path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpFactorization.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpFactorization.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 432 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpFactorization.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpFactorization.hpp
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-/* $Id: ClpFactorization.hpp 2078 2015-01-05 12:39:49Z forrest $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef ClpFactorization_H
-#define ClpFactorization_H
-#include "CoinPragma.hpp"
-#include "CoinFactorization.hpp"
-class ClpMatrixBase;
-class ClpSimplex;
-class ClpNetworkBasis;
-class CoinOtherFactorization;
-#include "CoinDenseFactorization.hpp"
-#include "ClpSimplex.hpp"
-/** This just implements CoinFactorization when an ClpMatrixBase object
- is passed. If a network then has a dummy CoinFactorization and
- a genuine ClpNetworkBasis object
-class ClpFactorization
- : public CoinFactorization
- //friend class CoinFactorization;
- /**@name factorization */
- //@{
- /** When part of LP - given by basic variables.
- Actually does factorization.
- Arrays passed in have non negative value to say basic.
- If status is okay, basic variables have pivot row - this is only needed
- if increasingRows_ >1.
- Allows scaling
- If status is singular, then basic variables have pivot row
- and ones thrown out have -1
- returns 0 -okay, -1 singular, -2 too many in basis, -99 memory */
- int factorize (ClpSimplex * model, int solveType, bool valuesPass);
- //@}
- /**@name Constructors, destructor */
- //@{
- /** Default constructor. */
- ClpFactorization();
- /** Destructor */
- ~ClpFactorization();
- //@}
- /**@name Copy method */
- //@{
- /** The copy constructor from an CoinFactorization. */
- ClpFactorization(const CoinFactorization&);
- /** The copy constructor. */
- ClpFactorization(const ClpFactorization&, int denseIfSmaller = 0);
- /** The copy constructor from an CoinOtherFactorization. */
- ClpFactorization(const CoinOtherFactorization&);
- ClpFactorization& operator=(const ClpFactorization&);
- //@}
- /* **** below here is so can use networkish basis */
- /**@name rank one updates which do exist */
- //@{
- /** Replaces one Column to basis,
- returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room
- If checkBeforeModifying is true will do all accuracy checks
- before modifying factorization. Whether to set this depends on
- speed considerations. You could just do this on first iteration
- after factorization and thereafter re-factorize
- partial update already in U */
- int replaceColumn ( const ClpSimplex * model,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * tableauColumn,
- int pivotRow,
- double pivotCheck ,
- bool checkBeforeModifying = false,
- double acceptablePivot = 1.0e-8);
- //@}
- /**@name various uses of factorization (return code number elements)
- which user may want to know about */
- //@{
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) from region2
- Tries to do FT update
- number returned is negative if no room
- region1 starts as zero and is zero at end */
- int updateColumnFT ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2);
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) from region2
- region1 starts as zero and is zero at end */
- int updateColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
- bool noPermute = false) const;
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) from region2
- Tries to do FT update
- number returned is negative if no room.
