path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcTree.hpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcTree.hpp
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcTree.hpp')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcTree.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcTree.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ea2bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcTree.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+/* $Id: CbcTree.hpp 1943 2013-07-21 09:05:45Z forrest $ */
+// Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+#ifndef CbcTree_H
+#define CbcTree_H
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
+#include "CbcCompare.hpp"
+/*! \brief Using MS heap implementation
+ It's unclear if this is needed any longer, or even if it should be allowed.
+ Cbc occasionally tries to do things to the tree (typically tweaking the
+ comparison predicate) that can cause a violation of the heap property (parent better
+ than either child). In a debug build, Microsoft's heap implementation does checks that
+ detect this and fail. This symbol switched to an alternate implementation of CbcTree,
+ and there are clearly differences, but no explanation as to why or what for.
+ As of 100921, the code is cleaned up to make it through `cbc -unitTest' without
+ triggering `Invalid heap' in an MSVS debug build. The method validateHeap() can
+ be used for debugging if this turns up again.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MNO_CYGWIN)
+#if 1 //ndef CBC_DUBIOUS_HEAP
+/*! \brief Controls search tree debugging
+ In order to have validateHeap() available, set CBC_DEBUG_HEAP
+ to 1 or higher.
+ - 1 calls validateHeap() after each change to the heap
+ - 2 will print a line for major operations (clean, set comparison, etc.)
+ - 3 will print information about each push and pop
+#define CBC_DEBUG_HEAP 1
+/*! \class CbcTree
+ \brief Implementation of the live set as a heap.
+ This class is used to hold the set of live nodes in the search tree.
+class CbcTree {
+ /*! \name Constructors and related */
+ /// Default Constructor
+ CbcTree ();
+ /// Copy constructor
+ CbcTree (const CbcTree &rhs);
+ /// = operator
+ CbcTree & operator=(const CbcTree &rhs);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~CbcTree();
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcTree * clone() const;
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp(FILE *) {}
+ /*! \name Heap access and maintenance methods */
+ /// Set comparison function and resort heap
+ void setComparison(CbcCompareBase &compare);
+ /// Return the top node of the heap
+ virtual CbcNode * top() const;
+ /// Add a node to the heap
+ virtual void push(CbcNode *x);
+ /// Remove the top node from the heap
+ virtual void pop() ;
+ /*! \brief Gets best node and takes off heap
+ Before returning the node from the top of the heap, the node
+ is offered an opportunity to reevaluate itself. Callers should
+ be prepared to check that the node returned is suitable for use.
+ */
+ virtual CbcNode * bestNode(double cutoff);
+ /*! \brief Rebuild the heap */
+ virtual void rebuild() ;
+ /*! \name Direct node access methods */
+ /// Test for an empty tree
+ virtual bool empty() ;
+ /// Return size
+ virtual int size() const { return static_cast<int>(nodes_.size()); }
+ /// Return a node pointer
+ inline CbcNode * operator [] (int i) const { return nodes_[i]; }
+ /// Return a node pointer
+ inline CbcNode * nodePointer (int i) const { return nodes_[i]; }
+ void realpop();
+ /** After changing data in the top node, fix the heap */
+ void fixTop();
+ void realpush(CbcNode * node);
+ /*! \name Search tree maintenance */
+ /*! \brief Prune the tree using an objective function cutoff
+ This routine removes all nodes with objective worse than the
+ specified cutoff value. It also sets bestPossibleObjective to
+ the best objective over remaining nodes.
