path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinLpIO.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinLpIO.hpp')
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-/* $Id: CoinLpIO.hpp 1749 2014-10-24 20:00:14Z tkr $ */
-// Last edit: 11/5/08
-// Name: CoinLpIO.hpp; Support for Lp files
-// Author: Francois Margot
-// Tepper School of Business
-// Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
-// email:
-// Date: 12/28/03
-// Copyright (C) 2003, Francois Margot, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef CoinLpIO_H
-#define CoinLpIO_H
-#include <cstdio>
-#include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
-#include "CoinMessage.hpp"
-class CoinSet;
-const int MAX_OBJECTIVES = 2;
-typedef int COINColumnIndex;
- /** Class to read and write Lp files
- Lp file format:
-/ this is a comment <BR>
-\ this too <BR>
- Min<BR>
- obj: x0 + x1 + 3 x2 - 4.5 xyr + 1 <BR>
- s.t. <BR>
- cons1: x0 - x2 - 2.3 x4 <= 4.2 / this is another comment <BR>
- c2: x1 + x2 >= 1 <BR>
- cc: x1 + x2 + xyr = 2 <BR>
- Bounds <BR>
- 0 <= x1 <= 3 <BR>
- 1 >= x2 <BR>
- x3 = 1 <BR>
- -2 <= x4 <= Inf <BR>
- xyr free <BR>
- Integers <BR>
- x0 <BR>
- Generals <BR>
- x1 xyr <BR>
- Binaries <BR>
- x2 <BR>
- End
-Notes: <UL>
- <LI> Keywords are: Min, Max, Minimize, Maximize, s.t., Subject To,
- Bounds, Integers, Generals, Binaries, End, Free, Inf.
- <LI> Keywords are not case sensitive and may be in plural or singular form.
- They should not be used as objective, row or column names.
- <LI> Bounds, Integers, Generals, Binaries sections are optional.
- <LI> Generals and Integers are synonymous.
- <LI> Bounds section (if any) must come before Integers, Generals, and
- Binaries sections.
- <LI> Row names must be followed by ':' without blank space.
- Row names are optional. If row names are present,
- they must be distinct (if the k-th constraint has no given name, its name
- is set automatically to "consk" for k=0,...,).
- For valid row names, see the method is_invalid_name().
- <LI> Column names must be followed by a blank space. They must be distinct.
- For valid column names, see the method is_invalid_name().
- <LI> Multiple objectives may be specified, but when there are multiple
- objectives, they must have names (to indicate where each one starts).
- <LI> The objective function names must be followed by ':' without blank space.
- If there is a single objective, the objective function name is optional.
- If no name is given, the name is set to "obj" by default.
- For valid objective function names, see the method is_invalid_name().
- <LI> Ranged constraints are written as two constraints.
- If a name is given for a ranged constraint, the upper bound constraint
- has that name and the lower bound constraint has that name with "_low"
- as suffix. This should be kept in mind when assigning names to ranged
- constraint, as the resulting name must be distinct from all the other
- names and be considered valid by the method is_invalid_name().
- <LI> At most one term related to any single variable may appear in the
- objective function; if more than one term are present, only the last
- one is taken into account.
- At most one constant term may appear in the objective function;
- if present, it must appear last.
- <LI> Default bounds are 0 for lower bound and +infinity for upper bound.
- <LI> Free variables get default lower bound -infinity and
- default upper bound +infinity. Writing "x0 Free" in an
- LP file means "set lower bound on x0 to -infinity".
- <LI> If more than one upper (resp. lower) bound on a variable appears in
- the Bounds section, the last one is the one taken into
- account. The bounds for a binary variable are set to 0/1 only if this
- bound is stronger than the bound obtained from the Bounds section.
- <LI> Numbers larger than DBL_MAX (or larger than 1e+400) in the input file
- might crash the code.
- <LI> A comment must start with '\' or '/'. That symbol must either be
- the first character of a line or be preceded by a blank space. The
- comment ends at the end of the
- line. Comments are skipped while reading an Lp file and they may be
- inserted anywhere.
-class CoinLpIO {
- friend void CoinLpIOUnitTest(const std::string & lpDir);
- /**@name Constructor and Destructor */
- //@{
- /// Default Constructor
- CoinLpIO();
- /// Does the heavy lifting for destruct and assignment.
- void gutsOfDestructor();
- /// Does the heavy lifting for copy and assignment
- void gutsOfCopy(const CoinLpIO &);
- /// assignment operator
- CoinLpIO & operator = (const CoinLpIO& rhs) ;
- /// Copy constructor
- CoinLpIO (const CoinLpIO &);
- /// Destructor
- ~CoinLpIO();
- /** Free the vector previous_names_[section] and set
- card_previous_names_[section] to 0.
- section = 0 for row names,
- section = 1 for column names.
- */
- void freePreviousNames(const int section);
- /// Free all memory (except memory related to hash tables and objName_).
- void freeAll();
- //@}
- /** A quick inlined function to convert from lb/ub style constraint
- definition to sense/rhs/range style */
- inline void
- convertBoundToSense(const double lower, const double upper,
- char& sense, double& right, double& range) const;
- /**@name Queries */
- //@{
- /// Get the problem name
- const char * getProblemName() const;
- /// Set problem name
- void setProblemName(const char *name);
- /// Get number of columns
- int getNumCols() const;
- /// Get number of rows
- int getNumRows() const;
- /// Get number of nonzero elements
- int getNumElements() const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column lower bounds
- const double * getColLower() const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column upper bounds
- const double * getColUpper() const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row lower bounds
- const double * getRowLower() const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row upper bounds
- const double * getRowUpper() const;
- /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of constraint senses.
- <ul>
- <li>'L': <= constraint
- <li>'E': = constraint
- <li>'G': >= constraint
- <li>'R': ranged constraint
- <li>'N': free constraint
- </ul>
- */
- const char * getRowSense() const;
- /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of constraint right-hand sides.
- Given constraints with upper (rowupper) and/or lower (rowlower) bounds,
- the constraint right-hand side (rhs) is set as
- <ul>
- <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'L' then rhs()[i] == rowupper()[i]
- <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'G' then rhs()[i] == rowlower()[i]
- <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'R' then rhs()[i] == rowupper()[i]
- <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'N' then rhs()[i] == 0.0
- </ul>
- */
- const double * getRightHandSide() const;
- /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row ranges.
- Given constraints with upper (rowupper) and/or lower (rowlower) bounds,
- the constraint range (rowrange) is set as
- <ul>
- <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'R' then
- rowrange()[i] == rowupper()[i] - rowlower()[i]
- <li> if rowsense()[i] != 'R' then
- rowrange()[i] is 0.0
- </ul>
- Put another way, only ranged constraints have a nontrivial value for
- rowrange.
- */
- const double * getRowRange() const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of objective function coefficients
- const int getNumObjectives() const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of objective function coefficients
- const double * getObjCoefficients() const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of objective function coefficients for objective j
- const double * getObjCoefficients(int j) const;
- /// Get pointer to row-wise copy of the coefficient matrix
- const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByRow() const;
- /// Get pointer to column-wise copy of the coefficient matrix
- const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByCol() const;
- /// Get objective function name
- const char * getObjName() const;
- /// Get objective function name for objective j
- const char * getObjName(int j) const;
- /// Get pointer to array[*card_prev] of previous row names.
- /// The value of *card_prev might be different than getNumRows()+1 if
- /// non distinct
- /// row names were present or if no previous names were saved or if
- /// the object was holding a different problem before.
- void getPreviousRowNames(char const * const * prev,
- int *card_prev) const;
- /// Get pointer to array[*card_prev] of previous column names.
- /// The value of *card_prev might be different than getNumCols() if non
- /// distinct column names were present of if no previous names were saved,
- /// or if the object was holding a different problem before.
- void getPreviousColNames(char const * const * prev,
- int *card_prev) const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()+1] of row names, including
- /// objective function name as last entry.
- char const * const * getRowNames() const;
- /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column names
- char const * const *getColNames() const;
- /// Return the row name for the specified index.
- /// Return the objective function name if index = getNumRows().
- /// Return 0 if the index is out of range or if row names are not defined.
- const char * rowName(int index) const;
- /// Return the column name for the specified index.
- /// Return 0 if the index is out of range or if column names are not
- /// defined.
- const char * columnName(int index) const;
- /// Return the index for the specified row name.
