path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcBranchDynamic.hpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcBranchDynamic.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcBranchDynamic.hpp
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--- a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CbcBranchDynamic.hpp
+++ /dev/null
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-/* $Id: CbcBranchDynamic.hpp 1573 2011-01-05 01:12:36Z lou $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2005, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef CbcBranchDynamic_H
-#define CbcBranchDynamic_H
-#include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
-#include "CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost.hpp"
-#include "CbcBranchActual.hpp"
-/** Branching decision dynamic class
- This class implements a simple algorithm
- (betterBranch()) for choosing a branching variable when dynamic pseudo costs.
-class CbcBranchDynamicDecision : public CbcBranchDecision {
- // Default Constructor
- CbcBranchDynamicDecision ();
- // Copy constructor
- CbcBranchDynamicDecision ( const CbcBranchDynamicDecision &);
- virtual ~CbcBranchDynamicDecision();
- /// Clone
- virtual CbcBranchDecision * clone() const;
- /// Initialize, <i>e.g.</i> before the start of branch selection at a node
- virtual void initialize(CbcModel * model);
- /** \brief Compare two branching objects. Return nonzero if \p thisOne is
- better than \p bestSoFar.
- The routine compares branches using the values supplied in \p numInfUp and
- \p numInfDn until a solution is found by search, after which it uses the
- values supplied in \p changeUp and \p changeDn. The best branching object
- seen so far and the associated parameter values are remembered in the
- \c CbcBranchDynamicDecision object. The nonzero return value is +1 if the
- up branch is preferred, -1 if the down branch is preferred.
- As the names imply, the assumption is that the values supplied for
- \p numInfUp and \p numInfDn will be the number of infeasibilities reported
- by the branching object, and \p changeUp and \p changeDn will be the
- estimated change in objective. Other measures can be used if desired.
- Because an \c CbcBranchDynamicDecision object remembers the current best
- branching candidate (#bestObject_) as well as the values used in the
- comparison, the parameter \p bestSoFar is redundant, hence unused.
- */
- virtual int betterBranch(CbcBranchingObject * thisOne,
- CbcBranchingObject * bestSoFar,
- double changeUp, int numInfUp,
- double changeDn, int numInfDn);
- /** Sets or gets best criterion so far */
- virtual void setBestCriterion(double value);
- virtual double getBestCriterion() const;
- /** Says whether this method can handle both methods -
- 1 better, 2 best, 3 both */
- virtual int whichMethod() {
- return 3;
- }
- /** Saves a clone of current branching object. Can be used to update
- information on object causing branch - after branch */
- virtual void saveBranchingObject(OsiBranchingObject * object) ;
- /** Pass in information on branch just done.
- assumes object can get information from solver */
- virtual void updateInformation(OsiSolverInterface * solver,
- const CbcNode * node);
- /// Illegal Assignment operator
- CbcBranchDynamicDecision & operator=(const CbcBranchDynamicDecision& rhs);
- /// data
- /// "best" so far
- double bestCriterion_;
- /// Change up for best
- double bestChangeUp_;
- /// Number of infeasibilities for up
- int bestNumberUp_;
- /// Change down for best
- double bestChangeDown_;
- /// Number of infeasibilities for down
- int bestNumberDown_;
- /// Pointer to best branching object
- CbcBranchingObject * bestObject_;
-/** Simple branching object for an integer variable with pseudo costs
- This object can specify a two-way branch on an integer variable. For each
- arm of the branch, the upper and lower bounds on the variable can be
- independently specified.
- Variable_ holds the index of the integer variable in the integerVariable_
- array of the model.
-class CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject : public CbcIntegerBranchingObject {
- /// Default constructor
- CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject ();
- /** Create a standard floor/ceiling branch object
- Specifies a simple two-way branch. Let \p value = x*. One arm of the
- branch will be is lb <= x <= floor(x*), the other ceil(x*) <= x <= ub.
- Specify way = -1 to set the object state to perform the down arm first,
- way = 1 for the up arm.
- */
- CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject (CbcModel *model, int variable,
- int way , double value,
- CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost * object) ;
- /** Create a degenerate branch object
- Specifies a `one-way branch'. Calling branch() for this object will
- always result in lowerValue <= x <= upperValue. Used to fix a variable
- when lowerValue = upperValue.
- */
- CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject (CbcModel *model, int variable, int way,
- double lowerValue, double upperValue) ;
- /// Copy constructor
- CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject ( const CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject &);
- /// Assignment operator
- CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject & operator= (const CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject& rhs);
- /// Clone
- virtual CbcBranchingObject * clone() const;
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~CbcDynamicPseudoCostBranchingObject ();
- /// Does part of constructor
- void fillPart (int variable,
- int way , double value,
- CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost * object) ;
- using CbcBranchingObject::branch ;
- /** \brief Sets the bounds for the variable according to the current arm
- of the branch and advances the object state to the next arm.
- This version also changes guessed objective value
- */
- virtual double branch();
- /** Some branchingObjects may claim to be able to skip
- strong branching. If so they have to fill in CbcStrongInfo.
- The object mention in incoming CbcStrongInfo must match.
- Returns nonzero if skip is wanted */
- virtual int fillStrongInfo( CbcStrongInfo & info);
- /// Change in guessed
- inline double changeInGuessed() const {
- return changeInGuessed_;
- }
- /// Set change in guessed
- inline void setChangeInGuessed(double value) {
- changeInGuessed_ = value;
- }
- /// Return object
- inline CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost * object() const {
- return object_;
- }
- /// Set object
- inline void setObject(CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost * object) {
- object_ = object;
- }
- /** Return the type (an integer identifier) of \c this */
- virtual CbcBranchObjType type() const {
- return DynamicPseudoCostBranchObj;
- }
- // LL: compareOriginalObject and compareBranchingObject are inherited from
- // CbcIntegerBranchingObject thus need not be declared/defined here. After
- // all, this kind of branching object is simply using pseudocosts to make
- // decisions, but once the decisions are made they are the same kind as in
- // the underlying class.
- /// Change in guessed objective value for next branch
- double changeInGuessed_;
- /// Pointer back to object
- CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost * object_;