path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/Cgl012cut.hpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 464 deletions
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-// $Id: Cgl012cut.hpp 1149 2013-10-21 18:23:53Z tkr $
-// Copyright (C) 2010, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-/** @file 012cut.h Include file for C coded 0-1/2 separator */
-#ifndef CGL012CUT
-#define CGL012CUT
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cmath>
-#define CGL_NEW_SHORT
-#ifndef CGL_NEW_SHORT
-typedef /* arc */
- struct arc_st
- int len; /* length of the arc */
- struct node_st *head; /* head node */
- arc;
-typedef /* node */
- struct node_st
- arc *first; /* first outgoing arc */
- int dist; /* tentative shortest path length */
- struct node_st *parent; /* parent pointer */
- struct node_st *next; /* next node in queue */
- struct node_st *prev; /* previous node in queue */
- int status; /* status of node */
- int temp; /* for temporary labels */
- int index; /* index of the node in the graph */
-} node;
-typedef struct
- int length; // Length of arc
- int to; // To node
-} cgl_arc;
-typedef struct
- cgl_arc * firstArc; // First outgoing arc
- int parentNode; // Parent node in shortest path
- int index; // Which node I am
- int distanceBack; // Distance back to source
-} cgl_node;
-typedef struct
- int nnodes; // Number of nodes in graph
- int narcs; // Number of arcs in graph
- cgl_node * nodes;
- cgl_arc * arcs;
-} cgl_graph;
-/* #define PRINT */
-/* #define PRINT_CUTS */
-#define REDUCTION
-typedef struct {
-int mr; /* number of rows in the ILP matrix */
-int mc; /* number of columns in the ILP matrix */
-int mnz; /* number of nonzero's in the ILP matrix */
-int *mtbeg; /* starting position of each row in arrays mtind and mtval */
-int *mtcnt; /* number of entries of each row in arrays mtind and mtval */
-int *mtind; /* column indices of the nonzero entries of the ILP matrix */
-int *mtval; /* values of the nonzero entries of the ILP matrix */
-int *vlb; /* lower bounds on the variables */
-int *vub; /* upper bounds on the variables */
-int *mrhs; /* right hand sides of the constraints */
-char *msense; /* senses of the constraints: 'L', 'G' or 'E' */
-const double *xstar; /* current optimal solution of the LP relaxation */
-} ilp;
-typedef struct {
-int mr; /* number of rows in the parity ILP matrix */
-int mc; /* number of columns in the parity ILP matrix */
-int mnz; /* number of 1's in the parity ILP matrix */
-int *mtbeg; /* starting position of each row in arrays mtind and mtval */
-int *mtcnt; /* number of entries of each row in arrays mtind and mtval */
-int *mtind; /* column indices of the 1's of the parity ILP matrix */
-short int *mrhs; /* right hand side parity of the constraints */
-double *xstar; /* current optimal solution of the LP relaxation */
-double *slack; /* slack of the constraints w.r.t. xstar */
-short int *row_to_delete; /* flag for marking rows not to be considered */
-short int *col_to_delete; /* flag for marking columns not to be considered */
-int *gcd; /* greatest common divisor of each row in the input ILP matrix */
-short int *possible_weak; /* possible weakening types of each column */
-short int *type_even_weak; /* type of even weakening of each column
- (lower or upper bound weakening) */
-short int *type_odd_weak; /* type of odd weakening of each column
- (lower or upper bound weakening) */
-double *loss_even_weak; /* loss for the even weakening of each column */
-double *loss_odd_weak; /* loss for the odd weakening of each column */
-double *min_loss_by_weak; /* minimum loss for the weakening of each column */
-} parity_ilp;
-typedef struct {
-int nweak; /* number of variables weakened */
-int *var; /* list of variables weakened */
-short int *type; /* type of weakening (lower or upper bound weakening) */
-} info_weak;
-typedef struct {
-int endpoint1, endpoint2; /* endpoints of the edge */
-double weight; /* edge weight */
-short int parity; /* edge parity (even or odd) */
-int constr; /* constraint associated with the edge */
-info_weak *weak; /* weakening information */
-} edge;
-typedef struct {
-int nnodes; /* number of nodes */
-int nedges; /* number of edges */
-int *nodes; /* indexes of the ILP columns corresponding to the nodes */
-int *ind; /* indexes of the nodes corresponding to the ILP columns */
-edge **even_adj_list; /* pointers to the even edges */
-edge **odd_adj_list; /* pointers to the odd edges */
-} separation_graph;
-#ifndef CGL_NEW_SHORT
-typedef struct {
-int nnodes; /* number of nodes */
-int narcs; /* number of arcs */
