path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcNodeInfo.hpp
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authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcNodeInfo.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcNodeInfo.hpp')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcNodeInfo.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcNodeInfo.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..914a347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcNodeInfo.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+// $Id: CbcNodeInfo.hpp 2048 2014-07-16 09:29:16Z forrest $
+// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+// Edwin 11/24/09 carved from CbcNode
+#ifndef CbcNodeInfo_H
+#define CbcNodeInfo_H
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp"
+#include "CoinSearchTree.hpp"
+#include "CbcBranchBase.hpp"
+class OsiSolverInterface;
+class OsiSolverBranch;
+class OsiCuts;
+class OsiRowCut;
+class OsiRowCutDebugger;
+class CoinWarmStartBasis;
+class CbcCountRowCut;
+class CbcModel;
+class CbcNode;
+class CbcSubProblem;
+class CbcGeneralBranchingObject;
+/** Information required to recreate the subproblem at this node
+ When a subproblem is initially created, it is represented by a CbcNode
+ object and an attached CbcNodeInfo object.
+ The CbcNode contains information needed while the subproblem remains live.
+ The CbcNode is deleted when the last branch arm has been evaluated.
+ The CbcNodeInfo contains information required to maintain the branch-and-cut
+ search tree structure (links and reference counts) and to recreate the
+ subproblem for this node (basis, variable bounds, cutting planes). A
+ CbcNodeInfo object remains in existence until all nodes have been pruned from
+ the subtree rooted at this node.
+ The principle used to maintain the reference count is that the reference
+ count is always the sum of all potential and actual children of the node.
+ Specifically,
+ <ul>
+ <li> Once it's determined how the node will branch, the reference count
+ is set to the number of potential children (<i>i.e.</i>, the number
+ of arms of the branch).
+ <li> As each child is created by CbcNode::branch() (converting a potential
+ child to the active subproblem), the reference count is decremented.
+ <li> If the child survives and will become a node in the search tree
+ (converting the active subproblem into an actual child), increment the
+ reference count.
+ </ul>
+ Notice that the active subproblem lives in a sort of limbo, neither a
+ potential or an actual node in the branch-and-cut tree.
+ CbcNodeInfo objects come in two flavours. A CbcFullNodeInfo object contains
+ a full record of the information required to recreate a subproblem.
+ A CbcPartialNodeInfo object expresses this information in terms of
+ differences from the parent.
+class CbcNodeInfo {
+ /** \name Constructors & destructors */
+ /** Default Constructor
+ Creates an empty NodeInfo object.
+ */
+ CbcNodeInfo ();
+ /// Copy constructor
+ CbcNodeInfo ( const CbcNodeInfo &);
+#ifdef JJF_ZERO
+ /** Construct with parent
+ Creates a NodeInfo object which knows its parent and assumes it will
+ in turn have two children.
+ */
+ CbcNodeInfo (CbcNodeInfo * parent);
+ /** Construct with parent and owner
+ As for `construct with parent', and attached to \p owner.
+ */
+ CbcNodeInfo (CbcNodeInfo * parent, CbcNode * owner);
+ /** Destructor
+ Note that the destructor will recursively delete the parent if this
+ nodeInfo is the last child.
+ */
+ virtual ~CbcNodeInfo();
+ /** \brief Modify model according to information at node
+ The routine modifies the model according to bound and basis
+ information at node and adds any cuts to the addCuts array.
+ */
+ virtual void applyToModel (CbcModel *model, CoinWarmStartBasis *&basis,
+ CbcCountRowCut **addCuts,
+ int &currentNumberCuts) const = 0 ;
+ /// Just apply bounds to one variable - force means overwrite by lower,upper (1=>infeasible)
+ virtual int applyBounds(int iColumn, double & lower, double & upper, int force) = 0;
+ /** Builds up row basis backwards (until original model).
+ Returns NULL or previous one to apply .
+ Depends on Free being 0 and impossible for cuts
+ */
+ virtual CbcNodeInfo * buildRowBasis(CoinWarmStartBasis & basis) const = 0;
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcNodeInfo * clone() const = 0;
+ /// Called when number branches left down to zero
+ virtual void allBranchesGone() {}
+#ifndef JJF_ONE
+ /// Increment number of references
+ inline void increment(int amount = 1) {
+ numberPointingToThis_ += amount;/*printf("CbcNodeInfo %x incremented by %d to %d\n",this,amount,numberPointingToThis_);*/
+ }
+ /// Decrement number of references and return number left
+ inline int decrement(int amount = 1) {
+ numberPointingToThis_ -= amount;/*printf("CbcNodeInfo %x decremented by %d to %d\n",this,amount,numberPointingToThis_);*/
+ return numberPointingToThis_;
+ }
+ /// Increment number of references
+ void increment(int amount = 1);
+ /// Decrement number of references and return number left
+ int decrement(int amount = 1);
+ /** Initialize reference counts
+ Initialize the reference counts used for tree maintenance.
