path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinPackedMatrix.hpp
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-/* $Id: CoinPackedMatrix.hpp 1560 2012-11-24 00:29:01Z lou $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef CoinPackedMatrix_H
-#define CoinPackedMatrix_H
-#include "CoinError.hpp"
-#include "CoinTypes.hpp"
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
-#include "CoinPackedVectorBase.hpp"
-#include "CoinShallowPackedVector.hpp"
-class CoinRelFltEq;
-/** Sparse Matrix Base Class
- This class is intended to represent sparse matrices using row-major
- or column-major ordering. The representation is very efficient for
- adding, deleting, or retrieving major-dimension vectors. Adding
- a minor-dimension vector is less efficient, but can be helped by
- providing "extra" space as described in the next paragraph. Deleting
- a minor-dimension vector requires inspecting all coefficients in the
- matrix. Retrieving a minor-dimension vector would incur the same cost
- and is not supported (except in the sense that you can write a loop to
- retrieve all coefficients one at a time). Consider physically transposing
- the matrix, or keeping a second copy with the other major-vector ordering.
- The sparse represention can be completely compact or it can have "extra"
- space available at the end of each major vector. Incorporating extra
- space into the sparse matrix representation can improve performance in
- cases where new data needs to be inserted into the packed matrix against
- the major-vector orientation (e.g, inserting a row into a matrix stored
- in column-major order).
- For example if the matrix:
- @verbatim
- 3 1 0 -2 -1 0 0 -1
- 0 2 1.1 0 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
- 0 0 0 2.8 0 0 -1.2 0
- 5.6 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.9
- was stored by rows (with no extra space) in
- CoinPackedMatrix r then:
- r.getElements() returns a vector containing:
- 3 1 -2 -1 -1 2 1.1 1 1 2.8 -1.2 5.6 1 1.9
- r.getIndices() returns a vector containing:
- 0 1 3 4 7 1 2 2 5 3 6 0 4 7
- r.getVectorStarts() returns a vector containing:
- 0 5 7 9 11 14
- r.getNumElements() returns 14.
- r.getMajorDim() returns 5.
- r.getVectorSize(0) returns 5.
- r.getVectorSize(1) returns 2.
- r.getVectorSize(2) returns 2.
- r.getVectorSize(3) returns 2.
- r.getVectorSize(4) returns 3.
- If stored by columns (with no extra space) then:
- c.getElements() returns a vector containing:
- 3 5.6 1 2 1.1 1 -2 2.8 -1 1 1 -1.2 -1 1.9
- c.getIndices() returns a vector containing:
- 0 4 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 4
- c.getVectorStarts() returns a vector containing:
- 0 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 14
- c.getNumElements() returns 14.
- c.getMajorDim() returns 8.
- @endverbatim
- Compiling this class with CLP_NO_VECTOR defined will excise all methods
- which use CoinPackedVectorBase, CoinPackedVector, or CoinShallowPackedVector
- as parameters or return types.
- Compiling this class with COIN_FAST_CODE defined removes index range checks.
-class CoinPackedMatrix {
- friend void CoinPackedMatrixUnitTest();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Query members */
- //@{
- /** Return the current setting of the extra gap. */
- inline double getExtraGap() const { return extraGap_; }
- /** Return the current setting of the extra major. */
- inline double getExtraMajor() const { return extraMajor_; }
- /** Reserve sufficient space for appending major-ordered vectors.
- If create is true, empty columns are created (for column generation) */
- void reserve(const int newMaxMajorDim, const CoinBigIndex newMaxSize,
- bool create=false);
- /** Clear the data, but do not free any arrays */
- void clear();
- /** Whether the packed matrix is column major ordered or not. */
- inline bool isColOrdered() const { return colOrdered_; }
- /** Whether the packed matrix has gaps or not. */
- inline bool hasGaps() const { return (size_<start_[majorDim_]) ; }
- /** Number of entries in the packed matrix. */
- inline CoinBigIndex getNumElements() const { return size_; }
- /** Number of columns. */
- inline int getNumCols() const
- { return colOrdered_ ? majorDim_ : minorDim_; }
- /** Number of rows. */
- inline int getNumRows() const
- { return colOrdered_ ? minorDim_ : majorDim_; }
- /*! \brief A vector containing the elements in the packed matrix.
