path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/asl.h
diff options
authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/asl.h
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/asl.h')
1 files changed, 1199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/asl.h b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/asl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec8a379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ThirdParty/asl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1199 @@
+Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Lucent Technologies
+All Rights Reserved
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
+granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
+copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
+permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
+documentation, and that the name of Lucent or any of its entities
+not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior
+#ifndef ASL_included
+#define ASL_included
+#include "arith.h" /* for Long and Double_Align */
+#include "math.h"
+#include "stdio1.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#ifdef KR_headers
+#define Const /* */
+#define VOID /*void*/
+extern char *malloc(), *realloc();
+extern double strtod();
+#define Const const
+#define VOID void
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "errno.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define Cextern extern "C"
+extern "C" {
+#define Cextern extern
+#ifndef Stderr
+extern FILE *Stderr;
+#ifndef real
+#define real double
+#ifndef Long
+#define Long long
+#ifndef F2C_INCLUDE
+typedef Long fint;
+typedef Long ftnlen;
+#ifndef Intcast
+#define Intcast (size_t)
+#ifndef Not_Used
+#define Not_Used(x) x = x /* silence non-use warnings */
+#define Malloc(x) mymalloc((size_t)(x))
+#define Realloc(x,y) myralloc(x,(size_t)(y))
+#define Sizeof(x) sizeof(x)
+/* prior to 20110912, Sizeof(x) was (fint)sizeof(x) */
+ /* Place qsortv declaration ahead of funcadd.h in case Permit_AE_redefs is #defined. */
+ extern void qsortv(void*, size_t, size_t, int(*)(const void*,const void*,void*), void*);
+#ifndef Permit_AE_redefs
+#define No_AE_redefs
+#include "funcadd.h"
+#include "setjmp.h"
+ typedef size_t (*Fwrite)(const void*, size_t, size_t, FILE*);
+ typedef int (*Add_Indicator)(void*, int, int, int, int, int*, real*, real);
+ typedef struct {jmp_buf jb;} Jmp_buf;
+ typedef struct ASL ASL;
+ typedef struct MPEC_Adjust MPEC_Adjust;
+ typedef struct Objrep Objrep;
+ typedef struct Option_Info Option_Info;
+ typedef struct cgrad cgrad;
+ typedef struct cplist cplist;
+ typedef struct derp derp;
+ typedef struct expr_n expr_n;
+ typedef struct func_info func_info;
+ typedef struct linpart linpart;
+ typedef struct ograd ograd;
+ typedef struct plterm plterm;
+ typedef struct relo relo;
+ typedef struct
+SputInfo {
+ fint *hcolstarts;
+ fint *hrownos;
+ size_t *hcs[2];
+ fint *hrn[2];
+ ssize_t *ulinc;
+ ssize_t *ulcopy;
+ ssize_t *ulinc0;
+ ssize_t *ulcopy0;
+ ssize_t *ulcend;
+ ssize_t nod;
+ int nobj; /* from sphsetup() */
+ int ow; /* from sphsetup() */
+ int y; /* from sphsetup() */
+ int khinfo; /* mblk size in sphes_setup */
+ int khinfob;
+ int uptri; /* from sphsetup() */
+ int *uptolow;
+ size_t *hcolstartsZ;
+ } SputInfo;
+ typedef union
+uirp {
+ int i;
+ real *rp;
+ void *vp;
+ } uirp;
+#ifdef ASL_big_goff /*{{ for jacval() with nzc >= 2^31 */
+ struct
+cgrad {
+ real coef;
+ cgrad *next;
+ ssize_t varno;
+ size_t goff;
+ };
+ struct
+ograd {
+ real coef;
+ ograd *next;
+ ssize_t varno;
+ };
+typedef ssize_t varno_t;
+#else /*}{ less memory */
+ struct
+cgrad {
+ real coef;
+ cgrad *next;
+ int varno;
+ int goff;
+ };
+ struct
+ograd {
+ real coef;
+ ograd *next;
+ int varno;
+ };
+typedef int varno_t;
+#endif /*}}*/
+ struct
+cplist {
+ cplist *next;
+ uirp ca;
+ real *cfa;
+ };
+ struct
+derp {
+ derp *next;
+ uirp a, b, c;
+ };
+typedef real efunc_n(expr_n*);
+ struct
+expr_n {
+ efunc_n *op;
+ real v;
+ };
+ struct
+func_info {
+ func_info *next, *fnext;
+ Const char *name;
+ ufunc *funcp;
+ int ftype;
+ int nargs;
+ void *funcinfo;
+ int findex; /* for fg_write */
+ };
+ struct
+linpart {
+ uirp v;
+ real fac;
+ };
+ struct
+plterm {
+ int n; /* number of slopes */
+ int z; /* bs[z] == slope at 0 */
+ real bs[1]; /* slope 1, bkpt 1, slope 2, bkpt 2, ..., slope n */
+ };
+ struct
+relo {
+ relo *next, *next2;
+ derp *D, *Dnext, *Dcond;
+ };
+ typedef struct
+EdRead_ASL {
+ ASL *asl;
+ FILE *nl;
+ void *S; /* Static */
+ Long Line;
+ int lineinc;
+ int can_end;
+ char rl_buf[80];
+ void (*iadjfcn)(void*, size_t);
+ void (*dadjfcn)(void*, size_t);
+ } EdRead_ASL;
+#define EdRead EdRead_ASL
+ typedef struct ASLhead ASLhead; struct
+ASLhead { ASLhead *next, *prev; };
+#define NFHASH 23
+ typedef struct
+Edagpars {
+ ASLhead h;
+ /* stuff initialized to nonzero values */
+ real hffactor;
+ int FUNNEL_MIN_;
+ int maxfwd_;
+ int need_funcadd_;
+ int vrefGulp_;
+ int want_derivs_;
+ int ihd_limit_;
+ int solve_code_;
+ real (*Objval) (ASL*, int nobj, real *X, fint *nerror);
+ real (*Objval_nomap) (ASL*, int nobj, real *X, fint *nerror);
+ void (*Objgrd) (ASL*, int nobj, real *X, real *G, fint *nerror);
+ void (*Objgrd_nomap) (ASL*, int nobj, real *X, real *G, fint *nerror);
+ void (*Conval) (ASL*, real *X, real *R, fint *nerror);
