path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinFactorization.hpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:34:27 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:34:27 +0530
commit4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (patch)
treed9d06639fb7fa61aef59be0363655e4747105ec7 /build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinFactorization.hpp
parentd19794fb80a271a4c885ed90f97cfc12baa012f2 (diff)
Structure updated and intqpipopt files added
Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinFactorization.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2044 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinFactorization.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinFactorization.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a532bf..0000000
--- a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CoinFactorization.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2044 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: CoinFactorization.hpp 1767 2015-01-05 12:36:13Z forrest $ */
-// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
-// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
- Authors
- John Forrest
- */
-#ifndef CoinFactorization_H
-#define CoinFactorization_H
-//#define COIN_ONE_ETA_COPY 100
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "CoinTypes.hpp"
-#include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp"
-class CoinPackedMatrix;
-/** This deals with Factorization and Updates
- This class started with a parallel simplex code I was writing in the
- mid 90's. The need for parallelism led to many complications and
- I have simplified as much as I could to get back to this.
- I was aiming at problems where I might get speed-up so I was looking at dense
- problems or ones with structure. This led to permuting input and output
- vectors and to increasing the number of rows each rank-one update. This is
- still in as a minor overhead.
- I have also put in handling for hyper-sparsity. I have taken out
- all outer loop unrolling, dense matrix handling and most of the
- book-keeping for slacks. Also I always use FTRAN approach to updating
- even if factorization fairly dense. All these could improve performance.
- I blame some of the coding peculiarities on the history of the code
- but mostly it is just because I can't do elegant code (or useful
- comments).
- I am assuming that 32 bits is enough for number of rows or columns, but CoinBigIndex
- may be redefined to get 64 bits.
- */
-class CoinFactorization {
- friend void CoinFactorizationUnitTest( const std::string & mpsDir );
- /**@name Constructors and destructor and copy */
- //@{
- /// Default constructor
- CoinFactorization ( );
- /// Copy constructor
- CoinFactorization ( const CoinFactorization &other);
- /// Destructor
- ~CoinFactorization ( );
- /// Delete all stuff (leaves as after CoinFactorization())
- void almostDestructor();
- /// Debug show object (shows one representation)
- void show_self ( ) const;
- /// Debug - save on file - 0 if no error
- int saveFactorization (const char * file ) const;
- /** Debug - restore from file - 0 if no error on file.
- If factor true then factorizes as if called from ClpFactorization
- */
- int restoreFactorization (const char * file , bool factor=false) ;
- /// Debug - sort so can compare
- void sort ( ) const;
- /// = copy
- CoinFactorization & operator = ( const CoinFactorization & other );
- //@}
- /**@name Do factorization */
- //@{
- /** When part of LP - given by basic variables.
- Actually does factorization.
- Arrays passed in have non negative value to say basic.
- If status is okay, basic variables have pivot row - this is only needed
- If status is singular, then basic variables have pivot row
- and ones thrown out have -1
- returns 0 -okay, -1 singular, -2 too many in basis, -99 memory */
- int factorize ( const CoinPackedMatrix & matrix,
- int rowIsBasic[], int columnIsBasic[] ,
- double areaFactor = 0.0 );
- /** When given as triplets.
- Actually does factorization. maximumL is guessed maximum size of L part of
- final factorization, maximumU of U part. These are multiplied by
- areaFactor which can be computed by user or internally.
- Arrays are copied in. I could add flag to delete arrays to save a
- bit of memory.
- If status okay, permutation has pivot rows - this is only needed
- If status is singular, then basic variables have pivot row
- and ones thrown out have -1
- returns 0 -okay, -1 singular, -99 memory */
- int factorize ( int numberRows,
- int numberColumns,
- CoinBigIndex numberElements,
- CoinBigIndex maximumL,
- CoinBigIndex maximumU,
- const int indicesRow[],
- const int indicesColumn[], const double elements[] ,
- int permutation[],
- double areaFactor = 0.0);
- /** Two part version for maximum flexibility
- This part creates arrays for user to fill.
- estimateNumberElements is safe estimate of number
- returns 0 -okay, -99 memory */
- int factorizePart1 ( int numberRows,
- int numberColumns,
- CoinBigIndex estimateNumberElements,
- int * indicesRow[],
- int * indicesColumn[],
- CoinFactorizationDouble * elements[],
- double areaFactor = 0.0);
- /** This is part two of factorization
- Arrays belong to factorization and were returned by part 1
- If status okay, permutation has pivot rows - this is only needed
- If status is singular, then basic variables have pivot row
- and ones thrown out have -1
- returns 0 -okay, -1 singular, -99 memory */
- int factorizePart2 (int permutation[],int exactNumberElements);
- /// Condition number - product of pivots after factorization
- double conditionNumber() const;
- //@}
- /**@name general stuff such as permutation or status */
- //@{
- /// Returns status
- inline int status ( ) const {
- return status_;
- }
- /// Sets status
- inline void setStatus ( int value)
- { status_=value; }
- /// Returns number of pivots since factorization
- inline int pivots ( ) const {
- return numberPivots_;
- }
- /// Sets number of pivots since factorization
- inline void setPivots ( int value )
- { numberPivots_=value; }
- /// Returns address of permute region
- inline int *permute ( ) const {
- return permute_.array();
- }
- /// Returns address of pivotColumn region (also used for permuting)
- inline int *pivotColumn ( ) const {
- return pivotColumn_.array();
- }
- /// Returns address of pivot region
- inline CoinFactorizationDouble *pivotRegion ( ) const {
- return pivotRegion_.array();
- }
- /// Returns address of permuteBack region
- inline int *permuteBack ( ) const {
- return permuteBack_.array();
- }
- /// Returns address of lastRow region
- inline int *lastRow ( ) const {
- return lastRow_.array();
- }
- /** Returns address of pivotColumnBack region (also used for permuting)
- Now uses firstCount to save memory allocation */
- inline int *pivotColumnBack ( ) const {
- //return firstCount_.array();
- return pivotColumnBack_.array();
- }
- /// Start of each row in L
- inline CoinBigIndex * startRowL() const
- { return startRowL_.array();}
- /// Start of each column in L
- inline CoinBigIndex * startColumnL() const
- { return startColumnL_.array();}
- /// Index of column in row for L
- inline int * indexColumnL() const
- { return indexColumnL_.array();}
- /// Row indices of L
- inline int * indexRowL() const
- { return indexRowL_.array();}
- /// Elements in L (row copy)
- inline CoinFactorizationDouble * elementByRowL() const
- { return elementByRowL_.array();}
- /// Number of Rows after iterating
- inline int numberRowsExtra ( ) const {
- return numberRowsExtra_;
- }
- /// Set number of Rows after factorization
- inline void setNumberRows(int value)
- { numberRows_ = value; }
- /// Number of Rows after factorization
- inline int numberRows ( ) const {
- return numberRows_;
- }
- /// Number in L
- inline CoinBigIndex numberL() const
- { return numberL_;}
- /// Base of L
- inline CoinBigIndex baseL() const
- { return baseL_;}
- /// Maximum of Rows after iterating
- inline int maximumRowsExtra ( ) const {
- return maximumRowsExtra_;
- }
- /// Total number of columns in factorization
- inline int numberColumns ( ) const {
- return numberColumns_;
- }
- /// Total number of elements in factorization
- inline int numberElements ( ) const {
- return totalElements_;
- }
- /// Length of FT vector
- inline int numberForrestTomlin ( ) const {
- return numberInColumn_.array()[numberColumnsExtra_];
- }
- /// Number of good columns in factorization
- inline int numberGoodColumns ( ) const {
- return numberGoodU_;
- }
- /// Whether larger areas needed
- inline double areaFactor ( ) const {
- return areaFactor_;
- }
- inline void areaFactor ( double value ) {
- areaFactor_=value;
- }
- /// Returns areaFactor but adjusted for dense
- double adjustedAreaFactor() const;
- /// Allows change of pivot accuracy check 1.0 == none >1.0 relaxed
- inline void relaxAccuracyCheck(double value)
- { relaxCheck_ = value;}
- inline double getAccuracyCheck() const
