path: root/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcLinked.hpp
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authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:36:51 +0530
commita0d9443af147e949c1e6a01ac24749d12593ec5b (patch)
tree1a1955c5482ae608fd7f618b06f4ecc6a0d39a23 /newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcLinked.hpp
parent4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (diff)
cbcintlinprog added
Diffstat (limited to 'newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcLinked.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1406 deletions
diff --git a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcLinked.hpp b/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcLinked.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index daa977c..0000000
--- a/newstructure/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcLinked.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1406 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: CbcLinked.hpp 1899 2013-04-09 18:12:08Z stefan $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2006, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-#ifndef CglLinked_H
-#define CglLinked_H
- OsiSolverLink
- OsiBranchLink
- CglTemporary
-#include "CoinModel.hpp"
-#include "OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp"
-#include "OsiChooseVariable.hpp"
-#include "CbcFathom.hpp"
-class CbcModel;
-class CoinPackedMatrix;
-class OsiLinkedBound;
-class OsiObject;
-class CglStored;
-class CglTemporary;
-This is to allow the user to replace initialSolve and resolve
-This version changes coefficients
-class OsiSolverLink : public CbcOsiSolver {
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Solve methods */
- //@{
- /// Solve initial LP relaxation
- virtual void initialSolve();
- /// Resolve an LP relaxation after problem modification
- virtual void resolve();
- /**
- Problem specific
- Returns -1 if node fathomed and no solution
- 0 if did nothing
- 1 if node fathomed and solution
- allFixed is true if all LinkedBound variables are fixed
- */
- virtual int fathom(bool allFixed) ;
- /** Solves nonlinear problem from CoinModel using SLP - may be used as crash
- for other algorithms when number of iterations small.
- Also exits if all problematical variables are changing
- less than deltaTolerance
- Returns solution array
- */
- double * nonlinearSLP(int numberPasses, double deltaTolerance);
- /** Solve linearized quadratic objective branch and bound.
- Return cutoff and OA cut
- */
- double linearizedBAB(CglStored * cut) ;
- /** Solves nonlinear problem from CoinModel using SLP - and then tries to get
- heuristic solution
- Returns solution array
- mode -
- 0 just get continuous
- 1 round and try normal bab
- 2 use defaultBound_ to bound integer variables near current solution
- */
- double * heuristicSolution(int numberPasses, double deltaTolerance, int mode);
- /// Do OA cuts
- int doAOCuts(CglTemporary * cutGen, const double * solution, const double * solution2);
- //@}
- /**@name Constructors and destructors */
- //@{
- /// Default Constructor
- OsiSolverLink ();
- /** This creates from a coinModel object
- if errors.then number of sets is -1
- This creates linked ordered sets information. It assumes -
- for product terms syntax is yy*f(zz)
- also just f(zz) is allowed
- and even a constant
- modelObject not const as may be changed as part of process.
- */
- OsiSolverLink( CoinModel & modelObject);
- // Other way with existing object
- void load( CoinModel & modelObject, bool tightenBounds = false, int logLevel = 1);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiSolverInterface * clone(bool copyData = true) const;
- /// Copy constructor
- OsiSolverLink (const OsiSolverLink &);
- /// Assignment operator
- OsiSolverLink & operator=(const OsiSolverLink& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~OsiSolverLink ();
- //@}
- /**@name Sets and Gets */
- //@{
- /// Add a bound modifier
- void addBoundModifier(bool upperBoundAffected, bool useUpperBound, int whichVariable, int whichVariableAffected,
- double multiplier = 1.0);
- /// Update coefficients - returns number updated if in updating mode
- int updateCoefficients(ClpSimplex * solver, CoinPackedMatrix * matrix);
- /// Analyze constraints to see which are convex (quadratic)
- void analyzeObjects();
- /// Add reformulated bilinear constraints
- void addTighterConstraints();
- /// Objective value of best solution found internally
- inline double bestObjectiveValue() const {
- return bestObjectiveValue_;
- }
- /// Set objective value of best solution found internally
- inline void setBestObjectiveValue(double value) {
- bestObjectiveValue_ = value;
- }
- /// Best solution found internally
- inline const double * bestSolution() const {
- return bestSolution_;
- }
- /// Set best solution found internally
- void setBestSolution(const double * solution, int numberColumns);
