path: root/macros
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1 files changed, 259 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/macros/zp2sos.sci b/macros/zp2sos.sci
index 6bb9426..f299099 100644
--- a/macros/zp2sos.sci
+++ b/macros/zp2sos.sci
@@ -1,4 +1,135 @@
-function [sos,g] = zp2sos(z,p,k)
+function B = ipermute(A, perm)
+ funcprot(0);
+ // ipermute : Inverse permute the dimensions of a matrix A.
+ // B = ipermute(A, perm) returns the array A with dimensions inverted
+ // according to the permutation vector `perm`.
+ // Validate the permutation vector
+ if max(size(perm)) ~= ndims(A) || or(gsort(perm, "g", "i") ~= 1:ndims(A))
+ error('Permutation vector must contain unique integers from 1 to ndims(A).');
+ end
+ // Compute the inverse permutation vector
+ invPerm = zeros(size(perm,1),size(perm , 2));
+ for i = 1:max(size(perm))
+ invPerm(perm(i)) = i;
+ end
+ // Use the permute function with the inverse permutation
+ B = permute(A, invPerm);
+function zsort = cplxpair (z, tol, dim)
+ funcprot(0);
+ if (nargin < 1)
+ error("Invalid inputs");
+ end
+ // default double
+ realmin = 2.2251e-308
+ if (isempty (z))
+ zsort = zeros (size (z,1) , size (z,2));
+ return;
+ end
+ if (nargin < 2 || isempty (tol))
+ tol = 100* %eps;
+ elseif (~ isscalar (tol) || tol < 0 || tol >= 1)
+ error ("cplxpair: TOL must be a scalar number in the range 0 <= TOL < 1");
+ end
+ nd = ndims (z);
+ if (nargin < 3)
+ // Find the first singleton dimension.
+ sz = size (z);
+ dim = find (sz > 1, 1);
+ if isempty(dim)
+ dim = 1;
+ end
+ else
+ dim = floor (dim);
+ if (dim < 1 || dim > nd)
+ error ("cplxpair: invalid dimension DIM");
+ end
+ end
+ // Move dimension to analyze to first position, and convert to a 2-D matrix.
+ perm = [dim:nd, 1:dim-1];
+ z = permute (z, perm);
+ sz = size (z);
+ n = sz(1);
+ m = prod (sz) / n;
+ z = matrix (z, n, m);
+ // Sort the sequence in terms of increasing real values.
+ [temp, idx] = gsort (real (z), 1 , "i");
+ z = z(idx + n * ones (n, 1) * [0:m-1]);
+ // Put the purely real values at the end of the returned list.
+ [idxi, idxj] = find (abs (imag (z)) ./ (abs (z) + realmin) <= tol);
+ // Force values detected to be real within tolerance to actually be real.
+ z(idxi + n*(idxj-1)) = real (z(idxi + n*(idxj-1)));
+ //if idxi and idxj are not scalers
+ if ~isscalar(idxi) then
+ v = ones(size(idxi,1),size(idxi,2));
+ else
+ v = 1 ;
+ end
+ q = sparse ([idxi' idxj'], v, [n m]);
+ nr = sum (q, 1);
+ [temp, idx] = gsort (q, 'r','i');
+ midx = idx + size (idx,1) * ones (size (idx,1), 1) * [0:size(idx,2)-1];
+ z = z(midx);
+ zsort = z;
+ // For each remaining z, place the value and its conjugate at the start of
+ // the returned list, and remove them from further consideration.
+ for j = 1:m
+ p = n - nr(j);
+ for i = 1:2:p
+ if (i+1 > p)
+ error ("cplxpair: could not pair all complex numbers");
+ end
+ [v, idx] = min (abs (z(i+1:p,j) - conj (z(i,j))));
+ if (v >= tol * abs (z(i,j)))
+ error ("cplxpair: could not pair all complex numbers");
+ end
+ // For pairs, select the one with positive imaginary part and use it and
+ // it's conjugate, but list the negative imaginary pair first.
+ if (imag (z(i,j)) > 0)
+ zsort([i, i+1],j) = [conj(z(i,j)), z(i,j)];
+ else
+ zsort([i, i+1],j) = [conj(z(idx+i,j)), z(idx+i,j)];
+ end
+ z(idx+i,j) = z(i+1,j);
+ end
+ end
+ // Reshape the output matrix.
+ zsort = ipermute (matrix (zsort, sz), perm);
+function [zc, zr] = cplxreal (z, tol, dim)
+ funcprot(0);
+ if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3)
+ error("invalid inputs");
+ end
+ if (isempty (z))
+ zc = zeros (size (z,1),size(z,2));
+ zr = zeros (size (z,1),size(z,2));
+ return;
+ end
+ if (nargin < 2 || isempty (tol))
+ tol = 100 * %eps ;
+ end
+ if (nargin >= 3)
+ zcp = cplxpair(z,tol,dim);
+ else
+ zcp = cplxpair (z , tol);
+ end
+ nz = max(size (z) );
+ idx = nz;
+ while ((idx > 0) && (zcp(idx) == 0 || (abs (imag (zcp(idx))) ./ abs (zcp(idx))) <= tol))
+ zcp(idx) = real (zcp(idx));
+ idx = idx - 1;
+ end
+ if (pmodulo (idx, 2) ~= 0)
+ error ("cplxreal: odd number of complex values was returned from cplxpair");
+ end
+ zc = zcp(2:2:idx);
+ zr = zcp(idx+1:nz);
+function [SOS, G] = zp2sos(z, p, k, DoNotCombineReal)
//This function converts filter poles and zeros to second-order sections.
