path: root/help/en_US/sym_loadMPS.xml
diff options
authorHarpreet2015-09-01 14:21:55 +0530
committerHarpreet2015-09-01 14:21:55 +0530
commited526ee458eab28367de030f450838a038f2ed10 (patch)
treea696611f362a43d215f53b1b074da49a78b5e2e1 /help/en_US/sym_loadMPS.xml
parentd8e0fa36cb1bd4e00307792008aca1d56043b15a (diff)
Styling help
Diffstat (limited to 'help/en_US/sym_loadMPS.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/help/en_US/sym_loadMPS.xml b/help/en_US/sym_loadMPS.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e55cff..0000000
--- a/help/en_US/sym_loadMPS.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<refentry version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="sym_loadMPS" xml:lang="en"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:xlink=""
- xmlns:svg=""
- xmlns:ns3=""
- xmlns:mml=""
- xmlns:db="">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>sym_loadMPS</refname>
- <refpurpose>This routine is used to load an instance from an MPS file.</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <title>Calling Sequence</title>
- <synopsis>sym_loadMPS(filename)</synopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Arguments</title>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>filename</term>
- <listitem><para>It is a string that has the path of the .mps file to loaded.It has to be given within double quotes ("")</para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Return value</title>
- <para>Returns 0 if the .mps file is loaded properly to symphony and 0 if there is an error reading the mps file or the function returns with an error return value</para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting role="example">status=sym_loadMPS("./sample.mps") -mps file present in the current directory of execution can be mentioned this way also</programlisting>
- <programlisting role="example">status=sym_loadMPS("/home/Desktop/sample.mps") -mps file present at a different location must be specified with their entire path</programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Authors</title>
- <simplelist type="vert">
- <member>Iswarya Hariharan</member>
- </simplelist>
- </refsection>