path: root/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinPackedVector.hpp
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authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinPackedVector.hpp
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinPackedVector.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 657 deletions
diff --git a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinPackedVector.hpp b/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinPackedVector.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ea1feb..0000000
--- a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CoinPackedVector.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: CoinPackedVector.hpp 1509 2011-12-05 13:50:48Z forrest $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef CoinPackedVector_H
-#define CoinPackedVector_H
-#include <map>
-#include "CoinPragma.hpp"
-#include "CoinPackedVectorBase.hpp"
-#include "CoinSort.hpp"
-/** Sparse Vector
-Stores vector of indices and associated element values.
-Supports sorting of vector while maintaining the original indices.
-Here is a sample usage:
- const int ne = 4;
- int inx[ne] = { 1, 4, 0, 2 }
- double el[ne] = { 10., 40., 1., 50. }
- // Create vector and set its value
- CoinPackedVector r(ne,inx,el);
- // access each index and element
- assert( r.indices ()[0]== 1 );
- assert( r.elements()[0]==10. );
- assert( r.indices ()[1]== 4 );
- assert( r.elements()[1]==40. );
- assert( r.indices ()[2]== 0 );
- assert( r.elements()[2]== 1. );
- assert( r.indices ()[3]== 2 );
- assert( r.elements()[3]==50. );
- // access original position of index
- assert( r.originalPosition()[0]==0 );
- assert( r.originalPosition()[1]==1 );
- assert( r.originalPosition()[2]==2 );
- assert( r.originalPosition()[3]==3 );
- // access as a full storage vector
- assert( r[ 0]==1. );
- assert( r[ 1]==10.);
- assert( r[ 2]==50.);
- assert( r[ 3]==0. );
- assert( r[ 4]==40.);
- // sort Elements in increasing order
- r.sortIncrElement();
- // access each index and element
- assert( r.indices ()[0]== 0 );
- assert( r.elements()[0]== 1. );
- assert( r.indices ()[1]== 1 );
- assert( r.elements()[1]==10. );
- assert( r.indices ()[2]== 4 );
- assert( r.elements()[2]==40. );
- assert( r.indices ()[3]== 2 );
- assert( r.elements()[3]==50. );
- // access original position of index
- assert( r.originalPosition()[0]==2 );
- assert( r.originalPosition()[1]==0 );
- assert( r.originalPosition()[2]==1 );
- assert( r.originalPosition()[3]==3 );
- // access as a full storage vector
- assert( r[ 0]==1. );
- assert( r[ 1]==10.);
- assert( r[ 2]==50.);
- assert( r[ 3]==0. );
- assert( r[ 4]==40.);
- // Restore orignal sort order
- r.sortOriginalOrder();
- assert( r.indices ()[0]== 1 );
- assert( r.elements()[0]==10. );
- assert( r.indices ()[1]== 4 );
- assert( r.elements()[1]==40. );
- assert( r.indices ()[2]== 0 );
- assert( r.elements()[2]== 1. );
- assert( r.indices ()[3]== 2 );
- assert( r.elements()[3]==50. );
- // Tests for equality and equivalence
- CoinPackedVector r1;
- r1=r;
- assert( r==r1 );
- assert( r.equivalent(r1) );
- r.sortIncrElement();
- assert( r!=r1 );
- assert( r.equivalent(r1) );
- // Add packed vectors.
- // Similarly for subtraction, multiplication,
- // and division.
- CoinPackedVector add = r + r1;
- assert( add[0] == 1.+ 1. );
- assert( add[1] == 10.+10. );
- assert( add[2] == 50.+50. );
- assert( add[3] == 0.+ 0. );
- assert( add[4] == 40.+40. );
- assert( r.sum() == 10.+40.+1.+50. );
-class CoinPackedVector : public CoinPackedVectorBase {
- friend void CoinPackedVectorUnitTest();
- /**@name Get methods. */
- //@{
- /// Get the size
- virtual int getNumElements() const { return nElements_; }
- /// Get indices of elements
- virtual const int * getIndices() const { return indices_; }
- /// Get element values
- virtual const double * getElements() const { return elements_; }
- /// Get indices of elements
- int * getIndices() { return indices_; }
- /// Get the size
- inline int getVectorNumElements() const { return nElements_; }
- /// Get indices of elements
- inline const int * getVectorIndices() const { return indices_; }
- /// Get element values
- inline const double * getVectorElements() const { return elements_; }
- /// Get element values
- double * getElements() { return elements_; }
- /** Get pointer to int * vector of original postions.
