path: root/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-08-31 01:43:18 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-08-31 01:43:18 +0530
commit2269cb2d89c9e27b1edeb14849f201e90cbf89f7 (patch)
tree11aeb2a81fc9a0dcbe8aef079f4c4798a260b101 /thirdparty/windows/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp
parent234aa4fb8bcf86c518444601903fcfee4c40f59a (diff)
Windows 32 bit bug fixed and third party updated
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/windows/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp b/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp
index d2bcf27..6729c7a 100644
--- a/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp
+++ b/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp
@@ -1,240 +1,243 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
-// All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is published under the Common Public License.
-// $Id: IpIpoptApplication.hpp 1587 2009-10-27 16:09:21Z andreasw $
-// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#ifdef IPOPT_DLL
-#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) __declspec(dllexport) type __cdecl
-#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type __cdecl
-#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type
-#include <iostream>
-#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
-#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
-#include "IpNLP.hpp"
-/* Return codes for the Optimize call for an application */
-#include "IpReturnCodes.hpp"
-namespace Ipopt
- /* forward declarations */
- class IpoptAlgorithm;
- class IpoptNLP;
- class IpoptData;
- class IpoptCalculatedQuantities;
- class AlgorithmBuilder;
- class RegisteredOptions;
- class OptionsList;
- class SolveStatistics;
- /** This is the main application class for making calls to Ipopt. */
- class IpoptApplication : public ReferencedObject
- {
- public:
- IpoptApplication(bool create_console_out = true,
- bool create_empty = false);
- /** Another constructor that assumes that the code in the
- * (default) constructor has already been executed */
- IpoptApplication(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options,
- SmartPtr<OptionsList> options,
- SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst);
- virtual ~IpoptApplication();
- /** Method for creating a new IpoptApplication that uses the same
- * journalist and registered options, and a copy of the options
- list. */
- virtual SmartPtr<IpoptApplication> clone();
- /** Initialize method. This method reads the params file and
- * initializes the journalists. You should call this method at
- * some point before the first optimize call. Note: you can skip
- * the processing of a params file by setting params_file to "".
- * It returns something other than Solve_Succeeded if there was a
- * problem in the initialization (such as an invalid option).
- */
- virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(std::string params_file = "ipopt.opt");
- virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(std::istream& is);
- /**@name Solve methods */
- //@{
- /** Solve a problem that inherits from TNLP */
- virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeTNLP(const SmartPtr<TNLP>& tnlp);
- /** Solve a problem that inherits from NLP */
- virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp);
- /** Solve a problem that inherits from NLP */
- virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp, SmartPtr<AlgorithmBuilder>& alg_builder);
- /** Solve a problem (that inherits from TNLP) for a repeated time.
- * The OptimizeTNLP method must have been called before. The
- * TNLP must be the same object, and the structure (number of
- * variables and constraints and position of nonzeros in Jacobian
- * and Hessian must be the same). */
- virtual ApplicationReturnStatus ReOptimizeTNLP(const SmartPtr<TNLP>& tnlp);
- /** Solve a problem (that inherits from NLP) for a repeated time.
- * The OptimizeNLP method must have been called before. The
- * NLP must be the same object, and the structure (number of
- * variables and constraints and position of nonzeros in Jacobian
- * and Hessian must be the same). */
- virtual ApplicationReturnStatus ReOptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp);
- //@}
- /** Method for opening an output file with given print_level.
- * Returns false if there was a problem. */
- virtual bool OpenOutputFile(std::string file_name, EJournalLevel print_level);
- /**@name Accessor methods */
- //@{
- /** Get the Journalist for printing output */
- virtual SmartPtr<Journalist> Jnlst()
- {
- return jnlst_;
- }
- /** Get a pointer to RegisteredOptions object to
- * add new options */
- virtual SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> RegOptions()
- {
- return reg_options_;
- }
- /** Get the options list for setting options */
- virtual SmartPtr<OptionsList> Options()
- {
- return options_;
- }
- /** Get the options list for setting options (const version) */
- virtual SmartPtr<const OptionsList> Options() const
- {
- return ConstPtr(options_);
- }
- /** Get the object with the statistics about the most recent
- * optimization run. */
- virtual SmartPtr<SolveStatistics> Statistics();
- /** Get the IpoptNLP Object */
- virtual SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> IpoptNLPObject();
- /** Get the IpoptData Object */
- SmartPtr<IpoptData> IpoptDataObject();
- /** Get the IpoptCQ Object */
- virtual SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> IpoptCQObject();
- /** Get the Algorithm Object */
- SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> AlgorithmObject();
- //@}
- /** @name Methods for IpoptTypeInfo */
- //@{
- static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions);
- //@}
- /** Method to registering all Ipopt options. */
- static void
- RegisterAllIpoptOptions(const SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions>& roptions);
- private:
- /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
- * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
- * These methods are not implemented and
- * we do not want the compiler to implement
- * them for us, so we declare them private
- * and do not define them. This ensures that
- * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
- //@{
- /** Default Constructor */
- // IpoptApplication();
- /** Copy Constructor */
- IpoptApplication(const IpoptApplication&);
- /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
- void operator=(const IpoptApplication&);
- //@}
- /** Method for the actual optimize call of the Ipopt algorithm.
- * This is used both for Optimize and ReOptimize */
- ApplicationReturnStatus call_optimize();
- /**@name Variables that customize the application behavior */
- //@{
- /** Decide whether or not the ipopt.opt file should be read */
- bool read_params_dat_;
- //@}
- /** Journalist for reporting output */
- SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst_;
- /** RegisteredOptions */
- SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options_;
- /** OptionsList used for the application */
- SmartPtr<OptionsList> options_;
- /** Object for storing statistics about the most recent
- * optimization run. */
- SmartPtr<SolveStatistics> statistics_;
- /** Object with the algorithm sceleton.
- */
- SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> alg_;
- /** IpoptNLP Object for the NLP. We keep this around for a
- * ReOptimize warm start. */
- SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> ip_nlp_;
- /** IpoptData Object for the NLP. We keep this around for a
- * ReOptimize warm start.
- */
- SmartPtr<IpoptData> ip_data_;
- /** IpoptCalculatedQuantities Object for the NLP. We keep this
- * around for a ReOptimize warm start.
- */
- SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> ip_cq_;
- /** Pointer to the TNLPAdapter used to convert the TNLP to an NLP.
- * We keep this around for the ReOptimizerTNLP call. */
- SmartPtr<NLP> nlp_adapter_;
- /** @name Algorithmic parameters */
- //@{
- /** Flag indicating if we are to use the inexact linear solver option */
- bool inexact_algorithm_;
- /** Flag indicating if all bounds should be replaced by inequality
- * constraints. This is necessary for the inexact algorithm. */
- bool replace_bounds_;
- /** Flag indicating if the NLP:FinalizeSolution method should not
- * be called after optimization. */
- bool skip_finalize_solution_call_;
- //@}
- };
-} // namespace Ipopt
-extern "C" IPOPT_EXPORT(class Ipopt::IpoptApplication *) IpoptApplicationFactory();
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpIpoptApplication.hpp 2173 2013-03-30 17:25:39Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifdef IPOPT_DLL
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) __declspec(dllexport) type __cdecl
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type __cdecl
+#define IPOPT_EXPORT(type) type
+#include <iostream>
+#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
+#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
+#include "IpNLP.hpp"
+/* Return codes for the Optimize call for an application */
+#include "IpReturnCodes.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class IpoptAlgorithm;
+ class IpoptNLP;
+ class IpoptData;
+ class IpoptCalculatedQuantities;
+ class AlgorithmBuilder;
+ class RegisteredOptions;
+ class OptionsList;
+ class SolveStatistics;
+ /** This is the main application class for making calls to Ipopt. */
+ class IpoptApplication : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ IpoptApplication(bool create_console_out = true,
+ bool create_empty = false);
+ /** Another constructor that assumes that the code in the
+ * (default) constructor has already been executed */
+ IpoptApplication(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options,
+ SmartPtr<OptionsList> options,
+ SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst);
+ virtual ~IpoptApplication();
+ /** Method for creating a new IpoptApplication that uses the same
+ * journalist and registered options, and a copy of the options
+ list. */
+ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptApplication> clone();
+ /** Initialize method. This method reads the params file and
+ * initializes the journalists. You should call this method at
+ * some point before the first optimize call. Note: you can skip
+ * the processing of a params file by setting params_file to "".
+ * It returns something other than Solve_Succeeded if there was a
+ * problem in the initialization (such as an invalid option).
+ */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(std::string params_file = "ipopt.opt");
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus Initialize(std::istream& is);
+ /**@name Solve methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Solve a problem that inherits from TNLP */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeTNLP(const SmartPtr<TNLP>& tnlp);
+ /** Solve a problem that inherits from NLP */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp);
+ /** Solve a problem that inherits from NLP */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus OptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp, SmartPtr<AlgorithmBuilder>& alg_builder);
+ /** Solve a problem (that inherits from TNLP) for a repeated time.
+ * The OptimizeTNLP method must have been called before. The
+ * TNLP must be the same object, and the structure (number of
+ * variables and constraints and position of nonzeros in Jacobian
+ * and Hessian must be the same). */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus ReOptimizeTNLP(const SmartPtr<TNLP>& tnlp);
+ /** Solve a problem (that inherits from NLP) for a repeated time.
+ * The OptimizeNLP method must have been called before. The
+ * NLP must be the same object, and the structure (number of
+ * variables and constraints and position of nonzeros in Jacobian
+ * and Hessian must be the same). */
+ virtual ApplicationReturnStatus ReOptimizeNLP(const SmartPtr<NLP>& nlp);
+ //@}
+ /** Method for opening an output file with given print_level.
+ * Returns false if there was a problem. */
+ virtual bool OpenOutputFile(std::string file_name, EJournalLevel print_level);
+ /**@name Accessor methods */
+ //@{
+ /** Get the Journalist for printing output */
+ virtual SmartPtr<Journalist> Jnlst()
+ {
+ return jnlst_;
+ }
+ /** Get a pointer to RegisteredOptions object to
+ * add new options */
+ virtual SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> RegOptions()
+ {
+ return reg_options_;
+ }
+ /** Get the options list for setting options */
+ virtual SmartPtr<OptionsList> Options()
+ {
+ return options_;
+ }
+ /** Get the options list for setting options (const version) */
+ virtual SmartPtr<const OptionsList> Options() const
+ {
+ return ConstPtr(options_);
+ }
+ /** Get the object with the statistics about the most recent
+ * optimization run. */
+ virtual SmartPtr<SolveStatistics> Statistics();
+ /** Get the IpoptNLP Object */
+ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> IpoptNLPObject();
+ /** Get the IpoptData Object */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptData> IpoptDataObject();
+ /** Get the IpoptCQ Object */
+ virtual SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> IpoptCQObject();
+ /** Get the Algorithm Object */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> AlgorithmObject();
+ //@}
+ /** Method for printing Ipopt copyright message now instead of
+ * just before the optimization. If you want to have the copy
+ * right message printed earlier than by default, call this
+ * method at the convenient time. */
+ void PrintCopyrightMessage();
+ /** @name Methods for IpoptTypeInfo */
+ //@{
+ static void RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions);
+ //@}
+ /** Method to registering all Ipopt options. */
+ static void
+ RegisterAllIpoptOptions(const SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions>& roptions);
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ // IpoptApplication();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptApplication(const IpoptApplication&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptApplication&);
+ //@}
+ /** Method for the actual optimize call of the Ipopt algorithm.
+ * This is used both for Optimize and ReOptimize */
+ ApplicationReturnStatus call_optimize();
+ /**@name Variables that customize the application behavior */
+ //@{
+ /** Decide whether or not the ipopt.opt file should be read */
+ bool read_params_dat_;
+ //@}
+ /** Journalist for reporting output */
+ SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst_;
+ /** RegisteredOptions */
+ SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> reg_options_;
+ /** OptionsList used for the application */
+ SmartPtr<OptionsList> options_;
+ /** Object for storing statistics about the most recent
+ * optimization run. */
+ SmartPtr<SolveStatistics> statistics_;
+ /** Object with the algorithm sceleton.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> alg_;
+ /** IpoptNLP Object for the NLP. We keep this around for a
+ * ReOptimize warm start. */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> ip_nlp_;
+ /** IpoptData Object for the NLP. We keep this around for a
+ * ReOptimize warm start.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptData> ip_data_;
+ /** IpoptCalculatedQuantities Object for the NLP. We keep this
+ * around for a ReOptimize warm start.
+ */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> ip_cq_;
+ /** Pointer to the TNLPAdapter used to convert the TNLP to an NLP.
+ * We keep this around for the ReOptimizerTNLP call. */
+ SmartPtr<NLP> nlp_adapter_;
+ /** @name Algorithmic parameters */
+ //@{
+ /** Flag indicating if we are to use the inexact linear solver option */
+ bool inexact_algorithm_;
+ /** Flag indicating if all bounds should be replaced by inequality
+ * constraints. This is necessary for the inexact algorithm. */
+ bool replace_bounds_;
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt
+extern "C" IPOPT_EXPORT(class Ipopt::IpoptApplication *) IpoptApplicationFactory();