+ */
+ virtual void cleanTree(CbcModel * model, double cutoff, double & bestPossibleObjective);
+ /// Get best on list using alternate method
+ CbcNode * bestAlternate();
+ /// We may have got an intelligent tree so give it one more chance
+ virtual void endSearch() {}
+ /// Get best possible objective function in the tree
+ virtual double getBestPossibleObjective();
+ /// Reset maximum node number
+ inline void resetNodeNumbers() { maximumNodeNumber_ = 0; }
+ /// Get maximum node number
+ inline int maximumNodeNumber() const { return maximumNodeNumber_; }
+ /// Set number of branches
+ inline void setNumberBranching(int value) { numberBranching_ = value; }
+ /// Get number of branches
+ inline int getNumberBranching() const { return numberBranching_; }
+ /// Set maximum branches
+ inline void setMaximumBranching(int value) { maximumBranching_ = value; }
+ /// Get maximum branches
+ inline int getMaximumBranching() const { return maximumBranching_; }
+ /// Get branched variables
+ inline unsigned int * branched() const { return branched_; }
+ /// Get bounds
+ inline int * newBounds() const { return newBound_; }
+ /// Last objective in branch-and-cut search tree
+ inline double lastObjective() const {
+ return lastObjective_;
+ }
+ /// Last depth in branch-and-cut search tree
+ inline int lastDepth() const {
+ return lastDepth_;
+ }
+ /// Last number of objects unsatisfied
+ inline int lastUnsatisfied() const {
+ return lastUnsatisfied_;
+ }
+ /// Adds branching information to complete state
+ void addBranchingInformation(const CbcModel * model, const CbcNodeInfo * nodeInfo,
+ const double * currentLower,
+ const double * currentUpper);
+ /// Increase space for data
+ void increaseSpace();
+# if CBC_DEBUG_HEAP > 0
+ /*! \name Debugging methods */
+ //@{
+ /*! \brief Check that the heap property is satisfied. */
+ void validateHeap() ;
+ //@}
+# endif
+ /// Storage vector for the heap
+ std::vector <CbcNode *> nodes_;
+ /// Sort predicate for heap ordering.
+ CbcCompare comparison_;
+ /// Maximum "node" number so far to split ties
+ int maximumNodeNumber_;
+ /// Size of variable list
+ int numberBranching_;
+ /// Maximum size of variable list
+ int maximumBranching_;
+ /// Objective of last node pushed on tree
+ double lastObjective_;
+ /// Depth of last node pushed on tree
+ int lastDepth_;
+ /// Number unsatisfied of last node pushed on tree
+ int lastUnsatisfied_;
+ /** Integer variables branched or bounded
+ top bit set if new upper bound
+ next bit set if a branch
+ */
+ unsigned int * branched_;
+ /// New bound
+ int * newBound_;
+#ifdef JJF_ZERO // not used
+/*! \brief Implementation of live set as a managed array.
+ This class is used to hold the set of live nodes in the search tree.
+class CbcTreeArray : public CbcTree {
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcTreeArray ();
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcTreeArray ( const CbcTreeArray & rhs);
+ // = operator
+ CbcTreeArray & operator=(const CbcTreeArray & rhs);
+ virtual ~CbcTreeArray();
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcTree * clone() const;
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp( FILE * ) {}
+ /*! \name Heap access and maintenance methods */
+ /// Set comparison function and resort heap
+ void setComparison(CbcCompareBase &compare);
+ /// Add a node to the heap
+ virtual void push(CbcNode * x);
+ /// Gets best node and takes off heap
+ virtual CbcNode * bestNode(double cutoff);
+ /*! \name vector methods */
+ /// Test if empty *** note may be overridden
+ virtual bool empty() ;
+ /*! \name Search tree maintenance */
+ /*! \brief Prune the tree using an objective function cutoff
+ This routine removes all nodes with objective worst than the
+ specified cutoff value.
+ It also sets bestPossibleObjective to best
+ of all on tree before deleting.
+ */
+ void cleanTree(CbcModel * model, double cutoff, double & bestPossibleObjective);
+ /// Get best possible objective function in the tree
+ virtual double getBestPossibleObjective();
+ /// Returns
+ /// Last node
+ CbcNode * lastNode_;
+ /// Last node popped
+ CbcNode * lastNodePopped_;
+ /// Not used yet
+ int switches_;
+/// New style
+#include "CoinSearchTree.hpp"
+/*! \class tree
+ \brief Implementation of live set as a heap.
+ This class is used to hold the set of live nodes in the search tree.
+class CbcNewTree : public CbcTree, public CoinSearchTreeManager {
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcNewTree ();
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcNewTree ( const CbcNewTree & rhs);
+ // = operator
+ CbcNewTree & operator=(const CbcNewTree & rhs);
+ virtual ~CbcNewTree();
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcNewTree * clone() const;
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp( FILE * ) {}
+ /*! \name Heap access and maintenance methods */
+ /// Set comparison function and resort heap
+ void setComparison(CbcCompareBase &compare);
+ /// Return the top node of the heap
+ virtual CbcNode * top() const;
+ /// Add a node to the heap
+ virtual void push(CbcNode * x);
+ /// Remove the top node from the heap
+ virtual void pop() ;
+ /// Gets best node and takes off heap
+ virtual CbcNode * bestNode(double cutoff);
+ /*! \name vector methods */
+ /// Test if empty *** note may be overridden
+ virtual bool empty() ;
+ /// Return size
+ inline int size() const {
+ return nodes_.size();
+ }
+ /// [] operator
+ inline CbcNode * operator [] (int i) const {
+ return nodes_[i];
+ }
+ /// Return a node pointer
+ inline CbcNode * nodePointer (int i) const {
+ return nodes_[i];
+ }
+ /*! \name Search tree maintenance */
+ /*! \brief Prune the tree using an objective function cutoff
+ This routine removes all nodes with objective worst than the
+ specified cutoff value.
+ It also sets bestPossibleObjective to best
+ of all on tree before deleting.
+ */
+ void cleanTree(CbcModel * model, double cutoff, double & bestPossibleObjective);
+ /// Get best on list using alternate method
+ CbcNode * bestAlternate();
+ /// We may have got an intelligent tree so give it one more chance
+ virtual void endSearch() {}
+/* CBC_DUBIOUS_HEAP is defined
+ See note at top of file. This code is highly suspect.
+ -- lh, 100921 --
+class CbcTree {
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcTree ();
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcTree ( const CbcTree & rhs);
+ // = operator
+ CbcTree & operator=(const CbcTree & rhs);
+ virtual ~CbcTree();
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcTree * clone() const;
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp( FILE * fp) {}
+ /*! \name Heap access and maintenance methods */
+ /// Set comparison function and resort heap
+ void setComparison(CbcCompareBase &compare);
+ /// Return the top node of the heap
+ virtual CbcNode * top() const;
+ /// Add a node to the heap
+ virtual void push(CbcNode * x);
+ /// Remove the top node from the heap
+ virtual void pop() ;
+ /// Gets best node and takes off heap
+ virtual CbcNode * bestNode(double cutoff);
+ /*! \name vector methods */
+ /// Test if empty *** note may be overridden
+ //virtual bool empty() ;
+ /// Return size
+ inline int size() const {
+ return nodes_.size();
+ }
+ /// [] operator
+ inline CbcNode * operator [] (int i) const {
+ return nodes_[i];
+ }
+ /// Return a node pointer
+ inline CbcNode * nodePointer (int i) const {
+ return nodes_[i];
+ }
+ virtual bool empty();
+ //inline int size() const { return size_; }
+ void realpop();
+ /** After changing data in the top node, fix the heap */
+ void fixTop();
+ void realpush(CbcNode * node);
+ /*! \name Search tree maintenance */
+ /*! \brief Prune the tree using an objective function cutoff
+ This routine removes all nodes with objective worst than the
+ specified cutoff value.
+ It also sets bestPossibleObjective to best
+ of all on tree before deleting.
+ */
+ void cleanTree(CbcModel * model, double cutoff, double & bestPossibleObjective);
+ /// Get best on list using alternate method
+ CbcNode * bestAlternate();
+ /// We may have got an intelligent tree so give it one more chance
+ virtual void endSearch() {}
+ /// Reset maximum node number
+ inline void resetNodeNumbers() {
+ maximumNodeNumber_ = 0;
+ }
+ /// Get maximum node number
+ inline int maximumNodeNumber() const { return maximumNodeNumber_; }
+ std::vector <CbcNode *> nodes_;
+ CbcCompare comparison_; ///> Sort function for heap ordering.
+ /// Maximum "node" number so far to split ties
+ int maximumNodeNumber_;