path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglTwomir.hpp
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authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglTwomir.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglTwomir.hpp')
1 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglTwomir.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglTwomir.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba00380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglTwomir.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+// $Id: CglTwomir.hpp 1119 2013-04-06 20:24:18Z stefan $
+// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+#ifndef CglTwomir_H
+#define CglTwomir_H
+#include <string>
+#include "CglCutGenerator.hpp"
+#include "CoinFactorization.hpp"
+typedef struct
+ int nz; /* current length of arrays index[] and coeff[] */
+ int max_nz; /* max length of arrays index[] and coeff[] */
+ double *coeff; /* coefficient of each variable in the constraint */
+ int *index; /* index of the variable (value in 0 ... nrow+ncol) */
+ double rhs; /* rhs of the constraint */
+ char sense; /* ?? is it necessary */
+} DGG_constraint_t;
+typedef struct{
+ int n;
+ DGG_constraint_t **c;
+ int *ctype;
+ double *alpha;
+} DGG_list_t;
+/******************** BASIS INFORMATION ADTs **********************************/
+typedef struct{
+ int q_min;
+ int q_max;
+ int t_min;
+ int t_max;
+ int a_max;
+ int max_elements;
+} cutParams;
+typedef struct
+ double gomory_threshold; /* factional variable must be this away from int */
+ int ncol, /* number of columns in LP */
+ nrow, /* number of constaints in LP */
+ ninteger; /* number of integer variables in LP */
+ int nbasic_col, /* number of basic columns in the LP */
+ nbasic_row; /* number of basic rows in the LP */
+ /* the following arrays are all of size (ncol+nrow) */
+ int *info; /* description of each variable (see below) */
+ double *lb; /* specifies the lower bound (if any) of each variable */
+ double *ub; /* specifies the upper bound (if any) of each variable */
+ double *x; /* current solution */
+ double *rc; /* current reduced cost */
+ double *opt_x;
+ cutParams cparams;
+} DGG_data_t;
+/* the following macros allow us to decode the info of the DGG_data
+ type. The encoding is as follows,
+ bit 1 : if the variable is basic or not (non-basic).
+ bit 2 : if the variable is integer or or not (rational).
+ bit 3 : if the variable is structural or not (artifical).
+ bit 4 : if the variable is non-basic and at its upper bound
+ (else if non-basic at lower bound). */
+#define DGG_isBasic(data,idx) ((data->info[idx])&1)
+#define DGG_isInteger(data,idx) ((data->info[idx] >> 1)&1)
+#define DGG_isStructural(data,idx) ((data->info[idx] >> 2)&1)
+#define DGG_isEqualityConstraint(data,idx) ((data->info[idx] >> 3)&1)
+#define DGG_isNonBasicAtUB(data,idx) ((data->info[idx] >> 4)&1)
+#define DGG_isNonBasicAtLB(data,idx) ((data->info[idx] >> 5)&1)
+#define DGG_isConstraintBoundedAbove(data,idx) ((data->info[idx] >> 6)&1)
+#define DGG_isConstraintBoundedBelow(data,idx) ((data->info[idx] >> 7)&1)
+#define DGG_setIsBasic(data,idx) ((data->info[idx]) |= 1)
+#define DGG_setIsInteger(data,idx) ((data->info[idx]) |= (1<<1))
+#define DGG_setIsStructural(data,idx) ((data->info[idx]) |= (1<<2))
+#define DGG_setEqualityConstraint(data,idx) ((data->info[idx]) |= (1<<3))
