path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp
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authorHarpreet2016-08-04 15:25:44 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-08-04 15:25:44 +0530
commit9fd2976931c088dc523974afb901e96bad20f73c (patch)
tree22502de6e6988d5cd595290d11266f8432ad825b /build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp
initial add
Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp')
1 files changed, 550 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380a06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/IpDenseVector.hpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpDenseVector.hpp 2269 2013-05-05 11:32:40Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#include "IpUtils.hpp"
+#include "IpVector.hpp"
+#include <map>
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* forward declarations */
+ class DenseVectorSpace;
+ /** @name Exceptions */
+ //@{
+ //@}
+ /** Dense Vector Implementation. This is the default Vector class
+ * in Ipopt. It stores vectors in contiguous Number arrays, unless
+ * the vector has the same value in all entires. In the latter
+ * case, we call the vector "homogeneous", and we store only the
+ * values that is repeated in all elements. If you want to obtain
+ * the values of vector, use the IsHomogeneous() method to find out
+ * what status the vector is in, and then use either Values() const
+ * or Scalar() const methods to get the values. To set the values
+ * of a homogeneous method, use the Set method. To set the values
+ * of a non-homogeneous vector, use the SetValues method, or use
+ * the non-const Values method to get an array that you can
+ * overwrite. In the latter case, storage is ensured.
+ */
+ class DenseVector : public Vector
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors / Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor
+ */
+ DenseVector(const DenseVectorSpace* owner_space);
+ /** Destructor
+ */
+ virtual ~DenseVector();
+ //@}
+ /** @name Additional public methods not in Vector base class. */
+ //@{
+ /** Create a new DenseVector from same VectorSpace */
+ SmartPtr<DenseVector> MakeNewDenseVector() const;
+ /** Set elements in the vector to the Number array x. */
+ void SetValues(const Number *x);
+ /** Obtain pointer to the internal Number array with vector
+ * elements with the indention to change the vector data (USE
+ * WITH CARE!). This does not produce a copy, and lifetime is not
+ * guaranteed!.
+ */
+ inline Number* Values();
+ /** Obtain pointer to the internal Number array with vector
+ * elements without the intention to change the vector data (USE
+ * WITH CARE!). This does not produce a copy, and lifetime is not
+ * guaranteed! IMPORTANT: If this method is currently
+ * homogeneous (i.e. IsHomogeneous returns true), then you cannot
+ * call this method. Instead, you need to use the Scalar()
+ * method.
+ */
+ inline const Number* Values() const;
+ /** The same as the const version of Values, but we ensure that we
+ * always return a valid array, even if IsHomogeneous returns
+ * true. */
+ const Number* ExpandedValues() const;
+ /** This is the same as Values, but we add it here so that
+ * ExpandedValues can also be used for the non-const case. */
+ inline Number* ExpandedValues()
+ {
+ return Values();
+ }
+ /** Indicates if the vector is homogeneous (i.e., all entries have
+ * the value Scalar() */
+ bool IsHomogeneous() const
+ {
+ return homogeneous_;
+ }
+ /** Scalar value of all entries in a homogeneous vector */
+ Number Scalar() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(homogeneous_);
+ return scalar_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Modifying subranges of the vector. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the data in x into the subrange of this vector starting
+ * at position Pos in this vector. Position count starts at 0.
+ */
+ void CopyToPos(Index Pos, const Vector& x);
+ /** Copy a subrange of x, starting at Pos, into the full data of
+ * this vector. Position count starts at 0.
