path: root/macros/residue.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/residue.sci')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/macros/residue.sci b/macros/residue.sci
index 70dc91f..58303d8 100644
--- a/macros/residue.sci
+++ b/macros/residue.sci
@@ -1,286 +1,318 @@
// Copyright (C) 2018 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
// are also available at
-// Author:[insert name]
+// Original Source :
+// Modifieded by: Abinash Singh Under FOSSEE Internship
+// Last Modified on : 3 Feb 2024
// Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
// Email:
+// Dependencies
+// prepad deconv mpoles
function [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a, varargin)
-// [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a)
-// [b, a] = residue (r, p, k)
-// [b, a] = residue (r, p, k, e)
-// The first calling form computes the partial fraction expansion for the
-// quotient of the polynomials, b and a.
-// The quotient is defined as
-// B(s) M r(m) N
-// ---- = SUM ------------- + SUM k(i)*s^(N-i)
-// A(s) m=1 (s-p(m))^e(m) i=1
-// where M is the number of poles (the length of the r, p,
-// and e), the k vector is a polynomial of order N-1
-// representing the direct contribution, and the e vector specifies the
-// multiplicity of the m-th residue's pole.
-//NOTE that the polynomials 'b' and 'a' should have real coefficients(because of the function 'filter' used in polyval)
-//Test case
-// b = [1, 1, 1];
-// a = [1, -5, 8, -4];
-// [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a)
-// result r = [-2; 7; 3]
-// result p = [2; 2; 1]
-// result k = [](0x0)
-// result e = [1; 2; 1]
-//[r,p,k,e]=residue([1 2 1],[1 -5 8 -4])
-//r =
-// -3.0000
-// 9.0000
-// 4.0000
-//p =
-// 2.0000
-// 2.0000
-// 1.0000
-//f = [](0x0)
-//e =
-// 1
-// 2
-// 1
- [nargout,nargin]=argn();
- if (nargin < 2 | nargin > 4)
- error ("wrong umber of input arguments");
- end
- toler = .001;
- if (nargin >= 3)
- if (nargin >= 4)
- e = varargin(2);
- else
- e = [];
+ if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 4)
+ error("residue: Invalid number of arguments");
- // The inputs are the residue, pole, and direct part. Solve for the
- // corresponding numerator and denominator polynomials
- [r, p] = rresidue (b, a, varargin(1), toler, e);
- return;
- end
- // Make sure both polynomials are in reduced form.
- a = polyreduce (a);
- b = polyreduce (b);
- b = b / a(1);
- a = a / a(1);
- la = length (a);
- lb = length (b);
- // Handle special cases here.
- if (la == 0 | lb == 0)
- k =[];
- r = [];
- p = [];
- e = [];
- return;
- elseif (la == 1)
- k = b / a;
- r = [];
- p = [];
- e = [];
- return;
- end
- // Find the poles.
- p = roots (a);
- lp = length (p);
- // Sort poles so that multiplicity loop will work.
- [e, indx] = mpoles (p, toler, 0);
- p = p(indx);
- // For each group of pole multiplicity, set the value of each
- // pole to the average of the group. This reduces the error in
- // the resulting poles.
- p_group = cumsum (e == 1);
- for ng = 1:p_group($)
- m = find (p_group == ng);
- p(m) = mean (p(m));
- end
- // Find the direct term if there is one.
- if (lb >= la)
- // Also return the reduced numerator.
- [k, b] = deconv (b, a);
+ tol = .001;
+ if (nargin >= 3)
+ if (nargin >= 4)
+ e = varargin(2);
+ else
+ e = [];
+ end
+ // The inputs are the residue2, pole, and direct part.
+ // Solve for the corresponding numerator and denominator polynomials.
+ [r, p] = rresidue (b, a, varargin(1), tol, e);
+ return;
+ end
+ // Make sure both polynomials are in reduced form, and scaled.
+ a = polyreduce (a);
+ b = polyreduce (b);
+ b = b / a(1);
+ a = a/ a(1);
+ la = length (a);
lb = length (b);
- else
- k = [];
- end
- // Determine if the poles are (effectively) zero.
