path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcDummyBranchingObject.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcDummyBranchingObject.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcDummyBranchingObject.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcDummyBranchingObject.hpp
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index b7e15c5..0000000
--- a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcDummyBranchingObject.hpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// $Id: CbcDummyBranchingObject.hpp 1899 2013-04-09 18:12:08Z stefan $
-// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-// Edwin 11/10/2009-- carved out of CbcBranchActual
-#ifndef CbcDummyBranchingObject_H
-#define CbcDummyBranchingObject_H
-#include "CbcBranchBase.hpp"
-/** Dummy branching object
- This object specifies a one-way dummy branch.
- This is so one can carry on branching even when it looks feasible
-class CbcDummyBranchingObject : public CbcBranchingObject {
- /// Default constructor
- CbcDummyBranchingObject (CbcModel * model = NULL);
- /// Copy constructor
- CbcDummyBranchingObject ( const CbcDummyBranchingObject &);
- /// Assignment operator
- CbcDummyBranchingObject & operator= (const CbcDummyBranchingObject& rhs);
- /// Clone
- virtual CbcBranchingObject * clone() const;
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~CbcDummyBranchingObject ();
- using CbcBranchingObject::branch ;
- /** \brief Dummy branch
- */
- virtual double branch();
-#ifdef JJF_ZERO
- // No need to override. Default works fine.
- /** Reset every information so that the branching object appears to point to
- the previous child. This method does not need to modify anything in any
- solver. */
- virtual void previousBranch();
- using CbcBranchingObject::print ;
- /** \brief Print something about branch - only if log level high
- */
- virtual void print();
- /** Return the type (an integer identifier) of \c this */
- virtual CbcBranchObjType type() const {
- return DummyBranchObj;
- }
- /** Compare the original object of \c this with the original object of \c
- brObj. Assumes that there is an ordering of the original objects.
- This method should be invoked only if \c this and brObj are of the same
- type.
- Return negative/0/positive depending on whether \c this is
- smaller/same/larger than the argument.
- */
- virtual int compareOriginalObject(const CbcBranchingObject* brObj) const;
- /** Compare the \c this with \c brObj. \c this and \c brObj must be os the
- same type and must have the same original object, but they may have
- different feasible regions.
- Return the appropriate CbcRangeCompare value (first argument being the
- sub/superset if that's the case). In case of overlap (and if \c
- replaceIfOverlap is true) replace the current branching object with one
- whose feasible region is the overlap.
- */
- virtual CbcRangeCompare compareBranchingObject
- (const CbcBranchingObject* brObj, const bool replaceIfOverlap = false);