path: root/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CglGMIParam.hpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-09-03 00:34:27 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-09-03 00:34:27 +0530
commit4b64cf486f5c999fd8167758cae27839f3b50848 (patch)
treed9d06639fb7fa61aef59be0363655e4747105ec7 /build/Bonmin/include/coin/CglGMIParam.hpp
parentd19794fb80a271a4c885ed90f97cfc12baa012f2 (diff)
Structure updated and intqpipopt files added
Diffstat (limited to 'build/Bonmin/include/coin/CglGMIParam.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 313 deletions
diff --git a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CglGMIParam.hpp b/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CglGMIParam.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a1aae41..0000000
--- a/build/Bonmin/include/coin/CglGMIParam.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-// Name: CglGMIParam.hpp
-// Author: Giacomo Nannicini
-// Singapore University of Technology and Design
-// email:
-// based on CglRedSplitParam.hpp by Francois Margot
-// Date: 11/17/09
-// Copyright (C) 2009, Giacomo Nannicini and others. All Rights Reserved.
-#ifndef CglGMIParam_H
-#define CglGMIParam_H
-#include "CglParam.hpp"
- /**@name CglGMI Parameters */
- //@{
- /** Class collecting parameters for the GMI cut generator.
- Parameters of the generator are listed below. Modifying the default
- values for parameters other than the last four might result in
- invalid cuts.
- - MAXDYN: Maximum ratio between largest and smallest non zero
- coefficients in a cut. See method setMAXDYN().
- - EPS_ELIM: Precision for deciding if a coefficient is zero when
- eliminating slack variables. See method setEPS_ELIM().
- - MINVIOL: Minimum violation for the current basic solution in
- a generated cut. See method setMINVIOL().
- - USE_INTSLACKS: Use integer slacks to generate cuts.
- (not implemented yet, will be in the future).
- See method setUSE_INTSLACKS().
- - AWAY: Look only at basic integer variables whose current value is at
- least this value away from being integer. See method setAway().
- - CHECK_DUPLICATES: Should we check for duplicates when adding a cut
- to the collection? Can be slow.
- Default 0 - do not check, add cuts anyway.
- - CLEAN_PROC: Cleaning procedure that should be used. Look below at the
- enumeration CleaningProcedure for possible values.
- - INTEGRAL_SCALE_CONT: If we try to scale cut coefficients so that
- they become integral, do we also scale on
- continuous variables?
- Default 0 - do not scale continuous vars.
- Used only if CLEAN_PROC does integral scaling.
- - ENFORCE_SCALING: Discard badly scaled cuts, or keep them (unscaled).
- Default 1 - yes.
- */
- //@}
-class CglGMIParam : public CglParam {
- /**@name Enumerations */
- enum CleaningProcedure{
- /* CglLandP procedure I */
- /* CglLandP procedure II */
- /* CglRedSplit procedure I */
- /* Only integral cuts, i.e. cuts with integral coefficients */
- /* CglLandP procedure I with integral scaling */
- /* CglLandP procedure I with scaling of the max element to 1 if possible */
- /* CglLandP procedure I with scaling of the rhs to 1 if possible */
- };
- /**@name Set/get methods */
- //@{
- /** Aliases for parameter get/set method in the base class CglParam */
- /** Value for Infinity. Default: DBL_MAX */
- inline void setInfinity(double value) {setINFINIT(value);}
- inline double getInfinity() const {return INFINIT;}
- /** Epsilon for comparing numbers. Default: 1.0e-6 */
- inline void setEps(double value) {setEPS(value);}
- inline double getEps() const {return EPS;}
- /** Epsilon for zeroing out coefficients. Default: 1.0e-5 */
- inline void setEpsCoeff(double value) {setEPS_COEFF(value);}
- inline double getEpsCoeff() const {return EPS_COEFF;}
- /** Maximum support of the cutting planes. Default: INT_MAX */
- inline void setMaxSupport(int value) {setMAX_SUPPORT(value);}
- inline int getMaxSupport() const {return MAX_SUPPORT;}
