path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ecos.h
diff options
authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ecos.h
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ecos.h')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ecos.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ecos.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d2b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ecos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+ * ECOS - Embedded Conic Solver.
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 A. Domahidi [],
+ * Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich & embotech GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#ifndef __ECOS_H__
+#define __ECOS_H__
+#include "glblopts.h"
+#include "spla.h"
+#include "cone.h"
+#include "kkt.h"
+#if PROFILING > 0
+#include "timer.h"
+#if CTRLC > 0
+#include "ctrlc.h"
+/* ECOS VERSION NUMBER - FORMAT: X.Y.Z --------------------------------- */
+#define ECOS_VERSION ("2.0.4")
+#define MAXIT (100) /* maximum number of iterations */
+#define FEASTOL (1E-8) /* primal/dual infeasibility tolerance */
+#define ABSTOL (1E-8) /* absolute tolerance on duality gap */
+#define RELTOL (1E-8) /* relative tolerance on duality gap */
+#define FTOL_INACC (1E-4) /* inaccurate solution feasibility tol. */
+#define ATOL_INACC (5E-5) /* inaccurate solution absolute tol. */
+#define RTOL_INACC (5E-5) /* inaccurate solution relative tol. */
+#define GAMMA (0.99) /* scaling the final step length */
+#define STATICREG (1) /* static regularization: 0:off, 1:on */
+#define DELTASTAT (7E-8) /* regularization parameter */
+#define DELTA (2E-7) /* dyn. regularization parameter */
+#define EPS (1E-13) /* dyn. regularization threshold (do not 0!) */
+#define VERBOSE (1) /* bool for verbosity; PRINTLEVEL < 3 */
+#define NITREF (9) /* number of iterative refinement steps */
+#define IRERRFACT (6) /* factor by which IR should reduce err */
+#define LINSYSACC (1E-14) /* rel. accuracy of search direction */
+#define SIGMAMIN (1E-4) /* always do some centering */
+#define SIGMAMAX (1.0) /* never fully center */
+#define STEPMIN (1E-6) /* smallest step that we do take */
+#define STEPMAX (0.999) /* largest step allowed, also in affine dir. */
+#define SAFEGUARD (500) /* Maximum increase in PRES before
+ ECOS_NUMERICS is thrown. */
+/*Ecos exponential cone default settings*/
+#ifdef EXPCONE
+#define MAX_BK (90) /*Maximum backtracking steps*/
+#define BK_SCALE (0.8) /*Backtracking constant*/
+#define MIN_DISTANCE (0.1) /* dont let sqrt(r), sqrt(-u) or sqrt(v)
+ become smaller than
+#define CENTRALITY (1) /*Centrality requirement*/
+/* EQUILIBRATION METHOD ------------------------------------------------ */
+#define EQUILIBRATE (1) /* use equlibration of data matrices? >0: yes */
+#define EQUIL_ITERS (3) /* number of equilibration iterations */
+#define RUIZ_EQUIL /* define algorithm to use - if both are ... */
+/*#define ALTERNATING_EQUIL*/ /* ... commented out no equlibration is used */
+/* EXITCODES ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define ECOS_OPTIMAL (0) /* Problem solved to optimality */
+#define ECOS_PINF (1) /* Found certificate of primal infeasibility */
+#define ECOS_DINF (2) /* Found certificate of dual infeasibility */
+#define ECOS_INACC_OFFSET (10) /* Offset exitflag at inaccurate results */
+#define ECOS_MAXIT (-1) /* Maximum number of iterations reached */
+#define ECOS_NUMERICS (-2) /* Search direction unreliable */
+#define ECOS_OUTCONE (-3) /* s or z got outside the cone, numerics? */
+#define ECOS_SIGINT (-4) /* solver interrupted by a signal/ctrl-c */
+#define ECOS_FATAL (-7) /* Unknown problem in solver */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* SETTINGS STRUCT ----------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct settings{
+ pfloat gamma; /* scaling the final step length */
+ pfloat delta; /* regularization parameter */
+ pfloat eps; /* regularization threshold */
+ pfloat feastol; /* primal/dual infeasibility tolerance */
+ pfloat abstol; /* absolute tolerance on duality gap */
+ pfloat reltol; /* relative tolerance on duality gap */
+ pfloat feastol_inacc; /* primal/dual infeasibility relaxed tolerance */
+ pfloat abstol_inacc; /* absolute relaxed tolerance on duality gap */
+ pfloat reltol_inacc; /* relative relaxed tolerance on duality gap */
+ idxint nitref; /* number of iterative refinement steps */
+ idxint maxit; /* maximum number of iterations */
+ idxint verbose; /* verbosity bool for PRINTLEVEL < 3 */
+#ifdef EXPCONE /*Exponential cone settings*/
+ idxint max_bk_iter; /* Maximum backtracking iterations */
+ pfloat bk_scale; /* Backtracking scaling */
+ pfloat centrality; /* Centrality bound, ignored when centrality vars = 0*/
+} settings;
+/* INFO STRUCT --------------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct stats{
+ pfloat pcost;
+ pfloat dcost;
+ pfloat pres;
+ pfloat dres;
+ pfloat pinf;
+ pfloat dinf;
+ pfloat pinfres;
+ pfloat dinfres;
+ pfloat gap;