+ */
+ void CopyFromPos(Index Pos, const Vector& x);
+ //@}
+ protected:
+ /** @name Overloaded methods from Vector base class */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the data of the vector x into this vector (DCOPY). */
+ virtual void CopyImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Scales the vector by scalar alpha (DSCAL) */
+ virtual void ScalImpl(Number alpha);
+ /** Add the multiple alpha of vector x to this vector (DAXPY) */
+ virtual void AxpyImpl(Number alpha, const Vector &x);
+ /** Computes inner product of vector x with this (DDOT) */
+ virtual Number DotImpl(const Vector &x) const;
+ /** Computes the 2-norm of this vector (DNRM2) */
+ virtual Number Nrm2Impl() const;
+ /** Computes the 1-norm of this vector (DASUM) */
+ virtual Number AsumImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the max-norm of this vector (based on IDAMAX) */
+ virtual Number AmaxImpl() const;
+ /** Set each element in the vector to the scalar alpha. */
+ virtual void SetImpl(Number value);
+ /** Element-wise division \f$y_i \gets y_i/x_i\f$.*/
+ virtual void ElementWiseDivideImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Element-wise multiplication \f$y_i \gets y_i*x_i\f$.*/
+ virtual void ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Set entry to max of itself and the corresponding element in x */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMaxImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** Set entry to min of itself and the corresponding element in x */
+ virtual void ElementWiseMinImpl(const Vector& x);
+ /** reciprocates the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseReciprocalImpl();
+ /** take abs of the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseAbsImpl();
+ /** take square-root of the elements of the vector */
+ virtual void ElementWiseSqrtImpl();
+ /** Changes each entry in the vector to its sgn value */
+ virtual void ElementWiseSgnImpl();
+ /** Add scalar to every component of the vector.*/
+ virtual void AddScalarImpl(Number scalar);
+ /** Max value in the vector */
+ virtual Number MaxImpl() const;
+ /** Min value in the vector */
+ virtual Number MinImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the sum of the lements of vector */
+ virtual Number SumImpl() const;
+ /** Computes the sum of the logs of the elements of vector */
+ virtual Number SumLogsImpl() const;
+ /** @name Implemented specialized functions */
+ //@{
+ /** Add two vectors (a * v1 + b * v2). Result is stored in this
+ vector. */
+ void AddTwoVectorsImpl(Number a, const Vector& v1,
+ Number b, const Vector& v2, Number c);
+ /** Fraction to the boundary parameter. */
+ Number FracToBoundImpl(const Vector& delta, Number tau) const;
+ /** Add the quotient of two vectors, y = a * z/s + c * y. */
+ void AddVectorQuotientImpl(Number a, const Vector& z, const Vector& s,
+ Number c);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Output methods */
+ //@{
+ /* Print the entire vector with padding */
+ virtual void PrintImpl(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix) const
+ {
+ PrintImplOffset(jnlst, level, category, name, indent, prefix, 1);
+ }
+ /* Print the entire vector with padding, and start counting with
+ an offset. */
+ void PrintImplOffset(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ EJournalLevel level,
+ EJournalCategory category,
+ const std::string& name,
+ Index indent,
+ const std::string& prefix,
+ Index offset) const;
+ //@}
+ friend class ParVector;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ DenseVector();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ DenseVector(const DenseVector&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const DenseVector&);
+ //@}
+ /** Copy of the owner_space ptr as a DenseVectorSpace instead
+ * of a VectorSpace
+ */
+ const DenseVectorSpace* owner_space_;
+ /** Dense Number array of vector values. */
+ Number* values_;
+ /** Dense Number array pointer that is used for ExpandedValues */
+ mutable Number* expanded_values_;
+ /** Method of getting the internal values array, making sure that
+ * memory has been allocated */
+ inline
+ Number* values_allocated();
+ /** Flag for Initialization. This flag is false, if the data has
+ not yet been initialized. */
+ bool initialized_;
+ /** Flag indicating whether the vector is currently homogeneous
+ * (that is, all elements have the same value). This flag is used
+ * to determine whether the elements of the vector are stored in
+ * values_ or in scalar_ */
+ bool homogeneous_;
+ /** Homogeneous value of all elements if the vector is currently
+ * homogenous */
+ Number scalar_;
+ /** Auxilliary method for setting explicitly all elements in
+ * values_ to the current scalar value. */
+ void set_values_from_scalar();
+ };
+ /** typedefs for the map variables that define meta data for the
+ * DenseVectorSpace
+ */
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > StringMetaDataMapType;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<Index> > IntegerMetaDataMapType;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<Number> > NumericMetaDataMapType;
+ /** This vectors space is the vector space for DenseVector.
+ */
+ class DenseVectorSpace : public VectorSpace
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @name Constructors/Destructors. */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor, requires dimension of all vector for this
+ * VectorSpace
+ */
+ DenseVectorSpace(Index dim)
+ :
+ VectorSpace(dim)
+ {}
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~DenseVectorSpace()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** Method for creating a new vector of this specific type. */
+ inline
+ DenseVector* MakeNewDenseVector() const
+ {
+ return new DenseVector(this);
+ }
+ /** Instantiation of the generate MakeNew method for the
+ * VectorSpace base class.
+ */
+ virtual Vector* MakeNew() const
+ {
+ return MakeNewDenseVector();
+ }
+ /**@name Methods called by DenseVector for memory management.
