path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpVector.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpVector.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 774 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpVector.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpVector.hpp
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-// Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 International Business Machines and others.
-// All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
-// $Id: IpVector.hpp 2472 2014-04-05 17:47:20Z stefan $
-// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
-#ifndef __IPVECTOR_HPP__
-#define __IPVECTOR_HPP__
-#include "IpTypes.hpp"
-#include "IpTaggedObject.hpp"
-#include "IpCachedResults.hpp"
-#include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
-#include "IpJournalist.hpp"
-#include "IpException.hpp"
-#include <vector>
-namespace Ipopt
- /** Exception that can be used to flag unimplemented linear algebra
- * methods */
- /* forward declarations */
- class VectorSpace;
- /** Vector Base Class.
- * This is the base class for all derived vector types. Those vectors
- * are meant to store entities like iterates, Lagrangian multipliers,
- * constraint values etc. The implementation of a vector type depends
- * on the computational environment (e.g. just a double array on a shared
- * memory machine, or distributed double arrays for a distributed
- * memory machine.)
- *
- * Deriving from Vector: This class inherits from tagged object to
- * implement an advanced caching scheme. Because of this, the
- * TaggedObject method ObjectChanged() must be called each time the
- * Vector changes. If you overload the XXXX_Impl protected methods,
- * this taken care of (along with caching if possible) for you. If
- * you have additional methods in your derived class that change the
- * underlying data (vector values), you MUST remember to call
- * ObjectChanged() AFTER making the change!
- */
- class Vector : public TaggedObject
- {
- public:
- /** @name Constructor/Destructor */
- //@{
- /** Constructor. It has to be given a pointer to the
- * corresponding VectorSpace.
- */
- inline
- Vector(const VectorSpace* owner_space);
- /** Destructor */
- inline
- virtual ~Vector();
- //@}
- /** Create new Vector of the same type with uninitialized data */
- inline
- Vector* MakeNew() const;
- /** Create new Vector of the same type and copy the data over */
- inline
- Vector* MakeNewCopy() const;
- /**@name Standard BLAS-1 Operations
- * (derived classes do NOT overload these
- * methods, instead, overload the
- * protected versions of these methods). */
- //@{
- /** Copy the data of the vector x into this vector (DCOPY). */
- inline
- void Copy(const Vector& x);
- /** Scales the vector by scalar alpha (DSCAL) */
- void Scal(Number alpha);
- /** Add the multiple alpha of vector x to this vector (DAXPY) */
- inline
- void Axpy(Number alpha, const Vector &x);
- /** Computes inner product of vector x with this (DDOT) */
- inline
- Number Dot(const Vector &x) const;
- /** Computes the 2-norm of this vector (DNRM2) */
- inline
- Number Nrm2() const;
- /** Computes the 1-norm of this vector (DASUM) */
- inline
- Number Asum() const;
- /** Computes the max-norm of this vector (based on IDAMAX) */
- inline
- Number Amax() const;
- //@}
- /** @name Additional (Non-BLAS) Vector Methods
- * (derived classes do NOT overload these
- * methods, instead, overload the
- * protected versions of these methods). */
- //@{
- /** Set each element in the vector to the scalar alpha. */
- inline
- void Set(Number alpha);
- /** Element-wise division \f$y_i \gets y_i/x_i\f$*/
- inline
- void ElementWiseDivide(const Vector& x);
- /** Element-wise multiplication \f$y_i \gets y_i*x_i\f$ */
- inline
- void ElementWiseMultiply(const Vector& x);
- /** Element-wise max against entries in x */
- inline
- void ElementWiseMax(const Vector& x);
- /** Element-wise min against entries in x */
- inline
- void ElementWiseMin(const Vector& x);
- /** Reciprocates the entries in the vector */
- inline
- void ElementWiseReciprocal();
- /** Absolute values of the entries in the vector */
- inline
- void ElementWiseAbs();
- /** Element-wise square root of the entries in the vector */
- inline
- void ElementWiseSqrt();
- /** Replaces the vector values with their sgn values
- ( -1 if x_i < 0, 0 if x_i == 0, and 1 if x_i > 0)
- */
- inline
- void ElementWiseSgn();
- /** Add scalar to every vector component */
- inline
- void AddScalar(Number scalar);
- /** Returns the maximum value in the vector */
- inline
- Number Max() const;
- /** Returns the minimum value in the vector */
- inline
- Number Min() const;
- /** Returns the sum of the vector entries */
- inline
- Number Sum() const;
- /** Returns the sum of the logs of each vector entry */
- inline
- Number SumLogs() const;
- //@}
- /** @name Methods for specialized operations. A prototype
- * implementation is provided, but for efficient implementation
- * those should be specially implemented.
