned short dma_addr);
-#endif /* _ASM_APOLLO_DMA_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/apollohw.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/apollohw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a1373b9a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/apollohw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* apollohw.h : some structures to access apollo HW */
-#ifndef _ASMm68k_APOLLOHW_H_
-#define _ASMm68k_APOLLOHW_H_
-#include <linux/types.h>
- apollo models
-extern u_long apollo_model;
-#define APOLLO_UNKNOWN (0)
-#define APOLLO_DN3000 (1)
-#define APOLLO_DN3010 (2)
-#define APOLLO_DN3500 (3)
-#define APOLLO_DN4000 (4)
-#define APOLLO_DN4500 (5)
- see scn2681 data sheet for more info.
- member names are read_write.
-#define DECLARE_2681_FIELD(x) unsigned char x; unsigned char dummy##x
-struct SCN2681 {
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(mra);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(sra_csra);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(BRGtest_cra);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(rhra_thra);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(ipcr_acr);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(isr_imr);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(ctu_ctur);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(ctl_ctlr);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(mrb);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(srb_csrb);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(tst_crb);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(rhrb_thrb);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(reserved);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(ip_opcr);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(startCnt_setOutBit);
- DECLARE_2681_FIELD(stopCnt_resetOutBit);
-#if 0
-struct mc146818 {
- unsigned int second1:4, second2:4, alarm_second1:4, alarm_second2:4,
- minute1:4, minute2:4, alarm_minute1:4, alarm_minute2:4;
- unsigned int hours1:4, hours2:4, alarm_hours1:4, alarm_hours2:4,
- day_of_week1:4, day_of_week2:4, day_of_month1:4, day_of_month2:4;
- unsigned int month1:4, month2:4, year1:4, year2:4, :16;
-struct mc146818 {
- unsigned char second, alarm_second;
- unsigned char minute, alarm_minute;
- unsigned char hours, alarm_hours;
- unsigned char day_of_week, day_of_month;
- unsigned char month, year;
-#define IO_BASE 0x80000000
-extern u_long sio01_physaddr;
-extern u_long sio23_physaddr;
-extern u_long rtc_physaddr;
-extern u_long pica_physaddr;
-extern u_long picb_physaddr;
-extern u_long cpuctrl_physaddr;
-extern u_long timer_physaddr;
-#define SAU7_SIO01_PHYSADDR 0x10400
-#define SAU7_SIO23_PHYSADDR 0x10500
-#define SAU7_RTC_PHYSADDR 0x10900
-#define SAU7_PICA 0x11000
-#define SAU7_PICB 0x11100
-#define SAU7_CPUCTRL 0x10100
-#define SAU7_TIMER 0x010800
-#define SAU8_SIO01_PHYSADDR 0x8400
-#define SAU8_RTC_PHYSADDR 0x8900
-#define SAU8_PICA 0x9400
-#define SAU8_PICB 0x9500
-#define SAU8_CPUCTRL 0x8100
-#define SAU8_TIMER 0x8800
-#define sio01 ((*(volatile struct SCN2681 *)(IO_BASE + sio01_physaddr)))
-#define sio23 ((*(volatile struct SCN2681 *)(IO_BASE + sio23_physaddr)))
-#define rtc (((volatile struct mc146818 *)(IO_BASE + rtc_physaddr)))
-#define cpuctrl (*(volatile unsigned int *)(IO_BASE + cpuctrl_physaddr))
-#define pica (IO_BASE + pica_physaddr)
-#define picb (IO_BASE + picb_physaddr)
-#define timer (IO_BASE + timer_physaddr)
-#define addr_xlat_map ((unsigned short *)(IO_BASE + 0x17000))
-#define isaIO2mem(x) (((((x) & 0x3f8) << 7) | (((x) & 0xfc00) >> 6) | ((x) & 0x7)) + 0x40000 + IO_BASE)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/asm-offsets.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/asm-offsets.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d370ee36..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/asm-offsets.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <generated/asm-offsets.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atafd.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atafd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8456889e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atafd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_FD_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_FD_H
-/* Definitions for the Atari Floppy driver */
-struct atari_format_descr {
- int track; /* to be formatted */
- int head; /* "" "" */
- int sect_offset; /* offset of first sector */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atafdreg.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atafdreg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bbf80949..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atafdreg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _LINUX_FDREG_H
-#define _LINUX_FDREG_H
-** WD1772 stuff
- */
-/* register codes */
-#define FDCSELREG_STP (0x80) /* command/status register */
-#define FDCSELREG_TRA (0x82) /* track register */
-#define FDCSELREG_SEC (0x84) /* sector register */
-#define FDCSELREG_DTA (0x86) /* data register */
-/* register names for FDC_READ/WRITE macros */
-#define FDCREG_CMD 0
-#define FDCREG_STATUS 0
-#define FDCREG_TRACK 2
-#define FDCREG_SECTOR 4
-#define FDCREG_DATA 6
-/* command opcodes */
-#define FDCCMD_RESTORE (0x00) /* - */
-#define FDCCMD_SEEK (0x10) /* | */
-#define FDCCMD_STEP (0x20) /* | TYP 1 Commands */
-#define FDCCMD_STIN (0x40) /* | */
-#define FDCCMD_STOT (0x60) /* - */
-#define FDCCMD_RDSEC (0x80) /* - TYP 2 Commands */
-#define FDCCMD_WRSEC (0xa0) /* - " */
-#define FDCCMD_RDADR (0xc0) /* - */
-#define FDCCMD_RDTRA (0xe0) /* | TYP 3 Commands */
-#define FDCCMD_WRTRA (0xf0) /* - */
-#define FDCCMD_FORCI (0xd0) /* - TYP 4 Command */
-/* command modifier bits */
-#define FDCCMDADD_SR6 (0x00) /* step rate settings */
-#define FDCCMDADD_SR12 (0x01)
-#define FDCCMDADD_SR2 (0x02)
-#define FDCCMDADD_SR3 (0x03)
-#define FDCCMDADD_V (0x04) /* verify */
-#define FDCCMDADD_H (0x08) /* wait for spin-up */
-#define FDCCMDADD_U (0x10) /* update track register */
-#define FDCCMDADD_M (0x10) /* multiple sector access */
-#define FDCCMDADD_E (0x04) /* head settling flag */
-#define FDCCMDADD_P (0x02) /* precompensation off */
-#define FDCCMDADD_A0 (0x01) /* DAM flag */
-/* status register bits */
-#define FDCSTAT_MOTORON (0x80) /* motor on */
-#define FDCSTAT_WPROT (0x40) /* write protected (FDCCMD_WR*) */
-#define FDCSTAT_SPINUP (0x20) /* motor speed stable (Type I) */
-#define FDCSTAT_DELDAM (0x20) /* sector has deleted DAM (Type II+III) */
-#define FDCSTAT_RECNF (0x10) /* record not found */
-#define FDCSTAT_CRC (0x08) /* CRC error */
-#define FDCSTAT_TR00 (0x04) /* Track 00 flag (Type I) */
-#define FDCSTAT_LOST (0x04) /* Lost Data (Type II+III) */
-#define FDCSTAT_IDX (0x02) /* Index status (Type I) */
-#define FDCSTAT_DRQ (0x02) /* DRQ status (Type II+III) */
-#define FDCSTAT_BUSY (0x01) /* FDC is busy */
-/* PSG Port A Bit Nr 0 .. Side Sel .. 0 -> Side 1 1 -> Side 2 */
-#define DSKSIDE (0x01)
-#define DSKDRVNONE (0x06)
-#define DSKDRV0 (0x02)
-#define DSKDRV1 (0x04)
-/* step rates */
-#define FDCSTEP_6 0x00
-#define FDCSTEP_12 0x01
-#define FDCSTEP_2 0x02
-#define FDCSTEP_3 0x03
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_joystick.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_joystick.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 93be7da9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_joystick.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * linux/include/linux/atari_joystick.h
- * header file for Atari Joystick driver
- * by Robert de Vries ( on 19Jul93
- */
-void atari_joystick_interrupt(char*);
-int atari_joystick_init(void);
-extern int atari_mouse_buttons;
-struct joystick_status {
- char fire;
- char dir;
- int ready;
- int active;
- wait_queue_head_t wait;
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_stdma.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_stdma.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e389b7f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_stdma.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _atari_stdma_h
-#define _atari_stdma_h
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-/***************************** Prototypes *****************************/
-void stdma_lock(irq_handler_t handler, void *data);
-void stdma_release( void );
-int stdma_others_waiting( void );
-int stdma_islocked( void );
-void *stdma_locked_by( void );
-void stdma_init( void );
-/************************* End of Prototypes **************************/
-#endif /* _atari_stdma_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_stram.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_stram.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 62e27598..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atari_stram.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_ATARI_STRAM_H
-#define _M68K_ATARI_STRAM_H
- * Functions for Atari ST-RAM management
- */
-/* public interface */
-void *atari_stram_alloc(unsigned long size, const char *owner);
-void atari_stram_free(void *);
-/* functions called internally by other parts of the kernel */
-void atari_stram_init(void);
-void atari_stram_reserve_pages(void *start_mem);
-#endif /*_M68K_ATARI_STRAM_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atarihw.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atarihw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c0cb3635..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atarihw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
-** linux/atarihw.h -- This header defines some macros and pointers for
-** the various Atari custom hardware registers.
-** Copyright 1994 by Björn Brauel
-** 5/1/94 Roman Hodek:
-** Added definitions for TT specific chips.
-** 1996-09-13 lars brinkhoff <>:
-** Finally added definitions for the matrix/codec and the DSP56001 host
-** interface.
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-#ifndef _LINUX_ATARIHW_H_
-#define _LINUX_ATARIHW_H_
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <asm/bootinfo.h>
-#include <asm/raw_io.h>
-extern u_long atari_mch_cookie;
-extern u_long atari_mch_type;
-extern u_long atari_switches;
-extern int atari_rtc_year_offset;
-extern int atari_dont_touch_floppy_select;
-extern int atari_SCC_reset_done;
-/* convenience macros for testing machine type */
-#define MACH_IS_ST ((atari_mch_cookie >> 16) == ATARI_MCH_ST)
-#define MACH_IS_STE ((atari_mch_cookie >> 16) == ATARI_MCH_STE && \
- (atari_mch_cookie & 0xffff) == 0)
-#define MACH_IS_MSTE ((atari_mch_cookie >> 16) == ATARI_MCH_STE && \
- (atari_mch_cookie & 0xffff) == 0x10)
-#define MACH_IS_TT ((atari_mch_cookie >> 16) == ATARI_MCH_TT)
-#define MACH_IS_FALCON ((atari_mch_cookie >> 16) == ATARI_MCH_FALCON)
-#define MACH_IS_MEDUSA (atari_mch_type == ATARI_MACH_MEDUSA)
-#define MACH_IS_AB40 (atari_mch_type == ATARI_MACH_AB40)
-/* values for atari_switches */
-#define ATARI_SWITCH_IKBD 0x01
-#define ATARI_SWITCH_MIDI 0x02
-#define ATARI_SWITCH_SND6 0x04
-#define ATARI_SWITCH_SND7 0x08
-#define ATARI_SWITCH_OVSC_MASK 0xffff0000
- * Define several Hardware-Chips for indication so that for the ATARI we do
- * no longer decide whether it is a Falcon or other machine . It's just
- * important what hardware the machine uses
- */
-/* ++roman 08/08/95: rewritten from ORing constants to a C bitfield */
-#define ATARIHW_DECLARE(name) unsigned name : 1
-#define ATARIHW_SET(name) ( = 1)
-#define ATARIHW_PRESENT(name) (
-struct atari_hw_present {
- /* video hardware */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(STND_SHIFTER); /* ST-Shifter - no base low ! */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(EXTD_SHIFTER); /* STe-Shifter - 24 bit address */
- /* sound hardware */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(YM_2149); /* Yamaha YM 2149 */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(CODEC); /* CODEC Sound (Falcon) */
- /* disk storage interfaces */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(TT_SCSI); /* Directly mapped NCR5380 */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(ST_SCSI); /* NCR5380 via ST-DMA (Falcon) */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(ACSI); /* Standard ACSI like in STs */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(IDE); /* IDE Interface */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(FDCSPEED); /* 8/16 MHz switch for FDC */
- /* other I/O hardware */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(ST_MFP); /* The ST-MFP (there should be no Atari
- without it... but who knows?) */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(SCC); /* Serial Communications Contr. */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(ST_ESCC); /* SCC Z83230 in an ST */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(ANALOG_JOY); /* Paddle Interface for STe
- and Falcon */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(MICROWIRE); /* Microwire Interface */
- /* DMA */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(STND_DMA); /* 24 Bit limited ST-DMA */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(SCSI_DMA); /* DMA for the NCR5380 */
- /* real time clocks */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(TT_CLK); /* TT compatible clock chip */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(MSTE_CLK); /* Mega ST(E) clock chip */
- /* supporting hardware */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(SCU); /* System Control Unit */
- ATARIHW_DECLARE(DSP56K); /* DSP56k processor in Falcon */
-extern struct atari_hw_present atari_hw_present;
-/* Reading the MFP port register gives a machine independent delay, since the
- * MFP always has a 8 MHz clock. This avoids problems with the varying length
- * of nops on various machines. Somebody claimed that the tstb takes 600 ns.
- */
-#define MFPDELAY() \
- __asm__ __volatile__ ( "tstb %0" : : "m" (st_mfp.par_dt_reg) : "cc" );
-/* Do cache push/invalidate for DMA read/write. This function obeys the
- * snooping on some machines (Medusa) and processors: The Medusa itself can
- * snoop, but only the '040 can source data from its cache to DMA writes i.e.,
- * reads from memory). Both '040 and '060 invalidate cache entries on snooped
- * DMA reads (i.e., writes to memory).
- */
-#define atari_readb raw_inb
-#define atari_writeb raw_outb
-#define atari_inb_p raw_inb
-#define atari_outb_p raw_outb
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <asm/cacheflush.h>
-static inline void dma_cache_maintenance( unsigned long paddr,
- unsigned long len,
- int writeflag )
- if (writeflag) {
- if (!MACH_IS_MEDUSA || CPU_IS_060)
- cache_push( paddr, len );
- }
- else {
- cache_clear( paddr, len );
- }
-** Shifter
- */
-#define ST_LOW 0
-#define ST_MID 1
-#define ST_HIGH 2
-#define TT_LOW 7
-#define TT_MID 4
-#define TT_HIGH 6
-#define SHF_BAS (0xffff8200)
-struct SHIFTER
- {
- u_char pad1;
- u_char bas_hi;
- u_char pad2;
- u_char bas_md;
- u_char pad3;
- u_char volatile vcounthi;
- u_char pad4;
- u_char volatile vcountmid;
- u_char pad5;
- u_char volatile vcountlow;
- u_char volatile syncmode;
- u_char pad6;
- u_char pad7;
- u_char bas_lo;
- };
-# define shifter ((*(volatile struct SHIFTER *)SHF_BAS))
-#define SHF_FBAS (0xffff820e)
-struct SHIFTER_F030
- {
- u_short off_next;
- u_short scn_width;
- };
-# define shifter_f030 ((*(volatile struct SHIFTER_F030 *)SHF_FBAS))
-#define SHF_TBAS (0xffff8200)
-struct SHIFTER_TT {
- u_char char_dummy0;
- u_char bas_hi; /* video mem base addr, high and mid byte */
- u_char char_dummy1;
- u_char bas_md;
- u_char char_dummy2;
- u_char vcount_hi; /* pointer to currently displayed byte */
- u_char char_dummy3;
- u_char vcount_md;
- u_char char_dummy4;
- u_char vcount_lo;
- u_short st_sync; /* ST compatible sync mode register, unused */
- u_char char_dummy5;
- u_char bas_lo; /* video mem addr, low byte */
- u_char char_dummy6[2+3*16];
- /* $ffff8240: */
- u_short color_reg[16]; /* 16 color registers */
- u_char st_shiftmode; /* ST compatible shift mode register, unused */
- u_char char_dummy7;
- u_short tt_shiftmode; /* TT shift mode register */
-#define shifter_tt ((*(volatile struct SHIFTER_TT *)SHF_TBAS))
-/* values for shifter_tt->tt_shiftmode */
-#define TT_SHIFTER_STLOW 0x0000
-#define TT_SHIFTER_STMID 0x0100
-#define TT_SHIFTER_STHIGH 0x0200
-#define TT_SHIFTER_TTLOW 0x0700
-#define TT_SHIFTER_TTMID 0x0400
-#define TT_SHIFTER_TTHIGH 0x0600
-#define TT_SHIFTER_MODEMASK 0x0700
-#define TT_SHIFTER_NUMMODE 0x0008
-#define TT_SHIFTER_GRAYMODE 0x1000
-/* 256 TT palette registers */
-#define TT_PALETTE_BASE (0xffff8400)
-#define tt_palette ((volatile u_short *)TT_PALETTE_BASE)
-#define TT_PALETTE_RED_MASK 0x0f00
-#define TT_PALETTE_GREEN_MASK 0x00f0
-#define TT_PALETTE_BLUE_MASK 0x000f
-** Falcon030 VIDEL Video Controller
-** for description see File 'linux\tools\atari\hardware.txt
- */
-#define f030_col ((u_long *) 0xffff9800)
-#define f030_xreg ((u_short*) 0xffff8282)
-#define f030_yreg ((u_short*) 0xffff82a2)
-#define f030_creg ((u_short*) 0xffff82c0)
-#define f030_sreg ((u_short*) 0xffff8260)
-#define f030_mreg ((u_short*) 0xffff820a)
-#define f030_linewidth ((u_short*) 0xffff820e)
-#define f030_hscroll ((u_char*) 0xffff8265)
-#define VIDEL_BAS (0xffff8260)
-struct VIDEL {
- u_short st_shift;
- u_short pad1;
- u_char xoffset_s;
- u_char xoffset;
- u_short f_shift;
- u_char pad2[0x1a];
- u_short hht;
- u_short hbb;
- u_short hbe;
- u_short hdb;
- u_short hde;
- u_short hss;
- u_char pad3[0x14];
- u_short vft;
- u_short vbb;
- u_short vbe;
- u_short vdb;
- u_short vde;
- u_short vss;
- u_char pad4[0x12];
- u_short control;
- u_short mode;
-#define videl ((*(volatile struct VIDEL *)VIDEL_BAS))
-** DMA/WD1772 Disk Controller
- */
-#define FWD_BAS (0xffff8604)
-struct DMA_WD
- {
- u_short fdc_acces_seccount;
- u_short dma_mode_status;
- u_char dma_vhi; /* Some extended ST-DMAs can handle 32 bit addresses */
- u_char dma_hi;
- u_char char_dummy2;
- u_char dma_md;
- u_char char_dummy3;
- u_char dma_lo;
- u_short fdc_speed;
- };
-# define dma_wd ((*(volatile struct DMA_WD *)FWD_BAS))
-/* alias */
-#define st_dma dma_wd
-/* The two highest bytes of an extended DMA as a short; this is a must
- * for the Medusa.
- */
-#define st_dma_ext_dmahi (*((volatile unsigned short *)0xffff8608))
-** YM2149 Sound Chip
-** access in bytes
- */
-#define YM_BAS (0xffff8800)
-struct SOUND_YM
- {
- u_char rd_data_reg_sel;
- u_char char_dummy1;
- u_char wd_data;
- };
-#define sound_ym ((*(volatile struct SOUND_YM *)YM_BAS))
-/* TT SCSI DMA */
-#define TT_SCSI_DMA_BAS (0xffff8700)
-struct TT_DMA {
- u_char char_dummy0;
- u_char dma_addr_hi;
- u_char char_dummy1;
- u_char dma_addr_hmd;
- u_char char_dummy2;
- u_char dma_addr_lmd;
- u_char char_dummy3;
- u_char dma_addr_lo;
- u_char char_dummy4;
- u_char dma_cnt_hi;
- u_char char_dummy5;
- u_char dma_cnt_hmd;
- u_char char_dummy6;
- u_char dma_cnt_lmd;
- u_char char_dummy7;
- u_char dma_cnt_lo;
- u_long dma_restdata;
- u_short dma_ctrl;
-#define tt_scsi_dma ((*(volatile struct TT_DMA *)TT_SCSI_DMA_BAS))
-/* TT SCSI Controller 5380 */
-#define TT_5380_BAS (0xffff8781)
-struct TT_5380 {
- u_char scsi_data;
- u_char char_dummy1;
- u_char scsi_icr;
- u_char char_dummy2;
- u_char scsi_mode;
- u_char char_dummy3;
- u_char scsi_tcr;
- u_char char_dummy4;
- u_char scsi_idstat;
- u_char char_dummy5;
- u_char scsi_dmastat;
- u_char char_dummy6;
- u_char scsi_targrcv;
- u_char char_dummy7;
- u_char scsi_inircv;
-#define tt_scsi ((*(volatile struct TT_5380 *)TT_5380_BAS))
-#define tt_scsi_regp ((volatile char *)TT_5380_BAS)
-** Falcon DMA Sound Subsystem
- */
-#define MATRIX_BASE (0xffff8930)
-struct MATRIX
- u_short source;
- u_short destination;
- u_char external_frequency_divider;
- u_char internal_frequency_divider;
-#define falcon_matrix (*(volatile struct MATRIX *)MATRIX_BASE)
-#define CODEC_BASE (0xffff8936)
-struct CODEC
- u_char tracks;
- u_char input_source;
- u_char adc_source;
- u_char gain;
-#define CODEC_GAIN_RIGHT 0x0f
-#define CODEC_GAIN_LEFT 0xf0
- u_char attenuation;
- u_char unused1;
- u_char status;
- u_char unused2, unused3, unused4, unused5;
- u_char gpio_directions;
-#define CODEC_GPIO_IN 0
-#define CODEC_GPIO_OUT 1
- u_char unused6;
- u_char gpio_data;
-#define falcon_codec (*(volatile struct CODEC *)CODEC_BASE)
-** Falcon Blitter
-#define BLT_BAS (0xffff8a00)
-struct BLITTER
- {
- u_short halftone[16];
- u_short src_x_inc;
- u_short src_y_inc;
- u_long src_address;
- u_short endmask1;
- u_short endmask2;
- u_short endmask3;
- u_short dst_x_inc;
- u_short dst_y_inc;
- u_long dst_address;
- u_short wd_per_line;
- u_short ln_per_bb;
- u_short hlf_op_reg;
- u_short log_op_reg;
- u_short lin_nm_reg;
- u_short skew_reg;
- };
-# define blitter ((*(volatile struct BLITTER *)BLT_BAS))
-** SCC Z8530
- */
-#define SCC_BAS (0xffff8c81)
-struct SCC
- {
- u_char cha_a_ctrl;
- u_char char_dummy1;
- u_char cha_a_data;
- u_char char_dummy2;
- u_char cha_b_ctrl;
- u_char char_dummy3;
- u_char cha_b_data;
- };
-# define atari_scc ((*(volatile struct SCC*)SCC_BAS))
-/* The ESCC (Z85230) in an Atari ST. The channels are reversed! */
-# define st_escc ((*(volatile struct SCC*)0xfffffa31))
-# define st_escc_dsr ((*(volatile char *)0xfffffa39))
-/* TT SCC DMA Controller (same chip as SCSI DMA) */
-#define TT_SCC_DMA_BAS (0xffff8c00)
-#define tt_scc_dma ((*(volatile struct TT_DMA *)TT_SCC_DMA_BAS))
-** VIDEL Palette Register
- */
-#define FPL_BAS (0xffff9800)
- {
- u_long reg[256];
- };
-# define videl_palette ((*(volatile struct VIDEL_PALETTE*)FPL_BAS))
-** Falcon DSP Host Interface
- */
-#define DSP56K_HOST_INTERFACE_BASE (0xffffa200)
- u_char icr;
-#define DSP56K_ICR_RREQ 0x01
-#define DSP56K_ICR_TREQ 0x02
-#define DSP56K_ICR_HF0 0x08
-#define DSP56K_ICR_HF1 0x10
-#define DSP56K_ICR_HM0 0x20
-#define DSP56K_ICR_HM1 0x40
-#define DSP56K_ICR_INIT 0x80
- u_char cvr;
-#define DSP56K_CVR_HV_MASK 0x1f
-#define DSP56K_CVR_HC 0x80
- u_char isr;
-#define DSP56K_ISR_RXDF 0x01
-#define DSP56K_ISR_TXDE 0x02
-#define DSP56K_ISR_TRDY 0x04
-#define DSP56K_ISR_HF2 0x08
-#define DSP56K_ISR_HF3 0x10
-#define DSP56K_ISR_DMA 0x40
-#define DSP56K_ISR_HREQ 0x80
- u_char ivr;
- union {
- u_char b[4];
- u_short w[2];
- u_long l;
- } data;
-#define dsp56k_host_interface ((*(volatile struct DSP56K_HOST_INTERFACE *)DSP56K_HOST_INTERFACE_BASE))
-** MFP 68901
- */
-#define MFP_BAS (0xfffffa01)
-struct MFP
- {
- u_char par_dt_reg;
- u_char char_dummy1;
- u_char active_edge;
- u_char char_dummy2;
- u_char data_dir;
- u_char char_dummy3;
- u_char int_en_a;
- u_char char_dummy4;
- u_char int_en_b;
- u_char char_dummy5;
- u_char int_pn_a;
- u_char char_dummy6;
- u_char int_pn_b;
- u_char char_dummy7;
- u_char int_sv_a;
- u_char char_dummy8;
- u_char int_sv_b;
- u_char char_dummy9;
- u_char int_mk_a;
- u_char char_dummy10;
- u_char int_mk_b;
- u_char char_dummy11;
- u_char vec_adr;
- u_char char_dummy12;
- u_char tim_ct_a;
- u_char char_dummy13;
- u_char tim_ct_b;
- u_char char_dummy14;
- u_char tim_ct_cd;
- u_char char_dummy15;
- u_char tim_dt_a;
- u_char char_dummy16;
- u_char tim_dt_b;
- u_char char_dummy17;
- u_char tim_dt_c;
- u_char char_dummy18;
- u_char tim_dt_d;
- u_char char_dummy19;
- u_char sync_char;
- u_char char_dummy20;
- u_char usart_ctr;
- u_char char_dummy21;
- u_char rcv_stat;
- u_char char_dummy22;
- u_char trn_stat;
- u_char char_dummy23;
- u_char usart_dta;
- };
-# define st_mfp ((*(volatile struct MFP*)MFP_BAS))
-/* TT's second MFP */
-#define TT_MFP_BAS (0xfffffa81)
-# define tt_mfp ((*(volatile struct MFP*)TT_MFP_BAS))
-/* TT System Control Unit */
-#define TT_SCU_BAS (0xffff8e01)
-struct TT_SCU {
- u_char sys_mask;
- u_char char_dummy1;
- u_char sys_stat;
- u_char char_dummy2;
- u_char softint;
- u_char char_dummy3;
- u_char vmeint;
- u_char char_dummy4;
- u_char gp_reg1;
- u_char char_dummy5;
- u_char gp_reg2;
- u_char char_dummy6;
- u_char vme_mask;
- u_char char_dummy7;
- u_char vme_stat;
-#define tt_scu ((*(volatile struct TT_SCU *)TT_SCU_BAS))
-/* TT real time clock */
-#define TT_RTC_BAS (0xffff8961)
-struct TT_RTC {
- u_char regsel;
- u_char dummy;
- u_char data;
-#define tt_rtc ((*(volatile struct TT_RTC *)TT_RTC_BAS))
-** ACIA 6850
- */
-/* constants for the ACIA registers */
-/* baudrate selection and reset (Baudrate = clock/factor) */
-#define ACIA_DIV1 0
-#define ACIA_DIV16 1
-#define ACIA_DIV64 2
-#define ACIA_RESET 3
-/* character format */
-#define ACIA_D7E2S (0<<2) /* 7 data, even parity, 2 stop */
-#define ACIA_D7O2S (1<<2) /* 7 data, odd parity, 2 stop */
-#define ACIA_D7E1S (2<<2) /* 7 data, even parity, 1 stop */
-#define ACIA_D7O1S (3<<2) /* 7 data, odd parity, 1 stop */
-#define ACIA_D8N2S (4<<2) /* 8 data, no parity, 2 stop */
-#define ACIA_D8N1S (5<<2) /* 8 data, no parity, 1 stop */
-#define ACIA_D8E1S (6<<2) /* 8 data, even parity, 1 stop */
-#define ACIA_D8O1S (7<<2) /* 8 data, odd parity, 1 stop */
-/* transmit control */
-#define ACIA_RLTID (0<<5) /* RTS low, TxINT disabled */
-#define ACIA_RLTIE (1<<5) /* RTS low, TxINT enabled */
-#define ACIA_RHTID (2<<5) /* RTS high, TxINT disabled */
-#define ACIA_RLTIDSB (3<<5) /* RTS low, TxINT disabled, send break */
-/* receive control */
-#define ACIA_RID (0<<7) /* RxINT disabled */
-#define ACIA_RIE (1<<7) /* RxINT enabled */
-/* status fields of the ACIA */
-#define ACIA_RDRF 1 /* Receive Data Register Full */
-#define ACIA_TDRE (1<<1) /* Transmit Data Register Empty */
-#define ACIA_DCD (1<<2) /* Data Carrier Detect */
-#define ACIA_CTS (1<<3) /* Clear To Send */
-#define ACIA_FE (1<<4) /* Framing Error */
-#define ACIA_OVRN (1<<5) /* Receiver Overrun */
-#define ACIA_PE (1<<6) /* Parity Error */
-#define ACIA_IRQ (1<<7) /* Interrupt Request */
-#define ACIA_BAS (0xfffffc00)
-struct ACIA
- {
- u_char key_ctrl;
- u_char char_dummy1;
- u_char key_data;
- u_char char_dummy2;
- u_char mid_ctrl;
- u_char char_dummy3;
- u_char mid_data;
- };
-# define acia ((*(volatile struct ACIA*)ACIA_BAS))
-#define TT_DMASND_BAS (0xffff8900)
-struct TT_DMASND {
- u_char int_ctrl; /* Falcon: Interrupt control */
- u_char ctrl;
- u_char pad2;
- u_char bas_hi;
- u_char pad3;
- u_char bas_mid;
- u_char pad4;
- u_char bas_low;
- u_char pad5;
- u_char addr_hi;
- u_char pad6;
- u_char addr_mid;
- u_char pad7;
- u_char addr_low;
- u_char pad8;
- u_char end_hi;
- u_char pad9;
- u_char end_mid;
- u_char pad10;
- u_char end_low;
- u_char pad11[12];
- u_char track_select; /* Falcon */
- u_char mode;
- u_char pad12[14];
- /* Falcon only: */
- u_short cbar_src;
- u_short cbar_dst;
- u_char ext_div;
- u_char int_div;
- u_char rec_track_select;
- u_char dac_src;
- u_char adc_src;
- u_char input_gain;
- u_short output_atten;
-# define tt_dmasnd ((*(volatile struct TT_DMASND *)TT_DMASND_BAS))
-#define DMASND_CTRL_OFF 0x00
-#define DMASND_CTRL_ON 0x01
-#define DMASND_CTRL_REPEAT 0x02
-#define DMASND_MODE_MONO 0x80
-#define DMASND_MODE_STEREO 0x00
-#define DMASND_MODE_8BIT 0x00
-#define DMASND_MODE_16BIT 0x40 /* Falcon only */
-#define DMASND_MODE_6KHZ 0x00 /* Falcon: mute */
-#define DMASND_MODE_12KHZ 0x01
-#define DMASND_MODE_25KHZ 0x02
-#define DMASND_MODE_50KHZ 0x03
-#define DMASNDSetBase(bufstart) \
- do { \
- tt_dmasnd.bas_hi = (unsigned char)(((bufstart) & 0xff0000) >> 16); \
- tt_dmasnd.bas_mid = (unsigned char)(((bufstart) & 0x00ff00) >> 8); \
- tt_dmasnd.bas_low = (unsigned char) ((bufstart) & 0x0000ff); \
- } while( 0 )
-#define DMASNDGetAdr() ((tt_dmasnd.addr_hi << 16) + \
- (tt_dmasnd.addr_mid << 8) + \
- (tt_dmasnd.addr_low))
-#define DMASNDSetEnd(bufend) \
- do { \
- tt_dmasnd.end_hi = (unsigned char)(((bufend) & 0xff0000) >> 16); \
- tt_dmasnd.end_mid = (unsigned char)(((bufend) & 0x00ff00) >> 8); \
- tt_dmasnd.end_low = (unsigned char) ((bufend) & 0x0000ff); \
- } while( 0 )
-#define TT_MICROWIRE_BAS (0xffff8922)
-struct TT_MICROWIRE {
- u_short data;
- u_short mask;
-# define tt_microwire ((*(volatile struct TT_MICROWIRE *)TT_MICROWIRE_BAS))
-#define MW_LM1992_ADDR 0x0400
-#define MW_LM1992_VOLUME(dB) \
- (0x0c0 | ((dB) < -80 ? 0 : (dB) > 0 ? 40 : (((dB) + 80) / 2)))
-#define MW_LM1992_BALLEFT(dB) \
- (0x140 | ((dB) < -40 ? 0 : (dB) > 0 ? 20 : (((dB) + 40) / 2)))
-#define MW_LM1992_BALRIGHT(dB) \
- (0x100 | ((dB) < -40 ? 0 : (dB) > 0 ? 20 : (((dB) + 40) / 2)))
-#define MW_LM1992_TREBLE(dB) \
- (0x080 | ((dB) < -12 ? 0 : (dB) > 12 ? 12 : (((dB) / 2) + 6)))
-#define MW_LM1992_BASS(dB) \
- (0x040 | ((dB) < -12 ? 0 : (dB) > 12 ? 12 : (((dB) / 2) + 6)))
-#define MW_LM1992_PSG_LOW 0x000
-#define MW_LM1992_PSG_HIGH 0x001
-#define MW_LM1992_PSG_OFF 0x002
-#define MSTE_RTC_BAS (0xfffffc21)
-struct MSTE_RTC {
- u_char sec_ones;
- u_char dummy1;
- u_char sec_tens;
- u_char dummy2;
- u_char min_ones;
- u_char dummy3;
- u_char min_tens;
- u_char dummy4;
- u_char hr_ones;
- u_char dummy5;
- u_char hr_tens;
- u_char dummy6;
- u_char weekday;
- u_char dummy7;
- u_char day_ones;
- u_char dummy8;
- u_char day_tens;
- u_char dummy9;
- u_char mon_ones;
- u_char dummy10;
- u_char mon_tens;
- u_char dummy11;
- u_char year_ones;
- u_char dummy12;
- u_char year_tens;
- u_char dummy13;
- u_char mode;
- u_char dummy14;
- u_char test;
- u_char dummy15;
- u_char reset;
-#define mste_rtc ((*(volatile struct MSTE_RTC *)MSTE_RTC_BAS))
-#endif /* linux/atarihw.h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atariints.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atariints.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 656bbbf5..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atariints.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-** atariints.h -- Atari Linux interrupt handling structs and prototypes
-** Copyright 1994 by Björn Brauel
-** 5/2/94 Roman Hodek:
-** TT interrupt definitions added.
-** 12/02/96: (Roman)
-** Adapted to new int handling scheme (see ataints.c); revised numbering
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <asm/atarihw.h>
-** Atari Interrupt sources.
-#define SCC_SOURCE_BASE 40
-#define VME_SOURCE_BASE 56
-#define VME_MAX_SOURCES 16
-/* convert vector number to int source number */
-#define IRQ_VECTOR_TO_SOURCE(v) ((v) - ((v) < 0x20 ? 0x18 : (0x40-8)))
-/* convert irq_handler index to vector number */
-#define IRQ_SOURCE_TO_VECTOR(i) ((i) + ((i) < 8 ? 0x18 : (0x40-8)))
-/* interrupt service types */
-#define IRQ_TYPE_SLOW 0
-#define IRQ_TYPE_FAST 1
-#define IRQ_TYPE_PRIO 2
-/* ST-MFP interrupts */
-#define IRQ_MFP_BUSY (8)
-#define IRQ_MFP_DCD (9)
-#define IRQ_MFP_CTS (10)
-#define IRQ_MFP_GPU (11)
-#define IRQ_MFP_TIMD (12)
-#define IRQ_MFP_TIMC (13)
-#define IRQ_MFP_ACIA (14)
-#define IRQ_MFP_FDC (15)
-#define IRQ_MFP_TIMB (16)
-#define IRQ_MFP_SERERR (17)
-#define IRQ_MFP_SEREMPT (18)
-#define IRQ_MFP_RECERR (19)
-#define IRQ_MFP_RECFULL (20)
-#define IRQ_MFP_TIMA (21)
-#define IRQ_MFP_RI (22)
-#define IRQ_MFP_MMD (23)
-/* TT-MFP interrupts */
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_IO0 (24)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_IO1 (25)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_SCC (26)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_RI (27)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_TIMD (28)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_TIMC (29)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_DRVRDY (30)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_SCSIDMA (31)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_TIMB (32)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_SERERR (33)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_SEREMPT (34)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_RECERR (35)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_RECFULL (36)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_TIMA (37)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_RTC (38)
-#define IRQ_TT_MFP_SCSI (39)
-/* SCC interrupts */
-#define IRQ_SCCB_TX (40)
-#define IRQ_SCCB_STAT (42)
-#define IRQ_SCCB_RX (44)
-#define IRQ_SCCB_SPCOND (46)
-#define IRQ_SCCA_TX (48)
-#define IRQ_SCCA_STAT (50)
-#define IRQ_SCCA_RX (52)
-#define IRQ_SCCA_SPCOND (54)
-#define INT_CLK 24576 /* CLK while int_clk =2.456MHz and divide = 100 */
-#define INT_TICKS 246 /* to make sched_time = 99.902... HZ */
-#define MFP_ENABLE 0
-#define MFP_PENDING 1
-#define MFP_SERVICE 2
-#define MFP_MASK 3
-/* Utility functions for setting/clearing bits in the interrupt registers of
- * the MFP. 'type' should be constant, if 'irq' is constant, too, code size is
- * reduced. set_mfp_bit() is nonsense for PENDING and SERVICE registers. */
-static inline int get_mfp_bit( unsigned irq, int type )
-{ unsigned char mask, *reg;
- mask = 1 << (irq & 7);
- reg = (unsigned char *)&st_mfp.int_en_a + type*4 +
- ((irq & 8) >> 2) + (((irq-8) & 16) << 3);
- return( *reg & mask );
-static inline void set_mfp_bit( unsigned irq, int type )
-{ unsigned char mask, *reg;
- mask = 1 << (irq & 7);
- reg = (unsigned char *)&st_mfp.int_en_a + type*4 +
- ((irq & 8) >> 2) + (((irq-8) & 16) << 3);
- __asm__ __volatile__ ( "orb %0,%1"
- : : "di" (mask), "m" (*reg) : "memory" );
-static inline void clear_mfp_bit( unsigned irq, int type )
-{ unsigned char mask, *reg;
- mask = ~(1 << (irq & 7));
- reg = (unsigned char *)&st_mfp.int_en_a + type*4 +
- ((irq & 8) >> 2) + (((irq-8) & 16) << 3);
- if (type == MFP_PENDING || type == MFP_SERVICE)
- __asm__ __volatile__ ( "moveb %0,%1"
- : : "di" (mask), "m" (*reg) : "memory" );
- else
- __asm__ __volatile__ ( "andb %0,%1"
- : : "di" (mask), "m" (*reg) : "memory" );
- * {en,dis}able_irq have the usual semantics of temporary blocking the
- * interrupt, but not losing requests that happen between disabling and
- * enabling. This is done with the MFP mask registers.
- */
-static inline void atari_enable_irq( unsigned irq )
- if (irq < STMFP_SOURCE_BASE || irq >= SCC_SOURCE_BASE) return;
- set_mfp_bit( irq, MFP_MASK );
-static inline void atari_disable_irq( unsigned irq )
- if (irq < STMFP_SOURCE_BASE || irq >= SCC_SOURCE_BASE) return;
- clear_mfp_bit( irq, MFP_MASK );
- * In opposite to {en,dis}able_irq, requests between turn{off,on}_irq are not
- * "stored"
- */
-static inline void atari_turnon_irq( unsigned irq )
- if (irq < STMFP_SOURCE_BASE || irq >= SCC_SOURCE_BASE) return;
- set_mfp_bit( irq, MFP_ENABLE );
-static inline void atari_turnoff_irq( unsigned irq )
- if (irq < STMFP_SOURCE_BASE || irq >= SCC_SOURCE_BASE) return;
- clear_mfp_bit( irq, MFP_ENABLE );
- clear_mfp_bit( irq, MFP_PENDING );
-static inline void atari_clear_pending_irq( unsigned irq )
- if (irq < STMFP_SOURCE_BASE || irq >= SCC_SOURCE_BASE) return;
- clear_mfp_bit( irq, MFP_PENDING );
-static inline int atari_irq_pending( unsigned irq )
- if (irq < STMFP_SOURCE_BASE || irq >= SCC_SOURCE_BASE) return( 0 );
- return( get_mfp_bit( irq, MFP_PENDING ) );
-unsigned long atari_register_vme_int( void );
-void atari_unregister_vme_int( unsigned long );
-#endif /* linux/atariints.h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atarikb.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atarikb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68f3622b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atarikb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-** atarikb.h -- This header contains the prototypes of functions of
-** the intelligent keyboard of the Atari needed by the
-** mouse and joystick drivers.
-** Copyright 1994 by Robert de Vries
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-** Created: 20 Feb 1994 by Robert de Vries
-void ikbd_write(const char *, int);
-void ikbd_mouse_button_action(int mode);
-void ikbd_mouse_rel_pos(void);
-void ikbd_mouse_abs_pos(int xmax, int ymax);
-void ikbd_mouse_kbd_mode(int dx, int dy);
-void ikbd_mouse_thresh(int x, int y);
-void ikbd_mouse_scale(int x, int y);
-void ikbd_mouse_pos_get(int *x, int *y);
-void ikbd_mouse_pos_set(int x, int y);
-void ikbd_mouse_y0_bot(void);
-void ikbd_mouse_y0_top(void);
-void ikbd_mouse_disable(void);
-void ikbd_joystick_event_on(void);
-void ikbd_joystick_event_off(void);
-void ikbd_joystick_get_state(void);
-void ikbd_joystick_disable(void);
-/* Hook for MIDI serial driver */
-extern void (*atari_MIDI_interrupt_hook) (void);
-/* Hook for keyboard inputdev driver */
-extern void (*atari_input_keyboard_interrupt_hook) (unsigned char, char);
-/* Hook for mouse inputdev driver */
-extern void (*atari_input_mouse_interrupt_hook) (char *);
-int atari_keyb_init(void);
-#endif /* _LINUX_ATARIKB_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atomic.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atomic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e32de2..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/atomic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ARCH_M68K_ATOMIC__
-#define __ARCH_M68K_ATOMIC__
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/irqflags.h>
-#include <asm/cmpxchg.h>
- * Atomic operations that C can't guarantee us. Useful for
- * resource counting etc..
- */
- * We do not have SMP m68k systems, so we don't have to deal with that.
- */
-#define ATOMIC_INIT(i) { (i) }
-#define atomic_read(v) (*(volatile int *)&(v)->counter)
-#define atomic_set(v, i) (((v)->counter) = i)
- * The ColdFire parts cannot do some immediate to memory operations,
- * so for them we do not specify the "i" asm constraint.
- */
-#define ASM_DI "d"
-#define ASM_DI "di"
-static inline void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v)
- __asm__ __volatile__("addl %1,%0" : "+m" (*v) : ASM_DI (i));
-static inline void atomic_sub(int i, atomic_t *v)
- __asm__ __volatile__("subl %1,%0" : "+m" (*v) : ASM_DI (i));
-static inline void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v)
- __asm__ __volatile__("addql #1,%0" : "+m" (*v));
-static inline void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v)
- __asm__ __volatile__("subql #1,%0" : "+m" (*v));
-static inline int atomic_dec_and_test(atomic_t *v)
- char c;
- __asm__ __volatile__("subql #1,%1; seq %0" : "=d" (c), "+m" (*v));
- return c != 0;
-static inline int atomic_dec_and_test_lt(atomic_t *v)
- char c;
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "subql #1,%1; slt %0"
- : "=d" (c), "=m" (*v)
- : "m" (*v));
- return c != 0;
-static inline int atomic_inc_and_test(atomic_t *v)
- char c;
- __asm__ __volatile__("addql #1,%1; seq %0" : "=d" (c), "+m" (*v));
- return c != 0;
-static inline int atomic_add_return(int i, atomic_t *v)
- int t, tmp;
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "1: movel %2,%1\n"
- " addl %3,%1\n"
- " casl %2,%1,%0\n"
- " jne 1b"
- : "+m" (*v), "=&d" (t), "=&d" (tmp)
- : "g" (i), "2" (atomic_read(v)));
- return t;
-static inline int atomic_sub_return(int i, atomic_t *v)
- int t, tmp;
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "1: movel %2,%1\n"
- " subl %3,%1\n"
- " casl %2,%1,%0\n"
- " jne 1b"
- : "+m" (*v), "=&d" (t), "=&d" (tmp)
- : "g" (i), "2" (atomic_read(v)));
- return t;
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
-#define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
-#else /* !CONFIG_RMW_INSNS */
-static inline int atomic_add_return(int i, atomic_t * v)
- unsigned long flags;
- int t;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- t = atomic_read(v);
- t += i;
- atomic_set(v, t);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- return t;
-static inline int atomic_sub_return(int i, atomic_t * v)
- unsigned long flags;
- int t;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- t = atomic_read(v);
- t -= i;
- atomic_set(v, t);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- return t;
-static inline int atomic_cmpxchg(atomic_t *v, int old, int new)
- unsigned long flags;
- int prev;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- prev = atomic_read(v);
- if (prev == old)
- atomic_set(v, new);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- return prev;
-static inline int atomic_xchg(atomic_t *v, int new)
- unsigned long flags;
- int prev;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- prev = atomic_read(v);
- atomic_set(v, new);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- return prev;
-#endif /* !CONFIG_RMW_INSNS */
-#define atomic_dec_return(v) atomic_sub_return(1, (v))
-#define atomic_inc_return(v) atomic_add_return(1, (v))
-static inline int atomic_sub_and_test(int i, atomic_t *v)
- char c;
- __asm__ __volatile__("subl %2,%1; seq %0"
- : "=d" (c), "+m" (*v)
- : ASM_DI (i));
- return c != 0;
-static inline int atomic_add_negative(int i, atomic_t *v)
- char c;
- __asm__ __volatile__("addl %2,%1; smi %0"
- : "=d" (c), "+m" (*v)
- : ASM_DI (i));
- return c != 0;
-static inline void atomic_clear_mask(unsigned long mask, unsigned long *v)
- __asm__ __volatile__("andl %1,%0" : "+m" (*v) : ASM_DI (~(mask)));
-static inline void atomic_set_mask(unsigned long mask, unsigned long *v)
- __asm__ __volatile__("orl %1,%0" : "+m" (*v) : ASM_DI (mask));
-static __inline__ int __atomic_add_unless(atomic_t *v, int a, int u)
- int c, old;
- c = atomic_read(v);
- for (;;) {
- if (unlikely(c == (u)))
- break;
- old = atomic_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a));
- if (likely(old == c))
- break;
- c = old;
- }
- return c;
-/* Atomic operations are already serializing */
-#define smp_mb__before_atomic_dec() barrier()
-#define smp_mb__after_atomic_dec() barrier()
-#define smp_mb__before_atomic_inc() barrier()
-#define smp_mb__after_atomic_inc() barrier()
-#endif /* __ARCH_M68K_ATOMIC __ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/auxvec.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/auxvec.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 844d6d52..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/auxvec.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ASMm68k_AUXVEC_H
-#define __ASMm68k_AUXVEC_H
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/barrier.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/barrier.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 445ce22c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/barrier.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_BARRIER_H
-#define _M68K_BARRIER_H
- * Force strict CPU ordering.
- * Not really required on m68k...
- */
-#define nop() do { asm volatile ("nop"); barrier(); } while (0)
-#define mb() barrier()
-#define rmb() barrier()
-#define wmb() barrier()
-#define read_barrier_depends() ((void)0)
-#define set_mb(var, value) ({ (var) = (value); wmb(); })
-#define smp_mb() barrier()
-#define smp_rmb() barrier()
-#define smp_wmb() barrier()
-#define smp_read_barrier_depends() ((void)0)
-#endif /* _M68K_BARRIER_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bitops.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bitops.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c6baa913..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bitops.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_BITOPS_H
-#define _M68K_BITOPS_H
- * Copyright 1992, Linus Torvalds.
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- */
-#ifndef _LINUX_BITOPS_H
-#error only <linux/bitops.h> can be included directly
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
- * Bit access functions vary across the ColdFire and 68k families.
- * So we will break them out here, and then macro in the ones we want.
- *
- * ColdFire - supports standard bset/bclr/bchg with register operand only
- * 68000 - supports standard bset/bclr/bchg with memory operand
- * >= 68020 - also supports the bfset/bfclr/bfchg instructions
- *
- * Although it is possible to use only the bset/bclr/bchg with register
- * operands on all platforms you end up with larger generated code.
- * So we use the best form possible on a given platform.
- */
-static inline void bset_reg_set_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bset %1,(%0)"
- :
- : "a" (p), "di" (nr & 7)
- : "memory");
-static inline void bset_mem_set_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bset %1,%0"
- : "+m" (*p)
- : "di" (nr & 7));
-static inline void bfset_mem_set_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfset %1{%0:#1}"
- :
- : "d" (nr ^ 31), "o" (*vaddr)
- : "memory");
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define set_bit(nr, vaddr) bset_reg_set_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define set_bit(nr, vaddr) bset_mem_set_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define set_bit(nr, vaddr) (__builtin_constant_p(nr) ? \
- bset_mem_set_bit(nr, vaddr) : \
- bfset_mem_set_bit(nr, vaddr))
-#define __set_bit(nr, vaddr) set_bit(nr, vaddr)
- * clear_bit() doesn't provide any barrier for the compiler.
- */
-#define smp_mb__before_clear_bit() barrier()
-#define smp_mb__after_clear_bit() barrier()
-static inline void bclr_reg_clear_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bclr %1,(%0)"
- :
- : "a" (p), "di" (nr & 7)
- : "memory");
-static inline void bclr_mem_clear_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bclr %1,%0"
- : "+m" (*p)
- : "di" (nr & 7));
-static inline void bfclr_mem_clear_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfclr %1{%0:#1}"
- :
- : "d" (nr ^ 31), "o" (*vaddr)
- : "memory");
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define clear_bit(nr, vaddr) bclr_reg_clear_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define clear_bit(nr, vaddr) bclr_mem_clear_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define clear_bit(nr, vaddr) (__builtin_constant_p(nr) ? \
- bclr_mem_clear_bit(nr, vaddr) : \
- bfclr_mem_clear_bit(nr, vaddr))
-#define __clear_bit(nr, vaddr) clear_bit(nr, vaddr)
-static inline void bchg_reg_change_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bchg %1,(%0)"
- :
- : "a" (p), "di" (nr & 7)
- : "memory");
-static inline void bchg_mem_change_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bchg %1,%0"
- : "+m" (*p)
- : "di" (nr & 7));
-static inline void bfchg_mem_change_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfchg %1{%0:#1}"
- :
- : "d" (nr ^ 31), "o" (*vaddr)
- : "memory");
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define change_bit(nr, vaddr) bchg_reg_change_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define change_bit(nr, vaddr) bchg_mem_change_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define change_bit(nr, vaddr) (__builtin_constant_p(nr) ? \
- bchg_mem_change_bit(nr, vaddr) : \
- bfchg_mem_change_bit(nr, vaddr))
-#define __change_bit(nr, vaddr) change_bit(nr, vaddr)
-static inline int test_bit(int nr, const unsigned long *vaddr)
- return (vaddr[nr >> 5] & (1UL << (nr & 31))) != 0;
-static inline int bset_reg_test_and_set_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bset %2,(%1); sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval)
- : "a" (p), "di" (nr & 7)
- : "memory");
- return retval;
-static inline int bset_mem_test_and_set_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bset %2,%1; sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval), "+m" (*p)
- : "di" (nr & 7));
- return retval;
-static inline int bfset_mem_test_and_set_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfset %2{%1:#1}; sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval)
- : "d" (nr ^ 31), "o" (*vaddr)
- : "memory");
- return retval;
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr) bset_reg_test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr) bset_mem_test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr) (__builtin_constant_p(nr) ? \
- bset_mem_test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr) : \
- bfset_mem_test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr))
-#define __test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr) test_and_set_bit(nr, vaddr)
-static inline int bclr_reg_test_and_clear_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bclr %2,(%1); sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval)
- : "a" (p), "di" (nr & 7)
- : "memory");
- return retval;
-static inline int bclr_mem_test_and_clear_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bclr %2,%1; sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval), "+m" (*p)
- : "di" (nr & 7));
- return retval;
-static inline int bfclr_mem_test_and_clear_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfclr %2{%1:#1}; sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval)
- : "d" (nr ^ 31), "o" (*vaddr)
- : "memory");
- return retval;
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr) bclr_reg_test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr) bclr_mem_test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr) (__builtin_constant_p(nr) ? \
- bclr_mem_test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr) : \
- bfclr_mem_test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr))
-#define __test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr) test_and_clear_bit(nr, vaddr)
-static inline int bchg_reg_test_and_change_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bchg %2,(%1); sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval)
- : "a" (p), "di" (nr & 7)
- : "memory");
- return retval;
-static inline int bchg_mem_test_and_change_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char *p = (char *)vaddr + (nr ^ 31) / 8;
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bchg %2,%1; sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval), "+m" (*p)
- : "di" (nr & 7));
- return retval;
-static inline int bfchg_mem_test_and_change_bit(int nr,
- volatile unsigned long *vaddr)
- char retval;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfchg %2{%1:#1}; sne %0"
- : "=d" (retval)
- : "d" (nr ^ 31), "o" (*vaddr)
- : "memory");
- return retval;
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr) bchg_reg_test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr) bchg_mem_test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr)
-#define test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr) (__builtin_constant_p(nr) ? \
- bchg_mem_test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr) : \
- bfchg_mem_test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr))
-#define __test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr) test_and_change_bit(nr, vaddr)
- * The true 68020 and more advanced processors support the "bfffo"
- * instruction for finding bits. ColdFire and simple 68000 parts
- * (including CPU32) do not support this. They simply use the generic
- * functions.
- */
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/find.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/ffz.h>
-static inline int find_first_zero_bit(const unsigned long *vaddr,
- unsigned size)
- const unsigned long *p = vaddr;
- int res = 32;
- unsigned int words;
- unsigned long num;
- if (!size)
- return 0;
- words = (size + 31) >> 5;
- while (!(num = ~*p++)) {
- if (!--words)
- goto out;
- }
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfffo %1{#0,#0},%0"
- : "=d" (res) : "d" (num & -num));
- res ^= 31;
- res += ((long)p - (long)vaddr - 4) * 8;
- return res < size ? res : size;
-#define find_first_zero_bit find_first_zero_bit
-static inline int find_next_zero_bit(const unsigned long *vaddr, int size,
- int offset)
- const unsigned long *p = vaddr + (offset >> 5);
- int bit = offset & 31UL, res;
- if (offset >= size)
- return size;
- if (bit) {
- unsigned long num = ~*p++ & (~0UL << bit);
- offset -= bit;
- /* Look for zero in first longword */
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfffo %1{#0,#0},%0"
- : "=d" (res) : "d" (num & -num));
- if (res < 32) {
- offset += res ^ 31;
- return offset < size ? offset : size;
- }
- offset += 32;
- if (offset >= size)
- return size;
- }
- /* No zero yet, search remaining full bytes for a zero */
- return offset + find_first_zero_bit(p, size - offset);
-#define find_next_zero_bit find_next_zero_bit
-static inline int find_first_bit(const unsigned long *vaddr, unsigned size)
- const unsigned long *p = vaddr;
- int res = 32;
- unsigned int words;
- unsigned long num;
- if (!size)
- return 0;
- words = (size + 31) >> 5;
- while (!(num = *p++)) {
- if (!--words)
- goto out;
- }
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfffo %1{#0,#0},%0"
- : "=d" (res) : "d" (num & -num));
- res ^= 31;
- res += ((long)p - (long)vaddr - 4) * 8;
- return res < size ? res : size;
-#define find_first_bit find_first_bit
-static inline int find_next_bit(const unsigned long *vaddr, int size,
- int offset)
- const unsigned long *p = vaddr + (offset >> 5);
- int bit = offset & 31UL, res;
- if (offset >= size)
- return size;
- if (bit) {
- unsigned long num = *p++ & (~0UL << bit);
- offset -= bit;
- /* Look for one in first longword */
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfffo %1{#0,#0},%0"
- : "=d" (res) : "d" (num & -num));
- if (res < 32) {
- offset += res ^ 31;
- return offset < size ? offset : size;
- }
- offset += 32;
- if (offset >= size)
- return size;
- }
- /* No one yet, search remaining full bytes for a one */
- return offset + find_first_bit(p, size - offset);
-#define find_next_bit find_next_bit
- * ffz = Find First Zero in word. Undefined if no zero exists,
- * so code should check against ~0UL first..
- */
-static inline unsigned long ffz(unsigned long word)
- int res;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bfffo %1{#0,#0},%0"
- : "=d" (res) : "d" (~word & -~word));
- return res ^ 31;
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
- * The newer ColdFire family members support a "bitrev" instruction
- * and we can use that to implement a fast ffs. Older Coldfire parts,
- * and normal 68000 parts don't have anything special, so we use the
- * generic functions for those.
- */
-#if (defined(__mcfisaaplus__) || defined(__mcfisac__)) && \
- !defined(CONFIG_M68000) && !defined(CONFIG_MCPU32)
-static inline int __ffs(int x)
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("bitrev %0; ff1 %0"
- : "=d" (x)
- : "0" (x));
- return x;
-static inline int ffs(int x)
- if (!x)
- return 0;
- return __ffs(x) + 1;
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/ffs.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/__ffs.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/fls.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/__fls.h>
- * ffs: find first bit set. This is defined the same way as
- * the libc and compiler builtin ffs routines, therefore
- * differs in spirit from the above ffz (man ffs).
- */
-static inline int ffs(int x)
- int cnt;
- __asm__ ("bfffo %1{#0:#0},%0"
- : "=d" (cnt)
- : "dm" (x & -x));
- return 32 - cnt;
-#define __ffs(x) (ffs(x) - 1)
- * fls: find last bit set.
- */
-static inline int fls(int x)
- int cnt;
- __asm__ ("bfffo %1{#0,#0},%0"
- : "=d" (cnt)
- : "dm" (x));
- return 32 - cnt;
-static inline int __fls(int x)
- return fls(x) - 1;
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/ext2-atomic.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/le.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/fls64.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/sched.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/hweight.h>
-#include <asm-generic/bitops/lock.h>
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_BITOPS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bitsperlong.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bitsperlong.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc0bb0c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bitsperlong.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/bitsperlong.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/blinken.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/blinken.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0626582a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/blinken.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-** asm/blinken.h -- m68k blinkenlights support (currently hp300 only)
-** (c) 1998 Phil Blundell <>
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-#ifndef _M68K_BLINKEN_H
-#define _M68K_BLINKEN_H
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#define HP300_LEDS 0xf001ffff
-extern unsigned char hp300_ledstate;
-static __inline__ void blinken_leds(int on, int off)
- if (MACH_IS_HP300)
- {
- hp300_ledstate |= on;
- hp300_ledstate &= ~off;
- out_8(HP300_LEDS, ~hp300_ledstate);
- }
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bootinfo.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bootinfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 67e7a78a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bootinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-** asm/bootinfo.h -- Definition of the Linux/m68k boot information structure
-** Copyright 1992 by Greg Harp
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-** Created 09/29/92 by Greg Harp
-** 5/2/94 Roman Hodek:
-** Added bi_atari part of the machine dependent union bi_un; for now it
-** contains just a model field to distinguish between TT and Falcon.
-** 26/7/96 Roman Zippel:
-** Renamed to setup.h; added some useful macros to allow gcc some
-** optimizations if possible.
-** 5/10/96 Geert Uytterhoeven:
-** Redesign of the boot information structure; renamed to bootinfo.h again
-** 27/11/96 Geert Uytterhoeven:
-** Backwards compatibility with bootinfo interface version 1.0
-#ifndef _M68K_BOOTINFO_H
-#define _M68K_BOOTINFO_H
- /*
- * Bootinfo definitions
- *
- * This is an easily parsable and extendable structure containing all
- * information to be passed from the bootstrap to the kernel.
- *
- * This way I hope to keep all future changes back/forewards compatible.
- * Thus, keep your fingers crossed...
- *
- * This structure is copied right after the kernel bss by the bootstrap
- * routine.
- */
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct bi_record {
- unsigned short tag; /* tag ID */
- unsigned short size; /* size of record (in bytes) */
- unsigned long data[0]; /* data */
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
- /*
- * Tag Definitions
- *
- * Machine independent tags start counting from 0x0000
- * Machine dependent tags start counting from 0x8000
- */
-#define BI_LAST 0x0000 /* last record (sentinel) */
-#define BI_MACHTYPE 0x0001 /* machine type (u_long) */
-#define BI_CPUTYPE 0x0002 /* cpu type (u_long) */
-#define BI_FPUTYPE 0x0003 /* fpu type (u_long) */
-#define BI_MMUTYPE 0x0004 /* mmu type (u_long) */
-#define BI_MEMCHUNK 0x0005 /* memory chunk address and size */
- /* (struct mem_info) */
-#define BI_RAMDISK 0x0006 /* ramdisk address and size */
- /* (struct mem_info) */
-#define BI_COMMAND_LINE 0x0007 /* kernel command line parameters */
- /* (string) */
- /*
- * Amiga-specific tags
- */
-#define BI_AMIGA_MODEL 0x8000 /* model (u_long) */
-#define BI_AMIGA_AUTOCON 0x8001 /* AutoConfig device */
- /* (struct ConfigDev) */
-#define BI_AMIGA_CHIP_SIZE 0x8002 /* size of Chip RAM (u_long) */
-#define BI_AMIGA_VBLANK 0x8003 /* VBLANK frequency (u_char) */
-#define BI_AMIGA_PSFREQ 0x8004 /* power supply frequency (u_char) */
-#define BI_AMIGA_ECLOCK 0x8005 /* EClock frequency (u_long) */
-#define BI_AMIGA_CHIPSET 0x8006 /* native chipset present (u_long) */
-#define BI_AMIGA_SERPER 0x8007 /* serial port period (u_short) */
- /*
- * Atari-specific tags
- */
-#define BI_ATARI_MCH_COOKIE 0x8000 /* _MCH cookie from TOS (u_long) */
-#define BI_ATARI_MCH_TYPE 0x8001 /* special machine type (u_long) */
- /* (values are ATARI_MACH_* defines */
-/* mch_cookie values (upper word) */
-#define ATARI_MCH_ST 0
-#define ATARI_MCH_STE 1
-#define ATARI_MCH_TT 2
-/* mch_type values */
-#define ATARI_MACH_NORMAL 0 /* no special machine type */
-#define ATARI_MACH_MEDUSA 1 /* Medusa 040 */
-#define ATARI_MACH_HADES 2 /* Hades 040 or 060 */
-#define ATARI_MACH_AB40 3 /* Afterburner040 on Falcon */
- /*
- * VME-specific tags
- */
-#define BI_VME_TYPE 0x8000 /* VME sub-architecture (u_long) */
-#define BI_VME_BRDINFO 0x8001 /* VME board information (struct) */
-/* BI_VME_TYPE codes */
-#define VME_TYPE_TP34V 0x0034 /* Tadpole TP34V */
-#define VME_TYPE_MVME147 0x0147 /* Motorola MVME147 */
-#define VME_TYPE_MVME162 0x0162 /* Motorola MVME162 */
-#define VME_TYPE_MVME166 0x0166 /* Motorola MVME166 */
-#define VME_TYPE_MVME167 0x0167 /* Motorola MVME167 */
-#define VME_TYPE_MVME172 0x0172 /* Motorola MVME172 */
-#define VME_TYPE_MVME177 0x0177 /* Motorola MVME177 */
-#define VME_TYPE_BVME4000 0x4000 /* BVM Ltd. BVME4000 */
-#define VME_TYPE_BVME6000 0x6000 /* BVM Ltd. BVME6000 */
-/* BI_VME_BRDINFO is a 32 byte struct as returned by the Bug code on
- * Motorola VME boards. Contains board number, Bug version, board
- * configuration options, etc. See include/asm/mvme16xhw.h for details.
- */
- /*
- * Macintosh-specific tags (all u_long)
- */
-#define BI_MAC_MODEL 0x8000 /* Mac Gestalt ID (model type) */
-#define BI_MAC_VADDR 0x8001 /* Mac video base address */
-#define BI_MAC_VDEPTH 0x8002 /* Mac video depth */
-#define BI_MAC_VROW 0x8003 /* Mac video rowbytes */
-#define BI_MAC_VDIM 0x8004 /* Mac video dimensions */
-#define BI_MAC_VLOGICAL 0x8005 /* Mac video logical base */
-#define BI_MAC_SCCBASE 0x8006 /* Mac SCC base address */
-#define BI_MAC_BTIME 0x8007 /* Mac boot time */
-#define BI_MAC_GMTBIAS 0x8008 /* Mac GMT timezone offset */
-#define BI_MAC_MEMSIZE 0x8009 /* Mac RAM size (sanity check) */
-#define BI_MAC_CPUID 0x800a /* Mac CPU type (sanity check) */
-#define BI_MAC_ROMBASE 0x800b /* Mac system ROM base address */
- /*
- * Macintosh hardware profile data - unused, see macintosh.h for
- * reasonable type values
- */
-#define BI_MAC_VIA1BASE 0x8010 /* Mac VIA1 base address (always present) */
-#define BI_MAC_VIA2BASE 0x8011 /* Mac VIA2 base address (type varies) */
-#define BI_MAC_VIA2TYPE 0x8012 /* Mac VIA2 type (VIA, RBV, OSS) */
-#define BI_MAC_ADBTYPE 0x8013 /* Mac ADB interface type */
-#define BI_MAC_ASCBASE 0x8014 /* Mac Apple Sound Chip base address */
-#define BI_MAC_SCSI5380 0x8015 /* Mac NCR 5380 SCSI (base address, multi) */
-#define BI_MAC_SCSIDMA 0x8016 /* Mac SCSI DMA (base address) */
-#define BI_MAC_SCSI5396 0x8017 /* Mac NCR 53C96 SCSI (base address, multi) */
-#define BI_MAC_IDETYPE 0x8018 /* Mac IDE interface type */
-#define BI_MAC_IDEBASE 0x8019 /* Mac IDE interface base address */
-#define BI_MAC_NUBUS 0x801a /* Mac Nubus type (none, regular, pseudo) */
-#define BI_MAC_SLOTMASK 0x801b /* Mac Nubus slots present */
-#define BI_MAC_SCCTYPE 0x801c /* Mac SCC serial type (normal, IOP) */
-#define BI_MAC_ETHTYPE 0x801d /* Mac builtin ethernet type (Sonic, MACE */
-#define BI_MAC_ETHBASE 0x801e /* Mac builtin ethernet base address */
-#define BI_MAC_PMU 0x801f /* Mac power management / poweroff hardware */
-#define BI_MAC_IOP_SWIM 0x8020 /* Mac SWIM floppy IOP */
-#define BI_MAC_IOP_ADB 0x8021 /* Mac ADB IOP */
- /*
- * Mac: compatibility with old booter data format (temporarily)
- * Fields unused with the new bootinfo can be deleted now; instead of
- * adding new fields the struct might be splitted into a hardware address
- * part and a hardware type part
- */
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct mac_booter_data
- unsigned long videoaddr;
- unsigned long videorow;
- unsigned long videodepth;
- unsigned long dimensions;
- unsigned long args;
- unsigned long boottime;
- unsigned long gmtbias;
- unsigned long bootver;
- unsigned long videological;
- unsigned long sccbase;
- unsigned long id;
- unsigned long memsize;
- unsigned long serialmf;
- unsigned long serialhsk;
- unsigned long serialgpi;
- unsigned long printmf;
- unsigned long printhsk;
- unsigned long printgpi;
- unsigned long cpuid;
- unsigned long rombase;
- unsigned long adbdelay;
- unsigned long timedbra;
-extern struct mac_booter_data
- mac_bi_data;
- /*
- * Apollo-specific tags
- */
-#define BI_APOLLO_MODEL 0x8000 /* model (u_long) */
- /*
- * HP300-specific tags
- */
-#define BI_HP300_MODEL 0x8000 /* model (u_long) */
-#define BI_HP300_UART_SCODE 0x8001 /* UART select code (u_long) */
-#define BI_HP300_UART_ADDR 0x8002 /* phys. addr of UART (u_long) */
- /*
- * Stuff for bootinfo interface versioning
- *
- * At the start of kernel code, a 'struct bootversion' is located.
- * bootstrap checks for a matching version of the interface before booting
- * a kernel, to avoid user confusion if kernel and bootstrap don't work
- * together :-)
- *
- * If incompatible changes are made to the bootinfo interface, the major
- * number below should be stepped (and the minor reset to 0) for the
- * appropriate machine. If a change is backward-compatible, the minor
- * should be stepped. "Backwards-compatible" means that booting will work,
- * but certain features may not.
- */
-#define BOOTINFOV_MAGIC 0x4249561A /* 'BIV^Z' */
-#define MK_BI_VERSION(major,minor) (((major)<<16)+(minor))
-#define BI_VERSION_MAJOR(v) (((v) >> 16) & 0xffff)
-#define BI_VERSION_MINOR(v) ((v) & 0xffff)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct bootversion {
- unsigned short branch;
- unsigned long magic;
- struct {
- unsigned long machtype;
- unsigned long version;
- } machversions[0];
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#define Q40_BOOTI_VERSION MK_BI_VERSION( 2, 0 )
-#define HP300_BOOTI_VERSION MK_BI_VERSION( 2, 0 )
- /*
- * Backwards compatibility with bootinfo interface version 1.0
- */
-#include <linux/zorro.h>
-#define COMPAT_NUM_AUTO 16
-struct compat_bi_Amiga {
- int model;
- int num_autocon;
- struct ConfigDev autocon[COMPAT_NUM_AUTO];
- unsigned long chip_size;
- unsigned char vblank;
- unsigned char psfreq;
- unsigned long eclock;
- unsigned long chipset;
- unsigned long hw_present;
-struct compat_bi_Atari {
- unsigned long hw_present;
- unsigned long mch_cookie;
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct compat_bi_Macintosh
- unsigned long videoaddr;
- unsigned long videorow;
- unsigned long videodepth;
- unsigned long dimensions;
- unsigned long args;
- unsigned long boottime;
- unsigned long gmtbias;
- unsigned long bootver;
- unsigned long videological;
- unsigned long sccbase;
- unsigned long id;
- unsigned long memsize;
- unsigned long serialmf;
- unsigned long serialhsk;
- unsigned long serialgpi;
- unsigned long printmf;
- unsigned long printhsk;
- unsigned long printgpi;
- unsigned long cpuid;
- unsigned long rombase;
- unsigned long adbdelay;
- unsigned long timedbra;
-struct compat_mem_info {
- unsigned long addr;
- unsigned long size;
-#define COMPAT_CPUB_68020 0
-#define COMPAT_CPUB_68030 1
-#define COMPAT_CPUB_68040 2
-#define COMPAT_CPUB_68060 3
-#define COMPAT_FPUB_68881 5
-#define COMPAT_FPUB_68882 6
-#define COMPAT_FPUB_68040 7
-#define COMPAT_FPUB_68060 8
-#define COMPAT_CPU_68020 (1<<COMPAT_CPUB_68020)
-#define COMPAT_CPU_68030 (1<<COMPAT_CPUB_68030)
-#define COMPAT_CPU_68040 (1<<COMPAT_CPUB_68040)
-#define COMPAT_CPU_68060 (1<<COMPAT_CPUB_68060)
-#define COMPAT_CPU_MASK (31)
-#define COMPAT_FPU_68881 (1<<COMPAT_FPUB_68881)
-#define COMPAT_FPU_68882 (1<<COMPAT_FPUB_68882)
-#define COMPAT_FPU_68040 (1<<COMPAT_FPUB_68040)
-#define COMPAT_FPU_68060 (1<<COMPAT_FPUB_68060)
-#define COMPAT_FPU_MASK (0xfe0)
-#define COMPAT_CL_SIZE (256)
-struct compat_bootinfo {
- unsigned long machtype;
- unsigned long cputype;
- struct compat_mem_info memory[COMPAT_NUM_MEMINFO];
- int num_memory;
- unsigned long ramdisk_size;
- unsigned long ramdisk_addr;
- char command_line[COMPAT_CL_SIZE];
- union {
- struct compat_bi_Amiga bi_ami;
- struct compat_bi_Atari bi_ata;
- struct compat_bi_Macintosh bi_mac;
- } bi_un;
-#define bi_amiga bi_un.bi_ami
-#define bi_atari bi_un.bi_ata
-#define bi_mac bi_un.bi_mac
-#endif /* BOOTINFO_COMPAT_1_0 */
-#endif /* _M68K_BOOTINFO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bootstd.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bootstd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e518f5a5..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bootstd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-/* bootstd.h: Bootloader system call interface
- *
- * (c) 1999, Rt-Control, Inc.
- */
-#ifndef __BOOTSTD_H__
-#define __BOOTSTD_H__
-#define NR_BSC 21 /* last used bootloader system call */
-#define __BN_reset 0 /* reset and start the bootloader */
-#define __BN_test 1 /* tests the system call interface */
-#define __BN_exec 2 /* executes a bootloader image */
-#define __BN_exit 3 /* terminates a bootloader image */
-#define __BN_program 4 /* program FLASH from a chain */
-#define __BN_erase 5 /* erase sector(s) of FLASH */
-#define __BN_open 6
-#define __BN_write 7
-#define __BN_read 8
-#define __BN_close 9
-#define __BN_mmap 10 /* map a file descriptor into memory */
-#define __BN_munmap 11 /* remove a file to memory mapping */
-#define __BN_gethwaddr 12 /* get the hardware address of my interfaces */
-#define __BN_getserialnum 13 /* get the serial number of this board */
-#define __BN_getbenv 14 /* get a bootloader envvar */
-#define __BN_setbenv 15 /* get a bootloader envvar */
-#define __BN_setpmask 16 /* set the protection mask */
-#define __BN_readenv 17 /* read environment variables */
-#define __BN_flash_chattr_range 18
-#define __BN_flash_erase_range 19
-#define __BN_flash_write_range 20
-/* Calling conventions compatible to (uC)linux/68k
- * We use similar macros to call into the bootloader as for uClinux
- */
-#define __bsc_return(type, res) \
-do { \
- if ((unsigned long)(res) >= (unsigned long)(-64)) { \
- /* let errno be a function, preserve res in %d0 */ \
- int __err = -(res); \
- errno = __err; \
- res = -1; \
- } \
- return (type)(res); \
-} while (0)
-#define _bsc0(type,name) \
-type name(void) \
-{ \
- register long __res __asm__ ("%d0") = __BN_##name; \
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("trap #2" \
- : "=g" (__res) \
- : "0" (__res) \
- ); \
- __bsc_return(type,__res); \
-#define _bsc1(type,name,atype,a) \
-type name(atype a) \
-{ \
- register long __res __asm__ ("%d0") = __BN_##name; \
- register long __a __asm__ ("%d1") = (long)a; \
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("trap #2" \
- : "=g" (__res) \
- : "0" (__res), "d" (__a) \
- ); \
- __bsc_return(type,__res); \
-#define _bsc2(type,name,atype,a,btype,b) \
-type name(atype a, btype b) \
-{ \
- register long __res __asm__ ("%d0") = __BN_##name; \
- register long __a __asm__ ("%d1") = (long)a; \
- register long __b __asm__ ("%d2") = (long)b; \
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("trap #2" \
- : "=g" (__res) \
- : "0" (__res), "d" (__a), "d" (__b) \
- ); \
- __bsc_return(type,__res); \
-#define _bsc3(type,name,atype,a,btype,b,ctype,c) \
-type name(atype a, btype b, ctype c) \
-{ \
- register long __res __asm__ ("%d0") = __BN_##name; \
- register long __a __asm__ ("%d1") = (long)a; \
- register long __b __asm__ ("%d2") = (long)b; \
- register long __c __asm__ ("%d3") = (long)c; \
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("trap #2" \
- : "=g" (__res) \
- : "0" (__res), "d" (__a), "d" (__b), \
- "d" (__c) \
- ); \
- __bsc_return(type,__res); \
-#define _bsc4(type,name,atype,a,btype,b,ctype,c,dtype,d) \
-type name(atype a, btype b, ctype c, dtype d) \
-{ \
- register long __res __asm__ ("%d0") = __BN_##name; \
- register long __a __asm__ ("%d1") = (long)a; \
- register long __b __asm__ ("%d2") = (long)b; \
- register long __c __asm__ ("%d3") = (long)c; \
- register long __d __asm__ ("%d4") = (long)d; \
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("trap #2" \
- : "=g" (__res) \
- : "0" (__res), "d" (__a), "d" (__b), \
- "d" (__c), "d" (__d) \
- ); \
- __bsc_return(type,__res); \
-#define _bsc5(type,name,atype,a,btype,b,ctype,c,dtype,d,etype,e) \
-type name(atype a, btype b, ctype c, dtype d, etype e) \
-{ \
- register long __res __asm__ ("%d0") = __BN_##name; \
- register long __a __asm__ ("%d1") = (long)a; \
- register long __b __asm__ ("%d2") = (long)b; \
- register long __c __asm__ ("%d3") = (long)c; \
- register long __d __asm__ ("%d4") = (long)d; \
- register long __e __asm__ ("%d5") = (long)e; \
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("trap #2" \
- : "=g" (__res) \
- : "0" (__res), "d" (__a), "d" (__b), \
- "d" (__c), "d" (__d), "d" (__e) \
- ); \
- __bsc_return(type,__res); \
-#endif /* __BOOTSTD_H__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bug.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef9a2e47..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_BUG_H
-#define _M68K_BUG_H
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#ifdef CONFIG_BUG
-#ifndef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define BUG() do { \
- printk("kernel BUG at %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
- __builtin_trap(); \
-} while (0)
-#define BUG() do { \
- printk("kernel BUG at %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
- panic("BUG!"); \
-} while (0)
-#define BUG() do { \
- __builtin_trap(); \
-} while (0)
-#define HAVE_ARCH_BUG
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
-#include <asm-generic/bug.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bugs.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bugs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d06207b9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bugs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * include/asm-m68k/bugs.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1994 Linus Torvalds
- */
- * This is included by init/main.c to check for architecture-dependent bugs.
- *
- * Needs:
- * void check_bugs(void);
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-extern void check_bugs(void); /* in arch/m68k/kernel/setup.c */
-static void check_bugs(void)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bvme6000hw.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bvme6000hw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f40d2f85..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/bvme6000hw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_BVME6000HW_H_
-#define _M68K_BVME6000HW_H_
-#include <asm/irq.h>
- * PIT structure
- */
-#define BVME_PIT_BASE 0xffa00000
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char
- pad_a[3], pgcr,
- pad_b[3], psrr,
- pad_c[3], paddr,
- pad_d[3], pbddr,
- pad_e[3], pcddr,
- pad_f[3], pivr,
- pad_g[3], pacr,
- pad_h[3], pbcr,
- pad_i[3], padr,
- pad_j[3], pbdr,
- pad_k[3], paar,
- pad_l[3], pbar,
- pad_m[3], pcdr,
- pad_n[3], psr,
- pad_o[3], res1,
- pad_p[3], res2,
- pad_q[3], tcr,
- pad_r[3], tivr,
- pad_s[3], res3,
- pad_t[3], cprh,
- pad_u[3], cprm,
- pad_v[3], cprl,
- pad_w[3], res4,
- pad_x[3], crh,
- pad_y[3], crm,
- pad_z[3], crl,
- pad_A[3], tsr,
- pad_B[3], res5;
-} PitRegs_t, *PitRegsPtr;
-#define bvmepit ((*(volatile PitRegsPtr)(BVME_PIT_BASE)))
-#define BVME_RTC_BASE 0xff900000
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char
- pad_a[3], msr,
- pad_b[3], t0cr_rtmr,
- pad_c[3], t1cr_omr,
- pad_d[3], pfr_icr0,
- pad_e[3], irr_icr1,
- pad_f[3], bcd_tenms,
- pad_g[3], bcd_sec,
- pad_h[3], bcd_min,
- pad_i[3], bcd_hr,
- pad_j[3], bcd_dom,
- pad_k[3], bcd_mth,
- pad_l[3], bcd_year,
- pad_m[3], bcd_ujcc,
- pad_n[3], bcd_hjcc,
- pad_o[3], bcd_dow,
- pad_p[3], t0lsb,
- pad_q[3], t0msb,
- pad_r[3], t1lsb,
- pad_s[3], t1msb,
- pad_t[3], cmp_sec,
- pad_u[3], cmp_min,
- pad_v[3], cmp_hr,
- pad_w[3], cmp_dom,
- pad_x[3], cmp_mth,
- pad_y[3], cmp_dow,
- pad_z[3], sav_sec,
- pad_A[3], sav_min,
- pad_B[3], sav_hr,
- pad_C[3], sav_dom,
- pad_D[3], sav_mth,
- pad_E[3], ram,
- pad_F[3], test;
-} RtcRegs_t, *RtcPtr_t;
-#define BVME_I596_BASE 0xff100000
-#define BVME_ETHIRQ_REG 0xff20000b
-#define BVME_LOCAL_IRQ_STAT 0xff20000f
-#define BVME_ETHERR 0x02
-#define BVME_ABORT_STATUS 0x08
-#define BVME_NCR53C710_BASE 0xff000000
-#define BVME_SCC_A_ADDR 0xffb0000b
-#define BVME_SCC_B_ADDR 0xffb00003
-#define BVME_SCC_RTxC 7372800
-#define BVME_CONFIG_REG 0xff500003
-#define config_reg_ptr (volatile unsigned char *)BVME_CONFIG_REG
-#define BVME_CONFIG_SW1 0x08
-#define BVME_CONFIG_SW2 0x04
-#define BVME_CONFIG_SW3 0x02
-#define BVME_CONFIG_SW4 0x01
-#define BVME_IRQ_PRN (IRQ_USER+20)
-#define BVME_IRQ_I596 IRQ_AUTO_2
-/* SCC interrupts */
-/* Address control registers */
-#define BVME_ACR_A32VBA 0xff400003
-#define BVME_ACR_A32MSK 0xff410003
-#define BVME_ACR_A24VBA 0xff420003
-#define BVME_ACR_A24MSK 0xff430003
-#define BVME_ACR_A16VBA 0xff440003
-#define BVME_ACR_A32LBA 0xff450003
-#define BVME_ACR_A24LBA 0xff460003
-#define BVME_ACR_ADDRCTL 0xff470003
-#define bvme_acr_a32vba *(volatile unsigned char *)BVME_ACR_A32VBA
-#define bvme_acr_a32msk *(volatile unsigned char *)BVME_ACR_A32MSK
-#define bvme_acr_a24vba *(volatile unsigned char *)BVME_ACR_A24VBA
-#define bvme_acr_a24msk *(volatile unsigned char *)BVME_ACR_A24MSK
-#define bvme_acr_a16vba *(volatile unsigned char *)BVME_ACR_A16VBA
-#define bvme_acr_a32lba *(volatile unsigned char *)BVME_ACR_A32LBA
-#define bvme_acr_a24lba *(volatile unsigned char *)BVME_ACR_A24LBA
-#define bvme_acr_addrctl *(volatile unsigned char *)BVME_ACR_ADDRCTL
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/byteorder.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/byteorder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 31b260a8..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/byteorder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_BYTEORDER_H
-#define _M68K_BYTEORDER_H
-#include <linux/byteorder/big_endian.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_BYTEORDER_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cache.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cache.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0395c51e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cache.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * include/asm-m68k/cache.h
- */
-#ifndef __ARCH_M68K_CACHE_H
-#define __ARCH_M68K_CACHE_H
-/* bytes per L1 cache line */
-#define L1_CACHE_SHIFT 4
-#define L1_CACHE_BYTES (1<< L1_CACHE_SHIFT)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cachectl.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cachectl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 525978e9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cachectl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_CACHECTL_H
-#define _M68K_CACHECTL_H
-/* Definitions for the cacheflush system call. */
-#define FLUSH_SCOPE_LINE 1 /* Flush a cache line */
-#define FLUSH_SCOPE_PAGE 2 /* Flush a page */
-#define FLUSH_SCOPE_ALL 3 /* Flush the whole cache -- superuser only */
-#define FLUSH_CACHE_DATA 1 /* Writeback and flush data cache */
-#define FLUSH_CACHE_INSN 2 /* Flush instruction cache */
-#define FLUSH_CACHE_BOTH 3 /* Flush both caches */
-#endif /* _M68K_CACHECTL_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a70d7319..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __uClinux__
-#include "cacheflush_no.h"
-#include "cacheflush_mm.h"
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush_mm.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush_mm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8104bd87..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush_mm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_CACHEFLUSH_H
-#define _M68K_CACHEFLUSH_H
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <asm/mcfsim.h>
-/* cache code */
-#define FLUSH_I_AND_D (0x00000808)
-#define FLUSH_I (0x00000008)
-#define ICACHE_MAX_ADDR 0
-#define ICACHE_SET_MASK 0
-#define DCACHE_MAX_ADDR 0
-static inline void flush_cf_icache(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- unsigned long set;
- for (set = start; set <= end; set += (0x10 - 3)) {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "cpushl %%ic,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%ic,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%ic,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%ic,(%0)"
- : "=a" (set)
- : "a" (set));
- }
-static inline void flush_cf_dcache(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- unsigned long set;
- for (set = start; set <= end; set += (0x10 - 3)) {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "cpushl %%dc,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%dc,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%dc,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%dc,(%0)"
- : "=a" (set)
- : "a" (set));
- }
-static inline void flush_cf_bcache(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- unsigned long set;
- for (set = start; set <= end; set += (0x10 - 3)) {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "cpushl %%bc,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%bc,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%bc,(%0)\n\t"
- "addq%.l #1,%0\n\t"
- "cpushl %%bc,(%0)"
- : "=a" (set)
- : "a" (set));
- }
- * Cache handling functions
- */
-static inline void flush_icache(void)
- flush_cf_icache(0, ICACHE_MAX_ADDR);
- } else if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) {
- asm volatile ( "nop\n"
- " .chip 68040\n"
- " cpusha %bc\n"
- " .chip 68k");
- } else {
- unsigned long tmp;
- asm volatile ( "movec %%cacr,%0\n"
- " or.w %1,%0\n"
- " movec %0,%%cacr"
- : "=&d" (tmp)
- : "id" (FLUSH_I));
- }
- * invalidate the cache for the specified memory range.
- * It starts at the physical address specified for
- * the given number of bytes.
- */
-extern void cache_clear(unsigned long paddr, int len);
- * push any dirty cache in the specified memory range.
- * It starts at the physical address specified for
- * the given number of bytes.
- */
-extern void cache_push(unsigned long paddr, int len);
- * push and invalidate pages in the specified user virtual
- * memory range.
- */
-extern void cache_push_v(unsigned long vaddr, int len);
-/* This is needed whenever the virtual mapping of the current
- process changes. */
-#define __flush_cache_all() \
-({ \
- if (CPU_IS_COLDFIRE) { \
- flush_cf_dcache(0, DCACHE_MAX_ADDR); \
- } else if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) { \
- __asm__ __volatile__("nop\n\t" \
- ".chip 68040\n\t" \
- "cpusha %dc\n\t" \
- ".chip 68k"); \
- } else { \
- unsigned long _tmp; \
- __asm__ __volatile__("movec %%cacr,%0\n\t" \
- "orw %1,%0\n\t" \
- "movec %0,%%cacr" \
- : "=&d" (_tmp) \
- : "di" (FLUSH_I_AND_D)); \
- } \
-#define __flush_cache_030() \
-({ \
- if (CPU_IS_020_OR_030) { \
- unsigned long _tmp; \
- __asm__ __volatile__("movec %%cacr,%0\n\t" \
- "orw %1,%0\n\t" \
- "movec %0,%%cacr" \
- : "=&d" (_tmp) \
- : "di" (FLUSH_I_AND_D)); \
- } \
-#define flush_cache_all() __flush_cache_all()
-#define flush_cache_vmap(start, end) flush_cache_all()
-#define flush_cache_vunmap(start, end) flush_cache_all()
-static inline void flush_cache_mm(struct mm_struct *mm)
- if (mm == current->mm)
- __flush_cache_030();
-#define flush_cache_dup_mm(mm) flush_cache_mm(mm)
-/* flush_cache_range/flush_cache_page must be macros to avoid
- a dependency on linux/mm.h, which includes this file... */
-static inline void flush_cache_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long start,
- unsigned long end)
- if (vma->vm_mm == current->mm)
- __flush_cache_030();
-static inline void flush_cache_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long vmaddr, unsigned long pfn)
- if (vma->vm_mm == current->mm)
- __flush_cache_030();
-/* Push the page at kernel virtual address and clear the icache */
-/* RZ: use cpush %bc instead of cpush %dc, cinv %ic */
-static inline void __flush_page_to_ram(void *vaddr)
- unsigned long addr, start, end;
- addr = ((unsigned long) vaddr) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- start = addr & ICACHE_SET_MASK;
- end = (addr + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ICACHE_SET_MASK;
- if (start > end) {
- flush_cf_bcache(0, end);
- }
- flush_cf_bcache(start, end);
- } else if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) {
- __asm__ __volatile__("nop\n\t"
- ".chip 68040\n\t"
- "cpushp %%bc,(%0)\n\t"
- ".chip 68k"
- : : "a" (__pa(vaddr)));
- } else {
- unsigned long _tmp;
- __asm__ __volatile__("movec %%cacr,%0\n\t"
- "orw %1,%0\n\t"
- "movec %0,%%cacr"
- : "=&d" (_tmp)
- : "di" (FLUSH_I));
- }
-#define flush_dcache_page(page) __flush_page_to_ram(page_address(page))
-#define flush_dcache_mmap_lock(mapping) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_dcache_mmap_unlock(mapping) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_icache_page(vma, page) __flush_page_to_ram(page_address(page))
-extern void flush_icache_user_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct page *page,
- unsigned long addr, int len);
-extern void flush_icache_range(unsigned long address, unsigned long endaddr);
-static inline void copy_to_user_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- struct page *page, unsigned long vaddr,
- void *dst, void *src, int len)
- flush_cache_page(vma, vaddr, page_to_pfn(page));
- memcpy(dst, src, len);
- flush_icache_user_range(vma, page, vaddr, len);
-static inline void copy_from_user_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- struct page *page, unsigned long vaddr,
- void *dst, void *src, int len)
- flush_cache_page(vma, vaddr, page_to_pfn(page));
- memcpy(dst, src, len);
-#endif /* _M68K_CACHEFLUSH_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush_no.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush_no.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb88aa96..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cacheflush_no.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2000-2010, Greg Ungerer <>
- */
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <asm/mcfsim.h>
-#define flush_cache_all() __flush_cache_all()
-#define flush_cache_mm(mm) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_cache_dup_mm(mm) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_cache_range(vma, start, end) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_cache_page(vma, vmaddr) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_dcache_range(start, len) __flush_dcache_all()
-#define flush_dcache_page(page) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_dcache_mmap_lock(mapping) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_dcache_mmap_unlock(mapping) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_icache_range(start, len) __flush_icache_all()
-#define flush_icache_page(vma,pg) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_icache_user_range(vma,pg,adr,len) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_cache_vmap(start, end) do { } while (0)
-#define flush_cache_vunmap(start, end) do { } while (0)
-#define copy_to_user_page(vma, page, vaddr, dst, src, len) \
- memcpy(dst, src, len)
-#define copy_from_user_page(vma, page, vaddr, dst, src, len) \
- memcpy(dst, src, len)
-void mcf_cache_push(void);
-static inline void __flush_cache_all(void)
-#ifdef CACHE_PUSH
- mcf_cache_push();
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "movel %0, %%d0\n\t"
- "movec %%d0, %%CACR\n\t"
- "nop\n\t"
- : : "i" (CACHE_INVALIDATE) : "d0" );
- * Some ColdFire parts implement separate instruction and data caches,
- * on those we should just flush the appropriate cache. If we don't need
- * to do any specific flushing then this will be optimized away.
- */
-static inline void __flush_icache_all(void)
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "movel %0, %%d0\n\t"
- "movec %%d0, %%CACR\n\t"
- "nop\n\t"
- : : "i" (CACHE_INVALIDATEI) : "d0" );
-static inline void __flush_dcache_all(void)
-#ifdef CACHE_PUSH
- mcf_cache_push();
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "movel %0, %%d0\n\t"
- "movec %%d0, %%CACR\n\t"
- "nop\n\t"
- : : "i" (CACHE_INVALIDATED) : "d0" );
- /* Flush the wrtite buffer */
- __asm__ __volatile__ ( "nop" );
-#endif /* _M68KNOMMU_CACHEFLUSH_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/checksum.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/checksum.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f88d867..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/checksum.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_CHECKSUM_H
-#define _M68K_CHECKSUM_H
-#include <linux/in6.h>
-#include <asm-generic/checksum.h>
- * computes the checksum of a memory block at buff, length len,
- * and adds in "sum" (32-bit)
- *
- * returns a 32-bit number suitable for feeding into itself
- * or csum_tcpudp_magic
- *
- * this function must be called with even lengths, except
- * for the last fragment, which may be odd
- *
- * it's best to have buff aligned on a 32-bit boundary
- */
-__wsum csum_partial(const void *buff, int len, __wsum sum);
- * the same as csum_partial, but copies from src while it
- * checksums
- *
- * here even more important to align src and dst on a 32-bit (or even
- * better 64-bit) boundary
- */
-extern __wsum csum_partial_copy_from_user(const void __user *src,
- void *dst,
- int len, __wsum sum,
- int *csum_err);
-extern __wsum csum_partial_copy_nocheck(const void *src,
- void *dst, int len,
- __wsum sum);
- * This is a version of ip_fast_csum() optimized for IP headers,
- * which always checksum on 4 octet boundaries.
