path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/BonOaDecBase.hpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/BonOaDecBase.hpp
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/BonOaDecBase.hpp')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/BonOaDecBase.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/BonOaDecBase.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61156f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/BonOaDecBase.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+// (C) Copyright International Business Machines (IBM) 2006
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// Authors :
+// P. Bonami, International Business Machines
+// Date : 12/07/2006
+#ifndef BonOaDecBase_HPP
+#define BonOaDecBase_HPP
+#include "BonSubMipSolver.hpp"
+#include "CglCutGenerator.hpp"
+#include "BonBabSetupBase.hpp"
+#include "BonOAMessages.hpp"
+#include "CbcModel.hpp"
+#include "CbcStrategy.hpp"
+#include "CoinTime.hpp"
+#include "OsiAuxInfo.hpp"
+#include "OsiBranchingObject.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include "BonBabInfos.hpp"
+namespace Bonmin
+ /** Base class for OA algorithms.*/
+ class OaDecompositionBase : public CglCutGenerator
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Small class to manipulatee various things in an OsiSolverInterface and restore them.
+ The OsiSolverInterface manipulated may already exist or may be cloned from another one.*/
+ class solverManip
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Constructor. */
+ solverManip(OsiSolverInterface *si , bool saveNumRows=true,
+ bool saveBasis=true, bool saveBounds=false,
+ bool saveCutoff = false, bool resolve=true);
+ /** Constructor which clone an other interface. */
+ solverManip(const OsiSolverInterface & si);
+ /** Destructor. */
+ ~solverManip();
+ /** Restore solver. */
+ void restore();
+ /** Get pointer to solver interface. */
+ OsiSolverInterface * si()
+ {
+ return si_;
+ }
+ /** Set objects.*/
+ void setObjects(OsiObject ** objects, int nObjects)
+ {
+ objects_ = objects;
+ nObjects_ = nObjects;
+ }
+ private:
+ /** Interface saved. */
+ OsiSolverInterface * si_;
+ /** Initial number of rows (-1 if don't save). */
+ int initialNumberRows_;
+ /** Initial lower bounds. */
+ double * colLower_;
+ /** Initial Upper bounds.*/
+ double * colUpper_;
+ /** Inital basis. */
+ CoinWarmStart * warm_;
+ /** Initial cutoff. */
+ double cutoff_;
+ /** delete si_ ? */
+ bool deleteSolver_;
+ /// Some objects the feasiblitiy of which to verify.
+ OsiObject * * objects_;
+ /// Number of objects.*/
+ int nObjects_;
+ /** \name Cached info from solver interface.*/
+ /** @{ */
+ /** Number of columns. */
+ int numcols_;
+ /** Number of rows. */
+ int numrows_;
+ /** Lower bounds on variables.*/
+ const double * siColLower_;
+ /** Upper bounds on variables. */
+ const double * siColUpper_;
+ void getCached();
+ /** @} */
+ };
+ /// New usefull constructor
+ OaDecompositionBase(BabSetupBase &b, bool leaveSiUnchanged,
+ bool reassignLpsolver);
+ /// Copy constructor
+ OaDecompositionBase(const OaDecompositionBase & copy);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~OaDecompositionBase();
+ /** Standard cut generation methods. */
+ virtual void generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface &si, OsiCuts & cs,
+ const CglTreeInfo info = CglTreeInfo());
+ /// Assign an OsiTMINLPInterface
+ void assignNlpInterface(OsiTMINLPInterface * nlp)
+ {
+ nlp_ = nlp;
+ }
+ /// Assign an OsiTMINLPInterface
+ void assignLpInterface(OsiSolverInterface * si)
+ {
+ lp_ = si;
+ }
+ bool reassignLpsolver()
+ {
+ return reassignLpsolver_;
+ }
+ /** Set objects.*/
+ void setObjects(OsiObject ** objects, int nObjects)
+ {
+ objects_ = objects;
+ nObjects_ = nObjects;
+ }
+ /// Set whether to leave the solverinterface unchanged
+ inline void setLeaveSiUnchanged(bool yesno)
+ {
+ leaveSiUnchanged_ = yesno;
+ }
+ /** Parameters for algorithm. */
