path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp
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authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:34:27 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:34:27 +0530
commit4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (patch)
treed9d06639fb7fa61aef59be0363655e4747105ec7 /build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp
parentd19794fb80a271a4c885ed90f97cfc12baa012f2 (diff)
Structure updated and intqpipopt files added
Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 272d393..0000000
--- a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp 1515 2011-12-10 23:38:04Z lou $ */
-/*! \legal
- Copyright (C) 2000 -- 2003, International Business Machines Corporation
- and others. All Rights Reserved.
- This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-/*! \file CoinWarmStart.hpp
- \brief Declaration of the generic simplex (basis-oriented) warm start
- class. Also contains a basis diff class.
-#ifndef CoinWarmStartBasis_H
-#define CoinWarmStartBasis_H
-#include <vector>
-#include "CoinSort.hpp"
-#include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
-#include "CoinWarmStart.hpp"
-/*! \class CoinWarmStartBasis
- \brief The default COIN simplex (basis-oriented) warm start class
- CoinWarmStartBasis provides for a warm start object which contains the
- status of each variable (structural and artificial).
- \todo Modify this class so that the number of status entries per byte
- and bytes per status vector allocation unit are not hardcoded.
- At the least, collect this into a couple of macros.
- \todo Consider separate fields for allocated capacity and actual basis
- size. We could avoid some reallocation, at the price of retaining
- more space than we need. Perhaps more important, we could do much
- better sanity checks.
-class CoinWarmStartBasis : public virtual CoinWarmStart {
- /*! \brief Enum for status of variables
- Matches CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::Status, without superBasic. Most code that
- converts between CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::Status and
- CoinWarmStartBasis::Status will break if this correspondence is broken.
- The status vectors are currently packed using two bits per status code,
- four codes per byte. The location of the status information for
- variable \c i is in byte <code>i>>2</code> and occupies bits 0:1
- if <code>i\%4 == 0</code>, bits 2:3 if <code>i\%4 == 1</code>, etc.
- The non-member functions getStatus(const char*,int) and
- setStatus(char*,int,CoinWarmStartBasis::Status) are provided to hide
- details of the packing.
- */
- enum Status {
- isFree = 0x00, ///< Nonbasic free variable
- basic = 0x01, ///< Basic variable
- atUpperBound = 0x02, ///< Nonbasic at upper bound
- atLowerBound = 0x03 ///< Nonbasic at lower bound
- };
- /** \brief Transfer vector entry for
- mergeBasis(const CoinWarmStartBasis*,const XferVec*,const XferVec*)
- */
- typedef CoinTriple<int,int,int> XferEntry ;
- /** \brief Transfer vector for
- mergeBasis(const CoinWarmStartBasis*,const XferVec*,const XferVec*)
- */
- typedef std::vector<XferEntry> XferVec ;
-/*! \name Methods to get and set basis information.
- The status of variables is kept in a pair of arrays, one for structural
- variables, and one for artificials (aka logicals and slacks). The status
- is coded using the values of the Status enum.
- \sa CoinWarmStartBasis::Status for a description of the packing used in
- the status arrays.
- /// Return the number of structural variables
- inline int getNumStructural() const { return numStructural_; }
- /// Return the number of artificial variables
- inline int getNumArtificial() const { return numArtificial_; }
- /** Return the number of basic structurals
- A fast test for an all-slack basis.
- */
- int numberBasicStructurals() const ;
- /// Return the status of the specified structural variable.
- inline Status getStructStatus(int i) const {
- const int st = (structuralStatus_[i>>2] >> ((i&3)<<1)) & 3;
- return static_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis::Status>(st);
- }
- /// Set the status of the specified structural variable.
- inline void setStructStatus(int i, Status st) {
- char& st_byte = structuralStatus_[i>>2];
- st_byte = static_cast<char>(st_byte & ~(3 << ((i&3)<<1))) ;
- st_byte = static_cast<char>(st_byte | (st << ((i&3)<<1))) ;
- }
- /** Return the status array for the structural variables
- The status information is stored using the codes defined in the
- Status enum, 2 bits per variable, packed 4 variables per byte.
- */
- inline char * getStructuralStatus() { return structuralStatus_; }
- /** \c const overload for
- \link CoinWarmStartBasis::getStructuralStatus()
- getStructuralStatus()
- \endlink
- */
- inline const char * getStructuralStatus() const { return structuralStatus_; }
- /** As for \link getStructuralStatus() getStructuralStatus \endlink,
- but returns the status array for the artificial variables.
- */
- inline char * getArtificialStatus() { return artificialStatus_; }
- /// Return the status of the specified artificial variable.
- inline Status getArtifStatus(int i) const {
- const int st = (artificialStatus_[i>>2] >> ((i&3)<<1)) & 3;
- return static_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis::Status>(st);
- }
- /// Set the status of the specified artificial variable.
