path: root/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/CoinMpsIO.hpp
diff options
authorharpreet2016-07-01 00:11:55 +0530
committerharpreet2016-07-01 00:11:55 +0530
commit89b96cb79cbe75ba8c1afea61b3caca37a083f62 (patch)
tree1b879fb0dce2406c1c49bf5bdabcedfb12ff020c /thirdparty/windows/include/coin/CoinMpsIO.hpp
parent10e2e4d8b4a7592a8631ddac8e8d1664d6f0b9e3 (diff)
Windows Included
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/windows/include/coin/CoinMpsIO.hpp')
1 files changed, 1056 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/CoinMpsIO.hpp b/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/CoinMpsIO.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f0226a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/windows/include/coin/CoinMpsIO.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+/* $Id: CoinMpsIO.hpp 1642 2013-10-16 00:43:14Z tkr $ */
+// Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+#ifndef CoinMpsIO_H
+#define CoinMpsIO_H
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Turn off compiler warning about long names
+# pragma warning(disable:4786)
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include "CoinUtilsConfig.h"
+#include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
+#include "CoinMessageHandler.hpp"
+#include "CoinFileIO.hpp"
+class CoinModel;
+/// The following lengths are in decreasing order (for 64 bit etc)
+/// Large enough to contain element index
+/// This is already defined as CoinBigIndex
+/// Large enough to contain column index
+typedef int COINColumnIndex;
+/// Large enough to contain row index (or basis)
+typedef int COINRowIndex;
+// We are allowing free format - but there is a limit!
+// User can override by using CXXFLAGS += -DCOIN_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH=nnn
+class CoinMpsIO;
+/// Very simple code for reading MPS data
+class CoinMpsCardReader {
+ /**@name Constructor and destructor */
+ //@{
+ /// Constructor expects file to be open
+ /// This one takes gzFile if fp null
+ CoinMpsCardReader ( CoinFileInput *input, CoinMpsIO * reader );
+ /// Destructor
+ ~CoinMpsCardReader ( );
+ //@}
+ /**@name card stuff */
+ //@{
+ /// Read to next section
+ COINSectionType readToNextSection ( );
+ /// Gets next field and returns section type e.g. COIN_COLUMN_SECTION
+ COINSectionType nextField ( );
+ /** Gets next field for .gms file and returns type.
+ -1 - EOF
+ 0 - what we expected (and processed so pointer moves past)
+ 1 - not what we expected
+ leading blanks always ignored
+ input types
+ 0 - anything - stops on non blank card
+ 1 - name (in columnname)
+ 2 - value
+ 3 - value name pair
+ 4 - equation type
+ 5 - ;
+ */
+ int nextGmsField ( int expectedType );
+ /// Returns current section type
+ inline COINSectionType whichSection ( ) const {
+ return section_;
+ }
+ /// Sets current section type
+ inline void setWhichSection(COINSectionType section ) {
+ section_=section;
+ }
+ /// Sees if free format.
+ inline bool freeFormat() const
+ { return freeFormat_;}
+ /// Sets whether free format. Mainly for blank RHS etc
+ inline void setFreeFormat(bool yesNo)
+ { freeFormat_=yesNo;}
+ /// Only for first field on card otherwise BLANK_COLUMN
+ /// e.g. COIN_E_ROW
+ inline COINMpsType mpsType ( ) const {
+ return mpsType_;
+ }
+ /// Reads and cleans card - taking out trailing blanks - return 1 if EOF
+ int cleanCard();
+ /// Returns row name of current field
+ inline const char *rowName ( ) const {
+ return rowName_;
+ }
+ /// Returns column name of current field
+ inline const char *columnName ( ) const {
+ return columnName_;
+ }
+ /// Returns value in current field
+ inline double value ( ) const {
+ return value_;
+ }
+ /// Returns value as string in current field
+ inline const char *valueString ( ) const {
+ return valueString_;
+ }
+ /// Whole card (for printing)
+ inline const char *card ( ) const {
+ return card_;
+ }
+ /// Whole card - so we look at it (not const so nextBlankOr will work for gms reader)
+ inline char *mutableCard ( ) {
+ return card_;
+ }
+ /// set position (again so gms reader will work)
+ inline void setPosition(char * position)
+ { position_=position;}