- small = max (abs (p));
- if (type(a)==1 | type(b)==1)
- small = max ([small, 1]) * 1.1921e-07 * 1e4 * (1 + length (p))^2;
- else
- small = max ([small, 1]) * %eps * 1e4 * (1 + length (p))^2;
- end
- p(abs (p) < small) = 0;
- // Determine if the poles are (effectively) real, or imaginary.
- index = (abs (imag (p)) < small);
- p(index) = real (p(index));
- index = (abs (real (p)) < small);
- p(index) = 1*%i * imag (p(index));
- // The remainder determines the residues. The case of one pole
- // is trivial.
- if (lp == 1)
- r = polyval (b, p);
- return;
- end
- // Determine the order of the denominator and remaining numerator.
- // With the direct term removed the potential order of the numerator
- // is one less than the order of the denominator.
- aorder = length (a) - 1;
- border = aorder - 1;
- // Construct a system of equations relating the individual
- // contributions from each residue to the complete numerator.
- A = zeros (border+1, border+1);
- B = prepad (matrix (b, [length(b), 1]), border+1, 0,2);
- for ip = 1:length (p)
- ri = zeros (size (p,1),size(p,2));
- ri(ip) = 1;
- A(:,ip) = prepad (rresidue (ri, p, [], toler), border+1, 0,2).';
- end
- // Solve for the residues.
- if(size(A,1)<size(B,1))
- A=[A;zeros((size(B,1)-size(A,1)),(size(A,2)))];
+ // Handle special cases here.
+ if (la == 0 || lb == 0)
+ k = [];
+ r = [];
+ p = [];
+ e = [];
+ return;
+ elseif (la == 1)
+ k = b / a;
+ r = []
+ p = []
+ e = [];
+ return;
+ end
+ // Find the poles.
+ p = roots (a);
+ lp = length (p);
+ // Sort poles so that multiplicity loop will work.
+ [e, idx] = mpoles (p, tol, 1);
+ p = p(idx);
+ // For each group of pole multiplicity, set the value of each
+ // pole to the average of the group. This reduces the error in
+ // the resulting poles.
+ p_group = cumsum (e == 1);
+ for ng = 1:p_group($)
+ m = find (p_group == ng);
+ p(m) = mean (p(m));
+ end
+ // Find the direct term if there is one.
+ if (lb >= la)
+ // Also return the reduced numerator.
+ [k, b] = deconv (b, a);
+ lb = length (b);
- B=[zeros((size(A,1)-size(B,1)),(size(B,2)));B];
+ k = [];
+ // Determine if the poles are (effectively) zero.
+ small = max (abs (p));
+ if ( (type(a)==1) || (type(b)==1))
+ small = max ([small, 1]) * %eps * 1e4 * (1 + length (p))^2;
+ else
+ small = max ([small, 1]) * %eps * 1e4 * (1 + length (p))^2;
- r = A \ B;
- r=r(:,$);
-function [pnum, pden, e] = rresidue (rm, p, k, toler, e)
- // Reconstitute the numerator and denominator polynomials from the
- // residues, poles, and direct term.
- if (nargin < 2 | nargin > 5)
- error ("wrong number of input arguments");
- end
- if (nargin < 5)
- e = [];
- end
- if (nargin < 4)
- toler = [];
- end
- if (nargin < 3)
- k = [];
- end
- if (length (e))
- indx = 1:length (p);
- else
- [e, indx] = mpoles (p, toler, 0);
- p = p(indx);
- rm = rm(indx);
- end
- indx = 1:length (p);
- for n = indx
- pn = [1, -p(n)];
- if (n == 1)
- pden = pn;
+ p(abs (p) < small) = 0;
+ // Determine if the poles are (effectively) real, or imaginary.
+ idx = (abs (imag (p)) < small);
+ p(idx) = real (p(idx));
+ idx = (abs (real (p)) < small);
+ p(idx) = 1*%i * imag (p(idx));
+ // The remainder determines the residue2s. The case of one pole is trivial.
+ if (lp == 1)
+ r = polyval (b, p);
+ return;
+ end
+ // Determine the order of the denominator and remaining numerator.
+ // With the direct term removed, the potential order of the numerator
+ // is one less than the order of the denominator.