- Returns #elements_. Note that there might be gaps in this vector,
- entries that do not belong to any major-dimension vector. To get
- the actual elements one should look at this vector together with
- vectorStarts (#start_) and vectorLengths (#length_).
- */
- inline const double * getElements() const { return element_; }
- /*! \brief A vector containing the minor indices of the elements in
- the packed matrix.
- Returns #index_. Note that there might be gaps in this list,
- entries that do not belong to any major-dimension vector. To get
- the actual elements one should look at this vector together with
- vectorStarts (#start_) and vectorLengths (#length_).
- */
- inline const int * getIndices() const { return index_; }
- /*! \brief The size of the <code>vectorStarts</code> array
- See #start_.
- */
- inline int getSizeVectorStarts() const
- { return ((majorDim_ > 0)?(majorDim_+1):(0)) ; }
- /*! \brief The size of the <code>vectorLengths</code> array
- See #length_.
- */
- inline int getSizeVectorLengths() const { return majorDim_; }
- /*! \brief The positions where the major-dimension vectors start in
- elements and indices.
- See #start_.
- */
- inline const CoinBigIndex * getVectorStarts() const { return start_; }
- /*! \brief The lengths of the major-dimension vectors.
- See #length_.
- */
- inline const int * getVectorLengths() const { return length_; }
- /** The position of the first element in the i'th major-dimension vector.
- */
- CoinBigIndex getVectorFirst(const int i) const {
- if (i < 0 || i >= majorDim_)
- throw CoinError("bad index", "vectorFirst", "CoinPackedMatrix");
- return start_[i];
- }
- /** The position of the last element (well, one entry <em>past</em> the
- last) in the i'th major-dimension vector. */
- CoinBigIndex getVectorLast(const int i) const {
- if (i < 0 || i >= majorDim_)
- throw CoinError("bad index", "vectorLast", "CoinPackedMatrix");
- return start_[i] + length_[i];
- }
- /** The length of i'th vector. */
- inline int getVectorSize(const int i) const {
- if (i < 0 || i >= majorDim_)
- throw CoinError("bad index", "vectorSize", "CoinPackedMatrix");
- return length_[i];
- }
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /** Return the i'th vector in matrix. */
- const CoinShallowPackedVector getVector(int i) const {
- if (i < 0 || i >= majorDim_)
- throw CoinError("bad index", "vector", "CoinPackedMatrix");
- return CoinShallowPackedVector(length_[i],
- index_ + start_[i],
- element_ + start_[i],
- false);
- }
- /** Returns an array containing major indices. The array is
- getNumElements long and if getVectorStarts() is 0,2,5 then
- the array would start 0,0,1,1,1,2...
- This method is provided to go back from a packed format
- to a triple format. It returns NULL if there are gaps in
- matrix so user should use removeGaps() if there are any gaps.
- It does this as this array has to match getElements() and
- getIndices() and because it makes no sense otherwise.
- The returned array is allocated with <code>new int[]</code>,
- free it with <code>delete[]</code>. */
- int * getMajorIndices() const;
- //@}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Modifying members */
- //@{
- /*! \brief Set the dimensions of the matrix.
- The method name is deceptive; the effect is to append empty columns
- and/or rows to the matrix to reach the specified dimensions.
- A negative number for either dimension means that that dimension
- doesn't change. An exception will be thrown if the specified dimensions
- are smaller than the current dimensions.
- */
- void setDimensions(int numrows, int numcols);
- /** Set the extra gap to be allocated to the specified value. */
- void setExtraGap(const double newGap);
- /** Set the extra major to be allocated to the specified value. */
- void setExtraMajor(const double newMajor);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /*! Append a column to the end of the matrix.
- When compiled with COIN_DEBUG defined this method throws an exception
- if the column vector specifies a nonexistent row index. Otherwise the
- method assumes that every index fits into the matrix.
- */
- void appendCol(const CoinPackedVectorBase& vec);
- /*! Append a column to the end of the matrix.
- When compiled with COIN_DEBUG defined this method throws an exception
- if the column vector specifies a nonexistent row index. Otherwise the
- method assumes that every index fits into the matrix.