+ void (*Jacval) (ASL*, real *X, real *J, fint *nerror);
+ real (*Conival) (ASL*, int ncon, real *X, fint *nerror);
+ real (*Conival_nomap) (ASL*, int ncon, real *X, fint *nerror);
+ void (*Congrd) (ASL*, int nc, real *X, real *G, fint *nerror);
+ void (*Congrd_nomap) (ASL*, int nc, real *X, real *G, fint *nerror);
+ void (*Hvcomp) (ASL*, real *hv, real *p, int no, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Hvcomp_nomap) (ASL*, real *hv, real *p, int no, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Hvcompd) (ASL*, real *hv, real *p, int co);
+ varno_t (*Hvcomps) (ASL*, real *hv, real *p, int co, varno_t nz, varno_t *z);
+ void (*Hvinit) (ASL*, int hid_limit, int nobj, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Hvinit_nomap) (ASL*, int hid_limit, int nobj, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Hesset) (ASL*, int flags, int no, int nno, int nc, int nnc);
+ int (*Lconval) (ASL*, int ncon, real *X, fint *nerror);
+ void (*Xknown) (ASL*, real*, fint*);
+ void (*Duthes) (ASL*, real *H, int nobj, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Duthes_nomap) (ASL*, real *H, int nobj, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Fulhes) (ASL*, real *H, fint LH, int no, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Fulhes_nomap) (ASL*, real *H, fint LH, int no, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Sphes) (ASL*, SputInfo**, real *H, int nobj, real *ow, real *y);
+ void (*Sphes_nomap) (ASL*, SputInfo**, real *H, int nobj, real *ow, real *y);
+ fint (*Sphset) (ASL*, SputInfo**, int nobj, int ow, int y, int uptri);
+ fint (*Sphset_nomap) (ASL*, SputInfo**, int nobj, int ow, int y, int uptri);
+ } Edagpars;
+ extern Edagpars edagpars_ASL;
+#define objval(np,x,ne) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Objval)((ASL*)asl,np,x,ne)
+#define objgrd(np,x,g,ne) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Objgrd)((ASL*)asl,np,x,g,ne)
+#define conval(x,r,ne) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Conval)((ASL*)asl,x,r,ne)
+#define jacval(x,j,ne) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Jacval)((ASL*)asl,x,j,ne)
+#define conival(i,x,ne) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Conival)((ASL*)asl,i,x,ne)
+#define congrd(i,x,g,ne) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Congrd)((ASL*)asl,i,x,g,ne)
+#define hvcomp(hv,P,no,ow,y) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Hvcomp)((ASL*)asl,hv,P,no,ow,y)
+#define hvcompd(hv,P,co) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Hvcompd)((ASL*)asl,hv,P,co)
+#define hvcomps(hv,P,co,nz,z) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Hvcomps)((ASL*)asl,hv,P,co,nz,z)
+#define hvinit(no,ow,y) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Hvinit)((ASL*)asl,ihd_limit,no,ow,y)
+#define hesset(f,o,n,c,nc) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Hesset)((ASL*)asl,f,o,n,c,nc)
+#define duthes(h,n,ow,y) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Duthes)((ASL*)asl,h,n,ow,y)
+#define fullhes(h,lh,n,ow,y) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Fulhes)((ASL*)asl,h,lh,n,ow,y)
+#define lconval(i,x,ne) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Lconval)((ASL*)asl,i,x,ne)
+#define sphes(h,no,ow,y) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Sphes)( (ASL*)asl,0,h,no,ow,y)
+#define sphsetup(no,ow,y,b) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Sphset)((ASL*)asl,0,no,ow,y,b)
+#define xknown(x) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Xknown)((ASL*)asl,x,0)
+#define xknowne(x,ne) (*((ASL*)asl)->p.Xknown)((ASL*)asl,x,ne)
+#define xunknown() (asl->i.x_known = 0)
+#define FUNNEL_MIN asl->p.FUNNEL_MIN_
+#define ihd_limit asl->p.ihd_limit_
+#define maxfwd asl->p.maxfwd_
+#define need_funcadd asl->p.need_funcadd_
+#define solve_code asl->p.solve_code_
+#define solve_result_num asl->p.solve_code_
+#define vrefGulp asl->p.vrefGulp_
+#define want_derivs asl->p.want_derivs_
+ typedef struct
+SufDesc { /* suffix description */
+ char *sufname; /* suffix name */
+ char *table; /* for return to AMPL, suffix_table value */
+ int kind;
+ int nextra; /* extra entries to allocate in u.i or u.r */
+ struct { /* was union, but this made debugging harder */
+ int *i;
+ real *r;
+ } u;
+ struct SufDesc *next;
+ /* The number of entries in u.i or u.r is */
+ /* (&asl->i.n_var_)[kind & ASL_Sufkind_mask] . */
+ } SufDesc;
+ enum { /* kind bits for SufDesc */
+ ASL_Sufkind_var = 0,
+ ASL_Sufkind_con = 1,
+ ASL_Sufkind_obj = 2,
+ ASL_Sufkind_prob = 3,
+ ASL_Sufkind_mask = 3, /* mask for getting one of the above */
+ /* values from SufDesc.kind */
+ ASL_Sufkind_real = 4, /* use SufDesc.u.r rather than .i */
+ ASL_Sufkind_iodcl = 8, /* tell AMPL to make this an INOUT suffix */
+ ASL_Sufkind_output = 16,/* return this suffix to AMPL */
+ ASL_Sufkind_input = 32, /* input values were received from AMPL */
+ ASL_Sufkind_outonly = 64/* reject as an input value */
+ };
+ typedef struct
+SufDecl { /* Pass array of SufDecl's to suf_declare(). */
+ char *name;
+ char *table;
+ int kind;
+ int nextra;
+ } SufDecl;
+ typedef struct Exitcall Exitcall; struct
+Exitcall {
+ Exitcall *prev;
+ Exitfunc *ef;
+ void *v;
+ };
+ typedef struct DerivErrInfo DerivErrInfo;
+ typedef struct
+Edaginfo {
+ int ASLtype;
+ /* stuff initialized to zero values */
+ int amplflag_;
+ int need_nl_;
+ int nlmode;