+ aorder = length (a) - 1;
+ border = aorder - 1;
+ // Construct a system of equations relating the individual
+ // contributions from each residue2 to the complete numerator.
+ A = zeros (border+1, border+1);
+ B = prepad (matrix (b, [length(b), 1]), border+1, 0);
+ B = B(:); // incase b have only 1 element
+ for ip = 1:length (p)
+ ri = zeros (size (p,1),size(p,2));
+ ri(ip) = 1;
+ // A(:,ip) = prepad (rresidue (ri, p, [], tol), border+1, 0).';// invalid index error
+ temprr=rresidue (ri, p, [], tol)
+ ppr=prepad(temprr,border+1,0)
+ A(:,ip) = ppr
+ end
+ // Solve for the residue2s.
+ // FIXME: Use a pre-conditioner d to make A \ B work better (bug #53869).
+ // It would be better to construct A and B so they are not close to
+ // singular in the first place.
+ d = max (abs (A),'c');
+ r = (diag (d) \ A) \ (B ./ d);
+ endfunction
+ // Reconstitute the numerator and denominator polynomials
+ // from the residue2s, poles, and direct term.
+ function [pnum, pden, e] = rresidue (r, p, k, tol, e )
+ if nargin < 3 then k = [] ; end
+ if nargin < 4 then tol = [] ; end
+ if nargin < 5 then e = [] ; end
+ if (~isempty (e))
+ idx = 1:length (p);
- pden = conv (pden, pn);
+ [e, idx] = mpoles (p, tol, 0);
+ p = p(idx);
+ r = r(idx);
- end
- // D is the order of the denominator
- // K is the order of the direct polynomial
- // N is the order of the resulting numerator
- // pnum(1:(N+1)) is the numerator's polynomial
- // pden(1:(D+1)) is the denominator's polynomial
- // pm is the multible pole for the nth residue
- // pn is the numerator contribution for the nth residue
- D = length (pden) - 1;
- K = length (k) - 1;
- N = K + D;
- pnum = zeros (1, N+1);
- for n = indx(abs (rm) > 0)
- p1 = [1, -p(n)];
- for m = 1:e(n)
- if (m == 1)
- pm = p1;
+ idx = 1:length (p);
+ for n = idx
+ pn = [1, -p(n)];
+ if (n == 1)
+ pden = pn;
- pm = conv (pm, p1);
+ pden = conv (pden, pn);
- pn = deconv (real(pden),real(pm));
- pn = rm(n) * pn;
- pnum = pnum + prepad (real(pn), N+1, 0, 2);
- end
- // Add the direct term.
- if (length (k))
- pnum = pnum + conv (pden, k);
- end
- // Check for leading zeros and trim the polynomial coefficients.
- if (type(rm)==1 | type(p)==1 | type(k)==1)
- small = max ([max(abs(pden)), max(abs(pnum)), 1]) * 1.1921e-07;
- else
- small = max ([max(abs(pden)), max(abs(pnum)), 1]) *%eps;
- end
- pnum(abs (pnum) < small) = 0;
- pden(abs (pden) < small) = 0;
- pnum = polyreduce (pnum);
- pden = polyreduce (pden);
+ // D is the order of the denominator
+ // K is the order of the direct polynomial
+ // N is the order of the resulting numerator
+ // pnum(1:(N+1)) is the numerator's polynomial
+ // pden(1:(D+1)) is the denominator's polynomial
+ // pm is the multiple pole for the nth residue2
+ // pn is the numerator contribution for the nth residue2
+ D = length (pden) - 1;
+ K = length (k) - 1;
+ N = K + D;
+ pnum = zeros (1, N+1);
+ for n = idx(abs (r) > 0)
+ p1 = [1, -p(n)];
+ pn = 1;
+ for j = 1:n - 1
+ pn = conv (pn, [1, -p(j)]);
+ end
+ for j = n + 1:length (p)
+ pn = conv (pn, [1, -p(j)]);
+ end
+ for j = 1:e(n) - 1
+ pn = deconv (pn, p1);
+ end
+ pn = r(n) * pn;
+ pnum = pnum + prepad (pn, N+1, 0, 2);
+ end
+ // Add the direct term.