- If the packed vector has not been sorted then this
- function returns the vector: 0, 1, 2, ..., size()-1. */
- const int * getOriginalPosition() const { return origIndices_; }
- //@}
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Set indices and elements
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Set methods */
- //@{
- /// Reset the vector (as if were just created an empty vector)
- void clear();
- /** Assignment operator. <br>
- <strong>NOTE</strong>: This operator keeps the current
- <code>testForDuplicateIndex</code> setting, and affter copying the data
- it acts accordingly. */
- CoinPackedVector & operator=(const CoinPackedVector &);
- /** Assignment operator from a CoinPackedVectorBase. <br>
- <strong>NOTE</strong>: This operator keeps the current
- <code>testForDuplicateIndex</code> setting, and affter copying the data
- it acts accordingly. */
- CoinPackedVector & operator=(const CoinPackedVectorBase & rhs);
- /** Assign the ownership of the arguments to this vector.
- Size is the length of both the indices and elements vectors.
- The indices and elements vectors are copied into this class instance's
- member data. The last argument indicates whether this vector will have
- to be tested for duplicate indices.
- */
- void assignVector(int size, int*& inds, double*& elems,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** Set vector size, indices, and elements.
- Size is the length of both the indices and elements vectors.
- The indices and elements vectors are copied into this class instance's
- member data. The last argument specifies whether this vector will have
- to be checked for duplicate indices whenever that can happen. */
- void setVector(int size, const int * inds, const double * elems,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** Elements set to have the same scalar value */
- void setConstant(int size, const int * inds, double elems,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** Indices are not specified and are taken to be 0,1,...,size-1 */
- void setFull(int size, const double * elems,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** Indices are not specified and are taken to be 0,1,...,size-1,
- but only where non zero*/
- void setFullNonZero(int size, const double * elems,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** Set an existing element in the packed vector
- The first argument is the "index" into the elements() array
- */
- void setElement(int index, double element);
- /// Insert an element into the vector
- void insert(int index, double element);
- /// Append a CoinPackedVector to the end
- void append(const CoinPackedVectorBase & caboose);
- /// Swap values in positions i and j of indices and elements
- void swap(int i, int j);
- /** Resize the packed vector to be the first newSize elements.
- Problem with truncate: what happens with origIndices_ ??? */
- void truncate(int newSize);
- //@}
- /**@name Arithmetic operators. */
- //@{
- /// add <code>value</code> to every entry
- void operator+=(double value);
- /// subtract <code>value</code> from every entry
- void operator-=(double value);
- /// multiply every entry by <code>value</code>
- void operator*=(double value);
- /// divide every entry by <code>value</code>
- void operator/=(double value);
- //@}
- /**@name Sorting */
- //@{
- /** Sort the packed storage vector.
- Typcical usages:
- <pre>
- packedVector.sort(CoinIncrIndexOrdered()); //increasing indices
- packedVector.sort(CoinIncrElementOrdered()); // increasing elements
- </pre>
- */
- template <class CoinCompare3>
- void sort(const CoinCompare3 & tc)
- { CoinSort_3(indices_, indices_ + nElements_, origIndices_, elements_,
- tc); }
- void sortIncrIndex()
- { CoinSort_3(indices_, indices_ + nElements_, origIndices_, elements_,
- CoinFirstLess_3<int, int, double>()); }
- void sortDecrIndex()
- { CoinSort_3(indices_, indices_ + nElements_, origIndices_, elements_,
- CoinFirstGreater_3<int, int, double>()); }
- void sortIncrElement()
- { CoinSort_3(elements_, elements_ + nElements_, origIndices_, indices_,
- CoinFirstLess_3<double, int, int>()); }
- void sortDecrElement()
- { CoinSort_3(elements_, elements_ + nElements_, origIndices_, indices_,
- CoinFirstGreater_3<double, int, int>()); }
- /** Sort in original order.
- If the vector has been sorted, then this method restores
- to its orignal sort order.
- */
- void sortOriginalOrder();
- //@}
- /**@name Memory usage */
- //@{
- /** Reserve space.
- If one knows the eventual size of the packed vector,
- then it may be more efficient to reserve the space.
- */
- void reserve(int n);
- /** capacity returns the size which could be accomodated without
- having to reallocate storage.
- */
- int capacity() const { return capacity_; }
- //@}
- /**@name Constructors and destructors */
- //@{
- /** Default constructor */
- CoinPackedVector(bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** \brief Alternate Constructors - set elements to vector of doubles
- This constructor copies the vectors provided as parameters.
- */
- CoinPackedVector(int size, const int * inds, const double * elems,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** \brief Alternate Constructors - set elements to vector of doubles
- This constructor takes ownership of the vectors passed as parameters.
- \p inds and \p elems will be NULL on return.
- */
- CoinPackedVector(int capacity, int size, int *&inds, double *&elems,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** Alternate Constructors - set elements to same scalar value */
- CoinPackedVector(int size, const int * inds, double element,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** Alternate Constructors - construct full storage with indices 0 through
- size-1. */
- CoinPackedVector(int size, const double * elements,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex = COIN_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_DUPLICATE);
- /** Copy constructor. */
- CoinPackedVector(const CoinPackedVector &);
- /** Copy constructor <em>from a PackedVectorBase</em>. */
- CoinPackedVector(const CoinPackedVectorBase & rhs);
- /** Destructor */
- virtual ~CoinPackedVector ();
- //@}
- /**@name Private methods */
- //@{
- /// Copy internal date
- void gutsOfSetVector(int size,
- const int * inds, const double * elems,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex,
- const char * method);
- ///
- void gutsOfSetConstant(int size,
- const int * inds, double value,
- bool testForDuplicateIndex,
- const char * method);
- //@}
- /**@name Private member data */
- //@{
- /// Vector indices
- int * indices_;
- ///Vector elements
- double * elements_;
- /// Size of indices and elements vectors
- int nElements_;
- /// original unsorted indices
- int * origIndices_;
- /// Amount of memory allocated for indices_, origIndices_, and elements_.
- int capacity_;
- //@}
-/**@name Arithmetic operators on packed vectors.
- <strong>NOTE</strong>: These methods operate on those positions where at
- least one of the arguments has a value listed. At those positions the
- appropriate operation is executed, Otherwise the result of the operation is
- considered 0.<br>
- <strong>NOTE 2</strong>: There are two kind of operators here. One is used
- like "c = binaryOp(a, b)", the other is used like "binaryOp(c, a, b)", but
- they are really the same. The first is much more natural to use, but it
- involves the creation of a temporary object (the function *must* return an
- object), while the second form puts the result directly into the argument
- "c". Therefore, depending on the circumstances, the second form can be
- significantly faster.
- */
-template <class BinaryFunction> void
-binaryOp(CoinPackedVector& retVal,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1, double value,
- BinaryFunction bf)
- retVal.clear();
- const int s = op1.getNumElements();
- if (s > 0) {
- retVal.reserve(s);
- const int * inds = op1.getIndices();
- const double * elems = op1.getElements();
- for (int i=0; i<s; ++i ) {
- retVal.insert(inds[i], bf(value, elems[i]));
- }
- }
-template <class BinaryFunction> inline void
-binaryOp(CoinPackedVector& retVal,
- double value, const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2,
- BinaryFunction bf)
- binaryOp(retVal, op2, value, bf);
-template <class BinaryFunction> void
-binaryOp(CoinPackedVector& retVal,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1, const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2,
- BinaryFunction bf)
- retVal.clear();
- const int s1 = op1.getNumElements();
- const int s2 = op2.getNumElements();
- Replaced || with &&, in response to complaint from Sven deVries, who
- rightly points out || is not appropriate for additive operations. &&
- should be ok as long as binaryOp is understood not to create something
- from nothing. -- lh, 04.06.11
- if (s1 == 0 && s2 == 0)
- return;
- retVal.reserve(s1+s2);
- const int * inds1 = op1.getIndices();
- const double * elems1 = op1.getElements();
- const int * inds2 = op2.getIndices();
- const double * elems2 = op2.getElements();
- int i;
- // loop once for each element in op1
- for ( i=0; i<s1; ++i ) {
- const int index = inds1[i];
- const int pos2 = op2.findIndex(index);
- const double val = bf(elems1[i], pos2 == -1 ? 0.0 : elems2[pos2]);
- // if (val != 0.0) // *THINK* : should we put in only nonzeros?
- retVal.insert(index, val);
- }
- // loop once for each element in operand2
- for ( i=0; i<s2; ++i ) {
- const int index = inds2[i];
- // if index exists in op1, then element was processed in prior loop
- if ( op1.isExistingIndex(index) )
- continue;
- // Index does not exist in op1, so the element value must be zero
- const double val = bf(0.0, elems2[i]);
- // if (val != 0.0) // *THINK* : should we put in only nonzeros?
