path: root/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/Clp_C_Interface.h
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/Clp_C_Interface.h
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/Clp_C_Interface.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 525 deletions
diff --git a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/Clp_C_Interface.h b/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/Clp_C_Interface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b91b2d2..0000000
--- a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/Clp_C_Interface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: Clp_C_Interface.h 2019 2014-01-31 05:18:01Z stefan $ */
- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 International Business Machines Corporation
- and others. All Rights Reserved.
- This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef ClpSimplexC_H
-#define ClpSimplexC_H
-/* include all defines and ugly stuff */
-#include "Coin_C_defines.h"
-#if defined (CLP_EXTERN_C)
-typedef struct {
- ClpSolve options;
-} Clp_Solve;
-typedef void Clp_Solve;
-/** This is a first "C" interface to Clp.
- It has similarities to the OSL V3 interface
- and only has most common functions
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- /**@name Version info
- *
- * A Clp library has a version number of the form <major>.<minor>.<release>,
- * where each of major, minor, and release are nonnegative integers.
- * For a checkout of the Clp stable branch, release is 9999.
- * For a checkout of the Clp development branch, major, minor, and release are 9999.
- */
- /*@{*/
- /** Clp library version number as string. */
- COINLIBAPI const char* COINLINKAGE Clp_Version(void);
- /** Major number of Clp library version. */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_VersionMajor(void);
- /** Minor number of Clp library version. */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_VersionMinor(void);
- /** Release number of Clp library version. */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_VersionRelease(void);
- /*@}*/
- /**@name Constructors and destructor
- These do not have an exact analogue in C++.
- The user does not need to know structure of Clp_Simplex or Clp_Solve.
- For (almost) all Clp_* functions outside this group there is an exact C++
- analogue created by taking the first parameter out, removing the Clp_
- from name and applying the method to an object of type ClpSimplex.
- Similarly, for all ClpSolve_* functions there is an exact C++
- analogue created by taking the first parameter out, removing the ClpSolve_
- from name and applying the method to an object of type ClpSolve.
- */
- /*@{*/
- /** Default constructor */
- COINLIBAPI Clp_Simplex * COINLINKAGE Clp_newModel(void);
- /** Destructor */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_deleteModel(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Default constructor */
- COINLIBAPI Clp_Solve * COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_new();
- /** Destructor */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_delete(Clp_Solve * solve);
- /*@}*/
- /**@name Load model - loads some stuff and initializes others */
- /*@{*/
- /** Loads a problem (the constraints on the
- rows are given by lower and upper bounds). If a pointer is NULL then the
- following values are the default:
- <ul>
- <li> <code>colub</code>: all columns have upper bound infinity
- <li> <code>collb</code>: all columns have lower bound 0
- <li> <code>rowub</code>: all rows have upper bound infinity
- <li> <code>rowlb</code>: all rows have lower bound -infinity
- <li> <code>obj</code>: all variables have 0 objective coefficient
- </ul>
- */
- /** Just like the other loadProblem() method except that the matrix is
- given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps). */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_loadProblem (Clp_Simplex * model, const int numcols, const int numrows,
- const CoinBigIndex * start, const int* index,
- const double* value,
- const double* collb, const double* colub,
- const double* obj,
- const double* rowlb, const double* rowub);
- /* read quadratic part of the objective (the matrix part) */
- Clp_loadQuadraticObjective(Clp_Simplex * model,
- const int numberColumns,
- const CoinBigIndex * start,
- const int * column,
- const double * element);
- /** Read an mps file from the given filename */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_readMps(Clp_Simplex * model, const char *filename,
- int keepNames,
- int ignoreErrors);
- /** Copy in integer informations */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_copyInIntegerInformation(Clp_Simplex * model, const char * information);
- /** Drop integer informations */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_deleteIntegerInformation(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Resizes rim part of model */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_resize (Clp_Simplex * model, int newNumberRows, int newNumberColumns);
- /** Deletes rows */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_deleteRows(Clp_Simplex * model, int number, const int * which);
- /** Add rows */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_addRows(Clp_Simplex * model, int number, const double * rowLower,
- const double * rowUpper,
- const int * rowStarts, const int * columns,
- const double * elements);
- /** Deletes columns */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_deleteColumns(Clp_Simplex * model, int number, const int * which);
- /** Add columns */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_addColumns(Clp_Simplex * model, int number, const double * columnLower,
- const double * columnUpper,
- const double * objective,
- const int * columnStarts, const int * rows,
- const double * elements);
- /** Change row lower bounds */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_chgRowLower(Clp_Simplex * model, const double * rowLower);
- /** Change row upper bounds */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_chgRowUpper(Clp_Simplex * model, const double * rowUpper);
- /** Change column lower bounds */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_chgColumnLower(Clp_Simplex * model, const double * columnLower);
- /** Change column upper bounds */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_chgColumnUpper(Clp_Simplex * model, const double * columnUpper);
- /** Change objective coefficients */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_chgObjCoefficients(Clp_Simplex * model, const double * objIn);
