path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcHeuristic.hpp
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authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcHeuristic.hpp
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcHeuristic.hpp')
1 files changed, 682 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcHeuristic.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcHeuristic.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32466c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcHeuristic.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+/* $Id: CbcHeuristic.hpp 2094 2014-11-18 11:15:36Z forrest $ */
+// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+#ifndef CbcHeuristic_H
+#define CbcHeuristic_H
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
+#include "OsiCuts.hpp"
+#include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
+#include "OsiBranchingObject.hpp"
+class OsiSolverInterface;
+class CbcModel;
+class CbcHeuristicNodeList;
+class CbcBranchingObject;
+/** A class describing the branching decisions that were made to get
+ to the node where a heuristic was invoked from */
+class CbcHeuristicNode {
+ void gutsOfConstructor(CbcModel& model);
+ CbcHeuristicNode();
+ CbcHeuristicNode& operator=(const CbcHeuristicNode&);
+ /// The number of branching decisions made
+ int numObjects_;
+ /** The indices of the branching objects. Note: an index may be
+ listed multiple times. E.g., a general integer variable that has
+ been branched on multiple times. */
+ CbcBranchingObject** brObj_;
+ CbcHeuristicNode(CbcModel& model);
+ CbcHeuristicNode(const CbcHeuristicNode& rhs);
+ ~CbcHeuristicNode();
+ double distance(const CbcHeuristicNode* node) const;
+ double minDistance(const CbcHeuristicNodeList& nodeList) const;
+ bool minDistanceIsSmall(const CbcHeuristicNodeList& nodeList,
+ const double threshold) const;
+ double avgDistance(const CbcHeuristicNodeList& nodeList) const;
+class CbcHeuristicNodeList {
+ void gutsOfDelete();
+ void gutsOfCopy(const CbcHeuristicNodeList& rhs);
+ std::vector<CbcHeuristicNode*> nodes_;
+ CbcHeuristicNodeList() {}
+ CbcHeuristicNodeList(const CbcHeuristicNodeList& rhs);
+ CbcHeuristicNodeList& operator=(const CbcHeuristicNodeList& rhs);
+ ~CbcHeuristicNodeList();
+ void append(CbcHeuristicNode*& node);
+ void append(const CbcHeuristicNodeList& nodes);
+ inline const CbcHeuristicNode* node(int i) const {
+ return nodes_[i];
+ }
+ inline int size() const {
+ return static_cast<int>(nodes_.size());
+ }
+/** Heuristic base class */
+class CbcHeuristic {
+ void gutsOfDelete() {}
+ void gutsOfCopy(const CbcHeuristic & rhs);
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcHeuristic ();
+ // Constructor with model - assumed before cuts
+ CbcHeuristic (CbcModel & model);
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcHeuristic ( const CbcHeuristic &);
+ virtual ~CbcHeuristic();
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcHeuristic * clone() const = 0;
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CbcHeuristic & operator=(const CbcHeuristic& rhs);
+ /// update model (This is needed if cliques update matrix etc)
+ virtual void setModel(CbcModel * model);
+ /// Resets stuff if model changes
+ virtual void resetModel(CbcModel * model) = 0;
+ /** returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution
+ with better objective value than one passed in
+ Sets solution values if good, sets objective value
+ This is called after cuts have been added - so can not add cuts
+ */
+ virtual int solution(double & objectiveValue,
+ double * newSolution) = 0;
+ /** returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution, -1 if just
+ returning an estimate of best possible solution
+ with better objective value than one passed in
+ Sets solution values if good, sets objective value (only if nonzero code)
+ This is called at same time as cut generators - so can add cuts
+ Default is do nothing
+ */
+ virtual int solution2(double & /*objectiveValue*/,
+ double * /*newSolution*/,
+ OsiCuts & /*cs*/) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /// Validate model i.e. sets when_ to 0 if necessary (may be NULL)
+ virtual void validate() {}
+ /** Sets "when" flag - 0 off, 1 at root, 2 other than root, 3 always.