- */
- //@{
- /** Add one vector, y = a * v1 + c * y. This is automatically
- * reduced to call AddTwoVectors. */
- inline
- void AddOneVector(Number a, const Vector& v1, Number c);
- /** Add two vectors, y = a * v1 + b * v2 + c * y. Here, this
- * vector is y */
- inline void AddTwoVectors(Number a, const Vector& v1,
- Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c);
- /** Fraction to the boundary parameter. Computes \f$\alpha =
- * \max\{\bar\alpha\in(0,1] : x + \bar\alpha \Delta \geq (1-\tau)x\}\f$
- */
- inline
- Number FracToBound(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const;
- /** Add the quotient of two vectors, y = a * z/s + c * y. */
- inline
- void AddVectorQuotient(Number a, const Vector& z, const Vector& s,
- Number c);
- //@}
- /** Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e.,
- * no Inf or Nan). */
- inline
- bool HasValidNumbers() const;
- /** @name Accessor methods */
- //@{
- /** Dimension of the Vector */
- inline
- Index Dim() const;
- /** Return the owner VectorSpace*/
- inline
- SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> OwnerSpace() const;
- //@}
- /** @name Output methods
- * (derived classes do NOT overload these
- * methods, instead, overload the
- * protected versions of these methods). */
- //@{
- /** Print the entire vector */
- void Print(SmartPtr<const Journalist> jnlst,
- EJournalLevel level,
- EJournalCategory category,
- const std::string& name,
- Index indent=0,
- const std::string& prefix="") const;
- void Print(const Journalist& jnlst,
- EJournalLevel level,
- EJournalCategory category,
- const std::string& name,
- Index indent=0,
- const std::string& prefix="") const;
- //@}
- protected:
- /** @name implementation methods (derived classes MUST
- * overload these pure virtual protected methods.)
- */
- //@{
- /** Copy the data of the vector x into this vector (DCOPY). */
- virtual void CopyImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
- /** Scales the vector by scalar alpha (DSCAL) */
- virtual void ScalImpl(Number alpha)=0;
- /** Add the multiple alpha of vector x to this vector (DAXPY) */
- virtual void AxpyImpl(Number alpha, const Vector &x)=0;
- /** Computes inner product of vector x with this (DDOT) */
- virtual Number DotImpl(const Vector &x) const =0;
- /** Computes the 2-norm of this vector (DNRM2) */
- virtual Number Nrm2Impl() const =0;
- /** Computes the 1-norm of this vector (DASUM) */
- virtual Number AsumImpl() const =0;
- /** Computes the max-norm of this vector (based on IDAMAX) */
- virtual Number AmaxImpl() const =0;
- /** Set each element in the vector to the scalar alpha. */
- virtual void SetImpl(Number alpha)=0;
- /** Element-wise division \f$y_i \gets y_i/x_i\f$*/
- virtual void ElementWiseDivideImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
- /** Element-wise multiplication \f$y_i \gets y_i*x_i\f$ */
- virtual void ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
- /** Element-wise max against entries in x */
- virtual void ElementWiseMaxImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
- /** Element-wise min against entries in x */
- virtual void ElementWiseMinImpl(const Vector& x)=0;
- /** Reciprocates the elements of the vector */
- virtual void ElementWiseReciprocalImpl()=0;
- /** Take elementwise absolute values of the elements of the vector */
- virtual void ElementWiseAbsImpl()=0;
- /** Take elementwise square-root of the elements of the vector */
- virtual void ElementWiseSqrtImpl()=0;
- /** Replaces entries with sgn of the entry */
- virtual void ElementWiseSgnImpl()=0;
- /** Add scalar to every component of vector */
