path: root/macros/peig.sci
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1 files changed, 58 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/macros/peig.sci b/macros/peig.sci
index 7529edc..b4157d7 100644
--- a/macros/peig.sci
+++ b/macros/peig.sci
@@ -14,47 +14,62 @@ function [S,f,v,e] = peig(varargin)
// Parameters:
// x - int|double - vector|matrix
- // Input signal. In case of a matrix, each row of x represents a
- // seperate observation of the signal. If 'corr' flag is specified,
+ // Input signal. In case of a matrix, each row of x represents a
+ // seperate observation of the signal. If 'corr' flag is specified,
// then x is the correlation matrix.
- // If w is not specified in the input, it is determined by the
- // algorithm. If x is real valued, then range of w is [0, pi].
+ // If w is not specified in the input, it is determined by the
+ // algorithm. If x is real valued, then range of w is [0, pi].
// Otherwise, the range of w is [0, 2pi)
// p - int|double - scalar|vector
// p(1) is the dimension of the signal subspace
- // p(2), if specified, represents a threshold that is multiplied by
+ // p(2), if specified, represents a threshold that is multiplied by
// the smallest estimated eigenvalue of the signal's correlation matrix.
// w - int|double - vector
- // w is the vector of normalized frequencies over which the
+ // w is the vector of normalized frequencies over which the
// pseuspectrogram is to be computed.
// nfft - int - scalar (Default = 256)
// Length of the fft used to compute pseudospectrum. The length of S
// (and hence w/f) depends on the type of values in x and nfft.
- // If x is real, length of s is (nfft/2 + 1) {Range of w = [0, pi]} if
+ // If x is real, length of s is (nfft/2 + 1) {Range of w = [0, pi]} if
// nfft is even and (nfft+1)/2 {Range of w = [0, pi)} otherwise.
// If x is complex, length of s is nfft.
// fs - int|double - scalar (Default = 1)
- // Sampling rate. Used to convert the normalized frequencies (w) to
+ // Sampling rate. Used to convert the normalized frequencies (w) to
// actual values (f) and vice-versa.
// nwin - int|double - scalar (int only)|vector (Default = 2*p(1))
// If nwin is scalar, it is the length of the rectangular window.
// Otherwise, the vector input is considered as the window coefficients.
// Not used if 'corr' flag present.
- // If x is a vector, windowing not done in nwin in scalar. If x is a
- // matrix,
+ // If x is a vector, windowing not done in nwin in scalar. If x is a
+ // matrix,
// noverlap - int - scalar (Default = nwin-1)
- // number of points by which successive windows overlap. noverlap not
+ // number of points by which successive windows overlap. noverlap not
// used if x is a matrix
// freqrange - string
- // The range of frequencies over which the pseudospetrogram is
+ // The range of frequencies over which the pseudospetrogram is
// computed. Three possible values - 'onesided', 'twosided', 'centered'
// 'corr' flag
- // Presence indicates that the primary input x is actually a
+ // Presence indicates that the primary input x is actually a
// correlation matrix
// Examples:
- // TODO:
- //
+// fs = 100;
+// t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs;
+// s = 2*sin(2*%pi*25*t)+sin(2*%pi*35*t)+rand(1,100,"normal");
+// [S,w]=peig(s,2,512,fs,'half');
+// plot(w,S);
+ //OUTPUT: gives the plot of power vs normalised frequencies
+// fs = 100;
+//t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs;
+//s = 2*sin(2*%pi*25*t)+sin(2*%pi*35*t);
+ //EXECUTE FUNCTIONS subspaceMethodsInputPars.sci, musicBase.sci PRIOR THE EXECUTION OF THIS FUNCTION
// See also
// rooteig | pmusic | pmtm | pcov | pmcov | pburg | pyulear | pwelch | corrmtx
@@ -64,16 +79,16 @@ function [S,f,v,e] = peig(varargin)
// References
// [1] Petre Stoica and Randolph Moses, Introduction To Spectral
// Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 1997, pg. 15
- // [2] S. J. Orfanidis, Optimum Signal Processing. An Introduction.
+ // [2] S. J. Orfanidis, Optimum Signal Processing. An Introduction.
// 2nd Ed., Macmillan, 1988.
