path: root/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpSimplexOther.hpp
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authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpSimplexOther.hpp
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpSimplexOther.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpSimplexOther.hpp b/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpSimplexOther.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c5014ec..0000000
--- a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpSimplexOther.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: ClpSimplexOther.hpp 2070 2014-11-18 11:12:54Z forrest $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
- Authors
- John Forrest
- */
-#ifndef ClpSimplexOther_H
-#define ClpSimplexOther_H
-#include "ClpSimplex.hpp"
-/** This is for Simplex stuff which is neither dual nor primal
- It inherits from ClpSimplex. It has no data of its own and
- is never created - only cast from a ClpSimplex object at algorithm time.
-class ClpSimplexOther : public ClpSimplex {
- /**@name Methods */
- //@{
- /** Dual ranging.
- This computes increase/decrease in cost for each given variable and corresponding
- sequence numbers which would change basis. Sequence numbers are 0..numberColumns
- and numberColumns.. for artificials/slacks.
- For non-basic variables the information is trivial to compute and the change in cost is just minus the
- reduced cost and the sequence number will be that of the non-basic variables.
- For basic variables a ratio test is between the reduced costs for non-basic variables
- and the row of the tableau corresponding to the basic variable.
- The increase/decrease value is always >= 0.0
- Up to user to provide correct length arrays where each array is of length numberCheck.
- which contains list of variables for which information is desired. All other
- arrays will be filled in by function. If fifth entry in which is variable 7 then fifth entry in output arrays
- will be information for variable 7.
- If valueIncrease/Decrease not NULL (both must be NULL or both non NULL) then these are filled with
- the value of variable if such a change in cost were made (the existing bounds are ignored)
- When here - guaranteed optimal
- */
- void dualRanging(int numberCheck, const int * which,
- double * costIncrease, int * sequenceIncrease,
- double * costDecrease, int * sequenceDecrease,
- double * valueIncrease = NULL, double * valueDecrease = NULL);
- /** Primal ranging.
- This computes increase/decrease in value for each given variable and corresponding
- sequence numbers which would change basis. Sequence numbers are 0..numberColumns
- and numberColumns.. for artificials/slacks.
- This should only be used for non-basic variabls as otherwise information is pretty useless
- For basic variables the sequence number will be that of the basic variables.
- Up to user to provide correct length arrays where each array is of length numberCheck.
- which contains list of variables for which information is desired. All other
- arrays will be filled in by function. If fifth entry in which is variable 7 then fifth entry in output arrays
- will be information for variable 7.
- When here - guaranteed optimal
- */
- void primalRanging(int numberCheck, const int * which,
- double * valueIncrease, int * sequenceIncrease,
- double * valueDecrease, int * sequenceDecrease);
- /** Parametrics
- This is an initial slow version.
- The code uses current bounds + theta * change (if change array not NULL)
- and similarly for objective.
- It starts at startingTheta and returns ending theta in endingTheta.
- If reportIncrement 0.0 it will report on any movement
- If reportIncrement >0.0 it will report at startingTheta+k*reportIncrement.
- If it can not reach input endingTheta return code will be 1 for infeasible,
- 2 for unbounded, if error on ranges -1, otherwise 0.
- Normal report is just theta and objective but
- if event handler exists it may do more
- On exit endingTheta is maximum reached (can be used for next startingTheta)
- */
- int parametrics(double startingTheta, double & endingTheta, double reportIncrement,
- const double * changeLowerBound, const double * changeUpperBound,
- const double * changeLowerRhs, const double * changeUpperRhs,
- const double * changeObjective);
- /** Version of parametrics which reads from file
- See CbcClpParam.cpp for details of format
- Returns -2 if unable to open file */
- int parametrics(const char * dataFile);
- /** Parametrics
- This is an initial slow version.
- The code uses current bounds + theta * change (if change array not NULL)
- It starts at startingTheta and returns ending theta in endingTheta.
- If it can not reach input endingTheta return code will be 1 for infeasible,
- 2 for unbounded, if error on ranges -1, otherwise 0.
- Event handler may do more
- On exit endingTheta is maximum reached (can be used for next startingTheta)
- */
- int parametrics(double startingTheta, double & endingTheta,
- const double * changeLowerBound, const double * changeUpperBound,
- const double * changeLowerRhs, const double * changeUpperRhs);
- int parametricsObj(double startingTheta, double & endingTheta,
- const double * changeObjective);
- /// Finds best possible pivot
- double bestPivot(bool justColumns=false);
- typedef struct {
- double startingTheta;
- double endingTheta;
- double maxTheta;
- double acceptableMaxTheta; // if this far then within tolerances
- double * lowerChange; // full array of lower bound changes
- int * lowerList; // list of lower bound changes
- double * upperChange; // full array of upper bound changes
- int * upperList; // list of upper bound changes
- char * markDone; // mark which ones looked at
- int * backwardBasic; // from sequence to pivot row
- int * lowerActive;
- double * lowerGap;
- double * lowerCoefficient;
- int * upperActive;
- double * upperGap;
- double * upperCoefficient;
- int unscaledChangesOffset;
- bool firstIteration; // so can update rhs for accuracy
- } parametricsData;
- /** Parametrics - inner loop
- This first attempt is when reportIncrement non zero and may
- not report endingTheta correctly
- If it can not reach input endingTheta return code will be 1 for infeasible,
- 2 for unbounded, otherwise 0.
- Normal report is just theta and objective but
- if event handler exists it may do more
- */
- int parametricsLoop(parametricsData & paramData, double reportIncrement,
- const double * changeLower, const double * changeUpper,
- const double * changeObjective, ClpDataSave & data,
- bool canTryQuick);
- int parametricsLoop(parametricsData & paramData,
- ClpDataSave & data,bool canSkipFactorization=false);
- int parametricsObjLoop(parametricsData & paramData,
- ClpDataSave & data,bool canSkipFactorization=false);
- /** Refactorizes if necessary
- Checks if finished. Updates status.
- type - 0 initial so set up save arrays etc
- - 1 normal -if good update save
- - 2 restoring from saved
- */
- void statusOfProblemInParametrics(int type, ClpDataSave & saveData);
- void statusOfProblemInParametricsObj(int type, ClpDataSave & saveData);
- /** This has the flow between re-factorizations
- Reasons to come out:
- -1 iterations etc
- -2 inaccuracy
- -3 slight inaccuracy (and done iterations)
- +0 looks optimal (might be unbounded - but we will investigate)
- +1 looks infeasible
- +3 max iterations
- */
- int whileIterating(parametricsData & paramData, double reportIncrement,
- const double * changeObjective);
- /** Computes next theta and says if objective or bounds (0= bounds, 1 objective, -1 none).
- theta is in theta_.
- type 1 bounds, 2 objective, 3 both.
- */
- int nextTheta(int type, double maxTheta, parametricsData & paramData,
- const double * changeObjective);
- int whileIteratingObj(parametricsData & paramData);
- int nextThetaObj(double maxTheta, parametricsData & paramData);
- /// Restores bound to original bound
- void originalBound(int iSequence, double theta, const double * changeLower,
- const double * changeUpper);
- /// Compute new rowLower_ etc (return negative if infeasible - otherwise largest change)
- double computeRhsEtc(parametricsData & paramData);
- /// Redo lower_ from rowLower_ etc
- void redoInternalArrays();
- /**
- Row array has row part of pivot row
- Column array has column part.
- This is used in dual ranging
- */
- void checkDualRatios(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray,
- CoinIndexedVector * columnArray,
- double & costIncrease, int & sequenceIncrease, double & alphaIncrease,
- double & costDecrease, int & sequenceDecrease, double & alphaDecrease);
- /**
- Row array has pivot column
- This is used in primal ranging
- */
- void checkPrimalRatios(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray,
- int direction);
- /// Returns new value of whichOther when whichIn enters basis
- double primalRanging1(int whichIn, int whichOther);
- /** Write the basis in MPS format to the specified file.
- If writeValues true writes values of structurals
- (and adds VALUES to end of NAME card)
- Row and column names may be null.
- formatType is
- <ul>
- <li> 0 - normal
- <li> 1 - extra accuracy
- <li> 2 - IEEE hex (later)
- </ul>
- Returns non-zero on I/O error
- */
- int writeBasis(const char *filename,
- bool writeValues = false,
- int formatType = 0) const;
- /// Read a basis from the given filename
- int readBasis(const char *filename);
- /** Creates dual of a problem if looks plausible
- (defaults will always create model)
- fractionRowRanges is fraction of rows allowed to have ranges
- fractionColumnRanges is fraction of columns allowed to have ranges
- */
- ClpSimplex * dualOfModel(double fractionRowRanges = 1.0, double fractionColumnRanges = 1.0) const;
- /** Restores solution from dualized problem
- non-zero return code indicates minor problems
- */
- int restoreFromDual(const ClpSimplex * dualProblem,
- bool checkAccuracy=false);
- /** Sets solution in dualized problem
- non-zero return code indicates minor problems
- */
- int setInDual(ClpSimplex * dualProblem);
- /** Does very cursory presolve.
- rhs is numberRows, whichRows is 3*numberRows and whichColumns is 2*numberColumns.
- */
- ClpSimplex * crunch(double * rhs, int * whichRows, int * whichColumns,
- int & nBound, bool moreBounds = false, bool tightenBounds = false);
- /** After very cursory presolve.
- rhs is numberRows, whichRows is 3*numberRows and whichColumns is 2*numberColumns.
- */
- void afterCrunch(const ClpSimplex & small,
- const int * whichRows, const int * whichColumns,
- int nBound);
- /** Returns gub version of model or NULL
- whichRows has to be numberRows
- whichColumns has to be numberRows+numberColumns */
- ClpSimplex * gubVersion(int * whichRows, int * whichColumns,
- int neededGub,
- int factorizationFrequency=50);
- /// Sets basis from original
- void setGubBasis(ClpSimplex &original,const int * whichRows,
- const int * whichColumns);
- /// Restores basis to original
- void getGubBasis(ClpSimplex &original,const int * whichRows,
- const int * whichColumns) const;
- /// Quick try at cleaning up duals if postsolve gets wrong
- void cleanupAfterPostsolve();
- /** Tightens integer bounds - returns number tightened or -1 if infeasible
- */
- int tightenIntegerBounds(double * rhsSpace);
- /** Expands out all possible combinations for a knapsack
- If buildObj NULL then just computes space needed - returns number elements
- On entry numberOutput is maximum allowed, on exit it is number needed or
- -1 (as will be number elements) if maximum exceeded. numberOutput will have at
- least space to return values which reconstruct input.
- Rows returned will be original rows but no entries will be returned for
- any rows all of whose entries are in knapsack. So up to user to allow for this.
- If reConstruct >=0 then returns number of entrie which make up item "reConstruct"
- in expanded knapsack. Values in buildRow and buildElement;
- */
- int expandKnapsack(int knapsackRow, int & numberOutput,
- double * buildObj, CoinBigIndex * buildStart,
- int * buildRow, double * buildElement, int reConstruct = -1) const;
- //@}