- virtual void AddScalarImpl(Number scalar)=0;
- /** Max value in the vector */
- virtual Number MaxImpl() const=0;
- /** Min number in the vector */
- virtual Number MinImpl() const=0;
- /** Sum of entries in the vector */
- virtual Number SumImpl() const=0;
- /** Sum of logs of entries in the vector */
- virtual Number SumLogsImpl() const=0;
- /** Add two vectors (a * v1 + b * v2). Result is stored in this
- vector. */
- virtual void AddTwoVectorsImpl(Number a, const Vector& v1,
- Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c);
- /** Fraction to boundary parameter. */
- virtual Number FracToBoundImpl(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const;
- /** Add the quotient of two vectors */
- virtual void AddVectorQuotientImpl(Number a, const Vector& z,
- const Vector& s, Number c);
- /** Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e.,
- * no Inf or Nan). A default implementation using Asum is
- * provided. */
- virtual bool HasValidNumbersImpl() const;
- /** Print the entire vector */
- virtual void PrintImpl(const Journalist& jnlst,
- EJournalLevel level,
- EJournalCategory category,
- const std::string& name,
- Index indent,
- const std::string& prefix) const =0;
- //@}
- private:
- /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
- * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
- * These methods are not implemented and
- * we do not want the compiler to implement
- * them for us, so we declare them private
- * and do not define them. This ensures that
- * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
- //@{
- /** Default constructor */
- Vector();
- /** Copy constructor */
- Vector(const Vector&);
- /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
- Vector& operator=(const Vector&);
- //@}
- /** Vector Space */
- const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> owner_space_;
- /**@name CachedResults data members */
- //@{
- /** Cache for dot products */
- mutable CachedResults<Number> dot_cache_;
- mutable TaggedObject::Tag nrm2_cache_tag_;
- mutable Number cached_nrm2_;
- mutable TaggedObject::Tag asum_cache_tag_;
- mutable Number cached_asum_;
- mutable TaggedObject::Tag amax_cache_tag_;
- mutable Number cached_amax_;
- mutable TaggedObject::Tag max_cache_tag_;
- mutable Number cached_max_;
- mutable TaggedObject::Tag min_cache_tag_;
- mutable Number cached_min_;
- mutable TaggedObject::Tag sum_cache_tag_;
- mutable Number cached_sum_;
- mutable TaggedObject::Tag sumlogs_cache_tag_;
- mutable Number cached_sumlogs_;
- mutable TaggedObject::Tag valid_cache_tag_;
- mutable bool cached_valid_;
- // AW: I removed this cache since it gets in the way for the
- // quality function search
- // /** Cache for FracToBound */
- // mutable CachedResults<Number> frac_to_bound_cache_;
- //@}
- };
- /** VectorSpace base class, corresponding to the Vector base class.
- * For each Vector implementation, a corresponding VectorSpace has
- * to be implemented. A VectorSpace is able to create new Vectors
- * of a specific type. The VectorSpace should also store
- * information that is common to all Vectors of that type. For
- * example, the dimension of a Vector is stored in the VectorSpace
- * base class.
- */
- class VectorSpace : public ReferencedObject
- {
- public:
- /** @name Constructors/Destructors */
- //@{
- /** Constructor, given the dimension of all vectors generated by
- * this VectorSpace.
- */
- VectorSpace(Index dim);
- /** Destructor */
- virtual ~VectorSpace()
- {}
- //@}
- /** Pure virtual method for creating a new Vector of the
- * corresponding type.