- Also updates region3
- region1 starts as zero and is zero at end */
- int updateTwoColumnsFT ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse1,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse3,
- bool noPermuteRegion3 = false) ;
- /// For debug (no statistics update)
- int updateColumnForDebug ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
- bool noPermute = false) const;
- /** Updates one column (BTRAN) from region2
- region1 starts as zero and is zero at end */
- int updateColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2) const;
- //@}
- /**@name Lifted from CoinFactorization */
- //@{
- /// Total number of elements in factorization
- inline int numberElements ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->numberElements();
- else return coinFactorizationB_->numberElements() ;
- }
- /// Returns address of permute region
- inline int *permute ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->permute();
- else return coinFactorizationB_->permute() ;
- }
- /// Returns address of pivotColumn region (also used for permuting)
- inline int *pivotColumn ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->pivotColumn();
- else return coinFactorizationB_->permute() ;
- }
- /// Maximum number of pivots between factorizations
- inline int maximumPivots ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->maximumPivots();
- else return coinFactorizationB_->maximumPivots() ;
- }
- /// Set maximum number of pivots between factorizations
- inline void maximumPivots ( int value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->maximumPivots(value);
- else coinFactorizationB_->maximumPivots(value);
- }
- /// Returns number of pivots since factorization
- inline int pivots ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->pivots();
- else return coinFactorizationB_->pivots() ;
- }
- /// Whether larger areas needed
- inline double areaFactor ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->areaFactor();
- else return 0.0 ;
- }
- /// Set whether larger areas needed
- inline void areaFactor ( double value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->areaFactor(value);
- }
- /// Zero tolerance
- inline double zeroTolerance ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->zeroTolerance();
- else return coinFactorizationB_->zeroTolerance() ;
- }
- /// Set zero tolerance
- inline void zeroTolerance ( double value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->zeroTolerance(value);
- else coinFactorizationB_->zeroTolerance(value);
- }
- /// Set tolerances to safer of existing and given
- void saferTolerances ( double zeroTolerance, double pivotTolerance);
- /** get sparse threshold */
- inline int sparseThreshold ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->sparseThreshold();
- else return 0 ;
- }
- /** Set sparse threshold */
- inline void sparseThreshold ( int value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->sparseThreshold(value);
- }
- /// Returns status
- inline int status ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->status();
- else return coinFactorizationB_->status() ;
- }
- /// Sets status
- inline void setStatus ( int value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->setStatus(value);
- else coinFactorizationB_->setStatus(value) ;
- }
- /// Returns number of dense rows
- inline int numberDense() const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->numberDense();
- else return 0 ;
- }
-#if 1
- /// Returns number in U area
- inline CoinBigIndex numberElementsU ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->numberElementsU();
- else return -1 ;
- }
- /// Returns number in L area
- inline CoinBigIndex numberElementsL ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->numberElementsL();
- else return -1 ;
- }
- /// Returns number in R area
- inline CoinBigIndex numberElementsR ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->numberElementsR();
- else return 0 ;
- }
- bool timeToRefactorize() const;
- void statsRefactor(char when) const;
- /// Level of detail of messages
- inline int messageLevel ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->messageLevel();
- else return 1 ;
- }
- /// Set level of detail of messages
- inline void messageLevel ( int value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->messageLevel(value);
- }
- /// Get rid of all memory
- inline void clearArrays() {
- if (coinFactorizationA_)
- coinFactorizationA_->clearArrays();
- else if (coinFactorizationB_)
- coinFactorizationB_->clearArrays();
- }
- /// Number of Rows after factorization
- inline int numberRows ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->numberRows();
- else return coinFactorizationB_->numberRows() ;
- }
- /// Gets dense threshold
- inline int denseThreshold() const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->denseThreshold();
- else return 0 ;
- }
- /// Sets dense threshold
- inline void setDenseThreshold(int value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->setDenseThreshold(value);