+ If 10 added then don't worry if validate says there are funny objects
+ as user knows it will be fine
+ */
+ inline void setWhen(int value) {
+ when_ = value;
+ }
+ /// Gets "when" flag - 0 off, 1 at root, 2 other than root, 3 always
+ inline int when() const {
+ return when_;
+ }
+ /// Sets number of nodes in subtree (default 200)
+ inline void setNumberNodes(int value) {
+ numberNodes_ = value;
+ }
+ /// Gets number of nodes in a subtree (default 200)
+ inline int numberNodes() const {
+ return numberNodes_;
+ }
+ /** Switches (does not apply equally to all heuristics)
+ 1 bit - stop once allowable gap on objective reached
+ 2 bit - always do given number of passes
+ 4 bit - weaken cutoff by 5% every 50 passes?
+ 8 bit - if has cutoff and suminf bobbling for 20 passes then
+ first try halving distance to best possible then
+ try keep halving distance to known cutoff
+ 16 bit - needs new solution to run
+ 1024 bit - stop all heuristics on max time
+ */
+ inline void setSwitches(int value) {
+ switches_ = value;
+ }
+ /** Switches (does not apply equally to all heuristics)
+ 1 bit - stop once allowable gap on objective reached
+ 2 bit - always do given number of passes
+ 4 bit - weaken cutoff by 5% every 50 passes?
+ 8 bit - if has cutoff and suminf bobbling for 20 passes then
+ first try halving distance to best possible then
+ try keep halving distance to known cutoff
+ 16 bit - needs new solution to run
+ 1024 bit - stop all heuristics on max time
+ 65536 bit and above used for temporary communication
+ */
+ inline int switches() const {
+ return switches_;
+ }
+ /// Whether to exit at once on gap
+ bool exitNow(double bestObjective) const;
+ /// Sets feasibility pump options (-1 is off)
+ inline void setFeasibilityPumpOptions(int value) {
+ feasibilityPumpOptions_ = value;
+ }
+ /// Gets feasibility pump options (-1 is off)
+ inline int feasibilityPumpOptions() const {
+ return feasibilityPumpOptions_;
+ }
+ /// Just set model - do not do anything else
+ inline void setModelOnly(CbcModel * model) {
+ model_ = model;
+ }
+ /// Sets fraction of new(rows+columns)/old(rows+columns) before doing small branch and bound (default 1.0)
+ inline void setFractionSmall(double value) {
+ fractionSmall_ = value;
+ }
+ /// Gets fraction of new(rows+columns)/old(rows+columns) before doing small branch and bound (default 1.0)
+ inline double fractionSmall() const {
+ return fractionSmall_;
+ }
+ /// Get how many solutions the heuristic thought it got
+ inline int numberSolutionsFound() const {
+ return numberSolutionsFound_;
+ }
+ /// Increment how many solutions the heuristic thought it got
+ inline void incrementNumberSolutionsFound() {
+ numberSolutionsFound_++;
+ }
+ /** Do mini branch and bound - return
+ 0 not finished - no solution
+ 1 not finished - solution
+ 2 finished - no solution
+ 3 finished - solution
+ (could add global cut if finished)
+ -1 returned on size
+ -2 time or user event
+ */
+ int smallBranchAndBound(OsiSolverInterface * solver, int numberNodes,
+ double * newSolution, double & newSolutionValue,
+ double cutoff , std::string name) const;
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp( FILE * ) {}
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state - does work for base class
+ void generateCpp( FILE * fp, const char * heuristic) ;
+ /// Returns true if can deal with "odd" problems e.g. sos type 2
+ virtual bool canDealWithOdd() const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// return name of heuristic
+ inline const char *heuristicName() const {
+ return heuristicName_.c_str();
+ }
+ /// set name of heuristic
+ inline void setHeuristicName(const char *name) {