- */
- void appendCol(const int vecsize,
- const int *vecind, const double *vecelem);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /*! Append a set of columns to the end of the matrix.
- When compiled with COIN_DEBUG defined this method throws an exception
- if any of the column vectors specify a nonexistent row index. Otherwise
- the method assumes that every index fits into the matrix.
- */
- void appendCols(const int numcols,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase * const * cols);
- /*! Append a set of columns to the end of the matrix.
- Returns the number of errors (nonexistent or duplicate row index).
- No error checking is performed if \p numberRows < 0.
- */
- int appendCols(const int numcols,
- const CoinBigIndex * columnStarts, const int * row,
- const double * element, int numberRows=-1);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /*! Append a row to the end of the matrix.
- When compiled with COIN_DEBUG defined this method throws an exception
- if the row vector specifies a nonexistent column index. Otherwise the
- method assumes that every index fits into the matrix.
- */
- void appendRow(const CoinPackedVectorBase& vec);
- /*! Append a row to the end of the matrix.
- When compiled with COIN_DEBUG defined this method throws an exception
- if the row vector specifies a nonexistent column index. Otherwise the
- method assumes that every index fits into the matrix.
- */
- void appendRow(const int vecsize,
- const int *vecind, const double *vecelem);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /*! Append a set of rows to the end of the matrix.
- When compiled with COIN_DEBUG defined this method throws an exception
- if any of the row vectors specify a nonexistent column index. Otherwise
- the method assumes that every index fits into the matrix.
- */
- void appendRows(const int numrows,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase * const * rows);
- /*! Append a set of rows to the end of the matrix.
- Returns the number of errors (nonexistent or duplicate column index).
- No error checking is performed if \p numberColumns < 0.
- */
- int appendRows(const int numrows,
- const CoinBigIndex * rowStarts, const int * column,
- const double * element, int numberColumns=-1);
- /** Append the argument to the "right" of the current matrix. Imagine this
- as adding new columns (don't worry about how the matrices are ordered,
- that is taken care of). An exception is thrown if the number of rows
- is different in the matrices. */
- void rightAppendPackedMatrix(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix);
- /** Append the argument to the "bottom" of the current matrix. Imagine this
- as adding new rows (don't worry about how the matrices are ordered,
- that is taken care of). An exception is thrown if the number of columns
- is different in the matrices. */
- void bottomAppendPackedMatrix(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix);
- /** Delete the columns whose indices are listed in <code>indDel</code>. */
- void deleteCols(const int numDel, const int * indDel);
- /** Delete the rows whose indices are listed in <code>indDel</code>. */
- void deleteRows(const int numDel, const int * indDel);
- /** Replace the elements of a vector. The indices remain the same.
- At most the number specified will be replaced.
- The index is between 0 and major dimension of matrix */
- void replaceVector(const int index,
- const int numReplace, const double * newElements);
- /** Modify one element of packed matrix. An element may be added.
- This works for either ordering
- If the new element is zero it will be deleted unless
- keepZero true */
- void modifyCoefficient(int row, int column, double newElement,
- bool keepZero=false);
- /** Return one element of packed matrix.
- This works for either ordering
- If it is not present will return 0.0 */
- double getCoefficient(int row, int column) const;
- /** Eliminate all elements in matrix whose
- absolute value is less than threshold.
- The column starts are not affected. Returns number of elements
- eliminated. Elements eliminated are at end of each vector
- */
- int compress(double threshold);
- /** Eliminate all duplicate AND small elements in matrix
- The column starts are not affected. Returns number of elements
- eliminated.
- */
- int eliminateDuplicates(double threshold);
- /** Sort all columns so indices are each column */
- void orderMatrix();
- /** Really clean up matrix.
