path: root/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpModel.hpp
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authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpModel.hpp
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpModel.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1307 deletions
diff --git a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpModel.hpp b/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpModel.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a22539..0000000
--- a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/ClpModel.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1307 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: ClpModel.hpp 2074 2014-12-10 09:43:54Z forrest $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef ClpModel_H
-#define ClpModel_H
-#include "ClpConfig.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-//#ifndef COIN_USE_CLP
-//#define COIN_USE_CLP
-#include "ClpPackedMatrix.hpp"
-#include "CoinMessageHandler.hpp"
-#include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
-#include "CoinTypes.hpp"
-#include "CoinFinite.hpp"
-#include "ClpParameters.hpp"
-#include "ClpObjective.hpp"
-class ClpEventHandler;
-/** This is the base class for Linear and quadratic Models
- This knows nothing about the algorithm, but it seems to
- have a reasonable amount of information
- I would welcome suggestions for what should be in this and
- how it relates to OsiSolverInterface. Some methods look
- very similar.
-class CoinBuild;
-class CoinModel;
-class ClpModel {
- /**@name Constructors and destructor
- Note - copy methods copy ALL data so can chew up memory
- until other copy is freed
- */
- //@{
- /// Default constructor
- ClpModel (bool emptyMessages = false );
- /** Copy constructor. May scale depending on mode
- -1 leave mode as is
- 0 -off, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3, auto, 4 auto-but-as-initialSolve-in-bab
- */
- ClpModel(const ClpModel & rhs, int scalingMode = -1);
- /// Assignment operator. This copies the data
- ClpModel & operator=(const ClpModel & rhs);
- /** Subproblem constructor. A subset of whole model is created from the
- row and column lists given. The new order is given by list order and
- duplicates are allowed. Name and integer information can be dropped
- */
- ClpModel (const ClpModel * wholeModel,
- int numberRows, const int * whichRows,
- int numberColumns, const int * whichColumns,
- bool dropNames = true, bool dropIntegers = true);
- /// Destructor
- ~ClpModel ( );
- //@}
- /**@name Load model - loads some stuff and initializes others */
- //@{
- /** Loads a problem (the constraints on the
- rows are given by lower and upper bounds). If a pointer is 0 then the
- following values are the default:
- <ul>
- <li> <code>colub</code>: all columns have upper bound infinity
- <li> <code>collb</code>: all columns have lower bound 0
- <li> <code>rowub</code>: all rows have upper bound infinity
- <li> <code>rowlb</code>: all rows have lower bound -infinity
- <li> <code>obj</code>: all variables have 0 objective coefficient
- </ul>
- */
- void loadProblem ( const ClpMatrixBase& matrix,
- const double* collb, const double* colub,
- const double* obj,
- const double* rowlb, const double* rowub,
- const double * rowObjective = NULL);
- void loadProblem ( const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix,
- const double* collb, const double* colub,
- const double* obj,
- const double* rowlb, const double* rowub,
- const double * rowObjective = NULL);
- /** Just like the other loadProblem() method except that the matrix is
- given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps). */
- void loadProblem ( const int numcols, const int numrows,
- const CoinBigIndex* start, const int* index,
- const double* value,
- const double* collb, const double* colub,
- const double* obj,
- const double* rowlb, const double* rowub,
- const double * rowObjective = NULL);
- /** This loads a model from a coinModel object - returns number of errors.
- modelObject not const as may be changed as part of process
- If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix
- */
- int loadProblem ( CoinModel & modelObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne = false);
- /// This one is for after presolve to save memory
- void loadProblem ( const int numcols, const int numrows,
- const CoinBigIndex* start, const int* index,
- const double* value, const int * length,
- const double* collb, const double* colub,
- const double* obj,
- const double* rowlb, const double* rowub,
- const double * rowObjective = NULL);
- /** Load up quadratic objective. This is stored as a CoinPackedMatrix */
- void loadQuadraticObjective(const int numberColumns,
- const CoinBigIndex * start,
- const int * column, const double * element);
- void loadQuadraticObjective ( const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix);
- /// Get rid of quadratic objective
- void deleteQuadraticObjective();
- /// This just loads up a row objective
- void setRowObjective(const double * rowObjective);
- /// Read an mps file from the given filename
- int readMps(const char *filename,
- bool keepNames = false,
- bool ignoreErrors = false);
- /// Read GMPL files from the given filenames
- int readGMPL(const char *filename, const char * dataName,
- bool keepNames = false);
- /// Copy in integer informations
- void copyInIntegerInformation(const char * information);
- /// Drop integer informations
- void deleteIntegerInformation();
- /** Set the index-th variable to be a continuous variable */
- void setContinuous(int index);
- /** Set the index-th variable to be an integer variable */
- void setInteger(int index);
- /** Return true if the index-th variable is an integer variable */
- bool isInteger(int index) const;
- /// Resizes rim part of model
- void resize (int newNumberRows, int newNumberColumns);
- /// Deletes rows
- void deleteRows(int number, const int * which);
- /// Add one row
- void addRow(int numberInRow, const int * columns,
- const double * elements, double rowLower = -COIN_DBL_MAX,
- double rowUpper = COIN_DBL_MAX);
- /// Add rows
- void addRows(int number, const double * rowLower,
- const double * rowUpper,
- const CoinBigIndex * rowStarts, const int * columns,
- const double * elements);
- /// Add rows
- void addRows(int number, const double * rowLower,
- const double * rowUpper,
- const CoinBigIndex * rowStarts, const int * rowLengths,
- const int * columns,
- const double * elements);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- void addRows(int number, const double * rowLower,
- const double * rowUpper,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase * const * rows);
- /** Add rows from a build object.