- /** Alias for consistency with our naming scheme */
- inline void setMaxSupportAbs(int value) {setMAX_SUPPORT(value);}
- inline int getMaxSupportAbs() const {return MAX_SUPPORT;}
- inline int getMAX_SUPPORT_ABS() const {return MAX_SUPPORT;}
- /** Set AWAY, the minimum distance from being integer used for selecting
- rows for cut generation; all rows whose pivot variable should be
- integer but is more than away from integrality will be selected;
- Default: 0.005 */
- virtual void setAway(double value);
- /** Get value of away */
- inline double getAway() const {return AWAY;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setAWAY(double value) {setAway(value);}
- inline double getAWAY() const {return AWAY;}
- /** Set the value of EPS_ELIM, epsilon for values of coefficients when
- eliminating slack variables;
- Default: 0 */
- virtual void setEPS_ELIM(double value);
- /** Get the value of EPS_ELIM */
- inline double getEPS_ELIM() const {return EPS_ELIM;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setEpsElim(double value) {setEPS_ELIM(value);}
- inline double getEpsElim() const {return EPS_ELIM;}
- /** Set EPS_RELAX_ABS */
- virtual void setEPS_RELAX_ABS(double value);
- /** Get value of EPS_RELAX_ABS */
- inline double getEPS_RELAX_ABS() const {return EPS_RELAX_ABS;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setEpsRelaxAbs(double value) {setEPS_RELAX_ABS(value);}
- inline double getEpsRelaxAbs() const {return EPS_RELAX_ABS;}
- /** Set EPS_RELAX_REL */
- virtual void setEPS_RELAX_REL(double value);
- /** Get value of EPS_RELAX_REL */
- inline double getEPS_RELAX_REL() const {return EPS_RELAX_REL;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setEpsRelaxRel(double value) {setEPS_RELAX_REL(value);}
- inline double getEpsRelaxRel() const {return EPS_RELAX_REL;}
- // Set the maximum ratio between largest and smallest non zero
- // coefficients in a cut. Default: 1e6.
- virtual void setMAXDYN(double value);
- /** Get the value of MAXDYN */
- inline double getMAXDYN() const {return MAXDYN;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setMaxDyn(double value) {setMAXDYN(value);}
- inline double getMaxDyn() const {return MAXDYN;}
- /** Set the value of MINVIOL, the minimum violation for the current
- basic solution in a generated cut. Default: 1e-7 */
- virtual void setMINVIOL(double value);
- /** Get the value of MINVIOL */
- inline double getMINVIOL() const {return MINVIOL;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setMinViol(double value) {setMINVIOL(value);}
- inline double getMinViol() const {return MINVIOL;}
- /** Set the value of MAX_SUPPORT_REL, the factor contributing to the
- maximum support relative to the number of columns. Maximum
- allowed support is: MAX_SUPPORT_ABS +
- MAX_SUPPORT_REL*ncols. Default: 0.1 */
- virtual void setMAX_SUPPORT_REL(double value);
- /** Get the value of MINVIOL */
- inline double getMAX_SUPPORT_REL() const {return MAX_SUPPORT_REL;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setMaxSupportRel(double value) {setMAX_SUPPORT_REL(value);}
- inline double getMaxSupportRel() const {return MAX_SUPPORT_REL;}
- /** Set the value of USE_INTSLACKS. Default: 0 */
- virtual void setUSE_INTSLACKS(bool value);
- /** Get the value of USE_INTSLACKS */
- inline bool getUSE_INTSLACKS() const {return USE_INTSLACKS;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setUseIntSlacks(bool value) {setUSE_INTSLACKS(value);}
- inline int getUseIntSlacks() const {return USE_INTSLACKS;}
- /** Set the value of CHECK_DUPLICATES. Default: 0 */
- virtual void setCHECK_DUPLICATES(bool value);
- /** Get the value of CHECK_DUPLICATES */
- inline bool getCHECK_DUPLICATES() const {return CHECK_DUPLICATES;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setCheckDuplicates(bool value) {setCHECK_DUPLICATES(value);}
- inline bool getCheckDuplicates() const {return CHECK_DUPLICATES;}
- /** Set the value of CLEAN_PROC. Default: CP_CGLLANDP1 */
- virtual void setCLEAN_PROC(CleaningProcedure value);