- /// Return getNumRows() for the objective function name.
- /// Return -1 if the name is not found.
- int rowIndex(const char * name) const;
- /// Return the index for the specified column name.
- /// Return -1 if the name is not found.
- int columnIndex(const char * name) const;
- ///Returns the (constant) objective offset
- double objectiveOffset() const;
- ///Returns the (constant) objective offset for objective j
- double objectiveOffset(int j) const;
- /// Set objective offset
- inline void setObjectiveOffset(double value)
- { objectiveOffset_[0] = value;}
- /// Set objective offset
- inline void setObjectiveOffset(double value, int j)
- { objectiveOffset_[j] = value;}
- /// Return true if a column is an integer (binary or general
- /// integer) variable
- bool isInteger(int columnNumber) const;
- /// Get characteristic vector of integer variables
- const char * integerColumns() const;
- //@}
- /**@name Parameters */
- //@{
- /// Get infinity
- double getInfinity() const;
- /// Set infinity. Any number larger is considered infinity.
- /// Default: DBL_MAX
- void setInfinity(const double);
- /// Get epsilon
- double getEpsilon() const;
- /// Set epsilon.
- /// Default: 1e-5.
- void setEpsilon(const double);
- /// Get numberAcross, the number of monomials to be printed per line
- int getNumberAcross() const;
- /// Set numberAcross.
- /// Default: 10.
- void setNumberAcross(const int);
- /// Get decimals, the number of digits to write after the decimal point
- int getDecimals() const;
- /// Set decimals.
- /// Default: 5
- void setDecimals(const int);
- //@}
- /**@name Public methods */
- //@{
- /** Set the data of the object.
- Set it from the coefficient matrix m, the lower bounds
- collb, the upper bounds colub, objective function obj_coeff,
- integrality vector integrality, lower/upper bounds on the constraints.
- The sense of optimization of the objective function is assumed to be
- a minimization.
- Numbers larger than DBL_MAX (or larger than 1e+400)
- might crash the code. There are two version. The second one is for
- setting multiple objectives.
- */
- void setLpDataWithoutRowAndColNames(
- const CoinPackedMatrix& m,
- const double* collb, const double* colub,
- const double* obj_coeff,
- const char* integrality,
- const double* rowlb, const double* rowub);
- void setLpDataWithoutRowAndColNames(
- const CoinPackedMatrix& m,
- const double* collb, const double* colub,
- const double* obj_coeff[MAX_OBJECTIVES],
- int num_objectives,
- const char* integrality,
- const double* rowlb, const double* rowub);
- /** Return 0 if buff is a valid name for a row, a column or objective
- function, return a positive number otherwise.
- If parameter ranged = true, the name is intended for a ranged
- constraint. <BR>
- Return 1 if the name has more than 100 characters (96 characters
- for a ranged constraint name, as "_low" will be added to the name).<BR>
- Return 2 if the name starts with a number.<BR>
- Return 3 if the name is not built with
- the letters a to z, A to Z, the numbers 0 to 9 or the characters
- " ! # $ % & ( ) . ; ? @ _ ' ` { } ~ <BR>
- Return 4 if the name is a keyword.<BR>
- Return 5 if the name is empty or NULL. */
- int is_invalid_name(const char *buff, const bool ranged) const;
- /** Return 0 if each of the card_vnames entries of vnames is a valid name,
- return a positive number otherwise. The return value, if not 0, is the
- return value of is_invalid_name() for the last invalid name
- in vnames. If check_ranged = true, the names are row names and
- names for ranged constaints must be checked for additional restrictions
- since "_low" will be added to the name if an Lp file is written.
- When check_ranged = true, card_vnames must have getNumRows()+1 entries,
- with entry vnames[getNumRows()] being the
- name of the objective function.
- For a description of valid names and return values, see the method
- is_invalid_name().
- This method must not be called with check_ranged = true before
- setLpDataWithoutRowAndColNames() has been called, since access
- to the indices of all the ranged constraints is required.
- */
- int are_invalid_names(char const * const *vnames,
- const int card_vnames,
- const bool check_ranged) const;
- /// Set objective function name to the default "obj" and row
- /// names to the default "cons0", "cons1", ...
- void setDefaultRowNames();
- /// Set column names to the default "x0", "x1", ...