- If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix
- if no matrix exists.
- Returns number of errors e.g. duplicates
- */
- int addRows(const CoinBuild & buildObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne = false,
- bool checkDuplicates = true);
- /** Add rows from a model object. returns
- -1 if object in bad state (i.e. has column information)
- otherwise number of errors.
- modelObject non const as can be regularized as part of build
- If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix
- if no matrix exists.
- */
- int addRows(CoinModel & modelObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne = false,
- bool checkDuplicates = true);
- /// Deletes columns
- void deleteColumns(int number, const int * which);
- /// Deletes rows AND columns (keeps old sizes)
- void deleteRowsAndColumns(int numberRows, const int * whichRows,
- int numberColumns, const int * whichColumns);
- /// Add one column
- void addColumn(int numberInColumn,
- const int * rows,
- const double * elements,
- double columnLower = 0.0,
- double columnUpper = COIN_DBL_MAX,
- double objective = 0.0);
- /// Add columns
- void addColumns(int number, const double * columnLower,
- const double * columnUpper,
- const double * objective,
- const CoinBigIndex * columnStarts, const int * rows,
- const double * elements);
- void addColumns(int number, const double * columnLower,
- const double * columnUpper,
- const double * objective,
- const CoinBigIndex * columnStarts, const int * columnLengths,
- const int * rows,
- const double * elements);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
- void addColumns(int number, const double * columnLower,
- const double * columnUpper,
- const double * objective,
- const CoinPackedVectorBase * const * columns);
- /** Add columns from a build object
- If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix
- if no matrix exists.
- Returns number of errors e.g. duplicates
- */
- int addColumns(const CoinBuild & buildObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne = false,
- bool checkDuplicates = true);
- /** Add columns from a model object. returns
- -1 if object in bad state (i.e. has row information)
- otherwise number of errors
- modelObject non const as can be regularized as part of build
- If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix
- if no matrix exists.
- */
- int addColumns(CoinModel & modelObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne = false,
- bool checkDuplicates = true);
- /// Modify one element of a matrix
- inline void modifyCoefficient(int row, int column, double newElement,
- bool keepZero = false) {
- matrix_->modifyCoefficient(row, column, newElement, keepZero);
- }
- /** Change row lower bounds */
- void chgRowLower(const double * rowLower);
- /** Change row upper bounds */
- void chgRowUpper(const double * rowUpper);
- /** Change column lower bounds */
- void chgColumnLower(const double * columnLower);
- /** Change column upper bounds */
- void chgColumnUpper(const double * columnUpper);
- /** Change objective coefficients */
- void chgObjCoefficients(const double * objIn);
- /** Borrow model. This is so we don't have to copy large amounts
- of data around. It assumes a derived class wants to overwrite
- an empty model with a real one - while it does an algorithm */
- void borrowModel(ClpModel & otherModel);
- /** Return model - nulls all arrays so can be deleted safely
- also updates any scalars */
- void returnModel(ClpModel & otherModel);
- /// Create empty ClpPackedMatrix
- void createEmptyMatrix();
- /** Really clean up matrix (if ClpPackedMatrix).
- a) eliminate all duplicate AND small elements in matrix
- b) remove all gaps and set extraGap_ and extraMajor_ to 0.0
- c) reallocate arrays and make max lengths equal to lengths
- d) orders elements
- returns number of elements eliminated or -1 if not ClpPackedMatrix
- */
- int cleanMatrix(double threshold = 1.0e-20);
- /// Copy contents - resizing if necessary - otherwise re-use memory
- void copy(const ClpMatrixBase * from, ClpMatrixBase * & to);
-#ifndef CLP_NO_STD
- /// Drops names - makes lengthnames 0 and names empty
- void dropNames();
- /// Copies in names
- void copyNames(const std::vector<std::string> & rowNames,
- const std::vector<std::string> & columnNames);
- /// Copies in Row names - modifies names first .. last-1
- void copyRowNames(const std::vector<std::string> & rowNames, int first, int last);
- /// Copies in Column names - modifies names first .. last-1
- void copyColumnNames(const std::vector<std::string> & columnNames, int first, int last);
- /// Copies in Row names - modifies names first .. last-1
- void copyRowNames(const char * const * rowNames, int first, int last);
- /// Copies in Column names - modifies names first .. last-1
- void copyColumnNames(const char * const * columnNames, int first, int last);
- /// Set name of row
- void setRowName(int rowIndex, std::string & name) ;
- /// Set name of col
- void setColumnName(int colIndex, std::string & name) ;
- /** Find a network subset.
- rotate array should be numberRows. On output
- -1 not in network
- 0 in network as is
- 1 in network with signs swapped
- Returns number of network rows
- */
- int findNetwork(char * rotate, double fractionNeeded = 0.75);
- /** This creates a coinModel object
- */
- CoinModel * createCoinModel() const;
- /** Write the problem in MPS format to the specified file.