+ func_info **funcs_, *funcsfirst_, *funcslast_;
+ int (*xscanf_)(EdRead*, const char*, ...);
+ func_info *fhash_[NFHASH];
+ real *adjoints_; /* partials of result w.r.t. current oper. */
+ real *adjoints_nv1_; /* internal use: start of portion to zero */
+ real *LUrhs_, /* constraint lower (and, if Urhsx == 0, */
+ /* upper) bounds */
+ *Urhsx_, /* constraint upper bounds (if nonzero) */
+ *X0_, /* initial guess (if nonzero) */
+ *LUv_, /* variable lower (and, if Uvx == 0, upper) */
+ /* bounds */
+ *Uvx_, /* variable upper bounds (if nonzero) */
+ *Lastx_, /* internal use: copy of X */
+ *pi0_; /* dual initial guess */
+ char *objtype_; /* object type array: 0 == min, 1 == max */
+ char *havex0_; /* if nonzero, havex0_[i] != 0 ==> */
+ /* X0_[i] was specified: this lets you */
+ /* tell explicit 0's from default 0's */
+ char *havepi0_; /* analogous to havex0_, but for dual values */
+ real *A_vals_; /* If nonzero, store constant Jacobian values */
+ /* (possibly 0 when nonlinearities are involved) */
+ /* in A_vals, A_rownos, and A_colstarts, */
+ /* rather than in Cgrad_. */
+ int *A_rownos_, /* row numbers corresponding to A_vals_ */
+ *A_colstarts_; /* offsets of columns in A_vals_ */
+ size_t *A_colstartsZ_; /* for huge problems -- 2^31 or more nonzeros */
+ cgrad **Cgrad_; /* constraint gradient info. (linear part) */
+ ograd **Ograd_; /* objective gradient info. (linear part) */
+ cgrad **Cgrad0; /* unmapped */
+ int Fortran_; /* adjustment to A_rownos, A_colstarts, */
+ /* ccind1, and ccind2 */
+ int amax_; /* number of adjoint cells */
+ /* stuff for common expressions (from "defined" vars) */
+ int c_vars_;
+ int comb_;
+ int combc_;
+ int comc1_;
+ int comc_;
+ int como1_;
+ int como_;
+ int lnc_; /* no. of linear network constraints */
+ int nbv_; /* no. of linear binary variables */
+ int niv_; /* no. of linear non-binary integer variables */
+ int nlc_; /* total no. of nonlinear constraints */
+ int n_eqn_; /* number of equality constraints or -1 */
+ /* if unknown (ampl prior to 19970627) */
+ int n_cc_; /* total complementarity conditions */
+ int nlcc_; /* nonlinear complementarity conditions */
+ int ndcc_; /* number of complementarities involving */
+ /* double inequalities (for ASL_cc_simplify) */
+ int nzlb_; /* number of complemented variables with a */
+ /* nonzero lower bound (for ASL_cc_simplify) */
+ int nlnc_; /* no. of nonlinear network constraints */
+ int nlo_; /* no. of nonlinear objectives */
+ int nlvb_; /* no. of nonlinear variables in both */
+ /* constraints and objectives */
+ int nlvc_; /* no. of nonlinear variables in constraints */
+ int nlvo_; /* no. of nonlinear variables in objectives */
+ /* nlvc_ and nlvo_ include nlvb_ */
+ int nlvbi_; /* integer nonlinear variables in both */
+ /* constraints and objectives */
+ int nlvci_; /* integer nonlinear vars just in constraints */
+ int nlvoi_; /* integer nonlinear vars just in objectives */
+ int nwv_; /* no. of (linear) network variables (arcs) */
+ int nzc_; /* no. of nonzeros in constraints' Jacobian */
+ int nzo_; /* no. of nonzeros in all objective gradients */
+ int n_var_; /* total no. of variables */
+ int n_con_; /* total no. of constraints */
+ int n_obj_; /* total no. of objectives */
+ int n_prob; /* 1 (for use with SufDesc): SufDesc.u has */
+ /* (&asl->i.n_var_)[SufDesc.kind & ASL_Sufkind_mask] entries */
+ int n_lcon_; /* no. of logical constraints */
+ int flags; /* 1 = want output suffixes */
+ int n_conjac_[2]; /* Conval and Jacval operate on constraint i */
+ /* for n_conjac_[0] <= i < n_conjac_[1]. */
+ /* Initialized by jac0dim to 0 and n_con. */
+ /* The .nl reader may adjust these values when */
+ /* processing ASL_cc_simplify or ASL_obj_replace. */
+ /* internal stuff */
+ int nclcon_; /* n_con + n_lcon */
+ int ncom0_;
+ int ncom1_;
+ int nderps_;
+ int nfunc_;
+ int o_vars_;
+ int want_deriv_;
+ int x0kind_;
+ int rflags; /* flags given to the .nl reader */
+ size_t nzjac_;
+ size_t x0len_;
+ size_t nZc_; /* no. of nonzeros in constraints' Jacobian */
+ size_t nZo_; /* no. of nonzeros in all objective gradients */
+ char *filename_; /* stub + current extension */
+ char *stub_end_; /* copy new extension (starting with ".") */
+ /* here to adjust filename */
+ void *archan_; /* channel for reading from AMPL */
+ void *awchan_; /* channel from writing to AMPL */
+ int binary_nl_; /* 0 = ASCII format, 1 = binary */
+ int return_nofile_; /* 0 ==> jacdim0 should exit if */
+ /* does not exist; 1 ==> return 0 */
+ int plterms_; /* no. of piecewise-linear terms */
+ int maxrownamelen_; /* length of longest constraint name */
+ /* (if stub.row exists) */
+ int maxcolnamelen_; /* length of longest constraint name */
+ /* (if stub.col exists) */
+ int co_index_; /* set this to (constraint number - 1) or */
+ /* -(objective number) to identify the */
+ /* constraint or objective being evaluated */
+ /* (used in report_where()) */
+ int cv_index_; /* used internally */
+ Jmp_buf *err_jmp_; /* If nonzero when an error is detected, */
+ /* longjmp here (without printing an error */
+ /* message). */
+ Jmp_buf *err_jmp1_; /* If nonzero when an error is detected */
+ /* (and err_jmp_ == 0), longjmp here after */
+ /* printing an error message. */
+ fint ampl_options_[10];
+ fint obj_no_; /* objective number (for write_sol and */
+ /* read_sol) */