-node *nodes; /* array of the nodes - see "types_db.h" */
-arc *arcs; /* array of the arcs - see "types_db.h" */
-} auxiliary_graph;
-typedef struct {
-int nnodes; /* number of nodes */
-int narcs; /* number of arcs */
-cgl_node *nodes; /* array of the nodes - see "types_db.h" */
-cgl_arc *arcs; /* array of the arcs - see "types_db.h" */
-} auxiliary_graph;
-typedef struct {
-long dist; /* distance from/to root */
-int pred; /* index of the predecessor */
-} short_path_node;
-typedef struct {
-double weight; /* overall weight of the cycle */
-int length; /* number of edges in the cycle */
-edge **edge_list; /* list of edges in the cycle */
-} cycle;
-typedef struct {
-int cnum; /* overall number of cycles */
-cycle **list; /* pointers to the cycles in the list */
-} cycle_list;
-typedef struct {
-int n_of_constr; /* number of constraints combined to get the cut */
-int *constr_list; /* list of the constraints combined */
-short int *in_constr_list; /* flag saying whether a given constraint is
- in the list of constraints of the cut (IN)
- or not (OUT) */
-int cnzcnt; /* overall number of nonzero's in the cut */
-int *cind; /* column indices of the nonzero entries of the cut */
-int *cval; /* values of the nonzero entries of the cut */
-int crhs; /* right hand side of the cut */
-char csense; /* sense of the cut: 'L', 'G' or 'E' */
-double violation; /* violation of the cut w.r.t. the current LP solution */
-} cut;
-typedef struct {
-int cnum; /* overall number of cuts */
-cut **list; /* pointers to the cuts in the list */
-} cut_list;
-typedef struct {
-int n_of_constr; /* number of constraints combined to get the cut */
-int *constr_list; /* list of the constraints combined */
-int code; /* identifier of the cut */
-int n_it_violated; /* number of consecutive iterations (starting from the
- last and going backward) in which the cut was
- violated by the LP solution */
-int it_found; /* iteration in which the cut was separated */
-double score; /* score of the cut, used to choose wich cut should be
- added to the current LP (if any) */
-} pool_cut;
-typedef struct {
-int cnum; /* overall number of cuts */
-pool_cut **list; /* pointers to the cuts in the list */
-int *ncod; /* number of cuts with a given code in the pool */
-} pool_cut_list;
-typedef struct {
-int *ccoef; /* coefficients of the cut */
-int crhs; /* right hand side of the cut */
-int pool_index; /* index of the cut in the pool */
-double score; /* cut score (to be maximized) */
-} select_cut;
-typedef struct {
-int n_it_zero; /* number of consecutive iterations (starting from the
- last and going backward) in which each variable took
- the value 0 in the LP solution */
-} log_var;
-/** 012Cut Generator Class
- This class is to make Cgl01cut thread safe etc
-class Cgl012Cut {
- /**@name Generate Cuts */
- //@{
-int sep_012_cut(
- INPUT parameters:
-int mr, /* number of rows in the ILP matrix */
-int mc, /* number of columns in the ILP matrix */
-int mnz, /* number of nonzero's in the ILP matrix */
-int *mtbeg, /* starting position of each row in arrays mtind and mtval */
-int *mtcnt, /* number of entries of each row in arrays mtind and mtval */
-int *mtind, /* column indices of the nonzero entries of the ILP matrix */
-int *mtval, /* values of the nonzero entries of the ILP matrix */
-int *vlb, /* lower bounds on the variables */
-int *vub, /* upper bounds on the variables */
-int *mrhs, /* right hand sides of the constraints */
-char *msense, /* senses of the constraints: 'L', 'G' or 'E' */
-const double *xstar, /* current optimal solution of the LP relaxation */
-bool aggressive, /* flag asking whether as many cuts as possible are
- required on output (TRUE) or not (FALSE) */
- OUTPUT parameters (the memory for the vectors is allocated INTERNALLY
- by the procedure: if some memory is already allocated, it is FREED):
-int *cnum, /* number of violated 0-1/2 cuts identified by the procedure */
-int *cnzcnt, /* overall number of nonzero's in the cuts */
-int **cbeg, /* starting position of each cut in arrays cind and cval */
-int **ccnt, /* number of entries of each cut in arrays cind and cval */
-int **cind, /* column indices of the nonzero entries of the cuts */
-int **cval, /* values of the nonzero entries of the cuts */
-int **crhs, /* right hand sides of the cuts */
-char **csense /* senses of the cuts: 'L', 'G' or 'E' */
- NOTE that all the numerical input/output vectors are INTEGER (with
- the exception of xstar), since the procedure is intended to work
- with pure ILP's, and that the ILP matrix has to be given on input
- in ROW format.