+ heuristicName_ = name;
+ }
+ /// Set random number generator seed
+ void setSeed(int value);
+ /// Get random number generator seed
+ int getSeed() const;
+ /// Sets decay factor (for howOften) on failure
+ inline void setDecayFactor(double value) {
+ decayFactor_ = value;
+ }
+ /// Set input solution
+ void setInputSolution(const double * solution, double objValue);
+ /* Runs if bit set
+ 0 - before cuts at root node (or from doHeuristics)
+ 1 - during cuts at root
+ 2 - after root node cuts
+ 3 - after cuts at other nodes
+ 4 - during cuts at other nodes
+ 8 added if previous heuristic in loop found solution
+ */
+ inline void setWhereFrom(int value) {
+ whereFrom_ = value;
+ }
+ inline int whereFrom() const {
+ return whereFrom_;
+ }
+ /** Upto this depth we call the tree shallow and the heuristic can be called
+ multiple times. That is, the test whether the current node is far from
+ the others where the jeuristic was invoked will not be done, only the
+ frequency will be tested. After that depth the heuristic will can be
+ invoked only once per node, right before branching. That's when it'll be
+ tested whether the heur should run at all. */
+ inline void setShallowDepth(int value) {
+ shallowDepth_ = value;
+ }
+ /** How often to invoke the heuristics in the shallow part of the tree */
+ inline void setHowOftenShallow(int value) {
+ howOftenShallow_ = value;
+ }
+ /** How "far" should this node be from every other where the heuristic was
+ run in order to allow the heuristic to run in this node, too. Currently
+ this is tested, but we may switch to avgDistanceToRun_ in the future. */
+ inline void setMinDistanceToRun(int value) {
+ minDistanceToRun_ = value;
+ }
+ /** Check whether the heuristic should run at all
+ 0 - before cuts at root node (or from doHeuristics)
+ 1 - during cuts at root
+ 2 - after root node cuts
+ 3 - after cuts at other nodes
+ 4 - during cuts at other nodes
+ 8 added if previous heuristic in loop found solution
+ */
+ virtual bool shouldHeurRun(int whereFrom);
+ /** Check whether the heuristic should run this time */
+ bool shouldHeurRun_randomChoice();
+ void debugNodes();
+ void printDistanceToNodes();
+ /// how many times the heuristic has actually run
+ inline int numRuns() const {
+ return numRuns_;
+ }
+ /// How many times the heuristic could run
+ inline int numCouldRun() const {
+ return numCouldRun_;
+ }
+ /*! \brief Clone, but ...
+ If type is
+ - 0 clone the solver for the model,
+ - 1 clone the continuous solver for the model
+ - Add 2 to say without integer variables which are at low priority
+ - Add 4 to say quite likely infeasible so give up easily (clp only).
+ */
+ OsiSolverInterface * cloneBut(int type);
+ /// Model
+ CbcModel * model_;
+ /// When flag - 0 off, 1 at root, 2 other than root, 3 always
+ int when_;
+ /// Number of nodes in any sub tree
+ int numberNodes_;
+ /** Feasibility pump options , -1 is off
+ >=0 for feasibility pump itself
+ -2 quick proximity search
+ -3 longer proximity search
+ */
+ int feasibilityPumpOptions_;
+ /// Fraction of new(rows+columns)/old(rows+columns) before doing small branch and bound
+ mutable double fractionSmall_;
+ /// Thread specific random number generator
+ CoinThreadRandom randomNumberGenerator_;
+ /// Name for printing
+ std::string heuristicName_;
+ /// How often to do (code can change)
+ mutable int howOften_;
+ /// How much to increase how often
+ double decayFactor_;
+ /** Switches (does not apply equally to all heuristics)
+ 1 bit - stop once allowable gap on objective reached
+ 2 bit - always do given number of passes
+ 4 bit - weaken cutoff by 5% every 50 passes?