+ if (length (k))
+ pnum = pnum + conv (pden, k);
+ end
+ pnum = polyreduce (pnum);
+ pden = polyreduce (pden);
+ endfunction
+function y = polyreduce(p)
+ // Remove leading zeros from the polynomial
+ idx = find(p, 1)
+ if isempty(idx) then
+ y = 0;
+ else
+ y = p(idx(1):$);
+ end
+//test passed
+ b = [1, 1, 1];
+ a = [1, -5, 8, -4];
+ [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (r, [-2; 7; 3], 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (p, [2; 2; 1], 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (k,[]);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (e, [1; 2; 1]);
+ k = [1 0];
+ b = conv (k, a) + prepad (b, length (k) + length (a) - 1, 0);
+ a = a;
+ [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (br, b,1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (ar, a,1e-12);
+ [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k, e);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (br, b,1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (ar, a,1e-12);
+//test passed
+ b = [1, 0, 1];
+ a = [1, 0, 18, 0, 81];
+ [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a); // error filter: Wrong type for input argument #1: Real matrix or polynomial expect
+ FIXME : builtin filter doesn't support complex paramters
+ r1 = [-5*%i; 12; +5*%i; 12]/54;
+ p1 = [+3*%i; +3*%i; -3*%i; -3*%i];
+ assert_checkalmostequal (r, r1, 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (p, p1, 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (k,[]);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (e, [1; 2; 1; 2]);
+ [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (br, b, 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (ar, a, 1e-12);
+//test passed
+ r = [7; 3; -2];
+ p = [2; 1; 2];
+ k = [1 0];
+ e = [2; 1; 1];
+ [b, a] = residue (r, p, k, e);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (b, [1, -5, 9, -3, 1], 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (a, [1, -5, 8, -4], 1e-12);
+ [rr, pr, kr, er] = residue (b, a);
+ [_, m] = mpoles (rr);
+ [_, n] = mpoles (r);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (rr(m), r(n), 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (pr(m), p(n), 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (kr, k, 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (er(m), e(n), 1e-12);
+//test passed
+ b = [1];
+ a = [1, 10, 25];
+ [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a);
+ r1 = [0; 1];
+ p1 = [-5; -5];
+ assert_checkalmostequal (r, r1, 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (p, p1, 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (k,[]);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (e, [1; 2]);
+ [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (br, b, 1e-12);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (ar, a, 1e-12);
+// The following //test is due to Bernard Grung
+//test <*34266> passed
+ z1 = 7.0372976777e6;
+ p1 = -3.1415926536e9;
+ p2 = -4.9964813512e8;
+ r1 = -(1 + z1/p1)/(1 - p1/p2)/p2/p1;
+ r2 = -(1 + z1/p2)/(1 - p2/p1)/p2/p1;
+ r3 = (1 + (p2 + p1)/p2/p1*z1)/p2/p1;
+ r4 = z1/p2/p1;
+ r = [r1; r2; r3; r4];
+ p = [p1; p2; 0; 0];
+ k = [];
+ e = [1; 1; 1; 2];
+ b = [1, z1];
+ a = [1, -(p1 + p2), p1*p2, 0, 0];
+ [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k, e);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (br, [0,0,b],%eps,1e-8);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (ar, a, %eps,1e-8);
+//test <*49291> passed
+ rf = [1e3, 2e3, 1e3, 2e3];
+ cf = [316.2e-9, 50e-9, 31.6e-9, 5e-9];
+ [num, den] = residue (1./cf,-1./(rf.*cf),0);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (length (num), 4);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (length (den), 5);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (den(1), 1);
+//test <*51148> passed
+ r = [1.0000e+18, 3.5714e+12, 2.2222e+11, 2.1739e+10];
+ pin = [-1.9231e+15, -1.6234e+09, -4.1152e+07, -1.8116e+06];
+ k = 0;
+ [p, q] = residue (r, pin, k);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (p(4), 4.6828e+42, 1e-5);
+//test <*60384> passed
+ B = [1315.789473684211];
+ A = [1, 1.100000536842105e+04, 1.703789473684211e+03, 0];
+ poles1 = roots (A);
+ [r, p, k, e] = residue (B, A);
+ [B1, A1] = residue (r, p, k, e);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (B, B1);
+ assert_checkalmostequal (A, A1);