- Row and column names may be null.
- formatType is
- <ul>
- <li> 0 - normal
- <li> 1 - extra accuracy
- <li> 2 - IEEE hex
- </ul>
- Returns non-zero on I/O error
- */
- int writeMps(const char *filename,
- int formatType = 0, int numberAcross = 2,
- double objSense = 0.0) const ;
- //@}
- /**@name gets and sets */
- //@{
- /// Number of rows
- inline int numberRows() const {
- return numberRows_;
- }
- inline int getNumRows() const {
- return numberRows_;
- }
- /// Number of columns
- inline int getNumCols() const {
- return numberColumns_;
- }
- inline int numberColumns() const {
- return numberColumns_;
- }
- /// Primal tolerance to use
- inline double primalTolerance() const {
- return dblParam_[ClpPrimalTolerance];
- }
- void setPrimalTolerance( double value) ;
- /// Dual tolerance to use
- inline double dualTolerance() const {
- return dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance];
- }
- void setDualTolerance( double value) ;
- /// Primal objective limit
- inline double primalObjectiveLimit() const {
- return dblParam_[ClpPrimalObjectiveLimit];
- }
- void setPrimalObjectiveLimit(double value);
- /// Dual objective limit
- inline double dualObjectiveLimit() const {
- return dblParam_[ClpDualObjectiveLimit];
- }
- void setDualObjectiveLimit(double value);
- /// Objective offset
- inline double objectiveOffset() const {
- return dblParam_[ClpObjOffset];
- }
- void setObjectiveOffset(double value);
- /// Presolve tolerance to use
- inline double presolveTolerance() const {
- return dblParam_[ClpPresolveTolerance];
- }
-#ifndef CLP_NO_STD
- inline const std::string & problemName() const {
- return strParam_[ClpProbName];
- }
- /// Number of iterations
- inline int numberIterations() const {
- return numberIterations_;
- }
- inline int getIterationCount() const {
- return numberIterations_;
- }
- inline void setNumberIterations(int numberIterationsNew) {
- numberIterations_ = numberIterationsNew;
- }
- /** Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface, 3 Interior.*/
- inline int solveType() const {
- return solveType_;
- }
- inline void setSolveType(int type) {
- solveType_ = type;
- }
- /// Maximum number of iterations
- inline int maximumIterations() const {
- return intParam_[ClpMaxNumIteration];
- }
- void setMaximumIterations(int value);
- /// Maximum time in seconds (from when set called)
- inline double maximumSeconds() const {
- return dblParam_[ClpMaxSeconds];
- }
- void setMaximumSeconds(double value);
- void setMaximumWallSeconds(double value);
- /// Returns true if hit maximum iterations (or time)
- bool hitMaximumIterations() const;
- /** Status of problem:
- -1 - unknown e.g. before solve or if postSolve says not optimal
- 0 - optimal
- 1 - primal infeasible
- 2 - dual infeasible
- 3 - stopped on iterations or time
- 4 - stopped due to errors
- 5 - stopped by event handler (virtual int ClpEventHandler::event())
- */
- inline int status() const {
- return problemStatus_;
- }
- inline int problemStatus() const {
- return problemStatus_;
- }
- /// Set problem status
- inline void setProblemStatus(int problemStatusNew) {
- problemStatus_ = problemStatusNew;
- }
- /** Secondary status of problem - may get extended
- 0 - none
- 1 - primal infeasible because dual limit reached OR (probably primal
- infeasible but can't prove it - main status was 4)
- 2 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has primal infeasibilities
- 3 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has dual infeasibilities
- 4 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has primal and dual infeasibilities
- 5 - giving up in primal with flagged variables
- 6 - failed due to empty problem check
- 7 - postSolve says not optimal
- 8 - failed due to bad element check
- 9 - status was 3 and stopped on time
- 10 - status was 3 but stopped as primal feasible
- 100 up - translation of enum from ClpEventHandler
- */
- inline int secondaryStatus() const {
- return secondaryStatus_;
- }
- inline void setSecondaryStatus(int newstatus) {
- secondaryStatus_ = newstatus;
- }
- /// Are there a numerical difficulties?
- inline bool isAbandoned() const {
- return problemStatus_ == 4;
- }
- /// Is optimality proven?
- inline bool isProvenOptimal() const {
- return problemStatus_ == 0;
- }
- /// Is primal infeasiblity proven?
- inline bool isProvenPrimalInfeasible() const {
- return problemStatus_ == 1;
- }
- /// Is dual infeasiblity proven?
- inline bool isProvenDualInfeasible() const {
- return problemStatus_ == 2;
- }
- /// Is the given primal objective limit reached?
- bool isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached() const ;
- /// Is the given dual objective limit reached?
- bool isDualObjectiveLimitReached() const ;
- /// Iteration limit reached?