- a) eliminate all duplicate AND small elements in matrix
- b) remove all gaps and set extraGap_ and extraMajor_ to 0.0
- c) reallocate arrays and make max lengths equal to lengths
- d) orders elements
- returns number of elements eliminated
- */
- int cleanMatrix(double threshold=1.0e-20);
- //@}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Methods that reorganize the whole matrix */
- //@{
- /** Remove the gaps from the matrix if there were any
- Can also remove small elements fabs() <= removeValue*/
- void removeGaps(double removeValue=-1.0);
- /** Extract a submatrix from matrix. Those major-dimension vectors of
- the matrix comprise the submatrix whose indices are given in the
- arguments. Does not allow duplicates. */
- void submatrixOf(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix,
- const int numMajor, const int * indMajor);
- /** Extract a submatrix from matrix. Those major-dimension vectors of
- the matrix comprise the submatrix whose indices are given in the
- arguments. Allows duplicates and keeps order. */
- void submatrixOfWithDuplicates(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix,
- const int numMajor, const int * indMajor);
-#if 0
- /** Extract a submatrix from matrix. Those major/minor-dimension vectors of
- the matrix comprise the submatrix whose indices are given in the
- arguments. */
- void submatrixOf(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix,
- const int numMajor, const int * indMajor,
- const int numMinor, const int * indMinor);
- /** Copy method. This method makes an exact replica of the argument,
- including the extra space parameters. */
- void copyOf(const CoinPackedMatrix& rhs);
- /** Copy the arguments to the matrix. If <code>len</code> is a NULL pointer
- then the matrix is assumed to have no gaps in it and <code>len</code>
- will be created accordingly. */
- void copyOf(const bool colordered,
- const int minor, const int major, const CoinBigIndex numels,
- const double * elem, const int * ind,
- const CoinBigIndex * start, const int * len,
- const double extraMajor=0.0, const double extraGap=0.0);
- /** Copy method. This method makes an exact replica of the argument,
- including the extra space parameters.
- If there is room it will re-use arrays */
- void copyReuseArrays(const CoinPackedMatrix& rhs);
- /*! \brief Make a reverse-ordered copy.
- This method makes an exact replica of the argument with the major
- vector orientation changed from row (column) to column (row).
- The extra space parameters are also copied and reversed.
- (Cf. #reverseOrdering, which does the same thing in place.)
- */
- void reverseOrderedCopyOf(const CoinPackedMatrix& rhs);
- /** Assign the arguments to the matrix. If <code>len</code> is a NULL
- pointer then the matrix is assumed to have no gaps in it and
- <code>len</code> will be created accordingly. <br>
- <strong>NOTE 1</strong>: After this method returns the pointers
- passed to the method will be NULL pointers! <br>
- <strong>NOTE 2</strong>: When the matrix is eventually destructed the
- arrays will be deleted by <code>delete[]</code>. Hence one should use
- this method ONLY if all array swere allocated by <code>new[]</code>! */
- void assignMatrix(const bool colordered,
- const int minor, const int major,
- const CoinBigIndex numels,
- double *& elem, int *& ind,
- CoinBigIndex *& start, int *& len,
- const int maxmajor = -1, const CoinBigIndex maxsize = -1);
- /** Assignment operator. This copies out the data, but uses the current
- matrix's extra space parameters. */
- CoinPackedMatrix & operator=(const CoinPackedMatrix& rhs);
- /*! \brief Reverse the ordering of the packed matrix.
- Change the major vector orientation of the matrix data structures from
- row (column) to column (row). (Cf. #reverseOrderedCopyOf, which does
- the same thing but produces a new matrix.)
- */
- void reverseOrdering();
- /*! \brief Transpose the matrix.
- \note
- If you start with a column-ordered matrix and invoke transpose, you
- will have a row-ordered transposed matrix. To change the major vector
- orientation (e.g., to transform a column-ordered matrix to a
- column-ordered transposed matrix), invoke transpose() followed by
- #reverseOrdering().
- */
- void transpose();
- /*! \brief Swap the content of two packed matrices. */
- void swap(CoinPackedMatrix& matrix);
- //@}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Matrix times vector methods */
- //@{
- /** Return <code>A * x</code> in <code>y</code>.
- @pre <code>x</code> must be of size <code>numColumns()</code>
- @pre <code>y</code> must be of size <code>numRows()</code> */
- void times(const double * x, double * y) const;
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /** Return <code>A * x</code> in <code>y</code>. Same as the previous
- method, just <code>x</code> is given in the form of a packed vector. */
- void times(const CoinPackedVectorBase& x, double * y) const;
- /** Return <code>x * A</code> in <code>y</code>.
- @pre <code>x</code> must be of size <code>numRows()</code>
- @pre <code>y</code> must be of size <code>numColumns()</code> */
- void transposeTimes(const double * x, double * y) const;
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /** Return <code>x * A</code> in <code>y</code>. Same as the previous
- method, just <code>x</code> is given in the form of a packed vector. */
- void transposeTimes(const CoinPackedVectorBase& x, double * y) const;
- //@}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Helper functions used internally, but maybe useful externally.
- These methods do not worry about testing whether the packed matrix is
- row or column major ordered; they operate under the assumption that the
- correct version is invoked. In fact, a number of other methods simply
- just call one of these after testing the ordering of the matrix. */
- //@{
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Queries */
- //@{
- /** Count the number of entries in every minor-dimension vector and
- return an array containing these lengths. The returned array is
- allocated with <code>new int[]</code>, free it with
- <code>delete[]</code>. */
- int * countOrthoLength() const;
- /** Count the number of entries in every minor-dimension vector and
- fill in an array containing these lengths. */
- void countOrthoLength(int * counts) const;
- /** Major dimension. For row ordered matrix this would be the number of
- rows. */
- inline int getMajorDim() const { return majorDim_; }
- /** Set major dimension. For row ordered matrix this would be the number of
- rows. Use with great care.*/
- inline void setMajorDim(int value) { majorDim_ = value; }
- /** Minor dimension. For row ordered matrix this would be the number of
- columns. */
- inline int getMinorDim() const { return minorDim_; }
- /** Set minor dimension. For row ordered matrix this would be the number of
- columns. Use with great care.*/
- inline void setMinorDim(int value) { minorDim_ = value; }
- /** Current maximum for major dimension. For row ordered matrix this many
- rows can be added without reallocating the vector related to the
- major dimension (<code>start_</code> and <code>length_</code>). */
- inline int getMaxMajorDim() const { return maxMajorDim_; }
- /** Dump the matrix on stdout. When in dire straits this method can
- help. */
- void dumpMatrix(const char* fname = NULL) const;
- /// Print a single matrix element.
- void printMatrixElement(const int row_val, const int col_val) const;
- //@}
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*! @name Append vectors
- \details
- When compiled with COIN_DEBUG defined these methods throw an exception
- if the major (minor) vector contains an index that's invalid for the
- minor (major) dimension. Otherwise the methods assume that every index
- fits into the matrix.
- */
- //@{
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /** Append a major-dimension vector to the end of the matrix. */
- void appendMajorVector(const CoinPackedVectorBase& vec);
- /** Append a major-dimension vector to the end of the matrix. */
- void appendMajorVector(const int vecsize, const int *vecind,
- const double *vecelem);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /** Append several major-dimensonvectors to the end of the matrix */
- void appendMajorVectors(const int numvecs,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase * const * vecs);
- /** Append a minor-dimension vector to the end of the matrix. */
- void appendMinorVector(const CoinPackedVectorBase& vec);
- /** Append a minor-dimension vector to the end of the matrix. */
- void appendMinorVector(const int vecsize, const int *vecind,
- const double *vecelem);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /** Append several minor-dimension vectors to the end of the matrix */
- void appendMinorVectors(const int numvecs,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase * const * vecs);
- /*! \brief Append a set of rows (columns) to the end of a column (row)
- ordered matrix.
- This case is when we know there are no gaps and majorDim_ will not
- change.
- \todo
- This method really belongs in the group of protected methods with
- #appendMinor; there are no safeties here even with COIN_DEBUG.
- Apparently this method was needed in ClpPackedMatrix and giving it
- proper visibility was too much trouble. Should be moved.
- */
- void appendMinorFast(const int number,
- const CoinBigIndex * starts, const int * index,
- const double * element);
- //@}
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*! \name Append matrices
- \details
- We'll document these methods assuming that the current matrix is
- column major ordered (Hence in the <code>...SameOrdered()</code>
- methods the argument is column ordered, in the
- <code>OrthoOrdered()</code> methods the argument is row ordered.)
- */
- //@{
- /** Append the columns of the argument to the right end of this matrix.
- @pre <code>minorDim_ == matrix.minorDim_</code> <br>
- This method throws an exception if the minor dimensions are not the
- same. */
- void majorAppendSameOrdered(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix);
- /** Append the columns of the argument to the bottom end of this matrix.