+ int nranges_; /* no. of ranges (constraints with */
+ /* negInfinity < lhs < rhs < Infinity) */
+ int want_xpi0_; /* & 1 ==> allocate X0_ if an */
+ /* initial guess is available */
+ /* & 2 ==> allocate pi0_ if a dual */
+ /* initial guess is available */
+ /* starting subscripts for cexp1's: request by */
+ /* assigning these pointers before invoking edagread */
+ int *c_cexp1st_; /* cexp1 starts for constraints */
+ int *o_cexp1st_; /* cexp1 starts for objectives */
+ /* for complementarity constraints */
+ int *cvar_; /* cvar[i] > 0 means constraint i complements */
+ /* variable cvar[i] - 1 */
+ int *ccind1, *ccind2; /* populated when ASL_cc_simplify is */
+ /* "on" in the flags argument to the .nl reader */
+ unsigned size_expr_n_; /* size for struct expr_n, for nlc */
+ /* extra info for write_sol */
+ real ampl_vbtol_;
+ /* relocated adjoints for common expressions */
+ /* (used by nlc; request by allocating) */
+ int **zaC_; /* for common expressions */
+ int **zac_; /* for constraints */
+ int **zao_; /* for objectives */
+ /* for nlc */
+ int skip_int_derivs_;
+ /* for suffixes */
+ int nsuffixes;
+ int nsufext[4];
+ int nsuff[4];
+ SufDesc *suffixes[4];
+ /* for sparse gradients */
+ int **zerograds_;
+ int congrd_mode; /* How to treat arg G to Congrd: */
+ /* 0 == expand to n_var vector (default) */
+ /* 1 == compact storage in G */
+ /* 2 == use goff fields of struct cgrad */
+ int x_known; /* used by xknown(), xunknown() */
+ Long xknown_ignore; /* for debugging: ignore xknown */
+ size_t zap_J; /* used by dense_j */
+ int nxval; /* used by conival and objval */
+ int nlvog; /* objgrd(np,x,g,ne) sets g[i] = 0 */
+ /* if the objective does not depend on x[i] */
+ /* and i < nlvog (or i < max(c_vars, o_vars) */
+ /* if nlvog is left at 0); nlvog must be set */
+ /* before the .nl reader is called. */
+ int *ncxval; /* for conival */
+ int *noxval; /* for objval */
+ SputInfo *sputinfo_; /* used by sputhes() */
+ /* for ASL_free */
+ void **Mbnext, **Mblast, *Mb;
+ /* for mem */
+ char *memNext, *memLast;
+ /* for user-defined functions */
+ AmplExports *ae;
+ /* for con_name(), obj_name(), var_name() */
+ char **connames;
+ char **lconnames;
+ char **objnames;
+ char **varnames;
+ int vcochecked;
+ /* for possible user-specific use */
+ void *uinfo;
+ /* for reading alternate binary formats */
+ void (*iadjfcn)(void*, size_t);
+ void (*dadjfcn)(void*, size_t);
+ const char *opfmt; /* format of opcodes */
+ /* for scaling */
+ real *cscale; /* constraints */
+ real *vscale; /* variables */
+ real *lscale; /* Lagrange-multiplier scale */
+ /* for at_reset() */
+ Exitcall *arlast;
+ Exitcall *arnext;
+ Exitcall *arprev;
+ /* for suf_sos() */
+ SufDesc *csd;
+ SufDesc *rsd;
+ int n_var0; /* number of variables before suf_sos() */
+ int n_con0; /* number of constraints before suf_sos() */
+ int n_var1; /* index of next variable to be added */
+ int n_con1; /* index of next constraint to be added */
+ int *vmap; /* for mapping variables, length n_var */
+ int *cmap; /* for mapping constraints, length n_con */
+ int *vzap; /* for zeroing primal variables in eliminated suf_sos */
+ /* constraints: vzmap[i] for 1 <= i <= vzmap[0] */
+ int *czap; /* for zeroing dual variables of eliminated suf_sos */
+ /* constraints: czap[i] for 1 <= i <= czmap[0] */
+ int *vminv; /* inverse of vmap; allocated on demand */
+ /* for modifying objectives */
+ Objrep **Or;
+ real *orscratch; /* scratch (if needed) */
+ /* for simplifying complementarities */
+ MPEC_Adjust *mpa;
+ /* for derivative errors */
+ DerivErrInfo *Derrs, *Derrs0;
+ /* bounds and solution filenames */
+ char *boundsfile;
+ char *solfile;
+ } Edaginfo;
+ struct
+ASL {
+ Edagpars p;
+ Edaginfo i;
+ };
+ typedef struct
+NewVCO {
+ int nnv; /* number of new variables */
+ int nnc; /* number of new constraints */
+ int nno; /* number of new objectives */
+ ograd **newc; /* new constraint nonzeros */
+ ograd **newo; /* new objective nonzeros */
+ real *LUnv; /* nnv variable lower bounds or, if Unv is null, */
+ /* nnv (lower,upper) bound pairs */
+ real *Unv; /* null or nnv variable upper bounds */
+ real *LUnc; /* nnc constraint lower bounds or, if Unc is null, */
+ /* nnc (lower,upper) bound pairs */
+ real *Unc; /* null or nnc constraint upper bounds */
+ real *oc; /* null or nno objective constants */
+ char *ot; /* objective types (1 = max, 0 = min) */
+ /* taken to be all zeros (min) if null */
+ real *x0; /* null or nnv primal initial guesses */
+ real *d0; /* null or nnc dual initial guesses */
+ } NewVCO;
+ struct
+TMInfo {
+ union {
+ TMInfo *prev;
+ double align;
+ } u;
+ };
+#define A_colstarts asl->i.A_colstarts_
+#define A_colstartsZ asl->i.A_colstartsZ_
+#define A_rownos asl->i.A_rownos_
+#define A_vals asl->i.A_vals_
+#define Cgrad asl->i.Cgrad_
+#define CgradZ asl->i.CgradZ_
+#define Fortran asl->i.Fortran_
+#define LUrhs asl->i.LUrhs_
+#define LUv asl->i.LUv_
+#define Lastx asl->i.Lastx_
+#define Ograd asl->i.Ograd_
+#define Urhsx asl->i.Urhsx_
+#define Uvx asl->i.Uvx_
+#define X0 asl->i.X0_
+#define adjoints asl->i.adjoints_
+#define adjoints_nv1 asl->i.adjoints_nv1_
+#define amax asl->i.amax_
+#define ampl_options asl->i.ampl_options_
+#define ampl_vbtol asl->i.ampl_vbtol_
+#define amplflag asl->i.amplflag_
+#define archan asl->i.archan_
+#define awchan asl->i.awchan_
+#define binary_nl asl->i.binary_nl_