+ 8 bit - if has cutoff and suminf bobbling for 20 passes then
+ first try halving distance to best possible then
+ try keep halving distance to known cutoff
+ 16 bit - needs new solution to run
+ 1024 bit - stop all heuristics on max time
+ */
+ mutable int switches_;
+ /* Runs if bit set
+ 0 - before cuts at root node (or from doHeuristics)
+ 1 - during cuts at root
+ 2 - after root node cuts
+ 3 - after cuts at other nodes
+ 4 - during cuts at other nodes
+ 8 added if previous heuristic in loop found solution
+ */
+ int whereFrom_;
+ /** Upto this depth we call the tree shallow and the heuristic can be called
+ multiple times. That is, the test whether the current node is far from
+ the others where the jeuristic was invoked will not be done, only the
+ frequency will be tested. After that depth the heuristic will can be
+ invoked only once per node, right before branching. That's when it'll be
+ tested whether the heur should run at all. */
+ int shallowDepth_;
+ /** How often to invoke the heuristics in the shallow part of the tree */
+ int howOftenShallow_;
+ /** How many invocations happened within the same node when in a shallow
+ part of the tree. */
+ int numInvocationsInShallow_;
+ /** How many invocations happened when in the deep part of the tree. For
+ every node we count only one invocation. */
+ int numInvocationsInDeep_;
+ /** After how many deep invocations was the heuristic run last time */
+ int lastRunDeep_;
+ /// how many times the heuristic has actually run
+ int numRuns_;
+ /** How "far" should this node be from every other where the heuristic was
+ run in order to allow the heuristic to run in this node, too. Currently
+ this is tested, but we may switch to avgDistanceToRun_ in the future. */
+ int minDistanceToRun_;
+ /// The description of the nodes where this heuristic has been applied
+ CbcHeuristicNodeList runNodes_;
+ /// How many times the heuristic could run
+ int numCouldRun_;
+ /// How many solutions the heuristic thought it got
+ int numberSolutionsFound_;
+ /// How many nodes the heuristic did this go
+ mutable int numberNodesDone_;
+ // Input solution - so can be used as seed
+ double * inputSolution_;
+#ifdef JJF_ZERO
+ /// Lower bounds of last node where the heuristic found a solution
+ double * lowerBoundLastNode_;
+ /// Upper bounds of last node where the heuristic found a solution
+ double * upperBoundLastNode_;
+/** Rounding class
+ */
+class CbcRounding : public CbcHeuristic {
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcRounding ();
+ // Constructor with model - assumed before cuts
+ CbcRounding (CbcModel & model);
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcRounding ( const CbcRounding &);
+ // Destructor
+ ~CbcRounding ();
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CbcRounding & operator=(const CbcRounding& rhs);
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcHeuristic * clone() const;
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp( FILE * fp) ;
+ /// Resets stuff if model changes
+ virtual void resetModel(CbcModel * model);
+ /// update model (This is needed if cliques update matrix etc)
+ virtual void setModel(CbcModel * model);
+ using CbcHeuristic::solution ;
+ /** returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution
+ with better objective value than one passed in
+ Sets solution values if good, sets objective value (only if good)
+ This is called after cuts have been added - so can not add cuts
+ */
+ virtual int solution(double & objectiveValue,
+ double * newSolution);
+ /** returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution
+ with better objective value than one passed in
+ Sets solution values if good, sets objective value (only if good)
+ This is called after cuts have been added - so can not add cuts
+ Use solutionValue rather than solvers one
+ */
+ virtual int solution(double & objectiveValue,
+ double * newSolution,
+ double solutionValue);
+ /// Validate model i.e. sets when_ to 0 if necessary (may be NULL)
+ virtual void validate();
+ /// Set seed
+ void setSeed(int value) {
+ seed_ = value;
+ }
+ /** Check whether the heuristic should run at all
+ 0 - before cuts at root node (or from doHeuristics)
+ 1 - during cuts at root
+ 2 - after root node cuts
+ 3 - after cuts at other nodes
+ 4 - during cuts at other nodes
+ 8 added if previous heuristic in loop found solution
+ */
+ virtual bool shouldHeurRun(int whereFrom);
+ // Data
+ // Original matrix by column
+ CoinPackedMatrix matrix_;
+ // Original matrix by
+ CoinPackedMatrix matrixByRow_;
+ // Down locks
+ unsigned short * down_;
+ // Up locks
+ unsigned short * up_;
+ // Equality locks
+ unsigned short * equal_;
+ // Seed for random stuff
+ int seed_;
+/** Partial solution class
+ If user knows a partial solution this tries to get an integer solution
+ it uses hotstart information
+ */
+class CbcHeuristicPartial : public CbcHeuristic {
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcHeuristicPartial ();
+ /** Constructor with model - assumed before cuts
+ Fixes all variables with priority <= given
+ and does given number of nodes
+ */