- /** Drops names - makes lengthnames 0 and names empty */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_dropNames(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Copies in names */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_copyNames(Clp_Simplex * model, const char * const * rowNames,
- const char * const * columnNames);
- /*@}*/
- /**@name gets and sets - you will find some synonyms at the end of this file */
- /*@{*/
- /** Number of rows */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_numberRows(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Number of columns */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_numberColumns(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Primal tolerance to use */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_primalTolerance(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setPrimalTolerance(Clp_Simplex * model, double value) ;
- /** Dual tolerance to use */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_dualTolerance(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setDualTolerance(Clp_Simplex * model, double value) ;
- /** Dual objective limit */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_dualObjectiveLimit(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setDualObjectiveLimit(Clp_Simplex * model, double value);
- /** Objective offset */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_objectiveOffset(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setObjectiveOffset(Clp_Simplex * model, double value);
- /** Fills in array with problem name */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_problemName(Clp_Simplex * model, int maxNumberCharacters, char * array);
- /* Sets problem name. Must have \0 at end. */
- Clp_setProblemName(Clp_Simplex * model, int maxNumberCharacters, char * array);
- /** Number of iterations */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_numberIterations(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setNumberIterations(Clp_Simplex * model, int numberIterations);
- /** Maximum number of iterations */
- COINLIBAPI int maximumIterations(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setMaximumIterations(Clp_Simplex * model, int value);
- /** Maximum time in seconds (from when set called) */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_maximumSeconds(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setMaximumSeconds(Clp_Simplex * model, double value);
- /** Returns true if hit maximum iterations (or time) */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_hitMaximumIterations(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Status of problem:
- 0 - optimal
- 1 - primal infeasible
- 2 - dual infeasible
- 3 - stopped on iterations etc
- 4 - stopped due to errors
- */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_status(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Set problem status */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setProblemStatus(Clp_Simplex * model, int problemStatus);
- /** Secondary status of problem - may get extended
- 0 - none
- 1 - primal infeasible because dual limit reached
- 2 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled has primal infeasibilities
- 3 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled has dual infeasibilities
- 4 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled has both dual and primal infeasibilities
- */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_secondaryStatus(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setSecondaryStatus(Clp_Simplex * model, int status);
- /** Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_optimizationDirection(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setOptimizationDirection(Clp_Simplex * model, double value);
- /** Primal row solution */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_primalRowSolution(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Primal column solution */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_primalColumnSolution(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Dual row solution */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_dualRowSolution(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Reduced costs */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_dualColumnSolution(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Row lower */
- COINLIBAPI double* COINLINKAGE Clp_rowLower(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Row upper */
- COINLIBAPI double* COINLINKAGE Clp_rowUpper(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Objective */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_objective(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Column Lower */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_columnLower(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Column Upper */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_columnUpper(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Number of elements in matrix */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_getNumElements(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /* Column starts in matrix */
- COINLIBAPI const CoinBigIndex * COINLINKAGE Clp_getVectorStarts(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /* Row indices in matrix */
- COINLIBAPI const int * COINLINKAGE Clp_getIndices(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /* Column vector lengths in matrix */
- COINLIBAPI const int * COINLINKAGE Clp_getVectorLengths(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /* Element values in matrix */
- COINLIBAPI const double * COINLINKAGE Clp_getElements(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Objective value */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_objectiveValue(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Integer information */
- COINLIBAPI char * COINLINKAGE Clp_integerInformation(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Gives Infeasibility ray.
- *
- * Use Clp_freeRay to free the returned array.
- *
- * @return infeasibility ray, or NULL returned if none/wrong.
- */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_infeasibilityRay(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Gives ray in which the problem is unbounded.
- *
- * Use Clp_freeRay to free the returned array.
- *
- * @return unbounded ray, or NULL returned if none/wrong.