- */
-static inline __sum16 ip_fast_csum(const void *iph, unsigned int ihl)
- unsigned int sum = 0;
- unsigned long tmp;
- __asm__ ("subqw #1,%2\n"
- "1:\t"
- "movel %1@+,%3\n\t"
- "addxl %3,%0\n\t"
- "dbra %2,1b\n\t"
- "movel %0,%3\n\t"
- "swap %3\n\t"
- "addxw %3,%0\n\t"
- "clrw %3\n\t"
- "addxw %3,%0\n\t"
- : "=d" (sum), "=&a" (iph), "=&d" (ihl), "=&d" (tmp)
- : "0" (sum), "1" (iph), "2" (ihl)
- : "memory");
- return (__force __sum16)~sum;
-static inline __sum16 csum_fold(__wsum sum)
- unsigned int tmp = (__force u32)sum;
- __asm__("swap %1\n\t"
- "addw %1, %0\n\t"
- "clrw %1\n\t"
- "addxw %1, %0"
- : "=&d" (sum), "=&d" (tmp)
- : "0" (sum), "1" (tmp));
- return (__force __sum16)~sum;
-static inline __wsum
-csum_tcpudp_nofold(__be32 saddr, __be32 daddr, unsigned short len,
- unsigned short proto, __wsum sum)
- __asm__ ("addl %2,%0\n\t"
- "addxl %3,%0\n\t"
- "addxl %4,%0\n\t"
- "clrl %1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0"
- : "=&d" (sum), "=d" (saddr)
- : "g" (daddr), "1" (saddr), "d" (len + proto),
- "0" (sum));
- return sum;
- * computes the checksum of the TCP/UDP pseudo-header
- * returns a 16-bit checksum, already complemented
- */
-static inline __sum16
-csum_tcpudp_magic(__be32 saddr, __be32 daddr, unsigned short len,
- unsigned short proto, __wsum sum)
- return csum_fold(csum_tcpudp_nofold(saddr,daddr,len,proto,sum));
- * this routine is used for miscellaneous IP-like checksums, mainly
- * in icmp.c
- */
-static inline __sum16 ip_compute_csum(const void *buff, int len)
- return csum_fold (csum_partial(buff, len, 0));
-static __inline__ __sum16
-csum_ipv6_magic(const struct in6_addr *saddr, const struct in6_addr *daddr,
- __u32 len, unsigned short proto, __wsum sum)
- register unsigned long tmp;
- __asm__("addl %2@,%0\n\t"
- "movel %2@(4),%1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0\n\t"
- "movel %2@(8),%1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0\n\t"
- "movel %2@(12),%1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0\n\t"
- "movel %3@,%1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0\n\t"
- "movel %3@(4),%1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0\n\t"
- "movel %3@(8),%1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0\n\t"
- "movel %3@(12),%1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0\n\t"
- "addxl %4,%0\n\t"
- "clrl %1\n\t"
- "addxl %1,%0"
- : "=&d" (sum), "=&d" (tmp)
- : "a" (saddr), "a" (daddr), "d" (len + proto),
- "0" (sum));
- return csum_fold(sum);
-#endif /* _M68K_CHECKSUM_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cmpxchg.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cmpxchg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c81d0ea..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cmpxchg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ARCH_M68K_CMPXCHG__
-#define __ARCH_M68K_CMPXCHG__
-#include <linux/irqflags.h>
-struct __xchg_dummy { unsigned long a[100]; };
-#define __xg(x) ((volatile struct __xchg_dummy *)(x))
-extern unsigned long __invalid_xchg_size(unsigned long, volatile void *, int);
-static inline unsigned long __xchg(unsigned long x, volatile void * ptr, int size)
- unsigned long flags, tmp;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- switch (size) {
- case 1:
- tmp = *(u8 *)ptr;
- *(u8 *)ptr = x;
- x = tmp;
- break;
- case 2:
- tmp = *(u16 *)ptr;
- *(u16 *)ptr = x;
- x = tmp;
- break;
- case 4:
- tmp = *(u32 *)ptr;
- *(u32 *)ptr = x;
- x = tmp;
- break;
- default:
- tmp = __invalid_xchg_size(x, ptr, size);
- break;
- }
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- return x;
-static inline unsigned long __xchg(unsigned long x, volatile void * ptr, int size)
- switch (size) {
- case 1:
- __asm__ __volatile__
- ("moveb %2,%0\n\t"
- "1:\n\t"
- "casb %0,%1,%2\n\t"
- "jne 1b"
- : "=&d" (x) : "d" (x), "m" (*__xg(ptr)) : "memory");
- break;
- case 2:
- __asm__ __volatile__
- ("movew %2,%0\n\t"
- "1:\n\t"
- "casw %0,%1,%2\n\t"
- "jne 1b"
- : "=&d" (x) : "d" (x), "m" (*__xg(ptr)) : "memory");
- break;
- case 4:
- __asm__ __volatile__
- ("movel %2,%0\n\t"
- "1:\n\t"
- "casl %0,%1,%2\n\t"
- "jne 1b"
- : "=&d" (x) : "d" (x), "m" (*__xg(ptr)) : "memory");
- break;
- default:
- x = __invalid_xchg_size(x, ptr, size);
- break;
- }
- return x;
-#define xchg(ptr,x) ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__xchg((unsigned long)(x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr))))
-#include <asm-generic/cmpxchg-local.h>
-#define cmpxchg64_local(ptr, o, n) __cmpxchg64_local_generic((ptr), (o), (n))
-extern unsigned long __invalid_cmpxchg_size(volatile void *,
- unsigned long, unsigned long, int);
- * Atomic compare and exchange. Compare OLD with MEM, if identical,
- * store NEW in MEM. Return the initial value in MEM. Success is
- * indicated by comparing RETURN with OLD.
- */
-#define __HAVE_ARCH_CMPXCHG 1
-static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg(volatile void *p, unsigned long old,
- unsigned long new, int size)
- switch (size) {
- case 1:
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("casb %0,%2,%1"
- : "=d" (old), "=m" (*(char *)p)
- : "d" (new), "0" (old), "m" (*(char *)p));
- break;
- case 2:
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("casw %0,%2,%1"
- : "=d" (old), "=m" (*(short *)p)
- : "d" (new), "0" (old), "m" (*(short *)p));
- break;
- case 4:
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("casl %0,%2,%1"
- : "=d" (old), "=m" (*(int *)p)
- : "d" (new), "0" (old), "m" (*(int *)p));
- break;
- default:
- old = __invalid_cmpxchg_size(p, old, new, size);
- break;
- }
- return old;
-#define cmpxchg(ptr, o, n) \
- ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg((ptr), (unsigned long)(o), \
- (unsigned long)(n), sizeof(*(ptr))))
-#define cmpxchg_local(ptr, o, n) \
- ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg((ptr), (unsigned long)(o), \
- (unsigned long)(n), sizeof(*(ptr))))
- * cmpxchg_local and cmpxchg64_local are atomic wrt current CPU. Always make
- * them available.
- */
-#define cmpxchg_local(ptr, o, n) \
- ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg_local_generic((ptr), (unsigned long)(o),\
- (unsigned long)(n), sizeof(*(ptr))))
-#include <asm-generic/cmpxchg.h>
-#endif /* __ARCH_M68K_CMPXCHG__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/coldfire.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/coldfire.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c94557b9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/coldfire.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * coldfire.h -- Motorola ColdFire CPU sepecific defines
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999-2006, Greg Ungerer (
- * (C) Copyright 2000, Lineo (
- */
-#ifndef coldfire_h
-#define coldfire_h
- * Define master clock frequency. This is done at config time now.
- * No point enumerating dozens of possible clock options here. And
- * in any case new boards come along from time to time that have yet
- * another different clocking frequency.
- */
-#error "Don't know what your ColdFire CPU clock frequency is??"
- * Define the processor internal peripherals base address.
- *
- * The majority of ColdFire parts use an MBAR register to set
- * the base address. Some have an IPSBAR register instead, and it
- * has slightly different rules on its size and alignment. Some
- * parts have fixed addresses and the internal peripherals cannot
- * be relocated in the CPU address space.
- *
- * The value of MBAR or IPSBAR is config time selectable, we no
- * longer hard define it here. No MBAR or IPSBAR will be defined if
- * this part has a fixed peripheral address map.
- */
-#endif /* coldfire_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/commproc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/commproc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a7399852..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/commproc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,703 +0,0 @@
- * 68360 Communication Processor Module.
- * Copyright (c) 2000 Michael Leslie <> (mc68360) after:
- * Copyright (c) 1997 Dan Malek <> (mpc8xx)
- *
- * This file contains structures and information for the communication
- * processor channels. Some CPM control and status is available
- * through the 68360 internal memory map. See include/asm/360_immap.h for details.
- * This file is not a complete map of all of the 360 QUICC's capabilities
- *
- * On the MBX board, EPPC-Bug loads CPM microcode into the first 512
- * bytes of the DP RAM and relocates the I2C parameter area to the
- * IDMA1 space. The remaining DP RAM is available for buffer descriptors
- * or other use.
- */
-#ifndef __CPM_360__
-#define __CPM_360__
-/* CPM Command register masks: */
-#define CPM_CR_RST ((ushort)0x8000)
-#define CPM_CR_OPCODE ((ushort)0x0f00)
-#define CPM_CR_CHAN ((ushort)0x00f0)
-#define CPM_CR_FLG ((ushort)0x0001)
-/* CPM Command set (opcodes): */
-#define CPM_CR_INIT_TRX ((ushort)0x0000)
-#define CPM_CR_INIT_RX ((ushort)0x0001)
-#define CPM_CR_INIT_TX ((ushort)0x0002)
-#define CPM_CR_HUNT_MODE ((ushort)0x0003)
-#define CPM_CR_STOP_TX ((ushort)0x0004)
-#define CPM_CR_GRSTOP_TX ((ushort)0x0005)
-#define CPM_CR_RESTART_TX ((ushort)0x0006)
-#define CPM_CR_CLOSE_RXBD ((ushort)0x0007)
-#define CPM_CR_SET_GADDR ((ushort)0x0008)
-#define CPM_CR_GCI_TIMEOUT ((ushort)0x0009)
-#define CPM_CR_GCI_ABORT ((ushort)0x000a)
-#define CPM_CR_RESET_BCS ((ushort)0x000a)
-/* CPM Channel numbers. */
-#define CPM_CR_CH_SCC1 ((ushort)0x0000)
-#define CPM_CR_CH_SCC2 ((ushort)0x0004)
-#define CPM_CR_CH_SPI ((ushort)0x0005) /* SPI / Timers */
-#define CPM_CR_CH_TMR ((ushort)0x0005)
-#define CPM_CR_CH_SCC3 ((ushort)0x0008)
-#define CPM_CR_CH_SMC1 ((ushort)0x0009) /* SMC1 / IDMA1 */
-#define CPM_CR_CH_IDMA1 ((ushort)0x0009)
-#define CPM_CR_CH_SCC4 ((ushort)0x000c)
-#define CPM_CR_CH_SMC2 ((ushort)0x000d) /* SMC2 / IDMA2 */
-#define CPM_CR_CH_IDMA2 ((ushort)0x000d)
-#define mk_cr_cmd(CH, CMD) ((CMD << 8) | (CH << 4))
-#if 1 /* mleslie: I dinna think we have any such restrictions on
- * DP RAM aboard the 360 board - see the MC68360UM p.3-3 */
-/* The dual ported RAM is multi-functional. Some areas can be (and are
- * being) used for microcode. There is an area that can only be used
- * as data ram for buffer descriptors, which is all we use right now.
- * Currently the first 512 and last 256 bytes are used for microcode.
- */
-/* mleslie: The uCquicc board is using no extra microcode in DPRAM */
-#define CPM_DATAONLY_BASE ((uint)0x0000)
-#define CPM_DATAONLY_SIZE ((uint)0x0800)
-#define CPM_DP_NOSPACE ((uint)0x7fffffff)
-/* Export the base address of the communication processor registers
- * and dual port ram. */
-/* extern cpm360_t *cpmp; */ /* Pointer to comm processor */
-extern QUICC *pquicc;
-uint m360_cpm_dpalloc(uint size);
-/* void *m360_cpm_hostalloc(uint size); */
-void m360_cpm_setbrg(uint brg, uint rate);
-#if 0 /* use QUICC_BD declared in include/asm/m68360_quicc.h */
-/* Buffer descriptors used by many of the CPM protocols. */
-typedef struct cpm_buf_desc {
- ushort cbd_sc; /* Status and Control */
- ushort cbd_datlen; /* Data length in buffer */
- uint cbd_bufaddr; /* Buffer address in host memory */
-} cbd_t;
-/* rx bd status/control bits */
-#define BD_SC_EMPTY ((ushort)0x8000) /* Receive is empty */
-#define BD_SC_WRAP ((ushort)0x2000) /* Last buffer descriptor in table */
-#define BD_SC_INTRPT ((ushort)0x1000) /* Interrupt on change */
-#define BD_SC_LAST ((ushort)0x0800) /* Last buffer in frame OR control char */
-#define BD_SC_FIRST ((ushort)0x0400) /* 1st buffer in an HDLC frame */
-#define BD_SC_ADDR ((ushort)0x0400) /* 1st byte is a multidrop address */
-#define BD_SC_CM ((ushort)0x0200) /* Continuous mode */
-#define BD_SC_ID ((ushort)0x0100) /* Received too many idles */
-#define BD_SC_AM ((ushort)0x0080) /* Multidrop address match */
-#define BD_SC_DE ((ushort)0x0080) /* DPLL Error (HDLC) */
-#define BD_SC_BR ((ushort)0x0020) /* Break received */
-#define BD_SC_LG ((ushort)0x0020) /* Frame length violation (HDLC) */
-#define BD_SC_FR ((ushort)0x0010) /* Framing error */
-#define BD_SC_NO ((ushort)0x0010) /* Nonoctet aligned frame (HDLC) */
-#define BD_SC_PR ((ushort)0x0008) /* Parity error */
-#define BD_SC_AB ((ushort)0x0008) /* Received abort Sequence (HDLC) */
-#define BD_SC_OV ((ushort)0x0002) /* Overrun */
-#define BD_SC_CD ((ushort)0x0001) /* Carrier Detect lost */
-/* tx bd status/control bits (as differ from rx bd) */
-#define BD_SC_READY ((ushort)0x8000) /* Transmit is ready */
-#define BD_SC_TC ((ushort)0x0400) /* Transmit CRC */
-#define BD_SC_P ((ushort)0x0100) /* xmt preamble */
-#define BD_SC_UN ((ushort)0x0002) /* Underrun */
-/* Parameter RAM offsets. */
-/* In 2.4 ppc, the PROFF_S?C? are used as byte offsets into DPRAM.
- * In 2.0, we use a more structured C struct map of DPRAM, and so
- * instead, we need only a parameter ram `slot' */
-#define PRSLOT_SCC1 0
-#define PRSLOT_SCC2 1
-#define PRSLOT_SCC3 2
-#define PRSLOT_SMC1 2
-#define PRSLOT_SCC4 3
-#define PRSLOT_SMC2 3
-/* #define PROFF_SCC1 ((uint)0x0000) */
-/* #define PROFF_SCC2 ((uint)0x0100) */
-/* #define PROFF_SCC3 ((uint)0x0200) */
-/* #define PROFF_SMC1 ((uint)0x0280) */
-/* #define PROFF_SCC4 ((uint)0x0300) */
-/* #define PROFF_SMC2 ((uint)0x0380) */
-/* Define enough so I can at least use the serial port as a UART.
- * The MBX uses SMC1 as the host serial port.
- */
-typedef struct smc_uart {
- ushort smc_rbase; /* Rx Buffer descriptor base address */
- ushort smc_tbase; /* Tx Buffer descriptor base address */
- u_char smc_rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- u_char smc_tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- ushort smc_mrblr; /* Max receive buffer length */
- uint smc_rstate; /* Internal */
- uint smc_idp; /* Internal */
- ushort smc_rbptr; /* Internal */
- ushort smc_ibc; /* Internal */
- uint smc_rxtmp; /* Internal */
- uint smc_tstate; /* Internal */
- uint smc_tdp; /* Internal */
- ushort smc_tbptr; /* Internal */
- ushort smc_tbc; /* Internal */
- uint smc_txtmp; /* Internal */
- ushort smc_maxidl; /* Maximum idle characters */
- ushort smc_tmpidl; /* Temporary idle counter */
- ushort smc_brklen; /* Last received break length */
- ushort smc_brkec; /* rcv'd break condition counter */
- ushort smc_brkcr; /* xmt break count register */
- ushort smc_rmask; /* Temporary bit mask */
-} smc_uart_t;
-/* Function code bits.
-#define SMC_EB ((u_char)0x10) /* Set big endian byte order */
-/* SMC uart mode register.
-#define SMCMR_REN ((ushort)0x0001)
-#define SMCMR_TEN ((ushort)0x0002)
-#define SMCMR_DM ((ushort)0x000c)
-#define SMCMR_SM_GCI ((ushort)0x0000)
-#define SMCMR_SM_UART ((ushort)0x0020)
-#define SMCMR_SM_TRANS ((ushort)0x0030)
-#define SMCMR_SM_MASK ((ushort)0x0030)
-#define SMCMR_PM_EVEN ((ushort)0x0100) /* Even parity, else odd */
-#define SMCMR_PEN ((ushort)0x0200) /* Parity enable */
-#define SMCMR_SL ((ushort)0x0400) /* Two stops, else one */
-#define SMCR_CLEN_MASK ((ushort)0x7800) /* Character length */
-#define smcr_mk_clen(C) (((C) << 11) & SMCR_CLEN_MASK)
-/* SMC2 as Centronics parallel printer. It is half duplex, in that
- * it can only receive or transmit. The parameter ram values for
- * each direction are either unique or properly overlap, so we can
- * include them in one structure.
- */
-typedef struct smc_centronics {
- ushort scent_rbase;
- ushort scent_tbase;
- u_char scent_cfcr;
- u_char scent_smask;
- ushort scent_mrblr;
- uint scent_rstate;
- uint scent_r_ptr;
- ushort scent_rbptr;
- ushort scent_r_cnt;
- uint scent_rtemp;
- uint scent_tstate;
- uint scent_t_ptr;
- ushort scent_tbptr;
- ushort scent_t_cnt;
- uint scent_ttemp;
- ushort scent_max_sl;
- ushort scent_sl_cnt;
- ushort scent_character1;
- ushort scent_character2;
- ushort scent_character3;
- ushort scent_character4;
- ushort scent_character5;
- ushort scent_character6;
- ushort scent_character7;
- ushort scent_character8;
- ushort scent_rccm;
- ushort scent_rccr;
-} smc_cent_t;
-/* Centronics Status Mask Register.
-#define SMC_CENT_F ((u_char)0x08)
-#define SMC_CENT_PE ((u_char)0x04)
-#define SMC_CENT_S ((u_char)0x02)
-/* SMC Event and Mask register.
-#define SMCM_BRKE ((unsigned char)0x40) /* When in UART Mode */
-#define SMCM_BRK ((unsigned char)0x10) /* When in UART Mode */
-#define SMCM_TXE ((unsigned char)0x10) /* When in Transparent Mode */
-#define SMCM_BSY ((unsigned char)0x04)
-#define SMCM_TX ((unsigned char)0x02)
-#define SMCM_RX ((unsigned char)0x01)
-/* Baud rate generators.
-#define CPM_BRG_RST ((uint)0x00020000)
-#define CPM_BRG_EN ((uint)0x00010000)
-#define CPM_BRG_EXTC_INT ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define CPM_BRG_EXTC_CLK2 ((uint)0x00004000)
-#define CPM_BRG_EXTC_CLK6 ((uint)0x00008000)
-#define CPM_BRG_ATB ((uint)0x00002000)
-#define CPM_BRG_CD_MASK ((uint)0x00001ffe)
-#define CPM_BRG_DIV16 ((uint)0x00000001)
-/* SCCs.
-#define SCC_GSMRH_IRP ((uint)0x00040000)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_GDE ((uint)0x00010000)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_TCRC_CCITT ((uint)0x00008000)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_TCRC_BISYNC ((uint)0x00004000)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_TCRC_HDLC ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_REVD ((uint)0x00002000)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_TRX ((uint)0x00001000)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_TTX ((uint)0x00000800)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_CDP ((uint)0x00000400)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_CTSP ((uint)0x00000200)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_CDS ((uint)0x00000100)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_CTSS ((uint)0x00000080)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_TFL ((uint)0x00000040)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_RFW ((uint)0x00000020)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_TXSY ((uint)0x00000010)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_SYNL16 ((uint)0x0000000c)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_SYNL8 ((uint)0x00000008)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_SYNL4 ((uint)0x00000004)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_RTSM ((uint)0x00000002)
-#define SCC_GSMRH_RSYN ((uint)0x00000001)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_SIR ((uint)0x80000000) /* SCC2 only */
-#define SCC_GSMRL_EDGE_NONE ((uint)0x60000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_EDGE_NEG ((uint)0x40000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_EDGE_POS ((uint)0x20000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_EDGE_BOTH ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TCI ((uint)0x10000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TSNC_3 ((uint)0x0c000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TSNC_4 ((uint)0x08000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TSNC_14 ((uint)0x04000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TSNC_INF ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RINV ((uint)0x02000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TINV ((uint)0x01000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPL_128 ((uint)0x00c00000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPL_64 ((uint)0x00a00000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPL_48 ((uint)0x00800000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPL_32 ((uint)0x00600000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPL_16 ((uint)0x00400000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPL_8 ((uint)0x00200000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPL_NONE ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPP_ALL1 ((uint)0x00180000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPP_01 ((uint)0x00100000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPP_10 ((uint)0x00080000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TPP_ZEROS ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TEND ((uint)0x00040000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TDCR_32 ((uint)0x00030000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TDCR_16 ((uint)0x00020000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TDCR_8 ((uint)0x00010000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TDCR_1 ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RDCR_32 ((uint)0x0000c000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RDCR_16 ((uint)0x00008000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RDCR_8 ((uint)0x00004000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RDCR_1 ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RENC_DFMAN ((uint)0x00003000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RENC_MANCH ((uint)0x00002000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RENC_FM0 ((uint)0x00001000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RENC_NRZI ((uint)0x00000800)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_RENC_NRZ ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TENC_DFMAN ((uint)0x00000600)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TENC_MANCH ((uint)0x00000400)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TENC_FM0 ((uint)0x00000200)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TENC_NRZI ((uint)0x00000100)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_TENC_NRZ ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_DIAG_LE ((uint)0x000000c0) /* Loop and echo */
-#define SCC_GSMRL_DIAG_ECHO ((uint)0x00000080)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_DIAG_LOOP ((uint)0x00000040)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_DIAG_NORM ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_ENR ((uint)0x00000020)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_ENT ((uint)0x00000010)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_ENET ((uint)0x0000000c)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_DDCMP ((uint)0x00000009)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_BISYNC ((uint)0x00000008)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_V14 ((uint)0x00000007)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_AHDLC ((uint)0x00000006)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_PROFIBUS ((uint)0x00000005)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_UART ((uint)0x00000004)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_SS7 ((uint)0x00000003)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_ATALK ((uint)0x00000002)
-#define SCC_GSMRL_MODE_HDLC ((uint)0x00000000)
-#define SCC_TODR_TOD ((ushort)0x8000)
-/* SCC Event and Mask register.
-#define SCCM_TXE ((unsigned char)0x10)
-#define SCCM_BSY ((unsigned char)0x04)
-#define SCCM_TX ((unsigned char)0x02)
-#define SCCM_RX ((unsigned char)0x01)
-typedef struct scc_param {
- ushort scc_rbase; /* Rx Buffer descriptor base address */
- ushort scc_tbase; /* Tx Buffer descriptor base address */
- u_char scc_rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- u_char scc_tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- ushort scc_mrblr; /* Max receive buffer length */
- uint scc_rstate; /* Internal */
- uint scc_idp; /* Internal */
- ushort scc_rbptr; /* Internal */
- ushort scc_ibc; /* Internal */
- uint scc_rxtmp; /* Internal */
- uint scc_tstate; /* Internal */
- uint scc_tdp; /* Internal */
- ushort scc_tbptr; /* Internal */
- ushort scc_tbc; /* Internal */
- uint scc_txtmp; /* Internal */
- uint scc_rcrc; /* Internal */
- uint scc_tcrc; /* Internal */
-} sccp_t;
-/* Function code bits.
- */
-#define SCC_EB ((u_char)0x10) /* Set big endian byte order */
-#define SCC_FC_DMA ((u_char)0x08) /* Set SDMA */
-/* CPM Ethernet through SCC1.
- */
-typedef struct scc_enet {
- sccp_t sen_genscc;
- uint sen_cpres; /* Preset CRC */
- uint sen_cmask; /* Constant mask for CRC */
- uint sen_crcec; /* CRC Error counter */
- uint sen_alec; /* alignment error counter */
- uint sen_disfc; /* discard frame counter */
- ushort sen_pads; /* Tx short frame pad character */
- ushort sen_retlim; /* Retry limit threshold */
- ushort sen_retcnt; /* Retry limit counter */
- ushort sen_maxflr; /* maximum frame length register */
- ushort sen_minflr; /* minimum frame length register */
- ushort sen_maxd1; /* maximum DMA1 length */
- ushort sen_maxd2; /* maximum DMA2 length */
- ushort sen_maxd; /* Rx max DMA */
- ushort sen_dmacnt; /* Rx DMA counter */
- ushort sen_maxb; /* Max BD byte count */
- ushort sen_gaddr1; /* Group address filter */
- ushort sen_gaddr2;
- ushort sen_gaddr3;
- ushort sen_gaddr4;
- uint sen_tbuf0data0; /* Save area 0 - current frame */
- uint sen_tbuf0data1; /* Save area 1 - current frame */
- uint sen_tbuf0rba; /* Internal */
- uint sen_tbuf0crc; /* Internal */
- ushort sen_tbuf0bcnt; /* Internal */
- ushort sen_paddrh; /* physical address (MSB) */
- ushort sen_paddrm;
- ushort sen_paddrl; /* physical address (LSB) */
- ushort sen_pper; /* persistence */
- ushort sen_rfbdptr; /* Rx first BD pointer */
- ushort sen_tfbdptr; /* Tx first BD pointer */
- ushort sen_tlbdptr; /* Tx last BD pointer */
- uint sen_tbuf1data0; /* Save area 0 - current frame */
- uint sen_tbuf1data1; /* Save area 1 - current frame */
- uint sen_tbuf1rba; /* Internal */
- uint sen_tbuf1crc; /* Internal */
- ushort sen_tbuf1bcnt; /* Internal */
- ushort sen_txlen; /* Tx Frame length counter */
- ushort sen_iaddr1; /* Individual address filter */
- ushort sen_iaddr2;
- ushort sen_iaddr3;
- ushort sen_iaddr4;
- ushort sen_boffcnt; /* Backoff counter */
- /* NOTE: Some versions of the manual have the following items
- * incorrectly documented. Below is the proper order.
- */
- ushort sen_taddrh; /* temp address (MSB) */
- ushort sen_taddrm;
- ushort sen_taddrl; /* temp address (LSB) */
-} scc_enet_t;
-#if defined (CONFIG_UCQUICC)
-/* uCquicc has the following signals connected to Ethernet:
- * 68360 - lxt905
- * PA0/RXD1 - rxd
- * PA1/TXD1 - txd
- * PA8/CLK1 - tclk
- * PA9/CLK2 - rclk
- * PC0/!RTS1 - t_en
- * PC1/!CTS1 - col
- * PC5/!CD1 - cd
- */
-#define PA_ENET_RXD PA_RXD1
-#define PA_ENET_TXD PA_TXD1
-#define PC_ENET_RENA PC_CD1
-/* Control bits in the SICR to route TCLK (CLK1) and RCLK (CLK2) to
- * SCC1.
- */
-#define SICR_ENET_MASK ((uint)0x000000ff)
-#define SICR_ENET_CLKRT ((uint)0x0000002c)
-#endif /* config_ucquicc */
-#ifdef MBX
-/* Bits in parallel I/O port registers that have to be set/cleared
- * to configure the pins for SCC1 use. The TCLK and RCLK seem unique
- * to the MBX860 board. Any two of the four available clocks could be
- * used, and the MPC860 cookbook manual has an example using different
- * clock pins.
- */
-#define PA_ENET_RXD ((ushort)0x0001)
-#define PA_ENET_TXD ((ushort)0x0002)
-#define PA_ENET_TCLK ((ushort)0x0200)
-#define PA_ENET_RCLK ((ushort)0x0800)
-#define PC_ENET_TENA ((ushort)0x0001)
-#define PC_ENET_CLSN ((ushort)0x0010)
-#define PC_ENET_RENA ((ushort)0x0020)
-/* Control bits in the SICR to route TCLK (CLK2) and RCLK (CLK4) to
- * SCC1. Also, make sure GR1 (bit 24) and SC1 (bit 25) are zero.
- */
-#define SICR_ENET_MASK ((uint)0x000000ff)
-#define SICR_ENET_CLKRT ((uint)0x0000003d)
-/* This ENET stuff is for the MPC850 with ethernet on SCC2. Some of
- * this may be unique to the RPX-Lite configuration.
- * Note TENA is on Port B.
- */
-#define PA_ENET_RXD ((ushort)0x0004)
-#define PA_ENET_TXD ((ushort)0x0008)
-#define PA_ENET_TCLK ((ushort)0x0200)
-#define PA_ENET_RCLK ((ushort)0x0800)
-#define PB_ENET_TENA ((uint)0x00002000)
-#define PC_ENET_CLSN ((ushort)0x0040)
-#define PC_ENET_RENA ((ushort)0x0080)
-#define SICR_ENET_MASK ((uint)0x0000ff00)
-#define SICR_ENET_CLKRT ((uint)0x00003d00)
-/* This ENET stuff is for the MPC823 with ethernet on SCC2.
- * This is unique to the BSE ip-Engine board.
- */
-#define PA_ENET_RXD ((ushort)0x0004)
-#define PA_ENET_TXD ((ushort)0x0008)
-#define PA_ENET_TCLK ((ushort)0x0100)
-#define PA_ENET_RCLK ((ushort)0x0200)
-#define PB_ENET_TENA ((uint)0x00002000)
-#define PC_ENET_CLSN ((ushort)0x0040)
-#define PC_ENET_RENA ((ushort)0x0080)
-/* BSE uses port B and C bits for PHY control also.
-#define PB_BSE_POWERUP ((uint)0x00000004)
-#define PB_BSE_FDXDIS ((uint)0x00008000)
-#define PC_BSE_LOOPBACK ((ushort)0x0800)
-#define SICR_ENET_MASK ((uint)0x0000ff00)
-#define SICR_ENET_CLKRT ((uint)0x00002c00)
-/* SCC Event register as used by Ethernet.
-#define SCCE_ENET_GRA ((ushort)0x0080) /* Graceful stop complete */
-#define SCCE_ENET_TXE ((ushort)0x0010) /* Transmit Error */
-#define SCCE_ENET_RXF ((ushort)0x0008) /* Full frame received */
-#define SCCE_ENET_BSY ((ushort)0x0004) /* All incoming buffers full */
-#define SCCE_ENET_TXB ((ushort)0x0002) /* A buffer was transmitted */
-#define SCCE_ENET_RXB ((ushort)0x0001) /* A buffer was received */
-/* SCC Mode Register (PMSR) as used by Ethernet.
-#define SCC_PMSR_HBC ((ushort)0x8000) /* Enable heartbeat */
-#define SCC_PMSR_FC ((ushort)0x4000) /* Force collision */
-#define SCC_PMSR_RSH ((ushort)0x2000) /* Receive short frames */
-#define SCC_PMSR_IAM ((ushort)0x1000) /* Check individual hash */
-#define SCC_PMSR_ENCRC ((ushort)0x0800) /* Ethernet CRC mode */
-#define SCC_PMSR_PRO ((ushort)0x0200) /* Promiscuous mode */
-#define SCC_PMSR_BRO ((ushort)0x0100) /* Catch broadcast pkts */
-#define SCC_PMSR_SBT ((ushort)0x0080) /* Special backoff timer */
-#define SCC_PMSR_LPB ((ushort)0x0040) /* Set Loopback mode */
-#define SCC_PMSR_SIP ((ushort)0x0020) /* Sample Input Pins */
-#define SCC_PMSR_LCW ((ushort)0x0010) /* Late collision window */
-#define SCC_PMSR_NIB22 ((ushort)0x000a) /* Start frame search */
-#define SCC_PMSR_FDE ((ushort)0x0001) /* Full duplex enable */
-/* Buffer descriptor control/status used by Ethernet receive.
-#define BD_ENET_RX_EMPTY ((ushort)0x8000)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_WRAP ((ushort)0x2000)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_INTR ((ushort)0x1000)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_LAST ((ushort)0x0800)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_FIRST ((ushort)0x0400)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_MISS ((ushort)0x0100)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_LG ((ushort)0x0020)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_NO ((ushort)0x0010)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_SH ((ushort)0x0008)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_CR ((ushort)0x0004)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_OV ((ushort)0x0002)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_CL ((ushort)0x0001)
-#define BD_ENET_RX_STATS ((ushort)0x013f) /* All status bits */
-/* Buffer descriptor control/status used by Ethernet transmit.
-#define BD_ENET_TX_READY ((ushort)0x8000)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_PAD ((ushort)0x4000)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_WRAP ((ushort)0x2000)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_INTR ((ushort)0x1000)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_LAST ((ushort)0x0800)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_TC ((ushort)0x0400)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_DEF ((ushort)0x0200)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_HB ((ushort)0x0100)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_LC ((ushort)0x0080)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_RL ((ushort)0x0040)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_RCMASK ((ushort)0x003c)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_UN ((ushort)0x0002)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_CSL ((ushort)0x0001)
-#define BD_ENET_TX_STATS ((ushort)0x03ff) /* All status bits */
-/* SCC as UART
-typedef struct scc_uart {
- sccp_t scc_genscc;
- uint scc_res1; /* Reserved */
- uint scc_res2; /* Reserved */
- ushort scc_maxidl; /* Maximum idle chars */
- ushort scc_idlc; /* temp idle counter */
- ushort scc_brkcr; /* Break count register */
- ushort scc_parec; /* receive parity error counter */
- ushort scc_frmec; /* receive framing error counter */
- ushort scc_nosec; /* receive noise counter */
- ushort scc_brkec; /* receive break condition counter */
- ushort scc_brkln; /* last received break length */
- ushort scc_uaddr1; /* UART address character 1 */
- ushort scc_uaddr2; /* UART address character 2 */
- ushort scc_rtemp; /* Temp storage */
- ushort scc_toseq; /* Transmit out of sequence char */
- ushort scc_char1; /* control character 1 */
- ushort scc_char2; /* control character 2 */
- ushort scc_char3; /* control character 3 */
- ushort scc_char4; /* control character 4 */
- ushort scc_char5; /* control character 5 */
- ushort scc_char6; /* control character 6 */
- ushort scc_char7; /* control character 7 */
- ushort scc_char8; /* control character 8 */
- ushort scc_rccm; /* receive control character mask */
- ushort scc_rccr; /* receive control character register */
- ushort scc_rlbc; /* receive last break character */
-} scc_uart_t;
-/* SCC Event and Mask registers when it is used as a UART.
-#define UART_SCCM_GLR ((ushort)0x1000)
-#define UART_SCCM_GLT ((ushort)0x0800)
-#define UART_SCCM_AB ((ushort)0x0200)
-#define UART_SCCM_IDL ((ushort)0x0100)
-#define UART_SCCM_GRA ((ushort)0x0080)
-#define UART_SCCM_BRKE ((ushort)0x0040)
-#define UART_SCCM_BRKS ((ushort)0x0020)
-#define UART_SCCM_CCR ((ushort)0x0008)
-#define UART_SCCM_BSY ((ushort)0x0004)
-#define UART_SCCM_TX ((ushort)0x0002)
-#define UART_SCCM_RX ((ushort)0x0001)
-/* The SCC PMSR when used as a UART.
-#define SCU_PMSR_FLC ((ushort)0x8000)
-#define SCU_PMSR_SL ((ushort)0x4000)
-#define SCU_PMSR_CL ((ushort)0x3000)
-#define SCU_PMSR_UM ((ushort)0x0c00)
-#define SCU_PMSR_FRZ ((ushort)0x0200)
-#define SCU_PMSR_RZS ((ushort)0x0100)
-#define SCU_PMSR_SYN ((ushort)0x0080)
-#define SCU_PMSR_DRT ((ushort)0x0040)
-#define SCU_PMSR_PEN ((ushort)0x0010)
-#define SCU_PMSR_RPM ((ushort)0x000c)
-#define SCU_PMSR_REVP ((ushort)0x0008)
-#define SCU_PMSR_TPM ((ushort)0x0003)
-#define SCU_PMSR_TEVP ((ushort)0x0003)
-/* CPM Transparent mode SCC.
- */
-typedef struct scc_trans {
- sccp_t st_genscc;
- uint st_cpres; /* Preset CRC */
- uint st_cmask; /* Constant mask for CRC */
-} scc_trans_t;
-#define BD_SCC_TX_LAST ((ushort)0x0800)
-/* CPM interrupts. There are nearly 32 interrupts generated by CPM
- * channels or devices. All of these are presented to the PPC core
- * as a single interrupt. The CPM interrupt handler dispatches its
- * own handlers, in a similar fashion to the PPC core handler. We
- * use the table as defined in the manuals (i.e. no special high
- * priority and SCC1 == SCCa, etc...).
- */
-/* #define CPMVEC_NR 32 */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC15 ((ushort)0x1f) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SCC1 ((ushort)0x1e) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SCC2 ((ushort)0x1d) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SCC3 ((ushort)0x1c) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SCC4 ((ushort)0x1b) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC14 ((ushort)0x1a) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_TIMER1 ((ushort)0x19) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC13 ((ushort)0x18) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC12 ((ushort)0x17) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SDMA_CB_ERR ((ushort)0x16) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_IDMA1 ((ushort)0x15) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_IDMA2 ((ushort)0x14) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_TIMER2 ((ushort)0x12) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_RISCTIMER ((ushort)0x11) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_I2C ((ushort)0x10) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC11 ((ushort)0x0f) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC10 ((ushort)0x0e) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_TIMER3 ((ushort)0x0c) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC9 ((ushort)0x0b) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC8 ((ushort)0x0a) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC7 ((ushort)0x09) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_TIMER4 ((ushort)0x07) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC6 ((ushort)0x06) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SPI ((ushort)0x05) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SMC1 ((ushort)0x04) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SMC2 ((ushort)0x03) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC5 ((ushort)0x02) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC4 ((ushort)0x01) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_ERROR ((ushort)0x00) */
-extern void cpm_install_handler(int vec, void (*handler)(void *), void *dev_id);
-/* CPM interrupt configuration vector.
-#define CICR_SCD_SCC4 ((uint)0x00c00000) /* SCC4 @ SCCd */
-#define CICR_SCC_SCC3 ((uint)0x00200000) /* SCC3 @ SCCc */
-#define CICR_SCB_SCC2 ((uint)0x00040000) /* SCC2 @ SCCb */
-#define CICR_SCA_SCC1 ((uint)0x00000000) /* SCC1 @ SCCa */
-#define CICR_IRL_MASK ((uint)0x0000e000) /* Core interrupt */
-#define CICR_HP_MASK ((uint)0x00001f00) /* Hi-pri int. */
-#define CICR_IEN ((uint)0x00000080) /* Int. enable */
-#define CICR_SPS ((uint)0x00000001) /* SCC Spread */
-#endif /* __CPM_360__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/contregs.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/contregs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d1ea750b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/contregs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_CONTREGS_H
-#define _M68K_CONTREGS_H
-/* contregs.h: Addresses of registers in the ASI_CONTROL alternate address
- * space. These are for the mmu's context register, etc.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995 David S. Miller (
- */
-/* 3=sun3
- 4=sun4 (as in sun4 sysmaint student book)
- c=sun4c (according to davem) */
-#define AC_IDPROM 0x00000000 /* 34 ID PROM, R/O, byte, 32 bytes */
-#define AC_PAGEMAP 0x10000000 /* 3 Pagemap R/W, long */
-#define AC_SEGMAP 0x20000000 /* 3 Segment map, byte */
-#define AC_CONTEXT 0x30000000 /* 34c current mmu-context */
-#define AC_SENABLE 0x40000000 /* 34c system dvma/cache/reset enable reg*/
-#define AC_UDVMA_ENB 0x50000000 /* 34 Not used on Sun boards, byte */
-#define AC_BUS_ERROR 0x60000000 /* 34 Not cleared on read, byte. */
-#define AC_SYNC_ERR 0x60000000 /* c fault type */
-#define AC_SYNC_VA 0x60000004 /* c fault virtual address */
-#define AC_ASYNC_ERR 0x60000008 /* c asynchronous fault type */
-#define AC_ASYNC_VA 0x6000000c /* c async fault virtual address */
-#define AC_LEDS 0x70000000 /* 34 Zero turns on LEDs, byte */
-#define AC_CACHETAGS 0x80000000 /* 34c direct access to the VAC tags */
-#define AC_CACHEDDATA 0x90000000 /* 3 c direct access to the VAC data */
-#define AC_UDVMA_MAP 0xD0000000 /* 4 Not used on Sun boards, byte */
-#define AC_VME_VECTOR 0xE0000000 /* 4 For non-Autovector VME, byte */
-#define AC_BOOT_SCC 0xF0000000 /* 34 bypass to access Zilog 8530. byte.*/
-/* s=Swift, h=Ross_HyperSPARC, v=TI_Viking, t=Tsunami, r=Ross_Cypress */
-#define AC_M_PCR 0x0000 /* shv Processor Control Reg */
-#define AC_M_CTPR 0x0100 /* shv Context Table Pointer Reg */
-#define AC_M_CXR 0x0200 /* shv Context Register */
-#define AC_M_SFSR 0x0300 /* shv Synchronous Fault Status Reg */
-#define AC_M_SFAR 0x0400 /* shv Synchronous Fault Address Reg */
-#define AC_M_AFSR 0x0500 /* hv Asynchronous Fault Status Reg */
-#define AC_M_AFAR 0x0600 /* hv Asynchronous Fault Address Reg */
-#define AC_M_RESET 0x0700 /* hv Reset Reg */
-#define AC_M_RPR 0x1000 /* hv Root Pointer Reg */
-#define AC_M_TSUTRCR 0x1000 /* s TLB Replacement Ctrl Reg */
-#define AC_M_IAPTP 0x1100 /* hv Instruction Access PTP */
-#define AC_M_DAPTP 0x1200 /* hv Data Access PTP */
-#define AC_M_ITR 0x1300 /* hv Index Tag Register */
-#define AC_M_TRCR 0x1400 /* hv TLB Replacement Control Reg */
-#define AC_M_SFSRX 0x1300 /* s Synch Fault Status Reg prim */
-#define AC_M_SFARX 0x1400 /* s Synch Fault Address Reg prim */
-#define AC_M_RPR1 0x1500 /* h Root Pointer Reg (entry 2) */
-#define AC_M_IAPTP1 0x1600 /* h Instruction Access PTP (entry 2) */
-#define AC_M_DAPTP1 0x1700 /* h Data Access PTP (entry 2) */
-#endif /* _M68K_CONTREGS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cputime.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cputime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c79c5e89..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/cputime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68K_CPUTIME_H
-#define __M68K_CPUTIME_H
-#include <asm-generic/cputime.h>
-#endif /* __M68K_CPUTIME_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/current.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/current.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 91fcc535..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/current.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_CURRENT_H
-#define _M68K_CURRENT_H
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-register struct task_struct *current __asm__("%a2");
- * Rather than dedicate a register (as the m68k source does), we
- * just keep a global, we should probably just change it all to be
- * current and lose _current_task.
- */
-#include <linux/thread_info.h>
-struct task_struct;
-static inline struct task_struct *get_current(void)
- return(current_thread_info()->task);
-#define current get_current()
-#endif /* CONFNIG_MMU */
-#endif /* !(_M68K_CURRENT_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dbg.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dbg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27af3270..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dbg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#define DEBUG 1
-#define BREAK asm volatile ("halt")
-#define BREAK *(volatile unsigned char *)0xdeadbee0 = 0
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/delay.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/delay.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c09becf..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/delay.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_DELAY_H
-#define _M68K_DELAY_H
-#include <asm/param.h>
- * Copyright (C) 1994 Hamish Macdonald
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Greg Ungerer <>
- *
- * Delay routines, using a pre-computed "loops_per_jiffy" value.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
- * The ColdFire runs the delay loop at significantly different speeds
- * depending upon long word alignment or not. We'll pad it to
- * long word alignment which is the faster version.
- * The 0x4a8e is of course a 'tstl %fp' instruction. This is better
- * than using a NOP (0x4e71) instruction because it executes in one
- * cycle not three and doesn't allow for an arbitrary delay waiting
- * for bus cycles to finish. Also fp/a6 isn't likely to cause a
- * stall waiting for the register to become valid if such is added
- * to the coldfire at some stage.
- */
-#define DELAY_ALIGN ".balignw 4, 0x4a8e\n\t"
- * No instruction alignment required for other m68k types.
- */
-#define DELAY_ALIGN
-static inline void __delay(unsigned long loops)
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "1: subql #1,%0\n\t"
- "jcc 1b"
- : "=d" (loops)
- : "0" (loops));
-extern void __bad_udelay(void);
-#if defined(CONFIG_M68000) || defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
- * The simpler m68k and ColdFire processors do not have a 32*32->64
- * multiply instruction. So we need to handle them a little differently.
- * We use a bit of shifting and a single 32*32->32 multiply to get close.
- * This is a macro so that the const version can factor out the first
- * multiply and shift.
- */
-#define HZSCALE (268435456 / (1000000 / HZ))
-#define __const_udelay(u) \
- __delay(((((u) * HZSCALE) >> 11) * (loops_per_jiffy >> 11)) >> 6)
-static inline void __xdelay(unsigned long xloops)
- unsigned long tmp;
- __asm__ ("mulul %2,%0:%1"
- : "=d" (xloops), "=d" (tmp)
- : "d" (xloops), "1" (loops_per_jiffy));
- __delay(xloops * HZ);
- * The definition of __const_udelay is specifically made a macro so that
- * the const factor (4295 = 2**32 / 1000000) can be optimized out when
- * the delay is a const.
- */
-#define __const_udelay(n) (__xdelay((n) * 4295))
-static inline void __udelay(unsigned long usecs)
- __const_udelay(usecs);
- * Use only for very small delays ( < 1 msec). Should probably use a
- * lookup table, really, as the multiplications take much too long with
- * short delays. This is a "reasonable" implementation, though (and the
- * first constant multiplications gets optimized away if the delay is
- * a constant)
- */
-#define udelay(n) (__builtin_constant_p(n) ? \
- ((n) > 20000 ? __bad_udelay() : __const_udelay(n)) : __udelay(n))
-#endif /* defined(_M68K_DELAY_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/device.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/device.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d8f9872b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/device.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * Arch specific extensions to struct device
- *
- * This file is released under the GPLv2
- */
-#include <asm-generic/device.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/div64.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/div64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 444ea8a0..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/div64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_DIV64_H
-#define _M68K_DIV64_H
-#include <asm-generic/div64.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-/* n = n / base; return rem; */
-#define do_div(n, base) ({ \
- union { \
- unsigned long n32[2]; \
- unsigned long long n64; \
- } __n; \
- unsigned long __rem, __upper; \
- \
- __n.n64 = (n); \
- if ((__upper = __n.n32[0])) { \
- asm ("divul.l %2,%1:%0" \
- : "=d" (__n.n32[0]), "=d" (__upper) \
- : "d" (base), "0" (__n.n32[0])); \
- } \
- asm ("divu.l %2,%1:%0" \
- : "=d" (__n.n32[1]), "=d" (__rem) \
- : "d" (base), "1" (__upper), "0" (__n.n32[1])); \
- (n) = __n.n64; \
- __rem; \
-#endif /* CONFIG_CPU_HAS_NO_MULDIV64 */
-#endif /* _M68K_DIV64_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dma-mapping.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dma-mapping.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f7a459..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dma-mapping.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_DMA_MAPPING_H
-#define _M68K_DMA_MAPPING_H
-#include <asm/cache.h>
-struct scatterlist;
-#ifndef CONFIG_MMU_SUN3
-static inline int dma_supported(struct device *dev, u64 mask)
- return 1;
-static inline int dma_set_mask(struct device *dev, u64 mask)
- return 0;
-extern void *dma_alloc_coherent(struct device *, size_t,
- dma_addr_t *, gfp_t);
-extern void dma_free_coherent(struct device *, size_t,
- void *, dma_addr_t);
-static inline void *dma_alloc_noncoherent(struct device *dev, size_t size,
- dma_addr_t *handle, gfp_t flag)
- return dma_alloc_coherent(dev, size, handle, flag);
-static inline void dma_free_noncoherent(struct device *dev, size_t size,
- void *addr, dma_addr_t handle)
- dma_free_coherent(dev, size, addr, handle);
-static inline void dma_cache_sync(struct device *dev, void *vaddr, size_t size,
- enum dma_data_direction dir)
- /* we use coherent allocation, so not much to do here. */
-extern dma_addr_t dma_map_single(struct device *, void *, size_t,
- enum dma_data_direction);
-static inline void dma_unmap_single(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t addr,
- size_t size, enum dma_data_direction dir)
-extern dma_addr_t dma_map_page(struct device *, struct page *,
- unsigned long, size_t size,
- enum dma_data_direction);
-static inline void dma_unmap_page(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t address,
- size_t size, enum dma_data_direction dir)
-extern int dma_map_sg(struct device *, struct scatterlist *, int,
- enum dma_data_direction);
-static inline void dma_unmap_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg,
- int nhwentries, enum dma_data_direction dir)
-extern void dma_sync_single_for_device(struct device *, dma_addr_t, size_t,
- enum dma_data_direction);
-extern void dma_sync_sg_for_device(struct device *, struct scatterlist *, int,
- enum dma_data_direction);
-static inline void dma_sync_single_range_for_device(struct device *dev,
- dma_addr_t dma_handle, unsigned long offset, size_t size,
- enum dma_data_direction direction)
- /* just sync everything for now */
- dma_sync_single_for_device(dev, dma_handle, offset + size, direction);
-static inline void dma_sync_single_for_cpu(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t handle,
- size_t size, enum dma_data_direction dir)
-static inline void dma_sync_sg_for_cpu(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg,
- int nents, enum dma_data_direction dir)
-static inline void dma_sync_single_range_for_cpu(struct device *dev,
- dma_addr_t dma_handle, unsigned long offset, size_t size,
- enum dma_data_direction direction)
- /* just sync everything for now */
- dma_sync_single_for_cpu(dev, dma_handle, offset + size, direction);
-static inline int dma_mapping_error(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t handle)
- return 0;
-#include <asm-generic/dma-mapping-broken.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_DMA_MAPPING_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dma.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dma.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fbdfe89..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dma.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_DMA_H
-#define _M68K_DMA_H 1
- * ColdFire DMA Model:
- * ColdFire DMA supports two forms of DMA: Single and Dual address. Single
- * address mode emits a source address, and expects that the device will either
- * pick up the data (DMA READ) or source data (DMA WRITE). This implies that
- * the device will place data on the correct byte(s) of the data bus, as the
- * memory transactions are always 32 bits. This implies that only 32 bit
- * devices will find single mode transfers useful. Dual address DMA mode
- * performs two cycles: source read and destination write. ColdFire will
- * align the data so that the device will always get the correct bytes, thus
- * is useful for 8 and 16 bit devices. This is the mode that is supported
- * below.
- *
- * AUG/22/2000 : added support for 32-bit Dual-Address-Mode (K) 2000
- * Oliver Kamphenkel (
- *
- * AUG/25/2000 : addad support for 8, 16 and 32-bit Single-Address-Mode (K)2000
- * Oliver Kamphenkel (
- *
- * APR/18/2002 : added proper support for MCF5272 DMA controller.
- * Arthur Shipkowski (
- */
-#include <asm/coldfire.h>
-#include <asm/mcfsim.h>
-#include <asm/mcfdma.h>
- * Set number of channels of DMA on ColdFire for different implementations.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5249) || defined(CONFIG_M5307) || defined(CONFIG_M5407) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M523x) || defined(CONFIG_M527x) || defined(CONFIG_M528x)
-#define MAX_M68K_DMA_CHANNELS 4
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5272)
-#define MAX_M68K_DMA_CHANNELS 1
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M532x)
-#define MAX_M68K_DMA_CHANNELS 0
-#define MAX_M68K_DMA_CHANNELS 2
-extern unsigned int dma_base_addr[MAX_M68K_DMA_CHANNELS];
-extern unsigned int dma_device_address[MAX_M68K_DMA_CHANNELS];
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M5272)
-#define DMA_MODE_WRITE_BIT 0x01 /* Memory/IO to IO/Memory select */
-#define DMA_MODE_WORD_BIT 0x02 /* 8 or 16 bit transfers */
-#define DMA_MODE_LONG_BIT 0x04 /* or 32 bit transfers */
-#define DMA_MODE_SINGLE_BIT 0x08 /* single-address-mode */
-/* I/O to memory, 8 bits, mode */
-#define DMA_MODE_READ 0
-/* memory to I/O, 8 bits, mode */
-#define DMA_MODE_WRITE 1
-/* I/O to memory, 16 bits, mode */
-/* memory to I/O, 16 bits, mode */
-/* I/O to memory, 32 bits, mode */
-/* memory to I/O, 32 bits, mode */
-/* I/O to memory, 8 bits, single-address-mode */
-/* memory to I/O, 8 bits, single-address-mode */
-/* I/O to memory, 16 bits, single-address-mode */
-/* memory to I/O, 16 bits, single-address-mode */
-/* I/O to memory, 32 bits, single-address-mode */
-/* memory to I/O, 32 bits, single-address-mode */
-#else /* CONFIG_M5272 is defined */
-/* Source static-address mode */
-#define DMA_MODE_SRC_SA_BIT 0x01
-/* Two bits to select between all four modes */
-#define DMA_MODE_SSIZE_MASK 0x06
-/* Offset to shift bits in */
-#define DMA_MODE_SSIZE_OFF 0x01
-/* Destination static-address mode */
-#define DMA_MODE_DES_SA_BIT 0x10
-/* Two bits to select between all four modes */
-#define DMA_MODE_DSIZE_MASK 0x60
-/* Offset to shift bits in */
-#define DMA_MODE_DSIZE_OFF 0x05
-/* Size modifiers */
-#define DMA_MODE_SIZE_LONG 0x00
-#define DMA_MODE_SIZE_BYTE 0x01
-#define DMA_MODE_SIZE_WORD 0x02
-#define DMA_MODE_SIZE_LINE 0x03
- * Aliases to help speed quick ports; these may be suboptimal, however. They
- * do not include the SINGLE mode modifiers since the MCF5272 does not have a
- * mode where the device is in control of its addressing.
- */
-/* I/O to memory, 8 bits, mode */
-/* memory to I/O, 8 bits, mode */
-/* I/O to memory, 16 bits, mode */
-/* memory to I/O, 16 bits, mode */
-/* I/O to memory, 32 bits, mode */
-/* memory to I/O, 32 bits, mode */
-#endif /* !defined(CONFIG_M5272) */
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M5272)
-/* enable/disable a specific DMA channel */
-static __inline__ void enable_dma(unsigned int dmanr)
- volatile unsigned short *dmawp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("enable_dma(dmanr=%d)\n", dmanr);
- dmawp = (unsigned short *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
-static __inline__ void disable_dma(unsigned int dmanr)
- volatile unsigned short *dmawp;
- volatile unsigned char *dmapb;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("disable_dma(dmanr=%d)\n", dmanr);
- dmawp = (unsigned short *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- dmapb = (unsigned char *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- /* Turn off external requests, and stop any DMA in progress */
- * Clear the 'DMA Pointer Flip Flop'.
- * Write 0 for LSB/MSB, 1 for MSB/LSB access.
- * Use this once to initialize the FF to a known state.
- * After that, keep track of it. :-)
- * --- In order to do that, the DMA routines below should ---
- * --- only be used while interrupts are disabled! ---
- *
- * This is a NOP for ColdFire. Provide a stub for compatibility.
- */
-static __inline__ void clear_dma_ff(unsigned int dmanr)
-/* set mode (above) for a specific DMA channel */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_mode(unsigned int dmanr, char mode)
- volatile unsigned char *dmabp;
- volatile unsigned short *dmawp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("set_dma_mode(dmanr=%d,mode=%d)\n", dmanr, mode);
- dmabp = (unsigned char *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- dmawp = (unsigned short *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- /* Clear config errors */
- /* Set command register */
- dmawp[MCFDMA_DCR] =
- MCFDMA_DCR_INT | /* Enable completion irq */
- MCFDMA_DCR_CS | /* Force one xfer per request */
- MCFDMA_DCR_AA | /* Enable auto alignment */
- /* single-address-mode */
- /* sets s_rw (-> r/w) high if Memory to I/0 */
- ((mode & DMA_MODE_WRITE_BIT) ? MCFDMA_DCR_S_RW : 0) |
- /* Memory to I/O or I/O to Memory */
- /* 32 bit, 16 bit or 8 bit transfers */
-#ifdef DEBUG_DMA
- printk("%s(%d): dmanr=%d DSR[%x]=%x DCR[%x]=%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,
- dmanr, (int) &dmabp[MCFDMA_DSR], dmabp[MCFDMA_DSR],
- (int) &dmawp[MCFDMA_DCR], dmawp[MCFDMA_DCR]);
-/* Set transfer address for specific DMA channel */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_addr(unsigned int dmanr, unsigned int a)
- volatile unsigned short *dmawp;
- volatile unsigned int *dmalp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("set_dma_addr(dmanr=%d,a=%x)\n", dmanr, a);
- dmawp = (unsigned short *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- dmalp = (unsigned int *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- /* Determine which address registers are used for memory/device accesses */
- if (dmawp[MCFDMA_DCR] & MCFDMA_DCR_SINC) {
- /* Source incrementing, must be memory */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_SAR] = a;
- /* Set dest address, must be device */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_DAR] = dma_device_address[dmanr];
- } else {
- /* Destination incrementing, must be memory */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_DAR] = a;
- /* Set source address, must be device */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_SAR] = dma_device_address[dmanr];
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG_DMA
- printk("%s(%d): dmanr=%d DCR[%x]=%x SAR[%x]=%08x DAR[%x]=%08x\n",
- __FILE__, __LINE__, dmanr, (int) &dmawp[MCFDMA_DCR], dmawp[MCFDMA_DCR],
- (int) &dmalp[MCFDMA_SAR], dmalp[MCFDMA_SAR],
- (int) &dmalp[MCFDMA_DAR], dmalp[MCFDMA_DAR]);
- * Specific for Coldfire - sets device address.
- * Should be called after the mode set call, and before set DMA address.
- */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_device_addr(unsigned int dmanr, unsigned int a)
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("set_dma_device_addr(dmanr=%d,a=%x)\n", dmanr, a);
- dma_device_address[dmanr] = a;
- * NOTE 2: "count" represents _bytes_.
- */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_count(unsigned int dmanr, unsigned int count)
- volatile unsigned short *dmawp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("set_dma_count(dmanr=%d,count=%d)\n", dmanr, count);
- dmawp = (unsigned short *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- dmawp[MCFDMA_BCR] = (unsigned short)count;
- * Get DMA residue count. After a DMA transfer, this
- * should return zero. Reading this while a DMA transfer is
- * still in progress will return unpredictable results.
- * Otherwise, it returns the number of _bytes_ left to transfer.
- */
-static __inline__ int get_dma_residue(unsigned int dmanr)
- volatile unsigned short *dmawp;
- unsigned short count;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("get_dma_residue(dmanr=%d)\n", dmanr);
- dmawp = (unsigned short *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- count = dmawp[MCFDMA_BCR];
- return((int) count);
-#else /* CONFIG_M5272 is defined */
- * The MCF5272 DMA controller is very different than the controller defined above
- * in terms of register mapping. For instance, with the exception of the 16-bit
- * interrupt register (IRQ#85, for reference), all of the registers are 32-bit.
- *
- * The big difference, however, is the lack of device-requested DMA. All modes
- * are dual address transfer, and there is no 'device' setup or direction bit.
- * You can DMA between a device and memory, between memory and memory, or even between
- * two devices directly, with any combination of incrementing and non-incrementing
- * addresses you choose. This puts a crimp in distinguishing between the 'device
- * address' set up by set_dma_device_addr.
- *
- * Therefore, there are two options. One is to use set_dma_addr and set_dma_device_addr,
- * which will act exactly as above in -- it will look to see if the source is set to
- * autoincrement, and if so it will make the source use the set_dma_addr value and the
- * destination the set_dma_device_addr value. Otherwise the source will be set to the
- * set_dma_device_addr value and the destination will get the set_dma_addr value.
- *
- * The other is to use the provided set_dma_src_addr and set_dma_dest_addr functions
- * and make it explicit. Depending on what you're doing, one of these two should work
- * for you, but don't mix them in the same transfer setup.
- */
-/* enable/disable a specific DMA channel */
-static __inline__ void enable_dma(unsigned int dmanr)
- volatile unsigned int *dmalp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("enable_dma(dmanr=%d)\n", dmanr);
- dmalp = (unsigned int *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
-static __inline__ void disable_dma(unsigned int dmanr)
- volatile unsigned int *dmalp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("disable_dma(dmanr=%d)\n", dmanr);
- dmalp = (unsigned int *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- /* Turn off external requests, and stop any DMA in progress */
- * Clear the 'DMA Pointer Flip Flop'.
- * Write 0 for LSB/MSB, 1 for MSB/LSB access.
- * Use this once to initialize the FF to a known state.
- * After that, keep track of it. :-)
- * --- In order to do that, the DMA routines below should ---
- * --- only be used while interrupts are disabled! ---
- *
- * This is a NOP for ColdFire. Provide a stub for compatibility.
- */
-static __inline__ void clear_dma_ff(unsigned int dmanr)
-/* set mode (above) for a specific DMA channel */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_mode(unsigned int dmanr, char mode)
- volatile unsigned int *dmalp;
- volatile unsigned short *dmawp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("set_dma_mode(dmanr=%d,mode=%d)\n", dmanr, mode);
- dmalp = (unsigned int *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- dmawp = (unsigned short *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- /* Clear config errors */
- /* Set command register */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_DMR] =
- MCFDMA_DMR_RQM_DUAL | /* Mandatory Request Mode setting */
- MCFDMA_DMR_DSTT_SD | /* Set up addressing types; set to supervisor-data. */
- MCFDMA_DMR_SRCT_SD | /* Set up addressing types; set to supervisor-data. */
- /* source static-address-mode */
- /* dest static-address-mode */
- /* burst, 32 bit, 16 bit or 8 bit transfers are separately configurable on the MCF5272 */
- dmawp[MCFDMA_DIR] |= MCFDMA_DIR_ASCEN; /* Enable completion interrupts */
-#ifdef DEBUG_DMA
- printk("%s(%d): dmanr=%d DMR[%x]=%x DIR[%x]=%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,
- dmanr, (int) &dmalp[MCFDMA_DMR], dmabp[MCFDMA_DMR],
- (int) &dmawp[MCFDMA_DIR], dmawp[MCFDMA_DIR]);
-/* Set transfer address for specific DMA channel */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_addr(unsigned int dmanr, unsigned int a)
- volatile unsigned int *dmalp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("set_dma_addr(dmanr=%d,a=%x)\n", dmanr, a);
- dmalp = (unsigned int *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- /* Determine which address registers are used for memory/device accesses */
- if (dmalp[MCFDMA_DMR] & MCFDMA_DMR_SRCM) {
- /* Source incrementing, must be memory */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_DSAR] = a;
- /* Set dest address, must be device */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_DDAR] = dma_device_address[dmanr];
- } else {
- /* Destination incrementing, must be memory */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_DDAR] = a;
- /* Set source address, must be device */
- dmalp[MCFDMA_DSAR] = dma_device_address[dmanr];
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG_DMA
- printk("%s(%d): dmanr=%d DMR[%x]=%x SAR[%x]=%08x DAR[%x]=%08x\n",
- __FILE__, __LINE__, dmanr, (int) &dmawp[MCFDMA_DMR], dmawp[MCFDMA_DMR],
- (int) &dmalp[MCFDMA_DSAR], dmalp[MCFDMA_DSAR],
- (int) &dmalp[MCFDMA_DDAR], dmalp[MCFDMA_DDAR]);
- * Specific for Coldfire - sets device address.
- * Should be called after the mode set call, and before set DMA address.
- */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_device_addr(unsigned int dmanr, unsigned int a)
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("set_dma_device_addr(dmanr=%d,a=%x)\n", dmanr, a);
- dma_device_address[dmanr] = a;
- * NOTE 2: "count" represents _bytes_.
- *
- * NOTE 3: While a 32-bit register, "count" is only a maximum 24-bit value.
- */
-static __inline__ void set_dma_count(unsigned int dmanr, unsigned int count)
- volatile unsigned int *dmalp;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("set_dma_count(dmanr=%d,count=%d)\n", dmanr, count);
- dmalp = (unsigned int *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- dmalp[MCFDMA_DBCR] = count;
- * Get DMA residue count. After a DMA transfer, this
- * should return zero. Reading this while a DMA transfer is
- * still in progress will return unpredictable results.
- * Otherwise, it returns the number of _bytes_ left to transfer.
- */
-static __inline__ int get_dma_residue(unsigned int dmanr)
- volatile unsigned int *dmalp;
- unsigned int count;
-#ifdef DMA_DEBUG
- printk("get_dma_residue(dmanr=%d)\n", dmanr);
- dmalp = (unsigned int *) dma_base_addr[dmanr];
- count = dmalp[MCFDMA_DBCR];
- return(count);
-#endif /* !defined(CONFIG_M5272) */
-#endif /* CONFIG_COLDFIRE */
-/* it's useless on the m68k, but unfortunately needed by the new
- bootmem allocator (but this should do it for this) */
-extern int request_dma(unsigned int dmanr, const char * device_id); /* reserve a DMA channel */
-extern void free_dma(unsigned int dmanr); /* release it again */
-#define isa_dma_bridge_buggy (0)
-#endif /* _M68K_DMA_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dsp56k.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dsp56k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d8c0c9f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dsp56k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * linux/include/asm-m68k/dsp56k.h - defines and declarations for
- * DSP56k device driver
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1996,1997 Fredrik Noring, lars brinkhoff & Tomas Berndtsson
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- */
-/* Used for uploading DSP binary code */
-struct dsp56k_upload {
- int len;
- char __user *bin;
-/* For the DSP host flags */
-struct dsp56k_host_flags {
- int dir; /* Bit field. 1 = write output bit, 0 = do nothing.
- * 0x0000 means reading only, 0x0011 means
- * writing the bits stored in `out' on HF0 and HF1.
- * Note that HF2 and HF3 can only be read.
- */
- int out; /* Bit field like above. */
- int status; /* Host register's current state is returned */
-/* ioctl command codes */
-#define DSP56K_UPLOAD 1 /* Upload DSP binary program */
-#define DSP56K_SET_TX_WSIZE 2 /* Host transmit word size (1-4) */
-#define DSP56K_SET_RX_WSIZE 3 /* Host receive word size (1-4) */
-#define DSP56K_HOST_FLAGS 4 /* Host flag registers */
-#define DSP56K_HOST_CMD 5 /* Trig Host Command (0-31) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dvma.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dvma.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 890bbf7e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/dvma.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- * include/asm-m68k/dma.h
- *
- * Copyright 1995 (C) David S. Miller (
- *
- * Hacked to fit Sun3x needs by Thomas Bogendoerfer
- */
-#ifndef __M68K_DVMA_H
-#define __M68K_DVMA_H
-#define DVMA_PAGE_SHIFT 13
-extern void dvma_init(void);
-extern int dvma_map_iommu(unsigned long kaddr, unsigned long baddr,
- int len);
-#define dvma_malloc(x) dvma_malloc_align(x, 0)
-#define dvma_map(x, y) dvma_map_align(x, y, 0)
-#define dvma_map_vme(x, y) (dvma_map(x, y) & 0xfffff)
-#define dvma_map_align_vme(x, y, z) (dvma_map_align (x, y, z) & 0xfffff)
-extern unsigned long dvma_map_align(unsigned long kaddr, int len,
- int align);
-extern void *dvma_malloc_align(unsigned long len, unsigned long align);
-extern void dvma_unmap(void *baddr);
-extern void dvma_free(void *vaddr);
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-/* sun3 dvma page support */
-/* memory and pmegs potentially reserved for dvma */
-#define DVMA_PMEG_START 10
-#define DVMA_PMEG_END 16
-#define DVMA_START 0xf00000
-#define DVMA_END 0xfe0000
-#define IOMMU_ENTRIES 120
-/* empirical kludge -- dvma regions only seem to work right on 0x10000
- byte boundaries */
-#define DVMA_REGION_SIZE 0x10000
-#define DVMA_ALIGN(addr) (((addr)+DVMA_REGION_SIZE-1) & \
-/* virt <-> phys conversions */
-#define dvma_vtop(x) ((unsigned long)(x) & 0xffffff)
-#define dvma_ptov(x) ((unsigned long)(x) | 0xf000000)
-#define dvma_vtovme(x) ((unsigned long)(x) & 0x00fffff)
-#define dvma_vmetov(x) ((unsigned long)(x) | 0xff00000)
-#define dvma_vtob(x) dvma_vtop(x)
-#define dvma_btov(x) dvma_ptov(x)
-static inline int dvma_map_cpu(unsigned long kaddr, unsigned long vaddr,
- int len)
- return 0;
-#else /* Sun3x */
-/* sun3x dvma page support */
-#define DVMA_START 0x0
-#define DVMA_END 0xf00000
-/* the prom takes the top meg */
-#define dvma_vtob(x) ((unsigned long)(x) & 0x00ffffff)
-#define dvma_btov(x) ((unsigned long)(x) | 0xff000000)
-extern int dvma_map_cpu(unsigned long kaddr, unsigned long vaddr, int len);
-/* everything below this line is specific to dma used for the onboard
- ESP scsi on sun3x */
-/* Structure to describe the current status of DMA registers on the Sparc */
-struct sparc_dma_registers {
- __volatile__ unsigned long cond_reg; /* DMA condition register */
- __volatile__ unsigned long st_addr; /* Start address of this transfer */
- __volatile__ unsigned long cnt; /* How many bytes to transfer */
- __volatile__ unsigned long dma_test; /* DMA test register */
-/* DVMA chip revisions */
-enum dvma_rev {
- dvmarev0,
- dvmaesc1,
- dvmarev1,
- dvmarev2,
- dvmarev3,
- dvmarevplus,
- dvmahme
-#define DMA_HASCOUNT(rev) ((rev)==dvmaesc1)
-/* Linux DMA information structure, filled during probe. */
-struct Linux_SBus_DMA {
- struct Linux_SBus_DMA *next;
- struct linux_sbus_device *SBus_dev;
- struct sparc_dma_registers *regs;
- /* Status, misc info */
- int node; /* Prom node for this DMA device */
- int running; /* Are we doing DMA now? */
- int allocated; /* Are we "owned" by anyone yet? */
- /* Transfer information. */
- unsigned long addr; /* Start address of current transfer */
- int nbytes; /* Size of current transfer */
- int realbytes; /* For splitting up large transfers, etc. */
- /* DMA revision */
- enum dvma_rev revision;
-extern struct Linux_SBus_DMA *dma_chain;
-/* Broken hardware... */
-#define DMA_ISBROKEN(dma) ((dma)->revision == dvmarev1)
-#define DMA_ISESC1(dma) ((dma)->revision == dvmaesc1)
-/* Fields in the cond_reg register */
-/* First, the version identification bits */
-#define DMA_DEVICE_ID 0xf0000000 /* Device identification bits */
-#define DMA_VERS0 0x00000000 /* Sunray DMA version */
-#define DMA_ESCV1 0x40000000 /* DMA ESC Version 1 */
-#define DMA_VERS1 0x80000000 /* DMA rev 1 */
-#define DMA_VERS2 0xa0000000 /* DMA rev 2 */
-#define DMA_VERHME 0xb0000000 /* DMA hme gate array */
-#define DMA_VERSPLUS 0x90000000 /* DMA rev 1 PLUS */
-#define DMA_HNDL_INTR 0x00000001 /* An IRQ needs to be handled */
-#define DMA_HNDL_ERROR 0x00000002 /* We need to take an error */
-#define DMA_FIFO_ISDRAIN 0x0000000c /* The DMA FIFO is draining */
-#define DMA_INT_ENAB 0x00000010 /* Turn on interrupts */
-#define DMA_FIFO_INV 0x00000020 /* Invalidate the FIFO */
-#define DMA_ACC_SZ_ERR 0x00000040 /* The access size was bad */
-#define DMA_FIFO_STDRAIN 0x00000040 /* DMA_VERS1 Drain the FIFO */
-#define DMA_RST_SCSI 0x00000080 /* Reset the SCSI controller */
-#define DMA_RST_ENET DMA_RST_SCSI /* Reset the ENET controller */
-#define DMA_ST_WRITE 0x00000100 /* write from device to memory */
-#define DMA_ENABLE 0x00000200 /* Fire up DMA, handle requests */
-#define DMA_PEND_READ 0x00000400 /* DMA_VERS1/0/PLUS Pending Read */
-#define DMA_ESC_BURST 0x00000800 /* 1=16byte 0=32byte */
-#define DMA_READ_AHEAD 0x00001800 /* DMA read ahead partial longword */
-#define DMA_DSBL_RD_DRN 0x00001000 /* No EC drain on slave reads */
-#define DMA_BCNT_ENAB 0x00002000 /* If on, use the byte counter */
-#define DMA_TERM_CNTR 0x00004000 /* Terminal counter */
-#define DMA_CSR_DISAB 0x00010000 /* No FIFO drains during csr */
-#define DMA_SCSI_DISAB 0x00020000 /* No FIFO drains during reg */
-#define DMA_DSBL_WR_INV 0x00020000 /* No EC inval. on slave writes */
-#define DMA_ADD_ENABLE 0x00040000 /* Special ESC DVMA optimization */
-#define DMA_E_BURST8 0x00040000 /* ENET: SBUS r/w burst size */
-#define DMA_BRST_SZ 0x000c0000 /* SCSI: SBUS r/w burst size */
-#define DMA_BRST64 0x00080000 /* SCSI: 64byte bursts (HME on UltraSparc only) */
-#define DMA_BRST32 0x00040000 /* SCSI: 32byte bursts */
-#define DMA_BRST16 0x00000000 /* SCSI: 16byte bursts */
-#define DMA_BRST0 0x00080000 /* SCSI: no bursts (non-HME gate arrays) */
-#define DMA_ADDR_DISAB 0x00100000 /* No FIFO drains during addr */
-#define DMA_2CLKS 0x00200000 /* Each transfer = 2 clock ticks */
-#define DMA_3CLKS 0x00400000 /* Each transfer = 3 clock ticks */
-#define DMA_EN_ENETAUI DMA_3CLKS /* Put lance into AUI-cable mode */
-#define DMA_CNTR_DISAB 0x00800000 /* No IRQ when DMA_TERM_CNTR set */
-#define DMA_AUTO_NADDR 0x01000000 /* Use "auto nxt addr" feature */
-#define DMA_SCSI_ON 0x02000000 /* Enable SCSI dma */
-#define DMA_PARITY_OFF 0x02000000 /* HME: disable parity checking */
-#define DMA_LOADED_ADDR 0x04000000 /* Address has been loaded */
-#define DMA_LOADED_NADDR 0x08000000 /* Next address has been loaded */
-/* Values describing the burst-size property from the PROM */
-#define DMA_BURST1 0x01
-#define DMA_BURST2 0x02
-#define DMA_BURST4 0x04
-#define DMA_BURST8 0x08
-#define DMA_BURST16 0x10
-#define DMA_BURST32 0x20
-#define DMA_BURST64 0x40
-#define DMA_BURSTBITS 0x7f
-/* Determine highest possible final transfer address given a base */
-#define DMA_MAXEND(addr) (0x01000000UL-(((unsigned long)(addr))&0x00ffffffUL))
-/* Yes, I hack a lot of elisp in my spare time... */
-#define DMA_ERROR_P(regs) ((((regs)->cond_reg) & DMA_HNDL_ERROR))
-#define DMA_IRQ_P(regs) ((((regs)->cond_reg) & (DMA_HNDL_INTR | DMA_HNDL_ERROR)))
-#define DMA_WRITE_P(regs) ((((regs)->cond_reg) & DMA_ST_WRITE))
-#define DMA_OFF(regs) ((((regs)->cond_reg) &= (~DMA_ENABLE)))
-#define DMA_INTSOFF(regs) ((((regs)->cond_reg) &= (~DMA_INT_ENAB)))
-#define DMA_INTSON(regs) ((((regs)->cond_reg) |= (DMA_INT_ENAB)))
-#define DMA_PUNTFIFO(regs) ((((regs)->cond_reg) |= DMA_FIFO_INV))
-#define DMA_SETSTART(regs, addr) ((((regs)->st_addr) = (char *) addr))
-#define DMA_BEGINDMA_W(regs) \
- ((((regs)->cond_reg |= (DMA_ST_WRITE|DMA_ENABLE|DMA_INT_ENAB))))
-#define DMA_BEGINDMA_R(regs) \
- ((((regs)->cond_reg |= ((DMA_ENABLE|DMA_INT_ENAB)&(~DMA_ST_WRITE)))))
-/* For certain DMA chips, we need to disable ints upon irq entry
- * and turn them back on when we are done. So in any ESP interrupt
- * handler you *must* call DMA_IRQ_ENTRY upon entry and DMA_IRQ_EXIT
- * when leaving the handler. You have been warned...
- */
-#define DMA_IRQ_ENTRY(dma, dregs) do { \
- if(DMA_ISBROKEN(dma)) DMA_INTSOFF(dregs); \
- } while (0)
-#define DMA_IRQ_EXIT(dma, dregs) do { \
- if(DMA_ISBROKEN(dma)) DMA_INTSON(dregs); \
- } while(0)
-/* Reset the friggin' thing... */
-#define DMA_RESET(dma) do { \
- struct sparc_dma_registers *regs = dma->regs; \
- /* Let the current FIFO drain itself */ \
- sparc_dma_pause(regs, (DMA_FIFO_ISDRAIN)); \
- /* Reset the logic */ \
- regs->cond_reg |= (DMA_RST_SCSI); /* assert */ \
- __delay(400); /* let the bits set ;) */ \
- regs->cond_reg &= ~(DMA_RST_SCSI); /* de-assert */ \
- sparc_dma_enable_interrupts(regs); /* Re-enable interrupts */ \
- /* Enable FAST transfers if available */ \
- if(dma->revision>dvmarev1) regs->cond_reg |= DMA_3CLKS; \
- dma->running = 0; \
-} while(0)
-#endif /* !CONFIG_SUN3 */
-#endif /* !(__M68K_DVMA_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/elf.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/elf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e9b7cda5..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/elf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ASMm68k_ELF_H
-#define __ASMm68k_ELF_H
- * ELF register definitions..
- */
-#include <asm/ptrace.h>
-#include <asm/user.h>
- * 68k ELF relocation types
- */
-#define R_68K_NONE 0
-#define R_68K_32 1
-#define R_68K_16 2
-#define R_68K_8 3
-#define R_68K_PC32 4
-#define R_68K_PC16 5
-#define R_68K_PC8 6
-#define R_68K_GOT32 7
-#define R_68K_GOT16 8
-#define R_68K_GOT8 9
-#define R_68K_GOT32O 10
-#define R_68K_GOT16O 11
-#define R_68K_GOT8O 12
-#define R_68K_PLT32 13
-#define R_68K_PLT16 14
-#define R_68K_PLT8 15
-#define R_68K_PLT32O 16
-#define R_68K_PLT16O 17
-#define R_68K_PLT8O 18
-#define R_68K_COPY 19
-#define R_68K_GLOB_DAT 20
-#define R_68K_JMP_SLOT 21
-#define R_68K_RELATIVE 22
-typedef unsigned long elf_greg_t;
-#define ELF_NGREG (sizeof(struct user_regs_struct) / sizeof(elf_greg_t))
-typedef elf_greg_t elf_gregset_t[ELF_NGREG];
-typedef struct user_m68kfp_struct elf_fpregset_t;
- * This is used to ensure we don't load something for the wrong architecture.
- */
-#define elf_check_arch(x) ((x)->e_machine == EM_68K)
- * These are used to set parameters in the core dumps.
- */
-#define ELF_ARCH EM_68K
-/* For SVR4/m68k the function pointer to be registered with `atexit' is
- passed in %a1. Although my copy of the ABI has no such statement, it
- is actually used on ASV. */
-#define ELF_PLAT_INIT(_r, load_addr) _r->a1 = 0
-#if defined(CONFIG_SUN3) || defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define ELF_EXEC_PAGESIZE 8192
-#define ELF_EXEC_PAGESIZE 4096
-/* This is the location that an ET_DYN program is loaded if exec'ed. Typical
- use of this is to invoke "./ someprog" to test out a new version of
- the loader. We need to make sure that it is out of the way of the program
- that it will "exec", and that there is sufficient room for the brk. */
-#ifndef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define ELF_ET_DYN_BASE 0xD0000000UL
-#define ELF_ET_DYN_BASE 0x0D800000UL
-#define ELF_CORE_COPY_REGS(pr_reg, regs) \
- /* Bleech. */ \
- pr_reg[0] = regs->d1; \
- pr_reg[1] = regs->d2; \
- pr_reg[2] = regs->d3; \
- pr_reg[3] = regs->d4; \
- pr_reg[4] = regs->d5; \
- pr_reg[7] = regs->a0; \
- pr_reg[8] = regs->a1; \
- pr_reg[9] = regs->a2; \
- pr_reg[14] = regs->d0; \
- pr_reg[15] = rdusp(); \
- pr_reg[16] = regs->orig_d0; \
- pr_reg[17] = regs->sr; \
- pr_reg[18] = regs->pc; \
- pr_reg[19] = (regs->format << 12) | regs->vector; \
- { \
- struct switch_stack *sw = ((struct switch_stack *)regs) - 1; \
- pr_reg[5] = sw->d6; \
- pr_reg[6] = sw->d7; \
- pr_reg[10] = sw->a3; \
- pr_reg[11] = sw->a4; \
- pr_reg[12] = sw->a5; \
- pr_reg[13] = sw->a6; \
- }
-/* This yields a mask that user programs can use to figure out what
- instruction set this cpu supports. */
-#define ELF_HWCAP (0)
-/* This yields a string that will use to load implementation
- specific libraries for optimization. This is more specific in
- intent than poking at uname or /proc/cpuinfo. */
-#define SET_PERSONALITY(ex) set_personality(PER_LINUX)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/emergency-restart.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/emergency-restart.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 108d8c48..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/emergency-restart.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/emergency-restart.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/entry.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/entry.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 622138dc..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/entry.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68K_ENTRY_H
-#define __M68K_ENTRY_H
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <asm/thread_info.h>
- * Stack layout in 'ret_from_exception':
- *
- * This allows access to the syscall arguments in registers d1-d5
- *
- * 0(sp) - d1
- * 4(sp) - d2
- * 8(sp) - d3
- * C(sp) - d4
- * 10(sp) - d5
- * 14(sp) - a0
- * 18(sp) - a1
- * 1C(sp) - a2
- * 20(sp) - d0
- * 24(sp) - orig_d0
- * 28(sp) - stack adjustment
- * 2C(sp) - [ sr ] [ format & vector ]
- * 2E(sp) - [ pc-hiword ] [ sr ]
- * 30(sp) - [ pc-loword ] [ pc-hiword ]
- * 32(sp) - [ format & vector ] [ pc-loword ]
- * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- */
-/* the following macro is used when enabling interrupts */
-#if defined(MACH_ATARI_ONLY)
- /* block out HSYNC on the atari */
-#define ALLOWINT (~0x400)
-#define MAX_NOINT_IPL 3
- /* portable version */
-#define ALLOWINT (~0x700)
-#define MAX_NOINT_IPL 0
-#endif /* machine compilation types */
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
- * This defines the normal kernel pt-regs layout.
- *
- * regs a3-a6 and d6-d7 are preserved by C code
- * the kernel doesn't mess with usp unless it needs to
- */
-#define SWITCH_STACK_SIZE (6*4+4) /* includes return address */
- * This is made a little more tricky on older ColdFires. There is no
- * separate supervisor and user stack pointers. Need to artificially
- * construct a usp in software... When doing this we need to disable
- * interrupts, otherwise bad things will happen.
- */
-.globl sw_usp
-.globl sw_ksp
-.macro SAVE_ALL_SYS
- move #0x2700,%sr /* disable intrs */
- btst #5,%sp@(2) /* from user? */
- bnes 6f /* no, skip */
- movel %sp,sw_usp /* save user sp */
- addql #8,sw_usp /* remove exception */
- movel sw_ksp,%sp /* kernel sp */
- subql #8,%sp /* room for exception */
- clrl %sp@- /* stkadj */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* orig d0 */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* d0 */
- lea %sp@(-32),%sp /* space for 8 regs */
- moveml %d1-%d5/%a0-%a2,%sp@
- movel sw_usp,%a0 /* get usp */
- movel %a0@-,%sp@(PT_OFF_PC) /* copy exception program counter */
- movel %a0@-,%sp@(PT_OFF_FORMATVEC)/*copy exception format/vector/sr */
- bra 7f
- 6:
- clrl %sp@- /* stkadj */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* orig d0 */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* d0 */
- lea %sp@(-32),%sp /* space for 8 regs */
- moveml %d1-%d5/%a0-%a2,%sp@
- 7:
-.macro SAVE_ALL_INT
- moveq #-1,%d0 /* not system call entry */
- movel %d0,%sp@(PT_OFF_ORIG_D0)
- move #0x2700,%sr /* disable intrs */
- movel sw_usp,%a0 /* get usp */
- movel %sp@(PT_OFF_PC),%a0@- /* copy exception program counter */
- movel %sp@(PT_OFF_FORMATVEC),%a0@-/*copy exception format/vector/sr */
- moveml %sp@,%d1-%d5/%a0-%a2
- lea %sp@(32),%sp /* space for 8 regs */
- movel %sp@+,%d0
- addql #4,%sp /* orig d0 */
- addl %sp@+,%sp /* stkadj */
- addql #8,%sp /* remove exception */
- movel %sp,sw_ksp /* save ksp */
- subql #8,sw_usp /* set exception */
- movel sw_usp,%sp /* restore usp */
- rte
-.macro RDUSP
- movel sw_usp,%a3
-.macro WRUSP
- movel %a3,sw_usp
-#else /* !CONFIG_COLDFIRE_SW_A7 */
- * Modern ColdFire parts have separate supervisor and user stack
- * pointers. Simple load and restore macros for this case.
- */
-.macro SAVE_ALL_SYS
- move #0x2700,%sr /* disable intrs */
- clrl %sp@- /* stkadj */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* orig d0 */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* d0 */
- lea %sp@(-32),%sp /* space for 8 regs */
- moveml %d1-%d5/%a0-%a2,%sp@
-.macro SAVE_ALL_INT
- move #0x2700,%sr /* disable intrs */
- clrl %sp@- /* stkadj */
- pea -1:w /* orig d0 */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* d0 */
- lea %sp@(-32),%sp /* space for 8 regs */
- moveml %d1-%d5/%a0-%a2,%sp@
- moveml %sp@,%d1-%d5/%a0-%a2
- lea %sp@(32),%sp /* space for 8 regs */
- movel %sp@+,%d0
- addql #4,%sp /* orig d0 */
- addl %sp@+,%sp /* stkadj */
- rte
-.macro RDUSP
- /*move %usp,%a3*/
- .word 0x4e6b
-.macro WRUSP
- /*move %a3,%usp*/
- .word 0x4e63
-#endif /* !CONFIG_COLDFIRE_SW_A7 */
- lea %sp@(-24),%sp /* 6 regs */
- moveml %a3-%a6/%d6-%d7,%sp@
- moveml %sp@,%a3-%a6/%d6-%d7
- lea %sp@(24),%sp /* 6 regs */
-#else /* !CONFIG_COLDFIRE */
- * All other types of m68k parts (68000, 680x0, CPU32) have the same
- * entry and exit code.
- */
- * a -1 in the orig_d0 field signifies
- * that the stack frame is NOT for syscall
- */
-.macro SAVE_ALL_INT
- clrl %sp@- /* stk_adj */
- pea -1:w /* orig d0 */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* d0 */
- moveml %d1-%d5/%a0-%a2,%sp@-
-.macro SAVE_ALL_SYS
- clrl %sp@- /* stk_adj */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* orig d0 */
- movel %d0,%sp@- /* d0 */
- moveml %d1-%d5/%a0-%a2,%sp@-
- moveml %sp@+,%a0-%a2/%d1-%d5
- movel %sp@+,%d0
- addql #4,%sp /* orig d0 */
- addl %sp@+,%sp /* stk adj */
- rte
- moveml %a3-%a6/%d6-%d7,%sp@-
- moveml %sp@+,%a3-%a6/%d6-%d7
-#endif /* !CONFIG_COLDFIRE */
- * Register %a2 is reserved and set to current task on MMU enabled systems.
- * Non-MMU systems do not reserve %a2 in this way, and this definition is
- * not used for them.