+#define DGG_setIsNonBasicAtUB(data,idx) ((data->info[idx]) |= (1<<4))
+#define DGG_setIsNonBasicAtLB(data,idx) ((data->info[idx]) |= (1<<5))
+#define DGG_setIsConstraintBoundedAbove(data,idx) ((data->info[idx]) |= (1<<6))
+#define DGG_setIsConstraintBoundedBelow(data,idx) ((data->info[idx]) |= (1<<7))
+class CoinWarmStartBasis;
+/** Twostep MIR Cut Generator Class */
+class CglTwomir : public CglCutGenerator {
+ friend void CglTwomirUnitTest(const OsiSolverInterface * siP,
+ const std::string mpdDir );
+ /// Problem name
+ std::string probname_;
+ /**@name Generate Cuts */
+ //@{
+ /** Generate Two step MIR cuts either from the tableau rows or from the
+ formulation rows
+ */
+ virtual void generateCuts( const OsiSolverInterface & si, OsiCuts & cs,
+ const CglTreeInfo info = CglTreeInfo());
+ /// Return true if needs optimal basis to do cuts (will return true)
+ virtual bool needsOptimalBasis() const;
+ /**@name Change criterion on which scalings to use (default = 1,1,1,1) */
+ //@{
+ /// Set
+ void setMirScale (int tmin, int tmax) {t_min_ = tmin; t_max_ = tmax;}
+ void setTwomirScale (int qmin, int qmax) {q_min_ = qmin; q_max_ = qmax;}
+ void setAMax (int a) {a_max_ = a;}
+ void setMaxElements (int n) {max_elements_ = n;}
+ void setMaxElementsRoot (int n) {max_elements_root_ = n;}
+ void setCutTypes (bool mir, bool twomir, bool tab, bool form)
+ { do_mir_ = mir; do_2mir_ = twomir; do_tab_ = tab; do_form_ = form;}
+ void setFormulationRows (int n) {form_nrows_ = n;}
+ /// Get
+ int getTmin() const {return t_min_;}
+ int getTmax() const {return t_max_;}
+ int getQmin() const {return q_min_;}
+ int getQmax() const {return q_max_;}
+ int getAmax() const {return a_max_;}
+ int getMaxElements() const {return max_elements_;}
+ int getMaxElementsRoot() const {return max_elements_root_;}
+ int getIfMir() const { return do_mir_;}
+ int getIfTwomir() const { return do_2mir_;}
+ int getIfTableau() const { return do_tab_;}
+ int getIfFormulation() const { return do_form_;}
+ //@}
+ /**@name Change criterion on which variables to look at. All ones
+ more than "away" away from integrality will be investigated
+ (default 0.05) */
+ //@{
+ /// Set away
+ void setAway(double value);
+ /// Get away
+ double getAway() const;
+ /// Set away at root
+ void setAwayAtRoot(double value);
+ /// Get away at root
+ double getAwayAtRoot() const;
+ /// Return maximum length of cut in tree
+ virtual int maximumLengthOfCutInTree() const
+ { return max_elements_;}
+ //@}
+ /**@name Change way TwoMir works */
+ //@{
+ /// Pass in a copy of original solver (clone it)
+ void passInOriginalSolver(OsiSolverInterface * solver);
+ /// Returns original solver
+ inline OsiSolverInterface * originalSolver() const
+ { return originalSolver_;}
+ /// Set type - 0 normal, 1 add original matrix one, 2 replace
+ inline void setTwomirType(int type)
+ { twomirType_=type;}
+ /// Return type
+ inline int twomirType() const
+ { return twomirType_;}
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /// Default constructor
+ CglTwomir ();
+ /// Copy constructor
+ CglTwomir (const CglTwomir &);
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CglCutGenerator * clone() const;
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CglTwomir & operator=(const CglTwomir& rhs);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~CglTwomir ();