+ * This could allow to have sophisticated memory management in the
+ * VectorSpace.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Allocate internal storage for the DenseVector */
+ inline
+ Number* AllocateInternalStorage() const;
+ /** Deallocate internal storage for the DenseVector */
+ inline
+ void FreeInternalStorage(Number* values) const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Methods for dealing with meta data on the vector
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Check if string meta exists for tag */
+ inline
+ bool HasStringMetaData(const std::string tag) const;
+ /** Check if Integer meta exists for tag */
+ inline
+ bool HasIntegerMetaData(const std::string tag) const;
+ /** Check if Numeric meta exists for tag */
+ inline
+ bool HasNumericMetaData(const std::string tag) const;
+ /** Get meta data of type std::string by tag */
+ inline
+ const std::vector<std::string>& GetStringMetaData(const std::string& tag) const;
+ /** Get meta data of type Index by tag */
+ inline
+ const std::vector<Index>& GetIntegerMetaData(const std::string& tag) const;
+ /** Get meta data of type Number by tag */
+ inline
+ const std::vector<Number>& GetNumericMetaData(const std::string& tag) const;
+ /** Set meta data of type std::string by tag */
+ inline
+ void SetStringMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<std::string> meta_data);
+ /** Set meta data of type Index by tag */
+ inline
+ void SetIntegerMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<Index> meta_data);
+ /** Set meta data of type Number by tag */
+ inline
+ void SetNumericMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<Number> meta_data);
+ /** Get map of meta data of type Number */
+ inline
+ const StringMetaDataMapType& GetStringMetaData() const;
+ /** Get map of meta data of type Number */
+ inline
+ const IntegerMetaDataMapType& GetIntegerMetaData() const;
+ /** Get map of meta data of type Number */
+ inline
+ const NumericMetaDataMapType& GetNumericMetaData() const;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ // variables to store vector meta data
+ StringMetaDataMapType string_meta_data_;
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType integer_meta_data_;
+ NumericMetaDataMapType numeric_meta_data_;
+ };
+ // inline functions
+ inline Number* DenseVector::Values()
+ {
+ // Here we assume that every time someone requests this direct raw
+ // pointer, the data is going to change and the Tag for this
+ // vector has to be updated.
+ if (initialized_ && homogeneous_) {
+ // If currently the vector is a homogeneous vector, set all elements
+ // explicitly to this value
+ set_values_from_scalar();
+ }
+ ObjectChanged();
+ initialized_= true;
+ homogeneous_ = false;
+ return values_allocated();
+ }
+ inline const Number* DenseVector::Values() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialized_ && (Dim()==0 || values_));
+ return values_;
+ }
+ inline Number* DenseVector::values_allocated()
+ {
+ if (values_==NULL) {
+ values_ = owner_space_->AllocateInternalStorage();
+ }
+ return values_;
+ }
+ inline
+ Number* DenseVectorSpace::AllocateInternalStorage() const
+ {
+ if (Dim()>0) {
+ return new Number[Dim()];
+ }
+ else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void DenseVectorSpace::FreeInternalStorage(Number* values) const
+ {
+ delete [] values;
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<DenseVector> DenseVector::MakeNewDenseVector() const
+ {
+ return owner_space_->MakeNewDenseVector();
+ }
+ inline
+ bool DenseVectorSpace::HasStringMetaData(const std::string tag) const
+ {
+ StringMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = string_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ if (iter != string_meta_data_.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool DenseVectorSpace::HasIntegerMetaData(const std::string tag) const
+ {
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = integer_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ if (iter != integer_meta_data_.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool DenseVectorSpace::HasNumericMetaData(const std::string tag) const
+ {
+ NumericMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = numeric_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ if (iter != numeric_meta_data_.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline
+ const std::vector<std::string>& DenseVectorSpace::GetStringMetaData(const std::string& tag) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(HasStringMetaData(tag));
+ StringMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = string_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ inline
+ const std::vector<Index>& DenseVectorSpace::GetIntegerMetaData(const std::string& tag) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(HasIntegerMetaData(tag));
+ IntegerMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = integer_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ inline
+ const std::vector<Number>& DenseVectorSpace::GetNumericMetaData(const std::string& tag) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(HasNumericMetaData(tag));
+ NumericMetaDataMapType::const_iterator iter;
+ iter = numeric_meta_data_.find(tag);
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ inline
+ void DenseVectorSpace::SetStringMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<std::string> meta_data)
+ {
+ string_meta_data_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ inline
+ void DenseVectorSpace::SetIntegerMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<Index> meta_data)
+ {
+ integer_meta_data_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ inline
+ void DenseVectorSpace::SetNumericMetaData(std::string tag, std::vector<Number> meta_data)
+ {
+ numeric_meta_data_[tag] = meta_data;
+ }
+ inline
+ const StringMetaDataMapType& DenseVectorSpace::GetStringMetaData() const
+ {
+ return string_meta_data_;
+ }
+ inline
+ const IntegerMetaDataMapType& DenseVectorSpace::GetIntegerMetaData() const
+ {
+ return integer_meta_data_;
+ }
+ inline
+ const NumericMetaDataMapType& DenseVectorSpace::GetNumericMetaData() const
+ {
+ return numeric_meta_data_;
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt