path: root/macros/latc2tf.sci
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diff --git a/macros/latc2tf.sci b/macros/latc2tf.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb19e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latc2tf.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+function [num,den] = latc2tf(k,varargin)
+ // Convert lattice filter parameters to transfer function coefficients
+ //
+ //
+ // Calling sequence
+ // [num,den] = latc2tf(k,v)
+ // [num,den] = latc2tf(k,'iiroption')
+ // num = latc2tf(k,'firoption')
+ //
+ //
+ // Description
+ // [num,den] = latc2tf(k,v)
+ // Finds the transfer function of the IIR filter from the lattice
+ // coefficients k and ladder coefficients v.
+ // [num,den] = latc2tf(k,'iiroption')
+ // Finds the transfer function of the allpass or allpole (specified by
+ // the iiroption flag) IIR filter.
+ // num = latc2tf(k,'firoption')
+ // Finds the transfer function of the FIR filter from the lattice
+ // coefficients k. The firoption flag specifies the type of the FIR
+ // filter (can be 'min, 'max', or 'FIR')
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // k - double - vector
+ // Lattice coefficients
+ // Lattice coefficients for FIR/IIR filter. Can be real or complex.
+ // v - double - vector
+ // Ladder coefficients
+ // Ladder coefficients for IIR filters. Can be real or complex.
+ // iiroption - string flag - 'allpole', or 'allpass'
+ // Specification of the type if IIR filter
+ // firoption - string flag - 'min', 'max', or 'FIR' (default)
+ // Speficication of the type of FIR filter
+ //
+ // Examples
+ // 1) FIR filter
+ // k1 = [1/2 1/2 1/4];
+ // [num1,den1] = latc2tf(k1);
+ //
+ // See also
+ // latcfilt | tf2latc
+ //
+ // References
+ // [1] J.G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing,
+ // 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, N.J., 1996, Chapter 7.
+ // [2] S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, A Computer
+ // Based Approach, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1998, Chapter 6.
+ //
+ // Authors
+ // Ayush Baid
+ [numOutArgs,numInArgs] = argn(0);
+// ** Check on number of input arguments **
+ if numOutArgs<1 | numOutArgs>2 then
+ msg = "cummin: Wrong number of output argument; 1-2 expected";
+ error(78,msg);
+ end
+ if numInArgs<1 | numInArgs>2 then
+ msg = "cummin: Wrong number of input argument; 1-2 expected";
+ error(77,msg);
+ end
+// ** Parsing the input arguments **
+// 1) k:
+// must be a vector
+// can be real or complex valued, (negative values allowed)
+ // checking data type
+ if ~(type(k)==1 | type(k)==8) then
+ msg = "latc2tf: Wrong type for argument #1 (k); Real or complex vector expected";
+ error(53,msg);
+ end
+ // checking the dimensions (must be a vector)
+ if ~(size(k,1)==1 | size(k,2)==1) then
+ msg = "latc2tf: Wrong type for argument #1 (k); Real or complex vector expected";
+ error(53,msg);
+ end
+ // convert to column vector
+ if size(k,1)==1 then
+ k = k(:);
+ end
+ L = length(varargin);
+// Parsing the 2nd argument
+ if L>=1 then
+ arg2 = varargin(1);
+ // string check
+ if type(arg2)==10 then
+ if strcmpi(arg2,'FIR')==0 then
+ [num,den] = latc2tf_fir(k,2);
+ elseif strcmpi(arg2,'min')==0 then
+ [num,den] = latc2tf_fir(k,0);
+ elseif strcmpi(arg2,'max')==0 then
+ [num,den] = latc2tf_fir(k,1);
+ elseif strcmpi(arg2,'allpole')==0 then
+ [num,den] = latc2tf_iir2(k,1);
+ elseif strcmpi(arg2,'allpass')==0 then
+ [num,den] = latc2tf_iir1(k);
+ else
+ msg = "latc2tf: Wrong value for argument #2 (string flag) ";
+ error(53,msg);
+ end
+ elseif (type(arg2)==1 | type(arg2)==8) then
+ // arg2 is ladder coefficients
+ // check for vector input
+ if ~(size(arg2,1)==1 | size(arg2,2)==1) then
+ msg = "latc2tf: Wrong type for argument #2 (v); Real or complex vector expected";
+ error(53,msg);
+ end
+ // convert to column vector
+ if size(arg2,1)==1 then
+ arg2 = arg2(:);
+ end
+ [num,den] = latc2tf_iir2(k,arg2);
+ else
+ msg = "latc2tf: Wrong type for argument #2; Real or complex vector" + ...
+ "(ladder coeffs k) or string flag expected";
+ error(53,msg);
+ end
+ else
+ [num,den] = latc2tf_fir(k,2);
+ end
+ num = num';
+ den = den';
+function [num,den] = latc2tf_fir(k,option)
+ // latc2tf for FIR filters
+ // Input Arguments
+ // k: lattice coefficients
+ // option: 0 for min-phase (default), 1 for max-phase; 2 for fir
+ if isempty(k) then
+ num = 1;
+ den = 1;
+ return
+ end
+ den = 1;
+ p = length(k);
+ num = 1;
+ for j=2:p+1
+ num = [num; 0] + k(j-1)*[0; conj(num($:-1:1,:))];
+ end
+ if option==1 then
+ num = conj(num($:-1:1));
+ end
+function [num,den] = latc2tf_iir1(k)
+ // for all pass IIR filters
+ if isempty(k) then
+ num = 1;
+ den = 1;
+ return
+ end
+ p = length(k);
+ den = 1;
+ for j=2:p+1
+ den = [den; 0] + k(j-1)*[0; conj(den($:-1:1,:))];
+ end
+ num = conj(den($:-1:1));
+function [num,den] = latc2tf_iir2(k,v)
+ // for allpole and general IIR fitlers
+ if isempty(k) & isempty(v) then
+ num = [];
+ den = [];
+ elseif isempty(k) & length(v)==1 then
+ num = v;
+ den = 1;
+ else
+ // k is a column vector
+ M = size(k,1)+1;
+ // pad v with appropriate number of zeros
+ l_v = size(v,1);
+ diff = M - l_v;
+ if diff>0 then
+ v = [v; zeros(diff,1)];
+ elseif diff<0 then
+ k = [k; zeros(-diff,1)];
+ end
+ p = length(k);
+ den = 1;
+ for j=2:p+1
+ den = [den; 0] + k(j-1)*[0; conj(den($:-1:1,:))];
+ end
+ exec('rlevinson.sci',-1);
+ [r,temp] = rlevinson(den,1);
+ num = (temp*v);
+ end