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#define curptr a2
-#define GET_CURRENT(tmp) get_current tmp
-.macro get_current reg=%d0
- movel %sp,\reg
- andl #-THREAD_SIZE,\reg
- movel \reg,%curptr
- movel %curptr@,%curptr
-#define GET_CURRENT(tmp)
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
-#else /* C source */
-#define STR(X) STR1(X)
-#define STR1(X) #X
-#define SAVE_ALL_INT \
- "clrl %%sp@-;" /* stk_adj */ \
- "pea -1:w;" /* orig d0 = -1 */ \
- "movel %%d0,%%sp@-;" /* d0 */ \
- "moveml %%d1-%%d5/%%a0-%%a2,%%sp@-"
-#define GET_CURRENT(tmp) \
- "movel %%sp,"#tmp"\n\t" \
- "andw #-"STR(THREAD_SIZE)","#tmp"\n\t" \
- "movel "#tmp",%%a2\n\t" \
- "movel %%a2@,%%a2"
-#endif /* __M68K_ENTRY_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/errno.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/errno.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d4e188d..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/errno.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_ERRNO_H
-#define _M68K_ERRNO_H
-#include <asm-generic/errno.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_ERRNO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/exec.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/exec.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0499adf9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/exec.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_EXEC_H
-#define _M68K_EXEC_H
-#define arch_align_stack(x) (x)
-#endif /* _M68K_EXEC_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fb.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index be4e4c67..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_FB_H_
-#define _ASM_FB_H_
-#include <linux/fb.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-static inline void fb_pgprotect(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long off)
- pgprot_val(vma->vm_page_prot) |= SUN3_PAGE_NOCACHE;
-static inline void fb_pgprotect(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long off)
- if (CPU_IS_020_OR_030)
- pgprot_val(vma->vm_page_prot) |= _PAGE_NOCACHE030;
- if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) {
- pgprot_val(vma->vm_page_prot) &= _CACHEMASK040;
- /* Use no-cache mode, serialized */
- pgprot_val(vma->vm_page_prot) |= _PAGE_NOCACHE_S;
- }
-#endif /* CONFIG_SUN3 */
-#define fb_pgprotect(...) do {} while (0)
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
-static inline int fb_is_primary_device(struct fb_info *info)
- return 0;
-#endif /* _ASM_FB_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fbio.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fbio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a21da87..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fbio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __LINUX_FBIO_H
-#define __LINUX_FBIO_H
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-/* Constants used for fbio SunOS compatibility */
-/* (C) 1996 Miguel de Icaza */
-/* Frame buffer types */
-#define FBTYPE_NOTYPE -1
-#define FBTYPE_SUN1BW 0 /* mono */
-#define FBTYPE_SUN2BW 2
-#define FBTYPE_SUN2GP 4
-#define FBTYPE_NOTSUN1 9
-#define FBTYPE_NOTSUN2 10
-#define FBTYPE_NOTSUN3 11
-#define FBTYPE_SUNFAST_COLOR 12 /* cg6 */
-#define FBTYPE_SUNGIFB 15
-#define FBTYPE_SUNGP3 17
-#define FBTYPE_SUNGT 18
-#define FBTYPE_SUNLEO 19 /* zx Leo card */
-#define FBTYPE_MDICOLOR 20 /* cg14 */
-#define FBTYPE_TCXCOLOR 21 /* SUNW,tcx card */
-#define FBTYPE_LASTPLUSONE 21 /* This is not last + 1 in fact... */
-/* Does not seem to be listed in the Sun file either */
-#define FBTYPE_CREATOR 22
-#define FBTYPE_PCI_IGA1682 23
-#define FBTYPE_P9100COLOR 24
-#define FBTYPE_PCI_GENERIC 1000
-#define FBTYPE_PCI_MACH64 1001
-/* fbio ioctls */
-/* Returned by FBIOGTYPE */
-struct fbtype {
- int fb_type; /* fb type, see above */
- int fb_height; /* pixels */
- int fb_width; /* pixels */
- int fb_depth;
- int fb_cmsize; /* color map entries */
- int fb_size; /* fb size in bytes */
-#define FBIOGTYPE _IOR('F', 0, struct fbtype)
-struct fbcmap {
- int index; /* first element (0 origin) */
- int count;
- unsigned char __user *red;
- unsigned char __user *green;
- unsigned char __user *blue;
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#define FBIOPUTCMAP_SPARC _IOW('F', 3, struct fbcmap)
-#define FBIOGETCMAP_SPARC _IOW('F', 4, struct fbcmap)
-#define FBIOPUTCMAP _IOW('F', 3, struct fbcmap)
-#define FBIOGETCMAP _IOW('F', 4, struct fbcmap)
-/* # of device specific values */
-/* # of possible emulations */
-struct fbsattr {
- int flags;
- int emu_type; /* -1 if none */
- int dev_specific[FB_ATTR_NDEVSPECIFIC];
-struct fbgattr {
- int real_type; /* real frame buffer type */
- int owner; /* unknown */
- struct fbtype fbtype; /* real frame buffer fbtype */
- struct fbsattr sattr;
- int emu_types[FB_ATTR_NEMUTYPES]; /* supported emulations */
-#define FBIOSATTR _IOW('F', 5, struct fbgattr) /* Unsupported: */
-#define FBIOGATTR _IOR('F', 6, struct fbgattr) /* supported */
-#define FBIOSVIDEO _IOW('F', 7, int)
-#define FBIOGVIDEO _IOR('F', 8, int)
-struct fbcursor {
- short set; /* what to set, choose from the list above */
- short enable; /* cursor on/off */
- struct fbcurpos pos; /* cursor position */
- struct fbcurpos hot; /* cursor hot spot */
- struct fbcmap cmap; /* color map info */
- struct fbcurpos size; /* cursor bit map size */
- char __user *image; /* cursor image bits */
- char __user *mask; /* cursor mask bits */
-/* set/get cursor attributes/shape */
-#define FBIOSCURSOR _IOW('F', 24, struct fbcursor)
-#define FBIOGCURSOR _IOWR('F', 25, struct fbcursor)
-/* set/get cursor position */
-#define FBIOSCURPOS _IOW('F', 26, struct fbcurpos)
-#define FBIOGCURPOS _IOW('F', 27, struct fbcurpos)
-/* get max cursor size */
-#define FBIOGCURMAX _IOR('F', 28, struct fbcurpos)
-/* wid manipulation */
-struct fb_wid_alloc {
-#define FB_WID_SHARED_8 0
-#define FB_WID_SHARED_24 1
-#define FB_WID_DBL_8 2
-#define FB_WID_DBL_24 3
- __u32 wa_type;
- __s32 wa_index; /* Set on return */
- __u32 wa_count;
-struct fb_wid_item {
- __u32 wi_type;
- __s32 wi_index;
- __u32 wi_attrs;
- __u32 wi_values[32];
-struct fb_wid_list {
- __u32 wl_flags;
- __u32 wl_count;
- struct fb_wid_item *wl_list;
-#define FBIO_WID_ALLOC _IOWR('F', 30, struct fb_wid_alloc)
-#define FBIO_WID_FREE _IOW('F', 31, struct fb_wid_alloc)
-#define FBIO_WID_PUT _IOW('F', 32, struct fb_wid_list)
-#define FBIO_WID_GET _IOWR('F', 33, struct fb_wid_list)
-/* Creator ioctls */
-#define FFB_IOCTL ('F'<<8)
-#define FFB_SYS_INFO (FFB_IOCTL|80)
-/* Cg14 ioctls */
-#define MDI_IOCTL ('M'<<8)
-#define MDI_RESET (MDI_IOCTL|1)
-# define MDI_32_PIX 32
-# define MDI_16_PIX 16
-# define MDI_8_PIX 8
-struct mdi_cfginfo {
- int mdi_ncluts; /* Number of implemented CLUTs in this MDI */
- int mdi_type; /* FBTYPE name */
- int mdi_height; /* height */
- int mdi_width; /* width */
- int mdi_size; /* available ram */
- int mdi_mode; /* 8bpp, 16bpp or 32bpp */
- int mdi_pixfreq; /* pixel clock (from PROM) */
-/* SparcLinux specific ioctl for the MDI, should be replaced for
- * the SET_XLUT/SET_CLUTn ioctls instead
- */
-/* leo & ffb ioctls */
-struct fb_clut_alloc {
- __u32 clutid; /* Set on return */
- __u32 flag;
- __u32 index;
-struct fb_clut {
-#define FB_CLUT_WAIT 0x00000001 /* Not yet implemented */
- __u32 flag;
- __u32 clutid;
- __u32 offset;
- __u32 count;
- char * red;
- char * green;
- char * blue;
-struct fb_clut32 {
- __u32 flag;
- __u32 clutid;
- __u32 offset;
- __u32 count;
- __u32 red;
- __u32 green;
- __u32 blue;
-#define LEO_CLUTALLOC _IOWR('L', 53, struct fb_clut_alloc)
-#define LEO_CLUTFREE _IOW('L', 54, struct fb_clut_alloc)
-#define LEO_CLUTREAD _IOW('L', 55, struct fb_clut)
-#define LEO_CLUTPOST _IOW('L', 56, struct fb_clut)
-#define LEO_SETGAMMA _IOW('L', 68, int) /* Not yet implemented */
-#define LEO_GETGAMMA _IOR('L', 69, int) /* Not yet implemented */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-/* Addresses on the fd of a cgsix that are mappable */
-#define CG6_FBC 0x70000000
-#define CG6_TEC 0x70001000
-#define CG6_BTREGS 0x70002000
-#define CG6_FHC 0x70004000
-#define CG6_THC 0x70005000
-#define CG6_ROM 0x70006000
-#define CG6_RAM 0x70016000
-#define CG6_DHC 0x80000000
-#define CG3_MMAP_OFFSET 0x4000000
-/* Addresses on the fd of a tcx that are mappable */
-#define TCX_RAM8BIT 0x00000000
-#define TCX_RAM24BIT 0x01000000
-#define TCX_UNK3 0x10000000
-#define TCX_UNK4 0x20000000
-#define TCX_CONTROLPLANE 0x28000000
-#define TCX_UNK6 0x30000000
-#define TCX_UNK7 0x38000000
-#define TCX_TEC 0x70000000
-#define TCX_BTREGS 0x70002000
-#define TCX_THC 0x70004000
-#define TCX_DHC 0x70008000
-#define TCX_ALT 0x7000a000
-#define TCX_SYNC 0x7000e000
-#define TCX_UNK2 0x70010000
-/* CG14 definitions */
-/* Offsets into the OBIO space: */
-#define CG14_REGS 0 /* registers */
-#define CG14_CURSORREGS 0x1000 /* cursor registers */
-#define CG14_DACREGS 0x2000 /* DAC registers */
-#define CG14_XLUT 0x3000 /* X Look Up Table -- ??? */
-#define CG14_CLUT1 0x4000 /* Color Look Up Table */
-#define CG14_CLUT2 0x5000 /* Color Look Up Table */
-#define CG14_CLUT3 0x6000 /* Color Look Up Table */
-#define CG14_AUTO 0xf000
-#endif /* KERNEL */
-/* These are exported to userland for applications to use */
-/* Mappable offsets for the cg14: control registers */
-#define MDI_DIRECT_MAP 0x10000000
-#define MDI_CTLREG_MAP 0x20000000
-#define MDI_CURSOR_MAP 0x30000000
-#define MDI_SHDW_VRT_MAP 0x40000000
-/* Mappable offsets for the cg14: frame buffer resolutions */
-/* 32 bits */
-#define MDI_CHUNKY_XBGR_MAP 0x50000000
-#define MDI_CHUNKY_BGR_MAP 0x60000000
-/* 16 bits */
-#define MDI_PLANAR_X16_MAP 0x70000000
-#define MDI_PLANAR_C16_MAP 0x80000000
-/* 8 bit is done as CG3 MMAP offset */
-/* 32 bits, planar */
-#define MDI_PLANAR_X32_MAP 0x90000000
-#define MDI_PLANAR_B32_MAP 0xa0000000
-#define MDI_PLANAR_G32_MAP 0xb0000000
-#define MDI_PLANAR_R32_MAP 0xc0000000
-/* Mappable offsets on leo */
-#define LEO_SS0_MAP 0x00000000
-#define LEO_LC_SS0_USR_MAP 0x00800000
-#define LEO_LD_SS0_MAP 0x00801000
-#define LEO_LX_CURSOR_MAP 0x00802000
-#define LEO_SS1_MAP 0x00803000
-#define LEO_LC_SS1_USR_MAP 0x01003000
-#define LEO_LD_SS1_MAP 0x01004000
-#define LEO_UNK_MAP 0x01005000
-#define LEO_LX_KRN_MAP 0x01006000
-#define LEO_LC_SS0_KRN_MAP 0x01007000
-#define LEO_LC_SS1_KRN_MAP 0x01008000
-#define LEO_LD_GBL_MAP 0x01009000
-#define LEO_UNK2_MAP 0x0100a000
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-struct fbcmap32 {
- int index; /* first element (0 origin) */
- int count;
- u32 red;
- u32 green;
- u32 blue;
-#define FBIOPUTCMAP32 _IOW('F', 3, struct fbcmap32)
-#define FBIOGETCMAP32 _IOW('F', 4, struct fbcmap32)
-struct fbcursor32 {
- short set; /* what to set, choose from the list above */
- short enable; /* cursor on/off */
- struct fbcurpos pos; /* cursor position */
- struct fbcurpos hot; /* cursor hot spot */
- struct fbcmap32 cmap; /* color map info */
- struct fbcurpos size; /* cursor bit map size */
- u32 image; /* cursor image bits */
- u32 mask; /* cursor mask bits */
-#define FBIOSCURSOR32 _IOW('F', 24, struct fbcursor32)
-#define FBIOGCURSOR32 _IOW('F', 25, struct fbcursor32)
-#endif /* __LINUX_FBIO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fcntl.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fcntl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c369b20..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fcntl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_FCNTL_H
-#define _M68K_FCNTL_H
-#define O_DIRECTORY 040000 /* must be a directory */
-#define O_NOFOLLOW 0100000 /* don't follow links */
-#define O_DIRECT 0200000 /* direct disk access hint - currently ignored */
-#define O_LARGEFILE 0400000
-#include <asm-generic/fcntl.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_FCNTL_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/flat.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/flat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e29079..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/flat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- * include/asm-m68knommu/flat.h -- uClinux flat-format executables
- */
-#ifndef __M68KNOMMU_FLAT_H__
-#define __M68KNOMMU_FLAT_H__
-#define flat_argvp_envp_on_stack() 1
-#define flat_old_ram_flag(flags) (flags)
-#define flat_reloc_valid(reloc, size) ((reloc) <= (size))
-#define flat_get_addr_from_rp(rp, relval, flags, p) get_unaligned(rp)
-#define flat_put_addr_at_rp(rp, val, relval) put_unaligned(val,rp)
-#define flat_get_relocate_addr(rel) (rel)
-#define flat_set_persistent(relval, p) 0
-#endif /* __M68KNOMMU_FLAT_H__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/floppy.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/floppy.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 697d5039..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/floppy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
- * Implementation independent bits of the Floppy driver.
- *
- * much of this file is derived from what was originally the Q40 floppy driver.
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001
- *
- * Sun3x support added 2/4/2000 Sam Creasey (
- *
- */
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-asmlinkage irqreturn_t floppy_hardint(int irq, void *dev_id);
-/* constants... */
-#define MAX_DMA_ADDRESS 0x00 /* nothing like that */
- * Again, the CMOS information doesn't work on m68k..
- */
-#define FLOPPY0_TYPE (MACH_IS_Q40 ? 6 : 4)
-#define FLOPPY1_TYPE 0
-/* basically PC init + set use_virtual_dma */
-#define FDC1 m68k_floppy_init()
-#define N_FDC 1
-#define N_DRIVE 8
-/* vdma globals adapted from asm-i386/floppy.h */
-static int virtual_dma_count=0;
-static int virtual_dma_residue=0;
-static char *virtual_dma_addr=NULL;
-static int virtual_dma_mode=0;
-static int doing_pdma=0;
-#include <asm/sun3xflop.h>
-extern spinlock_t dma_spin_lock;
-static __inline__ unsigned long claim_dma_lock(void)
- unsigned long flags;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&dma_spin_lock, flags);
- return flags;
-static __inline__ void release_dma_lock(unsigned long flags)
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dma_spin_lock, flags);
-static __inline__ unsigned char fd_inb(int port)
- if(MACH_IS_Q40)
- return inb_p(port);
- else if(MACH_IS_SUN3X)
- return sun3x_82072_fd_inb(port);
- return 0;
-static __inline__ void fd_outb(unsigned char value, int port)
- if(MACH_IS_Q40)
- outb_p(value, port);
- else if(MACH_IS_SUN3X)
- sun3x_82072_fd_outb(value, port);
-static int fd_request_irq(void)
- if(MACH_IS_Q40)
- return request_irq(FLOPPY_IRQ, floppy_hardint,
- IRQF_DISABLED, "floppy", floppy_hardint);
- else if(MACH_IS_SUN3X)
- return sun3xflop_request_irq();
- return -ENXIO;
-static void fd_free_irq(void)
- if(MACH_IS_Q40)
- free_irq(FLOPPY_IRQ, floppy_hardint);
-#define fd_request_dma() vdma_request_dma(FLOPPY_DMA,"floppy")
-#define fd_get_dma_residue() vdma_get_dma_residue(FLOPPY_DMA)
-#define fd_dma_mem_alloc(size) vdma_mem_alloc(size)
-#define fd_dma_setup(addr, size, mode, io) vdma_dma_setup(addr, size, mode, io)
-#define fd_enable_irq() /* nothing... */
-#define fd_disable_irq() /* nothing... */
-#define fd_free_dma() /* nothing */
-/* No 64k boundary crossing problems on Q40 - no DMA at all */
-#define CROSS_64KB(a,s) (0)
-#define DMA_MODE_READ 0x44 /* i386 look-alike */
-#define DMA_MODE_WRITE 0x48
-static int m68k_floppy_init(void)
- use_virtual_dma =1;
- can_use_virtual_dma = 1;
- if (MACH_IS_Q40)
- return 0x3f0;
- else if(MACH_IS_SUN3X)
- return sun3xflop_init();
- else
- return -1;
-static int vdma_request_dma(unsigned int dmanr, const char * device_id)
- return 0;
-static int vdma_get_dma_residue(unsigned int dummy)
- return virtual_dma_count + virtual_dma_residue;
-static unsigned long vdma_mem_alloc(unsigned long size)
- return (unsigned long) vmalloc(size);
-static void _fd_dma_mem_free(unsigned long addr, unsigned long size)
- vfree((void *)addr);
-#define fd_dma_mem_free(addr,size) _fd_dma_mem_free(addr, size)
-/* choose_dma_mode ???*/
-static int vdma_dma_setup(char *addr, unsigned long size, int mode, int io)
- doing_pdma = 1;
- virtual_dma_port = (MACH_IS_Q40 ? io : 0);
- virtual_dma_mode = (mode == DMA_MODE_WRITE);
- virtual_dma_addr = addr;
- virtual_dma_count = size;
- virtual_dma_residue = 0;
- return 0;
-static void fd_disable_dma(void)
- doing_pdma = 0;
- virtual_dma_residue += virtual_dma_count;
- virtual_dma_count=0;
-/* this is the only truly Q40 specific function */
-asmlinkage irqreturn_t floppy_hardint(int irq, void *dev_id)
- register unsigned char st;
- static int calls=0;
- static int bytes=0;
- static int dma_wait=0;
- if(!doing_pdma) {
- floppy_interrupt(irq, dev_id);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- }
- if(!calls)
- bytes = virtual_dma_count;
- {
- register int lcount;
- register char *lptr;
- /* serve 1st byte fast: */
- st=1;
- for(lcount=virtual_dma_count, lptr=virtual_dma_addr;
- lcount; lcount--, lptr++) {
- st=inb(virtual_dma_port+4) & 0xa0 ;
- if(st != 0xa0)
- break;
- if(virtual_dma_mode)
- outb_p(*lptr, virtual_dma_port+5);
- else
- *lptr = inb_p(virtual_dma_port+5);
- }
- virtual_dma_count = lcount;
- virtual_dma_addr = lptr;
- st = inb(virtual_dma_port+4);
- }
- calls++;
- if(st == 0x20)
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- if(!(st & 0x20)) {
- virtual_dma_residue += virtual_dma_count;
- virtual_dma_count=0;
- printk("count=%x, residue=%x calls=%d bytes=%d dma_wait=%d\n",
- virtual_dma_count, virtual_dma_residue, calls, bytes,
- dma_wait);
- calls = 0;
- dma_wait=0;
- doing_pdma = 0;
- floppy_interrupt(irq, dev_id);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- }
- if(!virtual_dma_count)
- dma_wait++;
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fpu.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 526db9da..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/fpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68K_FPU_H
-#define __M68K_FPU_H
- * MAX floating point unit state size (FSAVE/FRESTORE)
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M68020) || defined(CONFIG_M68030)
-#define FPSTATESIZE (216)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M68040)
-#define FPSTATESIZE (96)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU)
-#define FPSTATESIZE (28)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE) && defined(CONFIG_MMU)
-#define FPSTATESIZE (16)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M68060)
-#define FPSTATESIZE (12)
-#define FPSTATESIZE (0)
-#endif /* __M68K_FPU_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ftrace.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ftrace.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a8c178..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ftrace.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* empty */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/futex.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/futex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a332a9f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/futex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_FUTEX_H
-#define _ASM_FUTEX_H
-#include <asm-generic/futex.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/gpio.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/gpio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 00d0071d..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/gpio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- * Coldfire generic GPIO support
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2009, Steven King <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
-#ifndef coldfire_gpio_h
-#define coldfire_gpio_h
-#include <linux/io.h>
-#include <asm-generic/gpio.h>
-#include <asm/coldfire.h>
-#include <asm/mcfsim.h>
- * The Freescale Coldfire family is quite varied in how they implement GPIO.
- * Some parts have 8 bit ports, some have 16bit and some have 32bit; some have
- * only one port, others have multiple ports; some have a single data latch
- * for both input and output, others have a separate pin data register to read
- * input; some require a read-modify-write access to change an output, others
- * have set and clear registers for some of the outputs; Some have all the
- * GPIOs in a single control area, others have some GPIOs implemented in
- * different modules.
- *
- * This implementation attempts accommodate the differences while presenting
- * a generic interface that will optimize to as few instructions as possible.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5206) || defined(CONFIG_M5206e) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M520x) || defined(CONFIG_M523x) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M527x) || defined(CONFIG_M528x) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M532x) || defined(CONFIG_M54xx)
-/* These parts have GPIO organized by 8 bit ports */
-#define mcfgpio_read(port) __raw_readb(port)
-#define mcfgpio_write(data, port) __raw_writeb(data, port)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5307) || defined(CONFIG_M5407) || defined(CONFIG_M5272)
-/* These parts have GPIO organized by 16 bit ports */
-#define mcfgpio_read(port) __raw_readw(port)
-#define mcfgpio_write(data, port) __raw_writew(data, port)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5249)
-/* These parts have GPIO organized by 32 bit ports */
-#define mcfgpio_read(port) __raw_readl(port)
-#define mcfgpio_write(data, port) __raw_writel(data, port)
-#define mcfgpio_bit(gpio) (1 << ((gpio) % MCFGPIO_PORTSIZE))
-#define mcfgpio_port(gpio) ((gpio) / MCFGPIO_PORTSIZE)
-#if defined(CONFIG_M520x) || defined(CONFIG_M523x) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M527x) || defined(CONFIG_M528x) || defined(CONFIG_M532x)
- * These parts have an 'Edge' Port module (external interrupt/GPIO) which uses
- * read-modify-write to change an output and a GPIO module which has separate
- * set/clr registers to directly change outputs with a single write access.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M528x)
- * The 528x also has GPIOs in other modules (GPT, QADC) which use
- * read-modify-write as well as those controlled by the EPORT and GPIO modules.
- */
- mcfgpio_port(gpio - MCFGPIO_SCR_START))
- mcfgpio_port(gpio - MCFGPIO_SCR_START))
-/* with MCFGPIO_SCR == MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX, these will be optimized away */
-#define MCFGPIO_SETR_PORT(gpio) 0
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRR_PORT(gpio) 0
- * Coldfire specific helper functions
- */
-/* return the port pin data register for a gpio */
-static inline u32 __mcf_gpio_ppdr(unsigned gpio)
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5206) || defined(CONFIG_M5206e) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M5307) || defined(CONFIG_M5407)
- return MCFSIM_PADAT;
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5272)
- if (gpio < 16)
- return MCFSIM_PADAT;
- else if (gpio < 32)
- return MCFSIM_PBDAT;
- else
- return MCFSIM_PCDAT;
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5249)
- if (gpio < 32)
- else
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M520x) || defined(CONFIG_M523x) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M527x) || defined(CONFIG_M528x) || defined(CONFIG_M532x)
- if (gpio < 8)
-#if defined(CONFIG_M528x)
- else if (gpio < 16)
- else if (gpio < 24)
- else if (gpio < 32)
- else if (gpio < 40)
- else
- return MCFGPIO_PPDR + mcfgpio_port(gpio - MCFGPIO_SCR_START);
- return 0;
-/* return the port output data register for a gpio */
-static inline u32 __mcf_gpio_podr(unsigned gpio)
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5206) || defined(CONFIG_M5206e) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M5307) || defined(CONFIG_M5407)
- return MCFSIM_PADAT;
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5272)
- if (gpio < 16)
- return MCFSIM_PADAT;
- else if (gpio < 32)
- return MCFSIM_PBDAT;
- else
- return MCFSIM_PCDAT;
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5249)
- if (gpio < 32)
- else
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M520x) || defined(CONFIG_M523x) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M527x) || defined(CONFIG_M528x) || defined(CONFIG_M532x)
- if (gpio < 8)
-#if defined(CONFIG_M528x)
- else if (gpio < 16)
- else if (gpio < 24)
- else if (gpio < 32)
- else if (gpio < 40)
- else
- return MCFGPIO_PODR + mcfgpio_port(gpio - MCFGPIO_SCR_START);
- return 0;
- * The Generic GPIO functions
- *
- * If the gpio is a compile time constant and is one of the Coldfire gpios,
- * use the inline version, otherwise dispatch thru gpiolib.
- */
-static inline int gpio_get_value(unsigned gpio)
- if (__builtin_constant_p(gpio) && gpio < MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX)
- return mcfgpio_read(__mcf_gpio_ppdr(gpio)) & mcfgpio_bit(gpio);
- else
- return __gpio_get_value(gpio);
-static inline void gpio_set_value(unsigned gpio, int value)
- if (__builtin_constant_p(gpio) && gpio < MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX) {
- if (gpio < MCFGPIO_SCR_START) {
- unsigned long flags;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- data = mcfgpio_read(__mcf_gpio_podr(gpio));
- if (value)
- data |= mcfgpio_bit(gpio);
- else
- data &= ~mcfgpio_bit(gpio);
- mcfgpio_write(data, __mcf_gpio_podr(gpio));
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- } else {
- if (value)
- mcfgpio_write(mcfgpio_bit(gpio),
- else
- mcfgpio_write(~mcfgpio_bit(gpio),
- }
- } else
- __gpio_set_value(gpio, value);
-static inline int gpio_to_irq(unsigned gpio)
- return (gpio < MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX) ? gpio + MCFGPIO_IRQ_VECBASE
- : __gpio_to_irq(gpio);
-static inline int irq_to_gpio(unsigned irq)
- return (irq >= MCFGPIO_IRQ_VECBASE &&
-static inline int gpio_cansleep(unsigned gpio)
- return gpio < MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX ? 0 : __gpio_cansleep(gpio);
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hardirq.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hardirq.h
deleted file mode 100644
index db30ed27..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hardirq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68K_HARDIRQ_H
-#define __M68K_HARDIRQ_H
-#include <linux/threads.h>
-#include <linux/cache.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#define HARDIRQ_BITS 8
- * The hardirq mask has to be large enough to have
- * space for potentially all IRQ sources in the system
- * nesting on a single CPU:
- */
-#if (1 << HARDIRQ_BITS) < NR_IRQS
-# error HARDIRQ_BITS is too low!
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-static inline void ack_bad_irq(unsigned int irq)
- pr_crit("unexpected IRQ trap at vector %02x\n", irq);
-/* entry.S is sensitive to the offsets of these fields */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int __softirq_pending;
-} ____cacheline_aligned irq_cpustat_t;
-#include <linux/irq_cpustat.h> /* Standard mappings for irq_cpustat_t above */
-#include <asm-generic/hardirq.h>
-#endif /* !CONFIG_MMU */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hp300hw.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hp300hw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d998ea67..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hp300hw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_HP300HW_H
-#define _M68K_HP300HW_H
-extern unsigned long hp300_model;
-/* This information was taken from NetBSD */
-#define HP_320 (0) /* 16MHz 68020+HP MMU+16K external cache */
-#define HP_330 (1) /* 16MHz 68020+68851 MMU */
-#define HP_340 (2) /* 16MHz 68030 */
-#define HP_345 (3) /* 50MHz 68030+32K external cache */
-#define HP_350 (4) /* 25MHz 68020+HP MMU+32K external cache */
-#define HP_360 (5) /* 25MHz 68030 */
-#define HP_370 (6) /* 33MHz 68030+64K external cache */
-#define HP_375 (7) /* 50MHz 68030+32K external cache */
-#define HP_380 (8) /* 25MHz 68040 */
-#define HP_385 (9) /* 33MHz 68040 */
-#define HP_400 (10) /* 50MHz 68030+32K external cache */
-#define HP_425T (11) /* 25MHz 68040 - model 425t */
-#define HP_425S (12) /* 25MHz 68040 - model 425s */
-#define HP_425E (13) /* 25MHz 68040 - model 425e */
-#define HP_433T (14) /* 33MHz 68040 - model 433t */
-#define HP_433S (15) /* 33MHz 68040 - model 433s */
-#endif /* _M68K_HP300HW_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hw_irq.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hw_irq.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eacef095..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hw_irq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ASM_M68K_HW_IRQ_H
-#define __ASM_M68K_HW_IRQ_H
-/* Dummy include. */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hwtest.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hwtest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 402c8a44..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/hwtest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* Routines to test for presence/absence of hardware registers:
- * see arch/m68k/mm/hwtest.c.
- * -- PMM <> 05/1998
- *
- * Removed __init from decls. We might want them in modules, and
- * the code is tiny anyway. 16/5/98 pb
- */
-#ifndef __ASM_HWTEST_H
-#define __ASM_HWTEST_H
-extern int hwreg_present(volatile void *regp);
-extern int hwreg_write(volatile void *regp, unsigned short val);
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ide.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ide.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 492fee8a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ide.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Linus Torvalds & authors
- */
-/* Copyright(c) 1996 Kars de Jong */
-/* Based on the ide driver from 1.2.13pl8 */
- * Credits (alphabetical):
- *
- * - Bjoern Brauel
- * - Kars de Jong
- * - Torsten Ebeling
- * - Dwight Engen
- * - Thorsten Floeck
- * - Roman Hodek
- * - Guenther Kelleter
- * - Chris Lawrence
- * - Michael Rausch
- * - Christian Sauer
- * - Michael Schmitz
- * - Jes Soerensen
- * - Michael Thurm
- * - Geert Uytterhoeven
- */
-#ifndef _M68K_IDE_H
-#define _M68K_IDE_H
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- * Get rid of defs from io.h - ide has its private and conflicting versions
- * Since so far no single m68k platform uses ISA/PCI I/O space for IDE, we
- * always use the `raw' MMIO versions
- */
-#undef readb
-#undef readw
-#undef writeb
-#undef writew
-#define readb in_8
-#define readw in_be16
-#define __ide_mm_insw(port, addr, n) raw_insw((u16 *)port, addr, n)
-#define __ide_mm_insl(port, addr, n) raw_insl((u32 *)port, addr, n)
-#define writeb(val, port) out_8(port, val)
-#define writew(val, port) out_be16(port, val)
-#define __ide_mm_outsw(port, addr, n) raw_outsw((u16 *)port, addr, n)
-#define __ide_mm_outsl(port, addr, n) raw_outsl((u32 *)port, addr, n)
-#define __ide_mm_insw(port, addr, n) io_insw((unsigned int)port, addr, n)
-#define __ide_mm_insl(port, addr, n) io_insl((unsigned int)port, addr, n)
-#define __ide_mm_outsw(port, addr, n) io_outsw((unsigned int)port, addr, n)
-#define __ide_mm_outsl(port, addr, n) io_outsl((unsigned int)port, addr, n)
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_IDE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/idprom.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/idprom.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 160616a8..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/idprom.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_IDPROM_H
-#define _M68K_IDPROM_H
- * idprom.h: Macros and defines for idprom routines
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995,1996 David S. Miller (
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
-struct idprom {
- u8 id_format; /* Format identifier (always 0x01) */
- u8 id_machtype; /* Machine type */
- u8 id_ethaddr[6]; /* Hardware ethernet address */
- s32 id_date; /* Date of manufacture */
- u32 id_sernum:24; /* Unique serial number */
- u8 id_cksum; /* Checksum - xor of the data bytes */
- u8 reserved[16];
-extern struct idprom *idprom;
-extern void idprom_init(void);
-/* Sun3: in control space */
-#define SUN3_IDPROM_BASE 0x00000000
-#endif /* !(_M68K_IDPROM_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/intersil.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/intersil.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f482902c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/intersil.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SUN3_INTERSIL_H
-#define _SUN3_INTERSIL_H
-/* bits 0 and 1 */
-#define INTERSIL_FREQ_32K 0x00
-#define INTERSIL_FREQ_1M 0x01
-#define INTERSIL_FREQ_2M 0x02
-#define INTERSIL_FREQ_4M 0x03
-/* bit 2 */
-#define INTERSIL_12H_MODE 0x00
-#define INTERSIL_24H_MODE 0x04
-/* bit 3 */
-#define INTERSIL_STOP 0x00
-#define INTERSIL_RUN 0x08
-/* bit 4 */
-/* bit 5 */
-#define INTERSIL_MODE_TEST 0x20
-#define INTERSIL_HZ_100_MASK 0x02
-struct intersil_dt {
- unsigned char csec;
- unsigned char hour;
- unsigned char minute;
- unsigned char second;
- unsigned char month;
- unsigned char day;
- unsigned char year;
- unsigned char weekday;
-struct intersil_7170 {
- struct intersil_dt counter;
- struct intersil_dt alarm;
- unsigned char int_reg;
- unsigned char cmd_reg;
-extern volatile char* clock_va;
-#define intersil_clock ((volatile struct intersil_7170 *) clock_va)
-#define intersil_clear() (void)intersil_clock->int_reg
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c7210ba1..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __uClinux__
-#include "io_no.h"
-#include "io_mm.h"
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io_mm.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io_mm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fb34680..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io_mm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
- * linux/include/asm-m68k/io.h
- *
- * 4/1/00 RZ: - rewritten to avoid clashes between ISA/PCI and other
- * IO access
- * - added Q40 support
- * - added skeleton for GG-II and Amiga PCMCIA
- * 2/3/01 RZ: - moved a few more defs into raw_io.h
- *
- * inX/outX should not be used by any driver unless it does
- * ISA access. Other drivers should use function defined in raw_io.h
- * or define its own macros on top of these.
- *
- * inX(),outX() are for ISA I/O
- * isa_readX(),isa_writeX() are for ISA memory
- */
-#ifndef _IO_H
-#define _IO_H
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <asm/raw_io.h>
-#include <asm/virtconvert.h>
-#include <asm-generic/iomap.h>
-#include <asm/atarihw.h>
- * IO/MEM definitions for various ISA bridges
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_Q40
-#define q40_isa_io_base 0xff400000
-#define q40_isa_mem_base 0xff800000
-#define Q40_ISA_IO_B(ioaddr) (q40_isa_io_base+1+4*((unsigned long)(ioaddr)))
-#define Q40_ISA_IO_W(ioaddr) (q40_isa_io_base+ 4*((unsigned long)(ioaddr)))
-#define Q40_ISA_MEM_B(madr) (q40_isa_mem_base+1+4*((unsigned long)(madr)))
-#define Q40_ISA_MEM_W(madr) (q40_isa_mem_base+ 4*((unsigned long)(madr)))
-#define MULTI_ISA 0
-#endif /* Q40 */
-#include <asm/amigayle.h>
-#define AG_ISA_IO_B(ioaddr) ( GAYLE_IO+(ioaddr)+(((ioaddr)&1)*GAYLE_ODD) )
-#define AG_ISA_IO_W(ioaddr) ( GAYLE_IO+(ioaddr) )
-#ifndef MULTI_ISA
-#define MULTI_ISA 0
-#undef MULTI_ISA
-#define MULTI_ISA 1
-#endif /* AMIGA_PCMCIA */
-#ifdef CONFIG_ISA
-#if MULTI_ISA == 0
-#undef MULTI_ISA
-#define ISA_TYPE_Q40 (1)
-#define ISA_TYPE_AG (2)
-#if defined(CONFIG_Q40) && !defined(MULTI_ISA)
-#define ISA_TYPE ISA_TYPE_Q40
-#define ISA_SEX 0
-#if defined(CONFIG_AMIGA_PCMCIA) && !defined(MULTI_ISA)
-#define ISA_SEX 1
-#ifdef MULTI_ISA
-extern int isa_type;
-extern int isa_sex;
-#define ISA_TYPE isa_type
-#define ISA_SEX isa_sex
- * define inline addr translation functions. Normally only one variant will
- * be compiled in so the case statement will be optimised away
- */
-static inline u8 __iomem *isa_itb(unsigned long addr)
- switch(ISA_TYPE)
- {
-#ifdef CONFIG_Q40
- case ISA_TYPE_Q40: return (u8 __iomem *)Q40_ISA_IO_B(addr);
- case ISA_TYPE_AG: return (u8 __iomem *)AG_ISA_IO_B(addr);
- default: return NULL; /* avoid warnings, just in case */
- }
-static inline u16 __iomem *isa_itw(unsigned long addr)
- switch(ISA_TYPE)
- {
-#ifdef CONFIG_Q40
- case ISA_TYPE_Q40: return (u16 __iomem *)Q40_ISA_IO_W(addr);
- case ISA_TYPE_AG: return (u16 __iomem *)AG_ISA_IO_W(addr);
- default: return NULL; /* avoid warnings, just in case */
- }
-static inline u32 __iomem *isa_itl(unsigned long addr)
- switch(ISA_TYPE)
- {
- case ISA_TYPE_AG: return (u32 __iomem *)AG_ISA_IO_W(addr);
- default: return 0; /* avoid warnings, just in case */
- }
-static inline u8 __iomem *isa_mtb(unsigned long addr)
- switch(ISA_TYPE)
- {
-#ifdef CONFIG_Q40
- case ISA_TYPE_Q40: return (u8 __iomem *)Q40_ISA_MEM_B(addr);
- case ISA_TYPE_AG: return (u8 __iomem *)addr;
- default: return NULL; /* avoid warnings, just in case */
- }
-static inline u16 __iomem *isa_mtw(unsigned long addr)
- switch(ISA_TYPE)
- {
-#ifdef CONFIG_Q40
- case ISA_TYPE_Q40: return (u16 __iomem *)Q40_ISA_MEM_W(addr);
- case ISA_TYPE_AG: return (u16 __iomem *)addr;
- default: return NULL; /* avoid warnings, just in case */
- }
-#define isa_inb(port) in_8(isa_itb(port))
-#define isa_inw(port) (ISA_SEX ? in_be16(isa_itw(port)) : in_le16(isa_itw(port)))
-#define isa_inl(port) (ISA_SEX ? in_be32(isa_itl(port)) : in_le32(isa_itl(port)))
-#define isa_outb(val,port) out_8(isa_itb(port),(val))
-#define isa_outw(val,port) (ISA_SEX ? out_be16(isa_itw(port),(val)) : out_le16(isa_itw(port),(val)))
-#define isa_outl(val,port) (ISA_SEX ? out_be32(isa_itl(port),(val)) : out_le32(isa_itl(port),(val)))
-#define isa_readb(p) in_8(isa_mtb((unsigned long)(p)))
-#define isa_readw(p) \
- (ISA_SEX ? in_be16(isa_mtw((unsigned long)(p))) \
- : in_le16(isa_mtw((unsigned long)(p))))
-#define isa_writeb(val,p) out_8(isa_mtb((unsigned long)(p)),(val))
-#define isa_writew(val,p) \
- (ISA_SEX ? out_be16(isa_mtw((unsigned long)(p)),(val)) \
- : out_le16(isa_mtw((unsigned long)(p)),(val)))
-static inline void isa_delay(void)
- switch(ISA_TYPE)
- {
-#ifdef CONFIG_Q40
- case ISA_TYPE_Q40: isa_outb(0,0x80); break;
- case ISA_TYPE_AG: break;
- default: break; /* avoid warnings */
- }
-#define isa_inb_p(p) ({u8 v=isa_inb(p);isa_delay();v;})
-#define isa_outb_p(v,p) ({isa_outb((v),(p));isa_delay();})
-#define isa_inw_p(p) ({u16 v=isa_inw(p);isa_delay();v;})
-#define isa_outw_p(v,p) ({isa_outw((v),(p));isa_delay();})
-#define isa_inl_p(p) ({u32 v=isa_inl(p);isa_delay();v;})
-#define isa_outl_p(v,p) ({isa_outl((v),(p));isa_delay();})
-#define isa_insb(port, buf, nr) raw_insb(isa_itb(port), (u8 *)(buf), (nr))
-#define isa_outsb(port, buf, nr) raw_outsb(isa_itb(port), (u8 *)(buf), (nr))
-#define isa_insw(port, buf, nr) \
- (ISA_SEX ? raw_insw(isa_itw(port), (u16 *)(buf), (nr)) : \
- raw_insw_swapw(isa_itw(port), (u16 *)(buf), (nr)))
-#define isa_outsw(port, buf, nr) \
- (ISA_SEX ? raw_outsw(isa_itw(port), (u16 *)(buf), (nr)) : \
- raw_outsw_swapw(isa_itw(port), (u16 *)(buf), (nr)))
-#define isa_insl(port, buf, nr) \
- (ISA_SEX ? raw_insl(isa_itl(port), (u32 *)(buf), (nr)) : \
- raw_insw_swapw(isa_itw(port), (u16 *)(buf), (nr)<<1))
-#define isa_outsl(port, buf, nr) \
- (ISA_SEX ? raw_outsl(isa_itl(port), (u32 *)(buf), (nr)) : \
- raw_outsw_swapw(isa_itw(port), (u16 *)(buf), (nr)<<1))
-#define inb isa_inb
-#define inb_p isa_inb_p
-#define outb isa_outb
-#define outb_p isa_outb_p
-#define inw isa_inw
-#define inw_p isa_inw_p
-#define outw isa_outw
-#define outw_p isa_outw_p
-#define inl isa_inl
-#define inl_p isa_inl_p
-#define outl isa_outl
-#define outl_p isa_outl_p
-#define insb isa_insb
-#define insw isa_insw
-#define insl isa_insl
-#define outsb isa_outsb
-#define outsw isa_outsw
-#define outsl isa_outsl
-#define readb isa_readb
-#define readw isa_readw
-#define writeb isa_writeb
-#define writew isa_writew
-#else /* CONFIG_ISA */
- * We need to define dummy functions for GENERIC_IOMAP support.
- */
-#define inb(port) 0xff
-#define inb_p(port) 0xff
-#define outb(val,port) ((void)0)
-#define outb_p(val,port) ((void)0)
-#define inw(port) 0xffff
-#define inw_p(port) 0xffff
-#define outw(val,port) ((void)0)
-#define outw_p(val,port) ((void)0)
-#define inl(port) 0xffffffffUL
-#define inl_p(port) 0xffffffffUL
-#define outl(val,port) ((void)0)
-#define outl_p(val,port) ((void)0)
-#define insb(port,buf,nr) ((void)0)
-#define outsb(port,buf,nr) ((void)0)
-#define insw(port,buf,nr) ((void)0)
-#define outsw(port,buf,nr) ((void)0)
-#define insl(port,buf,nr) ((void)0)
-#define outsl(port,buf,nr) ((void)0)
- * These should be valid on any ioremap()ed region
- */
-#define readb(addr) in_8(addr)
-#define writeb(val,addr) out_8((addr),(val))
-#define readw(addr) in_le16(addr)
-#define writew(val,addr) out_le16((addr),(val))
-#endif /* CONFIG_ISA */
-#define readl(addr) in_le32(addr)
-#define writel(val,addr) out_le32((addr),(val))
-#define mmiowb()
-static inline void __iomem *ioremap(unsigned long physaddr, unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_NOCACHE_SER);
-static inline void __iomem *ioremap_nocache(unsigned long physaddr, unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_NOCACHE_SER);
-static inline void __iomem *ioremap_writethrough(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_WRITETHROUGH);
-static inline void __iomem *ioremap_fullcache(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_FULL_CACHING);
-static inline void memset_io(volatile void __iomem *addr, unsigned char val, int count)
- __builtin_memset((void __force *) addr, val, count);
-static inline void memcpy_fromio(void *dst, const volatile void __iomem *src, int count)
- __builtin_memcpy(dst, (void __force *) src, count);
-static inline void memcpy_toio(volatile void __iomem *dst, const void *src, int count)
- __builtin_memcpy((void __force *) dst, src, count);
-#ifndef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define IO_SPACE_LIMIT 0xffff
-#define IO_SPACE_LIMIT 0x0fffffff
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
- * Convert a physical pointer to a virtual kernel pointer for /dev/mem
- * access
- */
-#define xlate_dev_mem_ptr(p) __va(p)
- * Convert a virtual cached pointer to an uncached pointer
- */
-#define xlate_dev_kmem_ptr(p) p
-#endif /* _IO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io_no.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io_no.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 353bf754..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/io_no.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68KNOMMU_IO_H
-#define _M68KNOMMU_IO_H
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <asm/virtconvert.h>
- * These are for ISA/PCI shared memory _only_ and should never be used
- * on any other type of memory, including Zorro memory. They are meant to
- * access the bus in the bus byte order which is little-endian!.
- *
- * readX/writeX() are used to access memory mapped devices. On some
- * architectures the memory mapped IO stuff needs to be accessed
- * differently. On the m68k architecture, we just read/write the
- * memory location directly.
- */
-/* ++roman: The assignments to temp. vars avoid that gcc sometimes generates
- * two accesses to memory, which may be undesirable for some devices.
- */
- * swap functions are sometimes needed to interface little-endian hardware
- */
-static inline unsigned short _swapw(volatile unsigned short v)
- return ((v << 8) | (v >> 8));
-static inline unsigned int _swapl(volatile unsigned long v)
- return ((v << 24) | ((v & 0xff00) << 8) | ((v & 0xff0000) >> 8) | (v >> 24));
-#define readb(addr) \
- ({ unsigned char __v = (*(volatile unsigned char *) (addr)); __v; })
-#define readw(addr) \
- ({ unsigned short __v = (*(volatile unsigned short *) (addr)); __v; })
-#define readl(addr) \
- ({ unsigned int __v = (*(volatile unsigned int *) (addr)); __v; })
-#define readb_relaxed(addr) readb(addr)
-#define readw_relaxed(addr) readw(addr)
-#define readl_relaxed(addr) readl(addr)
-#define writeb(b,addr) (void)((*(volatile unsigned char *) (addr)) = (b))
-#define writew(b,addr) (void)((*(volatile unsigned short *) (addr)) = (b))
-#define writel(b,addr) (void)((*(volatile unsigned int *) (addr)) = (b))
-#define __raw_readb readb
-#define __raw_readw readw
-#define __raw_readl readl
-#define __raw_writeb writeb
-#define __raw_writew writew
-#define __raw_writel writel
-static inline void io_outsb(unsigned int addr, void *buf, int len)
- volatile unsigned char *ap = (volatile unsigned char *) addr;
- unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *) buf;
- while (len--)
- *ap = *bp++;
-static inline void io_outsw(unsigned int addr, void *buf, int len)
- volatile unsigned short *ap = (volatile unsigned short *) addr;
- unsigned short *bp = (unsigned short *) buf;
- while (len--)
- *ap = _swapw(*bp++);
-static inline void io_outsl(unsigned int addr, void *buf, int len)
- volatile unsigned int *ap = (volatile unsigned int *) addr;
- unsigned int *bp = (unsigned int *) buf;
- while (len--)
- *ap = _swapl(*bp++);
-static inline void io_insb(unsigned int addr, void *buf, int len)
- volatile unsigned char *ap = (volatile unsigned char *) addr;
- unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *) buf;
- while (len--)
- *bp++ = *ap;
-static inline void io_insw(unsigned int addr, void *buf, int len)
- volatile unsigned short *ap = (volatile unsigned short *) addr;
- unsigned short *bp = (unsigned short *) buf;
- while (len--)
- *bp++ = _swapw(*ap);
-static inline void io_insl(unsigned int addr, void *buf, int len)
- volatile unsigned int *ap = (volatile unsigned int *) addr;
- unsigned int *bp = (unsigned int *) buf;
- while (len--)
- *bp++ = _swapl(*ap);
-#define mmiowb()
- * make the short names macros so specific devices
- * can override them as required
- */
-#define memset_io(a,b,c) memset((void *)(a),(b),(c))
-#define memcpy_fromio(a,b,c) memcpy((a),(void *)(b),(c))
-#define memcpy_toio(a,b,c) memcpy((void *)(a),(b),(c))
-#define inb(addr) readb(addr)
-#define inw(addr) readw(addr)
-#define inl(addr) readl(addr)
-#define outb(x,addr) ((void) writeb(x,addr))
-#define outw(x,addr) ((void) writew(x,addr))
-#define outl(x,addr) ((void) writel(x,addr))
-#define inb_p(addr) inb(addr)
-#define inw_p(addr) inw(addr)
-#define inl_p(addr) inl(addr)
-#define outb_p(x,addr) outb(x,addr)
-#define outw_p(x,addr) outw(x,addr)
-#define outl_p(x,addr) outl(x,addr)
-#define outsb(a,b,l) io_outsb(a,b,l)
-#define outsw(a,b,l) io_outsw(a,b,l)
-#define outsl(a,b,l) io_outsl(a,b,l)
-#define insb(a,b,l) io_insb(a,b,l)
-#define insw(a,b,l) io_insw(a,b,l)
-#define insl(a,b,l) io_insl(a,b,l)
-#define IO_SPACE_LIMIT 0xffffffff
-/* Values for nocacheflag and cmode */
-static inline void *__ioremap(unsigned long physaddr, unsigned long size, int cacheflag)
- return (void *) physaddr;
-static inline void *ioremap(unsigned long physaddr, unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_NOCACHE_SER);
-static inline void *ioremap_nocache(unsigned long physaddr, unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_NOCACHE_SER);
-static inline void *ioremap_writethrough(unsigned long physaddr, unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_WRITETHROUGH);
-static inline void *ioremap_fullcache(unsigned long physaddr, unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_FULL_CACHING);
-#define iounmap(addr) do { } while(0)
- * Convert a physical pointer to a virtual kernel pointer for /dev/mem
- * access
- */
-#define xlate_dev_mem_ptr(p) __va(p)
- * Convert a virtual cached pointer to an uncached pointer
- */
-#define xlate_dev_kmem_ptr(p) p
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _M68KNOMMU_IO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ioctl.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ioctl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b279fe06..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ioctl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/ioctl.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ioctls.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ioctls.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1332bb4c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ioctls.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ARCH_M68K_IOCTLS_H__
-#define __ARCH_M68K_IOCTLS_H__
-#define FIOQSIZE 0x545E
-#include <asm-generic/ioctls.h>
-#endif /* __ARCH_M68K_IOCTLS_H__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ipcbuf.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ipcbuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c7e51c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ipcbuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/ipcbuf.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irq.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irq.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1155f0e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_IRQ_H_
-#define _M68K_IRQ_H_
- * This should be the same as the max(NUM_X_SOURCES) for all the
- * different m68k hosts compiled into the kernel.
- * Currently the Atari has 72 and the Amiga 24, but if both are
- * supported in the kernel it is better to make room for 72.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define NR_IRQS 256
-#elif defined(CONFIG_VME) || defined(CONFIG_SUN3) || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X)
-#define NR_IRQS 200
-#elif defined(CONFIG_ATARI) || defined(CONFIG_MAC)
-#define NR_IRQS 72
-#elif defined(CONFIG_Q40)
-#define NR_IRQS 43
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || !defined(CONFIG_MMU)
-#define NR_IRQS 32
-#elif defined(CONFIG_APOLLO)
-#define NR_IRQS 24
-#elif defined(CONFIG_HP300)
-#define NR_IRQS 8
-#define NR_IRQS 0
-#if defined(CONFIG_M68020) || defined(CONFIG_M68030) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M68040) || defined(CONFIG_M68060)
- * Interrupt source definitions
- * General interrupt sources are the level 1-7.
- * Adding an interrupt service routine for one of these sources
- * results in the addition of that routine to a chain of routines.
- * Each one is called in succession. Each individual interrupt
- * service routine should determine if the device associated with
- * that routine requires service.
- */
-#define IRQ_SPURIOUS 0
-#define IRQ_AUTO_1 1 /* level 1 interrupt */
-#define IRQ_AUTO_2 2 /* level 2 interrupt */
-#define IRQ_AUTO_3 3 /* level 3 interrupt */
-#define IRQ_AUTO_4 4 /* level 4 interrupt */
-#define IRQ_AUTO_5 5 /* level 5 interrupt */
-#define IRQ_AUTO_6 6 /* level 6 interrupt */
-#define IRQ_AUTO_7 7 /* level 7 interrupt (non-maskable) */
-#define IRQ_USER 8
-struct irq_data;
-struct irq_chip;
-struct irq_desc;
-extern unsigned int m68k_irq_startup(struct irq_data *data);
-extern unsigned int m68k_irq_startup_irq(unsigned int irq);
-extern void m68k_irq_shutdown(struct irq_data *data);
-extern void m68k_setup_auto_interrupt(void (*handler)(unsigned int,
- struct pt_regs *));
-extern void m68k_setup_user_interrupt(unsigned int vec, unsigned int cnt);
-extern void m68k_setup_irq_controller(struct irq_chip *,
- void (*handle)(unsigned int irq,
- struct irq_desc *desc),
- unsigned int irq, unsigned int cnt);
-extern unsigned int irq_canonicalize(unsigned int irq);
-#define irq_canonicalize(irq) (irq)
-#endif /* !(CONFIG_M68020 || CONFIG_M68030 || CONFIG_M68040 || CONFIG_M68060) */
-asmlinkage void do_IRQ(int irq, struct pt_regs *regs);
-extern atomic_t irq_err_count;
-#endif /* _M68K_IRQ_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irq_regs.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irq_regs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd9c0b7..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irq_regs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/irq_regs.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irqflags.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irqflags.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef4115b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/irqflags.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_IRQFLAGS_H
-#define _M68K_IRQFLAGS_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#include <linux/hardirq.h>
-#include <linux/preempt.h>
-#include <asm/thread_info.h>
-#include <asm/entry.h>
-static inline unsigned long arch_local_save_flags(void)
- unsigned long flags;
- asm volatile ("movew %%sr,%0" : "=d" (flags) : : "memory");
- return flags;
-static inline void arch_local_irq_disable(void)
- asm volatile (
- "move %/sr,%%d0 \n\t"
- "ori.l #0x0700,%%d0 \n\t"
- "move %%d0,%/sr \n"
- : /* no outputs */
- :
- : "cc", "%d0", "memory");
- asm volatile ("oriw #0x0700,%%sr" : : : "memory");
-static inline void arch_local_irq_enable(void)
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
- asm volatile (
- "move %/sr,%%d0 \n\t"
- "andi.l #0xf8ff,%%d0 \n\t"
- "move %%d0,%/sr \n"
- : /* no outputs */
- :
- : "cc", "%d0", "memory");
-# if defined(CONFIG_MMU)
- if (MACH_IS_Q40 || !hardirq_count())
-# endif
- asm volatile (
- "andiw %0,%%sr"
- :
- : "i" (ALLOWINT)
- : "memory");
-static inline unsigned long arch_local_irq_save(void)
- unsigned long flags = arch_local_save_flags();
- arch_local_irq_disable();
- return flags;
-static inline void arch_local_irq_restore(unsigned long flags)
- asm volatile ("movew %0,%%sr" : : "d" (flags) : "memory");
-static inline bool arch_irqs_disabled_flags(unsigned long flags)
- return (flags & ~ALLOWINT) != 0;
-static inline bool arch_irqs_disabled(void)
- return arch_irqs_disabled_flags(arch_local_save_flags());
-#endif /* _M68K_IRQFLAGS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/kdebug.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/kdebug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ece1b03..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/kdebug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/kdebug.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/kmap_types.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/kmap_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3413cc13..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/kmap_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ASM_M68K_KMAP_TYPES_H
-#define __ASM_M68K_KMAP_TYPES_H
-#include <asm-generic/kmap_types.h>
-#endif /* __ASM_M68K_KMAP_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/linkage.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/linkage.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a822bb7..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/linkage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ASM_LINKAGE_H
-#define __ASM_LINKAGE_H
-#define __ALIGN .align 4
-#define __ALIGN_STR ".align 4"
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/local.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/local.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c259263..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/local.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_LOCAL_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_LOCAL_H
-#include <asm-generic/local.h>
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_LOCAL_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/local64.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/local64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 36c93b5c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/local64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/local64.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5206sim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5206sim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 69722366..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5206sim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
- * m5206sim.h -- ColdFire 5206 System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999, Greg Ungerer (
- * (C) Copyright 2000, Lineo Inc. (
- */
-#ifndef m5206sim_h
-#define m5206sim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m5206)"
-#include <asm/m52xxacr.h>
- * Define the 5206 SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_SIMR 0x03 /* SIM Config reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR1 0x14 /* Intr Ctrl reg 1 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR2 0x15 /* Intr Ctrl reg 2 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR3 0x16 /* Intr Ctrl reg 3 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR4 0x17 /* Intr Ctrl reg 4 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR5 0x18 /* Intr Ctrl reg 5 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR6 0x19 /* Intr Ctrl reg 6 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR7 0x1a /* Intr Ctrl reg 7 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR8 0x1b /* Intr Ctrl reg 8 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR9 0x1c /* Intr Ctrl reg 9 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR10 0x1d /* Intr Ctrl reg 10 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR11 0x1e /* Intr Ctrl reg 11 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR12 0x1f /* Intr Ctrl reg 12 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR13 0x20 /* Intr Ctrl reg 13 (r/w) */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5206e
-#define MCFSIM_ICR14 0x21 /* Intr Ctrl reg 14 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR15 0x22 /* Intr Ctrl reg 15 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_IMR 0x36 /* Interrupt Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_IPR 0x3a /* Interrupt Pend reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_RSR 0x40 /* Reset Status reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SYPCR 0x41 /* System Protection reg (r/w)*/
-#define MCFSIM_SWIVR 0x42 /* SW Watchdog intr reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SWSR 0x43 /* SW Watchdog service (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCRR (MCF_MBAR + 0x46) /* DRAM Refresh reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCTR (MCF_MBAR + 0x4a) /* DRAM Timing reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DAR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x4c) /* DRAM 0 Address reg(r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x50) /* DRAM 0 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x57) /* DRAM 0 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DAR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x58) /* DRAM 1 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x5c) /* DRAM 1 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x63) /* DRAM 1 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR0 0x64 /* CS 0 Address 0 reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR0 0x68 /* CS 0 Mask 0 reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR0 0x6e /* CS 0 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR1 0x70 /* CS 1 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR1 0x74 /* CS 1 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR1 0x7a /* CS 1 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR2 0x7c /* CS 2 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR2 0x80 /* CS 2 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR2 0x86 /* CS 2 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR3 0x88 /* CS 3 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR3 0x8c /* CS 3 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR3 0x92 /* CS 3 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR4 0x94 /* CS 4 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR4 0x98 /* CS 4 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR4 0x9e /* CS 4 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR5 0xa0 /* CS 5 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR5 0xa4 /* CS 5 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR5 0xaa /* CS 5 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR6 0xac /* CS 6 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR6 0xb0 /* CS 6 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR6 0xb6 /* CS 6 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR7 0xb8 /* CS 7 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR7 0xbc /* CS 7 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR7 0xc2 /* CS 7 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DMCR 0xc6 /* Default control */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5206e
-#define MCFSIM_PAR 0xca /* Pin Assignment reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR 0xcb /* Pin Assignment reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x100) /* Base of TIMER1 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x120) /* Base of TIMER2 */
-#define MCFSIM_PADDR (MCF_MBAR + 0x1c5) /* Parallel Direction (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PADAT (MCF_MBAR + 0x1c9) /* Parallel Port Value (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x200) /* Base address DMA 0 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x240) /* Base address DMA 1 */
-#if defined(CONFIG_NETtel)
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x180) /* Base address UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x140) /* Base address UART1 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x140) /* Base address UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x180) /* Base address UART1 */
- * Define system peripheral IRQ usage.
- */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER 30 /* Timer0, Level 6 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_PROFILER 31 /* Timer1, Level 7 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART0 73 /* UART0 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART1 74 /* UART1 */
- * Generic GPIO
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 8
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX -1
- * Some symbol defines for the Parallel Port Pin Assignment Register
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5206e
-#define MCFSIM_PAR_DREQ0 0x100 /* Set to select DREQ0 input */
- /* Clear to select T0 input */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR_DREQ1 0x200 /* Select DREQ1 input */
- /* Clear to select T0 output */
- * Some symbol defines for the Interrupt Control Register
- */
-#define MCFSIM_SWDICR MCFSIM_ICR8 /* Watchdog timer ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER1ICR MCFSIM_ICR9 /* Timer 1 ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER2ICR MCFSIM_ICR10 /* Timer 2 ICR */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5206e
-#endif /* m5206sim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m520xsim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m520xsim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f2aab9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m520xsim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * m520xsim.h -- ColdFire 5207/5208 System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2005, Intec Automation (
- */
-#ifndef m520xsim_h
-#define m520xsim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m520x)"
-#define MCF_BUSCLK (MCF_CLK / 2)
-#include <asm/m52xxacr.h>
- * Define the 520x SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFICM_INTC0 0xFC048000 /* Base for Interrupt Ctrl 0 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRH 0x00 /* Interrupt pending 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRL 0x04 /* Interrupt pending 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRH 0x08 /* Interrupt mask 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRL 0x0c /* Interrupt mask 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCH 0x10 /* Interrupt force 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCL 0x14 /* Interrupt force 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_SIMR 0x1c /* Set interrupt mask 0-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_CIMR 0x1d /* Clear interrupt mask 0-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_ICR0 0x40 /* Base ICR register */
- * The common interrupt controller code just wants to know the absolute
- * address to the SIMR and CIMR registers (not offsets into IPSBAR).
- * The 520x family only has a single INTC unit.
- */
-#define MCFINTC1_SIMR (0)
-#define MCFINTC1_CIMR (0)
-#define MCFINTC1_ICR0 (0)
-#define MCFINT_VECBASE 64
-#define MCFINT_UART0 26 /* Interrupt number for UART0 */
-#define MCFINT_UART1 27 /* Interrupt number for UART1 */
-#define MCFINT_UART2 28 /* Interrupt number for UART2 */
-#define MCFINT_QSPI 31 /* Interrupt number for QSPI */
-#define MCFINT_FECRX0 36 /* Interrupt number for FEC RX */
-#define MCFINT_FECTX0 40 /* Interrupt number for FEC RX */
-#define MCFINT_FECENTC0 42 /* Interrupt number for FEC RX */
-#define MCFINT_PIT1 4 /* Interrupt number for PIT1 (PIT0 in processor) */
- * SDRAM configuration registers.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_SDMR 0xFC0a8000 /* SDRAM Mode/Extended Mode Register */
-#define MCFSIM_SDCR 0xFC0a8004 /* SDRAM Control Register */
-#define MCFSIM_SDCFG1 0xFC0a8008 /* SDRAM Configuration Register 1 */
-#define MCFSIM_SDCFG2 0xFC0a800c /* SDRAM Configuration Register 2 */
-#define MCFSIM_SDCS0 0xFC0a8110 /* SDRAM Chip Select 0 Configuration */
-#define MCFSIM_SDCS1 0xFC0a8114 /* SDRAM Chip Select 1 Configuration */
- * EPORT and GPIO registers.
- */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPAR 0xFC088000
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDDR 0xFC088002
-#define MCFEPORT_EPIER 0xFC088003
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDR 0xFC088004
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPDR 0xFC088005
-#define MCFEPORT_EPFR 0xFC088006
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BE 0xFC0A4001
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_CS 0xFC0A4002
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECI2C 0xFC0A4003
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_QSPI 0xFC0A4004
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_TIMER 0xFC0A4005
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_UART 0xFC0A4006
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECH 0xFC0A4007
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECL 0xFC0A4008
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BE 0xFC0A400D
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_CS 0xFC0A400E
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_QSPI 0xFC0A4010
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_TIMER 0xFC0A4011
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_UART 0xFC0A4012
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FECH 0xFC0A4013
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FECL 0xFC0A4014
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_BE 0xFC0A4025
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_CS 0xFC0A4026
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FECI2C 0xFC0A4027
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_QSPI 0xFC0A4028
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 80
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX 8
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART 0xFC0A4036
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C 0xFC0A4033
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI 0xFC0A4034
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FEC 0xFC0A4038
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URXD0 (0x0001)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UTXD0 (0x0002)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URXD1 (0x0040)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UTXD1 (0x0080)
- * PIT timer module.
- */
-#define MCFPIT_BASE1 0xFC080000 /* Base address of TIMER1 */
-#define MCFPIT_BASE2 0xFC084000 /* Base address of TIMER2 */
- * UART module.
- */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 0xFC060000 /* Base address of UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 0xFC064000 /* Base address of UART1 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE2 0xFC068000 /* Base address of UART2 */
- * FEC module.
- */
-#define MCFFEC_BASE0 0xFC030000 /* Base of FEC ethernet */
-#define MCFFEC_SIZE0 0x800 /* Register set size */
- * QSPI module.
- */
-#define MCFQSPI_BASE 0xFC05C000 /* Base of QSPI module */
-#define MCFQSPI_SIZE 0x40 /* Register set size */
-#define MCFQSPI_CS0 46
-#define MCFQSPI_CS1 47
-#define MCFQSPI_CS2 27
- * Reset Control Unit.
- */
-#define MCF_RCR 0xFC0A0000
-#define MCF_RSR 0xFC0A0001
-#define MCF_RCR_SWRESET 0x80 /* Software reset bit */
-#define MCF_RCR_FRCSTOUT 0x40 /* Force external reset */
-#endif /* m520xsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m523xsim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m523xsim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 075062d4..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m523xsim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
- * m523xsim.h -- ColdFire 523x System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2003-2005, Greg Ungerer <>
- */
-#ifndef m523xsim_h
-#define m523xsim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m523x)"
-#define MCF_BUSCLK (MCF_CLK / 2)
-#include <asm/m52xxacr.h>
- * Define the 523x SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFICM_INTC0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0c00) /* Base for Interrupt Ctrl 0 */
-#define MCFICM_INTC1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0d00) /* Base for Interrupt Ctrl 0 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRH 0x00 /* Interrupt pending 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRL 0x04 /* Interrupt pending 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRH 0x08 /* Interrupt mask 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRL 0x0c /* Interrupt mask 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCH 0x10 /* Interrupt force 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCL 0x14 /* Interrupt force 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IRLR 0x18 /* */
-#define MCFINTC_IACKL 0x19 /* */
-#define MCFINTC_ICR0 0x40 /* Base ICR register */
-#define MCFINT_VECBASE 64 /* Vector base number */
-#define MCFINT_UART0 13 /* Interrupt number for UART0 */
-#define MCFINT_UART1 14 /* Interrupt number for UART1 */
-#define MCFINT_UART2 15 /* Interrupt number for UART2 */
-#define MCFINT_QSPI 18 /* Interrupt number for QSPI */
-#define MCFINT_FECRX0 23 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCFINT_FECTX0 27 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCFINT_FECENTC0 29 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCFINT_PIT1 36 /* Interrupt number for PIT1 */
- * SDRAM configuration registers.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_DCR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x44) /* Control */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x48) /* Base address 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x4c) /* Address mask 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x50) /* Base address 1 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x54) /* Address mask 1 */
- * Reset Control Unit (relative to IPSBAR).
- */
-#define MCF_RCR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x110000)
-#define MCF_RSR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x110001)
-#define MCF_RCR_SWRESET 0x80 /* Software reset bit */
-#define MCF_RCR_FRCSTOUT 0x40 /* Force external reset */
- * UART module.
- */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x200)
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x240)
-#define MCFUART_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x280)
- * FEC ethernet module.
- */
-#define MCFFEC_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x1000)
-#define MCFFEC_SIZE0 0x800
- * QSPI module.
- */
-#define MCFQSPI_BASE (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x340)
-#define MCFQSPI_SIZE 0x40
-#define MCFQSPI_CS0 91
-#define MCFQSPI_CS1 92
-#define MCFQSPI_CS2 103
-#define MCFQSPI_CS3 99
- * GPIO module.
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100000)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_DATAH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100001)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_DATAL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100002)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BUSCTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100003)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100004)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100005)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_SDRAM (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100006)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100007)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_UARTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100008)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_UARTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100009)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10000A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_ETPU (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10000C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100010)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_DATAH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100011)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_DATAL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100012)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BUSCTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100013)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100014)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100015)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_SDRAM (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100016)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100017)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_UARTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100018)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_UARTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100019)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10001A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_ETPU (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10001C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100020)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100024)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100025)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100027)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100030)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_DATAH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100031)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_DATAL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100032)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100034)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100035)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_SDRAM (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100036)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100037)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_UARTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100038)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_UARTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100039)
- * PIT timer base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFPIT_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x150000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x160000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE3 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x170000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE4 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x180000)
- * EPort
- */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130000)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130002)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPIER (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130003)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130004)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130005)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPFR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130006)
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 107
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX 8
- * Pin Assignment
-#define MCFGPIO_PAR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10004A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PAR_TIMER (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10004C)
- * DMA unit base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x140)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x180)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE3 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x1C0)
-#endif /* m523xsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5249sim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5249sim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f0c2c36..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5249sim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
- * m5249sim.h -- ColdFire 5249 System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2002, Greg Ungerer (
- */
-#ifndef m5249sim_h
-#define m5249sim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m5249)"
-#define MCF_BUSCLK (MCF_CLK / 2)
-#include <asm/m52xxacr.h>
- * The 5249 has a second MBAR region, define its address.
- */
-#define MCF_MBAR2 0x80000000
- * Define the 5249 SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_RSR 0x00 /* Reset Status reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SYPCR 0x01 /* System Protection reg (r/w)*/
-#define MCFSIM_SWIVR 0x02 /* SW Watchdog intr reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SWSR 0x03 /* SW Watchdog service (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR 0x04 /* Pin Assignment reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_IRQPAR 0x06 /* Interrupt Assignment reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_MPARK 0x0C /* BUS Master Control Reg*/
-#define MCFSIM_IPR 0x40 /* Interrupt Pend reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_IMR 0x44 /* Interrupt Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_AVR 0x4b /* Autovector Ctrl reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR0 0x4c /* Intr Ctrl reg 0 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR1 0x4d /* Intr Ctrl reg 1 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR2 0x4e /* Intr Ctrl reg 2 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR3 0x4f /* Intr Ctrl reg 3 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR4 0x50 /* Intr Ctrl reg 4 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR5 0x51 /* Intr Ctrl reg 5 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR6 0x52 /* Intr Ctrl reg 6 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR7 0x53 /* Intr Ctrl reg 7 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR8 0x54 /* Intr Ctrl reg 8 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR9 0x55 /* Intr Ctrl reg 9 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR10 0x56 /* Intr Ctrl reg 10 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR11 0x57 /* Intr Ctrl reg 11 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR0 0x80 /* CS 0 Address 0 reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR0 0x84 /* CS 0 Mask 0 reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR0 0x8a /* CS 0 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR1 0x8c /* CS 1 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR1 0x90 /* CS 1 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR1 0x96 /* CS 1 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR2 0x98 /* CS 2 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR2 0x9c /* CS 2 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR2 0xa2 /* CS 2 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR3 0xa4 /* CS 3 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR3 0xa8 /* CS 3 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR3 0xae /* CS 3 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCR (MCF_MBAR + 0x100) /* DRAM Control */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x108) /* DRAM 0 Addr/Ctrl */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x10c) /* DRAM 0 Mask */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x110) /* DRAM 1 Addr/Ctrl */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x114) /* DRAM 1 Mask */
- * Timer module.
- */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x140) /* Base of TIMER1 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x180) /* Base of TIMER2 */
- * UART module.
- */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x1c0) /* Base address UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x200) /* Base address UART1 */
- * QSPI module.
- */
-#define MCFQSPI_BASE (MCF_MBAR + 0x300) /* Base address QSPI */
-#define MCFQSPI_SIZE 0x40 /* Register set size */
-#define MCFQSPI_CS0 29
-#define MCFQSPI_CS1 24
-#define MCFQSPI_CS2 21
-#define MCFQSPI_CS3 22
- * DMA unit base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x300) /* Base address DMA 0 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x340) /* Base address DMA 1 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x380) /* Base address DMA 2 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE3 (MCF_MBAR + 0x3C0) /* Base address DMA 3 */
- * Some symbol defines for the above...
- */
-#define MCFSIM_SWDICR MCFSIM_ICR0 /* Watchdog timer ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER1ICR MCFSIM_ICR1 /* Timer 1 ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER2ICR MCFSIM_ICR2 /* Timer 2 ICR */
- * Define system peripheral IRQ usage.
- */
-#define MCF_IRQ_QSPI 28 /* QSPI, Level 4 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER 30 /* Timer0, Level 6 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_PROFILER 31 /* Timer1, Level 7 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART0 73 /* UART0 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART1 74 /* UART1 */
- * General purpose IO registers (in MBAR2).
- */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIOREAD (MCF_MBAR2 + 0x000) /* GPIO read values */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIOWRITE (MCF_MBAR2 + 0x004) /* GPIO write values */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIOENABLE (MCF_MBAR2 + 0x008) /* GPIO enabled */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIOFUNC (MCF_MBAR2 + 0x00C) /* GPIO function */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIO1READ (MCF_MBAR2 + 0x0B0) /* GPIO1 read values */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIO1WRITE (MCF_MBAR2 + 0x0B4) /* GPIO1 write values */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIO1ENABLE (MCF_MBAR2 + 0x0B8) /* GPIO1 enabled */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIO1FUNC (MCF_MBAR2 + 0x0BC) /* GPIO1 function */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIOINTSTAT 0xc0 /* GPIO interrupt status */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIOINTCLEAR 0xc0 /* GPIO interrupt clear */
-#define MCFSIM2_GPIOINTENABLE 0xc4 /* GPIO interrupt enable */
-#define MCFSIM2_INTLEVEL1 0x140 /* Interrupt level reg 1 */
-#define MCFSIM2_INTLEVEL2 0x144 /* Interrupt level reg 2 */
-#define MCFSIM2_INTLEVEL3 0x148 /* Interrupt level reg 3 */
-#define MCFSIM2_INTLEVEL4 0x14c /* Interrupt level reg 4 */
-#define MCFSIM2_INTLEVEL5 0x150 /* Interrupt level reg 5 */
-#define MCFSIM2_INTLEVEL6 0x154 /* Interrupt level reg 6 */
-#define MCFSIM2_INTLEVEL7 0x158 /* Interrupt level reg 7 */
-#define MCFSIM2_INTLEVEL8 0x15c /* Interrupt level reg 8 */
-#define MCFSIM2_DMAROUTE 0x188 /* DMA routing */
-#define MCFSIM2_IDECONFIG1 0x18c /* IDEconfig1 */
-#define MCFSIM2_IDECONFIG2 0x190 /* IDEconfig2 */
- * Define the base interrupt for the second interrupt controller.
- * We set it to 128, out of the way of the base interrupts, and plenty
- * of room for its 64 interrupts.
- */
-#define MCFINTC2_VECBASE 128
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 64
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX -1
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
- * The M5249C3 board needs a little help getting all its SIM devices
- * initialized at kernel start time. dBUG doesn't set much up, so
- * we need to do it manually.
- */
-.macro m5249c3_setup
- /*
- * Set MBAR1 and MBAR2, just incase they are not set.
- */
- movel #0x10000001,%a0
- movec %a0,%MBAR /* map MBAR region */
- subql #1,%a0 /* get MBAR address in a0 */
- movel #0x80000001,%a1
- movec %a1,#3086 /* map MBAR2 region */
- subql #1,%a1 /* get MBAR2 address in a1 */
- /*
- * Move secondary interrupts to their base (128).
- */
- moveb #MCFINTC2_VECBASE,%d0
- moveb %d0,0x16b(%a1) /* interrupt base register */
- /*
- * Work around broken CSMR0/DRAM vector problem.
- */
- movel #0x001F0021,%d0 /* disable C/I bit */
- movel %d0,0x84(%a0) /* set CSMR0 */
- /*
- * Disable the PLL firstly. (Who knows what state it is
- * in here!).
- */
- movel 0x180(%a1),%d0 /* get current PLL value */
- andl #0xfffffffe,%d0 /* PLL bypass first */
- movel %d0,0x180(%a1) /* set PLL register */
- nop
-#if CONFIG_CLOCK_FREQ == 140000000
- /*
- * Set initial clock frequency. This assumes M5249C3 board
- * is fitted with 11.2896MHz crystal. It will program the
- * PLL for 140MHz. Lets go fast :-)
- */
- movel #0x125a40f0,%d0 /* set for 140MHz */
- movel %d0,0x180(%a1) /* set PLL register */
- orl #0x1,%d0
- movel %d0,0x180(%a1) /* set PLL register */
- /*
- * Setup CS1 for ethernet controller.
- * (Setup as per M5249C3 doco).
- */
- movel #0xe0000000,%d0 /* CS1 mapped at 0xe0000000 */
- movel %d0,0x8c(%a0)
- movel #0x001f0021,%d0 /* CS1 size of 1Mb */
- movel %d0,0x90(%a0)
- movew #0x0080,%d0 /* CS1 = 16bit port, AA */
- movew %d0,0x96(%a0)
- /*
- * Setup CS2 for IDE interface.
- */
- movel #0x50000000,%d0 /* CS2 mapped at 0x50000000 */
- movel %d0,0x98(%a0)
- movel #0x001f0001,%d0 /* CS2 size of 1MB */
- movel %d0,0x9c(%a0)
- movew #0x0080,%d0 /* CS2 = 16bit, TA */
- movew %d0,0xa2(%a0)
- movel #0x00107000,%d0 /* IDEconfig1 */
- movel %d0,0x18c(%a1)
- movel #0x000c0400,%d0 /* IDEconfig2 */
- movel %d0,0x190(%a1)
- movel #0x00080000,%d0 /* GPIO19, IDE reset bit */
- orl %d0,0xc(%a1) /* function GPIO19 */
- orl %d0,0x8(%a1) /* enable GPIO19 as output */
- orl %d0,0x4(%a1) /* de-assert IDE reset */
-#define PLATFORM_SETUP m5249c3_setup
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */
-#endif /* m5249sim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5272sim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5272sim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a58f1760..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5272sim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- * m5272sim.h -- ColdFire 5272 System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999, Greg Ungerer (
- * (C) Copyright 2000, Lineo Inc. (
- */
-#ifndef m5272sim_h
-#define m5272sim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m5272)"
-#include <asm/m52xxacr.h>
- * Define the 5272 SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_SCR 0x04 /* SIM Config reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SPR 0x06 /* System Protection reg (r/w)*/
-#define MCFSIM_PMR 0x08 /* Power Management reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_APMR 0x0e /* Active Low Power reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DIR 0x10 /* Device Identity reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR1 0x20 /* Intr Ctrl reg 1 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR2 0x24 /* Intr Ctrl reg 2 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR3 0x28 /* Intr Ctrl reg 3 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR4 0x2c /* Intr Ctrl reg 4 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ISR 0x30 /* Interrupt Source reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PITR 0x34 /* Interrupt Transition (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PIWR 0x38 /* Interrupt Wakeup reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PIVR 0x3f /* Interrupt Vector reg (r/w( */
-#define MCFSIM_WRRR 0x280 /* Watchdog reference (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_WIRR 0x284 /* Watchdog interrupt (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_WCR 0x288 /* Watchdog counter (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_WER 0x28c /* Watchdog event (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBR0 0x40 /* CS0 Base Address (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSOR0 0x44 /* CS0 Option (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBR1 0x48 /* CS1 Base Address (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSOR1 0x4c /* CS1 Option (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBR2 0x50 /* CS2 Base Address (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSOR2 0x54 /* CS2 Option (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBR3 0x58 /* CS3 Base Address (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSOR3 0x5c /* CS3 Option (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBR4 0x60 /* CS4 Base Address (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSOR4 0x64 /* CS4 Option (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBR5 0x68 /* CS5 Base Address (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSOR5 0x6c /* CS5 Option (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBR6 0x70 /* CS6 Base Address (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSOR6 0x74 /* CS6 Option (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBR7 0x78 /* CS7 Base Address (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSOR7 0x7c /* CS7 Option (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SDCR 0x180 /* SDRAM Configuration (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SDTR 0x184 /* SDRAM Timing (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCAR0 0x4c /* DRAM 0 Address reg(r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCMR0 0x50 /* DRAM 0 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCCR0 0x57 /* DRAM 0 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCAR1 0x58 /* DRAM 1 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCMR1 0x5c /* DRAM 1 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCCR1 0x63 /* DRAM 1 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x100) /* Base address UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x140) /* Base address UART1 */
-#define MCFSIM_PACNT (MCF_MBAR + 0x80) /* Port A Control (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PADDR (MCF_MBAR + 0x84) /* Port A Direction (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PADAT (MCF_MBAR + 0x86) /* Port A Data (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PBCNT (MCF_MBAR + 0x88) /* Port B Control (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PBDDR (MCF_MBAR + 0x8c) /* Port B Direction (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PBDAT (MCF_MBAR + 0x8e) /* Port B Data (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PCDDR (MCF_MBAR + 0x94) /* Port C Direction (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PCDAT (MCF_MBAR + 0x96) /* Port C Data (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PDCNT (MCF_MBAR + 0x98) /* Port D Control (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0xe0) /* Base address DMA 0 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x200) /* Base address TIMER1 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x220) /* Base address TIMER2 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE3 (MCF_MBAR + 0x240) /* Base address TIMER4 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE4 (MCF_MBAR + 0x260) /* Base address TIMER3 */
-#define MCFFEC_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x840) /* Base FEC ethernet */
-#define MCFFEC_SIZE0 0x1d0
- * Define system peripheral IRQ usage.
- */
-#define MCFINT_VECBASE 64 /* Base of interrupts */
-#define MCF_IRQ_SPURIOUS 64 /* User Spurious */
-#define MCF_IRQ_EINT1 65 /* External Interrupt 1 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_EINT2 66 /* External Interrupt 2 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_EINT3 67 /* External Interrupt 3 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_EINT4 68 /* External Interrupt 4 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER1 69 /* Timer 1 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER2 70 /* Timer 2 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER3 71 /* Timer 3 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER4 72 /* Timer 4 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART0 73 /* UART 0 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART1 74 /* UART 1 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_PLIP 75 /* PLIC 2Khz Periodic */
-#define MCF_IRQ_PLIA 76 /* PLIC Asynchronous */
-#define MCF_IRQ_USB0 77 /* USB Endpoint 0 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_USB1 78 /* USB Endpoint 1 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_USB2 79 /* USB Endpoint 2 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_USB3 80 /* USB Endpoint 3 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_USB4 81 /* USB Endpoint 4 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_USB5 82 /* USB Endpoint 5 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_USB6 83 /* USB Endpoint 6 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_USB7 84 /* USB Endpoint 7 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_DMA 85 /* DMA Controller */
-#define MCF_IRQ_FECRX0 86 /* Ethernet Receiver */
-#define MCF_IRQ_FECTX0 87 /* Ethernet Transmitter */
-#define MCF_IRQ_FECENTC0 88 /* Ethernet Non-Time Critical */
-#define MCF_IRQ_QSPI 89 /* Queued Serial Interface */
-#define MCF_IRQ_EINT5 90 /* External Interrupt 5 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_EINT6 91 /* External Interrupt 6 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_SWTO 92 /* Software Watchdog */
-#define MCFINT_VECMAX 95 /* Maxmum interrupt */
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 48
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX -1
-#endif /* m5272sim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m527xsim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m527xsim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 83db8106..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m527xsim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
- * m527xsim.h -- ColdFire 5270/5271 System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2004, Greg Ungerer (
- */
-#ifndef m527xsim_h
-#define m527xsim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m527x)"
-#define MCF_BUSCLK (MCF_CLK / 2)
-#include <asm/m52xxacr.h>
- * Define the 5270/5271 SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFICM_INTC0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0c00) /* Base for Interrupt Ctrl 0 */
-#define MCFICM_INTC1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0d00) /* Base for Interrupt Ctrl 1 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRH 0x00 /* Interrupt pending 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRL 0x04 /* Interrupt pending 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRH 0x08 /* Interrupt mask 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRL 0x0c /* Interrupt mask 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCH 0x10 /* Interrupt force 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCL 0x14 /* Interrupt force 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IRLR 0x18 /* */
-#define MCFINTC_IACKL 0x19 /* */
-#define MCFINTC_ICR0 0x40 /* Base ICR register */
-#define MCFINT_VECBASE 64 /* Vector base number */
-#define MCFINT_UART0 13 /* Interrupt number for UART0 */
-#define MCFINT_UART1 14 /* Interrupt number for UART1 */
-#define MCFINT_UART2 15 /* Interrupt number for UART2 */
-#define MCFINT_QSPI 18 /* Interrupt number for QSPI */
-#define MCFINT_FECRX0 23 /* Interrupt number for FEC0 */
-#define MCFINT_FECTX0 27 /* Interrupt number for FEC0 */
-#define MCFINT_FECENTC0 29 /* Interrupt number for FEC0 */
-#define MCFINT_PIT1 36 /* Interrupt number for PIT1 */
-#define MCFINT2_VECBASE 128 /* Vector base number 2 */
-#define MCFINT2_FECRX1 23 /* Interrupt number for FEC1 */
-#define MCFINT2_FECTX1 27 /* Interrupt number for FEC1 */
-#define MCFINT2_FECENTC1 29 /* Interrupt number for FEC1 */
- * SDRAM configuration registers.
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5271
-#define MCFSIM_DCR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x40) /* Control */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x48) /* Base address 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x4c) /* Address mask 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x50) /* Base address 1 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x54) /* Address mask 1 */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5275
-#define MCFSIM_DMR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x40) /* Mode */
-#define MCFSIM_DCR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x44) /* Control */
-#define MCFSIM_DCFG1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x48) /* Configuration 1 */
-#define MCFSIM_DCFG2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x4c) /* Configuration 2 */
-#define MCFSIM_DBAR0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x50) /* Base address 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x54) /* Address mask 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DBAR1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x58) /* Base address 1 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x5c) /* Address mask 1 */
- * DMA unit base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x140)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x180)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE3 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x1C0)
- * UART module.
- */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x200)
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x240)
-#define MCFUART_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x280)
- * FEC ethernet module.
- */
-#define MCFFEC_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x1000)
-#define MCFFEC_SIZE0 0x800
-#define MCFFEC_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x1800)
-#define MCFFEC_SIZE1 0x800
- * QSPI module.
- */
-#define MCFQSPI_BASE (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x340)
-#define MCFQSPI_SIZE 0x40
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5271
-#define MCFQSPI_CS0 91
-#define MCFQSPI_CS1 92
-#define MCFQSPI_CS2 99
-#define MCFQSPI_CS3 103
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5275
-#define MCFQSPI_CS0 59
-#define MCFQSPI_CS1 60
-#define MCFQSPI_CS2 61
-#define MCFQSPI_CS3 62
- * GPIO module.
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5271
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100000)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_DATAH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100001)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_DATAL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100002)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BUSCTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100003)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100004)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100005)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_SDRAM (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100006)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100007)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_UARTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100008)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_UARTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100009)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10000A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100010)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_DATAH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100011)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_DATAL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100012)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BUSCTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100013)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100014)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100015)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_SDRAM (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100016)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100017)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_UARTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100018)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_UARTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100019)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10001A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100020)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100024)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100025)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100027)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100030)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_DATAH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100031)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_DATAL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100032)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100034)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100035)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_SDRAM (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100036)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100037)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_UARTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100038)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_UARTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100039)
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 100
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX 8
-#define MCFGPIO_PAR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10004A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PAR_TIMER (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10004C)
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5275
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BUSCTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100004)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100005)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100008)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FEC0H (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10000A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FEC0L (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10000B)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10000C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10000D)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_TIMERL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100010)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_UARTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100011)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FEC1H (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100012)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FEC1L (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100013)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100014)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_IRQ (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100015)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_USBH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100016)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_USBL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100017)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_UARTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100018)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BUSCTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100020)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100021)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100024)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FEC0H (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100026)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FEC0L (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100027)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100028)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100029)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FEC1H (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10002E)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FEC1L (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10002F)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100030)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_IRQ (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100031)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_USBH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100032)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_USBL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100033)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_UARTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100034)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100040)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_FEC0H (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100042)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_FEC0L (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100043)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100044)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100045)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10004C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_ADDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100059)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_CS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10005C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FEC0H (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10005E)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FEC0L (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10005F)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FECI2C (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100060)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100061)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_SDRAM (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100062)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_UARTL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100065)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FEC1H (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100066)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FEC1L (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100067)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_BS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100068)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_IRQ (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x100069)
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 148
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX 8
-#define MCFGPIO_PAR_QSPI (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x10007E)
- * PIT timer base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFPIT_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x150000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x160000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE3 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x170000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE4 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x180000)
- * EPort
- */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130000)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130002)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPIER (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130003)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130004)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130005)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPFR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x130006)
- * GPIO pins setups to enable the UARTs.
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5271
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART 0x100048 /* PAR UART address */
-#define UART0_ENABLE_MASK 0x000f
-#define UART1_ENABLE_MASK 0x0ff0
-#define UART2_ENABLE_MASK 0x3000
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5275
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART 0x10007c /* PAR UART address */
-#define UART0_ENABLE_MASK 0x000f
-#define UART1_ENABLE_MASK 0x00f0
-#define UART2_ENABLE_MASK 0x3f00
- * Reset Control Unit (relative to IPSBAR).
- */
-#define MCF_RCR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x110000)
-#define MCF_RSR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x110001)
-#define MCF_RCR_SWRESET 0x80 /* Software reset bit */
-#define MCF_RCR_FRCSTOUT 0x40 /* Force external reset */
-#endif /* m527xsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m528xsim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m528xsim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 569476fb..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m528xsim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
- * m528xsim.h -- ColdFire 5280/5282 System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2003, Greg Ungerer (
- */
-#ifndef m528xsim_h
-#define m528xsim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m528x)"
-#include <asm/m52xxacr.h>
- * Define the 5280/5282 SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFICM_INTC0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0c00) /* Base for Interrupt Ctrl 0 */
-#define MCFICM_INTC1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0d00) /* Base for Interrupt Ctrl 0 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRH 0x00 /* Interrupt pending 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRL 0x04 /* Interrupt pending 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRH 0x08 /* Interrupt mask 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRL 0x0c /* Interrupt mask 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCH 0x10 /* Interrupt force 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCL 0x14 /* Interrupt force 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IRLR 0x18 /* */
-#define MCFINTC_IACKL 0x19 /* */
-#define MCFINTC_ICR0 0x40 /* Base ICR register */
-#define MCFINT_VECBASE 64 /* Vector base number */
-#define MCFINT_UART0 13 /* Interrupt number for UART0 */
-#define MCFINT_UART1 14 /* Interrupt number for UART1 */
-#define MCFINT_UART2 15 /* Interrupt number for UART2 */
-#define MCFINT_QSPI 18 /* Interrupt number for QSPI */
-#define MCFINT_FECRX0 23 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCFINT_FECTX0 27 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCFINT_FECENTC0 29 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCFINT_PIT1 55 /* Interrupt number for PIT1 */
- * SDRAM configuration registers.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_DCR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000044) /* Control */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000048) /* Base address 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0000004c) /* Address mask 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000050) /* Base address 1 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000054) /* Address mask 1 */
- * DMA unit base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000100)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000140)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000180)
-#define MCFDMA_BASE3 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x000001C0)
- * UART module.
- */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000200)
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000240)
-#define MCFUART_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00000280)
- * FEC ethernet module.
- */
-#define MCFFEC_BASE0 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00001000)
-#define MCFFEC_SIZE0 0x800
- * QSPI module.
- */
-#define MCFQSPI_IOBASE (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x340)
-#define MCFQSPI_SIZE 0x40
-#define MCFQSPI_CS0 147
-#define MCFQSPI_CS1 148
-#define MCFQSPI_CS2 149
-#define MCFQSPI_CS3 150
- * GPIO registers
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100000)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTB (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100001)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTC (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100002)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100003)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTE (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100004)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTF (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100005)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTG (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100006)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100007)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTJ (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100008)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTDD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100009)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTEH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010000A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTEL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010000B)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTAS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010000C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTQS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010000D)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTSD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010000E)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTTC (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010000F)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTTD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100010)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTUA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100011)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100014)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRB (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100015)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRC (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100016)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100017)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRE (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100018)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRF (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100019)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRG (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010001A)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010001B)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRJ (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010001C)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRDD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010001D)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDREH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010001E)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDREL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010001F)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRAS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100020)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRQS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100021)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRSD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100022)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRTC (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100023)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRTD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100024)
-#define MCFGPIO_DDRUA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100025)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTAP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100028)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTBP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100029)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTCP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTDP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002B)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTEP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTFP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002D)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTGP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002E)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTHP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002F)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTJP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100030)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTDDP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100031)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTEHP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100032)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTELP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100033)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTASP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100034)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTQSP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100035)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTSDP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100036)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTTCP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100037)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTTDP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100038)
-#define MCFGPIO_PORTUAP (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100039)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100028)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETB (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100029)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETC (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002A)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002B)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETE (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002C)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETF (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002D)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETG (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002E)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010002F)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETJ (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100030)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETDD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100031)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETEH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100032)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETEL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100033)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETAS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100034)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETQS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100035)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETSD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100036)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETTC (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100037)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETTD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100038)
-#define MCFGPIO_SETUA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100039)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010003C)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRB (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010003D)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRC (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010003E)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010003F)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRE (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100040)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRF (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100041)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRG (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100042)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100043)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRJ (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100044)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRDD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100045)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLREH (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100046)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLREL (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100047)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRAS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100048)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRQS (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100049)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRSD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010004A)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRTC (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010004B)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRTD (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010004C)
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRUA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010004D)
-#define MCFGPIO_PBCDPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100050)
-#define MCFGPIO_PFPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100051)
-#define MCFGPIO_PEPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100052)
-#define MCFGPIO_PJPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100054)
-#define MCFGPIO_PSDPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100055)
-#define MCFGPIO_PASPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100056)
-#define MCFGPIO_PEHLPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100058)
-#define MCFGPIO_PQSPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100059)
-#define MCFGPIO_PTCPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010005A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PTDPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010005B)
-#define MCFGPIO_PUAPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0010005C)
- * PIT timer base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFPIT_BASE1 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00150000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE2 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00160000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE3 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00170000)
-#define MCFPIT_BASE4 (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00180000)
- * Edge Port registers
- */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPAR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00130000)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00130002)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPIER (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00130003)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00130004)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00130005)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPFR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00130006)
- * Queued ADC registers
- */
-#define MCFQADC_PORTQA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00190006)
-#define MCFQADC_PORTQB (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00190007)
-#define MCFQADC_DDRQA (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00190008)
-#define MCFQADC_DDRQB (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00190009)
- * General Purpose Timers registers
- */
-#define MCFGPTA_GPTPORT (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x001A001D)
-#define MCFGPTA_GPTDDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x001A001E)
-#define MCFGPTB_GPTPORT (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x001B001D)
-#define MCFGPTB_GPTDDR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x001B001E)
- *
- * definitions for generic gpio support
- *
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR MCFGPIO_PORTA /* port output data */
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR MCFGPIO_DDRA /* port data direction */
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDR MCFGPIO_PORTAP /* port pin data */
-#define MCFGPIO_SETR MCFGPIO_SETA /* set output */
-#define MCFGPIO_CLRR MCFGPIO_CLRA /* clr output */
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX 8
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 180
- * Derek Cheung - 6 Feb 2005
- * add I2C and QSPI register definition using Freescale's MCF5282
- */
-/* set Port AS pin for I2C or UART */
-#define MCF5282_GPIO_PASPAR (volatile u16 *) (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x00100056)
-/* Port UA Pin Assignment Register (8 Bit) */
-#define MCF5282_GPIO_PUAPAR 0x10005C
-/* Interrupt Mask Register Register Low */
-#define MCF5282_INTC0_IMRL (volatile u32 *) (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0C0C)
-/* Interrupt Control Register 7 */
-#define MCF5282_INTC0_ICR17 (volatile u8 *) (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0C51)
- * Reset Control Unit (relative to IPSBAR).
- */
-#define MCF_RCR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x110000)
-#define MCF_RSR (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x110001)
-#define MCF_RCR_SWRESET 0x80 /* Software reset bit */
-#define MCF_RCR_FRCSTOUT 0x40 /* Force external reset */
-* Inter-IC (I2C) Module
-/* Read/Write access macros for general use */
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2ADR (volatile u8 *) (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0300) // Address
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2FDR (volatile u8 *) (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0304) // Freq Divider
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2CR (volatile u8 *) (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0308) // Control
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2SR (volatile u8 *) (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x030C) // Status
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2DR (volatile u8 *) (MCF_IPSBAR + 0x0310) // Data I/O
-/* Bit level definitions and macros */
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2ADR_ADDR(x) (((x)&0x7F)<<0x01)
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2FDR_IC(x) (((x)&0x3F))
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2CR_IEN (0x80) // I2C enable
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2CR_IIEN (0x40) // interrupt enable
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2CR_MSTA (0x20) // master/slave mode
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2CR_MTX (0x10) // transmit/receive mode
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2CR_TXAK (0x08) // transmit acknowledge enable
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2CR_RSTA (0x04) // repeat start
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2SR_ICF (0x80) // data transfer bit
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2SR_IAAS (0x40) // I2C addressed as a slave
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2SR_IBB (0x20) // I2C bus busy
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2SR_IAL (0x10) // aribitration lost
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2SR_SRW (0x04) // slave read/write
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2SR_IIF (0x02) // I2C interrupt
-#define MCF5282_I2C_I2SR_RXAK (0x01) // received acknowledge
-#endif /* m528xsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m52xxacr.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m52xxacr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index abc391a9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m52xxacr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * m52xxacr.h -- ColdFire version 2 core cache support
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2010, Greg Ungerer <>
- */
-#ifndef m52xxacr_h
-#define m52xxacr_h
- * All varients of the ColdFire using version 2 cores have a similar
- * cache setup. Although not absolutely identical the cache register
- * definitions are compatible for all of them. Mostly they support a
- * configurable cache memory that can be instruction only, data only,
- * or split instruction and data. The exception is the very old version 2
- * core based parts, like the 5206(e), 5249 and 5272, which are instruction
- * cache only. Cache size varies from 2k up to 16k.
- */
- * Define the Cache Control register flags.
- */
-#define CACR_CENB 0x80000000 /* Enable cache */
-#define CACR_CDPI 0x10000000 /* Disable invalidation by CPUSHL */
-#define CACR_CFRZ 0x08000000 /* Cache freeze mode */
-#define CACR_CINV 0x01000000 /* Invalidate cache */
-#define CACR_DISI 0x00800000 /* Disable instruction cache */
-#define CACR_DISD 0x00400000 /* Disable data cache */
-#define CACR_INVI 0x00200000 /* Invalidate instruction cache */
-#define CACR_INVD 0x00100000 /* Invalidate data cache */
-#define CACR_CEIB 0x00000400 /* Non-cachable instruction burst */
-#define CACR_DCM 0x00000200 /* Default cache mode */
-#define CACR_DBWE 0x00000100 /* Buffered write enable */
-#define CACR_DWP 0x00000020 /* Write protection */
-#define CACR_EUSP 0x00000010 /* Enable separate user a7 */
- * Define the Access Control register flags.
- */
-#define ACR_BASE_POS 24 /* Address Base (upper 8 bits) */
-#define ACR_MASK_POS 16 /* Address Mask (next 8 bits) */
-#define ACR_ENABLE 0x00008000 /* Enable this ACR */
-#define ACR_USER 0x00000000 /* Allow only user accesses */
-#define ACR_SUPER 0x00002000 /* Allow supervisor access only */
-#define ACR_ANY 0x00004000 /* Allow any access type */
-#define ACR_CENB 0x00000000 /* Caching of region enabled */
-#define ACR_CDIS 0x00000040 /* Caching of region disabled */
-#define ACR_BWE 0x00000020 /* Write buffer enabled */
-#define ACR_WPROTECT 0x00000004 /* Write protect region */
- * Set the cache controller settings we will use. On the cores that support
- * a split cache configuration we allow all the combinations at Kconfig
- * time. For those cores that only have an instruction cache we just set
- * that as on.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_CACHE_I)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_CACHE_D)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_CACHE_BOTH)
-/* This is the instruction cache only devices (no split cache, no eusp) */
-#define CACHE_TYPE 0
-#if defined(CACHE_INVTYPEI)
-#if defined(CACHE_INVTYPED)
-#define ACR0_MODE ((CONFIG_RAMBASE & 0xff000000) + \
- (0x000f0000) + \
-#define ACR1_MODE 0
-#endif /* m52xxsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5307sim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5307sim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bc3adaa..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5307sim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- * m5307sim.h -- ColdFire 5307 System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999, Moreton Bay Ventures Pty Ltd.
- * (C) Copyright 1999, Lineo (
- *
- * Modified by David W. Miller for the MCF5307 Eval Board.
- */
-#ifndef m5307sim_h
-#define m5307sim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m5307)"
-#define MCF_BUSCLK (MCF_CLK / 2)
-#include <asm/m53xxacr.h>
- * Define the 5307 SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_RSR 0x00 /* Reset Status reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SYPCR 0x01 /* System Protection reg (r/w)*/
-#define MCFSIM_SWIVR 0x02 /* SW Watchdog intr reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SWSR 0x03 /* SW Watchdog service (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR 0x04 /* Pin Assignment reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_IRQPAR 0x06 /* Interrupt Assignment reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PLLCR 0x08 /* PLL Control Reg*/
-#define MCFSIM_MPARK 0x0C /* BUS Master Control Reg*/
-#define MCFSIM_IPR 0x40 /* Interrupt Pend reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_IMR 0x44 /* Interrupt Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_AVR 0x4b /* Autovector Ctrl reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR0 0x4c /* Intr Ctrl reg 0 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR1 0x4d /* Intr Ctrl reg 1 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR2 0x4e /* Intr Ctrl reg 2 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR3 0x4f /* Intr Ctrl reg 3 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR4 0x50 /* Intr Ctrl reg 4 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR5 0x51 /* Intr Ctrl reg 5 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR6 0x52 /* Intr Ctrl reg 6 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR7 0x53 /* Intr Ctrl reg 7 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR8 0x54 /* Intr Ctrl reg 8 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR9 0x55 /* Intr Ctrl reg 9 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR10 0x56 /* Intr Ctrl reg 10 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR11 0x57 /* Intr Ctrl reg 11 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR0 0x80 /* CS 0 Address 0 reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR0 0x84 /* CS 0 Mask 0 reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR0 0x8a /* CS 0 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR1 0x8c /* CS 1 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR1 0x90 /* CS 1 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR1 0x96 /* CS 1 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBAR 0x98 /* CS Base Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSBAMR 0x9c /* CS Base Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR2 0x9e /* CS 2 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR2 0xa2 /* CS 2 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR3 0xaa /* CS 3 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR3 0xae /* CS 3 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR4 0xb6 /* CS 4 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR4 0xba /* CS 4 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR5 0xc2 /* CS 5 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR5 0xc6 /* CS 5 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR6 0xce /* CS 6 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR6 0xd2 /* CS 6 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR7 0xda /* CS 7 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR7 0xde /* CS 7 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR2 0x98 /* CS 2 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR2 0x9c /* CS 2 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR2 0xa2 /* CS 2 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR3 0xa4 /* CS 3 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR3 0xa8 /* CS 3 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR3 0xae /* CS 3 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR4 0xb0 /* CS 4 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR4 0xb4 /* CS 4 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR4 0xba /* CS 4 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR5 0xbc /* CS 5 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR5 0xc0 /* CS 5 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR5 0xc6 /* CS 5 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR6 0xc8 /* CS 6 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR6 0xcc /* CS 6 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR6 0xd2 /* CS 6 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR7 0xd4 /* CS 7 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR7 0xd8 /* CS 7 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR7 0xde /* CS 7 Control reg (r/w) */
-#endif /* CONFIG_OLDMASK */
-#define MCFSIM_DCR (MCF_MBAR + 0x100) /* DRAM Control */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x108) /* DRAM Addr/Ctrl 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x10c) /* DRAM Mask 0 */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x110) /* DRAM Addr/Ctrl 1 */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x114) /* DRAM Mask 1 */
- * Timer module.
- */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x140) /* Base of TIMER1 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x180) /* Base of TIMER2 */
-#define MCFSIM_PADDR (MCF_MBAR + 0x244)
-#define MCFSIM_PADAT (MCF_MBAR + 0x248)
- * DMA unit base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x300) /* Base address DMA 0 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x340) /* Base address DMA 1 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x380) /* Base address DMA 2 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE3 (MCF_MBAR + 0x3C0) /* Base address DMA 3 */
- * UART module.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_NETtel) || defined(CONFIG_SECUREEDGEMP3)
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x200) /* Base address UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x1c0) /* Base address UART1 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x1c0) /* Base address UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x200) /* Base address UART1 */
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 16
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX -1
-/* Definition offset address for CS2-7 -- old mask 5307 */
-#define MCF5307_CS2 (0x400000)
-#define MCF5307_CS3 (0x600000)
-#define MCF5307_CS4 (0x800000)
-#define MCF5307_CS5 (0xA00000)
-#define MCF5307_CS6 (0xC00000)
-#define MCF5307_CS7 (0xE00000)
- * Some symbol defines for the above...
- */
-#define MCFSIM_SWDICR MCFSIM_ICR0 /* Watchdog timer ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER1ICR MCFSIM_ICR1 /* Timer 1 ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER2ICR MCFSIM_ICR2 /* Timer 2 ICR */
- * Some symbol defines for the Parallel Port Pin Assignment Register
- */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR_DREQ0 0x40 /* Set to select DREQ0 input */
- /* Clear to select par I/O */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR_DREQ1 0x20 /* Select DREQ1 input */
- /* Clear to select par I/O */
- * Defines for the IRQPAR Register
- */
-#define IRQ5_LEVEL4 0x80
-#define IRQ3_LEVEL6 0x40
-#define IRQ1_LEVEL2 0x20
- * Define system peripheral IRQ usage.
- */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER 30 /* Timer0, Level 6 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_PROFILER 31 /* Timer1, Level 7 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART0 73 /* UART0 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART1 74 /* UART1 */
-#endif /* m5307sim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m532xsim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m532xsim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b66e21..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m532xsim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2263 +0,0 @@
- * m532xsim.h -- ColdFire 5329 registers
- */
-#ifndef m532xsim_h
-#define m532xsim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m532x)"
-#define MCF_BUSCLK (MCF_CLK / 3)
-#include <asm/m53xxacr.h>
-#define MCF_REG32(x) (*(volatile unsigned long *)(x))
-#define MCF_REG16(x) (*(volatile unsigned short *)(x))
-#define MCF_REG08(x) (*(volatile unsigned char *)(x))
-#define MCFINT_VECBASE 64
-#define MCFINT_UART0 26 /* Interrupt number for UART0 */
-#define MCFINT_UART1 27 /* Interrupt number for UART1 */
-#define MCFINT_UART2 28 /* Interrupt number for UART2 */
-#define MCFINT_QSPI 31 /* Interrupt number for QSPI */
-#define MCFINT_FECRX0 36 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCFINT_FECTX0 40 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCFINT_FECENTC0 42 /* Interrupt number for FEC */
-#define MCF_WTM_WCR MCF_REG16(0xFC098000)
- * Define the 532x SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_IPRL 0xFC048004
-#define MCFSIM_IPRH 0xFC048000
-#define MCFSIM_IMRL 0xFC04800C
-#define MCFSIM_IMRH 0xFC048008
-#define MCFSIM_ICR0 0xFC048040
-#define MCFSIM_ICR1 0xFC048041
-#define MCFSIM_ICR2 0xFC048042
-#define MCFSIM_ICR3 0xFC048043
-#define MCFSIM_ICR4 0xFC048044
-#define MCFSIM_ICR5 0xFC048045
-#define MCFSIM_ICR6 0xFC048046
-#define MCFSIM_ICR7 0xFC048047
-#define MCFSIM_ICR8 0xFC048048
-#define MCFSIM_ICR9 0xFC048049
-#define MCFSIM_ICR10 0xFC04804A
-#define MCFSIM_ICR11 0xFC04804B
- * Some symbol defines for the above...
- */
-#define MCFSIM_SWDICR MCFSIM_ICR0 /* Watchdog timer ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER1ICR MCFSIM_ICR1 /* Timer 1 ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER2ICR MCFSIM_ICR2 /* Timer 2 ICR */
-#define MCFINTC0_SIMR 0xFC04801C
-#define MCFINTC0_CIMR 0xFC04801D
-#define MCFINTC0_ICR0 0xFC048040
-#define MCFINTC1_SIMR 0xFC04C01C
-#define MCFINTC1_CIMR 0xFC04C01D
-#define MCFINTC1_ICR0 0xFC04C040
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_TIMER1 (0xFC048040+32)
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_TIMER2 (0xFC048040+33)
- * Define system peripheral IRQ usage.
- */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER (64 + 32) /* Timer0 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_PROFILER (64 + 33) /* Timer1 */
- * UART module.
- */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 0xFC060000 /* Base address of UART1 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 0xFC064000 /* Base address of UART2 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE2 0xFC068000 /* Base address of UART3 */
- * FEC module.
- */
-#define MCFFEC_BASE0 0xFC030000 /* Base address of FEC0 */
-#define MCFFEC_SIZE0 0x800 /* Size of FEC0 region */
- * QSPI module.
- */
-#define MCFQSPI_BASE 0xFC058000 /* Base address of QSPI */
-#define MCFQSPI_SIZE 0x40 /* Size of QSPI region */
-#define MCFQSPI_CS0 84
-#define MCFQSPI_CS1 85
-#define MCFQSPI_CS2 86
- * Timer module.
- */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE1 0xFC070000 /* Base address of TIMER1 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE2 0xFC074000 /* Base address of TIMER2 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE3 0xFC078000 /* Base address of TIMER3 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE4 0xFC07C000 /* Base address of TIMER4 */
- *
- * Reset Controller Module
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-#define MCF_RCR 0xFC0A0000
-#define MCF_RSR 0xFC0A0001
-#define MCF_RCR_SWRESET 0x80 /* Software reset bit */
-#define MCF_RCR_FRCSTOUT 0x40 /* Force external reset */
- *
- * Inter-IC (I2C) Module
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Read/Write access macros for general use */
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2ADR (volatile u8 *) (0xFC058000) // Address
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2FDR (volatile u8 *) (0xFC058004) // Freq Divider
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2CR (volatile u8 *) (0xFC058008) // Control
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2SR (volatile u8 *) (0xFC05800C) // Status
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2DR (volatile u8 *) (0xFC058010) // Data I/O
-/* Bit level definitions and macros */
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2ADR_ADDR(x) (((x)&0x7F)<<0x01)
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2FDR_IC(x) (((x)&0x3F))
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2CR_IEN (0x80) // I2C enable
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2CR_IIEN (0x40) // interrupt enable
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2CR_MSTA (0x20) // master/slave mode
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2CR_MTX (0x10) // transmit/receive mode
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2CR_TXAK (0x08) // transmit acknowledge enable
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2CR_RSTA (0x04) // repeat start
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2SR_ICF (0x80) // data transfer bit
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2SR_IAAS (0x40) // I2C addressed as a slave
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2SR_IBB (0x20) // I2C bus busy
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2SR_IAL (0x10) // aribitration lost
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2SR_SRW (0x04) // slave read/write
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2SR_IIF (0x02) // I2C interrupt
-#define MCF532x_I2C_I2SR_RXAK (0x01) // received acknowledge
-#define MCF532x_PAR_FECI2C (volatile u8 *) (0xFC0A4053)
- * The M5329EVB board needs a help getting its devices initialized
- * at kernel start time if dBUG doesn't set it up (for example
- * it is not used), so we need to do it manually.
- */
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
-.macro m5329EVB_setup
- movel #0xFC098000, %a7
- movel #0x0, (%a7)
-#define CORE_SRAM 0x80000000
-#define CORE_SRAM_SIZE 0x8000
- movel #CORE_SRAM, %d0
- addl #0x221, %d0
- movec %d0,%RAMBAR1
- movel #CORE_SRAM, %sp
- addl #CORE_SRAM_SIZE, %sp
- jsr sysinit
-#define PLATFORM_SETUP m5329EVB_setup
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */
- *
- * Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_CCM_CCR MCF_REG16(0xFC0A0004)
-#define MCF_CCM_RCON MCF_REG16(0xFC0A0008)
-#define MCF_CCM_CIR MCF_REG16(0xFC0A000A)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR MCF_REG16(0xFC0A0010)
-#define MCF_CCM_CDR MCF_REG16(0xFC0A0012)
-#define MCF_CCM_UHCSR MCF_REG16(0xFC0A0014)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR MCF_REG16(0xFC0A0016)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_CCR */
-#define MCF_CCM_CCR_RESERVED (0x0001)
-#define MCF_CCM_CCR_PLL_MODE (0x0003)
-#define MCF_CCM_CCR_OSC_MODE (0x0005)
-#define MCF_CCM_CCR_BOOTPS(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<3|0x0001)
-#define MCF_CCM_CCR_LOAD (0x0021)
-#define MCF_CCM_CCR_LIMP (0x0041)
-#define MCF_CCM_CCR_CSC(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<8|0x0001)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_RCON */
-#define MCF_CCM_RCON_RESERVED (0x0001)
-#define MCF_CCM_RCON_PLL_MODE (0x0003)
-#define MCF_CCM_RCON_OSC_MODE (0x0005)
-#define MCF_CCM_RCON_BOOTPS(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<3|0x0001)
-#define MCF_CCM_RCON_LOAD (0x0021)
-#define MCF_CCM_RCON_LIMP (0x0041)
-#define MCF_CCM_RCON_CSC(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<8|0x0001)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_CIR */
-#define MCF_CCM_CIR_PRN(x) (((x)&0x003F)<<0)
-#define MCF_CCM_CIR_PIN(x) (((x)&0x03FF)<<6)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_MISCCR */
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_USBSRC (0x0001)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_USBDIV (0x0002)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_SSI_SRC (0x0010)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_TIM_DMA (0x0020)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_SSI_PUS (0x0040)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_SSI_PUE (0x0080)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_LCD_CHEN (0x0100)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_LIMP (0x1000)
-#define MCF_CCM_MISCCR_PLL_LOCK (0x2000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_CDR */
-#define MCF_CCM_CDR_SSIDIV(x) (((x)&0x000F)<<0)
-#define MCF_CCM_CDR_LPDIV(x) (((x)&0x000F)<<8)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_UHCSR */
-#define MCF_CCM_UHCSR_XPDE (0x0001)
-#define MCF_CCM_UHCSR_UHMIE (0x0002)
-#define MCF_CCM_UHCSR_WKUP (0x0004)
-#define MCF_CCM_UHCSR_PORTIND(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<14)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_UOCSR */
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_XPDE (0x0001)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_UOMIE (0x0002)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_WKUP (0x0004)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_PWRFLT (0x0008)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_SEND (0x0010)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_VVLD (0x0020)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_BVLD (0x0040)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_AVLD (0x0080)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_DPPU (0x0100)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_DCR_VBUS (0x0200)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_CRG_VBUS (0x0400)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_DRV_VBUS (0x0800)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_DMPD (0x1000)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_DPPD (0x2000)
-#define MCF_CCM_UOCSR_PORTIND(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<14)
- *
- * DMA Timers (DTIM)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_DTIM0_DTMR MCF_REG16(0xFC070000)
-#define MCF_DTIM0_DTXMR MCF_REG08(0xFC070002)
-#define MCF_DTIM0_DTER MCF_REG08(0xFC070003)
-#define MCF_DTIM0_DTRR MCF_REG32(0xFC070004)
-#define MCF_DTIM0_DTCR MCF_REG32(0xFC070008)
-#define MCF_DTIM0_DTCN MCF_REG32(0xFC07000C)
-#define MCF_DTIM1_DTMR MCF_REG16(0xFC074000)
-#define MCF_DTIM1_DTXMR MCF_REG08(0xFC074002)
-#define MCF_DTIM1_DTER MCF_REG08(0xFC074003)
-#define MCF_DTIM1_DTRR MCF_REG32(0xFC074004)
-#define MCF_DTIM1_DTCR MCF_REG32(0xFC074008)
-#define MCF_DTIM1_DTCN MCF_REG32(0xFC07400C)
-#define MCF_DTIM2_DTMR MCF_REG16(0xFC078000)
-#define MCF_DTIM2_DTXMR MCF_REG08(0xFC078002)
-#define MCF_DTIM2_DTER MCF_REG08(0xFC078003)
-#define MCF_DTIM2_DTRR MCF_REG32(0xFC078004)
-#define MCF_DTIM2_DTCR MCF_REG32(0xFC078008)
-#define MCF_DTIM2_DTCN MCF_REG32(0xFC07800C)
-#define MCF_DTIM3_DTMR MCF_REG16(0xFC07C000)
-#define MCF_DTIM3_DTXMR MCF_REG08(0xFC07C002)
-#define MCF_DTIM3_DTER MCF_REG08(0xFC07C003)
-#define MCF_DTIM3_DTRR MCF_REG32(0xFC07C004)
-#define MCF_DTIM3_DTCR MCF_REG32(0xFC07C008)
-#define MCF_DTIM3_DTCN MCF_REG32(0xFC07C00C)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR(x) MCF_REG16(0xFC070000+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTXMR(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC070002+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTER(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC070003+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTRR(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC070004+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTCR(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC070008+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTCN(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC07000C+((x)*0x4000))
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTMR */
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_RST (0x0001)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CLK(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<1)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_FRR (0x0008)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_ORRI (0x0010)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_OM (0x0020)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CE(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<6)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_PS(x) (((x)&0x00FF)<<8)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CE_ANY (0x00C0)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CE_FALL (0x0080)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CE_RISE (0x0040)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CE_NONE (0x0000)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CLK_DTIN (0x0006)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CLK_DIV16 (0x0004)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CLK_DIV1 (0x0002)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR_CLK_STOP (0x0000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTXMR */
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTXMR_MODE16 (0x01)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTXMR_DMAEN (0x80)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTER */
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTER_CAP (0x01)
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTER_REF (0x02)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTRR */
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTRR_REF(x) (((x)&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTCR */
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTCR_CAP(x) (((x)&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTCN */
-#define MCF_DTIM_DTCN_CNT(x) (((x)&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
- *
- * FlexBus Chip Selects (FBCS)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_FBCS0_CSAR MCF_REG32(0xFC008000)
-#define MCF_FBCS0_CSMR MCF_REG32(0xFC008004)
-#define MCF_FBCS0_CSCR MCF_REG32(0xFC008008)
-#define MCF_FBCS1_CSAR MCF_REG32(0xFC00800C)
-#define MCF_FBCS1_CSMR MCF_REG32(0xFC008010)
-#define MCF_FBCS1_CSCR MCF_REG32(0xFC008014)
-#define MCF_FBCS2_CSAR MCF_REG32(0xFC008018)
-#define MCF_FBCS2_CSMR MCF_REG32(0xFC00801C)
-#define MCF_FBCS2_CSCR MCF_REG32(0xFC008020)
-#define MCF_FBCS3_CSAR MCF_REG32(0xFC008024)
-#define MCF_FBCS3_CSMR MCF_REG32(0xFC008028)
-#define MCF_FBCS3_CSCR MCF_REG32(0xFC00802C)
-#define MCF_FBCS4_CSAR MCF_REG32(0xFC008030)
-#define MCF_FBCS4_CSMR MCF_REG32(0xFC008034)
-#define MCF_FBCS4_CSCR MCF_REG32(0xFC008038)
-#define MCF_FBCS5_CSAR MCF_REG32(0xFC00803C)
-#define MCF_FBCS5_CSMR MCF_REG32(0xFC008040)
-#define MCF_FBCS5_CSCR MCF_REG32(0xFC008044)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSAR(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC008000+((x)*0x00C))
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC008004+((x)*0x00C))
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC008008+((x)*0x00C))
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_FBCS_CSAR */
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSAR_BA(x) ((x)&0xFFFF0000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_FBCS_CSMR */
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_V (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_WP (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM(x) (((x)&0x0000FFFF)<<16)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_4G (0xFFFF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_2G (0x7FFF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_1G (0x3FFF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_1024M (0x3FFF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_512M (0x1FFF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_256M (0x0FFF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_128M (0x07FF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_64M (0x03FF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_32M (0x01FF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_16M (0x00FF0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_8M (0x007F0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_4M (0x003F0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_2M (0x001F0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_1M (0x000F0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_1024K (0x000F0000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_512K (0x00070000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_256K (0x00030000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_128K (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSMR_BAM_64K (0x00000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_FBCS_CSCR */
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_BSTW (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_BSTR (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_BEM (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_PS(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<6)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_AA (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_SBM (0x00000200)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_WS(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<10)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_WRAH(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<16)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_RDAH(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<18)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_ASET(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<20)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_SWSEN (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_SWS(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<26)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_PS_8 (0x0040)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_PS_16 (0x0080)
-#define MCF_FBCS_CSCR_PS_32 (0x0000)
- *
- * General Purpose I/O (GPIO)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECH (0xFC0A4000)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECL (0xFC0A4001)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_SSI (0xFC0A4002)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BUSCTL (0xFC0A4003)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_BE (0xFC0A4004)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_CS (0xFC0A4005)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_PWM (0xFC0A4006)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_FECI2C (0xFC0A4007)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_UART (0xFC0A4009)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_QSPI (0xFC0A400A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_TIMER (0xFC0A400B)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_LCDCTLH (0xFC0A4010)
-#define MCFGPIO_PODR_LCDCTLL (0xFC0A4011)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FECH (0xFC0A4014)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FECL (0xFC0A4015)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_SSI (0xFC0A4016)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BUSCTL (0xFC0A4017)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_BE (0xFC0A4018)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_CS (0xFC0A4019)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_PWM (0xFC0A401A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_FECI2C (0xFC0A401B)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_UART (0xFC0A401C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_QSPI (0xFC0A401E)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_TIMER (0xFC0A401F)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_LCDCTLH (0xFC0A4024)
-#define MCFGPIO_PDDR_LCDCTLL (0xFC0A4025)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_FECH (0xFC0A4028)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_FECL (0xFC0A4029)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_SSI (0xFC0A402A)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_BE (0xFC0A402C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_CS (0xFC0A402D)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_PWM (0xFC0A402E)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_UART (0xFC0A4031)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_QSPI (0xFC0A4032)
-#define MCFGPIO_PPDSDR_TIMER (0xFC0A4033)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FECH (0xFC0A403C)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FECL (0xFC0A403D)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_SSI (0xFC0A403E)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_BE (0xFC0A4040)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_CS (0xFC0A4041)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_PWM (0xFC0A4042)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_FECI2C (0xFC0A4043)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_UART (0xFC0A4045)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_QSPI (0xFC0A4046)
-#define MCFGPIO_PCLRR_TIMER (0xFC0A4047)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FEC MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4050)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_PWM MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4051)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4052)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4053)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BE MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4054)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4055)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_SSI MCF_REG16(0xFC0A4056)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART MCF_REG16(0xFC0A4058)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI MCF_REG16(0xFC0A405A)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_IRQ MCF_REG16(0xFC0A4060)
-#define MCF_GPIO_MSCR_SDRAM MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4065)
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_I2C MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4068)
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_PWM MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4069)
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_FEC MCF_REG08(0xFC0A406A)
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_SSI MCF_REG08(0xFC0A406E)
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_LCD MCF_REG08(0xFC0A406F)
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_DEBUG MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4070)
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_IRQ MCF_REG08(0xFC0A4072)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_FECH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_FECL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_SSI */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_SSI_PODR_SSI0 (0x01)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_SSI_PODR_SSI1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_SSI_PODR_SSI2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_SSI_PODR_SSI3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_SSI_PODR_SSI4 (0x10)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_BUSCTL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_BE */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_BE_PODR_BE0 (0x01)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_BE_PODR_BE1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_BE_PODR_BE2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_BE_PODR_BE3 (0x08)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_CS */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_CS_PODR_CS1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_CS_PODR_CS2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_CS_PODR_CS3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_CS_PODR_CS4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_CS_PODR_CS5 (0x20)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_PWM */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_PWM_PODR_PWM2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_PWM_PODR_PWM3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_PWM_PODR_PWM4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PODR_PWM_PODR_PWM5 (0x20)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_FECI2C */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_UART */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_QSPI */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_TIMER */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_LCDDATAH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_LCDDATAM */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_LCDDATAL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_LCDCTLH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PODR_LCDCTLL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_FECH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_FECL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_SSI */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_SSI_PDDR_SSI0 (0x01)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_SSI_PDDR_SSI1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_SSI_PDDR_SSI2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_SSI_PDDR_SSI3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_SSI_PDDR_SSI4 (0x10)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_BUSCTL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_BE */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_BE_PDDR_BE0 (0x01)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_BE_PDDR_BE1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_BE_PDDR_BE2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_BE_PDDR_BE3 (0x08)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_CS */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_CS_PDDR_CS1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_CS_PDDR_CS2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_CS_PDDR_CS3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_CS_PDDR_CS4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_CS_PDDR_CS5 (0x20)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_PWM */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_PWM_PDDR_PWM2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_PWM_PDDR_PWM3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_PWM_PDDR_PWM4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PDDR_PWM_PDDR_PWM5 (0x20)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_FECI2C */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_UART */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_QSPI */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_TIMER */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_LCDDATAH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_LCDDATAM */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_LCDDATAL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_LCDCTLH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PDDR_LCDCTLL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_FECH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_FECL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_SSI */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_BUSCTL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_BE */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_CS */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_PWM */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_FECI2C */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_UART */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_QSPI */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_TIMER */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_LCDDATAH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_LCDDATAM */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_LCDDATAL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_LCDCTLH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PPDSDR_LCDCTLL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_FECH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_FECL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_SSI */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_BUSCTL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_BE */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_BE_PCLRR_BE0 (0x01)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_BE_PCLRR_BE1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_BE_PCLRR_BE2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_BE_PCLRR_BE3 (0x08)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_CS */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_CS_PCLRR_CS1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_CS_PCLRR_CS2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_CS_PCLRR_CS3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_CS_PCLRR_CS4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_CS_PCLRR_CS5 (0x20)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_PWM */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_FECI2C */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_UART */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_QSPI */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_TIMER */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_LCDDATAH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_LCDDATAM */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_LCDDATAL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_LCDCTLH */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PCLRR_LCDCTLL */
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_FEC */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FEC_PAR_FEC_MII(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FEC_PAR_FEC_7W(x) (((x)&0x03)<<2)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FEC_PAR_FEC_7W_GPIO (0x00)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FEC_PAR_FEC_7W_URTS1 (0x04)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_PWM */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_PWM_PAR_PWM1(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_PWM_PAR_PWM3(x) (((x)&0x03)<<2)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_PWM_PAR_PWM5 (0x10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_PWM_PAR_PWM7 (0x20)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_TS(x) (((x)&0x03)<<3)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_TA (0x40)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_OE (0x80)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C_PAR_SDA(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C_PAR_SCL(x) (((x)&0x03)<<2)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C_PAR_MDIO(x) (((x)&0x03)<<4)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C_PAR_MDC(x) (((x)&0x03)<<6)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_BE */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BE_PAR_BE0 (0x01)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BE_PAR_BE1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BE_PAR_BE2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_BE_PAR_BE3 (0x08)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS5 (0x20)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS_CS1_GPIO (0x00)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS_CS1_SDCS1 (0x01)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS_CS1_CS1 (0x03)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_SSI */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_SSI_PAR_MCLK (0x0080)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_SSI_PAR_TXD(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<8)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_SSI_PAR_RXD(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_SSI_PAR_FS(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<12)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_SSI_PAR_BCLK(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<14)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UTXD0 (0x0001)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URXD0 (0x0002)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URTS0 (0x0004)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UCTS0 (0x0008)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UTXD1(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<4)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URXD1(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<6)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URTS1(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<8)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UCTS1(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UCTS1_GPIO (0x0000)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UCTS1_ULPI_D7 (0x0400)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URTS1_GPIO (0x0000)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URTS1_SSI_FS (0x0200)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URTS1_ULPI_D6 (0x0100)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URTS1_URTS1 (0x0300)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URXD1_GPIO (0x0000)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_URXD1_ULPI_D5 (0x0040)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UTXD1_GPIO (0x0000)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UTXD1_ULPI_D4 (0x0010)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART_PAR_UTXD1_UTXD1 (0x0030)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI_PAR_SCK(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<4)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI_PAR_DOUT(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<6)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI_PAR_DIN(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<8)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI_PAR_PCS0(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI_PAR_PCS1(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<12)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI_PAR_PCS2(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<14)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_TIMER */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_TIMER_PAR_TIN0(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_TIMER_PAR_TIN1(x) (((x)&0x03)<<2)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_TIMER_PAR_TIN2(x) (((x)&0x03)<<4)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_TIMER_PAR_TIN3(x) (((x)&0x03)<<6)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_TIMER_PAR_TIN2_TIN2 (0x30)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_TIMER_PAR_TIN0_TIN0 (0x03)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDDATA */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDDATA_PAR_LD7_0(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDDATA_PAR_LD15_8(x) (((x)&0x03)<<2)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDDATA_PAR_LD16(x) (((x)&0x03)<<4)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDDATA_PAR_LD17(x) (((x)&0x03)<<6)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDCTL */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDCTL_PAR_CLS (0x0001)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDCTL_PAR_PS (0x0002)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDCTL_PAR_REV (0x0004)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_LCDCTL_PAR_ACD_OE (0x0100)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_PAR_IRQ */
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_IRQ_PAR_IRQ1(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<4)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_IRQ_PAR_IRQ2(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<6)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_IRQ_PAR_IRQ4(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<8)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_IRQ_PAR_IRQ5(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<10)
-#define MCF_GPIO_PAR_IRQ_PAR_IRQ6(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<12)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_MSCR_FLEXBUS */
-#define MCF_GPIO_MSCR_FLEXBUS_MSCR_ADDRCTL(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPIO_MSCR_FLEXBUS_MSCR_DLOWER(x) (((x)&0x03)<<2)
-#define MCF_GPIO_MSCR_FLEXBUS_MSCR_DUPPER(x) (((x)&0x03)<<4)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_MSCR_SDRAM */
-#define MCF_GPIO_MSCR_SDRAM_MSCR_SDRAM(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPIO_MSCR_SDRAM_MSCR_SDCLK(x) (((x)&0x03)<<2)
-#define MCF_GPIO_MSCR_SDRAM_MSCR_SDCLKB(x) (((x)&0x03)<<4)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_I2C */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_I2C_I2C_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_PWM */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_PWM_PWM_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_FEC */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_FEC_FEC_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_UART */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_UART_UART0_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_UART_UART1_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<2)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_QSPI */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_QSPI_QSPI_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_TIMER */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_TIMER_TIMER_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_SSI */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_SSI_SSI_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_LCD */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_LCD_LCD_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_DEBUG */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_DEBUG_DEBUG_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_CLKRST */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_CLKRST_CLKRST_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPIO_DSCR_IRQ */
-#define MCF_GPIO_DSCR_IRQ_IRQ_DSE(x) (((x)&0x03)<<0)
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 136
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX 8
- *
- * Interrupt Controller (INTC)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_INTC0_IPRH MCF_REG32(0xFC048000)
-#define MCF_INTC0_IPRL MCF_REG32(0xFC048004)
-#define MCF_INTC0_IMRH MCF_REG32(0xFC048008)
-#define MCF_INTC0_IMRL MCF_REG32(0xFC04800C)
-#define MCF_INTC0_INTFRCH MCF_REG32(0xFC048010)
-#define MCF_INTC0_INTFRCL MCF_REG32(0xFC048014)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICONFIG MCF_REG16(0xFC04801A)
-#define MCF_INTC0_SIMR MCF_REG08(0xFC04801C)
-#define MCF_INTC0_CIMR MCF_REG08(0xFC04801D)
-#define MCF_INTC0_CLMASK MCF_REG08(0xFC04801E)
-#define MCF_INTC0_SLMASK MCF_REG08(0xFC04801F)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR0 MCF_REG08(0xFC048040)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR1 MCF_REG08(0xFC048041)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR2 MCF_REG08(0xFC048042)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR3 MCF_REG08(0xFC048043)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR4 MCF_REG08(0xFC048044)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR5 MCF_REG08(0xFC048045)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR6 MCF_REG08(0xFC048046)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR7 MCF_REG08(0xFC048047)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR8 MCF_REG08(0xFC048048)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR9 MCF_REG08(0xFC048049)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR10 MCF_REG08(0xFC04804A)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR11 MCF_REG08(0xFC04804B)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR12 MCF_REG08(0xFC04804C)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR13 MCF_REG08(0xFC04804D)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR14 MCF_REG08(0xFC04804E)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR15 MCF_REG08(0xFC04804F)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR16 MCF_REG08(0xFC048050)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR17 MCF_REG08(0xFC048051)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR18 MCF_REG08(0xFC048052)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR19 MCF_REG08(0xFC048053)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR20 MCF_REG08(0xFC048054)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR21 MCF_REG08(0xFC048055)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR22 MCF_REG08(0xFC048056)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR23 MCF_REG08(0xFC048057)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR24 MCF_REG08(0xFC048058)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR25 MCF_REG08(0xFC048059)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR26 MCF_REG08(0xFC04805A)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR27 MCF_REG08(0xFC04805B)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR28 MCF_REG08(0xFC04805C)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR29 MCF_REG08(0xFC04805D)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR30 MCF_REG08(0xFC04805E)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR31 MCF_REG08(0xFC04805F)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR32 MCF_REG08(0xFC048060)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR33 MCF_REG08(0xFC048061)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR34 MCF_REG08(0xFC048062)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR35 MCF_REG08(0xFC048063)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR36 MCF_REG08(0xFC048064)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR37 MCF_REG08(0xFC048065)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR38 MCF_REG08(0xFC048066)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR39 MCF_REG08(0xFC048067)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR40 MCF_REG08(0xFC048068)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR41 MCF_REG08(0xFC048069)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR42 MCF_REG08(0xFC04806A)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR43 MCF_REG08(0xFC04806B)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR44 MCF_REG08(0xFC04806C)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR45 MCF_REG08(0xFC04806D)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR46 MCF_REG08(0xFC04806E)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR47 MCF_REG08(0xFC04806F)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR48 MCF_REG08(0xFC048070)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR49 MCF_REG08(0xFC048071)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR50 MCF_REG08(0xFC048072)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR51 MCF_REG08(0xFC048073)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR52 MCF_REG08(0xFC048074)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR53 MCF_REG08(0xFC048075)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR54 MCF_REG08(0xFC048076)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR55 MCF_REG08(0xFC048077)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR56 MCF_REG08(0xFC048078)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR57 MCF_REG08(0xFC048079)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR58 MCF_REG08(0xFC04807A)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR59 MCF_REG08(0xFC04807B)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR60 MCF_REG08(0xFC04807C)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR61 MCF_REG08(0xFC04807D)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR62 MCF_REG08(0xFC04807E)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR63 MCF_REG08(0xFC04807F)
-#define MCF_INTC0_ICR(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048040+((x)*0x001))
-#define MCF_INTC0_SWIACK MCF_REG08(0xFC0480E0)
-#define MCF_INTC0_L1IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC0480E4)
-#define MCF_INTC0_L2IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC0480E8)
-#define MCF_INTC0_L3IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC0480EC)
-#define MCF_INTC0_L4IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC0480F0)
-#define MCF_INTC0_L5IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC0480F4)
-#define MCF_INTC0_L6IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC0480F8)
-#define MCF_INTC0_L7IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC0480FC)
-#define MCF_INTC0_LIACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480E4+((x)*0x004))
-#define MCF_INTC1_IPRH MCF_REG32(0xFC04C000)
-#define MCF_INTC1_IPRL MCF_REG32(0xFC04C004)
-#define MCF_INTC1_IMRH MCF_REG32(0xFC04C008)
-#define MCF_INTC1_IMRL MCF_REG32(0xFC04C00C)
-#define MCF_INTC1_INTFRCH MCF_REG32(0xFC04C010)
-#define MCF_INTC1_INTFRCL MCF_REG32(0xFC04C014)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICONFIG MCF_REG16(0xFC04C01A)
-#define MCF_INTC1_SIMR MCF_REG08(0xFC04C01C)
-#define MCF_INTC1_CIMR MCF_REG08(0xFC04C01D)
-#define MCF_INTC1_CLMASK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C01E)
-#define MCF_INTC1_SLMASK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C01F)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR0 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C040)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR1 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C041)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR2 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C042)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR3 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C043)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR4 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C044)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR5 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C045)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR6 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C046)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR7 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C047)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR8 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C048)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR9 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C049)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR10 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C04A)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR11 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C04B)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR12 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C04C)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR13 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C04D)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR14 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C04E)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR15 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C04F)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR16 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C050)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR17 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C051)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR18 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C052)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR19 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C053)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR20 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C054)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR21 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C055)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR22 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C056)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR23 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C057)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR24 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C058)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR25 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C059)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR26 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C05A)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR27 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C05B)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR28 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C05C)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR29 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C05D)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR30 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C05E)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR31 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C05F)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR32 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C060)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR33 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C061)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR34 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C062)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR35 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C063)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR36 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C064)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR37 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C065)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR38 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C066)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR39 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C067)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR40 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C068)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR41 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C069)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR42 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C06A)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR43 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C06B)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR44 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C06C)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR45 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C06D)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR46 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C06E)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR47 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C06F)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR48 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C070)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR49 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C071)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR50 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C072)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR51 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C073)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR52 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C074)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR53 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C075)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR54 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C076)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR55 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C077)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR56 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C078)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR57 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C079)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR58 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C07A)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR59 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C07B)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR60 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C07C)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR61 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C07D)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR62 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C07E)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR63 MCF_REG08(0xFC04C07F)
-#define MCF_INTC1_ICR(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04C040+((x)*0x001))
-#define MCF_INTC1_SWIACK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0E0)
-#define MCF_INTC1_L1IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0E4)
-#define MCF_INTC1_L2IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0E8)
-#define MCF_INTC1_L3IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0EC)
-#define MCF_INTC1_L4IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0F0)
-#define MCF_INTC1_L5IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0F4)
-#define MCF_INTC1_L6IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0F8)
-#define MCF_INTC1_L7IACK MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0FC)
-#define MCF_INTC1_LIACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04C0E4+((x)*0x004))
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC048000+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC048004+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC048008+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC04800C+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC048010+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC048014+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG(x) MCF_REG16(0xFC04801A+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_SIMR(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04801C+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_CIMR(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04801D+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_CLMASK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04801E+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_SLMASK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04801F+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR0(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048040+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR1(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048041+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR2(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048042+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR3(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048043+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR4(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048044+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR5(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048045+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR6(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048046+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR7(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048047+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR8(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048048+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR9(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048049+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR10(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04804A+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR11(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04804B+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR12(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04804C+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR13(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04804D+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR14(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04804E+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR15(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04804F+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR16(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048050+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR17(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048051+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR18(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048052+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR19(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048053+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR20(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048054+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR21(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048055+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR22(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048056+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR23(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048057+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR24(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048058+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR25(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048059+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR26(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04805A+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR27(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04805B+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR28(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04805C+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR29(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04805D+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR30(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04805E+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR31(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04805F+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR32(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048060+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR33(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048061+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR34(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048062+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR35(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048063+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR36(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048064+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR37(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048065+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR38(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048066+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR39(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048067+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR40(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048068+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR41(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048069+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR42(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04806A+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR43(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04806B+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR44(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04806C+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR45(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04806D+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR46(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04806E+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR47(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04806F+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR48(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048070+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR49(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048071+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR50(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048072+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR51(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048073+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR52(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048074+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR53(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048075+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR54(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048076+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR55(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048077+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR56(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048078+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR57(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC048079+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR58(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04807A+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR59(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04807B+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR60(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04807C+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR61(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04807D+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR62(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04807E+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR63(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC04807F+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_SWIACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480E0+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_L1IACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480E4+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_L2IACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480E8+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_L3IACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480EC+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_L4IACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480F0+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_L5IACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480F4+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_L6IACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480F8+((x)*0x4000))
-#define MCF_INTC_L7IACK(x) MCF_REG08(0xFC0480FC+((x)*0x4000))
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_IPRH */
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT32 (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT33 (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT34 (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT35 (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT36 (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT37 (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT38 (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT39 (0x00000080)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT40 (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT41 (0x00000200)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT42 (0x00000400)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT43 (0x00000800)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT44 (0x00001000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT45 (0x00002000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT46 (0x00004000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT47 (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT48 (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT49 (0x00020000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT50 (0x00040000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT51 (0x00080000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT52 (0x00100000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT53 (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT54 (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT55 (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT56 (0x01000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT57 (0x02000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT58 (0x04000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT59 (0x08000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT60 (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT61 (0x20000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT62 (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRH_INT63 (0x80000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_IPRL */
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT0 (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT1 (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT2 (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT3 (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT4 (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT5 (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT6 (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT7 (0x00000080)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT8 (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT9 (0x00000200)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT10 (0x00000400)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT11 (0x00000800)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT12 (0x00001000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT13 (0x00002000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT14 (0x00004000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT15 (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT16 (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT17 (0x00020000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT18 (0x00040000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT19 (0x00080000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT20 (0x00100000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT21 (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT22 (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT23 (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT24 (0x01000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT25 (0x02000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT26 (0x04000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT27 (0x08000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT28 (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT29 (0x20000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT30 (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IPRL_INT31 (0x80000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_IMRH */
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK32 (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK33 (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK34 (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK35 (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK36 (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK37 (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK38 (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK39 (0x00000080)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK40 (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK41 (0x00000200)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK42 (0x00000400)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK43 (0x00000800)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK44 (0x00001000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK45 (0x00002000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK46 (0x00004000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK47 (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK48 (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK49 (0x00020000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK50 (0x00040000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK51 (0x00080000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK52 (0x00100000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK53 (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK54 (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK55 (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK56 (0x01000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK57 (0x02000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK58 (0x04000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK59 (0x08000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK60 (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK61 (0x20000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK62 (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK63 (0x80000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_IMRL */
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK0 (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK1 (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK2 (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK3 (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK4 (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK5 (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK6 (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK7 (0x00000080)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK8 (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK9 (0x00000200)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK10 (0x00000400)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK11 (0x00000800)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK12 (0x00001000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK13 (0x00002000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK14 (0x00004000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK15 (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK16 (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK17 (0x00020000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK18 (0x00040000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK19 (0x00080000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK20 (0x00100000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK21 (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK22 (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK23 (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK24 (0x01000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK25 (0x02000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK26 (0x04000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK27 (0x08000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK28 (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK29 (0x20000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK30 (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_IMRL_INT_MASK31 (0x80000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_INTFRCH */
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC32 (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC33 (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC34 (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC35 (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC36 (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC37 (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC38 (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC39 (0x00000080)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC40 (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC41 (0x00000200)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC42 (0x00000400)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC43 (0x00000800)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC44 (0x00001000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC45 (0x00002000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC46 (0x00004000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC47 (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC48 (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC49 (0x00020000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC50 (0x00040000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC51 (0x00080000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC52 (0x00100000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC53 (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC54 (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC55 (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC56 (0x01000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC57 (0x02000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC58 (0x04000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC59 (0x08000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC60 (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC61 (0x20000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC62 (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCH_INTFRC63 (0x80000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_INTFRCL */
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC0 (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC1 (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC2 (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC3 (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC4 (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC5 (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC6 (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC7 (0x00000080)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC8 (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC9 (0x00000200)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC10 (0x00000400)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC11 (0x00000800)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC12 (0x00001000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC13 (0x00002000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC14 (0x00004000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC15 (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC16 (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC17 (0x00020000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC18 (0x00040000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC19 (0x00080000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC20 (0x00100000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC21 (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC22 (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC23 (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC24 (0x01000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC25 (0x02000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC26 (0x04000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC27 (0x08000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC28 (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC29 (0x20000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC30 (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_INTC_INTFRCL_INTFRC31 (0x80000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_ICONFIG */
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG_EMASK (0x0020)
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG_ELVLPRI1 (0x0200)
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG_ELVLPRI2 (0x0400)
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG_ELVLPRI3 (0x0800)
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG_ELVLPRI4 (0x1000)
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG_ELVLPRI5 (0x2000)
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG_ELVLPRI6 (0x4000)
-#define MCF_INTC_ICONFIG_ELVLPRI7 (0x8000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_SIMR */
-#define MCF_INTC_SIMR_SIMR(x) (((x)&0x7F)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_CIMR */
-#define MCF_INTC_CIMR_CIMR(x) (((x)&0x7F)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_CLMASK */
-#define MCF_INTC_CLMASK_CLMASK(x) (((x)&0x0F)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_SLMASK */
-#define MCF_INTC_SLMASK_SLMASK(x) (((x)&0x0F)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_ICR */
-#define MCF_INTC_ICR_IL(x) (((x)&0x07)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_SWIACK */
-#define MCF_INTC_SWIACK_VECTOR(x) (((x)&0xFF)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_INTC_LIACK */
-#define MCF_INTC_LIACK_VECTOR(x) (((x)&0xFF)<<0)
-* LCD Controller (LCDC)
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSSAR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC004)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LVPWR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC008)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC00C)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCWHBR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC010)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCCMR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC014)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC018)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LHCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC01C)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LVCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC020)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPOR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC024)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC028)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LDCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC030)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LRMCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC034)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LICR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC038)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC03C)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC040)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWSAR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC050)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWSR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC054)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWPR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC060)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC064)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWDCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0AC068)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LSSAR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSSAR_SSA(x) (((x)&0x3FFFFFFF)<<2)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LSR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSR_YMAX(x) (((x)&0x000003FF)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSR_XMAX(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<20)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LVPWR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LVPWR_VPW(x) (((x)&0x000003FF)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LCPR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_CYP(x) (((x)&0x000003FF)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_CXP(x) (((x)&0x000003FF)<<16)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_OP (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_CC(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<30)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_CC_TRANSPARENT (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_CC_OR (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_CC_XOR (0x80000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_CC_AND (0xC0000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_OP_ON (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCPR_OP_OFF (0x00000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LCWHBR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCWHBR_BD(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCWHBR_CH(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<16)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCWHBR_CW(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<24)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCWHBR_BK_EN (0x80000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCWHBR_BK_EN_ON (0x80000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCWHBR_BK_EN_OFF (0x00000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LCCMR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCCMR_CUR_COL_B(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCCMR_CUR_COL_G(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<6)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LCCMR_CUR_COL_R(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<12)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LPCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_PCD(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_SHARP (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_SCLKSEL (0x00000080)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_ACD(x) (((x)&0x0000007F)<<8)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_ACDSEL (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_REV_VS (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_SWAP_SEL (0x00020000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_ENDSEL (0x00040000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_SCLKIDLE (0x00080000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_OEPOL (0x00100000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_CLKPOL (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_LPPOL (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_FLM (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_PIXPOL (0x01000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_BPIX(x) (((x)&0x00000007)<<25)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_PBSIZ(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<28)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_COLOR (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_TFT (0x80000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_MODE_MONOCGROME (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_MODE_CSTN (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_MODE_TFT (0xC0000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_PBSIZ_1 (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_PBSIZ_2 (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_PBSIZ_4 (0x20000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_PBSIZ_8 (0x30000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_BPIX_1bpp (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_BPIX_2bpp (0x02000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_BPIX_4bpp (0x04000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_BPIX_8bpp (0x06000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_BPIX_12bpp (0x08000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_BPIX_16bpp (0x0A000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_BPIX_18bpp (0x0C000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCR_PANEL_TYPE(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<30)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LHCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LHCR_H_WAIT_2(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LHCR_H_WAIT_1(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<8)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LHCR_H_WIDTH(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<26)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LVCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LVCR_V_WAIT_2(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LVCR_V_WAIT_1(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<8)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LVCR_V_WIDTH(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<26)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LPOR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPOR_POS(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LPCCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCCR_PW(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCCR_CC_EN (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCCR_SCR(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<9)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCCR_LDMSK (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCCR_CLS_HI_WIDTH(x) (((x)&0x000001FF)<<16)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCCR_SCR_LINEPULSE (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCCR_SCR_PIXELCLK (0x00002000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LPCCR_SCR_LCDCLOCK (0x00004000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LDCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LDCR_TM(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LDCR_HM(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<16)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LDCR_BURST (0x80000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LRMCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LRMCR_SEL_REF (0x00000001)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LICR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LICR_INTCON (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LICR_INTSYN (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LICR_GW_INT_CON (0x00000010)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LIER */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER_BOF_EN (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER_EOF_EN (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER_ERR_RES_EN (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER_UDR_ERR_EN (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER_GW_BOF_EN (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER_GW_EOF_EN (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER_GW_ERR_RES_EN (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LIER_GW_UDR_ERR_EN (0x00000080)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LISR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR_BOF (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR_EOF (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR_ERR_RES (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR_UDR_ERR (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR_GW_BOF (0x00000010)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR_GW_EOF (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR_GW_ERR_RES (0x00000040)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LISR_GW_UDR_ERR (0x00000080)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LGWSAR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWSAR_GWSA(x) (((x)&0x3FFFFFFF)<<2)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LGWSR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWSR_GWH(x) (((x)&0x000003FF)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWSR_GWW(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<20)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LGWVPWR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWVPWR_GWVPW(x) (((x)&0x000003FF)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LGWPOR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWPOR_GWPO(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LGWPR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWPR_GWYP(x) (((x)&0x000003FF)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWPR_GWXP(x) (((x)&0x000003FF)<<16)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LGWCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWCR_GWCKB(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWCR_GWCKG(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<6)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWCR_GWCKR(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<12)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWCR_GW_RVS (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWCR_GWE (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWCR_GWCKE (0x00800000)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWCR_GWAV(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<24)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LGWDCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWDCR_GWTM(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<0)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWDCR_GWHM(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<16)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LGWDCR_GWBT (0x80000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_LSCR */
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSCR_PS_RISE_DELAY(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<26)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSCR_CLS_RISE_DELAY(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<16)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSCR_REV_TOGGLE_DELAY(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<8)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSCR_GRAY_2(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<4)
-#define MCF_LCDC_LSCR_GRAY_1(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_BPLUT_BASE */
-#define MCF_LCDC_BPLUT_BASE_BASE(x) (((x)&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_LCDC_GWLUT_BASE */
-#define MCF_LCDC_GWLUT_BASE_BASE(x) (((x)&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
- *
- * Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_PLL_PODR MCF_REG08(0xFC0C0000)
-#define MCF_PLL_PLLCR MCF_REG08(0xFC0C0004)
-#define MCF_PLL_PMDR MCF_REG08(0xFC0C0008)
-#define MCF_PLL_PFDR MCF_REG08(0xFC0C000C)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_PLL_PODR */
-#define MCF_PLL_PODR_BUSDIV(x) (((x)&0x0F)<<0)
-#define MCF_PLL_PODR_CPUDIV(x) (((x)&0x0F)<<4)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_PLL_PLLCR */
-#define MCF_PLL_PLLCR_DITHDEV(x) (((x)&0x07)<<0)
-#define MCF_PLL_PLLCR_DITHEN (0x80)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_PLL_PMDR */
-#define MCF_PLL_PMDR_MODDIV(x) (((x)&0xFF)<<0)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_PLL_PFDR */
-#define MCF_PLL_PFDR_MFD(x) (((x)&0xFF)<<0)
- *
- * System Control Module Registers (SCM)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_SCM_MPR MCF_REG32(0xFC000000)
-#define MCF_SCM_PACRA MCF_REG32(0xFC000020)
-#define MCF_SCM_PACRB MCF_REG32(0xFC000024)
-#define MCF_SCM_PACRC MCF_REG32(0xFC000028)
-#define MCF_SCM_PACRD MCF_REG32(0xFC00002C)
-#define MCF_SCM_PACRE MCF_REG32(0xFC000040)
-#define MCF_SCM_PACRF MCF_REG32(0xFC000044)
-#define MCF_SCM_BCR MCF_REG32(0xFC040024)
- *
- * SDRAM Controller (SDRAMC)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDMR MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8004)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1 MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8008)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG2 MCF_REG32(0xFC0B800C)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_LIMP_FIX MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8080)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDDS MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8100)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS0 MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8110)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS1 MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8114)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS2 MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8118)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS3 MCF_REG32(0xFC0B811C)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC0B8110+((x)*0x004))
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_SDRAMC_SDMR */
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDMR_CMD (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDMR_AD(x) (((x)&0x00000FFF)<<18)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDMR_BNKAD(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<30)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDMR_BNKAD_LMR (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDMR_BNKAD_LEMR (0x40000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR */
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_IPALL (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_IREF (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_DQS_OE(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<8)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_PS(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<12)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_RCNT(x) (((x)&0x0000003F)<<16)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_OE_RULE (0x00400000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_MUX(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<24)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_REF (0x10000000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_DDR (0x20000000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_CKE (0x40000000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_MODE_EN (0x80000000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_PS_16 (0x00002000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCR_PS_32 (0x00000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1 */
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1_WTLAT(x) (((x)&0x00000007)<<4)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1_REF2ACT(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<8)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1_PRE2ACT(x) (((x)&0x00000007)<<12)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1_ACT2RW(x) (((x)&0x00000007)<<16)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1_RDLAT(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<20)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1_SWT2RD(x) (((x)&0x00000007)<<24)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG1_SRD2RW(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<28)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG2 */
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG2_BL(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<16)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG2_BRD2WT(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<20)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG2_BWT2RW(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<24)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCFG2_BRD2PRE(x) (((x)&0x0000000F)<<28)
-/* Device Errata - LIMP mode work around */
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_REFRESH (0x40000000)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_SDRAMC_SDDS */
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDDS_SB_D(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<0)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDDS_SB_S(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<2)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDDS_SB_A(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<4)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDDS_SB_C(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<6)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDDS_SB_E(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<8)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS */
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ(x) (((x)&0x0000001F)<<0)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_BASE(x) (((x)&0x00000FFF)<<20)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_BA(x) ((x)&0xFFF00000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_DIABLE (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_1MBYTE (0x00000013)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_2MBYTE (0x00000014)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_4MBYTE (0x00000015)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_8MBYTE (0x00000016)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_16MBYTE (0x00000017)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_32MBYTE (0x00000018)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_64MBYTE (0x00000019)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_128MBYTE (0x0000001A)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_256MBYTE (0x0000001B)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_512MBYTE (0x0000001C)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_1GBYTE (0x0000001D)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_2GBYTE (0x0000001E)
-#define MCF_SDRAMC_SDCS_CSSZ_4GBYTE (0x0000001F)
- *
- * FlexCAN module registers
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_BASEADDR(x) (0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_CANMCR(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x00)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_CANCTRL(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x04)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_TIMER(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x08)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_RXGMASK(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x10)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_RX14MASK(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x14)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_RX15MASK(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x18)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_ERRCNT(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x1C)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_ERRSTAT(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x20)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_IMASK(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x28)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_IFLAG(x) MCF_REG32(0xFC020000+(x)*0x0800+0x30)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_MB_CNT(x,y) MCF_REG32(0xFC020080+(x)*0x0800+(y)*0x10+0x0)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_MB_ID(x,y) MCF_REG32(0xFC020080+(x)*0x0800+(y)*0x10+0x4)
-#define MCF_FLEXCAN_MB_DB(x,y,z) MCF_REG08(0xFC020080+(x)*0x0800+(y)*0x10+0x8+(z)*0x1)
- * FlexCAN Module Configuration Register
- */
-#define CANMCR_MDIS (0x80000000)
-#define CANMCR_FRZ (0x40000000)
-#define CANMCR_HALT (0x10000000)
-#define CANMCR_SOFTRST (0x02000000)
-#define CANMCR_FRZACK (0x01000000)
-#define CANMCR_SUPV (0x00800000)
-#define CANMCR_MAXMB(x) ((x)&0x0F)
- * FlexCAN Control Register
- */
-#define CANCTRL_PRESDIV(x) (((x)&0xFF)<<24)
-#define CANCTRL_RJW(x) (((x)&0x03)<<22)
-#define CANCTRL_PSEG1(x) (((x)&0x07)<<19)
-#define CANCTRL_PSEG2(x) (((x)&0x07)<<16)
-#define CANCTRL_BOFFMSK (0x00008000)
-#define CANCTRL_ERRMSK (0x00004000)
-#define CANCTRL_CLKSRC (0x00002000)
-#define CANCTRL_LPB (0x00001000)
-#define CANCTRL_SAMP (0x00000080)
-#define CANCTRL_BOFFREC (0x00000040)
-#define CANCTRL_TSYNC (0x00000020)
-#define CANCTRL_LBUF (0x00000010)
-#define CANCTRL_LOM (0x00000008)
-#define CANCTRL_PROPSEG(x) ((x)&0x07)
- * FlexCAN Error Counter Register
- */
-#define ERRCNT_RXECTR(x) (((x)&0xFF)<<8)
-#define ERRCNT_TXECTR(x) ((x)&0xFF)
- * FlexCAN Error and Status Register
- */
-#define ERRSTAT_BITERR(x) (((x)&0x03)<<14)
-#define ERRSTAT_ACKERR (0x00002000)
-#define ERRSTAT_CRCERR (0x00001000)
-#define ERRSTAT_FRMERR (0x00000800)
-#define ERRSTAT_STFERR (0x00000400)
-#define ERRSTAT_TXWRN (0x00000200)
-#define ERRSTAT_RXWRN (0x00000100)
-#define ERRSTAT_IDLE (0x00000080)
-#define ERRSTAT_TXRX (0x00000040)
-#define ERRSTAT_FLTCONF(x) (((x)&0x03)<<4)
-#define ERRSTAT_BOFFINT (0x00000004)
-#define ERRSTAT_ERRINT (0x00000002)
- * Interrupt Mask Register
- */
-#define IMASK_BUF15M (0x8000)
-#define IMASK_BUF14M (0x4000)
-#define IMASK_BUF13M (0x2000)
-#define IMASK_BUF12M (0x1000)
-#define IMASK_BUF11M (0x0800)
-#define IMASK_BUF10M (0x0400)
-#define IMASK_BUF9M (0x0200)
-#define IMASK_BUF8M (0x0100)
-#define IMASK_BUF7M (0x0080)
-#define IMASK_BUF6M (0x0040)
-#define IMASK_BUF5M (0x0020)
-#define IMASK_BUF4M (0x0010)
-#define IMASK_BUF3M (0x0008)
-#define IMASK_BUF2M (0x0004)
-#define IMASK_BUF1M (0x0002)
-#define IMASK_BUF0M (0x0001)
-#define IMASK_BUFnM(x) (0x1<<(x))
-#define IMASK_BUFF_ENABLE_ALL (0x1111)
-#define IMASK_BUFF_DISABLE_ALL (0x0000)
- * Interrupt Flag Register
- */
-#define IFLAG_BUF15M (0x8000)
-#define IFLAG_BUF14M (0x4000)
-#define IFLAG_BUF13M (0x2000)
-#define IFLAG_BUF12M (0x1000)
-#define IFLAG_BUF11M (0x0800)
-#define IFLAG_BUF10M (0x0400)
-#define IFLAG_BUF9M (0x0200)
-#define IFLAG_BUF8M (0x0100)
-#define IFLAG_BUF7M (0x0080)
-#define IFLAG_BUF6M (0x0040)
-#define IFLAG_BUF5M (0x0020)
-#define IFLAG_BUF4M (0x0010)
-#define IFLAG_BUF3M (0x0008)
-#define IFLAG_BUF2M (0x0004)
-#define IFLAG_BUF1M (0x0002)
-#define IFLAG_BUF0M (0x0001)
-#define IFLAG_BUFF_CLEAR_ALL (0x0000)
-#define IFLAG_BUFnM(x) (0x1<<(x))
- * Message Buffers
- */
-#define MB_CNT_CODE(x) (((x)&0x0F)<<24)
-#define MB_CNT_SRR (0x00400000)
-#define MB_CNT_IDE (0x00200000)
-#define MB_CNT_RTR (0x00100000)
-#define MB_CNT_LENGTH(x) (((x)&0x0F)<<16)
-#define MB_CNT_TIMESTAMP(x) ((x)&0xFFFF)
-#define MB_ID_STD(x) (((x)&0x07FF)<<18)
-#define MB_ID_EXT(x) ((x)&0x3FFFF)
- *
- * Edge Port Module (EPORT)
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPAR (0xFC094000)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDDR (0xFC094002)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPIER (0xFC094003)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDR (0xFC094004)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPDR (0xFC094005)
-#define MCFEPORT_EPFR (0xFC094006)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_EPORT_EPPAR */
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA1(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<2)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA2(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<4)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA3(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<6)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA4(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<8)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA5(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<10)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA6(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<12)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA7(x) (((x)&0x0003)<<14)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA7_LEVEL (0x0000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA7_RISING (0x4000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA7_BOTH (0xC000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA6_LEVEL (0x0000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA6_RISING (0x1000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA6_BOTH (0x3000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA5_LEVEL (0x0000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA5_RISING (0x0400)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA5_BOTH (0x0C00)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA4_LEVEL (0x0000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA4_RISING (0x0100)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA4_BOTH (0x0300)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA3_LEVEL (0x0000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA3_RISING (0x0040)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA3_BOTH (0x00C0)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA2_LEVEL (0x0000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA2_RISING (0x0010)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA2_BOTH (0x0030)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA1_LEVEL (0x0000)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA1_RISING (0x0004)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPAR_EPPA1_BOTH (0x000C)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_EPORT_EPDDR */
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDDR_EPDD1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDDR_EPDD2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDDR_EPDD3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDDR_EPDD4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDDR_EPDD5 (0x20)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDDR_EPDD6 (0x40)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDDR_EPDD7 (0x80)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_EPORT_EPIER */
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPIER_EPIE1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPIER_EPIE2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPIER_EPIE3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPIER_EPIE4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPIER_EPIE5 (0x20)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPIER_EPIE6 (0x40)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPIER_EPIE7 (0x80)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_EPORT_EPDR */
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDR_EPD1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDR_EPD2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDR_EPD3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDR_EPD4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDR_EPD5 (0x20)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDR_EPD6 (0x40)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPDR_EPD7 (0x80)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_EPORT_EPPDR */
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPDR_EPPD1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPDR_EPPD2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPDR_EPPD3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPDR_EPPD4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPDR_EPPD5 (0x20)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPDR_EPPD6 (0x40)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPPDR_EPPD7 (0x80)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_EPORT_EPFR */
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPFR_EPF1 (0x02)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPFR_EPF2 (0x04)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPFR_EPF3 (0x08)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPFR_EPF4 (0x10)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPFR_EPF5 (0x20)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPFR_EPF6 (0x40)
-#define MCF_EPORT_EPFR_EPF7 (0x80)
-#endif /* m532xsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m53xxacr.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m53xxacr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd952b0a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m53xxacr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- * m53xxacr.h -- ColdFire version 3 core cache support
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2010, Greg Ungerer <>
- */
-#ifndef m53xxacr_h
-#define m53xxacr_h
- * All varients of the ColdFire using version 3 cores have a similar
- * cache setup. They have a unified instruction and data cache, with
- * configurable write-through or copy-back operation.
- */
- * Define the Cache Control register flags.
- */
-#define CACR_EC 0x80000000 /* Enable cache */
-#define CACR_ESB 0x20000000 /* Enable store buffer */
-#define CACR_DPI 0x10000000 /* Disable invalidation by CPUSHL */
-#define CACR_HLCK 0x08000000 /* Half cache lock mode */
-#define CACR_CINVA 0x01000000 /* Invalidate cache */
-#define CACR_DNFB 0x00000400 /* Inhibited fill buffer */
-#define CACR_DCM_WT 0x00000000 /* Cacheable write-through */
-#define CACR_DCM_CB 0x00000100 /* Cacheable copy-back */
-#define CACR_DCM_PRE 0x00000200 /* Cache inhibited, precise */
-#define CACR_DCM_IMPRE 0x00000300 /* Cache inhibited, imprecise */
-#define CACR_WPROTECT 0x00000020 /* Write protect*/
-#define CACR_EUSP 0x00000010 /* Eanble separate user a7 */
- * Define the Access Control register flags.
- */
-#define ACR_BASE_POS 24 /* Address Base (upper 8 bits) */
-#define ACR_MASK_POS 16 /* Address Mask (next 8 bits) */
-#define ACR_ENABLE 0x00008000 /* Enable this ACR */
-#define ACR_USER 0x00000000 /* Allow only user accesses */
-#define ACR_SUPER 0x00002000 /* Allow supervisor access only */
-#define ACR_ANY 0x00004000 /* Allow any access type */
-#define ACR_CM_WT 0x00000000 /* Cacheable, write-through */
-#define ACR_CM_CB 0x00000020 /* Cacheable, copy-back */
-#define ACR_CM_PRE 0x00000040 /* Cache inhibited, precise */
-#define ACR_CM_IMPRE 0x00000060 /* Cache inhibited, imprecise */
-#define ACR_WPROTECT 0x00000004 /* Write protect region */
- * Define the cache type and arrangement (needed for pushes).
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5307)
-#define CACHE_SIZE 0x2000 /* 8k of unified cache */
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M532x)
-#define CACHE_SIZE 0x4000 /* 32k of unified cache */
-#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 16 /* 16 byte line size */
-#define CACHE_WAYS 4 /* 4 ways - set associative */
- * Set the cache controller settings we will use. This default in the
- * CACR is cache inhibited, we use the ACR register to set cacheing
- * enabled on the regions we want (eg RAM).
- */
-#define CACHE_PUSH
- * Unified cache means we will never need to flush for coherency of
- * instruction fetch. We will need to flush to maintain memory/DMA
- * coherency though in all cases. And for copyback caches we will need
- * to push cached data as well.
- */
-#define ACR0_MODE ((CONFIG_RAMBASE & 0xff000000) + \
- (0x000f0000) + \
-#define ACR1_MODE 0
-#endif /* m53xxsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5407sim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5407sim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 79f58dd6..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m5407sim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- * m5407sim.h -- ColdFire 5407 System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2000, Lineo (
- * (C) Copyright 1999, Moreton Bay Ventures Pty Ltd.
- *
- * Modified by David W. Miller for the MCF5307 Eval Board.
- */
-#ifndef m5407sim_h
-#define m5407sim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m5407)"
-#define MCF_BUSCLK (MCF_CLK / 2)
-#include <asm/m54xxacr.h>
- * Define the 5407 SIM register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_RSR 0x00 /* Reset Status reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SYPCR 0x01 /* System Protection reg (r/w)*/
-#define MCFSIM_SWIVR 0x02 /* SW Watchdog intr reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_SWSR 0x03 /* SW Watchdog service (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR 0x04 /* Pin Assignment reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_IRQPAR 0x06 /* Interrupt Assignment reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_PLLCR 0x08 /* PLL Control Reg*/
-#define MCFSIM_MPARK 0x0C /* BUS Master Control Reg*/
-#define MCFSIM_IPR 0x40 /* Interrupt Pend reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_IMR 0x44 /* Interrupt Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_AVR 0x4b /* Autovector Ctrl reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR0 0x4c /* Intr Ctrl reg 0 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR1 0x4d /* Intr Ctrl reg 1 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR2 0x4e /* Intr Ctrl reg 2 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR3 0x4f /* Intr Ctrl reg 3 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR4 0x50 /* Intr Ctrl reg 4 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR5 0x51 /* Intr Ctrl reg 5 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR6 0x52 /* Intr Ctrl reg 6 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR7 0x53 /* Intr Ctrl reg 7 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR8 0x54 /* Intr Ctrl reg 8 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR9 0x55 /* Intr Ctrl reg 9 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR10 0x56 /* Intr Ctrl reg 10 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR11 0x57 /* Intr Ctrl reg 11 (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR0 0x80 /* CS 0 Address 0 reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR0 0x84 /* CS 0 Mask 0 reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR0 0x8a /* CS 0 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR1 0x8c /* CS 1 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR1 0x90 /* CS 1 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR1 0x96 /* CS 1 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR2 0x98 /* CS 2 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR2 0x9c /* CS 2 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR2 0xa2 /* CS 2 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR3 0xa4 /* CS 3 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR3 0xa8 /* CS 3 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR3 0xae /* CS 3 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR4 0xb0 /* CS 4 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR4 0xb4 /* CS 4 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR4 0xba /* CS 4 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR5 0xbc /* CS 5 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR5 0xc0 /* CS 5 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR5 0xc6 /* CS 5 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR6 0xc8 /* CS 6 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR6 0xcc /* CS 6 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR6 0xd2 /* CS 6 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSAR7 0xd4 /* CS 7 Address reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSMR7 0xd8 /* CS 7 Mask reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_CSCR7 0xde /* CS 7 Control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFSIM_DCR (MCF_MBAR + 0x100) /* DRAM Control */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x108) /* DRAM 0 Addr/Ctrl */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x10c) /* DRAM 0 Mask */
-#define MCFSIM_DACR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x110) /* DRAM 1 Addr/Ctrl */
-#define MCFSIM_DMR1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x114) /* DRAM 1 Mask */
- * Timer module.
- */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x140) /* Base of TIMER1 */
-#define MCFTIMER_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x180) /* Base of TIMER2 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x1c0) /* Base address UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x200) /* Base address UART1 */
-#define MCFSIM_PADDR (MCF_MBAR + 0x244)
-#define MCFSIM_PADAT (MCF_MBAR + 0x248)
- * DMA unit base addresses.
- */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x300) /* Base address DMA 0 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x340) /* Base address DMA 1 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x380) /* Base address DMA 2 */
-#define MCFDMA_BASE3 (MCF_MBAR + 0x3C0) /* Base address DMA 3 */
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 16
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX -1
- * Some symbol defines for the above...
- */
-#define MCFSIM_SWDICR MCFSIM_ICR0 /* Watchdog timer ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER1ICR MCFSIM_ICR1 /* Timer 1 ICR */
-#define MCFSIM_TIMER2ICR MCFSIM_ICR2 /* Timer 2 ICR */
- * Some symbol defines for the Parallel Port Pin Assignment Register
- */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR_DREQ0 0x40 /* Set to select DREQ0 input */
- /* Clear to select par I/O */
-#define MCFSIM_PAR_DREQ1 0x20 /* Select DREQ1 input */
- /* Clear to select par I/O */
- * Defines for the IRQPAR Register
- */
-#define IRQ5_LEVEL4 0x80
-#define IRQ3_LEVEL6 0x40
-#define IRQ1_LEVEL2 0x20
- * Define system peripheral IRQ usage.
- */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER 30 /* Timer0, Level 6 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_PROFILER 31 /* Timer1, Level 7 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART0 73 /* UART0 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_UART1 74 /* UART1 */
-#endif /* m5407sim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxacr.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxacr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 47906aaf..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxacr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- * Bit definitions for the MCF54xx ACR and CACR registers.
- */
-#ifndef m54xxacr_h
-#define m54xxacr_h
- * Define the Cache register flags.
- */
-#define CACR_DEC 0x80000000 /* Enable data cache */
-#define CACR_DWP 0x40000000 /* Data write protection */
-#define CACR_DESB 0x20000000 /* Enable data store buffer */
-#define CACR_DDPI 0x10000000 /* Disable invalidation by CPUSHL */
-#define CACR_DHCLK 0x08000000 /* Half data cache lock mode */
-#define CACR_DDCM_WT 0x00000000 /* Write through cache*/
-#define CACR_DDCM_CP 0x02000000 /* Copyback cache */
-#define CACR_DDCM_P 0x04000000 /* No cache, precise */
-#define CACR_DDCM_IMP 0x06000000 /* No cache, imprecise */
-#define CACR_DCINVA 0x01000000 /* Invalidate data cache */
-#define CACR_BEC 0x00080000 /* Enable branch cache */
-#define CACR_BCINVA 0x00040000 /* Invalidate branch cache */
-#define CACR_IEC 0x00008000 /* Enable instruction cache */
-#define CACR_DNFB 0x00002000 /* Inhibited fill buffer */
-#define CACR_IDPI 0x00001000 /* Disable CPUSHL */
-#define CACR_IHLCK 0x00000800 /* Intruction cache half lock */
-#define CACR_IDCM 0x00000400 /* Intruction cache inhibit */
-#define CACR_ICINVA 0x00000100 /* Invalidate instr cache */
-#define CACR_EUSP 0x00000020 /* Enable separate user a7 */
-#define ACR_BASE_POS 24 /* Address Base */
-#define ACR_MASK_POS 16 /* Address Mask */
-#define ACR_ENABLE 0x00008000 /* Enable address */
-#define ACR_USER 0x00000000 /* User mode access only */
-#define ACR_SUPER 0x00002000 /* Supervisor mode only */
-#define ACR_ANY 0x00004000 /* Match any access mode */
-#define ACR_CM_WT 0x00000000 /* Write through mode */
-#define ACR_CM_CP 0x00000020 /* Copyback mode */
-#define ACR_CM_OFF_PRE 0x00000040 /* No cache, precise */
-#define ACR_CM_OFF_IMP 0x00000060 /* No cache, imprecise */
-#define ACR_CM 0x00000060 /* Cache mode mask */
-#define ACR_SP 0x00000008 /* Supervisor protect */
-#define ACR_WPROTECT 0x00000004 /* Write protect */
-#define ACR_BA(x) ((x) & 0xff000000)
-#define ACR_ADMSK(x) ((((x) - 1) & 0xff000000) >> 8)
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5407)
-#define ICACHE_SIZE 0x4000 /* instruction - 16k */
-#define DCACHE_SIZE 0x2000 /* data - 8k */
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M54xx)
-#define ICACHE_SIZE 0x8000 /* instruction - 32k */
-#define DCACHE_SIZE 0x8000 /* data - 32k */
-#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 0x0010 /* 16 bytes */
-#define CACHE_WAYS 4 /* 4 ways */
- * Version 4 cores have a true harvard style separate instruction
- * and data cache. Enable data and instruction caches, also enable write
- * buffers and branch accelerator.
- */
-/* attention : enabling CACR_DESB requires a "nop" to flush the store buffer */
-/* use '+' instead of '|' for assembler's sake */
- /* Enable data cache */
- /* Enable data store buffer */
- /* outside ACRs : No cache, precise */
- /* Enable instruction+branch caches */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5407)
-#if defined(CONFIG_MMU)
- * If running with the MMU enabled then we need to map the internal
- * register region as non-cacheable. And then we map all our RAM as
- * cacheable and supervisor access only.
- */
-#define ACR0_MODE (ACR_BA(CONFIG_MBAR)+ACR_ADMSK(0x1000000)+ \
-#define ACR2_MODE 0
- * For the non-MMU enabled case we map all of RAM as cacheable.
- */
-#define ACR0_MODE (0x000f0000+DATA_CACHE_MODE)
-#define ACR1_MODE 0
-#define ACR2_MODE (0x000f0000+INSN_CACHE_MODE)
-#define ACR3_MODE 0
-/* Copyback cache mode must push dirty cache lines first */
-#define CACHE_PUSH
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
-#endif /* m54xxacr_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxgpt.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxgpt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index df75dd87..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxgpt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- * File: m54xxgpt.h
- * Purpose: Register and bit definitions for the MCF54XX
- *
- * Notes:
- *
- */
-#ifndef m54xxgpt_h
-#define m54xxgpt_h
-* General Purpose Timers (GPT)
-/* Register read/write macros */
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS0 0x000800
-#define MCF_GPT_GCIR0 0x000804
-#define MCF_GPT_GPWM0 0x000808
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR0 0x00080C
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS1 0x000810
-#define MCF_GPT_GCIR1 0x000814
-#define MCF_GPT_GPWM1 0x000818
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR1 0x00081C
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS2 0x000820
-#define MCF_GPT_GCIR2 0x000824
-#define MCF_GPT_GPWM2 0x000828
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR2 0x00082C
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS3 0x000830
-#define MCF_GPT_GCIR3 0x000834
-#define MCF_GPT_GPWM3 0x000838
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR3 0x00083C
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS(x) (0x000800+((x)*0x010))
-#define MCF_GPT_GCIR(x) (0x000804+((x)*0x010))
-#define MCF_GPT_GPWM(x) (0x000808+((x)*0x010))
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR(x) (0x00080C+((x)*0x010))
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPT_GMS */
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_TMS(x) (((x)&0x00000007)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_GPIO(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<4)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_IEN (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_OD (0x00000200)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_SC (0x00000400)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_CE (0x00001000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_WDEN (0x00008000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_ICT(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<16)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_OCT(x) (((x)&0x00000003)<<20)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_OCPW(x) (((x)&0x000000FF)<<24)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_OCT_FRCLOW (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_OCT_PULSEHI (0x00100000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_OCT_PULSELO (0x00200000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_OCT_TOGGLE (0x00300000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_ICT_ANY (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_ICT_RISE (0x00010000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_ICT_FALL (0x00020000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_ICT_PULSE (0x00030000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_GPIO_INPUT (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_GPIO_OUTLO (0x00000020)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_GPIO_OUTHI (0x00000030)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_GPIO_MASK (0x00000030)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_TMS_DISABLE (0x00000000)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_TMS_INCAPT (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_TMS_OUTCAPT (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_TMS_PWM (0x00000003)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_TMS_GPIO (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_GPT_GMS_TMS_MASK (0x00000007)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPT_GCIR */
-#define MCF_GPT_GCIR_CNT(x) (((x)&0x0000FFFF)<<0)
-#define MCF_GPT_GCIR_PRE(x) (((x)&0x0000FFFF)<<16)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPT_GPWM */
-#define MCF_GPT_GPWM_LOAD (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_GPT_GPWM_PWMOP (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_GPT_GPWM_WIDTH(x) (((x)&0x0000FFFF)<<16)
-/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_GPT_GSR */
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR_CAPT (0x00000001)
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR_COMP (0x00000002)
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR_PWMP (0x00000004)
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR_TEXP (0x00000008)
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR_PIN (0x00000100)
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR_OVF(x) (((x)&0x00000007)<<12)
-#define MCF_GPT_GSR_CAPTURE(x) (((x)&0x0000FFFF)<<16)
-#endif /* m54xxgpt_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxsim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxsim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ae56b884..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m54xxsim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- * m54xxsim.h -- ColdFire 547x/548x System Integration Unit support.
- */
-#ifndef m54xxsim_h
-#define m54xxsim_h
-#define CPU_NAME "COLDFIRE(m54xx)"
-#define MCF_BUSCLK (MCF_CLK / 2)
-#include <asm/m54xxacr.h>
-#define MCFINT_VECBASE 64
- * Interrupt Controller Registers
- */
-#define MCFICM_INTC0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x700) /* Base for Interrupt Ctrl 0 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRH 0x00 /* Interrupt pending 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IPRL 0x04 /* Interrupt pending 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRH 0x08 /* Interrupt mask 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_IMRL 0x0c /* Interrupt mask 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCH 0x10 /* Interrupt force 32-63 */
-#define MCFINTC_INTFRCL 0x14 /* Interrupt force 1-31 */
-#define MCFINTC_IRLR 0x18 /* */
-#define MCFINTC_IACKL 0x19 /* */
-#define MCFINTC_ICR0 0x40 /* Base ICR register */
- * UART module.
- */
-#define MCFUART_BASE0 (MCF_MBAR + 0x8600) /* Base address UART0 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE1 (MCF_MBAR + 0x8700) /* Base address UART1 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE2 (MCF_MBAR + 0x8800) /* Base address UART2 */
-#define MCFUART_BASE3 (MCF_MBAR + 0x8900) /* Base address UART3 */
- * Define system peripheral IRQ usage.
- */
-#define MCF_IRQ_TIMER (MCFINT_VECBASE + 54) /* Slice Timer 0 */
-#define MCF_IRQ_PROFILER (MCFINT_VECBASE + 53) /* Slice Timer 1 */
- * Generic GPIO support
- */
-#define MCFGPIO_PIN_MAX 0 /* I am too lazy to count */
-#define MCFGPIO_IRQ_MAX -1
- * EDGE Port support.
- */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPAR (MCF_MBAR + 0xf00) /* Pin assignment */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDDR (MCF_MBAR + 0xf04) /* Data direction */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPIER (MCF_MBAR + 0xf05) /* Interrupt enable */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPDR (MCF_MBAR + 0xf08) /* Port data (w) */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPPDR (MCF_MBAR + 0xf09) /* Port data (r) */
-#define MCFEPORT_EPFR (MCF_MBAR + 0xf0c) /* Flags */
- * Some PSC related definitions
- */
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC(x) (0x000A4F-((x)&0x3))
-#define MCF_PAR_SDA (0x0008)
-#define MCF_PAR_SCL (0x0004)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_TXD (0x04)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_RXD (0x08)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_RTS(x) (((x)&0x03)<<4)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_CTS(x) (((x)&0x03)<<6)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_CTS_GPIO (0x00)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_CTS_BCLK (0x80)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_CTS_CTS (0xC0)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_RTS_GPIO (0x00)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_RTS_FSYNC (0x20)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_RTS_RTS (0x30)
-#define MCF_PAR_PSC_CANRX (0x40)
-#endif /* m54xxsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eb7d39ef..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#include "m68360_regs.h"
-#include "m68360_pram.h"
-#include "m68360_quicc.h"
-#include "m68360_enet.h"
-#ifdef CONFIG_M68360
-#define CPM_INTERRUPT 4
-/* see MC68360 User's Manual, p. 7-377 */
-#define CPM_VECTOR_BASE 0x04 /* 3 MSbits of CPM vector */
-#endif /* CONFIG_M68360 */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_enet.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_enet.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c36f4d05..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_enet.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: m68360_enet.h,v 1.1 2002/03/02 15:01:07 gerg Exp $
- ***********************************
- *
- ***************************************
- * Definitions for the ETHERNET controllers
- ***************************************
- */
-#ifndef __ETHER_H
-#define __ETHER_H
-#include "quicc_simple.h"
- * transmit BD's
- */
-#define T_R 0x8000 /* ready bit */
-#define E_T_PAD 0x4000 /* short frame padding */
-#define T_W 0x2000 /* wrap bit */
-#define T_I 0x1000 /* interrupt on completion */
-#define T_L 0x0800 /* last in frame */
-#define T_TC 0x0400 /* transmit CRC (when last) */
-#define T_DEF 0x0200 /* defer indication */
-#define T_HB 0x0100 /* heartbeat */
-#define T_LC 0x0080 /* error: late collision */
-#define T_RL 0x0040 /* error: retransmission limit */
-#define T_RC 0x003c /* retry count */
-#define T_UN 0x0002 /* error: underrun */
-#define T_CSL 0x0001 /* carier sense lost */
-#define T_ERROR (T_HB | T_LC | T_RL | T_UN | T_CSL)
- * receive BD's
- */
-#define R_E 0x8000 /* buffer empty */
-#define R_W 0x2000 /* wrap bit */
-#define R_I 0x1000 /* interrupt on reception */
-#define R_L 0x0800 /* last BD in frame */
-#define R_F 0x0400 /* first BD in frame */
-#define R_M 0x0100 /* received because of promisc. mode */
-#define R_LG 0x0020 /* frame too long */
-#define R_NO 0x0010 /* non-octet aligned */
-#define R_SH 0x0008 /* short frame */
-#define R_CR 0x0004 /* receive CRC error */
-#define R_OV 0x0002 /* receive overrun */
-#define R_CL 0x0001 /* collision */
-#define ETHER_R_ERROR (R_LG | R_NO | R_SH | R_CR | R_OV | R_CL)
- * ethernet interrupts
- */
-#define ETHERNET_GRA 0x0080 /* graceful stop complete */
-#define ETHERNET_TXE 0x0010 /* transmit error */
-#define ETHERNET_RXF 0x0008 /* receive frame */
-#define ETHERNET_BSY 0x0004 /* busy condition */
-#define ETHERNET_TXB 0x0002 /* transmit buffer */
-#define ETHERNET_RXB 0x0001 /* receive buffer */
- * ethernet protocol specific mode register (PSMR)
- */
-#define ETHER_HBC 0x8000 /* heartbeat checking */
-#define ETHER_FC 0x4000 /* force collision */
-#define ETHER_RSH 0x2000 /* receive short frames */
-#define ETHER_IAM 0x1000 /* individual address mode */
-#define ETHER_CRC_32 (0x2<<10) /* Enable CRC */
-#define ETHER_PRO 0x0200 /* promiscuous */
-#define ETHER_BRO 0x0100 /* broadcast address */
-#define ETHER_SBT 0x0080 /* stop backoff timer */
-#define ETHER_LPB 0x0040 /* Loop Back Mode */
-#define ETHER_SIP 0x0020 /* sample input pins */
-#define ETHER_LCW 0x0010 /* late collision window */
-#define ETHER_NIB_13 (0x0<<1) /* # of ignored bits 13 */
-#define ETHER_NIB_14 (0x1<<1) /* # of ignored bits 14 */
-#define ETHER_NIB_15 (0x2<<1) /* # of ignored bits 15 */
-#define ETHER_NIB_16 (0x3<<1) /* # of ignored bits 16 */
-#define ETHER_NIB_21 (0x4<<1) /* # of ignored bits 21 */
-#define ETHER_NIB_22 (0x5<<1) /* # of ignored bits 22 */
-#define ETHER_NIB_23 (0x6<<1) /* # of ignored bits 23 */
-#define ETHER_NIB_24 (0x7<<1) /* # of ignored bits 24 */
- * ethernet specific parameters
- */
-#define CRC_WORD 4 /* Length in bytes of CRC */
-#define C_PRES 0xffffffff /* preform 32 bit CRC */
-#define C_MASK 0xdebb20e3 /* comply with 32 bit CRC */
-#define CRCEC 0x00000000
-#define ALEC 0x00000000
-#define DISFC 0x00000000
-#define PADS 0x00000000
-#define RET_LIM 0x000f /* retry 15 times to send a frame before interrupt */
-#define ETH_MFLR 0x05ee /* 1518 max frame size */
-#define MINFLR 0x0040 /* Minimum frame size 64 */
-#define MAXD1 0x05ee /* Max dma count 1518 */
-#define MAXD2 0x05ee
-#define GADDR1 0x00000000 /* Clear group address */
-#define GADDR2 0x00000000
-#define GADDR3 0x00000000
-#define GADDR4 0x00000000
-#define P_PER 0x00000000 /*not used */
-#define IADDR1 0x00000000 /* Individual hash table not used */
-#define IADDR2 0x00000000
-#define IADDR3 0x00000000
-#define IADDR4 0x00000000
-#define TADDR_H 0x00000000 /* clear this regs */
-#define TADDR_M 0x00000000
-#define TADDR_L 0x00000000
-/* SCC Parameter Ram */
-#define RFCR 0x18 /* normal operation */
-#define TFCR 0x18 /* normal operation */
-#define E_MRBLR 1518 /* Max ethernet frame length */
- * ethernet specific structure
- */
-typedef union {
- unsigned char b[6];
- struct {
- unsigned short high;
- unsigned short middl;
- unsigned short low;
- } w;
-typedef struct {
- int max_frame_length;
- int promisc_mode;
- int reject_broadcast;
- ETHER_ADDR phys_adr;
-typedef struct {
- ETHER_ADDR dst_addr;
- ETHER_ADDR src_addr;
- unsigned short type_or_len;
- unsigned char data[1];
-#define MAX_DATALEN 1500
-typedef struct {
- ETHER_ADDR dst_addr;
- ETHER_ADDR src_addr;
- unsigned short type_or_len;
- unsigned char data[MAX_DATALEN];
- unsigned char fcs[CRC_WORD];
- * Internal ethernet function prototypes
- */
-void ether_interrupt(int scc_num);
-/* mleslie: debug */
-/* static void ethernet_rx_internal(int scc_num); */
-/* static void ethernet_tx_internal(int scc_num); */
- * User callable routines prototypes (ethernet specific)
- */
-void ethernet_init(int scc_number,
- alloc_routine *alloc_buffer,
- free_routine *free_buffer,
- store_rx_buffer_routine *store_rx_buffer,
- handle_tx_error_routine *handle_tx_error,
- handle_rx_error_routine *handle_rx_error,
- handle_lost_error_routine *handle_lost_error,
- ETHER_SPECIFIC *ether_spec);
-int ethernet_tx(int scc_number, void *buf, int length);
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_pram.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_pram.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e6088bbc..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_pram.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: m68360_pram.h,v 1.1 2002/03/02 15:01:07 gerg Exp $
- ***********************************
- *
- ***************************************
- * Definitions of the parameter area RAM.
- * Note that different structures are overlaid
- * at the same offsets for the different modes
- * of operation.