- @pre <code>majorDim_ == matrix.majorDim_</code> <br>
- This method throws an exception if the major dimensions are not the
- same. */
- void minorAppendSameOrdered(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix);
- /** Append the rows of the argument to the right end of this matrix.
- @pre <code>minorDim_ == matrix.majorDim_</code> <br>
- This method throws an exception if the minor dimension of the
- current matrix is not the same as the major dimension of the
- argument matrix. */
- void majorAppendOrthoOrdered(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix);
- /** Append the rows of the argument to the bottom end of this matrix.
- @pre <code>majorDim_ == matrix.minorDim_</code> <br>
- This method throws an exception if the major dimension of the
- current matrix is not the same as the minor dimension of the
- argument matrix. */
- void minorAppendOrthoOrdered(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix);
- //@}
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Delete vectors */
- //@{
- /** Delete the major-dimension vectors whose indices are listed in
- <code>indDel</code>. */
- void deleteMajorVectors(const int numDel, const int * indDel);
- /** Delete the minor-dimension vectors whose indices are listed in
- <code>indDel</code>. */
- void deleteMinorVectors(const int numDel, const int * indDel);
- //@}
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Various dot products. */
- //@{
- /** Return <code>A * x</code> (multiplied from the "right" direction) in
- <code>y</code>.
- @pre <code>x</code> must be of size <code>majorDim()</code>
- @pre <code>y</code> must be of size <code>minorDim()</code> */
- void timesMajor(const double * x, double * y) const;
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /** Return <code>A * x</code> (multiplied from the "right" direction) in
- <code>y</code>. Same as the previous method, just <code>x</code> is
- given in the form of a packed vector. */
- void timesMajor(const CoinPackedVectorBase& x, double * y) const;
- /** Return <code>A * x</code> (multiplied from the "right" direction) in
- <code>y</code>.
- @pre <code>x</code> must be of size <code>minorDim()</code>
- @pre <code>y</code> must be of size <code>majorDim()</code> */
- void timesMinor(const double * x, double * y) const;
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /** Return <code>A * x</code> (multiplied from the "right" direction) in
- <code>y</code>. Same as the previous method, just <code>x</code> is
- given in the form of a packed vector. */
- void timesMinor(const CoinPackedVectorBase& x, double * y) const;
- //@}
- //@}
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Logical Operations. */
- //@{
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- /*! \brief Test for equivalence.
- Two matrices are equivalent if they are both row- or column-ordered,
- they have the same dimensions, and each (major) vector is equivalent.
- The operator used to test for equality can be specified using the
- \p FloatEqual template parameter.
- */
- template <class FloatEqual> bool
- isEquivalent(const CoinPackedMatrix& rhs, const FloatEqual& eq) const
- {
- // Both must be column order or both row ordered and must be of same size
- if ((isColOrdered() ^ rhs.isColOrdered()) ||
- (getNumCols() != rhs.getNumCols()) ||
- (getNumRows() != rhs.getNumRows()) ||
- (getNumElements() != rhs.getNumElements()))
- return false;
- for (int i=getMajorDim()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
- CoinShallowPackedVector pv = getVector(i);
- CoinShallowPackedVector rhsPv = rhs.getVector(i);
- if ( !pv.isEquivalent(rhsPv,eq) )
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*! \brief Test for equivalence and report differences
- Equivalence is defined as for #isEquivalent. In addition, this method will
- print differences to std::cerr. Intended for use in unit tests and
- for debugging.
- */
- bool isEquivalent2(const CoinPackedMatrix& rhs) const;
- /*! \brief Test for equivalence.
- Two matrices are equivalent if they are both row- or column-ordered,
- they have the same dimensions, and each (major) vector is equivalent.
- This method is optimised for speed. CoinPackedVector#isEquivalent is
- replaced with more efficient code for repeated comparison of
- equal-length vectors. The CoinRelFltEq operator is used.
- */
- bool isEquivalent(const CoinPackedMatrix& rhs, const CoinRelFltEq & eq) const;
- /*! \brief Test for equivalence.
- The test for element equality is the default CoinRelFltEq operator.