+ CbcHeuristicPartial (CbcModel & model, int fixPriority = 10000, int numberNodes = 200);
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcHeuristicPartial ( const CbcHeuristicPartial &);
+ // Destructor
+ ~CbcHeuristicPartial ();
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CbcHeuristicPartial & operator=(const CbcHeuristicPartial& rhs);
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcHeuristic * clone() const;
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp( FILE * fp) ;
+ /// Resets stuff if model changes
+ virtual void resetModel(CbcModel * model);
+ /// update model (This is needed if cliques update matrix etc)
+ virtual void setModel(CbcModel * model);
+ using CbcHeuristic::solution ;
+ /** returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution
+ with better objective value than one passed in
+ Sets solution values if good, sets objective value (only if good)
+ This is called after cuts have been added - so can not add cuts
+ */
+ virtual int solution(double & objectiveValue,
+ double * newSolution);
+ /// Validate model i.e. sets when_ to 0 if necessary (may be NULL)
+ virtual void validate();
+ /// Set priority level
+ void setFixPriority(int value) {
+ fixPriority_ = value;
+ }
+ /** Check whether the heuristic should run at all */
+ virtual bool shouldHeurRun(int whereFrom);
+ // Data
+ // All variables with abs priority <= this will be fixed
+ int fixPriority_;
+/** heuristic - just picks up any good solution
+ found by solver - see OsiBabSolver
+ */
+class CbcSerendipity : public CbcHeuristic {
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcSerendipity ();
+ /* Constructor with model
+ */
+ CbcSerendipity (CbcModel & model);
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcSerendipity ( const CbcSerendipity &);
+ // Destructor
+ ~CbcSerendipity ();
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CbcSerendipity & operator=(const CbcSerendipity& rhs);
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcHeuristic * clone() const;
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp( FILE * fp) ;
+ /// update model
+ virtual void setModel(CbcModel * model);
+ using CbcHeuristic::solution ;
+ /** returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution.
+ Sets solution values if good, sets objective value (only if good)
+ We leave all variables which are at one at this node of the
+ tree to that value and will
+ initially set all others to zero. We then sort all variables in order of their cost
+ divided by the number of entries in rows which are not yet covered. We randomize that
+ value a bit so that ties will be broken in different ways on different runs of the heuristic.
+ We then choose the best one and set it to one and repeat the exercise.
+ */
+ virtual int solution(double & objectiveValue,
+ double * newSolution);
+ /// Resets stuff if model changes
+ virtual void resetModel(CbcModel * model);
+/** Just One class - this chooses one at random
+ */
+class CbcHeuristicJustOne : public CbcHeuristic {
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcHeuristicJustOne ();
+ // Constructor with model - assumed before cuts
+ CbcHeuristicJustOne (CbcModel & model);
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcHeuristicJustOne ( const CbcHeuristicJustOne &);
+ // Destructor
+ ~CbcHeuristicJustOne ();
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcHeuristicJustOne * clone() const;
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CbcHeuristicJustOne & operator=(const CbcHeuristicJustOne& rhs);
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual void generateCpp( FILE * fp) ;
+ /** returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution
+ with better objective value than one passed in
+ Sets solution values if good, sets objective value (only if good)
+ This is called after cuts have been added - so can not add cuts
+ This does Fractional Diving
+ */
+ virtual int solution(double & objectiveValue,
+ double * newSolution);
+ /// Resets stuff if model changes
+ virtual void resetModel(CbcModel * model);
+ /// update model (This is needed if cliques update matrix etc)
+ virtual void setModel(CbcModel * model);
+ /// Selects the next variable to branch on
+ /** Returns true if all the fractional variables can be trivially
+ rounded. Returns false, if there is at least one fractional variable
+ that is not trivially roundable. In this case, the bestColumn
+ returned will not be trivially roundable.
+ This is dummy as never called
+ */
+ virtual bool selectVariableToBranch(OsiSolverInterface* /*solver*/,
+ const double* /*newSolution*/,
+ int& /*bestColumn*/,
+ int& /*bestRound*/) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// Validate model i.e. sets when_ to 0 if necessary (may be NULL)
+ virtual void validate();
+ /// Adds an heuristic with probability
+ void addHeuristic(const CbcHeuristic * heuristic, double probability);
+ /// Normalize probabilities
+ void normalizeProbabilities();
+ // Data
+ // Probability of running a heuristic
+ double * probabilities_;
+ // Heuristics
+ CbcHeuristic ** heuristic_;
+ // Number of heuristics
+ int numberHeuristics_;