- void setDefaultColNames();
- /** Set the row and column names.
- The array rownames must either be NULL or have exactly getNumRows()+1
- distinct entries,
- each of them being a valid name (see is_invalid_name()) and the
- last entry being the intended name for the objective function.
- If rownames is NULL, existing row names and objective function
- name are not changed.
- If rownames is deemed invalid, default row names and objective function
- name are used (see setDefaultRowNames()). The memory location of
- array rownames (or its entries) should not be related
- to the memory location of the array (or entries) obtained from
- getRowNames() or getPreviousRowNames(), as the call to
- setLpDataRowAndColNames() modifies the corresponding arrays.
- Unpredictable results
- are obtained if this requirement is ignored.
- Similar remarks apply to the array colnames, which must either be
- NULL or have exactly getNumCols() entries.
- */
- void setLpDataRowAndColNames(char const * const * const rownames,
- char const * const * const colnames);
- /** Write the data in Lp format in the file with name filename.
- Coefficients with value less than epsilon away from an integer value
- are written as integers.
- Write at most numberAcross monomials on a line.
- Write non integer numbers with decimals digits after the decimal point.
- Write objective function name and row names if useRowNames = true.
- Ranged constraints are written as two constraints.
- If row names are used, the upper bound constraint has the
- name of the original ranged constraint and the
- lower bound constraint has for name the original name with
- "_low" as suffix. If doing so creates two identical row names,
- default row names are used (see setDefaultRowNames()).
- */
- int writeLp(const char *filename,
- const double epsilon,
- const int numberAcross,
- const int decimals,
- const bool useRowNames = true);
- /** Write the data in Lp format in the file pointed to by the paramater fp.
- Coefficients with value less than epsilon away from an integer value
- are written as integers.
- Write at most numberAcross monomials on a line.
- Write non integer numbers with decimals digits after the decimal point.
- Write objective function name and row names if useRowNames = true.
- Ranged constraints are written as two constraints.
- If row names are used, the upper bound constraint has the
- name of the original ranged constraint and the
- lower bound constraint has for name the original name with
- "_low" as suffix. If doing so creates two identical row names,
- default row names are used (see setDefaultRowNames()).
- */
- int writeLp(FILE *fp,
- const double epsilon,
- const int numberAcross,
- const int decimals,
- const bool useRowNames = true);
- /// Write the data in Lp format in the file with name filename.
- /// Write objective function name and row names if useRowNames = true.
- int writeLp(const char *filename, const bool useRowNames = true);
- /// Write the data in Lp format in the file pointed to by the parameter fp.
- /// Write objective function name and row names if useRowNames = true.
- int writeLp(FILE *fp, const bool useRowNames = true);
- /// Read the data in Lp format from the file with name filename, using
- /// the given value for epsilon. If the original problem is
- /// a maximization problem, the objective function is immediadtly
- /// flipped to get a minimization problem.
- void readLp(const char *filename, const double epsilon);
- /// Read the data in Lp format from the file with name filename.
- /// If the original problem is
- /// a maximization problem, the objective function is immediadtly
- /// flipped to get a minimization problem.
- void readLp(const char *filename);
- /// Read the data in Lp format from the file stream, using
- /// the given value for epsilon.
- /// If the original problem is
- /// a maximization problem, the objective function is immediadtly
- /// flipped to get a minimization problem.
- void readLp(FILE *fp, const double epsilon);
- /// Read the data in Lp format from the file stream.
- /// If the original problem is
- /// a maximization problem, the objective function is immediadtly
- /// flipped to get a minimization problem.
- void readLp(FILE *fp);
- /// Dump the data. Low level method for debugging.
- void print() const;
- /// Load in SOS stuff
- void loadSOS(int numberSets,const CoinSet * sets);
- /// Load in SOS stuff
- void loadSOS(int numberSets,const CoinSet ** sets);
- /// Number of SOS sets
- inline int numberSets() const
- { return numberSets_;}
- /// Set information
- inline CoinSet ** setInformation() const
- { return set_;}
- //@}
-/**@name Message handling */
- /** Pass in Message handler
- Supply a custom message handler. It will not be destroyed when the
- CoinMpsIO object is destroyed.
- */
- void passInMessageHandler(CoinMessageHandler * handler);
- /// Set the language for messages.