//Calling Sequence
//[sos] = zp2sos(z)
@@ -10,7 +141,6 @@ function [sos,g] = zp2sos(z,p,k)
//p: column vector
//k: real or complex value, default value is 1
-//This is an Octave function.
//This function converts filter poles and zeros to second-order sections.
//The first and second parameters are column vectors containing zeros and poles. The third parameter is the overall filter gain, the default value of which is 1.
//The output is the sos matrix and the overall gain.
@@ -20,32 +150,133 @@ function [sos,g] = zp2sos(z,p,k)
//ans =
// 6 -18 12 1 -2 0
// 1 -3 0 1 0 0
+ if argn(2) < 3 then
+ k = 1;
+ end
+ if argn(2) < 2 then
+ p = [];
+ end
+ DoNotCombineReal = 0;
+ [zc, zr] = cplxreal(z(:));
+ [pc, pr] = cplxreal(p(:));
+ nzc = length(zc);
+ npc = length(pc);
+ nzr = length(zr);
+ npr = length(pr);
+ if DoNotCombineReal then
+ // Handling complex conjugate poles
+ for count = 1:npc
+ SOS(count, 4:6) = [1, -2 * real(pc(count)), abs(pc(count))^2];
+ end
+ // Handling real poles
+ for count = 1:npr
+ SOS(count + npc, 4:6) = [0, 1, -pr(count)];
+ end
+ // Handling complex conjugate zeros
+ for count = 1:nzc
+ SOS(count, 1:3) = [1, -2 * real(zc(count)), abs(zc(count))^2];
+ end
-rhs = argn(2)
-lhs = argn(1)
-if(rhs<1 | rhs>3)
-error("Wrong number of input arguments.")
- select(rhs)
- case 1 then
- if (lhs<2)
- sos=callOctave("zp2sos",z)
- else
- [sos,g]=callOctave("zp2sos",z)
- end
- case 2 then
- if(lhs<2)
- [sos]=callOctave("zp2sos",z,p)
- else
- [sos,g]=callOctave("zp2sos",z,p)
- end
- case 3 then
- if(lhs<2)
- sos=callOctave("zp2sos",z,p,k)
- else
- [sos,g]=callOctave("zp2sos",z,p,k)
- end
- end
+ // Handling real zeros
+ for count = 1:nzr
+ SOS(count + nzc, 1:3) = [0, 1, -zr(count)];
+ end
+ // Completing SOS if needed (sections without pole or zero)
+ if npc + npr > nzc + nzr then
+ for count = nzc + nzr + 1 : npc + npr // sections without zero
+ SOS(count, 1:3) = [0, 0, 1];
+ end
+ else
+ for count = npc + npr + 1 : nzc + nzr // sections without pole
+ SOS(count, 4:6) = [0, 0, 1];
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ // Handling complex conjugate poles
+ for count = 1:npc
+ SOS(count, 4:6) = [1, -2 * real(pc(count)), abs(pc(count))^2];
+ end
+ // Handling pair of real poles
+ for count = 1:floor(npr / 2)
+ SOS(count + npc, 4:6) = [1, -pr(2 * count - 1) - pr(2 * count), pr(2 * count - 1) * pr(2 * count)];
+ end
+ // Handling last real pole (if any)
+ if pmodulo(npr, 2) == 1 then
+ SOS(npc + floor(npr / 2) + 1, 4:6) = [0, 1, -pr($)];
+ end
+ // Handling complex conjugate zeros
+ for count = 1:nzc
+ SOS(count, 1:3) = [1, -2 * real(zc(count)), abs(zc(count))^2];
+ end
+ // Handling pair of real zeros
+ for count = 1:floor(nzr / 2)
+ SOS(count + nzc, 1:3) = [1, -zr(2 * count - 1) - zr(2 * count), zr(2 * count - 1) * zr(2 * count)];
+ end
+ // Handling last real zero (if any)
+ if pmodulo(nzr, 2) == 1 then
+ SOS(nzc + floor(nzr / 2) + 1, 1:3) = [0, 1, -zr($)];
+ end
+ // Completing SOS if needed (sections without pole or zero)
+ if npc + ceil(npr / 2) > nzc + ceil(nzr / 2) then
+ for count = nzc + ceil(nzr / 2) + 1 : npc + ceil(npr / 2) // sections without zero
+ SOS(count, 1:3) = [0, 0, 1];
+ end
+ else
+ for count = npc + ceil(npr / 2) + 1 : nzc + ceil(nzr / 2) // sections without pole
+ SOS(count, 4:6) = [0, 0, 1];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ~exists('SOS') then
+ SOS = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]; // leading zeros will be removed
+ end
+ // Removing leading zeros if present in numerator and denominator
+ for count = 1:size(SOS, 1)
+ B = SOS(count, 1:3);
+ A = SOS(count, 4:6);
+ while B(1) == 0 & A(1) == 0 do
+ A(1) = [];
+ A($ + 1) = 0;
+ B(1) = [];
+ B($ + 1) = 0;
+ end
+ SOS(count, :) = [B, A];
+ end
+ // If no output argument for the overall gain, combine it into the first section.
+ if argn(1) < 2 then
+ SOS(1, 1:3) = k * SOS(1, 1:3);
+ else
+ G = k;
+ end
+//sos = zp2sos ([]);
+//sos = zp2sos ([], []);
+//sos = zp2sos ([], [], 2);
+//[sos, g] = zp2sos ([], [], 2);
+//sos = zp2sos([], [0], 1);
+//sos = zp2sos([0], [], 1);
+//sos = zp2sos([1,2,3,4,5,6], 2);
+//sos = zp2sos([-1-%i, -1+%i], [-1-2*%i, -1+2*%i], 10);