- retVal.insert(index, val);
- }
-template <class BinaryFunction> CoinPackedVector
-binaryOp(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1, double value,
- BinaryFunction bf)
- CoinPackedVector retVal;
- retVal.setTestForDuplicateIndex(true);
- binaryOp(retVal, op1, value, bf);
- return retVal;
-template <class BinaryFunction> CoinPackedVector
-binaryOp(double value, const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2,
- BinaryFunction bf)
- CoinPackedVector retVal;
- retVal.setTestForDuplicateIndex(true);
- binaryOp(retVal, op2, value, bf);
- return retVal;
-template <class BinaryFunction> CoinPackedVector
-binaryOp(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1, const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2,
- BinaryFunction bf)
- CoinPackedVector retVal;
- retVal.setTestForDuplicateIndex(true);
- binaryOp(retVal, op1, op2, bf);
- return retVal;
-/// Return the sum of two packed vectors
-inline CoinPackedVector operator+(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2)
- CoinPackedVector retVal;
- retVal.setTestForDuplicateIndex(true);
- binaryOp(retVal, op1, op2, std::plus<double>());
- return retVal;
-/// Return the difference of two packed vectors
-inline CoinPackedVector operator-(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2)
- CoinPackedVector retVal;
- retVal.setTestForDuplicateIndex(true);
- binaryOp(retVal, op1, op2, std::minus<double>());
- return retVal;
-/// Return the element-wise product of two packed vectors
-inline CoinPackedVector operator*(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2)
- CoinPackedVector retVal;
- retVal.setTestForDuplicateIndex(true);
- binaryOp(retVal, op1, op2, std::multiplies<double>());
- return retVal;
-/// Return the element-wise ratio of two packed vectors
-inline CoinPackedVector operator/(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2)
- CoinPackedVector retVal;
- retVal.setTestForDuplicateIndex(true);
- binaryOp(retVal, op1, op2, std::divides<double>());
- return retVal;
-/// Returns the dot product of two CoinPackedVector objects whose elements are
-/// doubles. Use this version if the vectors are *not* guaranteed to be sorted.
-inline double sparseDotProduct(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2){
- int len, i;
- double acc = 0.0;
- CoinPackedVector retVal;
- CoinPackedVector retval = op1*op2;
- len = retval.getNumElements();
- double * CParray = retval.getElements();
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- acc += CParray[i];
- }
-return acc;
-/// Returns the dot product of two sorted CoinPackedVector objects.
-/// The vectors should be sorted in ascending order of indices.
-inline double sortedSparseDotProduct(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase& op2){
- int i, j, len1, len2;
- double acc = 0.0;
- const double* v1val = op1.getElements();
- const double* v2val = op2.getElements();
- const int* v1ind = op1.getIndices();
- const int* v2ind = op2.getIndices();
- len1 = op1.getNumElements();
- len2 = op2.getNumElements();
- i = 0;
- j = 0;
- while(i < len1 && j < len2){
- if(v1ind[i] == v2ind[j]){
- acc += v1val[i] * v2val[j];
- i++;
- j++;
- }
- else if(v2ind[j] < v1ind[i]){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- i++;
- } // end if-else-elseif
- } // end while
- return acc;
- }
-/**@name Arithmetic operators on packed vector and a constant. <br>
- These functions create a packed vector as a result. That packed vector will
- have the same indices as <code>op1</code> and the specified operation is
- done entry-wise with the given value. */
-/// Return the sum of a packed vector and a constant
-inline CoinPackedVector
-operator+(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1, double value)
- CoinPackedVector retVal(op1);
- retVal += value;
- return retVal;
-/// Return the difference of a packed vector and a constant
-inline CoinPackedVector
-operator-(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1, double value)
- CoinPackedVector retVal(op1);
- retVal -= value;
- return retVal;
-/// Return the element-wise product of a packed vector and a constant
-inline CoinPackedVector
-operator*(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1, double value)
- CoinPackedVector retVal(op1);
- retVal *= value;
- return retVal;
-/// Return the element-wise ratio of a packed vector and a constant
-inline CoinPackedVector
-operator/(const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1, double value)
- CoinPackedVector retVal(op1);
- retVal /= value;
- return retVal;
-/// Return the sum of a constant and a packed vector
-inline CoinPackedVector
-operator+(double value, const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1)
- CoinPackedVector retVal(op1);
- retVal += value;
- return retVal;
-/// Return the difference of a constant and a packed vector
-inline CoinPackedVector
-operator-(double value, const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1)
- CoinPackedVector retVal(op1);
- const int size = retVal.getNumElements();
- double* elems = retVal.getElements();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- elems[i] = value - elems[i];
- }
- return retVal;
-/// Return the element-wise product of a constant and a packed vector
-inline CoinPackedVector
-operator*(double value, const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1)
- CoinPackedVector retVal(op1);
- retVal *= value;
- return retVal;
-/// Return the element-wise ratio of a a constant and packed vector
-inline CoinPackedVector
-operator/(double value, const CoinPackedVectorBase& op1)
- CoinPackedVector retVal(op1);
- const int size = retVal.getNumElements();
- double* elems = retVal.getElements();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- elems[i] = value / elems[i];
- }
- return retVal;
-/** A function that tests the methods in the CoinPackedVector class. The
- only reason for it not to be a member method is that this way it doesn't
- have to be compiled into the library. And that's a gain, because the
- library should be compiled with optimization on, but this method should be
- compiled with debugging. */