- void newLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language);
- /// Set the language for messages.
- inline void setLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language) {newLanguage(language);}
- /// Return the message handler
- inline CoinMessageHandler * messageHandler() const {return handler_;}
- /// Return the messages
- inline CoinMessages messages() {return messages_;}
- /// Return the messages pointer
- inline CoinMessages * messagesPointer() {return & messages_;}
- /// Problem name
- char * problemName_;
- /// Message handler
- CoinMessageHandler * handler_;
- /** Flag to say if the message handler is the default handler.
- If true, the handler will be destroyed when the CoinMpsIO
- object is destroyed; if false, it will not be destroyed.
- */
- bool defaultHandler_;
- /// Messages
- CoinMessages messages_;
- /// Number of rows
- int numberRows_;
- /// Number of columns
- int numberColumns_;
- /// Number of elements
- int numberElements_;
- /// Pointer to column-wise copy of problem matrix coefficients.
- mutable CoinPackedMatrix *matrixByColumn_;
- /// Pointer to row-wise copy of problem matrix coefficients.
- CoinPackedMatrix *matrixByRow_;
- /// Pointer to dense vector of row lower bounds
- double * rowlower_;
- /// Pointer to dense vector of row upper bounds
- double * rowupper_;
- /// Pointer to dense vector of column lower bounds
- double * collower_;
- /// Pointer to dense vector of column upper bounds
- double * colupper_;
- /// Pointer to dense vector of row rhs
- mutable double * rhs_;
- /** Pointer to dense vector of slack variable upper bounds for ranged
- constraints (undefined for non-ranged constraints)
- */
- mutable double *rowrange_;
- /// Pointer to dense vector of row senses
- mutable char * rowsense_;
- /// Pointer to dense vector of objective coefficients
- double * objective_[MAX_OBJECTIVES];
- /// Number of objectives
- int num_objectives_;
- /// Constant offset for objective value
- double objectiveOffset_[MAX_OBJECTIVES];
- /// Pointer to dense vector specifying if a variable is continuous
- /// (0) or integer (1).
- char * integerType_;
- /// Pointer to sets
- CoinSet ** set_;
- /// Number of sets
- int numberSets_;
- /// Current file name
- char * fileName_;
- /// Value to use for infinity
- double infinity_;
- /// Value to use for epsilon
- double epsilon_;
- /// Number of monomials printed in a row
- int numberAcross_;
- /// Number of decimals printed for coefficients
- int decimals_;
- /// Objective function name
- char *objName_[MAX_OBJECTIVES];
- /** Row names (including objective function name)
- and column names when stopHash() for the corresponding
- section was last called or for initial names (deemed invalid)
- read from a file.<BR>
- section = 0 for row names,
- section = 1 for column names. */
- char **previous_names_[2];
- /// card_previous_names_[section] holds the number of entries in the vector
- /// previous_names_[section].
- /// section = 0 for row names,
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- int card_previous_names_[2];
- /// Row names (including objective function name)
- /// and column names (linked to Hash tables).
- /// section = 0 for row names,
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- char **names_[2];
- typedef struct {
- int index, next;
- } CoinHashLink;
- /// Maximum number of entries in a hash table section.
- /// section = 0 for row names,
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- int maxHash_[2];
- /// Number of entries in a hash table section.
- /// section = 0 for row names,
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- int numberHash_[2];
- /// Hash tables with two sections.
- /// section = 0 for row names (including objective function name),
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- mutable CoinHashLink *hash_[2];
- /// Build the hash table for the given names. The parameter number is
- /// the cardinality of parameter names. Remove duplicate names.
- ///
- /// section = 0 for row names,
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- void startHash(char const * const * const names,
- const COINColumnIndex number,
- int section);
- /// Delete hash storage. If section = 0, it also frees objName_.
- /// section = 0 for row names,
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- void stopHash(int section);
- /// Return the index of the given name, return -1 if the name is not found.
- /// Return getNumRows() for the objective function name.
- /// section = 0 for row names (including objective function name),
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- COINColumnIndex findHash(const char *name, int section) const;
- /// Insert thisName in the hash table if not present yet; does nothing
- /// if the name is already in.
- /// section = 0 for row names,
- /// section = 1 for column names.