- */
- virtual Vector* MakeNew() const=0;
- /** Accessor function for the dimension of the vectors of this type.*/
- Index Dim() const
- {
- return dim_;
- }
- private:
- /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
- * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
- * These methods are not implemented and
- * we do not want the compiler to implement
- * them for us, so we declare them private
- * and do not define them. This ensures that
- * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
- //@{
- /** default constructor */
- VectorSpace();
- /** Copy constructor */
- VectorSpace(const VectorSpace&);
- /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
- VectorSpace& operator=(const VectorSpace&);
- //@}
- /** Dimension of the vectors in this vector space. */
- const Index dim_;
- };
- /* inline methods */
- inline
- Vector::~Vector()
- {}
- inline
- Vector::Vector(const VectorSpace* owner_space)
- :
- TaggedObject(),
- owner_space_(owner_space),
- dot_cache_(10),
- nrm2_cache_tag_(0),
- asum_cache_tag_(0),
- amax_cache_tag_(0),
- max_cache_tag_(0),
- min_cache_tag_(0),
- sum_cache_tag_(0),
- sumlogs_cache_tag_(0),
- cached_valid_(0)
- {
- DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(owner_space_));
- }
- inline
- Vector* Vector::MakeNew() const
- {
- return owner_space_->MakeNew();
- }
- inline
- Vector* Vector::MakeNewCopy() const
- {
- // ToDo: We can probably copy also the cached values for Norms etc here
- Vector* copy = MakeNew();
- copy->Copy(*this);
- return copy;
- }
- inline
- void Vector::Copy(const Vector& x)
- {
- CopyImpl(x);
- ObjectChanged();
- // Also copy any cached scalar values from the original vector
- // ToDo: Check if that is too much overhead
- TaggedObject::Tag x_tag = x.GetTag();
- if (x_tag == x.nrm2_cache_tag_) {
- nrm2_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- cached_nrm2_ = x.cached_nrm2_;
- }
- if (x_tag == x.asum_cache_tag_) {
- asum_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- cached_asum_ = x.cached_asum_;
- }
- if (x_tag == x.amax_cache_tag_) {
- amax_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- cached_amax_ = x.cached_amax_;
- }
- if (x_tag == x.max_cache_tag_) {
- max_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- cached_max_ = x.cached_max_;
- }
- if (x_tag == x.min_cache_tag_) {
- min_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- cached_min_ = x.cached_min_;
- }
- if (x_tag == x.sum_cache_tag_) {
- sum_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- cached_sum_ = x.cached_sum_;
- }
- if (x_tag == x.sumlogs_cache_tag_) {
- sumlogs_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- cached_sumlogs_ = x.cached_sumlogs_;
- }
- }
- inline
- void Vector::Axpy(Number alpha, const Vector &x)
- {
- AxpyImpl(alpha, x);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::Dot(const Vector &x) const
- {
- // The current implementation of the caching doesn't allow to have
- // a dependency of something with itself. Therefore, we use the
- // Nrm2 method if the dot product is to be taken with the vector
- // itself. Might be more efficient anyway.