- );
-void ilp_load(
- int mr, /* number of rows in the ILP matrix */
- int mc, /* number of columns in the ILP matrix */
- int mnz, /* number of nonzero's in the ILP matrix */
- int *mtbeg, /* starting position of each row in arrays mtind and mtval */
- int *mtcnt, /* number of entries of each row in arrays mtind and mtval */
- int *mtind, /* column indices of the nonzero entries of the ILP matrix */
- int *mtval, /* values of the nonzero entries of the ILP matrix */
- int *vlb, /* lower bounds on the variables */
- int *vub, /* upper bounds on the variables */
- int *mrhs, /* right hand sides of the constraints */
- char *msense /* senses of the constraints: 'L', 'G' or 'E' */
- );
-void free_ilp();
-/* alloc_parity_ilp: allocate the memory for the parity ILP data structure */
-void alloc_parity_ilp(
- int mr, /* number of rows in the ILP matrix */
- int mc, /* number of columns in the ILP matrix */
- int mnz /* number of nonzero's in the ILP matrix */
- );
-void free_parity_ilp();
- void initialize_log_var();
-/* free_log_var */
- void free_log_var();
-/* best_weakening: find the best upper/lower bound weakening of a set
- of variables */
-int best_weakening(
- int n_to_weak, /* number of variables to weaken */
-int *vars_to_weak, /* indices of the variables to weaken */
-short int original_parity, /* original parity of the constraint to weaken */
-double original_slack, /* original slack of the constraint to weaken */
-double *best_even_slack, /* best possible slack of a weakened constraint
- with even right-hand-side */
-double *best_odd_slack, /* best possible slack of a weakened constraint
- with odd right-hand-side */
-info_weak **info_even_weak, /* weakening information about the best possible
- even weakened constraint */
-info_weak **info_odd_weak, /* weakening information about the best possible
- odd weakened constraint */
-short int only_odd, /* flag which tells whether only an odd weakening is of
- interest (TRUE) or both weakenings are (FALSE) */
-short int only_viol /* flag which tells whether only an inequality of
- slack smaller than MAX_SLACK is of interest (TRUE)
- otherwise (FALSE) */
- );
-/* best_cut: find the coefficients, the rhs and the violation of the
- best possible cut that can be obtained by weakening a given set of
- coefficients to even and a rhs to odd, dividing by 2 and rounding */
-short int best_cut(
- int *ccoef, /* vector of the coefficients */
- int *crhs, /* pointer to rhs value */
- double *violation, /* violation of the cut */
- short int update, /* TRUE/FALSE: if TRUE, the new ccoef and crhs are
- given on output */
- short int only_viol /* flag which tells whether only an inequality of
- slack smaller than MAX_SLACK is of interest (TRUE)
- otherwise (FALSE) */
- );
-/* get_cut: extract a hopefully violated cut from an odd cycle of the
- separation graph */
-cut *get_cut(
- cycle *s_cyc /* shortest odd cycles identified in the separation graph */
- );
-/* update_log_var: update the log information for the problem variables */
- void update_log_var();
-/* basic_separation: try to identify violated 0-1/2 cuts by using the
- original procedure described in Caprara and Fischetti's MP paper */
- cut_list *basic_separation();
-/* score_by_moving: compute the score of the best cut obtainable from
- the current local search solution by inserting/deleting a constraint */
-double score_by_moving(
- int i, /* constraint to be moved */
- short int itype, /* type of move - ADD or DEL */
- double thresh /* minimum value of an interesting score */
- );
-/* modify_current: update the current local search solution by inserting/
- deleting a constraint */
-void modify_current(