- */
- bool isEquivalent(const CoinPackedMatrix& rhs) const;
- //@}
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*! \name Non-const methods
- These are to be used with great care when doing column generation, etc.
- */
- //@{
- /** A vector containing the elements in the packed matrix. Note that there
- might be gaps in this list, entries that do not belong to any
- major-dimension vector. To get the actual elements one should look at
- this vector together with #start_ and #length_. */
- inline double * getMutableElements() const { return element_; }
- /** A vector containing the minor indices of the elements in the packed
- matrix. Note that there might be gaps in this list, entries that do not
- belong to any major-dimension vector. To get the actual elements one
- should look at this vector together with #start_ and
- #length_. */
- inline int * getMutableIndices() const { return index_; }
- /** The positions where the major-dimension vectors start in #element_ and
- #index_. */
- inline CoinBigIndex * getMutableVectorStarts() const { return start_; }
- /** The lengths of the major-dimension vectors. */
- inline int * getMutableVectorLengths() const { return length_; }
- /// Change the size of the bulk store after modifying - be careful
- inline void setNumElements(CoinBigIndex value)
- { size_ = value;}
- /*! NULLify element array
- Used when space is very tight. Does not free the space!
- */
- inline void nullElementArray() {element_=NULL;}
- /*! NULLify start array
- Used when space is very tight. Does not free the space!
- */
- inline void nullStartArray() {start_=NULL;}
- /*! NULLify length array
- Used when space is very tight. Does not free the space!
- */
- inline void nullLengthArray() {length_=NULL;}
- /*! NULLify index array
- Used when space is very tight. Does not free the space!
- */
- inline void nullIndexArray() {index_=NULL;}
- //@}
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*! \name Constructors and destructors */
- //@{
- /// Default Constructor creates an empty column ordered packed matrix
- CoinPackedMatrix();
- /// A constructor where the ordering and the gaps are specified
- CoinPackedMatrix(const bool colordered,
- const double extraMajor, const double extraGap);
- CoinPackedMatrix(const bool colordered,
- const int minor, const int major, const CoinBigIndex numels,
- const double * elem, const int * ind,
- const CoinBigIndex * start, const int * len,
- const double extraMajor, const double extraGap);
- CoinPackedMatrix(const bool colordered,
- const int minor, const int major, const CoinBigIndex numels,
- const double * elem, const int * ind,
- const CoinBigIndex * start, const int * len);
- /** Create packed matrix from triples.
- If colordered is true then the created matrix will be column ordered.
- Duplicate matrix elements are allowed. The created matrix will have
- the sum of the duplicates. <br>
- For example if: <br>
- rowIndices[0]=2; colIndices[0]=5; elements[0]=2.0 <br>
- rowIndices[1]=2; colIndices[1]=5; elements[1]=0.5 <br>
- then the created matrix will contain a value of 2.5 in row 2 and column 5.<br>
- The matrix is created without gaps.
- */
- CoinPackedMatrix(const bool colordered,
- const int * rowIndices,
- const int * colIndices,
- const double * elements,
- CoinBigIndex numels );
- /// Copy constructor
- CoinPackedMatrix(const CoinPackedMatrix& m);
- /*! \brief Copy constructor with fine tuning
- This constructor allows for the specification of an exact amount of extra
- space and/or reverse ordering.
- \p extraForMajor is the exact number of spare major vector slots after
- any possible reverse ordering. If \p extraForMajor < 0, all gaps and small
- elements will be removed from the copy, otherwise gaps and small elements
- are preserved.
- \p extraElements is the exact number of spare element entries.
- The usual multipliers, #extraMajor_ and #extraGap_, are set to zero.
- */
- CoinPackedMatrix(const CoinPackedMatrix &m,
- int extraForMajor, int extraElements,
- bool reverseOrdering = false) ;
- /** Subset constructor (without gaps). Duplicates are allowed
- and order is as given */
- CoinPackedMatrix (const CoinPackedMatrix & wholeModel,
- int numberRows, const int * whichRows,
- int numberColumns, const int * whichColumns);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~CoinPackedMatrix();
- //@}
- /*! \name Debug Utilities */
- //@{
- /*! \brief Scan the matrix for anomalies.
- Returns the number of anomalies. Scans the structure for gaps,
- obviously bogus indices and coefficients, and inconsistencies. Gaps
- are not an error unless #hasGaps() says the matrix should be
- gap-free. Zeroes are not an error unless \p zeroesAreError is set to
- true.
- Values for verbosity are:
- - 0: No messages, just the return value
- - 1: Messages about errors
- - 2: If there are no errors, a message indicating the matrix was
- checked is printed (positive confirmation).
- - 3: Adds a bit more information about the matrix.
- - 4: Prints warnings about zeroes even if they're not considered
- errors.
- Obviously bogus coefficients are coefficients that are NaN or have
- absolute value greater than 1e50. Zeros have absolute value less
- than 1e-50.
- */
- int verifyMtx(int verbosity = 1, bool zeroesAreError = false) const ;
- //@}
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void gutsOfDestructor();
- void gutsOfCopyOf(const bool colordered,
- const int minor, const int major, const CoinBigIndex numels,
- const double * elem, const int * ind,
- const CoinBigIndex * start, const int * len,
- const double extraMajor=0.0, const double extraGap=0.0);
- /// When no gaps we can do faster
- void gutsOfCopyOfNoGaps(const bool colordered,
- const int minor, const int major,
- const double * elem, const int * ind,
- const CoinBigIndex * start);
- void gutsOfOpEqual(const bool colordered,
- const int minor, const int major, const CoinBigIndex numels,
- const double * elem, const int * ind,
- const CoinBigIndex * start, const int * len);
- void resizeForAddingMajorVectors(const int numVec, const int * lengthVec);
- void resizeForAddingMinorVectors(const int * addedEntries);
- /*! \brief Append a set of rows (columns) to the end of a row (colum)
- ordered matrix.
- If \p numberOther > 0 the method will check if any of the new rows
- (columns) contain duplicate indices or invalid indices and return the
- number of errors. A valid minor index must satisfy
- \code 0 <= k < numberOther \endcode
- If \p numberOther < 0 no checking is performed.
- */
- int appendMajor(const int number,
- const CoinBigIndex * starts, const int * index,
- const double * element, int numberOther=-1);
- /*! \brief Append a set of rows (columns) to the end of a column (row)
- ordered matrix.
- If \p numberOther > 0 the method will check if any of the new rows
- (columns) contain duplicate indices or indices outside the current
- range for the major dimension and return the number of violations.
- If \p numberOther <= 0 the major dimension will be expanded as
- necessary and there are no checks for duplicate indices.
- */
- int appendMinor(const int number,
- const CoinBigIndex * starts, const int * index,
- const double * element, int numberOther=-1);
- inline CoinBigIndex getLastStart() const {
- return majorDim_ == 0 ? 0 : start_[majorDim_];
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Data members
- The data members are protected to allow access for derived classes. */
- //@{
- /** A flag indicating whether the matrix is column or row major ordered. */
- bool colOrdered_;
- /** This much times more space should be allocated for each major-dimension
- vector (with respect to the number of entries in the vector) when the
- matrix is resized. The purpose of these gaps is to allow fast insertion
- of new minor-dimension vectors. */
- double extraGap_;
- /** his much times more space should be allocated for major-dimension
- vectors when the matrix is resized. The purpose of these gaps is to
- allow fast addition of new major-dimension vectors. */
- double extraMajor_;
- /** List of nonzero element values. The entries in the gaps between
- major-dimension vectors are undefined. */
- double *element_;
- /** List of nonzero element minor-dimension indices. The entries in the gaps
- between major-dimension vectors are undefined. */
- int *index_;
- /** Starting positions of major-dimension vectors. */
- CoinBigIndex *start_;
- /** Lengths of major-dimension vectors. */
- int *length_;
- /// number of vectors in matrix
- int majorDim_;
- /// size of other dimension
- int minorDim_;
- /// the number of nonzero entries
- CoinBigIndex size_;
- /// max space allocated for major-dimension
- int maxMajorDim_;
- /// max space allocated for entries
- CoinBigIndex maxSize_;
- //@}
-/*! \brief Test the methods in the CoinPackedMatrix class.
- The only reason for it not to be a member method is that this way
- it doesn't have to be compiled into the library. And that's a gain,
- because the library should be compiled with optimization on, but this
- method should be compiled with debugging.