- inline bool isIterationLimitReached() const {
- return problemStatus_ == 3;
- }
- /// Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore
- inline double optimizationDirection() const {
- return optimizationDirection_;
- }
- inline double getObjSense() const {
- return optimizationDirection_;
- }
- void setOptimizationDirection(double value);
- /// Primal row solution
- inline double * primalRowSolution() const {
- return rowActivity_;
- }
- inline const double * getRowActivity() const {
- return rowActivity_;
- }
- /// Primal column solution
- inline double * primalColumnSolution() const {
- return columnActivity_;
- }
- inline const double * getColSolution() const {
- return columnActivity_;
- }
- inline void setColSolution(const double * input) {
- memcpy(columnActivity_, input, numberColumns_ * sizeof(double));
- }
- /// Dual row solution
- inline double * dualRowSolution() const {
- return dual_;
- }
- inline const double * getRowPrice() const {
- return dual_;
- }
- /// Reduced costs
- inline double * dualColumnSolution() const {
- return reducedCost_;
- }
- inline const double * getReducedCost() const {
- return reducedCost_;
- }
- /// Row lower
- inline double* rowLower() const {
- return rowLower_;
- }
- inline const double* getRowLower() const {
- return rowLower_;
- }
- /// Row upper
- inline double* rowUpper() const {
- return rowUpper_;
- }
- inline const double* getRowUpper() const {
- return rowUpper_;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Changing bounds on variables and constraints */
- //@{
- /** Set an objective function coefficient */
- void setObjectiveCoefficient( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
- /** Set an objective function coefficient */
- inline void setObjCoeff( int elementIndex, double elementValue ) {
- setObjectiveCoefficient( elementIndex, elementValue);
- }
- /** Set a single column lower bound<br>
- Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity. */
- void setColumnLower( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
- /** Set a single column upper bound<br>
- Use DBL_MAX for infinity. */
- void setColumnUpper( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
- /** Set a single column lower and upper bound */
- void setColumnBounds( int elementIndex,
- double lower, double upper );
- /** Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously<br>
- The default implementation just invokes setColLower() and
- setColUpper() over and over again.
- @param indexFirst,indexLast pointers to the beginning and after the
- end of the array of the indices of the variables whose
- <em>either</em> bound changes
- @param boundList the new lower/upper bound pairs for the variables
- */
- void setColumnSetBounds(const int* indexFirst,
- const int* indexLast,
- const double* boundList);
- /** Set a single column lower bound<br>
- Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity. */
- inline void setColLower( int elementIndex, double elementValue ) {
- setColumnLower(elementIndex, elementValue);
- }
- /** Set a single column upper bound<br>
- Use DBL_MAX for infinity. */
- inline void setColUpper( int elementIndex, double elementValue ) {
- setColumnUpper(elementIndex, elementValue);
- }
- /** Set a single column lower and upper bound */
- inline void setColBounds( int elementIndex,
- double lower, double upper ) {
- setColumnBounds(elementIndex, lower, upper);
- }
- /** Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously<br>
- @param indexFirst,indexLast pointers to the beginning and after the
- end of the array of the indices of the variables whose
- <em>either</em> bound changes
- @param boundList the new lower/upper bound pairs for the variables
- */
- inline void setColSetBounds(const int* indexFirst,
- const int* indexLast,
- const double* boundList) {
- setColumnSetBounds(indexFirst, indexLast, boundList);
- }
- /** Set a single row lower bound<br>
- Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity. */
- void setRowLower( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
- /** Set a single row upper bound<br>
- Use DBL_MAX for infinity. */
- void setRowUpper( int elementIndex, double elementValue ) ;
- /** Set a single row lower and upper bound */
- void setRowBounds( int elementIndex,
- double lower, double upper ) ;
- /** Set the bounds on a number of rows simultaneously<br>
- @param indexFirst,indexLast pointers to the beginning and after the
- end of the array of the indices of the constraints whose
- <em>either</em> bound changes
- @param boundList the new lower/upper bound pairs for the constraints
- */
- void setRowSetBounds(const int* indexFirst,
- const int* indexLast,
- const double* boundList);
- //@}
- /// Scaling
- inline const double * rowScale() const {
- return rowScale_;
- }
- inline const double * columnScale() const {
- return columnScale_;
- }
- inline const double * inverseRowScale() const {
- return inverseRowScale_;
- }
- inline const double * inverseColumnScale() const {
- return inverseColumnScale_;
- }
- inline double * mutableRowScale() const {
- return rowScale_;
- }
- inline double * mutableColumnScale() const {
- return columnScale_;
- }
- inline double * mutableInverseRowScale() const {
- return inverseRowScale_;
- }
- inline double * mutableInverseColumnScale() const {
- return inverseColumnScale_;
- }
- inline double * swapRowScale(double * newScale) {
- double * oldScale = rowScale_;
- rowScale_ = newScale;
- return oldScale;
- }
- void setRowScale(double * scale) ;
- void setColumnScale(double * scale);
- /// Scaling of objective
- inline double objectiveScale() const {
- return objectiveScale_;
- }
- inline void setObjectiveScale(double value) {
- objectiveScale_ = value;
- }
- /// Scaling of rhs and bounds
- inline double rhsScale() const {
- return rhsScale_;
- }
- inline void setRhsScale(double value) {
- rhsScale_ = value;
- }
- /// Sets or unsets scaling, 0 -off, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3 auto, 4 auto-but-as-initialSolve-in-bab
- void scaling(int mode = 1);
- /** If we constructed a "really" scaled model then this reverses the operation.