+ pfloat relgap;
+ pfloat sigma;
+ pfloat mu;
+ pfloat step;
+ pfloat step_aff;
+ pfloat kapovert;
+ idxint iter;
+ idxint nitref1;
+ idxint nitref2;
+ idxint nitref3;
+#if PROFILING > 0
+ pfloat tsetup;
+ pfloat tsolve;
+#if PROFILING > 1
+ pfloat tfactor;
+ pfloat tkktsolve;
+ pfloat torder;
+ pfloat tkktcreate;
+ pfloat ttranspose;
+ pfloat tperm;
+ pfloat tfactor_t1;
+ pfloat tfactor_t2;
+#ifdef EXPCONE
+ /* Counters for backtracking, each of these counts
+ * one condition that can fail and cause a backtrack
+ */
+ idxint pob; /* Potential decreases */
+ idxint cb; /* Centrality violations */
+ idxint cob; /* The s'z of one cone is too small w.r.t. mu */
+ idxint pb; /* Primal infeasibility */
+ idxint db; /* Dual infeasibility */
+ idxint affBack; /* Total affine backtracking steps */
+ idxint cmbBack; /* Total combined backtracking steps */
+ pfloat centrality; /*Centrality at the end of the backtracking*/
+} stats;
+/* ALL DATA NEEDED BY SOLVER ------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct pwork{
+ /* dimensions */
+ idxint n; /* number of primal variables x */
+ idxint m; /* number of conically constrained variables s */
+ idxint p; /* number of equality constraints */
+ idxint D; /* degree of the cone */
+ /* variables */
+ pfloat* x; /* primal variables */
+ pfloat* y; /* multipliers for equality constaints */
+ pfloat* z; /* multipliers for conic inequalities */
+ pfloat* s; /* slacks for conic inequalities */
+ pfloat* lambda; /* scaled variable */
+ pfloat kap; /* kappa (homogeneous embedding) */
+ pfloat tau; /* tau (homogeneous embedding) */
+ /* best iterate seen so far */
+ /* variables */
+ pfloat* best_x; /* primal variables */
+ pfloat* best_y; /* multipliers for equality constaints */
+ pfloat* best_z; /* multipliers for conic inequalities */
+ pfloat* best_s; /* slacks for conic inequalities */
+ pfloat best_kap; /* kappa (homogeneous embedding) */
+ pfloat best_tau; /* tau (homogeneous embedding) */
+ pfloat best_cx;
+ pfloat best_by;
+ pfloat best_hz;
+ stats* best_info; /* info of best iterate */
+ /* temporary stuff holding search direction etc. */
+ pfloat* dsaff;
+ pfloat* dzaff;
+ pfloat* W_times_dzaff;
+ pfloat* dsaff_by_W;
+ pfloat* saff;
+ pfloat* zaff;
+ /* cone */
+ cone* C;
+ /* problem data */
+ spmat* A; spmat* G; pfloat* c; pfloat* b; pfloat* h;
+ /* indices that map entries of A and G to the KKT matrix */
+ idxint *AtoK; idxint *GtoK;
+ /* equilibration vector */
+ pfloat *xequil;
+ pfloat *Aequil;
+ pfloat *Gequil;
+ /* scalings of problem data */
+ pfloat resx0; pfloat resy0; pfloat resz0;
+ /* residuals */
+ pfloat *rx; pfloat *ry; pfloat *rz; pfloat rt;
+ pfloat hresx; pfloat hresy; pfloat hresz;
+ /* norm iterates */
+ pfloat nx,ny,nz,ns;
+ /* temporary storage */
+ pfloat cx; pfloat by; pfloat hz; pfloat sz;
+ /* KKT System */
+ kkt* KKT;
+ /* info struct */
+ stats* info;
+ /* settings struct */
+ settings* stgs;
+} pwork;
+/* SOME USEFUL MACROS -------------------------------------------------- */
+#define MAX(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (Y) : (X)) /* maximum of 2 expressions */
+/* safe division x/y where y is assumed to be positive! */
+#define SAFEDIV_POS(X,Y) ( (Y) < EPS ? ((X)/EPS) : (X)/(Y) )
+/* METHODS */
+/* set up work space */
+/* could be done by codegen */
+pwork* ECOS_setup(idxint n, idxint m, idxint p, idxint l, idxint ncones, idxint* q, idxint nex,
+ pfloat* Gpr, idxint* Gjc, idxint* Gir,
+ pfloat* Apr, idxint* Ajc, idxint* Air,
+ pfloat* c, pfloat* h, pfloat* b);
+#ifdef EXPCONE
+pfloat expConeLineSearch(pwork* w, pfloat dtau, pfloat dkappa, idxint affine);
+/* solve */
+idxint ECOS_solve(pwork* w);
+ * Cleanup: free memory (not used for embedded solvers, only standalone)
+ *
+ * Use the second argument to give the number of variables to NOT free.
+ * This is useful if you want to use the result of the optimization without
+ * copying over the arrays. One use case is the MEX interface, where we
+ * do not want to free x,y,s,z (depending on the number of LHS).
+ */
+void ECOS_cleanup(pwork* w, idxint keepvars);
+ * Version: returns the current version number
+ * Use a character array of length 7 to obtain the version number
+ * in the format
+ * x.y.zzz
+ * where x is the major, y the minor and zzz the build number
+ */
+const char* ECOS_ver(void);
+/* ------------------- EXPERT LEVEL INTERFACES ---------------------- */
+ * Updates one element of the RHS vector h of inequalities
+ * After the call, w->h[idx] = value (but equilibrated)
+ */
+void ecos_updateDataEntry_h(pwork* w, idxint idx, pfloat value);
+ * Updates one element of the OBJ vector c of inequalities
+ * After the call, w->c[idx] = value (but equilibrated)
+ */
+void ecos_updateDataEntry_c(pwork* w, idxint idx, pfloat value);
+ * Updates numerical data for G, A, c, h, and b,
+ * and re-equilibrates.
+ * Then updates the corresponding KKT entries.
+ */
+void ECOS_updateData(pwork *w, pfloat *Gpr, pfloat *Apr,
+ pfloat* c, pfloat* h, pfloat* b);
+#ifdef __cplusplus