+ /// get position (again so gms reader will work)
+ inline char * getPosition() const
+ { return position_;}
+ /// Returns card number
+ inline CoinBigIndex cardNumber ( ) const {
+ return cardNumber_;
+ }
+ /// Returns file input
+ inline CoinFileInput * fileInput ( ) const {
+ return input_;
+ }
+ /// Sets whether strings allowed
+ inline void setStringsAllowed()
+ { stringsAllowed_=true;}
+ //@}
+////////////////// data //////////////////
+ /**@name data */
+ //@{
+ /// Current value
+ double value_;
+ /// Current card image
+ char card_[MAX_CARD_LENGTH];
+ /// Current position within card image
+ char *position_;
+ /// End of card
+ char *eol_;
+ /// Current COINMpsType
+ COINMpsType mpsType_;
+ /// Current row name
+ char rowName_[COIN_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH];
+ /// Current column name
+ char columnName_[COIN_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH];
+ /// File input
+ CoinFileInput *input_;
+ /// Which section we think we are in
+ COINSectionType section_;
+ /// Card number
+ CoinBigIndex cardNumber_;
+ /// Whether free format. Just for blank RHS etc
+ bool freeFormat_;
+ /// Whether IEEE - 0 no, 1 INTEL, 2 not INTEL
+ int ieeeFormat_;
+ /// If all names <= 8 characters then allow embedded blanks
+ bool eightChar_;
+ /// MpsIO
+ CoinMpsIO * reader_;
+ /// Message handler
+ CoinMessageHandler * handler_;
+ /// Messages
+ CoinMessages messages_;
+ /// Current element as characters (only if strings allowed)
+ char valueString_[COIN_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH];
+ /// Whether strings allowed
+ bool stringsAllowed_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name methods */
+ //@{
+ /// type - 0 normal, 1 INTEL IEEE, 2 other IEEE
+ double osi_strtod(char * ptr, char ** output, int type);
+ /// remove blanks
+ static void strcpyAndCompress ( char *to, const char *from );
+ ///
+ static char * nextBlankOr ( char *image );
+ /// For strings
+ double osi_strtod(char * ptr, char ** output);
+ //@}
+#ifdef USE_SBB
+class SbbObject;
+class SbbModel;
+/// Very simple class for containing data on set
+class CoinSet {
+ /**@name Constructor and destructor */
+ //@{
+ /// Default constructor
+ CoinSet ( );
+ /// Constructor
+ CoinSet ( int numberEntries, const int * which);
+ /// Copy constructor
+ CoinSet (const CoinSet &);
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CoinSet & operator=(const CoinSet& rhs);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~CoinSet ( );
+ //@}
+ /**@name gets */
+ //@{
+ /// Returns number of entries
+ inline int numberEntries ( ) const
+ { return numberEntries_; }
+ /// Returns type of set - 1 =SOS1, 2 =SOS2
+ inline int setType ( ) const
+ { return setType_; }
+ /// Returns list of variables
+ inline const int * which ( ) const
+ { return which_; }
+ /// Returns weights
+ inline const double * weights ( ) const
+ { return weights_; }
+ //@}
+#ifdef USE_SBB
+ /**@name Use in sbb */
+ //@{
+ /// returns an object of type SbbObject
+ virtual SbbObject * sbbObject(SbbModel * model) const
+ { return NULL;}
+ //@}
+////////////////// data //////////////////
+ /**@name data */
+ //@{
+ /// Number of entries
+ int numberEntries_;
+ /// type of set
+ int setType_;
+ /// Which variables are in set
+ int * which_;
+ /// Weights
+ double * weights_;
+ //@}
+/// Very simple class for containing SOS set
+class CoinSosSet : public CoinSet{
+ /**@name Constructor and destructor */
+ //@{
+ /// Constructor
+ CoinSosSet ( int numberEntries, const int * which, const double * weights, int type);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~CoinSosSet ( );
+ //@}
+#ifdef USE_SBB
+ /**@name Use in sbb */
+ //@{
+ /// returns an object of type SbbObject
+ virtual SbbObject * sbbObject(SbbModel * model) const ;
+ //@}
+////////////////// data //////////////////
+ /**@name data */
+ //@{
+ //@}
+/** MPS IO Interface
+ This class can be used to read in mps files without a solver. After
+ reading the file, the CoinMpsIO object contains all relevant data, which
+ may be more than a particular OsiSolverInterface allows for. Items may
+ be deleted to allow for flexibility of data storage.