- Quantities may not be exactly as they were before due to rounding errors */
- void unscale();
- /// Gets scalingFlag
- inline int scalingFlag() const {
- return scalingFlag_;
- }
- /// Objective
- inline double * objective() const {
- if (objective_) {
- double offset;
- return objective_->gradient(NULL, NULL, offset, false);
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- inline double * objective(const double * solution, double & offset, bool refresh = true) const {
- offset = 0.0;
- if (objective_) {
- return objective_->gradient(NULL, solution, offset, refresh);
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- inline const double * getObjCoefficients() const {
- if (objective_) {
- double offset;
- return objective_->gradient(NULL, NULL, offset, false);
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /// Row Objective
- inline double * rowObjective() const {
- return rowObjective_;
- }
- inline const double * getRowObjCoefficients() const {
- return rowObjective_;
- }
- /// Column Lower
- inline double * columnLower() const {
- return columnLower_;
- }
- inline const double * getColLower() const {
- return columnLower_;
- }
- /// Column Upper
- inline double * columnUpper() const {
- return columnUpper_;
- }
- inline const double * getColUpper() const {
- return columnUpper_;
- }
- /// Matrix (if not ClpPackedmatrix be careful about memory leak
- inline CoinPackedMatrix * matrix() const {
- if ( matrix_ == NULL ) return NULL;
- else return matrix_->getPackedMatrix();
- }
- /// Number of elements in matrix
- inline int getNumElements() const {
- return matrix_->getNumElements();
- }
- /** Small element value - elements less than this set to zero,
- default is 1.0e-20 */
- inline double getSmallElementValue() const {
- return smallElement_;
- }
- inline void setSmallElementValue(double value) {
- smallElement_ = value;
- }
- /// Row Matrix
- inline ClpMatrixBase * rowCopy() const {
- return rowCopy_;
- }
- /// Set new row matrix
- void setNewRowCopy(ClpMatrixBase * newCopy);
- /// Clp Matrix
- inline ClpMatrixBase * clpMatrix() const {
- return matrix_;
- }
- /// Scaled ClpPackedMatrix
- inline ClpPackedMatrix * clpScaledMatrix() const {
- return scaledMatrix_;
- }
- /// Sets pointer to scaled ClpPackedMatrix
- inline void setClpScaledMatrix(ClpPackedMatrix * scaledMatrix) {
- delete scaledMatrix_;
- scaledMatrix_ = scaledMatrix;
- }
- /// Swaps pointer to scaled ClpPackedMatrix
- inline ClpPackedMatrix * swapScaledMatrix(ClpPackedMatrix * scaledMatrix) {
- ClpPackedMatrix * oldMatrix = scaledMatrix_;
- scaledMatrix_ = scaledMatrix;
- return oldMatrix;
- }
- /** Replace Clp Matrix (current is not deleted unless told to
- and new is used)
- So up to user to delete current. This was used where
- matrices were being rotated. ClpModel takes ownership.
- */
- void replaceMatrix(ClpMatrixBase * matrix, bool deleteCurrent = false);
- /** Replace Clp Matrix (current is not deleted unless told to
- and new is used) So up to user to delete current. This was used where
- matrices were being rotated. This version changes CoinPackedMatrix
- to ClpPackedMatrix. ClpModel takes ownership.
- */
- inline void replaceMatrix(CoinPackedMatrix * newmatrix,
- bool deleteCurrent = false) {
- replaceMatrix(new ClpPackedMatrix(newmatrix), deleteCurrent);
- }
- /// Objective value
- inline double objectiveValue() const {
- return objectiveValue_ * optimizationDirection_ - dblParam_[ClpObjOffset];
- }
- inline void setObjectiveValue(double value) {
- objectiveValue_ = (value + dblParam_[ClpObjOffset]) / optimizationDirection_;
- }
- inline double getObjValue() const {
- return objectiveValue_ * optimizationDirection_ - dblParam_[ClpObjOffset];
- }
- /// Integer information
- inline char * integerInformation() const {
- return integerType_;
- }
- /** Infeasibility/unbounded ray (NULL returned if none/wrong)
- Up to user to use delete [] on these arrays. */
- double * infeasibilityRay(bool fullRay=false) const;
- double * unboundedRay() const;
- /// For advanced users - no need to delete - sign not changed
- inline double * ray() const
- { return ray_;}
- /// just test if infeasibility or unbounded Ray exists
- inline bool rayExists() const {
- return (ray_!=NULL);
- }
- /// just delete ray if exists
- inline void deleteRay() {
- delete [] ray_;
- ray_=NULL;
- }
- /// Access internal ray storage. Users should call infeasibilityRay() or unboundedRay() instead.
