path: root/macros/invimpinvar.sci
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1 files changed, 128 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/macros/invimpinvar.sci b/macros/invimpinvar.sci
index 4e8bd7b..c854324 100644
--- a/macros/invimpinvar.sci
+++ b/macros/invimpinvar.sci
@@ -1,42 +1,129 @@
-function [b_out, a_out] = invimpinvar (b, a, fs, tol)
-//This function converts digital filter with coefficients b and a to analog, conserving impulse response.
-//Calling Sequence
-//[b, a] = impinvar (b, a)
-//[b, a] = impinvar (b, a, fs)
-//[b, a] = impinvar (b, a, fs, tol)
-//b: real or complex valued scalar or vector
-//a: real or complex valued scalar or vector, order should be greater than b
-//fs: real or complex value, default value 1Hz
-//tol: real or complex value, default value 0.0001
-//This is an Octave function.
-//This function converts digital filter with coefficients b and a to analog, conserving impulse response.
-//This function does the inverse of impinvar.
-//b = 0.0081000
-//a = [2.0000000, 0.56435378, 0.4572792, 0.00705544, 0.091000]
-//[ay, by] = invimpinvar(b,a,10)
-//ay =
-// -1.6940e-16 4.6223e+00 -4.5210e+00 7.2880e+02
-//by =
-// Columns 1 through 4:
-// 1.0000e+00 3.0900e+01 9.6532e+02 1.2232e+04
-// Column 5:
-// 1.1038e+05
-rhs = argn(2)
-error("Wrong number of input arguments.")
- select(rhs)
- case 2 then
- [b_out,a_out] = callOctave("invimpinvar",b,a)
- case 3 then
- [b_out,a_out] = callOctave("invimpinvar",b,a,fs)
- case 4 then
- [b_out,a_out] = callOctave("invimpinvar",b,a,fs,tol)
- end
+// Copyright (C) 2018 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// Original Source :
+// Modifieded by: Abinash Singh Under FOSSEE Internship
+// Last Modified on : 3 Feb 2024
+// Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+// Email:
+// Impulse invariant conversion from s to z domain
+ [b_out, a_out] = invimpinvar (b, a, fs, tol)
+ [b_out, a_out] = invimpinvar (b, a, fs)
+ [b_out, a_out] = invimpinvar (b, a)
+ Converts digital filter with coefficients b and a to analog, conserving impulse response.
+ This function does the inverse of impinvar so that the following example should restore the original values of a and b.
+ [b, a] = impinvar (b, a);
+ [b, a] = invimpinvar (b, a);
+ If fs is not specified, or is an empty vector, it defaults to 1Hz.
+ If tol is not specified, it defaults to 0.0001 (0.1%)
+ Dependencies
+ residue
+ inv_residue
+ */
+function [b_out, a_out] = invimpinvar (b_in, a_in, fs, tol)
+ error("invimpinvar: Missing functionality not implemented in this release .Will be Available soon ");
+// FIXME : fix filter function first . till then drop this fun
+ if (nargin <2)
+ error("invimpinvar: Insufficient input arguments");
+ end
+ if nargin < 3 then fs = 1; end
+ if nargin < 4 then tol = 0.0001; end
+ // to be compatible with the matlab implementation where an empty vector can
+ // be used to get the default
+ if (isempty(fs))
+ ts = 1;
+ else
+ ts = 1/fs; // we should be using sampling frequencies to be compatible with Matlab
+ end
+ b_in = [b_in 0]; // so we can calculate in z instead of z^-1
+ [r_in, p_in, k_in] = residue(b_in, a_in); // partial fraction expansion
+ // clean r_in for zero values
+ n = length(r_in); // Number of poles/residues
+ if (length(k_in) > 1) // Greater than one means we cannot do impulse invariance
+ error("Order numerator > order denominator");
+ end
+ r_out = zeros(1,n); // Residues of H(s)
+ sm_out = zeros(1,n); // Poles of H(s)
+ i=1;
+ while (i<=n)
+ m=1;
+ first_pole = p_in(i); // Pole in the z-domain
+ while (i<n && abs(first_pole-p_in(i+1))<tol) // Multiple poles at p(i)
+ i=i+1; // Next residue
+ m=m+1; // Next multiplicity
+ end
+ [r, sm, k]= inv_z_res(r_in(i-m+1:i), first_pole, ts); // Find s-domain residues
+ k_in = k_in - k; // Just to check, should end up zero for physical system
+ sm_out(i-m+1:i) = sm; // Copy s-domain pole(s) to output
+ r_out(i-m+1:i) = r; // Copy s-domain residue(s) to output
+ i=i+1; // Next z-domain residue/pole
+ end
+ [b_out, a_out] = inv_residue(r_out, sm_out , 0, tol);
+ a_out = to_real(a_out); // Get rid of spurious imaginary part
+ b_out = to_real(b_out);
+ b_out = polyreduce(b_out);
+// Inverse function of z_res (see impinvar source)
+function [r_out, sm_out, k_out] = inv_z_res (r_in,p_in,ts)
+ n = length(r_in); // multiplicity of the pole
+ r_in = r_in.'; // From column vector to row vector
+ j=n;
+ while (j>1) // Go through residues starting from highest order down
+ r_out(j) = r_in(j) / ((ts * p_in)^j); // Back to binomial coefficient for highest order (always 1)
+ r_in(1:j) = r_in(1:j) - r_out(j) * polyrev(h1_z_deriv(j-1,p_in,ts)); // Subtract highest order result, leaving r_in(j) zero
+ j=j-1;
+ end
+ // Single pole (no multiplicity)
+ r_out(1) = r_in(1) / ((ts * p_in));
+ k_out = r_in(1) / p_in;
+ sm_out = log(p_in) / ts;
+// tests passed
+[b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1],[1 -0.5],0.01)
+[b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1],[1 -1 0.25],0.01)
+[b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1 1],[1 -1 0.25],0.01)
+[b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1],[1 -1.5 0.75 -0.125],0.01)
+[b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1 1],[1 -1.5 0.75 -0.125],0.01)
+// FIXME : built in filter doesn't support complex parameters
+// Because of this thsese test cases are failing
+//[b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1],[1 0 0.25],0.01)
+// [b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1 1],[1 0 0.25],0.01)
+// [b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1],[1 0 0.5 0 0.0625],0.01)
+// [b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1 1],[1 0 0.5 0 0.0625],0.01)
+// [b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1 1 1],[1 0 0.5 0 0.0625],0.01
+// [b_out,a_out]=invimpinvar([1 1 1 1],[1 0 0.5 0 0.0625],0.01)