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual std::string generateCpp( FILE * fp);
+ /// This can be used to refresh any inforamtion
+ virtual void refreshSolver(OsiSolverInterface * solver);
+ //@}
+ // Private member data
+ /**@name Private member data */
+ //@{
+ /// Threadsafe random number generator
+ CoinThreadRandom randomNumberGenerator_;
+ /// Original solver
+ OsiSolverInterface * originalSolver_;
+ /// Only investigate if more than this away from integrality
+ double away_;
+ /// Only investigate if more than this away from integrality (at root)
+ double awayAtRoot_;
+ /// Type - 0 normal, 1 add original matrix one, 2 replace
+ int twomirType_;
+ bool do_mir_;
+ bool do_2mir_;
+ bool do_tab_;
+ bool do_form_;
+ int t_min_; /// t_min - first value of t to use for tMIR inequalities
+ int t_max_; /// t_max - last value of t to use for tMIR inequalities
+ int q_min_; /// q_min - first value of t to use for 2-Step tMIR inequalities
+ int q_max_; /// q_max - last value of t to use for 2-Step tMIR inequalities
+ int a_max_; /// a_max - maximum value of bhat/alpha
+ int max_elements_; /// Maximum number of elements in cut
+ int max_elements_root_; /// Maximum number of elements in cut at root
+ int form_nrows_; //number of rows on which formulation cuts will be generated
+ //@}
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream.h>
+/******************** DEBUG DEFINITIONS ***************************************/
+#define DGG_DEBUG_DGG 1
+#define DGG_DISPLAY 0
+/******************** CONFIGURATION DEFAULTS **********************************/
+#define DGG_DEFAULT_CUT_INC 250
+#define DGG_DEFAULT_LPROWS_FREQ 9999999
+/******************** SOLVER CONFIGURATION DEFINITIONS ************************/
+#define DGG_OSI 0
+#define DGG_CPX 1
+#define DGG_QSO 2
+/* determines the solver to be used */
+/* adds checking routines to make sure solver works as expected */
+/* turn off screen output from solver */
+/******************** CUT DEFINITIONS *****************************************/
+/* internal names for cut types */
+#define DGG_TMIR_CUT 1
+#define DGG_2STEP_CUT 2
+/* internal names for alpha-selection rules */
+#define DGG_ALPHA_MIN_SUM 0
+#define DGG_ALPHA_RANDOM_01 1
+#define DGG_ALPHA_ALL 3
+/******************** PRECISION & NUMERICAL ISSUES DEFINITIONS ****************/
+/* how steep a cut must be before adding it to the lp */
+#define DGG_MIN_STEEPNESS 1.0e-4
+#define DGG_MAX_L2NORM 1.0e7
+/* 0 = min steepness, 1 = max norm */
+/* internal representation of +infinity */
+#define UB_MAX DBL_MAX
+/* used to define how fractional a basic-integer variable must be
+ before choosing to use it to generate a TMIR cut on.
+ OSI's default is 1.0e-7 */
+#define DGG_GOMORY_THRESH 0.005
+#define DGG_RHS_THRESH 0.005
+/* used for comparing variables to their upper bounds.
+ OSI's default is 1.0e-7.
+ We set it to 1.0e6 because e-7 seems too sensitive.
+ In fact, with e-7 the problem dsbmip.mps complains. */
+#define DGG_BOUND_THRESH 1.0e-6
+/* used for comparing the lhs (activity) value of a tableau row
+ with the rhs. This is only used for debugging purposes. */
+#define DGG_EQUALITY_THRESH 1.0e-5
+/* used for comparing a variable's lower bound to 0.0
+ and determining if we need to shift the variable */
+#define DGG_SHIFT_THRESH 1.0e-6
+/* used for determing how far from an integer is still an integer.
+ This value is used for comparing coefficients to integers.