+#define c_cexp1st asl->i.c_cexp1st_
+#define c_vars asl->i.c_vars_
+#define co_index asl->i.co_index_
+#define comb asl->i.comb_
+#define combc asl->i.combc_
+#define comc asl->i.comc_
+#define comc1 asl->i.comc1_
+#define como asl->i.como_
+#define como1 asl->i.como1_
+#define cv_index asl->i.cv_index_
+#define cvar asl->i.cvar_
+#define err_jmp asl->i.err_jmp_
+#define err_jmp1 asl->i.err_jmp1_
+#define fhash asl->i.fhash_
+#define filename asl->i.filename_
+#define funcs asl->i.funcs_
+#define funcsfirst asl->i.funcsfirst_
+#define funcslast asl->i.funcslast_
+#define havepi0 asl->i.havepi0_
+#define havex0 asl->i.havex0_
+#define lnc asl->i.lnc_
+#define maxcolnamelen asl->i.maxcolnamelen_
+#define maxrownamelen asl->i.maxrownamelen_
+#define nZc asl->i.nZc_
+#define nZo asl->i.nZo_
+#define n_cc asl->i.n_cc_
+#define n_con asl->i.n_con_
+#define n_conjac asl->i.n_conjac_
+#define n_eqn asl->i.n_eqn_
+#define n_lcon asl->i.n_lcon_
+#define n_obj asl->i.n_obj_
+#define n_var asl->i.n_var_
+#define nbv asl->i.nbv_
+#define nclcon asl->i.nclcon_
+#define ncom0 asl->i.ncom0_
+#define ncom1 asl->i.ncom1_
+#define nderps asl->i.nderps_
+#define need_nl asl->i.need_nl_
+#define nfunc asl->i.nfunc_
+#define niv asl->i.niv_
+#define nlc asl->i.nlc_
+#define nlcc asl->i.nlcc_
+#define nlnc asl->i.nlnc_
+#define nlo asl->i.nlo_
+#define nlogv asl->i.nbv_ /* nbv used to be called nlogv */
+#define nlvb asl->i.nlvb_
+#define nlvbi asl->i.nlvbi_
+#define nlvc asl->i.nlvc_
+#define nlvci asl->i.nlvci_
+#define nlvo asl->i.nlvo_
+#define nlvoi asl->i.nlvoi_
+#define nranges asl->i.nranges_
+#define nwv asl->i.nwv_
+#define nzc asl->i.nzc_
+#define nzjac asl->i.nzjac_
+#define nzo asl->i.nzo_
+#define o_cexp1st asl->i.o_cexp1st_
+#define o_vars asl->i.o_vars_
+#define obj_no asl->i.obj_no_
+#define objtype asl->i.objtype_
+#define pi0 asl->i.pi0_
+#define plterms asl->i.plterms_
+#define return_nofile asl->i.return_nofile_
+#define size_expr_n asl->i.size_expr_n_
+#define skip_int_derivs asl->i.skip_int_derivs_
+#define sputinfo asl->i.sputinfo_
+#define stub_end asl->i.stub_end_
+#define want_deriv asl->i.want_deriv_
+#define want_xpi0 asl->i.want_xpi0_
+#define x0kind asl->i.x0kind_
+#define x0len asl->i.x0len_
+#define xscanf asl->i.xscanf_
+#define zaC asl->i.zaC_
+#define zac asl->i.zac_
+#define zao asl->i.zao_
+#define zerograds asl->i.zerograds_
+#define M1alloc(n) M1alloc_ASL(&asl->i,n)
+#define M1free M1free_ASL
+#define M1record(n) M1record_ASL(&asl->i,n)
+#define M1zapalloc(n) M1zapalloc_ASL(&asl->i,n)
+#define Mach Mach_ASL
+#define ascanf ascanf_ASL
+#define badline badline_ASL
+#define badread badread_ASL
+#define bscanf bscanf_ASL
+#define derprop derprop_ASL
+#define dynlink dynlink_ASL
+#define edag_peek edag_peek_ASL
+#define edagread_one edag_one_ASL
+#define fpecatch fpecatch_ASL
+#define fpe_jmpbuf fpe_jmpbuf_ASL
+#define func_add func_add_ASL
+#define func_lookup func_lookup_ASL
+#define g_fmt g_fmt_ASL
+#define g_fmtp g_fmtp_ASL
+#define g_fmtop g_fmtop_ASL
+#define g_fmt_E gfmt_E_ASL
+#define g_fmt_decpt gfmt_decpt_ASL
+#define hscanf hscanf_ASL
+#define htcl htcl_ASL
+#define mem(n) mem_ASL((ASL*)asl,n)
+#define mymalloc mymalloc_ASL
+#define mypow mypow_ASL
+#define myralloc myralloc_ASL
+#define obj_prec obj_prec_ASL
+#define optype op_type_ASL
+#define optypeb op_typeb_ASL
+#define pr_unknown pr_unknown_ASL
+#define read_line read_line_ASL
+#define report_where report_where_ASL
+#define scream scream_ASL
+#define what_prog what_prog_ASL
+ extern real Infinity, edagread_one, negInfinity;
+ extern char g_fmt_E, *progname;
+ extern int g_fmt_decpt;
+ extern ASL *cur_ASL;
+enum { /* mode bits for ASLtype */
+ ASL_read_f = 1,
+ ASL_read_fg = 2,
+ ASL_read_fgh = 3,
+ ASL_read_pfg = 4,
+ ASL_read_pfgh = 5
+ };
+enum { /* bits for x0kind */
+ ASL_have_conval = 1,
+ ASL_have_objcom = 2,
+ ASL_first_x = 4,
+ ASL_have_funnel = 8, /* in con[12]ival */
+ ASL_need_funnel = 16, /* in pshvprod */
+ ASL_have_concom = 32
+ };
+enum ASL_reader_flag_bits { /* bits in flags arg */
+ /* values just relevant to pfg_read and pfgh_read: */
+ /* If you do not need the sparsity pattern, */
+ /* you can omit linear coefficients of zero. */
+ ASL_J_zerodrop = 1, /* Omit 0 linear terms in constraint derivs. */
+ ASL_G_zerodrop = 2, /* Omit 0 linear terms in objective derivs. */
+ ASL_GJ_zerodrop = 3, /* Omit both kinds of zero linear terms. */
+ ASL_findOgroups = 4, /* Find objective group structure. */
+ ASL_findCgroups = 8, /* Find constraint group structure. */
+ ASL_findgroups = 12, /* Find both group structures; you want this */
+ /* unless you're a solver like LANCELOT that */
+ /* deals explicitly with group structure. */
+ ASL_find_c_class = 32, /* Find c_class and c_class_max: see nlp.h */
+ ASL_find_o_class = 64, /* Find o_class and o_class_max: or nlp2.h */
+ ASL_find_co_class = 96, /* Find all four */
+ /* applicable to all .nl file readers: */
+ ASL_return_read_err = 16,
+ ASL_keep_all_suffixes = 0x80,
+ ASL_allow_CLP = 0x1000, /* permit CLP extensions */
+ ASL_find_default_no_groups = 0x2000, /* Assume ASL_findgroups */
+ /* when this bit is off. */
+ /* When ASL_find_default_no_groups is on, pfg_read and pfgh_read */
+ /* only honor explicit specification of the ASL_findgroups bits. */
+ /* Stuff for fg_wread: */
+ ASL_omit_all_suffixes = 0x100,