- */
- COINLIBAPI double * COINLINKAGE Clp_unboundedRay(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Frees a infeasibility or unbounded ray. */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_freeRay(Clp_Simplex * model, double * ray);
- /** See if status array exists (partly for OsiClp) */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_statusExists(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Return address of status array (char[numberRows+numberColumns]) */
- COINLIBAPI unsigned char * COINLINKAGE Clp_statusArray(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Copy in status vector */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_copyinStatus(Clp_Simplex * model, const unsigned char * statusArray);
- /* status values are as in ClpSimplex.hpp i.e. 0 - free, 1 basic, 2 at upper,
- 3 at lower, 4 superbasic, (5 fixed) */
- /* Get variable basis info */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_getColumnStatus(Clp_Simplex * model, int sequence);
- /* Get row basis info */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_getRowStatus(Clp_Simplex * model, int sequence);
- /* Set variable basis info (and value if at bound) */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setColumnStatus(Clp_Simplex * model,
- int sequence, int value);
- /* Set row basis info (and value if at bound) */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setRowStatus(Clp_Simplex * model,
- int sequence, int value);
- /** User pointer for whatever reason */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setUserPointer (Clp_Simplex * model, void * pointer);
- COINLIBAPI void * COINLINKAGE Clp_getUserPointer (Clp_Simplex * model);
- /*@}*/
- /**@name Message handling. Call backs are handled by ONE function */
- /*@{*/
- /** Pass in Callback function.
- Message numbers up to 1000000 are Clp, Coin ones have 1000000 added */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_registerCallBack(Clp_Simplex * model,
- clp_callback userCallBack);
- /** Unset Callback function */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_clearCallBack(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Amount of print out:
- 0 - none
- 1 - just final
- 2 - just factorizations
- 3 - as 2 plus a bit more
- 4 - verbose
- above that 8,16,32 etc just for selective debug
- */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setLogLevel(Clp_Simplex * model, int value);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_logLevel(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** length of names (0 means no names0 */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_lengthNames(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Fill in array (at least lengthNames+1 long) with a row name */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_rowName(Clp_Simplex * model, int iRow, char * name);
- /** Fill in array (at least lengthNames+1 long) with a column name */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_columnName(Clp_Simplex * model, int iColumn, char * name);
- /*@}*/
- /**@name Functions most useful to user */
- /*@{*/
- /** General solve algorithm which can do presolve.
- See ClpSolve.hpp for options
- */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_initialSolve(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Pass solve options. (Exception to direct analogue rule) */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_initialSolveWithOptions(Clp_Simplex * model, Clp_Solve *);
- /** Dual initial solve */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_initialDualSolve(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Primal initial solve */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_initialPrimalSolve(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Barrier initial solve */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_initialBarrierSolve(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Barrier initial solve, no crossover */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_initialBarrierNoCrossSolve(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Dual algorithm - see ClpSimplexDual.hpp for method */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_dual(Clp_Simplex * model, int ifValuesPass);
- /** Primal algorithm - see ClpSimplexPrimal.hpp for method */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_primal(Clp_Simplex * model, int ifValuesPass);
-#ifndef SLIM_CLP
- /** Solve the problem with the idiot code */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_idiot(Clp_Simplex * model, int tryhard);
- /** Sets or unsets scaling, 0 -off, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3, auto, 4 dynamic(later) */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_scaling(Clp_Simplex * model, int mode);
- /** Gets scalingFlag */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_scalingFlag(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Crash - at present just aimed at dual, returns
- -2 if dual preferred and crash basis created
- -1 if dual preferred and all slack basis preferred
- 0 if basis going in was not all slack
- 1 if primal preferred and all slack basis preferred
- 2 if primal preferred and crash basis created.
- if gap between bounds <="gap" variables can be flipped
- If "pivot" is
- 0 No pivoting (so will just be choice of algorithm)
- 1 Simple pivoting e.g. gub
- 2 Mini iterations
- */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_crash(Clp_Simplex * model, double gap, int pivot);
- /*@}*/
- /**@name most useful gets and sets */
- /*@{*/
- /** If problem is primal feasible */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_primalFeasible(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** If problem is dual feasible */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_dualFeasible(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Dual bound */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_dualBound(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setDualBound(Clp_Simplex * model, double value);
- /** Infeasibility cost */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_infeasibilityCost(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setInfeasibilityCost(Clp_Simplex * model, double value);
- /** Perturbation:
- 50 - switch on perturbation
- 100 - auto perturb if takes too long (1.0e-6 largest nonzero)
- 101 - we are perturbed
- 102 - don't try perturbing again
- default is 100
- others are for playing
- */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_perturbation(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setPerturbation(Clp_Simplex * model, int value);
- /** Current (or last) algorithm */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_algorithm(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Set algorithm */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setAlgorithm(Clp_Simplex * model, int value);
- /** Sum of dual infeasibilities */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_sumDualInfeasibilities(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Number of dual infeasibilities */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_numberDualInfeasibilities(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Sum of primal infeasibilities */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_sumPrimalInfeasibilities(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Number of primal infeasibilities */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_numberPrimalInfeasibilities(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Save model to file, returns 0 if success. This is designed for
- use outside algorithms so does not save iterating arrays etc.
- It does not save any messaging information.
- Does not save scaling values.