+ The implementation makes the CoinMpsIO object look very like a dummy solver,
+ as the same conventions are used.
+class CoinMpsIO {
+ friend void CoinMpsIOUnitTest(const std::string & mpsDir);
+/** @name Methods to retrieve problem information
+ These methods return information about the problem held by the CoinMpsIO
+ object.
+ Querying an object that has no data associated with it result in zeros for
+ the number of rows and columns, and NULL pointers from the methods that
+ return vectors. Const pointers returned from any data-query method are
+ always valid
+ /// Get number of columns
+ int getNumCols() const;
+ /// Get number of rows
+ int getNumRows() const;
+ /// Get number of nonzero elements
+ int getNumElements() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column lower bounds
+ const double * getColLower() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column upper bounds
+ const double * getColUpper() const;
+ /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of constraint senses.
+ <ul>
+ <li>'L': <= constraint
+ <li>'E': = constraint
+ <li>'G': >= constraint
+ <li>'R': ranged constraint
+ <li>'N': free constraint
+ </ul>
+ */
+ const char * getRowSense() const;
+ /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of constraint right-hand sides.
+ Given constraints with upper (rowupper) and/or lower (rowlower) bounds,
+ the constraint right-hand side (rhs) is set as
+ <ul>
+ <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'L' then rhs()[i] == rowupper()[i]
+ <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'G' then rhs()[i] == rowlower()[i]
+ <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'R' then rhs()[i] == rowupper()[i]
+ <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'N' then rhs()[i] == 0.0
+ </ul>
+ */
+ const double * getRightHandSide() const;
+ /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row ranges.
+ Given constraints with upper (rowupper) and/or lower (rowlower) bounds,
+ the constraint range (rowrange) is set as
+ <ul>
+ <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'R' then
+ rowrange()[i] == rowupper()[i] - rowlower()[i]
+ <li> if rowsense()[i] != 'R' then
+ rowrange()[i] is 0.0
+ </ul>
+ Put another way, only range constraints have a nontrivial value for
+ rowrange.
+ */
+ const double * getRowRange() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row lower bounds
+ const double * getRowLower() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row upper bounds
+ const double * getRowUpper() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of objective function coefficients
+ const double * getObjCoefficients() const;
+ /// Get pointer to row-wise copy of the coefficient matrix
+ const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByRow() const;
+ /// Get pointer to column-wise copy of the coefficient matrix
+ const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByCol() const;
+ /// Return true if column is a continuous variable
+ bool isContinuous(int colNumber) const;
+ /** Return true if a column is an integer variable
+ Note: This function returns true if the the column
+ is a binary or general integer variable.
+ */
+ bool isInteger(int columnNumber) const;
+ /** Returns array[getNumCols()] specifying if a variable is integer.
+ At present, simply coded as zero (continuous) and non-zero (integer)
+ May be extended at a later date.
+ */
+ const char * integerColumns() const;
+ /** Returns the row name for the specified index.
+ Returns 0 if the index is out of range.
+ */
+ const char * rowName(int index) const;
+ /** Returns the column name for the specified index.
+ Returns 0 if the index is out of range.
+ */
+ const char * columnName(int index) const;
+ /** Returns the index for the specified row name
+ Returns -1 if the name is not found.
+ Returns numberRows for the objective row and > numberRows for
+ dropped free rows.
+ */
+ int rowIndex(const char * name) const;
+ /** Returns the index for the specified column name
+ Returns -1 if the name is not found.
+ */
+ int columnIndex(const char * name) const;
+ /** Returns the (constant) objective offset
+ This is the RHS entry for the objective row
+ */
+ double objectiveOffset() const;
+ /// Set objective offset
+ inline void setObjectiveOffset(double value)
+ { objectiveOffset_=value;}
+ /// Return the problem name
+ const char * getProblemName() const;
+ /// Return the objective name
+ const char * getObjectiveName() const;
+ /// Return the RHS vector name
+ const char * getRhsName() const;
+ /// Return the range vector name
+ const char * getRangeName() const;
+ /// Return the bound vector name
+ const char * getBoundName() const;
+ /// Number of string elements
+ inline int numberStringElements() const
+ { return numberStringElements_;}
+ /// String element
+ inline const char * stringElement(int i) const
+ { return stringElements_[i];}
+/** @name Methods to set problem information
+ Methods to load a problem into the CoinMpsIO object.