- { return relaxCheck_;}
- /// Level of detail of messages
- inline int messageLevel ( ) const {
- return messageLevel_ ;
- }
- void messageLevel ( int value );
- /// Maximum number of pivots between factorizations
- inline int maximumPivots ( ) const {
- return maximumPivots_ ;
- }
- void maximumPivots ( int value );
- /// Gets dense threshold
- inline int denseThreshold() const
- { return denseThreshold_;}
- /// Sets dense threshold
- inline void setDenseThreshold(int value)
- { denseThreshold_ = value;}
- /// Pivot tolerance
- inline double pivotTolerance ( ) const {
- return pivotTolerance_ ;
- }
- void pivotTolerance ( double value );
- /// Zero tolerance
- inline double zeroTolerance ( ) const {
- return zeroTolerance_ ;
- }
- void zeroTolerance ( double value );
- /// Whether slack value is +1 or -1
- inline double slackValue ( ) const {
- return slackValue_ ;
- }
- void slackValue ( double value );
- /// Returns maximum absolute value in factorization
- double maximumCoefficient() const;
- /// true if Forrest Tomlin update, false if PFI
- inline bool forrestTomlin() const
- { return doForrestTomlin_;}
- inline void setForrestTomlin(bool value)
- { doForrestTomlin_=value;}
- /// True if FT update and space
- inline bool spaceForForrestTomlin() const
- {
- CoinBigIndex start = startColumnU_.array()[maximumColumnsExtra_];
- CoinBigIndex space = lengthAreaU_ - ( start + numberRowsExtra_ );
- return (space>=0)&&doForrestTomlin_;
- }
- //@}
- /**@name some simple stuff */
- //@{
- /// Returns number of dense rows
- inline int numberDense() const
- { return numberDense_;}
- /// Returns number in U area
- inline CoinBigIndex numberElementsU ( ) const {
- return lengthU_;
- }
- /// Setss number in U area
- inline void setNumberElementsU(CoinBigIndex value)
- { lengthU_ = value; }
- /// Returns length of U area
- inline CoinBigIndex lengthAreaU ( ) const {
- return lengthAreaU_;
- }
- /// Returns number in L area
- inline CoinBigIndex numberElementsL ( ) const {
- return lengthL_;
- }
- /// Returns length of L area
- inline CoinBigIndex lengthAreaL ( ) const {
- return lengthAreaL_;
- }
- /// Returns number in R area
- inline CoinBigIndex numberElementsR ( ) const {
- return lengthR_;
- }
- /// Number of compressions done
- inline CoinBigIndex numberCompressions() const
- { return numberCompressions_;}
- /// Number of entries in each row
- inline int * numberInRow() const
- { return numberInRow_.array();}
- /// Number of entries in each column
- inline int * numberInColumn() const
- { return numberInColumn_.array();}
- /// Elements of U
- inline CoinFactorizationDouble * elementU() const
- { return elementU_.array();}
- /// Row indices of U
- inline int * indexRowU() const
- { return indexRowU_.array();}
- /// Start of each column in U
- inline CoinBigIndex * startColumnU() const
- { return startColumnU_.array();}
- /// Maximum number of Columns after iterating
- inline int maximumColumnsExtra()
- { return maximumColumnsExtra_;}
- /** L to U bias
- 0 - U bias, 1 - some U bias, 2 some L bias, 3 L bias
- */
- inline int biasLU() const
- { return biasLU_;}
- inline void setBiasLU(int value)
- { biasLU_=value;}
- /** Array persistence flag
- If 0 then as now (delete/new)
- 1 then only do arrays if bigger needed
- 2 as 1 but give a bit extra if bigger needed
- */
- inline int persistenceFlag() const
- { return persistenceFlag_;}
- void setPersistenceFlag(int value);
- //@}
- /**@name rank one updates which do exist */
- //@{
- /** Replaces one Column to basis,
- returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room
- If checkBeforeModifying is true will do all accuracy checks
- before modifying factorization. Whether to set this depends on
- speed considerations. You could just do this on first iteration
- after factorization and thereafter re-factorize
- partial update already in U */
- int replaceColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- int pivotRow,
- double pivotCheck ,
- bool checkBeforeModifying=false,
- double acceptablePivot=1.0e-8);
- /** Combines BtranU and delete elements
- If deleted is NULL then delete elements
- otherwise store where elements are
- */
- void replaceColumnU ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinBigIndex * deleted,
- int internalPivotRow);
- /** returns empty fake vector carved out of existing
- later - maybe use associated arrays */
- CoinIndexedVector * fakeVector(CoinIndexedVector * vector,
- int already=0) const;
- void deleteFakeVector(CoinIndexedVector * vector,
- CoinIndexedVector * fakeVector) const;
- /** Checks if can replace one Column to basis,
- returns update alpha
- Fills in region for use later
- partial update already in U */
- double checkReplacePart1 ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- int pivotRow);
- /** Checks if can replace one Column to basis,
- returns update alpha
- Fills in region for use later
- partial update in vector */
- double checkReplacePart1 ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * partialUpdate,
- int pivotRow);
- /** Checks if can replace one Column in basis,
- returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room, 5 max pivots */
- int checkReplacePart2 ( int pivotRow,
- double btranAlpha,
- double ftranAlpha,
- double ftAlpha,
- double acceptablePivot = 1.0e-8);
- /** Replaces one Column to basis,
- partial update already in U */
- void replaceColumnPart3 ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- int pivotRow,
- double alpha );
- /** Replaces one Column to basis,
- partial update in vector */
- void replaceColumnPart3 ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * partialUpdate,
- int pivotRow,
- double alpha );
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) from regionSparse2
- Tries to do FT update
- number returned is negative if no room
- regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end.
- Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output
- long regions
- */
- int updateColumnFT ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse);
- int updateColumnFTPart1 ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse) ;
- void updateColumnFTPart2 ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse) ;
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) - long region
- Tries to do FT update
- puts partial update in vector */
- void updateColumnFT ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparseFT,
- CoinIndexedVector & partialUpdate,
- int which);
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) long region */
- int updateColumn ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse) const;
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) from regionFT
- Tries to do FT update
- number returned is negative if no room.
- Also updates regionOther - long region*/
- int updateTwoColumnsFT ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparseFT,
- CoinIndexedVector & regionSparseOther);
- /** Updates one column (BTRAN) - long region*/
- int updateColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse) const;
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) - long region */
- void updateColumnCpu ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse,int whichCpu) const;
- /** Updates one column (BTRAN) - long region */
- void updateColumnTransposeCpu ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse,int whichCpu) const;
- /** Updates one full column (FTRAN) - long region */
- void updateFullColumn ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse) const;
- /** Updates one full column (BTRAN) - long region */
- void updateFullColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse) const;
- /** Updates one column for dual steepest edge weights (FTRAN) - long region */
- void updateWeights ( CoinIndexedVector & regionSparse) const;
- /// Returns true if wants tableauColumn in replaceColumn
- inline bool wantsTableauColumn() const
- {return false;}
- /// Pivot tolerance
- inline double minimumPivotTolerance ( ) const {
- return pivotTolerance_ ;
- }
- inline void minimumPivotTolerance ( double value )
- { pivotTolerance(value);}
- /// Says parallel
- inline void setParallelMode(int value)
- { parallelMode_=value;}
- /// Sets solve mode
- inline void setSolveMode(int value)
- { parallelMode_ &= 3;parallelMode_ |= (value<<2);}
- /// Sets solve mode
- inline int solveMode() const
- { return parallelMode_ >> 2;}
- /// Update partial Ftran by R update
- void updatePartialUpdate(CoinIndexedVector & partialUpdate);
- /// Makes a non-singular basis by replacing variables
- void makeNonSingular(int * COIN_RESTRICT sequence);
- //@}
- /**@name various uses of factorization (return code number elements)
- which user may want to know about */
- //@{
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) from regionSparse2
- Tries to do FT update
- number returned is negative if no room
- regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end.
- Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output
- */
- int updateColumnFT ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2);
- /** This version has same effect as above with FTUpdate==false
- so number returned is always >=0 */
- int updateColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
- bool noPermute=false) const;
- /** Updates one column (FTRAN) from region2
- Tries to do FT update
- number returned is negative if no room.
- Also updates region3
- region1 starts as zero and is zero at end */
- int updateTwoColumnsFT ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse1,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse3,
- bool noPermuteRegion3=false) ;
- /** Updates one column (BTRAN) from regionSparse2
- regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end
- Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output
- */
- int updateColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2) const;
- /** makes a row copy of L for speed and to allow very sparse problems */
- void goSparse();
- /** get sparse threshold */
- inline int sparseThreshold ( ) const
- { return sparseThreshold_;}
- /** set sparse threshold */
- void sparseThreshold ( int value );
- //@}
- /// *** Below this user may not want to know about
- /**@name various uses of factorization (return code number elements)
- which user may not want to know about (left over from my LP code) */
- //@{
- /// Get rid of all memory
- inline void clearArrays()
- { gutsOfDestructor();}
- //@}
- /**@name various updates - none of which have been written! */
- //@{
- /** Adds given elements to Basis and updates factorization,
- can increase size of basis. Returns rank */
- int add ( CoinBigIndex numberElements,
- int indicesRow[],
- int indicesColumn[], double elements[] );
- /** Adds one Column to basis,
- can increase size of basis. Returns rank */
- int addColumn ( CoinBigIndex numberElements,
- int indicesRow[], double elements[] );
- /** Adds one Row to basis,
- can increase size of basis. Returns rank */
- int addRow ( CoinBigIndex numberElements,
- int indicesColumn[], double elements[] );
- /// Deletes one Column from basis, returns rank
- int deleteColumn ( int Row );
- /// Deletes one Row from basis, returns rank
- int deleteRow ( int Row );
- /** Replaces one Row in basis,
- At present assumes just a singleton on row is in basis
- returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3 no space */
- int replaceRow ( int whichRow, int numberElements,
- const int indicesColumn[], const double elements[] );
- /// Takes out all entries for given rows
- void emptyRows(int numberToEmpty, const int which[]);
- //@}
- /**@name used by ClpFactorization */
- /// See if worth going sparse
- void checkSparse();
- /// For statistics
- inline bool collectStatistics() const
- { return collectStatistics_;}
- /// For statistics
- inline void setCollectStatistics(bool onOff) const
- { collectStatistics_ = onOff;}
- inline bool collectStatistics() const
- { return true;}
- /// For statistics
- inline void setCollectStatistics(bool onOff) const
- { }
- /// The real work of constructors etc 0 just scalars, 1 bit normal
- void gutsOfDestructor(int type=1);
- /// 1 bit - tolerances etc, 2 more, 4 dummy arrays
- void gutsOfInitialize(int type);
- void gutsOfCopy(const CoinFactorization &other);
- /// Reset all sparsity etc statistics
- void resetStatistics();
- //@}
- /**@name used by factorization */
- /// Gets space for a factorization, called by constructors
- void getAreas ( int numberRows,
- int numberColumns,
- CoinBigIndex maximumL,
- CoinBigIndex maximumU );
- /** PreProcesses raw triplet data.
- state is 0 - triplets, 1 - some counts etc , 2 - .. */
- void preProcess ( int state,
- int possibleDuplicates = -1 );
- /// Does most of factorization
- int factor ( );
- /** Does sparse phase of factorization
- return code is <0 error, 0= finished */
- int factorSparse ( );
- /** Does sparse phase of factorization (for smaller problems)
- return code is <0 error, 0= finished */
- int factorSparseSmall ( );
- /** Does sparse phase of factorization (for larger problems)
- return code is <0 error, 0= finished */
- int factorSparseLarge ( );
- /** Does dense phase of factorization
- return code is <0 error, 0= finished */
- int factorDense ( );
- /// Pivots when just one other row so faster?
- bool pivotOneOtherRow ( int pivotRow,
- int pivotColumn );
- /// Does one pivot on Row Singleton in factorization
- bool pivotRowSingleton ( int pivotRow,
- int pivotColumn );
- /// Does one pivot on Column Singleton in factorization
- bool pivotColumnSingleton ( int pivotRow,
- int pivotColumn );
- /** Gets space for one Column with given length,
- may have to do compression (returns True if successful),
- also moves existing vector,
- extraNeeded is over and above present */
- bool getColumnSpace ( int iColumn,
- int extraNeeded );
- /** Reorders U so contiguous and in order (if there is space)
- Returns true if it could */
- bool reorderU();
- /** getColumnSpaceIterateR. Gets space for one extra R element in Column
- may have to do compression (returns true)
- also moves existing vector */
- bool getColumnSpaceIterateR ( int iColumn, double value,
- int iRow);
- /** getColumnSpaceIterate. Gets space for one extra U element in Column
- may have to do compression (returns true)
- also moves existing vector.
- Returns -1 if no memory or where element was put
- Used by replaceRow (turns off R version) */
- CoinBigIndex getColumnSpaceIterate ( int iColumn, double value,
- int iRow);
- /** Gets space for one Row with given length,
- may have to do compression (returns True if successful),
- also moves existing vector */
- bool getRowSpace ( int iRow, int extraNeeded );
- /** Gets space for one Row with given length while iterating,
- may have to do compression (returns True if successful),
- also moves existing vector */
- bool getRowSpaceIterate ( int iRow,
- int extraNeeded );
- /// Checks that row and column copies look OK
- void checkConsistency ( );
- /// Adds a link in chain of equal counts
- inline void addLink ( int index, int count ) {
- int *nextCount = nextCount_.array();
- int *firstCount = firstCount_.array();
- int *lastCount = lastCount_.array();
- int next = firstCount[count];
- lastCount[index] = -2 - count;
- if ( next < 0 ) {
- //first with that count
- firstCount[count] = index;
- nextCount[index] = -1;
- } else {
- firstCount[count] = index;
- nextCount[index] = next;
- lastCount[next] = index;
- }}
- /// Deletes a link in chain of equal counts
- inline void deleteLink ( int index ) {
- int *nextCount = nextCount_.array();
- int *firstCount = firstCount_.array();
- int *lastCount = lastCount_.array();
- int next = nextCount[index];
- int last = lastCount[index];
- if ( last >= 0 ) {
- nextCount[last] = next;
- } else {
- int count = -last - 2;
- firstCount[count] = next;
- }
- if ( next >= 0 ) {
- lastCount[next] = last;
- }
- nextCount[index] = -2;
- lastCount[index] = -2;
- return;
- }
- /// Separate out links with same row/column count
- void separateLinks(int count,bool rowsFirst);
- /// Cleans up at end of factorization
- void cleanup ( );
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANL)
- void updateColumnL ( CoinIndexedVector * region, int * indexIn ) const;
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANL) when densish
- void updateColumnLDensish ( CoinIndexedVector * region, int * indexIn ) const;
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANL) when sparse
- void updateColumnLSparse ( CoinIndexedVector * region, int * indexIn ) const;
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANL) when sparsish
- void updateColumnLSparsish ( CoinIndexedVector * region, int * indexIn ) const;
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANR) without FT update
- void updateColumnR ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /** Updates part of column (FTRANR) with FT update.
- Also stores update after L and R */
- void updateColumnRFT ( CoinIndexedVector * region, int * indexIn );
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANU)
- void updateColumnU ( CoinIndexedVector * region, int * indexIn) const;
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANU) when sparse
- void updateColumnUSparse ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- int * indexIn) const;
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANU) when sparsish
- void updateColumnUSparsish ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- int * indexIn) const;
- /// Updates part of column (FTRANU)
- int updateColumnUDensish ( double * COIN_RESTRICT region,
- int * COIN_RESTRICT regionIndex) const;
- /// Updates part of 2 columns (FTRANU) real work
- void updateTwoColumnsUDensish (
- int & numberNonZero1,
- double * COIN_RESTRICT region1,
- int * COIN_RESTRICT index1,
- int & numberNonZero2,
- double * COIN_RESTRICT region2,
- int * COIN_RESTRICT index2) const;
- /// Updates part of column PFI (FTRAN) (after rest)
- void updateColumnPFI ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse) const;
- /// Permutes back at end of updateColumn
- void permuteBack ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- CoinIndexedVector * outVector) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose PFI (BTRAN) (before rest)
- void updateColumnTransposePFI ( CoinIndexedVector * region) const;
- /** Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU),
- assumes index is sorted i.e. region is correct */
- void updateColumnTransposeU ( CoinIndexedVector * region,
- int smallestIndex) const;
- /** Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) when sparsish,
- assumes index is sorted i.e. region is correct */
- void updateColumnTransposeUSparsish ( CoinIndexedVector * region,
- int smallestIndex) const;
- /** Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) when densish,
- assumes index is sorted i.e. region is correct */
- void updateColumnTransposeUDensish ( CoinIndexedVector * region,
- int smallestIndex) const;
- /** Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) when sparse,
- assumes index is sorted i.e. region is correct */
- void updateColumnTransposeUSparse ( CoinIndexedVector * region) const;
- /** Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) by column
- assumes index is sorted i.e. region is correct */
- void updateColumnTransposeUByColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * region,
- int smallestIndex) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR)
- void updateColumnTransposeR ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR) when dense
- void updateColumnTransposeRDensish ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR) when sparse
- void updateColumnTransposeRSparse ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL)
- void updateColumnTransposeL ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when densish by column
- void updateColumnTransposeLDensish ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when densish by row
- void updateColumnTransposeLByRow ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when sparsish by row
- void updateColumnTransposeLSparsish ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /// Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when sparse (by Row)
- void updateColumnTransposeLSparse ( CoinIndexedVector * region ) const;
- /** Replaces one Column to basis for PFI
- returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room.
- In this case region is not empty - it is incoming variable (updated)
- */
- int replaceColumnPFI ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
- int pivotRow, double alpha);
- /** Returns accuracy status of replaceColumn
- returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular */
- int checkPivot(double saveFromU, double oldPivot) const;
- /********************************* START LARGE TEMPLATE ********/
-#ifdef INT_IS_8
- template <class T> inline bool
- pivot ( int pivotRow,
- int pivotColumn,
- CoinBigIndex pivotRowPosition,
- CoinBigIndex pivotColumnPosition,
- CoinFactorizationDouble work[],
- unsigned int workArea2[],
- int increment2,
- T markRow[] ,
- int largeInteger)
- int *indexColumnU = indexColumnU_.array();
- CoinBigIndex *startColumnU = startColumnU_.array();
- int *numberInColumn = numberInColumn_.array();
- CoinFactorizationDouble *elementU = elementU_.array();
- int *indexRowU = indexRowU_.array();
- CoinBigIndex *startRowU = startRowU_.array();
- int *numberInRow = numberInRow_.array();
- CoinFactorizationDouble *elementL = elementL_.array();
- int *indexRowL = indexRowL_.array();
- int *saveColumn = saveColumn_.array();
- int *nextRow = nextRow_.array();
- int *lastRow = lastRow_.array() ;
- //store pivot columns (so can easily compress)
- int numberInPivotRow = numberInRow[pivotRow] - 1;
- CoinBigIndex startColumn = startColumnU[pivotColumn];
- int numberInPivotColumn = numberInColumn[pivotColumn] - 1;
- CoinBigIndex endColumn = startColumn + numberInPivotColumn + 1;
- int put = 0;
- CoinBigIndex startRow = startRowU[pivotRow];
- CoinBigIndex endRow = startRow + numberInPivotRow + 1;
- if ( pivotColumnPosition < 0 ) {
- for ( pivotColumnPosition = startRow; pivotColumnPosition < endRow; pivotColumnPosition++ ) {
- int iColumn = indexColumnU[pivotColumnPosition];
- if ( iColumn != pivotColumn ) {
- saveColumn[put++] = iColumn;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (CoinBigIndex i = startRow ; i < pivotColumnPosition ; i++ ) {
- saveColumn[put++] = indexColumnU[i];
- }
- }
- assert (pivotColumnPosition<endRow);
- assert (indexColumnU[pivotColumnPosition]==pivotColumn);
- pivotColumnPosition++;
- for ( ; pivotColumnPosition < endRow; pivotColumnPosition++ ) {
- saveColumn[put++] = indexColumnU[pivotColumnPosition];
- }
- //take out this bit of indexColumnU
- int next = nextRow[pivotRow];
- int last = lastRow[pivotRow];
- nextRow[last] = next;
- lastRow[next] = last;
- nextRow[pivotRow] = numberGoodU_; //use for permute
- lastRow[pivotRow] = -2;
- numberInRow[pivotRow] = 0;
- //store column in L, compress in U and take column out
- CoinBigIndex l = lengthL_;
- if ( l + numberInPivotColumn > lengthAreaL_ ) {
- //need more memory
- if ((messageLevel_&4)!=0)
- printf("more memory needed in middle of invert\n");
- return false;
- }
- //l+=currentAreaL_->elementByColumn-elementL;
- CoinBigIndex lSave = l;
- CoinBigIndex * startColumnL = startColumnL_.array();
- startColumnL[numberGoodL_] = l; //for luck and first time
- numberGoodL_++;
- startColumnL[numberGoodL_] = l + numberInPivotColumn;
- lengthL_ += numberInPivotColumn;
- if ( pivotRowPosition < 0 ) {
- for ( pivotRowPosition = startColumn; pivotRowPosition < endColumn; pivotRowPosition++ ) {
- int iRow = indexRowU[pivotRowPosition];
- if ( iRow != pivotRow ) {
- indexRowL[l] = iRow;
- elementL[l] = elementU[pivotRowPosition];
- markRow[iRow] = static_cast<T>(l - lSave);
- l++;
- //take out of row list
- CoinBigIndex start = startRowU[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex where = start;
- while ( indexColumnU[where] != pivotColumn ) {
- where++;
- } /* endwhile */
- if ( where >= end ) {
- abort ( );
- }
- indexColumnU[where] = indexColumnU[end - 1];
- numberInRow[iRow]--;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- CoinBigIndex i;
- for ( i = startColumn; i < pivotRowPosition; i++ ) {
- int iRow = indexRowU[i];
- markRow[iRow] = static_cast<T>(l - lSave);
- indexRowL[l] = iRow;
- elementL[l] = elementU[i];
- l++;
- //take out of row list
- CoinBigIndex start = startRowU[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex where = start;
- while ( indexColumnU[where] != pivotColumn ) {
- where++;
- } /* endwhile */
- if ( where >= end ) {
- abort ( );
- }
- indexColumnU[where] = indexColumnU[end - 1];
- numberInRow[iRow]--;
- assert (numberInRow[iRow]>=0);
- }
- }
- assert (pivotRowPosition<endColumn);
- assert (indexRowU[pivotRowPosition]==pivotRow);
- CoinFactorizationDouble pivotElement = elementU[pivotRowPosition];
- CoinFactorizationDouble pivotMultiplier = 1.0 / pivotElement;
- pivotRegion_.array()[numberGoodU_] = pivotMultiplier;
- pivotRowPosition++;
- for ( ; pivotRowPosition < endColumn; pivotRowPosition++ ) {
- int iRow = indexRowU[pivotRowPosition];
- markRow[iRow] = static_cast<T>(l - lSave);
- indexRowL[l] = iRow;
- elementL[l] = elementU[pivotRowPosition];
- l++;
- //take out of row list
- CoinBigIndex start = startRowU[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex where = start;
- while ( indexColumnU[where] != pivotColumn ) {
- where++;
- } /* endwhile */
- if ( where >= end ) {
- abort ( );
- }
- indexColumnU[where] = indexColumnU[end - 1];
- numberInRow[iRow]--;
- assert (numberInRow[iRow]>=0);
- }
- markRow[pivotRow] = static_cast<T>(largeInteger);
- //compress pivot column (move pivot to front including saved)
- numberInColumn[pivotColumn] = 0;
- //use end of L for temporary space
- int *indexL = &indexRowL[lSave];
- CoinFactorizationDouble *multipliersL = &elementL[lSave];
- //adjust
- int j;
- for ( j = 0; j < numberInPivotColumn; j++ ) {
- multipliersL[j] *= pivotMultiplier;
- }
- //zero out fill
- CoinBigIndex iErase;
- for ( iErase = 0; iErase < increment2 * numberInPivotRow;
- iErase++ ) {
- workArea2[iErase] = 0;
- }
- CoinBigIndex added = numberInPivotRow * numberInPivotColumn;
- unsigned int *temp2 = workArea2;
- int * nextColumn = nextColumn_.array();
- //pack down and move to work
- int jColumn;
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberInPivotRow; jColumn++ ) {
- int iColumn = saveColumn[jColumn];
- CoinBigIndex startColumn = startColumnU[iColumn];
- CoinBigIndex endColumn = startColumn + numberInColumn[iColumn];
- int iRow = indexRowU[startColumn];
- CoinFactorizationDouble value = elementU[startColumn];
- double largest;
- CoinBigIndex put = startColumn;
- CoinBigIndex positionLargest = -1;
- CoinFactorizationDouble thisPivotValue = 0.0;
- //compress column and find largest not updated
- bool checkLargest;
- int mark = markRow[iRow];
- if ( mark == largeInteger+1 ) {
- largest = fabs ( value );
- positionLargest = put;
- put++;
- checkLargest = false;
- } else {
- //need to find largest
- largest = 0.0;
- checkLargest = true;
- if ( mark != largeInteger ) {
- //will be updated
- work[mark] = value;
- temp2[word] = temp2[word] | ( 1 << bit ); //say already in counts
- added--;
- } else {
- thisPivotValue = value;
- }
- }
- CoinBigIndex i;
- for ( i = startColumn + 1; i < endColumn; i++ ) {
- iRow = indexRowU[i];
- value = elementU[i];
- int mark = markRow[iRow];
- if ( mark == largeInteger+1 ) {
- //keep
- indexRowU[put] = iRow;
- elementU[put] = value;
- if ( checkLargest ) {
- double absValue = fabs ( value );
- if ( absValue > largest ) {
- largest = absValue;
- positionLargest = put;
- }
- }
- put++;
- } else if ( mark != largeInteger ) {
- //will be updated
- work[mark] = value;
- temp2[word] = temp2[word] | ( 1 << bit ); //say already in counts
- added--;
- } else {
- thisPivotValue = value;
- }
- }
- //slot in pivot
- elementU[put] = elementU[startColumn];
- indexRowU[put] = indexRowU[startColumn];
- if ( positionLargest == startColumn ) {
- positionLargest = put; //follow if was largest
- }
- put++;
- elementU[startColumn] = thisPivotValue;
- indexRowU[startColumn] = pivotRow;
- //clean up counts
- startColumn++;
- numberInColumn[iColumn] = put - startColumn;
- int * numberInColumnPlus = numberInColumnPlus_.array();
- numberInColumnPlus[iColumn]++;
- startColumnU[iColumn]++;
- //how much space have we got
- int next = nextColumn[iColumn];
- CoinBigIndex space;
- space = startColumnU[next] - put - numberInColumnPlus[next];
- //assume no zero elements
- if ( numberInPivotColumn > space ) {
- //getColumnSpace also moves fixed part
- if ( !getColumnSpace ( iColumn, numberInPivotColumn ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- //redo starts
- if (positionLargest >= 0)
- positionLargest = positionLargest + startColumnU[iColumn] - startColumn;
- startColumn = startColumnU[iColumn];
- put = startColumn + numberInColumn[iColumn];
- }
- double tolerance = zeroTolerance_;
- int *nextCount = nextCount_.array();
- for ( j = 0; j < numberInPivotColumn; j++ ) {
- value = work[j] - thisPivotValue * multipliersL[j];
- double absValue = fabs ( value );
- if ( absValue > tolerance ) {
- work[j] = 0.0;
- assert (put<lengthAreaU_);
- elementU[put] = value;
- indexRowU[put] = indexL[j];
- if ( absValue > largest ) {
- largest = absValue;
- positionLargest = put;
- }
- put++;
- } else {
- work[j] = 0.0;
- added--;
- if ( temp2[word] & ( 1 << bit ) ) {
- //take out of row list
- iRow = indexL[j];
- CoinBigIndex start = startRowU[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex where = start;
- while ( indexColumnU[where] != iColumn ) {
- where++;
- } /* endwhile */
- if ( where >= end ) {
- abort ( );
- }
- indexColumnU[where] = indexColumnU[end - 1];
- numberInRow[iRow]--;
- } else {
- //make sure won't be added
- temp2[word] = temp2[word] | ( 1 << bit ); //say already in counts
- }
- }
- }
- numberInColumn[iColumn] = put - startColumn;
- //move largest
- if ( positionLargest >= 0 ) {
- value = elementU[positionLargest];
- iRow = indexRowU[positionLargest];
- elementU[positionLargest] = elementU[startColumn];
- indexRowU[positionLargest] = indexRowU[startColumn];
- elementU[startColumn] = value;
- indexRowU[startColumn] = iRow;
- }
- //linked list for column
- if ( nextCount[iColumn + numberRows_] != -2 ) {
- //modify linked list
- deleteLink ( iColumn + numberRows_ );
- addLink ( iColumn + numberRows_, numberInColumn[iColumn] );
- }
- temp2 += increment2;
- }
- //get space for row list
- unsigned int *putBase = workArea2;
- int bigLoops = numberInPivotColumn >> COINFACTORIZATION_SHIFT_PER_INT;
- int i = 0;
- // do linked lists and update counts
- while ( bigLoops ) {
- bigLoops--;
- int bit;
- for ( bit = 0; bit < COINFACTORIZATION_BITS_PER_INT; i++, bit++ ) {
- unsigned int *putThis = putBase;
- int iRow = indexL[i];
- //get space
- int number = 0;
- int jColumn;
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberInPivotRow; jColumn++ ) {
- unsigned int test = *putThis;
- putThis += increment2;
- test = 1 - ( ( test >> bit ) & 1 );
