path: root/macros/medfilt1.sci
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authorSunil Shetye2018-07-25 16:27:51 +0530
committerSunil Shetye2018-07-26 23:50:17 +0530
commit9ca7882cee16ad48b18df989e8300c697010e55a (patch)
tree59e0c6116b835ae3e5e3208bc9609ed2828069ed /macros/medfilt1.sci
parent6bbb00d0f0128381ee95194cf7d008fb6504de7d (diff)
code changes by Sonu Sharma during FOSSEE Fellowship 2018
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/medfilt1.sci')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/macros/medfilt1.sci b/macros/medfilt1.sci
index b81a03a..f87aaa9 100644
--- a/macros/medfilt1.sci
+++ b/macros/medfilt1.sci
@@ -1,70 +1,81 @@
function y = medfilt1(x, varargin)
- // 1D median filtering
- //
- // Calling sequence
- // y = medfilt1(x)
- // y = medfilt1(x, n)
- // y = medfilt1(x, n, dim)
- // y = medfitl1(__, nanflag, padding)
- //
- // Description
- // y = medfilt1(x)
- // Applies a 3rd order 1-dimensional median filter to input x along the
- // first non-zero dimension. The function appropriately pads the signal
- // with zeros at the endings. For a segment, a median is calculated as
- // the middle value (average of two middle values) for odd number
- // number (even number) of data points.
- // y = medfilt1(x,n)
- // Applies a nth order 1-dimensional median filter.
- // y = medfilt1(x,n,dim)
- // Applies the median filter along the n-th dimension
- // y = medfilt1(__, nanflag, padding)
- // nanflag specifies how NaN values are treated. padding specifies the
- // type of filtering to be performed at the signal edges.
- //
- // Parameters
- // x: int | double
- // Input signal.
- // n: positive integer scalar
- // Filter order.
- // Defaults to 3.The order of the median filter. Must be less than
- // (length of the signal) where signals are 1D vectors along the
- // dimension of x to be filtered
- // dim: positive integer scalar
- // Dimension to filter along.
- // Defaults to first non-singleton dimension of x
- // nanflag: 'includenan' (default) | 'omitnan'
- // NaN condition.
- // * includenan: Filtering such that the median of any segment
- // containing a NaN is also a NaN.
- // * omitnan: Filtering with NaNs omitted in each segment. If a segment
- // contains all NaNs, the result is NaN
- // y: int | double
- // The filtered signal.
- // y has the same size as x
- //
- // Examples
- // 1) Noise supression using median filtering
- // fs = 1e3;
- // t = 1:1/fs:1;
- // s = sin(2*%pi*2*t)+ cos(2*%pi*5*t);
- // // Adding noise
- // x = s + 0.1*randn(size(s));
- // y = medfilt1(x);
- //
- // See also
- // filter | hampel | median | sgolayfilt
- //
- // Authors
- // Ayush Baid
- // *************************************************************************
- // Checking number of arguments
+// 1D median filtering
+// Calling sequence
+// y = medfilt1(x)
+// y = medfilt1(x, n)
+// y = medfilt1(x, n, dim)
+// y = medfitl1(__, nanflag, padding)
+// Description
+// y = medfilt1(x)
+// Applies a 3rd order 1-dimensional median filter to input x along the
+// first non-zero dimension. The function appropriately pads the signal
+// with zeros at the endings. For a segment, a median is calculated as
+// the middle value (average of two middle values) for odd number
+// number (even number) of data points.
+// y = medfilt1(x,n)
+// Applies a nth order 1-dimensional median filter.
+// y = medfilt1(x,n,dim)
+// Applies the median filter along the n-th dimension
+// y = medfilt1(__, nanflag, padding)
+// nanflag specifies how NaN values are treated. padding specifies the
+// type of filtering to be performed at the signal edges.
+// Parameters
+// x: int | double
+// Input signal.
+// n: positive integer scalar
+// Filter order.
+// Defaults to 3.The order of the median filter. Must be less than
+// (length of the signal) where signals are 1D vectors along the
+// dimension of x to be filtered
+// dim: positive integer scalar
+// Dimension to filter along.