+ ASL_keep_derivs = 0x200,
+ ASL_allow_missing_funcs = 0x400,
+ ASL_forbid_missing_funcs = 0x800,
+ /* problem adjustments */
+ ASL_no_linear_cc_rhs_adjust = 0x4000, /* Omit constant term adjustment */
+ /* of linear complementarities. */
+ ASL_cc_simplify = 0x8000, /* Provide arrays ccind1 and ccind2 and */
+ /* modify complementarities (possibly */
+ /* increasing n_cc) so the complementarity */
+ /* constraints have the form */
+ /* _svar[i] >= 0 complements _svar[j] >= 0 */
+ /* for i = ccind1[k] - Fortran */
+ /* and j = ccind2[k] - Fortran, */
+ /* 0 <= k < n_cc. */
+ ASL_obj_replace_ineq = 0x10000, /* Whether to replace an objective of the */
+ /* form minimize or maximize const*var and */
+ /* a corresponding constraint of the form */
+ /* var relop expr with const*expr, where */
+ /* relop is either >= or <=, depending */
+ /* on the sense of optimization, and var */
+ /* does not appear elsewhere. */
+ ASL_obj_replace_eq = 0x20000, /* Similar to ASL_obj_replace, but where */
+ /* relop is == . */
+ ASL_rowwise_jac = 0x40000, /* Whether Jacobian nonzeros should be stored */
+ /* row-wise rather than column-wise, in which */
+ /* case the A_colstarts array provides offsets */
+ /* of rows rather than columns. */
+ ASL_want_A_vals = 0x80000, /* Allocate and use A_vals (if NULL), allowing */
+ /* space needed for ASL_cc_simplify. */
+ ASL_sep_U_arrays = 0x100000, /* Allocate and use Uvx and Urhsx */
+ ASL_allow_Z = 0x200000, /* Accept problems with nZc >= 2^31, populating */
+ /* A_colstarsZ rather than A_colstarts. */
+ ASL_use_Z = 0x400000, /* Use A_colstartsZ rather than A_colstarts, */
+ /* regardless of problem size. */
+ ASL_opified = 0x800000 /* internal use: qp_opify called */
+ };
+enum ASL_reader_error_codes {
+ /* return codes from .nl readers with flag ASL_ret_read_err */
+ ASL_readerr_none = 0, /* all went well */
+ ASL_readerr_nofile = 1, /* cannot open .nl file */
+ ASL_readerr_nonlin = 2, /* model involves nonlinearities (ed0read) */
+ ASL_readerr_argerr = 3, /* user-defined function with bad args */
+ ASL_readerr_unavail= 4, /* user-defined function not available */
+ ASL_readerr_corrupt= 5, /* corrupt .nl file */
+ ASL_readerr_bug = 6, /* bug in .nl reader */
+ ASL_readerr_CLP = 7 /* solver cannot handle CLP extensions */
+ };
+enum ASL_suf_sos_flags { /* bits in flags parameter of suf_sos() */
+ ASL_suf_sos_explict_free = 1, /* caller will explicitly free */
+ /* returned arrays */
+ ASL_suf_sos_ignore_sosno = 2, /* ignore .sosno */
+ ASL_suf_sos_ignore_amplsos = 4 /* ignore SOS information from */
+ /* transformations of piecewise- */
+ /* linear terms (etc.) by AMPL */
+ };
+enum ASL_write_flags {
+ ASL_write_ASCII = 1,
+ ASL_write_CR = 2
+ };
+enum ASL_writer_error_codes {
+ ASL_writeerr_openfail = 1,
+ ASL_writeerr_badrops = 2,
+ ASL_writeerr_badcexp1st = 3,
+ ASL_writeerr_badNewVCO = 4
+ };
+#define f_OPNUM f_OPNUM_ASL
+#undef basename
+#define basename basename_ASL
+#ifndef Sig_ret_type
+#define Sig_ret_type void
+ typedef struct
+QPinfo {
+ int nc; /* number of nonempty columns */
+ int nz; /* number of nonzeros */
+ int *colno; /* column numbers of nonempty columns */
+ size_t *colbeg; /* nonzeros for column colno[i]: (rowno[j], delsq[j]) */
+ int *rowno; /* for colbeg[i] <= j < colbeg[i+1], except that values */
+ real *delsq; /* in colno, colbeg, and rowno are incremented by Fortran */
+ } QPinfo;
+ extern ASL *ASL_alloc(int);
+ extern void ASL_free(ASL**);
+ extern long ASLdate_ASL;
+ extern void Del_mblk_ASL(ASL*, int, void*);
+ extern EdRead *EdReadInit_ASL(EdRead*, ASL*, FILE*, void*);
+ extern void LUcopy_ASL(int, real*, real*, real*);
+ extern void *M1alloc_ASL(Edaginfo*, size_t);
+ extern void M1free(Edaginfo*, void**, void**);
+ extern void **M1record_ASL(Edaginfo*, void*);
+ extern void *M1zapalloc_ASL(Edaginfo*, size_t);
+ extern void MAIN__(VOID);
+ extern void Mach_ASL(VOID);
+ extern void No_derivs_ASL(const char*);
+ extern int Sprintf(char*, const char*, ...);
+ extern void Stderr_init_ASL(void);
+ extern void Suf_read_ASL(EdRead*, int);
+ extern void adjust_zerograds_ASL(ASL*, int);
+ extern int already_ASL(const char*);
+ extern int ascanf(EdRead*, const char*, ...);
+ extern void auxinfo_ASL(AmplExports*);
+ extern void *b_search_ASL(void *ow, int owsize, int n, char **sp, char **peq);
+ extern void badasl_ASL(ASL*,int,const char*);
+ extern void badline(EdRead*);
+ extern void badread(EdRead*);
+ extern char *basename(const char*);
+ extern int bscanf(EdRead*, const char*, ...);
+ extern char *con_name_ASL(ASL*,int);
+ extern char *con_name_nomap_ASL(ASL*,int,int*);
+ extern int conadj_ASL(ASL*,int*,int);
+ extern void congrd_(fint *N, fint *I, real *X, real *G, fint *nerror);
+ extern real cnival_(fint *N, fint *I, real *X, fint *nerror);
+ extern void colstart_inc_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern void conscale_ASL(ASL*, int, real, fint*);
+ extern void conval_(fint *M, fint *N, real *X, real *F, fint *nerror);
+ extern void delprb_(VOID);
+ extern void dense_j_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern void densej_(VOID);
+ extern void deriv_errchk_ASL(ASL*, fint*, int coi, int n);
+ extern void deriv_errclear_ASL(Edaginfo*);
+ extern void derprop(derp *);
+ extern char *dtoa(double, int, int, int*, int*, char **);
+ extern ufunc *dynlink_ASL(const char*);
+ extern int edag_peek(EdRead*);