- exec('subspaceMethodsInputParser.sci',-1);
- exec('musicBase.sci',-1);
- [data, msg, err_num] = subspaceMethodsInputParser(varargin);
+ //exec('/home/shashi/Desktop/FOSSEE-Signal-Processing-Toolbox-master/macros/subspaceMethodsInputParser.sci',-1);
+ // exec('/home/shashi/Desktop/FOSSEE-Signal-Processing-Toolbox-master/macros/musicBase.sci',-1);
+ [data, msg, err_num] = subspaceMethodsInputPars(varargin);
if length(msg)==0 then
// no error occured
@@ -90,7 +105,7 @@ function [S,f,v,e] = peig(varargin)
// computing the pseudospectrum
[S,f] = pseudospectrum(musicData.noiseEigenvects, ...
musicData.eigenvals,data.w,data.nfft, data.fs, data.freqrange,data.isFsSpecified);
v = musicData.noiseEigenvects;
e = musicData.eigenvals;
@@ -100,15 +115,15 @@ function [pspec,w] = pseudospectrum(noiseEigenvects, eigenvals, freqvector, ...
nfft, fs, freqrange,isFsSpecified)
// disp("noise eigenvects in pseudospectrum - ");
// disp(noiseEigenvects);
// NOTE: the only difference from the pmusic code
// Using the noise subspace eigenvalues as weights
- weights = eigenvals(($-size(noiseEigenvects,2)+1):$);
+ weights = eigenvals(($-size(noiseEigenvects,2)+1):$);
denominator = 0;
isFreqGiven = %F;
for i=1:size(noiseEigenvects,2);
// disp("looping in pseudospectrum");
@@ -129,7 +144,7 @@ function [pspec,w] = pseudospectrum(noiseEigenvects, eigenvals, freqvector, ...
pspec = pspec(:);
if ~isFreqGiven then
// correcting the range of pspec according to the user specification
if strcmpi(freqrange, 'onesided')==0 then
@@ -141,11 +156,11 @@ function [pspec,w] = pseudospectrum(noiseEigenvects, eigenvals, freqvector, ...
pspec = pspec(range);
w = w(range);
elseif strcmpi(freqrange,'centered')==0 then
// convert two sided spectrum to centered
rem = modulo(nfft,2);
if rem then
idx = [((nfft+1)/2+1):nfft 1:(nfft+1)/2];
@@ -153,7 +168,7 @@ function [pspec,w] = pseudospectrum(noiseEigenvects, eigenvals, freqvector, ...
pspec = pspec(idx);
w = w(idx);
if rem then
w(1:(nfft-1)/2) = - w(nfft:-1:((nfft+1)/2+1));
@@ -165,8 +180,8 @@ function [pspec,w] = pseudospectrum(noiseEigenvects, eigenvals, freqvector, ...
function [h,w] = computeFreqResponseByFFT(b,n,fs,isFsSpecified)
- // returns the frequency response (h) and the corresponding frequency
- // values (w) for a digital filter with numerator b. The evaluation of the
+ // returns the frequency response (h) and the corresponding frequency
+ // values (w) for a digital filter with numerator b. The evaluation of the
// frequency response is done at n points in [0,fs) using fft algorithm
// Similar to MATLAB's freqz(b,a,n,'whole',fs)
@@ -176,10 +191,10 @@ function [h,w] = computeFreqResponseByFFT(b,n,fs,isFsSpecified)
w = linspace(0,2*%pi,n+1)';
w($) = [];
w(1) = 0; // forcing the first frequency to be 0
// forcing b and a to be column vectors
b = b(:);
// zero padding for fft
zeroPadLength = n - length(b);
zeroPad = zeros(zeroPadLength,1);
@@ -187,34 +202,34 @@ function [h,w] = computeFreqResponseByFFT(b,n,fs,isFsSpecified)
h = fft(b);
if isFsSpecified then
w = w*fs/(2*%pi);
function [h,w] = computeFreqResponseByPolyEval(b,f,fs,isFsSpecified)
// returns the frequency response (h) for a digital filter with numerator b.
// The evaluation of the frequency response is done at frequency values f
// disp(f);
// disp(isFsSpecified);
f = f(:);
b = b(:);
n = length(b);
powerMatrix = zeros(length(f),n);
powerMatrix(:,1) = 1;
for i=2:n
powerMatrix(:,i) = exp(f*(-i+1)*%i);
h = powerMatrix*b;
if isFsSpecified then
w = f * fs/(2*%pi);