- inline const double * internalRay() const {
- return ray_;
- }
- /// See if status (i.e. basis) array exists (partly for OsiClp)
- inline bool statusExists() const {
- return (status_ != NULL);
- }
- /// Return address of status (i.e. basis) array (char[numberRows+numberColumns])
- inline unsigned char * statusArray() const {
- return status_;
- }
- /** Return copy of status (i.e. basis) array (char[numberRows+numberColumns]),
- use delete [] */
- unsigned char * statusCopy() const;
- /// Copy in status (basis) vector
- void copyinStatus(const unsigned char * statusArray);
- /// User pointer for whatever reason
- inline void setUserPointer (void * pointer) {
- userPointer_ = pointer;
- }
- inline void * getUserPointer () const {
- return userPointer_;
- }
- /// Trusted user pointer
- inline void setTrustedUserPointer (ClpTrustedData * pointer) {
- trustedUserPointer_ = pointer;
- }
- inline ClpTrustedData * getTrustedUserPointer () const {
- return trustedUserPointer_;
- }
- /// What has changed in model (only for masochistic users)
- inline int whatsChanged() const {
- return whatsChanged_;
- }
- inline void setWhatsChanged(int value) {
- whatsChanged_ = value;
- }
- /// Number of threads (not really being used)
- inline int numberThreads() const {
- return numberThreads_;
- }
- inline void setNumberThreads(int value) {
- numberThreads_ = value;
- }
- //@}
- /**@name Message handling */
- //@{
- /// Pass in Message handler (not deleted at end)
- void passInMessageHandler(CoinMessageHandler * handler);
- /// Pass in Message handler (not deleted at end) and return current
- CoinMessageHandler * pushMessageHandler(CoinMessageHandler * handler,
- bool & oldDefault);
- /// back to previous message handler
- void popMessageHandler(CoinMessageHandler * oldHandler, bool oldDefault);
- /// Set language
- void newLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language);
- inline void setLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language) {
- newLanguage(language);
- }
- /// Overrides message handler with a default one
- void setDefaultMessageHandler();
- /// Return handler
- inline CoinMessageHandler * messageHandler() const {
- return handler_;
- }
- /// Return messages
- inline CoinMessages messages() const {
- return messages_;
- }
- /// Return pointer to messages
- inline CoinMessages * messagesPointer() {
- return & messages_;
- }
- /// Return Coin messages
- inline CoinMessages coinMessages() const {
- return coinMessages_;
- }
- /// Return pointer to Coin messages
- inline CoinMessages * coinMessagesPointer() {
- return & coinMessages_;
- }
- /** Amount of print out:
- 0 - none
- 1 - just final
- 2 - just factorizations
- 3 - as 2 plus a bit more
- 4 - verbose
- above that 8,16,32 etc just for selective debug
- */
- inline void setLogLevel(int value) {
- handler_->setLogLevel(value);
- }
- inline int logLevel() const {
- return handler_->logLevel();
- }
- /// Return true if default handler
- inline bool defaultHandler() const {
- return defaultHandler_;
- }
- /// Pass in Event handler (cloned and deleted at end)
- void passInEventHandler(const ClpEventHandler * eventHandler);
- /// Event handler
- inline ClpEventHandler * eventHandler() const {
- return eventHandler_;
- }
- /// Thread specific random number generator
- inline CoinThreadRandom * randomNumberGenerator() {
- return &randomNumberGenerator_;
- }
- /// Thread specific random number generator
- inline CoinThreadRandom & mutableRandomNumberGenerator() {
- return randomNumberGenerator_;
- }
- /// Set seed for thread specific random number generator
- inline void setRandomSeed(int value) {
- randomNumberGenerator_.setSeed(value);
- }
- /// length of names (0 means no names0
- inline int lengthNames() const {
- return lengthNames_;
- }
-#ifndef CLP_NO_STD
- /// length of names (0 means no names0
- inline void setLengthNames(int value) {
- lengthNames_ = value;
- }
- /// Row names
- inline const std::vector<std::string> * rowNames() const {
- return &rowNames_;
- }
- inline const std::string& rowName(int iRow) const {
- return rowNames_[iRow];
- }
- /// Return name or Rnnnnnnn
- std::string getRowName(int iRow) const;
- /// Column names
- inline const std::vector<std::string> * columnNames() const {
- return &columnNames_;
- }
- inline const std::string& columnName(int iColumn) const {
- return columnNames_[iColumn];
- }
- /// Return name or Cnnnnnnn
- std::string getColumnName(int iColumn) const;
- /// Objective methods
- inline ClpObjective * objectiveAsObject() const {
- return objective_;
- }
- void setObjective(ClpObjective * objective);
- inline void setObjectivePointer(ClpObjective * newobjective) {
- objective_ = newobjective;
- }
- /** Solve a problem with no elements - return status and
- dual and primal infeasibilites */
- int emptyProblem(int * infeasNumber = NULL, double * infeasSum = NULL, bool printMessage = true);
- //@}
- /**@name Matrix times vector methods
- They can be faster if scalar is +- 1
- These are covers so user need not worry about scaling
- Also for simplex I am not using basic/non-basic split */
- //@{
- /** Return <code>y + A * x * scalar</code> in <code>y</code>.
- @pre <code>x</code> must be of size <code>numColumns()</code>
- @pre <code>y</code> must be of size <code>numRows()</code> */
- void times(double scalar,
- const double * x, double * y) const;
- /** Return <code>y + x * scalar * A</code> in <code>y</code>.
- @pre <code>x</code> must be of size <code>numRows()</code>
- @pre <code>y</code> must be of size <code>numColumns()</code> */
- void transposeTimes(double scalar,
- const double * x, double * y) const ;
- //@}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Parameter set/get methods
- The set methods return true if the parameter was set to the given value,
- false otherwise. There can be various reasons for failure: the given
- parameter is not applicable for the solver (e.g., refactorization
- frequency for the volume algorithm), the parameter is not yet implemented
- for the solver or simply the value of the parameter is out of the range
- the solver accepts. If a parameter setting call returns false check the
- details of your solver.