+ */
+ inline void initializeInfo(int number) {
+ numberPointingToThis_ = number;
+ numberBranchesLeft_ = number;
+ }
+ /// Return number of branches left in object
+ inline int numberBranchesLeft() const {
+ return numberBranchesLeft_;
+ }
+ /// Set number of branches left in object
+ inline void setNumberBranchesLeft(int value) {
+ numberBranchesLeft_ = value;
+ }
+ /// Return number of objects pointing to this
+ inline int numberPointingToThis() const {
+ return numberPointingToThis_;
+ }
+ /// Set number of objects pointing to this
+ inline void setNumberPointingToThis(int number) {
+ numberPointingToThis_ = number;
+ }
+ /// Increment number of objects pointing to this
+ inline void incrementNumberPointingToThis() {
+ numberPointingToThis_ ++;
+ }
+ /// Say one branch taken
+ inline int branchedOn() {
+ numberPointingToThis_--;
+ numberBranchesLeft_--;
+ return numberBranchesLeft_;
+ }
+ /// Say thrown away
+ inline void throwAway() {
+ numberPointingToThis_ -= numberBranchesLeft_;
+ numberBranchesLeft_ = 0;
+ }
+ /// Parent of this
+ CbcNodeInfo * parent() const {
+ return parent_;
+ }
+ /// Set parent null
+ inline void nullParent() {
+ parent_ = NULL;
+ }
+ void addCuts(OsiCuts & cuts, int numberToBranch, //int * whichGenerator,
+ int numberPointingToThis);
+ void addCuts(int numberCuts, CbcCountRowCut ** cuts, int numberToBranch);
+ /** Delete cuts (decrements counts)
+ Slow unless cuts in same order as saved
+ */
+ void deleteCuts(int numberToDelete, CbcCountRowCut ** cuts);
+ void deleteCuts(int numberToDelete, int * which);
+ /// Really delete a cut
+ void deleteCut(int whichOne);
+ /// Decrement active cut counts
+ void decrementCuts(int change = 1);
+ /// Increment active cut counts
+ void incrementCuts(int change = 1);
+ /// Decrement all active cut counts in chain starting at parent
+ void decrementParentCuts(CbcModel * model, int change = 1);
+ /// Increment all active cut counts in parent chain
+ void incrementParentCuts(CbcModel * model, int change = 1);
+ /// Array of pointers to cuts
+ inline CbcCountRowCut ** cuts() const {
+ return cuts_;
+ }
+ /// Number of row cuts (this node)
+ inline int numberCuts() const {
+ return numberCuts_;
+ }
+ inline void setNumberCuts(int value) {
+ numberCuts_ = value;
+ }
+ /// Set owner null
+ inline void nullOwner() {
+ owner_ = NULL;
+ }
+ const inline CbcNode * owner() const {
+ return owner_;
+ }
+ inline CbcNode * mutableOwner() const {
+ return owner_;
+ }
+ /// The node number
+ inline int nodeNumber() const {
+ return nodeNumber_;
+ }
+ inline void setNodeNumber(int node) {
+ nodeNumber_ = node;
+ }
+ /** Deactivate node information.
+ 1 - bounds
+ 2 - cuts
+ 4 - basis!
+ 8 - just marked
+ 16 - symmetry branching worked
+ */
+ void deactivate(int mode = 3);
+ /// Say if normal
+ inline bool allActivated() const {
+ return ((active_&7) == 7);
+ }
+ /// Say if marked
+ inline bool marked() const {
+ return ((active_&8) != 0);
+ }
+ /// Mark
+ inline void mark() {
+ active_ |= 8;
+ }
+ /// Unmark
+ inline void unmark() {
+ active_ &= ~8;
+ }
+ /// Get symmetry value (true worked at this node)
+ inline bool symmetryWorked() const
+ { return (active_&16) !=0;}
+ /// Say symmetry worked at this node)
+ inline void setSymmetryWorked()
+ { active_ |= 16;}
+ /// Branching object for the parent
+ inline const OsiBranchingObject * parentBranch() const {
+ return parentBranch_;
+ }
+ /// If we need to take off parent based data
+ void unsetParentBasedData();
+ /** Number of other nodes pointing to this node.
+ Number of existing and potential search tree nodes pointing to this node.
+ `Existing' means referenced by #parent_ of some other CbcNodeInfo.
+ `Potential' means children still to be created (#numberBranchesLeft_ of
+ this CbcNodeInfo).
+ */
+ int numberPointingToThis_;
+ /// parent
+ CbcNodeInfo * parent_;
+ /// Copy of the branching object of the parent when the node is created
+ OsiBranchingObject * parentBranch_;
+ /// Owner
+ CbcNode * owner_;
+ /// Number of row cuts (this node)
+ int numberCuts_;
+ /// The node number
+ int nodeNumber_;
+ /// Array of pointers to cuts
+ CbcCountRowCut ** cuts_;
+ /** Number of rows in problem (before these cuts). This
+ means that for top of chain it must be rows at continuous */
+ int numberRows_;
+ /** Number of branch arms left to explore at this node
+ \todo There seems to be redundancy between this field and
+ CbcBranchingObject::numberBranchesLeft_. It'd be good to sort out if
+ both are necessary.
+ */
+ int numberBranchesLeft_;
+ /** Active node information.
+ 1 - bounds
+ 2 - cuts
+ 4 - basis!
+ */
+ int active_;
+ /// Illegal Assignment operator
+ CbcNodeInfo & operator=(const CbcNodeInfo& rhs);
+ /// routine common to constructors
+ void setParentBasedData();
+#endif // CbcNodeInfo_H