+ /// Set the problem data
+ void setMpsData(const CoinPackedMatrix& m, const double infinity,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj, const char* integrality,
+ const double* rowlb, const double* rowub,
+ char const * const * const colnames,
+ char const * const * const rownames);
+ void setMpsData(const CoinPackedMatrix& m, const double infinity,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj, const char* integrality,
+ const double* rowlb, const double* rowub,
+ const std::vector<std::string> & colnames,
+ const std::vector<std::string> & rownames);
+ void setMpsData(const CoinPackedMatrix& m, const double infinity,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj, const char* integrality,
+ const char* rowsen, const double* rowrhs,
+ const double* rowrng,
+ char const * const * const colnames,
+ char const * const * const rownames);
+ void setMpsData(const CoinPackedMatrix& m, const double infinity,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj, const char* integrality,
+ const char* rowsen, const double* rowrhs,
+ const double* rowrng,
+ const std::vector<std::string> & colnames,
+ const std::vector<std::string> & rownames);
+ /** Pass in an array[getNumCols()] specifying if a variable is integer.
+ At present, simply coded as zero (continuous) and non-zero (integer)
+ May be extended at a later date.
+ */
+ void copyInIntegerInformation(const char * integerInformation);
+ /// Set problem name
+ void setProblemName(const char *name) ;
+ /// Set objective name
+ void setObjectiveName(const char *name) ;
+/** @name Parameter set/get methods
+ Methods to set and retrieve MPS IO parameters.
+ /// Set infinity
+ void setInfinity(double value);
+ /// Get infinity
+ double getInfinity() const;
+ /// Set default upper bound for integer variables
+ void setDefaultBound(int value);
+ /// Get default upper bound for integer variables
+ int getDefaultBound() const;
+ /// Whether to allow string elements
+ inline int allowStringElements() const
+ { return allowStringElements_;}
+ /// Whether to allow string elements (0 no, 1 yes, 2 yes and try flip)
+ inline void setAllowStringElements(int yesNo)
+ { allowStringElements_ = yesNo;}
+ /** Small element value - elements less than this set to zero on input
+ default is 1.0e-14 */
+ inline double getSmallElementValue() const
+ { return smallElement_;}
+ inline void setSmallElementValue(double value)
+ { smallElement_=value;}
+/** @name Methods for problem input and output
+ Methods to read and write MPS format problem files.
+ The read and write methods return the number of errors that occurred during
+ the IO operation, or -1 if no file is opened.
+ \note
+ If the CoinMpsIO class was compiled with support for libz then
+ readMps will automatically try to append .gz to the file name and open it as
+ a compressed file if the specified file name cannot be opened.
+ (Automatic append of the .bz2 suffix when libbz is used is on the TODO list.)
+ \todo
+ Allow for file pointers and positioning
+ /// Set the current file name for the CoinMpsIO object
+ void setFileName(const char * name);
+ /// Get the current file name for the CoinMpsIO object
+ const char * getFileName() const;
+ /** Read a problem in MPS format from the given filename.
+ Use "stdin" or "-" to read from stdin.
+ */
+ int readMps(const char *filename, const char *extension = "mps");
+ /** Read a problem in MPS format from the given filename.
+ Use "stdin" or "-" to read from stdin.
+ But do sets as well
+ */
+ int readMps(const char *filename, const char *extension ,
+ int & numberSets, CoinSet **& sets);
+ /** Read a problem in MPS format from a previously opened file
+ More precisely, read a problem using a CoinMpsCardReader object already
+ associated with this CoinMpsIO object.
+ \todo
+ Provide an interface that will allow a client to associate a
+ CoinMpsCardReader object with a CoinMpsIO object by setting the
+ cardReader_ field.
+ */
+ int readMps();
+ /// and
+ int readMps(int & numberSets, CoinSet **& sets);
+ /** Read a basis in MPS format from the given filename.