- number += test;
- }
- int next = nextRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex space;
- space = startRowU[next] - startRowU[iRow];
- number += numberInRow[iRow];
- if ( space < number ) {
- if ( !getRowSpace ( iRow, number ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // now do
- putThis = putBase;
- next = nextRow[iRow];
- number = numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = startRowU[iRow] + number;
- int saveIndex = indexColumnU[startRowU[next]];
- //add in
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberInPivotRow; jColumn++ ) {
- unsigned int test = *putThis;
- putThis += increment2;
- test = 1 - ( ( test >> bit ) & 1 );
- indexColumnU[end] = saveColumn[jColumn];
- end += test;
- }
- //put back next one in case zapped
- indexColumnU[startRowU[next]] = saveIndex;
- markRow[iRow] = static_cast<T>(largeInteger+1);
- number = end - startRowU[iRow];
- numberInRow[iRow] = number;
- deleteLink ( iRow );
- addLink ( iRow, number );
- }
- putBase++;
- } /* endwhile */
- int bit;
- for ( bit = 0; i < numberInPivotColumn; i++, bit++ ) {
- unsigned int *putThis = putBase;
- int iRow = indexL[i];
- //get space
- int number = 0;
- int jColumn;
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberInPivotRow; jColumn++ ) {
- unsigned int test = *putThis;
- putThis += increment2;
- test = 1 - ( ( test >> bit ) & 1 );
- number += test;
- }
- int next = nextRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex space;
- space = startRowU[next] - startRowU[iRow];
- number += numberInRow[iRow];
- if ( space < number ) {
- if ( !getRowSpace ( iRow, number ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // now do
- putThis = putBase;
- next = nextRow[iRow];
- number = numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = startRowU[iRow] + number;
- int saveIndex;
- saveIndex = indexColumnU[startRowU[next]];
- //add in
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberInPivotRow; jColumn++ ) {
- unsigned int test = *putThis;
- putThis += increment2;
- test = 1 - ( ( test >> bit ) & 1 );
- indexColumnU[end] = saveColumn[jColumn];
- end += test;
- }
- indexColumnU[startRowU[next]] = saveIndex;
- markRow[iRow] = static_cast<T>(largeInteger+1);
- number = end - startRowU[iRow];
- numberInRow[iRow] = number;
- deleteLink ( iRow );
- addLink ( iRow, number );
- }
- markRow[pivotRow] = static_cast<T>(largeInteger+1);
- //modify linked list for pivots
- deleteLink ( pivotRow );
- deleteLink ( pivotColumn + numberRows_ );
- totalElements_ += added;
- return true;
- /********************************* END LARGE TEMPLATE ********/
- //@}
-////////////////// data //////////////////
- /**@name data */
- //@{
- /// Pivot tolerance
- double pivotTolerance_;
- /// Zero tolerance
- double zeroTolerance_;
- /// Whether slack value is +1 or -1
- double slackValue_;
-#ifndef slackValue_
-#define slackValue_ -1.0
- /// How much to multiply areas by
- double areaFactor_;
- /// Relax check on accuracy in replaceColumn
- double relaxCheck_;
- /// Number of Rows in factorization
- int numberRows_;
- /// Number of Rows after iterating
- int numberRowsExtra_;
- /// Maximum number of Rows after iterating
- int maximumRowsExtra_;
- /// Number of Columns in factorization
- int numberColumns_;
- /// Number of Columns after iterating
- int numberColumnsExtra_;
- /// Maximum number of Columns after iterating
- int maximumColumnsExtra_;
- /// Number factorized in U (not row singletons)
- int numberGoodU_;
- /// Number factorized in L
- int numberGoodL_;
- /// Maximum number of pivots before factorization
- int maximumPivots_;
- /// Number pivots since last factorization
- int numberPivots_;
- /// Number of elements in U (to go)
- /// or while iterating total overall
- CoinBigIndex totalElements_;
- /// Number of elements after factorization
- CoinBigIndex factorElements_;
- /// Pivot order for each Column
- CoinIntArrayWithLength pivotColumn_;
- /// Permutation vector for pivot row order
- CoinIntArrayWithLength permute_;
- /// DePermutation vector for pivot row order
- CoinIntArrayWithLength permuteBack_;
- /// Inverse Pivot order for each Column
- CoinIntArrayWithLength pivotColumnBack_;
- /// Status of factorization
- int status_;
- /** 0 - no increasing rows - no permutations,
- 1 - no increasing rows but permutations
- 2 - increasing rows
- - taken out as always 2 */
- //int increasingRows_;
- /// Number of trials before rejection
- int numberTrials_;
- /// Start of each Row as pointer
- CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startRowU_;
- /// Number in each Row
- CoinIntArrayWithLength numberInRow_;
- /// Number in each Column
- CoinIntArrayWithLength numberInColumn_;
- /// Number in each Column including pivoted
- CoinIntArrayWithLength numberInColumnPlus_;
- /** First Row/Column with count of k,
- can tell which by offset - Rows then Columns */
- CoinIntArrayWithLength firstCount_;
- /// Next Row/Column with count
- CoinIntArrayWithLength nextCount_;
- /// Previous Row/Column with count
- CoinIntArrayWithLength lastCount_;
- /// Next Column in memory order
- CoinIntArrayWithLength nextColumn_;
- /// Previous Column in memory order
- CoinIntArrayWithLength lastColumn_;
- /// Next Row in memory order
- CoinIntArrayWithLength nextRow_;
- /// Previous Row in memory order
- CoinIntArrayWithLength lastRow_;
- /// Columns left to do in a single pivot
- CoinIntArrayWithLength saveColumn_;
- /// Marks rows to be updated
- CoinIntArrayWithLength markRow_;
- /// Detail in messages
- int messageLevel_;
- /// Larger of row and column size
- int biggerDimension_;
- /// Base address for U (may change)
- CoinIntArrayWithLength indexColumnU_;
- /// Pivots for L
- CoinIntArrayWithLength pivotRowL_;
- /// Inverses of pivot values
- CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength pivotRegion_;
- /// Number of slacks at beginning of U
- int numberSlacks_;
- /// Number in U
- int numberU_;
- /// Maximum space used in U
- CoinBigIndex maximumU_;
- /// Base of U is always 0
- //int baseU_;
- /// Length of U
- CoinBigIndex lengthU_;
- /// Length of area reserved for U
- CoinBigIndex lengthAreaU_;
-/// Elements of U
- CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength elementU_;
-/// Row indices of U
- CoinIntArrayWithLength indexRowU_;
-/// Start of each column in U
- CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startColumnU_;
-/// Converts rows to columns in U
- CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength convertRowToColumnU_;
- /// Number in L
- CoinBigIndex numberL_;
-/// Base of L
- CoinBigIndex baseL_;
- /// Length of L
- CoinBigIndex lengthL_;
- /// Length of area reserved for L
- CoinBigIndex lengthAreaL_;
- /// Elements of L
- CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength elementL_;
- /// Row indices of L
- CoinIntArrayWithLength indexRowL_;
- /// Start of each column in L
- CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startColumnL_;
- /// true if Forrest Tomlin update, false if PFI
- bool doForrestTomlin_;
- /// Number in R
- int numberR_;
- /// Length of R stuff
- CoinBigIndex lengthR_;
- /// length of area reserved for R
- CoinBigIndex lengthAreaR_;
- /// Elements of R
- CoinFactorizationDouble *elementR_;
- /// Row indices for R
- int *indexRowR_;
- /// Start of columns for R
- CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startColumnR_;
- /// Dense area
- double * denseArea_;
- /// Dense area - actually used (for alignment etc)
- double * denseAreaAddress_;
- /// Dense permutation
- int * densePermute_;
- /// Number of dense rows
- int numberDense_;
- /// Dense threshold
- int denseThreshold_;
- /// First work area
- CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength workArea_;
- /// Second work area
- CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength workArea2_;
- /// Number of compressions done
- CoinBigIndex numberCompressions_;
- /// Below are all to collect
- mutable double ftranCountInput_;
- mutable double ftranCountAfterL_;
- mutable double ftranCountAfterR_;
- mutable double ftranCountAfterU_;
- mutable double btranCountInput_;
- mutable double btranCountAfterU_;
- mutable double btranCountAfterR_;
- mutable double btranCountAfterL_;
- /// We can roll over factorizations
- mutable int numberFtranCounts_;
- mutable int numberBtranCounts_;
- /// While these are average ratios collected over last period
- double ftranAverageAfterL_;
- double ftranAverageAfterR_;
- double ftranAverageAfterU_;
- double btranAverageAfterU_;
- double btranAverageAfterR_;
- double btranAverageAfterL_;
- /// For statistics
-#if 0
- mutable bool collectStatistics_;
-#define collectStatistics_ 1
- /// Below this use sparse technology - if 0 then no L row copy
- int sparseThreshold_;
- /// And one for "sparsish"
- int sparseThreshold2_;
- /// Start of each row in L
- CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startRowL_;
- /// Index of column in row for L
- CoinIntArrayWithLength indexColumnL_;
- /// Elements in L (row copy)
- CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength elementByRowL_;
- /// Sparse regions
- mutable CoinIntArrayWithLength sparse_;
- /** L to U bias
- 0 - U bias, 1 - some U bias, 2 some L bias, 3 L bias
- */
- int biasLU_;
- /** Array persistence flag
- If 0 then as now (delete/new)
- 1 then only do arrays if bigger needed
- 2 as 1 but give a bit extra if bigger needed
- */
- int persistenceFlag_;
- /// Says if parallel
- int parallelMode_;
- //@}
-// Dense coding
-/* Type of Fortran integer translated into C */
-#ifndef ipfint
-//typedef ipfint FORTRAN_INTEGER_TYPE ;
-typedef int ipfint;
-typedef const int cipfint;
-// Extra for ugly include
-#define FAC_UNSET (FAC_SET+1)
- goodPivot=false;
- //store pivot columns (so can easily compress)
- CoinBigIndex startColumnThis = startColumn[iPivotColumn];
- CoinBigIndex endColumn = startColumnThis + numberDoColumn + 1;
- int put = 0;
- CoinBigIndex startRowThis = startRow[iPivotRow];
- CoinBigIndex endRow = startRowThis + numberDoRow + 1;
- if ( pivotColumnPosition < 0 ) {
- for ( pivotColumnPosition = startRowThis; pivotColumnPosition < endRow; pivotColumnPosition++ ) {
- int iColumn = indexColumn[pivotColumnPosition];
- if ( iColumn != iPivotColumn ) {
- saveColumn[put++] = iColumn;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (CoinBigIndex i = startRowThis ; i < pivotColumnPosition ; i++ ) {
- saveColumn[put++] = indexColumn[i];
- }
- }
- assert (pivotColumnPosition<endRow);
- assert (indexColumn[pivotColumnPosition]==iPivotColumn);
- pivotColumnPosition++;
- for ( ; pivotColumnPosition < endRow; pivotColumnPosition++ ) {
- saveColumn[put++] = indexColumn[pivotColumnPosition];
- }
- //take out this bit of indexColumn
- int next = nextRow[iPivotRow];
- int last = lastRow[iPivotRow];
- nextRow[last] = next;
- lastRow[next] = last;
- nextRow[iPivotRow] = numberGoodU_; //use for permute
- lastRow[iPivotRow] = -2;
- numberInRow[iPivotRow] = 0;
- //store column in L, compress in U and take column out
- CoinBigIndex l = lengthL_;
- // **** HORRID coding coming up but a goto seems best!
- {
- if ( l + numberDoColumn > lengthAreaL_ ) {
- //need more memory
- if ((messageLevel_&4)!=0)
- printf("more memory needed in middle of invert\n");
- goto BAD_PIVOT;
- }
- //l+=currentAreaL_->elementByColumn-elementL;
- CoinBigIndex lSave = l;
- CoinBigIndex * startColumnL = startColumnL_.array();
- startColumnL[numberGoodL_] = l; //for luck and first time
- numberGoodL_++;
- startColumnL[numberGoodL_] = l + numberDoColumn;
- lengthL_ += numberDoColumn;
- if ( pivotRowPosition < 0 ) {
- for ( pivotRowPosition = startColumnThis; pivotRowPosition < endColumn; pivotRowPosition++ ) {
- int iRow = indexRow[pivotRowPosition];
- if ( iRow != iPivotRow ) {
- indexRowL[l] = iRow;
- elementL[l] = element[pivotRowPosition];
- markRow[iRow] = l - lSave;
- l++;
- //take out of row list
- CoinBigIndex start = startRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex where = start;
- while ( indexColumn[where] != iPivotColumn ) {
- where++;
- } /* endwhile */
- if ( where >= end ) {
- abort ( );
- }
- indexColumn[where] = indexColumn[end - 1];
- numberInRow[iRow]--;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- CoinBigIndex i;
- for ( i = startColumnThis; i < pivotRowPosition; i++ ) {
- int iRow = indexRow[i];
- markRow[iRow] = l - lSave;
- indexRowL[l] = iRow;
- elementL[l] = element[i];
- l++;
- //take out of row list
- CoinBigIndex start = startRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex where = start;
- while ( indexColumn[where] != iPivotColumn ) {
- where++;
- } /* endwhile */
- if ( where >= end ) {
- abort ( );
- }
- indexColumn[where] = indexColumn[end - 1];
- numberInRow[iRow]--;
- assert (numberInRow[iRow]>=0);
- }
- }
- assert (pivotRowPosition<endColumn);
- assert (indexRow[pivotRowPosition]==iPivotRow);
- CoinFactorizationDouble pivotElement = element[pivotRowPosition];
- CoinFactorizationDouble pivotMultiplier = 1.0 / pivotElement;
- pivotRegion_.array()[numberGoodU_] = pivotMultiplier;
- pivotRowPosition++;
- for ( ; pivotRowPosition < endColumn; pivotRowPosition++ ) {
- int iRow = indexRow[pivotRowPosition];
- markRow[iRow] = l - lSave;
- indexRowL[l] = iRow;
- elementL[l] = element[pivotRowPosition];
- l++;
- //take out of row list
- CoinBigIndex start = startRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex where = start;
- while ( indexColumn[where] != iPivotColumn ) {
- where++;
- } /* endwhile */
- if ( where >= end ) {
- abort ( );
- }
- indexColumn[where] = indexColumn[end - 1];
- numberInRow[iRow]--;
- assert (numberInRow[iRow]>=0);
- }
- markRow[iPivotRow] = FAC_SET;
- //compress pivot column (move pivot to front including saved)
- numberInColumn[iPivotColumn] = 0;
- //use end of L for temporary space
- int *indexL = &indexRowL[lSave];
- CoinFactorizationDouble *multipliersL = &elementL[lSave];
- //adjust
- int j;
- for ( j = 0; j < numberDoColumn; j++ ) {
- multipliersL[j] *= pivotMultiplier;
- }
- //zero out fill
- CoinBigIndex iErase;
- for ( iErase = 0; iErase < increment2 * numberDoRow;
- iErase++ ) {
- workArea2[iErase] = 0;
- }
- CoinBigIndex added = numberDoRow * numberDoColumn;
- unsigned int *temp2 = workArea2;
- int * nextColumn = nextColumn_.array();
- //pack down and move to work