- /// Set special options
- inline void setSpecialOptions2(int value) {
- specialOptions2_ = value;
- }
- /// Say convex (should work it out) - if convex false then strictly concave
- void sayConvex(bool convex);
- /// Get special options
- inline int specialOptions2() const {
- return specialOptions2_;
- }
- /** Clean copy of matrix
- So we can add rows
- */
- CoinPackedMatrix * cleanMatrix() const {
- return matrix_;
- }
- /** Row copy of matrix
- Just genuine columns and rows
- Linear part
- */
- CoinPackedMatrix * originalRowCopy() const {
- return originalRowCopy_;
- }
- /// Copy of quadratic model if one
- ClpSimplex * quadraticModel() const {
- return quadraticModel_;
- }
- /// Gets correct form for a quadratic row - user to delete
- CoinPackedMatrix * quadraticRow(int rowNumber, double * linear) const;
- /// Default meshSize
- inline double defaultMeshSize() const {
- return defaultMeshSize_;
- }
- inline void setDefaultMeshSize(double value) {
- defaultMeshSize_ = value;
- }
- /// Default maximumbound
- inline double defaultBound() const {
- return defaultBound_;
- }
- inline void setDefaultBound(double value) {
- defaultBound_ = value;
- }
- /// Set integer priority
- inline void setIntegerPriority(int value) {
- integerPriority_ = value;
- }
- /// Get integer priority
- inline int integerPriority() const {
- return integerPriority_;
- }
- /// Objective transfer variable if one
- inline int objectiveVariable() const {
- return objectiveVariable_;
- }
- /// Set biLinear priority
- inline void setBiLinearPriority(int value) {
- biLinearPriority_ = value;
- }
- /// Get biLinear priority
- inline int biLinearPriority() const {
- return biLinearPriority_;
- }
- /// Return CoinModel
- inline const CoinModel * coinModel() const {
- return &coinModel_;
- }
- /// Set all biLinear priorities on x-x variables
- void setBiLinearPriorities(int value, double meshSize = 1.0);
- /** Set options and priority on all or some biLinear variables
- 1 - on I-I
- 2 - on I-x
- 4 - on x-x
- or combinations.
- -1 means leave (for priority value and strategy value)
- */
- void setBranchingStrategyOnVariables(int strategyValue, int priorityValue = -1,
- int mode = 7);
- /// Set all mesh sizes on x-x variables
- void setMeshSizes(double value);
- /** Two tier integer problem where when set of variables with priority
- less than this are fixed the problem becomes an easier integer problem
- */
- void setFixedPriority(int priorityValue);
- //@}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name functions */
- //@{
- /// Do real work of initialize
- //void initialize(ClpSimplex * & solver, OsiObject ** & object) const;
- /// Do real work of delete
- void gutsOfDestructor(bool justNullify = false);
- /// Do real work of copy
- void gutsOfCopy(const OsiSolverLink & rhs) ;
- //@}
- /**@name Private member data */
- //@{
- /** Clean copy of matrix
- Marked coefficients will be multiplied by L or U
- */
- CoinPackedMatrix * matrix_;
- /** Row copy of matrix
- Just genuine columns and rows
- */
- CoinPackedMatrix * originalRowCopy_;
- /// Copy of quadratic model if one
- ClpSimplex * quadraticModel_;
- /// Number of rows with nonLinearities
- int numberNonLinearRows_;
- /// Starts of lists
- int * startNonLinear_;
- /// Row number for a list
- int * rowNonLinear_;
- /** Indicator whether is convex, concave or neither
- -1 concave, 0 neither, +1 convex
- */
- int * convex_;
- /// Indices in a list/row
- int * whichNonLinear_;
- /// Model in CoinModel format
- CoinModel coinModel_;
- /// Number of variables in tightening phase
- int numberVariables_;
- /// Information
- OsiLinkedBound * info_;
- /**
- 0 bit (1) - call fathom (may do mini B&B)
- 1 bit (2) - quadratic only in objective (add OA cuts)
- 2 bit (4) - convex
- 3 bit (8) - try adding OA cuts
- 4 bit (16) - add linearized constraints
- */
- int specialOptions2_;
- /// Objective transfer row if one
- int objectiveRow_;
- /// Objective transfer variable if one
- int objectiveVariable_;
- /// Objective value of best solution found internally
- double bestObjectiveValue_;
- /// Default mesh
- double defaultMeshSize_;
- /// Default maximum bound
- double defaultBound_;
- /// Best solution found internally
- double * bestSolution_;
- /// Priority for integers
- int integerPriority_;
- /// Priority for bilinear
- int biLinearPriority_;
- /// Number of variables which when fixed help
- int numberFix_;
- /// list of fixed variables
- int * fixVariables_;
- //@}
- List of bounds which depend on other bounds
-class OsiLinkedBound {
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Action methods */
- //@{
- /// Update other bounds
- void updateBounds(ClpSimplex * solver);
- //@}
- /**@name Constructors and destructors */
- //@{
- /// Default Constructor
- OsiLinkedBound ();
- /// Useful Constructor
- OsiLinkedBound(OsiSolverInterface * model, int variable,
