path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcEventHandler.hpp
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authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcEventHandler.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcEventHandler.hpp')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcEventHandler.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcEventHandler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cedc4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcEventHandler.hpp
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+ Copyright (C) 2006, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+ $Id: CbcEventHandler.hpp 1987 2013-11-29 17:27:29Z forrest $
+#ifndef CbcEventHandler_H
+#define CbcEventHandler_H
+/*! \file CbcEventHandler.hpp
+ \brief Event handling for cbc
+ This file contains the declaration of CbcEventHandler, used for event
+ handling in cbc.
+ The central method is CbcEventHandler::event(). The default semantics of
+ this call are `ask for the action to take in reponse to this event'. The
+ call is made at the point in the code where the event occurs (<i>e.g.</i>,
+ when a solution is found, or when a node is added to or removed from the
+ search tree). The return value specifies the action to perform in response
+ to the event (<i>e.g.</i>, continue, or stop).
+ This is a lazy class. Initially, it knows nothing about specific events,
+ and returns dfltAction_ for any event. This makes for a trivial constructor
+ and fast startup. The only place where the list of known events or actions
+ is hardwired is in the enum definitions for CbcEvent and CbcAction,
+ respectively.
+ At the first call to setAction, a map is created to hold (Event,Action)
+ pairs, and this map will be consulted ever after. Events not in the map
+ will still return the default value.
+ For serious extensions, derive a subclass and replace event() with a
+ function that suits you better. The function has access to the CbcModel
+ via a pointer held in the CbcEventHandler object, and can do as much
+ thinking as it likes before returning an answer. You can also print as
+ much information as you want. The model is held as a const, however, so
+ you can't alter reality.
+ The design of the class deliberately matches ClpEventHandler, so that other
+ solvers can participate in cbc without breaking the patterns set by
+ clp-specific code.
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <map>
+/* May well already be declared, but can't hurt. */
+class CbcModel ;
+ cvs/svn: $Id: CbcEventHandler.hpp 1987 2013-11-29 17:27:29Z forrest $
+/*! \class CbcEventHandler
+ \brief Base class for Cbc event handling.
+ Up front: We're not talking about unanticipated events here. We're talking
+ about anticipated events, in the sense that the code is going to make a call
+ to event() and is prepared to obey the return value that it receives.
+ The general pattern for usage is as follows:
+ <ol>
+ <li> Create a CbcEventHandler object. This will be initialised with a set
+ of default actions for every recognised event.
+ <li> Attach the event handler to the CbcModel object.
+ <li> When execution reaches the point where an event occurs, call the
+ event handler as CbcEventHandler::event(the event). The return value
+ will specify what the code should do in response to the event.
+ </ol>
+ The return value associated with an event can be changed at any time.
+class CbcEventHandler {
+ /*! \brief Events known to cbc */
+ enum CbcEvent { /*! Processing of the current node is complete. */
+ node = 200,
+ /*! A tree status interval has arrived. */
+ treeStatus,
+ /*! A solution has been found. */
+ solution,
+ /*! A heuristic solution has been found. */
+ heuristicSolution,
+ /*! A solution will be found unless user takes action (first check). */
+ beforeSolution1,
+ /*! A solution will be found unless user takes action (thorough check). */
+ beforeSolution2,
+ /*! After failed heuristic. */
+ afterHeuristic,
+ /*! On entry to small branch and bound. */
+ smallBranchAndBound,
+ /*! After a pass of heuristic. */
+ heuristicPass,
+ /*! When converting constraints to cuts. */
+ convertToCuts,
+ /*! End of search. */
+ endSearch
+ } ;
+ /*! \brief Action codes returned by the event handler.
+ Specific values are chosen to match ClpEventHandler return codes.
+ */
+ enum CbcAction { /*! Continue --- no action required. */
+ noAction = -1,
+ /*! Stop --- abort the current run at the next opportunity. */
+ stop = 0,
+ /*! Restart --- restart branch-and-cut search; do not undo root node
+ processing.
+ */
+ restart,
+ /*! RestartRoot --- undo root node and start branch-and-cut afresh. */
+ restartRoot,
+ /*! Add special cuts. */
+ addCuts,
+ /*! Pretend solution never happened. */
+ killSolution,
+ /*! Take action on modified data. */
+ takeAction
+ } ;
+ /*! \brief Data type for event/action pairs */
+ typedef std::map<CbcEvent, CbcAction> eaMapPair ;
+ /*! \name Event Processing */
+ //@{
+ /*! \brief Return the action to be taken for an event.
+ Return the action that should be taken in response to the event passed as
+ the parameter. The default implementation simply reads a return code
+ from a map.
+ */
+ virtual CbcAction event(CbcEvent whichEvent) ;
+ /*! \brief Return the action to be taken for an event - and modify data.
+ Return the action that should be taken in response to the event passed as
+ the parameter. The default implementation simply reads a return code
+ from a map.
+ */
+ virtual CbcAction event(CbcEvent whichEvent, void * data) ;
+ //@}
+ /*! \name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /*! \brief Default constructor. */
+ CbcEventHandler(CbcModel *model = 0 /* was NULL but 4.6 complains */) ;
+ /*! \brief Copy constructor. */
+ CbcEventHandler(const CbcEventHandler &orig) ;
+ /*! \brief Assignment. */
+ CbcEventHandler& operator=(const CbcEventHandler &rhs) ;
+ /*! \brief Clone (virtual) constructor. */
+ virtual CbcEventHandler* clone() const ;
+ /*! \brief Destructor. */
+ virtual ~CbcEventHandler() ;
+ //@}
+ /*! \name Set/Get methods */
+ //@{
+ /*! \brief Set model. */
+ inline void setModel(CbcModel *model) {
+ model_ = model ;
+ }
+ /*! \brief Get model. */
+ inline const CbcModel* getModel() const {
+ return model_ ;
+ }
+ /*! \brief Set the default action */
+ inline void setDfltAction(CbcAction action) {
+ dfltAction_ = action ;
+ }
+ /*! \brief Set the action code associated with an event */
+ inline void setAction(CbcEvent event, CbcAction action) {
+ if (eaMap_ == 0) {
+ eaMap_ = new eaMapPair ;
+ }
+ (*eaMap_)[event] = action ;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /*! \name Data members
+ Protected (as opposed to private) to allow access by derived classes.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /*! \brief Pointer to associated CbcModel */
+ CbcModel *model_ ;
+ /*! \brief Default action */
+ CbcAction dfltAction_ ;
+ /*! \brief Pointer to a map that holds non-default event/action pairs */
+ eaMapPair *eaMap_ ;
+ //@}
+} ;