- }
- /// Pivot tolerance
- inline double pivotTolerance ( ) const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->pivotTolerance();
- else if (coinFactorizationB_) return coinFactorizationB_->pivotTolerance();
- return 1.0e-8 ;
- }
- /// Set pivot tolerance
- inline void pivotTolerance ( double value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->pivotTolerance(value);
- else if (coinFactorizationB_) coinFactorizationB_->pivotTolerance(value);
- }
- /// Allows change of pivot accuracy check 1.0 == none >1.0 relaxed
- inline void relaxAccuracyCheck(double value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->relaxAccuracyCheck(value);
- }
- /** Array persistence flag
- If 0 then as now (delete/new)
- 1 then only do arrays if bigger needed
- 2 as 1 but give a bit extra if bigger needed
- */
- inline int persistenceFlag() const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->persistenceFlag();
- else return 0 ;
- }
- inline void setPersistenceFlag(int value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->setPersistenceFlag(value);
- }
- /// Delete all stuff (leaves as after CoinFactorization())
- inline void almostDestructor() {
- if (coinFactorizationA_)
- coinFactorizationA_->almostDestructor();
- else if (coinFactorizationB_)
- coinFactorizationB_->clearArrays();
- }
- /// Returns areaFactor but adjusted for dense
- inline double adjustedAreaFactor() const {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) return coinFactorizationA_->adjustedAreaFactor();
- else return 0.0 ;
- }
- inline void setBiasLU(int value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->setBiasLU(value);
- }
- /// true if Forrest Tomlin update, false if PFI
- inline void setForrestTomlin(bool value) {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) coinFactorizationA_->setForrestTomlin(value);
- }
- /// Sets default values
- inline void setDefaultValues() {
- if (coinFactorizationA_) {
- // row activities have negative sign
- coinFactorizationA_->slackValue(-1.0);
- coinFactorizationA_->zeroTolerance(1.0e-13);
- }
- }
- /// If nonzero force use of 1,dense 2,small 3,osl
- void forceOtherFactorization(int which);
- /// Get switch to osl if number rows <= this
- inline int goOslThreshold() const {
- return goOslThreshold_;
- }
- /// Set switch to osl if number rows <= this
- inline void setGoOslThreshold(int value) {
- goOslThreshold_ = value;
- }
- /// Get switch to dense if number rows <= this
- inline int goDenseThreshold() const {
- return goDenseThreshold_;
- }
- /// Set switch to dense if number rows <= this
- inline void setGoDenseThreshold(int value) {
- goDenseThreshold_ = value;
- }
- /// Get switch to small if number rows <= this
- inline int goSmallThreshold() const {
- return goSmallThreshold_;
- }
- /// Set switch to small if number rows <= this
- inline void setGoSmallThreshold(int value) {
- goSmallThreshold_ = value;
- }
- /// Go over to dense or small code if small enough
- void goDenseOrSmall(int numberRows) ;
- /// Sets factorization
- void setFactorization(ClpFactorization & factorization);
- /// Return 1 if dense code
- inline int isDenseOrSmall() const {
- return coinFactorizationB_ ? 1 : 0;
- }
- inline bool timeToRefactorize() const {
- return (pivots() * 3 > maximumPivots() * 2 &&
- numberElementsR() * 3 > (numberElementsL() + numberElementsU()) * 2 + 1000 &&
- !numberDense());
- }
- /// Sets default values
- inline void setDefaultValues() {
- // row activities have negative sign
- slackValue(-1.0);
- zeroTolerance(1.0e-13);
- }
- /// Go over to dense code
- inline void goDense() {}
- //@}
- /**@name other stuff */
- //@{
- /** makes a row copy of L for speed and to allow very sparse problems */
- void goSparse();
- /// Cleans up i.e. gets rid of network basis
- void cleanUp();
- /// Says whether to redo pivot order
- bool needToReorder() const;
-#ifndef SLIM_CLP
- /// Says if a network basis
- inline bool networkBasis() const {
- return (networkBasis_ != NULL);
- }
- /// Says if a network basis
- inline bool networkBasis() const {
- return false;
- }
- /// Fills weighted row list
- void getWeights(int * weights) const;
- //@}
-////////////////// data //////////////////
- /**@name data */
- //@{
- /// Pointer to network basis
-#ifndef SLIM_CLP
- ClpNetworkBasis * networkBasis_;
- /// Pointer to CoinFactorization
- CoinFactorization * coinFactorizationA_;
- /// Pointer to CoinOtherFactorization
- CoinOtherFactorization * coinFactorizationB_;
- /// Pointer to model
- ClpSimplex * model_;
- /// If nonzero force use of 1,dense 2,small 3,osl
- int forceB_;
- /// Switch to osl if number rows <= this
- int goOslThreshold_;
- /// Switch to small if number rows <= this
- int goSmallThreshold_;
- /// Switch to dense if number rows <= this
- int goDenseThreshold_;
- /// For guessing when to re-factorize
- mutable double shortestAverage_;
- mutable double totalInR_;
- mutable double totalInIncreasingU_;
- mutable int endLengthU_;
- mutable int lastNumberPivots_;
- mutable int effectiveStartNumberU_;
- //@}