- /** Get the value of CLEAN_PROC. */
- inline CleaningProcedure getCLEAN_PROC() const {return CLEAN_PROC;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setCleanProc(CleaningProcedure value) {setCLEAN_PROC(value);}
- inline CleaningProcedure getCleaningProcedure() const {return CLEAN_PROC;}
- /** Set the value of INTEGRAL_SCALE_CONT. Default: 0 */
- virtual void setINTEGRAL_SCALE_CONT(bool value);
- /** Get the value of INTEGRAL_SCALE_CONT. */
- inline bool getINTEGRAL_SCALE_CONT() const {return INTEGRAL_SCALE_CONT;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setIntegralScaleCont(bool value) {setINTEGRAL_SCALE_CONT(value);}
- inline bool getIntegralScaleCont() const {return INTEGRAL_SCALE_CONT;}
- /** Set the value of ENFORCE_SCALING. Default: 1 */
- virtual void setENFORCE_SCALING(bool value);
- /** Get the value of ENFORCE_SCALING. */
- inline bool getENFORCE_SCALING() const {return ENFORCE_SCALING;}
- /// Aliases
- inline void setEnforceScaling(bool value) {setENFORCE_SCALING(value);}
- inline bool getEnforcescaling() const {return ENFORCE_SCALING;}
- //@}
- /**@name Constructors and destructors */
- //@{
- /// Default constructor
- CglGMIParam(double eps = 1e-12,
- double away = 0.005,
- double eps_coeff = 1e-11,
- double eps_elim = 0,
- double eps_relax_abs = 1e-11,
- double eps_relax_rel = 1e-13,
- double max_dyn = 1e6,
- double min_viol = 1e-4,
- int max_supp_abs = 1000,
- double max_supp_rel = 0.1,
- CleaningProcedure clean_proc = CP_CGLLANDP1,
- bool use_int_slacks = false,
- bool check_duplicates = false,
- bool integral_scale_cont = false,
- bool enforce_scaling = true);
- /// Constructor from CglParam
- CglGMIParam(CglParam &source,
- double away = 0.005,
- double eps_elim = 1e-12,
- double eps_relax_abs = 1e-11,
- double eps_relax_rel = 1e-13,
- double max_dyn = 1e6,
- double min_viol = 1e-4,
- double max_supp_rel = 0.1,
- CleaningProcedure clean_proc = CP_CGLLANDP1,
- bool use_int_slacks = false,
- bool check_duplicates = false,
- bool integral_scale_cont = false,
- bool enforce_scaling = true);
- /// Copy constructor
- CglGMIParam(const CglGMIParam &source);
- /// Clone
- virtual CglGMIParam* clone() const;
- /// Assignment operator
- virtual CglGMIParam& operator=(const CglGMIParam &rhs);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~CglGMIParam();
- //@}
- /**@name Parameters */
- //@{
- /** Use row only if pivot variable should be integer but is more
- than AWAY from being integer. */
- double AWAY;
- /** Epsilon for value of coefficients when eliminating slack variables.
- Default: 0. */
- double EPS_ELIM;
- /** Value added to the right hand side of each generated cut to relax it.
- Default: 1e-11 */
- double EPS_RELAX_ABS;
- /** For a generated cut with right hand side rhs_val,
- EPS_RELAX_EPS * fabs(rhs_val) is used to relax the constraint.
- Default: 1.e-13 */
- double EPS_RELAX_REL;
- /** Maximum ratio between largest and smallest non zero
- coefficients in a cut. Default: 1e6. */
- double MAXDYN;
- /** Minimum violation for the current basic solution in a generated cut.
- Default: 1e-4. */
- double MINVIOL;
- /** Maximum support relative to number of columns. Must be between 0
- and 1. Default: 0. */
- /** Which cleaning procedure should be used? */
- CleaningProcedure CLEAN_PROC;
- /** Use integer slacks to generate cuts if USE_INTSLACKS = 1. Default: 0. */
- /** Check for duplicates when adding the cut to the collection? */
- /** Should we try to rescale cut coefficients on continuous variables
- so that they become integral, or do we only rescale coefficients
- on integral variables? Used only by cleaning procedure that try
- the integral scaling. */
- /** Should we discard badly scaled cuts (according to the scaling
- procedure in use)? If false, CglGMI::scaleCut always returns
- true, even though it still scales cuts whenever possible, but
- not cut is rejected for scaling. Default true. Used only by
- cleaning procedure that try to scale. */
- //@}