+ struct Parameters
+ {
+ /// Add cuts as global
+ bool global_;
+ /// Add only violated OA inequalities
+ bool addOnlyViolated_;
+ /// cutoff min increase (has to be intialized trhough Cbc)
+ double cbcCutoffIncrement_;
+ /// integer tolerance (has to be the same as Cbc's)
+ double cbcIntegerTolerance_;
+ /** setting for gap tolerance.*/
+ double gap_tol_;
+ ///Total max number of local searches
+ int maxLocalSearch_;
+ /// maximum time for local searches
+ double maxLocalSearchTime_;
+ /** sub milp log level.*/
+ int subMilpLogLevel_;
+ /** maximum number of solutions*/
+ int maxSols_;
+ /** Frequency of log. */
+ double logFrequency_;
+ /** Constructor with default values */
+ Parameters();
+ /** Copy constructor */
+ Parameters(const Parameters & other);
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~Parameters()
+ {
+ if (strategy_) delete strategy_;
+ }
+ /** Strategy to apply when using Cbc as MILP sub-solver.*/
+ void setStrategy(const CbcStrategy & strategy)
+ {
+ if (strategy_) delete strategy_;
+ strategy_ = strategy.clone();
+ }
+ const CbcStrategy * strategy() const
+ {
+ return strategy_;
+ }
+ /** Strategy to apply when using Cbc as MILP sub-solver.*/
+ CbcStrategy * strategy_;
+ };
+ Parameters& parameter()
+ {
+ return parameters_;
+ }
+ const Parameters& parameter()const
+ {
+ return parameters_;
+ }
+ void setLogLevel(int level)
+ {
+ handler_->setLogLevel(level);
+ }
+ void setReassignLpSolver(bool v){
+ reassignLpsolver_ = v;
+ }
+ void passInMessageHandler(CoinMessageHandler * handler);
+ protected:
+ void setupMipSolver(BabSetupBase &b, const std::string &prefix);
+ /// \name Protected helper functions
+ /**@{ */
+ /** Solve the nlp and do output.
+ \return true if feasible*/
+ bool post_nlp_solve(BabInfo * babInfo, double cutoff) const;
+ /** @} */
+ /// virtual method which performs the OA algorithm by modifying lp and nlp.
+ virtual double performOa(OsiCuts &cs, solverManip &lpManip,
+ BabInfo * babInfo, double &, const CglTreeInfo & info) const = 0;
+ /// virutal method to decide if local search is performed
+ virtual bool doLocalSearch(BabInfo * babInfo) const = 0;
+ /// \name Protected members
+ /** @{ */
+ /// Pointer to nlp interface
+ mutable OsiTMINLPInterface * nlp_;
+ /// Pointer to setup
+ BabSetupBase * s_;
+ ///Number of nlp solved done
+ mutable int nSolve_;
+ /// A linear solver
+ mutable OsiSolverInterface * lp_;
+ /// Some objects the feasiblitiy of which to verify.
+ OsiObject * * objects_;
+ /// Number of objects.*/
+ int nObjects_;
+ ///number of local searches performed
+ mutable int nLocalSearch_;
+ /** messages handler. */
+ CoinMessageHandler * handler_;
+ /** Messages for OA */
+ CoinMessages messages_;
+ /** Wether or not we should remove cuts at the end of the procedure */
+ bool leaveSiUnchanged_;
+ /** Do we need to reassign the lp solver with Cbc.*/
+ bool reassignLpsolver_;
+ /** time of construction*/
+ double timeBegin_;
+ /** number of solutions found by OA_decomposition.*/
+ mutable int numSols_;
+ /** Parameters.*/
+ Parameters parameters_;
+ /** Saved cuts: in some cases when using OA to check feasible solution algorithm may loop because Cbc removes inactive cuts.
+ To overcome this we can impose that no OA cut can be discarded by Cbc but this consumes too much memory in some cases.
+ Here we do it another way: cuts generated at current node are saved if algorithm seems to enter a loop we impose the needed cuts to be kept.*/
+ mutable OsiCuts savedCuts_;
+ /** Store the current node number.*/
+ mutable int currentNodeNumber_;
+ /** @} */
+#ifdef OA_DEBUG
+ class OaDebug
+ {
+ public:
+ bool checkInteger(const OsiSolverInterface&nlp, std::ostream & os) const;
+ void printEndOfProcedureDebugMessage(const OsiCuts &cs,
+ bool foundSolution,
+ double solValue,
+ double milpBound,
+ bool isInteger,
+ bool feasible,
+ std::ostream & os) const;
+ };
+ /** debug object. */
+ OaDebug debug_;
+ };