+ OSI's default is 1.0e-10. */
+/* the min value that a coeff can have in the tableau row
+ before being set to zero. */
+#define CBC_CHECK_CUT
+#ifndef CBC_CHECK_CUT
+/* smallest value rho is allowed to have for a simple 2-step MIR
+ (ie: not an extended two-step MIR) */
+#define DGG_MIN_RHO 1.0e-7
+#define DGG_MIN_ALPHA 1.0e-7
+/* when a slack is null: used to check if a cut is satisfied or not. */
+#define DGG_NULL_SLACK 1.0e-5
+/* nicefy constants */
+#define DGG_NICEFY_MIN_ABSVALUE 1.0e-13
+#define DGG_NICEFY_MIN_FIX 1.0e-7
+#define DGG_NICEFY_MAX_PADDING 1.0e-6
+#define DGG_NICEFY_MAX_RATIO 1.0e9
+/******************** ERROR-CATCHING MACROS ***********************************/
+#define __DGG_PRINT_LOC__(F) fprintf(((F==0)?stdout:F), " in %s (%s:%d)\n", __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define DGG_THROW(A,REST...) {\
+ fprintf(stdout, ##REST); \
+ __DGG_PRINT_LOC__(stdout); \
+ return (A);}
+#define DGG_IF_EXIT(A,B,REST...) {\
+ if(A) {\
+ fprintf(stdout, ##REST); \
+ __DGG_PRINT_LOC__(stdout); \
+ exit(B);}}
+#define DGG_CHECKRVAL(A,B) {\
+ if(A) {\
+ __DGG_PRINT_LOC__(stdout); \
+ return B; } }
+#define DGG_CHECKRVAL1(A,B) {\
+ if(A) {\
+ __DGG_PRINT_LOC__(stdout); \
+ rval = B; goto CLEANUP; } }
+#define DGG_WARNING(A, REST...) {\
+ if(A) {\
+ fprintf(stdout, ##REST); \
+ __DGG_PRINT_LOC__(stdout); \
+ }}
+#define DGG_TEST(A,B,REST...) {\
+ if(A) DGG_THROW(B,##REST) }
+#define DGG_IF_EXIT(A,B,REST) {if(A) {fprintf(stdout, REST);exit(B);}}
+#define DGG_THROW(A,B) return(A)
+#define DGG_CHECKRVAL(A,B) { if(A) return(B); }
+#define DGG_CHECKRVAL1(A,B){ if(A) { rval = B; goto CLEANUP; } }
+#define DGG_TEST(A,B,REST) { if(A) return(B);}
+/******************** SIMPLE MACROS AND FUNCTIONS *****************************/
+#define DGG_MIN(a,b) ( (a<b)?a:b )
+#define DGG_MAX(a,b) ( (a>b)?a:b )
+#define KREM(vht,alpha,tau) (DGG_MIN( ceil(vht / alpha), tau ) - 1)
+#define LMIN(vht, d, bht) (DGG_MIN( floor(d*bht/bht), d))
+#define ABOV(v) (v - floor(v))
+#define QINT(vht,bht,tau) ( (int)floor( (vht*(tau-1))/bht ) )
+#define V2I(bht,tau,i) ( ((i+1)*bht / tau) )
+int DGG_is_even(double vht, double bht, int tau, int q);
+double frac_part(double value);
+int DGG_is_a_multiple_of_b(double a, double b);
+/* free function for DGG_data_t. Frees internal arrays and data structure */
+int DGG_freeData( DGG_data_t *data );
+/******************** CONSTRAINT ADTs *****************************************/
+DGG_constraint_t* DGG_newConstraint(int max_arrays);
+void DGG_freeConstraint(DGG_constraint_t *c);
+DGG_constraint_t *DGG_copyConstraint(DGG_constraint_t *c);
+void DGG_scaleConstraint(DGG_constraint_t *c, int t);
+/******************** CONFIGURATION *******************************************/
+void DGG_list_init (DGG_list_t *l);
+int DGG_list_addcut (DGG_list_t *l, DGG_constraint_t *cut, int ctype, double alpha);
+void DGG_list_delcut (DGG_list_t *l, int i);
+void DGG_list_free(DGG_list_t *l);
+/******************* SOLVER SPECIFIC METHODS **********************************/
+DGG_data_t *DGG_getData(const void *solver_ptr);
+/******************* CONSTRAINT MANIPULATION **********************************/
+/* DGG_transformConstraint: manipulates a constraint in the following way:
+packs everything in output
+1 - variables at their upper bounds are substituted for their
+complements. This is done by adjusting the coefficients and
+the right hand side (simple substitution).