- int jColumn;
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberDoRow; jColumn++ ) {
- int iColumn = saveColumn[jColumn];
- CoinBigIndex startColumnThis = startColumn[iColumn];
- CoinBigIndex endColumn = startColumnThis + numberInColumn[iColumn];
- int iRow = indexRow[startColumnThis];
- CoinFactorizationDouble value = element[startColumnThis];
- double largest;
- CoinBigIndex put = startColumnThis;
- CoinBigIndex positionLargest = -1;
- CoinFactorizationDouble thisPivotValue = 0.0;
- //compress column and find largest not updated
- bool checkLargest;
- int mark = markRow[iRow];
- if ( mark == FAC_UNSET ) {
- largest = fabs ( value );
- positionLargest = put;
- put++;
- checkLargest = false;
- } else {
- //need to find largest
- largest = 0.0;
- checkLargest = true;
- if ( mark != FAC_SET ) {
- //will be updated
- workArea[mark] = value;
- temp2[word] = temp2[word] | ( 1 << bit ); //say already in counts
- added--;
- } else {
- thisPivotValue = value;
- }
- }
- CoinBigIndex i;
- for ( i = startColumnThis + 1; i < endColumn; i++ ) {
- iRow = indexRow[i];
- value = element[i];
- int mark = markRow[iRow];
- if ( mark == FAC_UNSET ) {
- //keep
- indexRow[put] = iRow;
- element[put] = value;
- if ( checkLargest ) {
- double absValue = fabs ( value );
- if ( absValue > largest ) {
- largest = absValue;
- positionLargest = put;
- }
- }
- put++;
- } else if ( mark != FAC_SET ) {
- //will be updated
- workArea[mark] = value;
- temp2[word] = temp2[word] | ( 1 << bit ); //say already in counts
- added--;
- } else {
- thisPivotValue = value;
- }
- }
- //slot in pivot
- element[put] = element[startColumnThis];
- indexRow[put] = indexRow[startColumnThis];
- if ( positionLargest == startColumnThis ) {
- positionLargest = put; //follow if was largest
- }
- put++;
- element[startColumnThis] = thisPivotValue;
- indexRow[startColumnThis] = iPivotRow;
- //clean up counts
- startColumnThis++;
- numberInColumn[iColumn] = put - startColumnThis;
- int * numberInColumnPlus = numberInColumnPlus_.array();
- numberInColumnPlus[iColumn]++;
- startColumn[iColumn]++;
- //how much space have we got
- int next = nextColumn[iColumn];
- CoinBigIndex space;
- space = startColumn[next] - put - numberInColumnPlus[next];
- //assume no zero elements
- if ( numberDoColumn > space ) {
- //getColumnSpace also moves fixed part
- if ( !getColumnSpace ( iColumn, numberDoColumn ) ) {
- goto BAD_PIVOT;
- }
- //redo starts
- positionLargest = positionLargest + startColumn[iColumn] - startColumnThis;
- startColumnThis = startColumn[iColumn];
- put = startColumnThis + numberInColumn[iColumn];
- }
- double tolerance = zeroTolerance_;
- int *nextCount = nextCount_.array();
- for ( j = 0; j < numberDoColumn; j++ ) {
- value = workArea[j] - thisPivotValue * multipliersL[j];
- double absValue = fabs ( value );
- if ( absValue > tolerance ) {
- workArea[j] = 0.0;
- element[put] = value;
- indexRow[put] = indexL[j];
- if ( absValue > largest ) {
- largest = absValue;
- positionLargest = put;
- }
- put++;
- } else {
- workArea[j] = 0.0;
- added--;
- if ( temp2[word] & ( 1 << bit ) ) {
- //take out of row list
- iRow = indexL[j];
- CoinBigIndex start = startRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex where = start;
- while ( indexColumn[where] != iColumn ) {
- where++;
- } /* endwhile */
- if ( where >= end ) {
- abort ( );
- }
- indexColumn[where] = indexColumn[end - 1];
- numberInRow[iRow]--;
- } else {
- //make sure won't be added
- temp2[word] = temp2[word] | ( 1 << bit ); //say already in counts
- }
- }
- }
- numberInColumn[iColumn] = put - startColumnThis;
- //move largest
- if ( positionLargest >= 0 ) {
- value = element[positionLargest];
- iRow = indexRow[positionLargest];
- element[positionLargest] = element[startColumnThis];
- indexRow[positionLargest] = indexRow[startColumnThis];
- element[startColumnThis] = value;
- indexRow[startColumnThis] = iRow;
- }
- //linked list for column
- if ( nextCount[iColumn + numberRows_] != -2 ) {
- //modify linked list
- deleteLink ( iColumn + numberRows_ );
- addLink ( iColumn + numberRows_, numberInColumn[iColumn] );
- }
- temp2 += increment2;
- }
- //get space for row list
- unsigned int *putBase = workArea2;
- int bigLoops = numberDoColumn >> COINFACTORIZATION_SHIFT_PER_INT;
- int i = 0;
- // do linked lists and update counts
- while ( bigLoops ) {
- bigLoops--;
- int bit;
- for ( bit = 0; bit < COINFACTORIZATION_BITS_PER_INT; i++, bit++ ) {
- unsigned int *putThis = putBase;
- int iRow = indexL[i];
- //get space
- int number = 0;
- int jColumn;
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberDoRow; jColumn++ ) {
- unsigned int test = *putThis;
- putThis += increment2;
- test = 1 - ( ( test >> bit ) & 1 );
- number += test;
- }
- int next = nextRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex space;
- space = startRow[next] - startRow[iRow];
- number += numberInRow[iRow];
- if ( space < number ) {
- if ( !getRowSpace ( iRow, number ) ) {
- goto BAD_PIVOT;
- }
- }
- // now do
- putThis = putBase;
- next = nextRow[iRow];
- number = numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = startRow[iRow] + number;
- int saveIndex = indexColumn[startRow[next]];
- //add in
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberDoRow; jColumn++ ) {
- unsigned int test = *putThis;
- putThis += increment2;
- test = 1 - ( ( test >> bit ) & 1 );
- indexColumn[end] = saveColumn[jColumn];
- end += test;
- }
- //put back next one in case zapped
- indexColumn[startRow[next]] = saveIndex;
- markRow[iRow] = FAC_UNSET;
- number = end - startRow[iRow];
- numberInRow[iRow] = number;
- deleteLink ( iRow );
- addLink ( iRow, number );
- }
- putBase++;
- } /* endwhile */
- int bit;
- for ( bit = 0; i < numberDoColumn; i++, bit++ ) {
- unsigned int *putThis = putBase;
- int iRow = indexL[i];
- //get space
- int number = 0;
- int jColumn;
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberDoRow; jColumn++ ) {
- unsigned int test = *putThis;
- putThis += increment2;
- test = 1 - ( ( test >> bit ) & 1 );
- number += test;
- }
- int next = nextRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex space;
- space = startRow[next] - startRow[iRow];
- number += numberInRow[iRow];
- if ( space < number ) {
- if ( !getRowSpace ( iRow, number ) ) {
- goto BAD_PIVOT;
- }
- }
- // now do
- putThis = putBase;
- next = nextRow[iRow];
- number = numberInRow[iRow];
- CoinBigIndex end = startRow[iRow] + number;
- int saveIndex;
- saveIndex = indexColumn[startRow[next]];
- //add in
- for ( jColumn = 0; jColumn < numberDoRow; jColumn++ ) {
- unsigned int test = *putThis;
- putThis += increment2;
- test = 1 - ( ( test >> bit ) & 1 );
- indexColumn[end] = saveColumn[jColumn];
- end += test;
- }
- indexColumn[startRow[next]] = saveIndex;
- markRow[iRow] = FAC_UNSET;
- number = end - startRow[iRow];
- numberInRow[iRow] = number;
- deleteLink ( iRow );
- addLink ( iRow, number );
- }
- markRow[iPivotRow] = FAC_UNSET;
- //modify linked list for pivots
- deleteLink ( iPivotRow );
- deleteLink ( iPivotColumn + numberRows_ );
- totalElements_ += added;
- goodPivot= true;
- // **** UGLY UGLY UGLY
- }
- ;
-#undef FAC_UNSET