- ***************************************
- */
-#ifndef __PRAM_H
-#define __PRAM_H
-/* Time slot assignment table */
-#define VALID_SLOT 0x8000
-#define WRAP_SLOT 0x4000
- Global Multichannel parameter RAM
-struct global_multi_pram {
- /*
- * Global Multichannel parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned long mcbase; /* Multichannel Base pointer */
- unsigned short qmcstate; /* Multichannel Controller state */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Maximum Receive Buffer Length */
- unsigned short tx_s_ptr; /* TSTATx Pointer */
- unsigned short rxptr; /* Current Time slot entry in TSATRx */
- unsigned short grfthr; /* Global Receive frame threshold */
- unsigned short grfcnt; /* Global Receive Frame Count */
- unsigned long intbase; /* Multichannel Base address */
- unsigned long iintptr; /* Pointer to interrupt queue */
- unsigned short rx_s_ptr; /* TSTARx Pointer */
- unsigned short txptr; /* Current Time slot entry in TSATTx */
- unsigned long c_mask32; /* CRC Constant (debb20e3) */
- unsigned short tsatrx[32]; /* Time Slot Assignment Table Rx */
- unsigned short tsattx[32]; /* Time Slot Assignment Table Tx */
- unsigned short c_mask16; /* CRC Constant (f0b8) */
- Quicc32 HDLC parameter RAM
-struct quicc32_pram {
- unsigned short tbase; /* Tx Buffer Descriptors Base Address */
- unsigned short chamr; /* Channel Mode Register */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx Internal State */
- unsigned long txintr; /* Tx Internal Data Pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx Buffer Descriptor Pointer */
- unsigned short txcntr; /* Tx Internal Byte Count */
- unsigned long tupack; /* (Tx Temp) */
- unsigned long zistate; /* Zero Insertion machine state */
- unsigned long tcrc; /* Temp Transmit CRC */
- unsigned short intmask; /* Channel's interrupt mask flags */
- unsigned short bdflags;
- unsigned short rbase; /* Rx Buffer Descriptors Base Address */
- unsigned short mflr; /* Max Frame Length Register */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx Internal State */
- unsigned long rxintr; /* Rx Internal Data Pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* Rx Buffer Descriptor Pointer */
- unsigned short rxbyc; /* Rx Internal Byte Count */
- unsigned long rpack; /* (Rx Temp) */
- unsigned long zdstate; /* Zero Deletion machine state */
- unsigned long rcrc; /* Temp Transmit CRC */
- unsigned short maxc; /* Max_length counter */
- unsigned short tmp_mb; /* Temp */
- HDLC parameter RAM
-struct hdlc_pram {
- /*
- * SCC parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned short rbase; /* RX BD base address */
- unsigned short tbase; /* TX BD base address */
- unsigned char rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- unsigned char tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Rx buffer length */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx internal state */
- unsigned long rptr; /* Rx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* rb BD Pointer */
- unsigned short rcount; /* Rx internal byte count */
- unsigned long rtemp; /* Rx temp */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx internal state */
- unsigned long tptr; /* Tx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx BD pointer */
- unsigned short tcount; /* Tx byte count */
- unsigned long ttemp; /* Tx temp */
- unsigned long rcrc; /* temp receive CRC */
- unsigned long tcrc; /* temp transmit CRC */
- /*
- * HDLC specific parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned char RESERVED1[4]; /* Reserved area */
- unsigned long c_mask; /* CRC constant */
- unsigned long c_pres; /* CRC preset */
- unsigned short disfc; /* discarded frame counter */
- unsigned short crcec; /* CRC error counter */
- unsigned short abtsc; /* abort sequence counter */
- unsigned short nmarc; /* nonmatching address rx cnt */
- unsigned short retrc; /* frame retransmission cnt */
- unsigned short mflr; /* maximum frame length reg */
- unsigned short max_cnt; /* maximum length counter */
- unsigned short rfthr; /* received frames threshold */
- unsigned short rfcnt; /* received frames count */
- unsigned short hmask; /* user defined frm addr mask */
- unsigned short haddr1; /* user defined frm address 1 */
- unsigned short haddr2; /* user defined frm address 2 */
- unsigned short haddr3; /* user defined frm address 3 */
- unsigned short haddr4; /* user defined frm address 4 */
- unsigned short tmp; /* temp */
- unsigned short tmp_mb; /* temp */
- UART parameter RAM
- * bits in uart control characters table
- */
-#define CC_INVALID 0x8000 /* control character is valid */
-#define CC_REJ 0x4000 /* don't store char in buffer */
-#define CC_CHAR 0x00ff /* control character */
-/* UART */
-struct uart_pram {
- /*
- * SCC parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned short rbase; /* RX BD base address */
- unsigned short tbase; /* TX BD base address */
- unsigned char rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- unsigned char tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Rx buffer length */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx internal state */
- unsigned long rptr; /* Rx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* rb BD Pointer */
- unsigned short rcount; /* Rx internal byte count */
- unsigned long rx_temp; /* Rx temp */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx internal state */
- unsigned long tptr; /* Tx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx BD pointer */
- unsigned short tcount; /* Tx byte count */
- unsigned long ttemp; /* Tx temp */
- unsigned long rcrc; /* temp receive CRC */
- unsigned long tcrc; /* temp transmit CRC */
- /*
- * UART specific parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned char RESERVED1[8]; /* Reserved area */
- unsigned short max_idl; /* maximum idle characters */
- unsigned short idlc; /* rx idle counter (internal) */
- unsigned short brkcr; /* break count register */
- unsigned short parec; /* Rx parity error counter */
- unsigned short frmer; /* Rx framing error counter */
- unsigned short nosec; /* Rx noise counter */
- unsigned short brkec; /* Rx break character counter */
- unsigned short brkln; /* Reaceive break length */
- unsigned short uaddr1; /* address character 1 */
- unsigned short uaddr2; /* address character 2 */
- unsigned short rtemp; /* temp storage */
- unsigned short toseq; /* Tx out of sequence char */
- unsigned short cc[8]; /* Rx control characters */
- unsigned short rccm; /* Rx control char mask */
- unsigned short rccr; /* Rx control char register */
- unsigned short rlbc; /* Receive last break char */
- BISYNC parameter RAM
-struct bisync_pram {
- /*
- * SCC parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned short rbase; /* RX BD base address */
- unsigned short tbase; /* TX BD base address */
- unsigned char rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- unsigned char tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Rx buffer length */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx internal state */
- unsigned long rptr; /* Rx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* rb BD Pointer */
- unsigned short rcount; /* Rx internal byte count */
- unsigned long rtemp; /* Rx temp */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx internal state */
- unsigned long tptr; /* Tx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx BD pointer */
- unsigned short tcount; /* Tx byte count */
- unsigned long ttemp; /* Tx temp */
- unsigned long rcrc; /* temp receive CRC */
- unsigned long tcrc; /* temp transmit CRC */
- /*
- * BISYNC specific parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned char RESERVED1[4]; /* Reserved area */
- unsigned long crcc; /* CRC Constant Temp Value */
- unsigned short prcrc; /* Preset Receiver CRC-16/LRC */
- unsigned short ptcrc; /* Preset Transmitter CRC-16/LRC */
- unsigned short parec; /* Receive Parity Error Counter */
- unsigned short bsync; /* BISYNC SYNC Character */
- unsigned short bdle; /* BISYNC DLE Character */
- unsigned short cc[8]; /* Rx control characters */
- unsigned short rccm; /* Receive Control Character Mask */
- IOM2 parameter RAM
- (overlaid on tx bd[5] of SCC channel[2])
-struct iom2_pram {
- unsigned short ci_data; /* ci data */
- unsigned short monitor_data; /* monitor data */
- unsigned short tstate; /* transmitter state */
- unsigned short rstate; /* receiver state */
- SPI/SMC parameter RAM
- (overlaid on tx bd[6,7] of SCC channel[2])
-#define SPI_R 0x8000 /* Ready bit in BD */
-struct spi_pram {
- unsigned short rbase; /* Rx BD Base Address */
- unsigned short tbase; /* Tx BD Base Address */
- unsigned char rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- unsigned char tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Rx buffer length */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx internal state */
- unsigned long rptr; /* Rx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* rb BD Pointer */
- unsigned short rcount; /* Rx internal byte count */
- unsigned long rtemp; /* Rx temp */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx internal state */
- unsigned long tptr; /* Tx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx BD pointer */
- unsigned short tcount; /* Tx byte count */
- unsigned long ttemp; /* Tx temp */
-struct smc_uart_pram {
- unsigned short rbase; /* Rx BD Base Address */
- unsigned short tbase; /* Tx BD Base Address */
- unsigned char rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- unsigned char tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Rx buffer length */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx internal state */
- unsigned long rptr; /* Rx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* rb BD Pointer */
- unsigned short rcount; /* Rx internal byte count */
- unsigned long rtemp; /* Rx temp */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx internal state */
- unsigned long tptr; /* Tx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx BD pointer */
- unsigned short tcount; /* Tx byte count */
- unsigned long ttemp; /* Tx temp */
- unsigned short max_idl; /* Maximum IDLE Characters */
- unsigned short idlc; /* Temporary IDLE Counter */
- unsigned short brkln; /* Last Rx Break Length */
- unsigned short brkec; /* Rx Break Condition Counter */
- unsigned short brkcr; /* Break Count Register (Tx) */
- unsigned short r_mask; /* Temporary bit mask */
-struct smc_trnsp_pram {
- unsigned short rbase; /* rx BD Base Address */
- unsigned short tbase; /* Tx BD Base Address */
- unsigned char rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- unsigned char tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Rx buffer length */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx internal state */
- unsigned long rptr; /* Rx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* rb BD Pointer */
- unsigned short rcount; /* Rx internal byte count */
- unsigned long rtemp; /* Rx temp */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx internal state */
- unsigned long tptr; /* Tx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx BD pointer */
- unsigned short tcount; /* Tx byte count */
- unsigned long ttemp; /* Tx temp */
- unsigned short reserved[5]; /* Reserved */
-struct idma_pram {
- unsigned short ibase; /* IDMA BD Base Address */
- unsigned short ibptr; /* IDMA buffer descriptor pointer */
- unsigned long istate; /* IDMA internal state */
- unsigned long itemp; /* IDMA temp */
-struct ethernet_pram {
- /*
- * SCC parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned short rbase; /* RX BD base address */
- unsigned short tbase; /* TX BD base address */
- unsigned char rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- unsigned char tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Rx buffer length */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx internal state */
- unsigned long rptr; /* Rx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* rb BD Pointer */
- unsigned short rcount; /* Rx internal byte count */
- unsigned long rtemp; /* Rx temp */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx internal state */
- unsigned long tptr; /* Tx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx BD pointer */
- unsigned short tcount; /* Tx byte count */
- unsigned long ttemp; /* Tx temp */
- unsigned long rcrc; /* temp receive CRC */
- unsigned long tcrc; /* temp transmit CRC */
- /*
- * ETHERNET specific parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned long c_pres; /* preset CRC */
- unsigned long c_mask; /* constant mask for CRC */
- unsigned long crcec; /* CRC error counter */
- unsigned long alec; /* alighnment error counter */
- unsigned long disfc; /* discard frame counter */
- unsigned short pads; /* short frame PAD characters */
- unsigned short ret_lim; /* retry limit threshold */
- unsigned short ret_cnt; /* retry limit counter */
- unsigned short mflr; /* maximum frame length reg */
- unsigned short minflr; /* minimum frame length reg */
- unsigned short maxd1; /* maximum DMA1 length reg */
- unsigned short maxd2; /* maximum DMA2 length reg */
- unsigned short maxd; /* rx max DMA */
- unsigned short dma_cnt; /* rx dma counter */
- unsigned short max_b; /* max bd byte count */
- unsigned short gaddr1; /* group address filter 1 */
- unsigned short gaddr2; /* group address filter 2 */
- unsigned short gaddr3; /* group address filter 3 */
- unsigned short gaddr4; /* group address filter 4 */
- unsigned long tbuf0_data0; /* save area 0 - current frm */
- unsigned long tbuf0_data1; /* save area 1 - current frm */
- unsigned long tbuf0_rba0;
- unsigned long tbuf0_crc;
- unsigned short tbuf0_bcnt;
- union {
- unsigned char b[6];
- struct {
- unsigned short high;
- unsigned short middl;
- unsigned short low;
- } w;
- } paddr;
- unsigned short p_per; /* persistence */
- unsigned short rfbd_ptr; /* rx first bd pointer */
- unsigned short tfbd_ptr; /* tx first bd pointer */
- unsigned short tlbd_ptr; /* tx last bd pointer */
- unsigned long tbuf1_data0; /* save area 0 - next frame */
- unsigned long tbuf1_data1; /* save area 1 - next frame */
- unsigned long tbuf1_rba0;
- unsigned long tbuf1_crc;
- unsigned short tbuf1_bcnt;
- unsigned short tx_len; /* tx frame length counter */
- unsigned short iaddr1; /* individual address filter 1*/
- unsigned short iaddr2; /* individual address filter 2*/
- unsigned short iaddr3; /* individual address filter 3*/
- unsigned short iaddr4; /* individual address filter 4*/
- unsigned short boff_cnt; /* back-off counter */
- unsigned short taddr_h; /* temp address (MSB) */
- unsigned short taddr_m; /* temp address */
- unsigned short taddr_l; /* temp address (LSB) */
-struct transparent_pram {
- /*
- * SCC parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned short rbase; /* RX BD base address */
- unsigned short tbase; /* TX BD base address */
- unsigned char rfcr; /* Rx function code */
- unsigned char tfcr; /* Tx function code */
- unsigned short mrblr; /* Rx buffer length */
- unsigned long rstate; /* Rx internal state */
- unsigned long rptr; /* Rx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short rbptr; /* rb BD Pointer */
- unsigned short rcount; /* Rx internal byte count */
- unsigned long rtemp; /* Rx temp */
- unsigned long tstate; /* Tx internal state */
- unsigned long tptr; /* Tx internal data pointer */
- unsigned short tbptr; /* Tx BD pointer */
- unsigned short tcount; /* Tx byte count */
- unsigned long ttemp; /* Tx temp */
- unsigned long rcrc; /* temp receive CRC */
- unsigned long tcrc; /* temp transmit CRC */
- /*
- * TRANSPARENT specific parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned long crc_p; /* CRC Preset */
- unsigned long crc_c; /* CRC constant */
-struct timer_pram {
- /*
- * RISC timers parameter RAM
- */
- unsigned short tm_base; /* RISC timer table base adr */
- unsigned short tm_ptr; /* RISC timer table pointer */
- unsigned short r_tmr; /* RISC timer mode register */
- unsigned short r_tmv; /* RISC timer valid register */
- unsigned long tm_cmd; /* RISC timer cmd register */
- unsigned long tm_cnt; /* RISC timer internal cnt */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_quicc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_quicc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 59414cc1..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_quicc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: m68360_quicc.h,v 1.1 2002/03/02 15:01:07 gerg Exp $
- ***********************************
- *
- ***************************************
- * Definitions of QUICC memory structures
- ***************************************
- */
-#ifndef __M68360_QUICC_H
-#define __M68360_QUICC_H
- * include registers and
- * parameter ram definitions files
- */
-#include <asm/m68360_regs.h>
-#include <asm/m68360_pram.h>
-/* Buffer Descriptors */
-typedef struct quicc_bd {
- volatile unsigned short status;
- volatile unsigned short length;
- volatile unsigned char *buf; /* WARNING: This is only true if *char is 32 bits */
-struct user_data {
- /* BASE + 0x000: user data memory */
- volatile unsigned char udata_bd_ucode[0x400]; /*user data bd's Ucode*/
- volatile unsigned char udata_bd[0x200]; /*user data Ucode */
- volatile unsigned char ucode_ext[0x100]; /*Ucode Extension ram */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED1[0x500]; /* Reserved area */
-struct user_data {
- /* BASE + 0x000: user data memory */
- volatile unsigned char udata_bd_ucode[0x400]; /* user data, bds, Ucode*/
- volatile unsigned char udata_bd1[0x200]; /* user, bds */
- volatile unsigned char ucode_bd_scratch[0x100]; /* user, bds, ucode scratch */
- volatile unsigned char udata_bd2[0x100]; /* user, bds */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED1[0x400]; /* Reserved area */
- * internal ram
- */
-typedef struct quicc {
- union {
- struct quicc32_pram ch_pram_tbl[32]; /* 32*64(bytes) per channel */
- struct user_data u;
- }ch_or_u; /* multipul or user space */
- /* BASE + 0xc00: PARAMETER RAM */
- union {
- struct scc_pram {
- union {
- struct hdlc_pram h;
- struct uart_pram u;
- struct bisync_pram b;
- struct transparent_pram t;
- unsigned char RESERVED66[0x70];
- } pscc; /* scc parameter area (protocol dependent) */
- union {
- struct {
- unsigned char RESERVED70[0x10];
- struct spi_pram spi;
- unsigned char RESERVED72[0x8];
- struct timer_pram timer;
- } timer_spi;
- struct {
- struct idma_pram idma;
- unsigned char RESERVED67[0x4];
- union {
- struct smc_uart_pram u;
- struct smc_trnsp_pram t;
- } psmc;
- } idma_smc;
- } pothers;
- } scc;
- struct ethernet_pram enet_scc;
- struct global_multi_pram m;
- unsigned char pr[0x100];
- } pram[4];
- /* reserved */
- /* SIM */
- volatile unsigned long sim_mcr; /* module configuration reg */
- volatile unsigned short sim_simtr; /* module test register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED2[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char sim_avr; /* auto vector reg */
- volatile unsigned char sim_rsr; /* reset status reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED3[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char sim_clkocr; /* CLCO control register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED62[0x3]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short sim_pllcr; /* PLL control register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED63[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short sim_cdvcr; /* Clock devider control register */
- volatile unsigned short sim_pepar; /* Port E pin assignment register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED64[0xa]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char sim_sypcr; /* system protection control*/
- volatile unsigned char sim_swiv; /* software interrupt vector*/
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED6[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short sim_picr; /* periodic interrupt control reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED7[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short sim_pitr; /* periodic interrupt timing reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED8[0x3]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char sim_swsr; /* software service */
- volatile unsigned long sim_bkar; /* breakpoint address register*/
- volatile unsigned long sim_bkcr; /* breakpoint control register*/
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED10[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- /* MEMC */
- volatile unsigned long memc_gmr; /* Global memory register */
- volatile unsigned short memc_mstat; /* MEMC status register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED11[0xa]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long memc_br0; /* base register 0 */
- volatile unsigned long memc_or0; /* option register 0 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED12[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long memc_br1; /* base register 1 */
- volatile unsigned long memc_or1; /* option register 1 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED13[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long memc_br2; /* base register 2 */
- volatile unsigned long memc_or2; /* option register 2 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED14[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long memc_br3; /* base register 3 */
- volatile unsigned long memc_or3; /* option register 3 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED15[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long memc_br4; /* base register 3 */
- volatile unsigned long memc_or4; /* option register 3 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED16[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long memc_br5; /* base register 3 */
- volatile unsigned long memc_or5; /* option register 3 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED17[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long memc_br6; /* base register 3 */
- volatile unsigned long memc_or6; /* option register 3 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED18[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long memc_br7; /* base register 3 */
- volatile unsigned long memc_or7; /* option register 3 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED9[0x28]; /* Reserved area */
- /* TEST */
- volatile unsigned short test_tstmra; /* master shift a */
- volatile unsigned short test_tstmrb; /* master shift b */
- volatile unsigned short test_tstsc; /* shift count */
- volatile unsigned short test_tstrc; /* repetition counter */
- volatile unsigned short test_creg; /* control */
- volatile unsigned short test_dreg; /* destributed register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED58[0x404]; /* Reserved area */
- /* IDMA1 */
- volatile unsigned short idma_iccr; /* channel configuration reg*/
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED19[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short idma1_cmr; /* dma mode reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED68[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long idma1_sapr; /* dma source addr ptr */
- volatile unsigned long idma1_dapr; /* dma destination addr ptr */
- volatile unsigned long idma1_bcr; /* dma byte count reg */
- volatile unsigned char idma1_fcr; /* function code reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED20; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char idma1_cmar; /* channel mask reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED21; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char idma1_csr; /* channel status reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED22[0x3]; /* Reserved area */
- /* SDMA */
- volatile unsigned char sdma_sdsr; /* status reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED23; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short sdma_sdcr; /* configuration reg */
- volatile unsigned long sdma_sdar; /* address reg */
- /* IDMA2 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED69[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short idma2_cmr; /* dma mode reg */
- volatile unsigned long idma2_sapr; /* dma source addr ptr */
- volatile unsigned long idma2_dapr; /* dma destination addr ptr */
- volatile unsigned long idma2_bcr; /* dma byte count reg */
- volatile unsigned char idma2_fcr; /* function code reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED24; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char idma2_cmar; /* channel mask reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED25; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char idma2_csr; /* channel status reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED26[0x7]; /* Reserved area */
- /* Interrupt Controller */
- volatile unsigned long intr_cicr; /* CP interrupt configuration reg*/
- volatile unsigned long intr_cipr; /* CP interrupt pending reg */
- volatile unsigned long intr_cimr; /* CP interrupt mask reg */
- volatile unsigned long intr_cisr; /* CP interrupt in service reg*/
- /* Parallel I/O */
- volatile unsigned short pio_padir; /* port A data direction reg */
- volatile unsigned short pio_papar; /* port A pin assignment reg */
- volatile unsigned short pio_paodr; /* port A open drain reg */
- volatile unsigned short pio_padat; /* port A data register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED28[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short pio_pcdir; /* port C data direction reg*/
- volatile unsigned short pio_pcpar; /* port C pin assignment reg*/
- volatile unsigned short pio_pcso; /* port C special options */
- volatile unsigned short pio_pcdat; /* port C data register */
- volatile unsigned short pio_pcint; /* port C interrupt cntrl reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED29[0x16]; /* Reserved area */
- /* Timer */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tgcr; /* timer global configuration reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED30[0xe]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tmr1; /* timer 1 mode reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tmr2; /* timer 2 mode reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_trr1; /* timer 1 referance reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_trr2; /* timer 2 referance reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tcr1; /* timer 1 capture reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tcr2; /* timer 2 capture reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tcn1; /* timer 1 counter reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tcn2; /* timer 2 counter reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tmr3; /* timer 3 mode reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tmr4; /* timer 4 mode reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_trr3; /* timer 3 referance reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_trr4; /* timer 4 referance reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tcr3; /* timer 3 capture reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tcr4; /* timer 4 capture reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tcn3; /* timer 3 counter reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_tcn4; /* timer 4 counter reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_ter1; /* timer 1 event reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_ter2; /* timer 2 event reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_ter3; /* timer 3 event reg */
- volatile unsigned short timer_ter4; /* timer 4 event reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED34[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- /* CP */
- volatile unsigned short cp_cr; /* command register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED35[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short cp_rccr; /* main configuration reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED37; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char cp_rmds; /* development support status reg */
- volatile unsigned long cp_rmdr; /* development support control reg */
- volatile unsigned short cp_rctr1; /* ram break register 1 */
- volatile unsigned short cp_rctr2; /* ram break register 2 */
- volatile unsigned short cp_rctr3; /* ram break register 3 */
- volatile unsigned short cp_rctr4; /* ram break register 4 */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED59[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short cp_rter; /* RISC timers event reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED38[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short cp_rtmr; /* RISC timers mask reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED39[0x14]; /* Reserved area */
- /* BRG */
- union {
- volatile unsigned long l;
- struct {
- volatile unsigned short BRGC_RESERV:14;
- volatile unsigned short rst:1;
- volatile unsigned short en:1;
- volatile unsigned short extc:2;
- volatile unsigned short atb:1;
- volatile unsigned short cd:12;
- volatile unsigned short div16:1;
- } b;
- } brgc[4]; /* BRG1-BRG4 configuration regs*/
- /* SCC registers */
- struct scc_regs {
- union {
- struct {
- /* Low word. */
- volatile unsigned short GSMR_RESERV2:1;
- volatile unsigned short edge:2;
- volatile unsigned short tci:1;
- volatile unsigned short tsnc:2;
- volatile unsigned short rinv:1;
- volatile unsigned short tinv:1;
- volatile unsigned short tpl:3;
- volatile unsigned short tpp:2;
- volatile unsigned short tend:1;
- volatile unsigned short tdcr:2;
- volatile unsigned short rdcr:2;
- volatile unsigned short renc:3;
- volatile unsigned short tenc:3;
- volatile unsigned short diag:2;
- volatile unsigned short enr:1;
- volatile unsigned short ent:1;
- volatile unsigned short mode:4;
- /* High word. */
- volatile unsigned short GSMR_RESERV1:14;
- volatile unsigned short pri:1;
- volatile unsigned short gde:1;
- volatile unsigned short tcrc:2;
- volatile unsigned short revd:1;
- volatile unsigned short trx:1;
- volatile unsigned short ttx:1;
- volatile unsigned short cdp:1;
- volatile unsigned short ctsp:1;
- volatile unsigned short cds:1;
- volatile unsigned short ctss:1;
- volatile unsigned short tfl:1;
- volatile unsigned short rfw:1;
- volatile unsigned short txsy:1;
- volatile unsigned short synl:2;
- volatile unsigned short rtsm:1;
- volatile unsigned short rsyn:1;
- } b;
- struct {
- volatile unsigned long low;
- volatile unsigned long high;
- } w;
- } scc_gsmr; /* SCC general mode reg */
- volatile unsigned short scc_psmr; /* protocol specific mode reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED42[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short scc_todr; /* SCC transmit on demand */
- volatile unsigned short scc_dsr; /* SCC data sync reg */
- volatile unsigned short scc_scce; /* SCC event reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED43[0x2];/* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short scc_sccm; /* SCC mask reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED44[0x1];/* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char scc_sccs; /* SCC status reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED45[0x8]; /* Reserved area */
- } scc_regs[4];
- /* SMC */
- struct smc_regs {
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED46[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short smc_smcmr; /* SMC mode reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED60[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char smc_smce; /* SMC event reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED47[0x3]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char smc_smcm; /* SMC mask reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED48[0x5]; /* Reserved area */
- } smc_regs[2];
- /* SPI */
- volatile unsigned short spi_spmode; /* SPI mode reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED51[0x4]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char spi_spie; /* SPI event reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED52[0x3]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char spi_spim; /* SPI mask reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED53[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char spi_spcom; /* SPI command reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED54[0x4]; /* Reserved area */
- /* PIP */
- volatile unsigned short pip_pipc; /* pip configuration reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED65[0x2]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short pip_ptpr; /* pip timing parameters reg */
- volatile unsigned long pip_pbdir; /* port b data direction reg */
- volatile unsigned long pip_pbpar; /* port b pin assignment reg */
- volatile unsigned long pip_pbodr; /* port b open drain reg */
- volatile unsigned long pip_pbdat; /* port b data reg */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED71[0x18]; /* Reserved area */
- /* Serial Interface */
- volatile unsigned long si_simode; /* SI mode register */
- volatile unsigned char si_sigmr; /* SI global mode register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED55; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned char si_sistr; /* SI status register */
- volatile unsigned char si_sicmr; /* SI command register */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED56[0x4]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned long si_sicr; /* SI clock routing */
- volatile unsigned long si_sirp; /* SI ram pointers */
- volatile unsigned char RESERVED57[0xc]; /* Reserved area */
- volatile unsigned short si_siram[0x80]; /* SI routing ram */
- * Local variables:
- * c-indent-level: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_regs.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_regs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d57217ca..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/m68360_regs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: m68360_regs.h,v 1.2 2002/10/26 15:03:55 gerg Exp $
- ***********************************
- *
- ***************************************
- * Definitions of the QUICC registers
- ***************************************
- */
-#ifndef __REGISTERS_H
-#define __REGISTERS_H
-#define CLEAR_BIT(x, bit) x =bit
- Command Register
-/* bit fields within command register */
-#define SOFTWARE_RESET 0x8000
-#define CMD_OPCODE 0x0f00
-#define CMD_CHANNEL 0x00f0
-#define CMD_FLAG 0x0001
-/* general command opcodes */
-#define INIT_RXTX_PARAMS 0x0000
-#define INIT_RX_PARAMS 0x0100
-#define INIT_TX_PARAMS 0x0200
-#define ENTER_HUNT_MODE 0x0300
-#define STOP_TX 0x0400
-#define GR_STOP_TX 0x0500
-#define RESTART_TX 0x0600
-#define CLOSE_RX_BD 0x0700
-#define SET_ENET_GROUP 0x0800
-#define RESET_ENET_GROUP 0x0900
-/* quicc32 CP commands */
-#define STOP_TX_32 0x0e00 /*add chan# bits 2-6 */
-#define ENTER_HUNT_MODE_32 0x1e00
-/* quicc32 mask/event SCC register */
-#define GOV 0x01
-#define GUN 0x02
-#define GINT 0x04
-#define IQOV 0x08
-/* Timer commands */
-#define SET_TIMER 0x0800
-/* Multi channel Interrupt structure */
-#define INTR_VALID 0x8000 /* Valid interrupt entry */
-#define INTR_WRAP 0x4000 /* Wrap bit in the interrupt entry table */
-#define INTR_CH_NU 0x07c0 /* Channel Num in interrupt table */
-#define INTR_MASK_BITS 0x383f
- * General SCC mode register (GSMR)
- */
-#define MODE_HDLC 0x0
-#define MODE_APPLE_TALK 0x2
-#define MODE_SS7 0x3
-#define MODE_UART 0x4
-#define MODE_PROFIBUS 0x5
-#define MODE_ASYNC_HDLC 0x6
-#define MODE_V14 0x7
-#define MODE_BISYNC 0x8
-#define MODE_DDCMP 0x9
-#define MODE_ETHERNET 0xc
-#define DIAG_NORMAL 0x0
-#define DIAG_LOCAL_LPB 0x1
-#define DIAG_AUTO_ECHO 0x2
-#define DIAG_LBP_ECHO 0x3
-/* For RENC and TENC fields in GSMR */
-#define ENC_NRZ 0x0
-#define ENC_NRZI 0x1
-#define ENC_FM0 0x2
-#define ENC_MANCH 0x4
-#define ENC_DIFF_MANC 0x6
-/* For TDCR and RDCR fields in GSMR */
-#define CLOCK_RATE_1 0x0
-#define CLOCK_RATE_8 0x1
-#define CLOCK_RATE_16 0x2
-#define CLOCK_RATE_32 0x3
-#define TPP_00 0x0
-#define TPP_10 0x1
-#define TPP_01 0x2
-#define TPP_11 0x3
-#define TPL_NO 0x0
-#define TPL_8 0x1
-#define TPL_16 0x2
-#define TPL_32 0x3
-#define TPL_48 0x4
-#define TPL_64 0x5
-#define TPL_128 0x6
-#define TSNC_INFINITE 0x0
-#define TSNC_14_65 0x1
-#define TSNC_4_15 0x2
-#define TSNC_3_1 0x3
-#define EDGE_BOTH 0x0
-#define EDGE_POS 0x1
-#define EDGE_NEG 0x2
-#define EDGE_NO 0x3
-#define SYNL_NO 0x0
-#define SYNL_4 0x1
-#define SYNL_8 0x2
-#define SYNL_16 0x3
-#define TCRC_CCITT16 0x0
-#define TCRC_CRC16 0x1
-#define TCRC_CCITT32 0x2
- TODR (Transmit on demand) Register
-#define TODR_TOD 0x8000 /* Transmit on demand */
- CICR register settings
-/* note that relative irq priorities of the SCCs can be reordered
- * if desired - see p. 7-377 of the MC68360UM */
-#define CICR_SCA_SCC1 ((uint)0x00000000) /* SCC1 @ SCCa */
-#define CICR_SCB_SCC2 ((uint)0x00040000) /* SCC2 @ SCCb */
-#define CICR_SCC_SCC3 ((uint)0x00200000) /* SCC3 @ SCCc */
-#define CICR_SCD_SCC4 ((uint)0x00c00000) /* SCC4 @ SCCd */
-#define CICR_IRL_MASK ((uint)0x0000e000) /* Core interrupt */
-#define CICR_HP_MASK ((uint)0x00001f00) /* Hi-pri int. */
-#define CICR_VBA_MASK ((uint)0x000000e0) /* Vector Base Address */
-#define CICR_SPS ((uint)0x00000001) /* SCC Spread */
- Interrupt bits for CIPR and CIMR (MC68360UM p. 7-379)
-#define INTR_PIO_PC0 0x80000000 /* parallel I/O C bit 0 */
-#define INTR_SCC1 0x40000000 /* SCC port 1 */
-#define INTR_SCC2 0x20000000 /* SCC port 2 */
-#define INTR_SCC3 0x10000000 /* SCC port 3 */
-#define INTR_SCC4 0x08000000 /* SCC port 4 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC1 0x04000000 /* parallel i/o C bit 1 */
-#define INTR_TIMER1 0x02000000 /* timer 1 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC2 0x01000000 /* parallel i/o C bit 2 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC3 0x00800000 /* parallel i/o C bit 3 */
-#define INTR_SDMA_BERR 0x00400000 /* SDMA channel bus error */
-#define INTR_DMA1 0x00200000 /* idma 1 */
-#define INTR_DMA2 0x00100000 /* idma 2 */
-#define INTR_TIMER2 0x00040000 /* timer 2 */
-#define INTR_CP_TIMER 0x00020000 /* CP timer */
-#define INTR_PIP_STATUS 0x00010000 /* PIP status */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC4 0x00008000 /* parallel i/o C bit 4 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC5 0x00004000 /* parallel i/o C bit 5 */
-#define INTR_TIMER3 0x00001000 /* timer 3 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC6 0x00000800 /* parallel i/o C bit 6 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC7 0x00000400 /* parallel i/o C bit 7 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC8 0x00000200 /* parallel i/o C bit 8 */
-#define INTR_TIMER4 0x00000080 /* timer 4 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC9 0x00000040 /* parallel i/o C bit 9 */
-#define INTR_SCP 0x00000020 /* SCP */
-#define INTR_SMC1 0x00000010 /* SMC 1 */
-#define INTR_SMC2 0x00000008 /* SMC 2 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC10 0x00000004 /* parallel i/o C bit 10 */
-#define INTR_PIO_PC11 0x00000002 /* parallel i/o C bit 11 */
-#define INTR_ERR 0x00000001 /* error */
- CPM Interrupt vector encodings (MC68360UM p. 7-376)
-#define CPMVEC_NR 32
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC0 0x1f
-#define CPMVEC_SCC1 0x1e
-#define CPMVEC_SCC2 0x1d
-#define CPMVEC_SCC3 0x1c
-#define CPMVEC_SCC4 0x1b
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC1 0x1a
-#define CPMVEC_TIMER1 0x19
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC2 0x18
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC3 0x17
-#define CPMVEC_SDMA_CB_ERR 0x16
-#define CPMVEC_IDMA1 0x15
-#define CPMVEC_IDMA2 0x14
-#define CPMVEC_RESERVED3 0x13
-#define CPMVEC_TIMER2 0x12
-#define CPMVEC_RISCTIMER 0x11
-#define CPMVEC_RESERVED2 0x10
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC4 0x0f
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC5 0x0e
-#define CPMVEC_TIMER3 0x0c
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC6 0x0b
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC7 0x0a
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC8 0x09
-#define CPMVEC_RESERVED1 0x08
-#define CPMVEC_TIMER4 0x07
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC9 0x06
-#define CPMVEC_SPI 0x05
-#define CPMVEC_SMC1 0x04
-#define CPMVEC_SMC2 0x03
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC10 0x02
-#define CPMVEC_PIO_PC11 0x01
-#define CPMVEC_ERROR 0x00
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC0 ((ushort)0x1f) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SCC1 ((ushort)0x1e) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SCC2 ((ushort)0x1d) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SCC3 ((ushort)0x1c) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SCC4 ((ushort)0x1b) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC1 ((ushort)0x1a) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_TIMER1 ((ushort)0x19) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC2 ((ushort)0x18) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC3 ((ushort)0x17) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SDMA_CB_ERR ((ushort)0x16) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_IDMA1 ((ushort)0x15) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_IDMA2 ((ushort)0x14) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_RESERVED3 ((ushort)0x13) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_TIMER2 ((ushort)0x12) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_RISCTIMER ((ushort)0x11) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_RESERVED2 ((ushort)0x10) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC4 ((ushort)0x0f) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC5 ((ushort)0x0e) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_TIMER3 ((ushort)0x0c) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC6 ((ushort)0x0b) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC7 ((ushort)0x0a) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC8 ((ushort)0x09) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_RESERVED1 ((ushort)0x08) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_TIMER4 ((ushort)0x07) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC9 ((ushort)0x06) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SPI ((ushort)0x05) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SMC1 ((ushort)0x04) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_SMC2 ((ushort)0x03) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC10 ((ushort)0x02) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_PIO_PC11 ((ushort)0x01) */
-/* #define CPMVEC_ERROR ((ushort)0x00) */
- * PIO control registers
- *****************************************************************/
-/* Port A - See 360UM p. 7-358
- *
- * Note that most of these pins have alternate functions
- */
-/* The macros are nice, but there are all sorts of references to 1-indexed
- * facilities on the 68360... */
-/* #define PA_RXD(n) ((ushort)(0x01<<(2*n))) */
-/* #define PA_TXD(n) ((ushort)(0x02<<(2*n))) */
-#define PA_RXD1 ((ushort)0x0001)
-#define PA_TXD1 ((ushort)0x0002)
-#define PA_RXD2 ((ushort)0x0004)
-#define PA_TXD2 ((ushort)0x0008)
-#define PA_RXD3 ((ushort)0x0010)
-#define PA_TXD3 ((ushort)0x0020)
-#define PA_RXD4 ((ushort)0x0040)
-#define PA_TXD4 ((ushort)0x0080)
-#define PA_CLK1 ((ushort)0x0100)
-#define PA_CLK2 ((ushort)0x0200)
-#define PA_CLK3 ((ushort)0x0400)
-#define PA_CLK4 ((ushort)0x0800)
-#define PA_CLK5 ((ushort)0x1000)
-#define PA_CLK6 ((ushort)0x2000)
-#define PA_CLK7 ((ushort)0x4000)
-#define PA_CLK8 ((ushort)0x8000)
-/* Port B - See 360UM p. 7-362
- */
-/* Port C - See 360UM p. 7-365
- */
-#define PC_RTS1 ((ushort)0x0001)
-#define PC_RTS2 ((ushort)0x0002)
-#define PC__RTS3 ((ushort)0x0004) /* !RTS3 */
-#define PC__RTS4 ((ushort)0x0008) /* !RTS4 */
-#define PC_CTS1 ((ushort)0x0010)
-#define PC_CD1 ((ushort)0x0020)
-#define PC_CTS2 ((ushort)0x0040)
-#define PC_CD2 ((ushort)0x0080)
-#define PC_CTS3 ((ushort)0x0100)
-#define PC_CD3 ((ushort)0x0200)
-#define PC_CTS4 ((ushort)0x0400)
-#define PC_CD4 ((ushort)0x0800)
- chip select option register
-#define DTACK 0xe000
-#define ADR_MASK 0x1ffc
-#define RDWR_MASK 0x0002
-#define FC_MASK 0x0001
- tbase and rbase registers
-#define TBD_ADDR(quicc,pram) ((struct quicc_bd *) \
- (quicc->ch_or_u.u.udata_bd_ucode + pram->tbase))
-#define RBD_ADDR(quicc,pram) ((struct quicc_bd *) \
- (quicc->ch_or_u.u.udata_bd_ucode + pram->rbase))
-#define TBD_CUR_ADDR(quicc,pram) ((struct quicc_bd *) \
- (quicc->ch_or_u.u.udata_bd_ucode + pram->tbptr))
-#define RBD_CUR_ADDR(quicc,pram) ((struct quicc_bd *) \
- (quicc->ch_or_u.u.udata_bd_ucode + pram->rbptr))
-#define TBD_SET_CUR_ADDR(bd,quicc,pram) pram->tbptr = \
- ((unsigned short)((char *)(bd) - (char *)(quicc->ch_or_u.u.udata_bd_ucode)))
-#define RBD_SET_CUR_ADDR(bd,quicc,pram) pram->rbptr = \
- ((unsigned short)((char *)(bd) - (char *)(quicc->ch_or_u.u.udata_bd_ucode)))
-#define INCREASE_TBD(bd,quicc,pram) { \
- if((bd)->status & T_W) \
- (bd) = TBD_ADDR(quicc,pram); \
- else \
- (bd)++; \
-#define DECREASE_TBD(bd,quicc,pram) { \
- if ((bd) == TBD_ADDR(quicc, pram)) \
- while (!((bd)->status & T_W)) \
- (bd)++; \
- else \
- (bd)--; \
-#define INCREASE_RBD(bd,quicc,pram) { \
- if((bd)->status & R_W) \
- (bd) = RBD_ADDR(quicc,pram); \
- else \
- (bd)++; \
-#define DECREASE_RBD(bd,quicc,pram) { \
- if ((bd) == RBD_ADDR(quicc, pram)) \
- while (!((bd)->status & T_W)) \
- (bd)++; \
- else \
- (bd)--; \
- Macros for Multi channel
-#define QMC_BASE(quicc,page) (struct global_multi_pram *)(&quicc->pram[page])
-#define MCBASE(quicc,page) (unsigned long)(quicc->pram[page].m.mcbase)
-#define CHANNEL_PRAM_BASE(quicc,channel) ((struct quicc32_pram *) \
- (&(quicc->ch_or_u.ch_pram_tbl[channel])))
-#define TBD_32_ADDR(quicc,page,channel) ((struct quicc_bd *) \
- (MCBASE(quicc,page) + (CHANNEL_PRAM_BASE(quicc,channel)->tbase)))
-#define RBD_32_ADDR(quicc,page,channel) ((struct quicc_bd *) \
- (MCBASE(quicc,page) + (CHANNEL_PRAM_BASE(quicc,channel)->rbase)))
-#define TBD_32_CUR_ADDR(quicc,page,channel) ((struct quicc_bd *) \
- (MCBASE(quicc,page) + (CHANNEL_PRAM_BASE(quicc,channel)->tbptr)))
-#define RBD_32_CUR_ADDR(quicc,page,channel) ((struct quicc_bd *) \
- (MCBASE(quicc,page) + (CHANNEL_PRAM_BASE(quicc,channel)->rbptr)))
-#define TBD_32_SET_CUR_ADDR(bd,quicc,page,channel) \
- CHANNEL_PRAM_BASE(quicc,channel)->tbptr = \
- ((unsigned short)((char *)(bd) - (char *)(MCBASE(quicc,page))))
-#define RBD_32_SET_CUR_ADDR(bd,quicc,page,channel) \
- CHANNEL_PRAM_BASE(quicc,channel)->rbptr = \
- ((unsigned short)((char *)(bd) - (char *)(MCBASE(quicc,page))))
-#define INCREASE_TBD_32(bd,quicc,page,channel) { \
- if((bd)->status & T_W) \
- (bd) = TBD_32_ADDR(quicc,page,channel); \
- else \
- (bd)++; \
-#define DECREASE_TBD_32(bd,quicc,page,channel) { \
- if ((bd) == TBD_32_ADDR(quicc, page,channel)) \
- while (!((bd)->status & T_W)) \
- (bd)++; \
- else \
- (bd)--; \
-#define INCREASE_RBD_32(bd,quicc,page,channel) { \
- if((bd)->status & R_W) \
- (bd) = RBD_32_ADDR(quicc,page,channel); \
- else \
- (bd)++; \
-#define DECREASE_RBD_32(bd,quicc,page,channel) { \
- if ((bd) == RBD_32_ADDR(quicc, page,channel)) \
- while (!((bd)->status & T_W)) \
- (bd)++; \
- else \
- (bd)--; \
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_asc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_asc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fc2e5467..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_asc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Apple Sound Chip
- */
-#ifndef __ASM_MAC_ASC_H
-#define __ASM_MAC_ASC_H
- * ASC offsets and controls
- */
-#define ASC_BUF_BASE 0x00 /* RAM buffer offset */
-#define ASC_BUF_SIZE 0x800
-#define ASC_CONTROL 0x800
-#define ASC_CONTROL_OFF 0x00
-#define ASC_FREQ(chan,byte) ((0x810)+((chan)<<3)+(byte))
-#define ASC_ENABLE 0x801
-#define ASC_ENABLE_SAMPLE 0x02
-#define ASC_MODE 0x802
-#define ASC_MODE_SAMPLE 0x02
-#define ASC_VOLUME 0x806
-#define ASC_CHAN 0x807 /* ??? */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_baboon.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_baboon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a2d32f65..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_baboon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Definitions for the "Baboon" custom IC on the PowerBook 190.
- */
-#define BABOON_BASE (0x50F1A000) /* same as IDE controller base */
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct baboon {
- char pad1[208]; /* generic IDE registers, not used here */
- short mb_control; /* Control register:
- * bit 5 : slot 2 power control
- * bit 6 : slot 1 power control
- */
- char pad2[2];
- short mb_status; /* (0xD4) media bay status register:
- *
- * bit 0: ????
- * bit 1: IDE interrupt active?
- * bit 2: bay status, 0 = full, 1 = empty
- * bit 3: ????
- */
- char pad3[2]; /* (0xD6) not used */
- short mb_ifr; /* (0xD8) media bay interrupt flags register:
- *
- * bit 0: ????
- * bit 1: IDE controller interrupt
- * bit 2: media bay status change interrupt
- */
-extern int baboon_present;
-extern void baboon_register_interrupts(void);
-extern void baboon_irq_enable(int);
-extern void baboon_irq_disable(int);
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY **/
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_iop.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_iop.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fde874a0..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_iop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- * I/O Processor (IOP) defines and structures, mostly snagged from A/UX
- * header files.
- *
- * The original header from which this was taken is copyrighted. I've done some
- * rewriting (in fact my changes make this a bit more readable, IMHO) but some
- * more should be done.
- */
- * This is the base address of the IOPs. Use this as the address of
- * a "struct iop" (see below) to see where the actual registers fall.
- */
-#define SCC_IOP_BASE_IIFX (0x50F04000)
-#define ISM_IOP_BASE_IIFX (0x50F12000)
-#define SCC_IOP_BASE_QUADRA (0x50F0C000)
-#define ISM_IOP_BASE_QUADRA (0x50F1E000)
-/* IOP status/control register bits: */
-#define IOP_BYPASS 0x01 /* bypass-mode hardware access */
-#define IOP_AUTOINC 0x02 /* allow autoincrement of ramhi/lo */
-#define IOP_RUN 0x04 /* set to 0 to reset IOP chip */
-#define IOP_IRQ 0x08 /* generate IRQ to IOP if 1 */
-#define IOP_INT0 0x10 /* intr priority from IOP to host */
-#define IOP_INT1 0x20 /* intr priority from IOP to host */
-#define IOP_HWINT 0x40 /* IRQ from hardware; bypass mode only */
-#define IOP_DMAINACTIVE 0x80 /* no DMA request active; bypass mode only */
-#define NUM_IOPS 2
-#define NUM_IOP_CHAN 7
-#define IOP_MSG_LEN 32
-/* IOP reference numbers, used by the globally-visible iop_xxx functions */
-#define IOP_NUM_SCC 0
-#define IOP_NUM_ISM 1
-/* IOP channel states */
-#define IOP_MSG_IDLE 0 /* idle */
-#define IOP_MSG_NEW 1 /* new message sent */
-#define IOP_MSG_RCVD 2 /* message received; processing */
-#define IOP_MSG_COMPLETE 3 /* message processing complete */
-/* IOP message status codes */
-#define IOP_MSGSTATUS_UNUSED 0 /* Unusued message structure */
-#define IOP_MSGSTATUS_WAITING 1 /* waiting for channel */
-#define IOP_MSGSTATUS_SENT 2 /* message sent, awaiting reply */
-#define IOP_MSGSTATUS_COMPLETE 3 /* message complete and reply rcvd */
-#define IOP_MSGSTATUS_UNSOL 6 /* message is unsolicited */
-/* IOP memory addresses of the members of the mac_iop_kernel structure. */
-#define IOP_ADDR_MAX_SEND_CHAN 0x0200
-#define IOP_ADDR_SEND_STATE 0x0201
-#define IOP_ADDR_PATCH_CTRL 0x021F
-#define IOP_ADDR_SEND_MSG 0x0220
-#define IOP_ADDR_MAX_RECV_CHAN 0x0300
-#define IOP_ADDR_RECV_STATE 0x0301
-#define IOP_ADDR_ALIVE 0x031F
-#define IOP_ADDR_RECV_MSG 0x0320
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- * IOP Control registers, staggered because in usual Apple style they were
- * too lazy to decode the A0 bit. This structure is assumed to begin at
- * one of the xxx_IOP_BASE addresses given above.
- */
-struct mac_iop {
- __u8 ram_addr_hi; /* shared RAM address hi byte */
- __u8 pad0;
- __u8 ram_addr_lo; /* shared RAM address lo byte */
- __u8 pad1;
- __u8 status_ctrl; /* status/control register */
- __u8 pad2[3];
- __u8 ram_data; /* RAM data byte at ramhi/lo */
- __u8 pad3[23];
- /* Bypass-mode hardware access registers */
- union {
- struct { /* SCC registers */
- __u8 sccb_cmd; /* SCC B command reg */
- __u8 pad4;
- __u8 scca_cmd; /* SCC A command reg */
- __u8 pad5;
- __u8 sccb_data; /* SCC B data */
- __u8 pad6;
- __u8 scca_data; /* SCC A data */
- } scc_regs;
- struct { /* ISM registers */
- __u8 wdata; /* write a data byte */
- __u8 pad7;
- __u8 wmark; /* write a mark byte */
- __u8 pad8;
- __u8 wcrc; /* write 2-byte crc to disk */
- __u8 pad9;
- __u8 wparams; /* write the param regs */
- __u8 pad10;
- __u8 wphase; /* write the phase states & dirs */
- __u8 pad11;
- __u8 wsetup; /* write the setup register */
- __u8 pad12;
- __u8 wzeroes; /* mode reg: 1's clr bits, 0's are x */
- __u8 pad13;
- __u8 wones; /* mode reg: 1's set bits, 0's are x */
- __u8 pad14;
- __u8 rdata; /* read a data byte */
- __u8 pad15;
- __u8 rmark; /* read a mark byte */
- __u8 pad16;
- __u8 rerror; /* read the error register */
- __u8 pad17;
- __u8 rparams; /* read the param regs */
- __u8 pad18;
- __u8 rphase; /* read the phase states & dirs */
- __u8 pad19;
- __u8 rsetup; /* read the setup register */
- __u8 pad20;
- __u8 rmode; /* read the mode register */
- __u8 pad21;
- __u8 rhandshake; /* read the handshake register */
- } ism_regs;
- } b;
-/* This structure is used to track IOP messages in the Linux kernel */
-struct iop_msg {
- struct iop_msg *next; /* next message in queue or NULL */
- uint iop_num; /* IOP number */
- uint channel; /* channel number */
- void *caller_priv; /* caller private data */
- int status; /* status of this message */
- __u8 message[IOP_MSG_LEN]; /* the message being sent/received */
- __u8 reply[IOP_MSG_LEN]; /* the reply to the message */
- void (*handler)(struct iop_msg *);
- /* function to call when reply recvd */
-extern int iop_scc_present,iop_ism_present;
-extern int iop_listen(uint, uint,
- void (*handler)(struct iop_msg *),
- const char *);
-extern int iop_send_message(uint, uint, void *, uint, __u8 *,
- void (*)(struct iop_msg *));
-extern void iop_complete_message(struct iop_msg *);
-extern void iop_upload_code(uint, __u8 *, uint, __u16);
-extern void iop_download_code(uint, __u8 *, uint, __u16);
-extern __u8 *iop_compare_code(uint, __u8 *, uint, __u16);
-extern void iop_register_interrupts(void);
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_mouse.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_mouse.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 39a5c292..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_mouse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_MAC_MOUSE_H
-#define _ASM_MAC_MOUSE_H
- * linux/include/asm-m68k/mac_mouse.h
- * header file for Macintosh ADB mouse driver
- * 27-10-97 Michael Schmitz
- * copied from:
- * header file for Atari Mouse driver
- * by Robert de Vries ( on 19Jul93
- */
-struct mouse_status {
- char buttons;
- short dx;
- short dy;
- int ready;
- int active;
- wait_queue_head_t wait;
- struct fasync_struct *fasyncptr;
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_oss.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_oss.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 425fbff4..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_oss.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * OSS
- *
- * This is used in place of VIA2 on the IIfx.
- */
-#define OSS_BASE (0x50f1a000)
- * Interrupt level offsets for mac_oss->irq_level
- */
-#define OSS_NUBUS0 0
-#define OSS_NUBUS1 1
-#define OSS_NUBUS2 2
-#define OSS_NUBUS3 3
-#define OSS_NUBUS4 4
-#define OSS_NUBUS5 5
-#define OSS_IOPISM 6
-#define OSS_IOPSCC 7
-#define OSS_SOUND 8
-#define OSS_SCSI 9
-#define OSS_60HZ 10
-#define OSS_VIA1 11
-#define OSS_UNUSED1 12
-#define OSS_UNUSED2 13
-#define OSS_PARITY 14
-#define OSS_UNUSED3 15
-#define OSS_NUM_SOURCES 16
- * Pending interrupt bits in mac_oss->irq_pending
- */
-#define OSS_IP_NUBUS0 0x0001
-#define OSS_IP_NUBUS1 0x0002
-#define OSS_IP_NUBUS2 0x0004
-#define OSS_IP_NUBUS3 0x0008
-#define OSS_IP_NUBUS4 0x0010
-#define OSS_IP_NUBUS5 0x0020
-#define OSS_IP_IOPISM 0x0040
-#define OSS_IP_IOPSCC 0x0080
-#define OSS_IP_SOUND 0x0100
-#define OSS_IP_SCSI 0x0200
-#define OSS_IP_60HZ 0x0400
-#define OSS_IP_VIA1 0x0800
-#define OSS_IP_UNUSED1 0x1000
-#define OSS_IP_UNUSED2 0x2000
-#define OSS_IP_PARITY 0x4000
-#define OSS_IP_UNUSED3 0x8000
- * Rom Control Register
- */
-#define OSS_POWEROFF 0x80
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct mac_oss {
- __u8 irq_level[0x10]; /* [0x000-0x00f] Interrupt levels */
- __u8 padding0[0x1F2]; /* [0x010-0x201] IO space filler */
- __u16 irq_pending; /* [0x202-0x203] pending interrupts bits */
- __u8 rom_ctrl; /* [0x204-0x204] ROM cntl reg (for poweroff) */
- __u8 padding1[0x2]; /* [0x205-0x206] currently unused by A/UX */
- __u8 ack_60hz; /* [0x207-0x207] 60 Hz ack. */
-extern volatile struct mac_oss *oss;
-extern int oss_present;
-extern void oss_register_interrupts(void);
-extern void oss_irq_enable(int);
-extern void oss_irq_disable(int);
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_psc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_psc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e5c0d71d..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_psc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- * Apple Peripheral System Controller (PSC)
- *
- * The PSC is used on the AV Macs to control IO functions not handled
- * by the VIAs (Ethernet, DSP, SCC, Sound). This includes nine DMA
- * channels.
- *
- * The first seven DMA channels appear to be "one-shot" and are actually
- * sets of two channels; one member is active while the other is being
- * configured, and then you flip the active member and start all over again.
- * The one-shot channels are grouped together and are:
- *
- * 1. SCSI
- * 2. Ethernet Read
- * 3. Ethernet Write
- * 4. Floppy Disk Controller
- * 5. SCC Channel A Receive
- * 6. SCC Channel B Receive
- * 7. SCC Channel A Transmit
- *
- * The remaining two channels are handled somewhat differently. They appear
- * to be closely tied and share one set of registers. They also seem to run
- * continuously, although how you keep the buffer filled in this scenario is
- * not understood as there seems to be only one input and one output buffer
- * pointer.
- *
- * Much of this was extrapolated from what was known about the Ethernet
- * registers and subsequently confirmed using MacsBug (ie by pinging the
- * machine with easy-to-find patterns and looking for them in the DMA
- * buffers, or by sending a file over the serial ports and finding the
- * file in the buffers.)
- *
- * 1999-05-25 (jmt)
- */
-#define PSC_BASE (0x50F31000)
- * The IER/IFR registers work like the VIA, except that it has 4
- * of them each on different interrupt levels, and each register
- * set only seems to handle four interrupts instead of seven.
- *
- * To access a particular set of registers, add 0xn0 to the base
- * where n = 3,4,5 or 6.
- */
-#define pIFRbase 0x100
-#define pIERbase 0x104
- * One-shot DMA control registers
- */
-#define PSC_MYSTERY 0x804
-#define PSC_CTL_BASE 0xC00
-#define PSC_SCSI_CTL 0xC00
-#define PSC_ENETRD_CTL 0xC10
-#define PSC_ENETWR_CTL 0xC20
-#define PSC_FDC_CTL 0xC30
-#define PSC_SCCA_CTL 0xC40
-#define PSC_SCCB_CTL 0xC50
-#define PSC_SCCATX_CTL 0xC60
- * DMA channels. Add +0x10 for the second channel in the set.
- * You're supposed to use one channel while the other runs and
- * then flip channels and do the whole thing again.
- */
-#define PSC_ADDR_BASE 0x1000
-#define PSC_LEN_BASE 0x1004
-#define PSC_CMD_BASE 0x1008
-#define PSC_SET0 0x00
-#define PSC_SET1 0x10
-#define PSC_SCSI_ADDR 0x1000 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCSI_LEN 0x1004 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCSI_CMD 0x1008 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_ENETRD_ADDR 0x1020 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_ENETRD_LEN 0x1024 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_ENETRD_CMD 0x1028 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_ENETWR_ADDR 0x1040 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_ENETWR_LEN 0x1044 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_ENETWR_CMD 0x1048 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_FDC_ADDR 0x1060 /* strongly suspected */
-#define PSC_FDC_LEN 0x1064 /* strongly suspected */
-#define PSC_FDC_CMD 0x1068 /* strongly suspected */
-#define PSC_SCCA_ADDR 0x1080 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCCA_LEN 0x1084 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCCA_CMD 0x1088 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCCB_ADDR 0x10A0 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCCB_LEN 0x10A4 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCCB_CMD 0x10A8 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCCATX_ADDR 0x10C0 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCCATX_LEN 0x10C4 /* confirmed */
-#define PSC_SCCATX_CMD 0x10C8 /* confirmed */
- * Free-running DMA registers. The only part known for sure are the bits in
- * the control register, the buffer addresses and the buffer length. Everything
- * else is anybody's guess.
- *
- * These registers seem to be mirrored every thirty-two bytes up until offset
- * 0x300. It's safe to assume then that a new set of registers starts there.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_CTL 0x200 /*
- * [ 16-bit ]
- * Sound (Singer?) control register.
- *
- * bit 0 : ????
- * bit 1 : ????
- * bit 2 : Set to one to enable sound
- * output. Possibly a mute flag.
- * bit 3 : ????
- * bit 4 : ????
- * bit 5 : ????
- * bit 6 : Set to one to enable pass-thru
- * audio. In this mode the audio data
- * seems to appear in both the input
- * buffer and the output buffer.
- * bit 7 : Set to one to activate the
- * sound input DMA or zero to
- * disable it.
- * bit 8 : Set to one to activate the
- * sound output DMA or zero to
- * disable it.
- * bit 9 : \
- * bit 11 : |
- * These two bits control the sample
- * rate. Usually set to binary 10 and
- * MacOS 8.0 says I'm at 48 KHz. Using
- * a binary value of 01 makes things
- * sound about 1/2 speed (24 KHz?) and
- * binary 00 is slower still (22 KHz?)
- *
- * Setting this to 0x0000 is a good way to
- * kill all DMA at boot time so that the
- * PSC won't overwrite the kernel image
- * with sound data.
- */
- * 0x0202 - 0x0203 is unused. Writing there
- * seems to clobber the control register.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_SOURCE 0x204 /*
- * [ 32-bit ]
- * Controls input source and volume:
- *
- * bits 12-15 : input source volume, 0 - F
- * bits 16-19 : unknown, always 0x5
- * bits 20-23 : input source selection:
- * 0x3 = CD Audio
- * 0x4 = External Audio
- *
- * The volume is definitely not the general
- * output volume as it doesn't affect the
- * alert sound volume.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_STATUS1 0x208 /*
- * [ 32-bit ]
- * Appears to be a read-only status register.
- * The usual value is 0x00400002.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_HUH3 0x20C /*
- * [ 16-bit ]
- * Unknown 16-bit value, always 0x0000.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_BITS2GO 0x20E /*
- * [ 16-bit ]
- * Counts down to zero from some constant
- * value. The value appears to be the
- * number of _bits_ remaining before the
- * buffer is full, which would make sense
- * since Apple's docs say the sound DMA
- * channels are 1 bit wide.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_INADDR 0x210 /*
- * [ 32-bit ]
- * Address of the sound input DMA buffer
- */
-#define PSC_SND_OUTADDR 0x214 /*
- * [ 32-bit ]
- * Address of the sound output DMA buffer
- */
-#define PSC_SND_LEN 0x218 /*
- * [ 16-bit ]
- * Length of both buffers in eight-byte units.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_HUH4 0x21A /*
- * [ 16-bit ]
- * Unknown, always 0x0000.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_STATUS2 0x21C /*
- * [ 16-bit ]
- * Appears to e a read-only status register.
- * The usual value is 0x0200.
- */
-#define PSC_SND_HUH5 0x21E /*
- * [ 16-bit ]
- * Unknown, always 0x0000.
- */
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-extern volatile __u8 *psc;
-extern int psc_present;
-extern void psc_register_interrupts(void);
-extern void psc_irq_enable(int);
-extern void psc_irq_disable(int);
- * Access functions
- */
-static inline void psc_write_byte(int offset, __u8 data)
- *((volatile __u8 *)(psc + offset)) = data;
-static inline void psc_write_word(int offset, __u16 data)
- *((volatile __u16 *)(psc + offset)) = data;
-static inline void psc_write_long(int offset, __u32 data)
- *((volatile __u32 *)(psc + offset)) = data;
-static inline u8 psc_read_byte(int offset)
- return *((volatile __u8 *)(psc + offset));
-static inline u16 psc_read_word(int offset)
- return *((volatile __u16 *)(psc + offset));
-static inline u32 psc_read_long(int offset)
- return *((volatile __u32 *)(psc + offset));
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_via.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_via.h
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index aeeedf8b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mac_via.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
- * 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA)
- *
- * There are two of these on the Mac II. Some IRQ's are vectored
- * via them as are assorted bits and bobs - eg rtc, adb. The picture
- * is a bit incomplete as the Mac documentation doesn't cover this well
- */
-#ifndef _ASM_MAC_VIA_H_
-#define _ASM_MAC_VIA_H_
- * Base addresses for the VIAs. There are two in every machine,
- * although on some machines the second is an RBV or an OSS.
- * The OSS is different enough that it's handled separately.
- *
- * Do not use these values directly; use the via1 and via2 variables
- * instead (and don't forget to check rbv_present when using via2!)
- */
-#define VIA1_BASE (0x50F00000)
-#define VIA2_BASE (0x50F02000)
-#define RBV_BASE (0x50F26000)
- * Not all of these are true post MacII I think.
- * CSA: probably the ones CHRP marks as 'unused' change purposes
- * when the IWM becomes the SWIM.
- *
- *
- *
- * also, claims the
- * following changes for IIfx:
- * VIA1A_vSccWrReq not available and that VIA1A_vSync has moved to an IOP.
- * Also, "All of the functionality of VIA2 has been moved to other chips".
- */
-#define VIA1A_vSccWrReq 0x80 /* SCC write. (input)
- * [CHRP] SCC WREQ: Reflects the state of the
- * Wait/Request pins from the SCC.
- * [Macintosh Family Hardware]
- * as CHRP on SE/30,II,IIx,IIcx,IIci.
- * on IIfx, "0 means an active request"
- */
-#define VIA1A_vRev8 0x40 /* Revision 8 board ???
- * [CHRP] En WaitReqB: Lets the WaitReq_L
- * signal from port B of the SCC appear on
- * the PA7 input pin. Output.
- * [Macintosh Family] On the SE/30, this
- * is the bit to flip screen buffers.
- * 0=alternate, 1=main.
- * on II,IIx,IIcx,IIci,IIfx this is a bit
- * for Rev ID. 0=II,IIx, 1=IIcx,IIci,IIfx
- */
-#define VIA1A_vHeadSel 0x20 /* Head select for IWM.
- * [CHRP] unused.
- * [Macintosh Family] "Floppy disk
- * state-control line SEL" on all but IIfx
- */
-#define VIA1A_vOverlay 0x10 /* [Macintosh Family] On SE/30,II,IIx,IIcx
- * this bit enables the "Overlay" address
- * map in the address decoders as it is on
- * reset for mapping the ROM over the reset
- * vector. 1=use overlay map.
- * On the IIci,IIfx it is another bit of the
- * CPU ID: 0=normal IIci, 1=IIci with parity
- * feature or IIfx.
- * [CHRP] En WaitReqA: Lets the WaitReq_L
- * signal from port A of the SCC appear
- * on the PA7 input pin (CHRP). Output.
- * [MkLinux] "Drive Select"
- * (with 0x20 being 'disk head select')
- */
-#define VIA1A_vSync 0x08 /* [CHRP] Sync Modem: modem clock select:
- * 1: select the external serial clock to
- * drive the SCC's /RTxCA pin.
- * 0: Select the 3.6864MHz clock to drive
- * the SCC cell.
- * [Macintosh Family] Correct on all but IIfx
- */
-/* Macintosh Family Hardware sez: bits 0-2 of VIA1A are volume control
- * on Macs which had the PWM sound hardware. Reserved on newer models.
- * On IIci,IIfx, bits 1-2 are the rest of the CPU ID:
- * bit 2: 1=IIci, 0=IIfx
- * bit 1: 1 on both IIci and IIfx.
- * MkLinux sez bit 0 is 'burnin flag' in this case.
- * CHRP sez: VIA1A bits 0-2 and 5 are 'unused': if programmed as
- * inputs, these bits will read 0.
- */
-#define VIA1A_vVolume 0x07 /* Audio volume mask for PWM */
-#define VIA1A_CPUID0 0x02 /* CPU id bit 0 on RBV, others */
-#define VIA1A_CPUID1 0x04 /* CPU id bit 0 on RBV, others */
-#define VIA1A_CPUID2 0x10 /* CPU id bit 0 on RBV, others */
-#define VIA1A_CPUID3 0x40 /* CPU id bit 0 on RBV, others */
-/* Info on VIA1B is from Macintosh Family Hardware & MkLinux.
- * CHRP offers no info. */
-#define VIA1B_vSound 0x80 /* Sound enable (for compatibility with
- * PWM hardware) 0=enabled.
- * Also, on IIci w/parity, shows parity error
- * 0=error, 1=OK. */
-#define VIA1B_vMystery 0x40 /* On IIci, parity enable. 0=enabled,1=disabled
- * On SE/30, vertical sync interrupt enable.
- * 0=enabled. This vSync interrupt shows up
- * as a slot $E interrupt. */
-#define VIA1B_vADBS2 0x20 /* ADB state input bit 1 (unused on IIfx) */
-#define VIA1B_vADBS1 0x10 /* ADB state input bit 0 (unused on IIfx) */
-#define VIA1B_vADBInt 0x08 /* ADB interrupt 0=interrupt (unused on IIfx)*/
-#define VIA1B_vRTCEnb 0x04 /* Enable Real time clock. 0=enabled. */
-#define VIA1B_vRTCClk 0x02 /* Real time clock serial-clock line. */
-#define VIA1B_vRTCData 0x01 /* Real time clock serial-data line. */
-/* MkLinux defines the following "VIA1 Register B contents where they
- * differ from standard VIA1". From the naming scheme, we assume they
- * correspond to a VIA work-alike named 'EVR'. */
-#define EVRB_XCVR 0x08 /* XCVR_SESSION* */
-#define EVRB_FULL 0x10 /* VIA_FULL */
-#define EVRB_SYSES 0x20 /* SYS_SESSION */
-#define EVRB_AUXIE 0x00 /* Enable A/UX Interrupt Scheme */
-#define EVRB_AUXID 0x40 /* Disable A/UX Interrupt Scheme */
-#define EVRB_SFTWRIE 0x00 /* Software Interrupt ReQuest */
-#define EVRB_SFTWRID 0x80 /* Software Interrupt ReQuest */
- * VIA2 A register is the interrupt lines raised off the nubus
- * slots.
- * The below info is from 'Macintosh Family Hardware.'
- * MkLinux calls the 'IIci internal video IRQ' below the 'RBV slot 0 irq.'
- * It also notes that the slot $9 IRQ is the 'Ethernet IRQ' and
- * defines the 'Video IRQ' as 0x40 for the 'EVR' VIA work-alike.
- * Perhaps OSS uses vRAM1 and vRAM2 for ADB.
- */
-#define VIA2A_vRAM1 0x80 /* RAM size bit 1 (IIci: reserved) */
-#define VIA2A_vRAM0 0x40 /* RAM size bit 0 (IIci: internal video IRQ) */
-#define VIA2A_vIRQE 0x20 /* IRQ from slot $E */
-#define VIA2A_vIRQD 0x10 /* IRQ from slot $D */
-#define VIA2A_vIRQC 0x08 /* IRQ from slot $C */
-#define VIA2A_vIRQB 0x04 /* IRQ from slot $B */
-#define VIA2A_vIRQA 0x02 /* IRQ from slot $A */
-#define VIA2A_vIRQ9 0x01 /* IRQ from slot $9 */
-/* RAM size bits decoded as follows:
- * bit1 bit0 size of ICs in bank A
- * 0 0 256 kbit
- * 0 1 1 Mbit
- * 1 0 4 Mbit
- * 1 1 16 Mbit
- */
- * Register B has the fun stuff in it
- */
-#define VIA2B_vVBL 0x80 /* VBL output to VIA1 (60.15Hz) driven by
- * timer T1.
- * on IIci, parity test: 0=test mode.
- * [MkLinux] RBV_PARODD: 1=odd,0=even. */
-#define VIA2B_vSndJck 0x40 /* External sound jack status.
- * 0=plug is inserted. On SE/30, always 0 */
-#define VIA2B_vTfr0 0x20 /* Transfer mode bit 0 ack from NuBus */
-#define VIA2B_vTfr1 0x10 /* Transfer mode bit 1 ack from NuBus */
-#define VIA2B_vMode32 0x08 /* 24/32bit switch - doubles as cache flush
- * on II, AMU/PMMU control.
- * if AMU, 0=24bit to 32bit translation
- * if PMMU, 1=PMMU is accessing page table.
- * on SE/30 tied low.
- * on IIx,IIcx,IIfx, unused.
- * on IIci/RBV, cache control. 0=flush cache.
- */
-#define VIA2B_vPower 0x04 /* Power off, 0=shut off power.
- * on SE/30 this signal sent to PDS card. */
-#define VIA2B_vBusLk 0x02 /* Lock NuBus transactions, 0=locked.
- * on SE/30 sent to PDS card. */
-#define VIA2B_vCDis 0x01 /* Cache control. On IIci, 1=disable cache card
- * on others, 0=disable processor's instruction
- * and data caches. */
-/* Apple sez:
- * Another example of a valid function that has no ROM support is the use
- * of the alternate video page for page-flipping animation. Since there
- * is no ROM call to flip pages, it is necessary to go play with the
- * right bit in the VIA chip (6522 Versatile Interface Adapter).
- * [CSA: don't know which one this is, but it's one of 'em!]
- */
- * 6522 registers - see databook.
- * CSA: Assignments for VIA1 confirmed from CHRP spec.
- */
-/* partial address decode. 0xYYXX : XX part for RBV, YY part for VIA */
-/* Note: 15 VIA regs, 8 RBV regs */
-#define vBufB 0x0000 /* [VIA/RBV] Register B */
-#define vBufAH 0x0200 /* [VIA only] Buffer A, with handshake. DON'T USE! */
-#define vDirB 0x0400 /* [VIA only] Data Direction Register B. */
-#define vDirA 0x0600 /* [VIA only] Data Direction Register A. */
-#define vT1CL 0x0800 /* [VIA only] Timer one counter low. */
-#define vT1CH 0x0a00 /* [VIA only] Timer one counter high. */
-#define vT1LL 0x0c00 /* [VIA only] Timer one latches low. */
-#define vT1LH 0x0e00 /* [VIA only] Timer one latches high. */
-#define vT2CL 0x1000 /* [VIA only] Timer two counter low. */
-#define vT2CH 0x1200 /* [VIA only] Timer two counter high. */
-#define vSR 0x1400 /* [VIA only] Shift register. */
-#define vACR 0x1600 /* [VIA only] Auxiliary control register. */
-#define vPCR 0x1800 /* [VIA only] Peripheral control register. */
- /* CHRP sez never ever to *write* this.
- * Mac family says never to *change* this.
- * In fact we need to initialize it once at start. */
-#define vIFR 0x1a00 /* [VIA/RBV] Interrupt flag register. */
-#define vIER 0x1c00 /* [VIA/RBV] Interrupt enable register. */
-#define vBufA 0x1e00 /* [VIA/RBV] register A (no handshake) */
-/* The RBV only decodes the bottom eight address lines; the VIA doesn't
- * decode the bottom eight -- so vBufB | rBufB will always get you BufB */
-/* CSA: in fact, only bits 0,1, and 4 seem to be decoded.
- * BUT note the values for rIER and rIFR, where the top 8 bits *do* seem
- * to matter. In fact *all* of the top 8 bits seem to matter;
- * setting rIER=0x1813 and rIFR=0x1803 doesn't work, either.
- * Perhaps some sort of 'compatibility mode' is built-in? [21-May-1999]
- */
-#define rBufB 0x0000 /* [VIA/RBV] Register B */
-#define rExp 0x0001 /* [RBV only] RBV future expansion (always 0) */
-#define rSIFR 0x0002 /* [RBV only] RBV slot interrupts register. */
-#define rIFR 0x1a03 /* [VIA/RBV] RBV interrupt flag register. */
-#define rMonP 0x0010 /* [RBV only] RBV video monitor type. */
-#define rChpT 0x0011 /* [RBV only] RBV test mode register (reads as 0). */
-#define rSIER 0x0012 /* [RBV only] RBV slot interrupt enables. */
-#define rIER 0x1c13 /* [VIA/RBV] RBV interrupt flag enable register. */
-#define rBufA rSIFR /* the 'slot interrupts register' is BufA on a VIA */
- * Video monitor parameters, for rMonP:
- */
-#define RBV_DEPTH 0x07 /* bits per pixel: 000=1,001=2,010=4,011=8 */
-#define RBV_MONID 0x38 /* monitor type, as below. */
-#define RBV_VIDOFF 0x40 /* 1 turns off onboard video */
-/* Supported monitor types: */
-#define MON_15BW (1<<3) /* 15" BW portrait. */
-#define MON_IIGS (2<<3) /* 12" color (modified IIGS monitor). */
-#define MON_15RGB (5<<3) /* 15" RGB portrait. */
-#define MON_12OR13 (6<<3) /* 12" BW or 13" RGB. */
-#define MON_NONE (7<<3) /* No monitor attached. */
-/* To clarify IER manipulations */
-#define IER_SET_BIT(b) (0x80 | (1<<(b)) )
-#define IER_CLR_BIT(b) (0x7F & (1<<(b)) )
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-extern volatile __u8 *via1,*via2;
-extern int rbv_present,via_alt_mapping;
-extern void via_register_interrupts(void);
-extern void via_irq_enable(int);
-extern void via_irq_disable(int);
-extern void via_nubus_irq_startup(int irq);
-extern void via_nubus_irq_shutdown(int irq);
-extern void via1_irq(unsigned int irq, struct irq_desc *desc);
-extern void via1_set_head(int);
-extern int via2_scsi_drq_pending(void);
-static inline int rbv_set_video_bpp(int bpp)
- char val = (bpp==1)?0:(bpp==2)?1:(bpp==4)?2:(bpp==8)?3:-1;
- if (!rbv_present || val<0) return -1;
- via2[rMonP] = (via2[rMonP] & ~RBV_DEPTH) | val;
- return 0;
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _ASM_MAC_VIA_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machdep.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machdep.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 825c1c81..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machdep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_MACHDEP_H
-#define _M68K_MACHDEP_H
-#include <linux/seq_file.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-struct pt_regs;
-struct mktime;
-struct rtc_time;
-struct rtc_pll_info;
-struct buffer_head;
-extern void (*mach_sched_init) (irq_handler_t handler);
-/* machine dependent irq functions */
-extern void (*mach_init_IRQ) (void);
-extern void (*mach_get_model) (char *model);
-extern void (*mach_get_hardware_list) (struct seq_file *m);
-/* machine dependent timer functions */
-extern unsigned long (*mach_gettimeoffset)(void);
-extern int (*mach_hwclk)(int, struct rtc_time*);
-extern unsigned int (*mach_get_ss)(void);
-extern int (*mach_get_rtc_pll)(struct rtc_pll_info *);
-extern int (*mach_set_rtc_pll)(struct rtc_pll_info *);
-extern int (*mach_set_clock_mmss)(unsigned long);
-extern void (*mach_reset)( void );
-extern void (*mach_halt)( void );
-extern void (*mach_power_off)( void );
-extern unsigned long (*mach_hd_init) (unsigned long, unsigned long);
-extern void (*mach_hd_setup)(char *, int *);
-extern long mach_max_dma_address;
-extern void (*mach_heartbeat) (int);
-extern void (*mach_l2_flush) (int);
-extern void (*mach_beep) (unsigned int, unsigned int);
-/* Hardware clock functions */
-extern void hw_timer_init(irq_handler_t handler);
-extern unsigned long hw_timer_offset(void);
-extern void config_BSP(char *command, int len);
-#endif /* _M68K_MACHDEP_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machines.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machines.h
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index be667e84..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machines.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * machines.h: Defines for taking apart the machine type value in the
- * idprom and determining the kind of machine we are on.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995 David S. Miller (
- * Sun3/3x models added by David Monro (
- */
-struct Sun_Machine_Models {
- char *name;
- unsigned char id_machtype;
-/* Current number of machines we know about that has an IDPROM
- * machtype entry including one entry for the 0x80 OBP machines.
- */
-// reduced along with table in arch/m68k/sun3/idprom.c
-// sun3 port doesn't need to know about sparc machines.
-//#define NUM_SUN_MACHINES 23
-/* The machine type in the idprom area looks like this:
- *
- * ---------------
- * | ARCH | MACH |
- * ---------------
- * 7 4 3 0
- *
- * The ARCH field determines the architecture line (sun4, sun4c, etc).
- * The MACH field determines the machine make within that architecture.
- */
-#define SM_ARCH_MASK 0xf0
-#define SM_SUN3 0x10
-#define SM_SUN4 0x20
-#define SM_SUN3X 0x40
-#define SM_SUN4C 0x50
-#define SM_SUN4M 0x70
-#define SM_SUN4M_OBP 0x80
-#define SM_TYP_MASK 0x0f
-/* Sun3 machines */
-#define SM_3_160 0x01 /* Sun 3/160 series */
-#define SM_3_50 0x02 /* Sun 3/50 series */
-#define SM_3_260 0x03 /* Sun 3/260 series */
-#define SM_3_110 0x04 /* Sun 3/110 series */
-#define SM_3_60 0x07 /* Sun 3/60 series */
-#define SM_3_E 0x08 /* Sun 3/E series */
-/* Sun3x machines */
-#define SM_3_460 0x01 /* Sun 3/460 (460,470,480) series */
-#define SM_3_80 0x02 /* Sun 3/80 series */
-/* Sun4 machines */
-#define SM_4_260 0x01 /* Sun 4/200 series */
-#define SM_4_110 0x02 /* Sun 4/100 series */
-#define SM_4_330 0x03 /* Sun 4/300 series */
-#define SM_4_470 0x04 /* Sun 4/400 series */
-/* Sun4c machines Full Name - PROM NAME */
-#define SM_4C_SS1 0x01 /* Sun4c SparcStation 1 - Sun 4/60 */
-#define SM_4C_IPC 0x02 /* Sun4c SparcStation IPC - Sun 4/40 */
-#define SM_4C_SS1PLUS 0x03 /* Sun4c SparcStation 1+ - Sun 4/65 */
-#define SM_4C_SLC 0x04 /* Sun4c SparcStation SLC - Sun 4/20 */
-#define SM_4C_SS2 0x05 /* Sun4c SparcStation 2 - Sun 4/75 */
-#define SM_4C_ELC 0x06 /* Sun4c SparcStation ELC - Sun 4/25 */
-#define SM_4C_IPX 0x07 /* Sun4c SparcStation IPX - Sun 4/50 */
-/* Sun4m machines, these predate the OpenBoot. These values only mean
- * something if the value in the ARCH field is SM_SUN4M, if it is
- * SM_SUN4M_OBP then you have the following situation:
- * 1) You either have a sun4d, a sun4e, or a recently made sun4m.
- * 2) You have to consult OpenBoot to determine which machine this is.
- */
-#define SM_4M_SS60 0x01 /* Sun4m SparcSystem 600 */
-#define SM_4M_SS50 0x02 /* Sun4m SparcStation 10 */
-#define SM_4M_SS40 0x03 /* Sun4m SparcStation 5 */
-/* Sun4d machines -- N/A */
-/* Sun4e machines -- N/A */
-/* Sun4u machines -- N/A */
-#endif /* !(_SPARC_MACHINES_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machw.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a2209516..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/machw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-** linux/machw.h -- This header defines some macros and pointers for
-** the various Macintosh custom hardware registers.
-** Copyright 1997 by Michael Schmitz
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-#ifndef _ASM_MACHW_H_
-#define _ASM_MACHW_H_
- * head.S maps the videomem to VIDEOMEMBASE
- */
-#define VIDEOMEMBASE 0xf0000000
-#define VIDEOMEMSIZE (4096*1024)
-#define VIDEOMEMMASK (-4096*1024)
-#endif /* linux/machw.h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/macintosh.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/macintosh.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 682a1a2f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/macintosh.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ASM_MACINTOSH_H
-#define __ASM_MACINTOSH_H
-#include <linux/seq_file.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
- * Apple Macintoshisms
- */
-extern void mac_reset(void);
-extern void mac_poweroff(void);
-extern void mac_init_IRQ(void);
-extern void mac_irq_enable(struct irq_data *data);
-extern void mac_irq_disable(struct irq_data *data);
- * Macintosh Table
- */
-struct mac_model
- short ident;
- char *name;
- char adb_type;
- char via_type;
- char scsi_type;
- char ide_type;
- char scc_type;
- char ether_type;
- char nubus_type;
- char floppy_type;
-#define MAC_ADB_NONE 0
-#define MAC_ADB_II 1
-#define MAC_ADB_IISI 2
-#define MAC_ADB_CUDA 3
-#define MAC_ADB_PB1 4
-#define MAC_ADB_PB2 5
-#define MAC_ADB_IOP 6
-#define MAC_VIA_II 1
-#define MAC_VIA_IICI 2
-#define MAC_VIA_QUADRA 3
-#define MAC_SCSI_NONE 0
-#define MAC_SCSI_OLD 1
-#define MAC_SCSI_QUADRA 2
-#define MAC_SCSI_QUADRA2 3
-#define MAC_SCSI_QUADRA3 4
-#define MAC_IDE_NONE 0
-#define MAC_IDE_QUADRA 1
-#define MAC_IDE_PB 2
-#define MAC_IDE_BABOON 3
-#define MAC_SCC_II 1
-#define MAC_SCC_IOP 2
-#define MAC_SCC_QUADRA 3
-#define MAC_SCC_PSC 4
-#define MAC_ETHER_NONE 0
-#define MAC_ETHER_SONIC 1
-#define MAC_ETHER_MACE 2
-#define MAC_NO_NUBUS 0
-#define MAC_NUBUS 1
-#define MAC_FLOPPY_IWM 0
-#define MAC_FLOPPY_AV 4
- * Gestalt numbers
- */
-#define MAC_MODEL_II 6
-#define MAC_MODEL_IIX 7
-#define MAC_MODEL_IICX 8
-#define MAC_MODEL_SE30 9
-#define MAC_MODEL_IICI 11
-#define MAC_MODEL_IIFX 13 /* And well numbered it is too */
-#define MAC_MODEL_IISI 18
-#define MAC_MODEL_LC 19
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q900 20
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB170 21
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q700 22
-#define MAC_MODEL_CLII 23 /* aka: P200 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB140 25
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q950 26 /* aka: WGS95 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_LCIII 27 /* aka: P450 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB210 29
-#define MAC_MODEL_C650 30
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB230 32
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB180 33
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB160 34
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q800 35 /* aka: WGS80 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q650 36
-#define MAC_MODEL_LCII 37 /* aka: P400/405/410/430 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB250 38
-#define MAC_MODEL_IIVI 44
-#define MAC_MODEL_P600 45 /* aka: P600CD */
-#define MAC_MODEL_IIVX 48
-#define MAC_MODEL_CCL 49 /* aka: P250 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB165C 50
-#define MAC_MODEL_C610 52 /* aka: WGS60 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q610 53
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB145 54 /* aka: PB145B */
-#define MAC_MODEL_P520 56 /* aka: LC520 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_C660 60
-#define MAC_MODEL_P460 62 /* aka: LCIII+, P466/P467 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB180C 71
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB520 72 /* aka: PB520C, PB540, PB540C, PB550C */
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB270C 77
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q840 78
-#define MAC_MODEL_P550 80 /* aka: LC550, P560 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_CCLII 83 /* aka: P275 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB165 84
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB190 85 /* aka: PB190CS */
-#define MAC_MODEL_TV 88
-#define MAC_MODEL_P475 89 /* aka: LC475, P476 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_P475F 90 /* aka: P475 w/ FPU (no LC040) */
-#define MAC_MODEL_P575 92 /* aka: LC575, P577/P578 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q605 94
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q605_ACC 95 /* Q605 accelerated to 33 MHz */
-#define MAC_MODEL_Q630 98 /* aka: LC630, P630/631/635/636/637/638/640 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_P588 99 /* aka: LC580, P580 */
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB280 102
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB280C 103
-#define MAC_MODEL_PB150 115
-extern struct mac_model *macintosh_config;
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/macints.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/macints.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 92aa8a4c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/macints.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-** macints.h -- Macintosh Linux interrupt handling structs and prototypes
-** Copyright 1997 by Michael Schmitz
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-#ifndef _ASM_MACINTS_H_
-#define _ASM_MACINTS_H_
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-/* Setting this prints debugging info for unclaimed interrupts */
-/* Setting this prints debugging info on each autovector interrupt */
-/* #define DEBUG_IRQS */
-/* Setting this prints debugging info on each Nubus interrupt */
-/* #define DEBUG_NUBUS_INT */
-/* Setting this prints debugging info on irqs as they enabled and disabled. */
-/* #define DEBUG_IRQUSE */
- * Base IRQ number for all Mac68K interrupt sources. Each source
- * has eight indexes (base -> base+7).
- */
-#define VIA1_SOURCE_BASE 8
-#define VIA2_SOURCE_BASE 16
-#define PSC3_SOURCE_BASE 24
-#define PSC4_SOURCE_BASE 32
-#define PSC5_SOURCE_BASE 40
-#define PSC6_SOURCE_BASE 48
- * Maximum IRQ number is BABOON_SOURCE_BASE + 7,
- * giving us IRQs up through 71
- */
-#define NUM_MAC_SOURCES 72
- * clean way to separate IRQ into its source and index
- */
-#define IRQ_SRC(irq) (irq >> 3)
-#define IRQ_IDX(irq) (irq & 7)
-/* VIA1 interrupts */
-#define IRQ_VIA1_0 (8) /* one second int. */
-#define IRQ_VIA1_1 (9) /* VBlank int. */
-#define IRQ_MAC_VBL IRQ_VIA1_1
-#define IRQ_VIA1_2 (10) /* ADB SR shifts complete */
-#define IRQ_MAC_ADB IRQ_VIA1_2
-#define IRQ_MAC_ADB_SR IRQ_VIA1_2
-#define IRQ_VIA1_3 (11) /* ADB SR CB2 ?? */
-#define IRQ_MAC_ADB_SD IRQ_VIA1_3
-#define IRQ_VIA1_4 (12) /* ADB SR ext. clock pulse */
-#define IRQ_MAC_ADB_CL IRQ_VIA1_4
-#define IRQ_VIA1_5 (13)
-#define IRQ_MAC_TIMER_2 IRQ_VIA1_5
-#define IRQ_VIA1_6 (14)
-#define IRQ_MAC_TIMER_1 IRQ_VIA1_6
-#define IRQ_VIA1_7 (15)
-/* VIA2/RBV interrupts */
-#define IRQ_VIA2_0 (16)
-#define IRQ_VIA2_1 (17)
-#define IRQ_VIA2_2 (18)
-#define IRQ_VIA2_3 (19)
-#define IRQ_MAC_SCSI IRQ_VIA2_3
-#define IRQ_VIA2_4 (20)
-#define IRQ_VIA2_5 (21)
-#define IRQ_VIA2_6 (22)
-#define IRQ_VIA2_7 (23)
-/* Level 3 (PSC, AV Macs only) interrupts */
-#define IRQ_PSC3_0 (24)
-#define IRQ_MAC_MACE IRQ_PSC3_0
-#define IRQ_PSC3_1 (25)
-#define IRQ_PSC3_2 (26)
-#define IRQ_PSC3_3 (27)
-/* Level 4 (PSC, AV Macs only) interrupts */
-#define IRQ_PSC4_0 (32)
-#define IRQ_PSC4_1 (33)
-#define IRQ_MAC_SCC_A IRQ_PSC4_1
-#define IRQ_PSC4_2 (34)
-#define IRQ_MAC_SCC_B IRQ_PSC4_2
-#define IRQ_PSC4_3 (35)
-/* OSS Level 4 interrupts */
-#define IRQ_MAC_SCC (33)
-/* Level 5 (PSC, AV Macs only) interrupts */
-#define IRQ_PSC5_0 (40)
-#define IRQ_PSC5_1 (41)
-#define IRQ_PSC5_2 (42)
-#define IRQ_PSC5_3 (43)
-/* Level 6 (PSC, AV Macs only) interrupts */
-#define IRQ_PSC6_0 (48)
-#define IRQ_PSC6_1 (49)
-#define IRQ_PSC6_2 (50)
-#define IRQ_PSC6_3 (51)
-/* Nubus interrupts (cascaded to VIA2) */
-#define IRQ_NUBUS_9 (56)
-#define IRQ_NUBUS_A (57)
-#define IRQ_NUBUS_B (58)
-#define IRQ_NUBUS_C (59)
-#define IRQ_NUBUS_D (60)
-#define IRQ_NUBUS_E (61)
-#define IRQ_NUBUS_F (62)
-/* Baboon interrupts (cascaded to nubus slot $C) */
-#define IRQ_BABOON_0 (64)
-#define IRQ_BABOON_1 (65)
-#define IRQ_BABOON_2 (66)
-#define IRQ_BABOON_3 (67)
-#define SLOT2IRQ(x) (x + 47)
-#define IRQ2SLOT(x) (x - 47)
-#define INT_CLK 24576 /* CLK while int_clk =2.456MHz and divide = 100 */
-#define INT_TICKS 246 /* to make sched_time = 99.902... HZ */
-#endif /* asm/macints.h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/math-emu.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/math-emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9249b0..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/math-emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_SETUP_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_SETUP_H
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#include <linux/linkage.h>
-/* Status Register bits */
-/* accrued exception bits */
-#define FPSR_AEXC_INEX 3
-#define FPSR_AEXC_DZ 4
-#define FPSR_AEXC_UNFL 5
-#define FPSR_AEXC_OVFL 6
-#define FPSR_AEXC_IOP 7
-/* exception status bits */
-#define FPSR_EXC_INEX1 8
-#define FPSR_EXC_INEX2 9
-#define FPSR_EXC_DZ 10
-#define FPSR_EXC_UNFL 11
-#define FPSR_EXC_OVFL 12
-#define FPSR_EXC_OPERR 13
-#define FPSR_EXC_SNAN 14
-#define FPSR_EXC_BSUN 15
-/* quotient byte, assumes big-endian, of course */
-#define FPSR_QUOTIENT(fpsr) (*((signed char *) &(fpsr) + 1))
-/* condition code bits */
-#define FPSR_CC_NAN 24
-#define FPSR_CC_INF 25
-#define FPSR_CC_Z 26
-#define FPSR_CC_NEG 27
-/* Control register bits */
-/* rounding mode */
-#define FPCR_ROUND_RN 0 /* round to nearest/even */
-#define FPCR_ROUND_RZ 1 /* round to zero */
-#define FPCR_ROUND_RM 2 /* minus infinity */
-#define FPCR_ROUND_RP 3 /* plus infinity */
-/* rounding precision */
-#define FPCR_PRECISION_X 0 /* long double */
-#define FPCR_PRECISION_S 1 /* double */
-#define FPCR_PRECISION_D 2 /* float */
-/* Flags to select the debugging output */
-#define PDECODE 0
-#define PEXECUTE 1
-#define PCONV 2
-#define PNORM 3
-#define PREGISTER 4
-#define PINSTR 5
-#define PUNIMPL 6
-#define PMOVEM 7
-#define PMDECODE (1<<PDECODE)
-#define PMCONV (1<<PCONV)
-#define PMNORM (1<<PNORM)
-#define PMINSTR (1<<PINSTR)
-#define PMUNIMPL (1<<PUNIMPL)
-#define PMMOVEM (1<<PMOVEM)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-union fp_mant64 {
- unsigned long long m64;
- unsigned long m32[2];
-union fp_mant128 {
- unsigned long long m64[2];
- unsigned long m32[4];
-/* internal representation of extended fp numbers */
-struct fp_ext {
- unsigned char lowmant;
- unsigned char sign;
- unsigned short exp;
- union fp_mant64 mant;
-/* C representation of FPU registers */
-/* NOTE: if you change this, you have to change the assembler offsets
- below and the size in <asm/fpu.h>, too */
-struct fp_data {
- struct fp_ext fpreg[8];
- unsigned int fpcr;
- unsigned int fpsr;
- unsigned int fpiar;
- unsigned short prec;
- unsigned short rnd;
- struct fp_ext temp[2];
-extern unsigned int fp_debugprint;
-#define dprint(bit, fmt, args...) ({ \
- if (fp_debugprint & (1 << (bit))) \
- printk(fmt, ## args); \
-#define dprint(bit, fmt, args...)
-#define uprint(str) ({ \
- static int __count = 3; \
- \
- if (__count > 0) { \
- printk("You just hit an unimplemented " \
- "fpu instruction (%s)\n", str); \
- printk("Please report this to ....\n"); \
- __count--; \
- } \
-#define FPDATA ((struct fp_data *)current->thread.fp)
-#else /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#define FPDATA %a2
-/* offsets from the base register to the floating point data in the task struct */
-/* offsets on the stack to access saved registers,
- * these are only used during instruction decoding
- * where we always know how deep we're on the stack.
- */
-#define FPS_DO (PT_OFF_D0)
-#define FPS_D1 (PT_OFF_D1)
-#define FPS_D2 (PT_OFF_D2)
-#define FPS_A0 (PT_OFF_A0)
-#define FPS_A1 (PT_OFF_A1)
-#define FPS_A2 (PT_OFF_A2)
-#define FPS_SR (PT_OFF_SR)
-#define FPS_PC (PT_OFF_PC)
-#define FPS_EA (PT_OFF_PC+6)
-#define FPS_PC2 (PT_OFF_PC+10)
-.macro fp_get_fp_reg
- lea (FPD_FPREG,FPDATA,%d0.w*4),%a0
- lea (%a0,%d0.w*8),%a0
-/* Macros used to get/put the current program counter.
- * 020/030 use a different stack frame then 040/060, for the
- * 040/060 the return pc points already to the next location,
- * so this only needs to be modified for jump instructions.
- */
-.macro fp_get_pc dest
- move.l (FPS_PC+4,%sp),\dest
-.macro fp_put_pc src,jump=0
- move.l \src,(FPS_PC+4,%sp)
-.macro fp_get_instr_data f,s,dest,label
- getuser \f,%sp@(FPS_PC+4)@(0),\dest,\label,%sp@(FPS_PC+4)
- addq.l #\s,%sp@(FPS_PC+4)
-.macro fp_get_instr_word dest,label,addr
- fp_get_instr_data w,2,\dest,\label,\addr
-.macro fp_get_instr_long dest,label,addr
- fp_get_instr_data l,4,\dest,\label,\addr
-/* These macros are used to read from/write to user space
- * on error we jump to the fixup section, load the fault
- * address into %a0 and jump to the exit.
- * (derived from <asm/uaccess.h>)
- */
-.macro getuser size,src,dest,label,addr
-| printf ,"[\size<%08x]",1,\addr
-.Lu1\@: moves\size \src,\dest
- .section .fixup,"ax"
- .even
-.Lu2\@: move.l \addr,%a0
- jra \label
- .previous
- .section __ex_table,"a"
- .align 4
- .long .Lu1\@,.Lu2\@
- .previous
-.macro putuser size,src,dest,label,addr
-| printf ,"[\size>%08x]",1,\addr
-.Lu1\@: moves\size \src,\dest
- .section .fixup,"ax"
- .even
-.Lu3\@: move.l \addr,%a0
- jra \label
- .previous
- .section __ex_table,"a"
- .align 4
- .long .Lu1\@,.Lu3\@
- .long .Lu2\@,.Lu3\@
- .previous
-/* work around binutils idiocy */
-.irp gas_ident.x .x
-.if !old_gas
-.irp m b,w,l
-.macro getuser.\m src,dest,label,addr
- getuser .\m,\src,\dest,\label,\addr
-.macro putuser.\m src,dest,label,addr
- putuser .\m,\src,\dest,\label,\addr
-.macro movestack nr,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5
- .if \nr
- movestack (\nr-1),\arg2,\arg3,\arg4,\arg5
- move.l \arg1,-(%sp)
- .endif
-.macro printf bit=-1,string,nr=0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5
- .data
- .string "\string"
- .previous
- movem.l %d0/%d1/%a0/%a1,-(%sp)
- .if \bit+1
-#if 0
- moveq #\bit,%d0
- andw #7,%d0
- btst %d0,fp_debugprint+((31-\bit)/8)
- btst #\bit,fp_debugprint+((31-\bit)/8)
- jeq .Lpskip\@
- .endif
- movestack \nr,\arg1,\arg2,\arg3,\arg4,\arg5
- pea .Lpdata\@
- jsr printk
- lea ((\nr+1)*4,%sp),%sp
- movem.l (%sp)+,%d0/%d1/%a0/%a1
-.macro printx bit,fp
- movem.l %d0/%a0,-(%sp)
- lea \fp,%a0
-#if 0
- moveq #'+',%d0
- tst.w (%a0)
- jeq .Lx1\@
- moveq #'-',%d0
-.Lx1\@: printf \bit," %c",1,%d0
- move.l (4,%a0),%d0
- bclr #31,%d0
- jne .Lx2\@
- printf \bit,"0."
- jra .Lx3\@
-.Lx2\@: printf \bit,"1."
-.Lx3\@: printf \bit,"%08x%08x",2,%d0,%a0@(8)
- move.w (2,%a0),%d0
- ext.l %d0
- printf \bit,"E%04x",1,%d0
- printf \bit," %08x%08x%08x",3,%a0@,%a0@(4),%a0@(8)
- movem.l (%sp)+,%d0/%a0
-.macro debug instr,args
- \instr \args
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_SETUP_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mc146818rtc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mc146818rtc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f70a01f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mc146818rtc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Machine dependent access functions for RTC registers.
- */
-#ifndef _ASM_MC146818RTC_H
-#define _ASM_MC146818RTC_H
-/* RTC in Atari machines */
-#include <asm/atarihw.h>
-#define RTC_PORT(x) (TT_RTC_BAS + 2*(x))
-#define RTC_ALWAYS_BCD 0
-#define CMOS_READ(addr) ({ \
-atari_outb_p((addr),RTC_PORT(0)); \
-atari_inb_p(RTC_PORT(1)); \
-#define CMOS_WRITE(val, addr) ({ \
-atari_outb_p((addr),RTC_PORT(0)); \
-atari_outb_p((val),RTC_PORT(1)); \
-#endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-#endif /* _ASM_MC146818RTC_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcf_pgalloc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcf_pgalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 313f3dd2..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcf_pgalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef M68K_MCF_PGALLOC_H
-#define M68K_MCF_PGALLOC_H
-#include <asm/tlb.h>
-#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-extern inline void pte_free_kernel(struct mm_struct *mm, pte_t *pte)
- free_page((unsigned long) pte);
-extern const char bad_pmd_string[];
-extern inline pte_t *pte_alloc_one_kernel(struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long address)
- unsigned long page = __get_free_page(GFP_DMA|__GFP_REPEAT);
- if (!page)
- return NULL;
- memset((void *)page, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
- return (pte_t *) (page);
-extern inline pmd_t *pmd_alloc_kernel(pgd_t *pgd, unsigned long address)
- return (pmd_t *) pgd;
-#define pmd_alloc_one_fast(mm, address) ({ BUG(); ((pmd_t *)1); })
-#define pmd_alloc_one(mm, address) ({ BUG(); ((pmd_t *)2); })
-#define pte_alloc_one_fast(mm, addr) pte_alloc_one(mm, addr)
-#define pmd_populate(mm, pmd, page) (pmd_val(*pmd) = \
- (unsigned long)(page_address(page)))
-#define pmd_populate_kernel(mm, pmd, pte) (pmd_val(*pmd) = (unsigned long)(pte))
-#define pmd_pgtable(pmd) pmd_page(pmd)
-static inline void __pte_free_tlb(struct mmu_gather *tlb, pgtable_t page,
- unsigned long address)
- __free_page(page);
-#define __pmd_free_tlb(tlb, pmd, address) do { } while (0)
-static inline struct page *pte_alloc_one(struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long address)
- struct page *page = alloc_pages(GFP_DMA|__GFP_REPEAT, 0);
- pte_t *pte;
- if (!page)
- return NULL;
- pte = kmap(page);
- if (pte) {
- clear_page(pte);
- __flush_page_to_ram(pte);
- flush_tlb_kernel_page(pte);
- nocache_page(pte);
- }
- kunmap(page);
- return page;
-extern inline void pte_free(struct mm_struct *mm, struct page *page)
- __free_page(page);
- * In our implementation, each pgd entry contains 1 pmd that is never allocated
- * or freed. pgd_present is always 1, so this should never be called. -NL
- */
-#define pmd_free(mm, pmd) BUG()
-static inline void pgd_free(struct mm_struct *mm, pgd_t *pgd)
- free_page((unsigned long) pgd);
-static inline pgd_t *pgd_alloc(struct mm_struct *mm)
- pgd_t *new_pgd;
- new_pgd = (pgd_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_DMA | __GFP_NOWARN);
- if (!new_pgd)
- return NULL;
- memcpy(new_pgd, swapper_pg_dir, PAGE_SIZE);
- memset(new_pgd, 0, PAGE_OFFSET >> PGDIR_SHIFT);
- return new_pgd;
-#define pgd_populate(mm, pmd, pte) BUG()
-#endif /* M68K_MCF_PGALLOC_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcf_pgtable.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcf_pgtable.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c793682..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcf_pgtable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _MCF_PGTABLE_H
-#define _MCF_PGTABLE_H
-#include <asm/mcfmmu.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
- * MMUDR bits, in proper place. We write these directly into the MMUDR
- * after masking from the pte.
