path: root/thirdparty/linux/lib
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-05Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functionsGeorgey
2017-03-15Added header files for Ipopt 3.12.7,minor modifications to symphony's output ...Georgey
2017-03-15Updated ipopt libraries to Ipopt 3.12.7Georgey
2016-09-02fseminf deletedHarpreet
2016-08-31Windows 32 bit bug fixed and third party updatedHarpreet
2016-07-05Third party updatedharpreet
2016-07-01Windows Includedharpreet
2016-02-24fmincon examples addedHarpreet
2015-11-02README.rst addedHarpreet
2015-10-20qpipopt_mat addedHarpreet
2015-09-23qpipopt addedHarpreet
2015-09-03x86 libraries includedHarpreet
2015-09-01sym_close bug fixedHarpreet
2015-08-27Master FileHarpreet