- int i, /* constraint to be moved */
- short int itype /* type of move - ADD or DEL */
- );
-/* best neighbour: find the cut to be added/deleted from the current
- solution among those allowed by the tabu rules */
- short int best_neighbour(cut_list *out_cuts /* list of the violated cuts found */);
-/* add_tight_constraint: initialize the current cut by adding a tight
- constraint to it */
- void add_tight_constraint();
-/* tabu_012: try to identify violated 0-1/2 cuts by a simple tabu search
- procedure adapted from that used by Battiti and Protasi for finding
- large cliques */
- cut_list *tabu_012();
-/* initialize: initialize the data structures for local search */
- void initialize();
-/* restart: perform a restart of the search - IMPORTANT: in the current
- implementation vector last_moved is not cleared at restart */
- void restart(short int failure /* flag forcing the restart if some trouble occurred */);
- void print_constr(int i /* constraint to be printed */);
- void print_parity_ilp();
-/* get_parity_ilp: construct an internal data structure containing all the
- information which can be useful for 0-1/2 cut separation */
- void get_parity_ilp();
-/* initialize_sep_graph: allocate and initialize the data structure
- to contain the information associated with a separation graph */
- separation_graph *initialize_sep_graph();
- void print_cut(cut *v_cut);
-/* get_ori_cut_coef: get the coefficients of a cut, before dividing by 2 and
- rounding, starting from the list of the constraints combined to get
- the cut */
-short int get_ori_cut_coef(
- int n_of_constr, /* number of constraints combined */
- int *constr_list, /* list of the constraints combined */
- int *ccoef, /* cut left hand side coefficients */
- int *crhs, /* cut right hand side */
- short int only_viol /* flag which tells whether only an inequality of
- slack smaller than MAX_SLACK is of interest (TRUE)
- otherwise (FALSE) */
- );
-/* define_cut: construct a cut data structure from a vector of
- coefficients and a right-hand-side */
-cut *define_cut(
- int *ccoef, /* coefficients of the cut */
- int crhs /* right hand side of the cut */
- );
-/* cut_score: define the score of a (violated) cut */
-double cut_score(
- int *ccoef, /* cut left hand side coefficients */
- int crhs, /* cut right hand side */
- double viol, /* cut violation */
- short int only_viol /* flag which tells whether only an inequality of
- slack smaller than MAX_SLACK is of interest (TRUE)
- otherwise (FALSE) */
- );
-/* get_current_cut: return a cut data type with the information about
- the current cut of the search procedure */
- cut *get_current_cut();
-/* print_cur_cut: display cur_cut on output */
- void print_cur_cut();
- void print_cut_list(cut_list *cuts);
- //@}
- /**@name Constructors and destructors */
- //@{
- /// Default constructor
- Cgl012Cut ();
- /// Copy constructor
- Cgl012Cut (
- const Cgl012Cut &);
- /// Assignment operator
- Cgl012Cut &
- operator=(
- const Cgl012Cut& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~Cgl012Cut ();
- //@}
- // Private member methods
- /**@name Private methods */
- //@{
- //@}
- /**@name Private member data */
- //@{
-ilp *inp_ilp; /* input ILP data structure */
-parity_ilp *p_ilp; /* parity ILP data structure */
-int iter;
-double gap;
-double maxgap;
-int errorNo;
-int sep_iter; /* number of the current separation iteration */
-log_var **vlog; /* information about the value attained
- by the variables in the last iterations,
- used to possibly set to 0 some coefficient
- > 0 in a cut to be added */
-bool aggr; /* flag saying whether as many cuts as possible are required
- from the separation procedure (TRUE) or not (FALSE) */
- //@}