- if (this==&x) {
- Number nrm2 = Nrm2();
- return nrm2*nrm2;
- }
- Number retValue;
- if (!dot_cache_.GetCachedResult2Dep(retValue, this, &x)) {
- retValue = DotImpl(x);
- dot_cache_.AddCachedResult2Dep(retValue, this, &x);
- }
- return retValue;
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::Nrm2() const
- {
- if (nrm2_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
- cached_nrm2_ = Nrm2Impl();
- nrm2_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- }
- return cached_nrm2_;
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::Asum() const
- {
- if (asum_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
- cached_asum_ = AsumImpl();
- asum_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- }
- return cached_asum_;
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::Amax() const
- {
- if (amax_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
- cached_amax_ = AmaxImpl();
- amax_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- }
- return cached_amax_;
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::Sum() const
- {
- if (sum_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
- cached_sum_ = SumImpl();
- sum_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- }
- return cached_sum_;
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::SumLogs() const
- {
- if (sumlogs_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
- cached_sumlogs_ = SumLogsImpl();
- sumlogs_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- }
- return cached_sumlogs_;
- }
- inline
- void Vector::ElementWiseSgn()
- {
- ElementWiseSgnImpl();
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::Set(Number alpha)
- {
- // Could initialize caches here
- SetImpl(alpha);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::ElementWiseDivide(const Vector& x)
- {
- ElementWiseDivideImpl(x);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::ElementWiseMultiply(const Vector& x)
- {
- ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(x);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::ElementWiseReciprocal()
- {
- ElementWiseReciprocalImpl();
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::ElementWiseMax(const Vector& x)
- {
- // Could initialize some caches here
- ElementWiseMaxImpl(x);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::ElementWiseMin(const Vector& x)
- {
- // Could initialize some caches here
- ElementWiseMinImpl(x);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::ElementWiseAbs()
- {
- // Could initialize some caches here
- ElementWiseAbsImpl();
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::ElementWiseSqrt()
- {
- ElementWiseSqrtImpl();
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- void Vector::AddScalar(Number scalar)
- {
- // Could initialize some caches here
- AddScalarImpl(scalar);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::Max() const
- {
- if (max_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
- cached_max_ = MaxImpl();
- max_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- }
- return cached_max_;
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::Min() const
- {
- if (min_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
- cached_min_ = MinImpl();
- min_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- }
- return cached_min_;
- }
- inline
- void Vector::AddOneVector(Number a, const Vector& v1, Number c)
- {
- AddTwoVectors(a, v1, 0., v1, c);
- }
- inline
- void Vector::AddTwoVectors(Number a, const Vector& v1,
- Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c)
- {
- AddTwoVectorsImpl(a, v1, b, v2, c);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- Number Vector::FracToBound(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const
- {
- /* AW: I avoid the caching here, since it leads to overhead in the
- quality function search. Caches for this are in
- CalculatedQuantities.
- Number retValue;
- std::vector<const TaggedObject*> tdeps(1);
- tdeps[0] = &delta;
- std::vector<Number> sdeps(1);
- sdeps[0] = tau;
- if (!frac_to_bound_cache_.GetCachedResult(retValue, tdeps, sdeps)) {
- retValue = FracToBoundImpl(delta, tau);
- frac_to_bound_cache_.AddCachedResult(retValue, tdeps, sdeps);
- }
- return retValue;
- */
- return FracToBoundImpl(delta, tau);
- }
- inline
- void Vector::AddVectorQuotient(Number a, const Vector& z,
- const Vector& s, Number c)
- {
- AddVectorQuotientImpl(a, z, s, c);
- ObjectChanged();
- }
- inline
- bool Vector::HasValidNumbers() const
- {
- if (valid_cache_tag_ != GetTag()) {
- cached_valid_ = HasValidNumbersImpl();
- valid_cache_tag_ = GetTag();
- }
- return cached_valid_;
- }
- inline
- Index Vector::Dim() const
- {
- return owner_space_->Dim();
- }
- inline
- SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> Vector::OwnerSpace() const
- {
- return owner_space_;
- }
- inline
- VectorSpace::VectorSpace(Index dim)
- :
- dim_(dim)
- {}
-} // namespace Ipopt
-// Macro definitions for debugging vectors
-# define DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(__verbose_level, __vec_name, __vec)
-# define DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(__verbose_level, __vec_name, __vec) \
- if (dbg_jrnl.Verbosity() >= (__verbose_level)) { \
- if (dbg_jrnl.Jnlst()!=NULL) { \
- (__vec).Print(dbg_jrnl.Jnlst(), \
- __vec_name, \
- dbg_jrnl.IndentationLevel()*2, \
- "# "); \
- } \
- }
-#endif //if COIN_IPOPT_VERBOSITY == 0