path: root/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpCompoundVector.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpCompoundVector.hpp')
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-// Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 International Business Machines and others.
-// All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
-// $Id: IpCompoundVector.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
-// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
-#include "IpUtils.hpp"
-#include "IpVector.hpp"
-#include <vector>
-namespace Ipopt
- /* forward declarations */
- class CompoundVectorSpace;
- /** Class of Vectors consisting of other vectors. This vector is a
- * vector that consists of zero, one or more Vector's which are
- * stacked on each others: \f$ x_{\rm compound} =
- * \left(\begin{array}{c}x_0\\\dots\\x_{{\rm
- * ncomps} - 1}\end{array}\right)\f$. The individual components can be
- * associated to different VectorSpaces. The individual components
- * can also be const and non-const Vectors.
- */
- class CompoundVector : public Vector
- {
- public:
- /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
- //@{
- /** Constructor, given the corresponding CompoundVectorSpace.
- * Before this constructor can be called, all components of the
- * CompoundVectorSpace have to be set, so that the constructors
- * for the individual components can be called. If the flag
- * create_new is true, then the individual components of the new
- * CompoundVector are initialized with the MakeNew methods of
- * each VectorSpace (and are non-const). Otherwise, the
- * individual components can later be set using the SetComp and
- * SetCompNonConst method.
- */
- CompoundVector(const CompoundVectorSpace* owner_space, bool create_new);
- /** Default destructor */
- virtual ~CompoundVector();
- //@}
- /** Method for setting the pointer for a component that is a const
- * Vector
- */
- void SetComp(Index icomp, const Vector& vec);
- /** Method for setting the pointer for a component that is a
- * non-const Vector
- */
- void SetCompNonConst(Index icomp, Vector& vec);
- /** Number of components of this compound vector */
- inline Index NComps() const;
- /** Check if a particular component is const or not */
- bool IsCompConst(Index i) const
- {
- DBG_ASSERT(i > 0 && i < NComps());
- DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(comps_[i]) || IsValid(const_comps_[i]));
- if (IsValid(const_comps_[i])) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /** Check if a particular component is null or not */
- bool IsCompNull(Index i) const
- {
- DBG_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < NComps());
- if (IsValid(comps_[i]) || IsValid(const_comps_[i])) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /** Return a particular component (const version) */
- SmartPtr<const Vector> GetComp(Index i) const
- {
- return ConstComp(i);
- }
- /** Return a particular component (non-const version). Note that
- * calling this method with mark the CompoundVector as changed.
- * Therefore, only use this method if you are intending to change
- * the Vector that you receive.
- */
- SmartPtr<Vector> GetCompNonConst(Index i)
- {
- ObjectChanged();
- return Comp(i);
- }
- protected:
- /** @name Overloaded methods from Vector base class */
- //@{
- /** Copy the data of the vector x into this vector (DCOPY). */
- virtual void CopyImpl(const Vector& x);
- /** Scales the vector by scalar alpha (DSCAL) */
- virtual void ScalImpl(Number alpha);
- /** Add the multiple alpha of vector x to this vector (DAXPY) */
- virtual void AxpyImpl(Number alpha, const Vector &x);
- /** Computes inner product of vector x with this (DDOT) */
- virtual Number DotImpl(const Vector &x) const;
- /** Computes the 2-norm of this vector (DNRM2) */
- virtual Number Nrm2Impl() const;
- /** Computes the 1-norm of this vector (DASUM) */
- virtual Number AsumImpl() const;
- /** Computes the max-norm of this vector (based on IDAMAX) */
- virtual Number AmaxImpl() const;
- /** Set each element in the vector to the scalar alpha. */
- virtual void SetImpl(Number value);
- /** Element-wise division \f$y_i \gets y_i/x_i\f$.*/
- virtual void ElementWiseDivideImpl(const Vector& x);
- /** Element-wise multiplication \f$y_i \gets y_i*x_i\f$.*/
- virtual void ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(const Vector& x);
- /** Element-wise max against entries in x */
- virtual void ElementWiseMaxImpl(const Vector& x);
- /** Element-wise min against entries in x */
- virtual void ElementWiseMinImpl(const Vector& x);
- /** Element-wise reciprocal */
- virtual void ElementWiseReciprocalImpl();
- /** Element-wise absolute values */
- virtual void ElementWiseAbsImpl();
- /** Element-wise square-root */
- virtual void ElementWiseSqrtImpl();
- /** Replaces entries with sgn of the entry */
- virtual void ElementWiseSgnImpl();
- /** Add scalar to every component of the vector.*/
- virtual void AddScalarImpl(Number scalar);
- /** Max value in the vector */
- virtual Number MaxImpl() const;
- /** Min value in the vector */
- virtual Number MinImpl() const;
- /** Computes the sum of the lements of vector */
- virtual Number SumImpl() const;
- /** Computes the sum of the logs of the elements of vector */
- virtual Number SumLogsImpl() const;
- /** @name Implemented specialized functions */
- //@{
- /** Add two vectors (a * v1 + b * v2). Result is stored in this
- vector. */
- void AddTwoVectorsImpl(Number a, const Vector& v1,
- Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c);
- /** Fraction to the boundary parameter. */
- Number FracToBoundImpl(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const;
- /** Add the quotient of two vectors, y = a * z/s + c * y. */
- void AddVectorQuotientImpl(Number a, const Vector& z, const Vector& s,
- Number c);
- //@}
- /** Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e.,
- * no Inf or Nan). */
- virtual bool HasValidNumbersImpl() const;
- /** @name Output methods */
- //@{
- /* Print the entire vector with padding */
- virtual void PrintImpl(const Journalist& jnlst,
- EJournalLevel level,
- EJournalCategory category,
- const std::string& name,
- Index indent,
- const std::string& prefix) const;
- //@}
- private:
- /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
- * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
- * These methods are not implemented and
- * we do not want the compiler to implement
- * them for us, so we declare them private
- * and do not define them. This ensures that
- * they will not be implicitly created/called.