- */
-#define CF_PAGE_LOCKED MMUDR_LK /* 0x00000002 */
-#define CF_PAGE_EXEC MMUDR_X /* 0x00000004 */
-#define CF_PAGE_WRITABLE MMUDR_W /* 0x00000008 */
-#define CF_PAGE_READABLE MMUDR_R /* 0x00000010 */
-#define CF_PAGE_SYSTEM MMUDR_SP /* 0x00000020 */
-#define CF_PAGE_COPYBACK MMUDR_CM_CCB /* 0x00000040 */
-#define CF_PAGE_NOCACHE MMUDR_CM_NCP /* 0x00000080 */
-#define CF_PAGE_MMUDR_MASK 0x000000fe
- * MMUTR bits, need shifting down.
- */
-#define CF_PAGE_MMUTR_MASK 0x00000c00
- * Fake bits, not implemented in CF, will get masked out before
- * hitting hardware.
- */
-#define CF_PAGE_DIRTY 0x00000001
-#define CF_PAGE_FILE 0x00000200
-#define CF_PAGE_ACCESSED 0x00001000
-#define _PAGE_CACHE040 0x020 /* 68040 cache mode, cachable, copyback */
-#define _PAGE_NOCACHE_S 0x040 /* 68040 no-cache mode, serialized */
-#define _PAGE_NOCACHE 0x060 /* 68040 cache mode, non-serialized */
-#define _PAGE_CACHE040W 0x000 /* 68040 cache mode, cachable, write-through */
-#define _DESCTYPE_MASK 0x003
-#define _CACHEMASK040 (~0x060)
-#define _PAGE_GLOBAL040 0x400 /* 68040 global bit, used for kva descs */
- * Externally used page protection values.
- */
- * Compound page protection values.
- */
-#define PAGE_NONE __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_SHARED __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_INIT __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_KERNEL __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_COPY __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
- * Page protections for initialising protection_map. See mm/mmap.c
- * for use. In general, the bit positions are xwr, and P-items are
- * private, the S-items are shared.
- */
-#define __P000 PAGE_NONE
-#define __P001 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __P010 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __P011 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __P100 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __P101 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __P110 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __P111 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __S000 PAGE_NONE
-#define __S001 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __S010 PAGE_SHARED
-#define __S011 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __S100 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __S101 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __S110 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#define __S111 __pgprot(CF_PAGE_VALID \
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- * Conversion functions: convert a page and protection to a page entry,
- * and a page entry and page directory to the page they refer to.
- */
-#define mk_pte(page, pgprot) pfn_pte(page_to_pfn(page), (pgprot))
-static inline pte_t pte_modify(pte_t pte, pgprot_t newprot)
- pte_val(pte) = (pte_val(pte) & CF_PAGE_CHG_MASK) | pgprot_val(newprot);
- return pte;
-#define pmd_set(pmdp, ptep) do {} while (0)
-static inline void pgd_set(pgd_t *pgdp, pmd_t *pmdp)
- pgd_val(*pgdp) = virt_to_phys(pmdp);
-#define __pte_page(pte) ((unsigned long) (pte_val(pte) & PAGE_MASK))
-#define __pmd_page(pmd) ((unsigned long) (pmd_val(pmd)))
-static inline int pte_none(pte_t pte)
- return !pte_val(pte);
-static inline int pte_present(pte_t pte)
- return pte_val(pte) & CF_PAGE_VALID;
-static inline void pte_clear(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr,
- pte_t *ptep)
- pte_val(*ptep) = 0;
-#define pte_pagenr(pte) ((__pte_page(pte) - PAGE_OFFSET) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
-#define pte_page(pte) virt_to_page(__pte_page(pte))
-static inline int pmd_none2(pmd_t *pmd) { return !pmd_val(*pmd); }
-#define pmd_none(pmd) pmd_none2(&(pmd))
-static inline int pmd_bad2(pmd_t *pmd) { return 0; }
-#define pmd_bad(pmd) pmd_bad2(&(pmd))
-#define pmd_present(pmd) (!pmd_none2(&(pmd)))
-static inline void pmd_clear(pmd_t *pmdp) { pmd_val(*pmdp) = 0; }
-static inline int pgd_none(pgd_t pgd) { return 0; }
-static inline int pgd_bad(pgd_t pgd) { return 0; }
-static inline int pgd_present(pgd_t pgd) { return 1; }
-static inline void pgd_clear(pgd_t *pgdp) {}
-#define pte_ERROR(e) \
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%d: bad pte %08lx.\n", \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, pte_val(e))
-#define pmd_ERROR(e) \
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%d: bad pmd %08lx.\n", \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, pmd_val(e))
-#define pgd_ERROR(e) \
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%d: bad pgd %08lx.\n", \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, pgd_val(e))
- * The following only work if pte_present() is true.
- * Undefined behaviour if not...
- * [we have the full set here even if they don't change from m68k]
- */
-static inline int pte_read(pte_t pte)
- return pte_val(pte) & CF_PAGE_READABLE;
-static inline int pte_write(pte_t pte)
- return pte_val(pte) & CF_PAGE_WRITABLE;
-static inline int pte_exec(pte_t pte)
- return pte_val(pte) & CF_PAGE_EXEC;
-static inline int pte_dirty(pte_t pte)
- return pte_val(pte) & CF_PAGE_DIRTY;
-static inline int pte_young(pte_t pte)
- return pte_val(pte) & CF_PAGE_ACCESSED;
-static inline int pte_file(pte_t pte)
- return pte_val(pte) & CF_PAGE_FILE;
-static inline int pte_special(pte_t pte)
- return 0;
-static inline pte_t pte_wrprotect(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) &= ~CF_PAGE_WRITABLE;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_rdprotect(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) &= ~CF_PAGE_READABLE;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_exprotect(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) &= ~CF_PAGE_EXEC;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkclean(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) &= ~CF_PAGE_DIRTY;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkold(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) &= ~CF_PAGE_ACCESSED;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkwrite(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) |= CF_PAGE_WRITABLE;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkread(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) |= CF_PAGE_READABLE;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkexec(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) |= CF_PAGE_EXEC;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkdirty(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) |= CF_PAGE_DIRTY;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkyoung(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) |= CF_PAGE_ACCESSED;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mknocache(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) |= 0x80 | (pte_val(pte) & ~0x40);
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkcache(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) &= ~CF_PAGE_NOCACHE;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkspecial(pte_t pte)
- return pte;
-#define swapper_pg_dir kernel_pg_dir
-extern pgd_t kernel_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD];
- * Find an entry in a pagetable directory.
- */
-#define pgd_index(address) ((address) >> PGDIR_SHIFT)
-#define pgd_offset(mm, address) ((mm)->pgd + pgd_index(address))
- * Find an entry in a kernel pagetable directory.
- */
-#define pgd_offset_k(address) pgd_offset(&init_mm, address)
- * Find an entry in the second-level pagetable.
- */
-static inline pmd_t *pmd_offset(pgd_t *pgd, unsigned long address)
- return (pmd_t *) pgd;
- * Find an entry in the third-level pagetable.
- */
-#define __pte_offset(address) ((address >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1))
-#define pte_offset_kernel(dir, address) \
- ((pte_t *) __pmd_page(*(dir)) + __pte_offset(address))
- * Disable caching for page at given kernel virtual address.
- */
-static inline void nocache_page(void *vaddr)
- pgd_t *dir;
- pmd_t *pmdp;
- pte_t *ptep;
- unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) vaddr;
- dir = pgd_offset_k(addr);
- pmdp = pmd_offset(dir, addr);
- ptep = pte_offset_kernel(pmdp, addr);
- *ptep = pte_mknocache(*ptep);
- * Enable caching for page at given kernel virtual address.
- */
-static inline void cache_page(void *vaddr)
- pgd_t *dir;
- pmd_t *pmdp;
- pte_t *ptep;
- unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) vaddr;
- dir = pgd_offset_k(addr);
- pmdp = pmd_offset(dir, addr);
- ptep = pte_offset_kernel(pmdp, addr);
- *ptep = pte_mkcache(*ptep);
-#define PTE_FILE_MAX_BITS 21
-#define PTE_FILE_SHIFT 11
-static inline unsigned long pte_to_pgoff(pte_t pte)
- return pte_val(pte) >> PTE_FILE_SHIFT;
-static inline pte_t pgoff_to_pte(unsigned pgoff)
- return __pte((pgoff << PTE_FILE_SHIFT) + CF_PAGE_FILE);
- * Encode and de-code a swap entry (must be !pte_none(e) && !pte_present(e))
- */
-#define __swp_type(x) ((x).val & 0xFF)
-#define __swp_offset(x) ((x).val >> PTE_FILE_SHIFT)
-#define __swp_entry(typ, off) ((swp_entry_t) { (typ) | \
- (off << PTE_FILE_SHIFT) })
-#define __pte_to_swp_entry(pte) ((swp_entry_t) { pte_val(pte) })
-#define __swp_entry_to_pte(x) (__pte((x).val))
-#define pmd_page(pmd) (pfn_to_page(pmd_val(pmd) >> PAGE_SHIFT))
-#define pte_offset_map(pmdp, addr) ((pte_t *)__pmd_page(*pmdp) + \
- __pte_offset(addr))
-#define pte_unmap(pte) ((void) 0)
-#define pfn_pte(pfn, prot) __pte(((pfn) << PAGE_SHIFT) | pgprot_val(prot))
-#define pte_pfn(pte) (pte_val(pte) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _MCF_PGTABLE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfdma.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfdma.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 10bc7e39..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfdma.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- * mcfdma.h -- Coldfire internal DMA support defines.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999, Rob Scott (
- */
-#ifndef mcfdma_h
-#define mcfdma_h
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M5272)
- * Define the DMA register set addresses.
- * Note: these are longword registers, use unsigned long as data type
- */
-#define MCFDMA_SAR 0x00 /* DMA source address (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_DAR 0x01 /* DMA destination adr (r/w) */
-/* these are word registers, use unsigned short data type */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR 0x04 /* DMA control reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_BCR 0x06 /* DMA byte count reg (r/w) */
-/* these are byte registers, use unsiged char data type */
-#define MCFDMA_DSR 0x10 /* DMA status reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_DIVR 0x14 /* DMA interrupt vec (r/w) */
- * Bit definitions for the DMA Control Register (DCR).
- */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_INT 0x8000 /* Enable completion irq */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_EEXT 0x4000 /* Enable external DMA req */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_CS 0x2000 /* Enable cycle steal */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_AA 0x1000 /* Enable auto alignment */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_BWC_MASK 0x0E00 /* Bandwidth ctl mask */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_BWC_512 0x0200 /* Bandwidth: 512 Bytes */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_BWC_1024 0x0400 /* Bandwidth: 1024 Bytes */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_BWC_2048 0x0600 /* Bandwidth: 2048 Bytes */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_BWC_4096 0x0800 /* Bandwidth: 4096 Bytes */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_BWC_8192 0x0a00 /* Bandwidth: 8192 Bytes */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_BWC_16384 0x0c00 /* Bandwidth: 16384 Bytes */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_BWC_32768 0x0e00 /* Bandwidth: 32768 Bytes */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_SAA 0x0100 /* Single Address Access */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_S_RW 0x0080 /* SAA read/write value */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_SINC 0x0040 /* Source addr inc enable */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_SSIZE_MASK 0x0030 /* Src xfer size */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_SSIZE_LONG 0x0000 /* Src xfer size, 00 = longw */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_SSIZE_BYTE 0x0010 /* Src xfer size, 01 = byte */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_SSIZE_WORD 0x0020 /* Src xfer size, 10 = word */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_SSIZE_LINE 0x0030 /* Src xfer size, 11 = line */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_DINC 0x0008 /* Dest addr inc enable */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_DSIZE_MASK 0x0006 /* Dest xfer size */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_DSIZE_LONG 0x0000 /* Dest xfer size, 00 = long */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_DSIZE_BYTE 0x0002 /* Dest xfer size, 01 = byte */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_DSIZE_WORD 0x0004 /* Dest xfer size, 10 = word */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_DSIZE_LINE 0x0006 /* Dest xfer size, 11 = line */
-#define MCFDMA_DCR_START 0x0001 /* Start transfer */
- * Bit definitions for the DMA Status Register (DSR).
- */
-#define MCFDMA_DSR_CE 0x40 /* Config error */
-#define MCFDMA_DSR_BES 0x20 /* Bus Error on source */
-#define MCFDMA_DSR_BED 0x10 /* Bus Error on dest */
-#define MCFDMA_DSR_REQ 0x04 /* Requests remaining */
-#define MCFDMA_DSR_BSY 0x02 /* Busy */
-#define MCFDMA_DSR_DONE 0x01 /* DMA transfer complete */
-#else /* This is an MCF5272 */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR 0x00 /* Mode Register (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR 0x03 /* Interrupt trigger register (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_DSAR 0x03 /* Source Address register (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_DDAR 0x04 /* Destination Address register (r/w) */
-#define MCFDMA_DBCR 0x02 /* Byte Count Register (r/w) */
-/* Bit definitions for the DMA Mode Register (DMR) */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_RESET 0x80000000L /* Reset bit */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_EN 0x40000000L /* DMA enable */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_RQM 0x000C0000L /* Request Mode Mask */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_RQM_DUAL 0x000C0000L /* Dual address mode, the only valid mode */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTM 0x00002000L /* Destination addressing mask */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTM_SA 0x00000000L /* Destination uses static addressing */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTM_IA 0x00002000L /* Destination uses incremental addressing */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTT_UD 0x00000400L /* Destination is user data */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTT_UC 0x00000800L /* Destination is user code */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTT_SD 0x00001400L /* Destination is supervisor data */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTT_SC 0x00001800L /* Destination is supervisor code */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTS_OFF 0x8 /* offset to the destination size bits */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTS_LONG 0x00000000L /* Long destination size */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTS_BYTE 0x00000100L /* Byte destination size */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTS_WORD 0x00000200L /* Word destination size */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_DSTS_LINE 0x00000300L /* Line destination size */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCM 0x00000020L /* Source addressing mask */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCM_SA 0x00000000L /* Source uses static addressing */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCM_IA 0x00000020L /* Source uses incremental addressing */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCT_UD 0x00000004L /* Source is user data */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCT_UC 0x00000008L /* Source is user code */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCT_SD 0x00000014L /* Source is supervisor data */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCT_SC 0x00000018L /* Source is supervisor code */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCS_OFF 0x0 /* Offset to the source size bits */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCS_LONG 0x00000000L /* Long source size */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCS_BYTE 0x00000001L /* Byte source size */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCS_WORD 0x00000002L /* Word source size */
-#define MCFDMA_DMR_SRCS_LINE 0x00000003L /* Line source size */
-/* Bit definitions for the DMA interrupt register (DIR) */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR_INVEN 0x1000 /* Invalid Combination interrupt enable */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR_ASCEN 0x0800 /* Address Sequence Complete (Completion) interrupt enable */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR_TEEN 0x0200 /* Transfer Error interrupt enable */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR_TCEN 0x0100 /* Transfer Complete (a bus transfer, that is) interrupt enable */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR_INV 0x0010 /* Invalid Combination */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR_ASC 0x0008 /* Address Sequence Complete (DMA Completion) */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR_TE 0x0002 /* Transfer Error */
-#define MCFDMA_DIR_TC 0x0001 /* Transfer Complete */
-#endif /* !defined(CONFIG_M5272) */
-#endif /* mcfdma_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfgpio.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfgpio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee5e4ccc..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfgpio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * Coldfire generic GPIO support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2009, Steven King <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
-#ifndef mcfgpio_h
-#define mcfgpio_h
-#include <linux/io.h>
-#include <asm-generic/gpio.h>
-struct mcf_gpio_chip {
- struct gpio_chip gpio_chip;
- void __iomem *pddr;
- void __iomem *podr;
- void __iomem *ppdr;
- void __iomem *setr;
- void __iomem *clrr;
- const u8 *gpio_to_pinmux;
-int mcf_gpio_direction_input(struct gpio_chip *, unsigned);
-int mcf_gpio_get_value(struct gpio_chip *, unsigned);
-int mcf_gpio_direction_output(struct gpio_chip *, unsigned, int);
-void mcf_gpio_set_value(struct gpio_chip *, unsigned, int);
-void mcf_gpio_set_value_fast(struct gpio_chip *, unsigned, int);
-int mcf_gpio_request(struct gpio_chip *, unsigned);
-void mcf_gpio_free(struct gpio_chip *, unsigned);
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfintc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfintc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4183320a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfintc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * mcfintc.h -- support definitions for the simple ColdFire
- * Interrupt Controller
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2009, Greg Ungerer <>
- */
-#ifndef mcfintc_h
-#define mcfintc_h
- * Most of the older ColdFire parts use the same simple interrupt
- * controller. This is currently used on the 5206, 5206e, 5249, 5307
- * and 5407 parts.
- *
- * The builtin peripherals are masked through dedicated bits in the
- * Interrupt Mask register (IMR) - and this is not indexed (or in any way
- * related to) the actual interrupt number they use. So knowing the IRQ
- * number doesn't explicitly map to a certain internal device for
- * interrupt control purposes.
- */
- * Bit definitions for the ICR family of registers.
- */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_AUTOVEC 0x80 /* Auto-vectored intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_LEVEL0 0x00 /* Level 0 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_LEVEL1 0x04 /* Level 1 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_LEVEL2 0x08 /* Level 2 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_LEVEL3 0x0c /* Level 3 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_LEVEL4 0x10 /* Level 4 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_LEVEL5 0x14 /* Level 5 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_LEVEL6 0x18 /* Level 6 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_LEVEL7 0x1c /* Level 7 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_PRI0 0x00 /* Priority 0 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_PRI1 0x01 /* Priority 1 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_PRI2 0x02 /* Priority 2 intr */
-#define MCFSIM_ICR_PRI3 0x03 /* Priority 3 intr */
- * IMR bit position definitions. Not all ColdFire parts with this interrupt
- * controller actually support all of these interrupt sources. But the bit
- * numbers are the same in all cores.
- */
-#define MCFINTC_EINT1 1 /* External int #1 */
-#define MCFINTC_EINT2 2 /* External int #2 */
-#define MCFINTC_EINT3 3 /* External int #3 */
-#define MCFINTC_EINT4 4 /* External int #4 */
-#define MCFINTC_EINT5 5 /* External int #5 */
-#define MCFINTC_EINT6 6 /* External int #6 */
-#define MCFINTC_EINT7 7 /* External int #7 */
-#define MCFINTC_SWT 8 /* Software Watchdog */
-#define MCFINTC_TIMER1 9
-#define MCFINTC_TIMER2 10
-#define MCFINTC_I2C 11 /* I2C / MBUS */
-#define MCFINTC_UART0 12
-#define MCFINTC_UART1 13
-#define MCFINTC_DMA0 14
-#define MCFINTC_DMA1 15
-#define MCFINTC_DMA2 16
-#define MCFINTC_DMA3 17
-#define MCFINTC_QSPI 18
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
- * There is no one-is-one correspondance between the interrupt number (irq)
- * and the bit fields on the mask register. So we create a per-cpu type
- * mapping of irq to mask bit. The CPU platform code needs to register
- * its supported irq's at init time, using this function.
- */
-extern unsigned char mcf_irq2imr[];
-static inline void mcf_mapirq2imr(int irq, int imr)
- mcf_irq2imr[irq] = imr;
-void mcf_autovector(int irq);
-void mcf_setimr(int index);
-void mcf_clrimr(int index);
-#endif /* mcfintc_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfmbus.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfmbus.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 319899c4..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfmbus.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * mcfmbus.h -- Coldfire MBUS support defines.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999, Martin Floeer (
- */
-#ifndef mcfmbus_h
-#define mcfmbus_h
-#define MCFMBUS_BASE 0x280
-#define MCFMBUS_IRQ_VECTOR 0x19
-#define MCFMBUS_IRQ 0x1
-#define MCFMBUS_CLK 0x3f
-#define MCFMBUS_IRQ_LEVEL 0x07 /*IRQ Level 1*/
-#define MCFMBUS_ADDRESS 0x01
-* Define the 5307 MBUS register set addresses
-#define MCFMBUS_MADR 0x00
-#define MCFMBUS_MFDR 0x04
-#define MCFMBUS_MBCR 0x08
-#define MCFMBUS_MBSR 0x0C
-#define MCFMBUS_MBDR 0x10
-#define MCFMBUS_MADR_ADDR(a) (((a)&0x7F)<<0x01) /*Slave Address*/
-#define MCFMBUS_MFDR_MBC(a) ((a)&0x3F) /*M-Bus Clock*/
-* Define bit flags in Control Register
-#define MCFMBUS_MBCR_MEN (0x80) /* M-Bus Enable */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBCR_MIEN (0x40) /* M-Bus Interrupt Enable */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBCR_MSTA (0x20) /* Master/Slave Mode Select Bit */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBCR_MTX (0x10) /* Transmit/Rcv Mode Select Bit */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBCR_TXAK (0x08) /* Transmit Acknowledge Enable */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBCR_RSTA (0x04) /* Repeat Start */
-* Define bit flags in Status Register
-#define MCFMBUS_MBSR_MCF (0x80) /* Data Transfer Complete */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBSR_MAAS (0x40) /* Addressed as a Slave */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBSR_MBB (0x20) /* Bus Busy */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBSR_MAL (0x10) /* Arbitration Lost */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBSR_SRW (0x04) /* Slave Transmit */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBSR_MIF (0x02) /* M-Bus Interrupt */
-#define MCFMBUS_MBSR_RXAK (0x01) /* No Acknowledge Received */
-* Define bit flags in DATA I/O Register
-#define MCFMBUS_MBDR_READ (0x01) /* 1=read 0=write MBUS */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfmmu.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfmmu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 26cc3d5a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfmmu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- * mcfmmu.h -- definitions for the ColdFire v4e MMU
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2011, Greg Ungerer <>
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- */
-#ifndef MCFMMU_H
-#define MCFMMU_H
- * The MMU support registers are mapped into the address space using
- * the processor MMUBASE register. We used a fixed address for mapping,
- * there doesn't seem any need to make this configurable yet.
- */
-#define MMUBASE 0xfe000000
- * The support registers of the MMU. Names are the sames as those
- * used in the Freescale v4e documentation.
- */
-#define MMUCR (MMUBASE + 0x00) /* Control register */
-#define MMUOR (MMUBASE + 0x04) /* Operation register */
-#define MMUSR (MMUBASE + 0x08) /* Status register */
-#define MMUAR (MMUBASE + 0x10) /* TLB Address register */
-#define MMUTR (MMUBASE + 0x14) /* TLB Tag register */
-#define MMUDR (MMUBASE + 0x18) /* TLB Data register */
- * MMU Control register bit flags
- */
-#define MMUCR_EN 0x00000001 /* Virtual mode enable */
-#define MMUCR_ASM 0x00000002 /* Address space mode */
- * MMU Operation register.
- */
-#define MMUOR_UAA 0x00000001 /* Update allocatiom address */
-#define MMUOR_ACC 0x00000002 /* TLB access */
-#define MMUOR_RD 0x00000004 /* TLB access read */
-#define MMUOR_WR 0x00000000 /* TLB access write */
-#define MMUOR_ADR 0x00000008 /* TLB address select */
-#define MMUOR_ITLB 0x00000010 /* ITLB operation */
-#define MMUOR_CAS 0x00000020 /* Clear non-locked ASID TLBs */
-#define MMUOR_CNL 0x00000040 /* Clear non-locked TLBs */
-#define MMUOR_CA 0x00000080 /* Clear all TLBs */
-#define MMUOR_STLB 0x00000100 /* Search TLBs */
-#define MMUOR_AAN 16 /* TLB allocation address */
-#define MMUOR_AAMASK 0xffff0000 /* AA mask */
- * MMU Status register.
- */
-#define MMUSR_HIT 0x00000002 /* Search TLB hit */
-#define MMUSR_WF 0x00000008 /* Write access fault */
-#define MMUSR_RF 0x00000010 /* Read access fault */
-#define MMUSR_SPF 0x00000020 /* Supervisor protect fault */
- * MMU Read/Write Tag register.
- */
-#define MMUTR_V 0x00000001 /* Valid */
-#define MMUTR_SG 0x00000002 /* Shared global */
-#define MMUTR_IDN 2 /* Address Space ID */
-#define MMUTR_IDMASK 0x000003fc /* ASID mask */
-#define MMUTR_VAN 10 /* Virtual Address */
-#define MMUTR_VAMASK 0xfffffc00 /* VA mask */
- * MMU Read/Write Data register.
- */
-#define MMUDR_LK 0x00000002 /* Lock entry */
-#define MMUDR_X 0x00000004 /* Execute access enable */
-#define MMUDR_W 0x00000008 /* Write access enable */
-#define MMUDR_R 0x00000010 /* Read access enable */
-#define MMUDR_SP 0x00000020 /* Supervisor access enable */
-#define MMUDR_CM_CWT 0x00000000 /* Cachable write thru */
-#define MMUDR_CM_CCB 0x00000040 /* Cachable copy back */
-#define MMUDR_CM_NCP 0x00000080 /* Non-cachable precise */
-#define MMUDR_CM_NCI 0x000000c0 /* Non-cachable imprecise */
-#define MMUDR_SZ_1MB 0x00000000 /* 1MB page size */
-#define MMUDR_SZ_4KB 0x00000100 /* 4kB page size */
-#define MMUDR_SZ_8KB 0x00000200 /* 8kB page size */
-#define MMUDR_SZ_1KB 0x00000300 /* 1kB page size */
-#define MMUDR_PAN 10 /* Physical address */
-#define MMUDR_PAMASK 0xfffffc00 /* PA mask */
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- * Simple access functions for the MMU registers. Nothing fancy
- * currently required, just simple 32bit access.
- */
-static inline u32 mmu_read(u32 a)
- return *((volatile u32 *) a);
-static inline void mmu_write(u32 a, u32 v)
- *((volatile u32 *) a) = v;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop");
-int cf_tlb_miss(struct pt_regs *regs, int write, int dtlb, int extension_word);
-#endif /* MCFMMU_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfne.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfne.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf638be0..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfne.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
- * mcfne.h -- NE2000 in ColdFire eval boards.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999-2000, Greg Ungerer (
- * (C) Copyright 2000, Lineo (
- * (C) Copyright 2001, SnapGear (
- *
- * 19990409 David W. Miller Converted from m5206ne.h for 5307 eval board
- *
- * Hacked support for m5206e Cadre III evaluation board
- * Fred Stevens ( 13 April 1999
- */
-#ifndef mcfne_h
-#define mcfne_h
- * Support for NE2000 clones devices in ColdFire based boards.
- * Not all boards address these parts the same way, some use a
- * direct addressing method, others use a side-band address space
- * to access odd address registers, some require byte swapping
- * others do not.
- */
-#define BSWAP(w) (((w) << 8) | ((w) >> 8))
-#define RSWAP(w) (w)
- * Define the basic hardware resources of NE2000 boards.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_ARN5206)
-#define NE2000_ADDR 0x40000300
-#define NE2000_ODDOFFSET 0x00010000
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR 0xf0
-#define NE2000_IRQ_PRIORITY 2
-#define NE2000_IRQ_LEVEL 4
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned short
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5206eC3)
-#define NE2000_ADDR 0x40000300
-#define NE2000_ODDOFFSET 0x00010000
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR 0x1c
-#define NE2000_IRQ_PRIORITY 2
-#define NE2000_IRQ_LEVEL 4
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned short
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5206e) && defined(CONFIG_NETtel)
-#define NE2000_ADDR 0x30000300
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR 25
-#define NE2000_IRQ_PRIORITY 1
-#define NE2000_IRQ_LEVEL 3
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned char
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5307C3)
-#define NE2000_ADDR 0x40000300
-#define NE2000_ODDOFFSET 0x00010000
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR 0x1b
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned short
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5272) && defined(CONFIG_NETtel)
-#define NE2000_ADDR 0x30600300
-#define NE2000_ODDOFFSET 0x00008000
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR 67
-#undef BSWAP
-#define BSWAP(w) (w)
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned short
-#undef RSWAP
-#define RSWAP(w) (((w) << 8) | ((w) >> 8))
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5307) && defined(CONFIG_NETtel)
-#define NE2000_ADDR0 0x30600300
-#define NE2000_ADDR1 0x30800300
-#define NE2000_ODDOFFSET 0x00008000
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR0 27
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR1 29
-#undef BSWAP
-#define BSWAP(w) (w)
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned short
-#undef RSWAP
-#define RSWAP(w) (((w) << 8) | ((w) >> 8))
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5307) && defined(CONFIG_SECUREEDGEMP3)
-#define NE2000_ADDR 0x30600300
-#define NE2000_ODDOFFSET 0x00008000
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR 27
-#undef BSWAP
-#define BSWAP(w) (w)
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned short
-#undef RSWAP
-#define RSWAP(w) (((w) << 8) | ((w) >> 8))
-#if defined(CONFIG_ARN5307)
-#define NE2000_ADDR 0xfe600300
-#define NE2000_ODDOFFSET 0x00010000
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR 0x1b
-#define NE2000_IRQ_PRIORITY 2
-#define NE2000_IRQ_LEVEL 3
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned short
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5407C3)
-#define NE2000_ADDR 0x40000300
-#define NE2000_ODDOFFSET 0x00010000
-#define NE2000_IRQ_VECTOR 0x1b
-#define NE2000_BYTE volatile unsigned short
- * Side-band address space for odd address requires re-mapping
- * many of the standard ISA access functions.
- */
-#ifdef NE2000_ODDOFFSET
-#undef outb
-#undef outb_p
-#undef inb
-#undef inb_p
-#undef outsb
-#undef outsw
-#undef insb
-#undef insw
-#define outb ne2000_outb
-#define inb ne2000_inb
-#define outb_p ne2000_outb
-#define inb_p ne2000_inb
-#define outsb ne2000_outsb
-#define outsw ne2000_outsw
-#define insb ne2000_insb
-#define insw ne2000_insw
-#ifndef COLDFIRE_NE2000_FUNCS
-void ne2000_outb(unsigned int val, unsigned int addr);
-int ne2000_inb(unsigned int addr);
-void ne2000_insb(unsigned int addr, void *vbuf, int unsigned long len);
-void ne2000_insw(unsigned int addr, void *vbuf, unsigned long len);
-void ne2000_outsb(unsigned int addr, void *vbuf, unsigned long len);
-void ne2000_outsw(unsigned int addr, void *vbuf, unsigned long len);
- * This macro converts a conventional register address into the
- * real memory pointer of the mapped NE2000 device.
- * On most NE2000 implementations on ColdFire boards the chip is
- * mapped in kinda funny, due to its ISA heritage.
- */
-#define NE2000_PTR(addr) ((addr&0x1)?(NE2000_ODDOFFSET+addr-1):(addr))
-#define NE2000_DATA_PTR(addr) (addr)
-void ne2000_outb(unsigned int val, unsigned int addr)
- NE2000_BYTE *rp;
- rp = (NE2000_BYTE *) NE2000_PTR(addr);
- *rp = RSWAP(val);
-int ne2000_inb(unsigned int addr)
- NE2000_BYTE *rp, val;
- rp = (NE2000_BYTE *) NE2000_PTR(addr);
- val = *rp;
- return((int) ((NE2000_BYTE) RSWAP(val)));
-void ne2000_insb(unsigned int addr, void *vbuf, int unsigned long len)
- NE2000_BYTE *rp, val;
- unsigned char *buf;
- buf = (unsigned char *) vbuf;
- rp = (NE2000_BYTE *) NE2000_DATA_PTR(addr);
- for (; (len > 0); len--) {
- val = *rp;
- *buf++ = RSWAP(val);
- }
-void ne2000_insw(unsigned int addr, void *vbuf, unsigned long len)
- volatile unsigned short *rp;
- unsigned short w, *buf;
- buf = (unsigned short *) vbuf;
- rp = (volatile unsigned short *) NE2000_DATA_PTR(addr);
- for (; (len > 0); len--) {
- w = *rp;
- *buf++ = BSWAP(w);
- }
-void ne2000_outsb(unsigned int addr, const void *vbuf, unsigned long len)
- NE2000_BYTE *rp, val;
- unsigned char *buf;
- buf = (unsigned char *) vbuf;
- rp = (NE2000_BYTE *) NE2000_DATA_PTR(addr);
- for (; (len > 0); len--) {
- val = *buf++;
- *rp = RSWAP(val);
- }
-void ne2000_outsw(unsigned int addr, const void *vbuf, unsigned long len)
- volatile unsigned short *rp;
- unsigned short w, *buf;
- buf = (unsigned short *) vbuf;
- rp = (volatile unsigned short *) NE2000_DATA_PTR(addr);
- for (; (len > 0); len--) {
- w = *buf++;
- *rp = BSWAP(w);
- }
-#endif /* COLDFIRE_NE2000_FUNCS */
-#endif /* NE2000_OFFOFFSET */
-#endif /* mcfne_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfpit.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfpit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fd321ca..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfpit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * mcfpit.h -- ColdFire internal PIT timer support defines.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2003, Greg Ungerer (
- */
-#ifndef mcfpit_h
-#define mcfpit_h
- * Define the PIT timer register address offsets.
- */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR 0x0 /* PIT control register */
-#define MCFPIT_PMR 0x2 /* PIT modulus register */
-#define MCFPIT_PCNTR 0x4 /* PIT count register */
- * Bit definitions for the PIT Control and Status register.
- */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK1 0x0000 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK2 0x0100 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK4 0x0200 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK8 0x0300 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK16 0x0400 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK32 0x0500 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK64 0x0600 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK128 0x0700 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK256 0x0800 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK512 0x0900 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK1024 0x0a00 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK2048 0x0b00 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK4096 0x0c00 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK8192 0x0d00 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK16384 0x0e00 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_CLK32768 0x0f00 /* System clock divisor */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_DOZE 0x0040 /* Clock run in doze mode */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_HALTED 0x0020 /* Clock run in halt mode */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_OVW 0x0010 /* Overwrite PIT counter now */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_PIE 0x0008 /* Enable PIT interrupt */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_PIF 0x0004 /* PIT interrupt flag */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_RLD 0x0002 /* Reload counter */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_EN 0x0001 /* Enable PIT */
-#define MCFPIT_PCSR_DISABLE 0x0000 /* Disable PIT */
-#endif /* mcfpit_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfqspi.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfqspi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b51416c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfqspi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * Definitions for Freescale Coldfire QSPI module
- *
- * Copyright 2010 Steven King <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
-#ifndef mcfqspi_h
-#define mcfqspi_h
- * struct mcfqspi_cs_control - chip select control for the coldfire qspi driver
- * @setup: setup the control; allocate gpio's, etc. May be NULL.
- * @teardown: finish with the control; free gpio's, etc. May be NULL.
- * @select: output the signals to select the device. Can not be NULL.
- * @deselect: output the signals to deselect the device. Can not be NULL.
- *
- * The QSPI module has 4 hardware chip selects. We don't use them. Instead
- * platforms are required to supply a mcfqspi_cs_control as a part of the
- * platform data for each QSPI master controller. Only the select and
- * deselect functions are required.
-struct mcfqspi_cs_control {
- int (*setup)(struct mcfqspi_cs_control *);
- void (*teardown)(struct mcfqspi_cs_control *);
- void (*select)(struct mcfqspi_cs_control *, u8, bool);
- void (*deselect)(struct mcfqspi_cs_control *, u8, bool);
- * struct mcfqspi_platform_data - platform data for the coldfire qspi driver
- * @bus_num: board specific identifier for this qspi driver.
- * @num_chipselects: number of chip selects supported by this qspi driver.
- * @cs_control: platform dependent chip select control.
-struct mcfqspi_platform_data {
- s16 bus_num;
- u16 num_chipselect;
- struct mcfqspi_cs_control *cs_control;
-#endif /* mcfqspi_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfsim.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfsim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ebd03040..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfsim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * mcfsim.h -- ColdFire System Integration Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999-2003, Greg Ungerer (
- * (C) Copyright 2000, Lineo Inc. (
- */
-#ifndef mcfsim_h
-#define mcfsim_h
- * Include the appropriate ColdFire CPU specific System Integration Module
- * (SIM) definitions.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5206) || defined(CONFIG_M5206e)
-#include <asm/m5206sim.h>
-#include <asm/mcfintc.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M520x)
-#include <asm/m520xsim.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M523x)
-#include <asm/m523xsim.h>
-#include <asm/mcfintc.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5249)
-#include <asm/m5249sim.h>
-#include <asm/mcfintc.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M527x)
-#include <asm/m527xsim.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5272)
-#include <asm/m5272sim.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M528x)
-#include <asm/m528xsim.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5307)
-#include <asm/m5307sim.h>
-#include <asm/mcfintc.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M532x)
-#include <asm/m532xsim.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5407)
-#include <asm/m5407sim.h>
-#include <asm/mcfintc.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M54xx)
-#include <asm/m54xxsim.h>
-#endif /* mcfsim_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfslt.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfslt.h
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index d0d0ecba..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfslt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * mcfslt.h -- ColdFire internal Slice (SLT) timer support defines.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2004, Greg Ungerer (
- * (C) Copyright 2009, Philippe De Muyter (
- */
-#ifndef mcfslt_h
-#define mcfslt_h
- * Get address specific defines for the 547x.
- */
-#define MCFSLT_TIMER0 0x900 /* Base address of TIMER0 */
-#define MCFSLT_TIMER1 0x910 /* Base address of TIMER1 */
- * Define the SLT timer register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFSLT_STCNT 0x00 /* Terminal count */
-#define MCFSLT_SCR 0x04 /* Control */
-#define MCFSLT_SCNT 0x08 /* Current count */
-#define MCFSLT_SSR 0x0C /* Status */
- * Bit definitions for the SCR control register.
- */
-#define MCFSLT_SCR_RUN 0x04000000 /* Run mode (continuous) */
-#define MCFSLT_SCR_IEN 0x02000000 /* Interrupt enable */
-#define MCFSLT_SCR_TEN 0x01000000 /* Timer enable */
- * Bit definitions for the SSR status register.
- */
-#define MCFSLT_SSR_BE 0x02000000 /* Bus error condition */
-#define MCFSLT_SSR_TE 0x01000000 /* Timeout condition */
-#endif /* mcfslt_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcftimer.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcftimer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 351c2723..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcftimer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * mcftimer.h -- ColdFire internal TIMER support defines.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999-2006, Greg Ungerer <>
- * (C) Copyright 2000, Lineo Inc. (
- */
-#ifndef mcftimer_h
-#define mcftimer_h
- * Define the TIMER register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR 0x00 /* Timer Mode reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFTIMER_TRR 0x04 /* Timer Reference (r/w) */
-#define MCFTIMER_TCR 0x08 /* Timer Capture reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFTIMER_TCN 0x0C /* Timer Counter reg (r/w) */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M532x)
-#define MCFTIMER_TER 0x03 /* Timer Event reg (r/w) */
-#define MCFTIMER_TER 0x11 /* Timer Event reg (r/w) */
- * Bit definitions for the Timer Mode Register (TMR).
- * Register bit flags are common across ColdFires.
- */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_PREMASK 0xff00 /* Prescalar mask */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_DISCE 0x0000 /* Disable capture */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_ANYCE 0x00c0 /* Capture any edge */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_FALLCE 0x0080 /* Capture fallingedge */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_RISECE 0x0040 /* Capture rising edge */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_ENOM 0x0020 /* Enable output toggle */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_DISOM 0x0000 /* Do single output pulse */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_ENORI 0x0010 /* Enable ref interrupt */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_DISORI 0x0000 /* Disable ref interrupt */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_RESTART 0x0008 /* Restart counter */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_FREERUN 0x0000 /* Free running counter */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_CLKTIN 0x0006 /* Input clock is TIN */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_CLK16 0x0004 /* Input clock is /16 */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_CLK1 0x0002 /* Input clock is /1 */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_CLKSTOP 0x0000 /* Stop counter */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_ENABLE 0x0001 /* Enable timer */
-#define MCFTIMER_TMR_DISABLE 0x0000 /* Disable timer */
- * Bit definitions for the Timer Event Registers (TER).
- */
-#define MCFTIMER_TER_CAP 0x01 /* Capture event */
-#define MCFTIMER_TER_REF 0x02 /* Refernece event */
-#endif /* mcftimer_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfuart.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfuart.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d3bc774..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfuart.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
- * mcfuart.h -- ColdFire internal UART support defines.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999-2003, Greg Ungerer (
- * (C) Copyright 2000, Lineo Inc. (
- */
-#ifndef mcfuart_h
-#define mcfuart_h
-#include <linux/serial_core.h>
-#include <linux/platform_device.h>
-struct mcf_platform_uart {
- unsigned long mapbase; /* Physical address base */
- void __iomem *membase; /* Virtual address if mapped */
- unsigned int irq; /* Interrupt vector */
- unsigned int uartclk; /* UART clock rate */
- * Define the ColdFire UART register set addresses.
- */
-#define MCFUART_UMR 0x00 /* Mode register (r/w) */
-#define MCFUART_USR 0x04 /* Status register (r) */
-#define MCFUART_UCSR 0x04 /* Clock Select (w) */
-#define MCFUART_UCR 0x08 /* Command register (w) */
-#define MCFUART_URB 0x0c /* Receiver Buffer (r) */
-#define MCFUART_UTB 0x0c /* Transmit Buffer (w) */
-#define MCFUART_UIPCR 0x10 /* Input Port Change (r) */
-#define MCFUART_UACR 0x10 /* Auxiliary Control (w) */
-#define MCFUART_UISR 0x14 /* Interrupt Status (r) */
-#define MCFUART_UIMR 0x14 /* Interrupt Mask (w) */
-#define MCFUART_UBG1 0x18 /* Baud Rate MSB (r/w) */
-#define MCFUART_UBG2 0x1c /* Baud Rate LSB (r/w) */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5272
-#define MCFUART_UTF 0x28 /* Transmitter FIFO (r/w) */
-#define MCFUART_URF 0x2c /* Receiver FIFO (r/w) */
-#define MCFUART_UFPD 0x30 /* Frac Prec. Divider (r/w) */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5206) || defined(CONFIG_M5206e) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M5249) || defined(CONFIG_M5307) || \
- defined(CONFIG_M5407)
-#define MCFUART_UIVR 0x30 /* Interrupt Vector (r/w) */
-#define MCFUART_UIPR 0x34 /* Input Port (r) */
-#define MCFUART_UOP1 0x38 /* Output Port Bit Set (w) */
-#define MCFUART_UOP0 0x3c /* Output Port Bit Reset (w) */
- * Define bit flags in Mode Register 1 (MR1).
- */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_RXRTS 0x80 /* Auto RTS flow control */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_RXIRQFULL 0x40 /* RX IRQ type FULL */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_RXIRQRDY 0x00 /* RX IRQ type RDY */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_RXERRBLOCK 0x20 /* RX block error mode */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_RXERRCHAR 0x00 /* RX char error mode */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_PARITYNONE 0x10 /* No parity */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_PARITYEVEN 0x00 /* Even parity */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_PARITYODD 0x04 /* Odd parity */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_PARITYSPACE 0x08 /* Space parity */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_PARITYMARK 0x0c /* Mark parity */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_CS5 0x00 /* 5 bits per char */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_CS6 0x01 /* 6 bits per char */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_CS7 0x02 /* 7 bits per char */
-#define MCFUART_MR1_CS8 0x03 /* 8 bits per char */
- * Define bit flags in Mode Register 2 (MR2).
- */
-#define MCFUART_MR2_LOOPBACK 0x80 /* Loopback mode */
-#define MCFUART_MR2_REMOTELOOP 0xc0 /* Remote loopback mode */
-#define MCFUART_MR2_AUTOECHO 0x40 /* Automatic echo */
-#define MCFUART_MR2_TXRTS 0x20 /* Assert RTS on TX */
-#define MCFUART_MR2_TXCTS 0x10 /* Auto CTS flow control */
-#define MCFUART_MR2_STOP1 0x07 /* 1 stop bit */
-#define MCFUART_MR2_STOP15 0x08 /* 1.5 stop bits */
-#define MCFUART_MR2_STOP2 0x0f /* 2 stop bits */
- * Define bit flags in Status Register (USR).
- */
-#define MCFUART_USR_RXBREAK 0x80 /* Received BREAK */
-#define MCFUART_USR_RXFRAMING 0x40 /* Received framing error */
-#define MCFUART_USR_RXPARITY 0x20 /* Received parity error */
-#define MCFUART_USR_RXOVERRUN 0x10 /* Received overrun error */
-#define MCFUART_USR_TXEMPTY 0x08 /* Transmitter empty */
-#define MCFUART_USR_TXREADY 0x04 /* Transmitter ready */
-#define MCFUART_USR_RXFULL 0x02 /* Receiver full */
-#define MCFUART_USR_RXREADY 0x01 /* Receiver ready */
- * Define bit flags in Clock Select Register (UCSR).
- */
-#define MCFUART_UCSR_RXCLKTIMER 0xd0 /* RX clock is timer */
-#define MCFUART_UCSR_RXCLKEXT16 0xe0 /* RX clock is external x16 */
-#define MCFUART_UCSR_RXCLKEXT1 0xf0 /* RX clock is external x1 */
-#define MCFUART_UCSR_TXCLKTIMER 0x0d /* TX clock is timer */
-#define MCFUART_UCSR_TXCLKEXT16 0x0e /* TX clock is external x16 */
-#define MCFUART_UCSR_TXCLKEXT1 0x0f /* TX clock is external x1 */
- * Define bit flags in Command Register (UCR).
- */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_CMDNULL 0x00 /* No command */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_CMDRESETMRPTR 0x10 /* Reset MR pointer */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_CMDRESETRX 0x20 /* Reset receiver */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_CMDRESETTX 0x30 /* Reset transmitter */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_CMDRESETERR 0x40 /* Reset error status */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_CMDRESETBREAK 0x50 /* Reset BREAK change */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_TXNULL 0x00 /* No TX command */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_TXENABLE 0x04 /* Enable TX */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_TXDISABLE 0x08 /* Disable TX */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_RXNULL 0x00 /* No RX command */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_RXENABLE 0x01 /* Enable RX */
-#define MCFUART_UCR_RXDISABLE 0x02 /* Disable RX */
- * Define bit flags in Input Port Change Register (UIPCR).
- */
-#define MCFUART_UIPCR_CTSCOS 0x10 /* CTS change of state */
-#define MCFUART_UIPCR_CTS 0x01 /* CTS value */
- * Define bit flags in Input Port Register (UIP).
- */
-#define MCFUART_UIPR_CTS 0x01 /* CTS value */
- * Define bit flags in Output Port Registers (UOP).
- * Clear bit by writing to UOP0, set by writing to UOP1.
- */
-#define MCFUART_UOP_RTS 0x01 /* RTS set or clear */
- * Define bit flags in the Auxiliary Control Register (UACR).
- */
-#define MCFUART_UACR_IEC 0x01 /* Input enable control */
- * Define bit flags in Interrupt Status Register (UISR).
- * These same bits are used for the Interrupt Mask Register (UIMR).
- */
-#define MCFUART_UIR_COS 0x80 /* Change of state (CTS) */
-#define MCFUART_UIR_DELTABREAK 0x04 /* Break start or stop */
-#define MCFUART_UIR_RXREADY 0x02 /* Receiver ready */
-#define MCFUART_UIR_TXREADY 0x01 /* Transmitter ready */
-#ifdef CONFIG_M5272
- * Define bit flags in the Transmitter FIFO Register (UTF).
- */
-#define MCFUART_UTF_TXB 0x1f /* Transmitter data level */
-#define MCFUART_UTF_FULL 0x20 /* Transmitter fifo full */
-#define MCFUART_UTF_TXS 0xc0 /* Transmitter status */
- * Define bit flags in the Receiver FIFO Register (URF).
- */
-#define MCFUART_URF_RXB 0x1f /* Receiver data level */
-#define MCFUART_URF_FULL 0x20 /* Receiver fifo full */
-#define MCFUART_URF_RXS 0xc0 /* Receiver status */
-#if defined(CONFIG_M54xx)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5272)
-#endif /* mcfuart_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfwdebug.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfwdebug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27f70e45..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mcfwdebug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- * mcfdebug.h -- ColdFire Debug Module support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2001, Lineo Inc. (
- */
-#ifndef mcfdebug_h
-#define mcfdebug_h
-/* Define the debug module registers */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR 0x0 /* Configuration status */
-#define MCFDEBUG_BAAR 0x5 /* BDM address attribute */
-#define MCFDEBUG_AATR 0x6 /* Address attribute trigger */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR 0x7 /* Trigger definition */
-#define MCFDEBUG_PBR 0x8 /* PC breakpoint */
-#define MCFDEBUG_PBMR 0x9 /* PC breakpoint mask */
-#define MCFDEBUG_ABHR 0xc /* High address breakpoint */
-#define MCFDEBUG_ABLR 0xd /* Low address breakpoint */
-#define MCFDEBUG_DBR 0xe /* Data breakpoint */
-#define MCFDEBUG_DBMR 0xf /* Data breakpoint mask */
-/* Define some handy constants for the trigger definition register */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_TRC_DISP 0x00000000 /* display on DDATA only */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_TRC_HALT 0x40000000 /* Processor halt on BP */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_TRC_INTR 0x80000000 /* Debug intr on BP */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_LXT1 0x00004000 /* TDR level 1 */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_LXT2 0x00008000 /* TDR level 2 */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EBL1 0x00002000 /* Enable breakpoint level 1 */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EBL2 0x20000000 /* Enable breakpoint level 2 */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLW1 0x00001000 /* Enable data BP longword */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLW2 0x10000000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDWL1 0x00000800 /* Enable data BP lower word */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDWL2 0x08000000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDWU1 0x00000400 /* Enable data BP upper word */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDWU2 0x04000000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLL1 0x00000200 /* Enable data BP low low byte */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLL2 0x02000000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLM1 0x00000100 /* Enable data BP low mid byte */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDLM2 0x01000000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDUM1 0x00000080 /* Enable data BP up mid byte */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDUM2 0x00800000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDUU1 0x00000040 /* Enable data BP up up byte */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EDUU2 0x00400000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_DI1 0x00000020 /* Data BP invert */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_DI2 0x00200000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAI1 0x00000010 /* Enable address BP inverted */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAI2 0x00100000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAR1 0x00000008 /* Enable address BP range */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAR2 0x00080000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAL1 0x00000004 /* Enable address BP low */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EAL2 0x00040000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EPC1 0x00000002 /* Enable PC BP */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_EPC2 0x00020000
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_PCI1 0x00000001 /* PC BP invert */
-#define MCFDEBUG_TDR_PCI2 0x00010000
-/* Constants for the address attribute trigger register */
-#define MCFDEBUG_AAR_RESET 0x00000005
-/* Fields not yet implemented */
-/* And some definitions for the writable sections of the CSR */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_RESET 0x00100000
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_PSTCLK 0x00020000 /* PSTCLK disable */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_IPW 0x00010000 /* Inhibit processor writes */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_MAP 0x00008000 /* Processor refs in emul mode */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_TRC 0x00004000 /* Emul mode on trace exception */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_EMU 0x00002000 /* Force emulation mode */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_DDC_READ 0x00000800 /* Debug data control */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_DDC_WRITE 0x00001000
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_UHE 0x00000400 /* User mode halt enable */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_BTB0 0x00000000 /* Branch target 0 bytes */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_BTB2 0x00000100 /* Branch target 2 bytes */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_BTB3 0x00000200 /* Branch target 3 bytes */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_BTB4 0x00000300 /* Branch target 4 bytes */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_NPL 0x00000040 /* Non-pipelined mode */
-#define MCFDEBUG_CSR_SSM 0x00000010 /* Single step mode */
-/* Constants for the BDM address attribute register */
-#define MCFDEBUG_BAAR_RESET 0x00000005
-/* Fields not yet implemented */
-/* This routine wrappers up the wdebug asm instruction so that the register
- * and value can be relatively easily specified. The biggest hassle here is
- * that the debug module instructions (2 longs) must be long word aligned and
- * some pointer fiddling is performed to ensure this.
- */
-static inline void wdebug(int reg, unsigned long data) {
- unsigned short dbg_spc[6];
- unsigned short *dbg;
- // Force alignment to long word boundary
- dbg = (unsigned short *)((((unsigned long)dbg_spc) + 3) & 0xfffffffc);
- // Build up the debug instruction
- dbg[0] = 0x2c80 | (reg & 0xf);
- dbg[1] = (data >> 16) & 0xffff;
- dbg[2] = data & 0xffff;
- dbg[3] = 0;
- // Perform the wdebug instruction
-#if 0
- // This strain is for gas which doesn't have the wdebug instructions defined
- asm( "move.l %0, %%a0\n\t"
- ".word 0xfbd0\n\t"
- ".word 0x0003\n\t"
- :: "g" (dbg) : "a0");
- // And this is for when it does
- asm( "wdebug (%0)" :: "a" (dbg));
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mman.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mman.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8eebf89f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mman.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/mman.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmu.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a11a63e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __MMU_H
-#define __MMU_H
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-/* Default "unsigned long" context */
-typedef unsigned long mm_context_t;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long end_brk;
-} mm_context_t;
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmu_context.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmu_context.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3be991..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmu_context.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68K_MMU_CONTEXT_H
-#define __M68K_MMU_CONTEXT_H
-#include <asm-generic/mm_hooks.h>
-static inline void enter_lazy_tlb(struct mm_struct *mm, struct task_struct *tsk)
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#include <asm/atomic.h>
-#include <asm/bitops.h>
-#include <asm/mcfmmu.h>
-#include <asm/mmu.h>
-#define NO_CONTEXT 256
-#define LAST_CONTEXT 255
-#define FIRST_CONTEXT 1
-extern unsigned long context_map[];
-extern mm_context_t next_mmu_context;
-extern atomic_t nr_free_contexts;
-extern struct mm_struct *context_mm[LAST_CONTEXT+1];
-extern void steal_context(void);
-static inline void get_mmu_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
- mm_context_t ctx;
- if (mm->context != NO_CONTEXT)
- return;
- while (atomic_dec_and_test_lt(&nr_free_contexts)) {
- atomic_inc(&nr_free_contexts);
- steal_context();
- }
- ctx = next_mmu_context;
- while (test_and_set_bit(ctx, context_map)) {
- ctx = find_next_zero_bit(context_map, LAST_CONTEXT+1, ctx);
- if (ctx > LAST_CONTEXT)
- ctx = 0;
- }
- next_mmu_context = (ctx + 1) & LAST_CONTEXT;
- mm->context = ctx;
- context_mm[ctx] = mm;
- * Set up the context for a new address space.
- */
-#define init_new_context(tsk, mm) (((mm)->context = NO_CONTEXT), 0)
- * We're finished using the context for an address space.
- */
-static inline void destroy_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
- if (mm->context != NO_CONTEXT) {
- clear_bit(mm->context, context_map);
- mm->context = NO_CONTEXT;
- atomic_inc(&nr_free_contexts);
- }
-static inline void set_context(mm_context_t context, pgd_t *pgd)
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("movec %0,%%asid" : : "d" (context));
-static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_struct *prev, struct mm_struct *next,
- struct task_struct *tsk)
- get_mmu_context(tsk->mm);
- set_context(tsk->mm->context, next->pgd);
- * After we have set current->mm to a new value, this activates
- * the context for the new mm so we see the new mappings.
- */
-static inline void activate_mm(struct mm_struct *active_mm,
- struct mm_struct *mm)
- get_mmu_context(mm);
- set_context(mm->context, mm->pgd);
-#define deactivate_mm(tsk, mm) do { } while (0)
-extern void mmu_context_init(void);
-#define prepare_arch_switch(next) load_ksp_mmu(next)
-static inline void load_ksp_mmu(struct task_struct *task)
- unsigned long flags;
- struct mm_struct *mm;
- int asid;
- pgd_t *pgd;
- pmd_t *pmd;
- pte_t *pte;
- unsigned long mmuar;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- mmuar = task->thread.ksp;
- /* Search for a valid TLB entry, if one is found, don't remap */
- mmu_write(MMUAR, mmuar);
- if (mmu_read(MMUSR) & MMUSR_HIT)
- goto end;
- if (mmuar >= PAGE_OFFSET) {
- mm = &init_mm;
- } else {
- pr_info("load_ksp_mmu: non-kernel mm found: 0x%p\n", task->mm);
- mm = task->mm;
- }
- if (!mm)
- goto bug;
- pgd = pgd_offset(mm, mmuar);
- if (pgd_none(*pgd))
- goto bug;
- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, mmuar);
- if (pmd_none(*pmd))
- goto bug;
- pte = (mmuar >= PAGE_OFFSET) ? pte_offset_kernel(pmd, mmuar)
- : pte_offset_map(pmd, mmuar);
- if (pte_none(*pte) || !pte_present(*pte))
- goto bug;
- set_pte(pte, pte_mkyoung(*pte));
- asid = mm->context & 0xff;
- if (!pte_dirty(*pte) && mmuar <= PAGE_OFFSET)
- set_pte(pte, pte_wrprotect(*pte));
- mmu_write(MMUTR, (mmuar & PAGE_MASK) | (asid << MMUTR_IDN) |
- (((int)(pte->pte) & (int)CF_PAGE_MMUTR_MASK)
- mmu_write(MMUDR, (pte_val(*pte) & PAGE_MASK) |
- ((pte->pte) & CF_PAGE_MMUDR_MASK) | MMUDR_SZ_8KB | MMUDR_X);
- mmu_write(MMUOR, MMUOR_ACC | MMUOR_UAA);
- goto end;
- pr_info("ksp load failed: mm=0x%p ksp=0x08%lx\n", mm, mmuar);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
-#elif defined(CONFIG_SUN3)
-#include <asm/sun3mmu.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-extern unsigned long get_free_context(struct mm_struct *mm);
-extern void clear_context(unsigned long context);
-/* set the context for a new task to unmapped */
-static inline int init_new_context(struct task_struct *tsk,
- struct mm_struct *mm)
- mm->context = SUN3_INVALID_CONTEXT;
- return 0;
-/* find the context given to this process, and if it hasn't already
- got one, go get one for it. */
-static inline void get_mmu_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
- if (mm->context == SUN3_INVALID_CONTEXT)
- mm->context = get_free_context(mm);
-/* flush context if allocated... */
-static inline void destroy_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
- if (mm->context != SUN3_INVALID_CONTEXT)
- clear_context(mm->context);
-static inline void activate_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
- get_mmu_context(mm);
- sun3_put_context(mm->context);
-static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_struct *prev, struct mm_struct *next,
- struct task_struct *tsk)
- activate_context(tsk->mm);
-#define deactivate_mm(tsk, mm) do { } while (0)
-static inline void activate_mm(struct mm_struct *prev_mm,
- struct mm_struct *next_mm)
- activate_context(next_mm);
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/pgalloc.h>
-static inline int init_new_context(struct task_struct *tsk,
- struct mm_struct *mm)
- mm->context = virt_to_phys(mm->pgd);
- return 0;
-#define destroy_context(mm) do { } while(0)
-static inline void switch_mm_0230(struct mm_struct *mm)
- unsigned long crp[2] = {
- 0x80000000 | _PAGE_TABLE, mm->context
- };
- unsigned long tmp;
- asm volatile (".chip 68030");
- /* flush MC68030/MC68020 caches (they are virtually addressed) */
- asm volatile (
- "movec %%cacr,%0;"
- "orw %1,%0; "
- "movec %0,%%cacr"
- : "=d" (tmp) : "di" (FLUSH_I_AND_D));
- /* Switch the root pointer. For a 030-only kernel,
- * avoid flushing the whole ATC, we only need to
- * flush the user entries. The 68851 does this by
- * itself. Avoid a runtime check here.
- */
- asm volatile (
-#ifdef CPU_M68030_ONLY
- "pmovefd %0,%%crp; "
- "pflush #0,#4"
- "pmove %0,%%crp"
- : : "m" (crp[0]));
- asm volatile (".chip 68k");
-static inline void switch_mm_0460(struct mm_struct *mm)
- asm volatile (".chip 68040");
- /* flush address translation cache (user entries) */
- asm volatile ("pflushan");
- /* switch the root pointer */
- asm volatile ("movec %0,%%urp" : : "r" (mm->context));
- if (CPU_IS_060) {
- unsigned long tmp;
- /* clear user entries in the branch cache */
- asm volatile (
- "movec %%cacr,%0; "
- "orl %1,%0; "
- "movec %0,%%cacr"
- : "=d" (tmp): "di" (0x00200000));
- }
- asm volatile (".chip 68k");
-static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_struct *prev, struct mm_struct *next, struct task_struct *tsk)
- if (prev != next) {
- if (CPU_IS_020_OR_030)
- switch_mm_0230(next);
- else
- switch_mm_0460(next);
- }
-#define deactivate_mm(tsk,mm) do { } while (0)
-static inline void activate_mm(struct mm_struct *prev_mm,
- struct mm_struct *next_mm)
- next_mm->context = virt_to_phys(next_mm->pgd);
- if (CPU_IS_020_OR_030)
- switch_mm_0230(next_mm);
- else
- switch_mm_0460(next_mm);
-#else /* !CONFIG_MMU */
-static inline int init_new_context(struct task_struct *tsk, struct mm_struct *mm)
- return 0;
-static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_struct *prev, struct mm_struct *next, struct task_struct *tsk)
-#define destroy_context(mm) do { } while (0)
-#define deactivate_mm(tsk,mm) do { } while (0)
-static inline void activate_mm(struct mm_struct *prev_mm, struct mm_struct *next_mm)
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
-#endif /* __M68K_MMU_CONTEXT_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmzone.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmzone.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e1f1ec7b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mmzone.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_MMZONE_H_
-#define _ASM_M68K_MMZONE_H_
-extern pg_data_t pg_data_map[];
-#define NODE_DATA(nid) (&pg_data_map[nid])
-#define NODE_MEM_MAP(nid) (NODE_DATA(nid)->node_mem_map)
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_MMZONE_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/module.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/module.h
deleted file mode 100644
index edffe66b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/module.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_MODULE_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_MODULE_H
-enum m68k_fixup_type {
- m68k_fixup_memoffset,
- m68k_fixup_vnode_shift,
-struct m68k_fixup_info {
- enum m68k_fixup_type type;
- void *addr;
-struct mod_arch_specific {
- struct m68k_fixup_info *fixup_start, *fixup_end;
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#define MODULE_ARCH_INIT { \
- .fixup_start = __start_fixup, \
- .fixup_end = __stop_fixup, \
-#define m68k_fixup(type, addr) \
- " .section \".m68k_fixup\",\"aw\"\n" \
- " .long " #type "," #addr "\n" \
- " .previous\n"
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
-extern struct m68k_fixup_info __start_fixup[], __stop_fixup[];
-struct module;
-extern void module_fixup(struct module *mod, struct m68k_fixup_info *start,
- struct m68k_fixup_info *end);
-#define Elf_Shdr Elf32_Shdr
-#define Elf_Sym Elf32_Sym
-#define Elf_Ehdr Elf32_Ehdr
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_MODULE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/motorola_pgalloc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/motorola_pgalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f02f264..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/motorola_pgalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm/tlb.h>
-#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-extern pmd_t *get_pointer_table(void);
-extern int free_pointer_table(pmd_t *);
-static inline pte_t *pte_alloc_one_kernel(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address)
- pte_t *pte;
- pte = (pte_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT|__GFP_ZERO);
- if (pte) {
- __flush_page_to_ram(pte);
- flush_tlb_kernel_page(pte);
- nocache_page(pte);
- }
- return pte;
-static inline void pte_free_kernel(struct mm_struct *mm, pte_t *pte)
- cache_page(pte);
- free_page((unsigned long) pte);
-static inline pgtable_t pte_alloc_one(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address)
- struct page *page = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT|__GFP_ZERO, 0);
- pte_t *pte;
- if(!page)
- return NULL;
- pte = kmap(page);
- __flush_page_to_ram(pte);
- flush_tlb_kernel_page(pte);
- nocache_page(pte);
- kunmap(page);
- pgtable_page_ctor(page);
- return page;
-static inline void pte_free(struct mm_struct *mm, pgtable_t page)
- pgtable_page_dtor(page);
- cache_page(kmap(page));
- kunmap(page);
- __free_page(page);
-static inline void __pte_free_tlb(struct mmu_gather *tlb, pgtable_t page,
- unsigned long address)
- pgtable_page_dtor(page);
- cache_page(kmap(page));
- kunmap(page);
- __free_page(page);
-static inline pmd_t *pmd_alloc_one(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address)
- return get_pointer_table();
-static inline int pmd_free(struct mm_struct *mm, pmd_t *pmd)
- return free_pointer_table(pmd);
-static inline int __pmd_free_tlb(struct mmu_gather *tlb, pmd_t *pmd,
- unsigned long address)
- return free_pointer_table(pmd);
-static inline void pgd_free(struct mm_struct *mm, pgd_t *pgd)
- pmd_free(mm, (pmd_t *)pgd);
-static inline pgd_t *pgd_alloc(struct mm_struct *mm)
- return (pgd_t *)get_pointer_table();
-static inline void pmd_populate_kernel(struct mm_struct *mm, pmd_t *pmd, pte_t *pte)
- pmd_set(pmd, pte);
-static inline void pmd_populate(struct mm_struct *mm, pmd_t *pmd, pgtable_t page)
- pmd_set(pmd, page_address(page));
-#define pmd_pgtable(pmd) pmd_page(pmd)
-static inline void pgd_populate(struct mm_struct *mm, pgd_t *pgd, pmd_t *pmd)
- pgd_set(pgd, pmd);
-#endif /* _MOTOROLA_PGALLOC_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/motorola_pgtable.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/motorola_pgtable.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e0fdd4d0..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/motorola_pgtable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
- * Definitions for MMU descriptors
- */
-#define _PAGE_PRESENT 0x001
-#define _PAGE_SHORT 0x002
-#define _PAGE_RONLY 0x004
-#define _PAGE_READWRITE 0x000
-#define _PAGE_ACCESSED 0x008
-#define _PAGE_DIRTY 0x010
-#define _PAGE_SUPER 0x080 /* 68040 supervisor only */
-#define _PAGE_GLOBAL040 0x400 /* 68040 global bit, used for kva descs */
-#define _PAGE_NOCACHE030 0x040 /* 68030 no-cache mode */
-#define _PAGE_NOCACHE 0x060 /* 68040 cache mode, non-serialized */
-#define _PAGE_NOCACHE_S 0x040 /* 68040 no-cache mode, serialized */
-#define _PAGE_CACHE040 0x020 /* 68040 cache mode, cachable, copyback */
-#define _PAGE_CACHE040W 0x000 /* 68040 cache mode, cachable, write-through */
-#define _DESCTYPE_MASK 0x003
-#define _CACHEMASK040 (~0x060)
-#define _TABLE_MASK (0xfffffe00)
-#define _PAGE_PROTNONE 0x004
-#define _PAGE_FILE 0x008 /* pagecache or swap? */
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-/* This is the cache mode to be used for pages containing page descriptors for
- * processors >= '040. It is in pte_mknocache(), and the variable is defined
- * and initialized in head.S */
-extern int m68k_pgtable_cachemode;
-/* This is the cache mode for normal pages, for supervisor access on
- * processors >= '040. It is used in pte_mkcache(), and the variable is
- * defined and initialized in head.S */
-#if defined(CPU_M68060_ONLY) && defined(CONFIG_060_WRITETHROUGH)
-#define m68k_supervisor_cachemode _PAGE_CACHE040W
-#elif defined(CPU_M68040_OR_M68060_ONLY)
-#define m68k_supervisor_cachemode _PAGE_CACHE040
-#elif defined(CPU_M68020_OR_M68030_ONLY)
-#define m68k_supervisor_cachemode 0
-extern int m68k_supervisor_cachemode;
-#if defined(CPU_M68040_OR_M68060_ONLY)
-#define mm_cachebits _PAGE_CACHE040
-#elif defined(CPU_M68020_OR_M68030_ONLY)
-#define mm_cachebits 0
-extern unsigned long mm_cachebits;
-#define PAGE_NONE __pgprot(_PAGE_PROTNONE | _PAGE_ACCESSED | mm_cachebits)
-#define PAGE_SHARED __pgprot(_PAGE_PRESENT | _PAGE_ACCESSED | mm_cachebits)
-#define PAGE_COPY __pgprot(_PAGE_PRESENT | _PAGE_RONLY | _PAGE_ACCESSED | mm_cachebits)
-#define PAGE_READONLY __pgprot(_PAGE_PRESENT | _PAGE_RONLY | _PAGE_ACCESSED | mm_cachebits)
-#define PAGE_KERNEL __pgprot(_PAGE_PRESENT | _PAGE_DIRTY | _PAGE_ACCESSED | mm_cachebits)
-/* Alternate definitions that are compile time constants, for
- initializing protection_map. The cachebits are fixed later. */
- * The m68k can't do page protection for execute, and considers that the same are read.
- * Also, write permissions imply read permissions. This is the closest we can get..
- */
-#define __P000 PAGE_NONE_C
-#define __P001 PAGE_READONLY_C
-#define __P010 PAGE_COPY_C
-#define __P011 PAGE_COPY_C
-#define __P100 PAGE_READONLY_C
-#define __P101 PAGE_READONLY_C
-#define __P110 PAGE_COPY_C
-#define __P111 PAGE_COPY_C
-#define __S000 PAGE_NONE_C
-#define __S001 PAGE_READONLY_C
-#define __S010 PAGE_SHARED_C
-#define __S011 PAGE_SHARED_C
-#define __S100 PAGE_READONLY_C
-#define __S101 PAGE_READONLY_C
-#define __S110 PAGE_SHARED_C
-#define __S111 PAGE_SHARED_C
- * Conversion functions: convert a page and protection to a page entry,
- * and a page entry and page directory to the page they refer to.
- */
-#define mk_pte(page, pgprot) pfn_pte(page_to_pfn(page), (pgprot))
-static inline pte_t pte_modify(pte_t pte, pgprot_t newprot)
- pte_val(pte) = (pte_val(pte) & _PAGE_CHG_MASK) | pgprot_val(newprot);
- return pte;
-static inline void pmd_set(pmd_t *pmdp, pte_t *ptep)
- unsigned long ptbl = virt_to_phys(ptep) | _PAGE_TABLE | _PAGE_ACCESSED;
- unsigned long *ptr = pmdp->pmd;
- short i = 16;
- while (--i >= 0) {
- *ptr++ = ptbl;
- ptbl += (sizeof(pte_t)*PTRS_PER_PTE/16);
- }
-static inline void pgd_set(pgd_t *pgdp, pmd_t *pmdp)
- pgd_val(*pgdp) = _PAGE_TABLE | _PAGE_ACCESSED | __pa(pmdp);
-#define __pte_page(pte) ((unsigned long)__va(pte_val(pte) & PAGE_MASK))
-#define __pmd_page(pmd) ((unsigned long)__va(pmd_val(pmd) & _TABLE_MASK))
-#define __pgd_page(pgd) ((unsigned long)__va(pgd_val(pgd) & _TABLE_MASK))
-#define pte_none(pte) (!pte_val(pte))
-#define pte_present(pte) (pte_val(pte) & (_PAGE_PRESENT | _PAGE_PROTNONE))
-#define pte_clear(mm,addr,ptep) ({ pte_val(*(ptep)) = 0; })
-#define pte_page(pte) virt_to_page(__va(pte_val(pte)))
-#define pte_pfn(pte) (pte_val(pte) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
-#define pfn_pte(pfn, prot) __pte(((pfn) << PAGE_SHIFT) | pgprot_val(prot))
-#define pmd_none(pmd) (!pmd_val(pmd))
-#define pmd_bad(pmd) ((pmd_val(pmd) & _DESCTYPE_MASK) != _PAGE_TABLE)
-#define pmd_present(pmd) (pmd_val(pmd) & _PAGE_TABLE)
-#define pmd_clear(pmdp) ({ \
- unsigned long *__ptr = pmdp->pmd; \
- short __i = 16; \
- while (--__i >= 0) \
- *__ptr++ = 0; \
-#define pmd_page(pmd) virt_to_page(__va(pmd_val(pmd)))
-#define pgd_none(pgd) (!pgd_val(pgd))
-#define pgd_bad(pgd) ((pgd_val(pgd) & _DESCTYPE_MASK) != _PAGE_TABLE)
-#define pgd_present(pgd) (pgd_val(pgd) & _PAGE_TABLE)
-#define pgd_clear(pgdp) ({ pgd_val(*pgdp) = 0; })
-#define pgd_page(pgd) (mem_map + ((unsigned long)(__va(pgd_val(pgd)) - PAGE_OFFSET) >> PAGE_SHIFT))
-#define pte_ERROR(e) \
- printk("%s:%d: bad pte %08lx.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pte_val(e))
-#define pmd_ERROR(e) \
- printk("%s:%d: bad pmd %08lx.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pmd_val(e))
-#define pgd_ERROR(e) \
- printk("%s:%d: bad pgd %08lx.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pgd_val(e))
- * The following only work if pte_present() is true.
- * Undefined behaviour if not..
- */
-static inline int pte_write(pte_t pte) { return !(pte_val(pte) & _PAGE_RONLY); }
-static inline int pte_dirty(pte_t pte) { return pte_val(pte) & _PAGE_DIRTY; }
-static inline int pte_young(pte_t pte) { return pte_val(pte) & _PAGE_ACCESSED; }
-static inline int pte_file(pte_t pte) { return pte_val(pte) & _PAGE_FILE; }
-static inline int pte_special(pte_t pte) { return 0; }
-static inline pte_t pte_wrprotect(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) |= _PAGE_RONLY; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkclean(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) &= ~_PAGE_DIRTY; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkold(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) &= ~_PAGE_ACCESSED; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkwrite(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) &= ~_PAGE_RONLY; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkdirty(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) |= _PAGE_DIRTY; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkyoung(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) |= _PAGE_ACCESSED; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mknocache(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) = (pte_val(pte) & _CACHEMASK040) | m68k_pgtable_cachemode;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkcache(pte_t pte)
- pte_val(pte) = (pte_val(pte) & _CACHEMASK040) | m68k_supervisor_cachemode;
- return pte;
-static inline pte_t pte_mkspecial(pte_t pte) { return pte; }
-#define PAGE_DIR_OFFSET(tsk,address) pgd_offset((tsk),(address))
-#define pgd_index(address) ((address) >> PGDIR_SHIFT)
-/* to find an entry in a page-table-directory */
-static inline pgd_t *pgd_offset(const struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long address)
- return mm->pgd + pgd_index(address);
-#define swapper_pg_dir kernel_pg_dir
-extern pgd_t kernel_pg_dir[128];
-static inline pgd_t *pgd_offset_k(unsigned long address)
- return kernel_pg_dir + (address >> PGDIR_SHIFT);
-/* Find an entry in the second-level page table.. */
-static inline pmd_t *pmd_offset(pgd_t *dir, unsigned long address)
- return (pmd_t *)__pgd_page(*dir) + ((address >> PMD_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PMD-1));
-/* Find an entry in the third-level page table.. */
-static inline pte_t *pte_offset_kernel(pmd_t *pmdp, unsigned long address)
- return (pte_t *)__pmd_page(*pmdp) + ((address >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1));
-#define pte_offset_map(pmdp,address) ((pte_t *)__pmd_page(*pmdp) + (((address) >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1)))
-#define pte_unmap(pte) ((void)0)
- * Allocate and free page tables. The xxx_kernel() versions are
- * used to allocate a kernel page table - this turns on ASN bits
- * if any.
- */
-/* Prior to calling these routines, the page should have been flushed
- * from both the cache and ATC, or the CPU might not notice that the
- * cache setting for the page has been changed. -jskov
- */
-static inline void nocache_page(void *vaddr)
- unsigned long addr = (unsigned long)vaddr;
- if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) {
- pgd_t *dir;
- pmd_t *pmdp;
- pte_t *ptep;
- dir = pgd_offset_k(addr);
- pmdp = pmd_offset(dir, addr);
- ptep = pte_offset_kernel(pmdp, addr);
- *ptep = pte_mknocache(*ptep);
- }
-static inline void cache_page(void *vaddr)
- unsigned long addr = (unsigned long)vaddr;
- if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) {
- pgd_t *dir;
- pmd_t *pmdp;
- pte_t *ptep;
- dir = pgd_offset_k(addr);
- pmdp = pmd_offset(dir, addr);
- ptep = pte_offset_kernel(pmdp, addr);
- *ptep = pte_mkcache(*ptep);
- }
-#define PTE_FILE_MAX_BITS 28
-static inline unsigned long pte_to_pgoff(pte_t pte)
- return pte.pte >> 4;
-static inline pte_t pgoff_to_pte(unsigned off)
- pte_t pte = { (off << 4) + _PAGE_FILE };
- return pte;
-/* Encode and de-code a swap entry (must be !pte_none(e) && !pte_present(e)) */
-#define __swp_type(x) (((x).val >> 4) & 0xff)
-#define __swp_offset(x) ((x).val >> 12)
-#define __swp_entry(type, offset) ((swp_entry_t) { ((type) << 4) | ((offset) << 12) })
-#define __pte_to_swp_entry(pte) ((swp_entry_t) { pte_val(pte) })
-#define __swp_entry_to_pte(x) ((pte_t) { (x).val })
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _MOTOROLA_PGTABLE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/movs.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/movs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 67dbea36..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/movs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __MOVS_H__
-#define __MOVS_H__
-** movs.h
-** Inline assembly macros to generate movs & related instructions
-/* Set DFC register value */
-#define SET_DFC(x) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movec %0,%/dfc" : : "d" (x));
-/* Get DFC register value */
-#define GET_DFC(x) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movec %/dfc, %0" : "=d" (x) : );
-/* Set SFC register value */
-#define SET_SFC(x) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movec %0,%/sfc" : : "d" (x));
-/* Get SFC register value */
-#define GET_SFC(x) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movec %/sfc, %0" : "=d" (x) : );
-#define SET_VBR(x) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movec %0,%/vbr" : : "r" (x));
-#define GET_VBR(x) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movec %/vbr, %0" : "=g" (x) : );
-/* Set a byte using the "movs" instruction */
-#define SET_CONTROL_BYTE(addr,value) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movsb %0, %1@" : : "d" (value), "a" (addr));
-/* Get a byte using the "movs" instruction */
-#define GET_CONTROL_BYTE(addr,value) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movsb %1@, %0" : "=d" (value) : "a" (addr));
-/* Set a (long)word using the "movs" instruction */
-#define SET_CONTROL_WORD(addr,value) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movsl %0, %1@" : : "d" (value), "a" (addr));
-/* Get a (long)word using the "movs" instruction */
-#define GET_CONTROL_WORD(addr,value) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" movsl %1@, %0" : "=d" (value) : "a" (addr));
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/msgbuf.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/msgbuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 243cb798..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/msgbuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_MSGBUF_H
-#define _M68K_MSGBUF_H
- * The msqid64_ds structure for m68k architecture.
- * Note extra padding because this structure is passed back and forth
- * between kernel and user space.
- *
- * Pad space is left for:
- * - 64-bit time_t to solve y2038 problem
- * - 2 miscellaneous 32-bit values
- */
-struct msqid64_ds {
- struct ipc64_perm msg_perm;
- __kernel_time_t msg_stime; /* last msgsnd time */
- unsigned long __unused1;
- __kernel_time_t msg_rtime; /* last msgrcv time */
- unsigned long __unused2;
- __kernel_time_t msg_ctime; /* last change time */
- unsigned long __unused3;
- unsigned long msg_cbytes; /* current number of bytes on queue */
- unsigned long msg_qnum; /* number of messages in queue */
- unsigned long msg_qbytes; /* max number of bytes on queue */
- __kernel_pid_t msg_lspid; /* pid of last msgsnd */
- __kernel_pid_t msg_lrpid; /* last receive pid */
- unsigned long __unused4;
- unsigned long __unused5;
-#endif /* _M68K_MSGBUF_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mutex.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mutex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 458c1f7f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mutex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- * Pull in the generic implementation for the mutex fastpath.
- *
- * TODO: implement optimized primitives instead, or leave the generic
- * implementation in place, or pick the atomic_xchg() based generic
- * implementation. (see asm-generic/mutex-xchg.h for details)
- */
-#include <asm-generic/mutex-dec.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mvme147hw.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mvme147hw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b8104310..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mvme147hw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _MVME147HW_H_
-#define _MVME147HW_H_
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char
- ctrl,
- bcd_sec,
- bcd_min,
- bcd_hr,
- bcd_dow,
- bcd_dom,
- bcd_mth,
- bcd_year;
-} MK48T02;
-#define RTC_WRITE 0x80
-#define RTC_READ 0x40
-#define RTC_STOP 0x20
-#define m147_rtc ((MK48T02 * volatile)0xfffe07f8)
-struct pcc_regs {
- volatile u_long dma_tadr;
- volatile u_long dma_dadr;
- volatile u_long dma_bcr;
- volatile u_long dma_hr;
- volatile u_short t1_preload;
- volatile u_short t1_count;
- volatile u_short t2_preload;
- volatile u_short t2_count;
- volatile u_char t1_int_cntrl;
- volatile u_char t1_cntrl;
- volatile u_char t2_int_cntrl;
- volatile u_char t2_cntrl;
- volatile u_char ac_fail;
- volatile u_char watchdog;
- volatile u_char lpt_intr;
- volatile u_char lpt_cntrl;
- volatile u_char dma_intr;
- volatile u_char dma_cntrl;
- volatile u_char bus_error;
- volatile u_char dma_status;
- volatile u_char abort;
- volatile u_char ta_fnctl;
- volatile u_char serial_cntrl;
- volatile u_char general_cntrl;
- volatile u_char lan_cntrl;
- volatile u_char general_status;
- volatile u_char scsi_interrupt;
- volatile u_char slave;
- volatile u_char soft1_cntrl;
- volatile u_char int_base;
- volatile u_char soft2_cntrl;
- volatile u_char revision_level;
- volatile u_char lpt_data;
- volatile u_char lpt_status;
- };
-#define m147_pcc ((struct pcc_regs * volatile)0xfffe1000)
-#define PCC_INT_ENAB 0x08
-#define PCC_TIMER_INT_CLR 0x80
-#define PCC_TIMER_PRELOAD 63936l
-#define PCC_LEVEL_ABORT 0x07
-#define PCC_LEVEL_SERIAL 0x04
-#define PCC_LEVEL_ETH 0x04
-#define PCC_LEVEL_TIMER1 0x04
-#define PCC_LEVEL_SCSI_PORT 0x04
-#define PCC_LEVEL_SCSI_DMA 0x04
-#define PCC_IRQ_BERR (IRQ_USER+1)
-/* #define PCC_IRQ_SERIAL (IRQ_USER+3) */
-#define PCC_IRQ_TIMER1 (IRQ_USER+8)
-#define PCC_IRQ_TIMER2 (IRQ_USER+9)
-#define M147_SCC_A_ADDR 0xfffe3002
-#define M147_SCC_B_ADDR 0xfffe3000
-#define M147_SCC_PCLK 5000000
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCSI_PORT (IRQ_USER+0x45)
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCSI_DMA (IRQ_USER+0x46)
-/* SCC interrupts, for MVME147 */
-#define MVME147_IRQ_TYPE_PRIO 0
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCC_BASE (IRQ_USER+32)
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCCB_TX (IRQ_USER+32)
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCCB_STAT (IRQ_USER+34)
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCCB_RX (IRQ_USER+36)
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCCA_TX (IRQ_USER+40)
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCCA_STAT (IRQ_USER+42)
-#define MVME147_IRQ_SCCA_RX (IRQ_USER+44)
-#define MVME147_LANCE_BASE 0xfffe1800
-#define MVME147_LANCE_IRQ (IRQ_USER+4)
-#define ETHERNET_ADDRESS 0xfffe0778
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mvme16xhw.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mvme16xhw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6117f566..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/mvme16xhw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_MVME16xHW_H_
-#define _M68K_MVME16xHW_H_
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-/* Board ID data structure - pointer to this retrieved from Bug by head.S */
-/* Note, bytes 12 and 13 are board no in BCD (0162,0166,0167,0177,etc) */
-extern long mvme_bdid_ptr;
-typedef struct {
- char bdid[4];
- u_char rev, mth, day, yr;
- u_short size, reserved;
- u_short brdno;
- char brdsuffix[2];
- u_long options;
- u_short clun, dlun, ctype, dnum;
- u_long option2;
-} t_bdid, *p_bdid;
-typedef struct {
- u_char ack_icr,
- flt_icr,
- sel_icr,
- pe_icr,
- bsy_icr,
- spare1,
- isr,
- cr,
- spare2,
- spare3,
- spare4,
- data;
-} MVMElp, *MVMElpPtr;
-#define MVME_LPR_BASE 0xfff42030
-#define mvmelp ((*(volatile MVMElpPtr)(MVME_LPR_BASE)))
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char
- ctrl,
- bcd_sec,
- bcd_min,
- bcd_hr,
- bcd_dow,
- bcd_dom,
- bcd_mth,
- bcd_year;
-} MK48T08_t, *MK48T08ptr_t;
-#define RTC_WRITE 0x80
-#define RTC_READ 0x40
-#define RTC_STOP 0x20
-#define MVME_RTC_BASE 0xfffc1ff8
-#define MVME_I596_BASE 0xfff46000
-#define MVME_SCC_A_ADDR 0xfff45005
-#define MVME_SCC_B_ADDR 0xfff45001
-#define MVME_SCC_PCLK 10000000
-#define MVME162_IRQ_TYPE_PRIO 0
-#define MVME167_IRQ_PRN (IRQ_USER+20)
-#define MVME16x_IRQ_I596 (IRQ_USER+23)
-#define MVME16x_IRQ_SCSI (IRQ_USER+21)
-#define MVME16x_IRQ_FLY (IRQ_USER+63)
-#define MVME167_IRQ_SER_ERR (IRQ_USER+28)
-#define MVME167_IRQ_SER_MODEM (IRQ_USER+29)
-#define MVME167_IRQ_SER_TX (IRQ_USER+30)
-#define MVME167_IRQ_SER_RX (IRQ_USER+31)
-#define MVME16x_IRQ_TIMER (IRQ_USER+25)
-#define MVME167_IRQ_ABORT (IRQ_USER+46)
-#define MVME162_IRQ_ABORT (IRQ_USER+30)
-/* SCC interrupts, for MVME162 */
-#define MVME162_IRQ_SCC_BASE (IRQ_USER+0)
-#define MVME162_IRQ_SCCB_TX (IRQ_USER+0)
-#define MVME162_IRQ_SCCB_RX (IRQ_USER+4)
-#define MVME162_IRQ_SCCA_TX (IRQ_USER+8)
-#define MVME162_IRQ_SCCA_STAT (IRQ_USER+10)
-#define MVME162_IRQ_SCCA_RX (IRQ_USER+12)
-/* MVME162 version register */
-#define MVME162_VERSION_REG 0xfff4202e
-extern unsigned short mvme16x_config;
-/* Lower 8 bits must match the revision register in the MC2 chip */
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_SPEED_32 0x0001
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_NO_VMECHIP2 0x0002
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_NO_SCSICHIP 0x0004
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_NO_ETHERNET 0x0008
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_GOT_FPU 0x0010
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_GOT_LP 0x0100
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_GOT_CD2401 0x0200
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_GOT_SCCA 0x0400
-#define MVME16x_CONFIG_GOT_SCCB 0x0800
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/natfeat.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/natfeat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a3521b80..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/natfeat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * ARAnyM hardware support via Native Features (natfeats)
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005 Petr Stehlik of ARAnyM dev team
- *
- * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of
- * the GNU General Public License (GPL), incorporated herein by reference.
- */
-#ifndef _NATFEAT_H
-#define _NATFEAT_H
-long nf_get_id(const char *feature_name);
-long nf_call(long id, ...);
-void nf_init(void);
-void nf_shutdown(void);
-void nfprint(const char *fmt, ...)
- __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
-# endif /* _NATFEAT_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/nettel.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/nettel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dec2d9f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/nettel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- * nettel.h -- Lineo (formerly Moreton Bay) NETtel support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999-2000, Moreton Bay (
- * (C) Copyright 2000-2001, Lineo Inc. (
- * (C) Copyright 2001-2002, SnapGear Inc., (
- */
-#ifndef nettel_h
-#define nettel_h
-#ifdef CONFIG_NETtel
-#include <asm/coldfire.h>
-#include <asm/mcfsim.h>
-#if defined(CONFIG_M5307)
- * NETtel/5307 based hardware first. DTR/DCD lines are wired to
- * GPIO lines. Most of the LED's are driver through a latch
- * connected to CS2.
- */
-#define MCFPP_DCD1 0x0001
-#define MCFPP_DCD0 0x0002
-#define MCFPP_DTR1 0x0004
-#define MCFPP_DTR0 0x0008
-#define NETtel_LEDADDR 0x30400000
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-extern volatile unsigned short ppdata;
- * These functions defined to give quasi generic access to the
- * PPIO bits used for DTR/DCD.
- */
-static __inline__ unsigned int mcf_getppdata(void)
- volatile unsigned short *pp;
- pp = (volatile unsigned short *) MCFSIM_PADAT;
- return((unsigned int) *pp);
-static __inline__ void mcf_setppdata(unsigned int mask, unsigned int bits)
- volatile unsigned short *pp;
- pp = (volatile unsigned short *) MCFSIM_PADAT;
- ppdata = (ppdata & ~mask) | bits;
- *pp = ppdata;
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5206e)
- * NETtel/5206e based hardware has leds on latch on CS3.
- * No support modem for lines??
- */
-#define NETtel_LEDADDR 0x50000000
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M5272)
- * NETtel/5272 based hardware. DTR/DCD lines are wired to GPB lines.
- */
-#define MCFPP_DCD0 0x0080
-#define MCFPP_DCD1 0x0000 /* Port 1 no DCD support */
-#define MCFPP_DTR0 0x0040
-#define MCFPP_DTR1 0x0000 /* Port 1 no DTR support */
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- * These functions defined to give quasi generic access to the
- * PPIO bits used for DTR/DCD.
