path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpConstraint.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpConstraint.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpConstraint.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpConstraint.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index be43bb8..0000000
--- a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/ClpConstraint.hpp
+++ /dev/null
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-/* $Id: ClpConstraint.hpp 1665 2011-01-04 17:55:54Z lou $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef ClpConstraint_H
-#define ClpConstraint_H
-class ClpSimplex;
-class ClpModel;
-/** Constraint Abstract Base Class
-Abstract Base Class for describing a constraint or objective function
-class ClpConstraint {
- ///@name Stuff
- //@{
- /** Fills gradient. If Linear then solution may be NULL,
- also returns true value of function and offset so we can use x not deltaX in constraint
- If refresh is false then uses last solution
- Uses model for scaling
- Returns non-zero if gradient undefined at current solution
- */
- virtual int gradient(const ClpSimplex * model,
- const double * solution,
- double * gradient,
- double & functionValue ,
- double & offset,
- bool useScaling = false,
- bool refresh = true) const = 0;
- /// Constraint function value
- virtual double functionValue (const ClpSimplex * model,
- const double * solution,
- bool useScaling = false,
- bool refresh = true) const ;
- /// Resize constraint
- virtual void resize(int newNumberColumns) = 0;
- /// Delete columns in constraint
- virtual void deleteSome(int numberToDelete, const int * which) = 0;
- /// Scale constraint
- virtual void reallyScale(const double * columnScale) = 0;
- /** Given a zeroed array sets nonlinear columns to 1.
- Returns number of nonlinear columns
- */
- virtual int markNonlinear(char * which) const = 0;
- /** Given a zeroed array sets possible nonzero coefficients to 1.
- Returns number of nonzeros
- */
- virtual int markNonzero(char * which) const = 0;
- //@}
- ///@name Constructors and destructors
- //@{
- /// Default Constructor
- ClpConstraint();
- /// Copy constructor
- ClpConstraint(const ClpConstraint &);
- /// Assignment operator
- ClpConstraint & operator=(const ClpConstraint& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~ClpConstraint ();
- /// Clone
- virtual ClpConstraint * clone() const = 0;
- //@}
- ///@name Other
- //@{
- /// Returns type, 0 linear, 1 nonlinear
- inline int type() {
- return type_;
- }
- /// Row number (-1 is objective)
- inline int rowNumber() const {
- return rowNumber_;
- }
- /// Number of possible coefficients in gradient
- virtual int numberCoefficients() const = 0;
- /// Stored constraint function value
- inline double functionValue () const {
- return functionValue_;
- }
- /// Constraint offset
- inline double offset () const {
- return offset_;
- }
- /// Say we have new primal solution - so may need to recompute
- virtual void newXValues() {}
- //@}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ///@name Protected member data
- //@{
- /// Gradient at last evaluation
- mutable double * lastGradient_;
- /// Value of non-linear part of constraint
- mutable double functionValue_;
- /// Value of offset for constraint
- mutable double offset_;
- /// Type of constraint - linear is 1
- int type_;
- /// Row number (-1 is objective)
- int rowNumber_;
- //@}