- */
- //@{
- /** Default Constructor */
- CompoundVector();
- /** Copy Constructor */
- CompoundVector(const CompoundVector&);
- /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
- void operator=(const CompoundVector&);
- //@}
- /** Components of the compound vector. The components
- * are stored by SmartPtrs in a std::vector
- */
- std::vector< SmartPtr<Vector> > comps_;
- std::vector< SmartPtr<const Vector> > const_comps_;
- const CompoundVectorSpace* owner_space_;
- bool vectors_valid_;
- bool VectorsValid();
- inline const Vector* ConstComp(Index i) const;
- inline Vector* Comp(Index i);
- };
- /** This vectors space is the vector space for CompoundVector.
- * Before a CompoundVector can be created, all components of this
- * CompoundVectorSpace have to be set. When calling the constructor,
- * the number of component has to be specified. The individual
- * VectorSpaces can be set with the SetComp method.
- */
- class CompoundVectorSpace : public VectorSpace
- {
- public:
- /** @name Constructors/Destructors. */
- //@{
- /** Constructor, has to be given the number of components and the
- * total dimension of all components combined. */
- CompoundVectorSpace(Index ncomp_spaces, Index total_dim);
- /** Destructor */
- ~CompoundVectorSpace()
- {}
- //@}
- /** Method for setting the individual component VectorSpaces */
- virtual void SetCompSpace(Index icomp /** Number of the component to be set */ ,
- const VectorSpace& vec_space /** VectorSpace for component icomp */
- );
- /** Method for obtaining an individual component VectorSpace */
- SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> GetCompSpace(Index icomp) const;
- /** Accessor method to obtain the number of components */
- Index NCompSpaces() const
- {
- return ncomp_spaces_;
- }
- /** Method for creating a new vector of this specific type. */
- virtual CompoundVector* MakeNewCompoundVector(bool create_new = true) const
- {
- return new CompoundVector(this, create_new);
- }
- /** Overloaded MakeNew method for the VectorSpace base class.
- */
- virtual Vector* MakeNew() const
- {
- return MakeNewCompoundVector();
- }
- private:
- /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
- * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
- * These methods are not implemented and
- * we do not want the compiler to implement
- * them for us, so we declare them private
- * and do not define them. This ensures that
- * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
- //@{
- /** Default constructor */
- CompoundVectorSpace();
- /** Copy Constructor */
- CompoundVectorSpace(const CompoundVectorSpace&);
- /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
- CompoundVectorSpace& operator=(const CompoundVectorSpace&);
- //@}
- /** Number of components */
- const Index ncomp_spaces_;
- /** std::vector of vector spaces for the components */
- std::vector< SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> > comp_spaces_;
- };
- /* inline methods */
- inline
- Index CompoundVector::NComps() const
- {
- return owner_space_->NCompSpaces();
- }
- inline
- const Vector* CompoundVector::ConstComp(Index i) const
- {
- DBG_ASSERT(i < NComps());
- DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(comps_[i]) || IsValid(const_comps_[i]));
- if (IsValid(comps_[i])) {
- return GetRawPtr(comps_[i]);
- }
- else if (IsValid(const_comps_[i])) {
- return GetRawPtr(const_comps_[i]);
- }
- DBG_ASSERT(false && "shouldn't be here");
- return NULL;
- }
- inline
- Vector* CompoundVector::Comp(Index i)
- {
- DBG_ASSERT(i < NComps());
- DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(comps_[i]));
- return GetRawPtr(comps_[i]);
- }
-} // namespace Ipopt