- int numberAffected, const int * positionL,
- const int * positionU, const double * multiplier);
- /// Copy constructor
- OsiLinkedBound (const OsiLinkedBound &);
- /// Assignment operator
- OsiLinkedBound & operator=(const OsiLinkedBound& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- ~OsiLinkedBound ();
- //@}
- /**@name Sets and Gets */
- //@{
- /// Get variable
- inline int variable() const {
- return variable_;
- }
- /// Add a bound modifier
- void addBoundModifier(bool upperBoundAffected, bool useUpperBound, int whichVariable,
- double multiplier = 1.0);
- //@}
- typedef struct {
- double multiplier; // to use in computation
- int affected; // variable or element affected
- /*
- 0 - LB of variable affected
- 1 - UB of variable affected
- 2 - element in position (affected) affected
- */
- unsigned char affect;
- unsigned char ubUsed; // nonzero if UB of this variable is used
- /*
- 0 - use x*multiplier
- 1 - use multiplier/x
- 2 - if UB use min of current upper and x*multiplier, if LB use max of current lower and x*multiplier
- */
- unsigned char type; // type of computation
- } boundElementAction;
- /**@name Private member data */
- //@{
- /// Pointer back to model
- OsiSolverInterface * model_;
- /// Variable
- int variable_;
- /// Number of variables/elements affected
- int numberAffected_;
- /// Maximum number of variables/elements affected
- int maximumAffected_;
- /// Actions
- boundElementAction * affected_;
- //@}
-#include "CbcHeuristic.hpp"
-/** heuristic - just picks up any good solution
- */
-class CbcHeuristicDynamic3 : public CbcHeuristic {
- // Default Constructor
- CbcHeuristicDynamic3 ();
- /* Constructor with model
- */
- CbcHeuristicDynamic3 (CbcModel & model);
- // Copy constructor
- CbcHeuristicDynamic3 ( const CbcHeuristicDynamic3 &);
- // Destructor
- ~CbcHeuristicDynamic3 ();
- /// Clone
- virtual CbcHeuristic * clone() const;
- /// update model
- virtual void setModel(CbcModel * model);
- using CbcHeuristic::solution ;
- /** returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution.
- Sets solution values if good, sets objective value (only if good)
- We leave all variables which are at one at this node of the
- tree to that value and will
- initially set all others to zero. We then sort all variables in order of their cost
- divided by the number of entries in rows which are not yet covered. We randomize that
- value a bit so that ties will be broken in different ways on different runs of the heuristic.
- We then choose the best one and set it to one and repeat the exercise.
- */
- virtual int solution(double & objectiveValue,
- double * newSolution);
- /// Resets stuff if model changes
- virtual void resetModel(CbcModel * model);
- /// Returns true if can deal with "odd" problems e.g. sos type 2
- virtual bool canDealWithOdd() const {
- return true;
- }
- /// Illegal Assignment operator
- CbcHeuristicDynamic3 & operator=(const CbcHeuristicDynamic3& rhs);
-#include "OsiBranchingObject.hpp"
-/** Define Special Linked Ordered Sets.
-class CoinWarmStartBasis;
-class OsiOldLink : public OsiSOS {
- // Default Constructor
- OsiOldLink ();
- /** Useful constructor - A valid solution is if all variables are zero
- apart from k*numberLink to (k+1)*numberLink-1 where k is 0 through
- numberInSet-1. The length of weights array is numberInSet.
- For this constructor the variables in matrix are the numberInSet*numberLink
- starting at first. If weights null then 0,1,2..
- */
- OsiOldLink (const OsiSolverInterface * solver, int numberMembers,
- int numberLinks, int first,
- const double * weights, int setNumber);
- /** Useful constructor - A valid solution is if all variables are zero
- apart from k*numberLink to (k+1)*numberLink-1 where k is 0 through
- numberInSet-1. The length of weights array is numberInSet.
- For this constructor the variables are given by list - grouped.
- If weights null then 0,1,2..
- */
- OsiOldLink (const OsiSolverInterface * solver, int numberMembers,
- int numberLinks, int typeSOS, const int * which,
- const double * weights, int setNumber);
- // Copy constructor
- OsiOldLink ( const OsiOldLink &);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiObject * clone() const;
- // Assignment operator
- OsiOldLink & operator=( const OsiOldLink& rhs);
- // Destructor
- virtual ~OsiOldLink ();
- using OsiObject::infeasibility ;
- /// Infeasibility - large is 0.5
- virtual double infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int & whichWay) const;
- using OsiObject::feasibleRegion ;
- /** Set bounds to fix the variable at the current (integer) value.
- Given an integer value, set the lower and upper bounds to fix the
- variable. Returns amount it had to move variable.
- */
- virtual double feasibleRegion(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info) const;
- /** Creates a branching object
- The preferred direction is set by \p way, 0 for down, 1 for up.
- */
- virtual OsiBranchingObject * createBranch(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int way) const;
- /// Redoes data when sequence numbers change
- virtual void resetSequenceEtc(int numberColumns, const int * originalColumns);
- /// Number of links for each member
- inline int numberLinks() const {
- return numberLinks_;
- }
- /** \brief Return true if object can take part in normal heuristics
- */
- virtual bool canDoHeuristics() const {
- return false;
- }
- /** \brief Return true if branch should only bound variables
- */
- virtual bool boundBranch() const {
- return false;
- }
- /// data
- /// Number of links
- int numberLinks_;
-/** Branching object for Linked ordered sets
- */
-class OsiOldLinkBranchingObject : public OsiSOSBranchingObject {
- // Default Constructor
- OsiOldLinkBranchingObject ();
- // Useful constructor
- OsiOldLinkBranchingObject (OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiOldLink * originalObject,
- int way,
- double separator);
- // Copy constructor
- OsiOldLinkBranchingObject ( const OsiOldLinkBranchingObject &);
- // Assignment operator
- OsiOldLinkBranchingObject & operator=( const OsiOldLinkBranchingObject& rhs);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiBranchingObject * clone() const;
- // Destructor
- virtual ~OsiOldLinkBranchingObject ();
- using OsiBranchingObject::branch ;
- /// Does next branch and updates state
- virtual double branch(OsiSolverInterface * solver);
- using OsiBranchingObject::print ;
- /** \brief Print something about branch - only if log level high
- */
- virtual void print(const OsiSolverInterface * solver = NULL);
- /// data
-/** Define data for one link
-class OsiOneLink {
- // Default Constructor
- OsiOneLink ();
- /** Useful constructor -
- */
- OsiOneLink (const OsiSolverInterface * solver, int xRow, int xColumn, int xyRow,
- const char * functionString);
- // Copy constructor
- OsiOneLink ( const OsiOneLink &);
- // Assignment operator
- OsiOneLink & operator=( const OsiOneLink& rhs);
- // Destructor
- virtual ~OsiOneLink ();
- /// data
- /// Row which defines x (if -1 then no x)
- int xRow_;
- /// Column which defines x
- int xColumn_;
- /// Output row
- int xyRow;
- /// Function
- std::string function_;
-/** Define Special Linked Ordered Sets. New style
- members and weights may be stored in SOS object
- This is for y and x*f(y) and z*g(y) etc
-class OsiLink : public OsiSOS {
- // Default Constructor
- OsiLink ();
- /** Useful constructor -
- */
- OsiLink (const OsiSolverInterface * solver, int yRow,
- int yColumn, double meshSize);
- // Copy constructor
- OsiLink ( const OsiLink &);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiObject * clone() const;
- // Assignment operator
- OsiLink & operator=( const OsiLink& rhs);
- // Destructor
- virtual ~OsiLink ();
- using OsiObject::infeasibility ;
- /// Infeasibility - large is 0.5
- virtual double infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int & whichWay) const;
- using OsiObject::feasibleRegion ;
- /** Set bounds to fix the variable at the current (integer) value.
- Given an integer value, set the lower and upper bounds to fix the
- variable. Returns amount it had to move variable.
- */
- virtual double feasibleRegion(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info) const;
- /** Creates a branching object
- The preferred direction is set by \p way, 0 for down, 1 for up.
- */
- virtual OsiBranchingObject * createBranch(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int way) const;
- /// Redoes data when sequence numbers change
- virtual void resetSequenceEtc(int numberColumns, const int * originalColumns);
- /// Number of links for each member
- inline int numberLinks() const {
- return numberLinks_;
- }
- /** \brief Return true if object can take part in normal heuristics
- */
- virtual bool canDoHeuristics() const {
- return false;
- }
- /** \brief Return true if branch should only bound variables
- */
- virtual bool boundBranch() const {
- return false;
- }
- /// data
- /// Current increment for y points
- double meshSize_;
- /// Links
- OsiOneLink * data_;
- /// Number of links
- int numberLinks_;
- /// Row which defines y
- int yRow_;
- /// Column which defines y
- int yColumn_;
-/** Branching object for Linked ordered sets
- */
-class OsiLinkBranchingObject : public OsiTwoWayBranchingObject {
- // Default Constructor
- OsiLinkBranchingObject ();
- // Useful constructor
- OsiLinkBranchingObject (OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiLink * originalObject,
- int way,
- double separator);
- // Copy constructor
- OsiLinkBranchingObject ( const OsiLinkBranchingObject &);
- // Assignment operator
- OsiLinkBranchingObject & operator=( const OsiLinkBranchingObject& rhs);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiBranchingObject * clone() const;
- // Destructor
- virtual ~OsiLinkBranchingObject ();
- using OsiBranchingObject::branch ;
- /// Does next branch and updates state
- virtual double branch(OsiSolverInterface * solver);
- using OsiBranchingObject::print ;
- /** \brief Print something about branch - only if log level high
- */
- virtual void print(const OsiSolverInterface * solver = NULL);
- /// data
-/** Define BiLinear objects
- This models x*y where one or both are integer
-class OsiBiLinear : public OsiObject2 {
- // Default Constructor
- OsiBiLinear ();
- /** Useful constructor -
- This Adds in rows and variables to construct valid Linked Ordered Set
- Adds extra constraints to match other x/y
- So note not const solver
- */
- OsiBiLinear (OsiSolverInterface * solver, int xColumn,
- int yColumn, int xyRow, double coefficient,
- double xMesh, double yMesh,
- int numberExistingObjects = 0, const OsiObject ** objects = NULL );
- /** Useful constructor -
- This Adds in rows and variables to construct valid Linked Ordered Set
- Adds extra constraints to match other x/y
- So note not const model
- */
- OsiBiLinear (CoinModel * coinModel, int xColumn,
- int yColumn, int xyRow, double coefficient,
- double xMesh, double yMesh,
- int numberExistingObjects = 0, const OsiObject ** objects = NULL );
- // Copy constructor
- OsiBiLinear ( const OsiBiLinear &);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiObject * clone() const;
- // Assignment operator
- OsiBiLinear & operator=( const OsiBiLinear& rhs);
- // Destructor
- virtual ~OsiBiLinear ();
- using OsiObject::infeasibility ;
- /// Infeasibility - large is 0.5
- virtual double infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int & whichWay) const;
- using OsiObject::feasibleRegion ;
- /** Set bounds to fix the variable at the current (integer) value.
- Given an integer value, set the lower and upper bounds to fix the
- variable. Returns amount it had to move variable.
- */
- virtual double feasibleRegion(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info) const;
- /** Creates a branching object
- The preferred direction is set by \p way, 0 for down, 1 for up.
- */
- virtual OsiBranchingObject * createBranch(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int way) const;
- /// Redoes data when sequence numbers change
- virtual void resetSequenceEtc(int numberColumns, const int * originalColumns);
- // This does NOT set mutable stuff
- virtual double checkInfeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * info) const;
- /** \brief Return true if object can take part in normal heuristics
- */
- virtual bool canDoHeuristics() const {
- return false;
- }
- /** \brief Return true if branch should only bound variables
- */
- virtual bool boundBranch() const {
- return (branchingStrategy_&4) != 0;
- }
- /// X column
- inline int xColumn() const {
- return xColumn_;
- }
- /// Y column
- inline int yColumn() const {
- return yColumn_;
- }
- /// X row
- inline int xRow() const {
- return xRow_;
- }
- /// Y row
- inline int yRow() const {
- return yRow_;
- }
- /// XY row
- inline int xyRow() const {
- return xyRow_;
- }
- /// Coefficient
- inline double coefficient() const {
- return coefficient_;
- }
- /// Set coefficient
- inline void setCoefficient(double value) {
- coefficient_ = value;
- }
- /// First lambda (of 4)
- inline int firstLambda() const {
- return firstLambda_;
- }
- /// X satisfied if less than this away from mesh
- inline double xSatisfied() const {
- return xSatisfied_;
- }
- inline void setXSatisfied(double value) {
- xSatisfied_ = value;
- }
- /// Y satisfied if less than this away from mesh
- inline double ySatisfied() const {
- return ySatisfied_;
- }
- inline void setYSatisfied(double value) {
- ySatisfied_ = value;
- }
- /// X other satisfied if less than this away from mesh
- inline double xOtherSatisfied() const {
- return xOtherSatisfied_;
- }
- inline void setXOtherSatisfied(double value) {
- xOtherSatisfied_ = value;
- }
- /// Y other satisfied if less than this away from mesh
- inline double yOtherSatisfied() const {
- return yOtherSatisfied_;
- }
- inline void setYOtherSatisfied(double value) {
- yOtherSatisfied_ = value;
- }
- /// X meshSize
- inline double xMeshSize() const {
- return xMeshSize_;
- }
- inline void setXMeshSize(double value) {
- xMeshSize_ = value;
- }
- /// Y meshSize
- inline double yMeshSize() const {
- return yMeshSize_;
- }
- inline void setYMeshSize(double value) {
- yMeshSize_ = value;
- }
- /// XY satisfied if two version differ by less than this
- inline double xySatisfied() const {
- return xySatisfied_;
- }
- inline void setXYSatisfied(double value) {
- xySatisfied_ = value;
- }
- /// Set sizes and other stuff
- void setMeshSizes(const OsiSolverInterface * solver, double x, double y);
- /** branching strategy etc
- bottom 2 bits
- 0 branch on either, 1 branch on x, 2 branch on y
- next bit
- 4 set to say don't update coefficients
- next bit
- 8 set to say don't use in feasible region
- next bit
- 16 set to say - Always satisfied !!
- */
- inline int branchingStrategy() const {
- return branchingStrategy_;
- }
- inline void setBranchingStrategy(int value) {
- branchingStrategy_ = value;
- }
- /** Simple quadratic bound marker.
- 0 no
- 1 L if coefficient pos, G if negative i.e. value is ub on xy
- 2 G if coefficient pos, L if negative i.e. value is lb on xy
- 3 E
- If bound then real coefficient is 1.0 and coefficient_ is bound
- */
- inline int boundType() const {
- return boundType_;
- }
- inline void setBoundType(int value) {
- boundType_ = value;
- }
- /// Does work of branching
- void newBounds(OsiSolverInterface * solver, int way, short xOrY, double separator) const;
- /// Updates coefficients - returns number updated
- int updateCoefficients(const double * lower, const double * upper, double * objective,
- CoinPackedMatrix * matrix, CoinWarmStartBasis * basis) const;
- /// Returns true value of single xyRow coefficient
- double xyCoefficient(const double * solution) const;
- /// Get LU coefficients from matrix
- void getCoefficients(const OsiSolverInterface * solver, double xB[2], double yB[2], double xybar[4]) const;
- /// Compute lambdas (third entry in each .B is current value) (nonzero if bad)
- double computeLambdas(const double xB[3], const double yB[3], const double xybar[4], double lambda[4]) const;
- /// Adds in data for extra row with variable coefficients
- void addExtraRow(int row, double multiplier);
- /// Sets infeasibility and other when pseudo shadow prices
- void getPseudoShadow(const OsiBranchingInformation * info);
- /// Gets sum of movements to correct value
- double getMovement(const OsiBranchingInformation * info);
- /// Compute lambdas if coefficients not changing
- void computeLambdas(const OsiSolverInterface * solver, double lambda[4]) const;
- /// data
- /// Coefficient
- double coefficient_;
- /// x mesh
- double xMeshSize_;
- /// y mesh
- double yMeshSize_;
- /// x satisfied if less than this away from mesh
- double xSatisfied_;
- /// y satisfied if less than this away from mesh
- double ySatisfied_;
- /// X other satisfied if less than this away from mesh
- double xOtherSatisfied_;
- /// Y other satisfied if less than this away from mesh
- double yOtherSatisfied_;
- /// xy satisfied if less than this away from true
- double xySatisfied_;
- /// value of x or y to branch about
- mutable double xyBranchValue_;
- /// x column
- int xColumn_;
- /// y column
- int yColumn_;
- /// First lambda (of 4)
- int firstLambda_;
- /** branching strategy etc
- bottom 2 bits
- 0 branch on either, 1 branch on x, 2 branch on y
- next bit
- 4 set to say don't update coefficients
- next bit
- 8 set to say don't use in feasible region
- next bit
- 16 set to say - Always satisfied !!
- */
- int branchingStrategy_;
- /** Simple quadratic bound marker.
- 0 no
- 1 L if coefficient pos, G if negative i.e. value is ub on xy
- 2 G if coefficient pos, L if negative i.e. value is lb on xy
- 3 E
- If bound then real coefficient is 1.0 and coefficient_ is bound
- */
- int boundType_;
- /// x row
- int xRow_;
- /// y row (-1 if x*x)
- int yRow_;
- /// Output row
- int xyRow_;
- /// Convexity row
- int convexity_;
- /// Number of extra rows (coefficients to be modified)
- int numberExtraRows_;
- /// Multiplier for coefficient on row
- double * multiplier_;
- /// Row number
- int * extraRow_;
- /// Which chosen -1 none, 0 x, 1 y
- mutable short chosen_;
-/** Branching object for BiLinear objects
- */
-class OsiBiLinearBranchingObject : public OsiTwoWayBranchingObject {
- // Default Constructor
- OsiBiLinearBranchingObject ();
- // Useful constructor
- OsiBiLinearBranchingObject (OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBiLinear * originalObject,
- int way,
- double separator, int chosen);
- // Copy constructor
- OsiBiLinearBranchingObject ( const OsiBiLinearBranchingObject &);
- // Assignment operator
- OsiBiLinearBranchingObject & operator=( const OsiBiLinearBranchingObject& rhs);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiBranchingObject * clone() const;
- // Destructor
- virtual ~OsiBiLinearBranchingObject ();
- using OsiBranchingObject::branch ;
- /// Does next branch and updates state
- virtual double branch(OsiSolverInterface * solver);
- using OsiBranchingObject::print ;
- /** \brief Print something about branch - only if log level high
- */
- virtual void print(const OsiSolverInterface * solver = NULL);
- /** \brief Return true if branch should only bound variables
- */
- virtual bool boundBranch() const;
- /// data
- /// 1 means branch on x, 2 branch on y
- short chosen_;
-/** Define Continuous BiLinear objects for an == bound
- This models x*y = b where both are continuous
-class OsiBiLinearEquality : public OsiBiLinear {
- // Default Constructor
- OsiBiLinearEquality ();
- /** Useful constructor -
- This Adds in rows and variables to construct Ordered Set
- for x*y = b
- So note not const solver
- */
- OsiBiLinearEquality (OsiSolverInterface * solver, int xColumn,