- inline void setArtifStatus(int i, Status st) {
- char& st_byte = artificialStatus_[i>>2];
- st_byte = static_cast<char>(st_byte & ~(3 << ((i&3)<<1))) ;
- st_byte = static_cast<char>(st_byte | (st << ((i&3)<<1))) ;
- }
- /** \c const overload for
- \link CoinWarmStartBasis::getArtificialStatus()
- getArtificialStatus()
- \endlink
- */
- inline const char * getArtificialStatus() const { return artificialStatus_; }
-/*! \name Basis `diff' methods */
- /*! \brief Generate a `diff' that can convert the warm start basis passed as
- a parameter to the warm start basis specified by \c this.
- The capabilities are limited: the basis passed as a parameter can be no
- larger than the basis pointed to by \c this.
- */
- virtual CoinWarmStartDiff*
- generateDiff (const CoinWarmStart *const oldCWS) const ;
- /*! \brief Apply \p diff to this basis
- Update this basis by applying \p diff. It's assumed that the allocated
- capacity of the basis is sufficiently large.
- */
- virtual void
- applyDiff (const CoinWarmStartDiff *const cwsdDiff) ;
-/*! \name Methods to modify the warm start object */
- /*! \brief Set basis capacity; existing basis is discarded.
- After execution of this routine, the warm start object does not describe
- a valid basis: all structural and artificial variables have status isFree.
- */
- virtual void setSize(int ns, int na) ;
- /*! \brief Set basis capacity; existing basis is maintained.
- After execution of this routine, the warm start object describes a valid
- basis: the status of new structural variables (added columns) is set to
- nonbasic at lower bound, and the status of new artificial variables
- (added rows) is set to basic. (The basis can be invalid if new structural
- variables do not have a finite lower bound.)
- */
- virtual void resize (int newNumberRows, int newNumberColumns);
- /** \brief Delete a set of rows from the basis
- \warning
- This routine assumes that the set of indices to be deleted is sorted in
- ascending order and contains no duplicates. Use deleteRows() if this is
- not the case.
- \warning
- The resulting basis is guaranteed valid only if all deleted
- constraints are slack (hence the associated logicals are basic).
- Removal of a tight constraint with a nonbasic logical implies that
- some basic variable must be made nonbasic. This correction is left to
- the client.
- */
- virtual void compressRows (int tgtCnt, const int *tgts) ;
- /** \brief Delete a set of rows from the basis
- \warning
- The resulting basis is guaranteed valid only if all deleted
- constraints are slack (hence the associated logicals are basic).
- Removal of a tight constraint with a nonbasic logical implies that
- some basic variable must be made nonbasic. This correction is left to
- the client.
- */
- virtual void deleteRows(int rawTgtCnt, const int *rawTgts) ;
- /** \brief Delete a set of columns from the basis
- \warning
- The resulting basis is guaranteed valid only if all deleted variables
- are nonbasic.
- Removal of a basic variable implies that some nonbasic variable must be
- made basic. This correction is left to the client.
- */
- virtual void deleteColumns(int number, const int * which);
- /** \brief Merge entries from a source basis into this basis.
- \warning
- It's the client's responsibility to ensure validity of the merged basis,
- if that's important to the application.
- The vector xferCols (xferRows) specifies runs of entries to be taken from
- the source basis and placed in this basis. Each entry is a CoinTriple,
- with first specifying the starting source index of a run, second
- specifying the starting destination index, and third specifying the run
- length.
- */
- virtual void mergeBasis(const CoinWarmStartBasis *src,
- const XferVec *xferRows,
- const XferVec *xferCols) ;
-/*! \name Constructors, destructors, and related functions */
- /** Default constructor
- Creates a warm start object representing an empty basis
- (0 rows, 0 columns).
- */
- CoinWarmStartBasis();
- /** Constructs a warm start object with the specified status vectors.
- The parameters are copied.
- Consider assignBasisStatus(int,int,char*&,char*&) if the object should
- assume ownership.
- \sa CoinWarmStartBasis::Status for a description of the packing used in
- the status arrays.
- */
- CoinWarmStartBasis(int ns, int na, const char* sStat, const char* aStat) ;
- /** Copy constructor */
- CoinWarmStartBasis(const CoinWarmStartBasis& ws) ;
- /** `Virtual constructor' */
- virtual CoinWarmStart *clone() const
- {
- return new CoinWarmStartBasis(*this);
- }
- /** Destructor */
- virtual ~CoinWarmStartBasis();
- /** Assignment */
- virtual CoinWarmStartBasis& operator=(const CoinWarmStartBasis& rhs) ;
- /** Assign the status vectors to be the warm start information.
- In this method the CoinWarmStartBasis object assumes ownership of the
- pointers and upon return the argument pointers will be NULL.
- If copying is desirable, use the
- \link CoinWarmStartBasis(int,int,const char*,const char*)
- array constructor \endlink
- or the
- \link operator=(const CoinWarmStartBasis&)
- assignment operator \endlink.
- \note
- The pointers passed to this method will be
- freed using delete[], so they must be created using new[].
- */
- virtual void assignBasisStatus(int ns, int na, char*& sStat, char*& aStat) ;
-/*! \name Miscellaneous methods */
- /// Prints in readable format (for debug)
- virtual void print() const;
- /// Returns true if full basis (for debug)
- bool fullBasis() const;
- /// Returns true if full basis and fixes up (for debug)
- bool fixFullBasis();
- /** \name Protected data members
- \sa CoinWarmStartBasis::Status for a description of the packing used in
- the status arrays.
- */
- //@{
- /// The number of structural variables
- int numStructural_;
- /// The number of artificial variables
- int numArtificial_;
- /// The maximum sise (in ints - actually 4*char) (so resize does not need to do new)
- int maxSize_;
- /** The status of the structural variables. */
- char * structuralStatus_;
- /** The status of the artificial variables. */
- char * artificialStatus_;
- //@}
-/*! \relates CoinWarmStartBasis
- \brief Get the status of the specified variable in the given status array.
-inline CoinWarmStartBasis::Status getStatus(const char *array, int i) {
- const int st = (array[i>>2] >> ((i&3)<<1)) & 3;
- return static_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis::Status>(st);
-/*! \relates CoinWarmStartBasis
- \brief Set the status of the specified variable in the given status array.
-inline void setStatus(char * array, int i, CoinWarmStartBasis::Status st) {
- char& st_byte = array[i>>2];
- st_byte = static_cast<char>(st_byte & ~(3 << ((i&3)<<1))) ;
- st_byte = static_cast<char>(st_byte | (st << ((i&3)<<1))) ;
-/*! \relates CoinWarmStartBasis
- \brief Generate a print string for a status code
-const char *statusName(CoinWarmStartBasis::Status status) ;
-/*! \class CoinWarmStartBasisDiff
- \brief A `diff' between two CoinWarmStartBasis objects
- This class exists in order to hide from the world the details of
- calculating and representing a `diff' between two CoinWarmStartBasis
- objects. For convenience, assignment, cloning, and deletion are visible to
- the world, and default and copy constructors are made available to derived
- classes. Knowledge of the rest of this structure, and of generating and
- applying diffs, is restricted to the friend functions
- CoinWarmStartBasis::generateDiff() and CoinWarmStartBasis::applyDiff().
- The actual data structure is an unsigned int vector, #difference_ which
- starts with indices of changed and then has values starting after #sze_
- \todo This is a pretty generic structure, and vector diff is a pretty generic
- activity. We should be able to convert this to a template.
- \todo Using unsigned int as the data type for the diff vectors might help
- to contain the damage when this code is inevitably compiled for 64 bit
- architectures. But the notion of int as 4 bytes is hardwired into
- CoinWarmStartBasis, so changes are definitely required.
-class CoinWarmStartBasisDiff : public virtual CoinWarmStartDiff
-{ public:
- /*! \brief `Virtual constructor' */
- virtual CoinWarmStartDiff *clone() const
- { CoinWarmStartBasisDiff *cwsbd = new CoinWarmStartBasisDiff(*this) ;
- return (dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartDiff *>(cwsbd)) ; }
- /*! \brief Assignment */
- virtual
- CoinWarmStartBasisDiff &operator= (const CoinWarmStartBasisDiff &rhs) ;
- /*! \brief Destructor */
- virtual ~CoinWarmStartBasisDiff();
- protected:
- /*! \brief Default constructor
- This is protected (rather than private) so that derived classes can
- see it when they make <i>their</i> default constructor protected or
- private.
- */
- CoinWarmStartBasisDiff () : sze_(0), difference_(0) { }
- /*! \brief Copy constructor
- For convenience when copying objects containing CoinWarmStartBasisDiff
- objects. But consider whether you should be using #clone() to retain
- polymorphism.
- This is protected (rather than private) so that derived classes can
- see it when they make <i>their</i> copy constructor protected or
- private.
- */
- CoinWarmStartBasisDiff (const CoinWarmStartBasisDiff &cwsbd) ;
- /*! \brief Standard constructor */
- CoinWarmStartBasisDiff (int sze, const unsigned int *const diffNdxs,
- const unsigned int *const diffVals) ;
- /*! \brief Constructor when full is smaller than diff!*/
- CoinWarmStartBasisDiff (const CoinWarmStartBasis * rhs);
- private:
- friend CoinWarmStartDiff*
- CoinWarmStartBasis::generateDiff(const CoinWarmStart *const oldCWS) const ;
- friend void
- CoinWarmStartBasis::applyDiff(const CoinWarmStartDiff *const diff) ;
- /*! \brief Number of entries (and allocated capacity), in units of \c int. */
- int sze_ ;
- /*! \brief Array of diff indices and diff values */
- unsigned int *difference_ ;
-} ;