- It does not know about all types of virtual functions.
- */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_saveModel(Clp_Simplex * model, const char * fileName);
- /** Restore model from file, returns 0 if success,
- deletes current model */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_restoreModel(Clp_Simplex * model, const char * fileName);
- /** Just check solution (for external use) - sets sum of
- infeasibilities etc */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_checkSolution(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /*@}*/
- /******************** End of most useful part **************/
- /**@name gets and sets - some synonyms */
- /*@{*/
- /** Number of rows */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_getNumRows(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Number of columns */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_getNumCols(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Number of iterations */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_getIterationCount(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Are there a numerical difficulties? */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_isAbandoned(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Is optimality proven? */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_isProvenOptimal(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Is primal infeasiblity proven? */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_isProvenPrimalInfeasible(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Is dual infeasiblity proven? */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_isProvenDualInfeasible(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Is the given primal objective limit reached? */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached(Clp_Simplex * model) ;
- /** Is the given dual objective limit reached? */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_isDualObjectiveLimitReached(Clp_Simplex * model) ;
- /** Iteration limit reached? */
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Clp_isIterationLimitReached(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_getObjSense(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setObjSense(Clp_Simplex * model, double objsen);
- /** Primal row solution */
- COINLIBAPI const double * COINLINKAGE Clp_getRowActivity(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Primal column solution */
- COINLIBAPI const double * COINLINKAGE Clp_getColSolution(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setColSolution(Clp_Simplex * model, const double * input);
- /** Dual row solution */
- COINLIBAPI const double * COINLINKAGE Clp_getRowPrice(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Reduced costs */
- COINLIBAPI const double * COINLINKAGE Clp_getReducedCost(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Row lower */
- COINLIBAPI const double* COINLINKAGE Clp_getRowLower(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Row upper */
- COINLIBAPI const double* COINLINKAGE Clp_getRowUpper(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Objective */
- COINLIBAPI const double * COINLINKAGE Clp_getObjCoefficients(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Column Lower */
- COINLIBAPI const double * COINLINKAGE Clp_getColLower(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Column Upper */
- COINLIBAPI const double * COINLINKAGE Clp_getColUpper(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Objective value */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_getObjValue(Clp_Simplex * model);
- /** Print model for debugging purposes */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_printModel(Clp_Simplex * model, const char * prefix);
- /* Small element value - elements less than this set to zero,
- default is 1.0e-20 */
- COINLIBAPI double COINLINKAGE Clp_getSmallElementValue(Clp_Simplex * model);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE Clp_setSmallElementValue(Clp_Simplex * model, double value);
- /*@}*/
- /**@name Get and set ClpSolve options
- */
- /*@{*/
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setSpecialOption(Clp_Solve *, int which, int value, int extraInfo);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_getSpecialOption(Clp_Solve *, int which);
- /** method: (see ClpSolve::SolveType)
- 0 - dual simplex
- 1 - primal simplex
- 2 - primal or sprint
- 3 - barrier
- 4 - barrier no crossover
- 5 - automatic
- 6 - not implemented
- -- pass extraInfo == -1 for default behavior */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setSolveType(Clp_Solve *, int method, int extraInfo);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_getSolveType(Clp_Solve *);
- /** amount: (see ClpSolve::PresolveType)
- 0 - presolve on
- 1 - presolve off
- 2 - presolve number
- 3 - presolve number cost
- -- pass extraInfo == -1 for default behavior */
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setPresolveType(Clp_Solve *, int amount, int extraInfo);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_getPresolveType(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_getPresolvePasses(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_getExtraInfo(Clp_Solve *, int which);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setInfeasibleReturn(Clp_Solve *, int trueFalse);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_infeasibleReturn(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doDual(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoDual(Clp_Solve *, int doDual);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doSingleton(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoSingleton(Clp_Solve *, int doSingleton);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doDoubleton(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoDoubleton(Clp_Solve *, int doDoubleton);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doTripleton(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoTripleton(Clp_Solve *, int doTripleton);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doTighten(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoTighten(Clp_Solve *, int doTighten);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doForcing(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoForcing(Clp_Solve *, int doForcing);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doImpliedFree(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoImpliedFree(Clp_Solve *, int doImpliedFree);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doDupcol(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoDupcol(Clp_Solve *, int doDupcol);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doDuprow(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoDuprow(Clp_Solve *, int doDuprow);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_doSingletonColumn(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setDoSingletonColumn(Clp_Solve *, int doSingleton);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_presolveActions(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setPresolveActions(Clp_Solve *, int action);
- COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_substitution(Clp_Solve *);
- COINLIBAPI void COINLINKAGE ClpSolve_setSubstitution(Clp_Solve *, int value);
- /*@}*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus