path: root/macros/qpipopt.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/qpipopt.sci')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/macros/qpipopt.sci b/macros/qpipopt.sci
index 8f3945e..5f08067 100644
--- a/macros/qpipopt.sci
+++ b/macros/qpipopt.sci
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt (varargin)
// [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lamda] = qpipopt( ... )
// Parameters
- // nbVar : a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of variables
- // nbCon : a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of constraints
- // Q : a n x n symmetric matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of quadratic in the quadratic problem.
- // p : a n x 1 matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of linear in the quadratic problem
- // LB : a n x 1 matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains lower bounds of the variables.
- // UB : a n x 1 matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains upper bounds of the variables.
- // conMatrix : a m x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables and m is number of constraints, contains matrix representing the constraint matrix
- // conLB : a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains lower bounds of the constraints.
- // conUB : a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains upper bounds of the constraints.
- // x0 : a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains initial guess of variables.
+ // nbVar : a double, number of variables
+ // nbCon : a double, number of constraints
+ // Q : a symmetric matrix of doubles, represents coefficients of quadratic in the quadratic problem.
+ // p : a vector of doubles, represents coefficients of linear in the quadratic problem
+ // LB : a vector of doubles, contains lower bounds of the variables.
+ // UB : a vector of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains upper bounds of the variables.
+ // conMatrix : a matrix of doubles, contains matrix representing the constraint matrix
+ // conLB : a vector of doubles, contains lower bounds of the constraints.
+ // conUB : a vector of doubles, contains upper bounds of the constraints.
+ // x0 : a vector of doubles, contains initial guess of variables.
// param : a list containing the the parameters to be set.
- // xopt : a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem.
- // fopt : a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x.
+ // xopt : a vector of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem.
+ // fopt : a double, the function value at x.
// exitflag : Integer identifying the reason the algorithm terminated.
// output : Structure containing information about the optimization.
// lambda : Structure containing the Lagrange multipliers at the solution x (separated by constraint type).
@@ -114,19 +114,31 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt (varargin)
conLB = varargin(8);
conUB = varargin(9);
+ if (size(LB,2)==0) then
+ LB = repmat(-%inf,nbVar,1);
+ end
+ if (size(UB,2)==0) then
+ UB = repmat(%inf,nbVar,1);
+ end
if ( rhs<10 | size(varargin(10)) ==0 ) then
x0 = repmat(0,nbVar,1);
x0 = varargin(10);
- if ( rhs<11 ) then
+ if ( rhs<11 | size(varargin(11)) ==0 ) then
param = list();
param =varargin(11);
+ if (type(param) ~= 15) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: param should be a list "), "qpipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
if (modulo(size(param),2)) then
errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Size of parameters should be even"), "qpipopt");
@@ -137,6 +149,7 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt (varargin)
"MaxIter" , [3000], ...
"CpuTime" , [600] ...
for i = 1:(size(param))/2
select param(2*i-1)
@@ -150,6 +163,33 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt (varargin)
+// Check if the user gives row vector
+// and Changing it to a column matrix
+ if (size(p,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ p=p';
+ end
+ if (size(LB,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ LB = LB';
+ end
+ if (size(UB,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ UB = UB';
+ end
+ if (size(conUB,2)== [nbCon]) then
+ conUB = conUB';
+ end
+ if (size(conLB,2)== [nbCon]) then
+ conLB = conLB';
+ end
+ if (size(x0,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ x0=x0';
+ end
//IPOpt wants it in row matrix form
p = p';
LB = LB';
@@ -176,10 +216,17 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt (varargin)
- //Check the size of constraint which should equal to the number of variables
- if ( size(conMatrix,2) ~= nbVar) then
- errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The size of constraints is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
+ if (nbCon) then
+ //Check the size of constraint which should equal to the number of variables
+ if ( size(conMatrix,2) ~= nbVar) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The size of constraints is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ end
+ //Check the number of constraint
+ if ( size(conMatrix,1) ~= nbCon) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The number of constraints is not equal to the number of constraint given i.e. %d"), "qpipopt", nbCon);
@@ -209,9 +256,10 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipopt (varargin)
//Check the size of initial of variables which should equal to the number of variables
if ( size(x0,2) ~= nbVar) then
- errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The initial guess of variables is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
- error(errmsg);
+ warnmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Ignoring initial guess of variables as it is not equal to the number of variables"), "qpipopt");
+ warning(warnmsg);
[xopt,fopt,status,iter,Zl,Zu,lmbda] = solveqp(nbVar,nbCon,Q,p,conMatrix,conLB,conUB,LB,UB,x0,options);