path: root/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinWarmStartDual.hpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinWarmStartDual.hpp
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinWarmStartDual.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinWarmStartDual.hpp b/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinWarmStartDual.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e60d11..0000000
--- a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinWarmStartDual.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: CoinWarmStartDual.hpp 1372 2011-01-03 23:31:00Z lou $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef CoinWarmStartDual_H
-#define CoinWarmStartDual_H
-#include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
-#include "CoinWarmStart.hpp"
-#include "CoinWarmStartVector.hpp"
-/** WarmStart information that is only a dual vector */
-class CoinWarmStartDual : public virtual CoinWarmStart {
- /// return the size of the dual vector
- inline int size() const { return dual_.size(); }
- /// return a pointer to the array of duals
- inline const double * dual() const { return dual_.values(); }
- /** Assign the dual vector to be the warmstart information. In this method
- the object assumes ownership of the pointer and upon return "dual" will
- be a NULL pointer. If copying is desirable use the constructor. */
- inline void assignDual(int size, double *& dual)
- { dual_.assignVector(size, dual); }
- CoinWarmStartDual() {}
- CoinWarmStartDual(int size, const double * dual) : dual_(size, dual) {}
- CoinWarmStartDual(const CoinWarmStartDual& rhs) : dual_(rhs.dual_) {}
- CoinWarmStartDual& operator=(const CoinWarmStartDual& rhs) {
- if (this != &rhs) {
- dual_ = rhs.dual_;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /** `Virtual constructor' */
- virtual CoinWarmStart *clone() const {
- return new CoinWarmStartDual(*this);
- }
- virtual ~CoinWarmStartDual() {}
-/*! \name Dual warm start `diff' methods */
- /*! \brief Generate a `diff' that can convert the warm start passed as a
- parameter to the warm start specified by \c this.
- The capabilities are limited: the basis passed as a parameter can be no
- larger than the basis pointed to by \c this.
- */
- virtual CoinWarmStartDiff*
- generateDiff (const CoinWarmStart *const oldCWS) const ;
- /*! \brief Apply \p diff to this warm start.
- Update this warm start by applying \p diff. It's assumed that the
- allocated capacity of the warm start is sufficiently large.
- */
- virtual void applyDiff (const CoinWarmStartDiff *const cwsdDiff) ;
-#if 0
- inline const CoinWarmStartVector<double>& warmStartVector() const { return dual_; }
- ///@name Private data members
- CoinWarmStartVector<double> dual_;
-/*! \class CoinWarmStartDualDiff
- \brief A `diff' between two CoinWarmStartDual objects
- This class exists in order to hide from the world the details of
- calculating and representing a `diff' between two CoinWarmStartDual
- objects. For convenience, assignment, cloning, and deletion are visible to
- the world, and default and copy constructors are made available to derived
- classes. Knowledge of the rest of this structure, and of generating and
- applying diffs, is restricted to the friend functions
- CoinWarmStartDual::generateDiff() and CoinWarmStartDual::applyDiff().
- The actual data structure is a pair of vectors, #diffNdxs_ and #diffVals_.
-class CoinWarmStartDualDiff : public virtual CoinWarmStartDiff
-{ public:
- /*! \brief `Virtual constructor' */
- virtual CoinWarmStartDiff *clone() const
- {
- return new CoinWarmStartDualDiff(*this) ;
- }
- /*! \brief Assignment */
- virtual CoinWarmStartDualDiff &operator= (const CoinWarmStartDualDiff &rhs)
- {
- if (this != &rhs) {
- diff_ = rhs.diff_;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /*! \brief Destructor */
- virtual ~CoinWarmStartDualDiff() {}
- protected:
- /*! \brief Default constructor
- This is protected (rather than private) so that derived classes can
- see it when they make <i>their</i> default constructor protected or
- private.
- */
- CoinWarmStartDualDiff () : diff_() {}
- /*! \brief Copy constructor
- For convenience when copying objects containing CoinWarmStartDualDiff
- objects. But consider whether you should be using #clone() to retain
- polymorphism.
- This is protected (rather than private) so that derived classes can
- see it when the make <i>their</i> copy constructor protected or
- private.
- */
- CoinWarmStartDualDiff (const CoinWarmStartDualDiff &rhs) :
- diff_(rhs.diff_) {}
- private:
- friend CoinWarmStartDiff*
- CoinWarmStartDual::generateDiff(const CoinWarmStart *const oldCWS) const ;
- friend void
- CoinWarmStartDual::applyDiff(const CoinWarmStartDiff *const diff) ;
- /*! \brief Standard constructor */
- CoinWarmStartDualDiff (int sze, const unsigned int *const diffNdxs,
- const double *const diffVals) :
- diff_(sze, diffNdxs, diffVals) {}
- /*!
- \brief The difference in the dual vector is simply the difference in a
- vector.
- */
- CoinWarmStartVectorDiff<double> diff_;