- */
-static __inline__ unsigned int mcf_getppdata(void)
- volatile unsigned short *pp;
- pp = (volatile unsigned short *) (MCF_MBAR + MCFSIM_PBDAT);
- return((unsigned int) *pp);
-static __inline__ void mcf_setppdata(unsigned int mask, unsigned int bits)
- volatile unsigned short *pp;
- pp = (volatile unsigned short *) (MCF_MBAR + MCFSIM_PBDAT);
- *pp = (*pp & ~mask) | bits;
-#endif /* CONFIG_NETtel */
-#endif /* nettel_h */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/nubus.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/nubus.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d6be9976..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/nubus.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_NUBUS_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_NUBUS_H
-#include <asm/raw_io.h>
-#define nubus_readb raw_inb
-#define nubus_readw raw_inw
-#define nubus_readl raw_inl
-#define nubus_writeb raw_outb
-#define nubus_writew raw_outw
-#define nubus_writel raw_outl
-#define nubus_memset_io(a,b,c) memset((void *)(a),(b),(c))
-#define nubus_memcpy_fromio(a,b,c) memcpy((a),(void *)(b),(c))
-#define nubus_memcpy_toio(a,b,c) memcpy((void *)(a),(b),(c))
-static inline void *nubus_remap_nocache_ser(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_NOCACHE_SER);
-static inline void *nubus_remap_nocache_nonser(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_NOCACHE_NONSER);
-static inline void *nbus_remap_writethrough(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_WRITETHROUGH);
-static inline void *nubus_remap_fullcache(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_FULL_CACHING);
-#define nubus_unmap iounmap
-#define nubus_iounmap iounmap
-#define nubus_ioremap nubus_remap_nocache_ser
-#endif /* _ASM_NUBUS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/openprom.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/openprom.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d33cdadf..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/openprom.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-/* openprom.h: Prom structures and defines for access to the OPENBOOT
- * prom routines and data areas.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995 David S. Miller (
- */
-/* Empirical constants... */
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define KADB_DEBUGGER_BEGVM 0x0fee0000 /* There is no kadb yet but...*/
-#define LINUX_OPPROM_BEGVM 0x0fef0000
-#define LINUX_OPPROM_ENDVM 0x0ff10000 /* I think this is right - tm */
-#define KADB_DEBUGGER_BEGVM 0xffc00000 /* Where kern debugger is in virt-mem */
-#define LINUX_OPPROM_BEGVM 0xffd00000
-#define LINUX_OPPROM_ENDVM 0xfff00000
-#define LINUX_OPPROM_MAGIC 0x10010407
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-/* V0 prom device operations. */
-struct linux_dev_v0_funcs {
- int (*v0_devopen)(char *device_str);
- int (*v0_devclose)(int dev_desc);
- int (*v0_rdblkdev)(int dev_desc, int num_blks, int blk_st, char *buf);
- int (*v0_wrblkdev)(int dev_desc, int num_blks, int blk_st, char *buf);
- int (*v0_wrnetdev)(int dev_desc, int num_bytes, char *buf);
- int (*v0_rdnetdev)(int dev_desc, int num_bytes, char *buf);
- int (*v0_rdchardev)(int dev_desc, int num_bytes, int dummy, char *buf);
- int (*v0_wrchardev)(int dev_desc, int num_bytes, int dummy, char *buf);
- int (*v0_seekdev)(int dev_desc, long logical_offst, int from);
-/* V2 and later prom device operations. */
-struct linux_dev_v2_funcs {
- int (*v2_inst2pkg)(int d); /* Convert ihandle to phandle */
- char * (*v2_dumb_mem_alloc)(char *va, unsigned sz);
- void (*v2_dumb_mem_free)(char *va, unsigned sz);
- /* To map devices into virtual I/O space. */
- char * (*v2_dumb_mmap)(char *virta, int which_io, unsigned paddr, unsigned sz);
- void (*v2_dumb_munmap)(char *virta, unsigned size);
- int (*v2_dev_open)(char *devpath);
- void (*v2_dev_close)(int d);
- int (*v2_dev_read)(int d, char *buf, int nbytes);
- int (*v2_dev_write)(int d, char *buf, int nbytes);
- int (*v2_dev_seek)(int d, int hi, int lo);
- /* Never issued (multistage load support) */
- void (*v2_wheee2)(void);
- void (*v2_wheee3)(void);
-struct linux_mlist_v0 {
- struct linux_mlist_v0 *theres_more;
- char *start_adr;
- unsigned num_bytes;
-struct linux_mem_v0 {
- struct linux_mlist_v0 **v0_totphys;
- struct linux_mlist_v0 **v0_prommap;
- struct linux_mlist_v0 **v0_available; /* What we can use */
-/* Arguments sent to the kernel from the boot prompt. */
-struct linux_arguments_v0 {
- char *argv[8];
- char args[100];
- char boot_dev[2];
- int boot_dev_ctrl;
- int boot_dev_unit;
- int dev_partition;
- char *kernel_file_name;
- void *aieee1; /* XXX */
-/* V2 and up boot things. */
-struct linux_bootargs_v2 {
- char **bootpath;
- char **bootargs;
- int *fd_stdin;
- int *fd_stdout;
-#if defined(CONFIG_SUN3) || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X)
-struct linux_romvec {
- char *pv_initsp;
- int (*pv_startmon)(void);
- int *diagberr;
- struct linux_arguments_v0 **pv_v0bootargs;
- unsigned *pv_sun3mem;
- unsigned char (*pv_getchar)(void);
- int (*pv_putchar)(int ch);
- int (*pv_nbgetchar)(void);
- int (*pv_nbputchar)(int ch);
- unsigned char *pv_echo;
- unsigned char *pv_insource;
- unsigned char *pv_outsink;
- int (*pv_getkey)(void);
- int (*pv_initgetkey)(void);
- unsigned int *pv_translation;
- unsigned char *pv_keybid;
- int *pv_screen_x;
- int *pv_screen_y;
- struct keybuf *pv_keybuf;
- char *pv_monid;
- /*
- * Frame buffer output and terminal emulation
- */
- int (*pv_fbwritechar)(char);
- int *pv_fbaddr;
- char **pv_font;
- int (*pv_fbwritestr)(char);
- void (*pv_reboot)(char *bootstr);
- /*
- * Line input and parsing
- */
- unsigned char *pv_linebuf;
- unsigned char **pv_lineptr;
- int *pv_linesize;
- int (*pv_getline)(void);
- unsigned char (*pv_getnextchar)(void);
- unsigned char (*pv_peeknextchar)(void);
- int *pv_fbthere;
- int (*pv_getnum)(void);
- void (*pv_printf)(const char *fmt, ...);
- int (*pv_printhex)(void);
- unsigned char *pv_leds;
- int (*pv_setleds)(void);
- /*
- * Non-maskable interrupt (nmi) information
- */
- int (*pv_nmiaddr)(void);
- int (*pv_abortentry)(void);
- int *pv_nmiclock;
- int *pv_fbtype;
- /*
- * Assorted other things
- */
- unsigned pv_romvers;
- struct globram *pv_globram;
- char *pv_kbdzscc;
- int *pv_keyrinit;
- unsigned char *pv_keyrtick;
- unsigned *pv_memoryavail;
- long *pv_resetaddr;
- long *pv_resetmap;
- void (*pv_halt)(void);
- unsigned char *pv_memorybitmap;
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
- void (*pv_setctxt)(int ctxt, char *va, int pmeg);
- void (*pv_vector_cmd)(void);
- int dummy1z;
- int dummy2z;
- int dummy3z;
- int dummy4z;
-/* The top level PROM vector. */
-struct linux_romvec {
- /* Version numbers. */
- unsigned int pv_magic_cookie;
- unsigned int pv_romvers;
- unsigned int pv_plugin_revision;
- unsigned int pv_printrev;
- /* Version 0 memory descriptors. */
- struct linux_mem_v0 pv_v0mem;
- /* Node operations. */
- struct linux_nodeops *pv_nodeops;
- char **pv_bootstr;
- struct linux_dev_v0_funcs pv_v0devops;
- char *pv_stdin;
- char *pv_stdout;
-#define PROMDEV_KBD 0 /* input from keyboard */
-#define PROMDEV_SCREEN 0 /* output to screen */
-#define PROMDEV_TTYA 1 /* in/out to ttya */
-#define PROMDEV_TTYB 2 /* in/out to ttyb */
- /* Blocking getchar/putchar. NOT REENTRANT! (grr) */
- int (*pv_getchar)(void);
- void (*pv_putchar)(int ch);
- /* Non-blocking variants. */
- int (*pv_nbgetchar)(void);
- int (*pv_nbputchar)(int ch);
- void (*pv_putstr)(char *str, int len);
- /* Miscellany. */
- void (*pv_reboot)(char *bootstr);
- void (*pv_printf)(__const__ char *fmt, ...);
- void (*pv_abort)(void);
- __volatile__ int *pv_ticks;
- void (*pv_halt)(void);
- void (**pv_synchook)(void);
- /* Evaluate a forth string, not different proto for V0 and V2->up. */
- union {
- void (*v0_eval)(int len, char *str);
- void (*v2_eval)(char *str);
- } pv_fortheval;
- struct linux_arguments_v0 **pv_v0bootargs;
- /* Get ether address. */
- unsigned int (*pv_enaddr)(int d, char *enaddr);
- struct linux_bootargs_v2 pv_v2bootargs;
- struct linux_dev_v2_funcs pv_v2devops;
- int filler[15];
- /* This one is sun4c/sun4 only. */
- void (*pv_setctxt)(int ctxt, char *va, int pmeg);
- /* Prom version 3 Multiprocessor routines. This stuff is crazy.
- * No joke. Calling these when there is only one cpu probably
- * crashes the machine, have to test this. :-)
- */
- /* v3_cpustart() will start the cpu 'whichcpu' in mmu-context
- * 'thiscontext' executing at address 'prog_counter'
- */
- int (*v3_cpustart)(unsigned int whichcpu, int ctxtbl_ptr,
- int thiscontext, char *prog_counter);
- /* v3_cpustop() will cause cpu 'whichcpu' to stop executing
- * until a resume cpu call is made.
- */
- int (*v3_cpustop)(unsigned int whichcpu);
- /* v3_cpuidle() will idle cpu 'whichcpu' until a stop or
- * resume cpu call is made.
- */
- int (*v3_cpuidle)(unsigned int whichcpu);
- /* v3_cpuresume() will resume processor 'whichcpu' executing
- * starting with whatever 'pc' and 'npc' were left at the
- * last 'idle' or 'stop' call.
- */
- int (*v3_cpuresume)(unsigned int whichcpu);
-/* Routines for traversing the prom device tree. */
-struct linux_nodeops {
- int (*no_nextnode)(int node);
- int (*no_child)(int node);
- int (*no_proplen)(int node, char *name);
- int (*no_getprop)(int node, char *name, char *val);
- int (*no_setprop)(int node, char *name, char *val, int len);
- char * (*no_nextprop)(int node, char *name);
-/* More fun PROM structures for device probing. */
-#define PROMREG_MAX 16
-#define PROMVADDR_MAX 16
-#define PROMINTR_MAX 15
-struct linux_prom_registers {
- int which_io; /* is this in OBIO space? */
- char *phys_addr; /* The physical address of this register */
- int reg_size; /* How many bytes does this register take up? */
-struct linux_prom_irqs {
- int pri; /* IRQ priority */
- int vector; /* This is foobar, what does it do? */
-/* Element of the "ranges" vector */
-struct linux_prom_ranges {
- unsigned int ot_child_space;
- unsigned int ot_child_base; /* Bus feels this */
- unsigned int ot_parent_space;
- unsigned int ot_parent_base; /* CPU looks from here */
- unsigned int or_size;
-#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLY__) */
-#endif /* !(__SPARC_OPENPROM_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/oplib.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/oplib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f082d033..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/oplib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
- * oplib.h: Describes the interface and available routines in the
- * Linux Prom library.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995 David S. Miller (
- */
-#ifndef __SPARC_OPLIB_H
-#define __SPARC_OPLIB_H
-#include <asm/openprom.h>
-/* The master romvec pointer... */
-extern struct linux_romvec *romvec;
-/* Enumeration to describe the prom major version we have detected. */
-enum prom_major_version {
- PROM_V0, /* Original sun4c V0 prom */
- PROM_V2, /* sun4c and early sun4m V2 prom */
- PROM_V3, /* sun4m and later, up to sun4d/sun4e machines V3 */
- PROM_P1275, /* IEEE compliant ISA based Sun PROM, only sun4u */
-extern enum prom_major_version prom_vers;
-/* Revision, and firmware revision. */
-extern unsigned int prom_rev, prom_prev;
-/* Root node of the prom device tree, this stays constant after
- * initialization is complete.
- */
-extern int prom_root_node;
-/* Pointer to prom structure containing the device tree traversal
- * and usage utility functions. Only prom-lib should use these,
- * users use the interface defined by the library only!
- */
-extern struct linux_nodeops *prom_nodeops;
-/* The functions... */
-/* You must call prom_init() before using any of the library services,
- * preferably as early as possible. Pass it the romvec pointer.
- */
-extern void prom_init(struct linux_romvec *rom_ptr);
-/* Boot argument acquisition, returns the boot command line string. */
-extern char *prom_getbootargs(void);
-/* Device utilities. */
-/* Map and unmap devices in IO space at virtual addresses. Note that the
- * virtual address you pass is a request and the prom may put your mappings
- * somewhere else, so check your return value as that is where your new
- * mappings really are!
- *
- * Another note, these are only available on V2 or higher proms!
- */
-extern char *prom_mapio(char *virt_hint, int io_space, unsigned int phys_addr, unsigned int num_bytes);
-extern void prom_unmapio(char *virt_addr, unsigned int num_bytes);
-/* Device operations. */
-/* Open the device described by the passed string. Note, that the format
- * of the string is different on V0 vs. V2->higher proms. The caller must
- * know what he/she is doing! Returns the device descriptor, an int.
- */
-extern int prom_devopen(char *device_string);
-/* Close a previously opened device described by the passed integer
- * descriptor.
- */
-extern int prom_devclose(int device_handle);
-/* Do a seek operation on the device described by the passed integer
- * descriptor.
- */
-extern void prom_seek(int device_handle, unsigned int seek_hival,
- unsigned int seek_lowval);
-/* Machine memory configuration routine. */
-/* This function returns a V0 format memory descriptor table, it has three
- * entries. One for the total amount of physical ram on the machine, one
- * for the amount of physical ram available, and one describing the virtual
- * areas which are allocated by the prom. So, in a sense the physical
- * available is a calculation of the total physical minus the physical mapped
- * by the prom with virtual mappings.
- *
- * These lists are returned pre-sorted, this should make your life easier
- * since the prom itself is way too lazy to do such nice things.
- */
-extern struct linux_mem_v0 *prom_meminfo(void);
-/* Miscellaneous routines, don't really fit in any category per se. */
-/* Reboot the machine with the command line passed. */
-extern void prom_reboot(char *boot_command);
-/* Evaluate the forth string passed. */
-extern void prom_feval(char *forth_string);
-/* Enter the prom, with possibility of continuation with the 'go'
- * command in newer proms.
- */
-extern void prom_cmdline(void);
-/* Enter the prom, with no chance of continuation for the stand-alone
- * which calls this.
- */
-extern void prom_halt(void);
-/* Set the PROM 'sync' callback function to the passed function pointer.
- * When the user gives the 'sync' command at the prom prompt while the
- * kernel is still active, the prom will call this routine.
- *
- * XXX The arguments are different on V0 vs. V2->higher proms, grrr! XXX
- */
-typedef void (*sync_func_t)(void);
-extern void prom_setsync(sync_func_t func_ptr);
-/* Acquire the IDPROM of the root node in the prom device tree. This
- * gets passed a buffer where you would like it stuffed. The return value
- * is the format type of this idprom or 0xff on error.
- */
-extern unsigned char prom_get_idprom(char *idp_buffer, int idpbuf_size);
-/* Get the prom major version. */
-extern int prom_version(void);
-/* Get the prom plugin revision. */
-extern int prom_getrev(void);
-/* Get the prom firmware revision. */
-extern int prom_getprev(void);
-/* Character operations to/from the console.... */
-/* Non-blocking get character from console. */
-extern int prom_nbgetchar(void);
-/* Non-blocking put character to console. */
-extern int prom_nbputchar(char character);
-/* Blocking get character from console. */
-extern char prom_getchar(void);
-/* Blocking put character to console. */
-extern void prom_putchar(char character);
-/* Prom's internal printf routine, don't use in kernel/boot code. */
-void prom_printf(char *fmt, ...);
-/* Query for input device type */
-enum prom_input_device {
- PROMDEV_IKBD, /* input from keyboard */
- PROMDEV_ITTYA, /* input from ttya */
- PROMDEV_ITTYB, /* input from ttyb */
-extern enum prom_input_device prom_query_input_device(void);
-/* Query for output device type */
-enum prom_output_device {
- PROMDEV_OSCREEN, /* to screen */
- PROMDEV_OTTYA, /* to ttya */
- PROMDEV_OTTYB, /* to ttyb */
-extern enum prom_output_device prom_query_output_device(void);
-/* Multiprocessor operations... */
-/* Start the CPU with the given device tree node, context table, and context
- * at the passed program counter.
- */
-extern int prom_startcpu(int cpunode, struct linux_prom_registers *context_table,
- int context, char *program_counter);
-/* Stop the CPU with the passed device tree node. */
-extern int prom_stopcpu(int cpunode);
-/* Idle the CPU with the passed device tree node. */
-extern int prom_idlecpu(int cpunode);
-/* Re-Start the CPU with the passed device tree node. */
-extern int prom_restartcpu(int cpunode);
-/* PROM memory allocation facilities... */
-/* Allocated at possibly the given virtual address a chunk of the
- * indicated size.
- */
-extern char *prom_alloc(char *virt_hint, unsigned int size);
-/* Free a previously allocated chunk. */
-extern void prom_free(char *virt_addr, unsigned int size);
-/* Sun4/sun4c specific memory-management startup hook. */
-/* Map the passed segment in the given context at the passed
- * virtual address.
- */
-extern void prom_putsegment(int context, unsigned long virt_addr,
- int physical_segment);
-/* PROM device tree traversal functions... */
-/* Get the child node of the given node, or zero if no child exists. */
-extern int prom_getchild(int parent_node);
-/* Get the next sibling node of the given node, or zero if no further
- * siblings exist.
- */
-extern int prom_getsibling(int node);
-/* Get the length, at the passed node, of the given property type.
- * Returns -1 on error (ie. no such property at this node).
- */
-extern int prom_getproplen(int thisnode, char *property);
-/* Fetch the requested property using the given buffer. Returns
- * the number of bytes the prom put into your buffer or -1 on error.
- */
-extern int prom_getproperty(int thisnode, char *property,
- char *prop_buffer, int propbuf_size);
-/* Acquire an integer property. */
-extern int prom_getint(int node, char *property);
-/* Acquire an integer property, with a default value. */
-extern int prom_getintdefault(int node, char *property, int defval);
-/* Acquire a boolean property, 0=FALSE 1=TRUE. */
-extern int prom_getbool(int node, char *prop);
-/* Acquire a string property, null string on error. */
-extern void prom_getstring(int node, char *prop, char *buf, int bufsize);
-/* Does the passed node have the given "name"? YES=1 NO=0 */
-extern int prom_nodematch(int thisnode, char *name);
-/* Search all siblings starting at the passed node for "name" matching
- * the given string. Returns the node on success, zero on failure.
- */
-extern int prom_searchsiblings(int node_start, char *name);
-/* Return the first property type, as a string, for the given node.
- * Returns a null string on error.
- */
-extern char *prom_firstprop(int node);
-/* Returns the next property after the passed property for the given
- * node. Returns null string on failure.
- */
-extern char *prom_nextprop(int node, char *prev_property);
-/* Returns 1 if the specified node has given property. */
-extern int prom_node_has_property(int node, char *property);
-/* Set the indicated property at the given node with the passed value.
- * Returns the number of bytes of your value that the prom took.
- */
-extern int prom_setprop(int node, char *prop_name, char *prop_value,
- int value_size);
-extern int prom_pathtoinode(char *path);
-extern int prom_inst2pkg(int);
-/* Dorking with Bus ranges... */
-/* Adjust reg values with the passed ranges. */
-extern void prom_adjust_regs(struct linux_prom_registers *regp, int nregs,
- struct linux_prom_ranges *rangep, int nranges);
-/* Adjust child ranges with the passed parent ranges. */
-extern void prom_adjust_ranges(struct linux_prom_ranges *cranges, int ncranges,
- struct linux_prom_ranges *pranges, int npranges);
-/* Apply promlib probed OBIO ranges to registers. */
-extern void prom_apply_obio_ranges(struct linux_prom_registers *obioregs, int nregs);
-/* Apply ranges of any prom node (and optionally parent node as well) to registers. */
-extern void prom_apply_generic_ranges(int node, int parent,
- struct linux_prom_registers *sbusregs, int nregs);
-#endif /* !(__SPARC_OPLIB_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 98baa82a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_PAGE_H
-#define _M68K_PAGE_H
-#include <linux/const.h>
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#include <asm/page_offset.h>
-/* PAGE_SHIFT determines the page size */
-#if defined(CONFIG_SUN3) || defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define PAGE_SHIFT 13
-#define PAGE_SHIFT 12
-#define PAGE_SIZE (_AC(1, UL) << PAGE_SHIFT)
-#define PAGE_MASK (~(PAGE_SIZE-1))
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- * These are used to make use of C type-checking..
- */
-typedef struct { unsigned long pte; } pte_t;
-typedef struct { unsigned long pmd[16]; } pmd_t;
-typedef struct { unsigned long pgd; } pgd_t;
-typedef struct { unsigned long pgprot; } pgprot_t;
-typedef struct page *pgtable_t;
-#define pte_val(x) ((x).pte)
-#define pmd_val(x) ((&x)->pmd[0])
-#define pgd_val(x) ((x).pgd)
-#define pgprot_val(x) ((x).pgprot)
-#define __pte(x) ((pte_t) { (x) } )
-#define __pmd(x) ((pmd_t) { (x) } )
-#define __pgd(x) ((pgd_t) { (x) } )
-#define __pgprot(x) ((pgprot_t) { (x) } )
-extern unsigned long _rambase;
-extern unsigned long _ramstart;
-extern unsigned long _ramend;
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#include "page_mm.h"
-#include "page_no.h"
-#include <asm-generic/getorder.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_PAGE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_mm.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_mm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89f20143..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_mm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_PAGE_MM_H
-#define _M68K_PAGE_MM_H
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <asm/module.h>
-#define get_user_page(vaddr) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL)
-#define free_user_page(page, addr) free_page(addr)
- * We don't need to check for alignment etc.
- */
-#ifdef CPU_M68040_OR_M68060_ONLY
-static inline void copy_page(void *to, void *from)
- unsigned long tmp;
- __asm__ __volatile__("1:\t"
- ".chip 68040\n\t"
- "move16 %1@+,%0@+\n\t"
- "move16 %1@+,%0@+\n\t"
- ".chip 68k\n\t"
- "dbra %2,1b\n\t"
- : "=a" (to), "=a" (from), "=d" (tmp)
- : "0" (to), "1" (from) , "2" (PAGE_SIZE / 32 - 1)
- );
-static inline void clear_page(void *page)
- unsigned long tmp;
- unsigned long *sp = page;
- *sp++ = 0;
- *sp++ = 0;
- *sp++ = 0;
- *sp++ = 0;
- __asm__ __volatile__("1:\t"
- ".chip 68040\n\t"
- "move16 %2@+,%0@+\n\t"
- ".chip 68k\n\t"
- "subqw #8,%2\n\t"
- "subqw #8,%2\n\t"
- "dbra %1,1b\n\t"
- : "=a" (sp), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (page), "0" (sp),
- "1" ((PAGE_SIZE - 16) / 16 - 1));
-#define clear_page(page) memset((page), 0, PAGE_SIZE)
-#define copy_page(to,from) memcpy((to), (from), PAGE_SIZE)
-#define clear_user_page(addr, vaddr, page) \
- do { clear_page(addr); \
- flush_dcache_page(page); \
- } while (0)
-#define copy_user_page(to, from, vaddr, page) \
- do { copy_page(to, from); \
- flush_dcache_page(page); \
- } while (0)
-extern unsigned long m68k_memoffset;
-#ifndef CONFIG_SUN3
-static inline unsigned long ___pa(void *vaddr)
- unsigned long paddr;
- asm (
- "1: addl #0,%0\n"
- m68k_fixup(%c2, 1b+2)
- : "=r" (paddr)
- : "0" (vaddr), "i" (m68k_fixup_memoffset));
- return paddr;
-#define __pa(vaddr) ___pa((void *)(long)(vaddr))
-static inline void *__va(unsigned long paddr)
- void *vaddr;
- asm (
- "1: subl #0,%0\n"
- m68k_fixup(%c2, 1b+2)
- : "=r" (vaddr)
- : "0" (paddr), "i" (m68k_fixup_memoffset));
- return vaddr;
-#else /* !CONFIG_SUN3 */
-/* This #define is a horrible hack to suppress lots of warnings. --m */
-#define __pa(x) ___pa((unsigned long)(x))
-static inline unsigned long ___pa(unsigned long x)
- if(x == 0)
- return 0;
- if(x >= PAGE_OFFSET)
- return (x-PAGE_OFFSET);
- else
- return (x+0x2000000);
-static inline void *__va(unsigned long x)
- if(x == 0)
- return (void *)0;
- if(x < 0x2000000)
- return (void *)(x+PAGE_OFFSET);
- else
- return (void *)(x-0x2000000);
-#endif /* CONFIG_SUN3 */
- * NOTE: virtual isn't really correct, actually it should be the offset into the
- * memory node, but we have no highmem, so that works for now.
- * TODO: implement (fast) pfn<->pgdat_idx conversion functions, this makes lots
- * of the shifts unnecessary.
- */
-#define virt_to_pfn(kaddr) (__pa(kaddr) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
-#define pfn_to_virt(pfn) __va((pfn) << PAGE_SHIFT)
-extern int m68k_virt_to_node_shift;
-#define __virt_to_node(addr) (&pg_data_map[0])
-extern struct pglist_data *pg_data_table[];
-static inline __attribute_const__ int __virt_to_node_shift(void)
- int shift;
- asm (
- "1: moveq #0,%0\n"
- m68k_fixup(%c1, 1b)
- : "=d" (shift)
- : "i" (m68k_fixup_vnode_shift));
- return shift;
-#define __virt_to_node(addr) (pg_data_table[(unsigned long)(addr) >> __virt_to_node_shift()])
-#define virt_to_page(addr) ({ \
- pfn_to_page(virt_to_pfn(addr)); \
-#define page_to_virt(page) ({ \
- pfn_to_virt(page_to_pfn(page)); \
-#define pfn_to_page(pfn) ({ \
- unsigned long __pfn = (pfn); \
- struct pglist_data *pgdat; \
- pgdat = __virt_to_node((unsigned long)pfn_to_virt(__pfn)); \
- pgdat->node_mem_map + (__pfn - pgdat->node_start_pfn); \
-#define page_to_pfn(_page) ({ \
- const struct page *__p = (_page); \
- struct pglist_data *pgdat; \
- pgdat = &pg_data_map[page_to_nid(__p)]; \
- ((__p) - pgdat->node_mem_map) + pgdat->node_start_pfn; \
-#define virt_addr_valid(kaddr) ((void *)(kaddr) >= (void *)PAGE_OFFSET && (void *)(kaddr) < high_memory)
-#define pfn_valid(pfn) virt_addr_valid(pfn_to_virt(pfn))
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_PAGE_MM_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_no.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_no.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 90595721..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_no.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_PAGE_NO_H
-#define _M68K_PAGE_NO_H
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-extern unsigned long memory_start;
-extern unsigned long memory_end;
-#define get_user_page(vaddr) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL)
-#define free_user_page(page, addr) free_page(addr)
-#define clear_page(page) memset((page), 0, PAGE_SIZE)
-#define copy_page(to,from) memcpy((to), (from), PAGE_SIZE)
-#define clear_user_page(page, vaddr, pg) clear_page(page)
-#define copy_user_page(to, from, vaddr, pg) copy_page(to, from)
-#define __alloc_zeroed_user_highpage(movableflags, vma, vaddr) \
- alloc_page_vma(GFP_HIGHUSER | __GFP_ZERO | movableflags, vma, vaddr)
-#define __pa(vaddr) ((unsigned long)(vaddr))
-#define __va(paddr) ((void *)(paddr))
-#define virt_to_pfn(kaddr) (__pa(kaddr) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
-#define pfn_to_virt(pfn) __va((pfn) << PAGE_SHIFT)
-#define virt_to_page(addr) (mem_map + (((unsigned long)(addr)-PAGE_OFFSET) >> PAGE_SHIFT))
-#define page_to_virt(page) ((((page) - mem_map) << PAGE_SHIFT) + PAGE_OFFSET)
-#define pfn_to_page(pfn) virt_to_page(pfn_to_virt(pfn))
-#define page_to_pfn(page) virt_to_pfn(page_to_virt(page))
-#define pfn_valid(pfn) ((pfn) < max_mapnr)
-#define virt_addr_valid(kaddr) (((void *)(kaddr) >= (void *)PAGE_OFFSET) && \
- ((void *)(kaddr) < (void *)memory_end))
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_PAGE_NO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_offset.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_offset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 82626a8f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/page_offset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* This handles the memory map.. */
-#if defined(CONFIG_RAMBASE)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_SUN3)
-#define PAGE_OFFSET_RAW 0x0E000000
-#define PAGE_OFFSET_RAW 0x00000000
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/param.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/param.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 36265ccf..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/param.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_PARAM_H
-#define _M68K_PARAM_H
-#ifdef __uClinux__
-#define EXEC_PAGESIZE 4096
-#define EXEC_PAGESIZE 8192
-#include <asm-generic/param.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_PARAM_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/parport.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/parport.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 646b1872..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/parport.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * parport.h: platform-specific PC-style parport initialisation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Tim Waugh <>
- *
- * This file should only be included by drivers/parport/parport_pc.c.
- *
- * RZ: for use with Q40 and other ISA machines
- */
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_PARPORT_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_PARPORT_H 1
-#define insl(port,buf,len) isa_insb(port,buf,(len)<<2)
-#define outsl(port,buf,len) isa_outsb(port,buf,(len)<<2)
-/* no dma, or IRQ autoprobing */
-static int __devinit parport_pc_find_isa_ports (int autoirq, int autodma);
-static int __devinit parport_pc_find_nonpci_ports (int autoirq, int autodma)
- if (! (MACH_IS_Q40))
- return 0; /* count=0 */
- return parport_pc_find_isa_ports (PARPORT_IRQ_NONE, PARPORT_DMA_NONE);
-#endif /* !(_ASM_M68K_PARPORT_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pci.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pci.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ad0aea4..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pci.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_PCI_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_PCI_H
-#include <asm-generic/pci-dma-compat.h>
-/* The PCI address space does equal the physical memory
- * address space. The networking and block device layers use
- * this boolean for bounce buffer decisions.
- */
-#define PCI_DMA_BUS_IS_PHYS (1)
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_PCI_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/percpu.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/percpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0859d048..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/percpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ASM_M68K_PERCPU_H
-#define __ASM_M68K_PERCPU_H
-#include <asm-generic/percpu.h>
-#endif /* __ASM_M68K_PERCPU_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgalloc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37bee7e3..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef M68K_PGALLOC_H
-#define M68K_PGALLOC_H
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#include <asm/virtconvert.h>
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#include <asm/mcf_pgalloc.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_SUN3)
-#include <asm/sun3_pgalloc.h>
-#include <asm/motorola_pgalloc.h>
-extern void m68k_setup_node(int node);
-#endif /* M68K_PGALLOC_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6759eb..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __uClinux__
-#include "pgtable_no.h"
-#include "pgtable_mm.h"
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable_mm.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable_mm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dc35e0e1..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable_mm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_PGTABLE_H
-#define _M68K_PGTABLE_H
-#include <asm-generic/4level-fixup.h>
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/threads.h>
- * This file contains the functions and defines necessary to modify and use
- * the m68k page table tree.
- */
-#include <asm/virtconvert.h>
-/* Certain architectures need to do special things when pte's
- * within a page table are directly modified. Thus, the following
- * hook is made available.
- */
-#define set_pte(pteptr, pteval) \
- do{ \
- *(pteptr) = (pteval); \
- } while(0)
-#define set_pte_at(mm,addr,ptep,pteval) set_pte(ptep,pteval)
-/* PMD_SHIFT determines the size of the area a second-level page table can map */
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define PMD_SHIFT 17
-#define PMD_SHIFT 22
-#define PMD_SIZE (1UL << PMD_SHIFT)
-#define PMD_MASK (~(PMD_SIZE-1))
-/* PGDIR_SHIFT determines what a third-level page table entry can map */
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define PGDIR_SHIFT 17
-#elif defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define PGDIR_SHIFT 22
-#define PGDIR_SHIFT 25
-#define PGDIR_MASK (~(PGDIR_SIZE-1))
- * entries per page directory level: the m68k is configured as three-level,
- * so we do have PMD level physically.
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define PTRS_PER_PTE 16
-#define PTRS_PER_PMD 1
-#define PTRS_PER_PGD 2048
-#elif defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define PTRS_PER_PTE 512
-#define PTRS_PER_PMD 1
-#define PTRS_PER_PGD 1024
-#define PTRS_PER_PTE 1024
-#define PTRS_PER_PMD 8
-#define PTRS_PER_PGD 128
-/* Virtual address region for use by kernel_map() */
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define KMAP_START 0x0DC00000
-#define KMAP_END 0x0E000000
-#elif defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define KMAP_START 0xe0000000
-#define KMAP_END 0xf0000000
-#define KMAP_START 0xd0000000
-#define KMAP_END 0xf0000000
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-extern unsigned long m68k_vmalloc_end;
-#define VMALLOC_START 0x0f800000
-#define VMALLOC_END m68k_vmalloc_end
-#elif defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define VMALLOC_START 0xd0000000
-#define VMALLOC_END 0xe0000000
-/* Just any arbitrary offset to the start of the vmalloc VM area: the
- * current 8MB value just means that there will be a 8MB "hole" after the
- * physical memory until the kernel virtual memory starts. That means that
- * any out-of-bounds memory accesses will hopefully be caught.
- * The vmalloc() routines leaves a hole of 4kB between each vmalloced
- * area for the same reason. ;)
- */
-#define VMALLOC_OFFSET (8*1024*1024)
-#define VMALLOC_START (((unsigned long) high_memory + VMALLOC_OFFSET) & ~(VMALLOC_OFFSET-1))
-/* zero page used for uninitialized stuff */
-extern void *empty_zero_page;
- * ZERO_PAGE is a global shared page that is always zero: used
- * for zero-mapped memory areas etc..
- */
-#define ZERO_PAGE(vaddr) (virt_to_page(empty_zero_page))
-/* number of bits that fit into a memory pointer */
-#define BITS_PER_PTR (8*sizeof(unsigned long))
-/* to align the pointer to a pointer address */
-#define PTR_MASK (~(sizeof(void*)-1))
-/* sizeof(void*)==1<<SIZEOF_PTR_LOG2 */
-/* 64-bit machines, beware! SRB. */
-#define SIZEOF_PTR_LOG2 2
-extern void kernel_set_cachemode(void *addr, unsigned long size, int cmode);
- * The m68k doesn't have any external MMU info: the kernel page
- * tables contain all the necessary information. The Sun3 does, but
- * they are updated on demand.
- */
-static inline void update_mmu_cache(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long address, pte_t *ptep)
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-#define kern_addr_valid(addr) (1)
-#define io_remap_pfn_range(vma, vaddr, pfn, size, prot) \
- remap_pfn_range(vma, vaddr, pfn, size, prot)
-/* MMU-specific headers */
-#ifdef CONFIG_SUN3
-#include <asm/sun3_pgtable.h>
-#elif defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#include <asm/mcf_pgtable.h>
-#include <asm/motorola_pgtable.h>
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- * Macro to mark a page protection value as "uncacheable".
- */
-# define pgprot_noncached(prot) (__pgprot(pgprot_val(prot) | CF_PAGE_NOCACHE))
-# define __SUN3_PAGE_NOCACHE 0
-#define pgprot_noncached(prot) \
- (MMU_IS_SUN3 \
- ? (__pgprot(pgprot_val(prot) | __SUN3_PAGE_NOCACHE)) \
- : ((MMU_IS_851 || MMU_IS_030) \
- ? (__pgprot(pgprot_val(prot) | _PAGE_NOCACHE030)) \
- : (MMU_IS_040 || MMU_IS_060) \
- ? (__pgprot((pgprot_val(prot) & _CACHEMASK040) | _PAGE_NOCACHE_S)) \
- : (prot)))
-#endif /* CONFIG_COLDFIRE */
-#include <asm-generic/pgtable.h>
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
- * No page table caches to initialise
- */
-#define pgtable_cache_init() do { } while (0)
-#define check_pgt_cache() do { } while (0)
-#endif /* _M68K_PGTABLE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable_no.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable_no.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf86b29f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pgtable_no.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/4level-fixup.h>
- * (C) Copyright 2000-2002, Greg Ungerer <>
- */
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
- * Trivial page table functions.
- */
-#define pgd_present(pgd) (1)
-#define pgd_none(pgd) (0)
-#define pgd_bad(pgd) (0)
-#define pgd_clear(pgdp)
-#define kern_addr_valid(addr) (1)
-#define pmd_offset(a, b) ((void *)0)
-#define PAGE_NONE __pgprot(0)
-#define PAGE_SHARED __pgprot(0)
-#define PAGE_COPY __pgprot(0)
-#define PAGE_READONLY __pgprot(0)
-#define PAGE_KERNEL __pgprot(0)
-extern void paging_init(void);
-#define swapper_pg_dir ((pgd_t *) 0)
-#define __swp_type(x) (0)
-#define __swp_offset(x) (0)
-#define __swp_entry(typ,off) ((swp_entry_t) { ((typ) | ((off) << 7)) })
-#define __pte_to_swp_entry(pte) ((swp_entry_t) { pte_val(pte) })
-#define __swp_entry_to_pte(x) ((pte_t) { (x).val })
-static inline int pte_file(pte_t pte) { return 0; }
- * ZERO_PAGE is a global shared page that is always zero: used
- * for zero-mapped memory areas etc..
- */
-#define ZERO_PAGE(vaddr) (virt_to_page(0))
- * These would be in other places but having them here reduces the diffs.
- */
-extern unsigned int kobjsize(const void *objp);
- * No page table caches to initialise.
- */
-#define pgtable_cache_init() do { } while (0)
-#define io_remap_pfn_range(vma, vaddr, pfn, size, prot) \
- remap_pfn_range(vma, vaddr, pfn, size, prot)
- * All 32bit addresses are effectively valid for vmalloc...
- * Sort of meaningless for non-VM targets.
- */
-#define VMALLOC_START 0
-#define VMALLOC_END 0xffffffff
-#include <asm-generic/pgtable.h>
-#define check_pgt_cache() do { } while (0)
-#endif /* _M68KNOMMU_PGTABLE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pinmux.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pinmux.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 119ee686..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/pinmux.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Coldfire generic GPIO pinmux support.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2009, Steven King <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
-#ifndef pinmux_h
-#define pinmux_h
-#define MCFPINMUX_NONE -1
-extern int mcf_pinmux_request(unsigned, unsigned);
-extern void mcf_pinmux_release(unsigned, unsigned);
-static inline int mcf_pinmux_is_valid(unsigned pinmux)
- return pinmux != MCFPINMUX_NONE;
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/poll.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/poll.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f080fcdb..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/poll.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __m68k_POLL_H
-#define __m68k_POLL_H
-#define POLLWRBAND 256
-#include <asm-generic/poll.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/posix_types.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/posix_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6373093b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/posix_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ARCH_M68K_POSIX_TYPES_H
-#define __ARCH_M68K_POSIX_TYPES_H
- * This file is generally used by user-level software, so you need to
- * be a little careful about namespace pollution etc. Also, we cannot
- * assume GCC is being used.
- */
-typedef unsigned short __kernel_mode_t;
-#define __kernel_mode_t __kernel_mode_t
-typedef unsigned short __kernel_nlink_t;
-#define __kernel_nlink_t __kernel_nlink_t
-typedef unsigned short __kernel_ipc_pid_t;
-#define __kernel_ipc_pid_t __kernel_ipc_pid_t
-typedef unsigned short __kernel_uid_t;
-typedef unsigned short __kernel_gid_t;
-#define __kernel_uid_t __kernel_uid_t
-typedef unsigned short __kernel_old_dev_t;
-#define __kernel_old_dev_t __kernel_old_dev_t
-#include <asm-generic/posix_types.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/processor.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/processor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 46460fa1..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/processor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
- * include/asm-m68k/processor.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995 Hamish Macdonald
- */
-#ifndef __ASM_M68K_PROCESSOR_H
-#define __ASM_M68K_PROCESSOR_H
- * Default implementation of macro that returns current
- * instruction pointer ("program counter").
- */
-#define current_text_addr() ({ __label__ _l; _l: &&_l;})
-#include <linux/thread_info.h>
-#include <asm/segment.h>
-#include <asm/fpu.h>
-#include <asm/ptrace.h>
-static inline unsigned long rdusp(void)
- extern unsigned int sw_usp;
- return sw_usp;
- register unsigned long usp __asm__("a0");
- /* move %usp,%a0 */
- __asm__ __volatile__(".word 0x4e68" : "=a" (usp));
- return usp;
-static inline void wrusp(unsigned long usp)
- extern unsigned int sw_usp;
- sw_usp = usp;
- register unsigned long a0 __asm__("a0") = usp;
- /* move %a0,%usp */
- __asm__ __volatile__(".word 0x4e60" : : "a" (a0) );
- * User space process size: 3.75GB. This is hardcoded into a few places,
- * so don't change it unless you know what you are doing.
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define TASK_SIZE (0xC0000000UL)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_SUN3)
-#define TASK_SIZE (0x0E000000UL)
-#define TASK_SIZE (0xF0000000UL)
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-/* This decides where the kernel will search for a free chunk of vm
- * space during mmap's.
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#if defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-#define TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE 0x60000000UL
-#elif defined(CONFIG_SUN3)
-#define TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE 0x0A000000UL
-#define TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE 0xC0000000UL
-#define TASK_UNMAPPED_ALIGN(addr, off) PAGE_ALIGN(addr)
-struct thread_struct {
- unsigned long ksp; /* kernel stack pointer */
- unsigned long usp; /* user stack pointer */
- unsigned short sr; /* saved status register */
- unsigned short fs; /* saved fs (sfc, dfc) */
- unsigned long crp[2]; /* cpu root pointer */
- unsigned long esp0; /* points to SR of stack frame */
- unsigned long faddr; /* info about last fault */
- int signo, code;
- unsigned long fp[8*3];
- unsigned long fpcntl[3]; /* fp control regs */
- unsigned char fpstate[FPSTATESIZE]; /* floating point state */
-#define INIT_THREAD { \
- .ksp = sizeof(init_stack) + (unsigned long) init_stack, \
- .sr = PS_S, \
- .fs = __KERNEL_DS, \
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- * Do necessary setup to start up a newly executed thread.
- */
-static inline void start_thread(struct pt_regs * regs, unsigned long pc,
- unsigned long usp)
- regs->pc = pc;
- regs->sr &= ~0x2000;
- wrusp(usp);
-extern int handle_kernel_fault(struct pt_regs *regs);
- * Coldfire stacks need to be re-aligned on trap exit, conventional
- * 68k can handle this case cleanly.
- */
-#define reformat(_regs) do { (_regs)->format = 0x4; } while(0)
-#define reformat(_regs) do { } while (0)
-#define start_thread(_regs, _pc, _usp) \
-do { \
- (_regs)->pc = (_pc); \
- ((struct switch_stack *)(_regs))[-1].a6 = 0; \
- reformat(_regs); \
- if (current->mm) \
- (_regs)->d5 = current->mm->start_data; \
- (_regs)->sr &= ~0x2000; \
- wrusp(_usp); \
-} while(0)
-static inline int handle_kernel_fault(struct pt_regs *regs)
- /* Any fault in kernel is fatal on non-mmu */
- return 0;
-/* Forward declaration, a strange C thing */
-struct task_struct;
-/* Free all resources held by a thread. */
-static inline void release_thread(struct task_struct *dead_task)
-/* Prepare to copy thread state - unlazy all lazy status */
-#define prepare_to_copy(tsk) do { } while (0)
-extern int kernel_thread(int (*fn)(void *), void * arg, unsigned long flags);
- * Free current thread data structures etc..
- */
-static inline void exit_thread(void)
-extern unsigned long thread_saved_pc(struct task_struct *tsk);
-unsigned long get_wchan(struct task_struct *p);
-#define KSTK_EIP(tsk) \
- ({ \
- unsigned long eip = 0; \
- if ((tsk)->thread.esp0 > PAGE_SIZE && \
- (virt_addr_valid((tsk)->thread.esp0))) \
- eip = ((struct pt_regs *) (tsk)->thread.esp0)->pc; \
- eip; })
-#define KSTK_ESP(tsk) ((tsk) == current ? rdusp() : (tsk)->thread.usp)
-#define task_pt_regs(tsk) ((struct pt_regs *) ((tsk)->thread.esp0))
-#define cpu_relax() barrier()
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ptrace.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ptrace.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 65322b17..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ptrace.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_PTRACE_H
-#define _M68K_PTRACE_H
-#define PT_D1 0
-#define PT_D2 1
-#define PT_D3 2
-#define PT_D4 3
-#define PT_D5 4
-#define PT_D6 5
-#define PT_D7 6
-#define PT_A0 7
-#define PT_A1 8
-#define PT_A2 9
-#define PT_A3 10
-#define PT_A4 11
-#define PT_A5 12
-#define PT_A6 13
-#define PT_D0 14
-#define PT_USP 15
-#define PT_ORIG_D0 16
-#define PT_SR 17
-#define PT_PC 18
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-/* this struct defines the way the registers are stored on the
- stack during a system call. */
-struct pt_regs {
- long d1;
- long d2;
- long d3;
- long d4;
- long d5;
- long a0;
- long a1;
- long a2;
- long d0;
- long orig_d0;
- long stkadj;
- unsigned format : 4; /* frame format specifier */
- unsigned vector : 12; /* vector offset */
- unsigned short sr;
- unsigned long pc;
- unsigned short sr;
- unsigned long pc;
- unsigned format : 4; /* frame format specifier */
- unsigned vector : 12; /* vector offset */
- * This is the extended stack used by signal handlers and the context
- * switcher: it's pushed after the normal "struct pt_regs".
- */
-struct switch_stack {
- unsigned long d6;
- unsigned long d7;
- unsigned long a3;
- unsigned long a4;
- unsigned long a5;
- unsigned long a6;
- unsigned long retpc;
-/* Arbitrarily choose the same ptrace numbers as used by the Sparc code. */
-#define PTRACE_GETREGS 12
-#define PTRACE_SETREGS 13
-#define PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK 33 /* resume execution until next branch */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#ifndef PS_S
-#define PS_S (0x2000)
-#define PS_M (0x1000)
-#define user_mode(regs) (!((regs)->sr & PS_S))
-#define instruction_pointer(regs) ((regs)->pc)
-#define profile_pc(regs) instruction_pointer(regs)
-#define arch_has_single_step() (1)
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#define arch_has_block_step() (1)
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_PTRACE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/q40_master.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/q40_master.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3907a09d..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/q40_master.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- * Q40 master Chip Control
- * RTC stuff merged for compactnes..
-#ifndef _Q40_MASTER_H
-#define _Q40_MASTER_H
-#include <asm/raw_io.h>
-#define q40_master_addr 0xff000000
-#define IIRQ_REG 0x0 /* internal IRQ reg */
-#define EIRQ_REG 0x4 /* external ... */
-#define KEYCODE_REG 0x1c /* value of received scancode */
-#define FRAME_CLEAR_REG 0x24
-#define LED_REG 0x30
-#define Q40_LED_ON() master_outb(1,LED_REG)
-#define Q40_LED_OFF() master_outb(0,LED_REG)
-#define INTERRUPT_REG IIRQ_REG /* "native" ints */
-#define KEY_IRQ_ENABLE_REG 0x08 /**/
-#define KEYBOARD_UNLOCK_REG 0x20 /* clear kb int */
-#define SAMPLE_ENABLE_REG 0x14 /* generate SAMPLE ints */
-#define SAMPLE_RATE_REG 0x2c
-#define SAMPLE_CLEAR_REG 0x28
-#define SAMPLE_LOW 0x00
-#define SAMPLE_HIGH 0x01
-#define FRAME_RATE_REG 0x38 /* generate FRAME ints at 200 HZ rate */
-#if 0
-#define SER_ENABLE_REG 0x0c /* allow serial ints to be generated */
-#define EXT_ENABLE_REG 0x10 /* ... rest of the ISA ints ... */
-#define master_inb(_reg_) in_8((unsigned char *)q40_master_addr+_reg_)
-#define master_outb(_b_,_reg_) out_8((unsigned char *)q40_master_addr+_reg_,_b_)
-/* RTC defines */
-#define Q40_RTC_BASE (0xff021ffc)
-#define Q40_RTC_YEAR (*(volatile unsigned char *)(Q40_RTC_BASE+0))
-#define Q40_RTC_MNTH (*(volatile unsigned char *)(Q40_RTC_BASE-4))
-#define Q40_RTC_DATE (*(volatile unsigned char *)(Q40_RTC_BASE-8))
-#define Q40_RTC_DOW (*(volatile unsigned char *)(Q40_RTC_BASE-12))
-#define Q40_RTC_HOUR (*(volatile unsigned char *)(Q40_RTC_BASE-16))
-#define Q40_RTC_MINS (*(volatile unsigned char *)(Q40_RTC_BASE-20))
-#define Q40_RTC_SECS (*(volatile unsigned char *)(Q40_RTC_BASE-24))
-#define Q40_RTC_CTRL (*(volatile unsigned char *)(Q40_RTC_BASE-28))
-/* some control bits */
-#define Q40_RTC_READ 64 /* prepare for reading */
-#define Q40_RTC_WRITE 128
-/* define some Q40 specific ints */
-#include "q40ints.h"
-/* misc defs */
-#define DAC_LEFT ((unsigned char *)0xff008000)
-#define DAC_RIGHT ((unsigned char *)0xff008004)
-#endif /* _Q40_MASTER_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/q40ints.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/q40ints.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 22f12c9e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/q40ints.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * contains some Q40 related interrupt definitions
- */
-#define Q40_IRQ_MAX (34)
-#define Q40_IRQ_SAMPLE (34)
-#define Q40_IRQ_KEYBOARD (32)
-#define Q40_IRQ_FRAME (33)
-/* masks for interrupt regiosters*/
-/* internal, IIRQ_REG */
-#define Q40_IRQ_KEYB_MASK (2)
-#define Q40_IRQ_SER_MASK (1<<2)
-#define Q40_IRQ_FRAME_MASK (1<<3)
-#define Q40_IRQ_EXT_MASK (1<<4) /* is a EIRQ */
-/* eirq, EIRQ_REG */
-#define Q40_IRQ3_MASK (1)
-#define Q40_IRQ4_MASK (1<<1)
-#define Q40_IRQ5_MASK (1<<2)
-#define Q40_IRQ6_MASK (1<<3)
-#define Q40_IRQ7_MASK (1<<4)
-#define Q40_IRQ10_MASK (1<<5)
-#define Q40_IRQ14_MASK (1<<6)
-#define Q40_IRQ15_MASK (1<<7)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/quicc_simple.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/quicc_simple.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c3636932..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/quicc_simple.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: quicc_simple.h,v 1.1 2002/03/02 15:01:10 gerg Exp $
- ***********************************
- *
- ***************************************
- * Simple drivers common header
- ***************************************
- */
-#ifndef __SIMPLE_H
-#define __SIMPLE_H
-/* #include "quicc.h" */
-#define GLB_SCC_0 0
-#define GLB_SCC_1 1
-#define GLB_SCC_2 2
-#define GLB_SCC_3 3
-typedef void (int_routine)(unsigned short interrupt_event);
-typedef int_routine *int_routine_ptr;
-typedef void *(alloc_routine)(int length);
-typedef void (free_routine)(int scc_num, int channel_num, void *buf);
-typedef void (store_rx_buffer_routine)(int scc_num, int channel_num, void *buff, int length);
-typedef int (handle_tx_error_routine)(int scc_num, int channel_num, QUICC_BD *tbd);
-typedef void (handle_rx_error_routine)(int scc_num, int channel_num, QUICC_BD *rbd);
-typedef void (handle_lost_error_routine)(int scc_num, int channel_num);
-/* user defined functions for global errors */
-typedef void (handle_glob_overrun_routine)(int scc_number);
-typedef void (handle_glob_underrun_routine)(int scc_number);
-typedef void (glob_intr_q_overflow_routine)(int scc_number);
- * General initialization and command routines
- */
-void quicc_issue_cmd (unsigned short cmd, int scc_num);
-void quicc_init(void);
-void quicc_scc_init(int scc_number, int number_of_rx_buf, int number_of_tx_buf);
-void quicc_smc_init(int smc_number, int number_of_rx_buf, int number_of_tx_buf);
-void quicc_scc_start(int scc_num);
-void quicc_scc_loopback(int scc_num);
-/* Interrupt enable/disable routines for critical pieces of code*/
-unsigned short IntrDis(void);
-void IntrEna(unsigned short old_sr);
-/* For debugging */
-void print_rbd(int scc_num);
-void print_tbd(int scc_num);
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/raw_io.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/raw_io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9eb9834..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/raw_io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
- * linux/include/asm-m68k/raw_io.h
- *
- * 10/20/00 RZ: - created from bits of io.h and ide.h to cleanup namespace
- *
- */
-#ifndef _RAW_IO_H
-#define _RAW_IO_H
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <asm/types.h>
-/* Values for nocacheflag and cmode */
-extern void iounmap(void __iomem *addr);
-extern void __iomem *__ioremap(unsigned long physaddr, unsigned long size,
- int cacheflag);
-extern void __iounmap(void *addr, unsigned long size);
-/* ++roman: The assignments to temp. vars avoid that gcc sometimes generates
- * two accesses to memory, which may be undesirable for some devices.
- */
-#define in_8(addr) \
- ({ u8 __v = (*(__force volatile u8 *) (addr)); __v; })
-#define in_be16(addr) \
- ({ u16 __v = (*(__force volatile u16 *) (addr)); __v; })
-#define in_be32(addr) \
- ({ u32 __v = (*(__force volatile u32 *) (addr)); __v; })
-#define in_le16(addr) \
- ({ u16 __v = le16_to_cpu(*(__force volatile __le16 *) (addr)); __v; })
-#define in_le32(addr) \
- ({ u32 __v = le32_to_cpu(*(__force volatile __le32 *) (addr)); __v; })
-#define out_8(addr,b) (void)((*(__force volatile u8 *) (addr)) = (b))
-#define out_be16(addr,w) (void)((*(__force volatile u16 *) (addr)) = (w))
-#define out_be32(addr,l) (void)((*(__force volatile u32 *) (addr)) = (l))
-#define out_le16(addr,w) (void)((*(__force volatile __le16 *) (addr)) = cpu_to_le16(w))
-#define out_le32(addr,l) (void)((*(__force volatile __le32 *) (addr)) = cpu_to_le32(l))
-#define raw_inb in_8
-#define raw_inw in_be16
-#define raw_inl in_be32
-#define __raw_readb in_8
-#define __raw_readw in_be16
-#define __raw_readl in_be32
-#define raw_outb(val,port) out_8((port),(val))
-#define raw_outw(val,port) out_be16((port),(val))
-#define raw_outl(val,port) out_be32((port),(val))
-#define __raw_writeb(val,addr) out_8((addr),(val))
-#define __raw_writew(val,addr) out_be16((addr),(val))
-#define __raw_writel(val,addr) out_be32((addr),(val))
-static inline void raw_insb(volatile u8 __iomem *port, u8 *buf, unsigned int len)
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- *buf++ = in_8(port);
-static inline void raw_outsb(volatile u8 __iomem *port, const u8 *buf,
- unsigned int len)
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- out_8(port, *buf++);
-static inline void raw_insw(volatile u16 __iomem *port, u16 *buf, unsigned int nr)
- unsigned int tmp;
- if (nr & 15) {
- tmp = (nr & 15) - 1;
- asm volatile (
- "1: movew %2@,%0@+; dbra %1,1b"
- : "=a" (buf), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (port), "0" (buf),
- "1" (tmp));
- }
- if (nr >> 4) {
- tmp = (nr >> 4) - 1;
- asm volatile (
- "1: "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "movew %2@,%0@+; "
- "dbra %1,1b"
- : "=a" (buf), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (port), "0" (buf),
- "1" (tmp));
- }
-static inline void raw_outsw(volatile u16 __iomem *port, const u16 *buf,
- unsigned int nr)
- unsigned int tmp;
- if (nr & 15) {
- tmp = (nr & 15) - 1;
- asm volatile (
- "1: movew %0@+,%2@; dbra %1,1b"
- : "=a" (buf), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (port), "0" (buf),
- "1" (tmp));
- }
- if (nr >> 4) {
- tmp = (nr >> 4) - 1;
- asm volatile (
- "1: "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "movew %0@+,%2@; "
- "dbra %1,1b"
- : "=a" (buf), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (port), "0" (buf),
- "1" (tmp));
- }
-static inline void raw_insl(volatile u32 __iomem *port, u32 *buf, unsigned int nr)
- unsigned int tmp;
- if (nr & 15) {
- tmp = (nr & 15) - 1;
- asm volatile (
- "1: movel %2@,%0@+; dbra %1,1b"
- : "=a" (buf), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (port), "0" (buf),
- "1" (tmp));
- }
- if (nr >> 4) {
- tmp = (nr >> 4) - 1;
- asm volatile (
- "1: "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "movel %2@,%0@+; "
- "dbra %1,1b"
- : "=a" (buf), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (port), "0" (buf),
- "1" (tmp));
- }
-static inline void raw_outsl(volatile u32 __iomem *port, const u32 *buf,
- unsigned int nr)
- unsigned int tmp;
- if (nr & 15) {
- tmp = (nr & 15) - 1;
- asm volatile (
- "1: movel %0@+,%2@; dbra %1,1b"
- : "=a" (buf), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (port), "0" (buf),
- "1" (tmp));
- }
- if (nr >> 4) {
- tmp = (nr >> 4) - 1;
- asm volatile (
- "1: "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "movel %0@+,%2@; "
- "dbra %1,1b"
- : "=a" (buf), "=d" (tmp)
- : "a" (port), "0" (buf),
- "1" (tmp));
- }
-static inline void raw_insw_swapw(volatile u16 __iomem *port, u16 *buf,
- unsigned int nr)
- if ((nr) % 8)
- __asm__ __volatile__
- ("\tmovel %0,%/a0\n\t"
- "movel %1,%/a1\n\t"
- "movel %2,%/d6\n\t"
- "subql #1,%/d6\n"
- "1:\tmovew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "dbra %/d6,1b"
- :
- : "g" (port), "g" (buf), "g" (nr)
- : "d0", "a0", "a1", "d6");
- else
- __asm__ __volatile__
- ("movel %0,%/a0\n\t"
- "movel %1,%/a1\n\t"
- "movel %2,%/d6\n\t"
- "lsrl #3,%/d6\n\t"
- "subql #1,%/d6\n"
- "1:\tmovew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "movew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "movew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "movew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "movew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "movew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "movew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "movew %/a0@,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a1@+\n\t"
- "dbra %/d6,1b"
- :
- : "g" (port), "g" (buf), "g" (nr)
- : "d0", "a0", "a1", "d6");
-static inline void raw_outsw_swapw(volatile u16 __iomem *port, const u16 *buf,
- unsigned int nr)
- if ((nr) % 8)
- __asm__ __volatile__
- ("movel %0,%/a0\n\t"
- "movel %1,%/a1\n\t"
- "movel %2,%/d6\n\t"
- "subql #1,%/d6\n"
- "1:\tmovew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "dbra %/d6,1b"
- :
- : "g" (port), "g" (buf), "g" (nr)
- : "d0", "a0", "a1", "d6");
- else
- __asm__ __volatile__
- ("movel %0,%/a0\n\t"
- "movel %1,%/a1\n\t"
- "movel %2,%/d6\n\t"
- "lsrl #3,%/d6\n\t"
- "subql #1,%/d6\n"
- "1:\tmovew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "movew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "movew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "movew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "movew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "movew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "movew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "movew %/a1@+,%/d0\n\t"
- "rolw #8,%/d0\n\t"
- "movew %/d0,%/a0@\n\t"
- "dbra %/d6,1b"
- :
- : "g" (port), "g" (buf), "g" (nr)
- : "d0", "a0", "a1", "d6");
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _RAW_IO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/resource.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/resource.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e7d35019..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/resource.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_RESOURCE_H
-#define _M68K_RESOURCE_H
-#include <asm-generic/resource.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_RESOURCE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/rtc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/rtc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a4d08ea1..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/rtc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* include/asm-m68k/rtc.h
- *
- * Copyright Richard Zidlicky
- * implementation details for genrtc/q40rtc driver
- */
-/* permission is hereby granted to copy, modify and redistribute this code
- * in terms of the GNU Library General Public License, Version 2 or later,
- * at your option.
- */
-#ifndef _ASM_RTC_H
-#define _ASM_RTC_H
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <linux/rtc.h>
-#include <asm/errno.h>
-#include <asm/machdep.h>
-#define RTC_PIE 0x40 /* periodic interrupt enable */
-#define RTC_AIE 0x20 /* alarm interrupt enable */
-#define RTC_UIE 0x10 /* update-finished interrupt enable */
-/* some dummy definitions */
-#define RTC_BATT_BAD 0x100 /* battery bad */
-#define RTC_SQWE 0x08 /* enable square-wave output */
-#define RTC_DM_BINARY 0x04 /* all time/date values are BCD if clear */
-#define RTC_24H 0x02 /* 24 hour mode - else hours bit 7 means pm */
-#define RTC_DST_EN 0x01 /* auto switch DST - works f. USA only */
-static inline unsigned int get_rtc_time(struct rtc_time *time)
- /*
- * Only the values that we read from the RTC are set. We leave
- * tm_wday, tm_yday and tm_isdst untouched. Even though the
- * RTC has RTC_DAY_OF_WEEK, we ignore it, as it is only updated
- * by the RTC when initially set to a non-zero value.
- */
- if (mach_hwclk)
- mach_hwclk(0, time);
- return RTC_24H;
-static inline int set_rtc_time(struct rtc_time *time)
- if (mach_hwclk)
- return mach_hwclk(1, time);
- return -EINVAL;
-static inline unsigned int get_rtc_ss(void)
- if (mach_get_ss)
- return mach_get_ss();
- else{
- struct rtc_time h;
- get_rtc_time(&h);
- return h.tm_sec;
- }
-static inline int get_rtc_pll(struct rtc_pll_info *pll)
- if (mach_get_rtc_pll)
- return mach_get_rtc_pll(pll);
- else
- return -EINVAL;
-static inline int set_rtc_pll(struct rtc_pll_info *pll)
- if (mach_set_rtc_pll)
- return mach_set_rtc_pll(pll);
- else
- return -EINVAL;
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _ASM__RTC_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sbus.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sbus.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bfe3ba14..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sbus.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * some sbus structures and macros to make usage of sbus drivers possible
- */
-#ifndef __M68K_SBUS_H
-#define __M68K_SBUS_H
-struct sbus_dev {
- struct {
- unsigned int which_io;
- unsigned int phys_addr;
- } reg_addrs[1];
-/* sbus IO functions stolen from include/asm-sparc/io.h for the serial driver */
-/* No SBUS on the Sun3, kludge -- sam */
-static inline void _sbus_writeb(unsigned char val, unsigned long addr)
- *(volatile unsigned char *)addr = val;
-static inline unsigned char _sbus_readb(unsigned long addr)
- return *(volatile unsigned char *)addr;
-static inline void _sbus_writel(unsigned long val, unsigned long addr)
- *(volatile unsigned long *)addr = val;
-extern inline unsigned long _sbus_readl(unsigned long addr)
- return *(volatile unsigned long *)addr;
-#define sbus_readb(a) _sbus_readb((unsigned long)a)
-#define sbus_writeb(v, a) _sbus_writeb(v, (unsigned long)a)
-#define sbus_readl(a) _sbus_readl((unsigned long)a)
-#define sbus_writel(v, a) _sbus_writel(v, (unsigned long)a)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/scatterlist.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/scatterlist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 31250545..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/scatterlist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SCATTERLIST_H
-#define _M68K_SCATTERLIST_H
-#include <asm-generic/scatterlist.h>
-#endif /* !(_M68K_SCATTERLIST_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sections.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sections.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5277e527..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sections.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_SECTIONS_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_SECTIONS_H
-#include <asm-generic/sections.h>
-extern char _sbss[], _ebss[];
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_SECTIONS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/segment.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/segment.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa80e97..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/segment.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SEGMENT_H
-#define _M68K_SEGMENT_H
-/* define constants */
-/* Address spaces (FC0-FC2) */
-#define USER_DATA (1)
-#ifndef __USER_DS
-#define __USER_DS (USER_DATA)
-#define USER_PROGRAM (2)
-#define SUPER_DATA (5)
-#ifndef __KERNEL_DS
-#define SUPER_PROGRAM (6)
-#define CPU_SPACE (7)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long seg;
-} mm_segment_t;
-#define MAKE_MM_SEG(s) ((mm_segment_t) { (s) })
- * Get/set the SFC/DFC registers for MOVES instructions
- */
-static inline mm_segment_t get_fs(void)
- mm_segment_t _v;
- __asm__ ("movec %/dfc,%0":"=r" (_v.seg):);
- return _v;
-static inline void set_fs(mm_segment_t val)
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("movec %0,%/sfc\n\t"
- "movec %0,%/dfc\n\t"
- : /* no outputs */ : "r" (val.seg) : "memory");
-static inline mm_segment_t get_ds(void)
- /* return the supervisor data space code */
- return KERNEL_DS;
-#define get_ds() (KERNEL_DS)
-#define get_fs() (current_thread_info()->addr_limit)
-#define set_fs(x) (current_thread_info()->addr_limit = (x))
-#define segment_eq(a,b) ((a).seg == (b).seg)
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_SEGMENT_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sembuf.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sembuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2308052a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sembuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SEMBUF_H
-#define _M68K_SEMBUF_H
- * The semid64_ds structure for m68k architecture.
- * Note extra padding because this structure is passed back and forth
- * between kernel and user space.
- *
- * Pad space is left for:
- * - 64-bit time_t to solve y2038 problem
- * - 2 miscellaneous 32-bit values
- */
-struct semid64_ds {
- struct ipc64_perm sem_perm; /* permissions .. see ipc.h */
- __kernel_time_t sem_otime; /* last semop time */
- unsigned long __unused1;
- __kernel_time_t sem_ctime; /* last change time */
- unsigned long __unused2;
- unsigned long sem_nsems; /* no. of semaphores in array */
- unsigned long __unused3;
- unsigned long __unused4;
-#endif /* _M68K_SEMBUF_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/serial.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/serial.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7267536a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/serial.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * include/asm-m68k/serial.h
- *
- * currently this seems useful only for a Q40,
- * it's an almost exact copy of ../asm-alpha/serial.h
- *
- */
- * This assumes you have a 1.8432 MHz clock for your UART.
- *
- * It'd be nice if someone built a serial card with a 24.576 MHz
- * clock, since the 16550A is capable of handling a top speed of 1.5
- * megabits/second; but this requires the faster clock.
- */
-#define BASE_BAUD ( 1843200 / 16 )
-/* Standard COM flags (except for COM4, because of the 8514 problem) */
-#ifdef CONFIG_ISA
- { 0, BASE_BAUD, 0x3F8, 4, STD_COM_FLAGS }, /* ttyS0 */ \
- { 0, BASE_BAUD, 0x2F8, 3, STD_COM_FLAGS }, /* ttyS1 */ \
- { 0, BASE_BAUD, 0x3E8, 4, STD_COM_FLAGS }, /* ttyS2 */ \
- { 0, BASE_BAUD, 0x2E8, 3, STD_COM4_FLAGS }, /* ttyS3 */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/setup.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/setup.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 00c2c539..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/setup.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-** asm/setup.h -- Definition of the Linux/m68k setup information
-** Copyright 1992 by Greg Harp
-** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-** License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
-** for more details.
-** Created 09/29/92 by Greg Harp
-** 5/2/94 Roman Hodek:
-** Added bi_atari part of the machine dependent union bi_un; for now it
-** contains just a model field to distinguish between TT and Falcon.
-** 26/7/96 Roman Zippel:
-** Renamed to setup.h; added some useful macros to allow gcc some
-** optimizations if possible.
-** 5/10/96 Geert Uytterhoeven:
-** Redesign of the boot information structure; moved boot information
-** structure to bootinfo.h
-#ifndef _M68K_SETUP_H
-#define _M68K_SETUP_H
- /*
- * Linux/m68k Architectures
- */
-#define MACH_AMIGA 1
-#define MACH_ATARI 2
-#define MACH_MAC 3
-#define MACH_APOLLO 4
-#define MACH_SUN3 5
-#define MACH_MVME147 6
-#define MACH_MVME16x 7
-#define MACH_BVME6000 8
-#define MACH_HP300 9
-#define MACH_Q40 10
-#define MACH_SUN3X 11
-#define MACH_M54XX 12
-#define COMMAND_LINE_SIZE 256
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-extern unsigned long m68k_machtype;
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-#if !defined(CONFIG_AMIGA)
-# define MACH_IS_AMIGA (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_ATARI) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) \
- || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x) || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) \
- || defined(CONFIG_HP300) || defined(CONFIG_Q40) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_AMIGA (m68k_machtype == MACH_AMIGA)
-# define MACH_IS_AMIGA (1)
-#if !defined(CONFIG_ATARI)
-# define MACH_IS_ATARI (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) \
- || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x) || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) \
- || defined(CONFIG_HP300) || defined(CONFIG_Q40) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_ATARI (m68k_machtype == MACH_ATARI)
-# define MACH_IS_ATARI (1)
-#if !defined(CONFIG_MAC)
-# define MACH_IS_MAC (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_ATARI) || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) \
- || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x) || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) \
- || defined(CONFIG_HP300) || defined(CONFIG_Q40) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_MAC (m68k_machtype == MACH_MAC)
-# define MACH_MAC_ONLY
-# define MACH_IS_MAC (1)
-# define MACH_TYPE (MACH_MAC)
-#if defined(CONFIG_SUN3)
-#define MACH_IS_SUN3 (1)
-#define MACH_SUN3_ONLY (1)
-#define MACH_TYPE (MACH_SUN3)
-#define MACH_IS_SUN3 (0)
-#if !defined (CONFIG_APOLLO)
-# define MACH_IS_APOLLO (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_ATARI) \
- || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x) || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) \
- || defined(CONFIG_HP300) || defined(CONFIG_Q40) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_APOLLO (m68k_machtype == MACH_APOLLO)
-# define MACH_IS_APOLLO (1)
-#if !defined (CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_MVME147 (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_ATARI) \
- || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) \
- || defined(CONFIG_HP300) || defined(CONFIG_Q40) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x)
-# define MACH_IS_MVME147 (m68k_machtype == MACH_MVME147)
-# define MACH_MVME147_ONLY
-# define MACH_IS_MVME147 (1)
-# define MACH_TYPE (MACH_MVME147)
-#if !defined (CONFIG_MVME16x)
-# define MACH_IS_MVME16x (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_ATARI) \
- || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) \
- || defined(CONFIG_HP300) || defined(CONFIG_Q40) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_MVME16x (m68k_machtype == MACH_MVME16x)
-# define MACH_MVME16x_ONLY
-# define MACH_IS_MVME16x (1)
-# define MACH_TYPE (MACH_MVME16x)
-#if !defined (CONFIG_BVME6000)
-# define MACH_IS_BVME6000 (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_ATARI) \
- || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x) \
- || defined(CONFIG_HP300) || defined(CONFIG_Q40) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_BVME6000 (m68k_machtype == MACH_BVME6000)
-# define MACH_BVME6000_ONLY
-# define MACH_IS_BVME6000 (1)
-# define MACH_TYPE (MACH_BVME6000)
-#if !defined (CONFIG_HP300)
-# define MACH_IS_HP300 (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_ATARI) \
- || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x) \
- || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) || defined(CONFIG_Q40) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_HP300 (m68k_machtype == MACH_HP300)
-# define MACH_HP300_ONLY
-# define MACH_IS_HP300 (1)
-# define MACH_TYPE (MACH_HP300)
-#if !defined (CONFIG_Q40)
-# define MACH_IS_Q40 (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_ATARI) \
- || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x) \
- || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) || defined(CONFIG_HP300) \
- || defined(CONFIG_SUN3X) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_Q40 (m68k_machtype == MACH_Q40)
-# define MACH_Q40_ONLY
-# define MACH_IS_Q40 (1)
-# define MACH_TYPE (MACH_Q40)
-#if !defined (CONFIG_SUN3X)
-# define MACH_IS_SUN3X (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_AMIGA) || defined(CONFIG_MAC) || defined(CONFIG_ATARI) \
- || defined(CONFIG_APOLLO) || defined(CONFIG_MVME16x) \
- || defined(CONFIG_BVME6000) || defined(CONFIG_HP300) \
- || defined(CONFIG_Q40) || defined(CONFIG_MVME147)
-# define MACH_IS_SUN3X (m68k_machtype == MACH_SUN3X)
-# define MACH_IS_SUN3X (1)
-# define MACH_TYPE (MACH_SUN3X)
-#ifndef MACH_TYPE
-# define MACH_TYPE (m68k_machtype)
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
- /*
- * CPU, FPU and MMU types
- *
- * Note: we may rely on the following equalities:
- *
- * CPU_68020 == MMU_68851
- * CPU_68030 == MMU_68030
- * CPU_68040 == FPU_68040 == MMU_68040
- * CPU_68060 == FPU_68060 == MMU_68060
- */
-#define CPUB_68020 0
-#define CPUB_68030 1
-#define CPUB_68040 2
-#define CPUB_68060 3
-#define CPUB_COLDFIRE 4
-#define CPU_68020 (1<<CPUB_68020)
-#define CPU_68030 (1<<CPUB_68030)
-#define CPU_68040 (1<<CPUB_68040)
-#define CPU_68060 (1<<CPUB_68060)
-#define FPUB_68881 0
-#define FPUB_68882 1
-#define FPUB_68040 2 /* Internal FPU */
-#define FPUB_68060 3 /* Internal FPU */
-#define FPUB_SUNFPA 4 /* Sun-3 FPA */
-#define FPUB_COLDFIRE 5 /* ColdFire FPU */
-#define FPU_68881 (1<<FPUB_68881)
-#define FPU_68882 (1<<FPUB_68882)
-#define FPU_68040 (1<<FPUB_68040)
-#define FPU_68060 (1<<FPUB_68060)
-#define MMUB_68851 0
-#define MMUB_68030 1 /* Internal MMU */
-#define MMUB_68040 2 /* Internal MMU */
-#define MMUB_68060 3 /* Internal MMU */
-#define MMUB_APOLLO 4 /* Custom Apollo */
-#define MMUB_SUN3 5 /* Custom Sun-3 */
-#define MMUB_COLDFIRE 6 /* Internal MMU */
-#define MMU_68851 (1<<MMUB_68851)
-#define MMU_68030 (1<<MMUB_68030)
-#define MMU_68040 (1<<MMUB_68040)
-#define MMU_68060 (1<<MMUB_68060)
-#define MMU_SUN3 (1<<MMUB_SUN3)
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-extern unsigned long m68k_cputype;
-extern unsigned long m68k_fputype;
-extern unsigned long m68k_mmutype;
-#ifdef CONFIG_VME
-extern unsigned long vme_brdtype;
- /*
- * m68k_is040or060 is != 0 for a '040 or higher;
- * used numbers are 4 for 68040 and 6 for 68060.
- */
-extern int m68k_is040or060;
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M68020)
-# define CPU_IS_020 (0)
-# define MMU_IS_851 (0)
-# define MMU_IS_SUN3 (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M68030) || defined(CONFIG_M68040) || defined(CONFIG_M68060)
-# define CPU_IS_020 (m68k_cputype & CPU_68020)
-# define MMU_IS_851 (m68k_mmutype & MMU_68851)
-# define MMU_IS_SUN3 (0) /* Sun3 not supported with other CPU enabled */
-# define CPU_M68020_ONLY
-# define CPU_IS_020 (1)
-#ifdef MACH_SUN3_ONLY
-# define MMU_IS_SUN3 (1)
-# define MMU_IS_851 (0)
-# define MMU_IS_SUN3 (0)
-# define MMU_IS_851 (1)
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M68030)
-# define CPU_IS_030 (0)
-# define MMU_IS_030 (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M68020) || defined(CONFIG_M68040) || defined(CONFIG_M68060)
-# define CPU_IS_030 (m68k_cputype & CPU_68030)
-# define MMU_IS_030 (m68k_mmutype & MMU_68030)
-# define CPU_M68030_ONLY
-# define CPU_IS_030 (1)
-# define MMU_IS_030 (1)
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M68040)
-# define CPU_IS_040 (0)
-# define MMU_IS_040 (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M68020) || defined(CONFIG_M68030) || defined(CONFIG_M68060)
-# define CPU_IS_040 (m68k_cputype & CPU_68040)
-# define MMU_IS_040 (m68k_mmutype & MMU_68040)
-# define CPU_M68040_ONLY
-# define CPU_IS_040 (1)
-# define MMU_IS_040 (1)
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M68060)
-# define CPU_IS_060 (0)
-# define MMU_IS_060 (0)
-#elif defined(CONFIG_M68020) || defined(CONFIG_M68030) || defined(CONFIG_M68040)
-# define CPU_IS_060 (m68k_cputype & CPU_68060)
-# define MMU_IS_060 (m68k_mmutype & MMU_68060)
-# define CPU_M68060_ONLY
-# define CPU_IS_060 (1)
-# define MMU_IS_060 (1)
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M68020) && !defined(CONFIG_M68030)
-# define CPU_IS_020_OR_030 (0)
-# define CPU_M68020_OR_M68030
-# if defined(CONFIG_M68040) || defined(CONFIG_M68060)
-# define CPU_IS_020_OR_030 (!m68k_is040or060)
-# else
-# define CPU_M68020_OR_M68030_ONLY
-# define CPU_IS_020_OR_030 (1)
-# endif
-#if !defined(CONFIG_M68040) && !defined(CONFIG_M68060)
-# define CPU_IS_040_OR_060 (0)
-# define CPU_M68040_OR_M68060
-# if defined(CONFIG_M68020) || defined(CONFIG_M68030)
-# define CPU_IS_040_OR_060 (m68k_is040or060)
-# else
-# define CPU_M68040_OR_M68060_ONLY
-# define CPU_IS_040_OR_060 (1)
-# endif
-#if !defined(CONFIG_COLDFIRE)
-# define CPU_IS_COLDFIRE (0)
-# define CPU_IS_COLDFIRE (1)
-# define MMU_IS_COLDFIRE (1)
-#define CPU_TYPE (m68k_cputype)
-# define FPU_IS_EMU (1)
-# else
-# define FPU_IS_EMU (!m68k_fputype)
-# endif
-# define FPU_IS_EMU (0)
- /*
- * Miscellaneous
- */
-#define NUM_MEMINFO 4
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct mem_info {
- unsigned long addr; /* physical address of memory chunk */
- unsigned long size; /* length of memory chunk (in bytes) */
-extern int m68k_num_memory; /* # of memory blocks found (and used) */
-extern int m68k_realnum_memory; /* real # of memory blocks found */
-extern struct mem_info m68k_memory[NUM_MEMINFO];/* memory description */
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_SETUP_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shm.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa56ec84..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SHM_H
-#define _M68K_SHM_H
-/* format of page table entries that correspond to shared memory pages
- currently out in swap space (see also mm/swap.c):
- bits 0-1 (PAGE_PRESENT) is = 0
- bits 8..2 (SWP_TYPE) are = SHM_SWP_TYPE
- bits 31..9 are used like this:
- bits 15..9 (SHM_ID) the id of the shared memory segment
- bits 30..16 (SHM_IDX) the index of the page within the shared memory segment
- (actually only bits 25..16 get used since SHMMAX is so low)
- bit 31 (SHM_READ_ONLY) flag whether the page belongs to a read-only attach
-/* on the m68k both bits 0 and 1 must be zero */
-/* format on the sun3 is similar, but bits 30, 31 are set to zero and all
- others are reduced by 2. --m */
-#ifndef CONFIG_SUN3
-#define SHM_ID_SHIFT 9
-#define SHM_ID_SHIFT 7
-#define _SHM_ID_BITS 7
-#define SHM_ID_MASK ((1<<_SHM_ID_BITS)-1)
-#define _SHM_IDX_BITS 15
-#define SHM_IDX_MASK ((1<<_SHM_IDX_BITS)-1)
-#endif /* _M68K_SHM_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shmbuf.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shmbuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f8928d62..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shmbuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SHMBUF_H
-#define _M68K_SHMBUF_H
- * The shmid64_ds structure for m68k architecture.
- * Note extra padding because this structure is passed back and forth
- * between kernel and user space.
- *
- * Pad space is left for:
- * - 64-bit time_t to solve y2038 problem
- * - 2 miscellaneous 32-bit values
- */
-struct shmid64_ds {
- struct ipc64_perm shm_perm; /* operation perms */
- size_t shm_segsz; /* size of segment (bytes) */
- __kernel_time_t shm_atime; /* last attach time */
- unsigned long __unused1;
- __kernel_time_t shm_dtime; /* last detach time */
- unsigned long __unused2;
- __kernel_time_t shm_ctime; /* last change time */
- unsigned long __unused3;
- __kernel_pid_t shm_cpid; /* pid of creator */
- __kernel_pid_t shm_lpid; /* pid of last operator */
- unsigned long shm_nattch; /* no. of current attaches */
- unsigned long __unused4;
- unsigned long __unused5;
-struct shminfo64 {
- unsigned long shmmax;
- unsigned long shmmin;
- unsigned long shmmni;
- unsigned long shmseg;
- unsigned long shmall;
- unsigned long __unused1;
- unsigned long __unused2;
- unsigned long __unused3;
- unsigned long __unused4;
-#endif /* _M68K_SHMBUF_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shmparam.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shmparam.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 558892a2..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/shmparam.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SHMPARAM_H
-#define _M68K_SHMPARAM_H
-#define SHMLBA PAGE_SIZE /* attach addr a multiple of this */
-#endif /* _M68K_SHMPARAM_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sigcontext.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sigcontext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 523db2a5..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sigcontext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68k_SIGCONTEXT_H
-#define _ASM_M68k_SIGCONTEXT_H
-struct sigcontext {
- unsigned long sc_mask; /* old sigmask */
- unsigned long sc_usp; /* old user stack pointer */
- unsigned long sc_d0;
- unsigned long sc_d1;
- unsigned long sc_a0;
- unsigned long sc_a1;
-#ifdef __uClinux__
- unsigned long sc_a5;
- unsigned short sc_sr;
- unsigned long sc_pc;
- unsigned short sc_formatvec;
-#ifndef __uClinux__
- unsigned long sc_fpregs[2*3]; /* room for two fp registers */
- unsigned long sc_fpcntl[3];
- unsigned char sc_fpstate[216];
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/siginfo.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/siginfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 851d3d78..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/siginfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SIGINFO_H
-#define _M68K_SIGINFO_H
-#include <asm-generic/siginfo.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/signal.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/signal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e88660..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/signal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SIGNAL_H
-#define _M68K_SIGNAL_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-/* Avoid too many header ordering problems. */
-struct siginfo;
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-/* Most things should be clean enough to redefine this at will, if care
- is taken to make libc match. */
-#define _NSIG 64
-#define _NSIG_BPW 32
-#define _NSIG_WORDS (_NSIG / _NSIG_BPW)
-typedef unsigned long old_sigset_t; /* at least 32 bits */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long sig[_NSIG_WORDS];
-} sigset_t;
-/* Here we must cater to libcs that poke about in kernel headers. */
-#define NSIG 32
-typedef unsigned long sigset_t;
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#define SIGHUP 1
-#define SIGINT 2
-#define SIGQUIT 3
-#define SIGILL 4
-#define SIGTRAP 5
-#define SIGABRT 6
-#define SIGIOT 6
-#define SIGBUS 7
-#define SIGFPE 8
-#define SIGKILL 9
-#define SIGUSR1 10
-#define SIGSEGV 11
-#define SIGUSR2 12
-#define SIGPIPE 13
-#define SIGALRM 14
-#define SIGTERM 15
-#define SIGSTKFLT 16
-#define SIGCHLD 17
-#define SIGCONT 18
-#define SIGSTOP 19
-#define SIGTSTP 20
-#define SIGTTIN 21
-#define SIGTTOU 22
-#define SIGURG 23
-#define SIGXCPU 24
-#define SIGXFSZ 25
-#define SIGVTALRM 26
-#define SIGPROF 27
-#define SIGWINCH 28
-#define SIGIO 29
-#define SIGLOST 29
-#define SIGPWR 30
-#define SIGSYS 31
-#define SIGUNUSED 31
-/* These should not be considered constants from userland. */
-#define SIGRTMIN 32
- * SA_FLAGS values:
- *
- * SA_ONSTACK indicates that a registered stack_t will be used.
- * SA_RESTART flag to get restarting signals (which were the default long ago)
- * SA_NOCLDSTOP flag to turn off SIGCHLD when children stop.
- * SA_RESETHAND clears the handler when the signal is delivered.
- * SA_NOCLDWAIT flag on SIGCHLD to inhibit zombies.
- * SA_NODEFER prevents the current signal from being masked in the handler.
- *
- * SA_ONESHOT and SA_NOMASK are the historical Linux names for the Single
- * Unix names RESETHAND and NODEFER respectively.
- */
-#define SA_NOCLDSTOP 0x00000001
-#define SA_NOCLDWAIT 0x00000002
-#define SA_SIGINFO 0x00000004
-#define SA_ONSTACK 0x08000000
-#define SA_RESTART 0x10000000
-#define SA_NODEFER 0x40000000
-#define SA_RESETHAND 0x80000000
- * sigaltstack controls
- */
-#define SS_ONSTACK 1
-#define SS_DISABLE 2
-#define MINSIGSTKSZ 2048
-#define SIGSTKSZ 8192
-#include <asm-generic/signal-defs.h>
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-struct old_sigaction {
- __sighandler_t sa_handler;
- old_sigset_t sa_mask;
- unsigned long sa_flags;
- __sigrestore_t sa_restorer;
-struct sigaction {
- __sighandler_t sa_handler;
- unsigned long sa_flags;
- __sigrestore_t sa_restorer;
- sigset_t sa_mask; /* mask last for extensibility */
-struct k_sigaction {
- struct sigaction sa;
-/* Here we must cater to libcs that poke about in kernel headers. */
-struct sigaction {
- union {
- __sighandler_t _sa_handler;
- void (*_sa_sigaction)(int, struct siginfo *, void *);
- } _u;
- sigset_t sa_mask;
- unsigned long sa_flags;
- void (*sa_restorer)(void);
-#define sa_handler _u._sa_handler
-#define sa_sigaction _u._sa_sigaction
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-typedef struct sigaltstack {
- void __user *ss_sp;
- int ss_flags;
- size_t ss_size;
-} stack_t;
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <asm/sigcontext.h>
-static inline void sigaddset(sigset_t *set, int _sig)
- asm ("bfset %0{%1,#1}"
- : "+od" (*set)
- : "id" ((_sig - 1) ^ 31)
- : "cc");
-static inline void sigdelset(sigset_t *set, int _sig)
- asm ("bfclr %0{%1,#1}"
- : "+od" (*set)
- : "id" ((_sig - 1) ^ 31)
- : "cc");
-static inline int __const_sigismember(sigset_t *set, int _sig)
- unsigned long sig = _sig - 1;
- return 1 & (set->sig[sig / _NSIG_BPW] >> (sig % _NSIG_BPW));
-static inline int __gen_sigismember(sigset_t *set, int _sig)
- int ret;
- asm ("bfextu %1{%2,#1},%0"
- : "=d" (ret)
- : "od" (*set), "id" ((_sig-1) ^ 31)
- : "cc");
- return ret;
-#define sigismember(set,sig) \
- (__builtin_constant_p(sig) ? \
- __const_sigismember(set,sig) : \
- __gen_sigismember(set,sig))
-static inline int sigfindinword(unsigned long word)
- asm ("bfffo %1{#0,#0},%0"
- : "=d" (word)
- : "d" (word & -word)
- : "cc");
- return word ^ 31;
-#ifdef __uClinux__
-#define ptrace_signal_deliver(regs, cookie) do { } while (0)
-struct pt_regs;
-extern void ptrace_signal_deliver(struct pt_regs *regs, void *cookie);
-#endif /* __uClinux__ */
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_SIGNAL_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/smp.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/smp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e9bd7e5..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/smp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* nothing required here yet */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/socket.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/socket.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d1be684e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/socket.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_SOCKET_H
-#define _ASM_SOCKET_H
-#include <asm/sockios.h>
-/* For setsockopt(2) */
-#define SOL_SOCKET 1
-#define SO_DEBUG 1
-#define SO_REUSEADDR 2
-#define SO_TYPE 3
-#define SO_ERROR 4
-#define SO_DONTROUTE 5
-#define SO_BROADCAST 6
-#define SO_SNDBUF 7
-#define SO_RCVBUF 8
-#define SO_SNDBUFFORCE 32
-#define SO_RCVBUFFORCE 33
-#define SO_KEEPALIVE 9
-#define SO_OOBINLINE 10
-#define SO_NO_CHECK 11
-#define SO_PRIORITY 12
-#define SO_LINGER 13
-#define SO_BSDCOMPAT 14
-/* To add :#define SO_REUSEPORT 15 */
-#define SO_PASSCRED 16
-#define SO_PEERCRED 17
-#define SO_RCVLOWAT 18
-#define SO_SNDLOWAT 19
-#define SO_RCVTIMEO 20
-#define SO_SNDTIMEO 21
-/* Security levels - as per NRL IPv6 - don't actually do anything */
-/* Socket filtering */
-#define SO_ATTACH_FILTER 26
-#define SO_DETACH_FILTER 27
-#define SO_PEERNAME 28
-#define SO_TIMESTAMP 29
-#define SO_ACCEPTCONN 30
-#define SO_PEERSEC 31
-#define SO_PASSSEC 34
-#define SO_TIMESTAMPNS 35
-#define SO_MARK 36
-#define SO_PROTOCOL 38
-#define SO_DOMAIN 39
-#define SO_RXQ_OVFL 40
-#define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41
-#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42
-/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */
-#define SO_NOFCS 43
-#endif /* _ASM_SOCKET_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sockios.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sockios.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c04a2394..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sockios.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ARCH_M68K_SOCKIOS__
-#define __ARCH_M68K_SOCKIOS__
-/* Socket-level I/O control calls. */
-#define FIOSETOWN 0x8901
-#define SIOCSPGRP 0x8902
-#define FIOGETOWN 0x8903
-#define SIOCGPGRP 0x8904
-#define SIOCATMARK 0x8905
-#define SIOCGSTAMP 0x8906 /* Get stamp (timeval) */
-#define SIOCGSTAMPNS 0x8907 /* Get stamp (timespec) */
-#endif /* __ARCH_M68K_SOCKIOS__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/spinlock.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/spinlock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 20f46e27..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/spinlock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68K_SPINLOCK_H
-#define __M68K_SPINLOCK_H
-#error "m68k doesn't do SMP yet"
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/stat.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/stat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dd38bc2e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/stat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_STAT_H
-#define _M68K_STAT_H
-struct __old_kernel_stat {
- unsigned short st_dev;
- unsigned short st_ino;
- unsigned short st_mode;
- unsigned short st_nlink;
- unsigned short st_uid;
- unsigned short st_gid;
- unsigned short st_rdev;
- unsigned long st_size;
- unsigned long st_atime;
- unsigned long st_mtime;
- unsigned long st_ctime;
-struct stat {
- unsigned short st_dev;
- unsigned short __pad1;
- unsigned long st_ino;
- unsigned short st_mode;
- unsigned short st_nlink;
- unsigned short st_uid;
- unsigned short st_gid;
- unsigned short st_rdev;
- unsigned short __pad2;
- unsigned long st_size;
- unsigned long st_blksize;
- unsigned long st_blocks;
- unsigned long st_atime;
- unsigned long __unused1;
- unsigned long st_mtime;
- unsigned long __unused2;
- unsigned long st_ctime;
- unsigned long __unused3;
- unsigned long __unused4;
- unsigned long __unused5;
-/* This matches struct stat64 in glibc2.1, hence the absolutely
- * insane amounts of padding around dev_t's.
- */
-struct stat64 {
- unsigned long long st_dev;
- unsigned char __pad1[2];
- unsigned long __st_ino;
- unsigned int st_mode;
- unsigned int st_nlink;
- unsigned long st_uid;
- unsigned long st_gid;
- unsigned long long st_rdev;
- unsigned char __pad3[2];
- long long st_size;
- unsigned long st_blksize;
- unsigned long long st_blocks; /* Number 512-byte blocks allocated. */
- unsigned long st_atime;
- unsigned long st_atime_nsec;
- unsigned long st_mtime;
- unsigned long st_mtime_nsec;
- unsigned long st_ctime;
- unsigned long st_ctime_nsec;
- unsigned long long st_ino;
-#endif /* _M68K_STAT_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/statfs.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/statfs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 08d93f14..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/statfs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_STATFS_H
-#define _M68K_STATFS_H
-#include <asm-generic/statfs.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_STATFS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/string.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/string.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 32198454..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/string.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_STRING_H_
-#define _M68K_STRING_H_
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-static inline size_t __kernel_strlen(const char *s)
- const char *sc;
- for (sc = s; *sc++; )
- ;
- return sc - s - 1;
-static inline char *__kernel_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src)
- char *xdest = dest;
- asm volatile ("\n"
- "1: move.b (%1)+,(%0)+\n"
- " jne 1b"
- : "+a" (dest), "+a" (src)
- : : "memory");
- return xdest;
-#ifndef __IN_STRING_C
-#define strlen(s) (__builtin_constant_p(s) ? \
- __builtin_strlen(s) : \
- __kernel_strlen(s))
-static inline size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t count)
- const char *sc = s;
- asm volatile ("\n"
- "1: subq.l #1,%1\n"
- " jcs 2f\n"
- " tst.b (%0)+\n"
- " jne 1b\n"
- " subq.l #1,%0\n"
- "2:"
- : "+a" (sc), "+d" (count));
- return sc - s;
-#if __GNUC__ >= 4
-#define strcpy(d, s) (__builtin_constant_p(s) && \
- __builtin_strlen(s) <= 32 ? \
- __builtin_strcpy(d, s) : \
- __kernel_strcpy(d, s))
-#define strcpy(d, s) __kernel_strcpy(d, s)
-static inline char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
- char *xdest = dest;
- asm volatile ("\n"
- " jra 2f\n"
- "1: move.b (%1),(%0)+\n"
- " jeq 2f\n"
- " addq.l #1,%1\n"
- "2: subq.l #1,%2\n"
- " jcc 1b\n"
- : "+a" (dest), "+a" (src), "+d" (n)
- : : "memory");
- return xdest;
-#define strcat(d, s) ({ \
- char *__d = (d); \
- strcpy(__d + strlen(__d), (s)); \
-static inline int strcmp(const char *cs, const char *ct)
- char res;
- asm ("\n"
- "1: move.b (%0)+,%2\n" /* get *cs */
- " cmp.b (%1)+,%2\n" /* compare a byte */
- " jne 2f\n" /* not equal, break out */
- " tst.b %2\n" /* at end of cs? */
- " jne 1b\n" /* no, keep going */
- " jra 3f\n" /* strings are equal */
- "2: sub.b -(%1),%2\n" /* *cs - *ct */
- "3:"
- : "+a" (cs), "+a" (ct), "=d" (res));
- return res;
-#endif /* CONFIG_COLDFIRE */
-extern void *memmove(void *, const void *, __kernel_size_t);
-#define memcmp(d, s, n) __builtin_memcmp(d, s, n)
-extern void *memset(void *, int, __kernel_size_t);
-#define memset(d, c, n) __builtin_memset(d, c, n)
-extern void *memcpy(void *, const void *, __kernel_size_t);
-#define memcpy(d, s, n) __builtin_memcpy(d, s, n)
-#endif /* _M68K_STRING_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3-head.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3-head.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 05af2f18..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3-head.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __SUN3_HEAD_H
-#define __SUN3_HEAD_H
-#define KERNBASE 0xE000000 /* First address the kernel will eventually be */
-#define LOAD_ADDR 0x4000 /* prom jumps to us here unless this is elf /boot */
-#define FC_CONTROL 3
-#define FC_SUPERD 5
-#define FC_CPU 7
-#endif /* __SUN3_HEAD_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3_pgalloc.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3_pgalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 48d80d5a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3_pgalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* sun3_pgalloc.h --
- * reorganization around 2.3.39, routines moved from sun3_pgtable.h
- *
- *
- * 02/27/2002 -- Modified to support "highpte" implementation in 2.5.5 (Sam)
- *
- * moved 1/26/2000 Sam Creasey
- */
-#ifndef _SUN3_PGALLOC_H
-#define _SUN3_PGALLOC_H
-#include <asm/tlb.h>
-/* FIXME - when we get this compiling */
-/* erm, now that it's compiling, what do we do with it? */
-#define _KERNPG_TABLE 0
-extern const char bad_pmd_string[];
-#define pmd_alloc_one(mm,address) ({ BUG(); ((pmd_t *)2); })
-static inline void pte_free_kernel(struct mm_struct *mm, pte_t *pte)
- free_page((unsigned long) pte);
-static inline void pte_free(struct mm_struct *mm, pgtable_t page)
- pgtable_page_dtor(page);
- __free_page(page);
-#define __pte_free_tlb(tlb,pte,addr) \
-do { \
- pgtable_page_dtor(pte); \
- tlb_remove_page((tlb), pte); \
-} while (0)
-static inline pte_t *pte_alloc_one_kernel(struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long address)
- unsigned long page = __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT);
- if (!page)
- return NULL;
- memset((void *)page, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
- return (pte_t *) (page);
-static inline pgtable_t pte_alloc_one(struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long address)
- struct page *page = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT, 0);
- if (page == NULL)
- return NULL;
- clear_highpage(page);
- pgtable_page_ctor(page);
- return page;
-static inline void pmd_populate_kernel(struct mm_struct *mm, pmd_t *pmd, pte_t *pte)
- pmd_val(*pmd) = __pa((unsigned long)pte);
-static inline void pmd_populate(struct mm_struct *mm, pmd_t *pmd, pgtable_t page)
- pmd_val(*pmd) = __pa((unsigned long)page_address(page));
-#define pmd_pgtable(pmd) pmd_page(pmd)
- * allocating and freeing a pmd is trivial: the 1-entry pmd is
- * inside the pgd, so has no extra memory associated with it.
- */
-#define pmd_free(mm, x) do { } while (0)
-#define __pmd_free_tlb(tlb, x, addr) do { } while (0)
-static inline void pgd_free(struct mm_struct *mm, pgd_t *pgd)
- free_page((unsigned long) pgd);
-static inline pgd_t * pgd_alloc(struct mm_struct *mm)
- pgd_t *new_pgd;
- new_pgd = (pgd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL);
- memcpy(new_pgd, swapper_pg_dir, PAGE_SIZE);
- memset(new_pgd, 0, (PAGE_OFFSET >> PGDIR_SHIFT));
- return new_pgd;
-#define pgd_populate(mm, pmd, pte) BUG()
-#endif /* SUN3_PGALLOC_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3_pgtable.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3_pgtable.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f55aa041..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3_pgtable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SUN3_PGTABLE_H
-#define _SUN3_PGTABLE_H
-#include <asm/sun3mmu.h>
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <asm/virtconvert.h>
-#include <linux/linkage.h>
- * This file contains all the things which change drastically for the sun3
- * pagetable stuff, to avoid making too much of a mess of the generic m68k
- * `pgtable.h'; this should only be included from the generic file. --m
- */
-/* For virtual address to physical address conversion */
-#define VTOP(addr) __pa(addr)
-#define PTOV(addr) __va(addr)
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-/* These need to be defined for compatibility although the sun3 doesn't use them */
-#define _PAGE_NOCACHE030 0x040
-#define _CACHEMASK040 (~0x060)
-#define _PAGE_NOCACHE_S 0x040
-/* Page protection values within PTE. */
-#define SUN3_PAGE_VALID (0x80000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_WRITEABLE (0x40000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_SYSTEM (0x20000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_NOCACHE (0x10000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_ACCESSED (0x02000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_MODIFIED (0x01000000)
-/* Externally used page protection values. */
-#define PTE_FILE_MAX_BITS 28
-/* Compound page protection values. */
-//todo: work out which ones *should* have SUN3_PAGE_NOCACHE and fix...
-// is it just PAGE_KERNEL and PAGE_SHARED?
-#define PAGE_NONE __pgprot(SUN3_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_SHARED __pgprot(SUN3_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_COPY __pgprot(SUN3_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_READONLY __pgprot(SUN3_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_KERNEL __pgprot(SUN3_PAGE_VALID \
-#define PAGE_INIT __pgprot(SUN3_PAGE_VALID \
- * Page protections for initialising protection_map. The sun3 has only two
- * protection settings, valid (implying read and execute) and writeable. These
- * are as close as we can get...
- */
-#define __P000 PAGE_NONE
-#define __P001 PAGE_READONLY
-#define __P010 PAGE_COPY
-#define __P011 PAGE_COPY
-#define __P100 PAGE_READONLY
-#define __P101 PAGE_READONLY
-#define __P110 PAGE_COPY
-#define __P111 PAGE_COPY
-#define __S000 PAGE_NONE
-#define __S001 PAGE_READONLY
-#define __S010 PAGE_SHARED
-#define __S011 PAGE_SHARED
-#define __S100 PAGE_READONLY
-#define __S101 PAGE_READONLY
-#define __S110 PAGE_SHARED
-#define __S111 PAGE_SHARED
-/* Use these fake page-protections on PMDs. */
-#define SUN3_PMD_VALID (0x00000001)
-#define SUN3_PMD_MASK (0x0000003F)
-#define SUN3_PMD_MAGIC (0x0000002B)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- * Conversion functions: convert a page and protection to a page entry,
- * and a page entry and page directory to the page they refer to.
- */
-#define mk_pte(page, pgprot) pfn_pte(page_to_pfn(page), (pgprot))
-static inline pte_t pte_modify(pte_t pte, pgprot_t newprot)
- pte_val(pte) = (pte_val(pte) & SUN3_PAGE_CHG_MASK) | pgprot_val(newprot);
- return pte;
-#define pmd_set(pmdp,ptep) do {} while (0)
-static inline void pgd_set(pgd_t *pgdp, pmd_t *pmdp)
- pgd_val(*pgdp) = virt_to_phys(pmdp);
-#define __pte_page(pte) \
-((unsigned long) __va ((pte_val (pte) & SUN3_PAGE_PGNUM_MASK) << PAGE_SHIFT))
-#define __pmd_page(pmd) \
-((unsigned long) __va (pmd_val (pmd) & PAGE_MASK))
-static inline int pte_none (pte_t pte) { return !pte_val (pte); }
-static inline int pte_present (pte_t pte) { return pte_val (pte) & SUN3_PAGE_VALID; }
-static inline void pte_clear (struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr, pte_t *ptep)
- pte_val (*ptep) = 0;
-#define pte_pfn(pte) (pte_val(pte) & SUN3_PAGE_PGNUM_MASK)
-#define pfn_pte(pfn, pgprot) \
-({ pte_t __pte; pte_val(__pte) = pfn | pgprot_val(pgprot); __pte; })
-#define pte_page(pte) virt_to_page(__pte_page(pte))
-#define pmd_page(pmd) virt_to_page(__pmd_page(pmd))
-static inline int pmd_none2 (pmd_t *pmd) { return !pmd_val (*pmd); }
-#define pmd_none(pmd) pmd_none2(&(pmd))
-//static inline int pmd_bad (pmd_t pmd) { return (pmd_val (pmd) & SUN3_PMD_MASK) != SUN3_PMD_MAGIC; }
-static inline int pmd_bad2 (pmd_t *pmd) { return 0; }
-#define pmd_bad(pmd) pmd_bad2(&(pmd))
-static inline int pmd_present2 (pmd_t *pmd) { return pmd_val (*pmd) & SUN3_PMD_VALID; }
-/* #define pmd_present(pmd) pmd_present2(&(pmd)) */
-#define pmd_present(pmd) (!pmd_none2(&(pmd)))
-static inline void pmd_clear (pmd_t *pmdp) { pmd_val (*pmdp) = 0; }
-static inline int pgd_none (pgd_t pgd) { return 0; }
-static inline int pgd_bad (pgd_t pgd) { return 0; }
-static inline int pgd_present (pgd_t pgd) { return 1; }
-static inline void pgd_clear (pgd_t *pgdp) {}
-#define pte_ERROR(e) \
- printk("%s:%d: bad pte %08lx.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pte_val(e))
-#define pmd_ERROR(e) \
- printk("%s:%d: bad pmd %08lx.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pmd_val(e))
-#define pgd_ERROR(e) \
- printk("%s:%d: bad pgd %08lx.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pgd_val(e))
- * The following only work if pte_present() is true.
- * Undefined behaviour if not...
- * [we have the full set here even if they don't change from m68k]
- */
-static inline int pte_write(pte_t pte) { return pte_val(pte) & SUN3_PAGE_WRITEABLE; }
-static inline int pte_dirty(pte_t pte) { return pte_val(pte) & SUN3_PAGE_MODIFIED; }
-static inline int pte_young(pte_t pte) { return pte_val(pte) & SUN3_PAGE_ACCESSED; }
-static inline int pte_file(pte_t pte) { return pte_val(pte) & SUN3_PAGE_ACCESSED; }
-static inline int pte_special(pte_t pte) { return 0; }
-static inline pte_t pte_wrprotect(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) &= ~SUN3_PAGE_WRITEABLE; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkclean(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) &= ~SUN3_PAGE_MODIFIED; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkold(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) &= ~SUN3_PAGE_ACCESSED; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkwrite(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) |= SUN3_PAGE_WRITEABLE; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkdirty(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) |= SUN3_PAGE_MODIFIED; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkyoung(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) |= SUN3_PAGE_ACCESSED; return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mknocache(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) |= SUN3_PAGE_NOCACHE; return pte; }
-// use this version when caches work...
-//static inline pte_t pte_mkcache(pte_t pte) { pte_val(pte) &= SUN3_PAGE_NOCACHE; return pte; }
-// until then, use:
-static inline pte_t pte_mkcache(pte_t pte) { return pte; }
-static inline pte_t pte_mkspecial(pte_t pte) { return pte; }
-extern pgd_t swapper_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD];
-extern pgd_t kernel_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD];
-/* Find an entry in a pagetable directory. */
-#define pgd_index(address) ((address) >> PGDIR_SHIFT)
-#define pgd_offset(mm, address) \
-((mm)->pgd + pgd_index(address))
-/* Find an entry in a kernel pagetable directory. */
-#define pgd_offset_k(address) pgd_offset(&init_mm, address)
-/* Find an entry in the second-level pagetable. */
-static inline pmd_t *pmd_offset (pgd_t *pgd, unsigned long address)
- return (pmd_t *) pgd;
-static inline unsigned long pte_to_pgoff(pte_t pte)
- return pte.pte & SUN3_PAGE_PGNUM_MASK;
-static inline pte_t pgoff_to_pte(unsigned off)
- pte_t pte = { off + SUN3_PAGE_ACCESSED };
- return pte;
-/* Find an entry in the third-level pagetable. */
-#define pte_index(address) ((address >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE-1))
-#define pte_offset_kernel(pmd, address) ((pte_t *) __pmd_page(*pmd) + pte_index(address))
-#define pte_offset_map(pmd, address) ((pte_t *)page_address(pmd_page(*pmd)) + pte_index(address))
-#define pte_unmap(pte) do { } while (0)
-/* Macros to (de)construct the fake PTEs representing swap pages. */
-#define __swp_type(x) ((x).val & 0x7F)
-#define __swp_offset(x) (((x).val) >> 7)
-#define __swp_entry(type,offset) ((swp_entry_t) { ((type) | ((offset) << 7)) })
-#define __pte_to_swp_entry(pte) ((swp_entry_t) { pte_val(pte) })
-#define __swp_entry_to_pte(x) ((pte_t) { (x).val })
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* !_SUN3_PGTABLE_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3ints.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3ints.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 309d6e6a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3ints.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * sun3ints.h -- Linux/Sun3 interrupt handling code definitions
- *
- * Erik Verbruggen (
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for
- * more details.
- */
-#ifndef SUN3INTS_H
-#define SUN3INTS_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <asm/intersil.h>
-#include <asm/oplib.h>
-#include <asm/traps.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#define SUN3_INT_VECS 192
-void sun3_enable_irq(unsigned int irq);
-void sun3_disable_irq(unsigned int irq);
-extern void sun3_init_IRQ (void);
-extern void sun3_enable_interrupts (void);
-extern void sun3_disable_interrupts (void);
-extern volatile unsigned char* sun3_intreg;
-/* master list of VME vectors -- don't fuck with this */
-#define SUN3_VEC_CG (IRQ_USER+104)
-#endif /* SUN3INTS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3mmu.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3mmu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d8f17a0d..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3mmu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- * Definitions for Sun3 custom MMU.
- */
-#ifndef __SUN3_MMU_H__
-#define __SUN3_MMU_H__
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <asm/movs.h>
-#include <asm/sun3-head.h>
-/* MMU characteristics. */
-#define SUN3_PMEGS_NUM 256
-#define SUN3_CONTEXTS_NUM 8
-#define SUN3_PMEG_SIZE_BITS 17
-#define SUN3_PMEG_MASK (SUN3_PMEG_SIZE - 1)
-#define SUN3_PTE_SIZE_BITS 13
-#define SUN3_PTE_SIZE (1 << SUN3_PTE_SIZE_BITS)
-#define SUN3_PTE_MASK (SUN3_PTE_SIZE - 1)
-#define SUN3_INVALID_PMEG 255
-#define AC_IDPROM 0x00000000 /* 34 ID PROM, R/O, byte, 32 bytes */
-#define AC_PAGEMAP 0x10000000 /* 3 Pagemap R/W, long */
-#define AC_SEGMAP 0x20000000 /* 3 Segment map, byte */
-#define AC_CONTEXT 0x30000000 /* 34c current mmu-context */
-#define AC_SENABLE 0x40000000 /* 34c system dvma/cache/reset enable reg*/
-#define AC_UDVMA_ENB 0x50000000 /* 34 Not used on Sun boards, byte */
-#define AC_BUS_ERROR 0x60000000 /* 34 Cleared on read, byte. */
-#define AC_SYNC_ERR 0x60000000 /* c fault type */
-#define AC_SYNC_VA 0x60000004 /* c fault virtual address */
-#define AC_ASYNC_ERR 0x60000008 /* c asynchronous fault type */
-#define AC_ASYNC_VA 0x6000000c /* c async fault virtual address */
-#define AC_LEDS 0x70000000 /* 34 Zero turns on LEDs, byte */
-#define AC_CACHETAGS 0x80000000 /* 34c direct access to the VAC tags */
-#define AC_CACHEDDATA 0x90000000 /* 3 c direct access to the VAC data */
-#define AC_UDVMA_MAP 0xD0000000 /* 4 Not used on Sun boards, byte */
-#define AC_VME_VECTOR 0xE0000000 /* 4 For non-Autovector VME, byte */
-#define AC_BOOT_SCC 0xF0000000 /* 34 bypass to access Zilog 8530. byte.*/
-/* Bus access type within PTE. */
-#define SUN3_PAGE_TYPE_MASK (0x0c000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_TYPE_MEMORY (0x00000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_TYPE_IO (0x04000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_TYPE_VME16 (0x08000000)
-#define SUN3_PAGE_TYPE_VME32 (0x0c000000)
-/* Mask for page number within PTE. */
-#define SUN3_PAGE_PGNUM_MASK (0x0007FFFF)
-/* Bits within bus-error register. */
-#define SUN3_BUSERR_WATCHDOG (0x01)
-#define SUN3_BUSERR_unused (0x02)
-#define SUN3_BUSERR_FPAENERR (0x04)
-#define SUN3_BUSERR_FPABERR (0x08)
-#define SUN3_BUSERR_VMEBERR (0x10)
-#define SUN3_BUSERR_TIMEOUT (0x20)
-#define SUN3_BUSERR_PROTERR (0x40)
-#define SUN3_BUSERR_INVALID (0x80)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-/* Read bus error status register (implicitly clearing it). */
-static inline unsigned char sun3_get_buserr(void)
- unsigned char sfc, c;
- GET_SFC (sfc);
- SET_SFC (sfc);
- return c;
-/* Read segmap from hardware MMU. */
-static inline unsigned long sun3_get_segmap(unsigned long addr)
- register unsigned long entry;
- unsigned char c, sfc;
- GET_SFC (sfc);
- SET_SFC (sfc);
- entry = c;
- return entry;
-/* Write segmap to hardware MMU. */
-static inline void sun3_put_segmap(unsigned long addr, unsigned long entry)
- unsigned char sfc;
- GET_DFC (sfc);
- SET_DFC (sfc);
- return;
-/* Read PTE from hardware MMU. */
-static inline unsigned long sun3_get_pte(unsigned long addr)
- register unsigned long entry;
- unsigned char sfc;
- GET_SFC (sfc);
- SET_SFC (sfc);
- return entry;
-/* Write PTE to hardware MMU. */
-static inline void sun3_put_pte(unsigned long addr, unsigned long entry)
- unsigned char sfc;
- GET_DFC (sfc);
- SET_DFC (sfc);
- return;
-/* get current context */
-static inline unsigned char sun3_get_context(void)
- unsigned char sfc, c;
- GET_SFC(sfc);
- SET_SFC(sfc);
- return c;
-/* set alternate context */
-static inline void sun3_put_context(unsigned char c)
- unsigned char dfc;
- GET_DFC(dfc);
- SET_DFC(dfc);
- return;
-extern void __iomem *sun3_ioremap(unsigned long phys, unsigned long size,
- unsigned long type);
-extern int sun3_map_test(unsigned long addr, char *val);
-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* !__SUN3_MMU_H__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3x.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3x.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f5691a1e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3x.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SUN3X_H
-#define SUN3X_H
-/* hardware addresses */
-#define SUN3X_IOMMU 0x60000000
-#define SUN3X_ENAREG 0x61000000
-#define SUN3X_INTREG 0x61001400
-#define SUN3X_DIAGREG 0x61001800
-#define SUN3X_ZS1 0x62000000
-#define SUN3X_ZS2 0x62002000
-#define SUN3X_LANCE 0x65002000
-#define SUN3X_EEPROM 0x64000000
-#define SUN3X_IDPROM 0x640007d8
-#define SUN3X_VIDEO_BASE 0x50000000
-#define SUN3X_VIDEO_P4ID 0x50300000
-#define SUN3X_ESP_BASE 0x66000000
-#define SUN3X_ESP_DMA 0x66001000
-#define SUN3X_FDC 0x6e000000
-#define SUN3X_FDC_FCR 0x6e000400
-#define SUN3X_FDC_FVR 0x6e000800
-/* some NVRAM addresses */
-#define SUN3X_EEPROM_CONS (SUN3X_EEPROM + 0x1f)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3xflop.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3xflop.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 95231e2f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3xflop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-/* sun3xflop.h: Sun3/80 specific parts of the floppy driver.
- *
- * Derived partially from asm-sparc/floppy.h, which is:
- * Copyright (C) 1995 David S. Miller (
- *
- * Sun3x version 2/4/2000 Sam Creasey (
- */
-#ifndef __ASM_SUN3X_FLOPPY_H
-#define __ASM_SUN3X_FLOPPY_H
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/pgtable.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <asm/sun3x.h>
-/* default interrupt vector */
-#define SUN3X_FDC_IRQ 0x40
-/* some constants */
-#define FCR_TC 0x1
-#define FCR_EJECT 0x2
-#define FCR_MTRON 0x4
-#define FCR_DSEL1 0x8
-#define FCR_DSEL0 0x10
-/* We don't need no stinkin' I/O port allocation crap. */
-#undef release_region
-#undef request_region
-#define release_region(X, Y) do { } while(0)
-#define request_region(X, Y, Z) (1)
-struct sun3xflop_private {
- volatile unsigned char *status_r;
- volatile unsigned char *data_r;
- volatile unsigned char *fcr_r;
- volatile unsigned char *fvr_r;
- unsigned char fcr;
-} sun3x_fdc;
-/* Super paranoid... */
-/* Routines unique to each controller type on a Sun. */
-static unsigned char sun3x_82072_fd_inb(int port)
- static int once = 0;
-// udelay(5);
- switch(port & 7) {
- default:
- printk("floppy: Asked to read unknown port %d\n", port);
- panic("floppy: Port bolixed.");
- case 4: /* FD_STATUS */
- return (*sun3x_fdc.status_r) & ~STATUS_DMA;
- case 5: /* FD_DATA */
- return (*sun3x_fdc.data_r);
- case 7: /* FD_DIR */
- /* ugly hack, I can't find a way to actually detect the disk */
- if(!once) {
- once = 1;
- return 0x80;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- panic("sun_82072_fd_inb: How did I get here?");
-static void sun3x_82072_fd_outb(unsigned char value, int port)
-// udelay(5);
- switch(port & 7) {
- default:
- printk("floppy: Asked to write to unknown port %d\n", port);
- panic("floppy: Port bolixed.");
- case 2: /* FD_DOR */
- /* Oh geese, 82072 on the Sun has no DOR register,
- * so we make do with taunting the FCR.
- *
- * ASSUMPTIONS: There will only ever be one floppy
- * drive attached to a Sun controller
- * and it will be at drive zero.
- */
- {
- unsigned char fcr = sun3x_fdc.fcr;
- if(value & 0x10) {
- fcr |= (FCR_DSEL0 | FCR_MTRON);
- } else
- fcr &= ~(FCR_DSEL0 | FCR_MTRON);
- if(fcr != sun3x_fdc.fcr) {
- *(sun3x_fdc.fcr_r) = fcr;
- sun3x_fdc.fcr = fcr;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 5: /* FD_DATA */
- *(sun3x_fdc.data_r) = value;
- break;
- case 7: /* FD_DCR */
- *(sun3x_fdc.status_r) = value;
- break;
- case 4: /* FD_STATUS */
- *(sun3x_fdc.status_r) = value;
- break;
- };
- return;
-asmlinkage irqreturn_t sun3xflop_hardint(int irq, void *dev_id)
- register unsigned char st;
- static int calls=0;
- static int bytes=0;
- static int dma_wait=0;
- if(!doing_pdma) {
- floppy_interrupt(irq, dev_id);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- }
-// printk("doing pdma\n");// st %x\n", sun_fdc->status_82072);
- if(!calls)
- bytes = virtual_dma_count;
- {
- register int lcount;
- register char *lptr;
- for(lcount=virtual_dma_count, lptr=virtual_dma_addr;
- lcount; lcount--, lptr++) {
-/* st=fd_inb(virtual_dma_port+4) & 0x80 ; */
- st = *(sun3x_fdc.status_r);
-/* if(st != 0xa0) */
-/* break; */
- if((st & 0x80) == 0) {
- virtual_dma_count = lcount;
- virtual_dma_addr = lptr;
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- }
- if((st & 0x20) == 0)
- break;
- if(virtual_dma_mode)
-/* fd_outb(*lptr, virtual_dma_port+5); */
- *(sun3x_fdc.data_r) = *lptr;
- else
-/* *lptr = fd_inb(virtual_dma_port+5); */
- *lptr = *(sun3x_fdc.data_r);
- }
- virtual_dma_count = lcount;
- virtual_dma_addr = lptr;
-/* st = fd_inb(virtual_dma_port+4); */
- st = *(sun3x_fdc.status_r);
- }
- calls++;
-// printk("st=%02x\n", st);
- if(st == 0x20)
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- if(!(st & 0x20)) {
- virtual_dma_residue += virtual_dma_count;
- virtual_dma_count=0;
- doing_pdma = 0;
- printk("count=%x, residue=%x calls=%d bytes=%x dma_wait=%d\n",
- virtual_dma_count, virtual_dma_residue, calls, bytes,
- dma_wait);
- calls = 0;
- dma_wait=0;
- floppy_interrupt(irq, dev_id);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- }
- if(!virtual_dma_count)
- dma_wait++;
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
-static int sun3xflop_request_irq(void)
- static int once = 0;
- int error;
- if(!once) {
- once = 1;
- error = request_irq(FLOPPY_IRQ, sun3xflop_hardint,
- IRQF_DISABLED, "floppy", NULL);
- return ((error == 0) ? 0 : -1);
- } else return 0;
-static void __init floppy_set_flags(int *ints,int param, int param2);
-static int sun3xflop_init(void)
- if(FLOPPY_IRQ < 0x40)
- sun3x_fdc.status_r = (volatile unsigned char *)SUN3X_FDC;
- sun3x_fdc.data_r = (volatile unsigned char *)(SUN3X_FDC+1);
- sun3x_fdc.fcr_r = (volatile unsigned char *)SUN3X_FDC_FCR;
- sun3x_fdc.fvr_r = (volatile unsigned char *)SUN3X_FDC_FVR;
- sun3x_fdc.fcr = 0;
- /* Last minute sanity check... */
- if(*sun3x_fdc.status_r == 0xff) {
- return -1;
- }
- *sun3x_fdc.fvr_r = FLOPPY_IRQ;
- *sun3x_fdc.fcr_r = FCR_TC;
- udelay(10);
- *sun3x_fdc.fcr_r = 0;
- /* Success... */
- floppy_set_flags(NULL, 1, FD_BROKEN_DCL); // I don't know how to detect this.
- allowed_drive_mask = 0x01;
- return (int) SUN3X_FDC;
-/* I'm not precisely sure this eject routine works */
-static int sun3x_eject(void)
- if(MACH_IS_SUN3X) {
- sun3x_fdc.fcr |= (FCR_DSEL0 | FCR_EJECT);
- *(sun3x_fdc.fcr_r) = sun3x_fdc.fcr;
- udelay(10);
- sun3x_fdc.fcr &= ~(FCR_DSEL0 | FCR_EJECT);
- *(sun3x_fdc.fcr_r) = sun3x_fdc.fcr;
- }
- return 0;
-#define fd_eject(drive) sun3x_eject()
-#endif /* !(__ASM_SUN3X_FLOPPY_H) */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3xprom.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3xprom.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6735efcf..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3xprom.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* Useful PROM locations */
-#ifndef SUN3X_PROM_H
-#define SUN3X_PROM_H
-extern void (*sun3x_putchar)(int);
-extern int (*sun3x_getchar)(void);
-extern int (*sun3x_mayget)(void);
-extern int (*sun3x_mayput)(int);
-void sun3x_reboot(void);
-void sun3x_abort(void);
-void sun3x_prom_init(void);
-unsigned long sun3x_prom_ptov(unsigned long pa, unsigned long size);
-/* interesting hardware locations */
-#define SUN3X_IOMMU 0x60000000
-#define SUN3X_ENAREG 0x61000000
-#define SUN3X_INTREG 0x61001400
-#define SUN3X_DIAGREG 0x61001800
-#define SUN3X_ZS1 0x62000000
-#define SUN3X_ZS2 0x62002000
-#define SUN3X_LANCE 0x65002000
-#define SUN3X_EEPROM 0x64000000
-#define SUN3X_IDPROM 0x640007d8
-#define SUN3X_VIDEO_BASE 0x50400000
-#define SUN3X_VIDEO_REGS 0x50300000
-/* vector table */
-#define SUN3X_PROM_BASE 0xfefe0000
-#define SUN3X_P_MAYGET (SUN3X_PROM_BASE + 28)
-#define SUN3X_P_MAYPUT (SUN3X_PROM_BASE + 32)
-#define SUN3X_P_REBOOT (SUN3X_PROM_BASE + 96)
-#define SUN3X_P_SETLEDS (SUN3X_PROM_BASE + 144)
-#define SUN3X_P_ABORT (SUN3X_PROM_BASE + 152)
-/* mapped area */
-#define SUN3X_MAP_START 0xfee00000
-#define SUN3X_MAP_END 0xff000000
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/swab.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/swab.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b37a40..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/swab.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SWAB_H
-#define _M68K_SWAB_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#define __SWAB_64_THRU_32__
-#if defined (__mcfisaaplus__) || defined (__mcfisac__)
-static inline __attribute_const__ __u32 __arch_swab32(__u32 val)
- __asm__("byterev %0" : "=d" (val) : "0" (val));
- return val;
-#define __arch_swab32 __arch_swab32
-#elif !defined(__mcoldfire__)
-static inline __attribute_const__ __u32 __arch_swab32(__u32 val)
- __asm__("rolw #8,%0; swap %0; rolw #8,%0" : "=d" (val) : "0" (val));
- return val;
-#define __arch_swab32 __arch_swab32
-#endif /* _M68K_SWAB_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/switch_to.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/switch_to.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16fd6b63..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/switch_to.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_SWITCH_TO_H
-#define _M68K_SWITCH_TO_H
- * switch_to(n) should switch tasks to task ptr, first checking that
- * ptr isn't the current task, in which case it does nothing. This
- * also clears the TS-flag if the task we switched to has used the
- * math co-processor latest.
- */
- * switch_to() saves the extra registers, that are not saved
- * automatically by SAVE_SWITCH_STACK in resume(), ie. d0-d5 and
- * a0-a1. Some of these are used by schedule() and its predecessors
- * and so we might get see unexpected behaviors when a task returns
- * with unexpected register values.
- *
- * syscall stores these registers itself and none of them are used
- * by syscall after the function in the syscall has been called.
- *
- * Beware that resume now expects *next to be in d1 and the offset of
- * tss to be in a1. This saves a few instructions as we no longer have
- * to push them onto the stack and read them back right after.
- *
- * 02/17/96 - Jes Sorensen (
- *
- * Changed 96/09/19 by Andreas Schwab
- * pass prev in a0, next in a1
- */
-asmlinkage void resume(void);
-#define switch_to(prev,next,last) do { \
- register void *_prev __asm__ ("a0") = (prev); \
- register void *_next __asm__ ("a1") = (next); \
- register void *_last __asm__ ("d1"); \
- __asm__ __volatile__("jbsr resume" \
- : "=a" (_prev), "=a" (_next), "=d" (_last) \
- : "0" (_prev), "1" (_next) \
- : "d0", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5"); \
- (last) = _last; \
-} while (0)
-#endif /* _M68K_SWITCH_TO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/termbits.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/termbits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aea1e37b..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/termbits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ARCH_M68K_TERMBITS_H__
-#define __ARCH_M68K_TERMBITS_H__
-#include <linux/posix_types.h>
-typedef unsigned char cc_t;
-typedef unsigned int speed_t;
-typedef unsigned int tcflag_t;
-#define NCCS 19
-struct termios {
- tcflag_t c_iflag; /* input mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_oflag; /* output mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_cflag; /* control mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_lflag; /* local mode flags */
- cc_t c_line; /* line discipline */
- cc_t c_cc[NCCS]; /* control characters */
-struct termios2 {
- tcflag_t c_iflag; /* input mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_oflag; /* output mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_cflag; /* control mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_lflag; /* local mode flags */
- cc_t c_line; /* line discipline */
- cc_t c_cc[NCCS]; /* control characters */
- speed_t c_ispeed; /* input speed */
- speed_t c_ospeed; /* output speed */
-struct ktermios {
- tcflag_t c_iflag; /* input mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_oflag; /* output mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_cflag; /* control mode flags */
- tcflag_t c_lflag; /* local mode flags */
- cc_t c_line; /* line discipline */
- cc_t c_cc[NCCS]; /* control characters */
- speed_t c_ispeed; /* input speed */
- speed_t c_ospeed; /* output speed */
-/* c_cc characters */
-#define VINTR 0
-#define VQUIT 1
-#define VERASE 2
-#define VKILL 3
-#define VEOF 4
-#define VTIME 5
-#define VMIN 6
-#define VSWTC 7
-#define VSTART 8
-#define VSTOP 9
-#define VSUSP 10
-#define VEOL 11
-#define VREPRINT 12
-#define VDISCARD 13
-#define VWERASE 14
-#define VLNEXT 15
-#define VEOL2 16
-/* c_iflag bits */
-#define IGNBRK 0000001
-#define BRKINT 0000002
-#define IGNPAR 0000004
-#define PARMRK 0000010
-#define INPCK 0000020
-#define ISTRIP 0000040
-#define INLCR 0000100
-#define IGNCR 0000200
-#define ICRNL 0000400
-#define IUCLC 0001000
-#define IXON 0002000
-#define IXANY 0004000
-#define IXOFF 0010000
-#define IMAXBEL 0020000
-#define IUTF8 0040000
-/* c_oflag bits */
-#define OPOST 0000001
-#define OLCUC 0000002
-#define ONLCR 0000004
-#define OCRNL 0000010
-#define ONOCR 0000020
-#define ONLRET 0000040
-#define OFILL 0000100
-#define OFDEL 0000200
-#define NLDLY 0000400
-#define NL0 0000000
-#define NL1 0000400
-#define CRDLY 0003000
-#define CR0 0000000
-#define CR1 0001000
-#define CR2 0002000
-#define CR3 0003000
-#define TABDLY 0014000
-#define TAB0 0000000
-#define TAB1 0004000
-#define TAB2 0010000
-#define TAB3 0014000
-#define XTABS 0014000
-#define BSDLY 0020000
-#define BS0 0000000
-#define BS1 0020000
-#define VTDLY 0040000
-#define VT0 0000000
-#define VT1 0040000
-#define FFDLY 0100000
-#define FF0 0000000
-#define FF1 0100000
-/* c_cflag bit meaning */
-#define CBAUD 0010017
-#define B0 0000000 /* hang up */
-#define B50 0000001
-#define B75 0000002
-#define B110 0000003
-#define B134 0000004
-#define B150 0000005
-#define B200 0000006
-#define B300 0000007
-#define B600 0000010
-#define B1200 0000011
-#define B1800 0000012
-#define B2400 0000013
-#define B4800 0000014
-#define B9600 0000015
-#define B19200 0000016
-#define B38400 0000017
-#define EXTA B19200
-#define EXTB B38400
-#define CSIZE 0000060
-#define CS5 0000000
-#define CS6 0000020
-#define CS7 0000040
-#define CS8 0000060
-#define CSTOPB 0000100
-#define CREAD 0000200
-#define PARENB 0000400
-#define PARODD 0001000
-#define HUPCL 0002000
-#define CLOCAL 0004000
-#define CBAUDEX 0010000
-#define BOTHER 0010000
-#define B57600 0010001
-#define B115200 0010002
-#define B230400 0010003
-#define B460800 0010004
-#define B500000 0010005
-#define B576000 0010006
-#define B921600 0010007
-#define B1000000 0010010
-#define B1152000 0010011
-#define B1500000 0010012
-#define B2000000 0010013
-#define B2500000 0010014
-#define B3000000 0010015
-#define B3500000 0010016
-#define B4000000 0010017
-#define CIBAUD 002003600000 /* input baud rate */
-#define CMSPAR 010000000000 /* mark or space (stick) parity */
-#define CRTSCTS 020000000000 /* flow control */
-#define IBSHIFT 16 /* Shift from CBAUD to CIBAUD */
-/* c_lflag bits */
-#define ISIG 0000001
-#define ICANON 0000002
-#define XCASE 0000004
-#define ECHO 0000010
-#define ECHOE 0000020
-#define ECHOK 0000040
-#define ECHONL 0000100
-#define NOFLSH 0000200
-#define TOSTOP 0000400
-#define ECHOCTL 0001000
-#define ECHOPRT 0002000
-#define ECHOKE 0004000
-#define FLUSHO 0010000
-#define PENDIN 0040000
-#define IEXTEN 0100000
-#define EXTPROC 0200000
-/* tcflow() and TCXONC use these */
-#define TCOOFF 0
-#define TCOON 1
-#define TCIOFF 2
-#define TCION 3
-/* tcflush() and TCFLSH use these */
-#define TCIFLUSH 0
-#define TCOFLUSH 1
-#define TCIOFLUSH 2
-/* tcsetattr uses these */
-#define TCSANOW 0
-#define TCSADRAIN 1
-#define TCSAFLUSH 2
-#endif /* __ARCH_M68K_TERMBITS_H__ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/termios.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/termios.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0823032e..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/termios.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_TERMIOS_H
-#define _M68K_TERMIOS_H
-#include <asm/termbits.h>
-#include <asm/ioctls.h>
-struct winsize {
- unsigned short ws_row;
- unsigned short ws_col;
- unsigned short ws_xpixel;
- unsigned short ws_ypixel;
-#define NCC 8
-struct termio {
- unsigned short c_iflag; /* input mode flags */
- unsigned short c_oflag; /* output mode flags */
- unsigned short c_cflag; /* control mode flags */
- unsigned short c_lflag; /* local mode flags */
- unsigned char c_line; /* line discipline */
- unsigned char c_cc[NCC]; /* control characters */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-/* intr=^C quit=^| erase=del kill=^U
- eof=^D vtime=\0 vmin=\1 sxtc=\0
- start=^Q stop=^S susp=^Z eol=\0
- reprint=^R discard=^U werase=^W lnext=^V
- eol2=\0
-#define INIT_C_CC "\003\034\177\025\004\0\1\0\021\023\032\0\022\017\027\026\0"
-/* modem lines */
-#define TIOCM_LE 0x001
-#define TIOCM_DTR 0x002
-#define TIOCM_RTS 0x004
-#define TIOCM_ST 0x008
-#define TIOCM_SR 0x010
-#define TIOCM_CTS 0x020
-#define TIOCM_CAR 0x040
-#define TIOCM_RNG 0x080
-#define TIOCM_DSR 0x100
-#define TIOCM_OUT1 0x2000
-#define TIOCM_OUT2 0x4000
-#define TIOCM_LOOP 0x8000
-/* ioctl (fd, TIOCSERGETLSR, &result) where result may be as below */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
- * Translate a "termio" structure into a "termios". Ugh.
- */
-#define user_termio_to_kernel_termios(termios, termio) \
-({ \
- unsigned short tmp; \
- get_user(tmp, &(termio)->c_iflag); \
- (termios)->c_iflag = (0xffff0000 & ((termios)->c_iflag)) | tmp; \
- get_user(tmp, &(termio)->c_oflag); \
- (termios)->c_oflag = (0xffff0000 & ((termios)->c_oflag)) | tmp; \
- get_user(tmp, &(termio)->c_cflag); \
- (termios)->c_cflag = (0xffff0000 & ((termios)->c_cflag)) | tmp; \
- get_user(tmp, &(termio)->c_lflag); \
- (termios)->c_lflag = (0xffff0000 & ((termios)->c_lflag)) | tmp; \
- get_user((termios)->c_line, &(termio)->c_line); \
- copy_from_user((termios)->c_cc, (termio)->c_cc, NCC); \
- * Translate a "termios" structure into a "termio". Ugh.
- */
-#define kernel_termios_to_user_termio(termio, termios) \
-({ \
- put_user((termios)->c_iflag, &(termio)->c_iflag); \
- put_user((termios)->c_oflag, &(termio)->c_oflag); \
- put_user((termios)->c_cflag, &(termio)->c_cflag); \
- put_user((termios)->c_lflag, &(termio)->c_lflag); \
- put_user((termios)->c_line, &(termio)->c_line); \
- copy_to_user((termio)->c_cc, (termios)->c_cc, NCC); \
-#define user_termios_to_kernel_termios(k, u) copy_from_user(k, u, sizeof(struct termios2))
-#define kernel_termios_to_user_termios(u, k) copy_to_user(u, k, sizeof(struct termios2))
-#define user_termios_to_kernel_termios_1(k, u) copy_from_user(k, u, sizeof(struct termios))
-#define kernel_termios_to_user_termios_1(u, k) copy_to_user(u, k, sizeof(struct termios))
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_TERMIOS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/thread_info.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/thread_info.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e8665e6f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/thread_info.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_THREAD_INFO_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_THREAD_INFO_H
-#include <asm/types.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/segment.h>
- * On machines with 4k pages we default to an 8k thread size, though we
- * allow a 4k with config option. Any other machine page size then
- * the thread size must match the page size (which is 8k and larger here).
- */
-#if PAGE_SHIFT < 13
-#define THREAD_SIZE 4096
-#define THREAD_SIZE 8192
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-struct thread_info {
- struct task_struct *task; /* main task structure */
- unsigned long flags;
- struct exec_domain *exec_domain; /* execution domain */
- mm_segment_t addr_limit; /* thread address space */
- int preempt_count; /* 0 => preemptable, <0 => BUG */
- __u32 cpu; /* should always be 0 on m68k */
- unsigned long tp_value; /* thread pointer */
- struct restart_block restart_block;
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#define PREEMPT_ACTIVE 0x4000000
-#define INIT_THREAD_INFO(tsk) \
-{ \
- .task = &tsk, \
- .exec_domain = &default_exec_domain, \
- .addr_limit = KERNEL_DS, \
- .preempt_count = INIT_PREEMPT_COUNT, \
- .restart_block = { \
- .fn = do_no_restart_syscall, \
- }, \
-#define init_stack (init_thread_union.stack)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-/* how to get the thread information struct from C */
-static inline struct thread_info *current_thread_info(void)
- struct thread_info *ti;
- __asm__(
- "move.l %%sp, %0 \n\t"
- "and.l %1, %0"
- : "=&d"(ti)
- : "di" (~(THREAD_SIZE-1))
- );
- return ti;
-#define init_thread_info (init_thread_union.thread_info)
-/* entry.S relies on these definitions!
- * bits 0-7 are tested at every exception exit
- * bits 8-15 are also tested at syscall exit
- */
-#define TIF_SIGPENDING 6 /* signal pending */
-#define TIF_NEED_RESCHED 7 /* rescheduling necessary */
-#define TIF_DELAYED_TRACE 14 /* single step a syscall */
-#define TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE 15 /* syscall trace active */
-#define TIF_MEMDIE 16 /* is terminating due to OOM killer */
-#define TIF_RESTORE_SIGMASK 18 /* restore signal mask in do_signal */
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_THREAD_INFO_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/timex.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/timex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6759dad9..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/timex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * linux/include/asm-m68k/timex.h
- *
- * m68k architecture timex specifications
- */
-#ifndef _ASMm68K_TIMEX_H
-#define _ASMm68K_TIMEX_H
- * CLOCK_TICK_RATE should give the underlying frequency of the tick timer
- * to make ntp work best. For Coldfires, that's the main clock.
- */
-#include <asm/coldfire.h>
- * This default CLOCK_TICK_RATE is probably wrong for many 68k boards
- * Users of those boards will need to check and modify accordingly
- */
-#define CLOCK_TICK_RATE 1193180 /* Underlying HZ */
-typedef unsigned long cycles_t;
-static inline cycles_t get_cycles(void)
- return 0;
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/tlb.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/tlb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1785cff7..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/tlb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_TLB_H
-#define _M68K_TLB_H
- * m68k doesn't need any special per-pte or
- * per-vma handling..
- */
-#define tlb_start_vma(tlb, vma) do { } while (0)
-#define tlb_end_vma(tlb, vma) do { } while (0)
-#define __tlb_remove_tlb_entry(tlb, ptep, address) do { } while (0)
- * .. because we flush the whole mm when it
- * fills up.
- */
-#define tlb_flush(tlb) flush_tlb_mm((tlb)->mm)
-#include <asm-generic/tlb.h>
-#endif /* _M68K_TLB_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/tlbflush.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/tlbflush.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 965ea35c..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/tlbflush.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_TLBFLUSH_H
-#define _M68K_TLBFLUSH_H
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#ifndef CONFIG_SUN3
-#include <asm/current.h>
-#include <asm/mcfmmu.h>
-static inline void flush_tlb_kernel_page(void *addr)
- mmu_write(MMUOR, MMUOR_CNL);
- } else if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) {
- mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
- set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
- __asm__ __volatile__(".chip 68040\n\t"
- "pflush (%0)\n\t"
- ".chip 68k"
- : : "a" (addr));
- set_fs(old_fs);
- } else if (CPU_IS_020_OR_030)
- __asm__ __volatile__("pflush #4,#4,(%0)" : : "a" (addr));
- * flush all user-space atc entries.
- */
-static inline void __flush_tlb(void)
- mmu_write(MMUOR, MMUOR_CNL);
- } else if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) {
- __asm__ __volatile__(".chip 68040\n\t"
- "pflushan\n\t"
- ".chip 68k");
- } else if (CPU_IS_020_OR_030) {
- __asm__ __volatile__("pflush #0,#4");
- }
-static inline void __flush_tlb040_one(unsigned long addr)
- __asm__ __volatile__(".chip 68040\n\t"
- "pflush (%0)\n\t"
- ".chip 68k"
- : : "a" (addr));
-static inline void __flush_tlb_one(unsigned long addr)
- mmu_write(MMUOR, MMUOR_CNL);
- else if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060)
- __flush_tlb040_one(addr);
- else if (CPU_IS_020_OR_030)
- __asm__ __volatile__("pflush #0,#4,(%0)" : : "a" (addr));
-#define flush_tlb() __flush_tlb()
- * flush all atc entries (both kernel and user-space entries).
- */
-static inline void flush_tlb_all(void)
- mmu_write(MMUOR, MMUOR_CNL);
- } else if (CPU_IS_040_OR_060) {
- __asm__ __volatile__(".chip 68040\n\t"
- "pflusha\n\t"
- ".chip 68k");
- } else if (CPU_IS_020_OR_030) {
- __asm__ __volatile__("pflusha");
- }
-static inline void flush_tlb_mm(struct mm_struct *mm)
- if (mm == current->active_mm)
- __flush_tlb();
-static inline void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long addr)
- if (vma->vm_mm == current->active_mm) {
- mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
- set_fs(USER_DS);
- __flush_tlb_one(addr);
- set_fs(old_fs);
- }
-static inline void flush_tlb_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- if (vma->vm_mm == current->active_mm)
- __flush_tlb();
-static inline void flush_tlb_kernel_range(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- flush_tlb_all();
-/* Reserved PMEGs. */
-extern char sun3_reserved_pmeg[SUN3_PMEGS_NUM];
-extern unsigned long pmeg_vaddr[SUN3_PMEGS_NUM];
-extern unsigned char pmeg_alloc[SUN3_PMEGS_NUM];
-extern unsigned char pmeg_ctx[SUN3_PMEGS_NUM];
-/* Flush all userspace mappings one by one... (why no flush command,
- sun?) */
-static inline void flush_tlb_all(void)
- unsigned long addr;
- unsigned char ctx, oldctx;
- oldctx = sun3_get_context();
- for(addr = 0x00000000; addr < TASK_SIZE; addr += SUN3_PMEG_SIZE) {
- for(ctx = 0; ctx < 8; ctx++) {
- sun3_put_context(ctx);
- sun3_put_segmap(addr, SUN3_INVALID_PMEG);
- }
- }
- sun3_put_context(oldctx);
- /* erase all of the userspace pmeg maps, we've clobbered them
- all anyway */
- for(addr = 0; addr < SUN3_INVALID_PMEG; addr++) {
- if(pmeg_alloc[addr] == 1) {
- pmeg_alloc[addr] = 0;
- pmeg_ctx[addr] = 0;
- pmeg_vaddr[addr] = 0;
- }
- }
-/* Clear user TLB entries within the context named in mm */
-static inline void flush_tlb_mm (struct mm_struct *mm)
- unsigned char oldctx;
- unsigned char seg;
- unsigned long i;
- oldctx = sun3_get_context();
- sun3_put_context(mm->context);
- for(i = 0; i < TASK_SIZE; i += SUN3_PMEG_SIZE) {
- seg = sun3_get_segmap(i);
- if(seg == SUN3_INVALID_PMEG)
- continue;
- sun3_put_segmap(i, SUN3_INVALID_PMEG);
- pmeg_alloc[seg] = 0;
- pmeg_ctx[seg] = 0;
- pmeg_vaddr[seg] = 0;
- }
- sun3_put_context(oldctx);
-/* Flush a single TLB page. In this case, we're limited to flushing a
- single PMEG */
-static inline void flush_tlb_page (struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long addr)
- unsigned char oldctx;
- unsigned char i;
- oldctx = sun3_get_context();
- sun3_put_context(vma->vm_mm->context);
- addr &= ~SUN3_PMEG_MASK;
- if((i = sun3_get_segmap(addr)) != SUN3_INVALID_PMEG)
- {
- pmeg_alloc[i] = 0;
- pmeg_ctx[i] = 0;
- pmeg_vaddr[i] = 0;
- sun3_put_segmap (addr, SUN3_INVALID_PMEG);
- }
- sun3_put_context(oldctx);
-/* Flush a range of pages from TLB. */
-static inline void flush_tlb_range (struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
- unsigned char seg, oldctx;
- start &= ~SUN3_PMEG_MASK;
- oldctx = sun3_get_context();
- sun3_put_context(mm->context);
- while(start < end)
- {
- if((seg = sun3_get_segmap(start)) == SUN3_INVALID_PMEG)
- goto next;
- if(pmeg_ctx[seg] == mm->context) {
- pmeg_alloc[seg] = 0;
- pmeg_ctx[seg] = 0;
- pmeg_vaddr[seg] = 0;
- }
- sun3_put_segmap(start, SUN3_INVALID_PMEG);
- next:
- start += SUN3_PMEG_SIZE;
- }
-static inline void flush_tlb_kernel_range(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- flush_tlb_all();
-/* Flush kernel page from TLB. */
-static inline void flush_tlb_kernel_page (unsigned long addr)
- sun3_put_segmap (addr & ~(SUN3_PMEG_SIZE - 1), SUN3_INVALID_PMEG);
-#else /* !CONFIG_MMU */
- * flush all user-space atc entries.
- */
-static inline void __flush_tlb(void)
- BUG();
-static inline void __flush_tlb_one(unsigned long addr)
- BUG();
-#define flush_tlb() __flush_tlb()
- * flush all atc entries (both kernel and user-space entries).
- */
-static inline void flush_tlb_all(void)
- BUG();
-static inline void flush_tlb_mm(struct mm_struct *mm)
- BUG();
-static inline void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long addr)
- BUG();
-static inline void flush_tlb_range(struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- BUG();
-static inline void flush_tlb_kernel_page(unsigned long addr)
- BUG();
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
-#endif /* _M68K_TLBFLUSH_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/topology.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/topology.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ca173e9f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/topology.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_TOPOLOGY_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_TOPOLOGY_H
-#include <asm-generic/topology.h>
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_TOPOLOGY_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/traps.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/traps.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aff3358..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/traps.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
- * linux/include/asm/traps.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 Hamish Macdonald
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- */
-#ifndef _M68K_TRAPS_H
-#define _M68K_TRAPS_H
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <linux/linkage.h>
-#include <asm/ptrace.h>
-typedef void (*e_vector)(void);
-extern e_vector vectors[];
-extern e_vector *_ramvec;
-asmlinkage void auto_inthandler(void);
-asmlinkage void user_inthandler(void);
-asmlinkage void bad_inthandler(void);
-#define VEC_RESETSP (0)
-#define VEC_RESETPC (1)
-#define VEC_BUSERR (2)
-#define VEC_ADDRERR (3)
-#define VEC_ILLEGAL (4)
-#define VEC_ZERODIV (5)
-#define VEC_CHK (6)
-#define VEC_TRAP (7)
-#define VEC_PRIV (8)
-#define VEC_TRACE (9)
-#define VEC_LINE10 (10)
-#define VEC_LINE11 (11)
-#define VEC_RESV12 (12)
-#define VEC_COPROC (13)
-#define VEC_FORMAT (14)
-#define VEC_UNINT (15)
-#define VEC_RESV16 (16)
-#define VEC_RESV17 (17)
-#define VEC_RESV18 (18)
-#define VEC_RESV19 (19)
-#define VEC_RESV20 (20)
-#define VEC_RESV21 (21)
-#define VEC_RESV22 (22)
-#define VEC_RESV23 (23)
-#define VEC_SPUR (24)
-#define VEC_INT1 (25)
-#define VEC_INT2 (26)
-#define VEC_INT3 (27)
-#define VEC_INT4 (28)
-#define VEC_INT5 (29)
-#define VEC_INT6 (30)
-#define VEC_INT7 (31)
-#define VEC_SYS (32)
-#define VEC_TRAP1 (33)
-#define VEC_TRAP2 (34)
-#define VEC_TRAP3 (35)
-#define VEC_TRAP4 (36)
-#define VEC_TRAP5 (37)
-#define VEC_TRAP6 (38)
-#define VEC_TRAP7 (39)
-#define VEC_TRAP8 (40)
-#define VEC_TRAP9 (41)
-#define VEC_TRAP10 (42)
-#define VEC_TRAP11 (43)
-#define VEC_TRAP12 (44)
-#define VEC_TRAP13 (45)
-#define VEC_TRAP14 (46)
-#define VEC_TRAP15 (47)
-#define VEC_FPBRUC (48)
-#define VEC_FPIR (49)
-#define VEC_FPDIVZ (50)
-#define VEC_FPUNDER (51)
-#define VEC_FPOE (52)
-#define VEC_FPOVER (53)
-#define VEC_FPNAN (54)
-#define VEC_FPUNSUP (55)
-#define VEC_MMUCFG (56)
-#define VEC_MMUILL (57)
-#define VEC_MMUACC (58)
-#define VEC_RESV59 (59)
-#define VEC_UNIMPEA (60)
-#define VEC_UNIMPII (61)
-#define VEC_RESV62 (62)
-#define VEC_RESV63 (63)
-#define VEC_USER (64)
-#define VECOFF(vec) ((vec)<<2)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-/* Status register bits */
-#define PS_T (0x8000)
-#define PS_S (0x2000)
-#define PS_M (0x1000)
-#define PS_C (0x0001)
-/* bits for 68020/68030 special status word */
-#define FC (0x8000)
-#define FB (0x4000)
-#define RC (0x2000)
-#define RB (0x1000)
-#define DF (0x0100)
-#define RM (0x0080)
-#define RW (0x0040)
-#define SZ (0x0030)
-#define DFC (0x0007)
-/* bits for 68030 MMU status register (mmusr,psr) */
-#define MMU_B (0x8000) /* bus error */
-#define MMU_L (0x4000) /* limit violation */
-#define MMU_S (0x2000) /* supervisor violation */
-#define MMU_WP (0x0800) /* write-protected */
-#define MMU_I (0x0400) /* invalid descriptor */
-#define MMU_M (0x0200) /* ATC entry modified */
-#define MMU_T (0x0040) /* transparent translation */
-#define MMU_NUM (0x0007) /* number of levels traversed */
-/* bits for 68040 special status word */
-#define CP_040 (0x8000)
-#define CU_040 (0x4000)
-#define CT_040 (0x2000)
-#define CM_040 (0x1000)
-#define MA_040 (0x0800)
-#define ATC_040 (0x0400)
-#define LK_040 (0x0200)
-#define RW_040 (0x0100)
-#define SIZ_040 (0x0060)
-#define TT_040 (0x0018)
-#define TM_040 (0x0007)
-/* bits for 68040 write back status word */
-#define WBV_040 (0x80)
-#define WBSIZ_040 (0x60)
-#define WBBYT_040 (0x20)
-#define WBWRD_040 (0x40)
-#define WBLNG_040 (0x00)
-#define WBTT_040 (0x18)
-#define WBTM_040 (0x07)
-/* bus access size codes */
-#define BA_SIZE_BYTE (0x20)
-#define BA_SIZE_WORD (0x40)
-#define BA_SIZE_LONG (0x00)
-#define BA_SIZE_LINE (0x60)
-/* bus access transfer type codes */
-#define BA_TT_MOVE16 (0x08)
-/* bits for 68040 MMU status register (mmusr) */
-#define MMU_B_040 (0x0800)
-#define MMU_G_040 (0x0400)
-#define MMU_S_040 (0x0080)
-#define MMU_CM_040 (0x0060)
-#define MMU_M_040 (0x0010)
-#define MMU_WP_040 (0x0004)
-#define MMU_T_040 (0x0002)
-#define MMU_R_040 (0x0001)
-/* bits in the 68060 fault status long word (FSLW) */
-#define MMU060_MA (0x08000000) /* misaligned */
-#define MMU060_LK (0x02000000) /* locked transfer */
-#define MMU060_RW (0x01800000) /* read/write */
-# define MMU060_RW_W (0x00800000) /* write */
-# define MMU060_RW_R (0x01000000) /* read */
-# define MMU060_RW_RMW (0x01800000) /* read/modify/write */
-# define MMU060_W (0x00800000) /* general write, includes rmw */
-#define MMU060_SIZ (0x00600000) /* transfer size */
-#define MMU060_TT (0x00180000) /* transfer type (TT) bits */
-#define MMU060_TM (0x00070000) /* transfer modifier (TM) bits */
-#define MMU060_IO (0x00008000) /* instruction or operand */
-#define MMU060_PBE (0x00004000) /* push buffer bus error */
-#define MMU060_SBE (0x00002000) /* store buffer bus error */
-#define MMU060_PTA (0x00001000) /* pointer A fault */
-#define MMU060_PTB (0x00000800) /* pointer B fault */
-#define MMU060_IL (0x00000400) /* double indirect descr fault */
-#define MMU060_PF (0x00000200) /* page fault (invalid descr) */
-#define MMU060_SP (0x00000100) /* supervisor protection */
-#define MMU060_WP (0x00000080) /* write protection */
-#define MMU060_TWE (0x00000040) /* bus error on table search */
-#define MMU060_RE (0x00000020) /* bus error on read */
-#define MMU060_WE (0x00000010) /* bus error on write */
-#define MMU060_TTR (0x00000008) /* error caused by TTR translation */
-#define MMU060_BPE (0x00000004) /* branch prediction error */
-#define MMU060_SEE (0x00000001) /* software emulated error */
-/* cases of missing or invalid descriptors */
-#define MMU060_DESC_ERR (MMU060_PTA | MMU060_PTB | \
- MMU060_IL | MMU060_PF)
-/* bits that indicate real errors */
-#define MMU060_ERR_BITS (MMU060_PBE | MMU060_SBE | MMU060_DESC_ERR | MMU060_SP | \
- MMU060_WP | MMU060_TWE | MMU060_RE | MMU060_WE)
-/* structure for stack frames */
-struct frame {
- struct pt_regs ptregs;
- union {
- struct {
- unsigned long iaddr; /* instruction address */
- } fmt2;
- struct {
- unsigned long effaddr; /* effective address */
- } fmt3;
- struct {
- unsigned long effaddr; /* effective address */
- unsigned long pc; /* pc of faulted instr */
- } fmt4;
- struct {
- unsigned long effaddr; /* effective address */
- unsigned short ssw; /* special status word */
- unsigned short wb3s; /* write back 3 status */
- unsigned short wb2s; /* write back 2 status */
- unsigned short wb1s; /* write back 1 status */
- unsigned long faddr; /* fault address */
- unsigned long wb3a; /* write back 3 address */
- unsigned long wb3d; /* write back 3 data */
- unsigned long wb2a; /* write back 2 address */
- unsigned long wb2d; /* write back 2 data */
- unsigned long wb1a; /* write back 1 address */
- unsigned long wb1dpd0; /* write back 1 data/push data 0*/
- unsigned long pd1; /* push data 1*/
- unsigned long pd2; /* push data 2*/
- unsigned long pd3; /* push data 3*/
- } fmt7;
- struct {
- unsigned long iaddr; /* instruction address */
- unsigned short int1[4]; /* internal registers */
- } fmt9;
- struct {
- unsigned short int1;
- unsigned short ssw; /* special status word */
- unsigned short isc; /* instruction stage c */
- unsigned short isb; /* instruction stage b */
- unsigned long daddr; /* data cycle fault address */
- unsigned short int2[2];
- unsigned long dobuf; /* data cycle output buffer */
- unsigned short int3[2];
- } fmta;
- struct {
- unsigned short int1;
- unsigned short ssw; /* special status word */
- unsigned short isc; /* instruction stage c */
- unsigned short isb; /* instruction stage b */
- unsigned long daddr; /* data cycle fault address */
- unsigned short int2[2];
- unsigned long dobuf; /* data cycle output buffer */
- unsigned short int3[4];
- unsigned long baddr; /* stage B address */
- unsigned short int4[2];
- unsigned long dibuf; /* data cycle input buffer */
- unsigned short int5[3];
- unsigned ver : 4; /* stack frame version # */
- unsigned int6:12;
- unsigned short int7[18];
- } fmtb;
- } un;
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_TRAPS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/types.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89705adc..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_TYPES_H
-#define _M68K_TYPES_H
- * This file is never included by application software unless
- * explicitly requested (e.g., via linux/types.h) in which case the
- * application is Linux specific so (user-) name space pollution is
- * not a major issue. However, for interoperability, libraries still
- * need to be careful to avoid a name clashes.
- */
-#include <asm-generic/int-ll64.h>
- * These aren't exported outside the kernel to avoid name space clashes
- */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#define BITS_PER_LONG 32
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _M68K_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 38f92dbb..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __uClinux__
-#include "uaccess_no.h"
-#include "uaccess_mm.h"
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess_mm.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess_mm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c80cd51..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess_mm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68K_UACCESS_H
-#define __M68K_UACCESS_H
- * User space memory access functions
- */
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <asm/segment.h>
-#define VERIFY_READ 0
-#define VERIFY_WRITE 1
-/* We let the MMU do all checking */
-static inline int access_ok(int type, const void __user *addr,
- unsigned long size)
- return 1;
- * Not all varients of the 68k family support the notion of address spaces.
- * The traditional 680x0 parts do, and they use the sfc/dfc registers and
- * the "moves" instruction to access user space from kernel space. Other
- * family members like ColdFire don't support this, and only have a single
- * address space, and use the usual "move" instruction for user space access.
- *
- * Outside of this difference the user space access functions are the same.
- * So lets keep the code simple and just define in what we need to use.
- */
-#define MOVES "moves"
-#define MOVES "move"
- * The exception table consists of pairs of addresses: the first is the
- * address of an instruction that is allowed to fault, and the second is
- * the address at which the program should continue. No registers are
- * modified, so it is entirely up to the continuation code to figure out
- * what to do.
- *
- * All the routines below use bits of fixup code that are out of line
- * with the main instruction path. This means when everything is well,
- * we don't even have to jump over them. Further, they do not intrude
- * on our cache or tlb entries.
- */
-struct exception_table_entry
- unsigned long insn, fixup;
-extern int __put_user_bad(void);
-extern int __get_user_bad(void);
-#define __put_user_asm(res, x, ptr, bwl, reg, err) \
-asm volatile ("\n" \
- "1: "MOVES"."#bwl" %2,%1\n" \
- "2:\n" \
- " .section .fixup,\"ax\"\n" \
- " .even\n" \
- "10: moveq.l %3,%0\n" \
- " jra 2b\n" \
- " .previous\n" \
- "\n" \
- " .section __ex_table,\"a\"\n" \
- " .align 4\n" \
- " .long 1b,10b\n" \
- " .long 2b,10b\n" \
- " .previous" \
- : "+d" (res), "=m" (*(ptr)) \
- : #reg (x), "i" (err))
- * These are the main single-value transfer routines. They automatically
- * use the right size if we just have the right pointer type.
- */
-#define __put_user(x, ptr) \
-({ \
- typeof(*(ptr)) __pu_val = (x); \
- int __pu_err = 0; \
- __chk_user_ptr(ptr); \
- switch (sizeof (*(ptr))) { \
- case 1: \
- __put_user_asm(__pu_err, __pu_val, ptr, b, d, -EFAULT); \
- break; \
- case 2: \
- __put_user_asm(__pu_err, __pu_val, ptr, w, d, -EFAULT); \
- break; \
- case 4: \
- __put_user_asm(__pu_err, __pu_val, ptr, l, r, -EFAULT); \
- break; \
- case 8: \
- { \
- const void __user *__pu_ptr = (ptr); \
- asm volatile ("\n" \
- "1: "MOVES".l %2,(%1)+\n" \
- "2: "MOVES".l %R2,(%1)\n" \
- "3:\n" \
- " .section .fixup,\"ax\"\n" \
- " .even\n" \
- "10: movel %3,%0\n" \
- " jra 3b\n" \
- " .previous\n" \
- "\n" \
- " .section __ex_table,\"a\"\n" \
- " .align 4\n" \
- " .long 1b,10b\n" \
- " .long 2b,10b\n" \
- " .long 3b,10b\n" \
- " .previous" \
- : "+d" (__pu_err), "+a" (__pu_ptr) \
- : "r" (__pu_val), "i" (-EFAULT) \
- : "memory"); \
- break; \
- } \
- default: \
- __pu_err = __put_user_bad(); \
- break; \
- } \
- __pu_err; \
-#define put_user(x, ptr) __put_user(x, ptr)
-#define __get_user_asm(res, x, ptr, type, bwl, reg, err) ({ \
- type __gu_val; \
- asm volatile ("\n" \
- "1: "MOVES"."#bwl" %2,%1\n" \
- "2:\n" \
- " .section .fixup,\"ax\"\n" \
- " .even\n" \
- "10: move.l %3,%0\n" \
- " sub.l %1,%1\n" \
- " jra 2b\n" \
- " .previous\n" \
- "\n" \
- " .section __ex_table,\"a\"\n" \
- " .align 4\n" \
- " .long 1b,10b\n" \
- " .previous" \
- : "+d" (res), "=&" #reg (__gu_val) \
- : "m" (*(ptr)), "i" (err)); \
- (x) = (typeof(*(ptr)))(unsigned long)__gu_val; \
-#define __get_user(x, ptr) \
-({ \
- int __gu_err = 0; \
- __chk_user_ptr(ptr); \
- switch (sizeof(*(ptr))) { \
- case 1: \
- __get_user_asm(__gu_err, x, ptr, u8, b, d, -EFAULT); \
- break; \
- case 2: \
- __get_user_asm(__gu_err, x, ptr, u16, w, d, -EFAULT); \
- break; \
- case 4: \
- __get_user_asm(__gu_err, x, ptr, u32, l, r, -EFAULT); \
- break; \
-/* case 8: disabled because gcc-4.1 has a broken typeof \
- { \
- const void *__gu_ptr = (ptr); \
- u64 __gu_val; \
- asm volatile ("\n" \
- "1: "MOVES".l (%2)+,%1\n" \
- "2: "MOVES".l (%2),%R1\n" \
- "3:\n" \
- " .section .fixup,\"ax\"\n" \
- " .even\n" \
- "10: move.l %3,%0\n" \
- " sub.l %1,%1\n" \
- " sub.l %R1,%R1\n" \
- " jra 3b\n" \
- " .previous\n" \
- "\n" \
- " .section __ex_table,\"a\"\n" \
- " .align 4\n" \
- " .long 1b,10b\n" \
- " .long 2b,10b\n" \
- " .previous" \
- : "+d" (__gu_err), "=&r" (__gu_val), \
- "+a" (__gu_ptr) \
- : "i" (-EFAULT) \
- : "memory"); \
- (x) = (typeof(*(ptr)))__gu_val; \
- break; \
- } */ \
- default: \
- __gu_err = __get_user_bad(); \
- break; \
- } \
- __gu_err; \
-#define get_user(x, ptr) __get_user(x, ptr)
-unsigned long __generic_copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n);
-unsigned long __generic_copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n);
-#define __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, n, s1, s2, s3)\
- asm volatile ("\n" \
- "1: "MOVES"."#s1" (%2)+,%3\n" \
- " move."#s1" %3,(%1)+\n" \
- "2: "MOVES"."#s2" (%2)+,%3\n" \
- " move."#s2" %3,(%1)+\n" \
- " .ifnc \""#s3"\",\"\"\n" \
- "3: "MOVES"."#s3" (%2)+,%3\n" \
- " move."#s3" %3,(%1)+\n" \
- " .endif\n" \
- "4:\n" \
- " .section __ex_table,\"a\"\n" \
- " .align 4\n" \
- " .long 1b,10f\n" \
- " .long 2b,20f\n" \
- " .ifnc \""#s3"\",\"\"\n" \
- " .long 3b,30f\n" \
- " .endif\n" \
- " .previous\n" \
- "\n" \
- " .section .fixup,\"ax\"\n" \
- " .even\n" \
- "10: clr."#s1" (%1)+\n" \
- "20: clr."#s2" (%1)+\n" \
- " .ifnc \""#s3"\",\"\"\n" \
- "30: clr."#s3" (%1)+\n" \
- " .endif\n" \
- " moveq.l #"#n",%0\n" \
- " jra 4b\n" \
- " .previous\n" \
- : "+d" (res), "+&a" (to), "+a" (from), "=&d" (tmp) \
- : : "memory")
-static __always_inline unsigned long
-__constant_copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
- unsigned long res = 0, tmp;
- switch (n) {
- case 1:
- __get_user_asm(res, *(u8 *)to, (u8 __user *)from, u8, b, d, 1);
- break;
- case 2:
- __get_user_asm(res, *(u16 *)to, (u16 __user *)from, u16, w, d, 2);
- break;
- case 3:
- __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 3, w, b,);
- break;
- case 4:
- __get_user_asm(res, *(u32 *)to, (u32 __user *)from, u32, l, r, 4);
- break;
- case 5:
- __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 5, l, b,);
- break;
- case 6:
- __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 6, l, w,);
- break;
- case 7:
- __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 7, l, w, b);
- break;
- case 8:
- __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 8, l, l,);
- break;
- case 9:
- __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 9, l, l, b);
- break;
- case 10:
- __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 10, l, l, w);
- break;
- case 12:
- __constant_copy_from_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 12, l, l, l);
- break;
- default:
- /* we limit the inlined version to 3 moves */
- return __generic_copy_from_user(to, from, n);
- }
- return res;
-#define __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, n, s1, s2, s3) \
- asm volatile ("\n" \
- " move."#s1" (%2)+,%3\n" \
- "11: "MOVES"."#s1" %3,(%1)+\n" \
- "12: move."#s2" (%2)+,%3\n" \
- "21: "MOVES"."#s2" %3,(%1)+\n" \
- "22:\n" \
- " .ifnc \""#s3"\",\"\"\n" \
- " move."#s3" (%2)+,%3\n" \
- "31: "MOVES"."#s3" %3,(%1)+\n" \
- "32:\n" \
- " .endif\n" \
- "4:\n" \
- "\n" \
- " .section __ex_table,\"a\"\n" \
- " .align 4\n" \
- " .long 11b,5f\n" \
- " .long 12b,5f\n" \
- " .long 21b,5f\n" \
- " .long 22b,5f\n" \
- " .ifnc \""#s3"\",\"\"\n" \
- " .long 31b,5f\n" \
- " .long 32b,5f\n" \
- " .endif\n" \
- " .previous\n" \
- "\n" \
- " .section .fixup,\"ax\"\n" \
- " .even\n" \
- "5: moveq.l #"#n",%0\n" \
- " jra 4b\n" \
- " .previous\n" \
- : "+d" (res), "+a" (to), "+a" (from), "=&d" (tmp) \
- : : "memory")
-static __always_inline unsigned long
-__constant_copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
- unsigned long res = 0, tmp;
- switch (n) {
- case 1:
- __put_user_asm(res, *(u8 *)from, (u8 __user *)to, b, d, 1);
- break;
- case 2:
- __put_user_asm(res, *(u16 *)from, (u16 __user *)to, w, d, 2);
- break;
- case 3:
- __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 3, w, b,);
- break;
- case 4:
- __put_user_asm(res, *(u32 *)from, (u32 __user *)to, l, r, 4);
- break;
- case 5:
- __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 5, l, b,);
- break;
- case 6:
- __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 6, l, w,);
- break;
- case 7:
- __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 7, l, w, b);
- break;
- case 8:
- __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 8, l, l,);
- break;
- case 9:
- __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 9, l, l, b);
- break;
- case 10:
- __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 10, l, l, w);
- break;
- case 12:
- __constant_copy_to_user_asm(res, to, from, tmp, 12, l, l, l);
- break;
- default:
- /* limit the inlined version to 3 moves */
- return __generic_copy_to_user(to, from, n);
- }
- return res;
-#define __copy_from_user(to, from, n) \
-(__builtin_constant_p(n) ? \
- __constant_copy_from_user(to, from, n) : \
- __generic_copy_from_user(to, from, n))
-#define __copy_to_user(to, from, n) \
-(__builtin_constant_p(n) ? \
- __constant_copy_to_user(to, from, n) : \
- __generic_copy_to_user(to, from, n))
-#define __copy_to_user_inatomic __copy_to_user
-#define __copy_from_user_inatomic __copy_from_user
-#define copy_from_user(to, from, n) __copy_from_user(to, from, n)
-#define copy_to_user(to, from, n) __copy_to_user(to, from, n)
-long strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count);
-long strnlen_user(const char __user *src, long n);
-unsigned long __clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n);
-#define clear_user __clear_user
-#define strlen_user(str) strnlen_user(str, 32767)
-#endif /* _M68K_UACCESS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess_no.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess_no.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68bbe9b3..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/uaccess_no.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __M68KNOMMU_UACCESS_H
-#define __M68KNOMMU_UACCESS_H
- * User space memory access functions
- */
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <asm/segment.h>
-#define VERIFY_READ 0
-#define VERIFY_WRITE 1
-#define access_ok(type,addr,size) _access_ok((unsigned long)(addr),(size))
- * It is not enough to just have access_ok check for a real RAM address.
- * This would disallow the case of code/ro-data running XIP in flash/rom.
- * Ideally we would check the possible flash ranges too, but that is
- * currently not so easy.
- */
-static inline int _access_ok(unsigned long addr, unsigned long size)
- return 1;
- * The exception table consists of pairs of addresses: the first is the
- * address of an instruction that is allowed to fault, and the second is
- * the address at which the program should continue. No registers are
- * modified, so it is entirely up to the continuation code to figure out
- * what to do.
- *
- * All the routines below use bits of fixup code that are out of line
- * with the main instruction path. This means when everything is well,
- * we don't even have to jump over them. Further, they do not intrude
- * on our cache or tlb entries.
- */
-struct exception_table_entry
- unsigned long insn, fixup;
-/* Returns 0 if exception not found and fixup otherwise. */
-extern unsigned long search_exception_table(unsigned long);
- * These are the main single-value transfer routines. They automatically
- * use the right size if we just have the right pointer type.
- */
-#define put_user(x, ptr) \
-({ \
- int __pu_err = 0; \
- typeof(*(ptr)) __pu_val = (x); \
- switch (sizeof (*(ptr))) { \
- case 1: \
- __put_user_asm(__pu_err, __pu_val, ptr, b); \
- break; \
- case 2: \
- __put_user_asm(__pu_err, __pu_val, ptr, w); \
- break; \
- case 4: \
- __put_user_asm(__pu_err, __pu_val, ptr, l); \
- break; \
- case 8: \
- memcpy(ptr, &__pu_val, sizeof (*(ptr))); \
- break; \
- default: \
- __pu_err = __put_user_bad(); \
- break; \
- } \
- __pu_err; \
-#define __put_user(x, ptr) put_user(x, ptr)
-extern int __put_user_bad(void);
- * Tell gcc we read from memory instead of writing: this is because
- * we do not write to any memory gcc knows about, so there are no
- * aliasing issues.
- */
-#define __ptr(x) ((unsigned long *)(x))
-#define __put_user_asm(err,x,ptr,bwl) \
- __asm__ ("move" #bwl " %0,%1" \
- : /* no outputs */ \
- :"d" (x),"m" (*__ptr(ptr)) : "memory")
-#define get_user(x, ptr) \
-({ \
- int __gu_err = 0; \
- typeof(x) __gu_val = 0; \
- switch (sizeof(*(ptr))) { \
- case 1: \
- __get_user_asm(__gu_err, __gu_val, ptr, b, "=d"); \
- break; \
- case 2: \
- __get_user_asm(__gu_err, __gu_val, ptr, w, "=r"); \
- break; \
- case 4: \
- __get_user_asm(__gu_err, __gu_val, ptr, l, "=r"); \
- break; \
- case 8: \
- memcpy((void *) &__gu_val, ptr, sizeof (*(ptr))); \
- break; \
- default: \
- __gu_val = 0; \
- __gu_err = __get_user_bad(); \
- break; \
- } \
- (x) = (typeof(*(ptr))) __gu_val; \
- __gu_err; \
-#define __get_user(x, ptr) get_user(x, ptr)
-extern int __get_user_bad(void);
-#define __get_user_asm(err,x,ptr,bwl,reg) \
- __asm__ ("move" #bwl " %1,%0" \
- : "=d" (x) \
- : "m" (*__ptr(ptr)))
-#define copy_from_user(to, from, n) (memcpy(to, from, n), 0)
-#define copy_to_user(to, from, n) (memcpy(to, from, n), 0)
-#define __copy_from_user(to, from, n) copy_from_user(to, from, n)
-#define __copy_to_user(to, from, n) copy_to_user(to, from, n)
-#define __copy_to_user_inatomic __copy_to_user
-#define __copy_from_user_inatomic __copy_from_user
-#define copy_to_user_ret(to,from,n,retval) ({ if (copy_to_user(to,from,n)) return retval; })
-#define copy_from_user_ret(to,from,n,retval) ({ if (copy_from_user(to,from,n)) return retval; })
- * Copy a null terminated string from userspace.
- */
-static inline long
-strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char *src, long count)
- char *tmp;
- strncpy(dst, src, count);
- for (tmp = dst; *tmp && count > 0; tmp++, count--)
- ;
- return(tmp - dst); /* DAVIDM should we count a NUL ? check getname */
- * Return the size of a string (including the ending 0)
- *
- * Return 0 on exception, a value greater than N if too long
- */
-static inline long strnlen_user(const char *src, long n)
- return(strlen(src) + 1); /* DAVIDM make safer */
-#define strlen_user(str) strnlen_user(str, 32767)
- * Zero Userspace
- */
-static inline unsigned long
-__clear_user(void *to, unsigned long n)
- memset(to, 0, n);
- return 0;
-#define clear_user(to,n) __clear_user(to,n)
-#endif /* _M68KNOMMU_UACCESS_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ucontext.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ucontext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e4e22669..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/ucontext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_UCONTEXT_H
-#define _M68K_UCONTEXT_H
-typedef int greg_t;
-#define NGREG 18
-typedef greg_t gregset_t[NGREG];
-typedef struct fpregset {
- int f_fpcntl[3];
- int f_fpregs[8*3];
-} fpregset_t;
-struct mcontext {
- int version;
- gregset_t gregs;
- fpregset_t fpregs;
-struct ucontext {
- unsigned long uc_flags;
- struct ucontext *uc_link;
- stack_t uc_stack;
- struct mcontext uc_mcontext;
- unsigned long uc_filler[80];
- sigset_t uc_sigmask; /* mask last for extensibility */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/unaligned.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/unaligned.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 019caa74..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/unaligned.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_UNALIGNED_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_UNALIGNED_H
-#include <linux/unaligned/be_struct.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned/le_byteshift.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned/generic.h>
-#define get_unaligned __get_unaligned_be
-#define put_unaligned __put_unaligned_be
- * The m68k can do unaligned accesses itself.
- */
-#include <linux/unaligned/access_ok.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned/generic.h>
-#define get_unaligned __get_unaligned_be
-#define put_unaligned __put_unaligned_be
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_UNALIGNED_H */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/unistd.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/unistd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ea0b502f..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/unistd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_UNISTD_H_
-#define _ASM_M68K_UNISTD_H_
- * This file contains the system call numbers.
- */
-#define __NR_restart_syscall 0
-#define __NR_exit 1
-#define __NR_fork 2
-#define __NR_read 3
-#define __NR_write 4
-#define __NR_open 5
-#define __NR_close 6
-#define __NR_waitpid 7
-#define __NR_creat 8
-#define __NR_link 9
-#define __NR_unlink 10
-#define __NR_execve 11
-#define __NR_chdir 12
-#define __NR_time 13
-#define __NR_mknod 14
-#define __NR_chmod 15
-#define __NR_chown 16
-/*#define __NR_break 17*/
-#define __NR_oldstat 18
-#define __NR_lseek 19
-#define __NR_getpid 20
-#define __NR_mount 21
-#define __NR_umount 22
-#define __NR_setuid 23
-#define __NR_getuid 24
-#define __NR_stime 25
-#define __NR_ptrace 26
-#define __NR_alarm 27
-#define __NR_oldfstat 28
-#define __NR_pause 29
-#define __NR_utime 30
-/*#define __NR_stty 31*/
-/*#define __NR_gtty 32*/
-#define __NR_access 33
-#define __NR_nice 34
-/*#define __NR_ftime 35*/
-#define __NR_sync 36
-#define __NR_kill 37
-#define __NR_rename 38
-#define __NR_mkdir 39
-#define __NR_rmdir 40
-#define __NR_dup 41
-#define __NR_pipe 42
-#define __NR_times 43
-/*#define __NR_prof 44*/
-#define __NR_brk 45
-#define __NR_setgid 46
-#define __NR_getgid 47
-#define __NR_signal 48
-#define __NR_geteuid 49
-#define __NR_getegid 50
-#define __NR_acct 51
-#define __NR_umount2 52
-/*#define __NR_lock 53*/
-#define __NR_ioctl 54
-#define __NR_fcntl 55
-/*#define __NR_mpx 56*/
-#define __NR_setpgid 57
-/*#define __NR_ulimit 58*/
-/*#define __NR_oldolduname 59*/
-#define __NR_umask 60
-#define __NR_chroot 61
-#define __NR_ustat 62
-#define __NR_dup2 63
-#define __NR_getppid 64
-#define __NR_getpgrp 65
-#define __NR_setsid 66
-#define __NR_sigaction 67
-#define __NR_sgetmask 68
-#define __NR_ssetmask 69
-#define __NR_setreuid 70
-#define __NR_setregid 71
-#define __NR_sigsuspend 72
-#define __NR_sigpending 73
-#define __NR_sethostname 74
-#define __NR_setrlimit 75
-#define __NR_getrlimit 76
-#define __NR_getrusage 77
-#define __NR_gettimeofday 78
-#define __NR_settimeofday 79
-#define __NR_getgroups 80
-#define __NR_setgroups 81
-#define __NR_select 82
-#define __NR_symlink 83
-#define __NR_oldlstat 84
-#define __NR_readlink 85
-#define __NR_uselib 86
-#define __NR_swapon 87
-#define __NR_reboot 88
-#define __NR_readdir 89
-#define __NR_mmap 90
-#define __NR_munmap 91
-#define __NR_truncate 92
-#define __NR_ftruncate 93
-#define __NR_fchmod 94
-#define __NR_fchown 95
-#define __NR_getpriority 96
-#define __NR_setpriority 97
-/*#define __NR_profil 98*/
-#define __NR_statfs 99
-#define __NR_fstatfs 100
-/*#define __NR_ioperm 101*/
-#define __NR_socketcall 102
-#define __NR_syslog 103
-#define __NR_setitimer 104
-#define __NR_getitimer 105
-#define __NR_stat 106
-#define __NR_lstat 107
-#define __NR_fstat 108
-/*#define __NR_olduname 109*/
-/*#define __NR_iopl 110*/ /* not supported */
-#define __NR_vhangup 111
-/*#define __NR_idle 112*/ /* Obsolete */
-/*#define __NR_vm86 113*/ /* not supported */
-#define __NR_wait4 114
-#define __NR_swapoff 115
-#define __NR_sysinfo 116
-#define __NR_ipc 117
-#define __NR_fsync 118
-#define __NR_sigreturn 119
-#define __NR_clone 120
-#define __NR_setdomainname 121
-#define __NR_uname 122
-#define __NR_cacheflush 123
-#define __NR_adjtimex 124
-#define __NR_mprotect 125
-#define __NR_sigprocmask 126
-#define __NR_create_module 127
-#define __NR_init_module 128
-#define __NR_delete_module 129
-#define __NR_get_kernel_syms 130
-#define __NR_quotactl 131
-#define __NR_getpgid 132
-#define __NR_fchdir 133
-#define __NR_bdflush 134
-#define __NR_sysfs 135
-#define __NR_personality 136
-/*#define __NR_afs_syscall 137*/ /* Syscall for Andrew File System */
-#define __NR_setfsuid 138
-#define __NR_setfsgid 139
-#define __NR__llseek 140
-#define __NR_getdents 141
-#define __NR__newselect 142
-#define __NR_flock 143
-#define __NR_msync 144
-#define __NR_readv 145
-#define __NR_writev 146
-#define __NR_getsid 147
-#define __NR_fdatasync 148
-#define __NR__sysctl 149
-#define __NR_mlock 150
-#define __NR_munlock 151
-#define __NR_mlockall 152
-#define __NR_munlockall 153
-#define __NR_sched_setparam 154
-#define __NR_sched_getparam 155
-#define __NR_sched_setscheduler 156
-#define __NR_sched_getscheduler 157
-#define __NR_sched_yield 158
-#define __NR_sched_get_priority_max 159
-#define __NR_sched_get_priority_min 160
-#define __NR_sched_rr_get_interval 161
-#define __NR_nanosleep 162
-#define __NR_mremap 163
-#define __NR_setresuid 164
-#define __NR_getresuid 165
-#define __NR_getpagesize 166
-#define __NR_query_module 167
-#define __NR_poll 168
-#define __NR_nfsservctl 169
-#define __NR_setresgid 170
-#define __NR_getresgid 171
-#define __NR_prctl 172
-#define __NR_rt_sigreturn 173
-#define __NR_rt_sigaction 174
-#define __NR_rt_sigprocmask 175
-#define __NR_rt_sigpending 176
-#define __NR_rt_sigtimedwait 177
-#define __NR_rt_sigqueueinfo 178
-#define __NR_rt_sigsuspend 179
-#define __NR_pread64 180
-#define __NR_pwrite64 181
-#define __NR_lchown 182
-#define __NR_getcwd 183
-#define __NR_capget 184
-#define __NR_capset 185
-#define __NR_sigaltstack 186
-#define __NR_sendfile 187
-#define __NR_getpmsg 188 /* some people actually want streams */
-#define __NR_putpmsg 189 /* some people actually want streams */
-#define __NR_vfork 190
-#define __NR_ugetrlimit 191
-#define __NR_mmap2 192
-#define __NR_truncate64 193
-#define __NR_ftruncate64 194
-#define __NR_stat64 195
-#define __NR_lstat64 196
-#define __NR_fstat64 197
-#define __NR_chown32 198
-#define __NR_getuid32 199
-#define __NR_getgid32 200
-#define __NR_geteuid32 201
-#define __NR_getegid32 202
-#define __NR_setreuid32 203
-#define __NR_setregid32 204
-#define __NR_getgroups32 205
-#define __NR_setgroups32 206
-#define __NR_fchown32 207
-#define __NR_setresuid32 208
-#define __NR_getresuid32 209
-#define __NR_setresgid32 210
-#define __NR_getresgid32 211
-#define __NR_lchown32 212
-#define __NR_setuid32 213
-#define __NR_setgid32 214
-#define __NR_setfsuid32 215
-#define __NR_setfsgid32 216
-#define __NR_pivot_root 217
-/* 218*/
-/* 219*/
-#define __NR_getdents64 220
-#define __NR_gettid 221
-#define __NR_tkill 222
-#define __NR_setxattr 223
-#define __NR_lsetxattr 224
-#define __NR_fsetxattr 225
-#define __NR_getxattr 226
-#define __NR_lgetxattr 227
-#define __NR_fgetxattr 228
-#define __NR_listxattr 229
-#define __NR_llistxattr 230
-#define __NR_flistxattr 231
-#define __NR_removexattr 232
-#define __NR_lremovexattr 233
-#define __NR_fremovexattr 234
-#define __NR_futex 235
-#define __NR_sendfile64 236
-#define __NR_mincore 237
-#define __NR_madvise 238
-#define __NR_fcntl64 239
-#define __NR_readahead 240
-#define __NR_io_setup 241
-#define __NR_io_destroy 242
-#define __NR_io_getevents 243
-#define __NR_io_submit 244
-#define __NR_io_cancel 245
-#define __NR_fadvise64 246
-#define __NR_exit_group 247
-#define __NR_lookup_dcookie 248
-#define __NR_epoll_create 249
-#define __NR_epoll_ctl 250
-#define __NR_epoll_wait 251
-#define __NR_remap_file_pages 252
-#define __NR_set_tid_address 253
-#define __NR_timer_create 254
-#define __NR_timer_settime 255
-#define __NR_timer_gettime 256
-#define __NR_timer_getoverrun 257
-#define __NR_timer_delete 258
-#define __NR_clock_settime 259
-#define __NR_clock_gettime 260
-#define __NR_clock_getres 261
-#define __NR_clock_nanosleep 262
-#define __NR_statfs64 263
-#define __NR_fstatfs64 264
-#define __NR_tgkill 265
-#define __NR_utimes 266
-#define __NR_fadvise64_64 267
-#define __NR_mbind 268
-#define __NR_get_mempolicy 269
-#define __NR_set_mempolicy 270
-#define __NR_mq_open 271
-#define __NR_mq_unlink 272
-#define __NR_mq_timedsend 273
-#define __NR_mq_timedreceive 274
-#define __NR_mq_notify 275
-#define __NR_mq_getsetattr 276
-#define __NR_waitid 277
-/*#define __NR_vserver 278*/
-#define __NR_add_key 279
-#define __NR_request_key 280
-#define __NR_keyctl 281
-#define __NR_ioprio_set 282
-#define __NR_ioprio_get 283
-#define __NR_inotify_init 284
-#define __NR_inotify_add_watch 285
-#define __NR_inotify_rm_watch 286
-#define __NR_migrate_pages 287
-#define __NR_openat 288
-#define __NR_mkdirat 289
-#define __NR_mknodat 290
-#define __NR_fchownat 291
-#define __NR_futimesat 292
-#define __NR_fstatat64 293
-#define __NR_unlinkat 294
-#define __NR_renameat 295
-#define __NR_linkat 296
-#define __NR_symlinkat 297
-#define __NR_readlinkat 298
-#define __NR_fchmodat 299
-#define __NR_faccessat 300
-#define __NR_pselect6 301
-#define __NR_ppoll 302
-#define __NR_unshare 303
-#define __NR_set_robust_list 304
-#define __NR_get_robust_list 305
-#define __NR_splice 306
-#define __NR_sync_file_range 307
-#define __NR_tee 308
-#define __NR_vmsplice 309
-#define __NR_move_pages 310
-#define __NR_sched_setaffinity 311
-#define __NR_sched_getaffinity 312
-#define __NR_kexec_load 313
-#define __NR_getcpu 314
-#define __NR_epoll_pwait 315
-#define __NR_utimensat 316
-#define __NR_signalfd 317
-#define __NR_timerfd_create 318
-#define __NR_eventfd 319
-#define __NR_fallocate 320
-#define __NR_timerfd_settime 321
-#define __NR_timerfd_gettime 322
-#define __NR_signalfd4 323
-#define __NR_eventfd2 324
-#define __NR_epoll_create1 325
-#define __NR_dup3 326
-#define __NR_pipe2 327
-#define __NR_inotify_init1 328
-#define __NR_preadv 329
-#define __NR_pwritev 330
-#define __NR_rt_tgsigqueueinfo 331
-#define __NR_perf_event_open 332
-#define __NR_get_thread_area 333
-#define __NR_set_thread_area 334
-#define __NR_atomic_cmpxchg_32 335
-#define __NR_atomic_barrier 336
-#define __NR_fanotify_init 337
-#define __NR_fanotify_mark 338
-#define __NR_prlimit64 339
-#define __NR_name_to_handle_at 340
-#define __NR_open_by_handle_at 341
-#define __NR_clock_adjtime 342
-#define __NR_syncfs 343
-#define __NR_setns 344
-#define __NR_process_vm_readv 345
-#define __NR_process_vm_writev 346
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#define NR_syscalls 347
-#define __ARCH_WANT_STAT64
-#define __ARCH_WANT_SYS_IPC
- * "Conditional" syscalls
- *
- * What we want is __attribute__((weak,alias("sys_ni_syscall"))),
- * but it doesn't work on all toolchains, so we just do it by hand
- */
-#define cond_syscall(x) asm(".weak\t" #x "\n\t.set\t" #x ",sys_ni_syscall")
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_UNISTD_H_ */
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/user.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/user.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f1f478d6..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/user.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _M68K_USER_H
-#define _M68K_USER_H
-/* Core file format: The core file is written in such a way that gdb
- can understand it and provide useful information to the user (under
- linux we use the 'trad-core' bfd). There are quite a number of
- obstacles to being able to view the contents of the floating point
- registers, and until these are solved you will not be able to view the
- contents of them. Actually, you can read in the core file and look at
- the contents of the user struct to find out what the floating point
- registers contain.
- The actual file contents are as follows:
- UPAGE: 1 page consisting of a user struct that tells gdb what is present
- in the file. Directly after this is a copy of the task_struct, which
- is currently not used by gdb, but it may come in useful at some point.
- All of the registers are stored as part of the upage. The upage should
- always be only one page.
- DATA: The data area is stored. We use current->end_text to
- current->brk to pick up all of the user variables, plus any memory
- that may have been malloced. No attempt is made to determine if a page
- is demand-zero or if a page is totally unused, we just cover the entire
- range. All of the addresses are rounded in such a way that an integral
- number of pages is written.
- STACK: We need the stack information in order to get a meaningful
- backtrace. We need to write the data from (esp) to
- current->start_stack, so we round each of these off in order to be able
- to write an integer number of pages.
- The minimum core file size is 3 pages, or 12288 bytes.
-struct user_m68kfp_struct {
- unsigned long fpregs[8*3]; /* fp0-fp7 registers */
- unsigned long fpcntl[3]; /* fp control regs */
-/* This is the old layout of "struct pt_regs" as of Linux 1.x, and
- is still the layout used by user (the new pt_regs doesn't have
- all registers). */
-struct user_regs_struct {
- long d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7;
- long a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6;
- long d0;
- long usp;
- long orig_d0;
- short stkadj;
- short sr;
- long pc;
- short fmtvec;
- short __fill;
-/* When the kernel dumps core, it starts by dumping the user struct -
- this will be used by gdb to figure out where the data and stack segments
- are within the file, and what virtual addresses to use. */
-struct user{
-/* We start with the registers, to mimic the way that "memory" is returned
- from the ptrace(3,...) function. */
- struct user_regs_struct regs; /* Where the registers are actually stored */
-/* ptrace does not yet supply these. Someday.... */
- int u_fpvalid; /* True if math co-processor being used. */
- /* for this mess. Not yet used. */
- struct user_m68kfp_struct m68kfp; /* Math Co-processor registers. */
-/* The rest of this junk is to help gdb figure out what goes where */
- unsigned long int u_tsize; /* Text segment size (pages). */
- unsigned long int u_dsize; /* Data segment size (pages). */
- unsigned long int u_ssize; /* Stack segment size (pages). */
- unsigned long start_code; /* Starting virtual address of text. */
- unsigned long start_stack; /* Starting virtual address of stack area.
- This is actually the bottom of the stack,
- the top of the stack is always found in the
- esp register. */
- long int signal; /* Signal that caused the core dump. */
- int reserved; /* No longer used */
- unsigned long u_ar0; /* Used by gdb to help find the values for */
- /* the registers. */
- struct user_m68kfp_struct* u_fpstate; /* Math Co-processor pointer. */
- unsigned long magic; /* To uniquely identify a core file */
- char u_comm[32]; /* User command that was responsible */
-#define NBPG 4096
-#define UPAGES 1
-#define HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR (u.start_code)
-#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR (u.start_stack + u.u_ssize * NBPG)
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/virtconvert.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/virtconvert.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f35229b8..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/virtconvert.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __VIRT_CONVERT__
-#define __VIRT_CONVERT__
- * Macros used for converting between virtual and physical mappings.
- */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <linux/mmzone.h>
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
- * Change virtual addresses to physical addresses and vv.
- */
-static inline unsigned long virt_to_phys(void *address)
- return __pa(address);
-static inline void *phys_to_virt(unsigned long address)
- return __va(address);
-/* Permanent address of a page. */
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-#define page_to_phys(page) \
- __pa(PAGE_OFFSET + (((page) - pg_data_map[0].node_mem_map) << PAGE_SHIFT))
-#define page_to_phys(page) (page_to_pfn(page) << PAGE_SHIFT)
-#define page_to_phys(page) (((page) - mem_map) << PAGE_SHIFT)
- * IO bus memory addresses are 1:1 with the physical address,
- */
-#define virt_to_bus virt_to_phys
-#define bus_to_virt phys_to_virt
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/xor.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/xor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c82eb12a..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/xor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/xor.h>
diff --git a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/zorro.h b/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/zorro.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ce97c22..00000000
--- a/ANDROID_3.4.5/arch/m68k/include/asm/zorro.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_M68K_ZORRO_H
-#define _ASM_M68K_ZORRO_H
-#include <asm/raw_io.h>
-#define z_readb raw_inb
-#define z_readw raw_inw
-#define z_readl raw_inl
-#define z_writeb raw_outb
-#define z_writew raw_outw
-#define z_writel raw_outl
-#define z_memset_io(a,b,c) memset((void *)(a),(b),(c))
-#define z_memcpy_fromio(a,b,c) memcpy((a),(void *)(b),(c))
-#define z_memcpy_toio(a,b,c) memcpy((void *)(a),(b),(c))
-static inline void __iomem *z_remap_nocache_ser(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_NOCACHE_SER);
-static inline void __iomem *z_remap_nocache_nonser(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_NOCACHE_NONSER);
-static inline void __iomem *z_remap_writethrough(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_WRITETHROUGH);
-static inline void __iomem *z_remap_fullcache(unsigned long physaddr,
- unsigned long size)
- return __ioremap(physaddr, size, IOMAP_FULL_CACHING);
-#define z_unmap iounmap
-#define z_iounmap iounmap
-#define z_ioremap z_remap_nocache_ser
-#endif /* _ASM_M68K_ZORRO_H */