path: root/compare.sci
diff options
authorttt2018-07-09 16:54:44 +0530
committerttt2018-07-09 16:54:44 +0530
commite5e316e1958e27696d7670e2492992d34ff38b68 (patch)
tree8dab5cc24e31921cfb3c44444d48cfbfd3ff76f8 /compare.sci
parent681c88404f9f2861d228d0d0c3bd61b200ca1442 (diff)
added scilabs files
Diffstat (limited to 'compare.sci')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compare.sci b/compare.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4723130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compare.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+function varargout = compare(varargin)
+ [lhs,rhs] = argn(0)
+// checking the number of inputs
+ if rhs < 2 || rhs > 3 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Wrong number of input arguments.\n"),"compare"))
+ end
+ data = varargin(1)
+ model = varargin(2)
+ if rhs == 3 then
+ kStep = varargin(3)
+ elseif rhs == 2 then
+ kStep = %inf
+ end
+// k step analysis
+ if typeof(kStep) <> 'constant' || isnan(kStep) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Prediction horizon(k) must be a non-negative integer number or inf.\n"),"compare"))
+ end
+// if given k step is infinity or []
+// if isinf(kStep) || ~size(kStep,'*') then
+// kStep = 1
+// end
+// checking the dimensions
+// if size(kStep,'*') <> 1 || (ceil(kStep)-kStep) then
+// error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Prediction horizon(k) must be a non-negative integer number or inf.\n"),"predict"))
+// end
+// checking the plant model
+ if typeof(model) ~= 'idpoly' then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Plant model must be ""idpoly"" type.\n"),"compare"))
+ end
+ modelSampleTime = model.Ts
+ modelTimeUnit = model.TimeUnit
+//checking the data type
+ if typeof(data) <> 'iddata' && typeof(data) <> 'constant' then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Sample data must be ""iddata"" type or ""n x 2"" matrix type.\n"),"compare"))
+ end
+// checking the plant data
+ if typeof(data) == 'iddata' then
+ if ~size(data.OutputData,'*') || ~size(data.InputData,'*') then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Number of sample data in input and output must be equal.\n"),"compare"))
+ end
+ plantSampleTime = data.Ts
+ plantTimeUnit = data.TimeUnit
+ data = [data.OutputData data.InputData]
+ //disp('iddata')
+ elseif typeof(data) == 'constant' then
+ if size(data,'c') ~= 2 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Number of sample data in input and output must be equal.\n"),"compare"))
+ end
+ plantSampleTime = model.Ts
+ plantTimeUnit = model.TimeUnit
+ end
+// comparing the sampling time
+ if modelSampleTime-plantSampleTime <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s:The sample time of the model and plant data must be equal.\n"),"compare"))
+ end
+// Comparing the time units
+ if ~strcmp(modelTimeUnit,plantTimeUnit) then
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Time unit of the model and plant data must be equal.\n"),"compare"))
+ end
+// ckecking the k step size. if it greater than number of sample size then the
+// k step will become 1
+// if kStep >= size(data,'r') then
+// kStep = 1
+// end
+ //storing the plant data
+ // B(z) C(z)
+ // y(n) = ---------- u(n) + ---------- e(n)
+ // A(z)*F(z) A(z)*D(z)
+ aPoly = poly(model.a,'q','coeff');
+ bPoly = poly(model.b,'q','coeff');
+ cPoly = poly(model.c,'q','coeff');
+ dPoly = poly(model.d,'q','coeff');
+ fPoly = poly(model.f,'q','coeff');
+ Gq = bPoly/(aPoly*fPoly)
+ Hq = cPoly/(aPoly*dPoly)
+ //disp(kStep)
+ if kStep == %inf then
+ //disp('in inf')
+ outData = sim(data(:,2),model)
+ else
+ if kStep == 1 then
+ Wkq = Hq^-1
+ elseif kStep > 1 then
+ adCoeff = coeff(aPoly*dPoly);adCoeff = adCoeff(length(adCoeff):-1:1);
+ adPoly = poly(adCoeff,'q','coeff')
+ cCoeff = model.c;cCoeff = cCoeff(length(cCoeff):-1:1);
+ cPoly = poly(cCoeff,'q','coeff')
+ hBar = clean((ldiv(cPoly,adPoly,kStep))',0.00001)
+ hBarPoly = poly(hBar,'q','coeff')
+ Wkq = hBarPoly*Hq^-1//*bPoly/(dPoly*fPoly)
+ end
+ // pause
+ WkqGq = Wkq * Gq
+ tempWkqGq = coeff(WkqGq.den)
+ if tempWkqGq(1) <> 1 then
+ WkqGq.num = WkqGq.num/tempWkqGq(1)
+ WkqGq.den = WkqGq.den/tempWkqGq(1)
+ end
+ Wkq1 = 1-Wkq
+ tempWkq1 = coeff(Wkq1.den)
+ if tempWkq1(1) == 1 then
+ Wkq1.num = Wkq1.num/tempWkq1(1)
+ Wkq1.den = Wkq1.den/tempWkq1(1)
+ end
+ z = poly(0,'z');
+ WkqGqNum = horner(WkqGq.num,1/z);WkqGqDen = horner(WkqGq.den,1/z);
+ uPoly = WkqGqNum/WkqGqDen;
+ uPoly = syslin('d',uPoly);uData = flts(data(:,2)',uPoly);
+ Wkq1Num = horner(Wkq1.num,1/z);Wkq1Den = horner(Wkq1.den,1/z);
+ yPoly = Wkq1Num/Wkq1Den;
+ yPoly = syslin('d',yPoly);yData = flts(data(:,1)',yPoly);
+ outData = (uData+yData)'
+ end
+ tData = (1:size(data,'r'))'*plantSampleTime
+ fitData = fitValue(data(:,1),outData)
+ if lhs == 1 then
+ varargout(1) = []
+ plot(tData,data(:,1),'m')
+ plot(tData,outData,'b')
+ legend('Plant Data','Model Data : '+string(fitData)+'%')
+ xtitle('Comparison of Time Response','Time ('+ plantTimeUnit+')','Amplitude')
+ xgrid()
+ elseif lhs == 2 then
+ varargout(1) = fitData
+ varargout(2) = outData
+ elseif lhs == 3 then
+ varargout(1) = outData
+ varargout(2) = tData
+ varargout(3) = fitData
+ end