- int yColumn, int xyRow, double rhs,
- double xMesh);
- // Copy constructor
- OsiBiLinearEquality ( const OsiBiLinearEquality &);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiObject * clone() const;
- // Assignment operator
- OsiBiLinearEquality & operator=( const OsiBiLinearEquality& rhs);
- // Destructor
- virtual ~OsiBiLinearEquality ();
- /// Possible improvement
- virtual double improvement(const OsiSolverInterface * solver) const;
- /** change grid
- if type 0 then use solution and make finer
- if 1 then back to original
- returns mesh size
- */
- double newGrid(OsiSolverInterface * solver, int type) const;
- /// Number of points
- inline int numberPoints() const {
- return numberPoints_;
- }
- inline void setNumberPoints(int value) {
- numberPoints_ = value;
- }
- /// Number of points
- int numberPoints_;
-/// Define a single integer class - but one where you keep branching until fixed even if satisfied
-class OsiSimpleFixedInteger : public OsiSimpleInteger {
- /// Default Constructor
- OsiSimpleFixedInteger ();
- /// Useful constructor - passed solver index
- OsiSimpleFixedInteger (const OsiSolverInterface * solver, int iColumn);
- /// Useful constructor - passed solver index and original bounds
- OsiSimpleFixedInteger (int iColumn, double lower, double upper);
- /// Useful constructor - passed simple integer
- OsiSimpleFixedInteger (const OsiSimpleInteger &);
- /// Copy constructor
- OsiSimpleFixedInteger ( const OsiSimpleFixedInteger &);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiObject * clone() const;
- /// Assignment operator
- OsiSimpleFixedInteger & operator=( const OsiSimpleFixedInteger& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~OsiSimpleFixedInteger ();
- using OsiObject::infeasibility ;
- /// Infeasibility - large is 0.5
- virtual double infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int & whichWay) const;
- /** Creates a branching object
- The preferred direction is set by \p way, 0 for down, 1 for up.
- */
- virtual OsiBranchingObject * createBranch(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int way) const;
- /// data
-/** Define a single variable class which is involved with OsiBiLinear objects.
- This is used so can make better decision on where to branch as it can look at
- all objects.
- This version sees if it can re-use code from OsiSimpleInteger
- even if not an integer variable. If not then need to duplicate code.
-class OsiUsesBiLinear : public OsiSimpleInteger {
- /// Default Constructor
- OsiUsesBiLinear ();
- /// Useful constructor - passed solver index
- OsiUsesBiLinear (const OsiSolverInterface * solver, int iColumn, int type);
- /// Useful constructor - passed solver index and original bounds
- OsiUsesBiLinear (int iColumn, double lower, double upper, int type);
- /// Useful constructor - passed simple integer
- OsiUsesBiLinear (const OsiSimpleInteger & rhs, int type);
- /// Copy constructor
- OsiUsesBiLinear ( const OsiUsesBiLinear & rhs);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiObject * clone() const;
- /// Assignment operator
- OsiUsesBiLinear & operator=( const OsiUsesBiLinear& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~OsiUsesBiLinear ();
- using OsiObject::infeasibility ;
- /// Infeasibility - large is 0.5
- virtual double infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int & whichWay) const;
- /** Creates a branching object
- The preferred direction is set by \p way, 0 for down, 1 for up.
- */
- virtual OsiBranchingObject * createBranch(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int way) const;
- using OsiObject::feasibleRegion ;
- /** Set bounds to fix the variable at the current value.
- Given an current value, set the lower and upper bounds to fix the
- variable. Returns amount it had to move variable.
- */
- virtual double feasibleRegion(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info) const;
- /// Add all bi-linear objects
- void addBiLinearObjects(OsiSolverLink * solver);
- /// data
- /// Number of bilinear objects (maybe could be more general)
- int numberBiLinear_;
- /// Type of variable - 0 continuous, 1 integer
- int type_;
- /// Objects
- OsiObject ** objects_;
-/** This class chooses a variable to branch on
- This is just as OsiChooseStrong but it fakes it so only
- first so many are looked at in this phase
-class OsiChooseStrongSubset : public OsiChooseStrong {
- /// Default Constructor
- OsiChooseStrongSubset ();
- /// Constructor from solver (so we can set up arrays etc)
- OsiChooseStrongSubset (const OsiSolverInterface * solver);
- /// Copy constructor
- OsiChooseStrongSubset (const OsiChooseStrongSubset &);
- /// Assignment operator
- OsiChooseStrongSubset & operator= (const OsiChooseStrongSubset& rhs);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiChooseVariable * clone() const;
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~OsiChooseStrongSubset ();
- /** Sets up strong list and clears all if initialize is true.
