path: root/macros/phasez.sci
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diff --git a/macros/phasez.sci b/macros/phasez.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38421ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/phasez.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+//phasez Phase response of digital filter
+//Calling Syntax
+//[phi,w] = phasez(b,a,n)
+//[phi,w] = phasez(sos,n)
+///[phi,w] = phasez(b,a,n) returns
+//the n-point unwrapped phase response vector, phi,
+//in radians and the frequency vector, w, in radians/sample
+//for the filter coefficients specified in b and a.
+//The values of the frequency vector, w, range from
+//0 to π. If n is omitted,
+//the length of the phase response vector defaults to 512. For best
+//results, set n to a value greater than the filter
+//[phi,w] = phasez(sos,n) returns the unwrapped
+//phase response for the second order sections matrix, sos. sos is
+//a K-by-6 matrix, where the number of sections, K,
+//must be greater than or equal to 2. If the number of sections is less
+//than 2, phasez considers the input to be the
+//numerator vector, b. Each row of sos corresponds
+//to the coefficients of a second-order (biquad) filter. The ith
+//row of the sos matrix corresponds to [bi(1)
+//bi(2) bi(3) ai(1) ai(2) ai(3)].
+////Author: Parthasarathi Panda
+function [phi, varargout]=phasez(varargin)
+ //cas variable is 2 if sos form is involved and 1 if direct rational form is given
+ //(sos,n) or (sos,w) or (sos,'whole')or (b,a) is the input
+ //cas variable is 2 if sos form is involved and 1 if direct rational form is given
+ //cas1 variable is 1 if f is to be given as output, 2 other wise
+ [nargout,nargin]=argn();
+ //do not forget to execute 'phaseInputParseAs_sos' and 'phaseInputParseAs_ab' before running
+ v=size(varargin(1));
+ if size(v)>2 then
+ error ('invalid input dimension');
+ end
+ [n,k]=size(varargin(1));
+ if type(varargin(1))~=1 then
+ error ('check the input type');
+ end
+ if (n==1 & k==6) then //not clear if sos or (a,b)
+ v=size(varargin(2));
+ if (nargin==1) //(sos) is the input
+ cas=2;
+ [sos,w,cas1,fs]=phaseInputParseAs_sos(varargin,nargin);
+ elseif (varargin(2)=='whole') //(sos,'whole')is the input
+ cas=2;
+ [sos,w,cas1,fs]=phaseInputParseAs_sos(varargin,nargin);
+ else //taking it as (a,b)
+ cas=1;
+ [a,b,w,cas1,fs]=phaseInputParseAs_ab(varargin,nargin);
+ end
+ elseif (n==1 | k==1) then
+ cas=1;
+ [a,b,w,cas1,fs]=phaseInputParseAs_ab(varargin,nargin);
+ elseif k==6 then //first variable is sos
+ cas=2;
+ [sos,w,cas1,fs]=phaseInputParseAs_sos(varargin,nargin);
+ end
+ //cas,cas1,fs,w,[(a,b),sos]
+ if cas==1 then
+ [m,n]=size(a);
+ N=[0:n-1];
+ M=N'*w;//computing matrix Mij=(i-1)*wj
+ ph_num=phasemag(a*exp(%i*M));//the operation computes phase of sum(ak*exp(i*w*k))
+ [m,n]=size(b);
+ N=[0:n-1];
+ M=N'*w;
+ ph_den=phasemag(b*exp(%i*M));//similar result for denominator
+ [m,n]=size(w);
+ phi=pmodulo(ph_num-ph_den,360);//takes the difference in phase modulo 360
+ else
+ N=[0,1,2];
+ M=N'*w;
+ ph_num=phasemag(sos(:,4:6)*exp(%i*M));
+ ph_den=phasemag(sos(:,1:3)*exp(%i*M));//the numerator phases for each second order componenet
+ phi_mat=ph_num-ph_den;
+ [m,n]=size(w);
+ phi=pmodulo(sum(phi_mat,1),360);//summing each of the componenet second order system phases
+ end
+ if cas1==1 then
+ varargout(2)=w*fs/(2*%pi);
+ if nargout>2 then
+ varargout(3)=struct('plot', 'both', 'fvflag', 0, 'yunits','degrees','xunit','Hz','fs',fs);
+ end
+ else
+ varargout(2)=w;
+ if nargout>2 then
+ varargout(3)=struct('plot', 'both', 'fvflag', 0, 'yunits','degrees','xunit','radian/sample','fs',[]);
+ end
+ end