+ extern void equ_adjust_ASL(ASL*, int*, int*);
+ extern void exit_ASL(EdRead*,int);
+ extern real f_OPNUM(expr_n*);
+ extern int f_read_ASL(ASL*, FILE*, int);
+ extern int fg_read_ASL(ASL*, FILE*, int);
+ extern int fg_wread_ASL(ASL*, FILE*, int);
+ extern int fgh_read_ASL(ASL*, FILE*, int);
+ extern int fg_write_ASL(ASL*, const char*, NewVCO*, int);
+ extern void fintrouble_ASL(ASL*, func_info*, const char*, TMInfo*);
+ extern void flagsave_ASL(ASL*, int);
+ extern void freedtoa(char*);
+ extern func_info *func_lookup(ASL*, const char*, int add);
+ extern void func_add(ASL*);
+ extern int g_fmt(char*, double);
+ extern int g_fmtop(char*, double);
+ extern int g_fmtp(char*, double, int);
+ extern void gen_rownos_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern ASL *get_cur_ASL(VOID);
+ extern int *get_vcmap_ASL(ASL*, int);
+ extern int *get_vminv_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern char *getenv_ASL(const char*);
+ extern void goff_comp_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern int hscanf(EdRead*, const char*, ...);
+ extern int htcl_ASL(unsigned int);
+ extern void hvcomp_(real *hv, real *p, fint *nobj, real *ow, real *y);
+ extern void hvinit_(fint *nobj, real *ow, real *y);
+ extern int indicator_constrs_ASL(ASL*, void*, Add_Indicator, int errinfo[2]);
+ extern void intcatch_ASL(ASL*, void (*)(int,void*), void*);
+ extern void introuble_ASL(ASL*, const char *who, real a, int jv);
+ extern void introuble2_ASL(ASL*, const char *who, real a, real b, int jv);
+ extern FILE *jac0dim_ASL(ASL*, const char *stub, ftnlen stub_len);
+ extern int jac1dim_ASL(ASL*, const char *stub, fint *M, fint *N, fint *NO,
+ fint *NZ, fint *MXROW, fint *MXCOL, ftnlen stub_len);
+ extern int jac2dim_ASL (ASL*, const char *stub, fint *M, fint *N, fint *NO,
+ fint *NZ, fint *MXROW, fint *MXCOL, ftnlen stub_len);
+ extern FILE *jac_dim_ASL(ASL*, const char *stub, fint *M, fint *N, fint *NO,
+ fint *NZ, fint *MXROW, fint *MXCOL, ftnlen stub_len);
+ extern int jacdim_(const char *stub, fint *M, fint *N, fint *NO, fint *NZ,
+ fint *MXROW, fint *MXCOL, ftnlen stub_len);
+ extern void jacinc_(fint *M, fint *N, fint *NZ,
+ fint *JP, short *JI, real *X, real *L, real *U,
+ real *Lrhs, real *Urhs, real *Inf);
+ extern int jacpdim_ASL(ASL*, const char *stub, fint *M, fint *N, fint *NO,
+ fint *NZ, fint *MXROW, fint *MXCOL, ftnlen stub_len);
+ extern void jacval_(fint *M, fint *N, fint *NZ, real *X,
+ real *JAC, fint *nerror);
+ extern Sig_ret_type fpecatch(int);
+ extern jmp_buf fpe_jmpbuf_ASL;
+ extern int ka_read_ASL(ASL *, EdRead *, int, int**, size_t**);
+ extern void lagscale_ASL(ASL*, real, fint*);
+ extern char *lcon_name_ASL(ASL*,int);
+ extern void mainexit_ASL(int);
+ extern void *mem_ASL(ASL*, unsigned int);
+ extern int mip_pri_ASL(ASL*,int**startp,int**nump,int**prip,fint pmax);
+ extern void mnnzchk_ASL(ASL*asl,fint*M,fint*N,size_t NZ,const char*who);
+ extern void mpec_adjust_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern void mpec_auxvars_ASL(ASL*, real *c, real *x);
+ extern fint mqpcheck_ASL(ASL*, int co, fint **rowqp, fint **colqp, real **delsqp);
+ extern ssize_t mqpcheckZ_ASL(ASL*, int co, fint **rowqp, size_t **colqp, real **delsqp);
+ extern ssize_t mqpcheckv_ASL(ASL*, int co, QPinfo **QPIp, void **vp);
+ extern void mqpcheckv_free_ASL(ASL*, void **vp);
+ extern void *mymalloc(size_t);
+ extern real mypow(real,real);
+ extern void *myralloc(void *, size_t);
+ extern void *new_mblk_ASL(ASL*, int k);
+ extern int nl_obj_ASL(ASL*,int);
+ extern fint nqpcheck_ASL(ASL*, int co, fint **rowqp, fint **colqp, real **delsqp);
+ extern ssize_t nqpcheckZ_ASL(ASL*, int co, fint **rowqp, size_t **colqp, real **delsqp);
+ extern char *obj_name_ASL(ASL*,int);
+ extern int obj_prec(VOID);
+ extern void obj_adj_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern void obj_adj_xy_ASL(ASL *asl, real *x, real *x0, real *y);
+ extern real objconst_ASL(ASL*,int);
+ extern void objgrd_(fint *N, real *X, fint *NOBJ, real *G, fint *nerror);
+ extern real objval_(fint *N, real *X, fint *NOBJ, fint *nerror);
+ extern char optype[], optypeb[];
+ extern int pfg_read_ASL(ASL*, FILE*, int flags);
+ extern int pfgh_read_ASL(ASL*, FILE*, int flags);
+ extern char *pr_unknown(FILE*, char*);
+ extern int prob_adj_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern void qp_opify_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern int qp_read_ASL(ASL*, FILE*, int);
+ extern fint qpcheck_ASL(ASL*, fint **rowqp, fint **colqp, real **delsqp);
+ extern ssize_t qpcheckZ_ASL(ASL*, fint **rowqp, size_t **colqp, real **delsqp);
+ extern char *read_line(EdRead*);
+ extern char *read_sol_ASL(ASL*, real**xp, real **yp);
+ extern void report_where(ASL*);
+ extern void scream(EdRead*, int rc, const char *fmt, ...);
+ extern ASL *set_cur_ASL(ASL*); /* returns previous value */
+ extern real set_randseed_ASL(real nseed); /* returns new seed, usually nseed, but */
+ /* automaticaally chosen if nseed == 0. */
+ extern void show_funcs_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern void sigcatch_ASL(VOID);
+ extern void* sos_add_ASL(ASL*, FILE*, int);
+ extern int sos_finish_ASL(ASL*,void**,int,int*,int**,int*,int**,int**,real**);
+ extern void student_check_ASL(ASL*);
+ extern void suf_declare_ASL(ASL*, SufDecl*, int);
+ extern SufDesc *suf_get_ASL(ASL*, const char*, int);
+ extern SufDesc *suf_iput_ASL(ASL*, const char*, int, int*);
+ extern SufDesc *suf_rput_ASL(ASL*, const char*, int, real*);
+ extern int suf_sos_ASL(ASL*,int,int*,char**,int**,int*,int**,int**,real**);
+ extern char *var_name_ASL(ASL*,int);
+ extern char *var_name_nomap_ASL(ASL*,int,int*);
+ extern void varscale_ASL(ASL*, int, real, fint*);
+ extern void what_prog(VOID);
+ extern void write_sol_ASL(ASL*, const char *msg, double *x, double *y, Option_Info*);
+ extern int write_solf_ASL(ASL*, const char *msg, double *x, double *y, Option_Info *,
+ const char*);
+ extern int write_solfx_ASL(ASL*, const char *msg, double *x, double *y, Option_Info *,
+ Fwrite, Fwrite, Fwrite, const char*);
+ extern void wrsolw_(char *msg, fint *nmsg, real *x, real *y, fint *wantsol,
+ ftnlen msg_len);
+ extern void wrtsol_(char *msg, fint *nmsg, real *x, real *y,
+ ftnlen msg_len);
+ extern real xectim_(VOID);
+ extern void xknowe_(real *x, fint *nerror);
+ extern void xknown_(real *x);
+ extern void xunkno_(VOID);
+ extern void zero_div_ASL(ASL*, real, const char*);
+#ifndef No_dtoa
+ extern double strtod_ASL(Const char*, char**);
+#ifndef strtod /* if not set by previous funcadd.h */
+#define strtod strtod_ASL
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+#define con_name(n) con_name_ASL((ASL*)asl,n)
+#define conadj(cv) conadj_ASL((ASL*)asl,cv,1)
+#define conscale(i,s,ie) conscale_ASL((ASL*)asl,i,s,ie)
+#define dense_j() dense_j_ASL((ASL*)asl)
+#define edagread(f) fg_read_ASL((ASL*)asl,f,0) /* dreg */
+#define equ_adjust(x,y) equ_adjust_ASL((ASL*)asl,x,y)
+#define f_read(a,b) f_read_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define fg_read(a,b) fg_read_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define fg_wread(a,b) fg_wread_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define fg_write(a,b,c) fg_write_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b,c)
+#define fgh_read(a,b) fgh_read_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define gen_rownos() gen_rownos_ASL((ASL*)asl)
+#undef getenv
+#define getenv getenv_ASL
+#define int_catch(f,v) intcatch_ASL((ASL*)asl,f,v)
+#define jac0dim(stub,len) jac0dim_ASL((ASL*)asl,stub,len)
+#define jac1dim(s,m,n,no,nz,mxr,mxc,L) jac1dim_ASL((ASL*)asl,s,m,n,no,nz,mxr,mxc,L)
+#define jac2dim(s,m,n,no,nz,mxr,mxc,L) jac2dim_ASL((ASL*)asl,s,m,n,no,nz,mxr,mxc,L)
+#define jacdim(stub,M,N,NO,NZ,MXR,MXC,len) jac_dim_ASL((ASL*)asl,stub,M,N,NO,NZ,MXR,MXC,len)
+#define jacdim0(stub,len) jac0dim_ASL((ASL*)asl,stub,len)
+#define jacpdim(s,m,n,no,nz,mxr,mxc,L) jacpdim_ASL((ASL*)asl,s,m,n,no,nz,mxr,mxc,L)
+#define lagscale(s,ie) lagscale_ASL((ASL*)asl,s,ie)
+#define lcon_name(n) lcon_name_ASL((ASL*)asl,n)
+#define mip_pri(a,b,c,d) mip_pri_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b,c,d)
+#define mqpcheck(a,b,c,d) mqpcheck_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b,c,d)
+#define mqpcheckv(a,b,c) mqpcheckv_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b,c)
+#define mqpcheckv_free(a) mqpcheckv_free_ASL((ASL*)asl,a)
+#define nl_obj(n) nl_obj_ASL((ASL*)asl,n)
+#define nqpcheck(a,b,c,d) nqpcheck_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b,c,d)
+#define obj_name(n) obj_name_ASL((ASL*)asl,n)
+#define objconst(n) objconst_ASL((ASL*)asl,n)
+#define pfg_read(a,b) pfg_read_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define pfgh_read(a,b) pfgh_read_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define qp_opify() qp_opify_ASL((ASL*)asl)
+#define qp_read(a,b) qp_read_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define qpcheck(a,b,c) qpcheck_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b,c)
+#define read_soln(x,y) read_sol_ASL((ASL*)asl,x,y)
+#define show_funcs() show_funcs_ASL((ASL*)asl)
+#define sos_add(a,b) sos_add_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define sos_finish(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) sos_finish_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
+#define suf_declare(x,n) suf_declare_ASL((ASL*)asl,x,(int)(n))
+#define suf_get(s,i) suf_get_ASL((ASL*)asl,s,i)
+#define suf_iput(n,i,x) suf_iput_ASL((ASL*)asl,n,i,x)
+#define suf_rput(n,i,x) suf_rput_ASL((ASL*)asl,n,i,x)
+#define suf_sos(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) suf_sos_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
+#define var_name(n) var_name_ASL((ASL*)asl,n)
+#define varscale(i,s,ie) varscale_ASL((ASL*)asl,i,s,ie)
+#define write_sol(m,x,y,oi) write_sol_ASL((ASL*)asl,m,x,y,oi)
+#define write_soln(m,x,y) write_sol_ASL((ASL*)asl,m,x,y,0)
+#ifdef KR_headers
+#define del_mblk(a,b) Del_mblk_ASL((ASL*)asl, a, (void*)(b))
+#define del_mblk(a,b) Del_mblk_ASL((ASL*)asl,a,b)
+#define new_mblk(n) new_mblk_ASL((ASL*)asl,n)
+#define exit mainexit_ASL
+#define A_ASL , ASL *asl
+#define C_ASL , (ASL*)asl
+#define D_ASL ASL *asl;
+#define K_ASL , asl
+#ifndef MEM_LOCK
+#define MEM_LOCK 3
+#ifndef MBLK_LOCK
+#define MBLK_LOCK 4
+#define HESOPROD_LOCK 5
+#define A_ASL /*nothing*/
+#define C_ASL /*nothing*/
+#define D_ASL /*nothing*/
+#define K_ASL /*nothing*/
+#define ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(n) /*nothing*/
+#define FREE_DTOA_LOCK(n) /*nothing*/
+#endif /* MULTIPLE_THREADS */
+#define ASL_CHECK(a,n,w) if(!a||a->i.ASLtype!=n)badasl_ASL(a,n,w);cur_ASL=a;
+#endif /* ASL_included */