+// Defaults to first non-singleton dimension of x
+// nanflag: 'includenan' (default) | 'omitnan'
+// NaN condition.
+// * includenan: Filtering such that the median of any segment
+// containing a NaN is also a NaN.
+// * omitnan: Filtering with NaNs omitted in each segment. If a segment
+// contains all NaNs, the result is NaN
+// y: int | double
+// The filtered signal.
+// y has the same size as x
+// Examples : Noise supression using 10th order (n =10) median filtering
+////Generate a sinusoidal signal sampled for 1 second at 100 Hz. Add a higher-frequency sinusoid to simulate noise.
+//fs = 100;
+//t = 0:1/fs:1;
+//x = sin(2*%pi*t*3)+0.25*sin(2*%pi*t*40);
+////Use a 10th-order median filter to smooth the signal. Plot the result.
+//y = medfilt1(x,10);
+//y = round(y*10000)/10000;
+//y = y'
+//Output :
+// Output is a plot of x versus t and y versus t
+// samples of y is stored in medfilt1op.txt
+// See also
+// filter | hampel | median | sgolayfilt
+// Authors
+// Ayush Baid
+ // *************************************************************************
+ // Checking number of arguments
// *************************************************************************
[numOutArgs, numInArgs] = argn(0);
if numInArgs<1 | numInArgs>5 then
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong number of input argument; 1-5 expected";
error(77, msg);
@@ -73,31 +84,31 @@ function y = medfilt1(x, varargin)
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong number of output argument; 1 expected";
error(78, msg);
// *************************************************************************
// Parsing input arguments
// *************************************************************************
// * Parsing x *
temp = x(:);
if type(temp)~=1 & type(temp)~=8 then
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type for argument #1 (x): Int/double expected"
error(53, msg);
// * Parsing nanflag and padding *
// Getting all the string arguments
- stringIndices = list();
+ stringIndices = list();
for i=1:length(varargin);
e = varargin(i);
if type(e)==10 then
nanflag = %f; // 0->includenan (default); 1->omitnan
padflag = %t; // 1->zeropad (default); 0->truncate
if ~isempty(stringIndices) then
@@ -105,15 +116,15 @@ function y = medfilt1(x, varargin)
if or(strcmpi(varargin(stringIndices), 'omitnan')) then
nanflag = %t;
// checking for 'truncate'
if or(strcmpi(varargin(stringIndices), 'truncate')) then
padflag = %f;
varargin(stringIndices) = [];
// setting default value for n and dim
n = 3;
dim = 1;
@@ -123,7 +134,7 @@ function y = medfilt1(x, varargin)
dim = i;
// * Parsing n and dim *
if length(varargin)==1 then
if ~isempty(varargin(1)) then
@@ -140,20 +151,20 @@ function y = medfilt1(x, varargin)
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type of input arguments; Atmost 3 numerical input expected";
error(53, msg);
// check on n
if length(n)~=1 then
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong size for argument #2 (n): Scalar expected";
if type(n)~=1 & type(n)~=8 then
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type for argument #2 (n): Natural number expected";
if n~=round(n) | n<=0 then
- msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type for argument #2 (n): Natural number expected";
+ msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type for argument #2 (n): Natural number expected";
@@ -161,20 +172,20 @@ function y = medfilt1(x, varargin)
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type for argument #2 (n): Real scalar expected";
// check on dim
if length(dim)~=1 then
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong size for argument #3 (dim): Scalar expected";
if type(dim)~=1 & type(dim)~=8 then
msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type for argument #3 (dim): Natural number expected";
if dim~=round(dim) | dim<=0 then
- msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type for argument #3 (dim): Natural number expected";
+ msg = "medfilt1: Wrong type for argument #3 (dim): Natural number expected";
@@ -183,103 +194,103 @@ function y = medfilt1(x, varargin)
// *************************************************************************
// Processing for median filtering column by column
// *************************************************************************
inp_size = size(x);
// Permuting x to bring the dimension to be acted upon as the first dimesnion
perm_vec = [2:dim, 1, dim+1:length(inp_size)];
reverse_perm_vec = [dim, 1:dim-1, dim+1:length(inp_size)];
x = permute(x, perm_vec);
size_vec = size(x);
y = x; // just initialization
for i=1:prod(size_vec(2:$))
temp = medfilt_colvector(x(:,i), n, padflag, nanflag);
y(:,i) = temp;
y = permute(y, reverse_perm_vec);
function med = medfilt_colvector(x, n, zeropadflag, nanflag)
// Performs median filtering (of order n) on a column vector (x)
// zeropadflag -> zero pad instead of truncation
// nanflag -> discard all blocks containing nan, else do not consider nan values
med = zeros(size(x,1),1);
- disp('here1');
+ //disp('here1');
// ** zero pad the signal **
pad_length = floor(n/2); // padding on a size
x = [zeros(pad_length,1); x; zeros(pad_length,1)];
nx = length(x);
// Arrange data in blocks
top_row = 1:(nx-n);
idx = zeros(n,length(top_row));
for i=1:n
idx(i,:) = top_row + (i-1);
blocks = matrix(x(idx), size(idx));
if nanflag then
med = median(blocks, 1)';
// set result of all the blocks containing nan to nan
nanpresent = or(isnan(blocks), 1);
med(nanpresent) = %nan;
- disp('here3');
+ //disp('here3');
// we have to neglect nans
sorted_blocks = gsort(blocks, 'r', 'i');
// get the count of non-nan elements
num_elems = n - sum(isnan(sorted_blocks), 1);
// find the median
offset = (0:size(blocks,2)-1)*size(blocks,1);
idx1 = offset+ceil(num_elems/2);
idx2 = offset+ceil((num_elems/2)+0.25);
// temporarily setting idx1 to 1 so as to not give errors in median calc.
// Will later replace values at such indices with Nan
med = (sorted_blocks(idx1) + sorted_blocks(idx2))./2;
med(idx1==0) = %nan;
if ~zeropadflag then
// ** recalculate boundary blocks with truncation truncate at the boundaries **
// divide the input signal into 3 parts; 1st and last part have truncation
for i=ceil(n/2):n
// ** first part **
block = x(1:i);
// * median calc for a block *
if nanflag then
med(i-ceil(n/2)+1) = median(block, 1);
// set result of all the blocks containing nan to nan
nanpresent = or(isnan(block), 1);
if nanpresent then
@@ -288,15 +299,15 @@ function med = medfilt_colvector(x, n, zeropadflag, nanflag)
// we have to neglect nans
sorted_block = gsort(block, 'r', 'i');
// get the count of non-nan elements
num_elems = length(block) - sum(isnan(sorted_block), 1);
// find the median
idx1 = ceil(num_elems/2);
idx2 = ceil(num_elems/2+0.25);
// temporarily setting idx1 to 1 so as to not give errors in median calc.
// Will later replace values at such indices with Nan
if idx1==0 then
@@ -304,33 +315,33 @@ function med = medfilt_colvector(x, n, zeropadflag, nanflag)
med(i-ceil(n/2)+1) = (sorted_block(idx1, :)+sorted_block(idx2, :))./2;
- end
+ end
// ** last part **
block = x($:-1:$-i);
// * median calc for a block *
if nanflag then
med($+ceil(n/2)-i) = median(block, 1);
// set result of all the blocks containing nan to nan
nanpresent = or(isnan(block), 1);
if nanpresent then
med($-ceil(n/2)+i) = %nan;
- med($+ceil(n/2)-i) = %nan;
+ med($+ceil(n/2)-i) = %nan;
// we have to neglect nans
sorted_block = gsort(block, 'r', 'i');
// get the count of non-nan elements
num_elems = length(block) - sum(isnan(sorted_block), 1);
// find the median
idx1 = ceil(num_elems/2);
idx2 = ceil(num_elems/2+0.25);
// temporarily setting idx1 to 1 so as to not give errors in median calc.
// Will later replace values at such indices with Nan
if idx1==0 then