+2 - variables with non-zero lower bounds are shifted. */
+int DGG_transformConstraint( DGG_data_t *data,
+ double **x_out,
+ double **rc_out,
+ char **isint_out,
+ DGG_constraint_t *constraint );
+/* DGG_unTransformConstraint :
+1 - Undoes step (1) of DGG_transformConstraint
+2 - Undoes step (2) of DGG_transformConstraint */
+int DGG_unTransformConstraint( DGG_data_t *data,
+ DGG_constraint_t *constraint );
+/* substitutes each slack variable by the structural variables which
+ define it. This function, hence, changes the constraint 'cut'. */
+int DGG_substituteSlacks( const void *solver_ptr,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ DGG_constraint_t *cut );
+int DGG_nicefyConstraint( const void *solver_ptr,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ DGG_constraint_t *cut);
+/******************* CUT GENERATION *******************************************/
+int DGG_getFormulaConstraint( int row_idx,
+ const void *solver_ptr,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ DGG_constraint_t* row );
+int DGG_getTableauConstraint( int index,
+ const void *solver_ptr,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ DGG_constraint_t* tabrow,
+ const int * colIsBasic,
+ const int * rowIsBasic,
+ CoinFactorization & factorization,
+ int mode );
+DGG_constraint_t* DGG_getSlackExpression(const void *solver_ptr, DGG_data_t* data, int row_index);
+ int DGG_generateTabRowCuts( DGG_list_t *list,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ const void *solver_ptr );
+ int DGG_generateFormulationCuts( DGG_list_t *list,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ const void *solver_ptr,
+ int nrows,
+ CoinThreadRandom & generator);
+ int DGG_generateFormulationCutsFromBase( DGG_constraint_t *base,
+ double slack,
+ DGG_list_t *list,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ const void *solver_ptr,
+ CoinThreadRandom & generator);
+ int DGG_generateCutsFromBase( DGG_constraint_t *base,
+ DGG_list_t *list,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ const void *solver_ptr );
+int DGG_buildMir( char *isint,
+ DGG_constraint_t *base,
+ DGG_constraint_t **cut_out );
+int DGG_build2step( double alpha,
+ char *isint,
+ DGG_constraint_t *base,
+ DGG_constraint_t **cut_out );
+ int DGG_addMirToList ( DGG_constraint_t *base,
+ char *isint,
+ double *x,
+ DGG_list_t *list,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ DGG_constraint_t *orig_base );
+ int DGG_add2stepToList ( DGG_constraint_t *base,
+ char *isint,
+ double *x,
+ double *rc,
+ DGG_list_t *list,
+ DGG_data_t *data,
+ DGG_constraint_t *orig_base );
+/******************* CUT INFORMATION ******************************************/
+double DGG_cutLHS(DGG_constraint_t *c, double *x);
+int DGG_isCutDesirable(DGG_constraint_t *c, DGG_data_t *d);
+/******************* TEST / DEBUGGING ROUTINES ********************************/
+int DGG_isConstraintViolated(DGG_data_t *d, DGG_constraint_t *c);
+int DGG_isBaseTrivial(DGG_data_t *d, DGG_constraint_t* c);
+int DGG_is2stepValid(double alpha, double bht);
+int DGG_cutsOffPoint(double *x, DGG_constraint_t *cut);
+/** A function that tests the methods in the CglTwomir class. The
+ only reason for it not to be a member method is that this way it doesn't
+ have to be compiled into the library. And that's a gain, because the
+ library should be compiled with optimization on, but this method should be
+ compiled with debugging. */
+void CglTwomirUnitTest(const OsiSolverInterface * siP,
+ const std::string mpdDir);