- Returns number of infeasibilities.
- If returns -1 then has worked out node is infeasible!
- */
- virtual int setupList ( OsiBranchingInformation *info, bool initialize);
- /** Choose a variable
- Returns -
- -1 Node is infeasible
- 0 Normal termination - we have a candidate
- 1 All looks satisfied - no candidate
- 2 We can change the bound on a variable - but we also have a strong branching candidate
- 3 We can change the bound on a variable - but we have a non-strong branching candidate
- 4 We can change the bound on a variable - no other candidates
- We can pick up branch from bestObjectIndex() and bestWhichWay()
- We can pick up a forced branch (can change bound) from firstForcedObjectIndex() and firstForcedWhichWay()
- If we have a solution then we can pick up from goodObjectiveValue() and goodSolution()
- If fixVariables is true then 2,3,4 are all really same as problem changed
- */
- virtual int chooseVariable( OsiSolverInterface * solver, OsiBranchingInformation *info, bool fixVariables);
- /// Number of objects to use
- inline int numberObjectsToUse() const {
- return numberObjectsToUse_;
- }
- /// Set number of objects to use
- inline void setNumberObjectsToUse(int value) {
- numberObjectsToUse_ = value;
- }
- // Data
- /// Number of objects to be used (and set in solver)
- int numberObjectsToUse_;
-#include <string>
-#include "CglStored.hpp"
-class CoinWarmStartBasis;
-/** Stored Temporary Cut Generator Class - destroyed after first use */
-class CglTemporary : public CglStored {
- /**@name Generate Cuts */
- //@{
- /** Generate Mixed Integer Stored cuts for the model of the
- solver interface, si.
- Insert the generated cuts into OsiCut, cs.
- This generator just looks at previously stored cuts
- and inserts any that are violated by enough
- */
- virtual void generateCuts( const OsiSolverInterface & si, OsiCuts & cs,
- const CglTreeInfo info = CglTreeInfo());
- //@}
- /**@name Constructors and destructors */
- //@{
- /// Default constructor
- CglTemporary ();
- /// Copy constructor
- CglTemporary (const CglTemporary & rhs);
- /// Clone
- virtual CglCutGenerator * clone() const;
- /// Assignment operator
- CglTemporary &
- operator=(const CglTemporary& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- virtual
- ~CglTemporary ();
- //@}
-// Private member methods
- // Private member data
-This is to allow the user to replace initialSolve and resolve
-class OsiSolverLinearizedQuadratic : public OsiClpSolverInterface {
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name Solve methods */
- //@{
- /// Solve initial LP relaxation
- virtual void initialSolve();
- //@}
- /**@name Constructors and destructors */
- //@{
- /// Default Constructor
- OsiSolverLinearizedQuadratic ();
- /// Useful constructor (solution should be good)
- OsiSolverLinearizedQuadratic( ClpSimplex * quadraticModel);
- /// Clone
- virtual OsiSolverInterface * clone(bool copyData = true) const;
- /// Copy constructor
- OsiSolverLinearizedQuadratic (const OsiSolverLinearizedQuadratic &);
- /// Assignment operator
- OsiSolverLinearizedQuadratic & operator=(const OsiSolverLinearizedQuadratic& rhs);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~OsiSolverLinearizedQuadratic ();
- //@}
- /**@name Sets and Gets */
- //@{
- /// Objective value of best solution found internally
- inline double bestObjectiveValue() const {
- return bestObjectiveValue_;
- }
- /// Best solution found internally
- const double * bestSolution() const {
- return bestSolution_;
- }
- /// Set special options
- inline void setSpecialOptions3(int value) {
- specialOptions3_ = value;
- }
- /// Get special options
- inline int specialOptions3() const {
- return specialOptions3_;
- }
- /// Copy of quadratic model if one
- ClpSimplex * quadraticModel() const {
- return quadraticModel_;
- }
- //@}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**@name functions */
- //@{
- /**@name Private member data */
- //@{
- /// Objective value of best solution found internally
- double bestObjectiveValue_;
- /// Copy of quadratic model if one
- ClpSimplex * quadraticModel_;
- /// Best solution found internally
- double * bestSolution_;
- /**
- 0 bit (1) - don't do mini B&B
- 1 bit (2) - quadratic only in objective
- */
- int specialOptions3_;
- //@}
-class ClpSimplex;
-/** Return an approximate solution to a CoinModel.
- Lots of bounds may be odd to force a solution.
- mode = 0 just tries to get a continuous solution
-ClpSimplex * approximateSolution(CoinModel & coinModel,
- int numberPasses, double deltaTolerance,
- int mode = 0);