- The get methods return true if the given parameter is applicable for the
- solver and is implemented. In this case the value of the parameter is
- returned in the second argument. Otherwise they return false.
- ** once it has been decided where solver sits this may be redone
- */
- //@{
- /// Set an integer parameter
- bool setIntParam(ClpIntParam key, int value) ;
- /// Set an double parameter
- bool setDblParam(ClpDblParam key, double value) ;
-#ifndef CLP_NO_STD
- /// Set an string parameter
- bool setStrParam(ClpStrParam key, const std::string & value);
- // Get an integer parameter
- inline bool getIntParam(ClpIntParam key, int& value) const {
- if (key < ClpLastIntParam) {
- value = intParam_[key];
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Get an double parameter
- inline bool getDblParam(ClpDblParam key, double& value) const {
- if (key < ClpLastDblParam) {
- value = dblParam_[key];
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
-#ifndef CLP_NO_STD
- // Get a string parameter
- inline bool getStrParam(ClpStrParam key, std::string& value) const {
- if (key < ClpLastStrParam) {
- value = strParam_[key];
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
- void generateCpp( FILE * fp);
- /** For advanced options
- 1 - Don't keep changing infeasibility weight
- 2 - Keep nonLinearCost round solves
- 4 - Force outgoing variables to exact bound (primal)
- 8 - Safe to use dense initial factorization
- 16 -Just use basic variables for operation if column generation
- 32 -Create ray even in BAB
- 64 -Treat problem as feasible until last minute (i.e. minimize infeasibilities)
- 128 - Switch off all matrix sanity checks
- 256 - No row copy
- 512 - If not in values pass, solution guaranteed, skip as much as possible
- 1024 - In branch and bound
- 2048 - Don't bother to re-factorize if < 20 iterations
- 4096 - Skip some optimality checks
- 8192 - Do Primal when cleaning up primal
- 16384 - In fast dual (so we can switch off things)
- 32768 - called from Osi
- 65536 - keep arrays around as much as possible (also use maximumR/C)
- 131072 - transposeTimes is -1.0 and can skip basic and fixed
- 262144 - extra copy of scaled matrix
- 524288 - Clp fast dual
- 1048576 - don't need to finish dual (can return 3)
- 2097152 - zero costs!
- 4194304 - don't scale integer variables
- 8388608 - Idiot when not really sure about it
- NOTE - many applications can call Clp but there may be some short cuts
- which are taken which are not guaranteed safe from all applications.
- Vetted applications will have a bit set and the code may test this
- At present I expect a few such applications - if too many I will
- have to re-think. It is up to application owner to change the code
- if she/he needs these short cuts. I will not debug unless in Coin
- repository. See COIN_CLP_VETTED comments.
- 0x01000000 is Cbc (and in branch and bound)
- 0x02000000 is in a different branch and bound
- */
- inline unsigned int specialOptions() const {
- return specialOptions_;
- }
- void setSpecialOptions(unsigned int value);
-#define COIN_CBC_USING_CLP 0x01000000
- inline bool inCbcBranchAndBound() const {
- return (specialOptions_ & COIN_CBC_USING_CLP) != 0;
- }
- //@}
- /**@name private or protected methods */
- //@{
- /// Does most of deletion (0 = all, 1 = most)
- void gutsOfDelete(int type);
- /** Does most of copying
- If trueCopy 0 then just points to arrays
- If -1 leaves as much as possible */
- void gutsOfCopy(const ClpModel & rhs, int trueCopy = 1);
- /// gets lower and upper bounds on rows
- void getRowBound(int iRow, double& lower, double& upper) const;
- /// puts in format I like - 4 array matrix - may make row copy
- void gutsOfLoadModel ( int numberRows, int numberColumns,
- const double* collb, const double* colub,
- const double* obj,
- const double* rowlb, const double* rowub,
- const double * rowObjective = NULL);
- /// Does much of scaling
- void gutsOfScaling();
- /// Objective value - always minimize
- inline double rawObjectiveValue() const {
- return objectiveValue_;
- }
- /// If we are using maximumRows_ and Columns_
- inline bool permanentArrays() const {
- return (specialOptions_ & 65536) != 0;
- }
- /// Start using maximumRows_ and Columns_
- void startPermanentArrays();
- /// Stop using maximumRows_ and Columns_
- void stopPermanentArrays();
- /// Create row names as char **
- const char * const * rowNamesAsChar() const;
- /// Create column names as char **
- const char * const * columnNamesAsChar() const;
- /// Delete char * version of names
- void deleteNamesAsChar(const char * const * names, int number) const;
- /// On stopped - sets secondary status
- void onStopped();
- //@}
-////////////////// data //////////////////
- /**@name data */
- //@{
- /// Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore
- double optimizationDirection_;
- /// Array of double parameters
- double dblParam_[ClpLastDblParam];
- /// Objective value
- double objectiveValue_;
- /// Small element value
- double smallElement_;
- /// Scaling of objective
- double objectiveScale_;
- /// Scaling of rhs and bounds
- double rhsScale_;
- /// Number of rows
- int numberRows_;
- /// Number of columns
- int numberColumns_;
- /// Row activities
- double * rowActivity_;
- /// Column activities
- double * columnActivity_;
- /// Duals
- double * dual_;
- /// Reduced costs
- double * reducedCost_;
- /// Row lower
- double* rowLower_;
- /// Row upper
- double* rowUpper_;
- /// Objective
- ClpObjective * objective_;
- /// Row Objective (? sign) - may be NULL
- double * rowObjective_;
- /// Column Lower
- double * columnLower_;
- /// Column Upper
- double * columnUpper_;
- /// Packed matrix
- ClpMatrixBase * matrix_;
- /// Row copy if wanted
- ClpMatrixBase * rowCopy_;
- /// Scaled packed matrix
- ClpPackedMatrix * scaledMatrix_;
- /// Infeasible/unbounded ray
- double * ray_;
- /// Row scale factors for matrix
- double * rowScale_;
- /// Column scale factors
- double * columnScale_;
- /// Inverse row scale factors for matrix (end of rowScale_)
- double * inverseRowScale_;
- /// Inverse column scale factors for matrix (end of columnScale_)
- double * inverseColumnScale_;
- /** Scale flag, 0 none, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3, auto, 4 dynamic,
- 5 geometric on rows */
- int scalingFlag_;
- /** Status (i.e. basis) Region. I know that not all algorithms need a status
- array, but it made sense for things like crossover and put
- all permanent stuff in one place. No assumption is made
- about what is in status array (although it might be good to reserve
- bottom 3 bits (i.e. 0-7 numeric) for classic status). This
- is number of columns + number of rows long (in that order).