+ If VALUES on NAME card and solution not NULL fills in solution
+ status values as for CoinWarmStartBasis (but one per char)
+ -1 file error, 0 normal, 1 has solution values
+ Use "stdin" or "-" to read from stdin.
+ If sizes of names incorrect - read without names
+ */
+ int readBasis(const char *filename, const char *extension ,
+ double * solution, unsigned char *rowStatus, unsigned char *columnStatus,
+ const std::vector<std::string> & colnames,int numberColumns,
+ const std::vector<std::string> & rownames, int numberRows);
+ /** Read a problem in GAMS format from the given filename.
+ Use "stdin" or "-" to read from stdin.
+ if convertObjective then massages objective column
+ */
+ int readGms(const char *filename, const char *extension = "gms",bool convertObjective=false);
+ /** Read a problem in GAMS format from the given filename.
+ Use "stdin" or "-" to read from stdin.
+ But do sets as well
+ */
+ int readGms(const char *filename, const char *extension ,
+ int & numberSets, CoinSet **& sets);
+ /** Read a problem in GAMS format from a previously opened file
+ More precisely, read a problem using a CoinMpsCardReader object already
+ associated with this CoinMpsIO object.
+ */
+ // Not for now int readGms();
+ /// and
+ int readGms(int & numberSets, CoinSet **& sets);
+ /** Read a problem in GMPL (subset of AMPL) format from the given filenames.
+ */
+ int readGMPL(const char *modelName, const char * dataName=NULL, bool keepNames=false);
+ /** Write the problem in MPS format to a file with the given filename.
+ \param compression can be set to three values to indicate what kind
+ of file should be written
+ <ul>
+ <li> 0: plain text (default)
+ <li> 1: gzip compressed (.gz is appended to \c filename)
+ <li> 2: bzip2 compressed (.bz2 is appended to \c filename) (TODO)
+ </ul>
+ If the library was not compiled with the requested compression then
+ writeMps falls back to writing a plain text file.
+ \param formatType specifies the precision to used for values in the
+ MPS file
+ <ul>
+ <li> 0: normal precision (default)
+ <li> 1: extra accuracy
+ <li> 2: IEEE hex
+ </ul>
+ \param numberAcross specifies whether 1 or 2 (default) values should be
+ specified on every data line in the MPS file.
+ \param quadratic specifies quadratic objective to be output
+ */
+ int writeMps(const char *filename, int compression = 0,
+ int formatType = 0, int numberAcross = 2,
+ CoinPackedMatrix * quadratic = NULL,
+ int numberSOS=0,const CoinSet * setInfo=NULL) const;
+ /// Return card reader object so can see what last card was e.g. QUADOBJ
+ inline const CoinMpsCardReader * reader() const
+ { return cardReader_;}
+ /** Read in a quadratic objective from the given filename.
+ If filename is NULL (or the same as the currently open file) then
+ reading continues from the current file.
+ If not, the file is closed and the specified file is opened.
+ Code should be added to
+ general MPS reader to read this if QSECTION
+ Data is assumed to be Q and objective is c + 1/2 xT Q x
+ No assumption is made for symmetry, positive definite, etc.
+ No check is made for duplicates or non-triangular if checkSymmetry==0.
+ If 1 checks lower triangular (so off diagonal should be 2*Q)
+ if 2 makes lower triangular and assumes full Q (but adds off diagonals)
+ Arrays should be deleted by delete []
+ Returns number of errors:
+ <ul>
+ <li> -1: bad file
+ <li> -2: no Quadratic section
+ <li> -3: an empty section
+ <li> +n: then matching errors etc (symmetry forced)
+ <li> -4: no matching errors but fails triangular test
+ (triangularity forced)
+ </ul>
+ columnStart is numberColumns+1 long, others numberNonZeros
+ */
+ int readQuadraticMps(const char * filename,
+ int * &columnStart, int * &column, double * &elements,
+ int checkSymmetry);
+ /** Read in a list of cones from the given filename.
+ If filename is NULL (or the same as the currently open file) then
+ reading continues from the current file.
+ If not, the file is closed and the specified file is opened.