- void insertHash(const char *thisName, int section);
- /// Write a coefficient.
- /// print_1 = 0 : do not print the value 1.
- void out_coeff(FILE *fp, double v, int print_1) const;
- /// Locate the objective function.
- /// Return 1 if found the keyword "Minimize" or one of its variants,
- /// -1 if found keyword "Maximize" or one of its variants.
- int find_obj(FILE *fp) const;
- /// Return an integer indicating if the keyword "subject to" or one
- /// of its variants has been read.
- /// Return 1 if buff is the keyword "s.t" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 2 if buff is the keyword "subject" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 0 otherwise.
- int is_subject_to(const char *buff) const;
- /// Return 1 if the first character of buff is a number.
- /// Return 0 otherwise.
- int first_is_number(const char *buff) const;
- /// Return 1 if the first character of buff is '/' or '\'.
- /// Return 0 otherwise.
- int is_comment(const char *buff) const;
- /// Read the file fp until buff contains an end of line
- void skip_comment(char *buff, FILE *fp) const;
- /// Put in buff the next string that is not part of a comment
- void scan_next(char *buff, FILE *fp) const;
- /// Return 1 if buff is the keyword "free" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 0 otherwise.
- int is_free(const char *buff) const;
- /// Return 1 if buff is the keyword "inf" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 0 otherwise.
- int is_inf(const char *buff) const;
- /// Return an integer indicating the inequality sense read.
- /// Return 0 if buff is '<='.
- /// Return 1 if buff is '='.
- /// Return 2 if buff is '>='.
- /// Return -1 otherwise.
- int is_sense(const char *buff) const;
- /// Return an integer indicating if one of the keywords "Bounds", "Integers",
- /// "Generals", "Binaries", "Semi-continuous", "Sos", "End", or one
- /// of their variants has been read. (note Semi-continuous not coded)
- /// Return 1 if buff is the keyword "Bounds" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 2 if buff is the keyword "Integers" or "Generals" or one of their
- /// variants.
- /// Return 3 if buff is the keyword "Binaries" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 4 if buff is the keyword "Semi-continuous" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 5 if buff is the keyword "Sos" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 6 if buff is the keyword "End" or one of its variants.
- /// Return 0 otherwise.
- int is_keyword(const char *buff) const;
- /// Read a monomial of the objective function.
- /// Return 1 if "subject to" or one of its variants has been read.
- int read_monom_obj(FILE *fp, double *coeff, char **name, int *cnt,
- char **obj_name, int *num_objectives, int *obj_starts);
- /// Read a monomial of a constraint.
- /// Return a positive number if the sense of the inequality has been
- /// read (see method is_sense() for the return code).
- /// Return -1 otherwise.
- int read_monom_row(FILE *fp, char *start_str, double *coeff, char **name,
- int cnt_coeff) const;
- /// Reallocate vectors related to number of coefficients.
- void realloc_coeff(double **coeff, char ***colNames, int *maxcoeff) const;
- /// Reallocate vectors related to rows.
- void realloc_row(char ***rowNames, int **start, double **rhs,
- double **rowlow, double **rowup, int *maxrow) const;
- /// Reallocate vectors related to columns.
- void realloc_col(double **collow, double **colup, char **is_int,
- int *maxcol) const;
- /// Read a constraint.
- void read_row(FILE *fp, char *buff, double **pcoeff, char ***pcolNames,
- int *cnt_coeff, int *maxcoeff,
- double *rhs, double *rowlow, double *rowup,
- int *cnt_row, double inf) const;
- /** Check that current objective name and all row names are distinct
- including row names obtained by adding "_low" for ranged constraints.
- If there is a conflict in the names, they are replaced by default
- row names (see setDefaultRowNames()).
- This method must not be called before
- setLpDataWithoutRowAndColNames() has been called, since access
- to the indices of all the ranged constraints is required.
- This method must not be called before
- setLpDataRowAndColNames() has been called, since access
- to all the row names is required.
- */
- void checkRowNames();
- /** Check that current column names are distinct.
- If not, they are replaced by default
- column names (see setDefaultColNames()).
- This method must not be called before
- setLpDataRowAndColNames() has been called, since access
- to all the column names is required.
- */
- void checkColNames();
-CoinLpIOUnitTest(const std::string& lpDir);