- */
- unsigned char * status_;
- /// Integer information
- char * integerType_;
- /// User pointer for whatever reason
- void * userPointer_;
- /// Trusted user pointer e.g. for heuristics
- ClpTrustedData * trustedUserPointer_;
- /// Array of integer parameters
- int intParam_[ClpLastIntParam];
- /// Number of iterations
- int numberIterations_;
- /** Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface, 3 Interior.*/
- int solveType_;
- /** Whats changed since last solve. This is a work in progress
- It is designed so careful people can make go faster.
- It is only used when startFinishOptions used in dual or primal.
- Bit 1 - number of rows/columns has not changed (so work arrays valid)
- 2 - matrix has not changed
- 4 - if matrix has changed only by adding rows
- 8 - if matrix has changed only by adding columns
- 16 - row lbs not changed
- 32 - row ubs not changed
- 64 - column objective not changed
- 128 - column lbs not changed
- 256 - column ubs not changed
- 512 - basis not changed (up to user to set this to 0)
- top bits may be used internally
- shift by 65336 is 3 all same, 1 all except col bounds
- */
-#define MATRIX_SAME 2
-#define ROW_LOWER_SAME 16
-#define ROW_UPPER_SAME 32
-#define OBJECTIVE_SAME 64
-#define COLUMN_LOWER_SAME 128
-#define COLUMN_UPPER_SAME 256
-#define BASIS_SAME 512
-#define ALL_SAME 65339
- unsigned int whatsChanged_;
- /// Status of problem
- int problemStatus_;
- /// Secondary status of problem
- int secondaryStatus_;
- /// length of names (0 means no names)
- int lengthNames_;
- /// Number of threads (not very operational)
- int numberThreads_;
- /** For advanced options
- See get and set for meaning
- */
- unsigned int specialOptions_;
- /// Message handler
- CoinMessageHandler * handler_;
- /// Flag to say if default handler (so delete)
- bool defaultHandler_;
- /// Thread specific random number generator
- CoinThreadRandom randomNumberGenerator_;
- /// Event handler
- ClpEventHandler * eventHandler_;
-#ifndef CLP_NO_STD
- /// Row names
- std::vector<std::string> rowNames_;
- /// Column names
- std::vector<std::string> columnNames_;
- /// Messages
- CoinMessages messages_;
- /// Coin messages
- CoinMessages coinMessages_;
- /// Maximum number of columns in model
- int maximumColumns_;
- /// Maximum number of rows in model
- int maximumRows_;
- /// Maximum number of columns (internal arrays) in model
- int maximumInternalColumns_;
- /// Maximum number of rows (internal arrays) in model
- int maximumInternalRows_;
- /// Base packed matrix
- CoinPackedMatrix baseMatrix_;
- /// Base row copy
- CoinPackedMatrix baseRowCopy_;
- /// Saved row scale factors for matrix
- double * savedRowScale_;
- /// Saved column scale factors
- double * savedColumnScale_;
-#ifndef CLP_NO_STD
- /// Array of string parameters
- std::string strParam_[ClpLastStrParam];
- //@}
-/** This is a tiny class where data can be saved round calls.
- */
-class ClpDataSave {
- /**@name Constructors and destructor
- */
- //@{
- /// Default constructor
- ClpDataSave ( );
- /// Copy constructor.
- ClpDataSave(const ClpDataSave &);
- /// Assignment operator. This copies the data
- ClpDataSave & operator=(const ClpDataSave & rhs);
- /// Destructor
- ~ClpDataSave ( );
- //@}
-////////////////// data //////////////////
- /**@name data - with same names as in other classes*/
- //@{
- double dualBound_;
- double infeasibilityCost_;
- double pivotTolerance_;
- double zeroFactorizationTolerance_;
- double zeroSimplexTolerance_;
- double acceptablePivot_;
- double objectiveScale_;
- int sparseThreshold_;
- int perturbation_;
- int forceFactorization_;
- int scalingFlag_;
- unsigned int specialOptions_;
- //@}