+ Code should be added to
+ general MPS reader to read this if CSECTION
+ No checking is done that in unique cone
+ Arrays should be deleted by delete []
+ Returns number of errors, -1 bad file, -2 no conic section,
+ -3 empty section
+ columnStart is numberCones+1 long, other number of columns in matrix
+ coneType is 1 for QUAD, 2 for RQUAD (numberCones long)
+ int readConicMps(const char * filename,
+ int * &columnStart, int * &column, int * &coneType, int & numberCones);
+ /// Set whether to move objective from matrix
+ inline void setConvertObjective(bool trueFalse)
+ { convertObjective_=trueFalse;}
+ /// copies in strings from a CoinModel - returns number
+ int copyStringElements(const CoinModel * model);
+ //@}
+/** @name Constructors and destructors */
+ /// Default Constructor
+ CoinMpsIO();
+ /// Copy constructor
+ CoinMpsIO (const CoinMpsIO &);
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CoinMpsIO & operator=(const CoinMpsIO& rhs);
+ /// Destructor
+ ~CoinMpsIO ();
+/**@name Message handling */
+ /** Pass in Message handler
+ Supply a custom message handler. It will not be destroyed when the
+ CoinMpsIO object is destroyed.
+ */
+ void passInMessageHandler(CoinMessageHandler * handler);
+ /// Set the language for messages.
+ void newLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language);
+ /// Set the language for messages.
+ inline void setLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language) {newLanguage(language);}
+ /// Return the message handler
+ inline CoinMessageHandler * messageHandler() const {return handler_;}
+ /// Return the messages
+ inline CoinMessages messages() {return messages_;}
+ /// Return the messages pointer
+ inline CoinMessages * messagesPointer() {return & messages_;}
+/**@name Methods to release storage
+ These methods allow the client to reduce the storage used by the CoinMpsIO
+ object be selectively releasing unneeded problem information.
+ /** Release all information which can be re-calculated.
+ E.g., row sense, copies of rows, hash tables for names.
+ */
+ void releaseRedundantInformation();
+ /// Release all row information (lower, upper)
+ void releaseRowInformation();
+ /// Release all column information (lower, upper, objective)
+ void releaseColumnInformation();
+ /// Release integer information
+ void releaseIntegerInformation();
+ /// Release row names
+ void releaseRowNames();
+ /// Release column names
+ void releaseColumnNames();
+ /// Release matrix information
+ void releaseMatrixInformation();
+ //@}
+/**@name Miscellaneous helper functions */
+ //@{
+ /// Utility method used several times to implement public methods
+ void
+ setMpsDataWithoutRowAndColNames(
+ const CoinPackedMatrix& m, const double infinity,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj, const char* integrality,
+ const double* rowlb, const double* rowub);
+ void
+ setMpsDataColAndRowNames(
+ const std::vector<std::string> & colnames,
+ const std::vector<std::string> & rownames);
+ void
+ setMpsDataColAndRowNames(
+ char const * const * const colnames,
+ char const * const * const rownames);
+ /// Does the heavy lifting for destruct and assignment.
+ void gutsOfDestructor();
+ /// Does the heavy lifting for copy and assignment.
+ void gutsOfCopy(const CoinMpsIO &);
+ /// Clears problem data from the CoinMpsIO object.
+ void freeAll();
+ /** A quick inlined function to convert from lb/ub style constraint
+ definition to sense/rhs/range style */
+ inline void
+ convertBoundToSense(const double lower, const double upper,
+ char& sense, double& right, double& range) const;
+ /** A quick inlined function to convert from sense/rhs/range stryle
+ constraint definition to lb/ub style */
+ inline void
+ convertSenseToBound(const char sense, const double right,
+ const double range,
+ double& lower, double& upper) const;
+ /** Deal with a filename
+ As the name says.
+ Returns +1 if the file name is new, 0 if it's the same as before
+ (i.e., matches fileName_), and -1 if there's an error and the file
+ can't be opened.
+ Handles automatic append of .gz suffix when compiled with libz.
+ \todo
+ Add automatic append of .bz2 suffix when compiled with libbz.
+ */
+ int dealWithFileName(const char * filename, const char * extension,
+ CoinFileInput * &input);
+ /** Add string to list
+ iRow==numberRows is objective, nr+1 is lo, nr+2 is up
+ iColumn==nc is rhs (can't cope with ranges at present)
+ */
+ void addString(int iRow,int iColumn, const char * value);
+ /// Decode string
+ void decodeString(int iString, int & iRow, int & iColumn, const char * & value) const;
+ //@}
+ // for hashing
+ typedef struct {
+ int index, next;
+ } CoinHashLink;
+ /**@name Hash table methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Creates hash list for names (section = 0 for rows, 1 columns)
+ void startHash ( char **names, const int number , int section );
+ /// This one does it when names are already in
+ void startHash ( int section ) const;
+ /// Deletes hash storage
+ void stopHash ( int section );
+ /// Finds match using hash, -1 not found
+ int findHash ( const char *name , int section ) const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Cached problem information */
+ //@{
+ /// Problem name
+ char * problemName_;
+ /// Objective row name
+ char * objectiveName_;
+ /// Right-hand side vector name
+ char * rhsName_;
+ /// Range vector name
+ char * rangeName_;
+ /// Bounds vector name
+ char * boundName_;
+ /// Number of rows
+ int numberRows_;
+ /// Number of columns
+ int numberColumns_;
+ /// Number of coefficients
+ CoinBigIndex numberElements_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row sense indicators
+ mutable char *rowsense_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row right-hand side values
+ mutable double *rhs_;
+ /** Pointer to dense vector of slack variable upper bounds for range
+ constraints (undefined for non-range rows)
+ */
+ mutable double *rowrange_;
+ /// Pointer to row-wise copy of problem matrix coefficients.
+ mutable CoinPackedMatrix *matrixByRow_;
+ /// Pointer to column-wise copy of problem matrix coefficients.
+ CoinPackedMatrix *matrixByColumn_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row lower bounds
+ double * rowlower_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row upper bounds
+ double * rowupper_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of column lower bounds
+ double * collower_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of column upper bounds
+ double * colupper_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of objective coefficients
+ double * objective_;
+ /// Constant offset for objective value (i.e., RHS value for OBJ row)
+ double objectiveOffset_;
+ /** Pointer to dense vector specifying if a variable is continuous
+ (0) or integer (1).
+ */
+ char * integerType_;
+ /** Row and column names
+ Linked to hash table sections (0 - row names, 1 column names)
+ */
+ char **names_[2];
+ //@}
+ /** @name Hash tables */
+ //@{
+ /// Current file name
+ char * fileName_;
+ /// Number of entries in a hash table section
+ int numberHash_[2];
+ /// Hash tables (two sections, 0 - row names, 1 - column names)
+ mutable CoinHashLink *hash_[2];
+ //@}
+ /** @name CoinMpsIO object parameters */
+ //@{
+ /// Upper bound when no bounds for integers
+ int defaultBound_;
+ /// Value to use for infinity
+ double infinity_;
+ /// Small element value
+ double smallElement_;
+ /// Message handler
+ CoinMessageHandler * handler_;
+ /** Flag to say if the message handler is the default handler.
+ If true, the handler will be destroyed when the CoinMpsIO
+ object is destroyed; if false, it will not be destroyed.
+ */
+ bool defaultHandler_;
+ /// Messages
+ CoinMessages messages_;
+ /// Card reader
+ CoinMpsCardReader * cardReader_;
+ /// If .gms file should it be massaged to move objective
+ bool convertObjective_;
+ /// Whether to allow string elements
+ int allowStringElements_;
+ /// Maximum number of string elements
+ int maximumStringElements_;
+ /// Number of string elements
+ int numberStringElements_;
+ /// String elements
+ char ** stringElements_;
+ //@}
+/** A function that tests the methods in the CoinMpsIO class. The
+ only reason for it not to be a member method is that this way it doesn't
+ have to be compiled into the library. And that's a gain, because the
+ library should be compiled with optimization on, but this method should be
+ compiled with debugging. Also, if this method is compiled with
+ optimization, the compilation takes 10-15 minutes and the machine pages
+ (has 256M core memory!)... */
+CoinMpsIOUnitTest(const std::string & mpsDir);
+// Function to return number in most efficient way
+// section is 0 for columns, 1 for rhs,ranges and 2 for bounds
+/* formatType is
+ 0 - normal and 8 character names
+ 1 - extra accuracy
+ 2 - IEEE hex - INTEL
+ 3 - IEEE hex - not INTEL
+CoinConvertDouble(int section, int formatType, double value, char outputValue[24]);